The Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-22, Page 2lk .._., _,.,. ••.n.._ ._.. .. . V -�. -. -. Y e o I NOr,VS AX,Q CO3VAfXX;r..% i t targive a i1� ." t ; ,,fid "R �1E •� yr%r C ; i'" Wish il; tl" Iden .:,► : QRE OP THE WQ� TCQRIE #1 t ape a directions t red tntllipns of tt .,. a a` and ISoon after the (hcari►elpl ?tvaac a Gaxmala ; .e, goUll " nqt ha. been lost. H�w .the Qliurahes av to two, leaved eaanomist and wlat 7Y" I)* AiF 1'IiE�CIi A sarn�r I tact npptt." But Q, to mfg. ties -'. SFLEIdDIp MEDICAL EQDIPME,,, �N �, o � d a 5'eilr, �vil.l y>�.t t, A% eratien SQ SAYS A Y SERMON, direst the $texnal interest o1 a lar e�� go down, and the t. . the next? bIAN WH(. A . ,i r �. !ng an the futures klslal let° tie- i-�. nFrogation l How cold and stolid I n etl THE SOUDAN WAR. ' co c net rehear lx this presence ) RIVED IN EN lNA, ^"'- isaribed it as axi adxtlirabl or p417� _ a 1FIaUority of Claire tail we strand in our pulpits, actually some- what God has done for len # anllndivi- r p `e� - " tllnec lrridin Uft botate Akkau (COLD BY ITSELM sett =in towardlA atro� w�` q tle )teal Anel Eutiiapiet fQk ." g aureelves on our defib- duel Churoli, You able tfepsrd with `IFoaudo 60 genielit foir the dtck ! � ptanon, when we have no ri h;t to be elle Itemarllcabin ilio of air Australian Who. ing m in +4 ii t>,d• Iy • dlllit t -Need for a Great Awakulutng;- •ala and o YP4tr own cetera the pries f¢x • eY, and n ldlern of t4eu, Kttc4uucjr'e --- inoreao ng stream, He pointed out the What Dud Sas Done for Dr. Taiwaiii's with the eget to be almost frantic you have se0n the rafni " o! re- Arnty_ttwte w Contrast too llietliorts 010hus to Know Much AbuuVoir $ogelr s q have existed but a few hours. perils that threaten our entance far tba last sig moil ba. yed In the SPonlsh-Amerlcau LIPe In t4u Hush. ! hurGb. Euiplo Suitability of the piiulatel of the high- Bearers. So much eo, that some of us I do not believe that is any mar• Among the passengers oil t#la }3r1." was bora! this morning+ on the red, vel• lands of Artbcniaa amd Anatgliac for despatch Exam Washington says: give no warning at all, and we stand Church in this land that Gad more tennis, which arrived a few days a a ,Vet lid od an r�bony writing desk, J -T)r. Talmage preached from the fol- Sabbath after Sabbath, talking about I o4 gratitude #ban this roe awes There! is not ,the least danger of the g woman wrote me into existence, es the settlement pf the Eurapet n races, "human development," and we pat IiIm today. gut who can count the 4aPital horrors that resulted from in England from Australia, was a a�, lowing text : Beheld, I will send my man named Sealem, who, if b{s start T grew under a efine gold p ` wh ar he proposed shauld thea create men on the back, and et Please theft, number. ,of our �perm4uen, congrega- the Spanish-American war being ye- a barrier against wlrat h6 olied the •IQeasenger, and he shall prepare the and we hide eternal retribution, and tion who are not Christie nd what is true can do much to clear up th€ik peroelved the tips od slander whi a f' . + way before me ; and the Lord, -whom we sing them all down throe h tho ab Peated ib the Soudan. The arrange- evlerenoroaohinq wave dI Pa4010,vism. g out the eighty or one hupdred thos- niYstery of m steriss-the famous Tlch ' ors whose regular awe back and Prince Bismarck was said to V 0 been Ye seek, shall suddenly come to his rapids to the last plunge. Or, as the (sand souls of stran ers that, durin menta made by the British Army Medi- borne case. There was a cod b. lobt y '�,. poet has it:- i the last g g cad de a a g forth give me a delicious sensation, temple, even the messenger of the year, floated in and out of P r'tment far the final advance on m ppem I distin uie favorable to th;a principle oP i6 pro- Smooth down the stubborn text to our assemble es• and what about the Khartoum, were most elaborate and ystery about Healem himself, ,aic- g hed the face bent covenant, whom ye dull ht in ; behold, g ' cording to the statements of his Lel- above me ,a pretty face, pale and cad, CIRpie 's ideas, but he was too he.0 oc- g ears polihj, I eternity i those who are now and complete, They are thus described by Cµpied with' his schemes for the -unity he shall come, saith the Lord oP hosts." And snugly keep damnation out of will be this,yuas in aur permanent low passengers. He occupied one pf K';th great, gray eyes, under which -Malachi iii. 1, 0 sight l' ( congregation; and the ei ht or one the Special correspondent of the Lon- the Pass s e the lower deck, at 'the q, wet eyelids, and o anization of Germany ,p take SametimeS a minister's suU est is y- g Y don Dalt were black circles, roe 0, my Uretbren in the minlstr for ,hundred thousand souls that during Y News, who accompanies the but white lis Her hair fall {n dis- up the matter. An attempt wa`axrade, • j I see them always fn the and{encs--my r this ganging twelve months will float expedition: The arrangements have mond saloon snit of the ship-tcab)np P hgwever, to start German coloniz .'ion suggested Uy his arliatic tastes; some- brethren in the ministry, wo cannot to and op,t our cervices; and the vaster been made by Surgeon-Cal°nut Maona; expressively spoken of by the paesen-:lar over her forehead, curling be- n times, by the occurrences of the pre- afford to do that wa I4 ou ro- i hind her ears, dawn to her shoulders, in Asia Minor bq the establishment of phes y' y P audience to whom this Churoh preach- mai a, who has been and remains P,M,O. gers as "the dungeons." All the ven- Bmall agricultural settlements in dif- aloes week ; sowetimes, by a hearer Y good towner, smooth things, to I e9 we8k b week on both sides of the of the British force, while Sur eon- titation the