HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-11-03, Page 6..-+m.w-.www+...,-r.w+ •,_rr-r<-.-,•�+�,rwn•.:. ..ww.a+-+ �r .... ., _14.7...•.. _T;--.,T.-;M .. .. •:..-,. =77 .. .. .. •++en-..,�a;m�....x-mea.r.-x.:.�.._......m•...n_.�Lr.::'.ran...-.n.-..-„`..a ..... .. clown for ten, minRtoo. When the A PIQKPQQI��'r'S DIARY, The youngArchduke Ladislaus, in grape juillfp Is put an to 1aoi1 it should Was` Ver Weak the Summeof 1885, antis fAtally shat . be p measured. Add ' cup ll sugar ld . A U91btiurria plokpocket was recent- while trailing his gun through athlak- Hot) every quart At juin.' as soon as it ie 'ly oaplux�ed by the yrolice Whet had kept et AI Agyag, in Hnngaxy, and the Aroh- tme a boiled, anal can it at once. It is used for some time a diary of social nail dlddd Wan, Poor anti Thin --Noodle duke J'oliann, who set sail for South as it is far oommuni.on service, in "fixtures” Sareaparllla ¢av0 Strength. America with is wife, as never been "'"� � Plano is %viers. political fiaturos, )l4 It ti,ore entries h h "After being in the hospital r.or a heard of since, Archduchess Matilda like these: was burnt to death; Prince Louis of tSWEFiT CUCUMBER PICKLES. --_-M long time I was very weak and, hardly FOR YUUNti MOTHERS, July 1,. -Lady ]lladden's garden Par- able to walk, My blood was'thin and I France drowned himself; lung Lud- The rule for ,preparing the little ty, crowd 14t gate, was as pale as death. When I reach- wig' the cousin of the dead Empress, sweet cucumber pickles will be of She was such a young inexperienced n» was a madman and committed suicide, P mother, and the bob esus so areas. So July Alorning, departure of the ed home I was told about Hood's Sarea- and the Archduke Ferdinand, Emperor small avail if the following general di- Y parilla, and procured five bottles and Princess company to Adelaide, fair ; af- of Mexioo, was executed. in 1867. when she palled upon her neighbor, f3 g began taking it. In a few months The country w xections are not observed: ternoan, opening aP Parliament, cod; after I began Its use I found I lead Y hien to looked upon as Use the beat older vinegar. Such who had raised a• purge Pumily, for ad- evening, theatre party at Royal, Band gained twenty pounds in Weight, and the MPst peculiar home of the assassin vinegar always has some color, and it vice, that lady was touched by her crush in vestibule. I felt so much better that I continued is undoubtedly, Russia, and the Czars y July 3. -.livening, Yacht Club Ball, of that countr fa not so intensely sharp as the color- helplessness, and came over to see balcony far public. the use of the medicine until I was as y ever go about in fear what was the matter, Jul well as ever. I believe Hood's Sa.rsa- of their lives. Czar Paul was attacked leas manufactured vinegar so often y 4.-Yunkee Consuls reception, parilla saved my life:' Arthur Mills, and killed by nobles in 1801, and no Everything about the child betoken- splendid. Pew,0, than six attempts were made sold under this name. The Yankee Consul's Fourth of Jul Dresden, Ont. Remember Use the smtll cucumbers. Those ed the laving care which good moth- Y on .the life of Alexander II„ and he reception seems to have been the best ' little ers always give their little ones. e Hood s Sarsaparilla was finally killed in 1881 by a bomb which are no longer than the Hthing on this gentleman's list. thrown by a mail who was himself kill - had dust been bathed and dressed, but Canoda's Greatost Mediolne, 01; six for $6. finger make the best pickles. Full- ----'--�------- —•- - ed, in St. Petersburg. Two attempts instead of the quiet sleep that should were also made on the life of the late grown cucumbers make coarse, rank 1T(I1ZT BORE til TSTii A T CI Hood's Pills our r indigestion. 26oeuts. follow, he was crying and tossing HOW 11jLE Jj„Pj,ij,LS# Ozar Alexander III. General de Masent- pickles. TRIED TO KILL MONARCHS toff, the Chief of the Russian Secret soak the cucumbers long enough in about restlessly. •-•- Police was assassinated u is Peters - brine to insure their being freed from "Phis is the first cause of the trout- WHEN THE BLOOD IS PURE AND , burg on the 16th of August, 1878, their strong juices. ble," she said as she removed the dain- RICH IT WILL HEAL,IRAPIDLY. -•-•, Bhonarek was attacked in 1866 and (Pack the little cucumbers in astone ty white dress and skirt. "if you will 11-- FREQUENTLY ATTEMPTED BUT NOT 1874 by Blind and Kullmann, respee- jar, in layers of fine salt. Put enough bring me a dress that is not starched, l'hle Fact utnionstrated In the (:aAP a! OFTEN SUCCESSFUL, lively; Michael, Prince of beryls, was {'bc�U+r {:awecy, ee7ao and Bccu Tronbl• assassinated in 1868; and attempts salt on top to cover them, and pour I will put it on, and he will be more --- were made etl 11 t tli it Baan u l u„ Sore For More 7'ban cold water over all. Lay a heavy comfortable. See his neck and wrists n YP.tr. Seven Would be Mdne urerers ve Atinclied TO KILT. MILAN, IV„ Vleforla-seaireely a Europe n Ruler plate or round board over all, and put are chafed from the stiff bands. He From the Times, Owen bound. Of tenet, in 1882, and the Prince of a stone on it to keep the pickles under is too flesh to be dressed so warmly But bas Had Ills Life Assailed once dr Mantenero in 1880. Y In the ,township of Sarawak, Grey More. the brine. Leave the pickles in brine this sultry weather." A few minutes county, there is probablyno better aFence, too, has been the scene of The dastardly deed whish has .'lung- many such outrages. Damiens, a man for nine days. Keep them in a cold sufficed to find a plain slip that had known or teepee; ed farmer than Thos. ed the house of the Hapsburgs once of 42 years, attempted to assassinate place, and stir them up from the bot- been laundered without starch and it Cawley, of East Linton, P.O. Learning Louis XV, in 1757 and Napoleon I. had th t his nephew a young lad now again into mourning, has, unfortun- a narrow escapef tom every three days. Look the pick- was put on. about ten ears of age had been cured atel many parallels in the history of from an infernal ma- les over when the have been thus y g I Y, Y opine in 1$00. Y "What would you give him when he of a disease of his lets which • threatened the courts of Euro Since the foun- No less than six attempts were made well salted, rejecting any that are Pe has the colla," asked the anxious not only the loss of the limb, but also oil the life of Louis Philippe in 10 dation PP fresh ono t - • into r P he Austrian i 'ta rut soft. r the pound ones n u n Em re i Throw h mother. "He has it so often, and I of the life of tile little fellow, a re-; P years, the most noted of which were cold water to freshen for twelve hours. do not know whe.t.her to give him porter of the Times made enquiry, and ers have been singularly unfortunate. the attempt of Alibaud, on June 25, At the end a this time put them into paregoric or soothing syrup. we are convinced that Lhe wonder I Albert, the first Duke of the line, was 1836, and that of Fieschi, on July 28, trash sold water and let them soak „I should give neither," replied her workingpowers of Dr. Williams` Pink' murdered b p 1836. The last named was o soldier and for twenty-four .hours longer: visitor. "'Ripen an attack comes on Pills for Pale People hive not ex- y' his own nephew in 1808, a a For a kettle holding two gallons of haat Flannel cloths, and la them on paneled themselves, Meeting Mr. and since that time all the monarchs PY. and endeavoured to accomplish ma - of f alar powder a lump of alum tens size the stomach, bowels and feet; that will Gawley in one of the drug stores of the; of the country have passed through pia end by means of an infernal pea of a large hickory nut. Lay green vine Y B Y pa mine. Napoleon III. had two escapes leaves in the bottom of the preserving usually afford relief. In very bad ons- town, he was asked if the reported troublous times on ascending the in 1855 and 1858, Aubertin, tried to kettle. Lay the cu[ -umbers evenlyover es, it is sometimes necessary to re- cure was a fact. His face lighted up throne. assassinate M. Jules Ferry in Decem- the leaves, and sprinkle alittle of the move the clothing and wrap the little with a smile as he said, "Indeed it ds, 1 The Emperor of Austria has himself Icer, 1887, and President Carnot was Powdered alum over the layer of euctim- body in cloths wrung out of water sir. I was afraid we were going to ; 1 killed at Lyons by Cesare Giovanni bars. Continue p,:eking the cucumbers that is as warm as he can beat- it, lose the lad, but he, is now as well as I been attacked on three occasions: On Santo in 1894. in, with layers of alum sprinkled over comfortably. Cover with a warm ever, hearty and strong." Asked for, the 18th of February, 1853, Joseph Li- King Humbert of Italy was the ob- blanket, and tie will soon feel easy partieutars, Mr, Gawley did the most i ben i, g p feet of a murderous attack b Passan- t Fill until the kettle is full. with oold water and fall asleep. But if one is careful n[tural thing in the world, referred; Y a Hungarian, attempted to as- anti an the 7tb of November, 1878 and andcoverwithlIeaves carefully aproad with his diet, and does not keep him the reporter to his wife, who in Lalling (sasainate the Emperor on the ramparts Signor Crispi, the Premier, also had a over the cucumbers, and cover the in a draught, he will seldom have the the case snid:-"In the month of Sep -1 of Vienna by stabbing him in the neck; narrow escape in 1874. It was only at kettle closet with its lid. Set the colic. Are you sure his food agrees tember, 1897, my nephew, Chester, on the 27LL of October, 1866, his life the beginning of this year that the y with him'?' Gawley, who lives with us, became, King of Greece narrowly escaped frorn Pickles where they will slowly neat "No, 1 could not nurse him and afflicted with a severe pain in hie i was attempted at Prague; and again, a shot; which was fired b two men to the simmering point, buil yet not Wits advised to give him cow's milk, ,,left leg. iv a few days the limb'; in 1882, by a soldier named Overdank. lying in wait for the Royal carriage boil, for about four or even five hours. so I have been getting