HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-10-05, Page 5Y• OCTOBER Q, 189$4. Perfect Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It contains the pure Cod Liver Oil, the exact amount of hypopho- sphites of Lime and Soda, and is agreeably flavored. Oil nourishes all soothes all throat irritation ; dry tained by bb g t h when it is used. People who have taken oui Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil say we hnre done remarkably well in this respect. As a remedy it can- not fail to give the best results for only the purest and freshest oil is Cod Liver OUR .MAGIC SILVER POLISH is one of the best preparatione on thi market for cleaning and polish- ing all kinds of Silverware --it does not leave the article sticky and it does not scratch. It is easily ap- wasting tissue, plied and a brilliant lustre is ob. acking coughs soon disappear ins a ru in with a small bristle brush that we alse used in making it. 35 cents a Bottle. From us Only. SYDNEY JACKSON GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Successor to ALLEN & WILSON. ..iw� AA A AA LI eitie supply. The polish is prepared and bottled by ourselves. We know exactly what is iu it- We guarantee it not to ihjure in any way the finest article thar you use it on. 25C PER BOTTLE Complete with Polishing Brush Only 50c. WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR LINE P. B. CREWS Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer. Satisfaction Guaranteed OUR Watch Repairing Department is at- tended to in a strictly first-class manner. If your watch needs repair- ing, we tell you so, if not, we do not put you to un- necessary expense. Pro- per care and good work- rnanship is what your Watch requires. We know that our work will please you. CHARLES MODERATE. Do you need a pair of Spectacles ? A. J. GRIGG JEWELER and OPTICIAN Opposite Market. riAlfta POPULAR Progressive BEST STRATFORD, ONT. UNQUESTIONABLY the leading Commercial School of the Province New students admitted at any time. Graduates in great demand. Write for beautiful catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Pri ncipal. Alma Ladies' College ST. THOMAS, ONT. EIGHTEENTH YEAR OPENED SEPTEMBER NTH.' Located in eight -acre park in centre of city, 12,000 inhabitants • four transcontinental rail- ways and local electric system; about two hours ride from Detroit, Buffalo or Toronto ; College distinctly christian and patronized by all denominations. Finest buildings; superior facilities in College courses and in music, fine art, business, elocution, cookery ; home com- forts ; strong staff. Rates for board,residence and tuition range from $3.25 to $9.0 a week, according to studies pursued. For catalogue and full information, address REV. R, I. WARNER, M. A„ Principal, ST. THOMAS. ONT. HARVEST EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA and NORTHWEST -ON-- AUGUST 30 and SEPT. 13. To WINNIPEG PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE BRANDON DELORAINE $28. RESTON ESTEVAN BINSCARTH MOOSOMIN WINNIPEGOSISYORKTON l E�+ RMOOSEJAW EGINA 1� 1$30. } $351 } $40.. PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY RED DEER EDMONTON w.o ■ JACKSON, Agent CLINTON. DRANO TRUNK sYs EM' ANNUAL ERIN EXCURSIONS RSIONS SEPT. 29, 30 AND OCT. iST. Clinton to Port Huron or Detroit, Mich, and return Cleveland. Ohio Saginaw, or Bay City, Mich Grand Rapids, Mich Chicago, Pi. or CIneinnatl, Ohio 10 00 St. Paul or Minneapolis, Minn., and re- turn al rail, via Chicago 83 00 ,Or lake to all Ste. Mario, thence rail84 60 Good going Sept. 29th, SOth and Oct. 1st, 1808, valid to return from destination on or before Monday, Oct. 17th, 1808. Tickets, Pullman berths and all information frown A. 0. PATTISON, G.T.R, Agent, Clinton, F. R. IIODGENB, Ticket Agent. Clinton, $0 50 50 8(0 TEN CENT ADS. THE NEWS -RECORD has intro- duced a system of cheap adver- tising which will bring printers' ink within reach of everybody and will become popular when tried, we fully expect. To house- wives in need of domestics, to young women or men in search of a situation, it will meet a want. "Lost" and "Found" will come in under the same system. 