received was from a wind who desires some articular rel: sous your people, without regard to their sea, through the Christian printing- General Taylor, -a man of t Y My first lines, in . a slanting English ferent parte of the countrq, but they P g I character, what chance will there be � press? If John Livingston in a small great and Ball, and even that was taken in in handwriting, were to this effect: subject discussed. My suUject comes in for you in the da when ou meet them � varied experience -has come specially entirely failed of their purpose, Their " at the her of God? You had better ' church in one service had five hand- out to exercise supreme control in rAinY or roe h weather. Yet Mr. Had Passed a miserable night, impos- no such way. It drops straight from red souls brow ht to God wh ma g Bible o ales g ilurroundinlgs were uncongenial,, the God into m heart. Give me our ray- stand clear of them then, They will I g y y both British and Egyptian divisions. Healem and his wife were never seen p, stran a dream and Turkish' local authorities always look- Y y P tear you to You not, in a Iarger church, have , rhe arrangements made -for the treat- awoke tremblin y pieces. They will say: "I ; three thousand souls as easily as he mlent of t�te wounded are as follows: on deck, acrd even did they indulge in g, pity and mero ask- erful and intense lislenin pred`ch five hundred times, ' an airin r ed in the came line. Then the ball os ed on team with eans iof and the to- g hoard you had Pive hundred? It is the same Gos- A medical officer is attached to each g at the lower end o� the wind ta] absence of means of communioa- I want to show this morning, so far I and I admired your philosophic lis- ; ul, John Livin Ston did not save � as God may help me, that the dying qui8ition, and your graceful gestures, i P g , battalion, and one also to the cavalry Batt they did so one at a time. ►The the night before was spoken of, she tion with' the outside markets pre- need of the Church universal is a y moulded sentences, i them. It is the same Holy Ghost. It and to each battery of artillery; then other remained to uard certain val- had been very ones and your nice! iv the cams (from each battalion etc., ore drawn g PPy and lett full great Jehovah, If John lynw thered paway 1IINo nc'ilmmigrati n g Y g' thoughts you were thellprin a of nr o -:'Knox could put the lever of prayer ; thirty-two trained men, who retain gables and dceuments whish they re- � Presentiment, although he was mi ht awakenin The ox in the pas- tore field looks around, and creeps pr)eties but P under Scotland until he moved {t from their arms ansi can be otherwise us: ?aided as too preci.auB to ba intrusted there. "Why was this?" was attracted from Germany, and the P I You' didn't help me • comes to the conclusion that all the Prepare for this day. Cursed be your undJn° end, shall you not by the lover in emerpenvy, whose business is to pick to the chip's purser, She leaned an the desk her bead private societies that furnished the rbetorio, cursed be portunate petition move the city , uP and give! first. aid to the'wounded an her hand ,and fell into a dee r world is ai clover field. So we, standing your art. I am Mr. Healem is w oldish looking man, funds for German, colonization in op- going down, and I'll take ou with I w '14do it, if 3 from end to end. God and ovnvey them to rho field hospitals, P lt- in the midst of luxuriant iQlig{our ad- me. It is y i lett! do it, iP you mightily and relent- w'hich will be at convenient distances and would pass well fora farmer. aerie. Her sleeve fell back and Ifeld position to the extension of Russian vantages, might think perhaps that the I lasts of heavenf and �alV1 the hosts! of I lessly ask Him to do it, O, fling body, . behind the brigades in son5e sheltered His face is clean shaven but for a the perfume of her warm, soft arm influence ei western Aaia were at the i darkness, it is . mt o anti ::out, and eternal destiny position. Behind each brigade are to fring. of hair down each side and, under penetrate me. She remained thus for ofrGodr� but eo farifhrom t at�efl his' Your e up sfrom as 1 into this one thing. Swing out and be five field hospitals, each with one the chin. (Eta is not particularly com- roma time, her beautiful, large ages loss of their money, the chorus will come u enlar a in ' worlds: "Isis fault 1 his fault 1" All I g your prayerful expectations, medical officer and accommodation for municative, as he hopes to be of service ght. Suddenly two teary! platform were the world, so much of Of us w,ho preach this Gos el need to J You asked God for hundreds of souls, y -five mea. These five field hos- full of sad thou Before the attempt to Stam the Rus- it as I now cover with my right foot speak as though the pulpit uaked' and He gave them to you, and I Lome- Pitals act as one, but are made sec- to Sir Roger Tichborne in helping him gathered, and I began to understand with the q times heard You ask for thousands; tion%! in order that the sections may to obtain the whole of the family the sense of the words, "Why was sian advance into Asia was made by would represent all that is conquer- tramp of eternal realities, as and I am ver certain that if a be detached to follow an battalion ed fur Emanuel. Or, if this whole Tab- though beneath us were the bursting had asked for thousands with the same that may be acting independently n property, instead of the quarter which this?" The tears trembled on her eye - the Germans the Prussian Government graves oP the resurrection morn, ae faith that you asked for hundreds, God the brigade, In all these there is ac- the law now allows him. lids, then ran dawn ear cheek. The poor lied been officially using all its in- ernacle were the world, then one pew though rising above us, tier above' would re r would have given you thousands. Winmodation for 125 wounded in the MET TICHBORkNE. little woman sighed and returned to fluence to prevent* the concessions P esent so much of it as the tier, were the myriads of heaven look- There {s, no need, in this r field hos R asked for by England at Constantin- q onquered. 