The Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-01, Page 6w
mads from half u dozen Large ones. ''((((((��'�UPS[
the earth. In their lives the z�1ir,!t. are cared and quartered,and put �11� RUN#
[JU 0 U� E U 0 L De into a saneepan with Ixarely water C NerV4��s ■ �opl�r Y Justify y nature's noblest handiwork, and Willi-,�q�y �q �n j
enough to cover them. They should be Are great sufferers and they deserve doing everlasting glory to their owl The Very Odor Itself
cooked slowly, and when tender pressed sympathy rather than censure. Their loyalty, truth and sweetness, they
MIAMFORMAMMMARwhile hot through a sieve and sweet- • blood is pour cud thio and their nerves crown their busbands with horror and
ened to taste. The yolks of three eggs Women as a general proposition are are consequently weak. Such people bestow upon unworthy men wealth that I� Refr�llin
MILLIN.,R,RY ECONOMY. . I well beaten are ready at this moment find relief and Dura in Hood's Sorsa- is greater than rubies: a p"
and are beaten into a hot much better adapted than men for ma -
puree, which trimon and its trialr,. To begin paril[s because it purifies and enrich -
The best velveteen is better than is returned for an instant to the range Y g n with, es .the blood and gives it power to feed, ITEMS OF INTERE�'uT. o
silk velvet, so far as durability and afterward. The mixture is then put they are better than men, and an ac- strengthen and sustain the nerves. If T
into lemonade glasses and served when count of their trainin and the con- you are nervous and cannot sleep, take "Feel
keeping in order is concerned, for mak- g
cold, with whipped crdam and a candied ventions that hedge them about the Iluo3's Sarsaparilla and realize its A Few Paragraphs wlitrh lout Pro.+
Ing or trimming hats. Rain will not cherry heaped on top of each. It may g nerve strengthening power. w'or.h Itteading. '
npuil a good quality of velveteen, as at be pressed into porcelain egg -cups, the hOII1e means more to them. Indeed, r��`� �
beaten whites of the to the HO'ii9Hyt171 Sarsaparilla The Suez Canal cast about 100,000,-
little steaming will make it as goof as eggs put on top Brest majority of good woman f1t' Q00. The atucllz is chief) $I. !'
maw, while a few drops and the cups set in the oven for a mo- the home and its inmates ars all in all. y owned by Q
ps of water on ment to 'brown. , la Canada's Greatest Medicine. Sl; six for toy. Britishers.
silk velvet makes little indentations .This being so, the gleet majority of cod's Pflla euro all JANNAlla. 2$ oeata
It is the custom of Persian ladies,
hut•d to remove. For block hats, chip) PINEAPPLE PUDDINGS, women are prepared from the start to "^""�"""' ---� ® � ® � -c•�I
ff be must excellent and comfortable when they make Social calls, to throw
or at raw, beginning to grow rusty, li- Pare and grate one ripe pineapple, I For instance, a woman may not save roses at one another,
wives. All such as these need is a what she eats, or how she is clothed Last year, in Paris, 14,840 horses, 257
quid shoe polish may be used to good sift one cupful of sugar over the pulp fair t.haneo and a little encouragement. or housed, whether her Iced be comfort-
advatitage. Bats should W brushed and stir until it is dissolved. Put two able or not. donkeys and 40 mules were killed and
every day before laying aside to keep' cupfuls of milk into a double boiler, In fust, a very great many women ac consumed as food, c __
I have tin idea that the inchoate, un-
I complish their duty with cheerful pa-canbe EMPEROR WILLIAM'S WORK. How's Thio?
the. dust from grinding in. Artificial
and when it is scalding hot add a pinch tience against every adverse chance, youngwoirl. But there detectedin
lbetno toltresist t�the attacks rule,
flowers, drooping and crushed, may be of salt and two tablespoonfuls of corn- and with nothing but discouragement use ithe worl+i in telling the neat persons who are comparatively thin. The [Hass of work which the German) WeofPer One Hundred Dollars Rewa foy
brightened ani Preshrn:'d b ahlkin g g I l Y Any ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by
y g starch, dissolved in cold milk and stir from those who should help in all builders of the signs. They would Mountain lions are unusually num- Firiperor has to do may be understood' Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Pur ten minutes through the steam constant) for ten minutes. Remove i never see them, even though the young from the following figures, represent- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Pro e., Toledo, p
Y I things and hinder in nothing, wrties girl's clothes were fastened on h0r with erous in the hills of Utah this suns- 13 6 P We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
from the boiling tea kettle. Ostrich Prom the fire; stir in the stiffly beaten' John Gilmer Speed. obvious mer. Upon one ranch they killed a ing 12 months' labor. He received 1,026 Cheney fortbe last 15 years and believe him
feathers respond to the same treatment whites of three eggs; pour into awet pins in the stead of the more
P cleat� t andorder) buttons. A little dozen young colts. immediate reports, including tionq.�perfean honorableiannual !n all to carry
tut any good quality of ribbon makes the one -quart, pudding -mold, and set in a Notwithstan,iing the inherent and �tr Y g 158fe1e_ tions, and financially able to carry out abs
cold lace to harden. For the whlltl ago I met a lady of much Intel- The united Slates have about 900; grains, gave 751 decisions and signedobligation made b,y their firm.
