HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-29, Page 3-
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� ,V7 . � said the duke fra3i Ir." -44 I I'll, IrWrIF . I
. � Aiwmma.- --- 11 ,-- I'll 11-11
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. . �� � � . � I .. � I I uk great favost to ask at. � .� 8804 ...... I ... . � ..... �� "I'll 1�1. � %Wd it is better to prepare for tholpf
, I I planting this fall by spading U
� I I.. CC myself I desire th% I 11711 . if tho
11" ti be pitt for ji "' : � ftrouad And properly enriching I ,tiierli
' LIZU&B D Ause"o, '' � t& ins newly set raqt* thau to
� P4 J may off for �& � .� ' I a of I . # � tit. a I,cth in . ,
DA1 � . sat.,, I . TRIA, - A 1 � W4
. ,rHE a A 31� , PARrIAP looked at his colleag 1. I , I #1 busy days of Spr1vg. Most
I �
� I NTLY ASSAS, 1). IQIA,9 8, so- ---- 1. , � 0; plants will be busy making .rDob
looked at him. By-aud- I . . to L I'l I I 1, I I 01
" . Ii �rl "I I I W she.. S of . ,a and
. I -0---090 I : 11.1 , 1. ""-4 . � � � growth during the winter motit#
.1 � � . � will be putting up Qwl-e bunches Qf
� � i , a request anything to A 1, Bike Wag 16 ! T014 1 , TO CA . I e
� A � ' ) � I ther examination into J, wao'k-Me4v W0011111,11. And land wbAra Bed to also . . I r 1163v a before we could work- the
I . THE MAGAIA OF k , ASTERPIEGE If it ry I A her I � SbA p , the idea With Acid: S ground. Besides. planted two fall
I ,. . Ila. the prisoner ? 114. orWPO per" to Mier-Ve In a Vills was
. . Do W1 k. Ir Y, ears, out carefully fr, they are notao apt tobe Scratched up
L f I . �, I . :in - 14 1410 CAffairs. sold r t had cost. by chickens or pulled up by the .
� I . wl, interrupted the potent Elizabo For years too deep, with a ver,,, - I _ -
11 I
... g in the president's look . � th ot Austria has a ba,d suffered from AV, . mouth of some marauding anim4l as
., \ picuto f r many years in - sciatioa,; the disease grew so that scrape the cob with th%,,::::
"Once, Duke, when the. count had '' avo detected va.riouts shades and � � ok him on the instant as -1 If but newly plitatod, too-senina,tito
a ,
t a 8 �some years ago she was obligad to all the milk. ,:� �� earth thereby in the apring day's.0
made two or three rapid ,a - ons dixeotions of - rope for the�fl ent efforts he Dislaolv� AA .1 . �
. ad impot 1, feelings. Fully% 0� and it led him to ask , give up her favorite exercise of horse- tartaric acid in nine ta4
I called upo -him again third of the assemblage were of 04 . Old a , lospoonfuls —
ous Wages, A � �� 11 t% edly that a refusal t a -, made to av 4 1' official dutio back riding. §ha then took to walk- I , )
to desist, and I used Ian; a �� 0 -� paLrician class, and it wits plainly - , - be next to impossible ,� I use a tablespoon
I 14 .. �tions 0.0ta, g to her pool- Ing long distances, twenty or tweW- water and .ful totw FRUIT STAINS.
this. Said 1: 'Count, it yp ," Ora t, be seen that su. -1 .� 7 Is
their sympathies- Marquis Steffano :IV:: Y . , I five miles a day, This the doctors al- quarts of cora, Add two. teacupf.w., The canning and preserving days
I ' , I
0 " to 14d 1;6V own life in her ,
A*-- If you drim ins to the verge. of , - as -they had -were with the man w idea.? Has he sought to in ' . . (so stopped this spring, #ad a few of hot water a reqttil
. ' '' ,red amp4nt leave their imprint on the fingers, It
"IMP-irar to myself, I shall kJU you., ese had been Slain. A few of them r6-- in any way with regaxd to' : 1' � `. -,This : ad to many ao. ka ago it was announced that the
. . to th
.. bA4
.. I ,
. I I I 1 wee
4 words, which in the gre�t anxiety of garded the priwner with Signs of 'Irp, isoner'a fate T' Cuss, of:' �ocoentl I , Y against her,; rheumatism from which She suffered (If "Ora, at'r the acid w4tor throu "It the hands are dipped in strong tea,
� I
I " J'� � ii�,a
. - I and", 1, times to , iclon as to bar, was incurable and must lead to her the mass and cook 15 and then rubbed well with a nail
the moment I meant. for a Sol , emu gret; and another few -a very few.-, ,, Ava ted EL few moments, during all '' utes, , r-
I n %. , I us , '. i death within a few months. The Em- riag of tea to prevent Soo - .
