HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-11-10, Page 2/ f -•�• =. ti ' 1A I wealth, of keeping It, and making it --•-. --.__:.- —!------ -•-----=-_w.._._ _,.__...".,,�. �"� FURY OF THF FANATICS, i row, oysurbeu Lis ataur. there are tt. n O Crowden with aeavaloadi of Rua- VERY DANGEROUS CQASTr such buys with luoulties otherwise elan Off}aers. I STn j noble ctnJ worthy. lied 1 such a His relatives, to the third generativtl��I j !� �° r VRAE5 O'er TH �` SEA I buy 1 should pray that this devil HAS HAI) ITS PARALLELS IN MANY were Put under police surveillance, `""' {Jj ijJJ / J, jljjo �!� WO ■-.+ j-+ but became ublip et - II CKS c m _.�,.,...�:.� might be cztst vat of Lim, Eur I know BLOODX WARS. P P s, and a Porto 0 HUNOEI3 FOfI VICTIMS OF _ none worse. 1 could cherish some hope guese Count did not lose caste in the WINDS AND WAVES. ley EDWARD JENKINS, M.P. for a profligate, prodigal, debauched, -^ eyes of peepers for treating his French WHAT 1S GOING ON fN THE PouR or drunken t:haracter; out the steady "'be Fever of Hattie Drives Men to Defy guests to a rapid transit brand of Yeaats Ago a Horror of Almost Equ al Pro Author of"Little Hodgo," '� Lord Bantam," "Ginx's Baby,"&c. establishment in any human being, by Death, and Infliatauee16 8.rtaally 1;oatrt angel food, Thb staff of a hostile bri- C4RN>wRS OF THS GLOB$, a gradual process from early youth to the Fatal Strotae-home Interesilutt gado Lad made his castle their head- portions occurred on the Very Spot ( matnbuod, of the trading soul and lttsturleal Factx Roealled by the ltereut quarters and ordered dinner as i.f they Where the Mohegan Went Down—story I spirit, with all that foiluwa it of eel- (tattle or Qmduruaau, h'id eagaged board at a public tavern °f the Wrerk of toe lantgaant laartt 014 aqd New World Hventa of lutereat Cbroa„ { -t0" & fishneas, h rdness, wane of scruple, and at the °lose of the banquet el John. toed Brtetly—luterratin$ tt,rppealn� of i low subtler of intelli rence, bloodless A >• ranch philsosopher remarks that Conde de Mirabella del Monte Some- The dreadful stories which axe hint- 11elei�t Arai°` C$APTER III. Crag Lad no sooner seen hie man than Y b y ' heart, im enetrable conscience, con- the laburx Of love are the onl jobs thing suddenly bade his ed at concerning the cause of the there are 13000 dis6ly The she had every trace of auepioion vanisberl. The' A Y guests rias arieties A put into from Foyle, I easing hunger and chiral after wealth undertak,•n without a rational hoe of and postage stamps. ° stranger covered himself again with P wreak of the Mohegan, are inspired no An orange tree will bear fruit until' for Moville. The tender from Derry and indomitable determination to pus- rervard INTRODUCEll ITIS I'RIVATF CHAP- doubt merely Ly the Pact that no sat- i4 is 160 had brought up one or two asaengere. his hat. One eye waa selling despir- I ,but military desperadoes seem years old, P ately with a blow from one of the iron sees it at all hazards -present and•fu- The mails had 'been transhipped, Aad Lure-Im the most dismal and hopeless Often to engage in equally gratuitous LAIN• isfaotor ex lanation has been offered now the Kamschatkan, braoin herself stanchions at the aide cf the vessel, Y p Chinese Caine a in the she g He made nu effort to relieve it, ?perversion of a God -made nature that enterprises. The reckless courage of a Oh -do you say grace after dinner g Po of a. be the task, rues rapidly leaving Tory it is possible to conceive, Rather than bolt terrier has been ascribed to an in this part of the country ?" In uired for the ship's wfdo diverginCe £ram the knife has been tracod book as far as behind her, runnin direatl into #be l m all right, now," sa said, laugh- the) rench bri adier, q 2240 B.C, $ Y ins. What wore vu as i that, be happy Io see your son making ""in•)Plicit trust in the assistance of an aouree she was supposed to be steering. No arson in Norwa ma a end teach ,a a noizzly; er. Thi night Pell Y y nit Try a ducks rand drakes of his fortune, if uu „We sa ours y The common theor y y p blank and drizzl the she without little mora of this. I sun fill it again,' Y omni of Y pro ars, it it is the y, of aouree, Ls that P a stitch of canvas, and with her to " Oh, I thought perhaps you could are foot enough to give him one, and P ent master," and the exploits last dinner," replied the Count, and the officers were either inattentive or Inure than threepence at one visit to P- with some scrape of hunuur, oP good of the Mandists at Khartoum can real- then calmly proceeded to ex lain that I a public house. masts rered, hurled ut b the soar- help ms in fishing out tL}s fellow. P ' ' incompetent though this is the verdict It is ebtlmated that of the wholq Y There's n tremendous rervard offered feeling, of generosity, of conscience, ly be explained onl un a similar theor they had beater prepare far the Iihey to which publir, o inion isalwa s prone mous pressure of the uttering screw, still glowing amid the ambers of hie I Y Y dishes d the Nety Jerusalem, as they . A Y papulation of the globe about 90,000 pitched her bow gallaup at the vast -five hundred pounds.' g -blind coufudence in the miraculous hid all partaken of an antidote- in sea disasters. 