milk from a became badly swollen and painful,l Queen Victoria has never met with to pass. No less than seven shot were This process will make them firm and dairyman ever since, but it does not, .wind the family physician was called in.; any serious accident, though attempts fired, but happily without effect, green. ,At the end of the time lift out seem to be good for him." The case was a perplexing one, but. it I In Spain three attempts were made the cucumbers carefully and put them "Well, I saw the pasture where your � %vas decided after a few days to lance at assassination have been made on as into cold water while the vinegar is dairyman's cows are kept the other on the life of Isabella It., in 1847, was re arB<1 for pickling.Put two cups of y P the leg. This was done, but the wound m+icy as seven occasions. On the 30th 1852 and 1856, Amadeus, Duke of Aosta, was prepared in evealin of vinegar, two day' and I am not surprised that the inflicted would not heal up, but be- of May, 1842, John Francis attempted attacked while .King of Spain in 1872, y B gt milk does not agree with a baby. It mine a running sore. The little fel- and the late Alfonso XII. was attack - dozen peppers, - tbree dozen cloves, a wits full of weeds, and the water in low Coon was reduced to almost a skel- TO SHOOT TIIE QUEEN. ed in 1878, and again in the follow - dozen and a half of allspice and one the -pond, where they drink, is cover- eton. This continued through the ing year. Abraham Lincoln, President dozen Eludes of mace. Let the vine- ed with a green scum. I do not con- winter months, rand we thought he He was only about sevenfeet from the of the tTnited States, was shot. while gar and spices boil up once. Throw cider cow's milk safe for a baby, for would never get off pia bed eigain. In carriage, when he produced apistol and at a theater by Wilkes Beath in 1865, the cucumuers in, and when they are if the pasture and water are all right, April Itwo of the best physicians of fired it, but. the tragedy was averted and Gui(eau, a journalist, assassinat- scalded put them into a tone pot find you can not be sure the cow is,rper- Owen -Sound operated on the leg for i b the keep them covered. At the end of fectl health I was compelled to Y prompt action of a private sol- ed President Garfield with a revolver three days take out the pickles and y y' P scraps of the kone, resorting to dier and a constable. A month latera ern the 2nd of July, 1881. y P wean one of my babies at the age of scraping the bone. 1e& spite of this scald the vinegar again and pour it two months on account of ill health, trerttmentthe wound continued to run, deformed youth named Bean attempt- ,..-, over them. Let them stand, covered, and another never nursed at all. We an I we were in despair. In August a ed the same thing. He was not caught he in of the m three a 9 longer, then d[a £ a r lit an C COLD IN CNE DAY. d y g experimented with g e y friend residing it IVI>ztniPoix, Manitoba, TO URE A g at the tilos-a circumstance which led vinegar and prepare u new vinegar, as things, but found nothing so satisfac- advised us to try Dr. Williams' Pink gref refund themBrom Quinine 'Cure.ta, All Drug before, and pour it, scalding hot, over Lory as lactated food. We had no J'ills. We commenced. to use them at to the apprehension of a large number istaroruodthemoneytt+cmuatnoura. 95a. the pickles. Let them become eoldand trouble in feeding them, for all babies once, and in a short time several pieces I of humpbacked people in the metropo- ' seal 1:hem up for. two or three months. like it, and as they were the healtbi-' of the bone came out of the sore, and lis, ELEPHANT COURT-MARTIALLED. ,lust before putting the picklesaway eat, heartiest babies I ever raised, I before the boy h:td taken four boxes add another cup of sugar. Keep tbege know it agreed with them, When a the leg was completely cured. This An Irish bricklayer named -Hamilton pickles in a [class jar or stone pot. If baby is two or three months old, the was over a year ago, and Chester islfired a pistol at the Queen when pro- now n vicions Brute was Trled and you do not like the sweet flavor of each bottlew may be discarded, and they can I nowwell and as strong in the left leg,' needing down Constitution Hill on May rnnlsbe.d for %Iiing Ills Diaster. . cu umber pickles, make them sour by be fed from a cup. They are so much which caused the trouble, as in the omittingthe sugar. There is only easier to ken clean and sweet. They 19, 1849, and in Cho following year Rob- The court marCialling of an elephant p other. Of course I recommend highly �erl Pate, a former Lieutenant of the everyday isn't such an ever da occurrence as sugar enough used in these pickles to need no variety in their bill of fare the. use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." mellow the sharpness of the vinegar. until they are seven o1 eight months Such is the story of the fourth cure Tenth Hussars, attacked the Queen as to pass unnoticed even in Central In - old, then some of the cereals may be which it has been our pleasure to re- she was leaving the house of the Duke dia, where the doings of the jungle THINGS GOOD TO EAT. given, if you are careful. to feed a port from Owen Sound. Chester Caw- of Cambridge, in Piccadilly, The man folk are unusually dark and vain. Con - very small quantity at a time until ley is growing up jnto a strong heal- I Wheat Gems. -One egg, one-half yup he, becomes accustomed to it. If dur- thy lad, and it is but adding another deliberately aimed a blow at the Queen sequently, the celebrated trial and sweet milk, one teaspoon of good hak- ing the teething period, the stomach tribute to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to 1 with a stick which be held in his hand. punishment of an elephant residing in ing powder sifted in a scant cup of and bowels become deranged, as they say that they were the instrument in striking her on the cheek and crushing the vicinity of Mow form a theme are likely to do, confine his diet to hL• restoration to bodil vigor. flour; mix all together; have gem . i her bonnet. over her forehead, for which upon which the native loves to dwell. lactated food exclusively for a few days i Dr. ,,yilliams' Pink Pills create now Pans well greased and very, very hot; and he will usual( et along nicely I attempt he was sentenced to transpor- The elephant had killed his keeper. put a little mutter in each, dividing y g g e blood, and in this way drive disease amount. in twelve cups or making never a medicine. Strong drugs are : from the system. A fair trial will talion for seven yearn. Another attempt That foot was clearly established. A twelve hover s,Tfe, and I always try to get ccnv'ince the most skeptical.' Sold by made a inti 29th of February, ; in number of witnesses bore testimony to gems and baked a quick oven. along without them its much as pos- onlyin boxes the wrapper by a tad named Arthur O'Connor; in They are very light and perfectly deli- Bible." peer around the month of March, ten years later, the manner of the man's death. He oiouB. wfiiciams' a the full trade mark pie. Robert Maclean fired at the Queen as "Is it best to try to keep the panne Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. had been a native soldier. He and his Corn Muffins or Gems. -To a, quart quiet for the baby? I have heard that, If your dealer does not have them they she was entering her carriage at Wind- charge didn't seem to hit it off very of fine white corn meal add a teaspoon• it is' better for him to vat. ,reed to will be Bent postpaid at 50cents abox sol• Station, and the following month, well. There were frequent jars en- ancd a half of baking powder, two eggV1 natesa I or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing Albert. Young, a railway clerk, sent a I always trios to have a quiet cot- Me Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- letter to Sir Henry Ponsonby, threat- gendered by the elephant's indiaposi- lump of butter as large as an egg and ner for the cradle. I- would not like ening to murder the Queen. tion to yield readily .to the demands villa, Ont. half the amount of lard, Mix thor- to. try to sleep in a perpetual uproar I -__, Reverting to the case of the late and commands of the native. These oughly and add enough sweet milk to myself, and think too much noiae would IEmpress, it is 9;+d to recall a few of JUSTIFIABLE RUDENESS. occasional demonstrations of insubor- make arather stiff batter. Pour at have an injurious effect upon the ner- the many disaatera which have over - once into hot muffin rings or gem ves of n delicate child. But see, I I Mr. Smallpurse-I never sate you act taken (he dination were invariably followed by pans and bake at once in a moderate have talked until the baby is sound so rudely as you did with Mrs. Tourist. FAMILY OF THE HAPSBURGS. the introduction of a sharp spike in - oven. asleep, so I will lay him down and go You plied her with questions about It will be remembered that the sister to the tenderest part of the' -elephant's Stewed Tomato with Onion. -Mince a bank to get dinner." [her summer trips, one question after of the Empress, the Duchesse d'Alen- anatomy. After that the situation another, so fast 'that she got entirely con, was burned to death in the Paris WHAT CHANGED HIS MIND. I out of breath trying to answer them, was somewhat strained, and when thi large onion very fine and fry in a s I had supposeduntil yesterday, doe tablespoon of hot butter. Add a table- tor, that the days of the bleeding of r bazaar fire. The Crown Prince Rud- , , - �'ifiat did you do it for? olpH was found, under peculiarly dis- particular elephant met other ele- spoonful of sugar, half a teaspoon of I Mrs. Sma.11purse, who had to spend tressing circumstances, with part of phants and stopped to pass the time , salt. and a quarter of a teaspoon of patients were past. the heated .term in the city. didn't his skull blown away, at Meyerling, pepper, and cook a, minute longer,then And so they are. But what I dare give her a chance to breathe, or in the year 1889. In 1894 the Arch- of day; he complained in trumpet tones add a quart of chopped tomatoes and changed your mind? she would have asked where I went I duke William was thrown from his of the unreasonableness of men and of a half pint of boiling water if neces- The bill you sent me. this summer. horse and killed. his keeper specifically. siry. Cover and stew for half an __ .