HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-08, Page 4I 0 1 4 ____ - ---. -- I _ " _ _ -_ The ClInton News -Record $1.00 a Year, in Advance. � . - . - .. - THUHSDAY. SHPFE.MH1CH8TH, 1898. ONE THIATO AND ANOTHER. The Liberal organs are not now rail- ing at the 11 Reptile Press " which, fit the old days of Tory rule, was their favorite thLwe, 11orhapd it is too much to expect tile local editors to do so, as one has secured a fat office for his bKother and miother, by ineans best known to (lie initiated, it profitablo harbor contract. The acceptance of favors utich its these, following tile former line of argtiment used by tile Liberal new,spapers, PrOVeRtS Atli till- i biased criticisio of the Goverililivilt . In I Short constitutes a partisan, or, its titey were Wont to toral it, a *1 Reptile Press." The two cases fit point inost convenient to call tip are the Goderieb Signal find the Clinton New Era. * . If the Latnier Jovevinxient intended to humbug the Prohibitionists,'and the indications all point that WILY, they could not have inade a better initiative effort than by narning September 29th as polling day. For one reason,at that date the lists of '07 will,in the majority of constituencies, have to be usect and, ns a change of residence disfranchises an, elector, this alone will make it vast difference. Not holding off the voting until the January elections will further add to tile list of absentees, so many being indiffetent one way or the othen. , . . . But'ill adoiLloll to lessening thevote, this pl-olilitture date will enable the Grit wive -pullers and hangers-on to ,mliare in the distribution of the $2-50,000 voted by Parliament for plebiscite expenses. Clinton, for Ili - stance, with its twenty-four officials, will share handsomely. All will be. of the righbeloth, .is a Inlitter of covirse. The division of the quarter of it million aniong tho faithful and an early date. for the polling are both considered ex- cellent tactical moves by the Liberals, * . . By the way the Clinton Now Era hits stated that Sir Wilfred Laurier hits promised, definitely, to introduce avid rise his influence to force divough Par- ' hament, A prohibitory liquor law, in the event of the plebiscite sectiring it imijority vote. The editor of our con- temporary must Ile a, very intimate friend of the present Premier to be in At position to make any such assertion and, we fear, in doing so is violating the confidence of Sir Wilfred. No one else appears to have beard him speak so freely, at least it is is not so on record, so that we are, pardonably we hope, curious to learn the date, place and exact wording of the Premier's pledge. Will tile New Era have the kindness to oblige via in this inatter. Of, course we shall expect, Jand so sball . others, that this pledge, of which we have so lately been inforkried, will Ile so simple that be who runneth alay � read and as quickly comprebend. I . - . . � . � The. Seaforth E'xpositor had its doubts, temporary and soon suppress- ed, as to the details in connection with f1he granting or the Goderich harbor contract, but like the lady, who re- - - - ' sff-veg t" MM interesting item -in -Ire,r- letter for the 11. S,, So the Expoeitor wound ill) its editorial in a paragraph tile essenco of which wits :-11 But we fire not * convinced that the Laurier . Government would intentionally do wrong." Precisely, Wesbouldliketo be informed Its to the occasion and the cluestion upon which this purveyor of Liberal sentiments was open to con- viction its to (,it(, wrong doing of its ' party friends, whofLPe, for the time being, sojourning Att, Toronto and Ottawa. Nor does the Expositor iexpress any curiosity to learn why it is that professional contractors, men with extensive experience find expensive outfits, are outbid by grocers, iner'chants or printers with- out knowledge of the work allotted theta find, probably, in some cases without that financial standing which will ensure its, successful completion. I- Business is business as you know," has had riot, it little to do with the granting of more than one contract in the same Department front which this precious Goderich job emanated. . - --I----- — Maultoba Wheat Illarvest. , Montreal, Sept. 5 -Mr. R. Meighen, the president of the Lake of the WoodFi Milling Company, received the follow- ing telegram this inorDing from Mr. W. A. Haskins, the vice-president of the company, who has been mak- ing it four of the province : "Fully 90 per cent. of the Manitoba crop hits been cut, and about, 50 per cent, in the territories. Weather showery throughout the wheat country preventing threshing and stacking. I Very little stacking clone except in the Mennonite countrv. Can expect no deliveries with present weather. Another tAegram front the West this morning stated that the first deliveries of wheat have been received by the Lake of the Woods Mining Company at G retna and Altona, in the Mennon- ite reserve. The wheat has been for- warded to the mills at Keewatin. -.- __ - , .. ___ 2 The 11ye Ellectiong. Speaking of the date of theapproach- Ing bye-plections, Mr. Jn,g. Sutherland, the Liberal whip, said that at present there wereRix vacancies intho HousA of Commons, find It was tile Intention to bring nil theRe elertlotis off on the Mine dille At A convenient time for the farmnrn. The data had riot yet been fixed. but would he About the time the heavy fail work on the farms had been voinfileted. ­�­­­101_11_� —.-,I "y —,. 7-_-_r­r­-�,� , . 11 . I .. . , , . . � ". I ... I , , . . , , -,- �,t 4,.,%� I ( .. � . . I , I 1, 't . I I , I . I I . - ------- - _,____.__._'. __ ___ - . __ - - VV%OVVVV%" From Ou � I EO EO U Goderich. - __ a P Goderich look ilik, Southern city � Friday evenin "" the Marine Band plaved oil the g'�`w� of tile British I al"". EXE-liange, in the wyoonli ,lit So fair. 