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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-11-24, Page 11
. ....... _ _� , .; m .. � . _ .. , . -. . .,. _ �u 0 G . __ Tn �l'p�1•{ phrase, unless the mlmiater o! Chrlgt a man ought to worn, some +Haying ((`'��� ��** �T A �+ ((�� ii 15, Tell the man that sent you to me. long strip of cloth. `.Che end of the ��jjj�� �� U� T G�F?1 J'lll has something to say, all the people he ought to work eight, and some say- tli�>f:e VV J 11oL• There t>i lltartling abruptnesT3 in thla GREAT STQRM OF E�ItLETS� skriA is nut iota an oponitig aFtfsewiset ,i�11J. S R kmaw it, and Inti eight hours were too lunch, I ..-,,+ language, t1h�o gun, so as to bring a cartridge In jos it, SNOW IT BIGHT AWAY. have this year worked fifteen hours INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DEC. 4► 16. I will bring evir upon this poo- position to be grasped by the mechan- MAEV. Di. TAL1ViAGE, FRBAGHES ON per day ae a regular thing, and still „��, pie. The pars11e1 passage, 2 Chron. THEY COME FROM GUNS THAT ism, For the first sh.,t,•you pull the HIS AAVANTAGES. Hence he must be busy not Only with stand before you in perfect heatlh, V-1- "The gook orobe Low Found. sYi%ftzs ' 24, is stronger, "Even all the curses WORT{ THEMSELVES. trigger -and afterwards merely keep the books In his library, but with that though this vacation comes very Re- that are written in the book wbielt continuous pressure an it. Now note i•+++ Ab. 8.20 Golden 'text. Nell. its. A. book oP every -day Christian creat- ceptable, You will be glad that I hoot' they have read before the king of ,_,�. what happens, Tlae gun Is Tired. The Nino ttnner�; 3rac ur Every Tlauudana w tones rind of ,worldly observation. He this opportunity to rest. PRACTICAL NOTES. Judah•" "This prophecy of irremediv wonderful Improvements Dr Modern Fire outrush of burning gas at the muzzle Thew% Ywve �µ•a Care [or Tlinakfui• moat not only know what aware the I wank, ia-night, to build on this Verse 8. Hilkiah the h' b priest, able doom repeata itself in the two Arn%s-The operation of Auto%uatte meets a piston through a hole in which wen-pem; !f the Joys ei the Christie%, seepticisms of Htlme, and Gibbon, aqd plat forma monument to the goodness other prophets of the raison. It was hoots Ciewrty ESptauoef4 the bullet passes, ant throws it for- Mlwlstry- Dr. TfilmwLe rraaches ern Voltaire, but be acquainted with the of God and to your faithfulness to me One of thq band o! reformers who stir- irremediable for exactly the same reams That' r ward. The connecting rods reverse the Etogaont SerWou an the Breglit Side modern infidelities that swarm in the as .a pastor. I would like to say over rounded the throne of.,Tosiah. Ills an- son as the "blasphemy against the g sat inventor, Sir Henry Bes- motion 'before it gets to the block of a MtnAter's Life. street and drawing -room. Besides that monument, ao was said over one ceatry is given in 1 Chron. 8. 12, 18. "Spirit" is not to be forgiven - the semer, evolved an Idea which had hid- which closes the rear end of the ret that, hie heart and hand must ever be that was ,raised in the wilderness, sinners have gone too long and too lar den in it a shadowy suggestion of the and that flies backward, taking�t A despatch from Washington says: He had, a little before this, received --Rev. Dt, Talmage preached from the Open for Christian sympathy and help. "Mizeph: The Lord watch lbetween to repent. We can say with absolute future. It is curious to note how a the new cartridge out of the [ee , There are the bereaved to be comforted. thee and me when we are absent one from the king a command to ascertain certainty that the bar to forgiveness setting its own firing mechanism at following text :---" igy brethren dear- There are the dead to be buried. There from another I " the amount of silver coir! already con- never can be on God's aide. But for- master mind sugh as his went far be- lull �o„ak, compressing the main spring, ly beloved and longed for, any joy and are the fallen to be lifted up with great Tu the God of the mountains, and tributed for the repairs of the temple; giveness not merely cannot be given yond the actual limitations which the and an moving the cartridge it has crown."-Philipians iv. 1. encouragement. There are young the God of the valleys, and the Orod this money had come from Manasseh it cannot be roceived-without change state of knowledge concerning ammun- grasped Into line with the -barrel. The That rs what Paul said, eapress. men coming to town who need Chris- of the ooean,,,and the God of the great of heart and life. Even Josiah's zeal ition and guns at the time imposed on explosion having done all this at first tiak counsel. Plenty of work for voice, t mon, I eon end, you and your faml- and Ephraim and all the remnant of could not do more than wake a (licher- hand dies out. Then the compressed his love for his confidence in the peo- for hand, for pen. Ilesides that, there lies. Let us all make league with Israel, as well as from Judah. By Ing loyalty to Jehovah, which postpon- him, t He contrived a cannon which spring has a chance to assert itself. pie to whom he ministered. But the are a thousand charities of the world him. The time will soon come when means of this money "carpenters and ed the inevitable judgment, God's ap- blew back a plunger closing the rear Forward goes the breech block driving words are just appropriate to -night for and of the Church to which he must i shall preach my last sermon, and you builders and masons" were now set to pointed remedy." --Moulton. end of the barrel and that worked hy- the bartridge ahead of it Into the bar- rting address in the name of Christ, put forth his will have had your last opportunity 17, Because they have forsaken me. rel, another cartridge on the belt me to use, in this my pa hands. of salvation. "It is appointed ,into work. These repairs are not fully re- This is the immediate or remote