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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-29, Page 2
W, , . __ - -,. A '� . �. f _ ,� ,1,•. • .. L ' 1 u , - Chronletl, but obi ; ---^ ---'-- �- 4ex,, t, axt too1C h ft�1 ) - AVT�S AND CONJARNTS. Iq hat i xlaeX �� SUND " A t f e i nq lucre, W ' e++r 1 7 j�jj ,. r wutch Fq 1 at bertainly known. A i td• � D „ M les incline to believe t . he { t �'! al an ill he be rh}era'}a aAut RNATliONAL LESSON, L IA'th, Hugh Cecil RJaodea batt Iaal "` fii' P u of more a qT?t fp4 w ing of EgYPt, thought it t, „^ �'i(tlf 'o in at�bcuring a seat !or hin4� •�EV,,1�R« VIII ISC(�i�iSl:$,ON the le to puxify t .,:.,t understand how an EgY and t ell e" l al; piety. God l' )aQver ''etc 1 A'M' UpINQ ON-- IN Tt11S FOUR e newly elected Caper Colony .. tion Under A ss a oalied an Ethiop an. !� LE. p fear of . an ht11 Buffer for rliril• ('ata sat b I• opinion. A• y�� may not be ao. hi>!ml..in A /lutdeu Texy a ancon. eatured by Rome that Gersh t the elevtions, as a whg1Q, GO>RN,>~RS OF TIfU' aLOBB. �� �I'arlonr, clto $crept, a le rampant, !t i u311t, whether or no>r they were . PRtACITICAL NOTES n II., and was really an Ethi gainat him, and the Afri- U, uae4 the epalchre- - 144p lti ince woho ruled over Jt and ails are 1 a ch� are but in the lea d>a,y, :beta stag 2. Asa did that w n!&0 d i9 now the controlling tour Cltles-Tliu a eat d with sembled univers ,, it wll' bq +, Mau uceount of his marrl empty, slid the night 4cfP d and right in the ages th0 , eq4 NeW'iNortd 8vente of lgterest Chron. f' politics. Various causes Q Lamp-F.aruos6 a±>teit for the howl and the whoo of drti�Ikarda olotb� q ..a Sthe daughtex of the Egyptla felled Br►41lY-lgtoreating Happenings o1 d. He studied cdrePully t ' oi` ; IP he in an way represented ' o this rgsult. One was t ilk X1#111 o,fti'a scriptures. , .r" and the saloons boil over with scum slid Still further; a J3i151e � ��" Y Recegt Q#i+ t denunciation of rA;xi4aP% It fh;pm Washiri$t�n says:- public officials think more of a bribe church lamp. are. 40, e,, v'ab as it had been expre by t 1a Eggptian throne, the reason oY hIs odea's violen C y chandeliers the p►ti ✓be makels and prophets, and zea' x1atX�ion unay hove been that Asa re At the last census the population of �'M„, dent gruger of the Transvaal, Dr. Talmage .Preached from the fol- ban the do of their own conscience, y tined to continu the tribute which and when great tides of wickedness how many bril. 4t ii4'htlt'.., sought to conform his life,, , po id was !170283 ld taxi:? "Th word is lamp.” be, the Word of qL the hiahak had im osed upon Rehoboam. ?his scarcely veiled threats against lgi_g Y P set down t streets -the first want of ere is no safe teat oP integr, A host oY a thousand thousand, and There ars two places called Roberts o . such a sits that is the accent lamp lam O, is the grhq.thtn f 1, republic. This united the Cape -Psalm. oxiX� 105. three hundred ehariota. This horde town, Both aTe in Ireland. !4 tiful than an a 6t}_ g4 bably was made up of mercenaries, ��^�� 1 t.;�:;,;'iony Dutch in defence of their race 7tla la ps, and cliata�gliaJfo and of the Bible. Did you ever stand in Ce the approbation of the Lord. r he colon tolres, antX)lanterns, 'tr £o drive n church tower and look down upon a Sabbat)� for Chr t$an wart3l,M a opinion often goes astray, and':; Aremarkablp eel has Leen discovered r Ytoth inside and outside t y ry ma be no daz �q of tbeutile our own healts condemn us; but b nomads, always ready for a fight, city at nhght? It is overwhelming. Y n the Fi'i Islands. It has a peculiax 4- that cause was the defection oP a ou .'t'1e ni bt from hou q,ast1, urch But you feel that beneath all that bla,ge, there ma • ;be no gl tEgx t" flow swept northward in the Lehi- J =t^y` En fish- es," t'storea, and shopA7`; Illy Who in brilliancy of ger>lfght there is a Sorg lights, there ma •-.l?e na &" - is greater than our hearts. Tf i n army, each tribe hoping to have formation in its throat, which causes F .�on,siderablo number of the g and t eyes our motives are ri ht, all is ' here of the expected plunder. The it to whistle vyhen in an excited state. apeaknig voters in consequence of van ijw kind of lig (�i e$ta bis ing sea oP. want, and suffering, ages blossoming oIn flit e g bar of chariots is small, dos, The a@1 is 1. , feet long, and several r vel s his connection with ow fhxt ins and the ort? oY his woe. Hi• tory says that Dionysiva hada there is son in the si itis God. `l'wo sorts of idolaters btless, Co the fact that it was next inches " 84 h. their app o (great cava built for his prisoners. He in'the occasion t e,t Ula lt. r- recogAized by the historians of Jud impossible for chariots to be used the Jameson raid Outnumbered as chi.: I`.' But there ig"apntght of cin, waia cruel man, and he used ialgo to natural. In the li lit 10 'G'to1k I - Debtor'.('. lam, when three months are b the Dutch, they suffered an.'sufEeging, and shame, which needs the torp of the cave, put his ear to the see your faces kin e``t�fith' xetft'; oy.. and Israel -those who "sinned accord- a festively in Jtulah. The approach ` be seized by the credi� they y from t was es fall difficult for in arrears; g Glorious church la w �ibls 'u• ing •to the sin of Jeroboam the son of EYP y tore and gelled to work out their considerably in their affuira Yrom Lhe I th�� klnid oP illuminatihyn.' Ancient opening and listen, and the roans and that found it in the ` static Ylik'ni t! Nebat," that is, those who had t e them' Mareahah. "Summit." This disturbance of harmony occasioned by� piitlosophy made a lamp, huh it was a `nntok'ih`s ear and hmadeismusic forahim and he lifted it until the }n;000iIt@ ies town had been fortified by Rehoboam, indebtedness. Should a debtor run that ill-starred enterprise, and expres- d fadlure, and the peopleckept crying