HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-10-20, Page 3I - — _'_77��-Twt MWIFF.A."MIST-T-1 _ � . ...."VW --- I I I . , --
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I . . � I the fria", amo boor ritu Mo. — � � I F% %W � 11-1 — �, — ltyhtok 414400,40 Of the 011104t,140 000ke,p . IWO, Iry fif ,tb
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1. 11 . I 11 . TOA I 1 , ,�, I . - It VMA 4 navy 0,04 im , VO4'siod fixtog+' I , chiAA At the 3409ha.4ynajit . TIN ",
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. , 4t)�. 0".. our 600 10A 4 aq 04mo _UA_ I 001sea tbo V&Wei . ming �A 1644. � Tbfr4, oxiSto'la _Uhlaf�, L . I.,
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".."Ina, .4 met the A4" 0,44 4*4ftPA Qt �PAP, . .
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WE PAIN , �E,� P*R , AT . .& .THA I
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No". � , _R , r I - _. AA. "I ,, *uoq";i1.9q W� the
. .
6 � 1. � I . I I f3eiqor� Philip G;06jo; ,oOIQA01 14 tbo _0 " 01)1*0 nobles' of Mly, 'the 00U. xeot� 9VAIP149 FORD , turg"'r It to, �0%t' to rO,004 fgtisrflig .
. a � - I)** who, Wagon UIX wa),r to . I oww.% .
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I . I M9 �
� , 0 . ti PIT
1 6 1 1 1 . , —1 , , .T, _4� I ,
. I , . � - chpAt P%1Wqm . . I
I , - - I . ,AaX;,od L Jtb the At- , I --' tf)� APPRIAt 1414 su�Cejpior Iro)'A auic'no.
j, -,,,O � .... . . . .� . 1 MX0. , , w � the. inamN .
, . . *l, ." 'foT �U:71-4* oo, w4tb''41AA bf) . ,
�11 - I I F I - I TXI* W.-Al=T. WA 1w, - .1
, , i
. 11 t I . . 1/1, , . .. A , - � , fafrpo*44 con ugolo po A44 - I otarqua Ar - I
.1. � . L retume.6-11 k �# � 14 114*r wi,f,q .Wks ripys6r, lk"st ,* -
. , � 4 'OT
I bet � . � generation. T4o; lkite, , - L, porpr; 4 All I I
- 'A' .� W%44, I 10Ar4Q(1 ko Ito 'tionsowoxk6', I Apfa,4, 4b . fo 01ya I .
1 6 . f I I wo _ , . t% , &4% of f4o -oU, ob-blohoppi i V si� tr7, , Ito, til .
..xq , re of Wo, ima
, . , A
., q ot, E�tgo
, rA
,It , priffin 11 � .iod O , '. ux P 'i r Xe �o ,
I B 110ho V, Of , or hero, With s, " r � " - v�ofI_ iga
, . - 11440- itlyt. 0144, the spipro$46 P -PWA
Wk"Px �s qor4
- I VA44 � Ct feeling. PRO is Aqt -was taotilit, th'sot, the piOpor. way. to OAr4i0kIs, . a4d p0pe*-APW pujtfyAt�d "'W"OU44 411" I ' III' I 'blo, widow, Appointed tbo Present Em'.., tk
, I . . , dorgul purge I WX W 4 lfteft*4�4
L .
. I .� I . I . I - - , in ,the $pawsli.' arMY - ilgpqr, (RMUP -W * tba, *14to, Clothes oad, encouraged, ,the Cal, Th():0MP0rQr Of 0111 , pqor' I . .
. 1 6 0 _ , Ash was to ruh ipary avt'l , . a ha .bOu I �
,.. ., . . � I ^_ fl&g.�aptaill tbr r � -1 11 _4 i tho ,
GA � . " I , I
,10jo, WU074 I kAe* 41 V
. I . , , a po .6 L Ov* il " -1 t4ol.4.,4 -X01) wb0a 1t4ly -)'?A Made this praoroo,0,6 6 ,or . 1
6 M
'. I . I . � 11 ,. I I I . Qffiu",two ,�AiQrp, W i most 000111404 mOnArph Ill. the W I I -
6 . . I of the knooto 1106 C4.000 , . X0 6, . � . , . . -, , Ido A EATRONO iQUARARTZA. �
. . ,
.1, ". I I I I 4� I! bil9k,94 With him. 1 saw both,' fatbot richly 4ogorvo-4 to be, �06 colonol, .1 Again, the�g r1A8** st,%;NA And 4y; 1 rramce, the nurse 4 xq(*4 w4o, �w 6.1 * 40 our r officials - whose I The EXAProgs rpwagar *111 bo� 64, 6
1 (VoAtIT.Lue4, 6 of . 6 as , xougdod by I �
6 . I A iog in, the Court At Mg,4464. They to4jo,", turning to ' thO Oak 0, I . 6 ,It folf6wocl thip, te.Aloup, ba_vk blef duty , Are 014 ,X I � .
� , 1 M QOAtA4ue4 . ch- ' t was . ptu Waldo, J , � , , e I I .
I I— , "What ,do.es it MOA.A 11 , Avoo'king 14 4, otfoo of: tarba4lam", from r seems ,to b06 to - A@ rt moatb� 544, is said ,to,
6. . I , , g n ared by a Opts, . Meat 0 I who, CA J ,,ieil Rinaldo, - 4, year or two a , . . � wblob 0 , ,Q keep hilp, TM e, x4potr6mukablo wom_,4a,j,fAd she . �
. ., . ftqr,,hs, ha , , I 446thod, until : from , oming. into, touc _
* ! 4 t4kQn.broa b. "Zaaoul, 0% when sliq W40 rate � W
I �� r , M trQ0 10, sad together with ten, ,'his 49a. previous tQ,. the trI 0. , - I , .ad by. t4b Italian wars un- b Ith, thecut, bae, lwwn practioUly thfiruler of QhiAA. . I
, . , . I I I I I
, I �
I : , J.?K I . M . .. eml LOUIS X11. ., ' I
1,0 this Mystery I you say that I fouxio 0,4 94plar w0y, which I wilt f�sr W0 world, . B .
. .of 0 00,
I � � erif, - ere on trial, 6ke father was I have told, you " I . Cligrleo. Vill, Tho 0 ore X0011120 the fox, the. ,st, anore'ticiA. .E02.8 was the I I I I
AA 064404 Of. Yo* mQtb*6r ' 'be f building in which h .
_61- L
. I � - L of. '0 I iq %kh 1, - , a I,p IfAr 04 a, is f,
4 , . to , an afte�war4 c§oaped, The, I 'd I; 4 I
I � . , , then Up W014.4 4now An 413401 * tbelbeued O' thoop who , Q 0 $60ro
. 44A i SO' 4 I I A 11 _ , refined COQJg_ .Practically coa� s000nd.Ary w! a or the first poncublao � 6 L
"'Thai 'libl, and went clear. , . I I I . , . I
, . lair i it la ovei pon proved an A recoguixa, Ladovjoo." baire nelther tAge nor otrep, tb to , fined pas Irvis to pus through three of the Emperor Men 0frag. .who "d1o;i . 6 . . ,
I n heaven lipip, me I I Must be. . . . after that the same brl� O'Depox oul R OTY at the 44190 of NAPloo, as the CQ*. I 1 61.111, along about the time of th i , . . �,
� . ..0, * ,_,44 %'or I can gwear It Is the " 'L I � . 1. . , %d A , . 4." I . -lot W414, a%gh go , a Ia 9 4414LIW I I . t, r' .
t I ,,p0m it he w . w404 on the old one, . sets .a I
I . _. ing ;p gands-111,naldp Bojario's hand--ktt4pk- Shortly after tuts the. duke, 4nd, big ". � . 6, - . aacko 441, some hundreds of years lat- .It being guarded of our civil IV.74k, and ol.to has boe ,
, .
faft Jut my Mother a . I I . ,- , bT- 0 '042all - 0347 Of euAilobs. Mrab ttoally ih� boas a PX49" I � I I ,1,:; 4
� - � . ,a well I Aye, I it' ad find Obbed the castle of the Duke of ward . � Youi will Ond a, good washing W� 14 the Mo. mpa Ellseeo of Pula., It I pf the harem and tbo 11 .