I ,
� waxiiing, never, so help me ho.oAven I looked upon him kindly. Evide before, Baron Dodero look- "nit . which was a4 . ngthened by the rcAitng to a brush, the sitting will usually disap-
", -
dreaming of doing him mortal 'harm, they had helard the Ljuth front the 0 . his colleagues, while his collea- , '' , press's eccentricities and h,3r long bottom of 'b I he
. . .
ant, or had conversed with a . . fact It she W44 " the - kot tie. Can .0-L s on linen, it
the marquis would �korture into a* Serge looked at him -then he went on, .,, . member of the withdrawals from society have repeat- ,;, , " ,
deadly threat on m I t I ask you, one who had been witness of t.he d th the weight and force of consci- Wittolstbach K% I $,'!j- n which insanity edly led to a report that she had 68- usual manner. On opening i:p,r L , Lo
. , - 'nit . 11 Should be remembered, may be remov-
I , �
, 11
do you believe tii.'?� pa ,,.� . . �, I The others of the audience, by ,,,rectitude in look and tone. has broken but �r eatedly, the two come insane anti was confined in 'an each quaxt add a lovel teasooll Of ad with oxalio acid, if the first treat-
. ,
"Yes, Zanotti," repli e duke, the majority, were of the plebeian see, signora, that he has. Par be ) ,�,
lieve you. and, as was natural, sympathized wi h it from me tospeakagainst my broth- best.. known oagoq f Late years being asylum. She preserved her fine fig- sod, dissolved in a, little Ny46r#,L to meat of boiling water is not success -
promptly and frankly, ' ure and much of her beauty to the �
implictitly. I firmly believe every word the accused; and, further, Lliay were er; yet, I am justified in telling you, the' 100, KIng dwig 11. and the neutralize the acid, seal -
, - la4. She came oat of retirement, a ;,Iajpt . ill ful. A solution of the requisite
strength its an ounce anti a half of 1,be
you have spoken. Oh I I wish it lay in not 6ackwaxd in showing it. But their in the present instance that his in- prescnt�, **d Ki g Otto, I making her first appearance at a five minutes, season It �. bu.0'. r, o ystat to two gills of water. As soon
my po,wex to save you I But, alas I-", sympathy could not serve the man to contives are not good; his desire Is I , I art function, last spring wh n a oream, suit, pepper and a I . Is au ; r. r
),Her fa�th-or was Maximilian Joseph, Go e ght t as the stains disappear, the cloid
L "Say no more, my lord. . cour S in clear wa-
. I understand whout they so readily gave it, though purely selfish and unjust. I give you ,h
the kindly looks he met upon man of the Birkenfeld-Zweibrucken . ou , -
the situation fully; and I know that y my word that I am firmly convinced 46lid t ball two of her grandolau .rt 1 Id the corn take on a yell," v should be quickly rinsed
I , , - were introduced to society, ' - ye " �
-n li'l
the la,w of the land dooms me. But an honest and intelligent face served that Zanotti is guilty; a,nd though I br�nq)!,.�4 the family, which beforet ' u ,,dt,d add a ter, and it is a good planto ptit a little
I he; The Empress Elizabeth was tin ed _I tinge after adding the soda.� I . '
._ ammonia on the spot quickly to neut-
I could not rest if I thought you be- W lighten his heart for the moment should not wish you to believe that I�roxidh:js�kution ruled as independ- cated woman and a generous patron few dropsof acidwater, which may , alize any acid that may be remain-
� % . r
lieved ins capable of the crime your and call up a grateful emotion. sucl.. a thought could influence me in , --1 'of literature and art. Her favorite: kept for the purpose, or sharp.vIneg r
so -,; - small fragment I
I brother would fasten upon tue." The court had not walted to enter the least degree in wishing harm to #,, �pvoreigns over a poet was Heins; she ha,ol a monument" Lng.
. "
. . � "I do not believe It, singor; I have with a flourish. The chief justice was the culprit; yet, his death will re- of -06rman territory. Since that time may be used instead. Should thef,o . .
. to him erected on the grounds of her I be a slight 8
. not believed it from the first,. I may in his sea.t when the prisoner euLered, move a source of deep concern -a. its lands have remained incorporated Achilleion ,when one German town acid tas.te, add a litO TO CLEAN BLACK BILKS.
. tell you -no word Siteffano could have with six. of his compa.nions of the coun- source of danger. in fact, from my in the kingdom of Bavaria, while the after another was refusing to do him more soda. rl
I spoken, had I heaxd no denial from oil as associates, and that may account way. With this assurance on my . 14. rf " When a thrifty Frenchwoman whh-
.. L yourself, would have led me to believe for the quietness of the assembled part, will you not grant me the favor 'Lamily has retained its royal rank, its that honor. Besides speaking well the � By Boiling: Crowd corn, i�ut f [a .. as to clean black SUIL she brushes it
you capable of such a deed. BuL," Spectators. I ask?" . members being entitled Dukes and languages of civilized Earope,she was the cob. as before, into Cali% gl � , 8,
. said to be able to speak all the L. thoroughly and wLpas it with a cloth.
ton � , , .
I the duke went on, after a short Pause, There is no need that we should The baron and his Companions con- Ducheases in Bavaria, in Buiera. It' gues found in the babel of the itu.:1 pressing very firmly as you . ' I Then, after Lt is free from dust, lays it
trying ,hard to put on a cheerfulness pr,esent in detail the proceedings Of ferred together for a little time, and was so far removed from the succes-'tro-Hungarian monarchy, and when' moderately tight, set into a I "'
whioli he� did not feel, "it is not impos- the court. The prisoner, Ju" Zan- finally, without further question or Sion to the throne that Du Maximi . well past middle life, thinking I flat on a board and sponges it with
ke _, to live bring to boiling and cook three .
sibba that there may be hope yet. oni, painter, was duly arraigned, the remark, unanimously granted his re- on a Greek island, she took up the . 41" hot coffee which has been strained
� Thexe may one chance. If you can chaxge and the specifications read bY quest. He thanked them kindly, and lian was able to give his children 'a study of. Greek and learned to speak � open caus for a few seconds : ,, .1, I through muilLu and freed from hedi-
If . -
o �
provei you can cause the coundil to a clerk, after which he was asked if he shortly thereafter the audience was at senBibl,,, and unroyal education in it. , ; tight and boil one hour. et Q'x� � ��'�, - ment. The isLlk is sponged on the
, believe--Lhat the killing of Denaxowas was gailty. He ples4ed in a Clear, an end and the Session closed. ' right side, allowed to become half dry.