God, stands at the head oP our world, • Lrue God and the correct theology, and it lay on the edge of the desert, away, his father, his wife, or his chil- and cathedrals of Germany' 444 t . Y! s dtheir sentiments b voting either ot1L "Give us a light l ,give us a but Oar a different purpo e, and �+lth and France and England 6a >t0 t'1 but whose worship was either degrad- about twenty-five milds southwest of dren may be held in slavery until the e Y I Ii ht I" After awhile prpphet, and even- a different heart. He puts His ear tv Jerusalem. FTAm it the Toad rose debt us cancelled• for independence or for Bond Sandi- g lumination. It shone LrYi-e the ed fn deference to political plans or rapidl and roc hl It was the first elist, and apostle madeea lamp. A the dungeon, and every sigh comes up, breat-plate of sacerdotal 419Rt:,lta*ltd insincere; and those who sinned like y g Y• In the cocoanut palma of the Phtlip- dates in order to defeat Rhodes. g stirring His sympathies, and every and in the mosques of Turkey, ,,And great Jewish fortress to which Zerah's --- I coal froggyheaven struck it, into a blaze, Ahab -that is, worshiped false gods. army came, pine Islands pearls are occasionally groan wounding His heart; and He in the pagodas of India, and trl:"the found, Like those of the ocean, they. sad ip4unted multitudes of people listens all night long. There is but Ice huts of Greenland and in tllganud . 3. He took away the altars of the 10. Then Asa went out against him. There was, however, another sense g g As soon as the news of the Invasion are composed o1 carbonate of lime. The for Mr. Rhode's defeat`; one which is I with a,il, Qpen Jjible bbefore them orY one lamp_.that can throw light into hovels of Africa, and in the Temp gstif stcan a ods. "Strange gods" mean ortance in South I out in xt;tpture al- i love: "Thy word bite dungeotp where the prisoner China, God's regenerated childr0g, in "stranger" gods, foreign gods. High reached him. The valley of Zephathah, bamboo also yields another preciouo likely to grow in imp is a lamp." groans, into the hovel where the beg- musical Tamil, and sweet Italian, and places. ,Especially the high places Of this valley nothing is certainly product, in the shape of true opals, African politics The educated gas pines, into the cellar where the nasal Chinese, and harsh Cboctaw, kne'Iwn. whish are found in its joints. When" a few years ago, there was d nkard wallows, into the al ley where cried out: "Thy Word Is a lamp." IL consecrated to these false gods. From 11. Asa cried unto Lhe Lord his The whirling winds of AbrfLbia some- aolored element of tho population, see- I ,,..,. throws its light on the pulpit, making2 Chron. 15, 17 we find that the high God, He took every precaution for safe times exGavats sand -pita to the depth ing an opportunity for pressing their eat;; �ccident in Hagtley Colliery, .the ,libertine petrifies, into the mad- nd, and two hundred persons lost I house where the. maniac raves. Tra- a ;bulwark of truth; on the baptismal places consecrated to Jehovah were ty and advantage of his army, but was oP two hundred Peet, the rims usually . claims, did so with considel;able effect, I lives, the Qu en telegraphed I rollers in Africa. tell us that they have cup, until its• waters glitter like the not yet removed. Altars were usual- at the same time conscious, of his �S seen serp@nts-a vast number of them cI stals of heaven. It strikes peni- own ability to meet the foe, and re- being three times that length in diam- ond scoured from Rhodes an almost ,, tents into the prayers and 6 P lied entirely on God. Lord, it is nosh- afar. A sand -pit thus made meq ba ualified assent to ustice of their �id}w'I� to the scene of disaster : "Can we -coiled together, and piled up in hor- Y rladness ly built on hillta a and often chapels qan s for oliticalrecognition,based I dive y,qu any help? Will you lie able rid fold; and then they would hear into the thanksgiving. It changes into or sacred tents were erected with them. ing with thee to help, "No one is able entirely obliterated in a few hours, dem d P to get the men out? How many are hundreds of them hissing at once, and a church John Bunyan's prison, and Braktk down the images. The pillars, like thea to help." Whether with and another excavated within a short on education, property, and labor. As i lost? Give my sympathy to all the the sight and the sound was appalling I Covenanter's Cave, and Calvin's castle, many, or with them that have no pow- distance of it. yet public opinion among neither the and unbearable'.. But iP you should I a.nd Huss'a stake, and Hugh McKail's memorial stones, or posts erected to er. God is as read to take the side bereft." What consolation it was to ,take the wickedness oP our best of y All the military authorities are noW English nor the Dutch colonists is aeaf4old of martyrdom. Zwin�lic car- Baal. Cut down the groves. e, like T the weak as the aide of the strong. paying great attention to singing od to Lhe ranCin of political', the fa.0lies who stood amid the con- I'cities, and bring it afolduetherfin St ried it into Switzerland,John Wic Siot Version, Aaherim. This phrase, like The giving Eorth of God's power ie the march. The French army has or favorable g g aternalion and file terror, that the place, and pile it up P into England, and John Knox into Scot- !,images;" refers to pillars, only that nothing to him, bqt it is a great deal privileges to the native and other throne o E and throbbed in sympa- would be a Hissing horror and ghast- land, and Jehudi Ashman into Africa. to his children. Help) lits, O Lord God. late permitted its soldiers to thus colored races; and prejudice against I liness that no human eye could look Begone ye scoffers I Down to the low- these were wooden, and dedicated to (�� 14, 10; 1 Chron. 5. 