'rile Square, Oil tile South Me, wits like a Village green, so Litany youths, t1laid eu8 and children were gathered there: � ell i0Y Ltlg tile delightf tit waltz and othei cai)tivatio�, fitralkis of the musicialls, while nuill iei-8 of carriages, with Lheiv intisic-lovitig occupwits, thronged tho bit reet oil t lie solith side of Elie Squave. Verily the Marine Band received all ovation last Friday evening. Despil,L the hicycle craze till,. Simi- Iner, the liveries have hired inore car- iiages this Season than any foruiLt, one, So the, times tnu8t be flottri6hing in tile Uirelilar city. Mrs, George Cri-ssinan of Toronto 1 find little Gladys have been visiting their 111AIly friends and iclatives liere find at Saltford. Miss Nannie Knox of the post-offict�l I �tttff took her VatCation this week and is Visiting her grandmother, Mrs. 1 Hineks of Toronto. Mrs. 1,luox, Nevivigate st-reet, find her dau liter, Aggie, left last week to visit the Tai 11. ' Miss I 'orinne LeTouzel lists joined the Staff of Public 8clicol teachers, and is it teachev fit one of the ward Schools. Mrs. Johnston and bliss Alyrtie have II eturned front their trip to Detroit. Mrs I)eville, forinerly of Clinton, was ll�st week united fit MILtrilh011y to Join) Jorome Herr, Esq.. one of our �respected citizens of High' street. Soon after tile elicit ell bells rang () 11 � SLinday stan. tile fire bells stm-tled Itil those who had not gone to (Altit-ch by their lovid tones, and lit it few iltinutes the residence of Mr. Alex. J oluiston, E I - gin street, father of Donnelly Johnston of tile G. T. R. Station, was see') to Ile oil five. Miss Maggie Johnston had remained ttt bonie to prepare the inid-day ineal, and before she had gone . up -stairs a minute she felt thatthere was fire somewhere. Mr. Chas. Nairn went to the church and Informed Air. Johnston of tile bad news, Mrs. Johnston being fit Toronto. The tire - Men W"re Soon on tile grounds find tile , iielglitiors helped take out all the furniture Ili tile front part of tile house. Some beautitul paintings of Miss McKenzie, the artist and niece of Mrs. Johnston, were Saved. 'I lie house is badly gutted and no insurance. Mr. Donnelly Johnstoh nunibers his bicycle aniongst his ruined belongings. The weather hits been so hotand with everything so dry, and the wind high, the firemen were not able to accolu- pligh wileb. Mrs. Cantelon, wife of Councillor Cantelon, and her niece, Miss Mitchell, atteDded the Industrial Fair at Toron- to last week. And so "Kit" of the Mail and Ein- p1re has added another nanie to her own -Mrs. K. Blake Watkins Coleman. Surely she will ne'er inore Ile lonelY if �he returns to The Wonian's Kingdom in the Mail find Empire, now that the war is over. The Misses Hardy, Sar,%,,Of OrilliA and Kate of Toronto, spent their vaca- tion at Point Farm. We learn that Mr. Toni Sturdy, gro- cer, is recovering rapidly now, but he was delirious for some time after tile very scrious acciderl.L.. which befel him. Ross' steam laundry� has now a coin - potent laundress froin Saginaw. Mr. Willie Clucas 6f St. Louis, who accompanied his father, 11, Clucas, E6 to the Isle of Man, spent a couple of 3allys here on )its return. Mrs. Edward Carrington Jones find little six-year-old son of San Antonio, Texas, are visiting Mrs. Jones'mother, Mrs, Bell, on the bi%nks of Lake Huron. Mrs. Jones is quite fit love with the old R* 1 ty where slip , li,6 her home. ','n,lasy",Cthere ai-e four a(piales fit San Antonio, which are called plazaasi. They are surrounded by a hedge, whicilis kept trininied to represent anything fancy dictittLis, find at three .i.m. tile sellers of milk or vege- tables drive ill-) to those squares with - their saleable articles. Tile hospitals are-�ca ed-1-a-firninries, and -there-are - many fine churclies. On September 2rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pridliarn, East St., a daughter, Miss FergLISWI, dressmaker, 4tceoill. pa"i I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Acheson to theil�new home in Mot -den, Man, We wish thein ,ill success out there. Mrs. J. T. Ilamlin has returned from her visit to Clinton, Seaforth, Blyth and Whighain. Mrs. Thompson, wife of Sheriff Thompson, who was visiting relati-es in town and at Seaforth, has returned to her home at Port Arthur. Miss Susie Browu, Nelson St., is visiting frierds at Port Ar.th.ilr. . . Mrs, Cornwall of Detroit is visitin her sisters, Mrs. Captain L__ - (I Miss Matheson. Mr. Coults, who hits been employed in file machinery department of the saw mill at the harbour, spent Monday tit Brussels and will return to his home at Galt on Tuesday. A number of the mien employed fit the harbour struck last week tot- high- er ow,'l %,e,%d,y ,. one warned CAptaitl Belcher of the Fire Brigade and lie wits left leittling Knox church choir, in peaceful ignorance of the. clangor of the fire bells. Mr. Will McCreatb, St. David St,, it Signal typo, has gone to the green pastures of Toronto literature. At Leeds, North Dakota, on tile evening, of 2fth Augw;t, it Demorest niedal contest was hold under the anti- pices of the W. C. T. U. bliss 3osie Logan, a little granddaughter of Mrs. Alex. Kirkbridge, Elgin St., carried off the silver medal. Jo,-ie'tq recitatioll was difficult for a little girl the still- Ject being "Questions answered against Wonian's Stiff Page." The State Super - intendant was so pleased with Josie's ""yle that he wishes her to compete for the gold medal a6t Larrimore on 27th - Sept. The other contestants are older and well-trained elocutionists, and will attend from all parts of the Leeds District. The Misses Donovh and Mrs. Goo. Rhynas are attendinp, the Industrial Fair. When we get all the thistles down, and burdock kurrs blown itway by order of the'll8treet Inspector, who looks after the sidewalks, we will be able to feast our eyes on all that are left, by his kindly, permission, to grow in beauty Ili tile vacant lots The summer Is o'er, itna tax (title � loorris up, so we hear no more disserta- tions on gratiolithic sidewalks. � AtSucklin 'a sales, Toronto, the gen- oral stovk oll S. J. Reid, $6.5W, wita sold ell bloc to J. H. Bedder, soil of the well-known manufacturerof Doon, Waterloo county. We hope our town will charm Mr. Bedder. Rev. Allan Seager, of St. Cylirstin's, Toronto and Ron of Barrister kleager, P. M., 4ielighted St. George's congre. gation on Sundaya.ro., 21Fit Aug., with an orthodox sernion, - Oil Siinday last tile Rov. Mr. Wat- kins of flelinitith College, London, preached at St. George's at both morti- ing and evening services. The text of the a.m. sermon was "Thy Kingdom Come, " and in the evening the text was ,,I am not nAbamed of the Gospel I of Christ. THE C14 �etfm VVAA&^A^^^,0~VVVVW r Own Corres Varna. — . DIU'ril. Airs. Alitygal-t,E, (%LlllpJ)eJI of this village died oil Wettlit"'thiv evell- A, , , ing I 'it lit Lhe ripe old ago of' 86 year,;. She has beell filling fill' ,oillt. tillivantl her death %%';I,,' liol, LILIeXI)VA.-ted. Sho Wits ()fit' of I lie 0IdVNL rv,,itfell Ls of thi, locality. Tile fullerul celvillolly of t lit, dveeased was ('011thiCted by Itev. ,Nit-. McDollidd, assisted by ]it,%,. Mr. Bur - toil, after whit -11 tho IvItlitills wt -re ill- terred ill the 131tylleld celliel,ery. CUL'UCtf, Oil SaillUtIl VVellilIg next, 8eptelilber till), Alisses N'itlevill. and Ctillitilills, ill is--iit loaries of' the Worltl's W011114"',s Cill-istian Tempevitticti Union wilt Conduct it gospel Service in 111� Methodist, 01111.01, Lo coillillelice lit o'clock. Oil the previotts Fviday ( frig at 8 o'cl(wk they Will give It W-1- ptAUttil(T leettil A! ill Llle,Nlt�tliotli,,L(,Iillll(lll, also illustrating With suitable viek%s. Tilt- fact that, they fire Chos011 by Lids body tot- tho Wol k shotild bo stiffivit'lit. re(10111111011d for atlyolle. We hope tu see a f till house. .Ali'. Cllrii,toplivr Witi-d is able to Ile Itrotilld ligaill. Mr. Iteed, Who is Air. Cairlis, new clerk, is greatly improving tilt! insi(le appeltrallecof (he store Ily [Its t;1sly tilatinCt' of I)Iavitig thiligol to t1wiv lw,�L advantage. UP. Joseph Cook is allie to he up litid arounda little. He i'41'11))ifll.�' gitillilig in strellgi 11 antl will )to dotibi st)(111 lie ninking strides throtigh the town. Polling apples anti itpple packing is t he busilli'ss of t he day, .is I'lle farillbus Iti-V ,ill till (lilgh Wit 11 (heir %V1101tt. Tile allple crop is Am average one and prices fair. Mr. Saintiel lZathwell went to T(jron- to (!it Saturday last to I like lit I he l,',x- till )ltion this Nv,ovk. .)IiSS3Il1ggl0 0L1lll)h0ll, W110 11118 hVVll away for sev,ertil weeks, returned last S. _J�Jtrday find look, rine. We were sovvy to hear that. bliss Alaggie Hamilton is sick Nviih typhoild fever, and ave, glad to hem, Lilatshe is 11000V011ill". n I Mrs. Robeit Turner fvoni Michigan is here visking frielids and ;it tended her mother's fitneral. Site Speaks well ()tMi('IIig11ll;Md is I)eeouii'16- I'M111-10- ized to her now hottle theie. . Mt.. James McKie, Who lilts been laid till for seviii-al Weeks wit,h. it broken collar-bollo, is now able to resililiv his Otisinessagain. floiglookingwelland is now able to do altimst anything in tile line of blacksinithing to voniplete satisfaction. The first ANY lie went, to work lie wit,, so terribly rtished with the farinvis bringitig fit the horses, etc. that, his arni was fitirly paralyzed fly night wid thus got little rvst, but lit - rose next mornhig more determined than ever to double his envi-gy, if pos- sible, to catch tit) his %vork 1!1 give (,tl.,. 11 1, , to I e ,,, At chance. Ile keep" I ri stock fill kizids of plow -points itt 25v. each, gang points 25 ets. it pair, and though lie find a good stock of buggies, has now sold Out find is get,ting it) a stock of cut ters find sleighs so th.l.t. 110 11111Y Ili- PITI)MT(i to till orders fit good time, Call and Set, to your sa(isfactioll. � - I . - .. - West Stanley. The fariners have all their whent sovved fit this vicinity and mall Y of tilt' fields, which hore it black find faded coat it fmv days ago, are now clothed with it hcatftil�til green mantle. Tile apple crop is not going L lie vLryheavytbisseason. Thecon I tined dry weather has liffected Lhe growth of tll�m. ill.Lny(-)ftlief4ii-iiioi-s,tre,,(�iling .0I tile sipples they havo to tile ov,tpor- atov in Baylield owned by ,Nil,, J. Whiddon. Bit-, Itobt. Mellh-cei) lind Mrs, AlcIll- veen look in the (!beat) ext-ursion to �Toronto last S;tturday. I Mr. Robt, llei(l, 13, 'A. of Rldgvtown, Leacher fit the Collegiate It?4tititte, who wits vie-iting frionds Ili this vicin- ity, retUt'lled h01110 last week I o re - i Some his work. Miss Elizaboth Boyce, who lifts clifirgo of ,in Indian Ilonie near Bra h I - L ford find I,,, dmighter of Mr..Jas, Boyce of -ML-G-o-shen Ithel I-,, visiting nt pk­serit tirlder the parental roof. . ,)It-. Alex. Aliteliell neav Varlilt IS PV - building his silo, which wits blown ill) wit it few weeks ago. Aliss Mary John"Itoll T near Bmicefield has obta,ined asituation fit '-'it. Thomas. Mr. John Parke, thopcoplv's populat. tuachine agent, is doing it rusbi tig bu4i- tiess thisfallin plovvs and disk hiirvowq. Rev. Mr. 11odgens of Senforth ptild At flying visit to friends fit this vicini t Y last. week. Tho ninny friend.9 of Mr. Oeo. Stephenson of Marrett, Alicb., Will be sorry to hear of tile mitorortime whioli Ile Inet with a few days ago in losing his blAcksmith Shop and paint shop .and 8everal it ew buggies, togetber wiLh his beatitiful dwelibig house, by firv, A larae saw Tuill, which was very near Mr. St,eplienson's residence, took fit-(, -Ind, , sparks front it ivero thecimmeoffho fire. All'. Slephellsoll is Itsoll of' Ralph Stepliew,on of tilt- Ow,hen line, ,Stan- ley, and I,,, well known in 01is livigh- borbood. H6 is At hard-working ond . )(111strious Yoling Inall. 