0 ing down, ready to a laud our fide!- P esence, of Pitals of each br1 ode. There me. grace of God has alread c PP bringing the old stereotyped illustra- is also a senior medical officer with He came to England, although Aus- there is need of a radical chan e. rty' or hiss at our stolidity, while tions of the fact that God hears tralian born - in connection •with He had been very neglectful at the oPle Por the construatien of a rail- g coming through the Sabbath air were I pray- each brigade. Lieut -Col. Sloggett,witu ball and she had caught his eye only �vay from th'e Mediterranean to the Something must be done, and I shall the lou dee harrowin roan of eC' Hol telling you about Hezekiah's General Wauchope's and Lieut. -Col.; money affairs of his own, and wIII set- Persian Gulf, b wa of the valla of show this morning that the great -aye, the dying nations islet garo never I restored h,salth, and about Elijah and Hu[:hes witb General L ttleton's com- cancer or twice, . The em be an y tie Por the present in Lincolnshire. P B Y y as I have alread sa' y dead• Ma God with a torch from a great rain, and about the post mand, But he has also Veen in communiear to write rapidly, the words were . the Euphrates. This opposition was Y i,d, the d ing-need Y put its of England I mortem examination of the apostle From the field hospitals the wound - of the Church is a 'rest awakening. heaven set all the el bec,M which found that his knees had scratched off, sentences followed each partly tea result of the attempts made g and Scotland, and Ireland, amd the ed are to bo conveyed as soon as pos- tion with Sir Rpger and his lawyer, I learn this need, in the first place, United States on fir As form become calluns by much praying; nor isble, after treatment, to barges moor- and expects that they wi,il shortly put other without punctuation, a passion- bq the British Goveinment of the day g• y- Richard Baxter, who stained the walls ed off the river bank, where there will ate love filled my pages in a retro- cq port from the coldness in the majority of self standing here in this presence leis stud him in the witness box. Of course he to prevent th'e a uisition of the of of I?anzig bq Prussia at t'h'e ime of the Church members. If a ralig{ous 8001- begun to ing, I feel a1s if I had never Hol• 0f John Wel b and the lmidni ht barges maleoat trop for 260 men, Those hopes to reap some profit out of that spective glance. " The transport of the • ety, have a thousand members, ei ht preach. If God will forgive plaid• nor of Geor e Whitfield flat goo ps ir1e4Vjnikl IIabashy eh, our first days," doabts, timidity, the avow - partition of Poland, and partly be- g me for the past, I will do Vetter for his g veying tloo also. hundred of them are sound aslee If Pace Uefore God. No need Place of rendezvous, Uut as aeon as this (Healem has broken up his home in al, first kisses I Tben the day when ed b of ambitions already entertain- P• the future. of my telling you these things• work is comPletted they will be cleansed jeelortisy was awakened, so terrible, ed by Prussian ptateamen regarding it have five hundred members, four "'Tis not a cause of small import I turn in u on and disinfected and fltced as hospit- Australia, where y was 1{wing com- et so eharmin terror, a on if ten hundred are lethar 1c. If the Chris- The P your Own self fortably on money made at the dig- y g• g y, the extension of German influence in g� pastor's care demands; consciousness, and 1 review the mem- els• Other barges will Ue used for tians can rally -that is, the rofessed 'But what might fill an an el's heart, or of that tinge when Operatin g g• And it wary at these di ins minutes late, the in g. gg g promise of eternal soutlreastern Euro and western Aaia, P g y your own soul g purpose9. that he met the late Sir Roger and his fidelity, renewed vows -all this as the• Pe It f{ilea a Saviour's hands. was ainkin and God heard your cry; � THE ROENTGEN RAYS, com anions. Isis stor• which deals Christians -for communion day, and ngg I ' I I I •' ! ; " succeed in not dr in the wine cu They watch for souls for which the and of that'tim3 when your child was g y PP P P y, y years P 0PP g P, Two Roien an is e a aratuses with a eriod of aUout fort eyes rained tears' and the en went Lord an do of thatGtime whonyour Petition ; I (w.hich are nmv here) will be on these ago, Ls in its main points as follows, on impetuously, tightly held in the• Th'e Crimean war, that was intended how many oP them are satisfied? If Did Heavenly Uliss forego; your fortune to preserve Turkey as abarrier against it be a choice between Christ and the boy souls that must forever live failed, and God set in beiges. 'Of cout;gs, apart from the leaving the miner details to be filled thin fingers. y g p tr gout emP a Pan- barges, there will be other buspital ac- in whenever he comes up for public both German and Russia, has ton world, the world has it. You know it 1n ra tures, or in w"oe." Y the o1•use oP oil, and the measure �12q four pages were full, when some Still further,; I see a need for a of meal. I want no illustration at all. 