HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-11-17, Page 4
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� 1111111"Ittit
. �he Ofinton. Nows,-Repid..'W, bef.r. the ballot, the --aut0or � I . .. . I . � I . I., r __Y, � West TavUor*#0tb,,__ I I
I . , I - �
. .1: . . -_]�Qbe , .1 � It . . . . � 11 ,,, I . I I
. � -, .:y A9yXr. Pleirietatcondu, , cte..41r;fL.rf;erI3r �
� .1 �, 44,0004Y9.4r4in *4vAA0Q. . 4whadleil , 4ow.a. to three.. rt , "I I ' " E - d
1 =7=�_4;Z;,�_ . Cameror . , . -O.V ': R. - H- .1 Services boxe oa*uaday Aftertiopia.1"'Pt,
I . , I �EWS 'FROM - A ` UVRON, COUN" , w Mr. Arnastronglook ohaipof the. E.L,
- Holmes,, 0lIntQq,, 9, Q. it N LL . . � 0
,. PA.T. Novgxogu 17T11411M. � X., Z., Grant, Aqlaflo,14. � . .
1in-derich ;, ,14. . .
� 11 waula$ - . wN 1 . . .1 � .1 I meeting . in the, evehl,390
1440of,khlattira Q04yeesed the dolo� FROM OUR QW& 0Q0R9$PQNPgNr_!� ,4NO QOUAfTY 5XOHAjVQg$,
� .
� =========7= ,� I I � . � � I * I � Mrs,Peorge Orich returned borne on
� TON Dollafflox 0400-T104V =611. �,Rktlea In. )lie Gwo bolaw. .. - __ . . � . .. 110041ay froln a. visit with friends In
;, 1, i'm � � I ---- % ---------- ARRAIN P 'A, - . . . I
� . % � , ,Xr. Qarqeron thoWht he should be I - �, - I I - I .. I - � ,--�,,,--��-T,-Tlr,r�-T'-W--'V'9,1'4 � I �.W,T-lr"wlw,T.WT"W.---,,,,-.---,,:�l-----,T-I ... ,�-�. _1,,W -,V" , , 11 the township of Morpla "Op, I
; . al order. of ,things thle a . 10 . . Mr.1,41arkotl I -
In the Autur .jlowed. to 1111 on 1. Rentilli I paid friends
�tltlao unexpired terra GodericA Q . erleb. I Goderleb, . .
q , fo so long . � —_ , . 11111d4letoplo coriners. in this vicinity A short yloit'on Sunday. .
, seat in the Dominion hol,,iso Should be Of his father, Who bad 9911t I -
' Mr. Nelson SnAth of Smlf.hBros. left Birtb;-At Giadorlcb,. on Nov. 7th, to The Long caute in sti,fely on Sunday A meetiOg Of the building coturnittep I 1. .1 11 .
1, I fought for first as it has been.vAcaut for Ulterallana, in Huron. on. Monday on o, business tri Mr. And Mrs,. Uppry - I of St. JaMea' church, co Ntia% of �!��
. P to . , Marney, Torranto a. ru. from, "Thp.D,Llculit."
. . aoubly as many months as the Local. 'Mr.1101mem, said in effect that the Toronto. � John Ott- TWO PIGS STRAYE . 14
I , I I
� has weeks. � rId1u,g,h0`4Pne well for the Camerons Mrs. George Cox, Britannia road, Kra. T. J. Videart .returned from h . , . D`_* , 1, ',
i Street, vo daughter. . Mr, Gle worth accompanied Professor Rev. U. B. Sri as
. %itb, Messrs.
, or Nlcboll�, the tenor soloist, and leader coin, E d. Wise, Jno. Burnett and Jun - .
� But as pat ty expediency is now What and th the governorship of the to leaves Thursda on a lengthy visit at, Detroit on Tuesday last.� � Mrs. of St. Peter's Catholic church at the Middleton, was held in the basemet , ij Two pigs strayed from the pr:wtses of the, I I
I � I % " at r. visit to her sons, Messrs. William and Videau wag sitting looking. out of her anniversary Sunday service, in his of the church last evenin undersiggiod at lot 28, conetissloh , HuRet, one. ' � :.
! .governs the powers that be the L964 ,rit.orles had paid off all indebtedness, Benson Cox, Leamington. relative's drawing rooln window when solos. .hr. it was on November let and the otliarop the 9th. the I
, -
, � decided, to leave the building of the former colored white and the 2a a Ta :, f
. fight may come on first and be rus,hed 1 -Io then went on to oulogkze himself Thof born sounded at intervals an ambulance passed on Saturday p. Mr. Kegaw, corner Wellington and fence and Steps and the outside pit t- with some black spoW. They will weigh fr`91W11 I., 'I,
� at that, after his usual style and claimed that 01unday evening and. Monday in., 6th Nov., which was en route for . (1) 2W to 300 pounds, each. ,.,
I . both on Quebec streets, was a reeably surpris- tag until a ring. The lumber is ready THOS. ARCHER, , ;
morning, the opera house disaster, which occurr- ed by receiving frou Wil- for the cei ing and work will be coin; Clinton, Nov. 12th. I
. Might makes right nowadays. several terms of the rusyciralty of l i gis son, Mr, R
. � 1� . . 0 Rev. Fatheti West celebrated mass ed very near the home of her relatives. liami Megaw, Vernon, B. O., a basket monced at once. -The windows are to I
I 1. _____ . Clinton wits ample evidence 'of his at Otinton on Sunday last. Mrs. CaDtain Norman McDonald and of apples and pears from trees he had be battened atid made secure against . . . - .,
�i .� success as an administrator. He, of ,St. Petees choir are selecting their childrep r6turned on Saturday evening plant,ed four years agg after his re- the cold north winds. The n STRAY CALF. ..