'M ,leh sylil- 11 patily is felt for George. Anburik. . — Doal.1i lists again visil,ed onr inid.st find this thile hits takeil away Aivs, Svott, mother of Ali-, Sainuel Scott, after .1 )Ingeling illness of five Years duration, during which slit, wits [tell) - legs. She wits called to her long home onSaturdity worningabont five A-I'Movic, when death put an end to her stiffer - re�isill , wit 'It wery borne with "Iri.9t ill? I " )it nno tortitmie. Tit(, fittiffly "'I"IA( have the sympathy of the ent ire coin- Inkinitv. Mr. Alexander Yoting of Winglinni visited his mother, Mrs. YoUng,and )its brother, James Yoting, the pa9l, week. Miss Fluicev of Clinton was home (in the sick list,but is bettor ligain and lifts returned tn Clinton. The bmiders of flin Atib"I'll bridge are slowly but Surely and solldly'going ahead. Tile niii1wrightiq at,(- busy repairing and putting in new "I Itebittery ill tile Auburn grist-ruill r., by Mr. E'i(h. When the iniproveirieritn are voini)[eted it will then Ile a number nne mil . Miss Annie Fluker spent tile pw.i� week visiting Blyth fvien(N. Mr. George 114. Rowed of (',IilIT,()n Sundayed fit Aidivirn. Mr. John Gook 8unclityed at. Ali,. H. Caldwell's. We are Sorry to henr that Nit,. '\Vill, Fluker, Sr., is not improving fit lividdi its ritpidly its was expected. Mr. Robert, Robertson and wife (if Ooderich spent, the. past. few days bete with the lady's flf�trents, Air. find Mrs. S. Cark, Alemr.g. Will. Fluker fill(] S. Carter tire on the weit pAth Mr. and Mrs, Y(;tingblut, wid lMr. Rnd MvR. Pidtare Rpenditig this week at Toronto Fair. Mr. find Mrs. Youtighlifl, and liuln (if I liter, fifty, spemt Stinciny in Myth, LT11fe Misses Symington villied' on Myth friends Sunday. Mrs. Crawford of Illyth hi 'wenditir A few dA.Y8 with her sister, Mrs. Hold. soll, * INTON TNEVS-RECORIJ - . ______.._._____ 10 pondents. VV%***.vNvo%w*o%v4%VOVV%VAVO\O^VO%V^kevvpowj Holluess,ille. i .- __ Alis.s K (1reen retiti,ned on Saturday 4tvi. spendilig it Illoill 11 with h6i, sister, Mrs. Ili-. 'i'lloolp'Noll, ttira",(:""; ,I),, 13. Alisisos A, iI,'. S14,I)III-lis Stanley SI)t-ll(. Sat1krilay aild Sit tiday with their gi-andmothur, Ali -s. Licoat, Tllcken,mil It. MISSHAI'it 'I'Lli-IIVI' of ClinLon is the gmst or Aliss S. Achusm). I .N�,-, w. m " liltd till ill's sktvt find )ter clauglitei of Chicago itre visitiiig her. Airs. W. Lomiard is visiting, friends it) Brightanii phst-wherv. .Nits. W. Aloxamlet, of Clinton Spent it few days wit'll hel brother, Ali-, Jau. I(A' ralia Its, Quilt. it 11111111wr attended It picllie at l3emililler oil Mori(iay. Rvv- Mr. 61-ithain, litte of Thorridale. I \',';It )WOM-il Stit)(Illy hoth niorning find I evviling. A wimber froin here went to the Ttwoii(4) Exhibition this week ,ni, ,n)wn,hip Uoliticil Illei in Wil- soo"s liall oil Monday. - - - ___ - Seatorth. 'rile citizens of Settforth were oil Still - (]fly evening greally -,,hockvd its word w6idinissed rapidly fro -ii one toan- othi'l. of tile s11dtIeTl*d(.;tLh of Mr. Goo. Ewing, sell. All'. 2 wing Wits en,joying his osivil heRith. attended chtirch that eyviling, find after .1101'ViCes expressed fits 'lilevest fit it serition on Psalms 40, 7 and 8, I)POM-hed bV his plIstOP, Rev. Ili-. Macdonald. lie went home, spvnf, ;I lil-tie time fit reading his Bible, then 1-clut a plo-agi-aph out of tile Itecord, ittill lafter handing tilepapel over to his wirvexpired. lie passed awity wit.hotit it Nvarning, His wife find daughter were alolle at tile tillie find hardly roill- N'. 01ILt 110 Wits dead, it wits So sudden. Af:-. Ewing Was one of the earliest citi- ze ).A (if Svofoi th and for inany years ent Pied (Ili the husin"s of butcher, btit oightol' Lell years agog -we till the bits!- liess. 1-1 A, Wits about 70 years of ago, it good neighhor, it true. 'friend, it good vitizen, it kind and lovi rig husband and I'll t * lit.r. It(, will,, it native of Clackmati- 1111illshiro, Scot1fuld. - Ife leaves two lons and two diLtighters. The oldest s( 'it, Dr. Prank, is ILL present at Brook - I N't 1, 13. C. 0'Q0VgC is ,It 113t POVOKP. I I is eldv.�t dilbigllLer is at home and lists been oi-gaiii-st. of the Presbyteriitn chu�ch tot, s(pine years .past. Another daughLer, Jennie, is it nurse lit New York. I 11'ellgrave. '-- Mrs, sackrider I,,; visiting at her (11111-litc-l"s, Mrs, W. L, Scott, in East � - M"alvallosh. MiS8 Dolly Hosi is closing her dress- inaking- shot-) and will go �o it wavilier (Ailliate for tile Nviliter, owing to railing livalth, Miss liall of Toronto is tit the inarise. I in fill extended vkit. We hear she fit, tends �-tarl,ing it Onss lit instrumental Ilillsic, Mrs. III-. MeAsh Is Alway oil a two weeks vi.,ft witi, ri-ionds lit Varna, Brucefield and other plaves. ' There is ;I first-class opelling here for it good, stemly, reliable shovinitker. The P;Lin oil Mond I, V 11101,11ing Was very 111tich liecded mid lifts dolie Ain inilliellse Itillount. ot good. V1.0111 allot 1wr vorre.,pontlont. .1irs, (Ititv,) Gedde, and family re- tni-m-d to their h(mie at St. ,Catharines oil Th it rsdav, I All. Shieldill)(1 �lli,4�,;,Ilf.(X(,C,Il.Elspol1(1- ing it few days lit St. Catharines and "Dwonto. .1liss Agnpw and Aliss Johnstone s 1. it Clin- . writ, Labor Day with friends I Lot). . A 11111111)(Ir of BVIgMVe rleOplo took Ili div Caledoni'Mi-gainf,s at,Lucknow last wevk. . '\If,. John Agnv%v is attending tile 2 (1,011r., ime Intititute, at',( 'till toll. 'isiting , �r � , Fyfe of Orliolph, is " friends ill 014_� vicillit.". George Ciinnitigh;�in �nd Iferbort , C bell have 11,ft to attend Lhe JAI i- itill I s Ile"IN16116go at (Irinhilm, . - .... . . � . Ex e, t e r . — Mv. Jolin Brown and ,4 -,I.( -r Mis-q 1,11111',%Of \Vr0XVt(T 111-0 Vl'�ltillg reh.- tivesandfrion(IR liorethis Week. .Ih% Jol,.i, '�, ;,Ill of London visited ]its parvill;i lit -I,0 oil Moliday.. All,. Willialli J. Westeott is visiting velatives and rrieno.