The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-08, Page 7.
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About the House.
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Oh what ogre I for wealth or famet
They vanish as a dream,
When Bight is drawn through gates of
Dawn 0
On Slumber's ebbing streaml
Let others sing of Death and War,
Or Sorrow's tragic lore;
But Love has come and calls me
To meet him at the door!
Oh, what care I to weave my Pate
On Life's mysterious -loom,
Ito warp and woof from peace aloof -
The glitter and the gloom!
Let others sing of Death and War,
Of Sorrow's tragic lore;
put Love has come and calls me
To meet him at the door! f
Oh, what care I for clashing creeds,
Or hostile schools of art,
If I may wear through smile and tear
The ermine of the heart! i
Let others sing of Death and War,
Of Sorrow's tragic lore;
But Love has come and calls me
To meet him at the doorl
Oh, what care I for houseleas winds,
With rain and darkness blent,
If through the blight on me may light
The shy dove of contenll
Let others sing of Death and War,
Of Sorrow's tragic lore;
P3ut Love has come and calls me
To meet him at the doorl
There are a great many things which
are not expensive, yet they lighten wo-
clan's work very much. The house-
keeper will find a tin covered kitchen
table a great convenience. It is easily
kept clean, is not injured by setting
hot dishes or cutting meat upon it, and
will last for years. A good quality of
tin should, be used, and the piece cut
large enough to turn over the edges
and tack on the under side of the table.
Small brushes are useful for cleaning
beets or turnips before paring them,
and dicarded tooth -brushes are nice for
cleaning lamp burners, silver and glass
ware. Wash them in soapsuds occas-
lonally, and. hang them where they
will dry thorougbly.
When bamboo or willow, furniture
becomes soiled, it may be cleaned by
washing with salt and water and will
look well for a long time. After it
. has turned darkandlooks old, give it
A two coats of common white paint, and
one coat of white enamel.
Ink spots may be removed by the use
f acs but these will take the color
o id u s o
out of delicately tinted fabrics. This
may be remedied by washing with
strong borax water, which will neutra-
lize the acid. By the way have you
ever realized what a great labor saver
borax is? An excellent cleaning fluid,
. that has the additional merit of being
economical, is made by shaving a pound
of hard soap into half a gallon of hot
rain water and boiling until it is dis-
solved, then dissolve three ounces of
borax in a gallon of water, -and •add ,
this and one ounce of turpentine to
the soap mixture. Put it all in a jug
and cork tightly. 'A little of this fluid
will remove grease from clothing and
ourpets, and when diluted with water,
is,eloellent for cleaning painted wood-
work and straw matting. It is a good
washing fluid also, and does not fade
calicoes or other wash goods. A•tea-
spoonful of borax in the last riasing
water will whiten muslin or linen
- beautifully; in fact borax is so inex-
pensive and can be used in so many
ways that no housekeeper can afford
to be without it.
A great Ileal of labor may be saved
by painting the kitchen floor. The
paint be bought already mixed and in
any Dolor. you wish. Or if you do not
want the floor painted, try oiling it.
Scrub it clean and let it dry. Put a
quart of boiled linseed oil in an old
kettle, set it where it will keep hot,
and pour a little in a vessel conveni-
ent for handling. - Use a paint brush
to put it on, brush it in well and add
more oil from time to time as needed.
Tallo coats of oil are usually enough at
f!,rat, and if you will oil it twice a year
after that, you will be pleased with
the result. Dust, water or grease will
not penetrate the wood, and when
you wish to clean it, all that is neces-
sary is to wipe it with a wet rag -E.
J: C.
Many little babies have it tendency
to an irritation of the scalp which is
so common that one would almost fan-
cy it was unavoidable, If the mother's
will give the matter her personal at-
tention there is no reason why her
baby's bend should be disfigured by
the unsightly eruption known various-
ly by the disagreeable names of "era-
dle-cap,' ' milk -crust' and 'scurf.'
When the first symptom of redness or
a scaly condition of the scalp appears,
the head should be regularly anointed
each night with vaseline, which must
Ire gently rubbed into the skin. This
is to remain on all alight, a large piece
. of aoft linen protecting the pillowfrom
grease. At the time of the morning
bath the bead is to be thickly latber-
ed with old caetile or tar soap, and
then washed in warm water contain-
ing a little borax. In the first stages
of .the eruption this treatment will
generally suffice, but it the yellow-
ish crust has already formed, it may
be easily removed with the towel in
drying the head after the treatment
just described. Any mother who has
seen an otherwise pretty baby disfig-
ured by a sore or irritated scalp will
willingly take this trouble to keep her
baby free of the malady.