mrxst durable and consequently cheap- I P golden acquired goodness of womankind, there leatual s ri htliness at an entertain- 000 telephones in use Germany 140,- 803 C`Itbinet orders, appointments and WItsT & TaTrAX. Wholesale Drurg(ste, Toledo.
q Y P- sauce, add encu h Water g0 Che S ru sprightliness y O. WALDIN6, KINNAN & MARVIN, who Beats
g Y P are wamon of very various sorts in meat. I offered m services to secure r other documents. Five thousand eight DraggLate, Toledo, O.
est of all but trimmings, standing the drained from the pineapple to make, Y 000: .England, 75,000; France 35,000; B
muisture of the sea or flying dust of two cupfuls; when boiling hot, add the this strange and Interesting world, and her some supper. She suggested go- hundred and fifty seven reports were Hal 's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, sot.
ing with me to the table. 1 looked at Switzer) end 30 000. laid before him ; but the Civil Cabinet ingdirectty upon the blood and raucous Fur•
Y g well -beaten setts of two eggs and stir i some of those are most ill adapted to her 1 tacos of he system. Price 75o. pe, battle. Sold
business streets or country driving P The manufacture of iuciPer matches had to dettl with about 50,000 dace- ; by all Wuggieta. Testimonials tree.
until it thickens, but do not boil. Set be wives tinct Mothers. 1 um Boer to garments, and rapidly Speculated
better than flowers, feathers or lace. in ice -box or other cool place. When � Y upon the fearful consequence if but one is monopolized by the governments of nients addressed to Ilia Majesty and Hall's family Pills are the best.
Inly good around Say this, but 1 have not been l,lind in pin should come out, and then insisted France, Italy, Spnin, Portugal, Greece about 400 letters and telegrams arriv-
asenew r by itn hot aaauds, 1Py to serpuddin a knife
bottom a 01 MY Journey through the world, and it. ed daily. edge of the th Lt she sit where she was and let SArvia and Roumania. Y ' A girl's frame of mind has less to do
Y b tg, p I Elle serve her there. 1 was afraid that good physical with her reflections, tban the frame
wards into a suitable serving dish; Is my mission to set clown [nets ruiner To torp himself in WHERE 1ITF, I!E[3RFW CHILI} that holds Ler mirror.
u ing a nail brush to reach the inter- heap the pineapple on top, and pour the � than to construct ideals from the flint- if
ght r;di nkcorut., and then lshe rlWould condition, the Czar of Russia takes a
stices, than polishing wit h a chamois or sauce around the bottom. ' g i
drying in sawdust. To renovate old my materials whish wishes, desires and 'h+t l her garment[ as a• moulting ban brisk run of about three-fifths of a 1 REN ARE.
Pineapple Tapioca Pudding. -Wash parts with her Leathern. utile ever Take CURB r COLD IN ONE DAY.
black thread or French lanes, dip into' dreams can furnish. If there be Wo- Y morning before breakfast. Out Of Jews, S,000,U00 are Taka Laxatlrn Brom Qninins Tabtetn, All Drug.
a solution of weak green tea, t ha'n one cupful of tapioca, cover .with cold When L told of this fright to a had irists refund the money if it fail* to Cure. 930
men that mon should hesitate to avho had alwu g Y Mahogany ip plentiful in many of found in Russia[. Of the remaining 4,000
spread out upon several thicknesses of water and let it stand over night. In marry, let us see who th0 are. lie:tut I was informed known that his punned 1 Cuba's virgin forests. It is very hard, 000, 1,500,000 are in eastern Europe, 1,- �-
newspaper lai,l upon the ironing board) the morning cook slowly in a double Y Y' ENVY.
or other flat surface. With a pin pick :1'o begin Willi, 1 should say that as ways been so, and that at her coming shows a handsome grain, and is pre- 000,000 in western Europe, 1,000, -
out each little cover boiler with two cupfuls of water until out ball she had dropped her "bustle" ferret) to the mahogany grown else i Mr. Tuppy-That Miss Smilh has a
the lace with sheets f news lacers, and the tapioca is soft ttnd Clear. Pare and ami.0htllty ,s a woman's greatest charm on the dancing floor. Now this par- where. 000 in America, sari only 70,000 in Pal- lovely fate. Doe•,n't it remind you of
put a weight on the paper, allowing it g plots of vita pineapple; -greater than beauty of person and estine. In Great Britain there are 101, -'some sort of flower?
rate two cu 1 1 pp tiaular woman is married to a man of LV%tat of the small silver coins at
to remain twenty-four hours. Eine add one cupful of sugar and stir until strength of mind combined --so the con- distinction, and they have children. (100 Jews, of whom 64,280 live in London,! Mrs. Tuppy coldly -Yes; but I don't
Y- Cuba have hales in them. The object 33,070 in the ,r
white laces, delicate ribbons and silk it is dissolved. Remove the tapioca teary of it is woman's most serious the ought to be charming, for nature in provinces, 2,000 inScotlund, recall the brand.