cause draultr machinery to compress air, moven into position, ready to he grasp- •- now, as I am same time to be absent Now, 1 say that a man entering the men once to die, and after that tthe corded in this passage; they are in- of every enrlh'y calamity. Have burnt and the compressed air threw the ed after the next explosion, and then Prom sou: ” ]!Zy brethren dearly be- I ministry with the right spirit will ,iu 'guient." cidentally referred to, beoatise it was incense unto o,her gods. This was they plunger forward again, and meanwbile at the end of the movement something loved and longed fox, re joy and my find perpetual exhilaration and joy in And now, brethern, I commend you outward and visible sign of an inward a cartridge tumbled in front of it frees the firing pin and the gun fires the work. To stand before a d joy in to laud, and to the word of his grace, when Shaphan, the scribe was Kent to I and spiritual condition All hostility to -and all the operations begin over crown." i of immoral men and women importun- which is able to build you up, end to ' throu h a holo in the nn and so be- Hilkiah, the priest, about the money the true God. B fI again. You start the gun by pressing The great cry in all denominations of ing them to such belief and behaviour give you an inheritance among ell accounts, that Hilkiah informed him 1 18. But to the king of Judah. From caW pushed into the bore. But there the trigger which releases the firing Christians to -dap is for more minis-! fta shall lead them to high happiness them that are sanctified, this on the message is more merciful were no metallic cartridges in those pin and after that the gun goes on ou shalli and upon for them f.he gran- " In this dark world of sin -and pain of his great discovery, The scribe, or and the tone more courteous and tender. and draws In its own cartridges and tore. There are many brilliant young deurs of eternity ; to enter the bar- We only meet to part again ; secretary of an oriental king, was one ; As touching tha words which thou hast days, and firing the charges was done ver different] from now, and Bea- pours ant the bullets for men, having earnest hearts, now on- vest -field where the grain is ripe, and But when we reach the heavenly shore, of his most prominent and powerful of- heard. The words read from the new- y y AS LONG AS YOU CHOOSE. tering upon life ; but for the most the sheaves are coming toward the gar- We i here shall meet .to part no more ; firers. Dr. Plum tre uses modern terms I found roll. somer's gun, so far as I know, never When you want it to atop you lot go ner-that is life for the body, that is The hope that ue shall see that day P 19. Jos!.,h "heard" God's words, existed an where save in his printed part they float past the ministry into ; , to ex I Y of the trigger. Tt is like controlling " inspiration for the mind, that is rap- Should chase our present griefs away.' press ancient Pacts when he calls therefore God "hears" his. description of it. It was just a dream a bose of which the gun barrel is the ,. the counting -room, the law -office, rind taloa int' t ho soul ;and of there is in all the scribe a minister of religion, a secre- I •20. I wi'l gather thee unto thy fath- f the medical chair. So pnueh has been i the world an occupation or profession tary of state, and a secretary of the ere. A Hebrew .phrase for death. Thou by a great genius of what he would nozzle. You move it around it its " written and said about the hardships i that yields such mighty satisfaction, I ° . shall: be gath-red Into thy grave in like to do -not what he did or ever Pivot enpport as you like and direct a t treasury all in one person. The records ' stream of steel bullets instead of a of the ministry, that our young men have never heard of it. Some have ex- LABRADOR INDIANS STRICKEN. I peace. Around his death Providence knew how to do, writes Park Ben am - I pressed it.as a matter of surprise that — of the past, the edicts of the present, I will throw merciful protection. It is J ly ha . l water. When n is propene are afraid to run the gauntlet of so I our life -insurance men have stated and lar In• !q handled troops cannot adv;rnce much neglect, abuse and starvation. that ministers of the Gospel., as a class, rhe Once Great ptmunguaew and Nnscai►eerl sols the policy of the future not ease 's find this prophecy fulfilled Dytug In Drover; et' floe trrtp. were in the scribe's hands, I have in Josiah's death. But we are not Then the American inventor got to: against ck fire and It sweeps the ex - I have td say that the majority of the I live longer than any other class of found the book of the law in the house justified in ending the prophecyl with work. ,The breech loading rifle was eased decks . a warship clear of men. people. It is no surprise to me. The Once more from the bleak coast of this phrase. It is• clog-ly cenneetert, Where the • end w improvement in books written an this subject are ex- joy of their work is the reason of their Labrador comes a recurrence of the of the Lord. This verse of itself shows with what follows. Thine eyes shall' new to hem en the early fifties, and it „these automatic weapons is, aa, fu - of the min- haw a lected had been Jehovah'swor- I not see all the evil thvt I shalt bring was a tremendous advance beyond the now be foreseen, but possibly the tu- a ter'Is ,life, of the sorrows longevity. periodical wail of disenae and death u B aster's life, and for the most part give I remark again: there is the jey of among the miserable remnants of the ship; how unexamined had been the I upon this place. Josiah's best hopes old muzzle loader. So he embroidered cure may show that the name ps oft e only one side of that life. I have to elevated associations for a minister. If clustered about his nation. The glory it, so to s eak, vteth all sorts of odd can be applied to the huge rifles of the a man be tolerably acceptable in his once powerful Montagnais and