A chIld's questions should be answer-
ed very carefully, yet Without sugges-
tion, in order that there may be no
physical strain, says an expert on kin-
dergarten work. Hot -house growth and
undue forcing are to be deprecated,
in fact strongly condemned, in the
training of children. If no suggestion
be given the active little minds will
he fully satisfied with the ansty6rs giv-
en whlan once t he habit has been ea-
tablished in the obild's !mind that his
gtWgtions will always be answered. If
vaothem, who so often are victimized
by persistent questioners among
their own children, could learn the val-
ue of always answering a child's quos -
tions trona fh(s moment he begins to
ask, romembtlring, however, that all
ahe Wnntp to areompplish is to satisfy
.. the child's t Omand for knowledge, not
glv6 hit's an aliew'ar that to htsr ma-
tlli't1 Itind 8t,41UA thb 6116 M give, Ill
6rdor to teft6h 'Mitt) 'as da many Flo, A6
w6ulta dNdoyer fa herself, the Dago thA
oomes with such a method. The child , AT MME, PA,TTVS CA!:YrLE. T "No," .he said sadly, "but the people
very quickly finds out the interest- Visiting Mme. k'atti's superb castle is I a bore have come down on me."
ing fact that he can always, find out ■ ##lr�� Do you mean all is lost, Jim,,, re -
what ha wants to know by asking, In Wales, a guest not long since hada turned Jcrsseph,
hence takes things easy, and if a sug- very curious experience. Re. chanced "^-° "'Yes, everything," he replied heart-
gestion is avoided it is very easy to to open lits window in the middle of That Pills Your Lift with Palin and brokenly' .
keep a normal child to natural, healthy Somehow Frdwunds has discovered
development of both body and mind, the night, and, to his surprise, bells Dread t that I feared the western firm, and
and harmonious development must re- began to ring in every quarter of the 1 ---- owing him^%, large sum, he has demand -
suit, grounds. Very much scared, Ibut A Plevaso from Which Countless ed it Immediately. Just another
realizing that he had, after all, only Thousands :nutPor, month and all would be safe, but it's
PRUNING ROSES, set a burglar alarm going, the guest Forofula is emphatically a disease of !mate now; he has pissed an officer over
In the case of climbing or running or, descended to reassure the household, Y gods" I
the lrlood, It causes cru tions, in -
when he instantly Fouad himself in Plnmmatlan and sores. Marian sat pale and trembling. She
hen it at- roses, the end desired is as great danger from a dozen roving dugs, who foots the glandm of the neck they be- plainly saw what she had done, but,
an amount of bloom as the plants are had obtained their freedom and were come swollen, oau�irkg disfigurement
alas I too late to recall those few hasty j
capable of bearing. Such plants, are as gr'ow'ling and snapping in the ugliest and discomfort. Affecting the eyes, !t words. Looking up into her heather's.
face she uttered in a feeble voice: Oh,
a rule, street; growers, and if the soil manner. At breakfast next morn- causes blindness. Though most com- ing he, learned all about this curious mon in childhood, it is liable to break Jim, Ism the cause all this, but
fertility is kept up they are capable of fad of Mme. Patti, and wondered at out at any time, fully equipped for its don't blame me now. it is the zesutt
producing an immense number of good it. The singer has a great dread oP terrible work. Scrofula may be thee- of my foolish habit of correcting my
blooms. Perfeetiuu of form and large burglars. Some time ago a gang of oughts eradicated from the system by husband before others."
these gentlemen from London at- Hood's Saraa arilla and all its pain- Mrs. Hodges slept little that night,
size of bloom is not a direct objeut,as tempted to obtain admittance, but Ful and disastrous cousequenoes avoid- and arose next morning with an aeh-
in the case of hybrid perpetuate, hybrid were defeated irk lhe•ir great medicine has made
object, and ed. This ing heart and hoed. Her husband
clasped her to his bosom and forgave
teas and tea rows, where close Arun- since that date Mme. Patti 11,14 set up thousands of Wople grateful by its her, as also did her brother.
in is resorted to to attain such re- "very kind of burglar alarm that ex- our•es of this disease. It attacks the
g ists, 'The queer part about one of enamy at once and with the first few This eased her somewhat, but she saw
sults However, the gardener or prun- these is, however, well woeth noticing, doses the healln work begins. If her brother drop from his high post-
er must use his judgment in regard to Her largest dog, an enormous brute, you have any tart of scrofula in your tion all through bar fault.