10 WORDS PO CENTS For 10 cents we will insert 10 words, or under, the address to be counted, under suitable head- ings, such as Wanted, Lost, Found, For Sale, etc. 9 A. M. TUESDAY In order to insure insertion in the current week, these ads„ which will appear on page 4, must reach this office not later than 9 a.m. on Tuesday. Cash to accompany the order in each case. Ten cents the first week and the same amount if ad. is repeated. TRY A 10 CENT ADV" IN THE NEWS -RECORD. BUTTER & ECCS We want ail the Butter and Eggs we can get for which we will pay the highest market price. GROCERIES Our stock of Groceries is fresh, well -assorted and having been bought to sell is being sold at pri- ces that will soon clear it off the shelves. TRY US, 0. OLSON CLINTON VICTORIA STREET MARRIAGES. MARTIN-BARRON.-At "Riverside Farm," the residence of the bride's parents, Har- rington, on Wednesday, Sept 21st, Archie Martin to MIAs Sarah Marron. BARBOUR-FRAM.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2lstiSoppt., by the Rev. W. T. CIn1r Annie. second daughter of J.B. Fram, to P. J. Barbour of St. Marys. GLEED-HANDFORD.-On the 27th Sept. by the Rov. S. Salton, at the residence of Jas. Handford Centralia, the bride's uncle, 0.E Gleed, and Miss Nettle Handford, both of London. NEW ELL--FRASE R. -At the residence of the bride's father, Logan Road, Mitchel] on September 21st, by Rev. Mr. Bradley John Newell, of Goderich to Miss Jennie Fraser, of Mitchell. GILMOU1t-TAYLOR.-In Mitchell, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rai,. J. T. Kerrin Mr. Oran Y Gilmour Forrest to Mary1'. third daughter of Mr. John Taylor, FEROSOI'I-GARDINBR-In Ashfleld 12th Con, Sept, 21st, by Rev. E, Olwant, Mr. J. M. Ferguson to Miss Sarah Gardiner, eldest daughter of Mr. J. II. Gardiner. BIRTHS. REEVES. -In Seaforth on Tuesday, Sept. 27th the wife of Thomas Rooves of a son. YOUNG. -In Exeter, on the 20th Sept„ the wife of Wm. Young, of a son. GLADMAN, -In Exeter, on the 26th Sept., the wife of F. W. Gladman. of a son. CRICH-In Clinton, on October 4th, the wife of Onslow Oriel) of a son. DEATHS. McADAM -In Tuckersmith, on Saturday, Sept. 241h Gordon McAdam aged 70 years. MACILWAIN. In Wingham, Sept. 26th, Mrs. John Macllwain, aged 69 years. PATERSON.-In Detroit, Mich. on 25th Sept. Wm. Patterson, formerly of *Ingham, aged 31years 6 months, 18 days. ANDERSON. -In Glonannan, on 1 ridgy Sept. 23rd, Maggie S daughter of Wm. and Annie Anderson, aged 20 years, 1l menthe, 16 days. ARMSTRONG, -In Grey, on Sept. 18th, Albert Armstrong, agIgCed 22 years, ELFURD.-In Usborno, on the 22nd Sept., Annie Mathews, wife of Michael Elford, sr., aged 63 years, 1 month. BARRY. -In Stephen, on the 22nd Sept., King Barry of McGillivray, aged 80 years. DREW, -In Santa Barbara, Cal„ on the 25th Sept., Eared Drew, formerly of Exeter, aged 60ears. ., ASSh;LTiNyE.-In Napanee, Ont , on Friday, Sept. 23rd, Mise Rona aged 7 years daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Asscll;ino and granddaughter of Mr. Richard Keyworth, Kincardine. YOUNG -IN Bullet, on September 291h, John Young, aged 70 years and 6 months. COOK -In Ashfield 12th Con.. Set. 22nd, Palmer George infant son of Mr.pJames Cook, Gough St., lueknow, aged 7 months, MEETS YOUR NEEDS. When you fool tired, languid, nervone and aro troubled with pimples and eruptions, you Will find Hood's Sarsaparilla exactly meetsour needs. It purifies and enriches the bloodand imparts to it tho qualities needed to tone the nerves and nourish the whole system, It mires all blood humors. osusaaliii lsheadache, rc25ensb1111l e PILLS Mire ills, Pct. . THE CLINTON Ntws-RECO D. P!ebisoito Majority 11,888. The Quebec Vote Cuts Down the 1Ha.Jority for Prohibition. There is difficulty in procuring ac- curate returns but the following are as nearly as possible correct :- -Majorities- For. Against. Ontario 17,582 Quebec Nova Scotia 17,840 New Brunswick 18,715 PrinceEdward