4iowever, in the dis- die ever da Y "Whew I" said the other, jnm in u disordered been pr•nof Y Y• advancing waves, ran uy their sliding P $ P However this ma seem to be rather resources of their leader'• Poison. bosoms until she Heart reached the briskly, but, warned by the inrreas- Y aussion of tee Mohegan horror the lYisxlao has an area of 780,000 acpua _e Y I cava hard upon Eiir 14tnjamin Peakmau Iu Crossing the ravine of Wad el At Val J,Noruo, in the Piedmont miles, or near! o thatt,dq �iveheid bison Cth npp angios I tumbling into his nest again and hold, besides appearing to forestall ur pre- goon, some 1 500 followers of the for- Alps' a Land •df tLe touch persecuted story is reaulled of a frightful wreck United States y ne-fourth that of tLe Y g g Judioe the reader's opinion of him. ' Waldenses sudden] threw themselves which occurred at almost exactly the A pollcetnan in Vienna must be abl like a sea -mew^ or a porpoise throw h or p on firmly. "'Have you got a dee Wher,fae it is to be accepted distinct- ho had h,en shot clown to the i upon a detachment of their same pursuers point, many years ago, and which to swim, to row a boat and undcrstan4 the tons of boiling surf that capped Jy as in no way referring to him, but last mar,, and a few Nubian auxiliaries I and killed or wounded about five times was due to the fact that the ship's telegi rtphy. these leviathan rollers of the deep, and His face was turned away from the as an inte.rleeutor and abstracted re- hesitated when th, saw three addi- their own number before they were fin - steward, and Ilia tone was one of in- Y hissing them off her shoulders bn a difference, but if Mr, Cro I mark, for the relevance and ro riet Y ally cut to pieces, Their opponents, officers under in India the average duration of life hissing fall of loam, alta darted down g could have whereof there is am le recedent i.n t1Oda! bakt,riea of Maxim guns come too, fought with +tstubhorrp reli:tnae on THE INFLTJIENCE OF LIQUOR of the native is twenty-four, as with dizz vehemence to the bottom Peered under chi dark sombrero, he' P P' up at a gallop and prepare for parti- the protective virtue of their amulets, against forty-four in IJritain. Y would have seen on those sin numerous works, aneienr and modern, of the vast abyss which the rtabng masa $alar fee- admitted b all the critics to be er- cillation in the work ,of carne a But but came Haar been Were ignoraut of the fact that the had left behind it. Everything had tures a mixture of irrepressible pain feet Lotti i� matter and form. P the Soudanese fanatics in their rear upTfuledy iandia� v�n up L ndon asea nl celiof resi I of their namerica! sit erit,rit vessel was far out of her aouree. given u P haen made tight, The furl hatches and anxiety. a Stimulant to fanaticism there is no- The emigrant bark John sailed from dense and will live in Worcestershire. had been battened down ; the dead- Yea,' said Mr, Crog.-"Take care I . Yt wa I'aak hat o policy froth tv- pushed to the front, and, with .:'yell of thin lilt, the oratory of a self-rellant Plymoutb on the evening of •May .% It is estimated that since the begin. ` lights had been screwed down on the DOn't You go squirmin about so, or first was like that of the Jir}fish Gov- $ engine -roam and saloon skylights and Y°u'li be off again, I'vo got it hexa. ernment when it means mischief: it ""Deatur ya Muhusakim," dashed down Mabdi. 7.'homas Muenzet,n the leader of 185b, !pound for Hing of I.he historical era 13,000,000 per - the deck -cabin windows; the fiddles The ca pen gave me a copy of it. Fv-Iw'as a, policy of conciliation. No one the slope and into full range of the fire the Anabapti is insurgents, had no Quebec, Skte had on sans hav$ perished in eartL uakes. were on the table in the saloon, and er officer and &toward has a•copy, It's Bedouin hostmon er in his cam but board a Crew of 19 and •253 passengers, q y could put him out of temper. leis stprm. Out of a full thousand men g g P At the Stranzzi Palao, in Rome, everything waa in the usual trim for short, you see, being by telegraph. We : mates could never bully him into a only 20 reaahsd thio Thuri°gen highlanders, and prosaic among whom were 149 adults, 98 child- there is a book made of marble, the fight or tempt him to a harsh word; ppOsite brink of North German peasants, but contriv- leaves bein dirty weather. Bad as the Bather was to Lave waited till the detective th, ull a ren and 10 infants, 6he sailed at 4 g of marvellous thickness. arrived b hie employers, when they swore at g Y, wheel they knelt down to d to pperauade tour fifths of his fol - was, the watch wars busily engpaul in Y special boat from lowers to def P•m, on the `lop of ihu ebb tide, with Russian families, when moven securing more firmly the traputrlins Dorry, with tits full description, &ltd Line' saw him accept their oaths as iE blaze off t.hcir matahlucks at close Y common sense un the new homey, kindle th, fire ongthe nu one was to ire alloed to go • to they were blessings; he disarined the range, then dashed ahead again with battlefield of Frankenbausen, Pia up- a Favorable wind off chi land. hetagth with coals, brought from the and taaerythi g the boats, and in mak. RbOre most ill-t.em onents were not only more numerous, About 9.30 they made the Falmouth old residence. in supe Ling as taut as pared debtors to the firm, P g yt possible. „A man ofsabout fort five or fift or its mo:,t. impracticable customers, by draw° awards and toppled aver in a but. better drilled and far Letter arm- light, the Captain himself pointing it A monument is to be erect,4 in Scarcely a passenger was to be seen. y- Y the row at the next• volley. A few of the ad, Sq much so, indeed, that their com- out to one of the us angers on deck, Paris o the inventor �f soda water. One or two brave fellows stuck to the Years of age, with thick black hair, $entteness with which t parried sit their rude romarks, and the quiet wounded, wbo staggered to their feet madders could afford to be generous A over t ei•oom, and tried to Le jolly Ptosed to be dyed to cover gray, , steadiness and the crafty devotion sword in hand,`were icked off ti the and urged the rebels not