HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-10-13, Page 3I
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, kept by a review of our troops, Inst T p i� p �j �1 of Napoleon appeared A tb:a circle its A. YEAR QF WA CKS, �t �,� -�
think the ligght is stili gaol. Is the BRAVEST QF HE BRAVEi the eontrQ cif ti►e atsr. In Loujo Filth, R R' fi�T
picture finished? ippe"s time the bead of klenri`IY, re- <---t T_E'"'9 VISUORD REIGN&
Tt L� I�AI N' " R ? F�i,[2�'1A. " It is finished my lord." the al"nt- - placed that of Bonaparte, Napoleon III. >G><e�ds Record Of 91ko Ilarloo 111141t>alpil kf •,
• er replied, bis voice deep and solemn. THOSE ALONE CAN WEAR THE G1LIT- restored once more the ins srial char- the Teair 189.1
� S.p�'IETHIi!iGi A�dUT TiIE urHApPx ,
. his face a trifle pale, "but you will TERING} TOKENS. actor of the badge, and finally, upon The statistical: summary o! veseela ISLAND OF CRlfaTE.
wait a few minutes. An the sun- the establishmegt of the third republic total! lost, condemned etc„ just ptib-
'"" OR, c beams now fall they would cast a Faulowt Decorations warded lot Con• in 1870, the decoration was altered to liahed lay I,loyd'e Register, shows that For TvreatyFive 11wtt1red Xearw, Ile annoy
THE MAIC OF A MASiERP`IECE. tales light." bpteuoll. aailittitr —The Vietoria Cross iia present form.
You can move the easel, signor.' o Tha star is of white enamel mounted durinv 1897 the gross reduction in the Waste Ial►ebitants Slave htdulge4 to
"Wait u moment Ion er, my lord, l—Cross of too 6eglou ortllenoUr. upon gold or silver, according to the effective meroantile, marine of the Continuous warfare.
and you shall behold it. Order and -decorations of chivalry grade an which it is conferred. It rests world amounted to L043 vessels o! 720,- Little Crete — the most beautiful
At this moment, while the duke upon a wreath, half oak and half lau- 800 tans excluding all vessels of less spot in natural scenery vn the shores
. waited, a strange thing happened, As are so numerous in most of the coon- rel, In its centre, where the heads oP
it afterward r tries of the world that an attempt even Napoleon and Henry IV. figured at than 100 tons. Of this total, 293 vee- of the Mediterranean, is again In the
Continued.) He paused at this point, standing P Quad, the keeper in
firm and strong, though in earnest sup- the u the door, after the entrance of to name them, without pretending to various periods, is now an effigy of Bela of 398,207 tons were steamers and throes of internal strife. The history
Pandolfo's looks as well &a his words plication, while his companion shook gust visitor•, had simply swung describe their origin `or oharaoter, the republic, with the words, Repub- 752 of 328,539 tons were sailing vessels. of this little island has been written
,, ,mould has deep and heartfelt thankful- like an aspen. Presently he took her the bar without using the key ; and would be a formidable undertaken lique Franoalse." On the reverse side As re ards steamers, the resent re- almost in blood—for twent five hun-
mess. He was thankful that he had to h!9. bosom ; drew her clone, and im- this was the situation as the princestl g are two tricolor standards, with the g P Y-
•1seen the pictute, and he was more printed a Ioving kiss upon her pure had expected to find it, She had But among the profusion of those gfit- device "Houneur et Petrie." turn exceeds the average of the pre- drd years its unfortunate inhabitants
thankful for the kindly information come in with Pandolfo's wife, as she terTlig tokens of honour there are com- Thee C'rose of the Legion oP Honour ceding six years by 31 vessels and 81,927 have been in such continuous warfare,
white brow. had done on the occasion of the for- is conferred for olitical and scientific
that had Uoen vouchsafed. Isabel ! Wait, If you have come mer visit. lobe had come at once to paratively few which are given for distiaotion, as well as Eor military and tons' as regards sailing vessels, it ie that it has come to be known as "tile
The day k and Zanoni had covered I now, can ou not come a ain when my y bravery alone, without an restriction below the avers
by axis work and laid aside hie imple- Y _ g _ the corridox• of that section without y Y naval valour. In the arm or nay ge b 114 vessels sad island of discord," Iia ancient histor ,
menta. His supper had been brought calllit n thessixxthtdat frombthis?" ll g P r, and as only oP olaQs, whish may be won as readily a private Soldier or sailor wins the de p, g y
havin seen the kee a 67,016 tons. Similar! the fi urea re- is almost an unbroken chain of con -
and eaten, and the lieutenant had I the bar was found in ! coration. latin
' ° .come to carr awe the tray. " Oh !Juan I" throwing her hands up- pace to secure by the private soldier in the field or g to steam tonnage owned in the Plitt, and eta political and moral at» �
on his shoulders, and azing up into the door they had taken it Eor grant- the ordinar seaman in a naval Pi ht g
y Y g y g ONLY BY SPECIAL BRAVERY. United gin dour are above the average, mosphere has been in such deplorb.ble
"8ignor Zanoni what more can Ido hyq fade with startling eagerness and eT, that it had mo left thus for the as by the general Or the admiral. Ev- though It map+ be conferred upon an while those relating to Bailing vessels need of the roverbial thunderstorm ;j
Por you P" hope. " Ad wilt you then flee P If 1 P incesa's accommodation. They had officer attar twenty years of good and sae below. The exceea in the care of that the name of Crete has come to
Nothing, except to receive and ac- come at that time will ou do as I noted accordingly, cry country has its decorations Lor milt- faithful service. the former is largely due not to actual mesa most everything bad and un-
•eept my gratitude for al! your kind- shall ask P" y The last words spoken by Zanoni tary services; but since many of them The medal of honour of the United
He paused a moment, thoughtfully; had Scarcely left his lips when the conve necks, but to the increasin amount desirable.