Is6,160 Manitoba 5,099 North-West Territ's 1,992 British Columbia538 51,290 62,926 51,290 Total majority for prohibition, 11,636. ONTARIO. Addington Algoma Brant, South Brockville Bothwell Bruce, North Bruce, East Bruce, West Cardwell Carleton Cornwall and Storm Dundee Durham, East Durham, West Essex, North Essex, South Elgin, East Elgin, West.....,. Frontenac Grey, East Grey, North Glengary Grenville Grey, South Halton Hastings, East Hastings, North Hastings, West Huron, East I-Ialdimand-Monck. Kent Kingston Lam bton, East Lanark, North Leeds -Grenville, N Larnbton, West Lanark, South Lennox Lincoln Leeds, South London Middlesex, East Muskoka Middlesex, North Middlesex, West Nipissing Norfolk,North Norfolk, South Northumberland, E Ontario, North Ontario, South Ontario, West Oxford, North Oxford, South Peel Perth, North Perth, South Peterborough, E Peterborough, W Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, North Renfrew, South Russell Simcoe, East Simcoe, North Simcoe, South Toronto Victoria, North Victoria, South Waterloo, North Waterloo, South Wellington, Centre Welland Wellington, North Wellington, South Wentworth, North Wentworth, South - York, East York, North York, West, CITIES. Majority. For. .Against. 124 291 523 444 137 812 620 204 204 ont. 687 666 447 771 1,610 387 53 607 86 606 Brantford Toronto Ottawa Chatham Kingston St. Thomas London Guelph Hamilton Belleville Stratford St. Catharines s Windsor TOWNS AND VILLAGES. For. Against. Brockville 416 Tilbury Centre 9 Thorold 80 Omemee 50 Port Colborne 104 Streetsville i9 Tweed 97 Petersburg .... Now Hamburg......... Niagara Falls Ssuth Niagara -on -the -Lake Chippawa Waterloo Walkerville Stra th roy 44 Beachville 81 Flesherton New Dundee 785 St. Agatha Brighton Newcastle Galt Ingersoll Woodbridge Toronto Junction Dundas Cobourg Pakenham 8 Whitby Beachville 8i Merriton . Mountain Grove 43 Ar•nprior Merrickville 45 Deseronto ....... Respeler " 101 Harristou Welland Thamesville 29 Winona 37 Hastings 10 Niagara Falls Ridgetown 130 Highgate 72 Duart 9 Olearville Petrolea 8i Paris Perth 8 Pembroke Marmon, 19 Glencoe 44 Beamsville 50 Campbellford 129 Bowmanville 60 Teeewater 52 Kleinberg 53 Port Dalhousie . , 99 Shelburne , , 22 Markdale 87 Napanee Melville Junction Bothwell Renfrew g0 Whitfield Horning's Mills 1020 Owen Sound 32 East Toronto Woodstock Lindsay Cornwell 07 Frankford ,... 400 48 338 125 314 138 164 54 131. 863 509 700 360 80 178 ' 700 83 539 139 227 1000 294 826 659 300 540 100 475 82 247 276 400 1054 132 28i 500 422 407 985 260 834 118 138 81 412 300 3716 335 434 1349 200 645 357 605 , 431 19 19 159 305 154 For. Against. 440 3716 700 150 417 346 902 62 1532 68 268 465 649 60 120 8 Wellington St, Mary's Innerkip Sandwich Trenton Eldorado Coe Hill Peterborough E aladar Millbrook Mount Forest Moscow Wyoming -. Sarnia Dundalk North Toronto Orangeville Sault Ste. Marie Port Arthur Brampton QUEBEC. Argentuil Begot Beauce Beauhapt4s Bellechasse Bonaventure Brorne Charlevoix Chicoutimi and Sa- guenay , , Compton Drummond and Artint- baska ..,, Hochelaga Huntington Jacques Cartier Kamouraska Lapratrie and Naper- ville Maskinonge Missisquoi Montmagny Montmorency Montreal Pontiac Portneuf Quebec Quebec County Richmond and Wolfe.. Richelieu Rimouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe St John's and Iberville Sherbrooke Soulanges Stanstead Terliiscouta Terrebonne Three Riv,-S1. Maur. Two Mountains Vaudreuil Yamaska 80 82 15 4 100 49 141 14 67 98 57 62 86 47 126 100 25 55 • • Majority. For. Against. 245 142377 7 852 481 378 2ii 335 NOVA SCOTIA. CITIES AND TOWNS. For. Halifax 1279 Dartmouth 241 MANITOBA. For. 1849 851 329 Brandon Lisgar Marquette Macdonald Provencher Selkirk 183 530 Winnipeg City Total 750 500 286 1141 1208 939 700 807 25 65 400 400 10449 143 6089 1000 380 1174 1000 1272 2059 578 100 535 .451 1000 394 585 31 610 Against. Against. 88 460 3,742 548 NEW BRUNSWICK, CITIES AND TOWNS. For. Sackville 498 Dorchester 70 Woodstock 315 Sussex St. John 2900 Milltown . 