After a time Thurston & Co. pato
the capacity of the plant, knowing who might be relied on to cope with blood it is your duty to yourself and
their nota, and Thomas was able to
the Cant to be of a vigorous variel a little army of thieves, is kept. rigor- to others to take
p g y' ously chained in a patent kennel. But cancel his,•debts. He went into part -
and in good condition, as ,shown by th- ch tin is so arranged that should $�' q nership with Joseph Hodges, and both
the growth of wood of the previous any one attempt to oven a window or Hoods Sarsaparilla carried on aprofitable business.
year, it is safe to assume that it will a door in the castle the dog is released Canada's Oreateat 1to4iolne. Sold torr all But Marian never forgot tier ter -
and free to rovn at his ple•isure, it 'be- druggists fit; Ofar�i. etonlp�Ieode, rible lesson. Never after this did she,
be able to carry nearly as much bloom interrupt her husband in company,
as can set on the strong canes and ing prior theed. that. ho would at niece p
make for the burglars and du his Hood's P11�3 Q tqo e y ttls to take with needless carroctions.
shoots of the last r gItli Hob aarsaparllla
year's growth. It duty. '!'ha+ idea is iogeniuus, and, as � -
is always to be understood that the thy' traveller discovered, not a little ��] . PROMPT FOR 02gCS.
soil fertility is maintained in the high- dangerous. ��l\ TALKATIVE
E 11 IV�S.
Queer about Clare's wedding with
est condition by the use of stable man- NOVA
(Y T �1 A p pj�1 I that plumber.
ure or artificial fertilizers. The essen- A NOVA S00TIA ,C 13RDIE' R -' Why, was queer?
that pruning, therefore, of climbing Y_ t In a thriving village is located a Why, he came to get married at the
roses, in the condition mentioned, con- i jewelry store of high standard, its sole very day and hour he. said he would.
TELLS HOW HE WAS CURED OF t proprietor rising Joseph Hodges, a
sists in shortening -in the long canes by SALT RHEUM. 1 business man oil no small scale. His Active Iv. an Wanted.
removing some of the smaller growth wife Marian is afaithful life partner, To read this advertisement and then
at their tips, which was made late in RIs Fingers, !Bands anti Writs Were a I and does all she can to make his home give Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor
the season, and also shortening in the 1llass d of craeUs ansores, try Reason I a trial. It never fails to cure. Acts
last year's growth from the older or Which lie Was Cnable to Work. one of peace and comfort. in twenty-four hours and causes
cranes, allowing as many buds to each To the Editor of the Enferpriiae:- I "11'hat's the matter, Joseph?" she neither pain no disoomfort•, Pul-
shoot as, in the judgment of the prun- asked, having removed her coat and ham's Corn Extractor extracts corns.
or, may be well developed the coming 1 I have read from week to wank i n g
3'our paper, Ce,;tirnonials from those bonnet and taken a seat by the fire. It is the best.
season. Thus it will be seen that the, w•ho have b, -en +•used through h using* '-• `- "' -"
work of pruning roses demands the ex -d 6 They had just returned from an
P g I IYr. William,' Pink Pill:, and its I have WIDELY CONCERNED.
aeries of the judgment of the pruner, evening party. "What's the matter?"
based on a knowledge of the plant. But'at
and n:urh benefit from the u;e she repeated, drawing nearer the ate. Does your wife take any interest in
of that medicine,Ibelieva it sky duty p g g
to formulate pruning directions as iolto'hrr; know theyc:an be relieved "You have been so sober and torpid-
' local polities.?
closely as possible, the following state-; from •t very painful m,.1 lady. I am, with me election nights -to hear the
ments may be observed: now. 75 y' all the way home." returns and get me bonne in good time.
