HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-15, Page 3...... -;", ,.. .--11111—
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Two of the offLcers took the marquis
in hand and "rried hint huuta. two
.. —
A j� jj1 A yl
.. .
high ground above Xetemmeh, and the
sun lwiuted us
Qj] � f1 p p OF �1l 00 � I
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bar at w"Oom 6k must'
a picturq on the plain
jjj�l�lJJ j�j��JRS ,[j UO��O t
•, Modiat06y aprang to
other i uuug nub,e, were also carried
in front that well repaid our unpleaa-
,to. in a, jurs8 voice tyhOnLed,
n l� [�
OF ^� IIA ;
r R
to their hornet, three oP the number,
being bons of wealthy merchants, were
,int l -c., . The golden dczaurC stretuh-
da b@fir,@ us until it merged into the
�� �
— OR
deliveved over to the captain in charge
at the headquarters, where they were
green dourra-clad valla of t
y he Nile,
through which the great river run like
�,ritiai) legLalatore do niQt eve�i sto
kept till morning and then buttered to
depart with several reprimands.
On the following day an officer of
Picturesque Episodes of lbs Mandlsts Ila4
Iles Against the IIrINah Troops-lirtl•
a thread of silver. Far In the diatttnee
rose Lhe blue hills, the ramparts thM1
Notable Irish 'i liallWI-home Amusing Yn•
stances of very Bleed Metaphor by
at practical joking to relieve the
dLum of making laws. oouw yearn
ago there way In the Hume a iris
the force—Philip Salvia—entered com-
Nancy of the Charges -Checked In the
stream, and the desert at
Rrtt,sh Legislators.
member of considerable wealth, ba'A
and full information the
Iltdst of a Terrific ♦Buboes by the
our was peopled with the chivalry
of the Soudan,
negligent in his dress, his hat aspqcfir
plaint of
Bound of tlrltls4l•hcer.
Horsemen galloped too
The delw,taa in the House of Com-
}r•Lng date. Ofte
night's debauch before the duke, the
and fr thpttaanda of s acmes wend-
mons are often ver dull and mem-
ally of a ver ancient
h+ Chief Secretary for
result of which was the administeringg'
"Bombash" writing to the London
ed their way to intercept us, lances
night lust the
evidently seen service in the field. He
of a public: reprimand to the whole
Daily Telegraph, says: I was sitting
glittered in the sun, and a myriad
bers of Parliament being, after all,
Ireland in the lobby, and said, ' Ihave
i Once more the outraged, cruelly ag-
was past the middle age and bore the
p $
party, the marquis coming in for the
4 8
on day in DuAtinher, 1881, on a Nile
waving banners spread t L
gout u +Lhe
onl human welcome not only flashes
Y , Y
got a new hat; here Lt in; I hope Von;
it." f
graveled, and grossly insulted artist
scars of battle too plainly marked
p y
be mistaken. He seemed a little sur-
severest and most scathing art of it.
g p
Theile nights later Philip Salvio was:
dahabeah, at Assouan, when Minchet-
morning breeze, t
of enuine wit and those incon
8 gruous
approve of
It is a very nice hat, indeed," said
sought (o bring his enemy to listen to
a word of swraun. His final plea may
prised by the prisoners request, but
he attended to it without remark. He
stabbed to the ,heart, In a narrow, ,
dark street, near the sive-, and his
ta, Sheik of the Ahabdeh Arabs, came
It nes a grim momelltr when event-
expressions popularly known as"bulls"
—which aro often deliciously
y humorous
the Chief Secretary, "but I don it
know wh y you should ask my approval
• have been a ypistake. At all events,
it the
it found
turned to two of his squad, who ap-
body thrown into the current; but it
to pay me a visit. He was agood type
ually the little force of Guards and
mounted infantry, - 800
—hut buy trirvial incident or saying
of ,Lt."
• as utteaancA count's rage
Furth into more hot brad veug@-
poured to be free from present duly,
and gave theca direction for guarding
was drawn out by another officer, a
short distenoe, farther down the stream
of an Arab gentleman. His aquiline
nose, deep brown eyes, high features,
perhaps not
strong, advanced to meet the b e
army In front them, to
but of which they can possibly raise a
laugh to
' you send me this note oil'
the aul',ject'8' abked the member, and to
it cursing and imprecation than had
the body, while another wtis sent to
and the bput where he had been aasass- !
and well. -formed hands and delicate
of and pierce
a, lane through it Ito the Nile, Ac•hiu
relieve the monotony of the
the Chief Secretary's amazement he
soiled his tongue.
iso ed his 1' Zanoni had ex-
Procure a conveyance by which it could
be properly removed.
Luat:ed wa:i discovered.
It was known very well that Mar-
fingers betrayed the noble stock from
anxious eyes watched them fro the
proceedings at St. Stephen's.