�� � PHENEW GOVERNOR. I course, failed to iriforuk, & convention Xmas music and with the combined last from Southampton, whore she left covery from it very serious illnebs, ard will be repaired and the church in . .1 - . I
that with an exception or two the efforts, of the two professors, well, NXe the train, not wishing to which called his parents to his home, every., Way made as comfortable as There strayed from the promises of the under- -
think the other choirs can hardly eur- .riskIng Lor, igned at lot 30 op the 10th concession, GQdcrIch I
, I Lord Minto has arrived and is now office had gone &-be ing during his tile itacnibyley of the weather on 'and tiow he sent them the first fruit of possible fut the Winter. The mason towash art of October, a red ; I
� , Gavernor-General of Canada. 1199 . pass St. Poeer's. the lake. the apple trees planted then by his work. which was done by Mr. Robert " li�, abo4t the for,21
I steer ca abot
I That his sojourn amongst us may be tenure. � The Goderich organ factory in bends The elevator'is ht by electric light father. The apples are of the pippin pt ten man he old. Parties 9IvIn ,
Mai -shall, lKives good satisfaction. The information lead x to Its recovery I'm IF, - .1 ..
� .
�: - W Mr Grant explained his connection to enlarge their business and petition- and now has the appearance of a vast variety, very�large, and the basket of finances of the church are in good con. suitably rewardel? .
, I mutually pleasant and profitable will ' ed the council at last meeting to grant boarding house. Some visitors next fruit came thro4gh in good condition dition and steady progress tinder tb PETER COOK � .
�� . be the wish of all Canadians. with the Patron movement which he them free water and nominal taxation surnmer will feel disa tated. and in good time.' I e Nov. 16th. Clinton P. 0. I
Present management is marked and .
��'. Outspoken people will also be found joined because it advocated the im- for 10 years in view of the aforesaid en- We were sorry to PIP.0rin last week. gave the sardine and other :tins for ornitag next at -_ I .
" , provement of the farming class and laygement. Referred to special coin- that Mrs. Stewar t, wife of the Mont- La Belle France where at Paris they eleven o'clock a special service I
� to give expression to the general.desire will be I ,
�� also the doing away with the credit wltr,ee- real Bank messenger, fell and broke have a most important industry, the held in behalf of the Sunday school HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.
� . that he may not be _83'libia4epely lieu- system. Mr. - ,4rant subsequently H. F. Mooers, secretary of Elevator her arm sirnpl� by making a miss -step manufacture of toy soldiers bfrc11n children. Two of the young boys will
' �� .
_ peckedas was his predecessbrl';,�' " Co. reported amount of insurance on at Knox chure . them. No wonder the Frene are act as wardens for the day. ; special House 6nd lot on High street. A f[nt-class
I _
� The fact of the matter is there have ' abandoned the cause, presumably the buildingas $75.000, with more being Miss Johnston has returned to her sighing for war when the little tin tny ;t ldress to the children by Rev. Mr. residence in every respect. Price low. Terms
� when a Tory Patron was nominated, ne tiated. . residence, the home of her Sister, Mrs. soldier is the first pla�thing for their Smith. The offertory will be in aid of eajs.DFor particulars appi6to I
�' been two Governor.s-General in this �W(r)111 are sorry to learn that Mr -3. J. Marlton, after spending a very pleas- infants to adore. A oah's ark is gen. I AVIS, CLINTON, or EO. E. PAY, .
and as a token of repentance "worked th.- Sunday school funds, Oct. 28th. NORTH BAY.
� * Dominion for some four years past and as he had never before" for the Liberal Campbell of the lighthouse fell down ant visit with friends in Detroit. orally the first toy Canadian children . �
� the most in evidence of these was not ' her cellar way and broke three of her Mr. Bob luarie, the attractive -looking are given to admilre. I dww_,� —1 � .
��, I Lord Aberdeen. candidate, though he asserted "there f4bs. ' '. young milkman, had a flne team at- Only think of it I An American Stephen Township. I
. f was no material diffeience between The barge Rosedale came in on Sat- tached 'to his vart, which was on paper says that as a precaution against House to Rent.
I � � This was somewhat of areverseo the Liberal and Patron platfotma " urday evening at about 7.30 with wheels, on Thursday, when the snow Smuggling, the customs officers at the Last week death rernoved another of — I
:_ the order of things in this country and 'a re- grain from Fort William for the Mon- lay so deep on the roads, and someone Cana ian Soo require all ladies going Stephen's earliest and highly re That large two-story house at corner of Huron .
� On the first ballot Mr. Holm a lici atet1d, and Orange Sts., for sale or to rent. Apply to
I 'not at all popular; e era' elevator. The barge is owned by rdmarked, "Weil Mr. Imrie, you have to the American side to be weighed on 7i
I ceived a majority of the votes cast, but residents. iii the person of . I
�" . . Captain Crangle. your runners before Lhe cart instead of the.,rifficial settles, before going, and Henry Sanderp, Of the 3rd concession, T. JACKSON. SR. I
: __ 112 accordance with the rule of the as- Mr. Kenneth Moorehouse of Bayfield under it." again on returning. 'That's it poor who died on 2NIo Z� at the age of 60 Clinton, July 7th, I
,, . . ' On Tuesday at 8 a. in, the Segui '. .
.� sociation he was pitted against e%ch of spent Sunday in town. Kenny is ta, plan I If at all necessary the s,tme years, 5 naontht� days. The de- I
�:, A "BUY" ELECTION. theother two candidates separately, quite a Sportsman. Captain Sims, arrived with cat -go of parties can easily rettirn and be just ceased was a nativeof England, havitig . I
.. - *
". Mr. and Mrs. W. �Farr, Cambria wheat from Port Arthur for Mooers' the same weight ass when they left the been born in Exot.or in the vear 1838. 1
� A local Liberal in discussing the situ- both of whom he defeated, when he street, are busy fitting the SaItford elevator, the first cargo of grain Soo. No trouble to smuggle both Early in life lie loft the old country APPLES WANTED .1
l- , ationthe other day said the coming was declared the choice. - - hotel, lately terlanteduty Mr. Ben. elevatedthere,and cleared on Wed- ways, if that's till the inspectors and came to Canada with his parents, We are now all cleaned up on poor, soft ap I
�% contests would be ,,Buy'7 elections. Mr. Holmes was ,�isibly ielated and Mason, for the reception of the new nesday for the same place. Captain require. first settling lit the city of London, Cles and will pay a good price for ten thousand ,
I . . landlord, Mr. Michael Farr and his Sims'horiie is at Sarnia and. for many Mr. Huckstep will remove from .his where they resided ouly for it Short , ushels of good sound garin apples. Can use . I
n a or three thousan, bus els chop apples
He spoke quite seriously and to era- in his speech said he would enter ups bride to be. Mr. Farr has been eM- years the gallant cap�ain ran to this' residence Elizabeth street, to the time, and afterwards rvinoved to the Bring on your apples an et your cash.