pears of ube,. arid am at the
1. Cut away entirely all dead wood prevent time, and ,in fact ever since l ` "I'll tell you, Marian," be replied, Yes; she always goes down town
and all old canes that are no longer took a course of ]5r. Williams' Pink but don't be offended at what I'm INSANE, �j I
serviceable, and all weak shoots. •Pills about two years ago, have; been en- about to say. Were Ito recite a vol- ]Uj�NY GO JIYStiN11
L, Leave as many principal canes as joyiug excellent health. Before that ume of small talk leouldn't tell you 111111AN r
the plant appears capable of sup- t time i had by en ailing for : oma
porting. months, finally I. was attacked with 'sow you have wounded my feelings to- -0
3. Shorten thePrincipal canes to
salt rheum, w'hicb came out mostly on I night." WOMEN'S BURDENS AAE HEAVY
strong sound wood. I my hands. It wan not long after its "Me -wounded your feelings?" she AND HARD TO BEAR.
g . Shtoten the few buds, shootsof to Just YOU 8 fir.A appearauoe before I was unable uttered, looking at bar husband in -_--.
tod.oany work at allwith my bends.
which the plant will he able to pro- 1 re•orte.d torill the domestie, curesI surprise. "What do you mean?" Unless Dodd's Sidney Pills are Mined,
duce new shoots sufficient to cover the could bear of, but the disease kept on "Don't you remember your remark 't'ben Diseases or Won►eu are Cured;
whole space of the trellis, or that oc- its course, getting worse and worse, when Iwas discussing bicycles with. and Suffering Ceases-Hrs. Ellen
cupied by the main canes. ' until the paimv of my hands and env Dowso►►'s Case.
I Mr. Daniels?" Toronto, Nov. 28. -The daily papers
` - Ifingers were amass of cr,nnky, open Y p � a
%oras and hideous scabs. I then got ! "No, I'm sure I don't; what did I from day to day contain reports of the
medicine from The doctor, which I say?" -reeking of once happy homes, through
BIGGEST WEDDING EVER KNOWN. u,ed for several weeks, with no ""Well, when Isaid^my wheel cost $901 %%-reeking
insanity of mothers, whose reason
On the day that Alexander the benefit whatever, = my hands still Y has been destroyed by illness,
you interrupted me and said only $¢F6." Women's burdens are man and
Great was married no fewer than 20,- becoming more and more (%rippled with Y
the disease. M "Was that so terrible, I'd like to ,heavy, and hard to bear. They are,
202 persons in one ceremony ware Y general health. too, us a rule, borne in silence, for women
i be best
at ?" his wife asked not n t
this 'i _ know
time was poor and I gel die
made husbands and wives. This seems courtaged •allogether, believing there bunior, for, like many others, she don't want to incur the expense of call -
impossible, but the event really took wit:, no help for the terrible complaint ing in doctors; they don't want to
t p didn't like to discuss her faults. worry their' husbands. They continue
place, as historical record, tell us. that was gradually spreading over my - "It was nothing terrible," returned suffering in silence, while their ail -
This monster wedding occurred upon hands and up my wrists Towards (ray
the conquest by Al»xander the Great arms. It happened one day in conver- i Joseph, "but very annoying to me. m,ents are sapping their strength, un-
sation with an acquaintance tbat Dr. 'When I said my wheel cost $90, I meant dermining their health, and reason,
of Persia, which was then ruled over i Williams' Pink Pills vrrere men! leered and hurrying them to the grave.
it, for that wag its price, and your re- It is needless to call in a doctor in
by King Darius. t connection with Some other, casein mark was uncalled for. The moment most of such cases. The suffering wo-
Aleatiknder married Statira, the the neighborhood, and It was suggest- man can cora herself at very small ax-
ed that I try I hem for salt rheum. I You spoke a smile passed around the
daughter of the conquered king, and had not much faith In the trial, but company, and I felt as though they+ pease. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the
decreed that 100 of his chief officers concluded 10 get a box aqd see what regarded me aoommon boaster." I remedy she needs.
should be united to 100 ladies from the delight, after using the box r found an g In ninety-nine of every hundred
noblest Persian and Maclean families; good they might do. To my great then, again, during the evening you Ceases of Female Complaints," the
In addition to this, he sti ulated that Improvement in the condition of my . corrected me when there was no cc- trouble has its origin in diseased Kid
P hands, and [ neys.. Very soon the urinary, and re-
got six boxes more. I did rasion to. It was when, I was telling
10,000 of his t{reek soldiers should noI use all these, for before they were MTs. Daniels ahvut my horse running the Stipp sufferer bgomesans aa frail are lndda and
marry, 10,000 Asiast�ic women. i gone the disease had vaiiiabed and my:away I said he ran nearly amile be- ,ed shadow of her former self.