from the fire, acid a I many regards has been kind. to her; Is to keep the coins there, as the holes and 1,779 in Ireland, Of these, British
may be freshened and cleaned with pinch salt
fault. To be a downright scold is fa- and her husband and children, if all (lo not, affect their commercial value born number `20 per cent., German 7 ~^
powdered unu neaiu, or if not tau ball four tablespoonfuls of sugar; tal and makes a woman quite im on the island. ,er cent., Dutch 5
soiled, with Lot flour-tukin olive. that stir In the prepared fruit and pour in- 4 POa- were well with her, woulA surely be I per cent„ Russ° -
it•. is not browned in the heating. to a ,wet, mold. Serve perfectly cold Bible. But. there is somothing in which happy. And they may be, but they According to French law, upon the Mulish 58 per cent., others 10 per cent. I 1
With w•hi don't look it, 7 he husband a +
Spriakla the magnesia ur flour upon, PPS cream. some women sometimes indulge which ppeI to expiration of the franchise o[ an elec- --"-
1,e a woebegone chap, and the children trio railroad company, BRIGHT PROSPECTS. ,
a 'smooth sheet of wrapping paper, lay Pineapple Foam --Bask a half box of is wroraA than ecohling. Tbut some- pony, the entire IInP,, ou lt' P C D:.9
the silk or lace upon the seem just to have arrived from a chart- with all
1 paper, and gelatine in half a cupful of cold water thing worse I shall for luck of a. l,et- ly school after a ton and dust rail- property power
the stations,' becomes the colli r o �ellmndaunhte�r quit frequent -
with le more magnesia over it, Cover way journev. g Y Y S t T 900NEAP youcanuse Itonoldshingle
with anothNr sheet of paper, 1r11Lcn n,' until soft. Pare and grate two cup- ter term call .nagging. lh,tvurighl. P��� i
book or some light weight on the paper . fuls of ripe pineapple; add one cupful scolding is fatal. It does its work ;is •The, two eL;y,es I b'ave named tire the Spanish soldiers are poor marksmen IY ; and as she-er-uppears to be fav- r roofs or aides of buildings. Used 29
Worst wreek0rs of domestic happiness plosion of their orabl impressed b you, l think 1 have yeara. with a good forayyer yyrs asp
because the 8x guns Y p y Y I int a barn in half u day, Write us for oircul, ❑nQ
letting it rest. there several days. Take of sugar anti let it stand over one hour. a Swift bullet at Short range work:!• p£ which I halo kao%vietl Pt a right t0 lI1gUl1'0 concerning YOLLr Pnformatton Company,
ing. eThe PinchenWes, WOonPreserra.
thi'. fabric up, and shake well anal brush Drain aft the syrup, add enough water It kills cleanly 3 ge. J;ut there makes them nervous, Just as they are prosPeata, lives Paint Company, b70 Queen West, Toronto.
With a soft brush. For laces that re- to make two cupfuls; heat it boiling Y and surely. )ill ting- are •�thaTs. For instance, the woman about to 1,ull the trigger, t le shut Young Man -I shall be rich some
quire stiffening, rinse in a pint of w -a- hot, pour over the gelatine, stir till ging eats as docs a cancer, ft is as with fads. She is a terror, and no their eyes and turn their boaos. da
ter in which g arabic the size of a dissolved and strain into a large bo'wi, deadly in the end, but it takes longer. ❑nr,tako. But when the fad takes the y Y• TORONTO CUTTING SC"OOL offers apectat
form of elevating hes' sex or the emelt- A Cochin rooster attacked a year-old I am glad to hear that. inducements to young men desirous of
pea is dissolved, oll about a 1,ottle. and When cold set the bowl in a pan of to do its,bideous Work, and it. is It, bun- Yes. Your daughter and I have kinsup Cutting� Trull particular8 on appli.
pull or pat with a soft towel until dr cracked. ice or cold water • add the oration of the condition of a race or of child belon in to Albert Hanin of tion. n3 Yt)N0H ST., TORONTO.