I dental; that he furiously firm "d resonant tone, "Not Guiltyl" the country, so that nearly all of The crime committed upon her is 8, fore removing from the at , , a 1-
. I Par I " On the morning of the next day particularly cowardly land senseless' and then Ironed on the wrong side.
,tt:,ky,d you; that yolx did not once And then the trial proceeded. Marquis Steffano was astir earlier them, as they grow up, showed char. One nod corn must be kept dar . Thf �4 The coffee removes every particle of
seek his life, bult that, in the end, an Zanoni, through the keeper of the than usual. He pr9cured his break- actor and independence and a readi- I r one about can be beat done by putting e4c can anti restores the brLiliancy of
practically unattended, it being her . grease
acoident, tinforseen and utterly im- prison, had called upon a legal friend fast at an hour which the servants ness to do things that other princes custom to walk or rLde ahead of the, illu a paper bag. ,', the silk without giving it the shiny
�01 possible to prevent, caused the fatal to conduct his cause, and his counsel thought wonderfully out of season for few persons in her. suite. When her I Canned Corn and Tomatoes - Seal f cly and papery
� . . do not generally do. The Empress's ci� app
- result -if you can show to their satis- was Present by his side. The duke him, and then proceeded to the prison incognito was really unknown and! ' �tiffness which results from beer, or
�; .: . fa�ticln you may -be spared." was not in the room, or he was not where he found the keeper just a.rriv- eldest brother is Duke Karl Theodor, she Could feel safe from the a.linoy- . peel and ellice not very ripe tomatoqfi indeed any other liquid oxcept am-
I Ahl Duke, Duke, you are drawing ,visible. The attorney who Conduct- ad. He bad come to ask when Zanoni who, after studying ki� ance of being stared at, she often in the proportion of two-thirds tqm4- monia and water, which last does not
. I upon your own goodness of heart, up- ed the proseoution, member 'of the would be hanged; and he asked with I toes and offe-thira corn, out catzefully freshen the color and gloss of the silk
.., . -on -your, own sense of justice and right, council and a .man possessing an an eagerness that appeared well-nigh A PHYSICIAN AND AN OCULIST - went about alone- from the cob. Cook together 15 nit � n-, a,s coffee does. The sLIk is much im-
. You know the oltaxacter and temper abundant flow of language, presented brutaL in the estimation of Luigi has established a private hospital o"I proved by the process, and the good ef-
of Baron Dodexo and his assooiates. his side of the Case. According to his Maraccini, whose respect for him, we latea, salt to taste amd can. Keep in fect is permanent.
�. When they have heard the story which 'views of the matter they were there axe already aware, was not of a high the Togernsee, and has the reputation, SOLDIERS NOT NECESSARY. the dark. We emphasize this point as Silk should never be ironed with 0,
I Siteffana, has to tell-" impartially -without fear or favor- order. He looked at the visitor re- of being one of the best oculists liv-, — men allow their Can% to hot iron put directly on the silk. Al-
1'. . "Al"I" broke in Antonio with a, assembled to examiaie, candidly , and flectively; and it the latter had been lug, �¬har brother gave ,up his � Fo—ra Nation to be prepared for Conlin Stand in the light and wonder why ways lay t,hLn wrapping paper, such as
groan, "hc-4 has told it. He told it last into the faets attending one of the lessblinded byhis own self-sufficiency, rights to the succession in order tol goncles. is used by our best dry goods stores,
. . the contents do not keep. over it, and iron through the paper.
) I night before they made out the order most foul, wicked, base, cowardly, he would have seen the lurking con- rry the woman he loved. One sis I String or Butter Beane: We use
� . for your detention and preferred their brutal, Crust, cold-blooded, dastardly tempt that otIrled the close lips and me' - I There is no ground for believing that either of two methods. Boil 10 min- When stitching thin silk or, indeed
.. -ohaxge." k and fiendish murders that it had ever shadowed the watchful eye. The offi- ter was the plucky ex-Queeii of Nap- until the bumls, race ends war wit closely any goods flimsy enough to draw in
!, . "Well," pursued the prisoner, with a been his Inisfortafie to contemplate. I utes in quite salt water, pack the machLue, lay paper over it alid and
� nor answered after a pause: les, who tried to make a inam Of the! end, or for supposing that the feelings in Mason's self -sealers, drain the cans paper will tear
.. gloom he could not overcome, The Maxquise Steffa.no Franese, bro- "You must ask the noble duke that imbecile Francis Wen u iquor at the bot- stitch through. The
. .. � "knowing all you know, can you, hon- ther of the Duke Antonio, was the first question, signor. I Can not answer II., another was the, which really cause war will ever be away eaAly along the line Of perforse.
. . eatly and understandingly. tell me to witness Called; and the court consented Duchesse d'Alencon, who perished in' . I tom. becomes below I)oiling tempera- tLoas made -by the needle. -
; hope 11 that he, should be allowed to go on and it. ' , ' , Has not the order for his execu- the I 'Bazax do Charite fire in the Rue' eXtingbished by arbitration, or that ture during the rather slow processof
.. 44k "Berhaps not. And yet, it is a tell his story of the faots, as he had tion been issued?" Jean Gonjon at Paxis last year, and small armieB will ever again do the I Packing. Cover an inch in depth with ------------ V --
I saying not to be forgotten, and which been eyewitness from first to last. , work of large, says the London Specta- I the boiling salt and water in which
- . "In all probability, Signor Marquis, who, when a girl, refused 'to beeome't,, herefore, if I they were cooked and - hermetically LIKE A SENSIBLE MAN.
every man in your situation may ban- His story can be imagined. We will his lordship, the chief justice, attend- - . � Seal. For the table drain and cook
,�, � estly xepmt to hinaself. 'While there sta,Ylip&vever, he was wise inthe telling led to his duty. 14 he did, the order queen of Bavaxia by marrying Lud- I th I
, . I . rganized for an hour or until tender in plenty of Ile prince of lVales Conducts Illin-
. � I is life there is hope.' I can say 'no More , than once he really -forced issued from the court yesterday. I wig 11. I war, and the object, ija the interest .