'cominodation on the river bank, and examilnation: one entered the room. I diSa singe been discovered by British' states- as well as I do. If a religious meeting great awakening in the fact that the I just take a ladder with three run s, the barges will, if necessary, ply to SLr .Roger, Arthur Orton, Cresswell ppeared mon to have been a mistake, for 'it be on a certain night, and on that same kingdom of God is making such %the and set !t down at g and from the Atbara camp, Between and Morgan, be says; were partners in quickly inside the desk. I fell among did not t tble Turk on his 1 Y p_ ro r p y mount u yand to ft. an will Khartoum and this place there hos t- n slaughtering and ants or's bust- a pile of lettere, faded flowers and a pu egs, its night there be an extraardinar o P g sass I rim ] state a fact when Yau can y eight lines and communication huspit- news, su 1 in the wants of the di intended, nor did it keep Russia back; erotic entertainment, Ora social ga'th- T say that in many places the Church look off, see the salvation of ten Ithou1 PP y g y- brie of alt sorts. In one corner lag a is surrendering and the world is con- sand of your fellow citizens. "Ask and els, with 5U beds, having, o£ course, gers on what is now the townoPMary- white cravat, twisted around a little and it only prepared, the way for the Bring, or a literary club, or a politi- quering. Where there is one man it shall be a medical officer attached to each. Sur- borough. Mr. IPealem also asserts given you. Seek and (ye:shall yeon-lblajor Hunter, who, until last that th'y tvero bu hrangers, an that dried-up •bouquet. It was of corded ernercise of the Germary in#luence now cal meeting, or a Free Mason Society, Drought into rue kingdom of God find, ' Put your right foot on the IOw- predominant at Constantinople, The or an, Odd Fellow's Association, you through., Christian instrumentality, ear rosy? oP that ladder, and your left yeaiy was att hed to the Egyptian the profits of the butchery were ad- muslin and made me suddenly think od' there are ten men dragged down by er the second rung of r, and arm has char a of these eight hospit- ded to by obtaining their live stock Turkisb' Army has been¢ brought into know which they go to. God there fair- }that twill els. by other means besides purchase. a certain date, od which I speak later. the highest state. of efficiency it has ly demonstrating that while such ro- dis ip tions. Fwield liged.sh ps built bring your right foot on the top rung, Here, at the Atbara, ample and spec- Eventually they dL-solved partnership, When I was taken out orf hiding, the P P parts of the Then hold fast, and look out and sae ia[ accommodation bas been provided; the here falling to each being about young woman was dressed ready to go• ever attained a te. ofy by German offf- fessed ons rating h tend it be on Hia Journals {n different the wave of the Diving ble utn dash- cers; aand it is 'German advice that in- side, they are really on the other side; country filed with scum, and dand- ink' higher than the top -gallants of brichksPnvith wallse someulthree of et $ O� on and Cresswell then en a ed nut, with a thick veil covering her red - spires the foreign policy of Yildiz for there is a noint-blank issue be- ruff, and slang, controlled by the Your ship. Oyes, God is ready to hear. tbick, and a loft roof, the wards be- themselves to a man named bags lidded eyes. She added two words, very scullions of society, depraving I think the Lord Put on us, as a Church, Y "Come to -n{ ht," and then I waited im- . kiosk. Nothing is now needed but a tween Christ and the world, and the everything they put their hands on. a great responsibility. We set our thatched cwith Dt arrinstraw thltk�8 were all wgmort ltfear o4canture for P Y g pected war between England and Russia, In world has it, You know very well whe- Look abroad and see the surrender, hands to the work of evan elization. ' p atientl' for a name that I es whish France would pxobably be in- then even on the art 0f those testi We are dot g probably as cool a place as there is in some of then• lawless ex editions, and to see, when I felt two fresh, warm you are a professed Christian or P Pre- ng nothing else here. We the Soudan• Here is accommodation for Mr. Healem asserts that Sir Ro er lips pressed eo passionately against m0 volved, to bring out into th'e #ell light not tend to be Christian Churches, to do not want to do anything else hero, 200 men, but on so generous a scale was sending, ar was supposed by hie that the paper crackled. Then a Plows you know very well that the di- Spiritualism, and humanitarianism, but this work of evangelization. !That 1j th'e real aspirations of Germany." viding line betwen the Church and and all the forms of devilism. I4 a ia, we want to brili� men and women that if necessarq another fifty or companions to be about to send, the was slipped between my leaves, and I the world to -day is -like the equator, reran stand in his pulpit and say that .to Christ, and bri them now, I do moire could be added without any whole oP hie money to some lady in wras shut up in am envelope and,ad- or the arctic or antarctic circle -an unless you be born again you will he not know how cramping of the inmates. Men reach- Sydney, to be held under a false dressed, and the -ah, I cannot say for Standing neutral, and Still egercising imaginary line, and khat there are men 10at, do not the tight kid. loves of the but my heart is brealii l' +nY brethren, ing this hospital get proper hos ital name. Sir Ro er had, besides the $8; sure what ha ened. M impressions PP y Control over the in t ng, dem along- ' clotheir and bedding, and have sheare 500 from h{s share of the business, some are vague, I was put in a p0oket lat- policiea of Austria- and wOm,en sworn of God who s{t lis- Chrlsii%n, diamonds bursting through, g hat I have for the: redemption of isHungary and Italy, Germany inigh't cussing infini"teasimal