Nasca- ohoisters of his temple; and how limp- P turrets, and when we get to playing tell you that I believe the office of the h Jehovah and of his peopte were all embellishments, and amore others work the refi.aemeuts of societq open pee tribes of lndinns. In the times of Ing had been the public services be- he lived Por. Death in bottle was noE g 13 -inch shells like water• out of n hose minister of Christ has fewer trials, before him. Ile is invited into the Cartier and Champlain these Montag- cause of lack of authorized direction. more terrible, rather, indeed, more to with a short section of the barrel 1 at the rate of some hundreds per min - larger spiritual emoluments and re- conclave of poets and artists; he is ' uto it will be time to invent some nPw her surrounded by kindly influences; so- nail Indians occupied (auebea and Lhe BY some means I3ilkiuh and Shaphan be desired, thin death from diocese. hinged at its rear end so that you kind of armoured battleship t.o with- . wards, brighter inducements, big one hs soul recoiled from neither ;the could tilt it rep and drop the charge in- stand them. And after that perb•,ps a development, grander joys, than nap clefs breathes upon him its most surrounding country as wall as the en- appear to have identified the book with one horrible thing from which hp ELEVATING ADVANTAGES. terior of the great Labrador peninsula. one that tradition called for in the pleaded to be saved was the apparent to the mouth of the pocket, and then naval war' will become a tussle be - other occupation in all the earth. The stead advance oC civilization has temple. It will make our story vivid ruin of God's cause -the overth,ow o! turn It back in line with the rest of tween floating machines with reo one Admitting, so plainly that no man Men in other occupations must depend y to tr B w board of them, and then it may as 1 ea that oft their wealth and achievements to driven them further and further into y to ascertain what this book'look_ the nah©io for eitur e r oftr Ju dah'septem_ the barred. Now, that colas provided well r, decided a cracking e o o to shall misinterpret what y+ obtain such position. BY reason of the wild interior, and the gradual. de- ed like. It was probably written on P a spring to throw up the end of his geth9r, just as the children do so often there are now many ministers under- the respect of men for the Christian t , loges. This was the evil paramount. If crease of the game that thea Lunt and P< rchment, that rs, tiro dressed skin of Judah will not so turn to Gud that this charge pocket, and then ha made a hole at Easter. . going persecutions, and hardships and minister, all these spheres open before a domestic animal, and the learned men evil might be-avq'rt.ed, if the ruin must in the aide of the gun barrel through him. In addition to that, and morn of the fur -bearing animals LhaC they outrages that amount to positive mar- who wrote it had,used a road for apes come, then merciful will be the avow which when the gun was fired alit - than that, his constant associates are trap for the Hudson Bay Company Las and dissolved lam black for ink, and that "gathered him to his grave.' le of the explosion escaped and STRANGE CONVENT IN .MONTREAL tyrdom, I contend that these are the the princes of God and the heirs of -" led to such rapid decrease in the num- had been careful Co write on one Bide exceptions; and that, gathering an au- heaven. bers of thessnpoor redskins that the only of each square of parchment. PRESSED A BUTTON dienee of a thousand ministers of Then comes the joy of seeing souls A FAMOUS BANDIT. Fonndcd ban Physlcllee the out) Male Christ, converted. "Go into all the world and early extinction of the race seams These i3ide,s were fastened together which let the spring go. a city f Mon s Sleep In boost reach m Gospel," said Christ ; and probable. The half-starved condition o£ soda by side., and rolled upon a stick; NTNE HUNDRED P Y eometimea upon two sticks, one 'at Corbeddn'e Career to sardinia Lore Tha After that for nearly twenty years- The city of Montreal can boast n L a that is to be the great means of bring- many of their numbers renders them each end. The writing was in col- of Dick Turpin. all through the period of the war of strangest convent that can probably be of them have many advantages, -good Ing the world back to God. To Bo favorite subjects for the ravages of umns, withaspace of two fingers' Not long ago I described the death the rebellion and the Franco-Prussian found !n the civilized world. It is books, refined associations, sons and from the house of God some Sabbath breadth between each two columna war, and the Russo-Turkish war, when known as the Convent of the Holy and feel that the sermon has fallen disease, and it is not surprising to of the famous Sardinian brigand, Cor- daugbters well fed, well clad, well edu- Earle in the history of literature it military invent ions were legion, and Face. It is a very strange place, and dead, and to be told the next day by learn that the grip has claimed many be,ddu, who, was killed in a fight with sated, opportunities innumerable- some man, "That sermon was the re- became ght color to ornament Looks when every tm s t-pastion was exploit- very few persons have ever got much victims among them during the last with bright colors and gold leaf, es- the ca rabineers. A complete hiatorp of ed to iia utmost- est the epoch of while all around there is the evidence demption of my soul." It Las been evv weeks, having in fact attained the peciatly t bo=e whose contents were be- his career is now obtainable. It is in- simple breech loaders and into that of further than its reception room. An that their services are being the history of almost all the sermons lieved to be scored; so we ay imagine the magazine and the repeating guns- old French-Canadian • doctor founded appreciated. Gather a thousand about which I+Lave beard that that proportion of a veritable plague. 