HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-11-24, Page 2WELTS On OLDEN TIE' 9
gels with eacthro wings tL g .upward
amidst the t#lr•gxtes, oryin "Dowd t"
LL .�j,�r .L ,�11,�!i
and ppirits lost in black brood -wheel-
ed d wu amidst the caverns, crying
"Dead 1•' I,Ixpiatiou I expiation i
Cowper overborne with his sin,
Corbeddu's Career• In 6ardluta Like That
threw himself ,Into a chair by the win--
dow, Pinked up a new '1 estament, and
TUe CenrtsWp splotch au,l ilachcl •-\1'itere
his eye ltfor upas this, "Whom God
the chief Dattiet or Christianity are
haul t Larth as a propitiation
Fought -Why Afore Neu do Not Carne to
throng faith in his blood;" and dn-
Christ-Dr. Talnraxe Beheads an Invita
stagtlyt he was free I Unless Christ
uou to Come Around the Old Gospel
pays oqr debts, we go to eternal jail.
Unless our Joseph opens the king's
IA despatch from Washington• says:
corn crib, we die of famine. One eaon-
,•-Dr. Talmage preached from the fol-
towing teat :-",And Isaac digged again
five far all.
A hoe hen got worried about his sins,
and care to a priest and asked how
the walls of water, which they had
he nig* be cured. The priest said,'
digged In the days of Abraham his
"If yifd; will drive spikes into your'
shoeS and walk five hundred miles you ,
lather ; Lor the Philistines had stop
will get over it.' so he drove spikes.
ped them after the death of Abraham;
into his shoes and began the pilgrim -
and he called their names after the
age, trembling, tottering, agonizing on
names by which his father had called
the way, until he came about twenty
miles, and sat down under a tree, ex-
them," -Genesis xxvi. 18.
hausted. Near by a missionary was
an Oriental lands a well of water is
preaching Christ, the Saviour of all
a fortune. 7f a king dug one, he be-
men. When the heathen heard it, he
came as famous as though he had built
pulled off his sandals, threw them as'
far as he could, and cried, "That's
e pyramid or Dont uered a province,
what I want ; give me Jesus 1 give me
Great battles were fought for the con-
Jesus I" Oh, ye who have been con-
quest or defence of such wells of wa-
victed and worn of sin, trudging on all
ter ; castle and towers were erected to
yam days to reap eternal woe,
you not this morning, at the announce -
secure permanent ossession of thorn.
meat of a full and glorious atonement,
The traveller today finds the well of
throw your torturing transgressions to
Jacob dug one hundred feet through
the winds? "'.the blood of Jesus Christ
a solid rock of limestone, These ancient
cleanseth from all sin;' that was the
very passage that came to the tent of
wells of water were surrounded by
Hedley Vicars, the brave English sol -
walls of rock. This wall of rock was ,
dier, and changed him into a hero for
covered up with a great slab. In the
the Lord.
centre of the slab there was a hole
Around this great well of the Atone-
ment the chief battles of Christian -
throu hwhich the leathern bottle or
ity are to be fought. Ye Bedouins of
earthen jar was l.et down. This open-
infidelity, take the other wells, but
ing was covered by a stone. When
do not touch this. I call it by the
Jacob, a young man of seventy years,
same game that our father Abraham
gave it -the Atonement. Here is
was Courtin Raehol, he won her fav-
where he stood, his staff against the
our, the Bible says, by removing the
well -curb. Here is where he walked,
stone from the opening of the well.
the track of his feet all around about
He liked her because she was industri-
the well. 'Phis is the very water that
with trembling hand, in his dying mos
sus ensu h to come down and water
ment, lie put to his lips. Oh Ye sun -
the camels. She liked him because be
atiuck, desertworn pilgrims, drive up
was clever enough to lay hold and give
your camels and dismountl a pitcher
a lift to one who needed it,
of water for each one of you, and
will fill the trough for the camels. See
lit was considered one of the great-
the bucket tumble and dash into the
est calamities that could happen a ns,-
depths; but I bring it up again, hand
over hand, crying, •'Ho every one that
tion when these wells of water were
thirsteth, come ye to the waterst"
stopped, Isaac, you see in the text,
Now, bring your shovels and your
found out that the wells of water,
pickaxes, and we will try to open an-
t'hit had been dug out by his father
other well. I call it the well of Chris -
,Abraham at great expense and care,
liaai comfort. You have noticed that
there are a good many new ways of
had been filled u b the s itoful Phil-
comforting. Your father dies. Your
istines. Immediately Isaac orders them I
neighbour comes in, and he says, "It
all opened again. I see the spades
is only a natural law that your father
plunging, and the earth tossing, and
should die. The machinery is merely
Worn out;" and before he leaves you,
the water starting, until the oldwells
he makes come other excellent remarks
are entirely restored ; and the cattle
about the coagulation of blood, and the
come down to the trough and thrust
difference between the respiratory and
their nostrils into the water, their hod-
nitrogenized food. Your child dies,
and your pbilosophic neighbour comes,
les quakin at evory swallow, until
and for your soothing tells you that
they lift up their heads and look
it was impossible the child should live
around and take a long breath, the
with such is state of mucous mene-
water from the sides of their mouths
branel Outl with your chemistry and
dripping in sparkles down into the
Kph esiomeY a pia nlNew Testament!