The sagacity for making "bulls" is
produced a note whL• h purported to be
written by Ulm on the offiuial noteRia-
claimed, as he iLghtly and dexterously
turned the attacking blade over his
"Is that all, signor?" the sergeant
asked, with just the faintest
nuts Steffan:) had dune the cruel, cow -I.
lordly deed; but the one man whuou
which he descended, and, black though
he was, his voice and manner were
zareba, where lay our general, striek-
on early in the day, and many wounded
b no means mono
Y polized by the Irish
por of the Irish Office,. ,
Tile writer expresses the hope that
shoulder, "1 implore you to desist If
', you do not—if you push me to the verge
itgo. His
to a ,soils on his bronzed vtsttge. His
in irony, but rather
have sworn to Lt dared not, and he
went OIPar—clear apprehension and
those of a polished mans of the world,
comrades, with only enough water to
last till morning, Tile vultures, an-
members, says a writer in Tit -Bits.
I Mr. Gladstone was the author of one
he would be excused for stepping be,
PP 8
the prLrileges of ordinary
of danger myself—I shall kill you l"
speech nus ttat
though it had struck him as
but not steer from oppro-;Alas
for rilinchettai his partiality for
tici gating acoare, meal, soared over
the "bulls" I have
,yonri icgw.
to suggest ilia atriuteis
"Not came opt 1 am not su easily
1" And the
jocose, as
a cumtcal thing that a naan in charge
brlum and hatred. (
Mandism led him to an untimely end
the little aqua-@, and the gazelles,
rudely awakened by this
oil most amusing
ever heard at St. Stephen's. In the
thatL'Lhen hatowas
killed as you think count,
thus retorting, sprang to the attack
for hurnicide should resume to direct
I his captors about caring for the body
At the prLiun, when Zanoni was:
dolivored over to the keeper,'
— his bones now whiten the bands of
strife, rushed madly bete and there,
course of a aps@cli he imputed to a
erda,ctl what
gentleman of his position and wean
with all the force at his command.
of the victim.
the sergeant repeated the orders
his wide domain. In 1882 however,
or stood spellbound as -Ae ebbed. At
,member an i.ntentiun which the honor-
ought to wear.
e did not see—he did not feel—that
)Ls leaving him. His
"1 have uue favor to ask at your
which he had received from the mar-
Minehetta was with Mohammed Pasha,
last we reached an o Pen plain, and the
Mandist host, which had been gath-i
able gentleman referred to denied by a
When Lord Charles Beresford first
strength .was
p by exertions had been great—far
hands, if you will kindly rant it, ser-
, y g
quL-3, Cut there was no formal ordoYof
Khalifa, and Saleh, all important char-
Bring round us, only waiting for a
shake of his head. +
entered Parliament, 6 ours mqn,
1874, an old Tor count member,
beyond an exercise of Uody be hoc}
geaint, t
„ You may tell me what it is.'
committal, nor bad there been any
order for the arrest; so the painter,
atter, in the Eastern 'desert. His men
favourable moment to attack, massed
•No, no," exclaimed Mr. Gladstone;
y y
much troubled with gout, was in the
ever used himself to—while his insane
surging upon both heart anti
" You have my rapier. it is a price-
upon giving his word that he would
travelled constantly to Berber, Kos-
on some rising ground to our left. For
n, moment the two 'forces halted, look -
It is no use for the honorable•memher
habit uP retiring to one of lh seolnid••
brain, did much to enervate and weak-
leas weapon. if it is not to be re-
urned uu tie: 1 would like to have YOU
not try to escape, was conducted Loran
apartment In the suite of the keeper,
sets, Suakin, and Kassala, and wide
was his knowledge of the of
Ing almost into each other's eyes. q'he
I to shake bile head in the teeth bf his
@d , f, benches under the reporters' gal -
lery, fehind the Spealker'y shat- an d
an a frame that had been already
•overbraeed and excited U extraneous
;irks the scabbard to go with it and
give it to the duke. I will tell him w•hy
well and comfortably furnLshed, be-
;ales being of goodly size and clean
Soudan,. It was during this visit that
English, despairing of victory, but
calm and steady, each soldier wearing
'own wards.'
A chart time ago riIn A. J. BalfotYr
taking off his 1)AOtN, which he )laced
g [
under the ht)nrh and would doze ae-
The keen -eyed marquis, watchful of
Y q
1. wish him to p,.saesa it if it mull pass
and airy. In fact, it was a chamber
he told me of the Mandi, .of whom
on his face that stern, determined
took peculiar to an Englishman when
indulged in another very laughable
surely till his rest was disturbed by
the Avisiun bells, when he. would a1L
every bigtt, sanr that this man was tic-
from m hands.