I . I I 31
punning he a personal canvas forthwith. He ex- ployed as bar -tender at the Hotel Bed- port, but latter)y his route ran in it houseon orner of Montreal and Light- to*nshipof Stephen, %%here he has TOW & GRISWOLD,
1� - phas*ize that he was not C 111
C lettered the word-b.u-y. He further pected every Liberal vote and the sup- ford the past two years and has, due- aifferent direction. � house streets, which was in former made his home ever since, having con- Clinton. Ont.
� �-, � went on to say that neither of.the candi- port of not a few Tories, even though in g his many years' stay in this town, Miss Ella 0. Fisher's Delsarte enter- times tne hostelry of the late ,&ndvew tinuously tesided on the one farm for I
. . . been diligent and faithful to his era- tainment on Frida eyening hist, at Donogh. Another hotel stood on the -
�: dAtes now in the field would have been he had been abusing their party and , about55years. HewasaConservative ,.
.� I ployers and employees when engaged the Victoriacipert3ouse, was a great opposite corner, built by the late John in politics, and an adherent of the I
'. . half so anxious for the nomination had leaders for years in the columns of his in his business as cooper. treat, although Delsarte entertain- Allen, fathe'r of Mr. Anthony Allen. copalian church. He was a. kind " . �
l I the ;
I there not bedn an assurance that the paper. ) Mr. Forrest, express messenger 18, ments are generally tbo length It will, be quite convenient for .Enpdisgood neighbor, and will bi- mucla: .
I sinews of war would be forthcoming in Thu usual resolutions were passed, we are sorry to note, yeit obliged to to show the progress the class makes, gallant old corporal, who now is care- missed in the community in which he
I . abundance from both Governments. onecommending the Hardy Govern- carry his hand in a sling, the blood the artistic movements and Delsarte titkvw for North Street Methodist resided. He has not' been in robust Crown- I
. poisoning being hard to deal with. poises, time is required. The opening church and the Bank of Commerce. health for some tinae, suffering from I
A I I Buy" election, forsooth I ment, extra session and- all, and the Captain Sims was presented by the program, Grecian march, presented by The tug Long had an anxious time . I , .
� . . Mooers'elevator Co. with a new hat, eight of the handsomest young ladies cl6aiing from the Ducks for Our port. pulmort'aq, trouble, and the last few I
. __ - — other praising the course of the , months of his illness sank Very rapidly. '
., as a tribute for being the first to un- a Goderich audience has ever greeted They first had to ran into Southamf- He lesives a large family -seven sons
, ,
I Laurier Government, . load a vessel for the new elevator. -in one class, with the bloom of health ton, and the weather looking favorab e �
-BERALISM. . , and four daughters -to mourn his de-
� WHISKEY AND L. . From Stratford City Hospital the re- on every cheek. and their long hair they.t4ought to pursue their trip in mi,,. Ilia I
I . . � . remains were interred in .
1. ortof amputating the leg of Forest failing softly their shoulders o'er, made safety, but' nearing Kincardine they the Exeter cemetery. I . -
1. According to the evidence -in the Bandon ... Bullett. Wale, late in the employ� of Mr. George such a. pretty picture that will not be were nearly swamped and were oblig- Council meton Nov. 7th. Ailment' . ,
.", election trials, whiskey and Liberalism Porter as a messenger in his station- forgotten for some time. The march cd to take refuge in that port on Wed- [)era present except reeve. Minutes of . -Ba ery ;
go baud in hand. Mr. Robert Pipe has again taken to ary depot, square, is necessary, and was extremely picturesque, as well as nesday. The Long reached port safely preVioti§ m6etliag read and signed by L . .14
, The workers do not appear to have his bed,. but we are glad to say he is asks as the young lad is a Goderich pa- the young ladies' costume a la,.Greece, on Sun ay, 13th inst. he pi ot a not 83berritt, ,reeve pr6 tem. Mr. R.
recovering. tient that the Goderich council will and had Sappho lived to great them very ell posted on this route. O'Rouke! requested permission to re- .
I I gone forth without a liberal supply of 'ifiss Mary Fairservice is now almost give their consent, which that body , they would have quickened his pulse It I lit entable to kno that Mr. moveb6me U16 ftiont a certain drain Bread is the staff of life, they say;
. well-filled flasks. I well from Ser attack of typhoid fever. dis sed to give. W6 are and inspired his pen. The music was c o all, caretaker of the schools now useless hi coilsequence of another
. Mrs. Ben. Tyerman has returned I" not pre po in lieu thLieelaf ; perritission granted if
In Nipissing five dozen was about the things sro f90 Serious, as Forest up-to-date, but ve y suitable for theoc- for years, and for a long ti e employ- I knead it, you need it., every day;
was , f. - ul .
i average number and there were many howe from visiting friends at Pine ho,r Irey ith boy and his case casion and the fairr' Grecians marched e ' in L e manufacture of cider, had it did'not itilberferd kvith the rights of I bake the sweete4t, purest, best,
. . River and Kincardine. demands prompt action for fear his with elastic step to the tune -of Amba- suffered for some time from aberration others. The financial part of the meet- The wagon calls -you do the rest.