It is a leaaure for me to verve door of his cell ryas a ain o ened, this Y Privileges of rani; and nobil- States is less widely known than the g
gou, si nor.PI ray to the Blessed Vir- and y eb with a clear, bright light an time c P sty, they demand a certain social stand- decorations just described, but it be- oP tonnage annually broken up, con- Aceordin
g P his a es, sad in his handsome face, be giving enhance to the Bene- g to Some historians Creta
to that she will ave ou oy and Y dictine. Ing of the reci ient, and hence are not longs to the same class, being granted demned, etc. Apart from such cases, is thou ht to have been the cradle of
g Y. answered : P g
Roag life with it." And wxth this the Fox a moment the for bravery to the men of the armq the United gin dem steam tonna e
4, a, " Ye my own, I promise I Remem- painter, iu his toy be won by the rank and Pile in the and navy. It was established by acts g g the ancient civilization that was i
man left the tali, closing and aecur- bar, on the sixth day from Lhts. If terror in thought of the danger iM- army and navy. oP Congress in July 12, 1862, sad lost during 1897 exceeds the average oY brought to Europe by the Phoenician t
ing the door behind him. The prisoner you come, and ou shall then o en the pending, came near losing himself ; One of the most famous of the Pew Marcht 3, 1863, to be given to non-com- the Preceding six years b about 25;
remembered afterward that he had wa form esti a and ask mepo flee, but his natural strength and force of Y and Egyptians. Tradition says that
, Y. Y p g r inissioned officers and privates for 000 tons, while the tonna a owned has
heard the strong bar swing into place I will do so." will, to ether with his ittborn powers g alit orders for valour, which makes allantr in action and soldierlike g prior to the historical period, the is-
` •but that the key had not been turn- of self-control, saved himself, no distinction oP class is the Victoria g y increased during that period b more
The sixth day from this P" qualities. Two thoueand medals were Y land was governed by Minos, a cele.
j, •d in the look. For a time after he ,. Yes „ He saw a moment later, two things: Cross of Great Britain. It was insti- than 2,000,000 tons.
ordered to be aesued, An instance rn braced legislator. In the time o!
had been left alone he thought of the Yes.1. n to -morrow as the first E" b rest the duke who stood before the tuted at the close oP the Crimean cam- the course of the war when an entire Strandings and kindred casualties Homer the little island boasted a rent
parting words of Pandolfo and of the g broad canvas, which was between him- regiment received the decoration, took which are comprised under the term number of flourishing cities, a d it
,peculiar manner in which they had •� Yes' self and the door, had not noticed the Puign in 1856, the
"And then then— eu will flee from Quhen deeming it place at the battle of Gettysburg on "wrecked," are mluch the most rofilic
.been spoken, but the man was strongly your prison, and seek with me a happy, entrance of another person. He saw, desirable to have some suitable reward July 1, 1866. The Twenty-seveath regi- P was densely populated with people o1
sympathetic and he had spoken on the ble�gaed union in some fiicndl clime further, that the princess, in her sem- of the kind Por her brave soldiers and went of Maine volunteered in abody cause of disaster. To such casualties the Hellenic race. It is recorded that
impulse oP the moment. That was all. where the laws of Parma can not reach bar robe and cowl, if she had seen that
The Painter of Parma given to remain Por the battle, although era attributable 48 per cent. of the
Then as, was his wont, in that calm us you promise I" he had a visitor, su onl ora. The Victoria Cross is P the Apostle Paul at one time visited
and tranquil hour of closing day, he darling I I have perfect faith kee ?posed it f,o be the y to those who its term of enlistment had ex ired. losses of sailing vessels, The next
" M perform in the All the members received medals. Since Crate, and established a church there,
;gave him thoughts to the darling of in You—in our love and in your judg- Per; or, at any rate, Bcime one enem a most frequent termination of a vea-
has heart—his Isabel. Y connected with the y' Presence some the civil war the medal has been be- IN MEDIAF,VAL TIMES. c
went—and I give you my promise that observation her dis vise Prom whose SIGNAL ACT Ob VALOUR a stowed for services in the various cam- sel's career is by condemnation, dia-
Where was she at that moment? He whatever paigne against Lhe Indians. The first mantling, oto.; 2L per cent. of the vas- Crete came into the possession of the
you shall ask me to do, when guise would shield Venetians in 1204, and far many years
felt sure that she was thinking of Uim. next 'eve meet,:I will do it." her, since the presenoa of a son oil the or devotion to country. It may be act for which the medal was conferred Bela removd from the merchant fleets
Oh I what must she endure of sus- " Enough 1 Oh, bless you, my love 1 church, in Such a pace and at such a was that of Assistant Sur the islanders were under their tyran-
bless granted to volunteers as well as, to the goon Ber-
pease 1 For him death promised re- qou !" And a ain hex' head was time might be expected. of the world are accounted for in thio
lease from agony 1 but she must live g As for the r' re ul card Irwan, who in February, 1861 ust
manner, Of the remainin nical rules. At that time Canadia, a