191 St. Stephen 344 Marysville 266 Moncton 581 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. CITIES AND TOWNS. For. Against. Charlottetown 688 QUEBEC. Against. 8 8 CITIES AND TOWNS. For. Against. Quebec City 6114 Cowansville 50 Aylmer 7 Thurso 2 Buckingham 17 St. John's 286 Lachute 72 St. Scholastique 11 St. Lambert ....... ... 48 St. Antoine du Montreal 243 Cavanville 50 North Nation Mills.. 53 Valleyfield • 859 Papineauville 100 Sorel 516 BRITIT1 COLUMBIA, For. Against. Burrard 438 .. New Westminster 416 Vancouver 488 ' Victoria 318 Yale and Cariboo 401) .. Total 1,092 318 NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. For. Against. Alberta 131 ,. 27 Assiniboia, East 1251 99 Saskatchewen 134 436 Assiniboia, West 508 .. 245 Total 2,024 WHO BUILT THE PYRAMIDS? 129 Hard to tell in some instances. But 88 we know who are the great Nerve Builders. They are Scott & Browne. 200 Their Scott's Emulsion feeds and strengthens brain and nerves. 14 30 26 8 26 25 14 16 95 15 Cheese Markets. Perth, Sept, 30,-Toeday 1.600 cheese were brought into tho market; all white and September make. Warrington got 520, Alexander and Ayer & Co, the bal- ance. Ruling prices 9'ko., nearly all selling at this figure. Chesterville, Sept. 30. -At a meeting of the cheese board held here last even - 784 ing 885 boxes of oheeee were boarded, 74 I00 white and balance colored ; 910 was was offered for white, 9 3-16 for colored and a lot of 28 colored sold, Board abjonrned for two weeks. Buyers present :-Weir, Logan, Prunner and 2!3 Birdsell. Ottawa. Sept. 30. -The bidding et the Ottawa Cheese Board was slow to» day. There were 1,518 cheese boarded most of which were colored. Tha en- tire board, with the exception of 90 cheese, sold at 91c. The buyers were Warrington and Lovell, and Cbrietmae of Montreal. Sltelborne, Sept. 30. -At the Cheese Board here to -day 3,195 boxes of cheese September and October make, were boarded; 90 highest bid, but no sales. This board meets again two weeks from to -day, October 14. 21 48 52 YOUNG AT SEVENTY. 96 INDIGESTION ANpp STOMAOlJE TROURLEs REMOV- 10 en nY SOUTH AMERIOAN NEnVINO-FOIIn ROT. 82 TLES RROUGHT RAOrt intALl'fl AND VIGOR. 40 170 10 119 M. Jas. Sherwood et Windsor, Ont., writer]: "For twelve mouths I was a great sufferer from Indigestion and stomach.) trouble. Actor trying other remedies without any benefit whatever, I was attracted to South American Nervine through groat cures I read of it making and I decided to try it. Afar a fowdoses I felt groat relief and benefit. I have taken four bottles thankf l°testimo y7for relief from theegrreeat suffering I had. I consider ILA groat medicine;' no Womanly Worda or a "I consider Axait's Pit.xs the best to tho World." Mu. A. C. WESTON. 29 Pearl St., Laconia, N. 11. All Women's Wisdom, SI • IN11111•1111=111 '11.1 Toronto Live Stock Market. Toronto, Sept. 30. --Business at th Western Cattle Market toeday was good deal quieter than for some time, Offerings were light, being 53 loads, irr eluding 1,650 sheep and lambs andabou 1,300 hogs. The quotations ranged about the same as Tuesday's markets Spring lambs were a little weaker. Export cattle -The offerings were very light, but those offered were of very good quality, and the demand was fair. Export oattle brought $4 to $4.40 and $4.50 for selections. Butchers' oattle-Were in fair des wand but the offerings were small. Choice butchers' cattle fetched $3.75 to $4 perowt. A lot of inferior and com- mon cattle were left over in the pens at the close. Butohere' common cattle brought $3 to $3.60. Bulls -Good heavy bulls were in fair demand early iu the day. Heavy bnlls brought. r $3.25 to $3.75 peowt. and light bulls fetched $2.25 per owt. Stockers and feeders. -There was nothing done in the stockers and feed- ers. Stockers sold at 53.25 to $3.60 per cwt. Feeders were slow at from $2.50 $3 per. cwt. Sheep and lambs -The market was easy under heavy offerings. Sheep for export and butchers' use brought from $3.50 to $3.60 per cwt., according to the quality. The demand was fair. Bucks were