I . workers. Mr. John Waymouth has returned life is at stake. lenn, Snow, The artistir posing of of his mind, which necessitated w'atch- ing is withheld, sig tbeC.'financial state-
. Mr. Loughrin al6o used money to from the west. He says he made some Dr. McLean from Florida prays for a senior and junior classes followed and ful care on the part of his family, and ment will-be're"ady ft)y df4tribution on , �
� purify the riding and won the seat, and money. sewer on Bruce street, where his pro p- then the grand baby isbow. There, .one evening lately he wandered away or before ritiminhtion ,day. Council
. n6w the e'vael courts have not only tin Master Wes. Crawford of Londes- erty is located at present, tenanted b . y were fif�teen prAty little mammas, the and on being fou'rad was taken for safe-' will meet'agaitt onitho aftinnoon of the '
I - borc, spent Sunday With his grand- Dr..Hunter, 20 feet to connect with little Misses Delphine I and Adelaide keepin to, the gaol and will be sent to first Mondb�,y In lbeh
- the as aa possible. I ,
y1um p Dec
.1 seated him, but muleted him fortbe fAther, Mr. Hughes. main sewer. Nairn, Hattie Belchei, Edra Tye, Lillie assoon .!n vf,rl HU910RIG B100 -
I costs as well. . I Mr. Matt. Armstrong has bought a There were 8 applicants for tile va- and Marion Fraser, Vera Elliott, Pearl , l3ev. Dr. Proudfool, of London has ,,, ,J I " . �
� This makes the fifth Liberal who has new windmill and has had the same cancy at the Light find Waterworks, McGillivray, Erma Whitely,. -Vesta iind been a minister of the Presbyterian I I Zurich, -"� . Corn Bread,, Cream Bread
erected on his barn., re Mr. Smith resigned and at present Myrtle Howell, Irene and Etta Saujts, church in Canada for flf ty years and . ; I _ . 0 11
I I had to walk the plank and the proces- , Mr. John Medd finished threshing doing duty at Port Arthur, after sever- and Dell Robertson, and the judge at the anniversary was celebrated in the Miss L . ydia Br'�nner left for Bruce- Cracked Wheat Bread, '
. Sion is only starting. last Friday and What is rather rare in al years employment as engineer of the the. bal show 'was Master Louis El- First Presbyterian church at London.. fieldWednesday last.—Mr F. Seigner
this vicinity, the greater part of the - t, , 'y one from Currant Bread White Bread.
�, The meanil by which Mr. Hardy held Goderich Waterworks. After a see liot ad riglitjudicial he looked,with Among the addresses was whilo out shooting Saturday shot a wild -1 . I
I . on to power are now quite easily seen day was spent threshing barley. ond meeting on Tuesday. Sfh, inst. Mt'. his white frills and boutonieie,'but it he Sellate and another from, the 't` duck, So Fred ghys. Some -farmer will .
I I by all. Struck it this time, John. Kelly was chosen as superintendent at seemed to be an everyday occurrence lents of Knox Q lie e, of which Dr miss the bird olab of 66se dh�s —Mr.
. Messrs.John Taylor and Win. Fair- a salary of $600, Stowe $500 witb assist- to him, for he made, very neat and off-, Proudfoot is st,ilol a fecturer. Rev. Dr. I
,, . . . set -vice drove'down to ton last ants Andrews and Beek at $1,25 per band remarks to each and all of the' Proudfoot is a relative of the Messrs' Chas. Cook of Hensall visited friends Try our Buns and Currant Tea Bis.
I . _. week. Mr. Taylor intInalTiltaxeSting day. Thus the battle of the council- little niammas.' But one of them, Miss' Proudfoot.he,re. . In town Siinday.—Kr. J'.' Merrier of cults, made of the best materials. They
.�. A RASCALLY DEPUTY. in some Jersey cattle. Success in your. lors ended. Vesta How4l, happened - to be the From Miebipicoten.-Mr. Thomas Berlin was in town f9i a fo�r'. days last tire both good and cheap. 10c per doz. �
I . . . new venture. YoungJoe Crair thought he would possessor of twins and she wai,ched yyrne,!, P. L. S., areived in town Satur- week.—It is our,sad duty this week to or 3 doz. foe 25c. -11
I ,A e games �nd followedthe jud e on tip -toe in ' . I
tie i t with . w record. the death of Flossie, only daugh-
The e,�idence in the election trials is finish up the Coti d th his men frona Michipicoten �
. . . I atilt walking which t%. thickly falling f, r' John Preeter, . I
I 'use of money � I . all his rounds.- Final y be chos� Z�iml where he,ba§ made extensive surveys ter of bf , which.. occur,,
. showing up not only the snow flakes and increasing; cold weath- . , � I
.. I and liquor, but rascally work on tbo Blyth. ma Edra Tye's baby Joe (if the Signal on behajf of the Ontario Government. red on -Wednesday after a short - illnpss KIRKBY
� I - . . I I er had no power to mar his pleasure, scribe had been there I am sure' he As, all the field worle has beeh complet- with diplatheria. The funeral -took . I
. - part of deputy -returning officers. In Sleighs were out for first time on but unfortunately the new lover of an would have been highl:7. indignant,, fdr-f ad anil t e approach of the fall weather place the eame day. Mr. and Mrs'
. . old English recreation managed to fall his last song for J`9eJ to get the suggeste getting out from thew' ' r"11 Next door to Clarendon Hotel.
South Perth it Will be remembered that Thu' ;day last. is Not N OOCIs, terhave the, heartfelt sympathy .`of the,
. a number of ballots were printed with J. G. Emigh moves out of his hotel and break his arm. Not for Joe is a prize, a gold locket and chain, which' Mr. -Byrne broke up - his camp last community. . " --.---
� - on Monday and Mr. Harry Jame a l 1890, when we trust he Ili dge himselt put very carefhlly' ,week and will retuf 0 later to complete .. 1. � . I
, the names of the Conservative'eandi . e ju he 'stakes . ! - i — .
Brussels moves in. . . will be himself again. At the Colle- bout baby Joe's neck, and Maria ma' his 4uties by ptitting'd6writ t
. dater, Mr. Monteith, and the third can- .ate games a little son of Manager Vesta felt far worse than all the rest ,along the coast, in a chnoe.-Algoma Every newspaper tit Canada, ir . rei
. . Mr. Finim'ore of Hamiltonhas rented 9' I . . 5,
didate, Mr. Frame, in the same coin- the flour TnillSfromMr. Ir eland.' His Saunder a fell and could not possibly together'to be over -looked wbe6 she Pioneer. , . . , . -v-"'.. pective of politics, is extending con- MILLINERY
� I . partment. Some fourteen of these furniture arrived here on Saturday assist himself to rise as the stilts had two babies to choose from. . The, We. ,read, withsor'row of'the *death at gratulations to the "Fain ily .,Herald .
are I .