to Invite de Just at this time the second mate was It will Lear a repres,ntutiun of tbQ over their pipes and whisky. in the Patted down the middle. Lars', blr ck !with which he insisted on carrying P Y molition, but disband and renonabder trying to sight the Lizard light, and inventors pkiz. steersge only one man seemed to be whiskers, worn a la Dundreary, with I British sharpshooters almost as soon their theories in aconvention of ration be asked some of thu passed ars if The handwriting of R. D. Blackmore, able to withstand ,the general demora_ heavy moustache. Iiigh forebead, ' cut his employers' commands. lie lisation. It was the man in t•he wide big eyebrows, black shinin a es. An wasone day hit on the head by a jack- as th-y at delegates. g the novelist. is so fine as often to ne• "Cannon -balls," sneered 1'Iuenzer• ;they could not see the reflection in the Cessitate the use of a magnifying imperial on chin, g Y (boot thrown at him by a captain n one TURNED'1'HrIli FACES TO THE FO); "Wh•tt does that saltpeter avnit against sky? 'They replied that they could not, glass by his printers. awake. $e was sitting Hoar the tap prominent nose, + of lite companion on the main deck,' dresses hancisOmely i.n frock -coot, or, of his emptoyera' ships who was in bed a the boat of an in the coil of a huge cable talking to when traveling, in a tweed shoot}ng ! at an hotel. He pickgd it up, and re- Yet in full sigh of t hese proceedings gelic apparition.+ who will when the Captain said he could not Berlin courts have decided that a suit. Lar SPectfull returned it to the owner a (bird and fourth dotacbmcut of des- assist r; this day I Don't mind their the steerage steward. AtCer camper- $e diamond ring on left lit- Y awe ; either, but they would see it fast summer overcoat is a luxtrr }ng some notes about his fellow -pas- tie finger, Very powerful build,Isaying, "What message shall I give, peradoes entered th'it valley of death eve y one oflltheir boortshe Is inamh y Y• and not y enough whin they got there. It wa» s neceasit and can th,refore be seems about five feat or ten inches in'air to Messrs Macwhmiab and Salt?" till the hillock of cor es bad filled mantic-shieve, Look) ye can see the the secouci mate's watch, and the Cap- &sized by tee aheziff. sengers at the end, be turned the con- > versation to the saloon. lie get. Good address, and very gen- I A!1 this was veep astable, and to As "You've a rare !lot of first-class pas- tl'Manly in his Manners, Probabl many persons a,emed• to be very praise- the gully proper (t. e,) the rocky steep clouds part even now, and our teles- tain shortly aft•er•ward went below. The income of the principal eharita-• Y r tial auxiliaries getting ready to de- bio institution having their h+udquar- sengers aboard, haven't you?" Y Tulka w Ge man bruise on hie left eye• I lwiadtitybeenn he natural ornamentbof a' bottom tronch of tba dell. scend." About 10 o'clock the mate cants on i'renah, and Eng -f "Desturl" "Assist ye blessed ones! Under these itus ices the mob of t'he poop and asked the passengers if term in London ,.mounts to over seven "Yea," said the atewrtrd, "Moat nn „ em wants to et borne for Christmas, lish," meek and quiet spirit, But it was not. cud A 1' million pounds per annum. you see. It's not a favourite time for you've got the bruise, any, P Y cunning of the meanest screeched the survivors on the other gel -armed peasants actually march- they had seen the Captain, and on be- bVell, It was aim f ed to the at tuck of retrenched Lotteries, Ing asked. what he wanted the Captain Thera is a hr>hppital for trees nn the waY, said IYW. Cro law hing. "It's order, Twenty years later, when side, in a frantic a' crossing, but this is a new ship, and g. $ Ca t ppeal to the aid of add when the clouds of banks of the Serine in Paris. Trees captain's a favourite, and so a good fgoQttu� atelhe as by, to see how you' CaPtamin ups was a eLe otne andd their patron angels, and another parted the junction with rrMuenze 's for, said he thought they were a good which grow we.•tk along the boulevards many on 'em have been waiting. I Y're all so keen after the i charge was actually getting under -way winged allies wits found to have been deal too near land, are taken there to recover. never saw, so many afore, at this time quariY> I'll bet you anything with that ruling pa*finer in the firm of Macw- bruiae you'd have been in I haPPY, Salt, and Peakman, the old man when Ihn Egyptabn cavalry crossed the effected in another world. The souls Shortly after this the Captain came The population of Palestine IS in - o' alar." quad in r of 1,800 peasants had been sent sky- o "flab I Anybody particular aboard?" twonty foto Lours." w'as turnod off at the tirst chance lik, glen higher up and galloped around ward at the first disahat e, Lut the Ai deck, and what the mate said was creasing rapidly. Ten years ago there "Well, there's alive lord among BY Jove I" said the other, laughing I a mangy dog; and .when he went to to take the madmen in flank. Then, w r d at refused to retreat till the reported to b1m. :Che Captain pooh- were only 15,000 residents in Jaffa; to. loud and loo "' ( •Peakman and t the rest. A young fellow, I believe, g• Take a man up for 1 P eadad his long service and only then, religious frenzy yield- prophet himself. Poohed tho xe ,ort. Soon afterward day there are near! 00,000, name of Lord Pendlebury, but I haven't murder because he has a black eye I and his six children, and besought F y You'll be able to seize a dozen of that he might not be sent into hope- ed to th:� inatinat of self-proservativn, JUMPED ON A AORSE I some one forward Sung out "HOck&," The eye of the vulture is so con•• aeon him. Then