firm at $2.75 per cwt. Calves -The offerings were light, only a few head, and all were bought quickly. For the good to choioe veals the quota.. tions ruled from $3 to $6 each. Milch cows and springers -There were only a few on the market, and they were soon sold. Good snitch cows brought from,$35 to $45 each. Hogs -There was a very good trade done in;,this line, there only being a few left over when the market closed. The prices ranged about the same as Tues- day's market. Choice bacon hogs brought $4.50 per cwt, and light bacon bogs fetched $4.13 per owt. Thick fat hogs sold at from 34.25 to $4.38 per cwt. Sbws were steady at' $3 to $3.25. We quote :- Milch cows, each $35 00 to $45 00 Export cattle, per cwt4 00 to 4 40 Butchers' choice cattle, per cwt 3 75 to 400 Butchers' com. cattle, cwt 300 to 3 50 Bulis, heavy, per cwt3 25 to 3 75 Bulls, light, per cwt2 25 to 0 00 Feeders, per cwt 2 50 to 3 00 Stockers, per cwt 3 25 to 3 50 Sheep, per cwt 3 50 to 3 60 Spring lambs, per cwt4 00 to 0 00 Spring lamb, each 2 75 to 3 75 Bucks, per cwt 2 75 to 0 00 Calves, per head. 3 00 to 6 00 Choice bacon .hogs, per cwt 450 to 000 Light hogs, per cwt4 13 to 0 00 Thick fat hogs, per cwt 4 25 to 4 381 Sows, per cwt 3 00 to 3 25 Toronto Farmers' Market. Toronto, Sept. 30. -The receipts of grain on the street market here to -day were Larger, prices of wheat were steady to easier, rye was easier, and barley and peas firmer. Wheat -=Easier, 1,000 bus of fall sell- ing at 68o to 70o. for white, 67e to 68o for red, 1,000 bu. of goose at 625c to 63c. Barley -Was 15c higher, 5,000 bu sell- ing at 42c to 474c. Rye -Was io lower, at 445so., Oats -Steady, 2,000 to 28e. Peas -Were firmer, at 50c to 555o. Hay and straw -The receipts were not large, there was a fair demand and the market was steady, 25 loads selling at $7 to $8.50 for timothy and $5.50 to $6.50 for mixed, and three Ioada of straw at $7 to $7.50. Dressed Hogs -The receipts were fair, there was a good demand and the mar. ket was steady, with sales at $5 to $5.50. Wheat, red per bush... $0 67 to $0 68 Wheat, white 68 to 70 Wheat, spring 67 to 00 Wheat, goose 621 to 63 Barley per bush,.. 42 to 475 Oats, 26 to 28 Rye per bush.. 44 to 00 Peas per bush 50'to 555 Timothy hay 7 00 to 8 50 Hay mixed 5 50 to 6 50 Straw. .. .. 7 00 to 7 50 Dressed hogs 5 00 to 5 50 Butter, lb. rolls 10 to 17 Buti;er, tulis, dairy 14 to 16 Chickens per pair 40 to 00 Turkeys per lb 10 to .11 Ducks, per pair 50 to 60 Geese, per lb 07 to 00 Eggs 15 to 10 one load selling bu selling at 26o two loads selling Potatoes,per bush Beef hind quarters ... 6 50 to do fore 3 50 to Lamb, Mutton Veal 70 to 80 8 00 4 50 07 to 08 05 to 06 06 to 085 OFFENSIVE EVEN TO MYSELF. WAS MY CATARRH -DR. AONEW,8 CATARRAL POWDER DETHRONED IT AFTER TWENTY YEARS REIGN. F. A. Bottom, draggoet, Cookshire, P. Q., says: "For 20 years I suffered from catarrh, My breath was very offoncivo even to myself. During that time I tried everything that came my way which promised me a cure. In almost all instances 1 had to proclaim them no good at all. I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. I got relief instantly after first application. It cured mo and I am free from all the effects of it. I am a thorough believer in its curative powers." CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. (oorroeted every Wednesday afternoon. Fall Wheat, new .... 63 to 05 Fall Wheat old 63 to 65 Barley .. 0 30 to 0 33 Oats. .,,. 0 23 to 0 24 Peas 0 47 to 0 50 Rye . 0 80 to 0 32 Potatoes, per bush, new... 0 50 to 0 50 Butter loose in basket,, 0 12 to 0 13 Butter in tub. ......... ...... 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per doz ... 012 to C 13 i3ay ..,. 6 00 to 6 00 Live Hogs 0 00 to 4 70 Pork per owt ,. 600 to 600 Dried Apples per lb .. 0 03/lto 0 04 Dunks per 1b. " . 0 0S5to 0 06 Turkeys per lb . 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per' lb. 0 06 to 0 06 Chickens per pair 0 80 to 0 35 Wool... •S*•00.••••••... 