HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-10-13, Page 7Utli Cl,l�' v NEtiVS•RECORb Iepublisbed every THURSDAY at Ten NEvys-RYC°RD Printing House, Albert St. 40ekre3P ie QZ,.t. 1... Constipation Iliigsellfully MR the etoxnase In the retial the 4igestett food too long to and produee1 biliousness, torpid / Sestina, bad taste, oogted ten o, sick headache. hl- winillt, ctrl. Hood's Pills sureeou patle and ail its results, easily laid thoroughly. 26o,Andruggists Prepared try Q. I• Hood & Do., Lowell, Tho only Pills to treks with Boodle Ssrasparl world A the bowels liver, tads �'� i Iftrue "AGE NAME OF JESUS] ,r,.,.,y REV. DR. TALMACtE PREACHES ON ITS SIeNIFICANCE. •'The Name Which is Above Every Namo" -tt Stands ror Lev , Fattci►ce, Kuut- neer, Nbrbcarance" Se1F8acrlAet,, Mag- naalnUiy.-People 'Who Find no Charm In Ilte Nitwe--Dr. Taiwuge Alitltes a Strom; Plea for It. Ades etch from Washington says:- P Dr. Talmage preached from the fol- lowing text: "A name which is above ever other name." -Phil. ii. 9.your This was one of Paul's rapturous and "Jeans, the name high over all, do heaven, and earth, and sky." To the repenting soul, to the ex- hausted invalid, to the Sunday -school girl, to the snow-white octogeAarian, it is beautiful. The old pian comes in Prom a longwalk, and tremblingly 1 opens the dors, and hangs his hat on the old nail, and sato his cane in the usual corner, and lies down on a couch, and sews co his children and grandchildren: "'My dears, I am go- ing to leave you." They say: "Why, where are you going, grandfather?" I am going to Jesus." And so the old man faints away into heaven. The little child comes in from pia and throws herself on y' lap, and says: Hamate, I am so sick. T am so .sick." And You put her to bed, and the ever, and the luster of a useful life Shall beans[ forth treruulous a thefaouti- fol, you may, look up IAto face of Christ and say: "My Lord, Thou arta brighter star -the Morning Star - a star for ever." Wandering some dayamid the foun- tains of life that tosin the sunlight and fall in crash of pearl and ome- thyst in and golden and crystalline urn, You wander up the round -banked river to where it first tingles its silver on th rock, and out of the °hal-dren q 'lees of love you drink to honour and everlasting joy, you may look up into the face of Christ and stay: "My Lord, Thou art the Fountain of Living �'gter." Some day wandering amid the lambs and sheep in the heavenly pastures, v a fender regard for the t,ord'e 1io71 God's cause is left in Human halide, for God honors men by making them workers with himself. The importance of the house of the Lor the temple of Jerusalem, na a religious and politi- cal center, cannot be overestimated. It wap the depository of the canted and political documents of the nation, and was a sort of museum of historical oux- iosjties and of the arms of heroes. But more than all else it stood as a mono - went of strength, representing the visible kingdom of God, although kings and people at times went astray. As Dr. S. L. Seiler has said: "Politically e�icate children ! WI); they source of anxietyart The parents wish that hearty and strong, but the .. keep thin and pale. ' To all these delicate chi] Scott's Emulsion c Cod-liver Oil with Hypc • phosphites comes with th best of news. It brings rich bl0p( g ADYERnsim, RATES. I Yr. BMo. 8Ma 1 Mo 'column iu0 00 g35 00 ;2Q 00 V. �p Colutgn,•.,,,,, 35 00 20 00 12 00 8000 p' �'n 20 00 1'L 00 700 260 um 16 00 $ u0 5 00 100 Inq. sou 8 b0 200 1 26 serspeoial position from 25 to 50 per cent extra. p For transient advertisements 10 cents per line for the first insertion; 3 cents Per line each subsequent insertion- nonpareil measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch, $5.00 per annum. Advertisements without spec- lfio directions will be published till forbid and charged for accordingly. Transient notices --"Lost," "Found," "For Sale," etc. -50 cents for first in- section, 25 cents for each subsequent Insertion. TBE NEWS -RECORD will be sent to any address, free of postage, for ij1.00 per year, payable in advance- $1.5 dmay ate toe charged rgedeifry not tasso paid.tion Is paid is denoted by the number on the address label. No paper umbertin- nod until all arrears are paid, except at the optionW. of the proprietor.CELL Editor and Proprietor, GO TO THE • • Umon Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaven g•only Smith's