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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-01, Page 3
Mr 14 e V ` . n 19, , 8 IMtAM Some of the most eminent men Of and a Turfs aide by side in a village. STAYINQ HOUR FROM SCHOOL. . the d&y have risen from the humbler it will hardly be twelve months before n walks of life, in which they were the Turk will retire lulpoverished be- Abod-Castarrh e1, • � � ^' GAN TAKT3 Tits PLACE OF W ! Obil od to follow some simple voca- o4use the A.ruleaian has absorbed hie tfeinfi tt short l Wtyt„ front the iUlstttry of ■■g ,„ !1,110 or ApNNn Grateber,�O�tion. The cited for themselves an business, The Warlrhas conquered theY t "'I'm trot vin to sell of this morn - object, t0 attain the ogmpletion of Armenian by (orae of atmos, but the Why {� I>3 C.urad ray HOad : g gLUDELLATO QOOU REGIPkS 1cQR CANDY, which doubtless required much effort , Armen has the better of the Fork ing," aays little Susan Gratebar, and EAYs SrDB arilla indulgent and many hardships; but those early I by �greef of brains, � Mamma Gratebar, gent aver, In9ist on actin it --once tried atwa s used. Maple, Sugar Candy. -Two lessons, learned at their mother's 1 'The broken-down Armenian of .T• — getting x y. -Two cups of earlier days became a trader, a money- A Constitutional DlepA$e Requires makes no objection, for the rain is Lead .packages -2g, 40, go and 6.o cents. knee, had prepared them for applies- Y p falling very heavily, maple sugar, one cup of cream or rich clan and they persevered. I maker, and attar a few generations a Constitutional Remedy. 1,s Y. the sky is dark, milk, one pound of English walnuts, Mothers should never give to the was the shrewdest man at a bargain Catarrh in the head is the result of the wind northeast -a rainy day. �4&Seas-,S� `�-�,���hFs.,;! �is��aa chopped; button the size Of awalnut. child duties too hard, nor tasks be- I On the planet. It is said that a Jew a cold or succession of colds and is And so a leisurely breakfast for lit- �+► Test b dropping in cold water; out yond their ears, but should insist u oan cheat the world, that a Greek is tie Susan; a lance at the clock now he QdQIi`le�s Y p-' real! a dangerous ailment, as it may g I Y pp on the completion of whatever the do i sharper than two Jews, and that an Y Y and then as the school hour a p into squares when nearly cool. Y lead directly to consurlpptith It con- A �� 1, 01 y �o�etundertake. Whuk manifold duties � Armenian is more than a match for sista of inflammation of the mucous Proaphes, and a sense of pleasure as 1,.t Chocolate Candy --Two cups of geanu- and responsibilities rest with the'two Greeks. The Wstiuot of tradeLs membrana in the nasal passages. Passes and leaves her here at home in- r laced $agar, one cup of rich milk, buC- mothers. abnormally developed.' There is a disagreeable discharge from stead oP finding her in her acetrstomedter 'the size of a walnut, one-quarter of m.__ _� the nose and this often reaches the Place at school.. For this is a break `+..-- m the routine; a relief from school and AwardedItiplomna at Vorouto,a cake of chocolate; boil for twenty stomach, causing nausea. Catarrh is Loadnw and other Cx- ZURgS AND AR�IENIANSC FIIiST WATCHES IN ENGLAND. oared by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, studies; a novelty; fox home to her iu i hibtttons.1898. minutes, stirring constantly; boat far In 1584 watches began to come from by purifying the blood, soothes and re- these unaccustomed hours seemsfive .mlautes 'after taking from the builds the delicate tissues. Thousands strange, just as to any of us any fain- lBtOvo, Do not let it cook too long. Cut Germany, and the watchmaker soon iliarthin will seam strap is Atrenay Revolutionizing she Sanitary Condttuta of cures b this medicine after all so- ' g ger when of tb6 Cnnptry. In adapted to urlvwte restdeuee., into squares just before it is cool. '� became a trader of importance. The Been to an other than its familiar re- ""," public bultdtngs, hotels, school houses and summer REASONS WHY THEY ARE SUCH called nate 1,h cures had failed, attest Y i resorts. Cita be placed in attic Or collar, built ronin. or outside kitchen, or tin Nut Candy. -Four cups of granulated DEADLY ENEMIES. watches were often of immense size, Its wonderful power over this disease. lotion to other things. sugar; let it melt over a but fico; stir And Susan reads and plc ,, aures any place where Utero I, n Cue or,Iwue Ill The prpa belle tow ddrosi It with - DEADLY and hung in a rich case from the neck, If you have any symptoms of catarrh, Y t3 Ip tench •fall. A yort rnrvl will aeepre iltuatntted pamphlet. Address oonstantly; when melted add a quart of 7'lte Artnonlnns are Unworthy Desoendunts and by fops wound up with great gray- I t -k,3 Hood's Sarsaparilla and you with her little brother, and walks m+y confidently expect a permanent about the house, and finally gets a lit- THE ODORLESS CREMATORY CLOSET and peanuts chopped fine; pour on a bread- ofllerole 611,001 -inferior to war They . ity and ceremony at the ordinary din- . cure. tie tired of it all, as any of us would, GENERAL HEATING Coy Limited, board and roll; cut into squatres, nor, The watches were about the size for we all, old and . Anrptos the Turks In Rxecutive ,khuuy of awalnut and enclosed in a pear- young, need for Hamilton, Ont Stuffed Dates.