. t�� short pieces of wood fastened with bab7 W 5 oropto 6n
. ballots were used, in the election and He will occupy the house belonging straps to the ankles., Stilt walking , show. finished ith the ch6ru T No'v. 3rd of 14aitland R. and Weekly Star," of Montreal, .on , . ; 11.
� We 11 never.go to a Baby S w again. P. Montgomery-, secorid'son of Captain their enterprise this yepL i -
Mr. Joseph Combe, lately occupied by 11 . r, in securing I.
strange to iay every one of them had Win. Richmond. like that requires the person to carry a A recitation followed,. The wlisbes of A. T. Mon ' ery, of t6v�n and sister that -favorite battle picture of.Great .�
. . . stout cane. tM ... E.. 4
been given to 0onservatives and these Mr. Robert Logan of Montreal is via- four bright littledads, Ma§ters McGil- of Mrs. Stee ., t street. Mr. Mait- Britain, "The Thin 'Red Line" us a Now is fha; time for you to get your I
I Our citizens may not know that the livray, Farr, Reid and Rbyri ' premium for their sub5cribeys. We
ballots being subsequently declared il- iting at his father's home at present. , as. Their IaP4,goptgoipery, was married several . I
� ' 4th of December, 1898, will be the 50th aspirations being all a la milifaiTe, we yeArs, ago. to Miss Kinaban, Whose notice too, thtit the "Fa New Fall Hat or Bonnet. i
I the Lib- ' A young son of Edward Haggit had rally - Herald I
I legal the Seat was awarded to. his leg broken while playing at school anniversary of the wedding. day of -predict fd'r them. ,it consuninaidtion of motfier's death was' chronicled at To- and Weekly Star" this weels, is 24 pagep, ,W� liave the correct styles im ,�
eral, Mr. Moscrip. How this game the other day. . Mr. and Mrs. Hopper. Mr. Hopper their m ishes, and the comical side of ropto. sometime ago. Mrs. M. R. P. How is it donev A tw t 'four page ' ! . � �� i
was worked is shown by the evidence * tied the band of the 49th regiment as their wishes was , evinced in Master Montgomery has our �ynapatby. . I .,en lierald and Sallorsand WalkingRats -
� J. S. McKinnon left town on Wed- 'oi paper like the "Fami y .
� . . , buglerat Chatham Barracks England' Reid's choice boy, and as On Saturday, at about 5 p. na., while �, .,
. of a witness in the trial in progress this nesday. last, he having secured a . .# , a drummer Weekly Star," and a picture like "The
. on 22nd Feb. 1842, and after serving i a his lisp wit. .Loo ,pronounced 'to give Mr. Shaw was driving with one Of Thin Red Line," for One dollar per year
I A It' n with his uncle in Toron %
.. week. - post 10 to, that capacity for four years and seven orders, his wis)i was best suited for Polly's pretty "spots," the animal fell ig one Of the wonders of the century. , ,
I The testimony of John S. Sample, a The young men treated him to an oys- months volunteered to Join the " � ,al him, the rat -tat I -tat of the drum. Each on the crossing 6n Elgin street, ear No wonder the publlsbe,r� offer to re- ; � TrImm 6 Hats
ter supper on Tuesday night, Showing I . n .
� . Conservative, created a decided sensa- the esteeiQ he. was held by them. Canadian Regimental Aand], and re- bore a petite JJnion Jack and the audi-' 'Kingston street, Mr. Shaw was alone, turn the moneyif the su'qscriber 'is hot I 1. . .
I ..
�,, I tion. Fle said he voted at Kirkton, had Anniversary services were held in mained with them until--ifig -tilat .of ence bestowed upon.them well-'&esemi- but spoke gently to the horse and soon satisfied, for none could feel. otherwise We have a fine collecticn.
. . the Methodist church `on Sund service ex ired? -He, travelled over ed applause. ,T4e fairy play. The War. it arose, apparently all right. Mayor 1 1- a, i ', IvIt they have a unique bargain. � , I
seen ballots before, and observed them ay' Britain anTwas stationed at Gi of TRIMU
. Rev. James Allen cf Toronto preached �?`Aicar of,the Roses, waq exbremely pretty, Thompson saw the acriident and went . ED IXAT,13, ;, '
, closely. The ballot be got at this elec- with the .f9th regiment. We .trust Miss Tye tepresenting very naturally over to find the earth had caved in. --- ' pick froth and we can Sul- 1,
,. able sermons at both services. � -, �_.,� � ,that Mr. arid'Mrs'.`1160pet? may Mive the queen of the roses, and t e mortal Blenheim gives evidence of possess- I I I
. tion had Mr. Monteith's name in the Miners Kiln Club gave coupe 9,in, good health to celebrate their golden Ruba was r .resented � Ing a really up4o�date clergyman. you both in' st I yl . e and \
�' , top compartment alon with Mr. the Indu6trial hall, gat6aajt I odv�ib I NOVEMBER FLOWERS. 11
, .9 at the day.' They give 'air excellent Piro- wedding, and we truslithat thew warty in aiden iss G . who looked The Tribune says that a feature for the price. "I I .. 1�
Frame's. He placed his mark frie4dSFnay remember them upon that lo , I when the other maideng pre- . ope amid despair, sweat flowers next twelve months will be a column I . . . �
I grp6mme. I d4y. Mrs, Hoprper has quiper recovee-' sented her with their florAl gifts. In Plosgoming In winter hoon; (or nearly soy reserved for the use of I
I right hand, opposite Mr. Monteith's I A platform meeting was held in the Rare chrysanthemums
�. 1�amie, in Mr. Frame's, compartment. M�thodis� church Ihst"MIonclay night ed Hom h6v fecrent acefiletit. 'Mr. Hop- the sleeping scene, where the siren, Purest white and yellow too, I the Rev. J. M. McLition. 'Th6� r6i. 09646069 I P
I . That was not the first ballot paper he when addresseEl wore Adlivered by Rev. per Served. through the Fenian - raid, Miss Irene Acheson, came, ont. with the Fresh as If the morning dew gentlenatitta is afirm believer in the -use . .