When everything"Settled a vast bands were as sound as ever. Tile new,
skin came Oc as. smooth and fresh w fere I could stop him, but you instantly By restoring the Kidneys to sound
pavilion was erected, the pillars of health, and so ensuring their prompt
if nothing had been the matter. I took assured the company that it wasn't
and proper action, "Female Com -
which were sixty feet high. One no other medicine while using the over half a mile." I plaints" can be quickly, thoroughly
hundred gorgeous chambers adjoined pills and the whole praise of the oure l "Indeed, I cannot see a�thing so and permanently cured.
this for the 100 nonle bridegrooms,, is due to them. My general health Mrs. Ellen Dowson, 640 Gerrard St.
was also greatly benefited by their ? bad about it, anyway," she answered;
while for the remaining 10000 an out- E., has discovered the Value of Dodd's
use ,and [ attend -0-4, to ony work with' "You are forever accusing me of my Kidne Pills in these cases. She
er co'urt was inclosed, outside of which more energy and in better spirita I faulta." Y
writes: "For over six years I suffered
tables were d seat for the multitude. i than [hod done for a number of years, i "Now, Marian dear," he said, draw- intensely with Palpitation of the heart,
Each pair had seats, and ranged them-' I helve been in excellent health ever In his chair close to her and fondly I and Feamale Weakness. One of Tor -
selves in a semi-eirol , round the royal since for a man of my years, and no' g ante's best "lectors attended m f and
Tor -
throne, Of course, the priests could sign of salt rheum has since appeared, I caressing bar golden bead, "will you [ used many different attended
medicines, but
not marry this vast number of couples, ; The box or tWo of Pink Pills which I 1 promise to never again correct me In got no relief, till I used Dodd's Kidney
so Alexander the Great devised a very left unused were taken by my wife company and wound my feelings as you Pills. I havee taken eight boxes, and
simple ceremony. Ile gave his hand to and did her much go d. I cannot apes }> have to -night?" am colplpletely cured."
Statira and kissed her -an example too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink PI ,q Mora. Hodges made no decided prom- Dodd's Kidney Pills will do for all
that all the bridegrooms followed. I and am pleased to give my tpstim003 1 iso, but she resolved to do the best suffering women, what they did for
Thus ended the ceremony, and that i to their merits, hoping others ma•y she could, and here the matter rested Mrs. Dowson. Test I hem. They'll
vast number were married. Then fol- i thereby be induced to use them in cases' for the present. convince you by curing you.
lowed the festival, which lasted five like my Ow•n. One night two weeks later Mr. Hod- _
days, qu grandeur of which has never Henrp Ches[ep, gee gave &party at his own house. Trouble in the cam
boon equaled since. The editor of the Enterprise inn add After supper the calmpany gathered p. -There seemed
. that Mr. Chesley is it representative'! around the fire to discuss the topics to be a rather acrimonious discussion
--- --- farmer living about three miles from of the day. going on as 1 went by headquarters.
A FOREGONE CONCLUSION, the town of Bridgewater, N, S., and "Hodges,'• said one of the visitors, a
1 the utmost reliance can be. placed on � noted silk dealer named Edmunds, Yes, said the Salvarion Army Captain,
What a tall girl Brigham's daughter his statement. 1 "how does Thomas get along now?" sadly. Brother Jones, who beats the
has grown to be I She must be six feet Dlr•. Williams' Pink Pills oreate new. "Ob, fine!" returned Hodges; "he is drum, happened to say to Brother
at least. blood and in this wit drive dise+ase' coining mons now." Smith, who does most of the preaching,
Yes, but she's a mighty nice girl and from the system. •1 fair trial will con-, This Thomas was Mrs. Hodges' bro- that actions spoke louder than words.
the little fellow that's going to marry vince the most skeptical. Sold only Cher, and one whom she loved dearly.' ._..- - — .
her will be a lucky chap. in boxes the wrapper around which' "Glad of that," Paid Edmunds, "I The Now Woman.
Who is he? I hears the full trade mnrk "Ur Wil feared he would have trouble getting Now entersupon pursuits formerly
I don't know. liams' Pink Pills for reale People." If paid for those goods he sent out west." monopolized by (nen. But the feminine
But you just spoke of him as a little your dealer does not have them they "No. there's no fear of Jim Thomas nerves are still bPrs and she suffers
fellow. i will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box! losing money." returned Hodges, from loutlur,cire. To her we recons -
Well, being a tall girl, she wouldn't or six boxes ftxr e2.50 by addr•egsi•nfO' "Why, Joseph," interrupted his wife, mend Nerviline, nerve -pain cure, cures
marry any but a little fellow, would. the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- "don't you remember he told us the tnntharhe in ,it moment. '.Nferviline,
she ?villa Ont.