. � ,more than that; It is not much." tears into his eyes. He was a fin- can Only teli you it ham not been sent I of fresh water. Season with milk, but- How I self fit Private Life.
. At thit� point Zononi bent his head in ished actor,; and he simulated grief to me." The mardered Empress was the sea- I their permanent happiness, is to re- ter, pepper and a little granulated su-
..,. 4
... ... thought, and so remained for a Con- and anguish to perfeotion. He more "And you know nothing of ilb?" ond daughter of Duke Maximilian, duce the burden, and the misery, and gar. The prince is not .what commercial
: -siderable time, the duke meantime than interested his audience; he thrill- Big- and was born on Christmas e, Second Method: Cook not quite as .
.. - waiting patiently, and with true sym- ed and electrified; and when he came "I know nothing of the order, 9'e Of, the waste involved in that great fact tender as for the table in quite a men wOuid call wealthy, but he has
., t, �, nor." 1837. She ,vyas therefore in her sixty-: to the lowest practicable point. Noth- large amount of water, When nearly plenty, and his eatablishmeak is man -
`1 pathy. He started to think once more to his peroration, where he pictured Steffano saw clearly that the keeper first ear. Late into middle life shel'ing would reduce it so much as certain- done add not quite a pint of salt to
... -of the fate that had set his dear ward the loving, trusting count, beaten would not trust him with the secrets Y .1 aged on strict and careful principles.
� 8 was held to be one of the mos ever four quarts, then can as before.
.� free from a great ditiager, but he put down by the dastard betrayer of his of ld off ice. He was very angry, t bea.utl- ty that exceedingly short training, Y
a 001, I For the, table, drain very dry on a It has been asserted that members of
-� I it away as ankind-as treacherous. Aye, life's holiest joy. then pictured his but h Id do nothing to , help the ful woman in Europe, and she was training which our grandfathers would soft cloth, boil 10 minutes in unsalted the royal family travel free of expense.
. �� I he ,told himself -and he meant it -that death, and there for a brief space matter, he could only resolve, in his particularly proud of her long hair, 1 have considered worthless, is sufficient water and season as before. The truth isil quite the Opposite. One
;,� '.
. give him ba,ok, at that very moment, were in tears. Then came the final my
, it he could save the man, if he could paused, fully a third of his hearers he power should falling to the ground, which she was to furnish an ar with go-od rank and Another way we like very much:
.:.. ever be his he would pay the man fond of wearing loose, even on public' of the Prince of Wales' heaviest items
I., to life) and liberty, he would do it, and word. -,a, picture . of the murderer. back in a manner he should remember occasions. She was but a few months'f'lo, so that, in fact, the barrack& may Cook half tender in slightly .gaited .
risk the saving of his ward afterward. "God have mercy on hinA I I can not I" water, drain and wk in cans, cover of expenditure is the cost of traveling.
,: ever after. over 16 years of age, when she was'not be required for the military pre- with weak boiling vine -gar or half Wherever they go both the prince and
�. , Or perhaps he ,might make the painter At that point, as he resumed his seat,
,P , promise uevexl to see the princess again a groan burst from the assembled From the prison our marquis made married to the Emperor Franz Joself,'paratiOn of the Masses of a people., vinegar and half water. Cooking
., ' his way to thel office of the Council of in April, 1854. A romantic at A princess are Very lavish in " tips."
. or. cry is
.. short time in fresh water removes all
. the price of the fav ' On the whole people as from one bosom. The coun- Twenty, determined, if possible, to told of,,the Marriage, which, o Even a German army would*think the The idea prevails here and there that
. that would be the beat thLag that Be] for the prisoner cross-questioned know when the hanging was to be. He Emperor's part at least, wa the acid taste. Or, they may be put
., -could happen. the marquis sharply; but in no part 8 , love: conquest of Switzerland a serious un- when taken up into the prince has special privileges in re -
I found a clerk and two or three minor match. His mother, the Archoluch- I dertaking, and there are in Switzer- gar and are a nice pickle. gard to his visits to the theater. The
, I . fily-and-by Zanoni looked up and -at no point -could he shake him. sweetened vine-
. Spoke. � There was a deep earnestness His lies had been fully committed, officers in the place, but no member ess Sophia, had decided that he shodid land no private soldiers by profession, - I -- ,
� In his -voice and a now light in his ex- and no falsehood Of the council. The clerk could tell marry the eldest daughter of Duke I except artillery. Even in the beat dis, only privilege he has is that of being
. . was too glaring, no him nothing, for , .
prossive eyes. , untruth too bold or absurd, to cause the simple reason Maximilian, who subsequently bZme ciplined regular armies the duration CHOICE a royal patron, though there is hardly
.:. "my lord, I have a, question to ask that he had nothing to tell. Princess Thurn and Taxis, and Franz RECIPES.