20; 2 Chron. amuse themselves. Lord Wolseley is thq with their disaster ! But I have at without being blasted, and no hu- est pit, ye emissaries of darkness 1 for the goddess ,Ashtaroth. The worship 13. 14; Psalm 18. 6; 50. 15; Acte 1'1.21.) of opinion that men march better and them is so strong that, as a writer ' to tell y ea the throne of an omnipotent judo- of the false god and the false goddess We rest on thee. (Here comes the sec- arrive fresher when they sing than in the Westminster 'Review says, if you to-do a more glorious man ear could hear without being truth, and that is, from the throne of stunned. ment I declare it that all inquity shall were naturally entwined about each ond, and by far the' most impressive, when they don't. the celebrated Indian cricketer, Prince i Gad the King of heaven and earth talo- fall, and all bands a be broken, and other. The rites were picturesque and view of the rest of soul which Asa kn- A statement concerning tie general Ranjitsinhji, went to South Africa, he , Now, how will all these scenes o1 $ joyed. In thy name. Trusting to graphs down through this Bible into iniquity w our cities be overcome? all wounds ire healed, and all darkneae exceedingly degrading, as indeed they averse earnings per prisoner for the would not be allowed, according to the They will not be overcome until be dispelled, when God's truth shall go could not but be, for the deities them- thy help. We go against this multi- g the dungeons of our sin andAuffering the Church and the school, and a forth ' as a lamp that burneth.' We selves were personified vices. tud'e. When a man stands for the Pastfinanoial year has just beenmade existing rules of the Cape cricket want no sappers or miners to level the 4• Commanded Judah. Issued a pro- Lord and moves forward as the Lord's by the British Prison Commissioners. clubs, to play in a first-class match. a message of pardon, of love, of sym- Christian printing -press kindle all t3 g- re resentative he is invincible. Let pathy, gf comfort, of eternal life. Like around about us God's street lamp wall; we want no examen or engineers clamation Lhrou bout his little kin P The highest earnings are at ganter- to prepare the way ; we want no glit- dom. To seek the Lord God of their not man prevail against thee. "No holy with an average per prisoner of --- some lighthou a on high Promontory, of the Bible. Send the Bible down Gering steel, err Booming gun, or howl- fathers. To wor. hip Jehovah as the man can ever hold out against thee." In taking up the native question In ; blessed b shi s assin through dark- that filthy alley, if you would have it ing Hotchkiss shell to get us the vie- only God of Israel. b'rom the story 12. 60. Therefore. The Lord smote £16, ow 9d., and Stenos, er 7t 4d.; the wa he has Mr. Rhodes has added Y P P g cleansed. Send it against those de- tory, for the mountains are full of elsewhere we learn how tremen ly the Ethio pians before Asa. Not Asa the lowest being Manchester with ,fi7 Y ness and storm, so on the heights oP cantera, if you would have them to the complications of South African God's love and grace there flames forth smashed. Send it against those horses and chariots of fire. }salicin- in earnest Asa was in all this refarma- smote the Et hioptagg,s before the Lord. 7s. 9d., and Iv'orwlvh with £7 14s. 8d. olthe ompli a for although the ah I for the kingdoms of this world tion. He deposed Queen Maachah, his The results of all Fiuman efforts are, Some opals have lately arrived in p y, , a light upon the great sea of man's chains, if you would have thembroken. are become the kingdoms of our Lord mother (1 Kings 15. 10,) or his grand- in the last analysis, divine. London from Opalton, Queensland, Afrikander Bond leaders in the Ca a Send it through all the ignorance P wretchedness and of God's providence, _ JesuB Christ. I do not wonder that mother, according to 1 Kings 15. `L, and which have attracted much attention g have also shown themsalvea favorably I so that angels on their way earth- of Che city, if you would had ` lit the stranger who sat the other day be- bar idols were openly destroyed. To ¢" ined as by a flash from, �ava's side me in the rail -car reading his Bi- do the law. To study the civil and owing to their extraordinary size, and disposed to the claims of the colored i ward, and ransomed spirits on their morula Phe Bible can do it ill he London s Sig Cooking School. I g ble, after he had oonaluded his read- religious order of file nation. Com- the dazzling splendour of the mark - races, the other colony, Natal, and the , way heavenward, and devils on their it. Gather all the ignorance and the in closed it and kissed it•, andtptft it mandment. The thought here is that A fortune with her frying pan is ing. The opal trade Ira a rapidly grow - independent republic have not yet wickedness, and 6he vice :b our cities g, way hellwtud, pees through its flash, w one great pile -Alpo above Alps, In his pooket. There have been times, of obedience. The "commandment" is what Mrs. A. B. Marshall, a young ing industry in Queensland, from) advanced quite so far. The introduc- orying: "Thy word is 'a lamp." when you did the -same. When all else the precept which enjoins the practice which colony about £25,000 worth oY Pyrenees above Pyrenees, Hima- failed you, it was so bright, it was so of the "law" which they atudied, English woman, can boast of having ,. tion of the colored element into poli- I You have four or five Bibles in your laya above Himalaya in motley array lovin it was so sympatheti4 a book 5, 6. He took away out of all the cities earned. Her fortune ds as large and rough stones were exported last gear. tical warfare in South Africa es an house -perhaps ten, 'perhaps twenty. -r nd then give one little New Teata- that y ou too kissed it. of Judah the high places and the