block,oppositePost Office,Clinton, J. EMERTON, Proprietor. enthusiastic descriptions of the name of Jesus. By common proverb we have come to believe that there is nothing in a name, and so parents sometimes present their children for baptism re- gardlesa of the title given them, and not thinkingthat that particular or a help title wi&trangell be hmistake.er a draYOU have n no right to give your child a name fever is worse and worse, until in some midnight she looks up into your face and says: eau k• kiss me. good-bye, I am going away from you." And you say; "My dear, where are you going to?" And she says; "I am ywas going to Jesus." And the red cheek which you thought was the mark of the fever, gNo It isnce turns out to be the aaisweeon t°name spoken byhe lips of childhood, spoken by the ld man. Still feeding by the reek, rejoicing in the presence of hero who brought you out of the wolfish wilderness to the sheep- fold above, you may look up into His loving and watchful eye, and say: "My Lord, Thou art the Shepherd of the Everlasting Hills." .But there is another name you may select. I will imagine that heaven ie eTYeharp hastitsoharne hper.as itHeays a has gathered up everything that is worth it was the central ma gnat that held together, and the dynamo that ever rekindled fires of patriotism. Religi- mealy, even amid idolatrous shrines, it a stimulus to the worshipof Je- hovel]. When closed it was a sermon in atone, and its restoration was con- acetas with every religious reforms- tion. Morally it was in Judah what stron bones, healthynerve g and sound digestion. It growth and prosperity t p p Y them• matter how settees t the Child, it is readily taker 5«, and;u,w,.lidruggisa. that is either in elite or lacking to further : It is a mighty name. Rothschild is a having. The treasures of the whole universe have isun conscience is in every human breast law."•'-�+ rmu SCOTT&sowNF, Chemists, Toronto. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOr P _- • FORD & MURPHY ► (SncoeSsore to J. W. Langford.) you call yourachild Jehoikim. It is a norOTiglath- call Pileser• Because you yourself may have an exasperating name is no Sea- it to those world. v Cuvieer in the scientific world, Irving a powerful name in the literary world, Welling- ton a mighty name in the military world; but tell me any name in all sh 11 set aull The s Pull. Heaven ffull. The ull PThe• fire with splendor the domes of the temples, and burnish the golden streets tbo°sol[aazearl templehad much do withJudah's not falling g into corruption as rapidly as did Israel, and hence the smaller kingdom was taken into exile till quirements of the Jaw had been n glected. The tabernacle of witne+ Which in Moses's time stood, as t: stood at this for t THE WILSON'S BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856 V t 1 Having bought ontthe above business, we Intend to conduct it on the each principle, and will supply our oueLomers with the best meats at the lowest paying prices. Ford & Mn h �' son whythe youpahould give who come after you. But how often y we have seen same name, filled with jargon, rattlingdown from generation too,generation, simply because some one p y earth so potent to awe, and lift, and thrill, and rouse, and agitate, and bless, as t g his name of Jesus. 'That one word unhorsed Saul, and flung New- ton on his face on ship's deck, and to- .day holds ato race hundred million of the of the twelve gatea�ad Amore [t: shalt be noun in heaven, noon on the river, noon en the hills, noon in all the valleys -high noon. Then the soul may look up, gradually accustoming itself the vision, shading the than a center y after Samaria, The restoration seri reservation of the A temple was evidently one purpose of Judah's return from captivity.corded 5• The central worshipof God.time. 7. Sons. Probably Jehoram's old sons, Athaliah. Daughter of Ahab a Jezebel and wife of Jehoram. Her h tory is one of the most dramatic r in the Bible. Broken up. Plu CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST $I,Soo,000 1 Live Hogs NJanted • I 1 ! a long while ago happened to be af- flicted with it. Institutions and en- ter rises have sometimes without auf- A ficient deliberation taken their no- menclature. MightyEmanuel. destinies h veggY with omnipotent spell. That name in England to -day mentos moxa than Victoria; in Germany, means more than King William; in Italy, means more than Garibaldi or Victor I have seen a Sotto bound hand and foot eyes as from the almost in- sufferable splendour of the noonday light, util the vision can endure it,with °tying out: "Thou art the Sun thatpie never seta!" At this point I am staggered with the priests and the Levites. These hereditary officers of the tem- and its worship might be expect°d to feel a deep interest in the work. All Israel. Everybody everywhere who Y y dared. Besides the willful dame thus done, the walls had been crack] age. Buaspe A general tet for idols, but especially the PheniciHead form of worship, introduced by Jez bel into Israel and Athaliah into J dab. .