{: pillowed on his bosom ;his strong arms P inceas, herself, what g ar forces, if the lunteera are before the war, volunteered to am- g causes of fortress built by the Saracens, became
on ; and he knew she would live to suf- encircled her ; and the little time they were her feelings when she recogniz- serving against an enem at Great Bri- wand a body of soldiers against the I loss, collision is the most general for
P' far, He was thinking thus, with the had left them was iven to the whis- ed the voice of her guardian can be tain. The decoration consists of a lain Apaches in Arizona, and Succeeded in steamers, 13 the seat of government, and for that
�.:, . twilight fast deepening toward even- paring of the deep,genduring passion better imagined than de§cribed. How- P defeatin t Par cent. and abandon-
ingl ,when he was aroused from his re- that had become art and parcel of ever, it was tOO late then to esca e. Maltese cross, in bronze, having in the g hem. Whether the medal Ment at sea £or sailin vessels, 10 per reason Crete came to be called "the
yenta by the Bound of the bar outside their lives. P She could only hold her P centra, the ro will Ue granted for services, in the g
y recant war remains to be seen, but it cent. The percentages just given are
I•V� in peace, trust- yal crown surmounted b t onsdaccompanied t eegarb Crary ru e
his door, It was being moved. Aye, What explanation, if any, the prin- g that her disguise would not be the lion, and beneath the crown a scroll is probable that there have been many, based on the present return alone, but
and presently the door was slowly, elms vouchsafed to the person or the Penetrated by the ducal gaze. with the words "For valour." Instances of heroism to deserve it. of the Venetians, and in 1669 the is -
noiselessly opened, and a human fig- Now, Si nor Zanoni, the light is the order of frequency of the several
persons who had aided Ler in her brave g On the reverse are inscribed the name land was wrested from them by the
urs emerged from the gloom without and devoted effort in his behalf our right• Ido not think it could be tact- classes of casualty appears to be nor -
into his cell, acme in, closing the way hero could not know. Hs be know ter. Will You uncover the eturel" Of the recipient and the date of the Turks after a Belga of twenty-four
oarefull y mal•' Cases o! abandoned, Foundered
ib,;, y ; and ptP n advanced cti w that on the following morning, when It may seem strange—perhaps im- deed of gallantry for which the cross WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. and missin vessels ma
,1:_ paces, and sto Possible—that in that moment the g y, perhaps, be Years, The poor aubjeete had become
Pandolfo came with the breakfast, he was oonferred. The ribbon which goes so disheartened because of Venetian
C` monk 1 the capnathe robe, black as a artist (could have for -- regarded as frequently more or less oppression that for the moment !hey
night, sweeping the Stone floor ; the pPeared n regard him with a new anxiety on his loved one sttamount with the crass, is blue for the navy, and A Trivial Act Which changed a Conntry's similar !n the circumstances of loss.
interest, and Lo treat him witU anew
t. rosary and the ivory cross; the hem- P Nevertheless such is the fact. In a rad for the army. On the clasp which 111atorY and the World'r, Geegrophy. If these be taken collective! the com- were glad of the change. It did not
res act and esteem. But no word was
.pen girdle, with the deep hood -like spoken ; no sign was given, from which greater anxiety he forgot the lesser, attaches erose and ribbon are two An English writer says that the prebend 16 per cent of the losses of take long, however, for them to find
,,�,., cowl completely enveloping the head it could be sus ected that he wan cog- and when he came to realize how branches of laurel. Bronze bars are most trivial act that changed the his-" steamers and 2I r cent of the losses that the were worse off than before,
and the upper part of the face, and nizant of an poccurrence in hie de- great it must have been we shall of sailltt Y
•even the lower pairt was in such ut- partmexxt cut of the usual course. not wonder. added to the ribbon for further brave tory of a country was the neglect Of g vessels. for the history of Turkish sovereignty
ter shadow as to be entirely hidden. Here is our deeds oa the the ro I Great as the absolute annual loss oP
g a From this time Zanoni worked with Y position, my lord— part of the holder, and P pbeals of Christopher Colum -i vessels beinging to Great Britain ap- has always been one of treacbery and
How now, cod father," said the zeal=a Hary ardor. He had brought there I Now, Antonio Farnese, ,you of the actions in which the services bus by Henry VII„ of England. The : pears to be, it is seen to form a Moder- oppression.. The land of the Fez had
prisoner, om h e kindly disposed toward the! face of bis saint to erfeotion, say- shall say iP I have kept mq promise I" were rendered. A pension of £10 a year p the results as followst' to Percentage of the mercantile not been long in possession of the
tltavie whom he believed to be humble P And with this the writer Bums u a
I?;111 ' Rng only here and there, at painter took the "Had Henr marine of the county and to com- Cretans before revolt broke out. Phis
followers of the lowly Nazarene, "hast minor oints, where a new touch Bllken curtain by the two lower oor- accompanies the decoration. A curious Y ,given Columbus an Y.