trough. T never tasted such water in
would rather have an illiterate man
my life as in my boyhood, I drank out
from the backwoods who knows Christ,
of the mos covered bucket that swung
talk with me, when I am in trouble,
edly tried foo• cattle stealing, until one
than the profoundest worldling who
up on the chain's of the old well -sweep;,
does not know him. The Gospel with -
and I think when Isaac leaned over
out. telling y"u anything about mucous
the curb of these restored wells, he
membrane or gastric quite, or hydro -
chloric .;acid, comes and says 'All
felt within himself that it was abev-
things work together for good to those
wage worthy of God's brewing. He
who love God;" and that if your child
was very careful to call aff the wells
is gone, it is only because Jesus has
by the same names which his father
folded it in his arms, and that the
Judgment -day will explain things that
had called them by ; and if this well
are now inexplicable, iOhl let us dig
was called, " The well in the Valley,"
out this old Go.,pel well of comfort,
or " The well by the Rock," or " The
Take away the stoicism and fatality
well of Bubbles," Isaac baptized it with
with which you have been trying to
fill it. Drive up the great herd of
the same nomenclature,
your cares and anxieties, and sslop
You helve noticed, my Christian
their bleating at this cool fountaint
friends, that many of the old Gospel
To this well David came when he lost
wells that our Pothers dug have been
Absalom; and Paul, when his back was
red and raw with the scuurp and Dr.
tilled up by modern Philistines. They
young, when his daughter died; and
have thrown in their sceptecisma and
Latimer, when the flames martyr-
their philosophies, until the well da al-
dom leaped on his track; and ,
most filled up, and it is nigh impossible
when he heard the knife sharpening
to get one drop of the clear "wat'er.
for his beheading; and all God's sheep
These men tell us that you ought to
in all the ages.
put the Bible on the same shelf with
the Koran and the old Persian manu-
After one of Napoleon's battles, It
scripts, and to read it with the same
was found that the fight had been so
spirit ; and there is not a day but
terrific that, when the muster roll
somebody comes along and drops a
was called of one regiment, there were
brick or a stone, or a carcase in this
only three privates a,nd one drummer -
old Gospel well. Wie are told that all
toy that answered. An awful fight
the world wants is development, for-
that) Ohl that Christ today might
getful of the fact that without the
come so mightily for the slaying of
Gospel the world always develops down-'
your troubles and Borrows that when
ward, and that if you should take the
you go home and call the muster -roll
religiose of Christ out of this world, in
one hundred it develop
of the terrible troop, not one -not one
-shall answer, Christ having quelched
years would
into the "Five Points" of the universe.
every annoyance, and salved every
Yet there are a many men and
gash, and. wiped every tear, and made
there are a great many rostrums
whose whole work it is to fill up these
complete extermination,
Now, bring your shovels and pick -
Christian wells.
axes, and we will dig out another
'You will not think it strange then,
well -a well opened by our father
if the Isaac who speaks to you this
Abraham, but which the Philistines
morning tries to dig open some of the
have filled up. It is the well of Gos-'
old wells made by Abraham, his fath-
Pel Invitation. I suppose you have
er, nor will you be surprised if he
noticed that religious address in this
calls them by the same old names.
day, for the most pdrt, has gone into
Bring your shovel and pickaxe and
the abstract and essayie. You know
crow -bar, and the first well we will
the word "sinner" is almost dropped
open is the glorious well of the atone-
out of the Christian vocabulary; it is
ment. It is nearly filled up with the
•not thought polite to use that word
chips and debris o1' old philosophies
now. It is Methodistic or old -fashion -
that were worn out in the time of
ed. I£ you want to tell men that they
Confucius and Zeno, but which smart
arc sinners, you must say they are
men in our day unwrap from their
spiritually erratic, or have morale de -
mummy -bandages, and try to make us
ficits, o: they have not had a proper
believe are original with themselves. I
spiritual development; and I have not
plunge the shovel to the very bottom
heard in twenty years that old hymn.
of the well, and I find the clear water
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy.'
starting. Glorious well of the atone-
In the first place, they are not sin-
ment I Perhaps there are people here
ners, and in the second place they
who do not know what atonement
are neither poor nor needyl I have
means, it is so long since you have
heard Christian men in prayer -meet -
heard Lha definition, The word it-
Ings and elsewhere talk as though
self iP You give it a peculiar pronun-
there were no very great radical
ciation, will show you the meaning-
change before a ma.n becomes
at-one-ment. Man is a sinner, and
a Christian. All he has got to do is
deserves to die. Jesus comes in and
to stop swearing, clear his throat a
bears his punishment and weeps his
few times, taake a good wasb, and he
griefs. I was lost once but not I am
is ready for heaven I My friends, if
found. I deserved to die but Jesus
every man has not gone astray, and if
took the lances into his own heart un-
the whole racse is not plunged in sin
til his face grew pale and his chin
and ruin, then that Bible is the great -
dropped on his chest, and he had
Pst fraud ever enacted ; fol•, from be-
istrength only to say, "It is finished l"
ginning to end, it sets forth that they
The host swung round into the trough
are. Now, my brothers and sisters, if
of the sea, and would have been
a man must be born again in order
swainpod, but Jesus took hold of the
to see the kingdom of God, and if a
oar. I was set in the battle, and must
m<an is absolutely ruined unless Christ
clave beeei cut to pieces had not, at
check his course, why not proclaim it?
night -fall, he who rideth on the white
There must boon infinite and radical
horse come into the fray. That which
change, in every man's heart, or he
must have been the Waterloo of my
chin not come within ten tbousand
defeat now became the Waterloo of my
miles of heaven. There must be an
triumph, because Blueber has come up
earthquake in big .soul, shaking down
to save. Expdation I expiation I The
his .sins, and there must be the trum-
law tried me for high treason against
Pet -blast of Christ.'s resurrection bring-
God'and found me guilty. The angels
ing him up from the depths of sin and
of God were the jurors impapeled in
rlarknesn into the glorious life of the
the, case, and they found me guilty; I
Gospel, Do you know why more men
was asked what I had to say why sen-
do not come to Christ ? It is because
tense of eternal death should not be
men are not invited that they do not
pronounced upon me, and I had noib-
come. Fou get a general invitation
ing to say. I stood on the scaffold of
from your friend: "Come round some
God's justice; the black Cap of eternal
limp to my house and dine with me."