-,,,,,,, Offlee, MONTREAL• WM, MOL>=ON, N'JEo RSON, President F. WOLFERETAN'I HOMAS, Gen. Manager r'"y n f. , Highest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON. Clinton been decided by the significance of a name. Thera are men who all their life long toil and tussle to get over the influence of some unfortunate name. While we may, through right in sin, Satan, lits hard task -master, in a bondage from which no human power could deliver him, and yet at the pronunciation of that one word he dashed down his chains and mahn overwhelmed ou fortwith disfree. I seis n a thought notwithstanding all the charm in the name' of Jesus, and the fact that it is so easy a name, and so beautiful a name, and so potent a name, and so enduring a name, there h find no house w o chara.ve are m in those •e in }two o, come Quid be induced to contribute. Money. This money came from three sources: 1. The ordained assessment of half a shekel, about thirty cents, on each adult citizen , Exod.or 30.expense Public worship• 12 n 2. Money 8. The king's commandment. Th ,matter was taken from the hands the Levites, who had lost the con dance of the people, and was now ma At agedby officersw appealing tot Noteaalscounted, Collections mado, Drafts Issued, Sterling and American Exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposita 1 [ SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. I GETROWHILL 1scattered, Sorseshoer and General Blacksmith Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first close material and work guaranteed. Farm implements and machinearebuiltandropaired, behaviour and Christian demeanor, outlive the fact that we were baptized by the name of a or an infidel, despot,hearing,dropped, or a cheat, how much better it would have been if we ,could have started life without any such en- cumbrance. When I find the Apos- tie, in m text, and in other parts of Yunending his writing, breaking out in ascrip- tions of admiration in regard to the name of Jesus, I want to inquire what some the of that aster the last hope fled, the last light out ; that name pronounced ing his the sea the clouds and a sunburst of eternal gladness poured •into •his I have seen a man hardened in indidelity, de - seen a man hardened in infidelity, de- fiant of God, Pull of scoff and jeer jocose of the judgment, reckless of an eternity, at the mere pro- nnnciation of that name blanch, and ower, and quake, and pray, and sob, � d groan, is and believe, and rejoice. 0, mighty name 1 At its ut- syllables. this dayand see whether there is anythinin Jesus. I challenge those of you who are farther from God to come at close of this service and test with me whether God is good, and •soul. is gracious, and the Holy Spirit is omnipotent. I challenge you to come and kneel down with me at the altar of mercy. I will kneel on one side of the altar, and you kneel on the other side of it, and neither of us will rico up until our sins are forgiven, and we ascribe, in the words of the text, all honour to the name of Jesus received from those who had bound themselves by vows; and in that age the solemn religious vow was a fre- quent act- 3. Voluntary gifts. It is noticeable that, in that day,as in this ' freewill offerings raised most money. The people had not paid the Mosaic tax, but the free collection paid for all the repairs and left a surplus. See that ye hasten the matter. If the re- staration of the temple were to have its proper moral and religious effect, it must be promptly done. The Levites hastened it not. Mere formal ritual sympathies of the worshipers as th remembered the former magnificenc and contrasted it with the evident pr sent decay. 