�. him a moment's hesitation. of actual service with the colours'has Warm Slaw -Cut a nice fresh Cab any privilege managers would not
�.". of you-& question to me of deepest As a final resort the seeker after Josef, who throughout his life ba's'in our own time been extraordinarily _
pl I , import." The prisoner was not allowed to knowledge resolved to visit the chief been an easy-going man, was ready to bage into shavings and put into a grant to so constant, kindly and sym-
I" 11 ( speak for himself; it being a natural justice at his dwelling. He would comply with her wishes. He therefore' reduced, and we see little evidence in deep earthen dish. Cover it close_ pathetic a supporter of the stage. When
.11.,- if Ask what you. please. Iwillanswer, supposition of the court that a man not ask the duke. In tFuth, he dared visited his future father -in -I I the Franco-German war that compara- the prince desires to go to a theater
�. .- . . I can." I . who could -commit Yj murder would Rtih ..ee*, fe aw prle-� Uvely raw reor*ts are so much worse ly, .4ad set it on the top Qf �tho. stove,
1; -k.. � ., ". � , , I.. "It is nqt � - Much -perhaps to you fabricate - gn3r -at=bor -of, &Isehoodt; .to i ared, to,exatte-Antbigo �parhAmlyto the.annou-neement Of th"soldlers' - fli i 6uirli � a �g-` -
.. .. nothing. I think my trial is'to take ' . . than"the older -men in the re- br in a, iatherebol dve'n for h'a'lf an tt'hoi la-600ked for him r
,. oono�al his guilt. His coufisel, how- ur er while Za,nohi lived'.' ' engagement, but, before- meeting his, giments. The Americans have tested hour till it is warm all through, but
., i . p1lace this forenoon." ever, told his story, as far as he was ; To Be Continued. I out in tin ordinary way. If what is
. . destined bride, caught sight of a the theory for us again. and they have usually understood to be the roya I box
� .1 "Yes; ten ct'olbok was the hour nam- allowed to go, simply and truly, and I 1� . young, girl, hardly more than a child, I found that with good officers ancFan do, not let it get so heated as to boil. is already booked � then the previous -
- I ; .ed. It is near at hand." it had a marked effect on a portion in the woods, and able staff three months, instruction Then make a dressing of a quarter of purchaser is politely asked to waive his
� " . . "Aye, very near. Now, Duke, will of the audience. ' N LOVE i turns out men competent to f! lit gr t a pound of butter, half a pint of warm right, that is all. Whenever this is
I.: ea
t once. On finding out battles against regulars, and , ob- water, a little salt and cayenne. Boil
You tell in% if I am condemned to Three of the city guard, who had A TOUCH NG INCIDENT. with her E, It It 'Pr done the waiver is always specially
'. die, will you see me again?" been engaged in the prisoner's arrest — that she, too, was a daughter of the lem approaches much nearer solution. thanked in a letter frorff the prince's
� , ::Certainly, if you desire it." were called to testify. They clearly Pathetic Scen;e fit One of the Cublan 41 -files. Duke. he insisted very nation coul this mixture in a sauce -pan, and pour
. . What I meant was, if you would be swore to the killing -or, two of them . . d defend itself if secretary.- Years ago, when the prince
I his wife, and had his will in spite of; three months' drill would' make sot- it hot over the. warm cabbage; send it was known to have booked a box, if he
.. . permitted so to do." did -because they had seen it; but Hanger in its acute stages is said his mother's Objections. 1 diers, for every nation it it pleases can to table immediately. This is a did not arrive in time the curtain was
�p "Ali I I inow understa,nd you. Yea, when their answers began to tell un- to destroy natural affection and all The young Empress was received afford artillery, supply departments, kept down, and his appearance was -
I . 'there is no power can keep me from mistakably in the prisoner's fAvor the humane instincts, leaving nothing I coldly by her mother-in-law and by and a sufficient body of ed Frenob. method of dressing cabbage, made known by the band playing (be
tiny Part of my prisons, nor from ,any they were incontinently dismissed. ticated of-
, risoner whom I Choose to visit." but selfish animal frenzy. This effectl the court at Vienna. She found the ficers. It would be possible, in fact, to Meat Pie -Place a thick, rump national anthem. When this came to
I p 'IQ 11 There were no arguments beyond I etiquette and ceremonial irksome aft- mainlain great armies for defence steak, well larded, in the bottom of a the knowledge of the prince he was
" 1-�upposo, pursued the painter, "it th%t; no cha,rge by the judge ; no- of famine is, of course, ; er the open-air life to which she had'WithoUt developing militarism, which sauce -pan. Cut some bacon in small very much annoyed and requested that
'i. . . should W your wish to put off the exe- thing but the decision of the court, very Young Victims as in adults. Oc- been accustomed, and never became' would lift one of its greatest bur both he and the princess should be
, -Cation Of the sentence of the court. for which was arrived at as follows:
.11, dens
, I ,a .time, could you do that, or cause it to Each of the seven judges -the chief casionally the finer feelin i reconciled to it. Her divinclinationto from the whole of,the white race, wh pieces and lay over the steak, season treated exactly the same as any other
.�`, � . Submit to formalities increased in tat-, in fact, would give their liv to 0,
be done T' remain unbrutalized. i es 8 with pepper and salt, pour over this playgoers. Their royal highnesses in-
1� , . and his six associates -were given a When these . 01-
- i er life, so that in recent years she diering only when required. a little water and stew until tender variably arrive in good time, and where
,I, , 'Yes." The duke had reflected a small slip of bla.nk paper by the clerk, are manifested in adults, both a.dmir- had rarely appeared at any c a separate exit is provided always re.