. ' I and will got.& medal, � . . .es, which she flourished over Had come down front heaven on you, of printer's inki and also b I I I , ,
received. He was first given a perfect. James Allen of Toronto and others. T#eX%joIIy,qportst n,,Mesers.J.W. P-OPPI Sweet chrysanthemums. elieves, that
, , _po Ruba's head, lulling her to sleep, was In gold and crimson too ye bloom, advertising, wbicla has become so great We will be pleased to
. 1. . Smith t bak6iy, W."Talt and
� ly-priated one, but the deputy -return- . - - ndll.ast stide' extremely good. Miss WQathertl1d Fit to bedeck a monarch's room, - a factor in the commercial world, can showyou our HATS .1
. I ng officer afterwards told him he had , " T. a Swarts, rleturt!ied ory Thurs- also pinned yellow roses on Ruba. The Grand chrysanthemums; \
, Exeter. . day from their trip to Port Frank, - Clustering In profusion wild, be profitably turned to the progress . at any tinae.*
: I - 'bed ' friendly- fairies bedecked her with Type of summer in winter mild, at! advancement, of the cause of Christ ,
, folded it incorrectly, and he wis d
'. They arovp the fifty miles and enjoyed roses, violets and calla 111,1es, the latter . Which by thy presence Is beguiled, .
%-" him to mark another ballot. He there- � Therecentsitow has left the roads the trip immensely. They bagged being,the offering.of Misg Reid. The . I Lov1d chrysanthemums. and the church. He has consequently
" ,�, upon handed him one of the badly- na'a very Stogy condition. . quite a fine lot of game consistifig of others sbowed thgir lo�e by offering Godorich, Ont, I --ELoisii; A. SJUMINGS. had this space reserved 7nd paid for
I ,. Mr., J. H. yndman, who has laden" ducks, rabbitai -'partridges and- quail, the e,rablem � of jealousy, c. , while --- . e MISS, E. HILLIER.
I printed ballots, which he mapked ,as � a & the same at, ddvertising rates. It ins .
� . above. . I '. atChatham MitbhL-11 Mad St. Mit!`Yfi� and, were exceeding generous, with the,maidenlay,h�lpless. Puttaftourse Stanley Township. . of interest in connection with . bis ftAttENDON bL601K'
. packing apihes for Mr R. S. Lang, their fvieq0s,.your,reporter coining in the virtue ' d constancy of the roses, ChUrdia, reports and extracts from I
"I % 11
I Mr. Bristol, who appeared for LMr. re.t6T ned to town ori 6&turdaY nigh't for a fine partridge presented by Mr. violets an alilies counterActed all t The ploughing in this vicinity is a I �
I I '. . 1. , .,I '. .. 1. I . d he setmons, and averythil�g that will be 1!!!E"_!_
. I Iamb . I 'Smith's bright little son Goldle, Mr poppy's ; 4
, . Monteith, took his seat afteiUei expio�. , .power find the queen and long ways from being done. The farm- conducivit to "the advatic'.6ment or the �
. . io f n of this bombshell, 're'ina,'M g,' mt. 1. T. Wood shipped two 6ara of Smith WAS quit6"d6Iig;htbd With Ahe Rubft were at last rendered supretnely era are doubtful whether they will get 6ause this column W ill contain. We are Agetits for .
. . 11 . .P cattle to Tbrontd oh'Mbnday lust. I 'two flnecelery fitrmaia the ,envilrons It - itall doneowiug to the, wet and stormy . I
I I Well, thaVs a corker. " - . , , � . I .
i . I Megars. Jones and Hall sh' oa two of Port Frank, possibly owned by the I= All were decorated with gar i . . � I . . . I
The cout t voided the eledtidn, mak4 - cArs'of apples to Mknit6b&'oT3;6ndtij. , . Lmyrtlie and looked extremely weather. . . . . I
. . ( Ceidry 066ipomad Co. The celery is classic. And with great pleasure we A cattle buyer from Waterloo took Good health is,Worth more than anyw �
I another sine on Wedne d - I coviiredlov6l� witil' ctirnhudksr to pro- chroulcle-number six on the program, away a splendid lot of fat cattle and p
, ing Mr. Moscrip the sixth martyr. . 8 By
. . Which well wind up the applie busineIN ,hing.else to you, and every'bottle of '
� . . They sh'i . I
.., _ 1. 'tect it from inclemency of the weather. the pantomime I Don't want to Play stock steers,fvom Varna one day last Hol,d'@ S4rs.%p4rilla contains good 11
I , I I for this season in this district. A young French, C. anadian kindly ac- t in Your Yard,'and we cad safely say eek. These cattle were all bought in _ :
. I Mr. Thornag Willis bf'thia lilace 'Was oprapamed our spoitsmen and enjoyed that the axwe audience woull I twh,e surrounding neighborhood, but hea th. , ' . I C!Iiarke's Kola
� THE LIBERAL 002VV,9NT1-0N. mavrit3d w MiSsMa* Hodgins of Con. the bodit, very much, ,never being In of that pantomime it the lic owin to the great: f I all in prio -.11 I .1 . . i , .
I . �
� . — 9 I - - .
&PPY that particular locality before. Tile 1 came before thorn every night, for a wore bought at a lowfigure, '' * I
. .� I tralia on Thursday latt. ':The 'h ' I .,
ti i d* W'tholir: honey ,
.. The -Liberal cobvien 'on held at ])on- .coiX le'are spoil Ili m66D paetridg6swere *�ery largo -and, plum week. It 'was perfection. The two Mr Win. Thirsk's sale which was t . . I
'day last wa ., , 1, 1 ,
I ginnon on Frx a well at.
. " . - '
% 1, I I . relatiVeb, in iifid, 'Wroundj this, and *ell'.�'eo,V&dd *Ith down whic , little schoolmates, Misaes Jennie Cante- take place on Thursday of last weeio Left Proitrato' ' 0 ' ' ' I
WE �%!