0 teres. C for ets Duck Turpin -like epi- ast the days of cast iron, smooth bore particular administration of the Goo- These Indians are a branch of- the this boo'-: O have been a huge roll P the convent in his own house, where merchants to ether and I will sodas. Corbeddu was no oxdinar bri- g eel Las been blessed to some one's sal- with go°lacus writing, but with much y cannon and into those of the greaC rif- at the same time he keeps up the prao- Cree family and re divided into two of stain and dirt, the result of decay gaud. He did not go about shooting les and machine guns and nearly to show you that nine hundred of vation. I went Lome one Sabbath, al- tribes -the Nascatjeea or island In- and neglect. The writin however, q them have Lad harder knocks, greater most resolved never Lo preach again; g> poor fishermen or muleteers for the those of the " uick fires" -still nobody tice of medicine. The first members the Gospel seemed to have no effect ; diene, and the MOntagnais or shore was still legible, TJilkiah gave the Bake of the few lire thoq might have thought to do anything further with of the community were the five daugh- privations, Lave come more frequentlgl but'before one week Lad nosed I found book to 6haphan, and ha read it. Prob- the explosion except to throw shot and ars of a couple whom he Lad knovrn P Indians. The last of the Jesuit mis- in their pockets, but he carried on his shell. to the study of severe economy, have that five souls, through the instrumen- ably enough Hilkiah could not read; ' for years. The eldest of these was, at sionaries to the Montaguais of Tad- ew men in that age could, and a profession in a manner so distenguiah- Then came more indecisive groping- harde- work to pay their rent, and talitY of #hat poor sermon, Lad picas- ousac--•the learned Father Labrosst -- priest's work was not at all literary. ed as to make him the king of the the recoil was made to cock the gun- the time of the inception of the insti- ed into the kingdom of God. It is a joy and then not only to throw back the many have boon subject to annoyances like that of the angels of God over a had an ingenious theory of the ( Ile Tn dot day» most of the legal forms Sardinian outlaws. He was born in fatten, not over 18. These girls lead a which a minister of Christ never ex- art data of life were orally transmit- hammer but to open a swend t breech life of reli ious rigor, in which scr,ur•ges repentant sinner to see men turning of the North American Indian. Ho n 1844 at Oliena, 'in Sardinia, of awe}]- ,_this in a small arm -and that was g periences. their backs on the world to follow ted from generation to generation. ,. Christ, and to hear them saying, maintained that when Solomon decided 10. Shaphan read it before the king. to-do family, and until called to do all. That was as.far as the world and chains, and coffins as beds, and We are to remember he fact that a bad gone in the way of making guns skulls as ornaments of their cells play vast majority oP men in worldly oc- "Where thou least Igo ; thy people upon the erection of Lis temple at Tho threats and curses of Deuteronomy military service he lived an agricul- ahall be my people, thy God mp God; Jerusalem he despatched vessels to ev- were apparently among the passagesto tura! life. ,He took part in the cap- work themselves. But meanwhile it a part. Although Lheybave a mother i cupations do not succeed; that it is an be road to the king. ture of Ronte in 1870, but while ecu- had bean very burp perfecting n class where thou diest will I die, and there cry known part of the globe for artists superior in the eldest sister, the doctor authentic statistic, that out of W hun will I be buried." Oh 1 this is the 11. When the king hod heard the whited with the d part of regiment, of guns which would do wonderful is the final arbiter of all questions � joy of the Leavens. and maLei•iais. One of -these ships was words oP the book of the law. How which then formed part of the Rome things provided you worked them your- dred merchants all fail except two; driven by a storm upon the coast of would the Bible impress us if we had garrison, his predatory instincts self -that is, guns which would deliv- that pertain to the.management of the that there are tens of thousands of "Pleased with the news, the saints be never heard a word of it until today 1 awakened. Having heard that a cer- er a hail of bullets, or even of fairly community in which he, the sole male clerks living on insufficient salaries ; low North America, and the crew, unable he, with an that it is a rare thing when a mechan- In son s their ton ues em to from their ignorance of navi ation to Thus was King enseab duly Im- taco priest waa, wealthy, large shells, and require nothing of the the place, liven. Many of the good g B P Y-; g pressed. And ao dense was the isnot- accomplice, made a (also key and en- operator but a suppJq of ammunikion, ec earns more than a plain livelihood. Beyond the skies the tidings go, Irahe their way back, landed and were nace of his time that it is probable he tared the priest's house. To the great and plenty o! muscle wherewi,h to Catholics of Montreal have declared, We are to take, I say, these things into And heaven is filled with joy•" bad never handled a book, and it es surprise of the robbers the priest was turn a crank or work a lever. The mit- when asked, that the institution is a consideration, and remember that if There ea the o of comfort-bearin THE F1ItST TNHABITANT5• railleuse be an to cut great swaths very proper and good one, and hun- the ministr sometimes has its hard- J y g' even possible that he had never seen at supper. They seize; Bound and g Y It does not Lake a very long ministry of this c:bntinonC. And in support of one, nor any other literature than the gagged him and stole 1,800 lire from into the close formation oi'the armies dxeus of women go there monthly la shins, commerce and mechanism have before you look