1. . littlebeforehe aaswered. And he now upon which they wrote. Then an Offi- ation and pity are aroused in the ob-i � ourt before putting into the pie, Make a
.�, functions. She preferred Budapestand . main untiA the fall of the curtain.
- - Paused. again. Presently he went on: car in waiting, brought a small black rich paste and put a thick lining There are tbenters without .1 private
il "By a pe,ouliax fiction of the law.the . . server; but there can be no more ap- I Hungary, where the restrictions were POPE LEO'S RICHES.
box, with an opening in the coverand not so great, to Vienna. As a result, around the sides and on the bottom of entrance; at these houses the prince
%', Duke of, Paxma is custodian of the lives gh t pealing sight in all the terrible phen- I . .
�:: of his subjeots, a,nd no person, no mat throu his aperture each justice, in I she was never popular,in the Austrian — leaves a few minutes before the fall
, - turn, beginning with the chief, drop- omena of starvation than the altru,81111 capital.
", 1 IrOlinalled at $20,000,000-Iffe Olviag a Din. a baking dish; put in the meat and of the curtain simply that his carriage
- ter what his office, nor how criminal, ped his slip of paper. of a child. A writer relates what he She bore her husband four children, linland Valned at $4,000,000. gravy, adding a piece of butter the
"I *an be executed until he shall have may not disturb the ordinary arrange -
1, . Then the clerk takes the box, and,
;. signed the warrant for his death, or, saw in One of the Cuban cities. ofwhomtwo daughters arenow living, Pope Leo XIIT., Is said to have ac- size of an egg. Put on the top crust, ments at the principal entrance. No-
. . with it in his hand, mounts a plat- I the Archduchess Gisela, married and bake until it is a light brown. body, in fact, coin be more courteous
�, I had better say, until he has endors- f(,m which lifts him into the view of In a recess of the wall between two tO'eumulated more wealth during his
!� ed It. I believe the privilege of the all -in the chamber. The of Prince Leopold, second son of t and considerale Ih,,n the prin . a ... not
�, ficer who angles of a public building crouohed,l li`;�Pontificate than any of his prede,,,- Serve in dish it Is cooked in.
duke to withhold his name for Cause brought Prince Regent of Bavaria, and the, Apple Water Ice -Pare and core princess on these and all other Coca-
; the box now commands sit- some twenty or thirty miserable hu- Archduchess Valerie, married to sors in the chair of St, Peter. Pius,some fine juicy apples, not too tart. 8iOns- I
.� has been exercised but twice since the enoel and for the next twentyiseconds
1, laiw was so framad . Archduke Franz Salvator of tha Tits- IX. collected $10,000,000, and thrit was Cat them inpieces, into a preserving-
.. " , Ift gTa,ndfather, a, pin might have, been heard to fall man beings, in a] I stages of emacia- I
one --my , cany branch of the Hapsburgs. Her � looked uporn as a large sum, But Leo' kettle with enough water to float them. FOR MEDITATION'S HOUR.
i who preceded me On the thr e tion. They were "reconcentrados." . .
, hold the . i first child. a daug ter, died at the' . . Boil until they tire reduced to a pulp, —
k father, alas, did not live to Pretty soon the chief juRiics makes A lady with a. bright smile upon age of 2 years at III dapeat, and with is said to have acquired twice usl
�, soepter-my grandfather withheld his
1. , ,endorsement from the death warrant a signal. to the clerk. and he proceeds own the 'her then strain; and to each pint. of apple gonke t.entle Thoaght..4 that t, 11 d
� ,�' . I, the final scene. He lifts the cover her face came d steps of a death, the E press's marked much for the ,Vatican. The greater water add halt a pint of good sugar soollhe and Ille4s. n at an
�'.� of o, man who had been convicted of avoidance of society *a said to have part of the money is said to be de- syrup,the juice of onelemon,and tv�o
i: , of the box a,nd takes out a slip of large hotel near -by, and passed along I
" . Murder, and he did it upon the assur- paper, which he holds up, and reads the street. Her smile faded when she first become noticeable. A touching posited in the Bank of E ngland, and I tablespoonfuls of cold water ; when No cord or cable coin draw so forcibly
li�. � story was told of this event in Outing or lyincl so fast as love 'can with only
�, the remainder rests in various other this is entir
� ance of a person in whom he had en- aloud, what he finds written thereon. caught sight of the hopeless group, some years ago, On returning to the eiy Cold put it to &�Oezv.
" tire faith, that the man supposed to "Guilty I Death I" Roil Jelly Cake -Take three eggs, ft single thread.
t�',�., .* have been murdered was still alive. And as he goes on, to the next, and and she stood still in pained and sit- I palace after the funeral the Empress, E,uropean hanks. It is said thal thol beatthe yolks withone cupfulof pow- Tt. is the unscrupulous and slippery
, I " ; And it so proved. The members of the next, until the seven $lips have ant pity. The poor wretches stretch- who had borne herself unmoved in the Holy See is now free from debt-, the dered white. sugar and three table- -
'Ic the council were veryin4ignant with heen drawn forth and their verdict ad out their hands. and the little ones church, was going up the steps with few I sweet cremn, be:Lt the man who suspects roguery in every
v I � I the old duke when he announced his her husband, with the court following obligations remaining at the,BPOonfuls Of quarter and ridic.ples the very idea of
'I, determination; but I amity troubles had announced,; and in the end the chief ran to hey, and lifted up their pinch- whites to a stiff froth,th,ri beaLthem
�11` ,rise.% in his place, and the prisoner is ed fa' I them, when a big dog with which the death of Pius JX. having been settled thoroughly with the yo;ks and suglr;i disinterest edness.