9. Made a proclamation. The kin actin with prodada, set in motion g the the civil and religious machinery the nation to advance his noble plan 10. All the princes and all the pe P1e• The "Princes" were local magi trates and nobles; the "people" we the same fickle multitudes who h cheerfully indulged in gross •idolatr Their present enthusiasm was she FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mint gage required as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. 0- McTAGGARtT, `^ • D. 13�i1�(::i� ALBERT STREET - CitiSaviour i CLINTONINTON TO 'THE FARLIER8! Study your own interest and go where you can get RELIABLE HARNESS I manufacture none but the best of etoei4 Beware of shops that eaiI cheap, as they have got to limo. Call and gob ptinea Orders by mall promptly attended to J0 1 n Bell �r 13arness Emporium, Blyth. Ont of characteristics appellation, And 0, that the Sa himself, while I speak, might fill me with His own presence, for we never can tell to others that which we haveHim not ourselves felt. First, this name of Jesus is an easy name. Sometimes we are introduced to people whose name is so long and tuipronounceable that we have sharp- ly to listen, and to hear the name giv- en to us two or three times, before we venture to apeak'it. But within the first two years the little child clasps its hands, and looks up, and says:giving terance the last wall of sin will fall, the last temple of superstition crumble, the last Juggernaut of cruel- ty crash to pieces. That name will first make all the earth tremble, and I'heu it will make all the nations sing. It is to be the password at every gaterather of honour, the insignia on everyfla the battle shout in6ever conflict. g' Y All the millions• of the earth are t° know it. Tire •red horse of carnage seen in apocalyptic vision, and the black horse of death, are to fall back on their haunches, and the ll bite horse of vio- tory will go forth, mounted by Him who hath the moon under His feet, and the stars of heaven for bis tiara. Other dominions recta to be out; this seems seems to be -you pronouncing it, I pronouncing it -the name that is above every name. "His worth if all the nations knew, Sure the whole earth would love too." 0, that God this morning, by the war of His Hol S frit, would roll over you a vision of that blessed Christ, and you would begin to weep, and pray, and believe, and rejoice, You have heard of the warrior who went out to fight against Christ, He knew be was in the wrong, and while waging the war against the Kingdom of Christ, an arrow struck him, and he fell. It pierced him in the heart, and lying there, his face to' the sun his life -bloody running away, he caught handful of services have no power to impart ear- nestness, and tend to death rather than to life. 6. The king called for Jehoiada. It is a noble sight this, of the youthful king deciding to be a leader in good than a follower in evil. He who be ins bymasteringlessons and gchief temptations prepares to rule well in life But, after all, the king had to look after his plans himself. The Levites to whom he first left it seem to have put the money into their own pockets, 2 Kings, G2. 7; at all events, their ,work was not effective; hut when the king made his own arrangements he sec- ceded. Do not leave our duties to lived, Until they heed made' an en Till the whole nation had contribute 11. This verse shows the checks upc maladministration, negligence, a fraud which had been provided. TO ng's office. A public place. Perhap however, it should read, the king inspection." The king's scribe. 1 official of the royal treaell The high priest's officer. Accords to the story in the Book of Kings, J hoiada did this himself. Doubtless i closely supervised the whole work Day by day. Every day of the wee until means for repairs had come i aliundatice. The temple was not, lik too many of our churches, .,a place worship only Sundaysprear A on and ' A General Banking Business Transacted. Discounted, Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. aT•s•Q0$ VIdli•YLOR CLINTON •ONT Fire, Accident and Life Insurance Trcnsacted. Itepreaen:s several of the best Companies and any information relating to insnranoo gladly given. General Diarict Agent for the Confederation Lite Insur.,nce Co. Money to Loan on Reasonable Rates. �g�t pe /1 /e®pt�EY@ll\till\t11 'CONVEYANCING. • The Thu McKillop Mutual Fire j • Company. Insurance Colllpurly. ---- ,p Farm and Isolated Town Property Only Insured, f 1 I "Jesus." Can it be, amid all the feral- lies in this