"Well, tits friend, returned the old
where the officer might have placed
8 1
one of his visiting friends. The only
till then I had never heard, and pro-
he finds himself in a tight lace, 1`he
g P
incongruity of pxpreaaion. Some of
onhisboots and go intoone ofthe d•
Ing; ttnd the fear came to him that
('amPa?Igoe-, with entire good nature,
approach to a prison look about it way
)hesied his greatness. It was natural
I , $
Mabdists, all animation end exalts-
. the Scottish members urged that they
vision lulihio.s.
the painter might utterly weaken and
disarm him without being still@d up-
' considerin that you have slain one
that upon linin th:) silken curtains
that I should not believe him. Moham-
tion, led to their emirs and standard
bearers, stood forth in all their for
ishould be allowed time to discuss a
One evening, however, the old
on, dor his own safety,to strike home.
" Oh," he in his heart•, " if I could
of the chief's nobles of Parma, 1 think
that thele call be little question about
of the windows a light but firm net-
ting of iron appeared beneath them.
mad Achmed was a native of Don-
Bola, and the Dougolawi are of the vii-
10,000 spear tips glistened in the sun-
light, acid with loud cries Allah
bill in which they were interested, and
]qtr. Balfour, in reply, commented on
i gentleniaan could only fl.nd one of his
hoots, and he had to hobble Into' tho
nerve Guiseppe to pricking the fellow
Your possessing the weapon again."
"Then it to the duke?"here
And here supper was brought in; and
the to the
eat type of riverain Arabs; so Ilaugh-
Akbar," this beautiful force dashed'
Ith@ fact that Scottish debates were
lobby with one bent. Off, amid much
good humored laughter, The youth-
into real anger, just for one short
you will give
" Don't it strike you, signor, that his
prisoner was pass
night. , ',
ed at the idea of his becoming a for-
at its enemy. As the charge began the
carried on, as a rule, in a (thin House,
Pul sailor had hidden the missing boot.
moment l It would be sufficient."
And, with this dealing, he slipped up
gloss might lake it as rather & CUVL
,And what were his feelings? He
midaUle enemy or a power. But Min-
soldiers of the English square cheer -
which he de�oribed as an empty
behind the count an hissed into his
thing—the giving to him of a sword
that had killed one of the wealthiest
knew the law; and the law said isle
mus die 1 Not even the ducal
chetta, even then a disciple, was right,
theatre of Unsympathetic auditors."
ear: 1
" Now Guiseppe ( Remember the up-
of his nobles?"
could save or reprieve him. The kill-
as four years' campaigning and many
a hard fight taugh4 tole. I litt.l�,
�i'hx the- there was something omin-
Lord Randolph Churchill, on one
prince of IVa tee Ilan ulgrlatPa to That
• per stroke —the throat l Then the
" Aye, added another of the guards-
in . of a noble U
6 y plebeian was a deed
ons in the sound—for Indeed t h@ cheer
occasion, spoke of a sum of money
t�apaPtty heven iy.Ntve Time,.
heart I At him 1 "'
men, with a significant nod,
to become the
to ba punished with death—no more;
thought that sixteen years later his
of English soldiers going into battle
whL+•h was tinder discussion as "a more
The Princ@ of Wales is the champion
,A simple accident, after all, was to
In his to
one, too, that was about
husband of his excellency's beautiful
no less. And when he remembered
the testimony which Steffano would
followers would still be possessors of
a sound which no enemy can hear
without emotion — or whatever the
fleabite in the ocean of our expendi-
godfathapr of Great Britain, his record
end the conflict.' endeavors
avoid his antagonist's thrusts, without
cousin and ward."
give against him, his last hope of liv-
the Soudan and
cause, this At.1.h.% checked their charge
tura," and Lt was only recently that
being seventy-five weaslons on whlclf
thrusting in return, Zanoni had moved
The prisoner winced; but gave no
Ing died out. Could the duke have
anrd paused for one moment as one
a Welsh member concluded a eategorL-
he has officiated in that capacity. He
back—and back, and backward still, un-
sign of feeding, that his guard could
possessod the power of pardon, as
Mohammed Achmed conquered Dar-
isOmBtin•ies sees a huge flight of birds
cat. denial of a statement which had
also holds another unique record in
til he reached, without discovering
it, the very edge of the river's bank.
see. Presently he replied, to the ser-
kings and emperors did, he might have
a hope; but such was not the case. In
four and Kordofan, destroyed Hicks
stop before they turn in their flight.;
it was but for one instant, then the
[)can made in the course of a debate by
saying, "It gives me great pleasure to
this respect In having aloof as god-
' Another backward step would carry
"I think you need have no fear of
fact, the rulings of the council, with
and Gordon, held his own against the
hope and flower of Malidism, like a
have nailed that lie to the mast." i
father to the Duke of Marlborough cls .