tomo to shrive me?" P vera and threw it over behind the and interestiu fact in re and to the g him as a para favorably with the losses Sustain-
=' • of Iiglxt oar of shade might audience, instead of treatin "revolting idea" seems to have been a
g g , ed by other leading maritime conn-
, A £ew seoouda longer the dark -robed be needed; and before he could do canvas, thus giving to the light the bronze of which the Victoria Cross is mere sailor,,outoof his mind, it is 014' tries, The merchant navies• which particularly good plate and the popu-
" figure stood, and then, with a low, whole painted surface, And, as the
°' wailln or s ran forward, and in a this ha must put the final touches up- most im ossible to believe that hiss exceed a total of 1,000,000 tons are those lation much given to striking off new,
g y P g on all the rest of the picture • ever duke had said, it could not have Veen made ie that it is the metal of gena P
moment more two white soft arms were y natural acuteness and forest ht would °E the United gingdom, the British
a better li which have been taken from the enem prints at frequent intervals aver sin; e.
•' .around his neck, and the cowled head light and every shadow must be as it alantin ght. 'The effect of the y g colonies the United States of Am -
was to remain for all time, g. golden rays, lighting up The manner in which asoldier in the not have revealed tohim the tremend-, erica, Branca, Garavany and Norway• 'In 1830 the allied powers stretched
fr` was pillowed on his bosom. This done, he went back to the face, the scene without falling directly up- field is recommended for the cross is as ons discrepancq between the risk in -I er these countries Great Britain Shows out the finger of interference ani as,
Juan I My love t My own 1 Oh I I and, with atient care, with soul -sent, on it, ryas a glory, and Yet a softness, the smallest a result Crete was transferred to the
have found you at length t" lu P that rendered it sublime. follows :—His action, having been ob- volved and the possible results. 6pain, � percentage of loss, th
!•` Zanoni knew not what he said—knew P Yerful earnestness, he put upon it 2,7 government of Mehemet Ali, viceroy,
the final touches of. his brush. sarved b his own commandin officer, in supporting him, became the most Par cent oP the vessels owned ; the Egypt. But in 1840 it was taken from;
The duke Saw. Ae gazed for a mo- Y g colonise follow witU 2.9 per cent., and
scarcely, Por the time, what he did. In And so, with •his icture finished,• is re orted to the powerful, the richest, and the most ham and given over to the Turks.
passionate embrace he hold her p Meat and held hi breath. In another P general commanding Norway is the highest, with 7 per cent.
warm, the mornin of the sixth da moment his leart seemed to have the ar envied county
i �, , —his own beloved—his Isabel—and cov- The sixth, gcountan Erom the vis t sof my or the division. He, in turn, Yin Europe. Had Colum- As regards ateamera, while 'the. per SEAT OF GOVERNMENT.
orad her beautiful face with kisses— g hushed eta beating, He took a Short transmits the Haws to the British Sec- bus sailed under the auspices of Eng- centage for Great Britain stands at
". the princess to the prison cell step- away—Moved a trifle to the left ge of the soba resent Seat of government Le
each kiss a prayer sad a blessing, holy land instead of those of Spain, the loss' rho a°era Percentage of P
.and pure. And then, when the first —then gazed again, At length, with rotary of State for War, who informs loss for the other five countries !s 2.39. aV�out 14,00J9 ofpwhoM 4,750 are to Cha
wonder and almost alarm in his pal- the Queen. The awarding of whole history of the New World • For sailing vessels the other five coon- abo Cf�eeks, f w Mohammedans, £00
wild paroxysm of emotion had passed, CHAPTER XVIII. !ng face, ho turned to the artist. would have been different, the color -I tries show an average percentage o!
ha held Uer sweat B as, away—the cowl When the kee er, Maracclni, g THE VICTORIA CROSS, gel tragedies in North and South 5.93, as compared with 4,44 per cent for Boman Catholics and 160 Israelites,
thrown back, and azed upon it in his brow ht to the P Si nor I Where—where did you ev-. is alwa G Candia• the seat of the present strife,
unutterable rapture. g prisoner his breakfast er see that face P" he asked in a hush- Ya announoecl in the Gazette, America would never have happened, I rent Britain. The oomparison would
he announced, with re ret, that he ed, be atill more favorable to Great Bri- has a population of 13,000 Turks sand
",,Juan I Did you think I had forgot- g quivering tone, and a full descry tion is and some of the fairest and moat Per -
ten ou P" 1 had been again called away. P puUlished of tile countries in the world would have' train if the 6,o0o Greeks. Candia and Canea are
y "But," said he, Si nor Pandolfo .,Why do you ask, my lord? Is it the act of conspicuous braver which Percentages eingu p, tc.