images. solid as the most ambitious could In some of the mountain passes In experiment which will be watched , They are such• common property you meat full swing against the aids oP the sun statues, altars, and emblems hope to wire in the Klondike, and her Austria there are to be found sign - with great interest everywhere, and : do not appreciate them. If ou had that mountain, and down it would Still further the Bible is a Segni- aE Baal, the sun od. Jud in b mod- boards bearing an inscription which .i Y coma Al 5 after Alps, P renees after chral lamp. You know that the an- am Hindu [ma g g g must have a profound influence over I only one Bible, and for that you paid Pryenees, Himtilaya after Himalaya, tient Egyptians 'used to keep lights err the she 'ges, Home of these were establishment is one of the most im- reads -- "Return Forbidden." The I. What is t e difference between New burning in the tombs of their dead. pe of a hunuip head, sur- portant in all London, A number of the future relations of the two races five hundred dollarsr-the price that 11 1• rounded b a halo, and others prob- years ago she laid the foundations of reason for this is that those passes era York and Pekin? What is the differ- These ndre were kept up for Acores, Y contending for the mastery in South was paid in olden time for a gopy oP her present prosperity by opening a so narrow anti start that when once a Africa and the paeition of that coon- � the Scri sures-then ou woul'd more once between 'London and Madraa9 even hundreds of ,years. Friends would calf Asuthwasmaheneffmcent despotu he traveller has atartea on the upward 1 Y What is the difference between Edin- came from generation to generation• did not: consult with anyone, but did modest but very practical school. of journey he may not turn back teat he try in the British Etnpirec. I thol oughly appreciate it. I was once burgh and Canton? No difference, save and put ail in the lamps, and it was what was ri cookery. , At first there were small endanger the lives of those behind t he � a colporteur for a few months In a that which the Bible makes. O, city cons�d.ared a disaster if those lay go better Por itt. The k n,gdomi was quiet At Dunworley Bay, County Cork, I As re ards the caecal result oP the I missionary; O, philanthropist; O, Chris- werit out. You and T will some day g y " under his eye." classes, which gathered under Mrs. g g vacation, and I came into a home of tian, go everywhere, and kindle up down into the hours of the dead. Some before him. Liter a Marshall's personal instruction in a they ase diving for a t9paniah pirate election, apart from its serving to destitution. I saw a woman there Ithaca great street lamps of the Gospel; have looked upon it as an unknown He locked on every hand about his y ship wreokod there three hundred show popular disapproval oY Mr. � eighty-five years of age, and I said to I and our city, purified and cleansed, land and when they have thought of little kingdom earl could see no sign couple of little rooms, yet so Bbl did years ago. A bleak slave, the only per - she teach the pupils that her fame Rhode's policy, it is not believed that her: "Mag I give you a Bible?" "O," will Proclaim what the Palmist so it, their knees have knocked together of plotting within nor of invasion with- spread, and women wishing for em- son saved, told of gold andothar trea- the victorious Afrikander Bond will in p long ago declared: "Thy Word is a and their hearts 4aintod. There were out Tt is true that Lhe kingdom of sho re lied: "a Bible would be of no wholo geuerattons of men that. had no Israel and that of Judah were not at ployment as cooks came to her for sure on board. and lropn ttirrAe to time any wag abase its victory. Although use to me. I can't see to read. lamp." comfort about death, no view of the this time in friendship, but it is prob- I know• there are people who suppose eternal world, ansa whenever they able that a hostile feeling rather than training. trinklets have been washed ashore. somewhat obstinate and ultra-conser- I used to read, but for twenty years that the vice of Btu• cities is going to brought their friends and put them actual hostilities are referred to in 1 This development of her calling Twelve cannon and some coins have vative in many ways, the Cape Dutch I haven't been able to read a conquer the virtue of the people. I do away inter the dust, they Haid, with- Kings 15. I6. That a people, some of ave her the idea of opening an ea- been raised alregdy, and the divers a,re a level-headed ole and cite 1 not believe it. Let error and vice g hope to reach the treaeare soon. ,:• Pe P q word." I pulled out of my satchet one out any alleviation: "'Phis is horrid, whom doubtleaa were sincere in their gave he ant in London, where every alive to their own interests; and while p run, if you only let truth run along this is horrid." And it was. The grave warship of false gods, and others of An extraordinary run of luck is ro- of the co les of the Psalms of David with them. Urged on by sceptic's I is the deepest, ghastliest pit that a whom were financially interested in detail oP kitchen need, supply and under the leadership of ALI,. Hofineyr and the New Testament in great, shout, and tran. oendentalist's spur, let I corded n the last drawing of city o8 ow ei raI runt God's angelri of wrath are man ever look4 in, unlace the lamp of that heathen worship, should so comfort would be carefully and scion- I Paris bonds, when six suoces,ive num- re as little likely to indulge in any laarge, round type, and I said : ' N God's 'word fltishee., into it. For .whole readily , obey his „commands shows tifically considered., 'I&t, this ,day Jilip I. in hot pursuit, and , quicker: -Aban a ere men -'alio ' Tit' f.hal `the • sepuldlire dist " fhe' mora•h • b6ison ' had. ' nbt bars ,Vere driiwn