Church, there is one house- hold where the little ones speak of "father," and "mother," and "broth- er," and "sister," and not of "t.be name which is above every name?" Some- times we forget the titles of our very best friends, and we have to pause and think before we can recall the name. But can you imagine any freak of in- in enlarging. Spain has had give up much of its dominion. Au's- tris has been wonderfully depleted in poker. France had to surrender some of her favourite provinces, Most of the thrones of the world are being low- ered, most of the sceptres of the world are bean g shortened; but every Bible printed, every tract distributed, every Sunday -school class taught, every school founded, every church establish- is extending the a the blood that was tushing out in his right hand, and held it up before the sun and cried out: " 0 Jesus, Thou hart conquered!" And if to -day the arrow of God's •Spirit, piercing your soul, you felt the truth of what I have been trying to proclaim, you would surrender now and for ever to the Lord whowboughtyou.Glorious name ! I you will accept. it or not ; but I will tell you one thing be, done by deputy. Jehoiada. A grand old character -the king's uncle. He had, asthe narrative in chapter 23 implies, carried on Jehovah's ser- •vices all through the dark days of idol- airy. He had preserved the temple f the very worst desecration. He and his wife together had preserved the little Josh also, and had planned the revolution that put him on the throne. And Joash's noble behavior ranged hours during the week. l week. was constantly open, and worship wa constantly offered within its holy pr cinetq. 12. The King and Jehoiada. The hes of theState and the head of theChure Such as did the work. +$atter, wa:kniaster or contractor. '1 'h service of t he house. Not religiou service:, but work done for the repel of the house. John Ridout, Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. oreele Fire Insurance. - Real Estate. Money to Lend. Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON .- OFFICERS: George Watt, President,i3arloekP.(r.: youforgeted, ticould d Sctvfour's dost nation ? That word Saviour's designation Jesus seems to fit the tongue in every power of Christ's name. That name has already been spoken under the Chinese w$11, and in Siberian here and now, in the r g presence of angels and men, I take Him to be my Lord, God, for the first quarter of a century of hie reign seams to have been largely due to his heeding the good counsels 13. In his state. According to it original plans. MEDICAL. MEDICAL. Jae 13reedfoot, Vice- Pres., Sea°orb,th Y.O.: lchW. elJ.grove, Channon. Secy Treas. t Sea'o h, P.O. ;Michael Mardie, Inspector of losses, Seaforth. P.o. James Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Michael Mui- die. Ceaforth: Goerso Dale. Seaforth ; Geo.ge watt Har eek ; Thomas E. Hays, Seafor h ; Alex. Gardiner, Lewdbur Thomas Garbutb, p Clinton; Johh McLean, Kippen, dialect. When the vice in old age gets feeble, and tremulous, and in- distinct, still this regal word has po- tent utterance. When an aged manup was dying, and he had lost his mem- ory of everything else, one of his chil- dren said to him: "Father, do you know me ? He replied: "No, I don't know And child came and snow -castle, and in Brazilian and in eastern pagoda, That g name ie to swallow up all other names. That crown is to cover all'' other crowns. That empire is to absorb all other dominaffons': "All crimes shall cease, and ancient frauds shall fail, Returning justice lift aloft her my my pardon, my peace, my life mY joy, mY salvat ion, my heaven + "Blessed he His glorious name for ever. The'name that. is above every name." 'Hallelujah! unto Him that sltteth upon thus throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Amen and Amen and Amen," of old Jehoiada. It is an unspeakably mournful consideration that the good- ness of Joash went awaylike the morn - ing dew, and that after Jehoiada's death he slew the cod •Start's son on the very spot where his own coroner tiolr had taken place. Collection. The aasessinent. As we have seen, the re 13ER WORST FAL7LT. Isn't it difficult, Mrs. Jones, to ge Isn't along with a girl that uses such Lroli en English t ,- Ola, I don't mind that so much. It' her broken China that sets the will Dr. W. Gunn • R. C. P, and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calls at trent door, of