HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-09-01, Page 44
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hfch )rovidecl thin ill case the judges��#"
y ' f*1 R
The Crnton News-Recordound
that. these eight seats !early be
t 1
lunged to the Cunset•vutive candidates,
�j gam® �t1 r Own Cor"r�?s''ponden
Bliss May Andrews of Londesboro
L � was the dneat of 111idd ileitis Htauli y
9tatnlC Y
but not doing AS well , he expecte(1 he
A[iss Cephta Fisher, sister of Miss Fish-
rlucntunlist, won the silver uu+drtl
• laMr.
ing friends on the ninth on Saturday.
Peter McDonald Sirs. Ale.
they should not he given to thein as
went to Sioux City Inst 'Ionday
treatment not findin relief there he
for her superior irocitatu)n, The judges
Sir. T. Duncan Troll Nespeler is vis-
Ml'. 1'Pllbt'llll• UY Whitby V1,lLcd at
— _
the law provided, 1)Ut 611Uu1d lie, pill lip
to bli fought for agrLlhoulda time rib
lit the contest were :---Rev.
, r
Wilson and :Messrs. Strang Find ('Oi-
Ml's. Ilhipp5.
Mer Mitt' e and 11s Ilsley of
lir, J. Reid of Clinton and Air. 1,.
Whitley of Londeaboro visited friends
isolaLed by-elec•tiotls with the Liberals
ill power•. He carried this extraurdin-
liltaa�'WAIv,AAOV >�
Goderich. I
ere t
Auburn. Achesonich were the guests of Alli. 1+:.
Acheson Sunday.
_._ ... ...--~'
avy bill by the help of the: votes of thu
__-__ I
_._. _
111t. and A1rs. Stays and A11ss
R d
Tile Constable session of the Legfsla,
eight inculhe.rs to whoul it gave a new
for their lives. Without their I
bliss Alice Spence, stenugr.tpher fol
is r a
Miss Hattie Andrews, teacher, ties-
tun, i1lau,, spout her !►ulfdllys with her
The abutment of the Aublirri bridge Bettie spews,t few days wits Itev. U.
is being built and we hope to Bee it �V, Andrews, 1+'utlartun.
closed on Wednesday evening of
tune chs d
votes it would haul+ been defeated.
the Snrrngnle court, ('gjuyinl,
wheelilig trip to BL'USScIS lilt( other i
allot,'blr;, fiuestun.
built quickly,
Mr. J. It. IJohnes took a trip to
The Opposition !loved
But '11,81 ite of Ali, Whittey's protest'
As given ont un Sunday, 21st Aug.,
The farmers are busy putting in fall
Sarnia and other Iwinls un Saatueday.
last week.
the Constable
many amendments to t
they vted for the bili in which they
\vert+ uhteresUsl to the extent of a pits-
`ye visited the gardell of Charles
wells, Baytield Road, the other day, I
,It Victoria St. Alethodist chnl•ch the
text of 01v sertilon for. ]Fist Juuc ay was
wheat at present.
Samuel (;dark is very ill at present
Mr, It. Johnson of bright spent a
few days with his brother, K Johnson.
Bill all O which were voted down by
Majority of
oller ill a reprieve.
flow dues this Affair touch public in-
'toll were shown rows of RRrladiolas fu
bloorlt variety.
from the Book of Huth, '2nd (lhal"r
Will verse. Diville service in the even-
but we hope boon to hear of his recov
Mr, Oliver Jervis of Phil,ldelphi.t is
visiting leis piu•enls.
the Government's partisan
,d the eihht fnelllbers
six, which included
terest? It. is now established as it pull-
full of every possil)k'
Air. Wells has 010 different VAUieties
ing; was n )ened by the choir, singing,
, >I Lord," followed by the
The apple packer6 aro on the apple
, ,
Miss �� hlt.niul of Dotruit is visitiub
whose official lives al in ill pit Y
tical precedent that \vhuu a.0 electu)11
of a legiSlittivr, ►liid"Vity is attacked on
oY *IadiulrLs stud 5; of dahlins with
eu glow it) all its regal splendor•,
raise l e the
Hyum burtl In Thy Name, O Lord l
ash theBe rimae.
p Thomas Crawford Al (iso. of
her cousin Miss E. llulde,\vurth.
bliss T�bbutt Fuld Mrs. feaster loft for
saved by this uleastirc, Tile sessions
tl►e ground [hitt the then who Make it I
AArL_ \vert+ also shovt'n a tine {)riu)ro,e
Clo." The lesson of the day tvFts •2nd
Ruth. After
and aster
Blyth spent Sunday in Auburn.
theTo[unto Exhibition on Wednesday.
of Yal.111ttllent Fire so few fu which ',fit,-
tit) were not propet'1y elected, they clot)
teloporar{ly Funeud the law
colored suwfiuwt•r. