HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-29, Page 6r
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"0 AIAA W AAIAAI IHUwMWINI#1h1lMl 0-6 benefit R9 :wvtlo . ely,q , FILM= � Now,Od whomleht� radar alw�u to n e vet ,,
to- is ii !, * y t J� Mast the r, -t �
>Att. this seasom a + f a Y for, tine It n>ddrptl i ly. '.After the I used to ilee , I N
a thintt oY peacw ` ing long letters. and he would ;s ,, Se� �"�'
R.� OLDs.lunacbega r � I ' tea, or as an Yexxe k . s±+Mke .. ' book up from them with such .a t .. 4•
Ali reed toe or coffee, achy QId . in the world is In A o 's area a p,yd smile and say; This AEI to I)or" '
,tpllat¢.il,xiftt , ° � Hood's S p S then: a
{gin &0.Atr lwb,er Dake would be .rat the, ltso�esaiai�ipf the 3lirfxiin.haip Can- . jblopd, That is, wl>yy, ttwany ..ahem your picture e�me; I' ew ' " ' I
I ABOUT THE IfITQ13EN �r�i1. y is a dream aP a ca di . eases and makes s 1p f.o► ou from It in a moment. and I did
" Nav�ghttia?ns, this engine having been
When planning the new ho ri"h$ requisite is a ring oak nstruated by Boulton & Watt In Ire +Ir,tla ri ever bef' D feel Y
;ROA half sick, #fired you sot wonder that I no 'I9lge» occupied
much thought should be givant like a ring jelly -mould, but the the year 1777. The order is entered I a be made well b takin the first place in my bo`y's Heart. dna
1. tirrang.ment of the kitchen as ' diol. must not be Loa large and in the firm'sebooka in that year as a y Y g evening he came home from his of-
rice earlier than usual, AAA putting his
inore pretentious parts elf the , _. n must be rather deep so that single acting beam engine, with chains flood's Sar�sa Iii Ixrm around me, said: "lidother, Dora
It is- very suxp}rising' how many badly 'I Rl';Gake will stand high on the plate at each end of a wooden beam, and Cauada'e Qreateat Medl has promised to be my- '1 0e. Will
arranged kitchens may b. see ;.inion ou 1?vvdtich it is served. Tho mixture having the steam cylinder thirty-two `.- -- you wet a her as a daUtghter9" I
inches in diameter, with a stroke of HOOD'S PLLlB Dore all LiverIlU lents. said that I had no wishes apart from
our farms; and this is often th Oausa for ;the cake may be mad. from any " his own happiness, and told him to
of so much ill health among use^ gop," rich chocolate cake receipt -we all eight feet, and erected at the canal '- bring Dora to see me, that X, too, might
wives 144( our particular favorites, and they company's pumping station at Rolfe learn to love her." I
vee one considers the num .„of all alike in general principles con- street, famethwick. During the prey- T P (�' "'And when he came to take me to
y "ming of a good sponge cake mixture, ant ear, 1898, this remarkable old en- o "redVrt you,” broke In Dora, "I said that I would
!_ steps necessary to take every sil in with ,melted chocolate added towards y domestic maoh�— never enter his home and meet people
order to keep the n9ry toe end of the stirring to give the gine, which has been regularly at who were so far above me until I was
running smoothly, one can realiz 1jy±aw }� cessary ,flavor and richness. When work from the time of its erection to Outside th'e Nein fell in a steady his wife."
the cake ria baked, it is turned out as the current year, a period, say, of 120 downpo,4�; Inside the train the pas- The tears filled her eyes, and when
economy of apace and a careful r rd '`lioon as possible on the platter or plate she spoke again her voice was choked
for arrangements will aid mater ;on which it is served, and then cover- years, was removed to the canal com- aengers 84,o med to be affected by the
ed with a rich chocolat. icing, the soft pany's station at 'Ocker Hill, Tipton, with sobs.
in saving the strength and health dxearinessypE the weather, and a very That was only a month ago," aha
kind which penetrates into the cake there to be re erected and preserved solemm-look g crowd they were, in- sod, "and how little I dreamed that I
. the busy housewife. I as well as covering the outside. And as a' relic of what can be done by good should never see him again in this
In the first place the kitchen should then comae the finishing touch that management when dealin with ma- deed. In an obscure seat in the rear g
chines of undoubted quart It is sat a o world. When I read of Arthur's death ,
Pie light and airy, and as it is •neves- ( gives this especial delicacy its charas- Y y. • young woman dressed In black I felt as if some one had felled me
o ear to spend ad man hours .self day ter. which is sweetened whipped cream worthy of note that the Birmingham who had scaroel, moved since she
9 B Y Canal Navigation favored Boulton & with a blow. The wards burned into
that fills the hole inside of the ring � boarded the train at a small station my brain, and I never seemed to sea -
in it, it should be comfortably, fur- Watt in 1777 with the order of this
of cake, While simple enough to make lize how much I loved him until then,
Wished, and prepare, the combination of the engine and I&B or, Vo y,lars afterward, I some miles back. I thought of the many times I had
A low rocking chair should be placed hot rich chocolate cake and the whipped the company have intrusted the same i -Men passing to and from the smoking pained him by my coldness and in -
cream is really ideal, and I moat car- firm, James Watt & Co., Soho, Smeth- car noticed the slight, girlish figure, difference, and how patient and gon-
near the window where one may sit tains advise an one who has not tast- wick, with the manufacture of two of
y y and many comments were passed on tie he was always. I Could not rest
while paring potatoes, shelling peas ed already.,to try it. I know whoever their modern triple -expansion verti- until I had seen him laid away forever;
11 cal engines, to be erected at the Wal- her lovely, though grief-stricken face.
, and performing other duties of like does will want to do so the second but his death leaves me, as well as
nature. Then, too, this low chair will time- call pumping station, having 240 horse The large, dark eyes were red from you, completely bereft."
power and a pumping capacity of 12,- weeping, and every now and then a "Do not say that, my darling," repli-
be handy when one must watch some- 713,fi0U gallons per day. suppressed sob shook the slender frame. ed Mrs. Prescott. Almost his that
� thing that is cooking on the stove.. SWEET POTATOES. Before long the train steamed into words were: 'Take care of Dora, moth -
A high chair should also be provided Potato Custard. -One uart otatoes; or; she will have no one when I am
q P the station of a large city, and all the one.' Do you think I could neglect
1. to be used when ironing or washing boiled and mashed fine; six eggs; three A STRA1tlGl1 U2iSE/ g
i' g passengers alighted except the young such a trust? Stay with me, .Dora,
dishes. Some will say they eonsid4y• it cups sugar; one cup butter; two cups — girl, who moved up closer to the win- and be my daughter, as I once hoped
a lazy habit, this sitting down to,�er- sweet milk; rind and juice of three MR. JAS. CROSGREY, OF PORT HOPE, dow, and with hes• face pressed against You would be in sympathize
form household tasks, but such d lbl)t I lemons. Beat the eggs very light, TELLS AN INTERESTING STORY. the pane gazed anxiously out upon the No one can sympathize with me as
the case. It shows, rather, good,com I vihites and yolks together; add sugar _ you can, because your own sorrow is
B bustling hurrying crowd of people. as great as mine. All these kind
mon sense to save one's self whenever I and butter, then alternately the Ills Right Leg Swollen. to Three Thnes Its Outside the depot a long line of car- friends here feel grieved at my loss,
possible and is a plan that should be potatoes and milk. Add also a pinch Natural Size -Ulcers hollowed a d for ria es were drawn up, preceded by a but you are the only one who can help
more generally adopted. of salt, then the grated yellow rinds a year and a calf Doctors' Treatment g heal the wound in us heart, because
g Y P y' hears., from which distinguished -look- your own has been crushed by the same
The stove should be set convenient- of the lemons, and last of all the juice. Wattled to liclp llhn.
Beat five minutes, than pour in pane I ing men reverently bore a large heavi- blow. Oh, my child, say that you will
ly near the sink and the sink should lined with paste, and bake quickly. V From the Port Hope Times. ly draped casket; they were immedi- not leave me."
be near the pantry so that as many potato Pie. -Like the famous little i "it was nearly as large as (that tele- slaty followed by the mourners; and "I shall never leave you -never,
steps r be saved so sible,. 'And phone pole." These words were med dear mother," replied Dora, as she
P Y pos girl, when good it is very good indeed, by Mr. Jas. Crosgrey, for eight years the sad procession slowly passed into pressed her lips to the pale cheek.
a word about these sinks. How many and when bad, horrid. Before under- I a resident of Port Hope, Out. Mr. the station. The train sped onward to its destina-
we see that are so low that one is com- taking it, it is'well to understand that Cro=grey is in the employ of Mr. R, While this was taking place two men tion, and two women sat together with
pelted to bend fax over when working I next to a crab apple, a sweet potato is' X. Scott, who has a food store onflVal- entered the car where the young girl clasped , b a and bowed heads, each
at them. This can Basil be remedied, ton street, and is well and favoraltly stronger, braver, more resigned, be-
the hardest thing to sweeten. Peel known in town and vicinity. Less than sat and, sitting down, opened their cause of the other.
some rainy day, by the use of a few and cut in quarter -inch slices a qu.tirt . two years ago MT. Cro,,grey was the papers and proceeded to make them- -
boards and nails and a willing hos- of potatoes, cook thein until done, with I recipent of much sympathy on account selves comfortable. ENGLISH LITERARY LIONS.
band; and it will only require a little ono pint of very strong ginger tea, of a severe affliction which beret him,
three cups of sugar, a generous cup of depriving him of the use of his right i "Sad affair, this, Thompson,' said
time. I butter, and plenty ge n -peel. Stew leg, and from doing any labor except one, referring to the funeral, to his 7•t9tlt: nail ChararferistIA of the Great
'Husbands, as a rule, like to dolit tle I gently, so the slices will not break. a few odd days work. His recovery companion, who seemed to be a Strang- Novrusts or the linty.
tasks such as this, in a der to make I Line a deeip pie dish with good paste was wrought so suddenly and complete- or in the place. "There goes all that There is an interesting group of no-
things easier for their wives, but the rolled a quarter of an inch thick. Fill ly that the Times considered the mat- is left of Arthur Prescott, a rising velists in London whose society is
thought probably never occurs to them the dish with the potatoes, and their ter would be of sufficient interest to our law er and one of the noblest sought by men Arid women of fashion.
and the wife hesitates to speak if it, syrup to within a long inch of the its readers to obtain an interviewwith young Y
tap; cover with a crust, and cut a cross Mr. Crosgrey. In substance Mr. Cros- follows I ever knew. Died in three They are made much of wherever they
for "John is always so busy." If pos- in the middle of it. Turn back each grey told the following story of his days of pneumonia; his mother is go, acid are petted and flattered with
sible have running water in the sink corner of the cross, and' cook at a illness: -"In April, 1895, I was laid up heartbroken, they say, as she is a social attentions.
or fan easy working pump. steady heat until the pastry is for seven weeks with typhoid fever,
and after I recovered from the ,fever, widow -and hewas heronly child. How- Rudyard Kipling is one of the least.
It is very essential to have a good done. my right leg began to swell. It ever, she's very wealthy—" manageable of the literary lions, He
floor in the kitchen. Not necessarily Potato Pudding, -Peel and grate was very painful indeed, and in Hare he was interrupted by one of has the restless energy of a man who
your potatoes upon a very coarse grat- a few weeks it was three times
a hardwood floor, but a smooth one the brakemen, who came up to them has been travelling and working in
er. To a. quart grated, take six eggs, its natural size - nearly as large and said: "Gentlemen, I moat request man lands. He dislikes compliments,
kept nicely painted or, better yet, I wt jLhat tele y
covered with neat oilcloth carpeting,a targe cup of butter, three heaping phone polo," and he
pointed to a stick of timber ten you to go into one of the forward cars, shuns society, and prefers to live quiet -
cup of sugar, a cup of cream, a cup inches in diameter. " Nothing the
which can now be purchased so cheap- g as this is a private one, chartered by ly and to see only a few intimate
1 What saving of strength this will of milk and the juice and rind of a doctor did gave me any relief, and I
Y• g the funeral party to Kenwood." friends. •
make, as keeping the floor scrubbed lemon. Beat the eggs very light, consulted another with the same re- They left immediately, and he was Thomas Hardy is ,great favorite in
is one of the hardest tasks the house- with the sugar and butter, add the po- sult. I suffered for nearly five months
wife has to perform. tithes, then the milk and cream, a when Inoticed that the swelling began about to make the same request of the London, but is seldom seen there. He
The anti should be large enough to decrease and I became hopeful of young woman, but, noticing her grief- lives in the country, and is one of the
pantry g little at a time. Put in the lemon
so that the baking'table may be placed, recovery, But the rt time
improvement only stricken appearance, naturally sup- most modest among literary men. He
in it, or if you are building a new I rind -grated -and the juice last of all. continued for a short time and then
11 house have a stationary table made Pour the mixture in a deep dish, and the swelling became greater and two posed her to be one of the mourners, rarely talks about his own work, and
with flour bin, drawers, etc. However, set in a hot oven. ,When it has crust- big ulcers formed onthe inside of the and passed on to alienee. seems surprised when strangers meet
we are not all building new houses ed over the top, stir the crust down, leg above the ankle. These ttleers The people then passed into the car, and greet him as a great literary ar-
and the pine table must do, but with so another may form. Do this twice. were right through to the hone and going down to the front and filling tist.
hooks placed over it for spoons,beaters, Serve very hot with plenty of sour you could put that much into them," the seats as they came. Mrs, Prescott Hall Caine, like Thomas Hardy, pre-
-cutters, strainers, etc., and the flour sauce. I and Mr. Crosgrey indicated on his and her brother, Mr. Hale, were the
barrel close at hand, one can quickly Potao Cheese Cakes. -Beat very light thumb an object ..an inch in length. last to enter. The seats had been all fere the country to the town, but he
di patch the weekly baking. the elks of twelve a s, with one For the next year and a half [was filled except one beside the young is more intense in his manner and
- What a difference there Is in the 9 gg. treated by four or five doctors but my lady, Miss Willis; and a small single more self-centred in conversation. He
way some go about getting a meal. pound of butter, one pound of sugar, leg and the ulcers were as bad as ever. seat opposite. To the former Mr.
g talks well and is a dramatic story -tet -
Everything is dropped just where it the juice and grated rind of three The doctors pronounced the disease Hale conducted his sister, taking the
is used; every dish in the kitchen is lemons. Set the mixture over hot Phlebitis or inflammation of the veins. latter for himself, ler. When his attention is fixed upon
pressed into service and when the water, and add, beating a 1 the while, They didn't seem to know what to do The lady threw back her veil, and his own work and personality he is
meal is finally prepared the kitchen g for me, however, and I despaired of traces of bitter sorrow could be seen least interesting, and is "'holly at his
reap looks like a cyclone had struck a quart of grated raw ap tato. Line getting well." Xr,, Crosgrey's .relief on her sweet, - refined face ;__:she. ° seem- , best :wheu Goma •keen.mind:diverts him
y patty, parts, with,.puff,p paste, ,and- fill .came do a" strange Mdnher, almost by ed to oblivious of all her sur- from himself and interests him in
', : _w_ _`.:.. _ _it '_Sow diYi"erefit-_wlih•-the=systema - tff the butter. $eke quickly, and chance one might say. He tells of it rotindings until she was suddenly what is going'on in the world of 'ideas.
tic housekeeper. F.iverything has either frost, or cover with meringue,
proper place and is put away as soon made from the whites of the eggs. this way! -"al I had a relative living aroused to the sound of a convulsive J. M. Barrie is a shy and retiring
as used. If possible the utensils are near Teeswaier, named William Bap- sob, and looking around, wassurpritsed main, who has been drawn into social
Sweet Potato Coffee. - Cut raw tist. He heard of condition and to see a your girl at her side weep- life, against hie will. His oonversa-
washed at once; everything is done in my B
an orderly manner, and the meal is potatoes in small dice, let them dry sent word to me to try Dr. Williams' ing bitterly, her whole form quiver- Lion is bright and pleasing, but it must
ready in just as ,short a time without for six hours, then roast and grind fink Pill ITis reason for i .ommenrl- ing with emotion and her fico covered always be forced out by those who are
balf the confusion. I like the genuine article. Is palatable ing them be stated was because they with hes, hands. with him. Ile is modest and reserved,
Newspapers placed on the kitchen i had cured him of serious trouble in Touching her lightly on the shoulder, a
iand content to remain in the back -
table will save lots of scouring and' f used alone. Mixed with thi
one -rd both legs, when all else had failed, Mrs. Prescott addressed her, saying: ground if any one else wishes to talk.
they can be doubted up and put in I real coffee, can hardly be told from I decided to try them and in less than "What is the matter, my child? Can I Dr. Conan Doyle is as tall and stal-
the stove when become soiled. the best Java. A useful substitute in five weeks the ulcera were completely do anything for you?" wart as Mr. Barrie is short and in-
theyI ca -es where real coffee has an ill ef- healed and the swelling in my legs dis- Miss Willis made an effort to con- significant in appearance. He is a
Heavy crash stove cloths should be . feet ft on the nerves. a
made and used for lifting things from' speared. The ulcers never returned trot herself and in a trembling voice sinewy, vigorous giant, with a bluff,
the. stove or opening the oven doors, and my leg is just about as sound as replied: "Oh, I am so sorry for you l" hearty manner and a strong voice. He
instead of using the dish cloth or DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES. the other one. I know that Dr. Wil- When she broke down again and com- feels at home among men, takes an in -
apron as so many do. liams' Pink Pills alone cured me when menced to -sob as violently as before. terest in cricket and field sports, and
Do not try tol get along in the sum- Grate or shave two squares of bitter doctors and all others medicines fail- The heart of the bereaved mother carries himself like aman of the world
mer time without an oil stove of some chocolate, shown by the tiny dividing ed and I am willing that the details was touched at the sight of such sin- who is conscious of his ability to hold
kind. Count this a necessity ratherof my illness and cure can be made care sympathy from a stranger, and, his ground.
than a luxury and do without some- marks on the large cake, place same known." Mr. Crosgrey who is 41 years trying to speak calmly, she said: Did Sir VC alter Besant is also a burly
thing else if needs be. Gasoline with four tablespoonfuls of sugar and of age, is now at work every day, The you, too, know my boy and feel griev- Englishman, with a loud voice; but he
four tablespoonfuls of hot water into nature of his work that of lifting heavy ad because me have lost him?". cares less for society than Doctor Doyle
stoves are housewives
a blessing to over- the to of the double boiler, the lower
burdened housewives and should be in P bads of flour '2End feed, is proof of hie Miss Willis recovered herself com- and is more of a student. His favor-
, household. part to contain boiling water, Cook l:otmplete recovery. He is a life long pletely and was about to reply when ite topic is London, which he know,"
until You have stirred the chocolate friend of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and her companion, with a startled look of more intimately in all its storied as•
LIFE IN SIAM. 0*01nion Line Stearnshi
^�ornai and Quebec to L1•erpool Sa snmtater.
ant twin screw .teap�shrns Ltbr oi' r
Dress and Dwellings oral Always interest- C�}l7yor.' pominton ' 'elpot9matt, or�tahl YO
Ind People. L3ype_r7ior abeomatbc{atloa for Flret Cabin, 9eob�
on abin and Steerage passengers. Re, i
'While Siam is an independent native. �asaage-First Cabin, $60.00; �ocoad 1gbi0,
83 ; Steerage ti22.G apd upwards aoaer inR Ipy11
tate governed by its own king, its pec- at and berth, For all Information a
tie have accepted enough European to Local Agents or DAvfD TonRANCID &foci
pen'1 Agents, tT At. sacrament at.. Montraa .
cleas to present a strange mixture of
tarbarism and civilization. In Bang- This transom one of my
rok, the capital, one sees Buddhist tem- original de. of W
P All desarlppbions of Woos
Iles, two -horse buses, Chinese lanterns GrilleE, Tranacros, L,tWi
Laid electric lights, buffalo carts and tWood ies aWork.lJeooratii
)icycles, Chinese coolies riding in elec- E. LIMON, 700 Yonge Et.,
xio cars and such incongruities. Alloriginaldeslgus.Write forprloss. *Ioront'l
The official garment of the Buddhist Mair, Mille ars Hallooll
)rdests is yellow, and as there are 10,- LAW
100 of tdle9e to Weslsy �Bldlis-, RioW
priests in Bangkok and mond st. K ..Toronto.
leer 100,000 in, Siam, yellow is a domin-
tnt ,color in the kingdom. As every
man is bound to be a priest for at least TELEGRAPHY Shorthand, and alraimg-
• Bookkeepingand all Cum.
:hree months in some period of his merolal Subjects are properly taught in te
,ife, the yellow robe is one of the most Toronto, Youn and Gerrard Sts. Fall Tt rm now open.
Members admitted at ani time: Eight Eight regular teaohers,
:Omman Bights. Splendid equipment. Write for catalogue.
W. H. SHAW, Prinolpal.
The people of Siam are much addicted _
to living either on houseboats or in Neuralgia, Headache, muscular he,i
�i aR severe muscular pains,
hooses built on piles to keep them , instantly relieved by Oras.
above the level of the annual inunda- centNearalglaWe. Price 25o. Enclose 33c.stamps f6i
trial package 'Tl he Hutchlpgs Medicine Co., Toronto.
tions in the wet seasons. The children You can
PAI� 1 SO CHEAP ae It ee
early learn to swim, and if they, fall l� 1 old shingle roofs use
into the water' it does not matter. Like of buildings. Used 21
their elders, the are happy, lazy folk, years. Ask your PAA"
but very good-natured. Siamese chil- OOMPANY, 370 Qi sen Weat, Toronto.
dren, especially the little girls, are
exceedingly pretty, rivaling, if not ex- IF,you want to either buy or sell Apples.
Doodling, all the other beauties of the in car lots, writeus.
east. Japan included. They are very
merry, continuously contented, easily The Oawseq Commission Go., Linlited,
Pleased and most unselfish in their Toarosa•to-
dealings with one another. Their al-
most absolute lack of selfishness is one
of the most pleasing features in their It
very lovable character.
The ordinary dwelling -house in Siam
consists of three rooms -the kitchen,
El I
the drawing -room and the bedroom.
The rooms are but poorly furnished. -
There is no chimney to the kitchen,
and, the walls being but framework The Reid Bros. Mfg. CO., nt BILLIARS
screens, the smoke permeates and dirt TABLES and BOWLING ALLEYS. Phopa 1303. Send
accumulates everywhere, But they forCatsiogue. 257 King St. West, TORONTO.
take things easily in Siam„ where every
member of the household knows how to THE TRIUMPH -4b,
cook. If the :mother is not at home ADJIISTABL.ESTovBFlPES.
the father can easily take her place, �as� quit np and taken down. Can
for he knows quite well bow long rice be cleaned,nented..nd�nt.wayie
should be bailed or hananas stewed. a ,been. eeppaeO• Ask sow daalan fo
ibo.a lllanntectwed by
The little children can fry fish or make 0. N. B1IRCLAY,
the curry, and so are independent of ." Adelaide St. W.. Toreato.
their parents in this respect. When- sssrao. c1104131. "
ever the voice of hunger makes itself--sEetabiiattad 181lt.
heard its appeal is promptly responded L. 76FFEE 8l. CO.,
to, and consequently great irregularity
prevails in the times of meals. But CRAIN AND COMMISSION
as a general rule there are two fixed MERCHANTS,
meals each day, one at about 7 o'clock
in the morning and the other about ROOMS 400.13 Hoard of Trade Bulldhts,
5.30 in the afternoon. The chief ar- TORONTO. ONT.
ticle of food is rice. In the cooking Tues li LYwiw JOHN L. Oo"K&
of this grain the people have_
-no rivals. __
"Westminster Abbey," says an Eng-
lisb contemporary, "possesses an ec- Only Inetan
ution in Caada for the Dan
every phsee of speech defeo4 Zetablislanall
clesiastical cat, which -it is to be pre- to Toronto, 1891 Cw. .rentaed.
sumed, in the absence of authority to O��6 Pembroxi al., TeeranTh Oalsrw
the contrary -catches the eccles}astial
Mice., a meager diet: indeed," if. . the , .
a e F�c1 i°'t"1'9 S "'O �' 0;ile
adage respecting the church moo e b Three Farms for Sale, on easy terms.
trustworthy, The cloisters are his property situated convenient to C. P.
favorite haunts, but he occasionally Railway. Specially adapted for stock
makes a sort of appearance in public raising. For further particulars apply
life by taking a promenade in the ab- to
bey yard adjoining Viotorii street. It,•M.McNAMARA, Barrister, North Say, Ont.
would not be an exaggeration to Say
that his mien is deanlike, though with-
al affable td all who offer tokens of re- WjVMAW""'V'WiW"dMwWW
sped -caresses or the like; -in a proper
spirit. He may be said to be 'known WANTED.
to the police,' but only in a favorable
sense, and in case of maltreatment the A Thoroughly reliable woman (mar•
strong! -!blue -coated -arm of the law
would assuredly be stretched out for ried or widow preferred) in every city,
his protection." town and village in Canada, to act as
- 4 soliciting agent fora well advertisfd
A WEDDING PRESENT :and established artic e. Easy to sell
Of practical importance, would be a andaatisfaction ensured. No dopoett
bottle of the only sure -pop corn cure ' required, Givo references when reply
-Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor- ing. Addreas,
t a dr store. Na
which can hada n o p 0 ,
h be y drug 8, A. S R
A continuation of the honeymoon and Hamilton, Ont.