-; lit flurling0n, t lie gm-itor Mi% 3ohn Thomas. Miss Edna Ca.vveh is visiting relatives in London. Ali. Jaiues Ili-svit, of Lorid A, 11 is spending Ili's lmlid:lys Nvitil relat IV es in Exeter "lit] Zurich, Mr. , Arthur Stancombe of Wood- stock is visiting his fat,her and other relatives here Lhis week. Mrs. Anti I[vaman Is linving a tiew "Vive fvnce evveted ill Cront, of her rosidence on Cill,lifig stv(!et, which adds gr('atly to its a ppell ra II(T. 111111111s 11ro very 111viltAfol in this "I'M loti and fire '4old fol, 25 C1 s. per pail. ., The racos held lioro on Monday sit'Let - 111)(11) WVY0 not. it sll(,C(.,4s fillancially owing to the heavy raill in tile niorv- ing. 'rhe lacrosse Inatell held hery on Alilliday firtm-nooll bvtweell Egolond- yl le It lit] I-,Xetvv junior tvallis resitited ' it ;I, vi,Lory fill- ill(! hoine (vani Score, 4- 2. ,NI I ss Clill.a. \'o,"por, tvarliell. is fit present in 11vtorhoro lot!(] up W,Itli an it ( t nek of dietitnit(ism. Mr. ( , liti-le-4 Sandol gaged 14 .s of St.vphen lias been ell to tvitch hol. 901olars mitilshn 1.(..(C:( vers. I . 1 '11CUillop. I - __ Ftill wheat seoding Nvns nearly finish- ed last Week. A large areft hits been I SOW11. Mr. art(] Mi8s' Dtindas fire attending tliv fndiisitrinl sit Toronio. Aliss Alcli"Willi of the post oillep store, liendbilry, lins I 1,,en linving a Illeaqwit, Visit, to friell(IS i (,Iitlton , ,,t,dr G .1 , ,Alderj(.11. Last, week was a, scorcher and lio mist'll Ice. John Stillioro is lit tile point of (lentil wi t h that drend digease, conslimption - lZov. Mr. Tiffin is annotinced to preach special 4ormon 9 oll . jwfAlibilioll lit tit v lip t t hI W toll cirellit, TOM 1111(111 8 I tl( __ _ lath. Mrs. McDonald Ila,,; come (o mamuge the boarding linme for Kelly Brothers at, their sawmill. I'lle NNIII-Ish bl'ot,her-4have. 11('111-ly 4(99) buqhols of on.09 the present. svitson. A ywing, Ron (if Nit,. .11tttletz; Ilsitvi(ison, wbo linq liven Very ill, iq rocovering, DIII-ing I. he severe slot tit oil Hunday 11lovilitig Inst, light-riing qfxitek the harn of Mr. .John Mlirl-sly Which, to- 1.,-Pth(,r with nil Ila cont,ents, wits totally emmitned. Mr. Murmy was standingr it) HIP (toot' Of his rPSidel)VO When tile hitilding wn.,4,;t.rii(,k all(] shouted lustily for belp. This itrotmed one of Oin near livighbols Who hellwd get, ill(,, horAos nol, but everylhing PIso fit fill(] around illp I)uil(Ji1lg Ivag (Je�stroypql. _. - - ­ - A foromotivo st I nek nil elpet.rie var III, Washin 'toil )nRt night, killing two I 1)(4,80118 all I injuring ti,nother. I I __ __ - - ­ - Mousommomm� West Tnekersilitilth. i Mrs. Tho8. Bennett it; this week vis. I ifitig friends it) Tin-ont,c). i A ,arge Mullber of our people took ad vantage of Lbe low rates to Tot onto kind have ePelit t,evoral days ut tilt, ( Exhibition. i MI- Ho!"Ies enterlitined a nilwber of her frielids oil Alondit evening litbt. I . y I f A pleasant evening was bpet t. Our sick, we a I e pleased to tifty, are Again able to Ila fit their several ,toca- I tion8. I Mr. T. Jennison had the inisfortutie � to fill,-'(- it jai) lit the fit ui with a fut k, i but luckily no seriolis results followed. , I Fall wheat seed io,�will be I airly well � finished up this wee . i — ___ ---.-- I Alma. i Mr, and Mrs. Reid of Seaforth spent I Sunday ,.vitb Mr. Harry Cooper, I Miss Fallnia, Dayinan of Forest Ifouie visited her friend, Alm. If. Little, tbis week. Itev. Mr. Sawyers of Woodhaill called oil sonle of his old friends this weeli fit this vieh)ity. Mr. Henry Little lifts litirchitsed three thovoughbred Lceelster t3beep froln Mr. Ctimining, neiii-Blyth. Mr. Little ilitends going likove into high grade stook -raising, as lie (,[links it, pitys best. Quitea ijumber intend takirig in tile London Fair this yeitr, nud Its it 1,9 tilt silver WilliVells'llry I've expect. to .4ve Something grand. Mrs. Carter and her daughter Emma � spent a few (]Ilya fit Toronl,o Lbis week. Mrs. It. Gibbings took the topic! in out, League Wednesday evening. Her stibjec't Was a very wide orie, viz., Ch;irity. Oui-i-E-gtiljti-et)li,st-el,�itic)llttil(I rolicailwill hothis week. Tile topic riot, next ineeting will Ile pittienep, taken fly Aliss Alice Dale. We are glad to report that Mt-, T. 1-1, Brownlee I . vispassedhisentrane exityll. attlipNoriiial. QuiteanumbeiFfailed, its tile exam. wits very hard. The studies seern to Ile getting a little harder every year. Miss Violet Hill of Egulontiville WAS the guest of Mrs. Ii. Little this week, Mr. and Mrs. Mennell of Clinton vh7- ited friends in the neighborhood this week. - aud bliss Day, who have ' b _""* Kays ,,�Aan . endisig a couple. of weeks with �, ,� .ricl'. her left for their home fit Kingston an'TuesdiLy last. Quite it, number froui this vicinity plenicked tit Goderich oil Mondity. rbeY had a pleasant, day strid came 11011le refreshed after speitiling it tl�ty Alt tit(- lake. Apple picking seeins to bo tile op(I(q, of tile diLY Attid the packers are quite busy PsLeking fit this vicinity this week. Mrs. Thomas Carter find her dalight'- er, Mil's E111111a, left fast Saturday for Toronto. They intend lititying Ifeveral days and taking in tile Exhibition bo - fore they return. '%It,, Bernice Payne, who is engaged Its thresher with Air. S. Pollard, is likid off work this week wldi a very sore blind, Ile got it thistle in lij,j lj�tllcl ill)(] aft,er taking it olit (lid not feel ttny- thing Nvrong With it for a (]fly or ti,vo, when it becanic very sole and on going( Al the doctor found blood puis- oning had set in. M I-,,;. A rigus MeDerinid ter I on Thurs- day last, for Cleveland, Ohio. in Mr. and Mrs. Ifeury Little were visit- ��fripnds in Blyth on Stinday ]list. I iss Mary Yellow of E,xet.er is spend- inga couple of weeks with friends heV0. XV- John Jaillf-8012 lost At V,IILI,tl?IP hor,4e, front still stroke one day recendy. - � . . ­ .