biloagi'ng ' to one ' ' anti-British freaks as t:hey� : are oto put on your spectacles and see if you g � business goes under •the title of "Mar - play the game of what Mfr. Rhodes ; can't read this." She wiped her spec- eagle's beak clutoheth out a hawk'e was a den where a groat monster gong yet completely corruT ed the spiritual owner, a barber at Verrieres io-Huts- pl lea a me o heart, God's vengeance will tear it to ed himsel4 vn human carcasH'es. "Twill life. of the nation. .Phe ten yea.re of shell's School of Cookery," but anyone son. The first drew 1,000 francs, the y g I tacles and put them on. "0, yes" she I piecej5. (Let it run, iY you only let put an end to that," said Jesus of Naz- peace which Asa enjoyed .were made who visits the establishment on Mor- , i said: "Why, I can sen after all. I ami God's Word run along with it• are . " I with mine ow•n voice go good use of. He built fenced cities iv timer street realizes that this wo- next two the right of being redeemed very thankful to you. �VhY! yrs! I I l3till further: the Bible is the Les n and, make darkneae flee;" and Judah, thus following the example of at par, 50i fragea; the fourth drew a MAGNIFYING TRIFLES. see it: " i love the Lord because fie ,store lamp. Blessed is the merchant as He stepped out from the gate of his grandfather Rehoboam. The cus- man has done something more than prize of 500 franc the fifth 2,000 The habit of magnifying• trifling mat- hath heard my voice and my• -O, yes; who under its glow reads his ledger, , heaven, all the graveyards of earth toms of the He.brew-s gave to their carry on a school. The department of I rants and the sixth tl% gland prize I can read it, I can read it." I. wish , and transaote his business, and pockets i cried : " Come 1 Come I" And He came kings huge revenues, and , the royal instruction is maintained as vigorous- of 100,000 franca. tare is -very common. Most of us re- I that God to -day would make the Bible I his gains, and suf4eL's his losses. It down, bringing a great viAnys beauti- wealth wea increased by each success- sy ever, and everyone, from duclrr A soldier dean for Three days was gaard it as a weakness rather than a na new and fresh to us as it was to I may be well to have a fine aky-light, I ful lights, and. above this baybo s grave ful campaign; but the "good" kingH about to be dissected at the Algiers sin. Certainly It is a weaknoas. But her. to have a magnificent glass show -win- 8e Bung a light, and over this moth- always emphasized the theocracy, and eases to draymen's wives, in need of it is also a sin. It involves self-decep-', I want to shoe� you that the Bible' dow, by night to bave bronzed brackets er's tomb He hung a light, and over regarded God as the real king and kitchen lore, comes to these classes military hospital whanh he woke up >g a lamp -a parlour lamp, a StreetlW, outeng fire in a very palace of mer- this wife's grave He hung a light, And themtselves as vicegerents - stewards for trairiiri-g but the business has a and, before the doctors recovered from tion and often the deception of others. lamp, a store lamp, a church lamp, a I chandize; but if you have not Lhis over all the glee n places of the of the great Householder. Their in- their surprise, got oft the dissecting P g- dozen equally as valuable branches.) It is a violation oY truth. It means sepulchral lamp. eternal lamp you had } etter quit keep- , Christian dead He hung a light. Then come therefore .vas, not regarded as I table and walked into the next room, the substitution as an object of thought In parlours all aflash with gaslight,, ing store. What is the reason so He uttered His voice, and it ran along !'private," but was lavishT-s nt for One of the most important is the in- I y pe where he wrote down soma words on a and endeavor of something of little I and gleaming mirror, and blazing many who started in merchandize, , under the ground from city to city, the defence of the nation. Fenced telligenee office, to which household- I piece of paper to make sure that be I chandelier, and candelabra, there may with good principles,.and fair prospects, and aloe, under the sea from cont in- cities" were fortresses, some of them ers resort when in search of cooks, , was Olive and awake. The dookors now 1, consequence for something oY real im-r EgYPtian darkness; while in Aome'and honourable intontions, have he- not to continent, until mau�oleum,And most massive. The hnvaeion, by the and to which cooks come in quest of say that he .has completely reooverad µ portance, as if their actual value were' plain room, which a frugal hand has; come gamblers and defrauders, and mrcophngus, and sepulchre throbbed Egyptians in Rehoboam's d. wad the from his lethargy. reversed. It causes distorted views of spread with hospitality and refine- knaves, -and desperadoes, and liars, and with the joy,-" I Am the resurrection extensive wars which Abijah suffered employment. Clergymen's wives ' life, misdirected effort, unsatisfying re- ; went, this one Lamp may cast a glow , thieve=2 They did not have the right , nd the life, he that believeth in Me, made this renewal of the fortresses by from the country and countesses in France's society for the reformation sults and mental anu oyiritual unhap- that makes it a fit place for heavenly kind of a ,store lamp. Why is it, in i though he were dead, yet shall he live." Asa a necessity, The land had rest, their carriages patronize this intelli- of spelling, the Aesoctation Ortho. 