- __ ___ __ - Matters appear to have reached a 'bour. 'Add a small cup of fine.bread y / / � climax when the keeper one day &p - crumbs. Cook a minute longer and — /. ,�, propriated a portion of the food sup - serve hot. g l_7 -, � % ,59 � ply allotted to the elephant. This Baked Tomatoes and Corn, -Cut the i �� ' r /r���l�/��j� wan more than elephant flesh and top off of large ripe tomatoes, scoop '� i "%%% //.� �'' /� i �I blood could stand. The pig fellow r out the seeds, sprinkle with attgar,salt/jfl/ % r'i /// ! i� marked to Himself that while he might and pepper. Fill the cavil. with rat- r/r' i /� i occasionally be induced to work over - ed g %�j / I I , . ed color well seasoned with salt - ` //, r >�j �/ f .- time at the arduous labor of pep /�/ r r �� ,/ i i r I r ,• , �- i iTRUCKS, )e and putter. bet LH t i +' I e ops on lo- / � � ` DR,AWTNG IILAVY // / \ \ 1 . mt+toes, put in a baking pan, and alit- / `, J ' / � ii '•. \ \ /j! that b //� ��k \ r �" at least It could never be said t tie soup stock or meat gravy, cover I - , i \ so far forgot his position as to Suffer and bake one hour. Remo're cover, r / ` d g av �� / I II l �fA /i the loss of a square meal at the hand brown slightly b A.nd serve at once in ( �� i gIi t4{ �\ (�{� ,- = of a mere man. And so it came about Friedsh or baked in. �/ � - , _ j; Ii RR t AL�i� that Mr. Beeper suddenly felt th Fried "(;orf,, nil Potatoes, -A little / I (. I �' llum wet great Pool. What follow / . i�' ii l I I -�! G.�f thN/OttlR� /I weigh, of a Codd hailed torn cut from-;.�u•;,,,•q�nl? or �' �q ��rr. ,I ; I�! „l_ E 1513RYuf ed is not supplied b the keeper, for cold fried or stewed rorty mixed wifii"I - %- v, ---- ca (tv I he was by thin time a subject for th tin equal amount of cold boiled !'' Rastauaas I+ E(d Mui- g� q poli- � ,� //�� ____•- i___ t� o v '�Nfl�pRfliS(fe'l � obituary writers. keys witnesses, how toes chopped fine, highly .seasoned and Via'' , + i �' 12 1 ' Ooe- Bp�� f I ever averred that the elephant raiser fried, makes a very palatable ditih, A .. rr, li f • k•.'i II �� 1 , �•, him by the trunk line and thoughtfully large onion chopped fine and partly 1, _ e t i' • . 'yl� li p - i� + fir', /% / C beat a tattoo with him on the atonies frio'd i afore. corn and lotaloes ttreadd_ % " :;.N,r, N, _. = sr r �c� T li .:"�• � �� t � �! ! 'r ground in that vicinity. ed is very acceptable, if onions are �lr / '' ' r t (r l The elephant was properly. tried i liked. �I / ! the presence of all 'the elephants be ,R , Fritters. -To i rttp of. cold rice +, / I ,` // 1 r/> 1 longing to the station. The -e ba( add two well -beaten oggs, it cup of '/ been marshalled in two parallel lines sweel: milk. salt. and flour and baking I 'y/ `f i' t i , ;, / 411 In the centre stood the prisoner, his o r r ti c v le , a for p k ' ,! fur. holes.- r an -ca a r , into 0 Powder e, F on a giant feet chained n I Y .l � c r e& e NA, well -greased griddle like I f,! rl, t i ( g peel- l.�t 1,,; 0;. n 1 ` [ chain held His neck secure and each c.,kcs and serve hot. Are delirious. 1, , -1 z .- - curl of Ino chain was firmly attacher Apple Fritters. -Make a batter of 1' k,// ! to big ,elephants, which stood on eith ✓.1 I I major rich sweet milk, eggs, salt., flour and �'»'� ,• - it ! .--. •�--�� I or side of him. The brigade m J bakingj tom' y'�- _ r was judge. He and his staff were Powder as for pun-cnkA�" 'I'o a/ r�, ��•, �. j B c:,ch quart, of,batter add a pint of fine- - `fit: E mounted on horses. The facts in t.n nhoppod, quickly cooking apples, irry t- „(ter-•- -' _�' case were related after the major bar like, pawn -cakes and serve with syrup } r -' �-v , announced to the elephant that he wa made from brown sugar. I t �•.. �.,,__ . ,Ea on trial. No counsel was assigned t. --- - �ij • I ' . the prisoner. The prosecution had UNFERMENTED GRAPH: JUIC-E. - . r � 11_IMP.`10, ' of for all its own way and by ivinw _ � . �,.•_, � - of forty-eight lashes with a chain wa The simplest rule for unfermented --�carried out immediately it had been grape juice consists of the, pure juice FRO!VI T US'Tt1N TO KLONDIKE :--MAIN STREET, DAWSON CITY, passed. The corporal elephant wa of t}le grapes pressed nut and sweet- could get along. Many very smartly selected to poi: the ,judgment in execu Aned it little, )]rough(, two the boiling The special artist of the "Illustrated tion of the river -front, the scene was dressed women wore to be seen, look- tion. an war provided with a heavy ing, indeed, strangely out of keeping chain and, grasping o lightly in his point, boiled and then canned, says nn 1 London News," Mr. Julius M. Price, even more animated, and almost baf- rtunk, he applied iho four dozen stroke axchitnge. This juice may bo we+ak- writes trio Fallowing about Dawson fled description. On . all sides, big In such surroundings, for the men so vigorously as to bring forth most ?ned by acicling water when it is used, Cit q, which he nes lately vi Rod:— buildings were being erected with were absolutely the roughest, rag- agonitzing groans from the prisoner. T t of I have odest find mo, t unkempt 1 A mixture of half "We had a stroll down toward the me,gLs11 rnptsawi the sound of Ham- s9 P wasaddsentenced to ed flogging, the murders grape juice and half meri.ng and sawing was to he Heard seen anywhere, or am Likely ever to town earl the next morning, for the g was sentenced a draw a log chain at water, mixed thoroughly together. and Y everywfiort, and IHo itondway eves en= see again. There was a certain pis tacked to his leg For three months. poured into a tumbler, one quarterful police barritoks are situated a. little cumbered with Tough timber; planks, turesqueness about their dirt,though, � , of crushed Ice, makes a delicious sum- away from the centre. The road along ladders, arid all the paraphernalia of as there is for instance, in the squalor mer drink, tato water front was already crowded the carpenter and builder. Harris of the Italian beggar, and with their FACTORIES WITHOUT CHIMNEY'S. and I stood and looked on in amaae- long hoots, faded yellow flannel coats To horseless carriages and smokeles Use. rich, ripe grnpeB. A poor grape with people strolling about, looking at ,tient. We land both expected it great and slouch hats, they added consider- wtll nol. make a liAll-flavored grape the new arrivals in the boats, andpre- cleat from all %ve henrd turd read, but ably to the atag•e-like effect of the powder add chimneyless factories as th juice. Select, perfectly sound but per- rented a euri.ausly holiday -like appear- ibis e+xtrnoTdinal'y scene of bustle and whole scene. As one gradually worked newest it nomenclature. Heretofore i fcctly ripe, grnpes; peck them from the activity certainly outdid All that one one's way (brougb this big crowd and once, very unlike Bennett and Linder- Y y i Has been necessary In order to scour 9tamK and put. them into a stone fir, could -have incited for. Hero was a big caught scraps here and theta of the plenty of draft for a furnace to buil Sot this jar into o.niron kettle of boil- man, where everyone ,seemed to 'have city ggrowing before our very eyes. It conversation, one realized that all P ing water'. Let the tvator reach up as no time for anything bttt his prepara- rectrlled. rine of those street scenes these rough, dirty -looking fellows were an immensely tall Chimney. NOW it I f -[r es thA grapna in the ,jar. Put the tions Pox the journey 1rePorA hilt(. IIerA which ha•rA irecamA sa popular at re- not what they outwardly appeared, found that instead of pulling the dra.f keit le rrvAT the fire and, let the water cent exbibitipna, only this was before and that thia was not entirely a gat•h- by a chimney you tan push, It fro boil r,round. the jar of grapes until the long river journey was an Aeeom- the opening ceremony, nud they were ening of roughs or hobos, but a casmo- below with a fan.- A plant runniti ihey -irA thoroughly cooked. It will pliAbed fact, and the old miner and the hurrying rip so Its to .'set finished do polt.tan asseMMA (+, representative of three boilers of 260 horse -power tris taltr an hour or longer, and Cho jar newest of new-Aomerti rubbed shoul- time. all nat.ionA of tghe earth, attracted this expp.0. riment with a fall %vhoso who mixst i)p Well covered all i.he (imp drrA in the pig a.nd over-inerAaaing "'j'Ite fiKriwn.y was crnwded to such till ikeher Glrl,the VmhillAtI was Dawson Rion- had rt diameter:bInches. hnt thefirflim' wf�.tAr is boiling• arotim) it. Str,;in til[ extent with men %talking or atandl B WAS So Much bettered ;he& gr,•ppp a.fler crtrwhinl* thorn in Ili,, throng, of eager .'told-huriter9. Ott tuft about, or sitting 01) the piiat; of ha'd ample, opportunity Of verifying thiq graved 11t!arly $1,000 4 year bV• using jar, ail,' extract all Cho jttiep doll p: lite maln Street, which Is a continua- lumber, that it was with difficulty we first impression: Cheaper made Of coal. . n I. - .. . I . POPULAIRITY Ills regnld of quaUtX and flavalr LA le"111"I" n LUDslgli ll _ .. Ons trial and you will use no other. Lead packages. 35, 4o, So and hoc. . AUBA011 OA$INQ8-Nag C35Iv _re fluentstisllek WHAT TRIPLE'S WILL Dfl.. S kilteepaddAA[crI¢aaiiogg�Onstegg{-rollablegoodeaY _ Nsbt.'ripe`,. i AA,'R'i{, 8LACICWEL, & 40., Toronto. Littlo Tlolu s Whirl& llave Uausod Natlo#io Neadaohe 1'aoe.aohe A S to go t0 eVar• Heuralgla 11 prere muscular pales, y Wetantly r14 y 0r r - The maxim of modern statesman that oostNeuralgl0oure. Prtat20a. uolcoils �ti no nation should -go to war unless the hila, pwlrage. The Rutabinga hledtc[no U reasons for so dein are irresistible has AGENTS CAN MAKE BIO MONEY SELLINq g 1rov our speolal books; low price' food vain not always been acted upon There is large commissions. The HO ('V'L'LL BOR I Saturday Night Building, Toronto. an instance on record, for example, of a war being caused by a window, ail- 1 IF,you want to either buy or sell Apples other by a bucket, and another -if any- in car lots, writeus. , body will believe it -by the shaving of The liawspq Commission Co., Liigitedt a .King. It is satisfactory to reflect `rearosstto. that these wars took place long, long ago. 