the removal of corns both assured by
its use. Beware of imitations. NMNMR"PMINANWJlNtWW
Last, but by no means .least, leave a
-the and sugar to a smooth paste; then never lets an opportunity pass of recognition, took her hand and ex-
sociations Than perbaps any other b.ng-
wall Pocket conveniently near
rorking chair, where the late papers add one cup of boiling water, stirring speaking a good word for them, claimed, excitedly: "Tell me quickly,
hot The statement to is name Dora -Miss Willis?"
George Meredith is the most inteller-
and magazines may be kept. Many a well, and three cups of milk. above was sworn your
Just before serving, remove the top before the understgnt-A at Port Hope "Yes," replied the girl with bowed
trial of all the Fraglish novelists. Ile
Doesn't the passing of lovely summer
spare moment may profitably
of the double boiler and place it direct- on the 17th day of February, 1898, head, "and you are Arthur's mother."
is happiest in his ow'n lihrary in the
snake your heart sad?
played in this way and many a lesson
may be learned while the kettle boils. ly on the stove and let the mixture . D, H. CHISHOLM. The older woman gently drew the
from the fire toward her until the pretty head
country with an old friend wht can
talk intelligently about French and
Well, it would, but the milliner win -
dows cast such an exquisite gltimour
HOTWATER-Our now syn
tem steal radiators
come to i boll. Remove girl
and add a well beaten egg, beating rested on her shoulder, and her own
German literature.
over autumn.
WARM wood ,.
NOVEL AND DELICIOUS CAKE. It in vigorously with the egg beater. APPEALS TO HISTASTE. teary fell on the shining hair.
I want to tell about a most delicious Willie, hmv can it be that you love �� this is Dora," she said, "the lit-
Cle Dora whose praises my Arthur was
The most accomplished man of the
worlcd among English novelists is An-
thony Hope Hawkins, who revels in
Deafness Cannot be Cured
es. We have
furnaces- We here man?
aryl.s and sizes to Be act
from. '
COMBINATION -gait voter
re concoction I have lately eneoun- VERY DIFFEREN'P. your grandma better than your own ,Elvia s sin in and of wham I grew
Ca • Y g g,
dinner -parties and receptions, and is
in social life. His M+ln-
by local applications ae they cannot reach the
of trio oar. Thore 18 only one
and warm air suited for t
many requirements
terecf"&r the first time, says a writer. ,Didn't- you tell me that new gown parentsl to be quite ,jealous? When he came
` a can l cast 1140? She allues lets me help myself to back from Sackville last spring he told
agreat favorite
ners are most agreeable., and he h•is
rlisca,rd portion
way to cure deafnesa, and that b conat}tu-
tional Deafnosq is caused b an in-
Write us if iouhaveany.
° """ thing to heat and we may be
velation o£ what Dake of yours
It was a rte
U^ougb to venture giving No, Robert; I told you it cost $39.98. Pie' me about the little country school
a ready wit and a Wyits4 flaw of
flstinod condition of the Mnrolia lining of the
'°`"""" able sue est something t
be, and good
- - --t•-•••^ = __ - -- - -.. -_ -. �- _ _ _ __ _• - —
Novelists, like artists, ars as differ-
Kuatachian Tube. When sh'e tubegeta
cr1 son have a rumbling o uid or Imperfect,
_ � __
>cl-�-_- _ .__ ___
- .:.
ent in manner and tastes as they are
in their melhhds incl ideals, Their
hearing, and when ttietwirelyalo•edd sfness
tathe result,andnnlesstheinflgmmation can be
to Ito
BROS 8l. New i
strong individuality makes them }n-
taken out and this tube restored normal
condiston, hearing will bin destroyed forever;
CLARE 1 BranebatWlnaipeg
Of 'rho 6j dist,
terest ing people to meet. So persis-
nine oases out of ten are Caused by catarrh,
Ree. Vftlora�
tently are they sought and lionized
time for serious
which isnothingblit an inflamed condition of
the mucous aurtacei
����� ����
that they her little
We will give clno Hundred Dollari for any
�� r• -r« _,. � � .-
VVbi 2 �,., -
work, in so gt•eat asocial cont re as
London, and are compel led to live out-
resect Deatnoss�oaueed byaatarrlUbhat ran-
not be cured by all's Ca arrh Cure. Send for
Royal i���ll� Sto�t�lShi� Co., '
o ,� __. �.