dea,t h wan about to he drawn over my
You do not go. But he says, "Come
eyes, when from the bill of Calvary
around to -day at four o'clock,, and
One came. He dashed through the
bring your family, and we'll dine io-
ranks or earth and heaven and hell.
txether." And you Ma.y, "I don't know
Ile rode swiftly. His garments were
riq I hrtve any engagement; I will
dyed with his blood, his face was
enme." "I expect, you at four o'clock,"
bleeding, his feet were dabbled with
And you go, The world feels It Is a
gore, anti he Pried out, "Sa.ve that man
general invitation to come aroundrsome
from going down to the pit, I am the
time and sit At the great Gospel feast,
rnnsmn," and he threw hack the coat
Anrd men do not come because they are
from his heart, and that. heart burst
not specially invited. It is because
into a crimson fountain, and he drop..
You do not take hold of them and say,
cad dear! at my feet; a.nd I felt. of his
' My brother, come to Christ; come
ieancls, and they were stiff; and 1
now -come now 1" now was it that in
fish of hits feet and they were cold;a.nd
the Jaya of Daniel Baker, and Truman
i felt of bite heart, amd it was pulse-
Osborne, and Nettleton, so many thou-
ttass; and I cried, "Dead 1" And an-
sands came to Jenna f Because those
_. _. - ___.____ ______ .. ..._______.. _. . ' ......__.,_,�,_,,,.,_,. _ _.-_. _.
good men did nothing else but Invite 1
them to life- THE WORLDS BILL Off` FARE
. -_ ....__.__. —_.. _ _. _ _.
_ .._.. _. - __T_ ._-.........._
iT y� /� /�?
come. They spent their
Austria-Hungary uses pounds;
tS. 1,,HOOL,
time in uttering Invitations, and they ,,,,,-„• -
Sweden, 20; Norway, 12, and Spain.
Corbeddu's Career• In 6ardluta Like That
* -A
did not mince matters either?; Where
did John Bunyan's pilgrim start from? COMPARATIVE AMOUI+�TS QF FOOD
only 7 pounds.
Tobacco is another native of the
or Dick Tur pin.
Dld ho start Psora some easy, quiet, USED BY PRING�PAL NATIONS.
Would which has come lata general
Not long ago I described the death
cosy place? No; if you have read John _,_"
use. Our own nation stands at the
of the famous Sardinian brigand, Cox-
"Temperance Lesson 11 Prov. 10-39, hold.
BunYau's '•Pilgrim's Progress," you Strange to say the Potato 1s, the Principal
know where he started from, and that
head in the total consumption, using
200 million pounda during the, year,
beddu, who was killed in a fight with
on Text, Faro►. I. 10.
Staple Cro of the world-Irelltud is
vvas the Cit of destruction, where ev= R
but this is only 43 ounces to each per-
the aarabineers.. A complete history of
ery sinner starts from. Do you know too Greatest goaY�rmer of tUe Potato
what Livingstone, the minister,--JFrance Beads Tho List 4% Copsusmp•
son. -much less than the consum tion
Bel ium, for w,lich
� .
his eareer'es naw obtainable. It is in -
torestin its
Peres 10. Hear. Attend. O my anal.
was preaching about in Scotland when lieu or Wheat -Tho uulted States Uses
of e;iample,
a t Switzerland.
stands at i 0 ounces,
g for Duck Turpin -like epi-
andel, Corbeddu, was no oordlnaxy bei-
IY the same wise maxi were writiA In'
tb.ree hundred souls under one sermon the Most float-btreat Britain
where 80 auiWes are used• The Neth-
modern days, doubtless he would add.
co,a4e to Christ ? lie was preaching the Yost Tea and Deer. -
er,Iands use 51 ounces to each person,
grand. He did not go about shooting
" O my daughter ;" buf when this wail
about the human heart as unclean, The s,varage man it asked what is
and hard, and stonyy: Do you know
the most important scop of the
while Germamy, noted for its use of
this "weed;' requires 48 ounces, which
poor fishermen or muleteers for the
sake of the Pew lire theiy might have
written the average Jew did not W ;
what Geor a Whitt[eld was preaching
puts it 5 aunoes in advance of our own
in their pockets, but he carried on his
that womanhood needed or oould
about in hie lir-t sermon, when fif':een world, would unhilsitatingly say,
souls saw the salvation of Gode It was "Wheat." This is true in the United
nation. Russia uses 24 oisnces;
France, 29; Italy, 22; Stpain, 82, and the
profession in a manner so distinguish-
preaiate instruatiom in wisdom. Thp ex -
this: "ye must be born again." Do States, but far Pram the case in the
United Kingdom, 23 ounces.