'rhe eleventh century had hard- M/tie, Mitto A Halos ly opened when the " bucket war " was Barristerg,etc-removed waged. Some Modena soldiers ran LAW to daft WS1Toronto. away with a bucket belonging to the State of Bolonga. It was hardly worth TORONTO cuf IN(i SCHOOL offers speolal a shilling, but the incident commenced lnduosments to young men deatrone of a quarrel which culminated in a teat tak1og up Cutting;1+uU partlonlan on appH q g oatdon, alS YOOE ST.. TORONTO. war' Shorlhsnd, TypewrltlaQ The King of Sardinia, it is said, as- TELEGRAPHV4a Bookkeepin¢ and all Coro- sisted the Modenas to keep posses- mercial Subleoto are pro�pperly taught in the Sion of the bucket, and in one of the OEge aAt 81181NE8S O all Ter Toronto, Yonga and (3err:rd ata Fall Term now open, battles be was taken prisoner. His fa- Membenadlitted at a�ny mmo. Eight regular teaohera (her offered a chain of old that would (Splendid eQu pmeak VPrite for catalogue. B W. N. SHAW, Prinolpal. encircle Bologna for his release, but in vain. The bucket which was at the �� Central bottom of it all is still to be seen, , inelosed in an iron cage, in the ca- thedral of Bologna. It was in the next century that a STRATFORD, ONT. %war arose out of shaving a King. The BeabOommerolalSohonlInthe ovinoe enternowI Archbishop of Rouen decreed that no catalogue tree. W J. ELLIOTT, ?Sriadval. one should wear beards, and Louis VII. submitted to the decree. His wife, El-STAMMERERSE eanor of Aquitaine, mocked him on hisappearance, declaring that he wasOnly Institution in Canada foryy"more like a monk than a monarch."ovary phase of speechd.fact, E.tabllskI A bitter quarrel sprang up, and at $Q$dtAII?0.VOOD taBT teMil. length the marriage was dissolved and S pambroke at, Taront% Cann" the Queen married the Duke of Nor- • - - --- - --_ -_ ---_-_- mandy. Stung to mortification by this �tm.Millar&Co. proceeding, Louis declared war on the Manufacturers of show Duke, and for three centuries precious Oases Ofi1ce.Store,Banl lives were squandered in those useless end Intel Fixtures, Jew. jmweleng, Druggists' and c.8 wars, upwards of 3,000,(10 i men being kind gigi of Interior )',ttings, killed. And theseis no doubt that all lirithhPlate Mirrors, ko. 19to23Alice,St. Toronto. - this began because an Archbishop dis- liked a hairy Ince, because a Ding p� F' N �t ant! Shoot Metal Works, shrived to please hi•1ri, and because a R ROOFING RLATE, In Black, Queen looked upon him as "a monk aedorGreen. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We apply I ublio end High 9eheebl,Tornnto). Roofing kelt, PlI oh, rather than a monarch." Coal Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE (Bee New City Baild History' tells, ton, (h•[t a European !nga,Toronto, done by our firm). Hotel Callingr, Cot- aloe&, eta. Eattroates furnlahed for work complete or roil war in 1080 was indirectly due to a materialsahtp ed toany partofthe country. PbonllOq window in the Palace of Trianon. Louis ).011TNt0&SONO,Adelaide &Wldmor9te.,Toronte. .XIV. and his War Minister, Louvais,, quarrelled about the size of a window • ��rb��a and the King incensed the Minister by �d.N.ANDROSON,M.D.,No.60ollega-at. "snubbing' before the court. There- TORONTO. Out. upon Louvais, saying that be would az E & THROAT find better employment for a mon- • EYE, EAR, IMQS SPECIALIST arch thnn insulting his :M1Tinisters, will- •••R o���v�,®,',�,, IlvWO,d fully insulted other Powers, and __._ brought upon Europe the war of 1689, THE i0S1' NUTRITIOUS. between Prance on one side, and Eng- land, Germany, Holland find Spain on the other. __ __ _ GRANITE TELF,GRAPH POLES. GRATL:FUL-COMFORTING. Quite a list a materials have been 0 - 0 ® ® A used for telegraph poles, but the idea of stone for this purpose will tie new to most people. It is nederthcless it BREAKFAST-SUPPIfR. fact that the messages between :Milan and Switzerland, by way of Simplon offic® Desk ti, Pass, pass Over a telegraph line with �II SiYI2S, how Prlees stone poles. This Iine runs along the fine military road which skirts the The OFFIOE SPECIALTY west side of Lake Maggiore. The poles FAFC. CO.. Limited, are of gray granit.e, and average about r r" Toronto and Newmarket, Ont. 10 inches square and 25 feet high. They are in use for a distance of 30 or 40 This transom one oftnY miles. S' original designs. GRAVEYARD LATIN. Miiruie 1��tonao�a . tloe aqd Decorative Ignorance is never shown more ef- wood Work. fectively than in an attempt to conceal E. LIMON, Tae Yonge M it. FAII.Aginal designs, write for price,. 10%nte A countryman wandering about a a.tabitshed 1tH4 cemetery, came upon a stone which L. COFFEE & CO., bore the inscription, ."Sic transit gloria mundi." GRAIN AND COMMISSION What does that mean? he asked the MERCHANTS, sexton, who was at work near by> The sexton, not wishing to confess Rooms 400-14 Sowd of Trade Sulldtnay 'ignorance, replied: TORONTO, ONT. Well, it means that he was sick tran- siently, and went to glory Monday Tsolua - . _.M31. Jost L C. - -- morning. o all others. Superior lo all A LITTLE CHANGE. Four Dollars Old Friend -Don't you rememberI Cornplete. 'Po tit• harp only qom N. sweet Alice, who danced with delight R,,,, ,,,, 31 Qdeen St. E.. Toren c when you $ end stamp for otrcular and snmp.e y gave her a smile, and (rem- of cloth before buying eld and sit(, bled with fear at your frown? . - _-"----• Mr. B. Bolt, Jr. -Ob, yes. She doesn't THE TRIUMPH c re a cent for my smiles or frowns ADJUSTARLESTOVE PIPES. eil her, now. We'e a married. ! Eagglt up mud taken down. Con . �— ' be cleaned, nested, and put nFay,n TO THE EDITOR. she . I 'nuf otured bur y eaters for Many readers have Catarrh, irritable 0. B. BARCLAY, a6B Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. throat, bronchitis nt.c. We desire to 0[.esraD. send them a free sample 6f a remedy xraTxD absolutely Lure to cure. It is neither Dominion Lime Steamships. it snuff, nor a wash, nor an ointment, liontrealanrlQ,rebeoEoLiverpoolinsummar. Irge llllt a pleaannt remedy which la Carried and foot twin screw sten tahrps 'imbrndur, Ila• by atmospheric air to every part of the couver,' 'Dominion."Eeotsman. orkahrie. thio tt, lungs nasal assn es. For Supperior accommodation :or Firet Min, , ao• g p g and Cabin and Steerage passengers, Rweq of, a short time we shall gladly send to passage -First Cabin,$W.00; -ocond 006Wn. e any address a trial outfit. of this fail- 335; SteerageStt.60 and upwards aceordinz to ous preparation pre -paid. Address N. -boomer and berth. For all information op•, y s C. Polson & Co. Kingston Ont, to Local Agents, or DAM Tornrun & Cr ., g gon'l Agents.17 St. Hacrantent 8t., illuntreu1, --- A MARIiET REPORTS. • The apple crop is short this yenr Della. c Goodness -will we have to fall back Y on those borrid dried apples? ri There IsmoreCate&irh in thi, sectlon of itwtrq turer. ��'•or.niry than all • tier divenLes put togethe Tho Reid Bros. Mfg. Co.,C►of BILLIARD flnd nntdt fho ln.at few yenrq was supposed i TABLES and BOWLING ALLEYS. Phone 1303. Baud o be incurable, For u grent many, yearq done i sorCatsiogue. 257 ging St, West, TORONTO, pron•,unced it a local ill?en•n. and Pro<crth, -- ---,- -. _ I ,anal ren[edloa. and by ennnt.antly faitinrr t. 1CALT1i R1C8TORIED VTITI r .11F'>I+ oro with Tocol t•eatment, prunouno,d it it H CINE alt IOXYiONeE to rhe %In ))J8 - ,constitutional o. Science d; hot rrni h refor h to he uKDEftED SI'OXAC13, LIING4, NXRVM9. B joonatitt[tional dinona0 nn t Ihrro(oro roquir' 1 iVLR, 131,UOD, RLADD[Olt, ICSD�h'Y3. A conakltutionaltrentment. N Wpcat..,rrht'nr' I1IVER, 31,UODAIN and BRIG ATHby h Imanut eturod by F. .T. Cheney & ('o., Tole,t, Oh10, la thn only constitutional cure on til rJ U BARRY'S REVA1,KNTA All.kBIO,1 i market. It la taken int,rnnlly 'n does fru 11' FOOL) which SAVE,$ INVALIDS, find •0 drops tea teagronnful. it nnrq Wr,,etly , Ut11LURRN, nrd also Itrars quitce gully In - .lie I.lieh'codand mucou•r sutfnre. of the syr• (e eants whose Ailments and Debility have re• They over oils hundred dollrra for any ewac. Asted all other ttearmenle. It dlgesta when e ,ails to cure. Sond for e1r,ulars ar-d tai all other Food is rejooted, aavee 60 times its e monlals, Add -0-a, coat In medicine. I F. J. (:HPNlEY & CO., Toledo. r YEARS' INVARTAD1,10 SUCCESS, a Sold,')y DruKgi.gts, 75e. 50 100.000 ANNUAL OUStTtkl of Conet,lp- o FInll'e Fnmtls Pitta nreLha beat aeon, Flatuloney Dyspepsia, Indigestion, C)n. d '^-^' itumption Ms. ot-es Bronchitis, TnOuenza, sentence ACCIDENTALLY OVERIIr1ARD. Coughs. A.8thina, Catarrh, Phlogm, Diarrhoea, Nervous Debility, Slooplosenesa, Despondo}t0y. s Kirby, I admire your wife; she is sr• rjU BARRY and Co. (Uniltedl, 77 Regent - eloquent ih a few words. aaJ street, London, W., also ii furls, 14 Rua s HOW d0 you know Z e Castiglione, and at all Grocers, Chemists,' When you told Her Lind Stnres everywhoio, 1n tine 2s., 3c.., 6d., 0q, y ,you bad brought 51b. 149. Sent carriage free Also lfU Y me up to dinner she said, "gracious• IMRY''S REVALENTA 1118Cf ITS, in tins, s goodness 1" tis, ed, and es. t - - t , u, , i i y*, anu` acturer° 6 d 1 M. ,, tv P U 043 COMiNC T TD .* _ __ .TAlefir,hr I AIIYCOMP0811Oil, doslren aitua•I,rl ,i AND ft oountrynowsppaperr. Goodreforen0„a, Ali;). WANTIHC PREMISES, a X, Bulletin Office, Ormstown, thio A �.Pe11tlN IMPF.OtMBNYe of any natnro anoce s Can be aecomm.odated with almost t fully troat0d. Ocusulf a gnali0od .'recti• honer, Wlio wan Cor years a ppalDtal stammerer ANY SIZE FIAT o rnWriteto � J�AYNUTI,IM.��sf3o ]tn Ont d _._ _ n - with elevator, heated. water— all $ ��en""g®� ,A�rss�n conveniences and any amount of m To 2 Stock and drain Farm, rich Ro11--•Townshil STEAM POWER g of Burford, Co. Brant, near Burford Village, on d London Road -Hank bdrpa, ambling tot 24 el oatilopgl2horee8' willdrntil.root horiaea largr by applying to ft lipoglad46araharfl0ses;®poasestlontat ma oll.ISO!1 m Apply to THE bYIISON PUBLISHING COAPANY, I.l 101d a srthWUls S. TOWN ronn,6..1Yongest.,'roronto, or p1 CSF. RICAD,12 11301borne tit„ Brantford. 