' him over the brink into the flood.
that. Antonio is a dear lover of art,
that once the property
the chief justices at his head, were as
far the the
English in the Byuda, and the East-
great wave whose white crest was
formed by 1limisanl fanners, dash
well as to the, Duke of Marlborough's
In this situation the count, with all
the force and strength at his com-
and rapier was
of a masLer whose memory he holds
beyond power of duke to
change or modify as was his power+be-
ern Soudan, and actually fought a
a -
ed out its strength against the wall
A fewi yeaa•s ago the House was in
infant heir—that Is, godfather to both
mond, made the feint and the attack
in highest reverence."
yond that of his lowest menial.
battle of Toski, within 100 miles of
of determine,f uten who waited silent-
committee discussing the civil: service
the father and the son.
which Rteffano had suggested. Zanoni
" Well, well, I'll think about it. At
Of ZanonL's thoughts of Isabel we can
AssouaA. It shows us the power of
ly at the bottom of the hill. Nor is
estimate. In the vote for mining in-
The ceremony in connection with the
saw, and saw that he must put forth
all events the duke shall. know what
---- --
_..__ _____
___— _ — --_—_
all his skill, A half step backward
carried his left foot so far over the
You have said."
"That will answer," said 'Zanoni.
became ae
i that behind U,'
i t eh nd m:)
a little ause,
t i ed after P
But he added, dv
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is best Velasquez wash n
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yy1.et'. uncertain as to the force and ef-
Valasqu@z the best
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' painter of the
And you are the p.
Uat`tle-piece 'The Vieunti,''Signor Zan-
1 t
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':�: r, + c '
Zanoni stood aghast. 'When he look-
ad tupon the iotas where he bad fallen,
uni I a ask
L ani. And, my friend, if 1 may
- -�
` ='s' �•f
, .
with his marble -like Pace and his star-
i tell me what you know of
will you Y
Murillo and Antonio Valasqu ezT„,._;
i _ � __ :-
ing, yet sightless, eyes turned u(•ivard •
he saw the motionless limbs,
"Oh, not mtuh, signor. I served
;:• ;{ , �,,,
- c.
1s��a X1%6
with ant. even a quiver to tell of life,
ten earn in the army of Spain, and
3 fly brother
was at Seville.
i f, }
�' $"
_.. - ... e -knew VAat he bad done.
" The Futter in •heaven ku6ws I did
stn ied wiLlf Velas-
vvas` a paLntwr Anc1 d
{..::,:,. ••;?:r;: r
,cr ,
k al; A
' -y,
1 t:
not mean to do it !' he said, in bitter-
ness P spirit. I would have spared
que'z, and 1 u -ad to 'be' often in the
winter's quarters. I love the art my-
P q
; @
;i: \
tl`g 'I I
Y' .+ice
b I n if I e puld I "
self, and •1 am proud In possessing , a
- . ,,:;:ii:::. �- -
� �• _.fie
Ile had not spoken to the marquis,
few good pieturas. Of course,
., _ rte. _
yet the marquis answered him—an-
couldn't lie in the studio of Valesquez
without h-aring of blurillo, and a few
swered quickly and malevolently:
"Yet I beard you declare but a
of IlL% srn:ullAr pieces 1 saw there." '
moment. since that you would surely
"What, was your brother's name?"
kill him."
— - -- )aainter started. He remembered
"Ahl Batlslal".
• tits w•Vtils he had spoken when seek-
"Yes, Girtc'omo f3atista:'
Ing t.o persuade the count to desist
1 Yea you are Rafael8"
Up the valley of the Nile England is now making her last great move for the capture of Khartoum from the Dervishes, and the avengidg of the death of General "Chinese" Gor-
ft•orn his mail onset. He remembered;
he saw what a use could be made
"I have heard your brother speak of
don and his brave British garrison in 1885. Wonderful engineering marks
the English advance. A railroad
is being constructed with marvellous
rapidity across the desert, and by
of them against him,
you, and 1 think I now remember
this means the army equipments are
now carried to the front, instead of by the old method of carne( caravans.
Gunboats now float on the upper
Nile above the rapids, having,* been
" Oh, marquis I Will you be so trey-
having Seen yoursellf. I was but a
carried b the railroads in sections, and launched when the river began its annual rise last month. By this scientific
Y g
warfare England is preparing to wipe out the empire and army
cherous? Will you seek to torture
those words into evidence against me?
boy at tbn time—only sixteen. You
left Seville shortly after, as did I. I
of the fanatic Moslems of the Nile.
And tout. to (moment ago you swore that
went to Madrid, and I suppose you
- -- - .- - ---------__ -_--- ____- __
well judge. They were sacred— holy—
fanaticism when we consider that the
---- --_ - — - _
it easy to forget the surpassing bra spectors there was an Lt.em for "cler
_ _--_ __-,_,-- _ _ -_
baptism of the son tock place at fhe
you would help one to escape. Ah I—"
" Peace I NO; my clear, inquisitive
came to Ifaly."