questions: "Spall g0 up to their forehead in humilia-. this People. If God does not ive me to their beds, Sia medical officers are $4;000 in nuggets, purchased from va- ex, where I found a little handkerchief Ihave it in `herl power to drive a, close w'e dance? S"hall"we" play bards"?'Sh'all' 'tion amd'.nhame? It js• not ""elegaut,. .mY ,Prayer, I cannot endure.. it. . of in charge. There is another base hos- rious diggers, It was his •intention to damp with the tears I bad seen wiped barigain with' either belligerent in re- we g° to the theatre ? Shall we attend A mighty boat in the Christian Church fir myself, I otPer my life; to Ithis petal :lower down the rive# at Abaddah. team- the country wiith •this X12;500 as •.aw'ay. We. were. • together until. on tea opera ?" while there are five bun- P0°itivelq prafeasing 'Christianity, do �w0rk. ]`eke it, O Lordesus, and ala • Fifteen miles .north 0f Herber is an- soon as he could. manage it, the Aug more Iwaa broug7it forth Uut t° fill turn for h'er allianeq or moral) aid, It dred millions of the race going down y other big mud brick hospital, witu ac- gets having been oUtained to add color "into a vile box, where I remained all nuf Uelieve in the Bible, out and out, me if that be best, • Whether by my .,commodation for S1)0 men, who will be to the story he would tell 1{iatrelatibes alone. It had• an opening on top from in and in, frons the first word of the life, or by mY death ma a ie the knowledge elf what is involved to darkness unwarned. These sham y great mul- looked after by eigbc medical officers. of big luck at the digging,q. which I could see people passing to in an appeal to arras under th'e circum- Christians will go on, occasionally mk_ first verse of the first chapter of the titude of souls here be borne to God.: Both hence and from the Atbara camp SUDDENLY DISAPPEAR D and fro. I was kept there a long time, ing a little religion with the tip end of book of Genesis, down to the last If from the mound of my grave more ai0k convoys will be made, u far the and thought I should never get out stances described that will be a power- their fingers, sauntering on lazily to- word of the last verse of the last can step into the kin dom of God;than P' Whi10 the three men were at Davis' fol factor in the maintenance of peace wards the Uar of Christ, until they chapter of the Uook of Revelation. through my life, let me lie down to the desert railway journey to Halfa, and again, when thump a heavy mass lei! the eyia"s will be specially fitted for Sir Roger disappeared -murdered, in on me, then snottier, and still another• between England and Russia, how- come in front oP God's swift revolving And when, a few Sabbaths ago, I last sleep. But only let the people he the t Mr. Healem's opinion. Re was a drink - ever strong may be the antagonism be- mill, and find themselves to be " the stood in this pulpit and said : I fear saved. Lord Jesus, it is sweet to live Ying sian and wounded. At Halla er, and when in his cu s let knit mat- I was nearly stifled under the load. chaff which the wind driveth away." that some of this audience will be lost for Thee; methinks it .•could be sweet and at Assuan, where there are breaks P A hideauB yellow envelope fell on mq !ween them in China and elsewhere in between rail and river, there will• br ors connected with his part, which side as if o crush me out of existence, O how much dead wood o have in all for the rejection of Christ," why there to die for Thee. If in the Napoleonic several! a lift hod and a !want five were carefully noted down by Orton rn Parha s it contained some vfllalnoua Asia:, Neither have any interest in our Churches. The Day of Judgment were four or five of the daily papers wars six millions felt; if in the wars of bed bony Y Y a pocketbool{, which is alread known P ., promoting the extension of German in- will mnke a fearful thinning out am- that threw up their hands in surprise the Roman Empire one hundred and pita! for the aa:ommodttion of to the world. It was these drunken news, some hypooritieal lie,. some mes- on? Professed Christians. I suppose it at it. O, we have magnificent Church eight millions fell, shall there not be men who need rest after the juuiney. sage of evil, and I, yet palpitating from Plnence or commerce, while there is Y xriachiner y Y At Abadeah hospital, by the way, is babbli.ngs of Sir Roger that led tobis the fine English handwriting on my will be found on that da that there y in this country ; we have a great matt in our day who are will -Isnot, ear Roentgen a eventual disappearance and all the hardly any material cause of con- are hundreds of thousands of men who sixty thousand American ministers, inR tc, sa0rif[oe, not only world! am- pparatus. On each pages, had to be, mixed up with all this. we have costl y gunboat. is a medical officer, the P,rII. events that have foi)owed. A key clicked in the lock, oracle, f]{et between th'e Empire Christian roc Y have call names on lige Church books y mus{c, t have ?you Uition, but sacrifice all for Christ? O., of the gunboats being Surgeon- Orton and Cresswell always pulled crack, and an enormous red hand of the Turkish Em ire} have certain] who really ,made regi ion a second- Sunday -schools ; and yet I g{ve rate or third-rate thing; living for the appalling statistics tbat in the �— -"� Major Smythe. tog^ther, ani, in° Mr, Hk'a'em's opinion; plunged into the box, and, taking the nothing to be grateful Por to Germany themselves, unmindful of God and the last twenty-five HELP FOR THE DROWNING. A TIiOROLiG$ ORGANIZATION. w'er•e confederates in the conspiracy. packet, disappeared, and came a ain, gears, laying aside When matter.3 were ri, a for tha in- g `` said th'0 Turks