over an au<lienre and this theory the Jesuit indicated what detached sheets of parchment on which Lis bureau. The authors of the crime at Worth and Gravelotte-the Gatlings have prayers repeated anti to obit+in their hardships. sea that there is not a single family Shaphan at intervals put down the reo- were never discovered until Corbeddu went Camelback with the English in- rosaries, which the tattle none make, We are to remember that the minis he thought the points of resemblance ter of the Gos 1 so far as world] that ' has escaped sickness, losses of oxds oP tt.e palace and the kingdom. in after years to Egypt, the Hotchkiss revolving can- An English woman who visited t. e e pe . y property, or bereavements of the house- between Indians and Israelites. We may imagine the courtiers who BOASSI'ED OF HIS ACHIEVEMENT. non settled disputes and disputants in place in company with a Frenr;h-L'au- support is concerned, has the advan- I hold. O ! if we were obliged to stand At the time of the first arrival of stood around stretchin forward with the South American squabbles. And adian describes it as being mole like. a tage over the doctor, the lawyer, and in the ulpits without this balm of g After returning to Sardinia from his P Europeans at Tadouaac Ana before the eager faces to see that rare curio -a militar service Corbeddu was repeat- these 'were the last refinements in chil.drens Lome. Tho nuns, soma of almost every other profession at the. heaven; what should we do? book. Then, Aewas immediate) under- y ons which you worked. The very whom are not more than 14 years of start ; for although a titan in these advent of missionaries among them, Y edly tried for cattle stealing, until One B B B y professions may atter a while come to TO SEE THE WOUNDS HEALING; stood when the voice of the scribe was next step beyond was the gun which a e, tau b and ,pia about the house to see some ono kneeling down beside the Monte nail were of the lowest Al- day he failed to answer to a summons worked itself not a part of like so many happy little ones who are affluence, we all know that his first i B heard this wits God's word, the direct gonquin t Parkman relates that and took tc the hells. pl this point ten years are a hard stru gle, and a the doffin of a loved one, and hear her yIo message from God to those people, and be ak his celebrated exploits, First, Itself, Observe, as by merely set- quite contented with their lot. The B i often goaded bq deadly famine,. they the fixe, divine massa a the had ever g ting a hammer, or opening a breech two women managed, after some diffi- livelihood is not won; while the min- saying• "The Lord gave, and the Lord would subsist on roots, the bark And g' Y with an armed band, he stole a sum of taketh awe blessed be the name of heard. Ile rent his clothes. Read in at Lula in' 188`2. -but by doing everything, getting a catty, to obtain an intervetw with the inter of the Gospel steps right out of ; y + buds of trees, and that in extreme oases money from a house, the theological school into a settle-' the Lord" -1 feel 'as if I• could trust cannibalism was resorted to. The In- your class a selection from Dent. 28, The fame year he and other outlaws ca3king e, pu ham et into the barrel, 25 years. a young woman of Lhei meat, where from the first day he is l IIim ; and see Christ come to the prow diene oP the interior have continued as being probably one of the passages killed and robbed a man at Sanvero cooking the hammer, Firing, pulling 25 gea.ra. From what sht told thew. supported. Show me one minister of of the vessel and silence the which so stirred Josiah's feelings, The out the old shell, putting in the new it appears that there aro at present Euroclydon; and see a soul rise up most of these practices up to quite abandon of the king was thoroughly Melia, In 1884 he fought and nearly one, af►d so on tbrough the• whole cycle, fourteen nuns, most of them under 18 Christ who has fared hard, and I will modern times. No later than 1850 Fa- killed a carabineer at Fonni. In 1885, show you ten merchants and mechanics i strengthened and comforted; to look that Arnaud, who is still livin met oriental, but it must have startled the and doeac every bit of et moreover xt years old. They take them as young who have been fretted and eras crated he, with some cam kions, killed a g+ couxtiera and filled them with owe. � tween each eapiosi.on and the one next as 14. Tho black dress, is the regular over an audience, one-half of ,.Lem in carabineer and nearly killed an irispec- every -day uniform, but at night arrd P at Sept Isles a Nascapeo woman who, Ever one had aeon clothes rent, but following. and tossed about, and moved from a the habiliments of mourning, and yet y for and another carabineer at Orane, large house into a smaller orae, and , p P before }ter conversion to Christianity feel that there is ower in that Goa el who had ever seen a proud king of and stole a num of 14,000 lire. Next How rapidly? Ordinarily from 260 on feast days ].hey put on a dices with by Father• Durocher, was not only a Judah rise from his throne to thus to 600 tinea per minute -but as a tour a aritnson frost, upon which is paint - dogged, and dunned, and abus- to silence every grief and soothe every noticed sorceress of her tribe, but an Your he robbed the post and deprived ed, and set upon, and trampled under wound of the soul - ah! to toll the Abase himself ? Count Spada,, who was rn the dltlgenoe, w forcev quite practicable but sono- Sa the "saint face" -the face of the foot, until all coura a is one out of broken-hearted people of the congregar inveterate cannibal. Her first victim 12. Thea king commanded five men- s B vv:rs her huabanrl who Lad died of bun- of his watoh� rings, gun and big boots. what severe on the gun -at the rate Dialoged like thisathey sleep in their o ( tion that God pities, that: God feels, as As late as 186'7 Father Nod un- appointed them to be a special com- The