ed as too make him the king of the
altation of womatnhwd is due to Chris -
you know what is the last subject he
aver preached upon? "Flee the wrath world as a whole. The first place
In the use of beverages the various
natiohs show an equally marked diver=
Sardinian outlaws. He was born in
ianity, Receive my sayings. These
"saydngs" give the results of two
to come." Vh I that the Lord God must be given the potato. Ireland is
gence• Take, for example, the mat-
1844 at Uliena, in Sardinia, of a well -
°curses of life, in opposition to eAcb
would come into our pulpits and pray- not the otaly +country of Europa which
er meetings, and Christi�.an circles, and
ter of tea. In this Great Britain and
her dependencies in Australia lead the
to-do famil and until called to do
military service he lived an agricul-
other. A wise man is the man who
brin g us from our rhetoric and pro- subsists largely an that vegetable. OE
world, requiring no� less than 88 ounces
� tura! life. 13e tack part in the sap-
Profits by other people's experience,
found metaphysics, an our elegant all the staple craps oP the world, the
hair-splitting, to the oldtashioned well potato takes the first place, the an-
per capita, whish is a total in Great
Britain of 230 million pounds, and in
tie qli Rartne in 187U, but while stn-
who sits at the feet of the t8aohere
of Gospel invitation. There are enough nual cr
winners in this iP °p er' more than 4,000 mil-
Australia of 22 million pounds, Canada
t1oned with the Bersaglieri regiment,
sof the ages and weaves out of their
wisdoml h'is own thoughts and words
this house morning,
lion bushels, against 2,500 million buaki-
they should come to God, to make joy
uses somewhat lees, the average bein g
wwhich their formed part of the Rome
and cote. The years of thy lips shall
enough in heaven t o keep jubilee a ens of wheat, 2,600 anillion bushels of
garrison►, chis predatory instincts
�' many• No't every good person• lives
thousand years, Whg not come? Have corn, 1,300 million bushels of rye, and
you never hada s serol invitation to
P ?50
The United States requires 110 mil-
lion pounds of tea, which is 24 ounces
awakened. Having `heard that a ter-
twin priest was wealthy, ha, with an
to be aged ; not every bad person dies
mil%tan bushels of bade OE the
come? If not, I give it now; you, You, y
total potato crop, Europe produces
per capita. Russia, however, uses
only 60 million pounds, or 9 ounces to
accoanplice, made a false key and en-
early. Such a statement is not made;
you, come now to Jesus I why do you
try to cover up that cancer with a fully seven -eighths, which is two and
each person.
tared t'h+e priest's house. To the great
it wvauld mot be true. But this is true,
that habits of virtue tend directly to
piece of court -plaster, when Christ, the one-half times as much as her wheat,
Sur take
In the, use of coffee the Netherlands
stand at the head, using no less than
surprise of the robbers, the priest was
health and longevity. Three genera -
eon, with his coal el, would
g P and all her cereals t
it all away, and it would never come ogether are but
870 ounces to each person. Denmark
at supper. They seized, bound and
tions of prudence and virtue will not
a ain ? Do ou know that your nature 50 per cent. more.
g Y
consumes 247 ounces, and Belgium 176
gagged and stole 1,300 lire from
issue in a fourth generation with phy-
Is all wrong unless it has Ween cu not In the consumption of the potato,
ounce. Next comes the United
States, with 515 ounces, which re uirea
,his bureau. The authors of the crime
sical weakness and early death. Wise -
ed by the grace of God? Doo you not Ireland, ass may be expected, stands at
know that God be with
a total of 725 million pounds during
wore never discevered until Corbeddu
ly doss Dr, Adam Clark write : "Our
cannot pleased the head. Her aver a annual con-
you, my dear brother, fn your present s,8
the year. At the other end is Rusaia,
we after years)
principal diseases spring from indol-
state? Do ou know that your sinful aumptian per capita is 1,467 pounds, or
whose a
P ople consume 80 million
once, intemperance, and disorderly.
condition exeltes the wrath of God i a dail aver a of 4
y ag pounda per person.
ea h p during the year, or 3 ounces es
Spain uses but 9 ounces
Afton return to Sardinia from his
passions. True religion tt in-
is angry with the wicked every Next comes German with a
d'ay." Do you not know that you have y PAr cap'
and Great Britain only 11 canoes.
military service Corbeddu was repeat-
dustry, promotes solver habits, destroys
maade war upon God i Do you ,not ita consumption of over 1,300 pounds.
Germany requires 78 ounces, or a
edly tried foo• cattle stealing, until one
evil passions, and harmonizes the soul,
know that you trove plunged your Her total consumption reaches 1,170
total of 245 million pounds; Switzer-
day he failed; to answer to a summons
and thus, by destroying the,eausea of
spear into the Savdour's aide, and that million bushels, or
land, 112 ounces; France, 53; Austria-
�lungar 82, end Ital 1
y, y, 7 ounces.
and tobk to ties hills. At this point
most diseases, prolongs life."
11. I have taught thea in the way
you have punctured his temples, and
spiked his feet, and that you have MORN] THAN A QUARTER
Perhaps the widest divergence is to
began- Itis celebrated exploits. First,
of wisdom. " I " stands not merely for
broken his heart Z o! the entire cancrum tion of the world.
be found in the use of the stronger
drinks, Take beer, for exam le. In
with am armed band, he stole a sum of
Soiome,n or any other sage, but for
hte collected fatherhood and mother -
Oh I is this what he deserves, You
blood boa ht soul ? Is this the price Thon some the Netherlands, with a per
this the United Kingdom takes the
money (roan a house, at Lula in 1882.
T'he sauce year he and other outlaws
hood of humanity. "Thee " stands not
you pay him for his long, earthly capita oonsumptioae of 840 pounds;
lead, with no less than 1,200 million
merely for Rehoboam, or the Hebrew
s nnd•t
tramp, and his Fhelterless night hon Norway and Sweden, with 740
gallons per year, or 30 gallons to each
killed and robbed a man at
youth of his time, but far all young
his dying prayer, and the groan that ,i
made creat inn shiver ?, Do you want i pounds ; France, 700 ; Austria-Hungary,
inhabitant. Germany uses 1,400 mil-
lion gallons, or 27 gallons per capita;
Mills. In 1884 he fought and nearly
killed a aarabineer at Banns. in 1885,
men and women, all boys and girls
collected in our Sunday schools to -day.