W Cay own, own mothsr-thft� . departed, leaving the .prisoner in , , .
. I . -
. F McIi4ar Talavera, where my mother was living., MA01110e sad w4jiger great labor aRv, '.wag underHpAry U , , that' I there Grejhe great 60-foot,thick walle esnjiro Since theia� I . I �� _..
. . . L, about JOW , ' � I -
Wbo,n I Paes'QU-4 I was at the time in the studio -of my All machbies are ' , of the Tartar city, then the walia og &,o was at the head of tbq empige. I I . ,
w m, I lovid with the. deep cve of PondolfQ, with the reqx*it that . ..
. qtp *yparning of my bo not good ones, the dolipasi W`c,g th XtgltaA table were 11 .
, , , yloh heart, �d(t he Should be treated with all kindness ore. ., 'a .0 11 I 1�
� tutor, Velasquez, at Madrid., he h4v- during a greater part of the Naloin �
. whom Im6ar and respect. I . but it Is ,not a ditfloUlt -matter nfti I �110 Imperial city, .which are six il I � a ,
, t nod with bitter, burning -ing removed from Seville. My mother .. ir Introduced at Rax'�g, The. sister qrts , in as rebellion, She W4.nagad it" a.ffa4a
I � . I . I I
I I purn in 4iength, and then g, thi , , � I
I twarg, have in ad for Below Antonio found the keeper of examining the, various kinds offered 'of d ' , ,uring 'its war with. France, and #h 1.
� '. whom -X . possessed a silver casket, which She � . osizu and drawidgwere, now called rd sat, in -4 a . ,o 10 .
, Y�M_rs I" the prison, And with him was. Colonel , I I I
. . brought with her from Italy. Ia it , for sale at any, firkitVolass, hardware into Toq isition to dee * dishes and , closing what is known as the Purple had �6 little taste of Russian diploMapy I .
, ".. I I -,
, , "I A grvat light shone, I� Z0,00ni's face- Philip ,Qatejo of Segovia.. Introduc- .1 I ,u � ,orate Forbidden CI I ..
I the Ujht sf� - were her jewels, together with a packet store to find 040 -tliat will prove sat- diaaer_,t�6blea I tY. ") Inside of the latter in her fuss with the Czar of some yoArs I I �
tion* followed, after which a very few . . How West was the ,
.4 powor of an emotion Ea,o of priceless papers, some of which were . ago.. She is said to have a mind of . � . � , 0 .
� , , I , ."d and sublime, He was wondrously family recorile, brought with th _ questions and answers proved that the isfact,pry. lives the Emperor aiid his f , �� 11 �
, mOved, yet Calm and collected. As I -a oa& program in the short space.ot IN years amily, the' her own, and all the Chifiese respect . I .
�, . . - , n the prisoner , Get everything ready the n1g14,t be- ladies of the royal harem and the thou- and fear bar. , Ship Is a stickler as to . ''. �, �.� � ,:J,
�� 7 , " soon as the duke had partially recqir-m kat;. Soma she had written herself, for I - fore th I - Play be Inferred from an edict of Char- I sande of eun form, and she insists that all business . , , 1;, . ., 1.1
I . . ray information and guidance; others �ad Supposed him to be, and upon be a washing is to be done, and' lea (VI., which forbade to his.liege sub- � uchs who make, up the I - ,
� .,� y ered from the shook of the astounding being letters, '13ome of the olden time, 119 questioned, he declared that -be Put the white clothes to soak, rubbing . t 'staff or royal servants. i shall be done through the young Em- �� �: 1;
, volation that bad buret upon ,hipt . Should know Ludovico Bojario any- oap on t, dinner consisting of more than
� To . and some from Father Paul. This he most soiled places. 'Rub kf 9 11 0- paror, though she really directs what I � . �
me tell_ where and under 'any circumstances. I fl� Pmperor himself lives a he is to do. ",11 . �
I I � : , � from the plotgre, he�tho painte'r-'said 11 . _I The L ' , ,
. . packet she had once shown to I "If I could hear him a these pla,oggs a Uttle next moral nZ, two dishes with the Soup; "Name all in th ( �� 4
1 ,i I to him 'A a`,P1*aSg`nt* Persuasive Maa- Ing me that it should be given into my " peak." he said, Pass them thro gh the wringer, and eat da.ro praeter duo feroula. aura pot- I north-westain part of the inclosureo Sho Is very vain, I t - �,. 'Al
� - _ n.-er,'aiad with a waking smile on and look Into his eyes while he did putl them ,A u , 1. .1 � -
I I his hands when I was one-and-twonty the boiler nont ' * , and the Empress Do' sented to the spending of about twenty 11" �1�
1 I wager has a palace I ... .1
. I , handsome facie, "My lord, ifyou. will Uln'Ag &gi,D.#' At this period, the d naer . . .
11 - 'I",' -years, of age; or, so, no disguise that he' could assume water in which a little borax has been h I illion dollars on the� celebration- of I � 11
,., At down &Ad give me your Attention at her death, if it our was ten o'clock in the morain . �near by. In anoth6r part of the in- in . � ;,. 1
, .1 , 1� . should occur before that period.. would hide him from me�,' , I dissolved, with enough Soap to make . ,g. her birthday, had this Money was be- r :. �
' I - for a few moments I will very soon "This casket fell into the hands of Two hours later the full Council of v- qood muds, T -lie amount of tforaw while theaut Closure is the hall of literary abyssi ing collected for tbepurpose when the , � 1, 11
".. � ,,,-, . nos you that you are not mad, and the brigands; and, of c was served at four. , or the imperial library, and in . , , 114
1 I 01 OOnv1 war With Japan broke out. I rl ; .
t , ,,, ,. ourse,*the papers Tw(knty-avery member,4.,was assom- needed varies with the kind of water The first regular cookery book pub- this . ,
,, � . that if you.bave.mado any mistake it into yo ' . .: t��. � , , . I
I : I I v the hands of the chief, Rinaldo, bled in its own chamber of audience. u have to use; it will not injure lished in Francs was, we believe, print the Cabinet officers hold that The I mpress Dowager is even more . I
i , -It , . is not in relation- to the picture. Will - � r sessions, I . � ;
, : �� . who, later gave them� to his soai. The duke was there, Luigi Maraccini' the finest fabric, and Is a great help secluded than the Emperor, and when " , . I '. �
I You Please Me. and sit V I will stand." ,, . ad at Rouen in 1692. It was the pro-"nd it contains also a depa �,'
�t � And now. Antonio, we come to the was there, and with him was Senor in removing the dirt. , rtment at She receives he fficials she site be- , 1. �� - I _�
. .... ,.,�11 � 110,
I . 111. . ;., Zanoni banded ,but a, chair --he had final plet. The papers told them.- Philip Galejo, colonel of the mounted Wash tilio 1coairse, , cr*thest duction 'of the Sleur do Ia. Varranner, i the -royal treasur'y- NO one outside hing a screen, ranod the Cabinet Min- , t. -
I "; wen'that the other was in use ehind . twhits . � t�,,'.' �,� 11
, . b father a * , 1, I
� , �_ nd son -not onl the sad story police of Segovia.- through one water while the first lot 8squire of the kitchen of M. d'*( xell Of the - foreign legations ever get isters got down on their knees and talk e
� , " I I tb,Q. easel -and the duke, his face the" f Y T as. . , N, I
, Picture of unutterabib wonder and as- 0 1 I I .11 ,�` !:� , : . , 1
, h my rY and told the wonderful story h Out Put the second I t in'the boiler, Bled, Marquis d'Uxelles and of Cormar- China,. and no foreigner is permitted . - - .,.