—Stone a pound of The Armenians, brain prosperous � Sarsa� ; our welfare some. regular employment; g shaped caro. They had no minute hand, � ©� � Lts . $���'*°���`����'�0`��'4�r'r'-`''"'`� dates, stuff with a pound of English parilla to have, as the saying is, our minds oc-an ... and enterprising, pay the taxes and but were of beautiful workmanship. copied. And presently little Susan yeah...•nyAPPLe6,RUTiEfUgi NorrosiLTti� walnuts out into halves and roll in contribute, largely to such prosperity Country people solnetitnea carried 1aCnnnda'sGireetesaMe+loins $t; atztor;5. gets interested in the weather; there's FELL AMONG CANNIBALS. If toehip,ahtpthen, to tonf3ntloners' sugar. as Turkey enjoys. In exterminating pocket dials, in the shape of brass rings. Prepared by C. T. H od & Co„ Lowe•l. Mass, a thin place in the clouds, as there of- •-•-" The Dawso Commission Co. Li 1tedi with a slide and aperture, to be regu- — _ to to is even on the rainiest of days, and story or the Iatst cralso or the flea tihost- r hl t Pecan Nut Candy.-1�vtr cups of mo- y lated to the season. HOOII'S P IIS tslce.e ey oloperate.23o, by comparison the sky lightens up a y w4mu'oaz,6a' Lasses, two (-ups sugar, one cup 1,,f Ihem the Turk is real! "killing the P Y g A GermanTrader's Fate. butter; add as many pecan as Cos- goose that lays the golden egg," says good deal. Then Susan says to her Banking Mr. George 1I. Hepworth, a journalist, mother: g upon the supposed peaceful f *ItONITO CUt97NO SCHOOL a trs a'" Bible, let them boil with the candy: late! returned from a tour of Ar- (j HE "KLONDIKE'S KING." "Do you think it's going to clear in`tentiona of the Solomon Islanders, Inducements to cane men dseiroas salt this gives a delicious flavor, `!'est by Y TOLD �� THE ,EDITOR off ?" Capt. Kohishon, a German trader and kwK1aR ap Cnttla A�ull parttoalaty oa apy14 dropping Into cold water. menu, in the Detroit Free Press. Whyt But Mrs, Greatbar, older than Susan the owner of a cutter called the Sea 4ation. u� T -08 ST., TORONTO. he resorts to such measures is one of Stories From lilts IRome-A Cubic Mate's and wiser in the weather as in other Ghost, started from Queensland to the I or any natural HOW TO PREPARE CELERY• those mysteries which have their root DURING A HOLIDAY RAMBLE HE Itecollecilon. I things, says she hardly thinks so yet, ,Speech ,impedimenta.nr.eofnuy Not many peopl® know that a bunch in the depravity of human nature. Why VISITS THE OLD HOMESTEAD. Alexander Macdonald, the "King of and sure enough ten minutes later it early part of September for the Island Itev.,r a. Consult •ncAnned yrrotitrnor,who was for has shut in blacker than ever and the of Buku, German Solomon roe with �jeste•patsfuld•mm.rer,audhaeauredatanywhotatl. the rmentans do not emigrate to the Klondike," was born about 45 group, I.aelwwhera write to w, J, Aroeet,MD.,Balio,Ont, rain falls more and more heavily. And 1 j of celery in the hands of a good house- � '� Y• the intention of securing a cargo of some less hostile environment, why pe round Changes That Astontsbed Ilton' years ago at Ashdale a farming settle- so it goes, the whole day long -a rainy I keeper is one of fhP few things about one or 'Which Deserves the Wideal da copra. I tQAtJMOROMIRrican CASINOS-Nowllosis which there in absolutely no waste, they elect to remain under aGovern- meat about ten miles from the town day -and Susan doesn't go to school at 1�7eho•�yandAaedo.oHo`p.3o-rdtabl•sro.bM Publication for the Benefit It M x all, She stays in the house, and it The telegraph despatches stated in W,Met't••a•PABY,BLeCaW1DLLt.00„Toronto. meat which hates them, oppresses of Antigandsh, Nova Scotia. From an ordinary bunch of celery of trove T6 Cas«1,s. gets pretty irksome before nightfall. brief a Pew weeks ago that the Sea —' them b un`ust laws, imprisons them, Like many other men who have made �+ tine $•cent etpmp Nein cot you q five stalks pick off the large leaves, Y d From the Leader and Record , To But some time in the night the wind Ghost's crew had been killed by 'Free freesampla of campana'n Italta and in an hour of desperation murders their mark in life Macdonald's early changes and comes out from the north- a Maim, the beat preparation for all wash them and place them in a quart ronLo Junction. west. The Storm hoe passed, the sun natives. The mail from Sydney brings r»ughneasotekla,ohappedhand4 o£ water, letting the quantity broil thein, is u riddle irnpossihlo to solve. The editor of the Leader and Recon - !days were spent upon the farm. His shines brightly, and little Susan is up the following details: "Captain Kohl- lortace. Th.RutohingaMadioittoCo„Toronto. As a reason why there must always dor, during a recent holiday trip ;father was not blessed with much of and off to school bright and early and short had been warned that the natives IT. - OIANT 7YPtlWRl7ep-d r•wllypraotle down to about half a pint. ,«'ben be friction between the two nations, through the counties of York, Peet, I this world's gear and during bis youth glad to o. cold, bottle this liquid and keep in a the degeneracy of the Armenian, so Dufferia and Grey, ,spent a few days and earl g were not us friendly as they had pro- �maohInaandnotamoretny. Prieedeltverc cool lace to be u:el for flnvorin� lit the old parental homestead where y manhood Alexander worked CO A V, wonted. Ido StOWELL BOO P e gi,L- far as regards ability to protect him- �,e was born and spent many happy like a Trojan endeavouring to wrest a �j7 (1 j�1 feared.”