4 coronations. We invoice no shadows' our day, merchandize is smitten with O e bruised souls I O ye w•ho have Not only was "the kingdom quiet under ease office, where the cooks register -I graphique, has received a very .largo } press. They who are guilty of it soon Y Ione the confidence of otherB in some to fall upon the hilaritiea of life. �4'e uncertainty, and throe -fourths of the been cutting yourselves among the his eye," not only did the statesmen . measure because it becomes evident I would not have every song a dirge, business of our great cities in only one , tombs I 0 ye who have been sowing and generals recognize the prevail- ed are all trained and vouched for by I bequest from a Frenchman who diod that their judgment cannot be trust- and every picture a martyrdom, rind huge, species of gambling, and society ,,sed for the resurrection day I O ye ing conditions of peace, hut. Lhe people the firm. recently in Buenos Ayres. It conslste ed, even if nothing worse is believed every step a funeral pace. God's lamp is upturned by false assignments. and themselves were at rest., etch one sit- e of the i,roket�,,,heart I I came out to- Whan a woman graduates from Lha , of 270,000 sores of land In Argentina, oP them. More is involved then the hung in the parlour would chill no ttvo-third actsanI repudiitionn,andim-iday and put4. your hand this Blur- ting under his own vine and. fig tree, eking school, she gets a diploma,' the income from which a aroand mere loss of the habit of assures The joy• would rend no harmony, would I perilled trust -funds, and fradulerit car- sous Gospel lamp. it. will throw aglow with none to make him afraid, and the ,which is a high recommendation $20,000. Of this, $11,000 a year and list discrimination, ,check no innocent laughter. On Lhe tificutns of,at.ack, kind wild schemes in ; consolation over your bereft spirit. signs of prosperity and security made wherever she may apply. Asa usual ; one-half of the residue go to the so - habitual lack of contrary, it would bring out brighter railroads without, any track, and bnnks "Weeping may endure for a ni ht, the popu]ar life wholesome And hap- thin the raduateA refer to ass in-' the growth of a weakened and mislead- g g g P I be d for its purposes; the rest is to of ro ortion-these affect colours in tho picture,; it would nx-, w'itbout :Lay capital, and cities with- but joy cometh in the morning." "'.Choy Py. 'ReAt. and quiet," as Dr. Turn- to Lha intelligence office, and then he,-, be divided up Into prizes to persona ing sense p P ose new racefulness in the curtains' out any houses, and joint-stock com- that sow in tours will ren in oy, bull weightily says, "sometimes go to- to ood berths in the households of i the moral quality of life. Evils loaf ; P would nroll new wreaths from tho ' panies without. any conscience? And p g who have done+ good to mankind. something, it not the whole, of their car et; it would strike new music) w•h are len thousand of our bust- Rnhbi 'Mier went. off from home to b_ bather; bol rife a d rest le taco a those pa are eager d have and with -I prof. Baron, of Berne, has left all sinful quality and the good is not sure P I Y gone for n few days, unci left. two hems- lianied by strife and st rucrgle." V4e ing to pay Por skilled service. But of Hein taco nized and honored for from the harp; it would throw new I nese men ridden with a night; mare en- tiful boyA. While he was gone the two read thal in Asn's reign his land Fvas the intelligence department covers' his property to the city of Burlin for g g polish into the manners; it would' nifgh t.o crush Trercules end Promo- ; Inds died. Rahbi Mier re.turne.d, not quiet ten cars, but. when barbaric what it is. It is hard enough to do 3' mule 1 ban ono requirement for dom- the establishment o[ a vegetarian ri ht when we know clearly what the kindle with light borrowed from the theus? it is the want of a right kind , knowing that Anything happened• His invasion shattered the national quiet estic help in the kitchen. 'There is• children's asylum, and the city au - g very throne of God all the refine-' of store lamer. What ruined the mer-, Christian wife know be would Ire over- Asa was still nble to say to the i ord, richt is. But when ws have al]?owed , t always in the o}liae a corps of ewer'- ; thorities have a•ocepted the legacy• ourselves to hook upon minor matters B1onts of society. O, that• tho Christ I chant. princes of Tyre -that great city I come with grief, and sho mai him nt. "We, rest on thee." ThiA is our privil- gency cooks capable of commanding in as vital, dt beco11aea much more dif- ;who was born in a barn would come I nf. fairs and bazaarH, and palaceH; hor , I he door and said to him : " My hus- nae -to have rest alike when ibere is and directing a hotel or castle kitch- Prof. Baron's vegetarianism was ; to our parlourI We need His hand vessels of trade with cedar masts a.nd I band, I onoe had two henuliful jet:els quiet and \clrr.n there is warfare; and en, cooks who go out on the job, who, limited to the exclusion of all food de- ficalt to be sure of duty and do it, y i pan g will cage a onl to re are a eclat to sift the parlour music. We needI omtrrotdered salla, and Ivor benches, 1 In me. 1 bold them for a little t'o dwell with deli ht at. all times an g y p p p His taste, to assert the parlour literia-I driven by fierce blastn on Northern µ;hila IAnd clo you know while ou' the tho ht that there romaineth a raved from` dead animas,, uc that the tore. We nand Hia voice to conduct waters, and then dropping down an Y meAlA or special dishes, and cooks who products of living beasts, such asegge, Three women are members of the I were guar the owns+ crime for them. rust to the people of God. are trained only for invalids And for I milk, cheese, butter and boney, may Bcxtrd of Aldermen at Lincoln, Neb. the Parlour conversation. We are apt glasHv Indian secs; bringing wine from Ou ht i to have iven them?" "Of 7. Therefore. ".Iiecauae the Lord had hos it.als. Nickel is ractically Bupplied by two, to think of religion tis being a rude., I TTelhon rind rhariol clolht from De course," said Rahb, Mier, "you ought given him rest." iie