� � other night"- here Hodges cast a I he most marvellous pain remedy �
uld known to science.
note notice it forlance at ishe amu tuoorhrocCoher used! efftr.a iou. ly for- all tnervP may be
husband's mistake --"he said he fear- —
ed he wouldn't get his par for the' THE RETORT HUMOROUS.
•' goods sent to Thurston & Co., and, oh -
dear, Ihope he won't lose all that, for Higgins, people say I. look like you;
it would ruin him." do you mind it ?
h s.•, "Ob, Marian, you don't understand No; it good hook or play is always
this matter," said her husband. "Jim well -advertised by its burlesques.
I stands all right with the western -
Well, I gus•sa I know," quickly re ACCEPTED AITTHORITIES ON MAN -
torted his wife, "for I heard him tell I URING.
about it, and if Iwas Jim I'd have naDavid Popplewell in wellies from
mare to do with auch people." Low P'eII, Gateshead, in May of this
~ Joseph Hodges aould say no more; his Year to the "Scottish harmer," non-
, showed his feelings as he cast
`.� eludes: -"Thesis inveg(igafions of C,er»
a maaning glances toward his wife.
most. eminent � m
About 10 o'clock the following even-aan,y'rt nt ngtirulturai
Al ing, as Mr. and Mrs; Hodges were I chemivts furnish unanimous evidence
'r t thinking of retiring, the door opened) of the value attached to Thomas-•Pbos-
and Jim Thomas entered. photo Powder In Germany, where they
s "For heaven's sake, Jim l What's the I are accepted as trustworthy and cor-
+ wetter I" orled Mrs. Rodges, perceiv- i reet. by all farmers, and in that eoun,
in his deathlike countenance. try Thoman-Phosphate Powder ig be-
++ h ,,,• i B coming more and more recognized as
I I, 11 ed I am ruined," he said, "yes &ruin- 1110 great fundamental factor in man,
1.Isuit that western firm?" asked Mar- ; uria I practice."
_.% O I ,an. I .-
wr...,• f TO CURB A COD iN ONg DAY. Mrs. Seiidom-Holme-I knew it Was
: l Take l,sratara Broms 4 , 1 t �jlatets, wtl DrW►
rtsts reMnd the moner tt at f�ll6 Eotture. 91Sn going to turn warm.
0 , ,,,,, 1 \ �. f a
Mrs, Gofrequent-Chilblins?
0---- Mrs. Selidom-Holme-O, no. Nothing
tflioka--There gess Wilson, talking to °putthat
on his h$Fkyy wiatsnd had undetoloth
``V hltllsetf, as 'usual. Wto I -•- Yes; is That's how I knew.
y 1t` theree nothing proud about Stilson, g'
t+ -... ._ -- - _ d
.. k it, 404,41 ,� . , .
,1 i
_.. . .. I 0 "4& ohoe
x 1, 11 r` AA,-'X41V'to� Of
• r1 to 06
'wit rt sal Itogt cejasllig wfitil a stilkilft& fmututtl reeetx blancia.
.. .
, .4 n
- .
",.$ „it _ yfJ( ua tk� 4 , I
aliiaiLM Ib. �� +1. a .. p� r_ _ s . ,,�s - ...
9 1J
Attack of the Blues
is quickly dispelled by using
It 1s a sure antldota.--- Lead packages.--- `24!i, .,40, So anti hoc.
-»r - -- --
_ - wit
WILKIN45 & CO*_`�-
AXES, Solid Steel, go Cents Each.
Flammers Kteoi 25c each I
ir. o, Sa. 0 11340
Violins . an�ss.00 .ash.
Lance -Tooth Saws,
One of the Lastest and most perfect
salve made, every Gl1C per
saw guaranteed only,. feet
Mouth organs at ter 9e' i. -
and ao ct
each. Our ase and boaMo,.0
Organa are post-paid at the
i66 and M bring St. East, Toronto.
—� t I
.t Uneasy Lles the Hend that Wearg It
Crown," is is Trite Anying.