. COMPANY, 2Q-28Adelnide 8t. W.,9'oroato. vies and soups. Next wash and boil self, is alleged. "Time was when he years. The old homestead is in the livelihood from the stony hill farm. A HAMILTON CASE He sailed from the Bismarck archi- the live roots the same as potatoes, had military township oP Euphrasia, Grey county, Natural! t Pelage with two white mates and a Dominion Line $t®in amShlp� y prowess and when a y he grew dissatiafied and da- Montreal t in acrbeoteamshiLiverpool.11b m 1,a LVere wholesome fear restrained his enemies about one and a half Dill” south of HOW MR. JOSEPH RICKARDS WON crew of seven natives. The, Sea Ghost and I.at twin screw steamships - rvor a tryingthem with a fork to tell «hen termined to better his condition. x done. Cut them into thin slices, add the village of Heathcote, and about arrived at Buka in the night and lay convert,' ' 'Dominion' tton teriFirst Cabin, a from attacking him. He had the pres- ten miles from the town of Melford. I Glowing reports of the golden west, HIS FREEDOM. g Buperror weoomnio a a finely out onion and make into a figs which belongs to a warrior poo It is occupied by the writer's youngest of men making grant fortunes in a off until morning.Soon after da oadCabin and C%binge0.00; ere. Rake QQ Y atisaggee Ftret Cgb�a, $60.80 second pais Rrizhl's Disease 'Reid Hint In a Deadly light Kohlshon gave the word that a 136; cheersg6$22.60 andupwards according salad the same as the ordinary potato ple. Fie not only knew how to fight, I brother, George J. Fawcett. The int- ,few years fired his imagination and b;rlp Willett Nothing ('ould Loosen TUi ter was the picture of health, and re- number of boats were putting from steamerandherth, For all information n g but how to conquer. Itis history goes p he decided to lake Greele s advice- Ne Vied Dodd's Kidney Pills-The.1 to Local Agents, or DAVID TORBANOa & tx, salad. The large and coarser stalks q y g membering that when he came from y' y of celery cut into inch lengths, boil, a•wr•••t Htm. the shore for the schooner, but the co- lien'! Agents. 17 eb.8aerwmtrat8t.. Moatxroal. cover with a onto sauce and serve as back to a period just this side of the Detroit, where he had been living for I " to go west and grow up with the c er withle. The delicate stalks use ark and Ararat, lshich lifted its hoary several years, and took possession of country." Hamilton, Nov. 21—The Ambitions cupants were waving palm branches To all others. City is never behind her rival, Toronto, and ruin other signs ns of Supereor aerm•ptootolo/b as ordinarily for a delrelicate and the head within right of his home., Even the homestead, he was in such feeble I ,His first venture was in the mines in any enterprise, commercial or other- ,giving g peaceful in - young yellow leaves will he found a the Roman Emperor, Pompe thought health that his life was despaired of, of Colorado, where he worked as an wise, and recently, would seem to have tent. The anchor was dropped inside Four Dollars make a pretty trimming for the meat P y' g the writer suggested that the bracing and the sails lowered. Complete. Tobe had only from N. it no mean task to diefeut the Armen- climate of the northern regions must ordinary miner for some ten years and made fair progress towards outstrip - dish, This uses every scrap of the cel- ping her neighbor in one respect, viz.; Five or six native boats came along- gotiR61'B, $i Queen 8G P„ Toro po, ery itself, but the ,careful housekeeper inns in a pitched battle, and no slight be the best medicine in the world for by -good management and economy sav- tht, number of cures of Kidno Diseases _-�-Bend stamp for circular and sam is a shattered constitution. The replq ,` Y gilds, and in a few moments the .Bis- . of cloth before huyl� elsewhere. will not even discard the string which honor to have an Armenian queen In ea up the sum of #10,000, Ever of a effecttd here by Dodd's Kidney Pills. mask men and the white mates were -_ ties the stocks together butt if it is long his triumphal procession. There was made contained statements so remark- speculative and venturous nature he Hardt a do asses without record - enough will roll it up for future use, able that we consider it a pleasure as y y p tochattingeand making friendly Signa Central heroism in those days, but since that well as a duty to give them as wide put his hard earned money into a min- Ing a cure by meant of this famous