. , . mother's 'Misfartune, and her When all was hushcd the duke arose IS boi ing, and when they axe taken It is dedicated to MM. Louis Chalon do into the palaces of the Emperor � ot through it at her. I . I
It : , .,.,*!, 4, todialiment. with shades o usbalid's cruel wrongs -for I am ve' a had 0 ..) �
, . , . I . I'i. I) 11
V`�, � . . onxiety and expectation mingled thers- sure it was all there -but they told my that evening heard in the minter's WZh the colored clothes through two tin. Hei expatia,tes on the thousand- to see him. Even the Chinese of Pekin �� . '1�1 �,.j',�
. �,
IV �t, , , ,,, Owl' 'story. The attack on the castle cell, and he asked at the clos wqrm,,not hot, suds, which should at- anid-ons . vegetables and other "v1O
, I vith, sat down. 6thatthe . I . .; �:
, ,,,,.�:, 1. of Talavera, the killing of many of the prisoner SO contain a little borax, do not know how the Exaperor looks, FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER. I
,� ,��;'.�:-,
might be brought befo�e rinse thor- tual" Which people know mot how to � _:-, ": �_ I
-Xy lord," comMenced the axtist, armed servants . oughly. then dip them in a thin, boil There axe — . . ;L,�, :� �, 4
: I'. I I and the robbery made them. - dreas with honor and contentment; , not 5,000 men outside of his I I I �,', .
�L 1" � With a-rioh moisture in his eyes and a ,stir fix Madrid, and troops were sent -Strangely, or naturally, be it a I ad starch, and they are ready for the and he then exclaims that,- as France eunuchs . _. ,,': o ":"��
I , 1, , .
, , . . '. _
- 0'' I � 06 'thrill of heartfelt emotion iu-his who have ever set eyes on The ]inventor Was Born JU 66rokallY and . " I
. . . tuneful voice, "I will be brief. Should in every direction to find the brigands. s It line. White clothes should be dried has borne off the bell from all other him. � . � W
:, I �% I � I , I ray A few months later they were over- might, not a man present doubted a in the sunshine, but colored clothes nations in co�qtesy and bienseance, it He knows. . Died lot Houftud. ''I 21..,.:i ��,,'� �
.1 I 11� `::
:�' life be spared long enough, I can . single word of the marvelous revel&- should be hung in the shade -E. J. 0. In September, 1736, -Gabriel Daniel ., ,�:, �_�` J
. �.�: taken and a sharp angagement result- Lion, and the is only right and pxoper that she ABSOLUTELY NOTHING _!-_1
'. 1,� I !" I . give you details at a future time. I ad. Rin'aldo was shot de consent was speody-and I 1'1.,t� , ,
�: . . . ad but his son ... Fahrenheit died in Holland, probably . '�.�%
�, can hardly tell you when I first sus- unanimous that the duke's request should. be no less esteemed for her po- I about the actual Ooiaditjon-of his .. ''i, I
', , ,�. A escaped. - lite and delicate manner of living. The people, �"",_�.
'' �," , - Pasted or had a glimmering of the 1. should be granted. at Amsterdam, in which city he had _ ".
. , a
�11 - Still later, after the death of my .. GOOD REO.EPV. WheW he goes out into the City Mat4 i ."_,,�11,: �i
� �: .truth that is now knownto.me. Ifirst in . first edition of that remarkable cook- settled many years previously, and . , . .�,r' -
;�,',� � � other, I saw Ludovico Bo * ' While Maraccint was gone for the a Y book, the "Dons de Coffins," appoax-, . ,t.�,l "
��,,�!,) strongly suspected when your fair ward I was sure it was Jario i imprisoned painter t Fruit Jumbles -One cup butter, two r ting is hung up in front of all the w ere he found more suitable Scope , '�,.' �"_
�it "I 'had told me the story of your unfort- he. me . h li�,;�_ -
�. �::_�'!,�
�'!`� , unate parents. I suspected more want on, an c forence, with Colonel Galejo, and cup',' Sugar, three cups flour, one half superior work to the droll production I 0 for his scientific researches than at
- Madrid. Ti -11 -he duke sat down ad about 1740, and is in every respect a - houses, and, strips of cloth are Strot had
d I saw him again and in 911 t.-1 il. I - I
�,�: �' . again. At length I was impressed after a brief colloquy he took pen and OUP milk, three eggs, one half nutmeg, just mentioned. It was composed by across the alleys and side streets Dantzig, the great seaport in north- � .: �, ,',��",!
1�1 , strongly -1, may say I almost knew- with the belief that he was watching Paper, and on a slip through which the imperial procession � � ; �7,,t ,
�, - *hen 1--foand that Steffano was seeking me, of fine parchment Onf, toup currants, three teaspoonfuls M. MaxLn, cook of the Druchesse de � "'-,',�
I.,,, I ,� �11
�,, "'. feared Finally something happened. On he wrote a few lines. The document baking powder, Chatilnes. Tho'cookery of France at must Pass, . east Germany, where he was born on .1� ,�,,�u;i-'�,,)
1. panish I I it, t... I ".:"�,_�,�,
11 V my lifewhou� I knew that he a da k, stormy evening, as I was on my Toanhto -09,tsUp�-Oqe 'half bushel this opooh, and indeed from the time Upon these occ ' I ",
�: r Was simply a permit to the S May 14, 1686. Till just bofo�o the sev� � �`;�,,.!%',_
�'�,'�.,. �
, '" . . I
, '�, I I , me., "a, the'"" wonderful likeness way from the studio to my chamber, officer of the police, acting for his of Louis XXV., was -distinguished by asions Europeans are I 1�, , �, , �-�� I " I t� I ")
1, � t,. .
. I w qh the princess bore to my mother. I wa . a warned -not to go out at their peril, . �-�,-,'..�,,.:,�,
� I, , I h,hl,nk 4-attaeked by a noted bravo, whom kihg. that he might axrest, within th tomatoes, one half gallon vinegar, one luxury end sumptuousness, but so- enteenth century men could eatimale
;,�!,;: , Yn yourself had told me that . .
��';�,,,, I red6gnized, and whom I remembered confides Of Parma, a certain Ludovico pound salt, tw(a the temperature by their personal .�:tlli_!'Iltlll
.0, '�,�;t, '..
�9t . she was I piounds'brown sugg�r, cording to Caroms, was*wanting in de- for the Emperior is always accompanied � � _ 1�
�I � yo r relation on your moth;r's to have seen with young Bojario. who had been f or years a one . feelings only, but several pttempts
11 , � . � "� I �, �11�
114�1_,,; I", , , .aide. I I Bojario. His quarter pound black pepper, one licate sensualism. They ate well in- by soldiers, and the man who peeps ; I ,.� - .��,:�:�y,,
fugitive from justice in Madrid. I _1�)"_";',
, ,
��1� , I "And, now, to my story. The first name was Pedro Pedrosa. He had been . half ,DA'Ace red pepper, ftwo ounclBr# deed, at the court, says the professor around the corner or has his eye fast- were then made to measure the de- 11 cl;;,!i,A'�
l '�: , The painter at length entered the . � ':-.?1,i , ,,, �
. _ a famous matador at one time in the each allspice, cloves and mustard seed, of the culinary axt but the rich citi- ubes contain- 1. ,�,�;
�,I.,::.�i. . I I remember of my mother was at Car- Plaza 66 Toros, but had been dis- man, if ,ons. ; ened to a bol by 41 1'1� �11r, I ''.1.
�., .1 � thagena, in Spain; but I know we had council chamber, and as one six small out Boil three hour%, zens, the men of letters, the axtists, a in the matting is liable i_,,�,,
..',".-tf.;' charged for drunkenness and'quarrel- their faces did 11 ' ing spirits of wine, oil and other sub- � �'. ,
, " I not belie themr, the strain and bottle. were only in the co to be, blinded with a bullet or arrOw", " .t`,�i.