bi boots Corbeddu afterward wore o! y B L you say, see Low old ministers that God loves, that God sympathizes f3 mit.Lee-to " inquire of the Lord ' con- g coffins. After some trouble pennis -that es the joy oP the Chrestian men- who journeyed na tar north as Lake earning the message of the Look. The in hone• of his exploit, In 1894 he t 1,000 TIMES PER ]1IINUTE. soon was obtained from the doctor to are neglected, and their families after I Mistassini, to minister' to the Indians robbed and killed a wealthy man at dale anon was n very honorable one. This perhaps dose not convey quite an show the visitors his cell. Th,y first them. I admit it. Shame on the • istryl g Borore. Many other crimes were put Christian Church that it is so. But There is joy in a church's sympathy. there, reported the murder of a youth Fi irat came Hilkiah, whose eondict adequate idea. Let mo put it another entered the chapel, which wars made of 18 ears b his oven mother, down to Lim or were committed by remember, also, that there are thou- It is a sad thing that mons of the Leat y y throughout shows Lis loyalty to ,Te minor brigands' under his orders. Re- was. 'Lhe speed of a bullet such as is out of a fairly lat•ge�ized room, .with sands of. old merchants, who, with their p cele in afflication do not get aympa- Although s#ill clinging to many of hovah. Next was Ahikam, eon of the B their old h stil cling deeds of blood, wards amounting in all to 22,000 lire fired is say •2,000 feet durin the first benches at the aide. A little families, have come down to nth their thq; they aro all alone in their sorrow; noble scribe Shaphan ; Ahikam himself were offered for his capture, but in second after leaving the gun. Now sup- altar wa, erected againeC the rear J and violence are far less common than poverty, and that every day there are th- wo.ld yields them no condolence at appears in Jer. tia 24; 40. l as the head vain that you are the target and descant wax candles,randaa life-sizeastatuA of; mechanics moving out of their platin I all. U the minister of Christ has been formals. LJp to quits recent ,times, of an influential 4amily, and the n& houses because they however, it was the custom among both true friend of Jeremiah the ropbet. Hsu most famous exploit was not the that far .from the muzzle. O secon at all faithful in his work, he knows P ca turn, but Lhe liberation of two after the gun is fired the first bullet the Virgin Mary. To the right of the that there are those who are willin to Montagnais and Naacapeos to strangle Next is Achbor who, like Ahikam, g Frenchmen, MJ1'1. Pralle and !lots, who will aLrike you. There will Lhen be aC i chThtldoctorts ooHinthad asmall cush- CANNOT PAY THEIR RENT. I their old and infirm whenever it be- had been seized and held to blackmail that instant comin atayou-and be - What con any of men is It sends a in veryize ci Lis coats sorrow and (See Jer, belonged toarhen (omits. B ion at the to ar�d a blanket and the P rn ever tucce.a. Ha kgows that he came f the pear fox them to follow Lhe See Jer. 28.22; 9&.12J Then the van- p whole was covered with a black pall music -teacher to Europe because he i has their prayers and good wishes. if rest of the p trky upon their hunting ( ri tither iolentda. Their ca thew gave ford the second second is ended you has bronchitis? Wbat company of tri To carr them about with them arable Shaphan; and a man named rise La aviolentcampaign in thowhole well be hit rt all of them and another' and decorated with a lar a silvererose. he be sick, ho knows they are praying Fs• Y Asahiah, of whom vve know only that �Frenh and Italian press against the batch of thirty-three will be in flight. B well-to-do men meet together and pass I for big recovery. If dark shadows sus out of the quoation-their own ho was a servant of Lhe king's that cariditton of the 6ardeniari police, and Or if after the first second the bullets The superioresa explained that Cheer resolutions of sympathy when a car- bover over bis household, he knows guns, lents, provisions and canoes, be- es, an officer of the court. cells wire eaactl the sant, only more pent:er %s sick? I admit that in the there are those who arc ra in that Ing all fhAt Iheq could manage, They 18. Inquire of the Lord. At the best ordere Cthe who was then a isla d could all be stopped in mid air and you narrow, and their coffins contained no- minfstrq we have our annoyances, but, P y s reboot there wart few prophets. Two, Jere- ordered the authorities in the island walked toward the gun you would find thing. When she wa asked if the those shadows may be lifted. Multi- P Y justified the murder upon the to liberate the two Frenchmen at all a suspended bullet every six £tat, did not find them uncomfortable and I wish it understood, at the same time, tallies of those to whom he has brou ht ground that it was more merciful miah and Zephaniah, proclaimed the B costs. All the carnbineers ovate mo- Th return co the progress of tnven- they are no more,. I think they are then to allow the infirm to die alone borrid to sleep in, she replied that, al - the comforta o! the Gospel in hours of word of the Lord while Josiah was bilized, and the telegraph officers tion. There wire the cid l ropinga aft- the h at the beginnin the coffins less, thin in other occupations. tribulation come to him en his hours of of hunger•. Many old Hudson BAY offi- king, but Joremiah (probably) wasat worked night and day, though with- er sone way to utilize the recoil. o£ u6 g Fora articular and s ecifie ur ose cials now living, such as Peter Mae- out discovering the prisoners. Atlast' the gun, which, of course;.had come to wore rather croepY and strange, they P P P P disaster:. this time a very gounB man to Ana- had become so accustomed to ,Lem to-ntght,• I want to sap to young men `, kenzin of MOrilrenl and Henry Con- thoth, while• 7.epha.niah laved far in g• Their streaming oyes together flow a subpexfect named )Vlarongin appeal- nhthiu Chert