to the Solomon people. Before rias �'�� %�,� i,; time the Armenian has lost all his publicity as possible through the col- ing claim, and in a short time found and wonderful medicine. vessels crew- ods make a move to go Interest just now is centered in Lhe below for code and weapons, the i8- 4& HINTS FOR THE KITCHEN, skill and all bis courage. Pie has been umns ofcthe Leader and Recorder. A se- that his money bad melted away and case of Mr. Joseph Rickards, of 134 Landers drew knives from under their STRATFORD, oNT. vera attack of malaria, contracted that he had nothing to show for it but Emerald Street. Hundreds of Hamil- ButComm•rcial echo -d in the Provinre enter now, Sharpen all kinds of fish sauce with conquered and re -conquered, bruised, whilst in Detroit, brought the writer's belts and attacked the crew furiously. at•toguetyre W. J, ELLIOTT, t3►•ooipat. lemon ,juice. broken, crushed between the upper "a hole in the ground," and, of course, tonians know that: Mr. Rickards suf- Captain KOhlBhon was overcome and p A dash of bleak pepper improves va- pp brother to death's door, from which he I g fered for more than six years, with and lower millstones of adverse fate. recovered only to find himself the vic- some experience. that terrible complaint, Bright's Dis- his body was run through and through THE TRIUMPH�r nillat ice cream, iia of a complication of troubles About this time he heard of the dis- P g with spears. The corpse was then Sugar in the water for basting inents He may be proud of his ancestors, but which untitled him for work. He was covery of gold in Alaska, and disgust- ease. Hundreds know also, that he ADJII$TABLE$TOY74PIY>C& engaged the best medical assitance he thrown over the side Of the schooner. Bas y put up and taken down. Can will add to their flavor. This is eslteci- they chin :scarcely be proud of him." ;attended by some of the most •emirs- ed with Colorado, he packed his grip All but three of the crew were killed. ba oleaord, nested, aqd put away ally true of veal, ABOIi1' THE TURK. ant physicians in Detroit, but be re- and started for the now Eldorado, a1,- could secure, but without receiving asmatic •ce. Ask your dealers for either cure or relief. 'Lhe attacking natives then started dP ashore with their prisoners, Lakin •them, anut•eturedty WhAn using vanilla for flavoring. add oe. d. little or no benefit from their riving; there with the pioneers. Since Mr. Rickards is now hale and hearty, P g G B. BARCLAY, As regards the Turk, Mr. Hepworth g Y then his success has been phenomenal with them the bodies of the mates and ; half it teaspoonful of peach extract, treatment. Change of air was final healthy and happy, and his deliverance to8 Adelaid6St.W.. Toronto. sa,yshe isamaguificent. horseman and recommended and he removed with and his doings have been chronicled is due entire! to Dodd's Kidney Pills. the dead Bi intoacano The prisoners xay cream. Date vinegar added to the water in a good soldier but nothing else. The his family to the count of Grey. A from one end of America to the other. Writing y Y. were thrown into the s , landed le the which fish is boiled will improve the y V siting of his case, he says: [used beach and left on the sands, while the flavor, minute he is out of the saddle he is slight ch,nge for the better was notic-; Physically Macdonald is n splendid many remedies that were advertised to SOJomonites re When baking fish, place. on the to helpless. Put hint behind the earth- able at first, but he soon relapsed into specimen of the good old Highland cure Bright's Disease, but none of them bodies of their pcomrared ad s. When theSTAMMERER&g pthe old condition and again sought Clan Donald, He stands 6 feet 2 inches gave me even temporary relief. I can- rewsome feast was bein made ready thin slices of salt pork. I works and be will stay there until help from the leading doctors of the, and is powerfully built. Many stories not describe the severityof my suf- g g Onlyln.titunou to Canada for the.ure.o To give an appetizing flavor to a the critck of doom. "He knows how to a number of warriors ran the schooner p g district in turn. Sleeplessness took of his Lind -heartedness to those tvho forin s. The were terrible. every oo 18 speech defeat. tcAt•httsh broiled beefsteak, rub a cut onion Over I die on the field, but he does not know possession of him and soon he was were down on their luck, are told, and g Y ashore and succeeded to finding [n her is Toronto, lava our. araate•d. "I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney OHURCH'8 AIITO-VOCETPTBTITCrTE, the hot platter, then add the butter, how to live anywhere else. Sit by his wastea away to a more skeleton. Then it. is said that no Nova Scotian ever Pills, and I am thankful that I took cabin A keg of liquor, and in less than s pembrobo St., Toronto, Canada, the doctors declared they could do applied to him for assistance either that advice. I used only four boxes, an hour the entire party was stupidly side and talk of somra practical concern nothingmore for him, and advised In Colorado or in the Yukon, and was but the drove every vestige of drunk. Two of the, prisoners managed TO KEEP FRESH GAM!., and he is little better than a child Y to escape, took A boat and put out to Nfm.Mllt -r -.