�1 , come to that place from a distant land, urse of learning to C', 'Itt,-�� ,:,
. "I . . . I ,�,, ,� �,,;i' �
��,"' � -, �, though I knew not where. When I was Sameness. Fortunately, I had my members of tZ august tribunal decid- Pepper Sauce -Four gallons out cab- dins, drink, and laugh with conven- The streets are fixed up for the coca- stances. Instead of the first and all 11 : ,- �%..'X,�'
�t `11.��. rapier with me, and I sent him off ad, in their hearts, that he was ance." of these, Fahrenheit In 1714 substitut- ,,�,�,
. , -,r',,,�':
I., ", ,, old enough to ask for the information with a wound that must hav . worthy of all honor and renown. The bage, one gnIlon green poppers cut Siena. All the booths and squatters are oreury or quiok8ilver. which is a '. � �, ��,, I.:",
j, .1
_V, MY Mother told me that she had been him given The regency and reign of Louis XV. ad in � " ',*��,';
�,,�% a .
�t�'); I forced to flee from her home in Italy. trouble. But he wounded me old chief -Baron Dodeto-set a brave fine, one half pound each mustard were din driven away, and the roads are covered .. � ',4�,��`: �
. I exam ong the grand epochs of French - �,z,,�
,,',�,,'�;�' I severely -so severely that Pie. He advanced and grasped seed, ground Mustard, bro cookery. A book called "The Queen's with' bright yellow claW. lyell6w is thd. met naturally fluid. He selected for ,., " ,'.
1�_,. She did not !ell loae in what part, but I was con- wn sugar, a' ;,":-:�::�j't'.
' . , shV caused me to understand it to fined to my room for two weeks. the hand of the late prisoner, publicly one half'pint salt, Closet Opened,". published in 1662, is imperial colour. his scale as zero. 1% fiame derived from . :" ,,;� 11:11
��,`_,i`, � have . no quarter pound I - ,1��,� It; ",
. .." ,
".�,:"t". , "When I once more got out and able Boil the first English cookery book. Some tl the same Arabic word as "cipher," and % , ',� - 4'�
I � been one of the Italian dependencies; hailing him, "Prince." 0 ' :,� ... ";,, -
, 1, , turmeric, one gallon vknegar. The young Emperor is . � 'L ', -�:
�: - �, �, �, He whom we have known as the vin . a decided yo signifying "nothing," the lowest te- - ..
" " 4 : - � to look around, both the bravo and egar and spices together.. pour cold of the dishes -in this book maintain . I .�;�,,-�`,d't-�,
It i.%t, �. I though she never said so, I finally set- weak character, and doesn't : �,;"t�,;�"
�� Ludovico Bojario were missing. The Marquis Steffano was spared the pain over vegetables. their popularity to the.prese even do perature observed by him at Dantzig ,.�1�7.,.,
i ;'..".. � I ?tied down in the belief that Sicily had at day -as, .., � 'r
. ". ;� -
i '
�',�,��:, been the place of my birth." ,_ ,� former I never saw again. The latter and chagrin of a public arrest. Colonel his own thinking. The Empress Dow- during the winter of 1709, which he ' _�,,,�
14 'Poffee. Cako,�e cup for instance, chicken gad pigeon pie, ,�" -
. , eacrh olei,arj . _,,,�,3,,,;
, -
," ��..,��,,,,� . : 'fine in, oment I" - pleaded the duke I saw 110 More until I met, him here Galejo went with Signor Maraccini boiled rum -p of beef and potted veni- ager attends to that' for him. found was that produced by mixing . I.! """ ,,�: ,
"" �;� -. , and found him in a ganaln It ifil equal quantities of snow and sat -am- . . . �,�:�
., . �,4.,, � �
t. ,1 j.. I. , ,Putting forth his hand. "What wW� in Parma. Passing for a Farnese and g -room of strong coffee, sugar and molasses, one son; but others have wholly passed said that he occasionally goesinto fits moniao, or common salt, and the space . ,� ., ,�, I I
,,�, " I
0,..,,,�,', .,. your mother's hame?" brother of the duke. In all probabil� the Correggio Club. He was called half cup butter, two eggs, three cups amay-as, for example, a baked red . ., - ,. , :�' -
, 1��1151:., UY the ex -mat aside by the keeper into a private flour. bne nutmeg, one teaspoonful lemon of rage when he is crossed, b . I . -"o.i ... 11 I'�, I
�,t';�,,"!' . "She took the name of Zanoni in ador Padro had assur- doer, a capon larftd with a, a ut it is the between this point and that to which ,�, ,,� ,, I
I a I I I.. ,.C1,-.1"1- ;
ad him that I was partment, where he saw and Instant- b. ci a ,a, ond ,� �::�,' � �1.i�l
)-",;,�, Spain, Joan 'Zanoni, and called me deaa, as he had eac� no �q.aonj cloves, taflspii steak pie with a. French pudding in it, rage of a child. and is, over as soon as the mercury rose when expanded by I
.'�` _ ,
" � , , �A,;., �;, . I .. - Juan. doubtless paid 9; goodly sum to have ly recognized the Spanish officer, and half' pound seeded and chop . as I alat of smelts, flounders, or plaice, he has exhausted Minself. He has been� the heat equa, . . :, I - : , . , 1. ,f- . �� -1
I . Shortly before bar death I ped misi a. a I to that of boiling water . % I ,
,7',�, - I r plunging the thermoMdter-Z-iUto , � , It, " ;,
I ., _,
�� I ,.,
I ", I -, I learned that she had another Chris- me killed. he knew what he meant. The feeling one quarter pound citron sliced, two with gar io and mustard, an olive pie, under the thumb of the Empress Dow- 0 , _. I 'I
i; i.z,�."�:;�, tian -name. my lord, you know how the had been with him, growing stronger .- .,
.. 1 found'it on an old letter. teaspoonfuls baking powder and'dressed snails. So -me ,Insight in- boiling water, he divided about the -t,��,:� I
,�.,,;�,�:, It was Bea;trice." - i�pc-0t_b1r gained the information that and stronger ever since the postpons- Cinnamon *up iLger since he was a baby. She super- year 1720 --into 212 parts. Doubtless , . , 1'1'�1.1� ""14
- �, ment of the painter's execution, that I Rolla �_One c sweet to the cookery of 1754 may be obta ad vi � 4_;,rl ,. ".
��c,'�:�� enabled h in sad his education, and picked out his the salection of the freezing Point of ,:., ,. ,. 11
;��:.W �' I I The duke started, and- was upon the, Im to So wretchedly deceive from the pages of the "Connoisseur." ,_ �, , I
1� i�, �, � Point of an exclamation when ,the- you- You also know how he cams in- he was doomed. In.faot.he had been milk lu.kewarm, O,W. CUP sugar, On's In London, at "Dollyls" and "Hope- wiv" for him. She hashim so hemmed water as zero, which was made about � , � ,;. I:"..
i�� I
..., . . . . � !�;
�,:� � painter stoped him. to Possession of the pa ers and tL�,) possessed by harrowing fear since the yeast cake, dissolve in one oup,water, man's" beefstoaka were eaten with gill in with officials and wives, who are bell 1730 by Rang Antoine Ferchault do I'll . I !!% . . . . . . . . � , 1,
. , .......
.. :� ,
� �g"., , MGM I , �41_ "
Law Reepsakes of my mot ent of his startling one scant cup butter a.' ale; and behind the 'Change, a man � � , -
-111, I sworn allies, that there has never been Reaumur, who lived from Feb. 28, �, ,,,,
� � I "tret,me finish, my lord; I will not Ear, which he discovery 1683 �1. I
�. I . that in the artist Zanoni, he behold Ad lard mixed, worth a plum used to order a twopenny I i�� � � �; ,-
,1� 'tl, �.,' - - , tire so boldly a chance forthe young Emperor to ex, till Oct, 27, 1757, was simpler, readier, . I 1 �::.
, , .1 1:
,� ';,- - You. From Carthagena we went exhibited. One or two of the man whom three eggs, little salt, flour sufficient mess of broth'with a boiled chop in it. his, subservient more familar, and) natural. The sys- :,. . .
he had long tri,at, himself from - . I ,� ,,,
I I to Toledo, forced to leave behind the especially one believed to roll. Let rise over night in 'In condition, even if he wanted to, which tom was adopted also in 1742 by An- - .. I .