11, � , ag . . , I
� tended by delegates and s,knapathisers. .Vill" 9 , I , looks likb a, f6fieflhadowing ofit severe Ion and Vera Whitely, were arrayed had to be postponed on account of the, I C M* pound. ,
1. 1SiYV6lJ Of6dit6h y6l1ho 'ined mdko Wiiqt�014. � - ., ;., I ... : ;like the subjects of the songi, sun. extremely wet weather of that day un -1 I , . " , I - 1, . N
I Iteould hardly have .been othbrwiad, iheie nonitt woAly-visita 'th thla� ph�c& Coatfrmt& Cogher Judi; got his grano- bonnets red iied oft each pretty. head, tit Tuesday of this week,-, '' - - . � � I I � � I
. , . I
. 11
I _ ,, but we,. arof Wtlia,k and Run Down, WIth Heart .� I
";, as In 4ddition to party fealty theii sym. to See saVerk of tho'Ydm1g,)1tdie:,6f.tbib lithid 00,votbeialt both, sideg of square bluegm�gham pinafores, stockings of glad to report that Mr. TWA bad a I The guarant-eed'Aitlima
1, �, paihV bad been worked upon by thelsev. village . . Four of them bavoth y6nag, firilblidd. id;-thild,afia db it ,Was 1d ha:d red, quite co'naliletei and, the- acting of wood palef, ev&ything ieidliiing a' good and Kidney* In' Bad Colldlfth - , , . .
-, , lady. ofthoir,ch(ji6e 6n 11hr6n s6fdet, viet�y I I � . � I I RoTnedy. I
ot me t 'alp., Rgqt6red I
-ill takib place in'the' th6J%6bstrq6tsidoofMcLeah' bloc 1887, Saults sang,,the song behind Mr. Frank WeAs-of the -Par It h' ' I �
eralaspirante for thonominatiolls, Mr. &o6ralwoddiagp W POW fine days, 'The pavement th would do credittoarty%stage, figure. ., "' 6y,mod"S S'ar ' .
. .* " I I , 8 rehe - ne as . saparillo. I . 1,
. ,
� �i lk Hardy was not presenti though It was neir future. , " yi (Crabbla) afid J. W. Smith'S bakery the cones very clearlk. Miss Fisher, urQhAsedtbo ipill,stones from 4r.lop. " I waIs Very - Wit0h run down, having — . � . . I ", , I . . I
. I I reported that he Would be, but Dr. Mr. WM. fteti' 66dforth wits In 'Will be ObighOd with a curb, also the in )wlpfte satin costume, couting so OP. Rompstio of Bayfield'ancl has thenii in" beeh stok for-doveral months. I had been' . .. I _. � ��.
I . I I
I.. 11 usual brbad stalle' . . . I
, I Migedonald, M. P,, of Wingham wag in town Ott Modility last. Billy' had his Wejb,th1d!,.K1h'gston stroob 14!dd bf the portane after the very fine pantomime, g6odrutining order and is I now pre-,. t*��g dIfterent remedibs 'which' did me I MENTHOL * '
1, evidence and delivered an orthodox Mr, p, L, Bi ' ttvdlben6 '*hl h Will add much t6its , ,was very wartrily received. 1:16r real- pared to grind all kind of grain for five, no good
. ihopand-wiff-, Chicago, Eftityo b3611,40c t-1 . I Would. have seVatis spells of 'S. .. -1 I '
pavoinehtebti the Bel tatiob,,Aux Italian, was render -ad In- cehtg a bii�g. Thiswill, be it good. thing. atiughing that would 1100o we pritstvato.
.i Phiptyspeedli. Itisgratifyinktoknoow� Ill., are visititfg Mr. Biahop*s parents ish Xkiihatlge'Alld A1,01todW6 �ew block fine opora style and with the gong for the Surroundin nellghborhood. - , I I
I . that the Dr. has quit# recovered his In town, I !Q6 Is 46t'tV have & durbi which is to Ah *Zhe, 19. motto ognor, Trovatore, We tire Sorry to t IWO,& told thlit - lAY lungs WOrit affected, Gria"th , - LIN11H 1, .
. I ear of'Mr. J4S.!6n"r'_ M , .1.
I .. I voice, which was understood to h&vo UP.B.-Aultry, bors6- buyer, Mont. bore rottod. Aobt. McLean and Mr. -which itwokorthe momovy of the lost noroftherarlitlebein very'llt., He 1.4 wid,blY Itekit sind kldnieYlt Were fil .4 bAd -, 11 -, I ,i� � '' I I 11
�, teal, Wilt in town on Monday last pttr� Tilt 4061'V6 great credit for havIng'the love With the ji6mine on her breast wader tho care of Dr. Nalloster of I Bay- 661141ti011- In fAct, It doemed Its though I ,,I I
1 deserted him during the -plebiscite chaaing horses'. OWIng to th6 very &bdo6rajinalleAbld iron tio Post fln. Andtheviolin0sweir music. Wethitilt field. Wehopoto6bon see him able' dory, big&A'wits out,of order. I talt that . . . .
I ctubpaign, *lieu , I I I
1. . lie failed topub in Ita mndd� roads very few hormoa *ere i6hod buh With a hittidsomoli mduldbd ,the recitation ant acdompaniment, to o around Again, , 'N I 0 1"..
I appeit,rance &6 Meetings Jot, Whicla he offered.- - I . 06methilig 16st b; dalad 4nd my. ' btothfit V
. I horabOa heado'which,*e trust may lead vocal tuad instrumental, would charin Ao brathernof V4ri% L. 0, ' ' Oombe's . h4u' Powder . , ..
' I Rolaft L. 0. .V I I
- 11 had Wen billed, Mr, Alet., Suil'th, �he I a rdA, to Parliament the operst.lbvin)� elefne& of any of our 1035 held their usual AftbrIA10 a . .. I I � 1. 11.1
I 1. . Ill alia itomedity. 'T.W&Raq., liquiteantis- cities, It was. " prboorrod 4 battle and b6gan JaInk It,
�1, I Mr. Plead, LoAthortid, London, I Cho goti6rous 040�edm6t6try .966010 sattsiparfild., I A
I tiewitig did acquAintabeeg IstL
. provincial orgAbigov, *all tilgb 6n'bi%bd,, Ar6un, thir, VI)JAgbi extremely fine, and at per at Mr, John 1161c, , . tho., lky. . , —_ 1. .
� fled i�ltli, the British Exelian go but the flyllah, amid Ali enthusiastic encore, fleld road. There wAs & vey Apgo . 136f6ta It vrob half toile I felt that it was ... . . � I
. y . ..