acid unto Judah.! p ire used. The will be a t u that ne P In the school itself every method of physician shall ever lie a trustee of the countries only, Oanada and New Cale- blundering thing, not fit to put. itsI dan, and gold and spices from Rahmah, to have given them up, yon say they Probably by a series of proclamations. preparing foal, frorr, n baby's break- as tum. deals, foot upon Axminster, or its clownish and emerald and agate from Syria; her *ere only loaned."'Phen she called her Lot us build these cities. No cities are fast to a state dinner, is taught, And Y r itten wanlatel bro hCu on an I hands on 1>eauliful adornm+nLs, orI a•at.ery foaming with innumerabl° ihnnband to the side -room and remov- named, but Geba and Mizpoh, 2 Chron. the classes are carefully divided. Holland has had to pay hard cash A k Y ug P lift its voice amid the artistic a.nd re- keels; her store houses burst ing wI11r exclusively vegetable diet by a Lon- fined; so, while we have, Jesus in the' the treasuren of all nation - thtit t+d the cloth that covered the lend 16. fi, were two of the,se. Make nhout 1`rom 10 to 4 every clay the white- to Acquire again a number of works don Family of vegetarians. The re- children. After Rabbi Mier had for a thein walls and towers, gates and bars. I aproned inetruc.torA in the Great of art lost, through the vices of Queen i cult. is that tt well not touch animal I nursery, whose, we teach our children' queen of cities, on a throne o1 Ivory few moments iven wa to his rief, The "walls" were of clone and were' rooms fitted as kitchens arc drilling i a I n ill notion to rata or to pray, and Jesus in tha dining hall ; and ebony, under a crown of gold, he, rose tip and said: " Now i know an al undnnt defense against uny wall- aristocratic pupils or laying clown the 1�ilhelmina's father, William 1fLmore food and p y I when we tisk His blessing .upon our and gnarl, And diamond, and carbuncle i µ,hat ou meant by Ilre borrowed ew- pons that in (hat ago could ho brought law of roasting and boiling to a corps than aquarter of acentury ago took wino that axe purposely permitted to food, and Jesus in the sitting-room'and cbrysopras? The want of aright lots, "The Lord gave Anti the Lord ngainef them. Ex losives were almost. wander across Its range of vision when we have family prayers, it is a.kind of Atore lamp. If the principleA P of women who aro ail led nppeceivi g a young woman of Paris named Mlle. i The mother oP the Into 6ocretarq of I aim le tact that Prom ten thousand of tali con ha•d ruled in hor trade, do ' hnth Inken away. Blessed bun I he nomn unknmvn, and haLt.exing-rOms were and spend sevoral yours in receiving Ambre with him to Holland and en - P R of (he Lord." And so Pal,hi Mier was guarded against by hacking the walls their. education. State, 1�r. Q. Gresham, celebrated the ChriHLin.n homes in khin counl.ry;you suppoye that dry col would have lcomforted, Lel Ibis aepulchrnl light hq solid nnrth. "Towers" warn built deavoured to establish her nt Loo aA , ninet. second anniversar of her birth I ACTOAA the hall from the, intelli- y-. y Christ. is from one end of the year to,sunit the ships, find Ibut vermin woulds gild all the graves of your (lend. MAY at intervals, so ns to ive tho defend- state mistress, in imitation of Louis ln Lnneshoro, Ind., a few days since. the other shut out of the parlour. O, I have eaten up her robes„and I haL God' g R'rom office, is the rnrgrply bureau, She was one of the first white children that housekeepers understood that; mills would have ground up the Again, 'this lamp of the, text bun ,set in all err, advantage ovor the itsilunls. The ( Prom which customers may buy goods XIV, and Charles IL The Dutch court .f your p rlqurs, in all ,your strenis, in besieging army often on its part built -canned, boxed, ontl hnttlod-and would not stand thesand the young born in what is now Harrison county, the grace of God is the greatest ne-,and that. fishermen would dry their all pout atnreA, in all ,your churches, wcxxlett tmver-4 high enough to rennli sunt fancy arocories as Mrs, Marshall womanwa.s sent bast to Paris. Before Ind, she wns married to Col. Gresham complishment, and that no sent is too Unto on the rocks which once, were in nll your septilchres! Amon. these tossers on the walls, The "guleA" herself refine ond prepares. Next to her departure, however, she and bar I seventy-five years ago, One of her luxuriant for religion to sit in, and I actuake, with Ihn roar and trend of a - _ were wwerod with plates of brass or this is the editor's office, for the firm royal admirer looted the royal palacos sons, a sheriff was killed by a desper- no arch too grand for religion to walk (,great m,etxopoliv? O, what thrones — _ iron Anti the " bars' incrensed their ado. tier oldest son was in the Mex- under, and no circle i.on brilliant fdr' have fallen, what monumon(y have BOMBARDMENT STATIS ICS• hooks.liin its ottr series le resin- and museums toeeq. Sh her house nn scan And the civil war, and recentl reli non to move in, If Christianit. crumbled, What. fleets have At1111t, what strength. 