to drive another nail into him? Do 663, and Canada, 660 pounds. At the
and then comes Denmark, with 24 gad-
lona to each person. In the United
he, with some companions, killed a
They, and the multitudes of young peo-
ple who do not o to Sunda school,
you want to stick him with another other end oP the list stands Italy, with
thorn? Do you want to join the mob aper capita consumption of only 4g
each • 1,050 million gallons are used
oarabineer and nearly killed an inspec-
are alike the heirs of all the ages,
that with blooly hands smote him nn pounds. The United States requires
year, which gives an average of
15 gallons to each person. Switzerland
for and another oarabineer at Orani,
in the foremost files of time, enriched
b the teachings of the dead. Even
the cheek, crying, blood be on us 25(I million bushels of
and children foreverl" Ob your potatoes ayear,
uses 14 gallons Por ca iia
p , Frames, 6
and stole a sum of 14 600 lire. Next
if heedless, or unbiest by the influ-
sinsl and when I say that, I do not or 200 pounds Por each, person. This
gallons; Sweden and Norway, 7; the
year, he robbed the post and deprived
ences of a C9erislian house, still the
Dick out some man who may not have ys less b 38
y pounds than the average
Netherlands, 8, and Canada, 4 gal-
loos. Such wine-drinkin countries as
Count Spada, who was in the d111gence,
of watch" rings, gun and bi boots.
world's inherited wisdom is theirs. I!
we to-do are more ractical] wise
been in a house of worship for for-
ty but I out any man oosumption in Great Britain, and
Spain, Italy, and Greece use very little
The big boots Corbeddu afterward wore
than the world was in Solom,on's time
years, pick
you ch-,ose, whose heart• has not been about the same as that of Australia.
beer. Italy requires,
iii hunch of his exploit. In 1894 he
and the most confirmed pessimist will
nbange-1 by the grace of God. Oh your European Russia uses 850 million bush-
robbed and killed a wealthy man at
Borore. Afany other crimes were put
hardly dispute that statement, the im-
provement is due to the teachings of.
ainsl I press them on your attention els, or 481 pounds ger capita.
-t be sins of y."ur lifetime. What a
In the
Greece about 2 quarts, acid Spain but
down to him or were committed b y
brigands his Re-
I generations of observers and
record' for a death pillow I What data consumption of wheat, France
for the judgment day I What a cup beads the list, requiring 300 million
little over a pint. In wine consump-
tion, however, Spain takes the lead,
minar under orders.
wards amounting in all to 2`2,000, lire
experimenters, the aggregated wis-
� dom of the world. But if it be true
of gall for your l ips l Look at all the bushels a ear, or 469
y pounds to each
with M gallons to each person. Then
were odfered fon' 'has capture, but in
1 that the world has been taught in thg
Irina of your childhood and ripor years,
with their Parke l tongues, and adder inhabitant. Next oom,es Canada,with
comes Fiance, with 29 gallons, and
Italy, 24 gallons. These countries are
His most famous exploit wus not the
way of wisdom, how specially true is it
of those who have,been Christian fa -
stings, and de•tihless poignancy, wn- 360 pounds per capita, a total of 30
i.n marked contrast with beer -drink-
capture, but the liberation of two
thers and mothers. Emphatically
less Jesus with His heel shall crush the million bushels. Italy requires 307
ing Germany, which uses but little
Frenchmen, MM. Pralle and Paty, who
have they been led do the right paths.
serpents. You have sinned against ounda
p per capita, or a total oP 160
over a gallon of wine per inhabitant,
h,ad been seized and held to blackmail
It is a bad temptation that comes to
your God ; you have r lased against
and the United Kingdom, which re-
b'y otheur brigands. 1"heir ca Lure ave
p g
some young people to scorn or avoid
Jesus ; you have sinned against your million bushels. Germany, Russia,
quires less than 2 quarts. In the
rise to a violent campaign in the whole
the old. Disobedience to parents and
grave -ay, you have sinned againsT Great Britain, and Hungary each use
United States the consumption of wine
Frencah and Italian press against the
doing in secret things which parents
the little resting -place of your darling about the same total, 165 million bush-
has largely increased during the last
condition of the Sardinian police, and
would disapprove is, as has been wise -
child, for you will never see her again ale; but Great Britain's per capita
unless repent. How can go
year, reaching a total of 38 million
gallons, which is almost exactly 2
Signor Crispl, who wa.s then premier,
ordered th,a authorities in the island
ly said, "one of the first steps toruin,
and a long, long step." An added
you You
to the good place, the pure place where consumption is 250 pounds, against 93
quarts to each person. Russia uses
to liberate the two Frenchmen at all
meaning is given to this verse by the
she is, your heart unpardoned? You pounds for Russia, 180 pounds for Ger-
about a gallon of wine per capita, and
costs, All the carabinecrs were mo-
fuller revelations oP Christianity
have sinned a ainst a Christian fath-
g many, and 230 pounds for Austria-
Austria-Hungary nearl� 3 gallons.
bilized, and the telegraph officers
which its writer did without knowing.
er's counsel card a dying mother's
Hungary. In the United States the
Canada, hmvever, take., the lowest
place, with less than 1 pint to each
worked nighE and day, though with-
out discovering the prisoners. At last
To us do these later days has coma the
wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1. '24, the word
1 saw account the other day of consumption of wheat is 240 pounds,
person.-McClure's Magazine.
a subperfeot named Marongin appeal-
of God. John 1. 1, who is made unto
a little boy wh7 was to be takeg ►,y a requiring a total of 300 million bush-
ed to Corbeddu by means of his friends.
us wisdom, and in whom are hid all
city missionary, with some other boys, els. The Netherlands use the same
The superfect and the brigand had an
the treasures of wisdom a.ud know -
ledge, Col. 2. 3.
to the country to find homes. He was
well clad, and had a naw bat given Per capita as the United States, re-
interview, in which the official prom-
ised Corbeddu anything he might wish
12. Thy steps shall not be straitened.
him ; while the missionary was Petting quiring 20 million bushels. At the
on condition that he would get the It-
That is, narrowed, circumscribed.
the other children ready to go, t his boy other end of the list is Japan, with
Novel Ifethod of Transmuting nod Print-
alian administration, out of . a bad
Where the Spirit is there is liberty.
went into a corner and took the hat but 18 millions total, making a par
ho had thrown of P, and tore the fining
Ing Illessaxes.