The old )ergeaant was greatly pleas-
friend, T have thea on the Uip,!" So
ed; and, further, he rpiuilned tai �nooi
wad with them we will leave him iter
Mthdista look Ubeid, Khartoum, T{as_
very of the old Sheik -Aho lett his mon
tubi itsskstnnee." To this an English
mem'•er representing a mining can-
Chapel Royal, St, James' Palace, on
spake Steffano Farnese ; and the look
Ill.; rapier, having first o )til ne P
that it r•'hnutd noL 1)e used
Lha night.
Marquis Steffan, hall not
sla and Berber, destroyed Hicks, shat-
into the square tit Abu Klea, Amid
the storm of battle he rode calmly in
stituency objected. 'He was not aware,
Saturday, the 10th day of CL•Itobier,
upon his (lark visage was one of deep
deadly malignity. "By St. Paul,"
against peace and good order. The
been Ldle,. it was his plan th!t(. the
tared the Abyssinian a.>tmy led by the
front of his men reading his Koran,
he, said, that mining inspectors were
1807, when the Prince of Wales, who
he added, after a brief pause, the look
fact was, not only BaUsLa, but ao-
duke should remain as long in ignor-
King himself, and killed that monarch,
up to the muzzles• of our rifles, and
inside• the 'I
,such wicked people that they required
clergymen to he kept to look i,peeially
had been one of the godfalbers al, the
Duke's christening twenty-fivo years
of hatred changing to one of triumph,
"you will no further into my af-
other of the guardsmen prosent,
witnessed enough of the late conflict
antic of what h•acd occurred ay possible.
On his arrivatt in the.. cit he (went at
fought and all but won the battles of
foil actually square.'
saw him afterwards, and never saw a
after their : p'ritual condition. The
before, in the anme chapel, acted In a
fairs 1 You mode a false move when you
to know that the count had Been the
once to the office of the. council, )where
Abu Klea and Gubat, to say nothing of
Giness Toski; 'and if
face so cult'} incl serene. Let us trope
Molise roared with lau hi er, and the'•
honorable member hint:,elf joined as
similar capacity for the Duko's heir,
1 the other sponsors being the Marchion-
sought to gain knowledge of the early
aggressor, and that the painter had
done he could to avoid tho'confliet,
he. was sure of finding some of { the
they usually having husi-
Tel), Tamai, and
to -day their race is nearly run, they
his spirit Il.•ts entered the Paradise
which Mohammed promised, and which
heartily ay any one in thg merriment
' ess of Blandford and Mr. William Van-
life of the duke's broLher t"
" Marquis I—as you are - called by
The result was fortunate for our
ness that kept Lhom into the evening.
still hold Omdurman, and 20,000 men,
this disciple had surely earned,
when -a was explained' to him that tips
siert al a si:tin^e" was meant the'
derhe i,
The lstnperor Of Germany stood, god -
these who know you not I" Zanoni re-
hero; and U. improwAed him as a favor-
able augury. Ili.% rapier bml been
ThLs council, called "The Council of
Twenty," cit Ln secret when they
armed with every civilized instrument
The charge of the Hadpridot::'as
though more effective, was nolhinF, like
assistance Of elerks and not of cloy 8Y -
father to all seventh sons iq Prussia.
torted, with bitter contempt
look and tone, "you may have then ad-
g y.
re•itored to him before they had reach-
chose so to do. Tt• was, In fact, n se-
of destruction, accompanied by the
so picturesque. Theirs was asudden
But, undouhtcdly, ecpre:.sions like
Tho former Empress Eugenie in one
year acted as godmother for tbo'13,834
vantage now; but suchbaseness as I
believe have been of, such
ed the main part of the city,lso hA was
permitted to walk along with the ser-
cret tribunal, and like its prototype,
the Council of Ten, of Venice, was rte
English Grenadier Guards, a dozen
led by the Sir-
rush, generally w'hou lemi. expected,
for they were as a rule hidden, their
the,:e—so fair at. Istist as they are due
children :vbo were. horn in Franr;e on
you guilty
gro8s and impudent—"
spent In a rePrrtingly friendly manner,.
absolute. .power, responsible to nu-
powerful (;unhOaty, and
Bar in person, are thought necessary
dark naked bodies almost the (elm of
to confusion of idcyas, Or rather to the
thought tPi.ng too rapidly altered to
the 10th of 1laxelt, 1850, the same day
as ills Prince. Tntlperial. Mr. Cecil Ithod-
•' 1Tere l Herel" Steffano shouted,
breaking in upon the speech he did not
and na one who caw them could have
suspoct,erl that: the handsome -faced
body; its decree:; beyond recall or dis-
put(, Lt:•i justice knowing but little of
to give a final blow to their power.
the bush. General (.-show at 1'amAi
charged them with the 42nd flighland-Ibe
cil"'fi sly anti adequately espre-sed
In frequently
es is godfather to about forty young
the arlstocraop. It is bis
like. "Ilore is your prisoner He has
slain the noble Count Guiseppe Denarol
gent'ei'rtan with the golden-abeathnd
rapier, walking along 8o pleasant
the, temper of mercy.
flarow Alonzo Dodero was preAdent
Long experience of their ta,Oties has
made me consider the Mandists as a
ors, and not successfully. On the other
hand, as large :t body of Arabs its-Iby
words—are uttered most
mems erg from Ireland.
"'Note that Chancellor Ex-
sc:ionq of
vustom tq��transfer to each of+'his god -
TyCLy shares in the De Fears
Sine, there he lies, run through the
with th•, old guardsman, wits a pri-
of the Pounei.l and justice of ittaeourts,
bravo, but not. a dangerous enemy.
tacked Sir Redvers hullers' force sim-
the of the
(chequer hay lilt' the cal out of Rhe
Mines, b
heart I"
Heavy hands were laid upon the pain-
"The. pri-on of t he malefactors," as
IIP way full three score, a large,
Y $ .
heavi;y-framed man, stern and uncom-
favored as they were in the wars of
1883-1887 by the best luck they
ultaneousl -with the eharga of the
Black Watch, and waa driven off with-
� bag, it. k timer to take the fiulil Iby
the horn,." exclaimed an Irish momt,er
tag's arms, and his rapier, which be
Stefftano had called it., way really 1 he
proniL•ing, :with a firm faith, not only
out I he lass of it man.
hart not returned to his scabbard, was
only Trivnn of consequence in the
in thc' divine right. of kings, but in the
were only able to hold their own, while
Ahu Idea and Gubnt, l.ht) flower
a short time since. Another said:—
Ibv government by this propo,ml aro
taken from him. Two soldiers hard taken
him in custody, and more were coming
city. Thore were two or three minor
places of dp.tent:ion, but that wa.s the
,li:Lnp right of the nobility as well.
He. scarcely believed in the right. of a
Of their army, in overpowering num-
Discipline and steadiness were alwtt•VA
� I sing khe door to the Lhin ead;af Lho
Fresh watt- Reached After ItortngThtrt.y•
NI VP Yawls.
only propri:-on bot15P. ft, was near
the duc,'tl hall of justi.oe,
pleleiAn class, which the patrici•tn
Bound to To, hds
bers, failed to defeat the little camel
corps—an incongruous weak force with-
too much for thA Dervish, who an
able adversary against an indifferent
A proui.npnt. am'ervntivo member
Moses dots a: rival in 5:varlen, He is
him away," ordered the mar-
quos. You know met „out
pn.laao and
ons of i.t8 g ranite walls, p}op-ho by a
order was respect.
arlministrnllon of the affairs of Ibis
artillery, a force Indeed which
loader, and fatal to troops the least
whu represents it conyt.i.l.uency in
Baron Nordenskjold. The difficulty of
"Yes, Signor Fnrneate. You are the
multUlide of iron -grated long-holoq, or
present offloe, during a term of sev-
tM1++s not, intended for anything; but a
1. 'i' }3P
Out of.
Sir Herbert Kisch-ner knows ever v
f'lAer, s teaki.ng on a bill hieli rr•o-
to extend the. franthi90 in (re-
obtaining gond drinking water for sea
brother of stir noble duke."
"ther I You will recognize my au-
embra•ur•e•.—t,hey could hardly heoall-
Ad wi.ndntvs—overlooking the. river, the
oral years, he, bid never heen known
to overlook or pardon tan o' of fa
clash across an undefended rw
public, even if the Khalifa makes his
move on thri board in the game be has
land, sail:—"You should refrain from
rock lighthouses and pilot stations off
Take 'him to the prison f
channel wnghing its fouandation,
l low -horn man or woman against athat
threatenedt.bority. stand at Omdurman, need
so Successfully played, I only hope
be will A RTA All the Arabs he'
open the floodgates of Bt)-
stations off the coast of S%%oden mug-
malefactors, and there let. him be co
Marl: Thalthppriq'npr
And here annthe.r benefi.i requited to
framhiw cnrinui rompnri-
�noblk. E+oording to his doctrine, Iho
claga must of nttceasity be
have no fear of the result; this, to•use
racing expression,
8 P aiott, will hP. a walk-
a:nn in menfory or the star, medals,
Imrx:rany lest you should pave the
way for g;
y general testis ration."
ge.sted to Nordenskjold the idea oft oil -
i.Ainirlg it. from ttvEy rock,; 1hPmselvos.
finerl snfpl•y asci along.
alone 1 Mire, sure, further, that
of not:'s with the old spr ,,ant,
tR Qoverne(1 should l e
i h' h'r; rantl, if the
Over far the Sirdar and his huge army,
Promotions and.' s�lnrinus rpro11ec1iona
of which Mllbidi.%m was the direct rause.
