The Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-15, Page 1THE CLINTON 81.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. NEWS -RECORD. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS—NEUTRAL IN NOTHING. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Pro VOL . XX CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1898. WHOLE NO. 1,034 CLINTON' INVITES YOU TO THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION --Tuesday and Wednesday Next. �� \QQE .„, Sixty Cent Wheat. A Peculiar Chick. A Preventative for Flies. Paris Oreen for Powl. Little Locals. A new sidewalk is. being laid in ironi of the Combe block. Mr, S. H. Smith shipped stock tc Ppe Toronto this week. Mr. Smith Kilty has accepted a situ sties with Mr, T. Jackson,Sr. Thanksgiving services in St. Paul' have been postponed until October. A portion uF the G. T. R. betweet Clinton and Goderich is being tai with new rails. One hunch cd and two tickets week doll at Clinton station for London o Tuesday morning. Mr. Ed. Glen has bought the oh Crtntelon property and is hot in it u g P into a rentable condition. Mr. John Middleton shipped a car load of cattle to the Liverpool marks this week. Theywere in the pink o condition, THE NEws-RECORD will be sent t an address until the end of next Y Subscriptions Yea for one dollar. receiver at any time. Mr. Roderick McLeod has plum which ought to be prize winners at t Central next week, if we may judge b the sample on our table. On Sundayeveninglast in St. Paul' church Mrs. R. B. Coultis sang es quisitelythat beautiful solo "Angel g Take Me To Your Care.' Themon'thlymeetingoftheWoman Foreign MissionarySociety g of Wilt church will be held in the lector room of the church this afternoon. Mr. Jas. Mair, phrenologist, will be the Commercial Hotel until the 22n inst., where he may be consults Examinations made and charts giver Mitchell & Elliott shipped a carloa of apples from Clinton on Tuesday an another frorn Goderich next day. Ci cinnati was the destination of bo cars. Mr. S. Beattie's racing mare,Topsy l is entered for half -mile dashes at tl Western Fair to -day and to -morrow Mr. Beattie took her, down yesterda Work on the Stavely Hall has bet suspended, Contractor Cooper havir had to put his staff at work upon oth buildings he has in course of erectio The Rattenbury St. League held "Students Reception" Friday evenin The attendance was large and a ve, pleasant time spent by those preset Mr. D. Cantelon shipped a carload apples to Cincinnati from each of tl following stations this past week : Hensall, Brucefield Seaforth and Lo desboro. ' Messrs. Foster, Harland and Holl way sane a trio in Ontario St. Meth y g dist charsh Sunday evening,which w appreciated b the large con r PP Y g g gaffes. Mr. J. L. Doherty drove Bay Fran a pacer owned by Mr. John Gentle Kincardine, in a matched race Walkerton on Tuesday and won three straights. On Sunday morning last in the Po byterian church the pastor, Rev. Al Stewart, delivered a stirring, erten sermon in favor of the plebiscite,t< ill for his text llcut. xxii, $ :—Wh g thou bulkiest a new house, then th shalt snake a battlement for thy ro that thou bring not blood upon thi house, if any man fall from thence. Stockers From Owen Sound. Mr. James Graham of Stanley tow ship bronght down a drove of thin seven stockers yesterday which stirchased in the vicinity of Ow Sound. Among the drove was yoke of oxen for Mr. John Ste art of Goderich township. Killed by a Kick. A sad accident happened in Tuck smith township on Tuesday when 1 John Walker, a well-to-do and r gettable farmer, was kicked by one his horses and so badly injured that died yesterday morning. The i fortunate affair has cast a gloom se that neighborhood. 66 r 1 Y �� �� � � that the frying pan is the most fruitful tq source of crime in America," says a dis- .