"As happy an a king" is an old waY
of expressing thea idea of perfect hap-
piness, but possibly happiness is not so
truly a characteristic of royalty as
hard work 4s, a,nd "as busy as a king"
may yet be considered a more fitting
comparLwn. The working day of, the
kings and .queens of Europe, unlike
that of some of their subjects, has
never yet been shortened by law,
and it certainly is not shortened by
custom. .
The Emperor of Germany is not to
be, found in bed later than five o'clock
in the summer, although in the win-
ter he does, not begin his day's labors
until six. Since the empress herself
prepares his morning cup of coffee,
she, too, rises early, and the young
German princes are brought up 0b fol-
low the example of their parents.
'I he, Princess of Wales, when at Mar -
borough House for the London season,
is one of the hardest -worked women in
England. When her children were
young, says the Woman at Home, she
always made it a rule to be ready for
breakfast lit halt past eight in the
morning, so as to go into the school-
room at nine, o'clock to inspect the
"c i e r da
copies" written on the previous vious y.
The energy required for the carry-
ing out of such a rule will be better
appreciated when it is understood that
while at Marlborough House during
the London season, the princess rare-
ly finishes her day's duties before two
o'clock in the; morning. After her re-
turn from the entertainments at which
her presence is a necessity, she usual-
ly takes the hours from twelve to two
in the morning to write private let-
ters, because she has so little time
.during the day. At Sandringham,
however, when not entertaining large
parties, she allows herself a little
more rest.
The queen herself, although she is
not now it young woman, never goes
to bed before twelve o'clock, and is
awakened soon after seven in • the
morning. (During the day her time is
' so, fully taken up that she has none to
! lie down and rest, as most of her
subjects have after reaching her age.
The late Empress of Austria was
perhaps the earliest riser of all .the
royal personages of Europe. She al-
lowed herself only the short sleep to
be snatched between eleven o'clock at
night and three the next morning.
After that she was up,. and the worst
of it weer that she insisted on her un-
fortunate suite being up also.
"The Rorder Counties Advertiser"
ditirusses the clover and phosphate
matter, and speaks of "the remarkable
exnmples of the effect of Tbomas-3?bos-
phate Powder on grazing pastures,"
The insect known as the water boat -
I man has a regular pair of oars, his
legs being used as such. He swims 'on
his back, as In this position tb�re is
less resigtanon to his progress.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ca of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Ball's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY'& CO., Toledo, O.
Wetheunleraigned, havo known F. J. Cheney
for tho -!net fifteen years and believe him
perfand ofinanatallyaable t o carryn all nout anyaobligap
tions mode by a heir firm.
Wiwi, Sc TRUAX Wholesale Druggist°, Tolodo.
O.; WALofNa, RINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale
Drugg sr Toledo. 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act -
Ing directly upon the blood and mucous eur-
faeea of the Pystem. Testinionials sent free.
pHall a Family Pills arae the}b st.Druggists-
Watts -Seems to have been some
trouble over at. Kickwire's house.
Potts-Woll, yes. His wife told him
to advertise for a parlor maid, and he
goes and puts in the ad., 'blonde pre-
ferred. _....- .
W PC 948
INEIIALS TESTED nor Wr1te eolford,prt- ocea.
1Ki<.TQN BF.Rd1)iY, ii A. 8e,
16 L Naorament-8L. Montreal, Quo.
8 AUNAGII gM11108 -Spew Importatlons Anent Nri,1hh
AheeDy sad ♦Aar��gqrrlabn� Hgo resinye-rellsbl. Koode at
data tirtnes * iiiY.117.bp1CWELL A 00., Toroate
0116 11 -bent stamp will Bret you re,
t� o9 sample of Camps as Italian
Free oughness of I Ikn, chapped hands
be face. The 8utehi M "Adnet n.. Toronto.
_°, _-._._..-__�. -
!8peeoh"Impedlments•ef.ny nature
l�ytrs Q. 0ansult a glttallded raetlitoner,w�hye weeiafor
e4eliAtlA�fr�lNttl6,tolv�'J Arnth6YiaKro,II,;Sjit Ont.
STAMMEYYER()%I# inotttattou In Oa ter the curt, n
6v y,Mesa r . peeeb defeat. 1Astahlatl,ed
to, par of c
onit�l Al '•voci ''r9�l�lrl<t}�fi:
001Msre1tb At., woronto, Canada.