residence cit Rotten- bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. Dr. Turnbull,Thomas ' AGENTS: •you•••: another scale;, Peace Robert McMillan, Seaforth James Cummings, rt McMillan, and ane, s Cummings, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trap- sect other business will of bo promptly atten led toication to to their respective post officee. s officers asked the same question, and got the same answer, and another, and anoth- er. Then the minister of Christ came in and said to the dying man: "Father, do you know me?" He replied: "No, I don't know you." Then said the min- ister: "Do you know Jesus?" "0, yes," "I 'Chief o'er the world her olive wand extend, And white -robed Innocence from hea- •yen descend. Still further; It is an enduring name. You clamber over the fence of the graveyard and pull aside the weeds, and 1HE SUNDAY SCHOOL. HOOT • i �7 V l7 t7► i lijg g� -- o INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT., 16. ""TLC Temple Repaired." 2 Chron. 24. 4.113. m n The Clinton News -Booed Office in Perrin's Block, Rattenbury St. t �� Night calls at Office attended to. . CLINTON, ONT. ' Grand Trunk Railway, ?eaid-the old man. know Jesus. amongten thousand and the One al- together lovely.'" Yes, in all ages, in you see the faded inscription on the tombstone: That was the name of the ;man who once ruled all that town. The mightiest the Golden Text, 2l'hron.:al. i2. PRACTICAL NOTES. Ras a staff of experinced news well,rettoe who cover"Althe News well, and give "All the News >p>Es.. ivJ[otss„Lz'.trM, M.D. C. M„ McGill; M. C. P. S. O„ Ont. Late Resident sidentPhyslolan toRoyal 'Victoria Hospital, Office -Dr. Dowsley's Stand, Rat- tenbury St. Night calls at Clarendon Hotel, Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as follows : Buffalo and Goderich District :- Going West, Mixed ro,15 arm, "" "" Express 12.55 p.m, " " Mixed 7.05 p.m. e o Express 10.27 p.m. Gong East, Express 7.40 arm 2.55 p.m. " " Mixed m, London,Huron and Bruce :- 4.35 P• Going South, Express 7,47a,m, `" " ti 4.3° p.m. Going North, " 10,15 a.m. " "" '" 6.55 p.m. M. C. DICKSON, W. E. Devrs, Ds. Pass. Agent, G. P. & T. A., •persons Toronto. Montreal. A. O. PATTISON,G.T.R. Agent at Clinton,we all languages, and the world over, it is an easy name. "Jesus, I love Thy charming name, 'Tis music to m ear ; Fain would 1 sound it out so loud That heaven and earth might hear.' Still further: I remark it is a beau- tiful name. You have noticed that it. is impossible to dissociate a name from the person who has the name. So there are names that are to me re -which pulsive-I do not want to hear them at all -while those very names are at- tractive to you. Why the difference? It is because I happen to know persons by those names who are cross, and sour, and snappish, and queer, while the you used to know, by those Anames were leas natet nd attractive. a name from person who holds the name, that names of world have either perished or are perishing. Gre- gory VL, Sancho of Spain, Conrad I. of Germany, Richard I, of England, Louis XVI. of France, Catherine of Russia -mighty names once, that made pothe world themhbut now, none so theer rato do freverence, and toHuroli, great mass of people they mean absolutely nothing; they never heard of them, But the name of Christ is toendure for eorr, It will be pe other nates in art, for there will be other Bellinis to depict the Madonna; there will be other Ghirlandjos to represent Christ's baptism; there will be other Bronzinos to show us Christ visiting the prison; other Giuttos to appall bur sight with the crucifixion. The name will he preserved in song, for there will be other Alexander Popes to write the "Messiah," other Dr. Verse 4. After this. Probably after the young king's marriage. Joash, The great-grandson of Jehoshaphat. His reign began B. C. 878, and lasted for - ty years. No other king of Judah as- ceased the throne at so earlyan age. Minded, The mind determines the deed. The minds of boys and girls, from all their acts come, should cher- ish noble purposes. Observe that when this king "was minded" to do a noble deed he did not stop there. He actu- „ ally did it. Our being "minded to do a thing often goes no further. To repair. Not only must evil institutions be destroyed ; good ones should be es- tablished. The house of the Lord. If , 'Shat a Fit to Print." t • The News -Record is the largest newspaper published in West. and has special features I not possessed by a number of them. Every 'Conservative Should be a Subscriber. Clinton News-Beeord, Dr. Shaw, Office -Ontario Street, opposite, English church„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple- 9n PP DENTISTRY. Dr, BRUCE ' Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store Clinton, Ont, Special attention to preser� vatlon of natural teeth. N. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday andgthe Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during he summer. consideration makes Christ's name so Youngs to portray His triumph; other one really loves the Lord, he will have + 60 YEARS' unspeakably beautiful. No sooner is *, '''' ,, :c EXPERIENCE it pronounced in your presence than :'''' - •,a„i, you think of Bethlehem, and Gethsem- Cowpers to sing His love. It will be Jireserved in costly and magnificent architecture, for Protestanism ,v _ �' "` x""'s___... �`�' ...........----------------- �e� DR. AGNEW, VV , DENTIS P. Hours, - 9 to 5. At Zurich the second Thursday of each ,, month. .f::,,:.,;, ante ane, and Golgotba, and you see the lou- ingOffiee face, and hear the tender voice, and feel the gentle touch. You see Jeans, one who, thou h ban uettin with g q B is ma to have its St. Marks and its St. Pet- ers. That name will he preserved in the literature of the world, for already it is embalmed in the Lest hooks, and ONE... (HIVES RELIF. Cthe •heavens s :' 4 _1 TRADE MARKS t ' `' ' '• . DESIGNS • ' ' COPYRIGHTSdGC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention le probably patentable. Communlenr tlone,tuietb'oonBdentla[. Hat,dbookonPatents tient free. Oldest agency forsecnrtng�,ppatents. Patent, taken through Munn & Co. receive mpectatnotice, without charge, in the scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ir- culationct ific journal. cuarn Pourf y scientific new deplore MUNNo & months,CgIL Broadway' New York Branch Oifce,426Ftit..Washington. D. , Y hierarchs, come clown to breakfast on the fish that rough men had just hauled out of Genessaret ; Jesus, the one who, though the clouds g are the dust of His feet, walked foot -sore on the road to Emmaus. Just as soon as the name is pronounc- ed is your presence you think of bow the shining One gave luck the, cea- turion's daughter, and how He help- ed the blind man to 1 he sunlight and how He made the, cripple's crutch use- less, and How Ile looked down into the babe's laughing eyes, and, as the little one struggled to go to Him, flung out His arms around it, and im- pressed a loving kiss on its brow, and there will he other Dr. Paleys to write• the "Evidences of Christianity," and i other Richard J3axters to describe the Saviours coming to judgment. But above all, and more than alt, that name will he embalmed in the memory of all the good of earth and all the great ones of heaven. Will the delivered bondman of eitrth ever forget who freed him? Will the blind man of earth forget who gave him sight.? Will the outcast of earth forget who brought him home? No! No! To de- at roy the memory of that name of Christ., you would have to burn up all the Bibles and all tbe churches on 6.1 •r 16 i a It Is much easier to keep the hair 2vhen you have it than if is to re- store it "lvhen it's lost. If your hair �r coming ouf" it needs instant The j(j Don't Spend a, Lt$1tr for m•: " 4i • Jedicitie until you have tried VETERINARY. J. E. Blackett f VETERINARY SURGEON AND VETERINARY INSPECTOR. Office on Isaac Street next New Era office Residence, Albert St., Clinton, LEGAL. Scott & McKenzie, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. CLINTON AND HAYFIELD. Clinton Office -Elliott Block, Isaac et, Hayfield Hayfield Office -Open every Thursday -Main street, first door west of Post Office. Money to loan. tm qtr, E. H. McKenzie. ' __--.