were the mac me they would be really sed if they who bear me, that if you enter the holy For human guilt and mortal woe; Holly rind Allan G. Cameron, formerly the rout.h. Huldah seems to have been ed to Corbeddu b means of his friends. Buns at a high stage of development, office with the right spirit, loving God of the Labrador posts, can furnish en- the only member of the ro heticorder Y would m coli od to do without Lhom. and desirin usefulness Their ardent prayers together rise just as the older missionaries P P The superfeot nrid the brigand Lad an it: is true, bot incirlentrou getting out i In summer gthry have a heauliful g , yon will find stances in Jeru,arlem. The name and officeof p Y g hike inin3ling flames in saorifece. interview, in which the official rom- oP order conatfintl throw h the stoc this Christian work of the ministry al- do, of successful intervention in cog- her hu. band and the names of her toed Corbeddu anything he mi ht wish of clifir own explosions. Anil when gardtn behind the hotrse, with Tha eta - ways a satisfaction,+often a o and "Together oft they seek the place es of intended murder of aged and teens a the cross, but beyond going J y, ancestors are given to ind,nate her on condition that he would get the It- they sol: out of order their intrictrte sometimes a rapture. Of course, I ex- Where God reveals his smiling face; helpless Indians. But sometimes hu- ood position. For me, and for the j � , g there and to mass the nuns never go elude from those consolations those At length they meet in realms above, mane efforts of titin kind have boon B aline administration, out ee t had mechanism way in end aartrid es out. Every !'tidos they chAio one men who enter the onsol ti with half A heaven of joy, because ofloveb thwarted, and Mh Connolly tolls of people, and foo all Judah. He felt,ao scrape. Corbeddu ret once accepted iho stuck half way in the barrels; and another up and scourge one another, a heart, and who at the first opportun- I have felf: m brethren and sisters an old Indian woman thus every conscientious soul in auah sir- task of liberating iho Frenchmen, and lhere'wns nnf.hing to rlo but pull Lhem but their appearances does not sbow J + eumstances must feel, great personal apart. and fix them, wbieh is not eo Ity escape through Wall Street, or in Christ, constrained in this moment RUTHLESSLY 13;tLVED anxiety. As a good king he was anxi- WITHIN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS easy when one is on the firing line. So that these harsh measures have either through "the fortune of a ridh wife. I of parting for an absence rof� so me close to his post, his first intimattion ous for his people. But his solicitude they were delivered safely into the there being no suggestion of tiny dir affected their physical welfare or their also exclude from these consolations weeks, to tell you the deep, h g . P of the murder being a coversation reached further still. '"Josiah under- hands of the authorities. Corbeddu's ect. way wh,ttover of uAng the expio- good. spirits. those ministers who smoke themselves trneted joy•of the Christian ministry. which he overheard between two oth- stood that: among his people was the professional pride WAS so great that sive force of a gun to work it -and to deaf.b, as hundreds of them do. I I do not believe there is any coolie- onl clear revelation of the file God. he wrould accept neither the 10,000 lire every+hind ,lilt was known pointing M1NIA'PUiiT OXXS;N. exclude Also from these ennsolations di squaws who were dioousaibe the y lotion on earth that hag boon mors division of the victim's poor belong- Other sheep indeed Jehovah had, but reword offered him nor a free pardon, io the fAat lhtt of All forces aclapt.ed those ministers who pass their lives in sympathetic with the work of a ins and her a parent unwillingness they were gathered into his fold, and nor tiny other compensation, consider-, , same nxplorion Thf sacred oxen of „('eylon ore da complaining about the sins of the pastor than you 'ha.ve been with me. B P to npeoba y ill Ihrl n to die. Usually, howoveF,'in such aaaea the pretsLLoods rind ceremonies of ing himself sufficiently paid hyhrty- fool prohnhly the worst, tenet. suited sarib,yd by a recent, writer. 'l'h• )ar'B- worid, instead of putting both hands And I have felt that before I go aw y other religions weremorfv harmful than Ing clone in twenty -tour hours what anti moat o`,vi,nrsly impri,eticable, the est specimen never exceeds ;i0 inches there is a quick and reads u whennnd- torth to make chat world better. This from you nowlmuat offer roy thanks, benofi.ctal. With Judah sank or sur- minlslers, ttrfectg and An army of time was ri o for a way o£ doing it in height. Tho Uirrquis of ('unttr- joy of which I speak comes to those first to God, and next t.o you. her I Ing of fhe situntian, nn<i when the vived the world-wide ho a of Lhe Mes- carrahineers hard been unable to accom- to ire invented, and it vv,ts done. bury bad one presented him in 18111, who feel catted to the work of the can ea in the wards of the apostlein Furth cols that, he ar she is re no i'. y further ase there is a perfect iasis- scab. Tlfe aut•ses road rn hie hearing Plish. The mon Ih,t did it. ons tIlrAm 9. tv}rich is now alr.,ut, len ye,r:r of nae, Christian ministry, And are glad of the text, "My b7c1hren dearly beloved, nation in, approaching fate. seemed to swallow up that hope. 