The nbMillatfoh tot' the L-okislatato Me West Huron' 'Oledtlott Ili b6109 Rdblerb fiq affibitiou �O pdolfte the a 14rgd buch of Ifloribus wd,&t,lbi itnithpleasanto . helping me. I dfttfilubd its U00 'fthd it
. Orlin W'4S �
I 11 fled lomb
I ,ftj fleet (116p6jod, Of. 16 Wag giVibn IdALIA f6f, Shortly by malik of out, British Ekebankp -gf�ithpifllc 01thths, preeonted tb Miss labor .. f,'0,8,e0,-,W,i,8, str)0entiold pvokybn *111di We a he* *631114% I danhoi
' I I _ ho " :
I . . I fdr- GIUTOW, who fit hie address, of wo, 6�itl'efig W th Much anxiogy, ehamphtedo ii,rd �166cd Iti 691110h, oil Ager of Victorltv Opera, housq. Ve felt well ploased, . I I �. �ii,166 it too highly."'. MOA, stymmuit- .. I .
. I O*Abde bald 116,Wbuldw4ke itit Wniogt it W&J01111,800P6t,of Dishmo& vls- WhIbli the pillars for the taldoltiV Itto toqy th6b thetift or, Miss Aupobtd6k,' M'k, G6or9qTurn46f1jrooc%.4o1a has Via,% gil 06gitigtou A*enti# Totont6l` C'.O� B�E, Iks � 11�
Od tibli%U08 111 town tin XdfidtLY Iftilb, pladodfatid iWh1ph&d§ all 4Vef '4&t and the viollniot, %1961awra, Abliesofi, botight, tip. it largd tititilbet, of topkeY8 ontolo, 'I Gat, Wilt 962% btbiais�
, 'Xi
� . 6 flght." he k'd61W hoW, -A# ho was --Mr. W11114M Saild6n4ti 8i'd cott. of A 06araho. mot beilde to fl� 6rkbr , did, not 6,186 ep3oy tho rogy femb" The itt t! Is pelghb6pho6d for which lid IS 11 . I
I 'cidly IT080awd, for dorrapt Dmit. Stoniefi., 19 vorylow tit W6 of writhig � 18 emp 000t. WWO to Siloak a OW6 Wag Woll re fid- PA Ing ii� good ptlaq. They are for the - . .
I volt I ho 110 a 6f 1119 I 0 thj%tof his J , N I I STURLE %
I I grActi i&h"thbW6IeArd6f hi �10 ��.t,
I MISS, this WUsb thedh thtit, h; h f4dovorr'-.4-Miffs av hbarbu W61 lio�* lorb�f Uy the fAVOl'itof X"Cov 110,nahw -olyc6datry''Inatkot. . �, bod's Sarsaptirl `6 DRUG
tw ddep. Wit Mollie 1,*ho Spoft the t fdW ,ere ,siud, *0 Ottat. fleitt dmood W will Murray. , Lattly fairy plityj tAleaut, one Trub bbild tooil6r. I � I
I .11 F, . We are sotty to hop to t000tt the U tho b6iit-Ah,fhot the I
fth fblAtlo, , " 0 .
I I ofily W6fJth§LWI ittle , I
ly t6penw*4 bp perh4p# 1io WAS � 6S lo arbA6.16thag li6,vijikmti6b,14tgOt�,00116P'Aeb, Mh4il and dantAS In Which tho MiS960t Aeli-Awith �of Xr. Ohtift,. borialdobb It h6idby-0,11609l(fittil, *1y'AJ%tbk46. . .
. I . - - lie 'add. givena:"ainborof 'Cho, 0JtI:g0fiS pleco# 6 Wffliffely, aftbtelotl, SI(Ifr k, 0 Ild', I 1 . - ".. I ,._,. 1. .
� ubt4theq h6 "" ("' .goltij . , a h _,whie t6ok *01A.06 Ott, Veid*y i%t 1� -- I . to., virttly *4kathjf, tit, � � . I I
0A ollur Where urg. Dol , - 4, ..
I 1. I., J611V411 , � 06, Johift ofthd doddrdf;6 mit1thoy Ito 68,11fird ao �Anits, VrAws and Whitely llitid Matt. Will 14d jjhdlig tJt1118 Bobfil .1. . 'i offlboo
?Iving tho meeolig f1loy it te"'ra"(, ' ' 1 ' - ,
L I port,6 dohiroofiq tl'1014 worol tho ktonao—"tf6�00PM' DM4 16 fiffikit Would 86atn'thAt'n6thitig, Could. pv% PivAy Ty,6, C41npl)oll 1%nd )fteggta had, okwo In oreth C016,01ift0�0*0111 "I-- ir A � I I H.B." C I I-
L . . I wat)lv 14 frIett 6,U of no .., 6 . - & 06,, 16too
. V I � I tlan $Itr 011600, penotrAte 60 diftoltro"th6lbi Tyetdtik �ai+j� WAsquRd fabl'ititing4 � bon ttho, t tiblol ,� �8016"b:V MO$ Clift I
�. I . I I . . I I � 1W ,� . . I �. 1, # I I " . . I Aruegoslo. I . � I . 4 Dolalob.
. I I I 1) . I � I , - , , , . . . ;, . , I I , � ` - I - �
- I I � . 11
- -
� 4
i . I
hr 11
�,pl I - I � . � I I I I . I . I I . I
I . � . I . .. . I I I I I
. I .
. . I . I I .
� I I . . � .
� � � I I I I I � I I
�i I I I � . . . - .
I I I . . . . . "I ".� L, ... I 4 . 1. . I , 1:41. � I 1- 1, � I 11 . . I � .
. I I � �, ..., 11 11 -te,_11 I" t, + 11. .,t;��:ia,,, I . I I 1_1�
.1, I I - �', I I . 1�:_ "I f.. A&&,."..�,,_., -1 .. -1.1 .. -
" 4 W, � I 11 I . . � 0 . I. ( 4 �� I I
, .
J�A � � I .,X.S&"hSA _,;L6,,:g__�".,1&e I" I .L 1�"�,,.,,��,�.'�IW41 - _�, 1, I p .. 4 I
.- " -c.&"Mao � �'IIAIAk,� �, , , I .
'I _-_,,4.!t. - da66"" -2 1_��