- - ____ 111ake. - The weRther still keeps )lot and dry and althmi g initriv of the fariners have finishZ' Seeding some of Llivin have been unable to sow its much it-, t hey intended becatise tile ground is so bard they cannot plough it. Showers go both to the north and the South of its but seein to %bull this locnlitv. Oilt, turn will coille Ill good -U1110. . Miss Belle Wilson, *fio lists been � visiting at Mr. John Manson's, left last Saturday for her bonie in Goderich. MI,. "ri, Thirsk left laqb week for Ednionton,N. W. T., with tile intention of taking ill) ]find shoidd tile country satisfy his Laste. Mr. Jamets ('sit nie's house is nearing .c�mplel,ion.. 1-WileD cLone BIT-. Clarniv will have it )ionic to Ile proud of. Sure-' ly lie isn't, going to occupy italone, Miss Alary P. J1,91er purposo.s taking it I rip till north !it the near ftittiVe. Tit(- lecture which was to Ile given it) tile Presbyterian church hele 111"t Friday evelling was postponed tillwh 110 the disappointment of many of our telill)ePance workers. . - - . . I Accounts Paid By C11111toll coltucil --..- I Following is like list of accoull! passed by the finance commiuve and ardered paid by the town cotinvil fit its ineeting oil Alonday night: -- s1ritle,f,"I' A('('0UNT, J. Beckor, ten-whig ..................... � $ 1 %) Janie,; Ilowe, INN f 1. Nva lit fit IM .. ....... 302 W Chaq. CAU1tvr, woric - . � ..... ......... �... 31; 12 J - L. svol t, Nvork .. ...... � ... ....... , 30111 'I"'huld, Nvork"..''.11. ..1. I . ... .... I �;12 NI 0 001,ge Joll list 011, wurlc_ .............. 10 50 Jolill Sleep, work.. ... � .. ......... ... M 50 .John 'Ateelp, gr1tvp] ..... .. . .... ...... . I A) Goorge 111cloet, tvaining , �. �... _ . _ 11) iln .1. Altkells, gnt%-el. .I I ....... I ... .... ... S) 7.1 W. Steel), gmvel .... ... . �. I. .. � .. f (Ili Janioilol)tinfor(l, tettilling ........ ...... I 71) Nivi88r, Itowland .. _ ,.. ..._ Ill 77 1111IN11NO, W. J''MitchvIl, Infilth)K ............ _ 5 I 00 NVXo:%lS.. _ ... ............ .. ........ 11" IlIt011Ewry. . W. Wheouloy, eon) .. ...... ... _ . 13 1)2 . Jom, itider, worlc at furnaces . .. �. � .. 2 2.) 1 )avis& Rowland _ ..... ..... ... I;` xleetric light, for 140I.. .' ' ­ '' '­ ' I ,is CIIAHITY. it. T. It .. � ...... ... � I ... ........ I . ..... I 1, 25 FII?F AND WA7'l,At, Jos. ItIder, repairing hosi ........... I.. ­ 50 I)MVIA& Howland .. _ . .. .. . ....... (-It Filling t4oik,o .... � .. .... � ...... , _.... 4 flo .I. Miller, 111pe � .... ............. I. 1. . 182 I6 c i.:,.�i i4rr F I t Y. Y)n-vis & Itowland � ......... ............ ;�o I jaynos Dilliford ..... . ...... . . . . I AM It. M"I'llolds ...... ......... � ......... � 31) 00 Iti-XIIIN111's. It , I?flyllolds� .... .. ... . ..... ....... 9 .14) It. WvIsh, ilial-kot seitle.A.,., . 1. . .. Ill; If() 11 1-4.1it'.0mee. .. ., - , ... .. 4 00 .1 refit. Hall .... .. . .. �. I . if) IN) J. Whoat Ivy, uso of gi-nder ........ . 1!t. 6 ;ill 11 Htoel( Rmles ....... . 25 20 - - Tue Fat I Fairs. __ Western, London, Sept.. 8 W 17. Wellosh Y, Wellesley. Sept. 18, I 1. Nortller;l, Wilikertoti, Sept. it, 15. Southern, 13i Antford, Sept. 17 to 22. 11ortleii1tvirol, Pre,;ton, Sept, 20, 21, 22. Owen Sontid, Owen Sound, Svpt.20, 22. Cenlre Wellington, FergiiiA, Sopt. 22,23. ' Noith Perth, Stritiford, Sept. 22, 2:3. Centre l3rove . I`ai-qley,8Ppt. 27, 2K Peel, 11tramplon, Sept. 2.9. 21). North-WeM.vrn, Witigham, Sept,. 27,28. Huron Township, Ripley, Sept. 27, 28. EARL Witwanosh, Bvlgrit�e, Se t. 20,30, CulroqR, Teeawnter, Sept, 22, J S Smith fbiron, Exeter, Sopt. 11), 20, Kineardine, Ort. 4and 5. Tiverton, Oet, 7. Hmeo 17nderwood, Oct. 11. Thiron Centi-ittl Clinton, Sept,. 2A), 21. Ttiekormnith, Senforth, Sept. 22, *3. Morris, Blyth, Oct, 4, 5. East 1hron, Brussels, Oct, 0, 7. - I I �� f?"[1f . . I I � . � . I , ­ _.: . - ___ i- - . . SEI __ ___ ... ---.-- - __ __ _. - 01le Of the Uses of the Plebiscite. If the -10 1w 'toy invincible skeptic Who illingink-s that Likis plelliscito elec. lion it; Lu lv,� of lit) tibe to allyolle, lie bhoutil loVVp hi.4 eyt� (ill t,he Colullins of the "fly 1)1'(' -Ns (Itti-ilig these days of pre MrAtiot, acid take noto of the lists of -tYle I�ood kind fititlif ul who ale lip. pol"ed to vitri(Atis pobts of illiport,itnee 11.11 eill0hillielit in volinection with I lie taking of tl1L vote, Atiyotio who thitiLs that tilt,, $s)(),t)(I() which is to bu spoilt oil tile pleblSOLA-4 will Ile wahit,ed, (toes 11ot know this Government. Not it velit of I be preciotil, ,11(),ley Will behl- lowed to fall I)y tile wayt,i(l,, lil()tlgh I 801110 of it 111HY light upon pretty hard 91 ouud- Still It will all be expected to beat- fruit whell tile ba,vest ,oliles. Whell tile Government asks for $2&),(Xx) With which to hold all election of this kind it is 'lot to be, suppubed Ltitit, it witilles to inake a cuEItriI,L1tl()II to t,110 flitids of tilt- Alliance. The quarter (if It Illillioll voted is to Ile used in Intying offlcer,4, renting polling booths, issililig notices, prepaling Voter:" Il-tS "IIILI lli.1:,il,,4 (110 uslial at.- rulucvolvilts fill- the holding of Ili) elec- tioll. From which political party will Olese 011it-01's he chosen-1froll) ,whotil will the polling 1)(JoLlis be rentud? With tviloill will tile 111olley Ile 8pe It is 110t, llVC0,1slkl'Y t.0 Ile " Lile seve.11111h, soil of Itk4evelltil 8( )11," liol. yet" it Suit - day child" to answer these questions. '111114 it, ('0111VS ;LIIO(IL HILLE, tile. (lovern- "le"t It4 willillg to go to tile trOLIble W (I exPel"oe of holding, a plebiscite on I" "I'libitioll, 01' ,toy other question of � still., ient. hll Purtante to excuse the ('o"t'", eV('Il if M) AMC is C(TtlLill Whitt will 11 -I)Pell itft(,I- the vote is taken. 'I'lle' Al-llibtel", will guarantee to find inell in dle co list i tuetic ieq who will pocket t1w fees for arraliginpr for fill(] A. OtItillctit4; fill election just as often its It Clit fools I)t­i)le wants to have such an Ox))Pessioil of (11ohlion laken. 