. I :,�_',,"�
4�,� ". I I dead -killed at his own behest Placing the . chop between the two I . I
,V It, -
. � - ,'. �
, ", best friend we had in the world-& purporting to be from a good priest- ter, knead w he apparently -doesn't, . , � ,V�,
"t �,
;I I' �, - I he "Senor Ludovico Bojario I i arrest ,down, roll out about one 'crasts of a half -penny roll, he would ders, Celsius, the §wedish astronomer ,- ,�"t, ; " ,
il. ":� I . I - I priest, Father Paul." must have forged, or had them thee in the king's name I" ;�r,-,� inch thick, spread with butter, wrap E . �.. I -
�,,". . The Emp6ror was 17 years old at the and physicist, who 11yed from 1701 till I �.,, ��, ,,, ,
Again. the duke would have Inter- forged for him. Your fair ward told t up in his check bandherehief, -;,",`,,�,,�
�,',�. sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. and oaxry it away for the morrow's � t";,.`�:, ,, t,
��t,,�,, , xupted, but the other went on: -a about them.- . The culprit asked but one question. and time of his marriage, ten years agoi 1756, and whose thermometer is divid- ��
- . ,.;. .,,;
1,4�1.�;` . "Yet we did not lose his friendship. "Poor Isabel," He would know if the officer was act- Ma-ke in a roll, sat down in slices, pub dinner. I and the Empress Dowager gave him ad into 100 degrees between the I I " ,.2� ,1
. _2,2%
� " .
�!;:�'�� " For years he corresponded with M1 y said the duke, with a Ing with legal authority in Parma. in a pan land when light bake. with. The selec- freezing point ai:td boiling point of . 11 �', I ,,
, I
� :t
Z�1:., � � �ing of deep sympathy in his voice. Galejo displays Curried Eggg--iPsel and sit" ' tion was curious. All the pretty Tar- water, as 11;eaumur's is divided into � � � .
�,,��,_ , d the document the twd 7 ,� �.Ql'
, I - -
11,1t,�' �, mother, a friendly courier bearing the What will she say when she knows duke had given him. ,' good-sized onions, and brown them ERIENCE. tar girls of the empire, numbering eighty. It is therefore generally 6is- ; .,',`;,:",
". �. �: I lettes to and fro. Corsiglia was the all this? Ahl I,can fancy the joy- Never mind the cursing, the impre- — I many thousands, were gathered to- tinguished as the "centigrade" or of .. . .. ',;,�,��
� courier's name. We had gone to To- ladness, that wi I fill her libart. catlons ' " :�],,`,
,,,4, ,. I slowly in' two tablesp6onfuls of but- ,;: �: ":"
,�, - . ' ,
. ,�
beat 09 a "hundred steps," and is the one am-. . ,,_!,!,�,,-,,�- -
, I ledo, and thence to Madrid, where my the Y she be suffering even con ter. Add one teaspoonful of curry 'IyAth Among file Chinese. them were sent on to I ". t�.t ,
; ,�� �,, upon the duke, and -upon all Queer ldeas In the Medical Line are Hat 90 t,
�1.1,�Cl . Whaft 'her and Sorted, and the
i'� '!
,� , , maother found safe .and welcome repose ma I . We will not prolong the Pekin. The as. ployed in other parts of the European ,��_oli`�.,�
(-_-1 now 1.1, earned. , ,
1�,!A`,�' .. . _ . . ,
t4l. -11, I �,�rith a dear fria"Adr—aii "own cousin, scene. Ludovico Bojaxio was arrested powder and heaping tablespoonful of , lection w" first made by the Govern, continent, and for international pur- I I 1! ."! ��,,: I
�1,�4, , . e :,i]�3.rOther�YOXX will not refuse me-,, on An an interview with Dr. Charles ors . ,_ .,,�,,,,� ,,,r
sh I charge of robbery aiid murder at flour, and stir until smooth and thick, of the provinces, and no girl was poses. � :. I!, ,; ,,� � ,
;:_�,`.,., 1� . nam d Olympia, who had married with ay no more. Oh, the joy- the . .. " �, .::.� � . �1'
��-A��4� ,,�_ _ �ho_poweirfgi_ b castle of TaIavera,.in_Spai)3.,_and .Simmer for 10 minutes; add six hard- -W)anyon, the- famous. Medical missiod. PreseNted- ,who was over 18 nor under- - , -.a- , , I � 1,1 I
. ,
,r.t�M , Ak1d.,W_aaJjtby_ Duke -of, Tal,-. ails � shall king+ Beforb' another day ere long thereafter Colonel Galejo left boiled eggs, out in ,,'quarters or thick axy in China, w.e are told that medical . . �., ��'..
� -
,;;t ��i.
. - duke's home �vas' in a You shall be 'set free from this place, Italy with him in custody. On the Slices and stand over hot water for 10 The choice lots were dressed in the DANGEROUS HEADACHE POWDERS. I : �4�,, _
. �
i:�;�.. I avera.' The' 12 years of age. . I t
1� �;,, .
II,,' I . . 1�,- "
��!' -, '. grand Old casile� -twenty miles from the wonderful story shall be publish- science in Chin% is not as advanced as finest of clothes, and were carted from I 0,�,_ ,��,�
,��:�,,; �� Madrid, in the wild, and picturesque ed. way across the sea, however, he made minutes; then serve. � — . , ",
, , , You shall be 'proclaimed to the his . I :"�.,:��,,. �,",�
�1�,,T,_'�� . Sierra Guadarama. And there-" princi�ality escape. i He secretly lowered a Wee Custaxil-Boll one teacupful of it was -in Rome, 2,000 years ago. Thp all parts of the empire Into Pekin, It Is Nece8miry to Handle Thelli With I � .,,.,�,� , '; ,,
. t,,��,
�-1,1 , �-� , "
",I I,- .1
i'�.; 1."'! 1. 1. At this point the duke Sprang to we'would n my father held ---an honor boat from tie vessel's stern at'night; ,rice; when soft drain off the 'water so-called doctors cannot tie an artery, They were here submitted t Qreaf Care.
f,�',_,., 1: � . 0 . at give to the other -and boat and prisoner disappeared, and I spection of the old Empres I ; I .::: il,,..'�:,
.- � his feet, his ag ny Of susPenss at its joy shall. rule the hour. open an abscess, or reduce a dislocat- a Dowager, I . �
��i,;;,. I know the were never heard of more. a4ad add oaQ, tablespoonful of cold I � r presence in lots A few weeks ago Dr. J. A. Harris, . ;:: "
�'_A,,r . titmost limit. . . being brought into he . .", .,:,,�, �
, . I
I ;I 1. ''
- . .1 . People will rejoice 11, d limb, a I of five. She passed .- 11 I "t --
i..'. t-,tt,�., , e Stop, I stop I For the- love of heav- "And What more need we tell T The old butter. , When cool mix' in one and 0 f , ''?,
" i,*,�!" 41 - —Isabel? . upon them as fast the Medical Officer of Charley, Eng- '., *.L
man thing and weeded out the , �, �!,
"j,-_ �� ,�� . � -so juggled deax Antonior, ax, a teaspoon- poor- land, had the police of that city Pro- ,.?,.
�,_�a!:!�il�� - A I tell me how have I been What of her, MY chronicles of the time in the archives one half cupfuls of sug Every China has got some as she could �," _
�",' tt, 41 �-so betrayed—so cru�lly outraged and rep,l or immaginary the matter with est and dullest. Those who remained .1�;t ,'�,'�','�. � �.
na� -"- ,".
, �, deceived. Tell me all the rest at sb rated nutmeg end bin were taken out for the time and cure some two dozen samples of , , � ,,
;�, ', "If' you can win her, now that you After telling the touching story of Mon. Add four eggs, the whites and .him, and there was great curiosity to , I
I of La Pilotta have it all on record. ful each of g ,
� 4 ". , me are U Prince instead of a handsome Giovanni Farnese and his family, to- from differbnt 1, ,,.�,..'�!
f'�i,', . - other time. You—you-9,re the tr brought in in new lots, and so the sort- I , ", �, *
s I'.