His father had been a mining engin-
speaks with no one, that lie sees no
. That offire.r. in transferring him to
once allowel to trench upon the divine
I shall be surprised; if he loses many
men, a%ppriAlly its Me Dervishes are
But. for the Malidi and Ociao I)igna
This amusing specimen of mixed
ear, and from frim he. learned Ihal fA%h
one, save the officer in charge, unlit
the keeper of 1hP. pri.=nn, told thot'story
right. of thIr rulers, all order in tie-
supposed to be behind walls 1n astrang
the names of Kitc•liener, Hunter, and
,metaphor wag equalled, Lf not, excelied,
,valor dripped from the rock.%of mines
further order is had either from the.
duko or myself. Away with him I An-
ofthe arrest in a,% favorable a. ligrht
Rs o8gi.ble. The. truth was Rafnel Tia.
ciety woulJ he at an end and the -trite
be in llanae.r. Anarchy and politic-
i o
pa'iiturn,, A Dervish In afart is ra-
Wingate might have been unknown. It
Mandism which those
jby the late Sir Patrick O'Brien, who
it wide reputation its i maker of
which PX1PndP.d tai' out under iho sea,
ewer no qulistions on flip way, and suf-
Ifista despi-ed the. Miu•qui8 Str'fUino,
I ,at ruin wruld re ult, and the. terril,le
det)il a fish out, water; be din-
gerous he mmA be on his feet: or on
-Ails lxavp gallant
anti able soldiers their chin^e. There-
I"bulls,•' when he describiid the author
fdy studying the dip of rocksl'h@ arriv-
fer no one t0 speak with the prisoner.",ag
did a Ilmlority of flip city gu.•ird,
I rehellis,n of A-lasaniello, in Naples,'
his charger, spear in hand; behind a
fare, I hope that. Iho, f,loodthirst.y but
of a certain political pamphlet as
ed at the conclusion that agAs and
,At that mnmpml a sfrang;o light
beamed uipon the pninter's face, and
Tip Mart ter -n for ,•+oreral ,veers as a
thorn in Ih, flash to them,. rftiq drum-'
would tpP Pnp}art in Tarrnri.
'Phi+ man ta•'ffano found in tbe.coun-;
w -all, bombarded by modern artillery
brave Tdagnra8 will not. bt) PxIAI'min-
their al to defend
unclertttr'appAr; a more political' fly,
who is the part a in
ages of tempernturA effects produced
abone oul from his Iu8trorrs PveB• Eiomo_
en esea.pa4pi had been many, and but
,-i charnlier.or one of the ante -roomy
and howil.zers, he cannot. be considered
al ed l vain
an im►ostors' tomb. 1.et u8 recollect,
s; a b ss n of
the grass; a bnc•kglai,rs assassin of the
in reek.% nitornale boating And cooling
thing' in the dArk, diabolic feailuros of
ia• slrnri: 11171•' t•Alwapn 1hpm; And mnnv
together with six other% of his fellow..
an enemy At All to acivilizerl AtmY.
that their only line of retreat. is across
ipeople who has the audacity to np.
and internal hole's and fissures, by
the marquis, while hA h -id been 8penlc-,a.
Pon°unirnito rnseit lirad IPen foreprl
: •1nd to 11win he. told his story. We
an unfriendly desert on one side, or
pear Ireforn them In ilia light: of( day
reaching which water might be oil -
Ing to the snidiers, had touched a chord
to surrPndor At hi,% dictation. TLP hirl
, Rived not, repeat his details, as Ibey can '
It is sad to I hink that we i,halIf0ev-
by the river on the other, where they
and stealthily stab them in the hack," I
tained, Tho experiment was finally
of hill 8lumbpring memory, and nwak-
no nffi'in.l nnthority, 1•ut th'y dared
lie well imagined. The story, in brief,
or set) again the ehange of the true
would be shut off from water by the
Pappily for the gayety of the TTouge �
mad -e at. the pilot station on the island
need n recollection that gave him light.