6110 0 16 to 0 16 Flout per cwt 2 10 to 2 10 James McCarthy of Merritton is the fifth victim of the cyclone. nsionnsnosummamommommooLommai LADIE$' COATS. We are showing special value in Ladies' Coats in all the newest colors, from $3.50 up. DRESS GOODS ) Our stock of Dress Goods is very large, embracing all the newest shades and wea- ves. We are showing special value in Ladies' cloth 54 inches wide, regular 50c. for 30 cents. LADIES' AND CHILDREN' UNDERWEAR in all sizes in Wool and Union. JOHN WISEMAN. MOVING FINE FURNITURE Is not by any means an easy task and yet we have scored a GREAT SUCCESS in this line because our " Chief Lever" is Quality while we use "Price for a Purchase " and with the assistance of up•to date Styles and Honest Workman- ship we succeed in moving a large stock of choice furniture from our store to the homes of our many satisfied customers - We are offering a line of Couches in good Jute covering, well upholstered, with spring edge and tinge all around at the very low price of 85.00. As we have only a limited number of this line do not delay in securing one if you are after a bargain. The regular price of this line is $8.00. UNDERTAKING.__ In this department we carry a complete stock. Our Hearses and outfit are the best in the county, and our charges are as low as the lowest. ...,Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our .,Funeral Director, S.W. Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. Furniture Manufacturers and Undertakers. Jr. W. Chidley, Manager A CONT1NENTAL! Many things there he that a man doesn't care a Continenal about, but its not so with his dinner. It must be good and to make it good you must have a good Kitchen Stove to cook it on Therefore call and select one from our choice stock of the lead- ing stoves of the Dominion and the Iargest selection in the county. " A FULL CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVIED- RADIANT HOME BASE HEATER The best that the blains of man ever produced. Although _ new designs have been invented the RADIANT HOME for Economy of fuel and Ease of management has no equal We have a few more cars of the best -quality Coal on the G.T.R. Tracks for present deli • Very. Order at once while the price is low. HARLAND BROS. HARDWARE 1898 New Dried Fruits 1898 Raisins -Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants - Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and I3LACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuta. COOKING FIGS for Se. a lb, NICE OLD RAISINS for 5o, a Ib --Headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, J. W. IRWIN, McKay, Block, For Over Fifty Years otice of Dissolution of Partnership Mns. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children While teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tooth send at once and Bot a bottle of "Airs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething, It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers, thorn is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, euros Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and ivestoneand energy to the whole system. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of on 00 the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tho United Status, Price twenty-five Cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists threught out the world." 13e sure and atilt for Mas' WtNetow's SOOTIHNO SYRUP. The News -Record to jan,1900 Notice is hereby given that the partnorthip heretofore subsisting between us, the undoa- signed, as dry goods merchants etc, in the Town of Clinton, has been this clay dissolved by mutual agreement. All debts owing to tho saki partnorship aro to bo paid to tie said John Wiseman at Clinton aforesaid, and all claims against tho said partnership aro to bo presented to the said John Wiseman, by whom the same will ho paid. Dated at Clinton this loth day of September. A.D. 1898. J, C. GILROY Witness JOHN WISICMAN, JAIVIES SCOTT. Centenary church congregation of Hamilton has decided in favor of indi- vidual communion cups. For Ono Dollar Qnly,