Y been spared the blighting curse under' of dismantling up, breaking up, oto. sea -port towns, the latter having the
, " Isabel I My love 1 My life I I oaro will take m g a face familiiar to ou ?" won the honour. The recipient is entitl- which the still lan uish. The clock Steamers have a much larger harbor, The fortified harbor of
.not realize i t. I can not understand Y place,; so you will want y y g I greater im-
for nothin "Yee I Yes ! Oh, far the love of ed thereafter ho sign after his name of the world's progress would hive munity from disaster than have sail- Suda is the seat of Turkeq s Mediter-
it, It is youreelE 1—but—how P Oh, my g' heaven I tell m in • vessels. While the losses of steam- ranean navy yard, and it is one of the
it rlIn 1 tell me what it means. How Zanoni saw the fiend of the princess s—where did You know been put on at least a hundred years, g
g in the removal of the kee er. it I you must have known it to have the letters "V.C." As a mutter of fact, and Spain, lacking the treasures which Pers amount only to rather more than 2 largest and safest hay rs in the Le-
d d you come P For what—for what—' p Him painted it so trul however, this rivile bQ
� � "Juan, I'eame as I could. I found she would not tempt to a breach of y." p ge has never been enabled her to do such an infinity ofI per cent of the num4rer and tonnage want. Candia is a walled city. Its
duty, but she had found means to "Duke!" answered Zanoni in solemn used by the rank and file, but has been pe and the Americas, owned, the losses of sailing vessels neural fortifications reach a height of
�'.:, myself in possession of two strong harm in Euro
forces.. First, the 1o:ve and esteem ou have• -him called away.. He understood earnest tone, ou behold there the confined to the officers who have ra- would ❑ot have been able to earn for reach about 6 per cent of the number 70 or 80 Eeet, and are stupea Pic-
fix- Y Uut he made no ei n. is Y ceived the cross, Why this should be herself the le I and 4.7 relics of Venetian energy. It is a pia
have won from those on duty here g p tared. face of the vow sainted gaoy aE hatred and Por cent of the tonnage own -
Next, Thad gold. Those who have helps When the officer came to carry mother who gave ma birth ! yes, m so it is difficult to Sap certainly it Shaine which has ed. turosque old place, and all dray ione1, '•. -
proved to be the the lazy Turks lie idly about the par»
,. away the tray he asked permission to lard, I have y argues groat modesty on the part of Of the 1,045 vessels lost .durin the •
ed me will serve no longer here. They given to your St. Cecilia Tommy Atkins and his brother Jack only lasting reward of her innumer- g
will have no need. I have provided for look once more upon the wonderful the form and the features of my own able national crimes. year only 314 were British ; but the apets of the walls, blowing imaginary
that. So, ,dear love, you will wrong picture that had grown to beauty and blessed mother, as I,laold them in sac- of the navy. It may be, too, that the tonnage they represented, roughly bubbles and stretching both ends of
life under his own e e red, lovin memory, Are you pleasdd commissioned officers discouraged the �, speaking, equald that lost by all the an idle useless life.
`�. nobody; you will do harm to none. y g Y -Thou h two-thirds oP the inhabitantit
•' And now," she added, stepping back "Who knows," be added, "if I shall with the picture 9 Dasa it satisfy and epthem of Lha " V. C.' b those steam and Sailing vessels of other conn- g
`i:"' a pace, "you must be expeditious. You have another opportunity, as I can You P" RUSSIAN AUTHORITY ON SLEEP. tries comibined. of Candia, are Mohammedan, the
not bs sure when I sfiall return." During the terrible Indiah mutiny in Greeks are in away the stronger, for
will put on this robe—this cowl—which The ainter, without remark, took Pleased I Does it satisfy me 1" re- 1857 the cross was conferred many An extended study of the phena ! they are more energetic, prosperous„
will pass you by the guards Quitted P pentad the astounded potentate like times u and are better educated. They posses*
without question. I shall be permitted gg g yon private soldiers. A notable Mena of insomnia Uy De 141enacetna, a ONE OF WELLINGiTON'S SOLDIERS,
'' away the cover from the canvas and one Bina lin out from a wonderful case was Chat of a
�r' . to depart as soon as you are gone. Once stepped back. The keeper gained a dream. He gazd upon the painter— helped to Fasten the ng drummer who Russian authority in medicine, brings -_ n e ha Ude nee the intellectual keea-
I am outside this cell, no one will trou- favorable position and looked upon.•it powder bags oa near ofgthei race, and many of them
1,r• ble me. You know where the dwell- g y, his soul gazed with his vary soul In the the gates of Delhi. fly means of this act hixn to the conclusion that it as char- John Mt:neaga ll manic YYlilakeY, 9tndlcil are graduates of universities—some at
—looked ion and earnest! searching, eager look.
ing of Cola Pandolfo is?" in his eyes and every faculty of ad- the British troops were enabled to get acteristic of persons who blush, laugh, the Bible and dived to be 104. Athens and others of the European
Y�y " , miration and pleasurable excitement To Be Continued. poaseasion of the city. Another rn- weep readily, and whose pulse is apt Jahn McDougall, who died recent! schools. This class forms the money -
"Go there quickly; and there Iwill alert. At length he burst forth, the stance of the winning of the cross at to y to and the professional portion et tOf
you." words coming from the very depths'of ibis Limo was thiat furnished by an quicken upon the slightest prove- on his small farm four miles out o£ Y
meet town ; they constitute the Socro o!
his been Irish rivate soldier, who carried amid cation. Loss of sleep, however, he ad -I Easton, Maine, is believed to have been the place, and their influence pradom-
' " Do you mean—to—escape ?" g : k SAW THE DEVIL DANCE. P
y.:'• " Oh, yes l yes 1 The way' is open. "Just heaven I Shall Parma lose the greatest dangers sad hardships an wits, moat frequently results from the oldest man in Maine, and possibly "nates in most questions of moment.