Y• dre.d thoucsand times more painful. i,uil,iing up some new school o[ thee- belonging g' been secretly married, and she has
whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff Il or medicine or of founding a club Kratsville, Ind., and so lacerated the promised me half you leave,
froth and beat five minutes with an 'N7"O this cancer is first at work gY is hereby extended to all sound
SUGGESTIONS FOR HOUSEHOLD. I devoted to the spread of the habit. of little one neck and head That at tact �_ INVITATION nine and women ttere3tcd int
egg whip; then add the pineapple pulp ave have hopes. We hope that either P
nCCO'Ulllta a fatal result Was Lea red. p ,001ENi education to rrrlto for the New Prospectus of
The same desire to revive old cos- and whip till foamy and light. Vet surgery or medicine, or Ixrth, »an. Stop Rp°tlrng wards btaalt�vurd, or some other A LTT'PLE TOO ENGLIII. p
g g Y The lira ,Tal' e g TF m OpENg 9 EPT. lqT. OLL ht regular
P cups in cold water, fill with the foam, Y P such nonsense, then is she horrible. g- g nsen rifle -ball will O TERM dfacil RFs for
I%T. mint r Telae teas ere, rt,
toms to pose as novelties of the moment P its ravages and restore ilio health. It 'I'haakeray said sonaf�where that he throw h 24 inches of oak. A ro"collie Young Wife, anxious to make some excelled facilities for Accounting, Te esn,phy, RhorF
set in a cold place three or four hours, rare! g P expensive purchase -My dear -ahem I- hand, etc. Many students secure splendid rmaitlons
whir•h leads the college girls to wear may be that there hove been sorb cures. Y mat a large, Lina, splendid wo- from this weapon, fired at 100 yards, each term, Getparticulars. Addre+a W. A. SHAW,
and serve with whipped cream. •Han «vho was not followed by a slim presume you know everything English Principal, Yong a and Gerrard eta., Toronto,
the hot, uncomfortable sunbonnets of But as a general thing it is a noir. and will pass through six men stranding is fashionable now.
little chap, who dict the part of bus- in close order, and lodge in the seventh. Iiusband�o I have beard.
their grandmothers, works in a cul[- delusive nape, w11i.:1t makes the suffer- bund with a proud but cringing ill- f
nary way in the restoration as a relish UNABLE TO WALK. ing of a Victim all the worse to bear a -id grace, We all have in our own obser- Theatrical people in London are dee Yes. ,All the ladies in my set are THE TRIUMPH
of the old-fashioned "crackAngs "' left' only delay's, rather unkind) than bu- vnlion confirmed Ihi; statement of the ly interested in an insurance coma y copying English customs. It's the ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES.
from trying out lard. These are made t Iblatresging Malady Cured by lite Ilse of maltely, the inevitable eudY l; ret, t• satirist. 'Intl, so, 1. believe, it P fashion, you know, and of coQrsa you �; anew,n awe andpuken cteawaQyio
hot on the chafing -dish and spread be -i Dr. WIlHams' Pint` I'll$."' nagging woman is of various is with the rsasterful women offacis. alio'ut to be eatabliabod there. It will wouldn't want our little wife to ba
The Y a small epnrc. Ark your dealers for
[ween thin slices of brown bread or un-� From the Hartland, N.B., Advertiser, sorts. ,Sometimes she is superficially They nearly always attach to them lit- issue policies on new plays, to insure regarded ceurso not exception.
way, I saw them. G.anufactu .d. BARCLAY
beautiful, ,,*metimes she is rut,her tie measly "cusses," not fit to walk the managers who produce them y. ,
sweetened biscuit. The so-called dainty Right in our owls village is reported strong minded, but as :L general Thing 110110, but admirably baited to fetch against possible loss. in the paper the other day, that all Beare° s Adelaide 5t. W.,Torontoonosev
another of the rAmnrkable r•urev th,it aha is mere) a testilent.ial font. When ,and carry for some one Cast in a larg- In the better class of dwellings in the English princesses were good cooks. __ _ ---
be said to b0 an especially happy Y t 0r mould. g Subject dropped.
thought on the part of any one. make Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so po- she has beauty her capacity for the Santiago, Cuba, the bedsteads are sur-
unuoin• of men is vier' great., fur men Then we have the gossipping woman. The menu of a tomato dinner shouldPular throughout the land. The case is e3 y 6 Yes, we have her, but I believe I won't rounded with close netting, beginning ,arc bo oonstituted that the ie.ld hem- Vi Ii$ HE IS SINGLE.include, according to the instructions that of Mrs. E, W'. Millar. The Ad- age to beauty even -when it 14 dowered say anything about her. She is too at the floor and gathered at the top.given to a cooking -class, tomatoes with vertdser interviewed Iter husband, who with a sourness which makes it as un- Numerous and to omniscient. I have This device is to keep out tarantulas, Hattie -I wonder why your brotherO-ig=
French dressing, tomato soup, boiled was glad to relate the eircumstancles palatable as .Dead Sea fruit. not many shreds of moral character left the bites of which ale poisonous. Charley doesn't marry 1i
but I should like to cling to those that John Hi .Ella -Oh, he says he can't afford it.
An intellectual woman who nags can g Higgins, an undertaker, of Me- Hattie -Can't afford it l Why, he B ills, 101118 & e ,atter,
halibut and tomato sauce, and lettuce for Publication, that others might also play the deuce, for intellect coin- remain, So we will pass her by.
with mayonnaise, a fillet of beef with read and have a remedy put into their man•is reapect in the sufferer, while it About her .I might say many interest- dicine Lodge, Kansas, had just lower- and his wife could live on "bread ,:tnd LAW to Weriley Bldgs., Rlch-
scalloped tomatoes and potato croqu- hands, as it were. "For five years," supplies the lady with ingenious math- ing things, but, bearcely anything that ed the body of a man into the grave, chaese and kisses, couldn't they? in ndSt. W., Toronto.
said Mr. Millar, my wife ansa unable Otis of torture. But the mere foul ie 1` new'• . Let each reader of this arti- when he was attacked with heart dis- Ella -Well, they m[ght; but I guess
ettes, a course of stuffed tomato -s with the worst, as she is alrlo the most fee- ole summon to bin mind the most ad- ease. He gasped, fell across the sof- Charley hasn't been able to find any .