The telegraph is the only institution
scrape, Corbeddu at once accepted the
task of liberat5ng the Frenchmen, and
Thou shalt not stumble. God's provi
dente turns the atumbli.ng-blocks of
out of it. The missionar said, "What capita Consumpti,nn of 22 pounds.
of modern science which has obtained
life into stepping -stones. Note also
the first„ of the clause. Free
are you doing with that out You these countries lack in the
don't want it. Whit are you tearing consum flan of . wheat, however, the
any considerable foothold in China,
they were delivered safely into the
hands of the authorities. Corbeddu's
course shall be insured to the wise
the lining out for i" "Ah I" said the
buy, "that was made out oP mother's deficit is, as a rule, made up in other
says the Engineering Magazine. Pek-
professional pride was so great that
man when he "goes," that is, when ho
walks amid ordinary circumstances of
dress. She loved me very much before grams- Ryer is this grain most in use
ing is connected by wires with Tient-
he would acts neither the 10;000 lire
life; but when he has to run, that is,
she died, and I have nothing to remem- in Russia, where 580 million bushels
sin' and with Manchurian points up to
reward offered him' nor a free pardon,
nor any other compensation, consider-
in the emergencies of life, he is equally
ber her by but the linin And so
g•' are consumed each year, or an average
the boy tore it out a,nd put ib in his
the Russian frontier, whence sonnet-
tion is continued by Russian Siberian
ing himself sufficiently paid by hav-
secured by God's providence. Lake no
tha t in that hour, the hour of em -
bosom. Ohi -would you not like to o�
lines to Europe. The capital is also
ing dome In twent four hours what
ministers, prefectayand an army of
a ge�
13. Take fasteholdllofayinstruction.
have one shred of your mother's re- 307 POUND PEI'R CAPITA.
ligion to remember her by ? Do not
connected with all the treat y ports and
carabineers had been unable to accom-
"Lord, I would clasp my hand in
her prayers clamour for an answer At "the head of the list of European
this morning? Du you not see her hold count.riss stands Denmark. with a per
principal cities in China proper, and
these again with each other. Canton
Plmh' t
From that time, he gave up his mur-
thine." Instruction, thus personi-
fied, is but one of the servant maids
her withered hands stretched out from capita use of 320 pounds; then Sweden,
the death -bed, be ging you to come to 314
g pounds, and Norway, 224 pounda,
has cannealion also through Yunan
deace expeditions and enjoyed in
paste tho fruits of hie robberies. He
of God's great nursery. Tho thought
here is oP Discipline, however, rather
God and b'e at peace wikh him. Would Italy' uses but 29 pounda pax capita,
with Burma. China learned the val-
kept herds of cows and pigs and flocks
than of Information, She is thy life.
you like. to have the purity of your and Germany only `26 pounds, while
ne o! the telegraph in the war with
of sheep and goats. He lived in a cave
"Knowled ge is power." Verily; but
mother ? V4 uuJd ou not' like to have France re uirea 59
y q pounds, or a total
France, and it has long since been ad-
on an almost inaccessible mountain
to which the was known
Self-discipline is life ; without it we
lhe comfort she felt in dark dayst of 36 million bushels. The rye used
Would you not like to have some of for food in the United States aggre-
mitted to have "become indispensable."
The telegraph, however, is under im-
peak, path
only to himself, and his brother. The
hasten toward spiritual, moral, intel-
I,wtual, and physical death.
that peace which she had in her last gates about 80 million bushels, or 22
moments, when she looked up through pounds to each inhabitant.
perial control, and there is probabl Y
little opportunity Por its extension as
cave was se arated from the path b
precipice, over which Corbeddu peas-
� the trunk tree, draw-
14. Enter not into the path of the
wicked. We have commented a !tory
her spectacles at you, and said she The use of oats for human food is
must go away, for .Tesus called her, also, as a rule, largest where wheat is
a private enterprise.
Chinese writing not being alphabetic
e on of a small
ing the trunk after him into the cave.
upon this verse in the introductory
Paragraph. It couples wolf with verse
and you said, 'Mother, we can't spare least common. Norway, for example,
you;" and the outcry of grief was an- stands near the bead of the list, with
but syllabic,, and there being as many
characters as there are words in use,
On one occasion, a daring thief din-
's hiding -place .and
covered Coof
11, I have taught you the right path,
so do not enter the wrong path. "Ven -
swayed h along breath that told you 112 pounds per capita. Germany use-
the telegraphic messages are sent in a
robbed him of a atetntity of the store-
a q
he had accumulated. He would sur-
tare not into the cam a
P ny of thosC sn-
the though thou
it was all over Z Oh, my God I let not 97 pounds ; the Netherlands and Swed-
mother be one side and father on the en, bath 90; Russia, 90; Belgium, 74;
number cypher. For trauscrib"ng
messages received a daublo-encded typo
P rise the mountain hunters and show
think with plague,
think thyself guarded with cin anti -
same side, and loved ones on the same Spain, •55; Italy, 46; and Austria -Hun-
is used; on one end is the character
them the bo -t district in wh{ch to look
for game. Though a Sardinian, he al-
side of the throne, and" I be on the oth- gary, 46 pounds. In spite of the large
er side. I£ we are this morning on use of oats as a food in Scotland, the
and on rho other the corresponding
number. When a message is receiv-
mast always spoke Ttalian and mani-
15. Avoid it,; pass not b y t. Thio
is a "sign" that the trap Church of
the wrong side let us cross over- average of the Unit..^.d hingdam is but
let us cross over now. Blessed 12 pounds. In the United ,Mates it is
ed, it is set up by the numbers, and
then printed from the reverse, or char-
fested great disdain for the other out-
law ;s, whom be willed guastamestieri,
God would seek to throw out in front
of every liquor shop, gambling house,
Tesus, we come bruised with sin, and estemated'that 180 million bushels are
acter, end.