-- and to go to California. During all turned empty away. Bright's Disease from my system and111W „ Mia a teacupfil of vinegar and one pi ten, for his notions of business are these weary month,, he read in the Donald Metsaac, who shared his cab mads a man of me." tea' Manntacturgeoe $heti 04 carbonate of soda. Pour this inside dreamy, illogical and illurory. l paper's from time to time, and laughed in Colorado for several years, says that After floating helplessly about for Osaes 00104. Druggists' and ai and ifotel Fixtures, Jew. at what he termed rho miracles" Macdonald was the best hearted man A statement like this cannot ho light- two days they were picked up by a kind fInterior end •R the bird and shake it for perhaps five "He is a hospitable and a generous ly passed by. It carries a message of trader and afterwards transferred to o23 lice Interior Toronto. wrought by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. who ever breathed. In fact McIaitae hope, and freedom from disease, of BrltlehPtatsMlrroratto, is to 23Anoest,,Toroi,W. minutes. Wash the outside of the bird I creature. There iv a laissez-faire about Ile had no faith in such remedies, and says he was too good hearted and was health and happiness, to every sufferer the steamer Moresby and taken to with the same preparation and then him, and a reposeful carelessness, like it was only when the physicians told frequently imposed upon by men who in Canada. ' Dodd's KidneyPills should Queensland, where they related their carefully wash the whole bird again him that they could do no more for would mme to hits with a story of adventures. one who IS drifting on the current he in every home in the land. Sidney with fresh cold water. him that, like the drowning man who hard luck and no work, when as amat- Disease cannot exist, where Dodd's and bas no curiosity' as to where he 4s catches at a straw, hr (bought he ter of fact they were often too lazy Kidney Pills are used. RI10%t CE AS A VEGETABLE. going, which are delightful if you would lr,v n box of the pills. Co his to work. Whether deserving Or not, -- DANGEROUS PRACTICE. have nothing for him to do, and to the great nstoni <h,nent bis sleeplesanIss it made but little difference to Mac- DEFER LED PROPOSAL. Rice is a very digestible light food, last degree exasperating if you are in h'ld vnni;hsd before he had been using donald. He invariably brought the Two Irishmen wandered into a public and one th'+t can ha used advantage- any we, dependent ua him. A anon- the pills a week, and he slept like man to the cabin, and would say, "Lebon- Why is it that stuttering men are house where the electric call bells with y Y p g the press buttons bad been introduced, grCo., IlanILLhis an inf.tnt. Gradually his strength old this poor Fellow is sick," or " be nearly always bachelors? The Reid Bros. Mfg. CO ously on the summer table with meats, ous impulse characterizes all classes. returned and his appetite improved, is a Nova Scotian, and is out of work. Well, they get so much time to think Of course, these excited their curiosity, 1ABLEBandBOWLINOALLEYS. Phone ISO& Bao Ih 18 known on our gables chiefly in The Anatolian Turk will go consider- and soon he felt like a new man. A+few we must help him along for awhile,' before they speak. and when the waiter had Supplied them rOatatoga• 257 Ylns 8t bleat, TORONTO. sweet pudding, and bailed with milk. ably out of his w»y to serve you, and months after taking the first dose he And helper! along he would be. with what they wanted, two cold ales, It is a delicate grain, and of value m waa9 %Is well as ever. For more. than Not infrequently the man so help they asked him what the buttons, were set•buehed1810, seldom takes any recompense therefor. Y A FEEDING E�iPIt'RIil?ENT• for. When the waiter explained the Ir- L• COFFEE & C0y lace o£ oatmeal and similar he ttin two ears pact he. has not taken Any ed turned out to t,e `no better than he P p g "There is another aide to his char- medie:ne whatever, and today you should be, and sometimes proved him- A correspondent of the :'North is.hmen kept on all night with the same GRAIN AND COMMISSION foods on the breakfast table. Rine is act -,r, and if you study that other side wits not find a sturdier sprei- self an ungrateful vagabond, but the British Agriculturist" calls attention cry: Two more ouid ales, until they men of mankind in Grey than Geo. next pitiful tale found its way to the to the tact that on the Cockle Park had to be helped outside. MERCHANTS, not very nutritious, therefore it should you learn whythe Turk is just where J. FAWcett, "What do I think of Pink hig highlander's heart as readily as if Experimental Farm of the Northitin- Next morning their wives met in the always be parboiled in water and lh?n he is --so far in the background that pill,f,, y he had always entertained Angels un- Berland County Council, one plot of street when one said: Retrnts40f•19 Board of Trade NuRdhtr. cooked In stook or milk, in order to g Pill B bt9 queried with a smile; the y he is not visible in the picture of our I think there is nothing like them awares. 