. 1:111, I
� � f ',,�.';! . - painter, 'she shall cortuinly tie yours.,, gether with the wicked imposture of Xolks beaten sepaxately; stir in gradu- see the methods of the foreigners; ing went, on, until the thousands had chemists in that city, and had them ,� 1, 1', , , , " �!:,
_,�,,_ t, I . . 4''. %
��,,,.,C,-! � ally one quart of sweet milk and pour therefore, when Dr, Wonyon arrived dwindled to the hundreds, the hun- analysis. . ,-.1 "�'.
,, - . Xuan Stef ano Farnese er I "Oh. my dear, good, kind, blessed Ludovico Bojario, and the wonderful in slowly. stirring al -1 the while,; add submitted to 9, thorough f,�.""��, � � 0,
i"...111'. , erl Isitnotso? Telling— guardiant how happy You have made manner in which the true prince had half a teaspoonful of lemon or vanill there was no lack of patients. They res, and the scores at last , 1: �,:, "".
� ,��. ,,; . is it not so f" . 11. _ 9, 'the analysis, publish- .
�'., �� .�, in , The results of . .1 I
Vt4; ? .. ': "Antonio—in my —my deepest 0 been snatched from the jaws of an a down to fifteen. , � _,;:-_,�.� ,,
, � �,�,;, , 'heart And the monk extract Bake in a buttered pudding came daily by the hundred from far _ �,
,� .,.,�.,_�.. heart—I believe it is. In fact I may cams forth; the ignominious death and restored ' to dish f�; one hour. These fifteen girls were put into ,ad in the last number of the Britisb' ,.,: .,t "I' ,
��,' tl� , - � " ,
" .,f �_:, �
t. ,�_ . - . black robe was flung back and away, his rightful rank and station through . and near—from an ares, three or four training. Their paces were tested and Medical Jourdal, show th%t in every � , * , ,._
,.": _ 1:�. . ,� , - , ".
� - 4' ca 11 " . . .
, " oan it be otherwise." Fruit Cake — One cap each butter, times that of England. In seventeen all sorts of experiments were made as . . . :
1� ,�, �. say, by no possible toiture of the truth 'and the Princess Isabel threw herself the magic of his masterpiece, they go to their tempers and traits. Xfter se the quantity of the active ingred- . �;:" � ,
i", " 41' : � � Upon the dake's bosom. And, by -and- on: to make record of the joy and sat- sugar and molasses. two eggs, four years they numbered many thousands, of the maxi. . . , �: . ,
..:,! lent was largely in excess I , " .1 �
�t::, ��' ''f, 1 "My brother I My brother I Oh I by, when he could be brought to be- isfaction that filled every loyal heart, some months the old Empress picked! ,:1 _, "'i .: .
� , ev, 11 � "I , ,
:%:.. �,��' , now I know why I loved you from the lieve the cups flour, one tablespoonful each and some of them, as Dr. Wlenyon says, out the three girls she liked, and the mum dose of the drug pormitLed by I it ;
� I . - , �.
�.�, dence of his own senses, old and Young, mate and female, when cinnamon and ginger, four tablespoon- became the centre of an influence more eldest of these, who was 18 years old, . : � _
i: ,; I I first ' whymyhaart went out to you, and she had recovered something of the facts had been published. the British PharmaeRpocia. 0 �" ". "
:� ,�� I I , full Of deepest affection, even when her composure, she looked up through The chronicle from which we have tuls brpmdy, onef half nufteg, one or less favourable to western thought (*cafne Empress. The two others� be- . �. , �- ��,
. I I
�, � I knew you had stolen from me the
1, ��,� These remedies belong to the P-Iasfi ,��,; �. I
"' .- love of my beautiful ward." came what are called secondary wives, � 1. I .
". her happy tears exclaiming, in tones copied closes With an account of the t0alspWnful soda dissoliveld in two and western men. Dr. Wenyon has or chief concubines, and these two lat- of the analgesios, the members of the o:, �.�, .
11 �
: , " :� �,� "
J:.' � '� , of earnest, prayerful supplication: marriage of the Prince Juan Farne tablespoonfuls milk, on�a cup each our- many curious storles to tell in connec- t4r were sisters, one of whom was 13, group in common use for the purpose . :,". �
� ,�� , " "No, no, my lord," interrupted the se,
I -
I'll, . I
I � . �,-, "r, �
., , . I 0ainter, earnestly. "Do not say that. ' 011, lay noble,'gonorous guardian, I younger -brother of the beloved Duke rants, raisins, ginger, preserved, out tion with the medical work and the other 15 years old. The mar- being acetanalid or phenylacetanido� I �.!!
". , '. . - �
�i,.,���, �? , know you cad be kind and forbearing, Antonio, to the beautiful Princess fine and .mixed together. Put a lay The literati, who are the* grebt in- riage of the Emperor was celebrated in, nacetins orj� para- .,,��,o; "
"i'. .,. She -never loved you more truly than as well as just. Before you cast a Isa,bel di Va.ron-a; a - phenazone and phe . 1'�,� _ �
I � 11, she loved you while loving me." ad, if we are to or ,of oaks batter iu4 -the pan to tho stigators of riot'and murder in Ching., elaborate style, and the magnificence . The "headache p i
" : -,.� t . ', -
, ''t,41 . I "Well, well," pursued the other, with or, it was one of acet-phenotidin. I "� _�
41 �t, : . � ow- i, �, I I
11 , ,; , shadow of blame, heax me, and, above believe the chroniel of the depth of two inchas, then a sprinkling declared that they ought to open a of the'occasion may be imagined from ders" sold Ln this country ar& exactly I , I. , 1��s"
, , , "
11 � —almost a events and on ,
a kindling light in his eye all, lot no thought of blame to Juan the grandest 'te I ,
. . � enter Youf mind. Oh, did you know most extensiv ly celebrated t 0 of fruit, again cake batter and fruit rival hospital. and they did open one. the fact that it cost the Govern- similar to those sold in England. , I I
.�,,r ,: , aMile. "I may say this at least, in that a hat ever until all used; oaks batter for top A staff of native "doctors" was found ment $10,000,000. 1 Now, all these are drug� that it is , ,
�, , , �%, - " I
1�11 .11 . hour 'when I knew she loved you, I Me, so little as to believe that I would transpired in that ancient city, The Ia-yer. Bake two hours in a moderate and the building was called "The Hall .
I � . 0 ,
_ ,�,.., I
I'll I suffer my dear lov _`� -�_,��*:,�Irl
" ,.". � .� I wished in my heart that you were no- er to remain her6, People, he assures us, were literally oven. I . I * Every three years now batches of necessaxy to handle with great care. A - I - �. '. !, ,
�:�. -, * where death, as & of Ten Thousand Virtues." It was d wives are picked out for the Emperor. slight error of judgment with regard .. . 1,4. - ",
. . . �.�._ ,, '.�*
sp a . � ,-�., I
' , , . his, that You might. bless bar with your we all thought, was wild with delight, and for many days . I ndid building, but somehow that The prettiest girls in the empire are to dosage on the ;"; ;t
-t �
,, ,'' � � . hand. Oh I Jaun I Juan I I can not call close upon him? Did you think 1 the welkin echoed back their gladsome , HISTORY OF COOKERY. did not assist the cures. Two afflicted chosen and the Emperor doesn't all6w paxt of theclork'who , ,
.1 . " ;!,:. . 4 1-1 you by Your other Christian nal . I would hesitate at afiy risk—any dan- notes, while the oy b Ila rang right mixes them or th consumption of too . ,
I �, I : I 1. 1. me ger—to myself? No I No I Not But, m4rrily. i a i0ookery is eminently an expertmen- friends came to Fatshan, and they de- affairs re with him 0 11 , 1,� �'�,
i .. l I never J01111 Juan—my brother I I .1 . I . 1. �
. Ow ,;.,:,. " ,-.,
, � - guardian, before I may another word, THE END. the -person with a, headache I
�' : 11 large a quantity of the powders" by
�'.'. I . kin it I Thank heaven I I know it tal and a practical art. Each day, cided one to go to Dr. Wenyon's hos- in big amusement. He is a sort of a IS Sure to I, I :,,�, ,
I,, . . pital and the other to the rival place holy figurehead, and his officials keep result in disastrous consequences. I I :, -�, .. �
I .