11'hile the land is yet Ira- bcroke, And an nttractivn little, month- the, Chumps i l tiles. llhe dead recent- � Y B' Y FIere are Homo official etatistios to fore n. '.Chia was the ren son of AAA's ly budget of kitchen news, co'3htin- 1•y and lit the stile of her effeai.,s Lhe died of wnunds sustained In the latter at ha-nt is to walk ftp the streets of statues have been defaced, it'hd bar- prove that a bombardment is not such building. "in time of pence prepare ing advice to cooks, recipes, etc•. On Dutch Government was the principal war -„lunge Gresharrpp, former Secretary heaven, with seraphim• e.nd nr•changel, bari,moi have been created, what ri- a terrible thing after all. In 1870-71 for war,” is a maxim which, while of- leaving this department one passes in- ponchaser. of State in Clevelafid's second Admin- it is good enouw}pto go anyw•her•e where vilization re(arded, what nationf` the bombardment. of Belfort lasted 73 ten misused, has some wisdom under- istration, and PoatmastnrGeneral in ou o or where I ahalh go, To purif damned, all for the want Of t.hn right c to the shop where kitchen utnnailsare Beer isappnrently t.heGerman'a first Y g y days, during which 99,458 projeottles ndath it. sold. Here the latest improvements Art.hur's Cabinet, died in Washington, the heart, to cleanse the life, to cul- kind of a store lamp. Dien of busineHB1 fAII within the alt and there were thought whenever anything happens. in 1894. I Cure the taste, to expurgate all hy- take your Bibles with yon to -morrow Y' 8. Asa had rte, army. Not, hole n st coal, charcoal, g.Ls and electric but 60 victims killed or fatally wound- er, a regular army in the modorn stoves am exhibited, w•ilh the, most Nosaoner wagitknown that Bismarck A Maine man who recently expert- poorisy, and falsehood, and sham, we ,morning, Placer them in your store or ed. �At Strasburg, during the siege o4 ,.sense of that phras© He hall provided recent inventions in wood, copper, tin, was dead than the students oft - enced religion now goes.ahout the State must have the Bible in the parlour. chop. FDo not be ashArri if anybody 88 days, the Germans fired upon the with weapons all citizens on whom he Iron and aluminum utensils. prenehing for the reformation of sin- When Christian peoplo acme to spend at' noon finds you reading' the Scrip- eit.y, mostly at close range, 198,722 felt ustified In eallt in time of -war. In addition 4-o all these departments !tun University sant out a comm ` o ners, and the other day he was an- an evening, they talk about. the wea- tures. It. is safe always to do bust- shells, with a record of only 800 oho- j abear feast of mourning in bis honor. nounced to deliver a (sermon in a her, and the talk about the scan- nose b its teachings. There w•as a Targets. Long shield,, Spoors. The a tho exhibition hell. In Apring and t y y time. Finally, at Perla, whore tho Tho "Tracer comroere" was hold in 1 ho schoolhouse in the town of Wa ne, the dal, and the, talic about the crops, and oung man in a store In Boston, H1and- bombardment Ia.Ated onl 23 da s, 10,- most ceasing used weapons r suedes. autumn the graduating classes arA y Y $ Y Y warfare. .Bata shields and drew bows, examinod and show Chair prowess hall of n large brewery, decorated with home of the, gunmaking Maxims. When they tOlk about the markets; but they ing behind the countor, Hulling goods• 000 siege abatis were thrown, ltilling t lie got to the schoolhouse there was do not talk about God, and Christ, and A gentleman came in, ani asked for The shields wrote of the lighter, round Bore, and the taste o of the house are or batine a rector a of the aOf th onlp ane mnn in tho building. After heaven, Tho thing wa most• want to- Rome Middlesex cloths, "O," said the and wounding 107 persona.- sort, and the bows were evidently very invited In r taste oP Cho new dishes prole The rector and many of the o nt on n whiten 4or the crowd to ter day in all our parloys ds the lamp,of young man, "we haven't any Middlesex Atreng which is shown by the word oP Mrs. Dlarahall's invention and to professors of the •university were pear the evangelist declared to the Air- the Bible• cloths, but here is something just As A Possible Sequel -If you should buy "drew," literally "trod," which in- see her cooks at work. The ha.tl is ed wi C, while the he precs warn fill - pear t of onn that 15d shouted go h and Still further; t.ha Bible is the,streot good.' "No, replied the gentleman, $r5 goods for $2, began the professor, dleates that the foot had to °be uaed then filled with long tablas, set, lux- ed with 1HdieA, The profeadi fun be- sreaoh juga: the some aA if the roam lamp. Wham night comes clown on "I don't want them ;" and ho passed fobs wea explaining an obscure point, in glaeln,g tbo arrow in position, eo uriously as for d[nnerH, ltincheonA, Ban. wdth tth playing of a ttinoral n-e.rKi crowded. Ss he as reach far the city, erdmo Bans forth to its rovoret out. The, head of Cho firm came, down in political economy- flay $1.99, mor- stiff was the spring.) The armor of suppers or kirealtfasts. Tho moat re- al%hat God ha,t.h done isf well c(lone," • '� elxsut. nn hent and a half, anti at Cha atchdev((gP�mnents, Not only to show hon- to the you" man, and said: "What dict muted Miss Vassar, -or, say $1,99-- the left: -handed Boh,lamites was evi- cent patterns in menus, floral, and „G•audeamus igitur," anti olaAe hn ahou the luno llf, n d a least Kist setImus whore to walk, lout to that rilan want?" "Hun wanted Middle- the transaction wi l be complete when dently lighter than tliat of the troops reset andrtheolightingaofata lountare anituld bss on Bismarck. The residing in raver. Tile man looked puzzled, hinder the burglar, and assassin, and sex cloths," replie the young man• the, Bends aro psi for. TJnleas, vug• from Judah. P , d p r the hi, hwa man and tvk nkat, 'ive muRt "why didn't ou toll him they warn g�•Attyd 14. tae VaAHar, I sheulkl briny 9. '�hor8 Deane out �ainet them Zer- diaphayod, and tli'e wholo orhibitlon is student then gave the word or Qand then, fishing out a Mile slate g Y y wrath: "I am deaf and dumb anti have a.rtifieial 1 bts all solar the city,' NTlddles8x cloths?" "Because they were thein back to he evoll iged for (some•• ah the ithlopiau, iYht of file factR aaeompanled by a aei`ies of lootuxes on 'Chore wer0 Imoxe songs. after which haven't heard a blank word you Raid." But there is a darkness beyond all not, airy' "'dicta you cow taka your thing e'ei}. ' PoYicox�illg° ASA axe iiC��o71 i1a �1��0 +>� the aulilllax� �,tta� "; ' ` � nw . • v " i _ ,