t his old Sir augh- these fellows downstairs on that score less povert Ma•. Peakman, in his and the du es. of the Prophet scatter- And departed in quest of other auxil- f and almost immediately the vessel structod that it is a bfgb-pcva•t'red ter.Peakman and his wife and Thugs- before two da blandest manner and with the smile of A iariea. struck .with violence, Be much so that Pe enabling the bird to Ree ob- ter. H•e'S as ries as Creases. Tse us- Ys are over. '1'Lere's a ed'in spite oP tee howling protests of teleaco ual lot, I Suppose, commercial travel- gang °f gamblers on board." sn angel, said, "Captain Gumbo, lam dervishes. A still stranger episode followed the she um jests at an almost incredible dis- No, Is there?" sore p famous battle of Nawas do '.Tolosa U Ped over the rock, and teen tanoe. lees, agents, and small tradespeople•" Y l cannot hold out the least ro greater force on rocks "Yes. I found 'em out last ni ht, epect of ou.r requiriu ou again. You Nor is it easy to believe that tee struck with still "You say Sir Benjamin Peakman is g b Y rvbere tLe united artniea of all Chris- Railway stat�ona in Sweden w•he,,•e rich? H'as he got a valet with h,im?" Ive not been a gentleman's gent, and have perhaps forgotten a little in- last chirge of the Celtic Highlanders flan Spain had'vanquised the levies of further in. "?lot on board this time, He goner- all over Europe, from St. Petershurg'cident which occurred so many yearn at Culloden h:td any clear motive. The, plain was then heard to call you can procure hot lunehoons are ally hta one when Le crosses.-There'a to Biarritz, not to s eak of Hombur ago, when I was a bo in this office tee Moorish .Emirs. Mori than fu'r'- 1'he, Ca P g� Y fotlawera of the Pru het known by n peculiar sign br,irint the a fellow, b the wa in the captain's and Mona°°, for not.hin and you war, the senior captain? I knew "t the valiant stake tneerss well P Lad been fur- out, 'Run her agrauud." The ves- t Y, g•" knew that dt would take ten times � dished passports to Paradise, and some suggestive ,mLlern of it cruRse�d knife cabin, Mr. Fex-rum name, ain't it ? Mr. Crog looked respectfully at his wish you good -morning, sir." their scant resources to break the mill- 1 50,000 routed or captured, when a small set had, all sail on her with great way, and fork. --ha has a gentleman to wait on him.'' Jewish friend. This was the very man The captain told this story allover tar troop of turbaned warriors arrived at as she was going eight or nine knots The chestnut is a great Stiiple in - 'Do ou think Sir 11. wants a valet 7 tO help him to dig out the criminal ' Quebec, gverybody commiserated him Y Power of Saxonland, but they Y from the mina of humanit below but everybody respeotod Benjamin Were glad that the attempt had been a gallop underr the leadership of aJin- when the accident happened, and, dustry in Spain, wbore it is largely That's my business, you know." Y mads, and determined to avail them- Makaltat-a ' ghost -Com eller" or mir- though run aground the sea washed used by the peasants for Pond na :ve11 there. Peakman the more, Tho saw that hi p "Ohl I didn't know," replied the Nell," re lie + was not to be trifled wilts. Sir Ben- aelvea of tee obanoo-per}taps the last acle-working dervish, Fie came too her off u ain and she ran down the 1 rpose. Great other. "Weal I can fiord out. for you." A ' d Mr. Cr "there s a late to cancel• tbose ss orts, but had g as £ar commerce l ni hundred °g' chance -to cross swords with tee hexa- Pa P "Do. I know sometimes these Cana- Pounds for you if you pick Jamin Peakman was known, then, to ditarpp fees of their rase. not the slightest doubt in the possibil- coast for .some distance. quant{t ea are exported: dean swells look out for airvrtnta un bun out, dead or alive." be an ;able man, a steady, resolute, It le sty of retriev}n the Fortune of the da An atlas t loss teen made to brio J• M. Barrie, the novelist, whose board our ebr},s." A hunched pounds, sir,"' cried the even a dogged man; a man who laid Pr,t(y doubtfu} if lee subjects g Y, P g Y 1 other in a conies from other of Sing Alfonso XIII. ever intended to add with bis 5U or 00 followers sears- soak renunciation of tnbacch mode. sea "Do you? have you ever crossed ' ptuous tone. "Do people equilly his aims and r ed the North -S ser up Ly letting go tee anchor, wren i before, then?" You ,suppose I'm going to share th'-his manner of working them out, A f otraot tee late war beyond a pro a moment's 1 aspofitime1The erhe�so she grounded heavily broadside on. "ad Lady Nict,tbne" g real*r, bas you at an trustworth forma. battle or two, rut IhPbr enunear- Y !tad tO siva up smoking in reul'ty be- y sten of A. 'Dl 1$09 ware wh,il in ear- y y Attention was now .dfour to tee f "Not, with ou" said the other ova- T'll see Y esa than half the money? y friend if it ware worts amazed at his audacit that the at cause a delicate health, you sen ed first, Wait un- hie while; Luta man whom if you Y first mistook hie reen banner fora boats, of which see blot four on board handl. "Try a drop 'l my brandy," !1 nest; the duty of dying even for a g Count Shl enabu Okuma, the new bandin a flask. You'll find it extra til I"ve talked rt over with some of aroased, ho would have Lis revenge out flag of truce, and realized their mss- (three on desk and one 'over the side;) g g contemptible King had never yet been nod," he added winking. "It came i:he officers•" of you in some way, and, by general take ont when the sit the Captain, four seamen and one pass- premier of Ja an, h an life as a g Mr. Crog was uic o i questioned south lc the Pyrenees, and ab pa dru se n B be- P eg out of the cellar of my last governor." q k enough to see