'they From that tinre�e rave up his mor- ibdaxim. Tike all great inventions the and only 12 inches till. Nutwrtb- It. d- mY ,joy And crown." v- Among the Indian® who Lunt In the sero conditioned on Judah turning derous expeditions and enjoyed in extreme simplicity of thio ant hrcomra strtnding the snrrrllness they oro eery You hoof hen rd sermons nn ihA bar 1'or these three pears I Lave xecel Gatineau country and thence to the from God, and Josiah know that it had Peace the fruits of his rohl,eries. lie insiant ly mnnifest-nft.or you are told I useful iu (`eylon, where it is said, four Phips of the ministry, on the privations ed kindness at the hands of this pec- turned from God, Corn just wrath be kept heads of cows and pigs A.nd flocks hoiv IL is done. When 11te gun is fired, pP i h,'tn are lrble, to rl.n.v' rt twe- nf the minisirq, on the sorrows of the pie. I have dwelt anon you with hendwnters of the St. Maurice it was of sheep and goats. Ito lived in nnave g customary up for a very ew years ago stayed by rtptntanf119? Because aur the force of the explosion, sometimes wheeled cart ;with .t d red 1110 ministry. I have thought•, in this my Imperfections, not so well known to fathers have not hearkened unto the on an almost inaccessible mountain seized u on throu h the recoil of the• ounds of merchandise, OJ ur 70 miles parting Address, I would talk to you you as to m self. And in looking and doubtless to so still in the Inter- k to which the path was known P g P A lif tie whip about the oys of the y for of the country, for an aged bunt- words of this book. Josiah assumed pedr barrel, sometimes through the pualtinq in a day. j over these three years, I have but. one er when he felt himself no longer able that the fathers had had an opportun- only to himself, and his brother. The back of the breech block only, some - Christian ministry, hoping that be- fault too find, and that is, that to Accompany his eon anions upon the Its to hear the book a.nd obey its cave was separated from the path by times through the direct: pressure of ,A CHFERS,ESS HABITATiON. form I get through } may induce some p of these young men to buckle on the YOU HAvn BEEN TOO KIND. chase, to divide hes belongings upon orders; but tore present generation had n poett eee, aver which Corbeddu pass- too zl e a i they a pinto through the Wi(h m tem not, and in moral i, noranee toe shun ed on toe trunk of n ranaall tree, draw- Donvntovvn-Dining ret the club prat- nrmout of The Lord Almighty, y perament I know that I tele ground into as many little piles B 6- muzzle acting on A piston, is In the first. IacP, ihora fa tot oy must in that Limb have said A good as he bad sorts. Beneath one of these er people had grown. 'phis would Im- Ing the trunk after him into the cave, TAKEN UP BY A SPRING. tY regularly now, 1 sec. p j On one occasion, a daring thief dis- Upton -Yea; the girl has gone off, of intrreaiinq worlr. The minister of many things that I ought never to wap concealed his axe. Then the sons ply that the loss of the book was com- and there is no one at Home. to do any Christ in this da noel toil thomu h- have said and mpst have done a good ward summoned to select each the hes Paratively recant. covered Corbeddu s hidtn f thee and Now, ithe w of making flit he eople iy rind ront,nuoudy. If he Wouldgbe many things ,bat I ought never to that 'watt to be his share of his fathers 14. Huldah the pro hetow, Huldah is robbed him of a quantity of toe otoras da all the work merely t as the g t e cooking. Hole to ip T'uct Ilia facile have d nn, Andeonow, nthis closing rrnrrd,a Virixin him who discovQred the the oilly w41mn in the Old Testatnent he had accubiulated. lie would our- dict who net it nerals to caekin� fhe I thought thwre sero hal[ a dozen 9.1 I ) , hA Inuit e i l o--..-.: _ - 1 -X rise the Mountain hunters and show gun or rasing the breech ]socket, women at your house. have something &- an« r6 say, and be hour, I. ask the 'forgiveness of n^'1 'a;ie Aeneatb hispatrimo�ny deveived the beside Miriam and Deborah who ie p p 7'hwrt aro. But they are all reln- nble to say it in riuch a way that the A.nd the forgiveness of this people far dui of becoming -h$ father's eiraeu- clearly stated to have been eitidowed foam toe bast dish at a onion tolook dlrootl roAkes it doe art of the work eo le will understand. There. art in Ali iho fhortcomings of my ministry. tiorer. While the e�ildren we're en- with prophetic . Ifts. The keeper of for game. s spa h a al • n An mal• directly and pert tit It ho spring. flues, -- p P iho wardrobe. Ttrther the aonrtier to �r�t always spoke ital�an anc� inani- through its energy accred In the aprinpr. this day on many pnurphlets, so ninny I know, my friends, you will not be- Rnged ha making th'e terrible #Alec- feateel root dlsdntu 'Cot` toe otb6tout- Consequently when ilia gun is firer] books, se many newspopers, ao many grudge, me this vacation. it has been trail the old bunter chanted a mourn- charge of the regal robes or the Levitt laws, whet° he called guaatamAstieri, certotn t•Itings are done, and tbA sprint; IT S13r.119 NOT. itcfurin ilutfrnins tont the stat a very busy year to me .God only ful dirge, o! whitoo the following is ill charge of iho temple vostrninta. or "trade sfilers," Lately he seems compressed, and whets Ibn force of thA R 1 g 1 knows how bus . I have'triod as well a free translation: "Withered and old Shw dwelt h Jerusalem to toe cel ego• to hla,V6 t Into the had books of the explosion is dirsip;ited the .;pritiq as- I;tuhrust, the case fo aA,y your re. Innsa Ot peOple are Accustomed to els g as I could to look after the spiritual am I1 site fiet+o sari na tenger take, ]devised 'Veraien, In the second quay- tarabinoora, by whom he was killed arms Ltstlf and does tato xemninrttq alrtrwx great reat Je for faun 't 1) e• eags quegilons of literature, and mor tor.'' By refArencos to Neh. 8. 9, l2 'Future? Groat Jupet.tit- can't a man Ass, And religion; and I tonic not how IvelfarA of hundreds of,farnillAs. While the, deer eon no longer coarse, the rail- after 8 1,etrd fight some three years ihingtA The rnrtrirlgea erA featened in Durr do anything good and then quitl itnh the vafGe mal+ he, how elaborate I havo seen an r disoussions In the we hind that tbA lower, city' ions di- g y 'cit no longer trap, and life ie no more vidad into five districts. 'ate• A row lido Its side tt•agsvArsnly en a Iho 664(arle, cr how high-soundlng the nervspaP4tA about. how tnA,fly+ b ;Etre { for me, . • 4 .