13 ADELAIDE W, rO9 DNTO. • . ,�, ,r' A ',I , I , ..-+m.w-.www+...,-r.w+ •,_rr-r<-.-,•�+�,rwn•.:. ..ww.a+-+ �r .... ., _14.7...•.. _T;--.,T.-;M .. .. •:..-,. =77 .. .. .. •++en-..,�a;m�....x-mea.r.-x.:.�.._......m•...n_.�Lr.::'.ran...-.n.-..-„`..a ..... .. clown for ten, minRtoo. When the A PIQKPQQI��'r'S DIARY, The youngArchduke Ladislaus, in grape juillfp Is put an to 1aoi1 it should Was` Ver Weak the Summeof 1885, antis fAtally shat . be p measured. Add ' cup ll sugar ld . A U91btiurria plokpocket was recent- while trailing his gun through athlak- Hot) every quart At juin.' as soon as it ie 'ly oaplux�ed by the yrolice Whet had kept et AI Agyag, in Hnngaxy, and the Aroh- tme a boiled, anal can it at once. It is used for some time a diary of social nail dlddd Wan, Poor anti Thin --Noodle duke J'oliann, who set sail for South as it is far oommuni.on service, in "fixtures” Sareaparllla ¢av0 Strength. America with is wife, as never been "'"� � Plano is %viers. political fiaturos, )l4 It ti,ore entries h h "After being in the hospital r.or a heard of since, Archduchess Matilda like these: was burnt to death; Prince Louis of tSWEFiT CUCUMBER PICKLES. --_-M long time I was very weak and, hardly FOR YUUNti MOTHERS, July 1,. -Lady ]lladden's garden Par- able to walk, My blood was'thin and I France drowned himself; lung Lud- The rule for ,preparing the little ty, crowd 14t gate, was as pale as death. When I reach- wig' the cousin of the dead Empress, sweet cucumber pickles will be of She was such a young inexperienced n» was a madman and committed suicide, P mother, and the bob esus so areas. So July Alorning, departure of the ed home I was told about Hood's Sarea- and the Archduke Ferdinand, Emperor small avail if the following general di- Y parilla, and procured five bottles and Princess company to Adelaide, fair ; af- of Mexioo, was executed. in 1867. when she palled upon her neighbor, f3 g began taking it. In a few months The country w xections are not observed: ternoan, opening aP Parliament, cod; after I began Its use I found I lead Y hien to looked upon as Use the beat older vinegar. Such who had raised a• purge Pumily, for ad- evening, theatre party at Royal, Band gained twenty pounds in Weight, and the MPst peculiar home of the assassin vinegar always has some color, and it vice, that lady was touched by her crush in vestibule. I felt so much better that I continued is undoubtedly, Russia, and the Czars y July 3. -.livening, Yacht Club Ball, of that countr fa not so intensely sharp as the color- helplessness, and came over to see balcony far public. the use of the medicine until I was as y ever go about in fear what was the matter, Jul well as ever. I believe Hood's Sa.rsa- of their lives. Czar Paul was attacked leas manufactured vinegar so often y 4.-Yunkee Consuls reception, parilla saved my life:' Arthur Mills, and killed by nobles in 1801, and no Everything about the child betoken- splendid. Pew,0, than six attempts were made sold under this name. The Yankee Consul's Fourth of Jul Dresden, Ont. Remember Use the smtll cucumbers. Those ed the laving care which good moth- Y on .the life of Alexander II„ and he reception seems to have been the best ' little ers always give their little ones. e Hood s Sarsaparilla was finally killed in 1881 by a bomb which are no longer than the Hthing on this gentleman's list. thrown by a mail who was himself kill - had dust been bathed and dressed, but Canoda's Greatost Mediolne, 01; six for $6. finger make the best pickles. Full- ----'--�------- —•- - ed, in St. Petersburg. Two attempts instead of the quiet sleep that should were also made on the life of the late grown cucumbers make coarse, rank 1T(I1ZT BORE til TSTii A T CI Hood's Pills our r indigestion. 26oeuts. follow, he was crying and tossing HOW 11jLE Jj„Pj,ij,LS# Ozar Alexander III. General de Masent- pickles. TRIED TO KILL MONARCHS toff, the Chief of the Russian Secret soak the cucumbers long enough in about restlessly. •-•- Police was assassinated u is Peters - brine to insure their being freed from "Phis is the first cause of the trout- WHEN THE BLOOD IS PURE AND , burg on the 16th of August, 1878, their strong juices. ble," she said as she removed the dain- RICH IT WILL HEAL,IRAPIDLY. -•-•, Bhonarek was attacked in 1866 and (Pack the little cucumbers in astone ty white dress and skirt. "if you will 11-- FREQUENTLY ATTEMPTED BUT NOT 1874 by Blind and Kullmann, respee- jar, in layers of fine salt. Put enough bring me a dress that is not starched, l'hle Fact utnionstrated In the (:aAP a! OFTEN SUCCESSFUL, lively; Michael, Prince of beryls, was {'bc�U+r {:awecy, ee7ao and Bccu Tronbl• assassinated in 1868; and attempts salt on top to cover them, and pour I will put it on, and he will be more --- were made etl 11 t tli it Baan u l u„ Sore For More 7'ban cold water over all. Lay a heavy comfortable. See his neck and wrists n YP.tr. Seven Would be Mdne urerers ve Atinclied TO KILT. MILAN, IV„ Vleforla-seaireely a Europe n Ruler plate or round board over all, and put are chafed from the stiff bands. He From the Times, Owen bound. Of tenet, in 1882, and the Prince of a stone on it to keep the pickles under is too flesh to be dressed so warmly But bas Had Ills Life Assailed once dr Mantenero in 1880. Y In the ,township of Sarawak, Grey More. the brine. Leave the pickles in brine this sultry weather." A few minutes county, there is probablyno better aFence, too, has been the scene of The dastardly deed whish has .'lung- many such outrages. Damiens, a man for nine days. Keep them in a cold sufficed to find a plain slip that had known or teepee; ed farmer than Thos. ed the house of the Hapsburgs once of 42 years, attempted to assassinate place, and stir them up from the bot- been laundered without starch and it Cawley, of East Linton, P.O. Learning Louis XV, in 1757 and Napoleon I. had th t his nephew a young lad now again into mourning, has, unfortun- a narrow escapef tom every three days. Look the pick- was put on. about ten ears of age had been cured atel many parallels in the history of from an infernal ma- les over when the have been thus y g I Y, Y opine in 1$00. Y "What would you give him when he of a disease of his lets which • threatened the courts of Euro Since the foun- No less than six attempts were made well salted, rejecting any that are Pe has the colla," asked the anxious not only the loss of the limb, but also oil the life of Louis Philippe in 10 dation PP fresh ono t - • into r P he Austrian i 'ta rut soft. r the pound ones n u n Em re i Throw h mother. "He has it so often, and I of the life of tile little fellow, a re-; P years, the most noted of which were cold water to freshen for twelve hours. do not know whe.t.her to give him porter of the Times made enquiry, and ers have been singularly unfortunate. the attempt of Alibaud, on June 25, At the end a this time put them into paregoric or soothing syrup. we are convinced that Lhe wonder I Albert, the first Duke of the line, was 1836, and that of Fieschi, on July 28, trash sold water and let them soak „I should give neither," replied her workingpowers of Dr. Williams` Pink' murdered b p 1836. The last named was o soldier and for twenty-four .hours longer: visitor. "'Ripen an attack comes on Pills for Pale People hive not ex- y' his own nephew in 1808, a a For a kettle holding two gallons of haat Flannel cloths, and la them on paneled themselves, Meeting Mr. and since that time all the monarchs PY. and endeavoured to accomplish ma - of f alar powder a lump of alum tens size the stomach, bowels and feet; that will Gawley in one of the drug stores of the; of the country have passed through pia end by means of an infernal pea of a large hickory nut. Lay green vine Y B Y pa mine. Napoleon III. had two escapes leaves in the bottom of the preserving usually afford relief. In very bad ons- town, he was asked if the reported troublous times on ascending the in 1855 and 1858, Aubertin, tried to kettle. Lay the cu[ -umbers evenlyover es, it is sometimes necessary to re- cure was a fact. His face lighted up throne. assassinate M. Jules Ferry in Decem- the leaves, and sprinkle alittle of the move the clothing and wrap the little with a smile as he said, "Indeed it ds, 1 The Emperor of Austria has himself Icer, 1887, and President Carnot was Powdered alum over the layer of euctim- body in cloths wrung out of water sir. I was afraid we were going to ; 1 killed at Lyons by Cesare Giovanni bars. Continue p,:eking the cucumbers that is as warm as he can beat- it, lose the lad, but he, is now as well as I been attacked on three occasions: On Santo in 1894. in, with layers of alum sprinkled over comfortably. Cover with a warm ever, hearty and strong." Asked for, the 18th of February, 1853, Joseph Li- King Humbert of Italy was the ob- blanket, and tie will soon feel easy partieutars, Mr, Gawley did the most i ben i, g p feet of a murderous attack b Passan- t Fill until the kettle is full. with oold water and fall asleep. But if one is careful n[tural thing in the world, referred; Y a Hungarian, attempted to as- anti an the 7tb of November, 1878 and andcoverwithlIeaves carefully aproad with his diet, and does not keep him the reporter to his wife, who in Lalling (sasainate the Emperor on the ramparts Signor Crispi, the Premier, also had a over the cucumbers, and cover the in a draught, he will seldom have the the case snid:-"In the month of Sep -1 of Vienna by stabbing him in the neck; narrow escape in 1874. It was only at kettle closet with its lid. Set the colic. Are you sure his food agrees tember, 1897, my nephew, Chester, on the 27LL of October, 1866, his life the beginning of this year that the y with him'?' Gawley, who lives with us, became, King of Greece narrowly escaped frorn Pickles where they will slowly neat "No, 1 could not nurse him and afflicted with a severe pain in hie i was attempted at Prague; and again, a shot; which was fired b two men to the simmering point, buil yet not Wits advised to give him cow's milk, ,,left leg. iv a few days the limb'; in 1882, by a soldier named Overdank. lying in wait for the Royal carriage boil, for about four or even five hours. so I have been getting milk from a became badly