1»rad stocked with gray -faced elle•'p, " Bedad, Molly, it's in the pigsty Oi TORONTO, ONT. render it more nutritious. modern civilization. He has no ad- on earth for building up the system; I It Is reported that Macdonald in- each having 3-4 pounds of cotton seed found mi husband this marnin'. 'THOM"rLIDfH. JOHN LCotrtrm The best California% rice has a clear, mini, or executive ability' but for Dr. Willrtams' Pink Pillr Ido tends returning to Antigontah next cake per day, gnus in s months an Oh, bt a bl, says Molly, thuya notb- transparent, wood -sized grain tvben it whatever. I'hete are once tions, but not think I would be alive to -day," bummer, and if he does, he will find increase o 52 pounds a matron, I Not a bitsatd wink of slope did FREE BOOKLET p The experience of years has proven many friends glad to see him and con- w'hi'st another plot, dressed with I gel. Jose nd yet for Moi" pr more is tvasbed and cooks tender in a short the rule holds good. The departments that there is ab,olutely no disease due gratulate him on his good fortune, and Alberts' Thomasse of 67 Powder, on mi nose and yeltin cot, "Two more GUIDE TO HEALTH. time. After parboiling a cup of wash- Of government in Turkey are even to- to a vitiated condition of the blood or no doubt, many others who never heard gave an increase of Ef7 pounds of ouid ales I' 3 — ed rice ten minutes in two quartsof day' in spite of the massacres, in the shattered nerves that Dr. Williams' Iof him until they saw his name in the mutton in two months' wiLhouf. cake. Pamphlets and Samples of hands of men who are not Moham- Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and papers, will be quite affable, and dis- I , Material of our SteelFram, boiling water to which a teaspoonful medans. The finances of the empire thwie who are suffering from such cover that he is really a very fine fel-, MORE DANGEROUS THAN SCORCH- TIOVND TO WDRRY, - S 1 Niagara Vapor Bath of salt has been added, draw it. Add are administered by Armenians and n troubles would avoid much misery low, you know, and deserves not only ING. Josephine hasn't. slept for three sent to any address on a pint and a half of good stool! -to the few Greeks. If public funds are to be and ,save mono b promptly resort- his good luck, but in addition thereto, nights. receipt of Attachment eta . y y p Jim -You IOOk awfully glum. What's � Thermometerttttaohmentand rice, a thin slice of gogd salt pork cut invested the transaction is not given ing to this treatment. Get the pleasure of their acquaintance. Is she in love? the matter 7 f Vaporizer Complete. p in charge of a Turk, for he knows the genuine Pink Pills every timeand . No; they made her treasurer of the I r Agents Wanted for Beat Selling + p+ nothing of finance. Jack -Been bicycling. Into dice and Pried brave and n little g do not be persuaded to finita- Don't Worry Club. Bath in Amcrion. .Met with an accident? pepper. Let tba rice cook slowly in TTTRKRY'S PRESERVATION. tion or some. other remedy from a CHILDREN'S THEOLOGY. _ Yes, rode a tandem with a pretty • The Nfagaro U0por BQIh Co., the stock in a double boiler without "it may be a bold thing to say, and stealer, who for the sake of extra pro- girl and got all broke up. - tirring it for fifteen or twerit:y minu- yet. I venture the assertion that Tur- fit to himself may say is "just as A little girl explained God's omni-' BAMBOO SUSPENSION BRIDGE. BOrandoperaPlaoe,Tor,nto -- t es, oi• until the grains of rice are swol- key would fall into endless embarrass- Rood." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure presence thus: He was everywhere I A recent Fnglish consular• report len out evenly and have absorbed all Te dot• Corns. THE 14105T NUTRITIOUS. �'he stock. went and confusion were it not for when other medicines fait without going there. A little boy, re- � from the far East describes a auapen- those servitors who have Armenian ._ _ fleeting on the misdeeds of Satan, said , Sofi canna, corns of all kinds removed Turn the rice out on a platter if you Blood in their veiny and who look after to his mother, Ma Satan must be a I without pain or sure spots by Put- Bion bridge of 800 feet spam, made of E P P S'S desire to servo it with a meal in this things with Armenian shrewdness. The Ci1R[OUS TRANSFERENCE OI!' HEAT great trouble to God, mustn't heH I cam's Painless Curn I+.xLracfur. 