P neon, would not be nice about tee Palafos calm! calculated that nt the gen to Saber away Ibke n drunken Bart:. edger' jumped into the latter• boat and poor boy, and is now a proof. th'it tee Mr. Crog, the steerage. Steward, that the astute atradger had caught means. But always so oily, eo acute, current rata oP trio expenditure the mark. i Called out to lower, but finding no one , self-made" man can be manufactured Igbly appreciated the brandy and the Lein' and being a man of sense, he studious of the people fie dealt with, $ $ The conquests of Tamerlane, how- anewerid' tee call the Captain return- even in the de'sptrtin past. uerilla war a uinmt tee Francs in- ed to the deck, when the boat was oke. They untied hie tongue a little. agreed with the fellow quickly, whiles Be wide awake to their weaknesses and truders could be continued for 80 years aver seems( at last to have broken, the T•he Sandwich Islanders tire so fond . "I sa b13• st;ld lowerin his voice, he waa In tea way with him, seem So Subservient to'their wishes, that all s crit of resistance, and after the defeat lowered., On her touching the water g before the last Spanish belligerent had of the sea that they actually teats thoughyin tee infernal din teat waa that now it would be that or nothing, the world, with a few exceptions, re- of Sultan'Ba'azet the warriors of Wes- she was, found to have Y a joined the buried majority. J their c ldren tO swim long before filling the air from the fear- The stook hands over tee bargain, g rded him as the "ablest," the Persistent des otism has more than tern Asia fled at tLe Frere approach NO PLUS IN I3ER ful storm wii h.,ut and tee rat- and then the stranger tried to rise to ' nicest," the "altogether most attrd(" once driven its victims to a oint of of the irresistible Tartars. And no thole ins. they a4me able to walk, 'h • tiniest his birth. Flo could scarcely move, tive" man. P P' mites play gauzes in wale well out of tie and racket and groaning and exasperation where a chance for re- Our American aborigines, too, final- While they were waiting to supply their depth. shrieking within, there was little 'Noll se said, n ee stiff I Isball Drench when Mr. Peakman, then a tributive havoc became more desirable ly °ease to oppose the mail -clad Span- these deficiencies her tackle became T ' : chant, of their bein overheard "the have to lie up, I can see. Well, don't werilthy cofoniat and, a member of the lards whom the 'evidedtl In India, every town 'of a,ny ~' s $ you be in a burr , t.han life itself. IIyron s "Siege of Cor- Y y Cnme to con- uncooked, and the 1 oat drifted off Captain's in a' precious stew. Just as Y about that fellow. Uppor $come and a CO.onial cabinet- inth," with Its horrible crisis is found- aider beings of a preternatural -or, at from the vessel without the Ca tain. its awn ice factory, some ofN Tn11 we were movin off from Gree castle, I scall stay quietly in my berth for a minister, was sent over to London to least, hopelessly superior -order. The men put in their knives for thole- capable of turning out from 500 to $ day or levo, and listen to what G on an i otual occurrence, aid tee after the tender Lad left us, a little goes on, make certain financial and political Greek patriot Canaria devoted bimaelf But the discovery of the least flaw pins, and the passenger his German 1,000 tons of ice a day. And th" sante especially if this infernal weather negotiations with the Home Govern- •and his followers to annibilation for in the armor of such conquerors is pipe fora like purpose, and they pull- thing Lards good in E(rypt and the boat ran up from the telegraph ata- lasts " tion there. A man in the stern held ment, he at once made his way, His the sake of an n apt, to revive the spirit of defiance, and "!3Y the wa , pportunity to smuggle ed out to sea to get round a point of Southern States of Americ+a. upr a telegram. Y, said Mr. Crog, "what a deference. just tuil.ed the rourtly mint an infernal machine under the fla t lip iron -fisted Visigoths did not heli- rocks over which the breakers were mount Hercule your namo2' late.r$; his ab}lit took those who were g- tate to break the .Pax Romana, the in- , .un the Island of "'1Vbat is it ?' ahoutea tee cap Y ship of tee Turkish, Admiral. rolling heavily. Stillwater," replied the 'ocher, men of bu»ine»s. Tho whale Colonial• ternational peace, which has been en- Papua, i said to ba the highest m"+un- The Czars contrived to turn thou- l Whin tees had weathered n point lain. tJames Stillwater. I've ard, u m Office, from the doorkee er to tee Sec- sand» of cod -natured Slavonians Into forced h trey pulled for the land, on nearing tain in the warld, its ialtitude being Telegram to slap the ship: $ P y' p . $ y 1,100 years Of almost c�ntin�- "'Sta the ase ? What fur 9' ticket to the purser's steward, so ou rater of State, re &rded sem as the ons victories. y g S 32,78(! feet. Mount Ev,pesl, Tnrlia, wns Y Y g Anarebists and Annihilista who held which the tiaw a li ht. Not bein "' You've got PKane, the murderer, need not bother me about that I'll look Pink of co'onial statesmanship. When tbeir only lives so cheap that they able to find a landing place tees ottll- aft.er m self,' until recently put down a» the most on hoard: ' Y• ho had gone away they found be had would stake tbsm on the remotest ed aloud for help, and their cry was lofty, but it is only 29,00'2 feet high. -i. "'Nonsensel''sh-)uteri,the captain. He crawled slowly down the batch- got a great deal more out. of them chance of vendetta, like that Nov or- heard Ly the son of Lieutenant AIc- ! way, and limped along to the men's than the could well defend in Parlia- od g Ftt.ENCFi LAW, Mr. T. Sidney Cooper, the