Fleel flee, sweet love, while there is the master who painted this? It would urgent message from the besieged gar- overwork of either mind or bod • ov-! But it will ever be an impossibility
time and opportunity. I am coming to be a sin before Godl It must not bel C'nrlons and Revolting Customns on the rtson of Lucknow to Sir Colin Campbell, erstrain of either dilates theyblood the oldest parson in New England. A for the defenders of the two religions
f. Yhtll rine Cal :ads, beggin copy of a church record made by his tO mingle in harmony. In fact their
you.'• Oh, the duke will never allow it, nev- n1 g' him to hasten to the relief of
the cit vessels of the brain and eventually I dau hirer sa s that he was baptized in Pc-inciples are so inherently opposed
f,;` Fora time—Us, knew sot how long er 1 He van not accept this divine The bevel Dance of Eha Philippines Victoria Cross nr'hichs has tralCractell Poral zee them, extreme roducin the g Y thtt il. is almost imposr'ible for them
—Zanoni gazed into the eager, lovely masterpiece of art and beauty, and has, it is said, been witnessed h y P s the Presbyterian Church of ich woiea,
'tlP : face before him like one in a horrible with the hand that takes it sign the y only universal interest is its gift to Piper same results. Experiments also show) Scotland, on Sept. 26, 1794, which would to mfugle at. alt. The 'Turk matatainS
dream. Then he bowed his head upon dis.ath-warrant of him who created itl'• one white man, an American who Findlater, of the Gordon Higblanders, that exercise of the emotions, causes his harem, whose wing -clipped prison -
his hands sad groaned aloud, while And thea, as tfiough fea.rfng that he speaks the local tongue like a native, a" ho distinguished himself at Dargai a rush of blood to the brain, and sleep- make leis age 104 years at the Limo of ars are not even to be mentioned pX
in ever limb and at ever might have said too much, he asked Ridge, in northern India, last SePtem- lesanesa, iP occurring near bedtime, his death. Among the papers found the Christian. A Turk may come d
y y joint he the risoner to ar and was disguised as a trader from a bar. your house, may see your wife and
Shook like a wide raven oak. And So palsy a ex re P don him for his im- neighbouring tribe ao as to There is a common theory that sleep do his trunk is an honorable discharge famil His wife you may not even
he. stood until the paroxysm was pass- P ssion oP feeling, and hay- gain ac- The most coveted military decoration is required in proportion to the scare-, from the British Arm y'
in wi ed the moisture from his a es, C0es to the orgy. The dancer, apriest, pfu ermany is the famous Iron Cross, ity of red corpuscles in the blood, and y dated Oct. he allude to, and white she iB within
ed. Then be took a turn across the g P Y
cell, and when be cixmo back he reached he gave ohe more glance at the pie- is dressed in a curious costume, wear- o nded by Frederick William III, of thus all persons do not correspond in 1815, less than fcnxr mpnths after iha you cannot step across his threshold
forth and took her bonds. His face tore; then took up the tray and left Prussia on March 101 h, 1813, for pa- their need of aleop, and many author"- overthrow of Napoleon Ronsparte aE h°Uµ eek,dh s is on the sixtU.'iay o
the cell. ing a high, conical, white cap with a triiitic braver i ,
was pale as death, but in his luatroue y n the wars against ties agree tUat the need Of sleep de- �'lattsrloo.
Darin the forenoon Zanoni looked red tassel on his head, a long white Napoleon. It was revived in a sli ht -
eyes glowed a light that was sublime. g g pends upon the strength of con- Mx. McDou al MANY INSURRECTIONS..
Isabelt an el of at his icture from ever robe from neck to ankle, and on it ly modified form by William I. sciousuess, g 1 wont to Es ton tram The insurrection of 1866.69 cost the \
>o g e I I car and P y poinb of IN THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR New ilrunswick to live with a married Turks nearly thirty millions of dollars
mercy I Mq Own l My love I I can not view, but could find nothing to im- embroidered representations of the
da this thing 1 Hllsh 1 Hoar me to the Prove. He would not have put the goddesges of smallpox, murder and and was awarded by him to his son, daughter about ten years ago. He and was the bloodiest• Cretan revolL in
end. I asked the'duke to exercise his point of a pencil upon a feature of the ROYALTY'S RIGHTS.