�iU�Q.cy ., r.l 0 11 ,;,\, ,N, j� t�,,°�(,e , , U ;;tAL .t E,,„x,Y,3 r, ;, E «,E,E�rxtEE, Yesterday wheat sold at sixty-five I cents per bushel at Fairs mill, whereas a ago it commanded Mr. Thos. Kearns of Stapleton has a peculiar chick. It was hatched at fifteen days and ran about all summer Mrs. Warnock of East Huron, who Mr. James Ross lost seven of his has been visiting Olinton friends, call- chickens this .week. Their dropping ed on THR NEws-REcoun the other off being sudden, Mr. Lack Kennedy aq tinguished authority 00 cookery. ` Whether this belief he justified or not, , it is scarcely possible to overstate the wretchedness caused by indigestion, a The worst consequences of bad cooking and hasty eating are averted by r Sale , db 4t ► (a)xxieo0*, ' j Gi precisely year 87 cents, or a difference on the wrongwith side of 22 cents per bushel. The millers look for it lower yet, even down to 60 cents. How near is this to the line which separates profit and loss? While its hod as bare as a billiard ball. Y Lately feathers have made their appear- ance and by the time snow flies it will be tolerably well covered. But the chick has grown very little since its daytogive us a receipe that, although c4 Pperformed a post-wor�em and discov- late for this season, may be valuable erect Paris green. next for owners of cattle which have been tormented by flies. Use sulphur A ReaIBstato Deal and boiled linseed oil, says this good Mr. Williarn Mennell disposed of his > KENNEDY'S PURE RYE WHISKEY c a sound stimulent for medicinal and it family use. It helps an eL erloaded e stomach as an extra horse holps alearn 't up a steep hill. i THE CLINTON 4� b STOCK TO BE t REDIJCED $1500 jt DURING SEPTEMBER bSmith 9 AND OCTOBER g , ' the dealers here were all paying 65 cents, down in St. Mary's the price has been 62 cents. At least this was the case on Monday, when Mr. W. G. visited that tow n. The Huron CentreL pt birth, though the other chickens of the same hatching are large-sized birds. It is a peculiar look- ing little fowl and President Cooper of the Huron Central Exhibition will no doubt try to secure it for the Fair next week. lady, a quarter pound sulphur to a gal- commodious residence n Mill street lore of the oil, which, applied as every on Saturday last to Mr. John Sterling stock man understands, will keep off of Goderich township, who will take the flies, big and little, without fail. possession in about a month. A Mothers' Meeting. Chlckea Fanciers Convene. A " mothers' meeting " will be held Mr. Geo. Swallow, who is secretary LIQUOR STORE ,► tYsaJ Xen Al edTe Ii) Lack ...........�� tFrom Owing tot the change in the per- sonnet of our basins it is noses- J� eery that the large stock of 41 ( , present indications the Huron toCenne Tuesday a to he held in Cline- ton next Tuesday and Wednesday, will surpass any Fair held under the sus- of the Society for several years• The Big Pairs About Over. To -morrow marks the closing season g of the big Fairs and the management of both the Industrial and the West- at the residence of Mrs. Washington of the Huron Poultry Association, in- this evening to discuss the plebiscite tends calling a meeting of the execu- and matters pertaining thereto. The five, to be held during the Fair next P g g good ladies are vitally interested in week, to discuss matters pretaining to this question and had they the right of the well-being of the Association, OLD %l G�i� i �i �I , J r,t o � n 1 j 0 �� KS r 0 K S �j�'� 4 t' , i ,; , , , ! glees The directors are working with that end in view and are being heartily second- ed' by the z d committee which has been organized. If you can't court: Out afternoon told care more ern have nothingto complain of so far p ' as weather and attendance is con- corned. The Industrial is over twentymuch thousand dollars ahead of last year, though was prophesied a year or so g P P y' voting, aspossessed at the Provincial g' plebiscite, the Yea vote would be verywedded Al Goderich. p ' increased. Their whole influence Mr. Fred, Brown of Macpherson & Hovey's staff was married yesterday will be thrown in the balance and Y'` y when the mothers and wives buckle on afternoon to Miss Ida Bezzo, the sere- beingperformed Goderich. - But it is nota verydesirable thingt to have in a grocerystock, and therefore we make it a point to keep our stock new and up-to-date. A visit to our store will convince Y on that we carryno shelf -worn goods. This week we are showing some veryprettythings g Japanese China and p•our Fant Glassware Fancy consistin of Salad Bowls Ct�is and Saucers, Jardinieres,' Bre`1d and Butter Plates, Fruit, Dishes, T which once, reduction From special that you All our ( stock reliab are inistore establishment. 