Royitl I i:ell you, Captain WinalaSs, you Y painter wen went to St. Peters- Lean, of tee coast guard, wso lndicat- Lave, Here's the telegram describing quarters, whore h, bad selected ost moot. burg, for the express purpnse of ex- Owing to a low and declining birth ed' a place of landing. Immediately Academician, is still painting at the him' most retired, tee darkest, and most To he Continued. ploding the imperial tiger in his own rate, rvbich bus reaabed &point where tee alarm was Spread that a vessel age of 95 years He Lagan to exhiLlt "' All right,' says the captain, disagreeable berth in the ship. den, and after months of watchin and had struck on tee Manacl Quartermaster, there I' CHAPTER IV. "` waiting actually contrived to g it means an actual loss of some 20,- in 1833, and though• 64 years of age "' Ay, Sy, air,' Sir Benjamin Pealtman, K.C.M.tx„ get a 000 of The coast guard., on learning of the when made a full R. A„ has crml inued wits a new kni ht POST OFFICES IN SPAIN. job in tho ground -floor, regions of the POPulntion a year, b'rance sae disaster, made gallant effort& in bt, an active member for t}tirtq-one Heave out a few coils of the log K ,but not a new tdght marble coliseum known ,f a the Winter resolved to take care of what babies half. of the perishing passengers. They years. line there into that boat.' in the colonial world. His name had -`-" PAIaCe. Th:ty would not Lnve employ,cl see has. A law Las therefore Leen took the powenger who hitd reached Heave it is, sir," been associated with the business and c=artons Methods of bundling the natla— him in his own name, the tnmtructlnns the land with them to show them were �"A gentleman whose wife and " Wben It was done, 'Now,' says he Politbc» of our transatlantic possessions Poor Place to Seed Letterm. of the major aomo were &great deal Passed forbidding anyone to give solid the unfortunate ship ]ay, those Ci the.. daughter have run away from hoots to the telegraph clerk, 'tie on tee pa- for now very nearly a third .of a ten- A forei Her in S ain saes man erre gent for tLat, bur: Le aultivat- food of any kind to infants under one too stria per and run your boat close elan fury, Hard and astute, he knew how g p y crew rvso held got asl+ore retu-ing to for a ttOliday, leaving him in charge g to conceal bis shrewdness and &(ern- gularilies, especially in tee post -of- ed the acquaintance of avarnisher who Year without the written authority lend the least assistance, But. the. of a baby, who, although fairly well, side'" nese under is air of cod humor and held been lnlrusted wilh the embellish- of a qualified physician. Also the use boats could not reach the vessel, and appears to t?e cutting a tooth, earneet- In another moment the telegram $ flees, In Poles, a village of twelve ment of Several new basement pantries; effort had to be postponed until the ly desires tflAt trey wit[ return barna ;r was aboard. even of deference, which, if it re- hundred inhabitants, in nortbern and by offering his Services at irres- of long rubber tubes to feeding bottles r' minded one too much of the sleek af- following tuornin(„ (Cuing, (other tit, at. Once " and advertised the fact ,n "'Have you got it4 scouts the cap Spain, tlreprnstmastor was an old man r»tibia low rate» auaceeaed at last in is Ar'ohibited, because of the difficulty the: oOaet, t.oamoro favorable spot for tee London �tindard. lain. a cursio of a cat, bent on a bunting gettin himself admil.ted am an as»int- °f keeping them sterilized, Since 1891 embarkation, the reached-tho vessel, Ay, ay, air,' excursion in n bird -frequented gar- who was usually found aslcep, and ra- g y J "Ring went the bell, "Full speed.' den, was at all events generally agree- rented being stirred up to deliver a ant, Still, according to' custom, the the aeulL» In I"'ranee hrtve,xceerled the which wit» teen not above `LOU yards A mule. belonging to it putter in able. lie wda not a handsome man, letter. In tee lar er sentries. r r t births, and as there is no hope of in- from the shore. Kapurthala, Hindustran, has ;Given Round went the strew. The boat was g past -offices the, KEPT A SHARP F.YF, areasing•th- proportion of births, wbith ,During the whole of this time -the birth to a (oat. This rare event has precious nearly upset, and we coubd nut ha Lad large loath, and he show- height of confusion isreached, because On every newcomer, and if a journey- tiuncptth2Lotp1 grits 1,000 of th, papula- crew bein for the moat herir them scolding as we bore away. ea teem wits adroitness. lie was al- g part intorica- cttused grout exert: ntent in the plat, ways Smilin Ile smiled to himself letters are put into g e n y sopa is in preserving tilted - no attempt was made by -Halloo, T acyl Look out; you Il go g P] eon holes, man ptint.ec ha 1 hean caugbf wits u the "lives of as many children its pas- ;+n<l the pundit+ are con»ultinit the down the hatebway l" wren be was nq himself, Cort wb,n, you alphabetically arranged, according to dirk knife under his blouse he would Bible. The health itutcorities exei•- Qat se (sem or the laptain to sttva lh, stars and the sh istus to find out what The JewIab-booking main, who bad would have thought, he fancied no one the, fan° of the heave been glad to Ret off with a vise the moat arbitrar PAss,ngers, Some of the lai:lei' .at- yin Y Postmaster. y power in the tempted of themselves to tt prot,nds. I'he fact im attested h i p was lookin Th, trots waa be alwa a knout. matinee and a gallopade in fhe Supervision Of conte eous diseases, get I:he cut- army veterinary surgeon• been ubtting comfortably enougL nn sctw everyhOay aha soar thin° '"Mr• Jahn Sxnilh,"' says Doctor direction of Siheriit. Yet, with &full and