'Thou- bamboo. The cane was split up into way. If it is served with a roast of Sultan has tried to change all this, I A correspondent of Nature, who is don's see why be turned out so bad i sands t.ettify that it is certain,pnin- fibres and twisted together to form veal or a dish of lamb, servea half p° when he, had no devil to put him up less, and prompt. Do not be Imposed the cables. Considering its span, the GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. and one of bis highest hopes is to associated with the observatory at Tou- to it I .Better, perhaps, is the remark upon by substitutes offered for flip pint of tomato sauce over it. If it is render himself independent of this un- P Pmaterial of the structure is quite re- served with a chicken or veal curry Mohemmedan aid. A large number of louse, calls attention to a very sing- of a three-year-old, who said, Iwant I genuine "Pulnam's" F.xlraotor. Sure, ,narkahle. The old tradition that al - or in any way ihit f. oat's for a rice bor- God to Inks core of me ni hta; I can safe, harmless. COCOA der, cook the rias about twentymina- Armenians brivo been dismissed within alar phenomenon, the scientific explaR- g most anything can be mode out of . the last two years, but many of the ation of which he seeks, Take a bar of take care of myself days.' bamboo, receives here a good illustra- tes langur, and when it is done mix REFLECTED GREATNESS. tion in the field of engineering. BREAKFAST --SUPPER. to two eggs, nd11 beaten, stirring Ihem most important positions are still oc- iron in the hand by one end, and plunge - - in th a little well the hot rice first, e, m copied by Armenians. The great Otto- Pa, what is a lineal descendant? -.-* -•- man Bank is in the hands of foreign Obe other end in the fire, beating it TO CURE A COLD 1N ONE DAY. A lineal descendant is a person who GLAZED PAPER AND EYESIGHT. The Spramotor. Copyrighted trot, boa (Ing t bein quickly In. Take Lateeirr Brono Quinine Tableto. All DrnR has to fall buck On some praiseworthy tiwe of 74 pa�es, Stir the rine far five minut Pa over I he oatpttnlists; even I hP Turkish Army is at rnn,gly, But not so much that the ¢take 1,a and the mono If It fMla to dare. Ya Some German h containing the intoet information on the r ma. drille(! by German officers. Turkey has band can not retain its hold. Then _ _ _ ancestor for his own importance. physicians have con- eoaos n. If fruit troe�, veg6tnblos, s ook, fire, and than pack it firmly in a swell- no power to meet her own needs, but eluded that much harm may be clone , poultry. etc., nn•I their r.medicN will he mailed free to ))uttered rice mould, Set it in the oven for years hAs been an orange sucked Plunge the heated end in it pail of cold OLD-TIME HIGH BUILDINGS. an who mention chis DIaniter, and npplybefore Mnreh, for five minutes, and turn it ),ut on a by men of brains from other nations. water. Immcdialely the end hold by to the Oyes by the highly glazed paper I Fim r end ectlt Grower aeforin a recular anasch I.a iclani, the famous Romanarchaeo-1 $100 Reward, $100. used in some modern hooks. Especially I opens^rWooeatafant %`SPRAst,roaapaintinc shite platter. Lift. the ill her mould off It i so utterly hslplara that if you the hind Becomes so bol' that it is for school children is it, believed to be waahln ,anr•yh, anaaiAinfertingA parattte,andwaiie carefully. There will be no difficulty were to withdraw Lhe foreign element, Impossible to retain it in the fingers. logist, has shown ghat in the llama of The rendereof this paver will be pleased to { g p in its coming off easily. This harder u injurious. Reference is made l0 the •(Ponta a ere,ry town and villagge in tlio world. Over 1o0 that: is, t h. un-Mobemmedan element , This phenomenon, snid by the corres- the Caesars trouble was experienced Joorn that ch re to at toast one dreaded diaenso . },Deka of the last generation, whose un- I gt+l`l modals and highest ah is need by six marl been granted our mould usually has to l:e made, to Or- Turkey could not hold together for a pendent to be familiar to workmen with big,, buildings. A Inw was pass- that=eiinsco has been able to our, In all Ito g ° verritne to iPrioeavary'i on $6 `toibKO.t`Ad,S eixepe"" der ciepade. The Turk realizes this fact and in iron, is ascribed by them to sOmsi , atauen uua that fa Catarrh. Tioll'u Catarrh P Inzed, non-reflecting surface did not Select a gond-Rized platter with n d ad retired and in despair." in ton, action ascribed which they suppose lid restrict ing the height of fronts to Curo is the only pn•ttmve cure vow knotan to fatigue the eyes. _ -- $PRAdfOTOR CO., 367 Rlchmood t., London, vat. deep centre Anda flat rim, and haus �� ' the medical fratornity. Catarrh 1•etntf a con. It is feeling engendered by these the sudden cold to exert upon the hent 60 feet. in order to evn.de it builders' pti uilonal diwenae, requires a consritntlonal CARD INDEX SYSTEW the mould made to fit half itswidth circumstances, the culmination of contained in the iron, which is thus adopted the practice of carrying up the I reatmeat. Hall's Ca+arrh Cure isi taken In. over the centre of the platter, and rest years of exasperation on part of those driven to the Opposite oxtrernity. rear of tions several stetter mare. Oth-i tornally, noting directly upon the blood and ( ' 1 1 I d Anup-'o-datsmndexofnomoa, half its width on the rim. It should who have ower and recognize that p 1013coud surfacos of the system, thnreby dog• t 1! addres+es, nocounts, oto, p B or laws hearing on We heights of build- ; troy Ing the foundation of the dieoase, and plv No don.d matter, he two inches wide a.nd two inches others oven• whom they have dominion, A LONG -MJ ,I,T WANT. ins were passed. in odd times. There' ing the yntten+ wttroagqth by bnUdina va li° RM'Sendfor oabilog aa.'PtA high, The rim of the platter, it, is are g'ett'ing Oie better'of them in a wags a tendency to diminish the height conttif 7bepand aetor@ig natnie la doing It+ t" U 947 used, with should be wide and just way that give them no chance for Jinks -I've struck it now, sure, work. 7heprnpri6torehavodo wit, mitt in ea .