swollen and painful,l Queen Victoria has never met with to pass. No less than seven shot were This process will make them firm and dairyman ever since, but it does not, .wind the family physician was called in.; any serious accident, though attempts fired, but happily without effect, green. ,At the end of the time lift out seem to be good for him." The case was a perplexing one, but. it I In Spain three attempts were made the cucumbers carefully and put them "Well, I saw the pasture where your � %vas decided after a few days to lance at assassination have been made on as into cold water while the vinegar is dairyman's cows are kept the other on the life of Isabella It., in 1847, was re arB<1 for pickling.Put two cups of y P the leg. This was done, but the wound m+icy as seven occasions. On the 30th 1852 and 1856, Amadeus, Duke of Aosta, was prepared in evealin of vinegar, two day' and I am not surprised that the inflicted would not heal up, but be- of May, 1842, John Francis attempted attacked while .King of Spain in 1872, y B gt milk does not agree with a baby. It mine a running sore. The little fel- and the late Alfonso XII. was attack - dozen peppers, - tbree dozen cloves, a wits full of weeds, and the water in low Coon was reduced to almost a skel- TO SHOOT TIIE QUEEN. ed in 1878, and again in the follow - dozen and a half of allspice and one the -pond, where they drink, is cover- eton. This continued through the ing year. Abraham Lincoln, President dozen Eludes of mace. Let the vine- ed with a green scum. I do not con- winter months, rand we thought he He was only about sevenfeet from the of the tTnited States, was shot. while gar and spices boil up once. Throw cider cow's milk safe for a baby, for would never get off pia bed eigain. In carriage, when he produced apistol and at a theater by Wilkes Beath in 1865, the cucumuers in, and when they are if the pasture and water are all right, April Itwo of the best physicians of fired it, but. the tragedy was averted and Gui(eau, a journalist, assassinat- scalded put them into a tone pot find you can not be sure the cow is,rper- Owen -Sound operated on the leg for i b the keep them covered. At the end of fectl health I was compelled to Y prompt action of a private sol- ed President Garfield with a revolver three days take out the pickles and y y' P scraps of the kone, resorting to dier and a constable. A month latera ern the 2nd of July, 1881. y P wean one of my babies at the age of scraping the bone. 1e& spite of this scald the vinegar again and pour it two months on account of ill health, trerttmentthe wound continued to run, deformed youth named Bean attempt- ,..-, over them. Let them stand, covered, and another never nursed at all. We an I we were in despair. In August a ed the same thing. He was not caught he in of the m three a 9 longer, then d[a £ a r lit an C COLD IN CNE DAY. d y g experimented with g e y friend residing it IVI>ztniPoix, Manitoba, TO URE A g at the tilos-a circumstance which led vinegar and prepare u new vinegar, as things, but found nothing so satisfac- advised us to try Dr. Williams' Pink gref refund themBrom Quinine 'Cure.ta, All Drug before, and pour it, scalding hot, over Lory as lactated food. We had no J'ills. We commenced. to use them at to the apprehension of a large number istaroruodthemoneytt+cmuatnoura. 95a. the pickles. Let them become eoldand trouble in feeding them, for all babies once, and in a short time several pieces I of humpbacked people in the metropo- ' seal 1:hem up for. two or three months. like it, and as they were the healtbi-' of the bone came out of the sore, and lis, ELEPHANT COURT-MARTIALLED. ,lust before putting the picklesaway eat, heartiest babies I ever raised, I before the boy h:td taken four boxes add another cup of sugar. Keep tbege know it agreed with them, When a the leg was completely cured. This An Irish bricklayer named -Hamilton pickles in a [class jar or stone pot. If baby is two or three months old, the was over a year ago, and Chester islfired a pistol at the Queen when pro- now n vicions Brute was Trled and you do not like the sweet flavor of each bottlew may be discarded, and they can I nowwell and as strong in the left leg,' needing down Constitution Hill on May rnnlsbe.d for %Iiing Ills Diaster. . cu umber pickles, make them sour by be fed from a cup. They are so much which caused the trouble, as in the omittingthe sugar. There is only easier to ken clean and sweet. They 19, 1849, and in Cho following year Rob- The court marCialling of an elephant p other. Of course I recommend highly �erl Pate, a former Lieutenant of the everyday isn't such an ever da occurrence as sugar enough used in these pickles to need no variety in their bill of fare the. use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." mellow the sharpness of the vinegar. until they are seven o1 eight months Such is the story of the fourth cure Tenth Hussars, attacked the Queen as to pass unnoticed even in Central In - old, then some of the cereals may be which it has been our pleasure to re- she was leaving the house of the Duke dia, where the doings of the jungle THINGS GOOD TO EAT. given, if you are careful. to feed a port from Owen Sound. Chester Caw- of Cambridge, in Piccadilly, The man folk are unusually dark and vain. Con - very small quantity at a time until ley is growing up jnto a strong heal- I Wheat Gems. -One egg, one-half yup he, becomes accustomed to it. If dur- thy lad, and it is but adding another deliberately aimed a blow at the Queen sequently, the celebrated trial and sweet milk, one teaspoon of good hak- ing the teething period, the stomach tribute to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to 1 with a stick which be held in his hand. punishment of an elephant residing in ing powder sifted in a scant cup of and bowels become deranged, as they say that they were the instrument in striking her on the cheek and crushing the vicinity of Mow form a theme are likely to do, confine his diet to hL• restoration to bodil vigor. flour; mix all together; have gem . i her bonnet. over her forehead, for which upon which the native loves to dwell. lactated food exclusively for a few days i Dr. ,,yilliams' Pink Pills create now Pans well greased and very, very hot; and he will usual( et along nicely I attempt he was sentenced to transpor- The elephant had killed his keeper. put a little mutter in each, dividing y g g e blood, and in this way drive disease amount. in twelve cups or making never a medicine. Strong drugs are : from the system. A fair trial will talion for seven yearn. Another attempt That foot was clearly established. A twelve hover s,Tfe, and I always try to get ccnv'ince the most skeptical.' Sold by made a inti 29th of February, ; in number of witnesses bore testimony to gems and baked a quick oven. along without them its much as pos- onlyin boxes the wrapper by a tad named Arthur O'Connor; in They are very light and perfectly deli- Bible." peer around the month of March, ten years later, the manner of the man's death. He oiouB. wfiiciams' a the full trade mark pie. Robert Maclean fired at the Queen as "Is it best to try to keep the panne Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. had been a native soldier. He and his Corn Muffins or Gems. -To a, quart quiet for the baby? I have heard that, If your dealer does not have them they she was entering her carriage at Wind- charge didn't seem to hit it off very of fine white corn meal add a teaspoon• it is' better for him to vat. ,reed to will be Bent postpaid at 50cents abox sol• Station, and the following month, well. There were frequent jars en- ancd a half of baking powder, two eggV1 natesa I or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing Albert. Young, a railway clerk, sent a I always trios to have a quiet cot- Me Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- letter to Sir Henry Ponsonby, threat- gendered by the elephant's indiaposi- lump of butter as large as an egg and ner for the cradle. I- would not like ening to murder the Queen. tion to yield readily .to the demands villa, Ont. half the amount of lard, Mix thor- to. try to sleep in a perpetual uproar I -__, Reverting to the case of the late and commands of the native. These oughly and add enough sweet milk to myself, and think too much noiae would IEmpress, it is 9;+d to recall a few of JUSTIFIABLE RUDENESS. occasional demonstrations of insubor- make arather stiff batter. Pour at have an injurious effect upon the ner- the many disaatera which have over - once into hot muffin rings or gem ves of n delicate child. But see, I I Mr. Smallpurse-I never sate you act taken (he dination were invariably followed by pans and bake at once in a moderate have talked until the baby is sound so rudely as you did with Mrs. Tourist. FAMILY OF THE HAPSBURGS. the introduction of a sharp spike in - oven. asleep, so I will lay him down and go You plied her with questions about It will be remembered that the sister to the tenderest part of the' -elephant's Stewed Tomato with Onion. -Mince a bank to get dinner." [her summer trips, one question after of the Empress, the Duchesse d'Alen- anatomy. After that the situation another, so fast 'that she got entirely con, was burned to death in the Paris WHAT CHANGED HIS MIND. I out of breath trying to answer them, was somewhat strained, and when thi large onion very fine and fry in a s I had supposeduntil yesterday, doe tablespoon of hot butter. Add a table- tor, that the days of the bleeding of r bazaar fire. The Crown Prince Rud- , , - �'ifiat did you do it for? olpH was found, under peculiarly dis- particular elephant met other ele- spoonful of sugar, half a teaspoon of I Mrs. Sma.11purse, who had to spend tressing circumstances, with part of phants and stopped to pass the time , salt. and a quarter of a teaspoon of patients were past. the heated .term in the city. didn't his skull blown away, at Meyerling, pepper, and cook a, minute longer,then And so they are. But what I dare give her a chance to breathe, or in the year 1889. In 1894 the Arch- of day; he complained in trumpet tones add a quart of chopped tomatoes and changed your mind? she would have asked where I went I duke William was thrown from his of the unreasonableness of men and of a half pint of boiling water if neces- The bill you sent me. this summer. horse and killed. his keeper specifically. siry. Cover and stew for half an __ .