10 5 QUIRES aq It 4 PAUIiAG'S a' 100. PAGE C Y 000 S ct we carry be reduced at ( and in order to do so a ,tThe sale is nowcommenced. i week to week we will offer 4' �, lines of stock at prices it cannot afford to miss. customers know the we carryis noted for its ( sogenuineains , thoses who visit ► G NOTE PAPER, 10c ct ENVELOPES, 15c BLANK BOOK, 5c +Dose , t t for the indoor than outdoor exhibits, for the then attend Tuesday evening. The hall will he illuminated and in addition to the ordinary Fair attractions there will be a special programme. A sac- cess this year will encourage the direc- torate to redouble their energies at their next annual merlin g Gibson On the Plebiscite. A large audience assembled in theante gwork, Monday evening to hear Mr. town hall Gibson,. postmaster Jos. postmaster of Ingersoll, deliver on address in favor of prohibi_ hition. Mr. Gibson is a veteran in temperance and political campaign since that it had reached high water mark and roust decline. With the People of this part of the province the Western is the more popular of the two andgreat crowds havegone down on the B. & L.H. this week. The a. m. train service has had to he doubled. The holding back the evening train un- mny til 10.15 o'clock has main thde to , etc., the Fair, take in the fire- all in one day. The Entire Stock Sold. The Mail and Empire of Thursday last P Y said:—There is probably not another firm on thegrounds which has sold 175 in day. On Tuesday mon at the armour the cause which they es- Y P has irresistible chats ions. The contracting parties are both mein- P P bens of the S. A. local corps. Con- Plum Harvest. gratulationa. Col. Hoare, whose ten -acre orchard is situated about a half -mile north of Miss Wiggins Will Speak. Miss Lottie Wiggins, one of the the town, has a fine yield of plums, gg estimated at about one -thousand leading W. C. T. U. workers of Toron- baskets and for several days of last to and Provincial C. E. Superintendent pp for Ontario, will address a meeting to week his place had almost the ear- g of a fair owing to the number who be held in the town hall next Monday had gathered to purchase the fruit. evening in the interests of the plebi_ The trees are young, this being about stirs. She is said to ba an eloquent their first yield. The Col. and his broth- and entertaining speaker. ors are old fruit growers and it is said of then► that that they were the first Order for Furolt"re' in Huron to cultivate straw -berries. Mr. J. W. Chidley received a good Bouquet Holders, etc. Takealook at our windows and you will be convinced that they are up-to-date g Dods. 1► cr, Odd shades of Wools. 5cper oz. (► Large boxes of Hair Pins, 4c. 5c Wall Paper for 3c. 7c and 8c Wall Paper for 4c. work and quite at home upon the platform. He presented his case well and effectively and one of the results will he to stir up the temperance work- organs a single a cablegram carne from England placing an order for 125 assorted Doherty organs, and later in the day fifty more order for furniture the other day,it A Visit To Clod's Acre. beingno less than for the furnishin g Thepleasant weather of last Sundayof an hotel which is being erected at afternoon induced manyof our citizens Indian Head, N. W. T., and said to be 'p ers for a supreme effort. A full reportg were sold, including the entire stock on exhibition. Nothingbut the g to visit the cemeteryand thou h a one of the largest hostelries in the Ter - g g Remember we are sole agents for Miracle Washing Compound. — �► Bargains all through the store. 4' ► •, is not possible within the limited space at our command, so we have spirem- ized, but in our resume will be found worth of the Doherty instruments can account for these sales, which are but incidents in the of the firm's walk among headstones and wonu- ritories. The order was filled at the ments puts a visitor into a reminiscent Seaforth factory which Mr. Chidley mood and recalls recollections both sad represents. _ A Snap—Good Glass p Tumblers 40cper Dozen +i All accounts are to be settled at t once. ,0 4' i, �t 4r tt Gr the pith of the speaker's remarks. Mr. Robert Holmes was chairman and took advantage of theposition to air a g dispute he has had with THE NEws- progress business. The company will have to manufacture about 500 organs a month to keep up with the rapidly -it irk' and tender, yet it was a pleasure to see w. O. W. Monument. in what perfect order the grounds were The W. O. W. will hold a special and to what extent the custom of placing flowers upon the graves has meeting next Monday evening in order '� t will 11 coaD, a proceedingso unusual and demand for their goods, but it will not in bad taste that the audience was be difficult to turn out the additional grown. This manner of paying t ribute to keep up with the initiatory work. On the 25th inst., Sunday week, the OGLE COOPER & tO.,'Clinton THE CASH GROCERY. Cash paid for butter and Eggs. In ,, (o; ;fa,� ` q [� °�� 1 1' ft 1G ► tai `�' 1 F y �� �� fore CLINTON. g e, tt t t t 4t such or ins tis the Dohert factor is the disgusted. Even if Bro. Holmes has g Y Y g had the temperance cause carry water best'on the continent, havingbeen en- tir•el rebuilton a lar er scale since the to his trill for years, that furnishes no y g destructive fire on February 1st last. fit and proper excuse for his verbosity, Y regardless of time or place, Mr. Gib- The loth Anniversary. - son said;— Service wits held in St. Joseph's to the memory of a departed relative or friend is a beautiful sentiment and monument erected by the Order one respected even by vandals. to the memory of its late mem- ber, B. Tomlinson, will be unveiled Anti -Plebiscite Literature. with appropriate ceremony. The head The anti•plehiscite people, who have Con. Com. of the W. 0. W. will be been conducting a quiet yet effective present. .Phone 2S.'��v"' Horne is heaven below. church last Sunday, the tenth an- campaign against prohibition, as em- Machines Soid. e bodied in the ballot to he submitted to - What's the use of saying "There's o niyersary of Rev;. Father West's The exhibit made by Macpherson* O O THE TWO A,J'S. e o place like hone" if we don't stay appointment to the charge of the there occasionally. parish. Duringthis decade the rev- the electors on Thursday week, aro Hovey at the Toronto Fair was notch now flooding the country with a series admired by those to whom threshing fly deal with the +�: �y L�'j� J C�'�J FALL Some men use their homes as they erend gentleman has endeared him- would a boarding house. self to his own people and is also popu- The best Kitchin est on earth is ar those of other dPnomina- lar g P among of sheets which quer- machinery is of interest. The sepses- tion from several standpoints. One tor on exhibit was sold and orders discusses the revenue derived from the taken for two others. The firm also trade_ d quotes Laurier as Etat' • �y rr (� AND — 11' WINTAI — TWEEDS have nearly all arrived and been passed into stock. They range from y l® We made a special effort to get good Tweed combined with nobby patterns and colorings to g sell at the POPULAR PRICE OF $15 and when the goods came to hand they were far beyond our expectations. They would not be dear if sold at $18.50, but our pricegTheyare $1 of Black Campbell Specialline Serge, heavy weight, for $17. HATS i .��, usually date are to we is, this a than large most ober iJ gents' kept please keep season much g AND l)�former found in ever. assortment fashionable TIESresident so furnishing by us. our the the 'we better good sell in custonlers,s0 market, �y well. �ES an up -to- stol e Our aim is very latest and are showingThe assortment a have a of theres goods And mother's apron strings. tir�rls Ls tve}l�rhe cttoit tvhich�v.rs ua- The liquor traffic is the most dealt hi of Mr. William q Y der the leadership enemy the home has. Jones, •with Miss Jones as organist, I don't believe in attacking the rendered the beautiful music of the liquor sellers and calling them blood- church in excellent style on Sunday. suckers. Mr. J. A. Fowler assisted. A year of There is room for two men to hon- so ago when 'Madame Wall and Mr. estly differ. Fowler both sang at St. Joseph's this We temperance people cannot exag- choir was considered about the best R. Berate the state of affairs. C. their itt the county. By the way,The Some of rho opponents of prohibi- St. Peter's church, Goderich, has the tion think they kngw everything. oldest pipe organ in the Huron tract, very appropriation of a quarter it having been purchased about forty of a million is a conviction on the part years ago and though it still preserves ofm the Government that the people de- its purity of tone, is rather smell for ,nand it. the church. Dr. Grant of Queen's University thinks he has made a discovery. Address and Presentation. There is no law that does not inter- Mr. John Derry who has been a fere with the liberty of the subject. of Clinton for the past decade Wherever the individual right inter -so, and likes this town and country well, teres with that of the coinmunity, the well, leaves to -morrow for Cornwall in must yield. Merrie England there to settle down that�'the deficiency can only be mademuch up by direct taxation. A second paper quotes the views of several prominent Canadians, including clergymen, who have declared against prohibition. The series has been well prepared and puts the antis' arguments in a terse yet taking form. Sale of the Debentures. EDITOR.