�a'a..a.- — aeoaAm TN6 OFFloB SPECIALTY MFq. 00. Limited, large en011t(h In Lhe. CPntrA to bald the g of stories as the huil.dingS increased in lts curative powers, that they ofror One Run. - - TORONTO AND NEWNARKiT , Ont. g reprisals -that .has gradually led up to Bound to make my fortune in six size, and a height of 13ii feet was pro- dred Dollare for any caaa that it toile to cure. rytlife. Mitts A Hales y _ to wnte tc o. Rich stow or curry in a pyramidal form. a condition that: madn the mnasacres months• send for Toa lmoniate, LPAW ItarristerR,oca..rtimor6+! baht attninecl. It is hPlievecl that rho a►�^•-e*^•'!"=,^^•---• ,Ion- •- -• Winks-«'hal have you invented this Addrera, 11,. J. HENEY&CO.,Toledo,0. possible. Mr, Hepworth makes this ap- ; ceilings were an low that a man coulet, Hold h Druitlr+<te,7lio, mond tit. r" Toronto. M<U RESTORMD WITHOUT hTRC X- FTRST LVSSONS OF THE CHILD, parent By his parallelism of the two time? not Bland upright in the rooms. Hall'svl+amill P;ilaare the boob. ---------- --•-- � pINJDOttJIXPCN8B to th-) SIO •T peoples, briefly outlined above. I A patent improved collar -button. for gold, ow. OaDERED STOMACH, LUNG-;. Kilt One of the first lessons That should f INERALS TESTED CAITSE t I YOu know bow it is WhP,n you drop a Mwrite forprta•e BRAIN BLOOD, ALADDPt,It, X113.1*, be taught the young child should bb OF THE MASSACRES. co)lar-button. It always rolls lit! MILTON lI1CIn6 8t., B, A. 80. BRAIN slid BItfC ATH by that of application, Give e+Ttsy tasks, "Of course," he says, "there were over the room bird then rliaappaars for- I� 188t. i1noramen6 8t., Moatrea{, Qve. DI1 g,irtRY'8 ItL'VALICNTA A;t.4 RICA causes which let up to the massacres ever. Wall, I've invented a self -Act- �/� - _ FOOD which SAVER INVALID, and not too long, and than have it clearly and made them possrble. If the Turks��s.V �DI• N �iI pt1ILDIt1f,N and oleo Beare Pucre gfatly Irv- ing constrictor attachment, which, lies shoot Motel Works. Pante whose Ailments and Dobillty have ro- understood that the task at hand had been an friendly terms with the turns the collar -Button into a teak, the /, ROOFING SLATh1 to B1"k, alsted all other ttoa•tmenta. It di,Postg whon must bn completed before another Armenians, had not been suspicious of instant it touches the floor. ltf�erllrpeg t 8LAT1E BLAO1tBOAR))$ 1i►a sit 7 all other Food to roieoted, aavoR 60 timen its is taken u them, had not envied their prosperity, pPa Ia and tui h Bobo.I. Toronto1. Rtl0 ds �elq Pit(ch cost to medicine, p. „ But tacks sometimes roll. Ostil,"�'ty,oto. ROO)ali�timl1R1t��gteo 6 tos sB,aU on Completion should be the f0unda- there Would have been no superiors I Yes, but always atop where you can do Mier'iar,TT,le. rallOnomAtoihirgleh e,1 rwOlteomn16 . or Mor 50 YEARS'0000NINVARIABLE UAL C Rias ofUoo r+ytt�i- Tho Armenians aro the euportor8 of oasily find them by simply taking off iatllateAtppeitoanvbart oftfieoOvattyI Phbnalae titlon, Flatul,nn7, Dyspopata, Indigeatson, Crn. tion of their early training. If, such the Turks in business enterprise and •.suTtilsik�tlR8,AsetddedW{d+norsts:tTaf'(mts. gumption Diabetes Bronchitis, ln0nonaa Ideas aro thoroughly inwmught upon thrift, and fleece aro more prosperous. your shtxra. AV �,��r�'� -._..� W .� ...� -...- Cougrig. �gthmta Cnlarrh, Phloem. Dbtrrhaan; the minds of the young, how much "When you meet a caravan, the HONORS EASY.Nervous Debility. ad (g mit Dospanoonay, hatter fitted they will Ile to take u chnnoos art) that the mmt+r of the + ef,ILANNIINNOM,Y.il. 111116IOili�•if. DV reot,HARlLo and Co.pe. also In i7t I14 It a p goods and the Outfit Is an Armenian Mrs, Wadsonn, nr,utingiy-Mrs, Old- Ntroot, London, W., also in arts 14 Rae the harder tasks that will resent you wife, next: rloor has had Iwo new dross- • tt?FlONTO, oat. tlo Castiglione, and at all Orocem 0 onilep, tb�mselv0s Along their path in 1{fe. If and the drivers are Turks, If - p� THROAT attd Stores avorywhere, In this 201., 3e,„ dd., 6e,..y- they have learned their lesson well, want any skilled work dune no rnrb- ea to ntT nna. t N* 1>w �{i�b. I4t, 8 ttt cert+ttgata tree Atso tllf ter Of what °kind, You will £trid that Mr. t1°0dsooii, Sponse No. 2; -Xes, my A4V1% ; S,i�Ilf SPOCIAM fthltrS R> My NTa 8180 ITS, in *ore, they+ will persevere knowing that sue- the man to do It Is a IGroek or aft clear, hat you'vo had two nate husbands RI.li And 66. Coo will drown their effgzrts to t.hc end, Armoninn. If you put tti1 Armenillimillillim,,I 410 an to hor ono- ; - -- r L._,�.L�'. 1-1- law" Ilk _ .,d..1,. `�.:-�'r;. ..._4. 5 } v y „ V,