. '. ..
11 .
'I" � 1, now . Promise me that you will not Punish while it adds to our expoilence in- In three weeks'Dr. Wenyon's putien� making him more sacred every day, in - Thesesubstances depress the action of . ,
" ,:
I 1, . - � '.
. . - And he throw his arms around the nor expose to the wrath of others the creases also,our knowledge; and as we was well, and on going for his friend return for which they get unlimited ., � - I I
. I
k , , ." :.. ,. � . , artist's neck, and wept tears of- joy person who hag befriended rue in this. THE NEW GIBRALTAR, the heart and have a tepdency to dim- , , , � , ":7" -
�, ,, 1. I .1 I �
" ,, . , �, , . upon his bosom. But a great anxiety He did it, not More in sympathy for wa.;.1 have come long atter the Greeks and to the other hospital found that he opportunities to carry on Lbeir plots. inish the force of respiration. The peg- 1. .
' *
. 1. � I I I
: 1", " WfkS, still giving him unrest. me than because of his love and as- The stronghold In British Columbia V. S Ronians, and have had the benefit of ,,va,8 dead. The doctor tried to console and Peculations. The whole Chinese son will likely fall to detect 'hiinself -.1 ,. �, :`
. �
� � ..:, "Now, tell me," he said when he had teem 'tOwa,rd my hero. . Will you him by saying that they had buried court is inade up of intrigues and, in- . . - A
,. ,
(I . � � , 1, I . .. . .&risen from the warm embrace, sad promise ?I I Been Called Th& Name. their experience, It is no marvel that him in &splendid coffin. .� trikuers, and the nobles are glad to the In3uly the drug causes him. for I . � '�, , ": :
I , 11". . The duke proibA and the princess The town of F,squimault, B. C., is to we should have greatly surpassed them. "Th fact, coffins, were a great lieces- get their daughters in the ro- getting rid of his headache he is apt X ::;; , . � . � I
. 1, . wiped the tears from his eyes, "how (rid yal harem ' the fatigue wbirh is sure I . I
I ,. � verlook . . .11
he "I
. .. 'the villain, who ban for sb long a time to Ocome upon b! � 1.1� �.�
. .1 .1 Proceeded: . be rm7ed and wiped out. of existence, In the fifth century, all trace of t sity at that ,hospital," says Dr. We,n- for the political prestige it'gives. to in after taking the I I ,
! '1�
I '! I . —for Years—perstinated yourself, gain "Ono week ,ago—jast mix days -1 says the San Francisco Call. So the Roman cookery had already disap- yon. "When I went there I found that PLENTY OF LAWS. powder. I This be May attribute to , -,� � ,
"."'�,' the information that enabled him came to this prison cell. It was my they bad laid in & good stock. So the 1. , �
I., . , I.. to first visit, I British red. Up- peaxed. The Eternal City was invest- people came to us. It was aquestion Everything connected with the Em- "the last kick Of the headache," when I 1, ...
I I � I �'O 'it T - Oh I DAY soul I his very' face— ranged for my , , ror is regulated by law. He has im� it is really the greater injury of his I 1,
t: ', �, . big very look, and every to)ae—hiA f6a, darling a stirs escape. The on its site will arisg one of the great- ad, and her kitchen destroyed by bar- of coming to our hospital for a cure Pe 1, , rt 1� .
. i.,,.� -
I � � 4 way - was This baxians. The consecutive inctirsions health. The law even provides just Legislation is necesRa.ry to put a , I -..� I I .
, I I ;�, tares and his form—, all, all should have open; and he coutd go; and I told.him est fortresses of the world. Or going to the "Hall of Ten Thousand perial physicians who watch over his system -by the deadly poison. i A . I
� .1, - told We he Wag novei a Farnose ( But, I would -go with him. What, think 'is of particular interest to CAI point of hordeg of barbarous tribes and ntl_ Virtues" for acoffin. One day there what he shall eat. According to the end to this practice of se,&'Ing poisons .. .- � I �, -
,� , L ' ' tell me, how did he do it?" You, was his answerlp lans, beca ` iforn- . came a, stately gentleman, a learned oldChinase bogks, there must boplaced tothe public under faacifial names. If .. I I , " .
I - And then Aba told how use this magnificently design. lifting had put out at once the light mart belon
, I.. I "MY d4ldr brother," replied Juan, hav� Zanoni had : ging tfo,lthe upper classes' daily before him thirty pounds of meat nothing else can be done about it 'at � ! I 1, �
, � a Paid I
, � ,� . i.dg seated himself on the edge of his disappointed her—how he declared If ad stronghold Will boneXt door to us, Of,�&elenco and the fire of cookery. having iliantiler needing' in a basin.aild seven 1:ounds boiled in- present, a, regulation should be Made . I I " "I � ."
" , i . 0arrow pallet, after the duke had te- *oula die rather than break his word in British Columbia, right above the But the d4rknw of the world was surgical treatment. Ile hired it pri- to a 1). He bas a daily allowance of that no druggist should be allow,pd to . I L I . . I I
I � '. atimed his softt, thank a kind fortune, given to his friend and patVon—the vate room and I operated on -him, &Ad nboulas he line I .
I " ,,' duke. - I'VInall WashingtOw state line. Some idea of not of'long ,duration. The mbdks�- in aftortnight he wag. wall.- He bad p6iind of hog's tat and butter, ioll "headache powders" unless 0 1 .
� , . I ; and a keen venittubtan6a'Of faces arid, , ' V' she Said In eonelu- its proposed str6ngth , the muo"bused and much mistaken not told me who he was, but before add he right to order two previously labelled them "poison,"just - I- .1
I , , . facts, I am Able to tell you the whole Stan, "he told'fae that.if I could come ma,y be gained sheep, two fowls, and two ducks, while as carbolio acid is labelled. . I
� � , V ototy. The first -time I not eyes on On thO- sixth ,(lay from that, when it Is known that the s--fanaed the embers Of V, nascent he want &w4 he said, 'You might like his dr�lnk for the day is, rest,ricted to . I . �
:, and British an. monkr
.. I the marquia—go lot tie bail him for the should P, than ask him to flee, he *Ould ginears have Already dubbed it "The literature, and bherlshed the f1dinei of to, know who I am, and I want to toll the Milk of eighty cows and the gteep� - � I I
� . , , " resent; I will find another name for .do so,' you, bboaft96 lain go grateful for be- I . I . I .
, Aw 4Ibr&It&r.1t I a new Cookery. ' The,free cities at Ital lisease, I ing of seventy-five parcels of tea. Q GOLD DUST. 1 1 1 1
�_ �' .' I CA pret6ntly—when I first Saw him, 1�11AACI, h"O I 6M," she added bright, The plan I � bo Y*. ing ovired of this terrible � by. We ttre not in this World merely to . I I �. 1* k 11 I .
bore in, Parma, I was confident that And she told how Me, had eotas P, Ire sleeps, 'most of the day 066 1 . .
� ntelfiPlatm the equi Gonoe,, -Voiilee, P", Floranto,'ths coml ata. the hoad, doctor of Clio Hall of Ten The Emperor is lean -and unhealt �
I ' meat Of 6, store, repair, Add aaPPIY and d .
I hattseati him belore in another plabo, in, Shortly buimud. Virtues! 11 ' do the p1jees of work, -large or sinall, .
, 1 ,,�a , after blalsOlf,'And how she gtitloja 6606nd t6 toxid In Clio empir6k . Mon mothisrA ,of poetry, Painting, sbalpp. Th � I . , what Work he has to at night, and � 1:
A" , fiad, anothor name and fil, another 1,101ned throu I I _ � '. . �. I I � . .�, ::
11 I . I - ) 0.1i All their talk all the building And matiti[Ag I turd, and arohitedcato, dontomp6tane- �O I his life 0i"Pleasure has made a physt- that ire got over against our hard, . �_�
T* I. �.64d ctor, though still these, latter IU186611 900t(itor; but she would not tibia of Weading this d p, � I I I I .