auEfieriE and face could it have saved his life. It cholera. Massive silver bangles en- the late Emperor b'rederiek, for the user" to relate that be served under Lhis century. However, the disease ie
y grant me the time of victory of Wissembourg, on August 4, The Prince of Wales has the right Wellington in Spain and took part in constitutional, and it has continued to
life I nm now possessing—and, I may was Perfect. More than once the im- circled his ankles, and in the right 1870. About 40,000 per ;sons were de- to decorate 'himself with no fewer two pitched battles, receiving a severe break out at irreg lar int r 1ls. the
sap—enjoying. He granted it. In re- pulse had been upon him to fall down hand he carries a spear and a bow, corated in 1870.71, or duritt the war. During the rnsur
turn I eve, of m own accord, asci- before it on his knees and worship it The cross, as its name indic tea is of than fifty foreign ',' Orders," while be-, wound in (ho second engagement which six great powers—England, Austria -
R y —not the icture his hand had creat- the strings of which when struck give sides the Garter, the Thistle and the !raid him up in ct hagpit.al for se veru! y, It,,Iy and
•, emn promise, and I called God for a P out a dull, boomin iron, set off by a silver rim, It is of Hungary, b'raace, German
witness tom faith. Further, I rom- ed; no, no, not that, but the true g note, while in his i months. He was not resent at the
Y P the Maltese shape, lake the Victoria St. Patrick the Prince possesses five P Russia—proposed a scheme of reform -
iced him—promised him repoatedlq— Saint in fieaven, the memory of whom other hand, is a sial;le-shaped sacri- battle of �� aterloo. Soon after quit- and succeeded is obtaining its udop-
had served him as a model. Cross. In the upper limb the letters others,British Orders of lesser note, tin the army Mr. McDougal married
that he should have the picture finish- ficial knife, with curious emblems en- F. W.," Frederick William, sur- g tion. Tho reform was based on Cha
ed. Oh I I can not break m word t I This was the day on which he had Thb GZueen is vat half so well oft in and took his wilt+ to Moncton, N. B., pubes of
Y expected the coming of the duke, and graved on the blade. The dancer be- mounted bq a crown, At the baso oP where he lived about savant five care. demands of the Chrislia,n do
ran not i" ffe paused at this point, the ►ower limb is the elate 1813 or 1815, this respect as fier son, for, besides y- Y the Cretan Assembly, and Wiae for '1 he
a while a new li ht came into his a ea he had looked for hila at an eaLrly gins singing in a low voice. Suddenly the British Orders which were In ex- Though he. raised a large family, most purpose of curbin the power of the
g y and in the centre of the cross is aqua- g
'i and a new strange emotion worked on hour, but tha forenoon was almost he starts to his feet as, the music of istence when she be *an to ret n, and of his children moved away or died at
ler of three oak leaves. The ribbon b 8 Sultan and giv[ng marc rein to opearl
his features. Presently be added: gone and he had not come. What did the tom-toms becomes wilder, and with from which the cross hangs is black, those—Such as the Crown of India and �£les,rly agP, eo that they were of no tian away, A commission of Furopean
"Isabel! I have nnotber reason. Do it mean 1 Had he forgotten? a yell and a shriek of laughter, with with a white border. From among his Royal Red Cross—which she has herself p to Ilini. After the death of his lawyers wits arranged for the purpose
not think me superstitious, do not NOO,n came, and the dinner was outstretched arms and established, She has but ten others, wife he came to Maine and made his of reforming the administration of
brow ht. The quivering many orders and decorations the Iron home wi(.h his daughter. As her bus-
ehake your head in doubt, This plc- g Painter asked Pandolfo, muscles lie proclaims himself a deity, Cross was Prince Bismarck's favorite, !hese moluding St. Catharine of 1Zus- justice, and a coaimiasion of European
t.ure, which I ain now painting, Imean who Uad taken his chief's place, if be at the same time cutting and hacking and was usually the only one he wore, sIa, St. Isabel of Portugal, Maria I band was in straitened circumstances officers was appointed to re -organize -
shall be my masterpiece, and there shall could imagine why his grace had not at himself wit! the knife so that file Another Prussian militar decors- Louisa of Spain, Louisa of Prussia, the the old soldier worked on the Parm or the gendarmerie. Detachments of sol -
come to it a redeeming power. As I' come• blood mingles with that of the sacri- tion is the Order of Merta founded a Lin of the Stn, Prussia, Pedro i, I in the woods until he w•as past the con- diery from the differont countries
gaxze upon it In my day dreams, from The keeper shook his head, and was fices which are offered to him. Dur- 1740, by Frederick the Great, IL con- of Brazil, and the 1v'hite Elephant of tury mark. Ile took large quantities were lax in sending forces sufficient
the canvas the face of an angel—of a Upon the point of returning a ns, a- an his excitement the worshi Siam. of Srotoh whiskey whenever he was
g B ppere sista of a blue enamelled erose, ben r- able to buy it until he was 9R years old, loePrere�n eaffordedaA opportunidyet0
saint in deed ns well as in name—looks tive answer, when he chanced to call ask questions and receive more or lose ing the letter "F,' the words "Pour — smoked plug cut tolkgrco up to Three o turbulent elements on both Fldt
Porth and blesses mo. Oh, my Inve I— to mint] that. It was thy, drl.,y appointed Oracular replies. Sometimes, indeed, le Merits and n device of golden sag- I,h.