, 1.� softened his heart, and he was not to Called upon to do likewiqe. Then in a ops, begging for a, Coin "in God's baby was accustomed to play came by Leo. The annual budget of the sift one heaping teaspoonful of baking! ']*here are two ways of heing happy.
i � .1 � ". swerved from his purpose." him I voice .which he has trained to reach narne.'" ; hounding down to her. She burst in-, Vatican is said to show a yearly sue- powder with one cupful of flour and!
��:; "I suppose the council forgave the uttermomt, depth of vocalization, Cen(ivos and pesetas were bestowed' to tears, dropped, on the ground Ile- , may either diminish our wants or
I . I plus. add to the otbk,r ingredien I
. is; atir -wel I � We
ii in the end?" freely from the lady'& purse ; hat'side the dog and sat there crying ov- I
9"., he pronounces: i moderately'laugmtent our means. Either will do --
0: "Yes; bat they were never quite "Juan Zanonil You have been duly what distressed her more than all was er him till the Emperor was able tol How muchof the nioney(,Qllected lly h-ated oven. While hot remove front; the retsuP is the same, and it let for
and bake immediately in a
,;W�. leased, after all. More than one of and impartially tried before this aug- the despair stamped upon the face of !ead her to her rooms. The dog slept Leo Xfll. was given to him f(or his
- , .
1, P the pan and lay on 41, Cloth wet wit It, each to decide for himself and do that
�:. . . , them declared that an innocent man ust: tribunal on tho charge. of a, wil- one little girl, not more than seven in lier bedroom till it died, and She personal benefit and how much for cold water. Spread with jelly and roll' .
,���:, hai better be executed than that a law. ful murder of a noble of Parma. The years old, who did not. inove nor Shunned Budapest for years, Wh, n the Holy See is not knot,t n. I he Val ue which may happen to be the easier,
"', -, quickly. Sprinkle with powdered
," of the, realm sbould be set at haugbt.', court unanimously declares you guil- speak. . She Sat- near a woman and her husband was crowned King of Of personal prpsent4 made to him whito sugar. All .sincere tind earnest lives, seeking
�,.,,� . Before further remark could be made ty I It also condemns you to two smaller- children, who lay on the Hungary, however, after the disasters since hA came to the Papal tbrone Is
,,:.?. the keeper appeared with the annqun(e- death I" ground, apparently helpless. I : of 1886, the Hungarians presented the said, however, to exceed $I 000,000; Custard Ilie-1,'our eggs well beaten, I roalities, and spurning shams, I Itea r
. . ,l . .1 and the objects are so numer one quart of Sweet milk, itrid half a within them the elements of true sue-
!.'' atent that the officer had arrived from Drawn by her great, pleading eyes Did Castle of Godollo to her; she took us as
.. � He added no supplication to I 7 to cupful of granulated Sugar. Bake I oess, whi le I hose who waste their pow-
,, the council chamber, and that his pris- the the lady went to the, child and offered - 0, liking to the place, where she was to const tate a collection wor W
-, Onor was demanded. ho soul of the able to live the. open-air life she lov-1be placed in a museum. P .1 under brust only. Custard pie is
,,r,,,�' I a coin. The haggard little creature i , Ix. with s
i'�'! "Dukel" said Zanonl, speaking quick- unforhiwite man. That was all, and glared at it a moment, and then, I ed, and spent. much of her time there. I received possibly an many, bu he is best when cold. or. in seeking shidows where no suh-
, ly and eagerly; "if You should In with t1rd 4hp prisoner was removed snatching the money with a. wild, She was fond of animals, and e9pecial-'Bald to have given them away as rap- -- strinno is will fail even in their own
11 from thp chqrnber, wb-rp h- w,is plitc- shrick, darted across the street to (he' ly of horses, She. was called the host idly as hi� received thourt, and for that poor aim.
Ii,�". I . your heart desire that my execution . FALL GARDENING.
�. i
.�,� I ed, not in thn niry npnrt.mcnl� he b,id nearest Store. . horsewoman in Europe, an,i would, reason'be never accumulated so many Itisthe babituril thought. that frames
. . Should bel put off to a,day in the future previously occupi-d, hut in a deeper I US fire owned by Loo XIIL, who Every womna has at her command
; � . . . -say, one or two weeks -you would Directly she, returned with a inof,' ride at anything wb�n bunting. Sho has . Itself into our life. It nffpets us more
r . not hesitate to do it?" and more gloomporric place. Yet it.smelling it ravenously and almost took great interest, too, in horse kept all his. some kind of x window, variously con- than our inlimate social relations (to.
I "No, I would not," replied Antonio, i was not such n. drintreon as hq h tol � lieking It with her longing .,tongue;, breeding. I Some idea of the value of them may ditioned, in which sonic one or more Our confidential friends have not so
il I . I . promptly. I I ex!)P&Pd- I't was of anorl ,size, with a. Iltit As did not tasis the broad. Ru.n-! She withdrew more and more from' be gathored ff'oln the fact that Prest- house plants, may be cared for dur- !a"oll to do with Hhnping or influene-
"'.thank you. If I am condemned and 1 large it indow overloolting tho r r, ning to the wretched woman 01,000,()()(). n it diamond Ing our liven as thoughts have which
...., I _ ivn 8, lying court functions, and after the tragic dent. Kruger gave hitt
il,., Su �
�, . Sentenced, as of course I shall be, you I romfortnl)le bed and respeoltalill, fuin- on the ground with hF,r little ones,[denth of her Only son, the crown worth ch gifts tire of Ing the dark days. If you cannot we horhour.