French fried potatoes, raspberr • sher- to walk without aid, One physician mirable ruswi of his t ew moments was a ;Irl willing to provide the necessary L COFFEE & CO. itatah.,.naa Itsa�,
y quant. There is sure to be ail lacca- 6 P acquaintance and fin, and in a fi g P L. t
bet, cheese, crackers, and coffee. If diagnosed her case as coming from a sequence about ber nagging enure ir- ''+insider whether he would like to mar- corpse. , I t bread and cheese, , , i ,
ritatin than an r'y her ur -not. Any man is as able as CRAIN AND COMMISSION
preferred, in the first course the raw spinal affection. Other doctors called g 3'thing In the world.
tomatoes may be omitted and the let- the malady nervous prostration. What- S•he will break but. on week clays and I urn to £urea a judgment as to the gos- MERCHANTS,
Y sip's suitability for wifehood. GRAINS OF GOLD. A Fine Fellow.
holidays and is aura to make things Noome 400-12 iosu•d of Trade Bonding,
tuce served with tpmato jelly. ever the trouble was,sbe ,vas weak and at once lively and sad for the poor There is one other serious advice I He may be, but If he tells you that
A wash shield that is worn over the new°ns• Iler limbs had no strength devil who happens to ~near her fetters, feel Moved to give to mob about to a1I
marry. Dop't mare „ Blessed is Ste influence on one true. Ypreparation in the world is as TORONTO. ONT.
Shoulder, and kelit in place by means and - could., not support tier body. It is a most untoward,fate to be mar- y . ut, of your class. good as Putnam's Painless Corn Ex=
There tuns also a terrible weakness in ried to one given to nag This admonition might be given with loving human soul on aftot.her,-George T$oratpa FLYNN. Joux L Correa,
advice. Imita-
elf a band all even metre. u Eliot.
slipped through eyelet holes, her back. Three months It4¢ro she could yet ft Young follow lookin�rfor a And
psitivenegss to wmen. Men tions onitractor aprove tthe evalue of Put am $
is the useful substitute for the tedious . not walk, but as a last: resort, after Imat get. one of this Sort wilhnut in the and women of different classes are H is but the counterfeit of a painless Corn Extractor. See signa-
replacing of these articles in bodices, It trying many' medicines, alio began to letLst intouatln� i.o du esu. Young. .fel- Pretty curtain to achieve unhappiness man who has not the title of a 'man --
P g d tole oil coon bottle of Polsdu & Co. y
Is a Wunder the device has never been I use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Im- I lows in amorous mood are not very it they attempt to work in double har- Shakspeare, Get "Putnam's. , Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, etc., to
provement was noted in a few days, cool in judgment, and, beAdes, young cess' To marry ontsiJe the class in On ungrateful man does an injury_ TRE DAWSON OOMMIi910R 00., Limited,
thought of before. I and a few weeks has done wonders in ' fellows in the mating Season have rare- which one feels Comfortable and at to all who stand in Dee¢ of -aid.—Pub- � — Dor. of west Markat and Colborne ills., TORONTO.
The frequent advertisements seen in restoring her heallb. To-do she can lyarrived ata•n ageof calm discretion home is absolutely a sin against nature. lies S rus.
walk without: assist once. You visa im- an l del[I:erate wisuam. As a rule the If by compromises and reformations
the public prints of the visiting uphol- K Y can only buy Y men and women of different classes Th, ire1r0 We do th6 more we can do; The tno9t frivolous woman up to
stress If the word may be nt3e o her delight r well . m own. Y to the ticket uC the o£Li,e the moire busy we aro, the more 16 -
y permitted, We owe her recovery to Dr. Williams, snot see what the play is like when finally succeed in establiahing an easy sure we have.-Hazlitt, date is the one wind followed asaidu-
indicate that this class of workers is 1 Pink Pills and I reTommend them for the curtain is up. Young women in c orditLlltp in their domestic life. it oust all the fashions and fads to anSOUVROZ1711
Onlylb•ttentton In Canada for the cerae9
being considerably recruited. It seems any case or. nervous weakness or gen- the choice of partners have no great- is invariably the case that the nicer A true and genuine impudence is Y averyphueof speech defeek Pstabtl"
to offer an excellent field for the in I era] debility." P er advantages• They may get drunk- partner in the union has sacrificed his Aver the effect of ignorance, without extravagant and foolish extent. She soIn Toronto, Igaa Our. guaranteed,
or her superiority the least sense of at. -Steele. AUTO.VOOE INSTIT"%
Mr. Millar is art owner and mons- arils• triflers, laggards, geniuses, or Pe y of taste and manner carried this habit to excess that it ex- • Pembroke at., T:roet% pandit,
dustry of women not yet classified in I ger' of one of, our lumber mills and is such other impracticables. But, their and made of thought. The higher There is certainly something of ex- tended even to her wedding ring. This
other pursuits. A number of the tech well w'ell knann thrnu^hout the country, chances of getting "naggers" is sinks quite or almost to the level of g she changed from time to time as Dominion line Steamships.