+� ..t ,-R
side in the country•
F. J. O1�ENEY SC CO. Toledo, O,
^ ,� - :.
�a Ya
r -.' ��=
HnU'e Fomtlygpills ore the boob.
Montreal to LIVer dei.
=-- -
- - ,==_ _---'�`�'"" `-- r v ,r,
- -_ �- --:- _-= �= -
=-==`=-= --- - -- �=-� 3s; ---- -- -__: = = �w r
m rn't misunderstand mo, .aid bream-
=_-_Y __='•_ `-.,,ns- , ry F „ %+- r fir -i
>• t g_=--' � �
derin ivlike; I ain't down on work.
Steamers sail from Montreal every Thursday
morning oa arrivnl of trains from Toronto and
^`�=�-�• - - � +" " - - '° ti• --- _
__---��_.G - ---= .rar-fl_ �I �:; "`" �. we
rs-w 'v
, You don't seem to have much Affec-
tion fur it, °aicl Plodding Pot e.
Dixon -Hear about Henry Pecks
tholVeetabout 'Jo'otook.
� •,
='w�---� �_iY a �� -� yey. �.
� eIL -o"li �Fic�r aLw- Sr
Yes, I have. Work is a good t'inEx•
Hixon -No, whrtt about him?
Second Cabin
_--• ,,._ •i-�''.'"--�--,
, ( ue - -
,_ r �._ - r,,-"`, M "-'atrlai �ot-'F.. f ;��-_- =✓— - =
If it wa';n'i fur work bow would all
3yixon-The yt, say his wife made it so
warm for him that he had to leave
Cabin R't2.6o and upwards,,
SU and and $36.26; Steerage to Llverpool,
_ �.twA rIN� "�- ! �t 1p r x"' -
' _,ttt , 'tl tub '�� .,
dose soap}e git money to give us?
London, GlaeRow, I3oIPa54 .l,oa<londorry or
$2'3.69 and "150.
,- Mr + J to �}„ � I t y l( e, . »
that's what I anti a
Arogdubtion of flro per cent is allowed on
1 ,I �-� r y
Viers �C _ apL-p \ �w�
Tek. Laxative 11tomo Qnininc Tablets, All Drus
shrewd move on his part.
round trip first nn t aocond cabin enationFor
Patltn a of atenmo nor othoi information apply
F- I �a'i „�1`j�t�111� ` `t
era[ `� \ 1�^ s�.�. __'_
-^ -
ginte refund the money It MAIN to Onre Ve.
to any authorized agent.
HIS ONLY CHANCE. ' '",. H. Bourltor, 1 Xing tat. W. Toronto.
I 1 ( It or EL & A Allan, 1ldontroaL
She• -•I do so hate to see a man walk-_ -__-.._ - _. _ __
dug along who sidewalk with his wife For Sale
following two or titre. Peet behind him. / 0y p Ogg
He --Perhaps that is his only chance __._______.__ ._________.-_••. _._,
to get ahead of her poor man. gUSAGNGASIN08-NowimportntinnsfnestEngliah a'""""'
S Rheep and Anwrtcan Lie Casinqa-reliable goods at
PAINFUL OPERATION. fight prices. PARK. BLAO�CWELL It CO„ Toronto. �� �� �������
Is that follow really a painless den- _ --~ a
Wit 4 , �lRndaee�aents td yotiy g mien deeiironsolof ��+yt
Almost.2The only, lialn I suffered taking up Cutthlaa Full ImMoulars on appil BLOW �'��
was when he extracted his fees. cation. rra VON08 ST., TORONTO.
wnw.wrrrI 10.+Irnr1, I Ia.vI _!. _.�.+ nsr_r..r.nrrann "� Its. Outlet, 4x3 Pulley.
AIu AYS a. Winner en " Good as News CheaipD
* Ludella Ceylon Tea . .,_• . a a� Cog'
The �V�ison ���l�s�l g
Halo the raputation of being the most regular in quality. 'Cry it. L;iTRItTMD,
Lead _Packages, aAc, 40c, Sac, and 6oa. IS ,Ldelaide Sfi. WeSk