or spnio e Lately he seems
and den of inquity. Abstain from
throw ourse.ves '{n the arms of tlhy used Par Pood, or 77 pounda per capita.
- __..r,__.�
to have got into the had books oP the
ever a earance of evil. 'Pouch not
compassinn I None over wanted thea Canada uses 51 pounda,
anrabineers, by whom he was killed
after a heard fight some three
the unclean thing. Walk in the Spirit
more iban we Oh I turn on -us thy It is in the use of meats that the
and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of
benedic! ion I Whatever else we lose various nat ions show a wide diver-
The Berlin newspapers have lately
the flesh. But if you find that you
cr get, we must vain heaven. "Lord, Bence. At the head of the fiat, both
been telling, with great glee, of a
- +� -
have already made a mistake, then
save us -we perish?" as to total and per capita consumption,
Let us come around the old Gospel stands the United States. Not less
triumph of -ciente over crime. In one
take not one stop more; stop at once;
turn from it rand pass away.
well. A good many of you came in than 11,000 million pounds are retain-
of the great offices of the German capi-
The cost oP the world's wars since the
16. They sleep not except th.�y have
these doors this morning carrying a ed for theie use or 147 pounds t6 each
tal anumber of petty thefts bad been
Crimean war has boon $12,265000,000
done mischief. The old-fashioned
very Heavy burden. Ido not know person. Of this, in round numbers,
what it is -I can tcuot what it 5000 million pounds aro beef, 4,000
committed, the pockets of"hoats hang-
for ennugh to g(ve a. couple of scve-
"wicked" whom Solomon had in mind
lay awake nights thinking whom they
a; but I noticed some of you, when pork, and 800 mutton. Next stands
Ing in theante-room being visited and
reigns to every man, women and child
could next kuoek duwu nrd rob. Even
Poo came in this norning, looked sad, the United Kingdom, with an average
cigars and small change extracted.
on the globe.
today there live some of that sort. But
dt may lie home trouble you can not of 100 pounds per inhabitant; but only
Thepolicewere for atime non-plussed
—__ -
there are others, and it is perfectly
ell any body. Haw many have bur- a fraction of this amount goes to the
and invoked the aid of science, A pro-
proper in a tomperance lesson to speci-
lons on your shoulders and on your Irish, since their average consumption
feasor being conswited, he advised the
In Russia many scientific and miscel-
fy t.hem, who often sit up to plan how
belarts? Come to the well ; put down is but 56 pounds. Norway uses 80
insertion o£ a delicate aniline powder
lanaous books are not allowed to he
to make weak men break temperance
;he pack right beside the well. Jacob's pounds; France, 77; Spain, 70; Ger-
well was one hundred feet deep, a.nd many, 64 ; Sweden and Switzerland, 62;
i.n the mouth end of some cigar, to be
placed at 'the .mercy of the thief. The
sold, simply nn account of a Pew oh-
pledges rind how t.o decoy ignorant
boys and girls into ruin. True, no
rut through the rock; but this Gospel Belgium, 61; Austria-Hungary, 60;
next morning there was a summoning
ject.ionable lines. But if any one needs
such text aas this is to.he narrowed in
well is deep as eternity, and is cut anti Russia, Portugal, and the Netb-
of the clerks and a general inspection
the book he can send a letter, with a
its application to the liquor evil. It
-fight down through the hearttof the erlands, 50 pounds. Italy uses but 24
of their mouths. One unha ppy youth
certain fixed sum of money, and get
mfors t.o Iha whole breadth of sin ;
Son of God, ,Shovels opened that other pounds of meat per capita..
was discovered with aniline tongue a.nd
spevial permission t'o order a copy.
and there are some very innorent busi-
well ; spears opened this. You remen- The United Cltates also .stands at the
- a-
nesses which ore prosecuted in a very
ser Jbe old well -sweep in the country head in the use of eggs,
. _ __,_.-.__-.
guilty manner. Rut perhaps there is
was made out of two pieces -one FULLY' 10,000 MILLION
planted in the ground, and on it was
Mr. Simkins -Our new neighbor,
no class of men in modern life, who
comp nearer to being fitly described by
being required in the course of a ear,
swung a long beam, which w•e laid hold y
°r 133 eggs to each Next
"Happily," said Mr. Stoggleby, "we
hiss. 7�a,mkina is not a very seal house-
keeper, is she Z
verse lti, than 1 ha liquor deo lora.
rP in our bo hood 'and brought down- person.
ward, and the bucket dipped into the stands Canada, with 90 eggs per capita..
do not realize the change in our per-
Mrs. imkins-indeed she isn't. Sbe
17, The eat the bread of wickedness
violence. 5it-
Denmark uses 80 a s; France, 78, and
water and came up full. So the Cross gg
Germany, 76 eggs. The iTnitad Bing-
conal appearance ns we would grow
older, the change [s so a)ight frons clay
lets things lay around every which
waw. HovV did yon lrnnw Z
and drink t.he, wine of
ling down at. table,•, whPre instead of
rf Jeans is made nut of two pieces. I
dom re uires but 39 e a
;oke one piece and plant dt °lose by this q 88' to each Por-
to slay; and then, as a matter of £act,
Mr. S[mkins-nh, her hu5hanl )asks
bread and-aiiecU they devour plans of
mischief and instead of
rid wall, and then awing on it the long son, and, Italy but 47 eggs.