Dr. Willinnla' Pink Pills cure b slim. pretty vole to kindness and thoughtful bens- p
uncal institutes have classes where the y go- the lower, and in deterioration Linda, volpnce in that rarest of gifts - flue i the fashions changed and a new width
ing to the root of the disease. 'they Men do not generally nag. Some- at beat, a semblance of peace. But breeding.-Bulwer. I g Montreal and QnsbeotoLive
work is regularly taught and as the be who has once had the tastes and ar shape came into favor. and fess ;win .crew steamships L•brradorr� LV
field is comparatively unoccupied, the at rengl hen i be nerves, f bus driving times they do, to 4,e sure, But the Kind words prevent a good deal. of couver,' Dominion,' 'Scotsman,' , Yerkehire:
diseaset.from the system. Avoid imita- instances are very rare, A man with habitsof agentlemancan never quite When it was first placed upon lien Superlor s0oommodation'or FiretCabin, 9so.
prospect. of fair success is good, The tions by insisting that every box you a little soul and a small brain is much forget, and just as surely he can nearer that perverseness which rough and -9 Cabin and Steeregeparteengers. Rates of
work of making over a mattress is not finger the ring was a broad, heavy, a�s� _pyret Cabib, 5.2.50; Second Cabin.
in (lie least hard for a woman, and • purchase is enclosed in a Ivrnpper ben r- more apt t;o develop on other disagree- quite forgive the cause o[ hes decad- i•mperiau4 usage often produces in gen- p 1�ge g
in the full trade mark, .Dr. Williams' grow to be a bull a elle, erous minds. -Locke. oval topped ring, with rather sharp RRI. 8teerege$22.50 and uppwards according to
knowledge of the operation is easily g able lines and p eteameriendberth. For etIInfor•mationapviy
Fink Pills for Pale People. oatvardly bully. Wbe,n he nags the It is sadder, of course, to see a Wo- Good intentions are very mortal and edges. That poor little circle has Bane W Local Agents or DAVID ToRnaxou & uq,.
obtained. Utb ,r Legitimate work of the bustinaJo should be his portion. man of gentle birth and gentle rearing I thrO b the fire encu Gen? risen�e.t7 /.9aorament St., Montreal.
upholsterer is ralso quite within Ler married to a boorish peasant, for she, Peri hable things; like very mellow gh times to
Strength and skill after very slight, ex- rVALIJABLE itSE OF TEA. Next among disagreeable women, while site remains a Wife, cannot Da and chalet fruit they are difficult to eL,OmgA it into a flat ring with 'square
peri .ace. , women ansate to marry, is the untidy P tee Simmons. , ALLAN LINE
The use of tea for quenching the woman. There rat to ,ISO sure, another her home. A man under similar Beeon- p' edges intoA,Perfectly round wire, in-
li h Salad in an appetizing luncheon side to this. The too lid woman, she ditions can spend much of his time None E:o little enjoy themselves and to a half wire„ into n flat to bans
relish that may b0 evolved out of eil.L- thirst of men on the march is u rov- P L -
PP who sacrifices everything to orderli- abroad, for he has work to do and there are such burdens to themselves as, with xound ed,gea, and even to slim- Royal �i`�� SteaIrlS6ip ��
er ham or bacon. If ham is used, o half of ri many a s i n Ind i, Commanders ness and regultteity, is mightily uneom- aro hundreds of legitimate But. w to 1,hose who bans nothing to de. Only mate its identity entirely as awed- Y P of
pound o[ the raw ham is cut into thin of British troops in India bave asserted fortable, and take him away from home, But, when
strips and fried quickly in a little of justify goes t: f her
far to he hag married out of his class he has lite active have the true relish oG I(Xe. I original wedding ring than any other MOntr6JlLt t0 Liverpool.
its own fat until the pieces curl into that no drink has been found com- J Y the existence of her uppositA• -Jay. p
Indeed, I have in my retinol at. this mo- clone a fatal thing and put: bappiness I ring which she wears. But ahs still Gommoli.
crisp bits. It is then drained cure- Parable to cold Lea for Satisfying thirst. ;ts sielil;eratt awe from himself as It Is only imperfection that. com-
wont a woman who spent her whole calls it her wedding ring, and her Wed- Steil sail from Montreal every ThursMt
fully, and when cold piled lightly on IL In the campaign in the Soudan Sir long life in keeping clean, and she has tli''ugb tin had declined it gift that was plains of what is imperfect. The more morning oaarrival oftrainsfrom Toronto an
bed of shredded lettuce. It is served as Herbert Kitchener would allow his sol- during that time made all wilt) came to lie offered but, once and then with- perfect we are the more gentle and i ding ring is always in the latest fas- the tV octabout9oatock.