� I , I I will come to me in my prison before ilurp. W, leoxned Ifiter that it was she thrust t hi loaf into her hand and Prince Rudolf, was rarely seen by the � Course rare. But his collection con- have flowers you may at least have By striving to obtain and to cherish
i an apartment intended for nobles un- .
,. .. the order for my execution is issued?" then throw herself on her face in the I Vierinpae. She had drifted away from' tains 26 tia.ras of gold Set with 0,11 foliage, and when the snow lies white clear and true ideas of right, by am -
T. .. "I will do so without fail. And,onee der charge for political crime, or dust., sobbing and shivering with ut-!her husba-lid, too, as her children kinds of precious stones, $19 cro4ses of over phasizing them in our clonduct, lind rlif�
;�. more, -let us hope--" wealthy men shut up for civil offen- to, grief. The lady was deeply affect- I grew up. Through all bc�r eceentrici- gold ornamented In the same way and the hilltops ttnd the wind roars fusing them through our influence, we
:�. , "No, no; I know what the decision roA who could afford to pay for Corn- ed, and seeing a soldier, who seemed I ties and wanderings no breath Of 1,200 chalices In gold and silver, en- arou nch of thrif- strike the Strongest and most effective
tk �' . ofe k -a court, will be. Signo, fort. The duke bad procured him Cho noL wholly unsympat Scandal ever touched the Empress graved.and ornamented with precious ty green leaves is an inspiring .sight blows at every form of wrong -doing.
1111111111111111111illill -0 favor. hatic, she asked'
IWIAOW. - him to bring the generous little Elizabeth, the Same rannot be said of stones. Of the 81 valuable rings that to one who loves flowers anti plants. Every one who values his or her hnly.-
� this last to the keeper, who there- Not. long after the trial bad closed daughter and her starved family to (he Emperor. Her hallit of taking he owns the Sultan gave him one that If you think you Cannot have any piness and peace of mind In this world
I .
. Upon' led himto the door, where two ths clerk of thp court waited upon the the hotel. "They shall be cared far." long journeys outside of Austria Ile- Cost $100,000. Ile has 10 pastoral Would (to well to oultivate patience.
armed men, officers of the council, took duke wif.h.the warrant for the OXAeU- she Said. It was a pitiable sight, but gan long befors her son's donth. For Staffs of gold set with stones and JIS4 -plants in the house you can at Im-st Without it man Is like a ship minus
him in charga. Lion of the,firlsonetr just eondeniu�d, it gave a refreshing view of the Sup- Slears she went to England and to ostensorti for the exposition of the fill up the Odd corners in your yard a rudder, at the mercy of his impulses.
. I requesting his signature. His grace rerne power of love even over mortal Ireland ,during tha hunting Season Sacrament. Seven Stature In gold anti with some hardy. free blooming or which, if he obeys, may lead him into
I 0 . . CHAP'PE4M XVI. I took the � document and told the mes- anguish. and by her reckless riding silver are part of his passessions, in - all Sorts of difficulties and dianstors
� . � nenger he would give Jilin decision to SEEMED TO COURT DEATH. addition to more thoxn 1,00 a))- tA-rifty foliaged plants for next Chat. may even take, a lifetime to undo.
1�11 , . � When our hero was led into the the council when in Finelsion. Jects of great actual and artistic val. apring'n blossoming. There rtre many
. spaelona chamberi of the court he found ANOTHER SELL, acht, the Miramar, ue. The Kruger dillinond is Said to easily grown, nearly frost-prnof plants - -..Np--
It camparatIvoly filled with Interco(- A fmv hours later the president of In which she orufaled about the Modl- be the largest In the world, which even the busiest wife and
" I � I W." ,
. -
:3 :
�, I` - I
, , I.
it, -Z;� , Lo
an � tics 41
,. .1 . od speclators. Intelligence of his , the Connell of Twenty, toget.hor with He said he wanted to consult'. me torran a learned to expect to will mother may safely pot for the sitting GOOD MHASURB,
'r- ten of his colleaguos, were with the privately on 8, matter Of vital Import- whence n' -
., rest bar] spread rapidly, and a. speedy ver the weather was stormy. in room window, Shut there tire many What was the heaviest fee you ever
, ' fInIrA In his chamber of audience. The lines to his future, and of course I whatever exerlelse she took up her en- For�y years aga, Japan bad more perfectly hardy and as easily to got? asked ths pert young lawyer of
11 trial ba.d ))eon looked MI.. His ap ear- 'Y . on
4 Ance, war greeted with no markeig do- had frarismoted the business of state thought it was a proposal. d sed to be to tire herself ly be obtained, which inay he planted out the Nestor of the bar.
9 rat -ion on I he part of the ass on hand, when I'litron Dodoro risked Wasn't Itt a V coasting vowels. Now It has so
1W .qonst sm- Ou. . The disgraceful cirounistan(Ift V6VftI doors and trusted to I he care of nit- A yearling calf and a lonoT of pump.
� 14110 Antonio when 7,nnoni was to be exe- NO; he' wrtnted Inv advice about surrounding the Crown Prince's death steamship companies, the largest of Lure. Shrubs -6nd perennials nre the
. I � I I bly, though a eloala ob4orrer might outed. - choosing a, wheel. at Neyerting, whether it was the re. whielf runs sixty-three vessels. kina; aggregate weight a tv%n and a
I I . standbya for the busy house mother, quarter.
I . . .
. � �
�4 1 . . -.5" I., I I
. ; . I .1� ,� � ': , � .
" . . I , . . � . .. ,., '. I .
. , 1,
I v . '. 1, 1� I