themseivea cannot but salvation of the race, and then tomb- last year, the akatistica of which I P Twice I slipped between his Uig Pin- -- Every sort of drug, appliance and in- t_n :e1 coup. 0 ton he a .e: ts, prov- gers-I was too delicate for such band- : be conscious tha,t they are only cats- ling over the • embankment where have not. yet seen -within the last now to Treat a Person Who line :teen , strument that may be required has ed false to Cresswell and secured his ling -but I was seized at last and I paws in tb�e hands of the statesmen Judas went, and Achan went, and twenty-five years the Churches of God Under \Vater for Sone Tlme. been plentifully supplied; and the or- incarceration in an asylum as a luntic, crumpled up in a bundle tied with of Berlin. The position of Germany is, Where all those shall go who do not in this country have averaged less Drown: I ganization generally . is so thorough ind then came to En land with the string. Then I was carried along till make religion the primordial thing- than two conversions a year each. rzB aa0idents ares so common, that there is every reason to hope that capital supplied by his own X8,500, however, extremely interesting, and the first and last matter of the soul. There has been an avewage of four or and yet so often pTeventable, if help the complaints r often made (and C pita! lsu $p,ed and is Rager's ,500, we were surrounded by voice, scratch- ica.nnot fail to exemise'astrong, if not 0 worldly professor of religion, vacil- five deaths in the Churches. How is only given Promptly and intelligent- made as mucky by the surgeons as by 500, which in some wa was obtained ing oP pens, and I was seized snow i, • a decisive, influence on what is pass- lacing professor, idle professor, trem- soon, at that rate, will this world be 1 that ever one should know y by a hand that pressed something Y est anyone else) 04 the )-adequacy of the from the S due lad Orton knew ble before God today. Do you not Drought to God? 4Ve gain two; we y' 1 array, ements for the medical Treat- Sir Re Y y y' dreadful upon me. I received t s ow- 1ng between England and Russia in lase four. Eternal God, what will this whet to do in such an emergency, men! of our troops on active service secrets a•nsd wo ld halve btid no diffir strokes right over the poor little ftow- know that - you die as you axe, all the ear between my pages. respect to their spheres of influence ever silt wit tables nt which you have come to? I tell you plainlq that while It is probably useless to say what i w,li not find any voice as regards the cult in g y. When I came to mgself again I throughout Asla ever sat will lift u hands of blood, cr here and there a re iment of the one o ht to do when in danger of Pe Y gettin the moue P Y- g gg ex ation i Khartoum. Such is Mjr. Healem's story. If it be found myself on a chimney piece, the {ng for your condemnation? And Christian soldiery is advancing, the drowning, for the person in such a I I have omitted to mention that the true it will go a long way toward room filled with shadows of the dying your neglected Bible, and your pray- Church is falling back for the most stretchers for carr in the wounded throwin li ht u on this remarkable day. At length, after a long wait, my ". WHE�R,E WOMEN RULE. erless pillow, will cry: "Go down I go part, and falling back, and falling situation will not be likely to fol- , and sick from place to place have been case. Mr. Healem will be in En land We occasionally bear of towns in down I' You pretended to have re- back, and if, you do not come to com- low rules. The body is so little heavier I fitted with hoods, and Tommy, who for some months, and Sir R.0 ed and glanced was torn open and I woe ligion, but you bad none. Out of the plete rout, it will be because some in- than water, that the slightest sup- generally contrives to get fun• of hie g glanced over rapidly by two superb, American and New Zealand in which seven da s of the week, his lawyers will have plenty of time but icy cold blue Dyes, s0 dry and hard Y you gave not divides! Churches hurl themselves to Port, scarcely more than the prover- Awn peculiar faneq out of most events to sift the story and ascertain howtfae that they gave me s shack. Only rd the woman voter is dominant; but how five haus to Christ. You broke your the ,front, and ministers of Christ, bial straw, will suffice to keep it afloat has succeeded in evolving n. mild but it is reliable, and whether it will just. first lines were reed, he seemed to d{ - many of our women readers are aware sacramental oath. Go down 1 go trampling on the favour o£ this world if the person ran keep cool, avoid Popular jokelet out of the ]iiboiir.t e down l And the firiest and mi htiest and sacrificing everything, shall sty l) ify them in bringing tea matter once nine the rest -wind then he threw me of the fact that in Great Brit- g uggling, and be satisfied to keep the :alteration Lias cost him. For some rea- more before the world, roughly Ori the chimney -piece again, j[ thunderbolt of God's indignation that snatch up the torn and abattered han- nose and mouth out of the water while ' son or other it has been the fashion the flower fell unheeded to the flgar- ain itself there is a large centre of is ever forged will smite you int° dark- nor of Emanuel, and rush ahead; waiting for assistance. at Darmali to cast a sort of comic scorn population in th'e same -shall we say ness. O I would rather be a man, in crying : "On t on 1 This is no time to If a person is brought out of the on the Guards, there being a sort of I saw it no more. The ones who reject- `� Nappy?