__ _ ITS HEALING POWER. Did that stuff revive you? asked tbe attending physician of his impatient said : "Of such is the kingdom of heaven." Beautiful name -Jesus ! It stands for love, for patience, for kind- ness, for forhenrnnee, for self-sacrifice, earth, and then in aspirit of univer- sal nen arson i put bar tci�hChtbC , gatesthetemple, of hea- !the and the temples, and the Palaces, and after that in aw- attention. use of .4YER'S HAIR .VIGOR Qvfll promptly stop hair from fatting, and stimulate if to new groavth, >r: �•4 G*tx t tr l? "1 �, " patient. Revive me, don? Gond heavens! three doses of that medicine would resusci-g tate the dead languages. -- AN HONEST TRADESMAN. Customer -What's the difference be- tween these woolen undershirts? Dealer -One is half cotton, and the other is whole cotton. for mngnanimity. It is aromatic with all odors and nec°rd4a.nt with all hnr- monies. Sometimes I sea that name, and the letters seem to he made out of gars, and then again they look like gleaming crowns. Sometimes they seam to mo as though twists mit of g the straw on which He lay, and then as though built out of the thrones on which His people shall reign. Some- times I sound that word, "Jesus," and I hear coming through the two syllae all city was wrapped ful conflagration, and the citizens came out. and gazed on the ruin -even then, they would hear that name in the thunder of failing tower and the Marsh of crumbling wall, and see it int‘ rou ht in the flying banners of g Y g relieve and the redeemed of the heed on high would be bappy yet and cry out; 'Let the palaces and the temples burn, we have Jesus left!" "Blessed be His glorious name for ever and ever. The name that is everyname." �� Some ears agofnyhairbegantofall out and 1 became qufte bald. 'was ad - wised to try ' , e ve ,•,,,.-;� `y �� •i' se V t 1•-eie h'' air r z r , ,,, _ • -.aI"4ti" -i• : w+� r wF llti�it '44. ", i,,'. You can buythem in the paper 5 -cent cartons p p ry+ �'^t. Ten Tabules for Five Cents. nu. u pod up cheaply to ar".trty the untrer.ai present demand for a low plias E••mo�i (� . Campion, Q•G,, Barrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, &c, a GODERiCH, ONT. OFFICE -Over Davis' Drug Store. Moneyto Loan. A DEARLCH OF GAME. Heir about Gunning ? While out g hunting the other day he shot a point- ex for which he had paid $12ti. What was the matter -were there nd men in the viola{ty@ By t.ha aid of the electrophone, which is an improvement on the tele- a in his house inante "blas the sigh of Gethsemane and the groan of Calvary ; and again I sound it, and it is all a: ripple with gladness wikh hasnnna. Take all the and es glori,"s of Look -Linder and q, put them thepage where that name is printed, On Christmas morninglee wreatheomp' i he wall. Lei r drip from harp's string and thunder It nut in organ's die anon. Sonnrl it ofi.Pn, P• Sound tot shinel it untilevery v ry s aft war above Have you ever made up your mind by what name you will call Christ when you meal Him in heaven? You Y callwliirn h Jerruan 0gamr I he AnnoinHdi One or the Me,isiah, or will You take somo of f he symholiral names which an earth you learned from your 13dhle? V6'andeng s01he day In the garden of Go•1 on high, the place n -bloom with g p eternal ep ingtide, infinite luvnri- Cfr� »'' • aYrf;y�s^ r �� rr'' R' ' o y. �w.y � ,...,,, and had used ft but a '' ' /re haft Ceased !o fll out amt- :1�^• ix . nd a aegt, o fll ger- ^ '". "'t,ru,w ousgroe hmadeffsap- If you don't find this sort of /����� Ripans At�Druggist's M. 0. Johnston, Barrister, Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc,around GODERICH, - ON'(', DgFICR-Cor Namiltn and St. Andrews Streets. • W. Br done, y Barrister Solicitor Notary Public &e ' ' Y ' OFF/CE 1 BEAVER BLOCK. - CLINTON, phone, person seated London can hear what is going 0n In• any of fifteen thPatrea in the metro Y polis, and on Sunday ho can listen to sermons h noted ranchers. Sixteen y A churches and sixteen IheO,tre!s ere al- ready on the eleetrophono circuit. ehnit neem to breathe it, and moon- fain and nary, and day nal night, and earth IInd heaven tt.cclnim in full chant: "Blessed he His glorious nameTRiaS. for ever. The name that. is above every name." of rn.;e, nil:! lily, nn 1 amaranth, you may loo'. up into hi 1 f ice and ray: "My Lord, Thou art I he Ito ie of Shar- on and the Lily of the \Talley." some take ns ,ti rout rams up lima- earth to iter pltco in the. firma- for �t few^'� t'. y" ="r ' pQdr1lnct. My hair is -eve:,nolo abundant and h• " eetef•u"••i ;- gloss�y�"• > '' lice j�ocittirllt, `fs. - remelt '►` " ` w MAllh Send Five Cents to THE RIPANS CHRMICAL COMPANY, No. 10 Spruce St., New York and the will be sent toyou h mail or P Y Y i in cartons wills malted for 4h cents. edi chances are ten to one that Ripens Tabules are the ve lnedicine you need. p�• meat, and Rhino as a star ever and -- ...-..., . . n .i f e e e 1 el of P n- n. be 1 tin c5, 1 e- 11 of s, o- A - re ad. y• rt / d, 1 on an re ps, 's he Y• ng d 11 .e e 8, 9