soon as cold with a French dressing held ,forever. din ria is always in the latest
poured Aver the salad. Bacon is treated dices no alcoholic drinks, hut, supplied ►n contact with her quite miserable. quiet we become toward the defeats of i g g Y RATUS OF PASSAGS
in the same way, them with an abundance of cold tea. When her husband came to die I and To write what I have written has others,.,-.Fenelon. fashion. Cabin "52.50 and upwards; Second Calls,
The canning and arra he must have thought that there not been pleasant, and bad it not boon -.-__- -._ ---_, I Whether she does thins entirely for Ria and and {99.25• 9tserasD to Ltvarpooi
g preserving days As tea is made with boiled and boil- would be n that I accepted the challenge I should London, OiseRpw, �attast to or!
good deal h c wholesome com- withhold this from publicai.ion or Amu- OI.D CTJRATIVE TREATMENT. the reason that she cannot bear to Queenstown 942,50 and 945.50.
the lh�ir imprint on the fingers. If ing water, all clanger from microbes fort in the dirt. in which Ile Ivould b0
the hands aro dipped in strong tea, and in the water is removed. The stimulat- )'Ito the example of my distinguished A Transvaal doctor is credited with wear anything out of date even In jew- ArednOtlon of Ave veraenh, is allowed on1
then rubbed well with a nail brush, the in htlried' round trip first and second cabin tiekoto- F0
g Properties of tea are great, and 1l'hil0 a too tidy woman can easily friend Colonel Richard Malcolm .T'obn- the discovery of a new ruragive trent_ elry, or whether silo tiviS6AS to appear. sailingaofstoeLmereorotherInformationappl�
stains Will disappear. The same stains shnuld lemon juice be added the pow- in her excesses reconcile a man to ston. When Colonel Johnston had i to any authorised agent.
on linen, it should be remembered, er the mixture meant. Ire asserts )bat he can rare a ),ride, or whether she imagines that
may be removed with oxalic acid, if the salivaryPousesses to excite TLe death, the untidy woman in her neglect Written his first novel, in which, as ; . 8. Bourilor, 1 Sing St. W. Toronto
firs( tr•etil.m0nt of boiling water Ls not glands to activity makes it of the decencies of life may drive a he first wrote it there was an angelic pAI'sOns of smallpox, fevers, diphtheria . it will help her t.o appear younger than �
g or 11. & A Allan. Montreal.
g possible for a small amount of liquid man to Suicide, or to drink, which is woman with a shrew as a foil for her, and many other maladios by simply she really is, is a mystery. She' her- _ _ ___ _
successful. A solution of the requisite to be satisfying, and saves the carry- worse, t have known such, a few sucb, he sat pondering it and living with wrapping them in milk sheets. The; self is Scandalized at the very idea that. -
strength in an ounce and a half of the ing of an excessive quantity of water. and they were pitiful creatures, but the creation of his brain. He says i any one, will insist upon wearing an MAPLE q E A F
crystal totwo gills of water. As soon Besides being Stimulating, the ten not near) so that as he sat in this communion his Patient, is ]Hid on n nintt cess covered , old fashioned wedding ring, and expres. 11
g. Pdependent, pitiful as the wretr•hed Shrew se0mecl to rias u before him with blankets, and is packed is aRheAt, lL g y
hethe okly disappear, aha cloth should makes palatable the otherwise insipid mortals a ion [Lem and sol, P sea' reit disgust With nIl womin who
be quickly raised in altar water, and IN
boiled water. In South America, es- jest to their mismnna AmOnt. and with a pained face she Said re-
q just, large enough fn envelop the body.; atlowshprself to be out of Cashion in
Lt Ls a gond plan to Put a little Ammon- pecially in the Argentine Republic, Some of these women are not mare proachfully:-"Colonel Johnston, you ' this matter.
is on the Spot quickly to neutralize any men are as nrrustomed to taking tea. Pnnaibf than the inea ab1As ave T'hei sheet }ars been sat urated in a pint
oriel tlint ma he remaining. res P never knew such a fad woman as you and a half of warm milk, and is n +lied ( Quite � discussion io-Ac pfaee, the A
Y g• that the blinks and commercial housASI Plane in asylums and care for at: the have made foe to be." PT other do betw•eon her and another
A simple and delicious desert that is Serve, it to their employees every af- (lost of the Rate. OthOea are So b e "Anel sure enough," said the Col• to the body without. wringing. After: w•oln'an who had romantic ideas con -
possible with the first green apples 1s ternoon• cause o[ lack of taste and L•nowlerig•e. `l lying still for an hour lulls swathed eprnin her ren and had never at- GRINDE . �-, _ � _ .. __ .. __�- _ _ _ ,bel, 5f° t )ling .hiS story,' 1 ne �r ha.d 1 8 t n.. n t v
_ _ '-___'__�._-___!"- - - Are re I sal; down and rewrote lin t
- _- - -��--_` the palinal is sponged With wnrra wn-. craved ' to be removed from her finger _ _ _- _ hook and made, that woman as good as ter, or put into a warm bath for n. few Since it was planed there by her bus- Ill
She find previously been find." rnomenig to remove the milk. The ' hand during the marriage ceremony, IF',
the is always dead rn earnest•, and (rent mpnl iS 1MRAd nn the germ -rid- considering It a sacred emblem. tooTWO67R4fhA more foolish her scheme appears sorbing power of milk, and the idea precious to be removed even for ar••oit.1Nv row'RR.