1311t it.,, to wbat thev -,Vill (10 ill tile event of I I rilidority � 6eing polled for Prohibition, that k allother linitte.r. If I he 111,Aj()I-itY is wrainst Prohibition, tile" it is to "'drop',lnd drop forever" Sit' Wilfrid tustires us. That part of ill V l)0IiVy h, VV�Idy. Btit who has seen ;I lit ill 't of tile Prohibition bill which is to follow it Poplilar deinnod for one'? Has Sidney Fisher even 1, -Montreal Star. _­ . ­­_­ _7 Who May Vote on Sept. 29. - ___ Information That Will be of i1se to 31-111y Cattiadinus. _____ "What lists are to'be used in the vote oil the plebi,icite on 'I'liursday, Sept. 91ith ? " was asked of Mr, Alex. Smith, ILI 0 ronto, the Liborn]. organizer. oThat is a question asked quite fre- qLlently," was the reply, "and I shall endeavor to answer this and other ques- tions that seem to come up regularly. NVithout referring to the clauses of the Ret I may Say that the law is that any pet -son under the franchise act of any Province entitled to vote oil Angust ]at, 1893, for a candidate for the Legislative Assembly is entitled to vote on the plebiscite unless lie bas become dia- 'Juslified, l "In the .Province of Ontario some of the municipal lists were finally certified to before August ]at, and in every Such Municipality Hie lists for the year 1893 will be used. In all other municipali- ties the lists of 1897 are the lists to be used." "NVhat about registration? " "The law provides that when a regis- tration list is riot more than a year old (so to speak) it shall be the list to be used Ili tiny municipality where regis- tration prevails, " 14. � kre there any exceptions to the Provinciai lists'? )t "Yes, there are additions. Take the 'franchise act of Ontario� It especii'ally ,mentions some classes of (Iflicials as Inot entitled to vote, but according to the tiety Dominion franchise act such p 7 rsons, if otherwise qualified, are en- titled to vote without being on the list, providing they do not roftise to take tile oatil its set forth fit the act." "Are the returning officers appointed for Provineia­1 r4i-Eigs or for Dominion congtiLuencie$ ?" "'I'hey are appointe'd for Dominion constituencies, but tile polling divisions to be Fulopted tire those established for the purposes of Provincial elections. lVhere thero tire no 1'roviticial polling diviKions the places fixed by tile laws of tilt, Province for taking tile vote and tile lists used sit such places for a Pro- vincial r)oction shall be the places and lists to Ile nqed," . "I I"Itle fivell it stated that (lie lists to I1- 4 -i ,if this L'tovince are the lists used on �,Iarch I at last? 11 "Yo-ig that is true, wherever the lists have not been revioLd ror 1898 by Aug, lat.,? "Do I understand you, then, to say that the returning officers arn appoint- ed for tile Dominion cimstittioncies � thab tho polling divisions i are the Pro- vincial polling divisions ; that tile lists to be tise(I are the Peovincial lists of 181,)7 or the lists of 1811H wherever the latter were completed on or before August ]at?" "Yes, that, is the law fit brief (without mentioning [lie exception abovo noted, with referene, a to corutin classes of officials ;) but it does riot always nec- essarily follow that because a man's narne is oil the list lie is vntided to vote lie may, by change of residence or from some other reapon, have become disqualified from voting." - �%'here are tile listq obtained? 11 -rhe list.,; for the plebiscite vote are obtainable from the local custodian. I'lic custodian in out, Province is the Clerk of the Peace." — --- --- —_ - -----= The Peqple's Faith Firmly arounded Upon Real Merit -Thoy Know Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely and Permanently Cures When Ali Others Fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is not merely a simple preparation o f,9FtrqnpRriIla, Dook, Stil- lingia and a little lodideof Potassium. Besides these excellent Fk1teratIves, it alao contains thoFio great anti -bilious and liver romedies, Mandrake and Dande- lion. It altio contains those great kidney remedies, 17,ra Ural, Juniper Berries, and Pfpslasewa* Nor are these all. Other very VAInable I curative agents are harmoniously com- bined In Hood's Sarseparilift find It Is carefully prepared under the personal Atipervision of it regularly educated pharmacist. Knowing these facts, is the abiding faith the people have In flood'A Sarnaparills a inatter of surpriae? You can see It Hood's Bareaparilla cures, wherk Zlheyr medfalnes totally, absolutely fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ixthe bent -in faet tbA Ono. True TIMM Purifier. Sold hY all druggists. $1 *, six for $5. _____ pill, ,r,thabastaftor,linner Hood's ItIlls, Aid digestion. Me. SON by Watts & Co., Druggist.q. lqp� " - TEMBER 8,1898 - _ Lucknow Caledonian games, ..—..--. A Successful Day's Sports. — Lucknow, Aug. 31. -The 23rd annual games of the Lucknow Caledonian Clo ciety were held here to -day in the beau. tiiul park belongiDg to the Society, and were a decided Success. Fully five thousand visitors were present, and every event on the long programme of attraotions wait keenly contested. The splendid array of pipers, dancers and light -weight athletes present could nok be surpassed, but, on account or the Boston games this week, many of the old-time heav w ig grofessionals were unable to bye beerhe! T a great tug- of-war between the counties of Huron and Bruce was again won by the Bruce men, amidst the greateaC excitement. Tile village was beautifully decorated with evorgreen arches, flags, bunting, etc. The fOilOwing is a list of prizes awarded. Ilighlapti fling (childmit under twelve) -1st Maf6lo Mo.-Murchy. Kintall 2nd Maliel Ma ioney, A.9hfield; 3rd, Edit� Fluel, Hoily. road StIlt race- Ist, T. LIttlo, 2sid, Itosy Little 1)1111- galillull. 