� - ' 4 ' AR01-10lits 'did net occur top me gj,ffrjt� hftd 6p6t bualy tovt#bd the g4bta%fiftli� taste, dal Wreek of him. It Is doubtful whe- '
. I 9PAXISH WO1109. . Wearehere to grow IA strength 4.1Ad � ' , - , I ,.��
� 1 mot to to" the "TIsty of 6MO� any fOrea, th&t could batroug Against I ' thep he underatanhilshia real altuat oil. I ,
. '0111Y, thd recognition of the face Came flOhk that ,bAd 'Wholnl6d Upoli her it, by, ht against Tho Maditea and the Xdiiatlo I bet,uty ot Character'. And lt� Is not , . �:, ..
I � ,�at ,that thnc� Thb reat citme, later— Whfl& the had listeadd,', . 6" or Itiod'.1, tho providing, of Malay English wordt'ate taken. & It N said tbat.ho haa'nover reviewed I - .. I
I I 4 4160kii 1090 on- Of6idd their dief, find the tagto for vebtly from the Spaill,§h, .W.he& you blo own �army and that he knows abao- hard to 864 how This growth Yoky 96' , , , '.
I I . Make, 'do Y01i yofla6blber a ,noted bandit She had Scarcely ppOkeA her jagt, 6119h to 00diVe the best luturigg bxteii.dod Itself to the Speak OV& Mo I . . : I "
. I a4d blgg6stpumoleg 6t iaarlA6 grchi� fAbla . adilly pollat yoa,kt,d not lately nothing about military tactleg. on bontinually-iiiald life's daily toll and' - ,
I I � i0l. the APOW11214A naltiod Rinaldo 196- ,word ;Wholu, the ftiRAtd4f, kftoro, able t4btUkk1 bkIll, Mid the dotAbIlAhmeat Maritime towng. and other Cities of the Ushigatt6lag, Tho"P166dallo"h4atol.-i - The SalapArOt kUO%VA bathing of MO& I I I �, i
�': I., . '14NOO who Vas Arfest;6,d At Gen . h6r which At oJ16 time WO W0'a bi all ,6m 6i'Vilivittoft. 96 doesn't even know 64fts, If we Are diligont, bateftlo I.. I . I ..
I . I . r"dolfo' 6atorbd 'hd to"' "b "Ad, bf'baffh0ki, A, 816tvidd0filOn, &ACT other pen( 61thful, Prompt, accurate, lonerobtid 1w � � . I
, the Mdrdet dfid T61%611Y of & w 01, "I gkdft to be Ofto datki 'an - had , A naula,, to Cadiz, Darc;olonttj St. Se- ftiwiln. sphib. - Aye broad big 40W)i countr,#. 11WOunudli,e ex,bbald I �
" d ha, men of* Post ' � I
b&akdf 1, was, op-Ademaodi gild. 06md Ivith'' a light,,, bov6r dfoithiNg, ebab"ry' buildings fo the 'ago and b"t14% and Saville. Spain had the without caraway, , : ..
. I . , ", . Ttittebl fhat the . ` bbadfit bt thor aum6roaft Soldiers and, spade WoUldhlt be -11Y6, to �haVo rokIly Moro Itiflo6nob with� him the doing of a thousand lIttlo tblagd, .1 ,�
,� i ,w&rdtj esdwa f, . PtIAMAX *49 there, He-hii'd : salovo 0116, *11 ',honor of having futhishad the. bread at All, CAMWAY - to * pureily Than any One 61w They have been of bommou life, we ato hulldhig thead ' . I
, I
,�, , tiob 8016h bit *Ito, h , I . &6 she had 00 i I i)6 t4301t6d. to bold hilW imigh wotdo 'Abriv6d from .11110hrao hift. olbstek A6960 . 11
f , ::AY6-1 t6tamhowwoll.11 1 k
1 . � , � He Made hie'wai t6 Spain ,h&o, dwofo&liot, thlth6r, , - A� fdtbt 41240AM the: Alps, Of the 60�- flfat�66bkuy'bbok W i%Aymoa6kh,t6A,, latelt MI his like, and 0aliti(SA tfibri-AWhIle Into out $ofil"84 Ia" * - ' I I
I * life 6,86610hWat fo�;t , I Mitoy&.11 The h&rami66k *.u-lyour ,#or.+ tho, li&a ouatibh� Pi Viiiii Ll, the'ally. brI6, Thus we are bv�r 164MItIlt by I
1. I for' 04vorit) yoarsv-fot faaft* , yeava-he Atid frighb., '04A &&,114, b6 imhood, t� " I- 1. -, � I .,Z 11 - , gue, It to WIM& "Uh.po do' k1116, &A-&6 got Its taw -6 ftovtt tho Avalftiah. of the 8idPrd8#1)'OWA96t, 10 oho6f his dohig And growing by 40ifig, Thei'd It I
. .
. . Pita life 'VIIIAInciiis daling in the 148t* Bilt 'the duko d1d "46(t 4116* bita 1,0114 �, , imn, , 7, � c6mpumtb pbr Ailborto (to f;bla�" Thim il,himam," AlthOuglithM fA bot pUrely t6kifidoutla,l gdvis6ft, lih 6116,66,ft apirICIA&I bulldlog, r1aing I .
* 116� - ; I � 0 .
I . 4ftehw of the alorrits of cast, no - " _ --' - .
,two, ,, wak I� bxoewifiglyroro- Thel ddo�,Ofy� & 0 110(blt *ord� -_(%11lkh`b48 946t It froin 'The Xha trof vubota iii 1871, Ietbd VACMA as 0onfinually aq wo plod nift .1ii �2 . "'
,�had, a rldfl, or three rdato ild6r- " ' N tire. 6X6 jhka fao# Mun, h6vouth hrothW our titiondbig taklen. two to . I
, au", ,
� � , '4 !,he fight wo hAl over In akiftlit% , . f 6a at thU opbob Wits no lodg�r lAd 61a& 460- yotwa ao,:Th Noglfgd �
thm I am, Jubi,W LIU&Vldo� *,ho Whjsft� "I nor I if"'% 00 .. 6 W 1. T,
I , 1614 ,me fl, ' 661d tho. w1filood, W'Y, It 'W6,11 till d6a . .ov other ,oxiimplec 1104hana," It orldot'; yl .)�.M I or Ition, VeAg, tind sue. ny I MOtt dutlisa amrs ouiv tbtirtidbsr, � -
6r, J6146a 'AA1710 f F I I � - , V661A those in till Wirk Wide Nauty- , . i
. kA, 4010k, 46 A 010 XdArt[04 Man ki an olaftatIcill O�t tht Orok ft Wihati isdo,hijap; to ttdu45I,o #,Ad. ,,,V0av#1 � "'Ahl 1264
'bld i8adurh to rob and MiAid 11 6e .S I,!). 2krthr6b# by, "P ination, I hfu I I
00 Uni Of his fathdr 604 bboams a rd 1`b1N I hla� wif'o aooa,wa,� , , . � wltchoA, o'- bf tht 1061P�& �4111'hbk And All, -dlkodil�: ftoih the Spithishi dAmth,of piablif6l' - � 11 . 11
u 11, �66dl� ,
I V 0, teheo ot�tjj
I I ,0,� � yilu�t,oy moo . � , � .1 . I At t)16, I t Cho Abul. . � I , . ,
. � I � . .. . . .., . .� I . 11 14, . I I . . . I
I I I . 11 .1 . I I . I I . 1. . 14�� � . I I � . I I - . I �, I . � � I � . I F I .
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,i�L�t�.ViLIML�,�M-&U��:�.,..PL��&AOu,�,�� _._,.a____.�. , - , __ -, - .I,, AL-_ � ,,�—..�` �1 . _A:�.��A,�".,__, 1"N- --A . � Adj�iawoL-_.__ft"� I i4:"C,z�aAL&&ALu--6L.L�.jk�-'A.i.&Vlii,L-r � &�_. . All� I . ,�, IA_JA&th�A,,,,��I,� IA
&Mo" � �
I -