In the use of rice there is a wido
we aare, t.o ourselves at least, ever as
so jolly.
drink they swallow plans of cruelly
)iece, and I la bold of it with' my
Y divergence. The United States, for
)raker, and I pull it down until the
young as we feel.
and swindling.
18, The of the ju.st, The ,nan-
exam le, re uires but 800 million
3aviou shears, the bottom of the P q
3aviour's tears,and then fetch it up, Pannd-, which is only 4 pounda per
it is not eo olonut our clothes;
we raannot make them even feel young,
Arigg�y--Biggins s;iys hP is gain to
nPr of life of thn man who sPPks to
clod. Thee
)ubblin foaming, brimming, spark- capita. Great Britain takes 350 mil-
g' lion swards, or 9 ounda to each per-
its they grow old, to Pay nothing of
lies in them lookin so -they will
P g B get
send his wife one hundred dollars a
week while rho is away,
conform to the. rules of
shining light. Thn ruing sun.. iinel
fag, with the water of which, if a mats
[rink, he shall thirst. son; Spain uses 5 pounds, and Italy 14.
worn and threadbare- And we are
Griggs -lie mutat: belong to the peace-
more acid morn unto the i,Prfect day.
brightness is
But Japan requires no les- than 800
'To /the dear fountain of thy blood, age of all India i-
Pounds, and the aver
likely to forget about that, and to give
no thought to the Im ression the
P y
at -any -price pasty,
Every morning in its n.
figure, of the Lord .Tesus Christ, who iR
Incarnate Godl I LI y' : 200 pounds. The )Province of Bombay
tray make upon other people, There we
the Light of the world. Tet us 'ti
Sere let me wash my spotted soul alone uses 10,000 million pounds, or 547
make n mistake. We should keep an
Woman I Woman t Mr. Knowit-Mrs.
in t hat Light. . . Candles no not tie
From crimes of deepest dye. pounds to eaab inhabitant.
eye on our apparel ; and, as to trim-
Strorigmind is gradually developing
more and more; t hey hurn down to t hs
lamps not shine rnora and
guilty, weak, and helpless worm, A statement commonly made is
On thy, kind arms I fall ; • ' that the United States takes the lead
ness, at least, have that In keeping not
with our gray bead, but with our fresh
her buaband into an ideal man. Hs,
socket, cls
mere; their ail (in out. MPtemo do not
3e thou my strength and righteousness in I,be use of sugar, This, however,
and ever youthful heart."
does everything now just as she wants
shine more and more; earth's ntmogp-
My Jesus and my all," is not the case. The paim must be
-•- -----
him to. Mrs, Sharper -Yea; and when
here soon submerges them. Rut the
i.he, morning shineth more and
-- - ,. given to Great Brit:adn, which re-
Harry -It is enorug'h to kill anybody
sloe Utas him perfect she will despise
sun of
A CANDID TRAMP. ugiires 3,000 million pounds per an-
tree way you woanen kiss ane another.
him because he didn't have a mind of
more unto the perfect da.y. So it is
the Light of the world and the
Lady -Now that ou have 'finished a num, or 80 unds to each inhabitant.
y P°
;ood, substantial dinner, I suppose you in the United States, 5,500 million
T caw you kiea Po11y Broese last even-
ing, and I know you hate her. Har-
own 1 °
Not the Same Tbing-fie had just fin-
nth of the ust on which its glory to
shed d
vill not object to sawing a few sticks pounds are used, but the per o0- to
f wood? ernleainptlon is 7 pounds leas thanpIn
riet.-O, wall, what's a kimf I know
lhhod a fairly gond dinner which the
19. The way of the wicked is aR
Tramp --I'd like ter obleege yer, Great Britaln, or 78 ppoodnds. France
where I can get plerit mord.
The Gerinan Fire Departm6at--•Ihave
houeewite had set before him and rose
darkness. !Midnight gkxun. Th,•y
know what, *� st umhle. Or-
ppyoo p
ady, but me toga is so thin dat I'm rises 900 million unds, or 26 ounda
the honoT to announce, that
tb+ Aga. But, a'he protested, you aa.id
not at
dinartly rnny cannot see that. their
,freod I csouldn't stand the cold. each Person. Germany, which has
the made such remarkable strides [n
the fire Is iii the fourth story, and our
you d saiw woad. Not at all, itiea am, lie
own mi.M44s lead t hem t o downfal l
,Lad --Cold) And thermometer at pro•
0 in the shadel Are you orazy? during beet augur firn other nations,
lad,ioxa and horse w111 rr3soh only to
replied. I said IrAw wood, axed T did,
toll Ale thus are the bloated urned
But some of them da mP it, brit do ani.
Tram Nope I knows it's hot, bu' 'Atains but 1IR10 of it comparatively
P -
bar Tho total
the second. Indeed? Then wo'll haps to
wait till the fire 'ata dowli to the
pwllatB eveTY nowv and ,then turned
know bow to get rid of the lendeney
to evil. 7'he wn.y t'o do so is to "come
en it'll be a cola day w'en I saw waocl Car own can-utiipt[on.
is 950 million or only
second I
dowvn by t'he weary ,sons oP poverty,
to Jegua," and "rs,alk in the light.' ,
Ioeq pounds,
1 r
t .