my darling I Do ,tot: ask me to for- for the parade and review of the the dancer inflicts fatal wounds on les. Since 1810 it has been given ex- Hb AT FROM RLP;CTRiC hAM['S. days bt+foid be died. During the peate - to rise again. , Tho general opinion,
sake; it I ,xis true ns heaven the magic troops, at .which, of course, the, duke himself. A far more awful phase, how- elusively for distinction on the field, In consequence of some experiments maB holidays oP 1897 ho re.paa.tod particularly among those who do not
of my master -place is roal I" must be present,, being, by virtue of ever, is the dancing of the Order of There is also a civil class of the Order made in Eng)nnd, shopkeepers Etre the Psalms of David and the books of have the say in the matter, is to un -
The princega gazed at him with a has civil office, commander-in-chief. So the Pndietas, Che sorcorars who be- for Merit, establaehed in recent years Proverbs from memory, and offered to ceremoniously and effectually oust
dread mingling of love, of wonder and if he came at all, it. could not be until' lieve that their mission is to kill Chris. to reward prominence in science and warned of the dangor of allowing in- remte rho book of Job, but his friends, tho Turic, The history of the Sultan's
of strange alarm in her looks, later in the day, thins. The followers of these men are the arts. flammable goods to get into contact knowing his feeble condition, porsuad- rule in Crete iq written in blood and
.f ' " Oh, my darling I" site cried, seizing As the minutes crept away into called Juramentados, and in their The badge of the great French order, with the bulbs of incandescent clec- ed him not to make the attempt„ lacerated with shame. ; Each chapter
t� his wrists, and looking up with aworld hours after this, the painter became frenzy they become absolutely like the Legion of Honour, is termed a trio lamps. The wide -spread notion ds like the Preceding one, and there
of prayerful entreatry in her earnest, painfully nervous and anxious. Sup- demons. cross, but is in reality a star, with five that such lamps are practically free THE PHILOSOPHIC GLUTTON. will be no change, no end to the story
t eyes, " think I think I Oh I pose it should happon that• the duke's — double rays or points, The order was from heat is erroneous. A sixteen can- so long as he is allowed to guide the
t k what must be your fate --what coming should interfere with the com- established Uy Napoleon in May, 1802, dle-powdr electric lamp immersed in pen, •
my fate- should your mystic hope ing of Isabel. Or, worse still, suppose TRAMWAY THROUGH CATHEDRAL at the time of the Consulate. Dur- half a pint oP water will cause the wa- Saved Front liitnRelt for Civenenstanees to Crete should be given to dt:s foster -
fa ll you I There is safety in flight. Oh, the two should, by any possibility, A tramway runs through the Cathe- ing his campaign ter to boil within an hour. IP buried D1sznlso. mother, Greece, but until the cloud o1!
you not move yourself ?" chance to meet at •the prison I dral of Utrecht, which was built in MANY BRAVE ACTS. in cottoi&-wool it will set the latter "I suppose," said a philosophic glut- strife that now enshrouds it shall
were recognized by the granting of aflame. Celluloid placed in contact ton, "that I ought to be, and as a mat- have disappeared, prediction con do
"Isabel+! Caa there be safesq in die- He would sot thintt of such a thing, Che thirtieth etintury upon the site of little but ata or to the dark.
honor ? Ask your own heart, cast your Pandolfo, if ha was in the Secret, the Cross of the Legion. On December with an electric lamp bulb was set gg
an older cue founded b St. Willebro- 2, 180a the da of his ter o! fact I am, grateful that I have _
a thaughtS forward into rho future, to would prevent iC. He Chought of it, y r+ y groat vintorq on fire in leas than five minutes. never had vary Mitch money. If I hacl "" - --
the time when this present agony shall nevertheless, and it continued to war. dus' Aftdr a severe Storm in 1674 the at Austerlitz, "the battle of the three ----• o TH>rA'PCR FOR• WgR,RMFN,
have become sanctified to you, and ask ry him. Furi.har, lie would not, on nave Pell, leaving a large space be- Emperors," Napoleon gave the cross had plenty of money I should doubt- ' '
from his own breast to a Grenadier •FUNNY DATIHING COSTUME. loss ion y 7'he ro rletor Oto the lar
yourself., would you not rather romem- any account, have the priaceSS onmo twoon the tower and the chancel. Tho g ago have killed m self with!j p p ge met:al
" ber me with honor, be able to bless my first• tower is 850 feet high sand very Doan. of the! Imperial Guard, who had saved IAn Englishman fust home from the rich food. As it is, I am stili live tr,l works at Berndort, Austria, has had
memory la your heart, than that I Anat.hcr hour tlful. Ul nory nave was built, but he- the Emperors life tram an attack b >1
Passed, and another, y West Coast of Africa Says he saw a
a Russian soldier. toenjoq myaoxned beef and aabbarl epoclal theater constructed far his
shnuld bo r your Itfe-long oompnnion- and tho Run was near to it.s 66ttfng, tween it And the tower a moderately The star or cross which la the tem.. whole village swimming out to the ave from myself by eircumstancos workmen by the architects, Helmer
ship, wish the remombranae of n brok- coating it.S StanCiag rayR, ldke Dare of widti etreot runs, This is still coasted. blew Of the order, hnq UtxdRrgnne Mang steamer wearing aS Choy Swdlrn, rano- that seemed ortlei, Uut that were read and Feltmor, it iS to Ino n
en faith clouding Query hang, tvhiah bright ga]d, into thb prison call, wharf Bred eansoerated ground, and the uf.- Y f rmniiq op -
e cfaith lY would" Oh, my levet hich brg door was o modifications since it was first doaign- vated second-hand London' "Stove. kindly, as I suppose may befall in the oned in a few woeks in the
pened and the duke ilitarian municipality has shocked the i es" In all thin I>rRSonea
will not p j ad, Owing to the sueeeSRion of orianges pop gioi«g of the whits a rienoe of sn of us, of the Emperor, and thereafter a
you Oaa Hat volt mo to or urs i entered, tram a bj* the noisy innovation of a in the politle4 And overnment of tissue paper in which they are shipped •C�il'hat we• need moot, indeed, Is pro.• theatrical company tram Biadt,ln will
• wlydSl[ U9foro God and man I" "Aignor, I am date, I have haan tramway. �t
France. In eta Original form Cha effig, out far ioalH. I teotion against ourasives." give a performance twtee 9 week.