th, Magislratea are aever,on thoRe bottom[ tin[ so lout the gbo t stout her t r tbo hug+, coif of rope, waa suddenly Y g' Gadrnv in his 'Northern S On tt a sch inner Sophla Sutherland, pitched over head and heels backwards forgot nothing. His manners were in- pain, "will knowledge of that risk, the man from who violate Ise sanitar re ulations. variably gentle and conciliator Novgorod ventured to fear Y g Th, tide ut the time the vesa,l whirl Lea returned to Satn b'rrincisao into the water -way, and with another Y, spec- on enquiry, probably be told there is ght his knife The system of milk inspect!on,on which roll described a P }ally so, some people said, when be $ with fuses and packages of blastin struck was &rout two thirds ebb, and graceful arabObic nothin for Lim, because tee tatter is B th, welffare of thousand» of children from a fruitless search for old amu curve, which landed him only a foot or meant mischief. lie purred, whichever Powder, and to tempt fate by coolly depends in Paris, is t borc,u h and ef- when thtt ship sank she filled with thel;Outb flea [slttndx, wits all t hn m f3 l two short of the hatchway, with his w^aY y°° stroked sem, which pravea'safely Iodgedunder J., thepostmastex mannting the stairs ane{ exploring the festive, g w+u,r, but th, clacks wero dry, tied, if I Shoulder jam against the combing, tba,t the feline analogy Is not quite having mistaken Smith for an addi- upper stories of the palace, He desired assistance had been rendered •tit this Ronal property of the tale l;:•' ort where he came t° an anchor. The stew- perfect. He heal been like this from tional surname; but John Smith, to ascertain the exact. tocacion of the �~-�'a"" tlmt+, all might have been artists I.eui+ Steven.+on. V:.Ilinra, the h:tit rlo the time when he first emer a Esq will as likely be relegated tet landed' arch ran forward and secured Lim, He g d from Imperial dormitory, but hing repulsed LT EE SAVING 1"f(iTIiOU. tmcxtn home of tit• gi[ted author, Seemed to be much shaken and alarmed, obscurity Int° a visible and noticeable from The vestiblue of the third floor, The Captain would not allow the Iwe wet» stripper! from top to basement re - "There get down again into your life. People in Quebec could remain- A and, unless the postmaster is ami- was oblige.rd to moderate the heights The Boulogne tugs have recently largest Louts to be hoisted out, telling fore the Sophia Suth,rliinci soiled, dna crib, and hold on ti ht with both Sanas, bar Lim-whe.n Quebec was the great- eably inclined, your 'letter has& ood of his enterprise, and final! cam ro- (peen fitted with the passengers that the wer, guns for firing aline fectl Y Por- naw sianctR itt tho midst of the broad Wby, you've knocked your weather eye, amt Commercial place in Canada - an chance of remaining there untfl$tbe mise& nn lbs afning ball in art wing of axroas &vessel At: Sea, Por is, ur ase recta doe"tiahf,h tide hoatstiftot tflow ac ee ansa m IomAo (I the Stevenson errAnd boy for the shipping house of tit, bet ,tags, and pestis nearly over P A Y (3 n the I e P Y e and look like revive Hbre, take a swig quarterly or annual clearance, when rt fuel closet that could be used as a of establishing communication by shore would come off nn(1 take them ai Your own reviver." Marwha.po e t Salt, It was Saidlhat it ma be returned theca Spain pO»xeRse», aceording to the "Oh, it's nothing," said the other, be hate conte to ihnt. post from the Y gb tee dead tamperers depository for barmless means of a life -Raving hawser. The to from 111, wreck, thershy evincing :.iR !:astern Townshl s, where man a letter Office, I sa lookin $ perfect Official Register, 5 Capt•t!n-Generals, "Where's my hat?" P y y 'may,' beaavSe such g varnish pats, sits to winawara of the vesR,l alranded tl I,ieulen:int-(lenerrila, 7;i (�enrriitm of time he bard driven the team that drag- letters are considered troublesome In those pots the champion of Ni- IGNORANCI OF THK 'TIDI+:S. 7n banding btm the big ok at him. ged hie father's plough,' If mention- and have a knack of dila hilism y mported 30 on a Joe shore; and, by anchoring a In proof of the Caplain'S Ignorance Division, 179 Briando Generalm and 46 the steward took a good look at him. gxaauall i pobtaing." Acunde short distance from it, is enabled t° staff officers with the rank of Gon- Tbnt's not the man I" he mutter- ed Ott all, that ought to he put down to Doctor Gadow, saving obtained an °f mixed expins:vas, and itt rho time tho lid, commenced flowing at 1, and ed to himself. "But he's a precious hi» credit, for never did plough -boy introduction tothePostmaster ofPotes of the usual dinner hour one day take off the crew, On alevel and man- before 2 the sea broke heavily over oral on the active list, with '211 nior, shgr lookin un, now, one $ carry int° town a gentler mien or a andt xchan ed Com liments withbim, bi hted his fuses and slipped out of the dY shore astranded vessel may he bun- the vemsol, dashing the boats to pieceR, on the reserve list, making 5:,7 aen- P- g gets ase ht e g P building. To avoid the suspicions 16f dreds of yards away, and in the teets each wave Carrying itR victims away Brat officers for the army. 'Th• navy of him." more natural defer,nre than Benjy wnsLavited to look through Lim sbelvea Peakman, when he deserted ngxicul- and take Lis choice. 