—In your last issue in your report of the council meeting two members are reported as having moved that Mr. Forrester go with Mr. W. (oats to Toronto to hod out the Kest method to sell our town deben- tures, but the council voted it down. There is nothing but justice in appoint- ing three of oure'largest ratepayers to act , in connection with the finance committee to see that the debentures are sold to the best advantage. Fifty has an exhibit ai the Western Fair, where the are re reser ted b their Y P Y two agents, George Hinchly and W. M. Mohrmg, B. 1'. P. 1). Meeting, The B. Y. P. U., which is to the Baptist church what the Christian Endeavor is to the Presbyterian or the Epworth League to the Methodist, have resumed their usual weeklymect$12.50nMR. in s. held on Mondayevenings. Nle. g g• T. Monaghan is President and having the assistance of the energetic pastor, Rev. M. Murdock, there should be a Pretty term ahead for the Clinton prosperous B. Y. Y. U. Rattenbury's Big Potatoes. Mr. J. Rattenbury grows big potatoes, big enough to boast about. They are of the Early Ohio variety and seven, which he hitd sin exhibition the other day, each one and a Asoe ®ll® �T CLINTON. �'!�'1 _ JOJ S —_J CLINTON. Sail:r',I•I ,K rfY� My liberty ends when it begins to in-and fight life's battles to a close. Mrs, volve the possibility of the ruin of my Derry has not been able to overcome neighbor. her longing for "home" hence their the 20th you will have an ocular departure from amongst us, Mr. Derry On demonstration the blooming was a member of the A. 0. F. and one thousand dollars is 110 small stun. Some of our citizens' property will be thus heavily mortaged and some have been treated by contempt by members, of the council and they handle more weighed quarter Pounds and he has had thein go a quer- ter pound heavier. In the digging so many as twenty-two have been gather - ed from one hill. In this year of poor =`+ of thing you are going to prohibit. of the charter members of Court Pros- perity, and its sChief Ranger, so to money in business in one week than the finance committee does in a year. yields for the early vat ieties this is a very good showing. The piece of band so:s; i I ( a '' 1 '0 _ =V =v �>:„- 4:— �� Prett i (i , (� ct as a t, 4, Picture �► 't Any bya 4 , The 1 manship artistic, the tr ,» shirt of Tooker if surrounded frame would make a fine,picture. P outlines are so pleasing , the work p so accurate, the laundry so thus the tout ensemble leaves imprint of the master hand on Don't blame the seller of liquor, he's your servant, you're his boss. signify its esteem and regret at his de arture the Court on Monde ni ht If we close the bars oSunday, why p Y g not on Saturday and Friday, and I presented him with an address, as would even give Thursday a chance. given below, which was accompanied When the Anglo-Saxon blood rune by a handsome gold watch. Mr. through a fellow, there is nothing he Derry made a suitable reply and, after cannot accomplish. there was a season of The hotel -keeper who boasts of not speech and song. drinking is a poor advertisement for JOHN DERRY, CHIEF RANGER: his own business. Dear Sir and Brother,—We, your 1 charge Dr. Grant with running his fellow members of Court Prosperity, college on exactly opposite principles 7883, A. O. F., having heard with re- During the past few years the council a oinked citizens tLs a com►nittee to PP look after so small a thing as the park. In the opinion of many this deben- ture business is of far more importance to the citizens of our town.—W. C. SEARLE. win They,liring 3 i-4? Clerk Coats was in Toronto Thur•ad+t Y and Friday and consulted several finan- cial experts as to the sale of the deben- titres. He was not directly asking for upon which they were grown has for over twenty-five years been devoted to potato culture, with an odd year off. Orders For Seale a Hoover. Seale & Hoover have received many orders of late, among the number be- ing :—Mrs. Wm. Smithers,MI. Carmel, a red granite of the cube design ; Mr. James Mitchell, Mt. Carmel, red inn- g ite; Mrs. W. Currie, Hills Green, an imperial black granite ; Mr. Walter Keely of Hay, red Swede sarcophaguQ+ Iielgrave. Sabbath evening services hat �e be discontinued in Knox church here. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Daniels Chicago are visitingatJahn Campbel Chas. and Peter D. Scott of Mill are visiting friends here this wen having come to attend the wedding Annie daughter of David Scott East Wawanosh on the 14th inst. F. Wightrnan had the misfortune upset his engine on Saturday last the si(le, ort(1 near Marnock. The t gine is considerably damaged and v delay threshing operations for so Mrs. P). Iv ightman has returned fry a fortnight's visit among friends Toronto John Micklejohn and children Molesworth are at D. Micklejohn's ('ontracl.rn Srumhy has Pornplei his contact of gravelling the Stat' street. chopper recently put into W son & Geddes' mill has we hear 1 ) heen a success and will be returned, every in other words, these features, Shirts outsell all other brands. garment, This character, or, �� are the real secret whytrTookes from those laid down his plea against gret that it is your intention to remove prohibition. not only from Clinton, hut also from $1,342,000 less of whiskey was taken Canada, cannot allow you to do so out of bond during the Scott Act than without expressing our high apprecia- in the sante length of time, before or of the many services you have render- since. ed this Court. it was very largely bide, but rather advice as to the rate the debentures ought to pay. The experts differed, says the Clerk, but were rather unanimous that they ought not to be placed on the market at less than 3} per cent. The financial stand- to be erected in Exeter cemetery and to be the largest ITiononlettt there ; Mrs. Geo. Morris, Colborne, imperial black granite, of the gates ajar design ; Mr. Edward Grigg of Goderich town- ship, an Esperanza marble. '►tj1 , T. Jr� � �J�' •J S eyj,_ There is no law that is not violated. through your inst.rurnent.nlity I hat our Liquor is being sold in the state of Court watt organized and the measure ing of a town, In the estimation of the money -lenders, is based upon the ratio The,Shoot/ng Season. t k°i i __'A� Salt I �rr�P +ii (`(.1<+�' t•:y ;Li �;� J k Maine, but in the rural districts two- of success to which we have since at- thirds of the traffic has been stamped tained has been due in a great men- its debt bears to the assessment. if under ten per cent. the corporation is hut if liabilities The close season for most of the game birds and animals of Ontario will end to -day. After that date — The T.eader, open back, :iOC The Champion, 76e 1 >I The Gold Dollar, tt $1 Fancy Percales, Colored Bosoms, 'I' cokes'' Shirts and be cont q., l 1.'. ?cam 9 LOTH1ER, FURNISHER A Nil tIATTTi!R.- •time. The Busin(ss, The Full Dress, 00 etc., a complete Q net” I \i T 15� v; , .1, ( �. , Vii ' �. Eatabllahed 1864. open front, $1 25 cr 1 C)U range, `Pear "Wear .r i�,+ ''t' p! r i,1L1 Li0 9J VICTORIA BLOCK f!T.TNTn1J out. sure to your untiring efforts, and we If you make a mistake this time you treat though separated by along dis- cannot rectify it next day. tante your rnernory will often revert have seen more history made in a to some of the profitable hours spent fortnight than during the whole of my here. We ask your acceptance of thiq life. watch as a slight memento of the The influence of women, her sweet -kindly feelings which exists among 01t1•esent' nese and virtues will find expression in your old associates and hope that at the ballot box. some future time we mny all meet If the presence of women can trans -again. formapolling booth, how rest will Signed in behalf of the Court. g gThe be her power when she has the right JAMES DITNFORD, to use the ballot box. JAMES MCCLACHERTY, rated good, the run higher the rating is from indifferent to poor. Clinton's debt is null r ten pec cent. The Canadian Order of Foresters has been negotiating with Mr. Coats for several days and at n meeting of the executive held in Brant- ford ort Tuesday it was decided to make an offer to take the debentures at n which was telegraphed the Clerk that evening. A special meeting of the council will likely be held at an . early date to consider the matter. sportsmen may legally kill partridge, hareQ+ grouse, p 1Pasa,nts, plovers, trail• snipe, woodchuck, black and grey squirrels until December 15th. Geese and swans may he shot froth September lath till May 1st. Quail may he shot from Oc- sober 15th to December 151 h, and neither partridge nor quail can be sold, no matter where taken, until 10(10• The ebeee season for speckled trout will begin on Thursday and last until May 1st. s d t f r s he Y 8 a q s re ig et' n. a g• ry tt. of ze n- o- o - as e - k, s, at in ea - ex. est to 011 of, ne y - he en a w- r- r. es - of he In- er en of Ps. On k, of of to on 11 nee m at of at ed on at- ot ,M9