not. offend hi.m. A certain event they
as he told it, was as follows: i
Dervisit f awn inclined to think (bat
gunlioats, And they have none of the
of Commons, the race of Trish "hulls" I
of Arkoo. k
tSteffnnn met 'ZAnont's Onrtlnd gnze:
had not forgotten. It was the follow-
It was well known to the gravoond ,
the great- ehargA on the Second Bri-
transport necessary to support even
will never be entirely run, During
The rmult was most favorahle, for
ire marked the. wondrous light that
reversed signore that. Comm Guiseppe
gado at Terri f, tt'hic.h plia(f.dred the
their hard lives in ,the desert. Finally,
the dissuasions in committee on the
after boring thirty-five yards through
• shot. forth from his eloquent eyes: and
On a, certain night, little more than
Dpnaro had earnestly sought the
the overwhelming; a,ltack at
they are brave men, I long to hear
Irish Local Government bill A, few
solid rock a fine supply of freshl -Anter
he seemed M crimpreband the meaning.
two years ago, Steffano wits on the
hand of Prd.ncem Isabel di Vnrom in
Ahu Men, and, finallyt, the beautiful
that the Khalifa has flung up the
weeks ago an Irish member spoke of
was renched. Nordenekiold believes
He darted book n look of mingled fpel-
Grand Pin.zza, in company with half a
marriage, and her guardian, the (]like, ,
advance at (ful)at., were the most pie-
sponge, or that the Ba)garas, who are
Mr. Balfour as being; "iron hound in
that. many portions of the An rt h, which
Ing --of deadly hntred. And fipndish tri-
dozen companion%, all of them riotous-
had favored hie snit, promising him •
turesque Al)ieodAs of the MadhiSts' hat-
by no moans fools in their own inter-
red taupe."
are now avoided by p@ople onr account
umph--then 1 urned and wiliked swift-
ly intaxicateal. They had torn clown
, the hand of t.ho fair lady if he rioutld
ties against, Hin English,. Ali longe as
Pasts, brave thrown him Ito the vultures
.A ready retort Is also highly A.p-
of lack of water supply, can he redeem-
ly awnp withotut giving a thought to
.a^veral signs over the doors and win-
win her consent: and this he could
T live I shall never forget the mem-
and wolvea,
prPciated at fat. Stephen's. The hnp-
ed from howling wildernesses to the
thA An re of ills body of his (Allen
Bows Of TPaipACtah1A artiARna and
I have done had hi9 n(IVICe been token i
oriea of Guhat. The CnmAl Corps, abet-
_—__..., ___�
picrst and most crushing nner L AVAr
IIAea Of civilization by boring Cott wat-
trRdenrnen; had broken the WI•n(iOWnaf
in a PArtain manner, which he would
Cored b the losses at Ahu Klea, start-
beard was tvan about: Ihnm earsR o
or into the rooks which abound In such
"Signora," ventnr.Pd our hero, when
dwelling -houses, and bad finnllygIlth-
ed on the evening following the. battle
In the courm of a rather nerLmonio s
planta,. This rook wator when
hr' 8iiw fhr. mnrquds thus coolly desert
Brod around the marble stntuo of Cor-
To ile Continued.
to marsh to thn Nile. No sooner had
A hicyole-stand hila been made by
political debate an honorable mem-
.struck hats asomewhat, clayey appen.r•-
thA offiro of friend to IbA man whom
reggi.n. and began pelting it. with pav-
darkneg8 fallen than we had every
sawing off th'A spokes of an old wagon-
tier taunted some of hlis opponents on
and spnrlcling.
off and is cold
he hart (Innrhtteas ur'g'ed to his death,
Ing stone,% and halls of mud from the
proof of the disadva.ntagAs of night
wheal to about. one-half their length,
the other side of the House with their
once, but. soon nlears
"will yrvit sPe that thA body of the
guttora. The p{n&rdAmen on duty In
marches over an unknown and bushy
The huh is then fastened on top of
want of knowlpdge., "At leaat we are
+ ----
eount is properly eared for, sines the
the piazza hard warned them repeated-
Sister, finishing thch story—Ami so
country. Soon we were wandering, a
a post, the. remains of the wheel occu-
not st.npld," said one of the niemhelrs
marg'ud8 appeals In havA forgotten It?"
ly, brit without effect. When the
they were married and livers happily
confused =RR of camels, cattle, horses
pying a horizontal position, Bicycles
subgequentlyl. "fan that be said of
One of thA Fnmr(lsmAn who had
dpme,ration of the beautiful slattle be-
ever afterward.
and bewildered infantry, Not wit h-
are held by it with thein front wheels
the honorable gant.loman9 For my
Who was the chief mover in that. ab+
2einnni in chargo was n mrgxennt, a
gan. howevAr, th•+y onuld en tote no
Tnmmp—Arid Ist that why you call It
standing this unplea8ant night, WA nr-
put I)A(ween thlo spokes of thel wagon-
part, I do not believe he could sayI
gond-looking, b>:ifa 41iont aaem who had
more, and interfered by force.
a fairy story
rived next morning at. daybreak on the
whe l,.
'boo' to a gotrse.•
A tru(*man.
. 7 .
I I-—
rd rtra� ti......;.,