11undrod yard race (Over fifty yarda)-14t, J Ad4roiti Lucknow; 2lid, H. Gillies, Cuiross, Two hundred sard race-imt, A, W. Ashlej NValkerLoin; 2nd,J. CiPtir, willffhaill. t , Puttillis light ona - HE c, tewart, Wawa. Alull"'I 40 foet 8 inche$; 2iid. G. Stewart, Toronto, 40 f t 6 Inches; 31 -ti, W. ('anieron, St. uelell,s, 39 foot 7 Inches - 111'"t"1119 11"a"y rtoll" -18', (D. Stewart 39 feet) Inches; 2nd, J. McKaK, 37 feet 8 inch4Z 3rd. A. McKay, 35 feet 10 tile e8. 'I'lirowing halumer-ist. 6, stewark, ill feet; 2nd, C StOwlt"t, 110 feet; 3rd, A. McKay, 108. l'ossing the eaber-Ist, J. B. McDonald 37 fuet 9 incheo; 2nd G. Stewart 36 feet 6 lnc�es; 3rd. J. MO KILy, 33 foet 2 Jnche� ItIltining high , P-Ist, T. , Little Durignil- no", alld W- Jo?"112ton, Toronto dea 6feet 7 inches;2nd J. Dingwit,11, 1315th, 5 iont 6'inebcs. valilting, "i1th pole -)st .Dill wall,9feetto lnebem;2nd, G.Stewart and C.%tewart, tied, Ofeet8luches, , Sack race -let J. I)II19wall; 2nd, T. Little; 3rd H. Little. Hurdle race-lk3t, T. Little; 2nd, A. V. Aqh- loy; 3rd, Chaff. Stewal.t. hundredlard race (best two in three)-lat, 13. J. Groach, 1,lrerton -1 2nd, A. W. Ashley; 3rd, C. Stewart. Con,"Ifiretal travellers' raoe-lift. S. J. G roa h, Milverton; 2nd, A. IV. Ashley; 3rd, D. McKle't). z1a, Buterrient, 1, ,It nian's race-Ist, W. VARIStone, Wing ham 2nd, 111. J. Stilton. Harnilton. mroch and inareli-ist F Beaton, Toronto 2nd, W.'I'llain, Outilph; 5rd: W. Johnston, To ronto, Stratlispey and refil-l.jt, NV. Thaln; 2nd, F. Beatoril, 3rd, W. John8ton. Fflih and ttinsr-Ist, W. Johnston; 2tid, F. 111ild e, London;3rd, F. ljentf),). Gillic ctfflum-ltit, F. Riddle; 2nd, W. John 80MI: 3rd F. Beaton ROCI 0'1rIIlI0cII-I;t F Riddle; 2nd, W. John ston;3rd,F.Bea.toIl" , Sailor's Hornpipe-Ist, F. Riddle; 2nd, W Johnston. . 11-1,11, Jig -18t, F.Riddle; 2nd, F. Fitzel,lHolly. rood. I-Ijililand fling lboye and girls)-Ist, T, Camp. bell, ianlilton, 2nd,,13, Sparks, St. Mary's; 3rd. 11. Pringle, St. Marys. Sivoi-d dance (boys and girls) -lat, Thos I ('anipbell; 2nd. G. Armstrong, London; 3iq Darbarn, Sparks. 8110n,11 treWs (boys find girig)-Ist: Thos. Carnp- bell - 2nd, 11. Armstrong; 3rd, Aimle MeMur- (-h1,.%KiotaiI- Host dressed Hiqlilander-ist, A McPherson. Lucknow; 2nd F . Beaton, Toronto; 3rd, W. Johnston, Toronto, and D, McDonald, Wing. hani, tied for third place. Be8t dressed boy-ist 11. Cam bell, Hamill. toil- 2nd G Arinstroni; 3rd, b� Murchison L%iAno%�',. * Bc�tdreq8ed0I'I-1st, Barbara Sparks; 2nd. Ina. Riddull, London; 3rd, Annio McMurchy, Kilitail. ,rug -of -war; Bruce vs. Huron -Bruce won. A grand Scottish concelt was hold this evening in Lorne skating rink, followed by a fancy dress ball. Everyone is going home well pleased and the Society deserve great credit for" the manner in wbiah everything went, off. Our old Scottish friend, Mr. J. B. 11 un tot-, actzed as herald. SOclosesone Of.the mOSt successful Caledonian gath- erI11g8 ever held in the Village. �-- Z=�� No other preparation has done so many people so u,,lell good as Rood's Siarst(parilla, America's Greatest Medi - 011W. . , — - . - - -.—.--- Sit, Charles Tupper held a reception At PlCtOn. / - - .7. -___ T � CHURCH COURTS - ­ .. . I . __ . ' - MAY D1rFI1-R ANX) SPILT HAIRS ON Roo- TRINA L POINTIs, BUT MAY JOIN HAND5 FOR BUMA.14ITY IN PROCLAIMING THEU VIRTITES OF DR. AGNEW's; CVTARRHAL 11OWDER. -_ C ,a,tarrh, that dread menace to bu- inani , , attacks the high I the low, the ritch,11 he poor, the learned kind the it - I el e, , but, Dr. Agnew's CatarrhRI. P 'der is the sovereign cure and needs 110 more reliable testimony Of its ef- ficaty to cope with and cure this dis- VAse thltu that Stich eminent divines Its Itcv- W. H. Withrow, Methodist; IiOV- Altingo Fraser, Presbyterian; Bishop Sweatman, and other promi- Dellt, leAdPrs in the Church courts, who, have over their own signature testified (if its Virttles. Wilat better evidence for you that it will cure you. -Sold by - Watts & Co. __ - - - z ---- Stanley Court of Revision. ' I — N()tl(',c IN beroby given Chat a Court will be held purskialit to the "Votem' List Act " by Ifiq hollor the Judge of the County Conk ot the 00unty of Huron at TOW�NSHlp HALL, VARNA. 011 the ,14fxteelith day Of September 1898 ah 0 (Ives) 0 clock to hear and deterinineth ' oral coinplaillis 0 0 sov- If errors and omisstions In the Voters' List of the MuillelgalitY of StAnler for , 1898, A111)(31-9011shaving uainessattheCourb are required to attend at the said time and place. . DAted t he 22.nd day of August, 1898. J. T. CAIRNS, 31-2 Clerk of the said Municipality. __________ � Strayed or Stolen. ---7— A Iloagle Holind with stm and owner'snanie andaddresson glaneek. Has blaek and tan head, saddle mOstlY black. neck. breaml, and balance of bodf, white flecked with black, legit Rod foot whi AI flooked w1th t4m. Au Ono that can give 9atisfactory InforinatietA wil plesiso eon""Lln1catO with the owner. For NrOler partlenlarl; 0,11 reasonable charges will be paid I tho dog in follild all right. W. J. BIGGINS I August 15th. Clinton, bnb. ;17 .��. � , .1 __ - � I . - - -_ ­___ Farm for Sale. — Thitt vory desirable pro Airty, thO farni of the 1;_�4'.� lftto Oeorge MorriR, I,& 9., ('on. 10 W. D., (,01 - borne, cOnsiRIT119 Of IM acroA, well fenced. well- watcrOd, free from all noxious weeds and in , hl'y'listato of cultivation. There if; a comfort - I ab 0 frAmc house with woodAlled find od mrm and outbuildings'. The orehar(I 11; Tifio,nt- ed with choice a Ple, Plum, pear, che and Poft0i trees and the garden contAins ldrirk"rent) yarlotleR of currants, berHes and grapes, It lifts n6ver been rent,ed. For furtherpartlelilars; apPlY oil i lie prom iAag or by lettor to U1119. a EaR Monday, Aug. 15. olOrt. MORRT,q oderich T1. 0, olit. Tn. . � - n! --,-"--,---- �!T � �� . Rouse to Rent. That. larRotyro-istory holvRe at corner of Horory f16nd Orange Sij4.. for sale or to rent, Apply to (1fat0n, Jilly 7th T. JACKSON, an. ­ In .., -A