13e name across a t.bR gate guard he had even to effect of a gale the rocket may not reach amid the Shrieks of the rest, expectin(r, contains an Admire(, 6 Vice-AnmirnlR. Any observer would Lave agreed wilt tura for commerce. He was a big boy letter addressed to a gentleman in his exit at aleiaurely gait, but turn- 15 !tear AdmirrrlR and 47olhc • ortiaor» Mr. Crog. The removal of the wfdo- ed on more steam the minute be was the wreak, The soda adopted by the every moment to meet the same rloum. awake hod revealed a most strwid too, and a sharp one. His mother was C+abezon, a town at some distance from ant n ai Zai, and Lad Boulogne Humane Society has soma 196 men, women and, children well, of equal rank to a German r le ae- g alists, ea from at family of U. K, toy- sent , &ekingg ed it Lad not been g got four o11 five manifest advantages; for instance, it swallowed up and about: 80 saved. t.ive list while the reserve b. t tR 09 head and physiognomy, A head with &lista, who had selected a Lome {n sent an, be xeaeived tris startling an- bt°ake when the expected earthquake obviates havin to The crew, with•the exception of (he much officers. Army and navy com- w ih wase ahoek of aarmty hair, thtr colon of shook announced the success of his g pull a man 200 or broad Lave 090 nam,& of en,rat nffi- y Quebec whin, with a ewer: 'That man is aforeigner-le he 800 yards through the surf, with the steward, evinced perfect apathy dur- $ Afor ea� }n a ae. r of great om gra t aturdy lova of Monarchy and Toryism, not ? Well, numbers of strangers come Plct' He then retraced 'his ste s in a ing the dreadful Roane, and did not. cera on the pay rolls. A forehead, Squnre, reoeaing from gnat they were obliged eilhet• to flee to Potes, and he la as likely to tarn P proapeeJt of reaoutng him moxa dead ugly brows. $back, keen, finshing eyes, the new republic., or to fight to es- up Lore as at Oabeztm i" safe me th of surging mobs, and tt than alive Another oint bn• favor of render iso slightest asaistana, to th, bleached the copal varnish on Lis ca la A uniquo dismissal of a batsman oc- gathered inward', and Completer eov- p the method Is that to a given time passengers. When the Shore boatR coerce in Cnylc+n in a mAlrh between erned by those brows, A i y tnbliall It, It was by her impulsion At San ftbastittn Doctor' Gadow to sea the police carry out stretobor one ottn rescue more arrived, about 8.80 or 4 o'oloek, they ops pAle than after st etcher full Of ngled corpses, persons by were tee Ptret tv tr to teams Ot »attire"rs oP th, R. A, and R. faceev,r lineament telling of strength tolsAable educatti n at a villages school, registered tlatter4t�oantaining aPox� g taupe haweerthe nae o� a long -tris- with their bags, ahowinpragreatertAnx- h.. A gunnor euros (iridin in the t yy eegg gg but, to his st[ll renter horror, he soon and're»olution, aha passion, aril tSan- aonauated by an hon,st Presbyterian mittanco tromhfelawyer, acct rasa es- 1earned that his exploit bad missed Ila int;• A nnso sbnrp ane thin, with n Malo purpose, t4gd that the (7aar hfm- _ tety to secure these than to save the "Country." Tho hall was h t high in 4' AcOtahman, waa lea to leave the tend- stlred that nothing Lad arrived. On err lives of the passebgers; not a Seaman the Air in him direction. I{e ran back- aewi»h chill9 ; l small ers oft; a Ione Intl of his father'0• flocks, and try prot'luirin a note from this Knglish gel had ea°agttri• '?Ore had been an perished. >4srrow nhira; holt whi»kers nt l� h ` g unusual nytw r of oreign dignitaries 8 a ward» to aateh it, hat miajudainq it, eP Ibe PnaC, n4 A ie aide iR lurk at fleecing In A target arn4ln, donsul the letter waa forthcoming to tits audience room that da and Fila y novel Land ingenious system ,An inquest waa held on the bodies did not. get his handR undarnealh• Th, pecallar Randy -red col- rho result did honour, in some sense, with the ovottse that the post badJua �e y' gold leaf is now made eo thin that which °air+, to land, and the jury ball hit him plump nn the lop of hi» tier, which oddly &antras{etc with the to th, mttternal instinct, Mn»ter Ben- Cametn. $epolnted out that thaloca! wMating bed loept hfs kftohen chafe SEt0,000 abasia measure only an finch in brought , a. verdict of manRtnuprltfer pith helmet, a r,Rulntinn one, aha r 1xirss Of his ruin and sacs, The low- Jamin hn.d been brought up lit n bard postmark was five aaya aid; thin tb!I against the Ca,ptatn, Soverely c,nAur- inmt,aa of bouncing off npCnin. ,t. went a prirt of the Saes shaved smeath aR SchoOl. He has rarely hnnaled monoy, postmaster answered that as �3adarp rhe Troubatskolu bomb thrower,how thickness. Thin sheets of copper are ed the crew, with the exception of one through, resting On Iii» heart br»ids. at abild'R, For an instant. The man'a When he did see It he appreciated It. ended with "w" a let+;•,r va resentad ever, waa lucre muecosmful, and &few placbd in an olectralytio sola -prating seaman'named Flder, and recommend. flim helmet waR finttenett somewhat t eyeR Iciokon up boldly aur! pares tar- p days after the battle of Ostralenka a solution, and when a gold film has ea that alight be Placed an the Man- over itis ears, rind Ro tier caught the . p pro am a �er &held i i his large " S the n be das a iff ul doe to Polish atriot burled himself under the formed upon thein, the COpper la din- aoles, besides expressing surprise f hat halt I ft was row h on the bat. Ate int° those of lira steward. as if to The wopensir ho hepd it in Lis dining , u" the name wss a difficult ane to ruins of abridge that he had undarmin• aolver! by a. ah6mitia.! orotess, leaving tite Ship was not Supplied with a si n- thou h trie fieldwnau fo nn, iltenetratq b}R inrrwitt thoughts, Btlt Mr, The propensity of trade, of wtnuing� pfigtstrt'i hole, d $ Ex pronarly found bd and Baume to eollapm, just tin the gold lnta4tc at gun or blue lights. tt rather hard. t 1, A b . e , ate... r...,. _...,.. .�. _ .. r. .. •,w4.. _.a�.�r' �:,....:.....,-,Aw,s�,s:Y.3�—. .....=aaraRa..�k...i..u.,t^- '+ ,t.....r�.. �1s-.,___:a � -' �:.". �. �e ,L _. tea'