- __ ___ __ - Matters appear to have reached a 'bour. 'Add a small cup of fine.bread y / / � climax when the keeper one day &p - crumbs. Cook a minute longer and — /. ,�, propriated a portion of the food sup - serve hot. g l_7 -, � % ,59 � ply allotted to the elephant. This Baked Tomatoes and Corn, -Cut the i �� ' r /r���l�/��j� wan more than elephant flesh and top off of large ripe tomatoes, scoop '� i "%%% //.� �'' /� i �I blood could stand. The pig fellow r out the seeds, sprinkle with attgar,salt/jfl/ % r'i /// ! i� marked to Himself that while he might and pepper. Fill the cavil. with rat- r/r' i /� i occasionally be induced to work over - ed g %�j / I I , . ed color well seasoned with salt - ` //, r >�j �/ f .- time at the arduous labor of pep /�/ r r �� ,/ i i r I r ,• , �- i iTRUCKS, )e and putter. bet LH t i +' I e ops on lo- / � � ` DR,AWTNG IILAVY // / \ \ 1 . mt+toes, put in a baking pan, and alit- / `, J ' / � ii '•. \ \ /j! that b //� ��k \ r �" at least It could never be said t tie soup stock or meat gravy, cover I - , i \ so far forgot his position as to Suffer and bake one hour. Remo're cover, r / ` d g av �� / I II l �fA /i the loss of a square meal at the hand brown slightly b A.nd serve at once in ( �� i gIi t4{ �\ (�{� ,- = of a mere man. And so it came about Friedsh or baked in. �/ � - , _ j; Ii RR t AL�i� that Mr. Beeper suddenly felt th Fried "(;orf,, nil Potatoes, -A little / I (. I �' llum wet great Pool. What follow / . i�' ii l I I -�! G.�f thN/OttlR� /I weigh, of a Codd hailed torn cut from-;.�u•;,,,•q�nl? or �' �q ��rr. ,I ; I�! „l_ E 1513RYuf ed is not supplied b the keeper, for cold fried or stewed rorty mixed wifii"I - %- v, ---- ca (tv I he was by thin time a subject for th tin equal amount of cold boiled !'' Rastauaas I+ E(d Mui- g� q poli- � ,� //�� ____•- i___ t� o v '�Nfl�pRfliS(fe'l � obituary writers. keys witnesses, how toes chopped fine, highly .seasoned and Via'' , + i �' 12 1 ' Ooe- Bp�� f I ever averred that the elephant raiser fried, makes a very palatable ditih, A .. rr, li f • k•.'i II �� 1 , �•, him by the trunk line and thoughtfully large onion chopped fine and partly 1, _ e t i' • . 'yl� li p - i� + fir', /% / C beat a tattoo with him on the atonies frio'd i afore. corn and lotaloes ttreadd_ % " :;.N,r, N, _. = sr r �c� T li .:"�• � �� t � �! ! 'r ground in that vicinity. ed is very acceptable, if onions are �lr / '' ' r t (r l The elephant was properly. tried i liked. �I / ! the presence of all 'the elephants be ,R , Fritters. -To i rttp of. cold rice +, / I ,` // 1 r/> 1 longing to the station. The -e ba( add two well -beaten oggs, it cup of '/ been marshalled in two parallel lines sweel: milk. salt. and flour and baking I 'y/ `f i' t i , ;, / 411 In the centre stood the prisoner, his o r r ti c v le , a for p k ' ,! fur. holes.- r an -ca a r , into 0 Powder e, F on a giant feet chained n I Y .l � c r e& e NA, well -greased griddle like I f,! rl, t i ( g peel- l.�t 1,,; 0;. n 1 ` [ chain held His neck secure and each c.,kcs and serve hot. Are delirious. 1, , -1 z .- - curl of Ino chain was firmly attacher Apple Fritters. -Make a batter of 1' k,// ! to big ,elephants, which stood on eith ✓.1 I I major rich sweet milk, eggs, salt., flour and �'»'� ,• - it ! .--. •�--�� I or side of him. The brigade m J bakingj tom' y'�- _ r was judge. He and his staff were Powder as for pun-cnkA�" 'I'o a/ r�, ��•, �. j B c:,ch quart, of,batter add a pint of fine- - `fit: E mounted on horses. The facts in t.n nhoppod, quickly cooking apples, irry t- „(ter-•- -' _�' case were related after the major bar like, pawn -cakes and serve with syrup } r -' �-v , announced to the elephant that he wa made from brown sugar. I t �•.. �.,,__ . ,Ea on trial. No counsel was assigned t. --- - �ij • I ' . the prisoner. The prosecution had UNFERMENTED GRAPH: JUIC-E. - . r � 11_IMP.`10, ' of for all its own way and by ivinw _ � . �,.•_, � - of forty-eight lashes with a chain wa The simplest rule for unfermented --�carried out immediately it had been grape juice consists of the, pure juice FRO!VI T US'Tt1N TO KLONDIKE :--MAIN STREET, DAWSON CITY, passed. The corporal elephant wa of t}le grapes pressed nut and sweet- could get along. Many very smartly selected to poi: the ,judgment in execu Aned it little, )]rough(, two the boiling The special artist of the "Illustrated tion of the river -front, the scene was dressed women wore to be seen, look- tion. an war provided with a heavy ing, indeed, strangely out of keeping chain and, grasping o lightly in his point, boiled and then canned, says nn 1 London News," Mr. Julius M. Price, even more animated, and almost baf- rtunk, he applied iho four dozen stroke axchitnge. This juice may bo we+ak- writes trio Fallowing about Dawson fled description. On . all sides, big In such surroundings, for the men so vigorously as to bring forth most ?ned by acicling water when it is used, Cit q, which he nes lately vi Rod:— buildings were being erected with were absolutely the roughest, rag- agonitzing groans from the prisoner. T t of I have odest find mo, t unkempt 1 A mixture of half "We had a stroll down toward the me,gLs11 rnptsawi the sound of Ham- s9 P wasaddsentenced to ed flogging, the murders grape juice and half meri.ng and sawing was to he Heard seen anywhere, or am Likely ever to town earl the next morning, for the g was sentenced a draw a log chain at water, mixed thoroughly together. and Y everywfiort, and IHo itondway eves en= see again. There was a certain pis tacked to his leg For three months. poured into a tumbler, one quarterful police barritoks are situated a. little cumbered with Tough timber; planks, turesqueness about their dirt,though, � , of crushed Ice, makes a delicious sum- away from the centre. The road along ladders, arid all the paraphernalia of as there is for instance, in the squalor mer drink, tato water front was already crowded the carpenter and builder. Harris of the Italian beggar, and with their FACTORIES WITHOUT CHIMNEY'S. and I stood and looked on in amaae- long hoots, faded yellow flannel coats To horseless carriages and smokeles Use. rich, ripe grnpeB. A poor grape with people strolling about, looking at ,tient. We land both expected it great and slouch hats, they added consider- wtll nol. make a liAll-flavored grape the new arrivals in the boats, andpre- cleat from all %ve henrd turd read, but ably to the atag•e-like effect of the powder add chimneyless factories as th juice. Select, perfectly sound but per- rented a euri.ausly holiday -like appear- ibis e+xtrnoTdinal'y scene of bustle and whole scene. As one gradually worked newest it nomenclature. Heretofore i fcctly ripe, grnpes; peck them from the activity certainly outdid All that one one's way (brougb this big crowd and once, very unlike Bennett and Linder- Y y i Has been necessary In order to scour 9tamK and put. them into a stone fir, could -have incited for. Hero was a big caught scraps here and theta of the plenty of draft for a furnace to buil Sot this jar into o.niron kettle of boil- man, where everyone ,seemed to 'have city ggrowing before our very eyes. It conversation, one realized that all P ing water'. Let the tvator reach up as no time for anything bttt his prepara- rectrlled. rine of those street scenes these rough, dirty -looking fellows were an immensely tall Chimney. NOW it I f -[r es thA grapna in the ,jar. Put the tions Pox the journey 1rePorA hilt(. IIerA which ha•rA irecamA sa popular at re- not what they outwardly appeared, found that instead of pulling the dra.f keit le rrvAT the fire and, let the water cent exbibitipna, only this was before and that thia was not entirely a gat•h- by a chimney you tan push, It fro boil r,round. the jar of grapes until the long river journey was an Aeeom- the opening ceremony, nud they were ening of roughs or hobos, but a casmo- below with a fan.- A plant runniti ihey -irA thoroughly cooked. It will pliAbed fact, and the old miner and the hurrying rip so Its to .'set finished do polt.tan asseMMA (+, representative of three boilers of 260 horse -power tris taltr an hour or longer, and Cho jar newest of new-Aomerti rubbed shoul- time. all nat.ionA of tghe earth, attracted this expp.0. riment with a fall %vhoso who mixst i)p Well covered all i.he (imp drrA in the pig a.nd over-inerAaaing "'j'Ite fiKriwn.y was crnwded to such till ikeher Glrl,the VmhillAtI was Dawson Rion- had rt diameter:bInches. hnt thefirflim' wf�.tAr is boiling• arotim) it. Str,;in til[ extent with men %talking or atandl B WAS So Much bettered ;he& gr,•ppp a.fler crtrwhinl* thorn in Ili,, throng, of eager .'told-huriter9. Ott tuft about, or sitting 01) the piiat; of ha'd ample, opportunity Of verifying thiq graved 11t!arly $1,000 4 year bV• using jar, ail,' extract all Cho jttiep doll p: lite maln Street, which Is a continua- lumber, that it was with difficulty we first impression: Cheaper made Of coal. . n I. - .. . I . POPULAIRITY Ills regnld of quaUtX and flavalr LA le"111"I" n LUDslgli ll _ .. Ons trial and you will use no other. Lead packages. 35, 4o, So and hoc. . AUBA011 OA$INQ8-Nag C35Iv _re fluentstisllek WHAT TRIPLE'S WILL Dfl.. S kilteepaddAA[crI¢aaiiogg�Onstegg{-rollablegoodeaY _ Nsbt.'ripe`,. i AA,'R'i{, 8LACICWEL, & 40., Toronto. Littlo Tlolu s Whirl& llave Uausod Natlo#io Neadaohe 1'aoe.aohe A S to go t0 eVar• Heuralgla 11 prere muscular pales, y Wetantly r14 y 0r r - The maxim of modern statesman that oostNeuralgl0oure. Prtat20a. uolcoils �ti no nation should -go to war unless the hila, pwlrage. The Rutabinga hledtc[no U reasons for so dein are irresistible has AGENTS CAN MAKE BIO MONEY SELLINq g 1rov our speolal books; low price' food vain not always been acted upon There is large commissions. The HO ('V'L'LL BOR I Saturday Night Building, Toronto. an instance on record, for example, of a war being caused by a window, ail- 1 IF,you want to either buy or sell Apples other by a bucket, and another -if any- in car lots, writeus. , body will believe it -by the shaving of The liawspq Commission Co., Liigitedt a .King. It is satisfactory to reflect `rearosstto. that these wars took place long, long ago. 