Q i �'v, _pe- t0 I•e 1hA mare enrnARt. and insistent oft it iS Said to bans herrn Suggeatnd by moment. --
itt ,h:, in her efforts Lo aro u. ate it.. fhf, fnnl flnnf milk nhsnrba ,nisnnnua' Thp frivolous woman however. is oohNo. I ham 14dneh ro•
err� - _ 'L.. _:., �...a,,m. T rnnfi y>-` - ..- I, C fi at home,Lind, PlensO Gad, i rtnver shall, been atnnding, atxxt, ibis important ring, or • 8 itch s n
I- m ye -W -' But I have met, the husbands of Some I would put. it nwn,y in her jewel casketg I hurry.
��Q such. Poor creatures i They have DRAWING THE T,TNE, i and buy a new wedding ring with each
\ ,, ` 1 00T �'P � come to Vic usually as mesgen ers from new Style. it would cost less money � Both have h,tl
\\ \ _ their wives, and poor whipped doviis Summer G[rl-George, you must not I than to have the old one done over. am'W"
in� batr piht0a
�� - they seemed• kiss me any more. --- re ter prings and
.• „es- That was gallant and beautiful in Rummer Youth-Wba.tI My dar— I A phistor w•hir•h r•Alinvew pain, henls ahnke t� ed. �
A: �' - the Colonel. But., then, he. haul made . ummor Girl -Don't Grind line ;,nd P .a. ,.A
/ , a++�� 9 put your arms t•ut4, burns, Sc•rtl ls, or wounds, is made • '
, with lea.i power.
� ��� '`"_���_ his Ixul woman and was responsible for n.rnund one. It Isn't right. � bq spreading "(Zuir•tccurr" on cotton or
�� \Q -- _- ��_ - �„'^--*z,�� her. With her lin Would do an he Rummer Youth - Wha-what has linen. Cures most violent toMhnche 'ci Alwngaguaranteed
° x �r�.. ehnxo. The classes of women with happened? ; withaul; injuring the norvA. It should , Atrial given.
\� whiell f have Feen dealing are not, how- Summer Girl-Tbe gentleman Pm en-' be in every house and travelling sat: p rt rI
�c - -*� - �` avnr, of my making. They belong to Anaed to will he here in an hour, i cel. h^' - Hufr llCOS 10 use,
y '�� _ the woril, anti are Snlomn faet.R, dread We mane I -
realitiOS. 1110 (bny axe only a small , ___-.._..__.__..___---___ - ------- Potent Rollelr -' pw1 0 -
minority. Thny do a deal of harm and
CITIES OF WITCHANG, 11ANGYANCT ANIS IRAN KAU, spread diRcomfort; all out of proportion I�0 r -•tO�+ O Ai and Ball -Rear- �t,��N lit
to their numerient st.ronglh. There- bsssi�na>•Iwat� °' fit, d,
These. ChinRO towns are situated at England ronaiders has fallen into hands of the, rielimt, territory in Asia. Frog- fore I catinot do them over again. , , Ing Steel
the junction of 1hA Tlan River with Lbe 1104 le lit her interOSts, Vessels of I land's interAst. in (him boundless store- T can do onn thing, however, I can YOU CAN BUY FOUR POUNDS OF 4I
In.rgA RizA can reanh Ilan Kau, and it house eon be w011 undpratno.l when it Rn y, and Rap it with heartiness, that 9 19 .... BLU): LA [31+:1.. 0 0 iP�hIdI111118 .s `I .'
Yang -TRO -Kiang, Hart really form one iR natural],q the emporium for th0 vast is recsn.11ed that it ling bAAn Ihronnh prnt.l.y nAnrl,y all of ihnsA not in the otaN k oda the Rn• "
Thfis of whish Ilan IZnu iR Ili^ part, rraouraeR of the i anq-TRA-Kiang VAI- t.h0 AnAI~gy of British mereha.nts tical. classes cif women i htive t.ripa to define IN LEAD i,,,uO "I �,� cE��OI� r�A ^�i in t.hemarlcet, �y Say'
Thi.S place iR t:h0 proposed IRnninn.l of ley. This basin comprises nearly one- Its natural advantagrS have Teener d0- aro admirnhlA. They till the land PAOKAQEtS, ilnsrmnlerlai,
thA I•Ailway tA0 coupesaion for which half of China proper and includes some veto ed. Lightoyt ntnning, Y (i
I.P with gladness and bring peace upon FOR ONE DOLLAR. - -_
.- —