De kbtddlAtl(, seryl aur rein 4'in" ! ngtiyentiitrrn nicety
i+ritrtln, 64AtlBtde.l'nitack EatatL bbt3�YAirrciaerl
A- taealk0 20d xw eaelva %oat• , an1) dlyh!igk
6- 4i 1 tit : 1 i i
■ ITTLfa GIANT TYPAWRITl1R--A really r nt1
i• mnoAlne and nota morn to Prine r�el�roro
$1.�° AQt.Ahts wnated. 9 ._ ()WR L BOO-
CO}MaP�AIT?Y.�20y-28 A�additide tst. W., Toronto.
Sirii..1me ers Your trouble k
esbew ached gt (a.�
Ibarea nt yep
,et lacomant toil the frgqit of kit n leyours. Outl or r,n
W. B. BAT13, &jeolaliat , 390 �ollege fit„ Toronto.
pholce singing canaria. $1.90 up
ens 60 Pant.-suuwutood.
Birds zprese@d WA esi� of odea.
34�ta lie {ly ., oro to.
bassy put up and '1ring down. Oita
ba eleansd, seated ,an p t swtsy la
a small space. Ask your ealors Tor
them. Manufactured by 5
res Adelaide St. W., roi'anto.
eta arrp owym.
ilty.u%.a renyAPPLE%BUTTER, %CGSorr.,ar.TIIT
to sblp, ebip them to
The Dawson Commission Co., Litgited,
',LearorC*VX*. a.
CISuperior 30am"prooafoiotb
Four Dollars
omplete, '1'o be had only from X.
IIetltEtt'1S 31. Quoon Sq. L., ,roron g,
Send stamp for circular and sample
of oloth before buying elePiv here.
W��.r Commeroial Roport
o FILE....
For Batiks aid
Meroaj)Wo Bnsinras,
Bert commercial Sehool in theP Prorlme ; enter nee,
etalogue free. W. J. LIJOTT, Wit clpal.
Dominion Lige Steamships
Montreal and tluebeo to Liverpool 1r, sua,mnr. jV'ah errr
and fast twin sorew e/aamahipa ' Lsbrador'
poaver.'Dominion Scotsmatl: Yorkshire.
Superior accomo atton f or First ('c
w.hin, 9e
and Cabin allnd Steerage nay.engers. Rates of
pessaga-First Cabin, t60.0J; econd cabin
1,18; 8teerape>12R 60 �p upwards aogordin { n
steamer and bortla, For it i formational" 111
to LOVAI ApeI1 tB er DAV D TORRANCt4 BZ l.o„
(len? Agent 17 S'b. Sacrprbent lit., Montroal,
E P P '
�� C000A
The Reld Bros. Mfg. ,Co., H ntifs,°IARD
lABLS6 and Bp WLINO AL[, 4. Phone 303. seal
WrClalalorue. `Z57 Plat at. Wxf, TOROkiO,
b —
fpamphleta and t3ee��mplot of
Material of our SC ei Frame
Niagara Vapor Hath
• sent to any address on
rooefpt of stump,
Thermometer Attachment and
Vaporizer complete.
Agents Wanted for Beet Selling
gin 0rt
Re NlaE vpo8aln Eo,
SGrand Opera Plaoe,l•eranto
ORDEftgi .TO tAOH, LIIM TNO.3. 1tiEItV94
BRAIN and 13H &TIi by
�.l FOOD which SA VL+9 [N ALIi , anp
t11LDRER, and also Rears succe efully IIn-
fants whose Ailments and Debility have re-
sisted all other trearmsnts, It d1 sets when
all other Food Is raleoted, saves 60 times Ito
cost In medicine.
V 100,000 AN UAL CUnES of Constip.
pilon, Flatule��reyy, Dyspqp3fa Indigestion, Cin.
Pumption. Diabetese,, Arbudhitis, Infiuental
Coughs, Aethme, %atatlb, Phlegm, Diarrheas.,.
Nervous Debility, Bleep loneness, Dospondenoy,
Dv BARRY and Co. (Limited) 77 Reg tato.
street, London,. W., alae flu arie�le��tt I
de Castiglione, and at all to re, COME..
paau�d,�� Stores everywhartijr, �IS tintI:., 3s., Od., On -
!BAR1lit14 re AVLLUNT�oIilI MILT13 1n ton*
111111. 4& slid Bs.
- - - --- _....._, ,- -
The best and most sensible inven-
tion of the age. Endorsed and recom-
mended by MEDICAL men All over
the country. PRICE SO REASON-
' ABLE thato home should be with.
out one. Xlte for circular to
OWN INN g0.,
Hamilton, lint,