- condition ? Bays the West- the last day, who has never seen a run ; t,his is the time to advance," water• apparently dead, the first thin prevalent then POP CORN FOR INSOMNIA. ed me+ so unkindly was a very hand - church, than ou who g s e camp that islets minster Gazette, Th»re is Caermar- Y professed to be I see, still further, the Head of for the Uystandere to do is to get', gallant soldiers were to be sent to ____ i• same man, tall, and well made, with then, where the women voters on the $O enrich, and to do so much, and yet a great awakenin in the mul- awe If an one amon them knows Khartoum wra, curly, blonde hair and long, cnratutly g Y• Y g peed (BO to speak) in New Care Tbnt Iinp Prnve:l ItnrntlonR local government register are no less did nothing, You shall perish in the titudinous going down of un- what to do, let him assume charge cotton wool. A hit at the Guards tvbenever 7rtrd. trimmed beard. He was elegan iy than 68 da when (Uod's wrath is kindled but for iven souls. Since man of while the others help by keeping at therefore was not to be missed when dressed, and his bands were white and per cent. l the whole, Thi$ g y A business man living in the south delicate. {s mare than double the proportion a ittle. O woxtdly professor oP yeti?- you came on the stage of Action, n. a distance Bo as not. to destroy the occasion offered, And the soldier at existing in any other town, and the ion -and there axe hundreds of them l whole generation hag gone into 1 ua d ing man's last chance of ettin work on the stretcher hoods rom tl � greml)le• cure for in- Y n an uncomfortable osi- hare to-do I am aimin at the mark gates of eternit Your o i g g p p y has found an a As Ila i explanation given of it is that the in- y' g y• pportunity air. � t {answered the question as to what they Bomnia. It answered perfectly in his tion close t0 n chandelier, the mnnpevi- dustries of the town have greatly de- -if You could today realize your true ' to act upon them is gone. They have He should be first placed on the ; were for with, "What for? Why for dently forgetful of ray existence, de- rayed, and its main dependence is up- condition, and your true position before disappeared from the churches, from ground face down, with the bead lower : You and me to carry the blooming cage, and no ton+ter needing it as voted his attention to tying a white on its reputation as a bealt•h resort, God, you would bite your lip until the i the stores, the shops, the streets, than the feet if the banks is sloping Guards to Khartoum, o4 course." medicine he continues it as food. It cravat, the mate of ter ane in the Hence a large number oP its house- blood came; you would wring your from the home.g. Many of them are and then the one who is working over ( is a most agreeable dish of po corn. desk, and no doubt at. this very mo- 'h'olders are women who koep'lodgfng- hands until the bones cracked ; you I now-wh'1t. !g the use of my biding the him makes Pressure with the hands The corn is popped in the usual wire ment my dear f:rie.nd who sent me forth' houses. would utter t cry that would send fact and being the coward in regard to under the abdomen so as to ex- � CHANCE FOR DREYFUS. this morning was wondering bow Iwas this whole audience to their feet with ' it -no, I will tel{ basket, and while hot it is ' - yoi1 just av it is- peI any water that mn.y be in t•he� `air- � --- put in a Using received. Oh, if I could an)y ef- " +- a horror. May God wake you up, ; many of them going out of this world passages. Of course, if the clothes a.re Cabinet 1lnttinlnroasiy Dee,,,, on a Revo hot bow). Scalding milk is poured ov- facie ail tent she had, confided in me f BEFORE AN OLD MASTER. worldly professor of religion, before without one item of preparation. on they must be loosened immediately soon or the Case. or it, and in two minutes it is soft He reread me, however, after a time, you wake up in the barred and flam- ; Their souls dropped fiat into the lost and then pulled or cut off by an cis- and rezrdj" to Des ri and little by little memory awakened Mrs. Gaswel in an art store --Seems ing dungeons of a destroyed eternity. iwarld, That is, if the Bible is true, aistant. without interfering with the A despatch from Paris, says: -The p nkled with sugar, {rr turn over the history rontnined to mra that's an awful Price to pay When you look abroad and see loth- and I am su osin unless salt and pepper are preferred. for ori' old picture like that. PP k' it is. You, O work oP resuscitat{on. I Figaro of Wednesday says the Cabinet therein, 1>ut h{s exFressicrrt remained Argy among the The addition of a. little vanilla trans-' hard and cold. Reproaches, tears, heart- prver, drs of re t see Ceetingn man, had an ogportunit•y of As soon as the water has been a�ueez- Council just held unanimously agreed forms the. uvenile favorite into a clet- Mr. Caswell -Tutt picture is slither almost tate world over, do you not see meeting them. You did meet them, ed out, the patient is to be turned: Min irate hist. J r throes, All were unavniting. T henrd old, io bo sure, but the frame Is new. that taste is a need that the bugles, ! You talked with them on other sub- his back, and covered with a blanket upon a revision of the Dreytus case, Y 1 udding. To keep isle cern him murmur, ns he pneed up and down. and the cymbals, and the drums, and jectg., You had an opportunit - of sa a U stander's coat or an thing warm, I and directed the Minister of Justice, after gathering, put it, on the roh, in ,.