'rhe eleventh century had hard- M/tie, Mitto A Halos ly opened when the " bucket war " was Barristerg,etc-removed waged. Some Modena soldiers ran LAW to daft WS1Toronto. away with a bucket belonging to the State of Bolonga. It was hardly worth TORONTO cuf IN(i SCHOOL offers speolal a shilling, but the incident commenced lnduosments to young men deatrone of a quarrel which culminated in a teat tak1og up Cutting;1+uU partlonlan on appH q g oatdon, alS YOOE ST.. TORONTO. war' Shorlhsnd, TypewrltlaQ The King of Sardinia, it is said, as- TELEGRAPHV4a Bookkeepin¢ and all Coro- sisted the Modenas to keep posses- mercial Subleoto are pro�pperly taught in the Sion of the bucket, and in one of the OEge aAt 81181NE8S O all Ter Toronto, Yonga and (3err:rd ata Fall Term now open, battles be was taken prisoner. His fa- Membenadlitted at a�ny mmo. Eight regular teaohera (her offered a chain of old that would (Splendid eQu pmeak VPrite for catalogue. B W. N. SHAW, Prinolpal. encircle Bologna for his release, but in vain. The bucket which was at the �� Central bottom of it all is still to be seen, , inelosed in an iron cage, in the ca- thedral of Bologna. It was in the next century that a STRATFORD, ONT. %war arose out of shaving a King. The BeabOommerolalSohonlInthe ovinoe enternowI Archbishop of Rouen decreed that no catalogue tree. W J. ELLIOTT, ?Sriadval. one should wear beards, and Louis VII. submitted to the decree. His wife, El-STAMMERERSE eanor of Aquitaine, mocked him on hisappearance, declaring that he wasOnly Institution in Canada foryy"more like a monk than a monarch."ovary phase of speechd.fact, E.tabllskI A bitter quarrel sprang up, and at $Q$dtAII?0.VOOD taBT teMil. length the marriage was dissolved and S pambroke at, Taront% Cann" the Queen married the Duke of Nor- • - - --- - --_ -_ ---_-_- mandy. Stung to mortification by this �tm.Millar&Co. proceeding, Louis declared war on the Manufacturers of show Duke, and for three centuries precious Oases Ofi1ce.Store,Banl lives were squandered in those useless end Intel Fixtures, Jew. jmweleng, Druggists' and c.8 wars, upwards of 3,000,(10 i men being kind gigi of Interior )',ttings, killed. And theseis no doubt that all lirithhPlate Mirrors, ko. 19to23Alice,St. Toronto. - this began because an Archbishop dis- liked a hairy Ince, because a Ding p� F' N �t ant! Shoot Metal Works, shrived to please hi•1ri, and because a R ROOFING RLATE, In Black, Queen looked upon him as "a monk aedorGreen. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We apply I ublio end High 9eheebl,Tornnto). Roofing kelt, PlI oh, rather than a monarch." Coal Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE (Bee New City Baild History' tells, ton, (h•[t a European !nga,Toronto, done by our firm). Hotel Callingr, Cot- aloe&, eta. Eattroates furnlahed for work complete or roil war in 1080 was indirectly due to a materialsahtp ed toany partofthe country. PbonllOq window in the Palace of Trianon. Louis ).011TNt0&SONO,Adelaide &Wldmor9te.,Toronte. .XIV. and his War Minister, Louvais,, quarrelled about the size of a window • ��rb��a and the King incensed the Minister by �d.N.ANDROSON,M.D.,No.60ollega-at. "snubbing' before the court. There- TORONTO. Out. upon Louvais, saying that be would az E & THROAT find better employment for a mon- • EYE, EAR, IMQS SPECIALIST arch thnn insulting his :M1Tinisters, will- •••R o���v�,®,',�,, IlvWO,d fully insulted other Powers, and __._ brought upon Europe the war of 1689, THE i0S1' NUTRITIOUS. between Prance on one side, and Eng- land, Germany, Holland find Spain on the other. __ __ _ GRANITE TELF,GRAPH POLES. GRATL:FUL-COMFORTING. Quite a list a materials have been 0 - 0 ® ® A used for telegraph poles, but the idea of stone for this purpose will tie new to most people. It is nederthcless it BREAKFAST-SUPPIfR. fact that the messages between :Milan and Switzerland, by way of Simplon offic® Desk ti, Pass, pass Over a telegraph line with �II SiYI2S, how Prlees stone poles. This Iine runs along the fine military road which skirts the The OFFIOE SPECIALTY west side of Lake Maggiore. The poles FAFC. CO.. Limited, are of gray granit.e, and average about r r" Toronto and Newmarket, Ont. 10 inches square and 25 feet high. They are in use for a distance of 30 or 40 This transom one oftnY miles. S' original designs. GRAVEYARD LATIN. Miiruie 1��tonao�a . tloe aqd Decorative Ignorance is never shown more ef- wood Work. fectively than in an attempt to conceal E. LIMON, Tae Yonge M it. FAII.Aginal designs, write for price,. 10%nte A countryman wandering about a a.tabitshed 1tH4 cemetery, came upon a stone which L. COFFEE & CO., bore the inscription, ."Sic transit gloria mundi." GRAIN AND COMMISSION What does that mean? he asked the MERCHANTS, sexton, who was at work near by> The sexton, not wishing to confess Rooms 400-14 Sowd of Trade Sulldtnay 'ignorance, replied: TORONTO, ONT. Well, it means that he was sick tran- siently, and went to glory Monday Tsolua - . _.M31. Jost L C. - -- morning. o all others. Superior lo all A LITTLE CHANGE. Four Dollars Old Friend -Don't you rememberI Cornplete. 'Po tit• harp only qom N. sweet Alice, who danced with delight R,,,, ,,,, 31 Qdeen St. E.. Toren c when you $ end stamp for otrcular and snmp.e y gave her a smile, and (rem- of cloth before buying eld and sit(, bled with fear at your frown? . - _-"----• Mr. B. Bolt, Jr. -Ob, yes. She doesn't THE TRIUMPH c re a cent for my smiles or frowns ADJUSTARLESTOVE PIPES. eil her, now. We'e a married. ! Eagglt up mud taken down. Con . �— ' be cleaned, nested, and put nFay,n TO THE EDITOR. she . I 'nuf otured bur y eaters for Many readers have Catarrh, irritable 0. B. BARCLAY, a6B Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. throat, bronchitis nt.c. We desire to 0[.esraD. send them a free sample 6f a remedy xraTxD absolutely Lure to cure. It is neither Dominion Lime Steamships. it snuff, nor a wash, nor an ointment, liontrealanrlQ,rebeoEoLiverpoolinsummar. Irge llllt a pleaannt remedy which la Carried and foot twin screw sten tahrps 'imbrndur, Ila• by atmospheric air to every part of the couver,' 'Dominion."Eeotsman. orkahrie. thio tt, lungs nasal assn es. For Supperior accommodation :or Firet Min, , ao• g p g and Cabin and Steerage passengers, Rweq of, a short time we shall gladly send to passage -First Cabin,$W.00; -ocond 006Wn. e any address a trial outfit. of this fail- 335; SteerageStt.60 and upwards aceordinz to ous preparation pre -paid. Address N. -boomer and berth. For all information op•, y s C. Polson & Co. Kingston Ont, to Local Agents, or DAM Tornrun & Cr ., g gon'l Agents.17 St. Hacrantent 8t., illuntreu1, --- A MARIiET REPORTS. • The apple crop is short this yenr Della. c Goodness -will we have to fall back Y on those borrid dried apples? ri There IsmoreCate&irh in thi, sectlon of itwtrq turer. ��'•or.niry than all • tier divenLes put togethe Tho Reid Bros. Mfg. Co.,C►of BILLIARD flnd nntdt fho ln.at few yenrq was supposed i TABLES and BOWLING ALLEYS. Phone 1303. Baud o be incurable, For u grent many, yearq done i sorCatsiogue. 257 ging St, West, TORONTO, pron•,unced it a local ill?en•n. and Pro<crth, -- ---,- -. _ I ,anal ren[edloa. and by ennnt.antly faitinrr t. 1CALT1i R1C8TORIED VTITI r .11F'>I+ oro with Tocol t•eatment, prunouno,d it it H CINE alt IOXYiONeE to rhe %In ))J8 - ,constitutional o. Science d; hot rrni h refor h to he uKDEftED SI'OXAC13, LIING4, NXRVM9. B joonatitt[tional dinona0 nn t Ihrro(oro roquir' 1 iVLR, 131,UOD, RLADD[Olt, ICSD�h'Y3. A conakltutionaltrentment. N Wpcat..,rrht'nr' I1IVER, 31,UODAIN and BRIG ATHby h Imanut eturod by F. .T. Cheney & ('o., Tole,t, Oh10, la thn only constitutional cure on til rJ U BARRY'S REVA1,KNTA All.kBIO,1 i market. It la taken int,rnnlly 'n does fru 11' FOOL) which SAVE,$ INVALIDS, find •0 drops tea teagronnful. it nnrq Wr,,etly , Ut11LURRN, nrd also Itrars quitce gully In - .lie I.lieh'codand mucou•r sutfnre. of the syr• (e eants whose Ailments and Debility have re• They over oils hundred dollrra for any ewac. Asted all other ttearmenle. It dlgesta when e ,ails to cure. Sond for e1r,ulars ar-d tai all other Food is rejooted, aavee 60 times its e monlals, Add -0-a, coat In medicine. I F. J. (:HPNlEY & CO., Toledo. r YEARS' INVARTAD1,10 SUCCESS, a Sold,')y DruKgi.gts, 75e. 50 100.000 ANNUAL OUStTtkl of Conet,lp- o FInll'e Fnmtls Pitta nreLha beat aeon, Flatuloney Dyspepsia, Indigestion, C)n. d '^-^' itumption Ms. ot-es Bronchitis, TnOuenza, sentence ACCIDENTALLY OVERIIr1ARD. Coughs. A.8thina, Catarrh, Phlogm, Diarrhoea, Nervous Debility, Slooplosenesa, Despondo}t0y. s Kirby, I admire your wife; she is sr• rjU BARRY and Co. (Uniltedl, 77 Regent - eloquent ih a few words. aaJ street, London, W., also ii furls, 14 Rua s HOW d0 you know Z e Castiglione, and at all Grocers, Chemists,' When you told Her Lind Stnres everywhoio, 1n tine 2s., 3c.., 6d., 0q, y ,you bad brought 51b. 149. Sent carriage free Also lfU Y me up to dinner she said, "gracious• IMRY''S REVALENTA 1118Cf ITS, in tins, s goodness 1" tis, ed, and es. t - - t , u, , i i y*, anu` acturer° 6 d 1 M. ,, tv P U 043 COMiNC T TD .* _ __ .TAlefir,hr I AIIYCOMP0811Oil, doslren aitua•I,rl ,i AND ft oountrynowsppaperr. Goodreforen0„a, Ali;). WANTIHC PREMISES, a X, Bulletin Office, Ormstown, thio A �.Pe11tlN IMPF.OtMBNYe of any natnro anoce s Can be aecomm.odated with almost t fully troat0d. Ocusulf a gnali0od .'recti• honer, Wlio wan Cor years a ppalDtal stammerer ANY SIZE FIAT o rnWriteto � J�AYNUTI,IM.��sf3o ]tn Ont d _._ _ n - with elevator, heated. water— all $ ��en""g®� ,A�rss�n conveniences and any amount of m To 2 Stock and drain Farm, rich Ro11--•Townshil STEAM POWER g of Burford, Co. Brant, near Burford Village, on d London Road -Hank bdrpa, ambling tot 24 el oatilopgl2horee8' willdrntil.root horiaea largr by applying to ft lipoglad46araharfl0ses;®poasestlontat ma oll.ISO!1 m Apply to THE bYIISON PUBLISHING COAPANY, I.l 101d a srthWUls S. TOWN ronn,6..1Yongest.,'roronto, or p1 CSF. RICAD,12 11301borne tit„ Brantford. 13 ADELAIDE W, rO9 DNTO. • . ,�, ,r' A