~� Y Y Y Y a cool the room: "If I go there will he, more JUST ALIKE. the trumpets of all earth and heaven ' {ng the saving word, and you did not and hot-water bottles or hot bricks, i M. Sarrien, to take the necessary ste a Place ; if shelled it loses tears, and what is to be, done ? It is r call upon the Church to wake up all !Fay that saving word, Just think of wrapped in clotha so ae not to,burnrthe to accomplish it. P its moisture sooner, and after a while not .my fault, thnt• I do riot love her any Do those dormant will not. pop. Tne place where other you see that big sennas there? Pro£essora of religion ? I that.! O, where {a the fountain where, akin, should be placed about fee body The Matin announces toe discover corn is ke t is beat o longer. I am decided. T onnnot g0 t.o- V, said Jenks, indicating the thirteen -inch "Aw'ake, thou tbat,Bleepest; awake, and with sleeve rolled up, we may wash and feet underneath the coverings• q P preserve it in. night. I will write and tell her so. gun protrudin from the turret in the Christ shall give thee life." , our hands from the blood of souls? A ver good of faots im licatin the officers of POP corn hot served in bowls of hot will say-" and be wrote. 4-40 q way to get rid ot? ear- P g milk is a southern refection at card r iS pjc't.ure of the battle Bhi In one ra- Still further: I Be a need fora rant There is no Woad the cneral staff, addln that Gener- P• g perhaps, of mourning qu{sitive and excited people who per- g g S� oat a difference ovor this mernin epect teak's just like my pocketB are awakening {n the feat teat tense of us over that just now, We cannot change srst in crowdin axound the drownin al Zurlinden, the new Minister for pasties. when I saw a sweet woman's Pace bond- every night. who preach the Gospel have .so little it, They ore dead and they are de- man and shutting off the air IS to Wax, reported the matter to the Coun- {ng over me, feverish wlth emotion Why, dear, Mrs, Jenks asked how enthusiasm and zeal compared with Btroyed-tbose who believed not In send them in different directions to oil, and urged the necessity of re•. OPEN TO CONGRATULATIONS. caused by thoughts of him, and this . can that bo ? what we ought to have. Now you see Christ -they are destroyed. The only the nearest houses for blankets, hot forming the Intelligence Department, man seated before a table searching his It's rifled, said Mr. Jenka. the un kicks, I sa , we whd reach I question is, whether as Christian men bricks, bottles filled with hot water of the War Office, whereu n he was Jamea-Hurrah I tMy brother is - y l� brain for phrases n- 'fit, but tea words tea Gospel have so little zeal and en -'and women, we can gnaw interrupt too and with thick stockings drawn over directed to elaborate aprojeot sap%rat- home from the Klondike. would not oomo tnq more easily than - IN THS UNG AGO thusiasm for Christ c&mpared with ' other procession that is marching down, them, smelling -salts, hot tea or oof- I"' the duties of the general staff from Nimson-You don't say. What did the Ideas, He tore up six pages be - Wiggles -Diel what we ought to have. 0, it is a and will, aftdr awhile, if unarrested fee, brandy, and anything else that those of the Intelligence Deparrtment, he get, that you rejoice so? fore finishing three lines, qau ever ride in a tremendous thin to stand before an by God"s The G�Qvernmeut dentes the rumour Jdmea-Why he got back, of course, you all this from the Uottnm horselPas carriage? g grace, fall off. There are Dan be thought af. F>aw of the things of the de th That's mare than the most of them T tell Waggles --Not since 1 was a blab , audience on Sabbath drys, xealizing tea going out from our stores hundreds of bxought can be used, but that will a of Dreyfus, and the feat are ettfn of a drawer where I am lying. There y Pact teat tea majority of thein will thou:yanda of" clerks; going out from not matter. that lit• li`aure haps loft the capital in g g are 1ett.erB and faded flowers and rib- : "`"R beliovo what you say about God, and our f:e%f•les hundreds of thousands of In resorting to artifleial respiration r aided ae indicating that inatters I -•r-» bons all around ma, and I recognize PRELIMINARY STEPS. the soul, a•nd the reat future. Sup. operatives; g g ry111 be g these are aft! out of our the mo t important tiling is pRrsever- Quint &1r atlnle, UNKIND, the perfume of my tear -stained pages. Why da you think Mr, Quizzleham pass a mal asked of yolt rho road to a fields hundreds of thousands e! bus- Once. The effotts to brim bsuk to lQ9e 1a'alse one; said lie, as he stale Where shall Ibe to -morrow? Whnt trill f intends to run for cometh{tlg? certain plane, and you carelessly and bandmen to join the ranks"of death. an- appatently drowned person recoil �' committers of threo ilippinos, ap- frent her e k d become cif me? o -mo is ? thou ht $e shook heals with a Iabarer who falsely told titin, and afterwards youheq ori fighting their way down, not bq released icy a long tune, for �►iHied by A1gitlnaldo, has left gong PrE)s Ace, you now lock up- as I dream oR th'e hinok a es tx baa fust Dome out 6f a bo{ler shop a heard that through lack of right direr. They storm and take every Impediment oases art? recorded In which resuspita- k> nR', In order to oohfor with 'resident otic Paas far the last time. s ftrh e � little while ago and asked hIM to call tion that man 'teas lost on the MOUA- put in their wdy, and who will threw tion WAS not effected till after twb Moiiiinley,ktpo2�t keit frit a tttg ish A WM, your looks will be Improved by tears and the cold blue eyes tort have ilfin "Bili t' hereafter, tailor, fell rover tiro rocks, unci lost � hina�elf in the wry od this stampede of � °f iI vn yin I rU4& replied the unkind o"Bed to respond. Translated from the llourd of lutaed :wnrlr, tppine x�X1dA,, l i'o Rlrl, &t r 1 la renoh of Jrdlea Case. . , • � , 1 r - e"� •rte ,h.,t. w slit-�141l.,yy�, ... 1,,, - 4 - _ __ A-lM..�M+•c-+..arm, ....: .,........, ..w., -o... ,....,.-.m.,... ... ..�......,__-u....-, _..,w. .._. .._.. _. ..Asir r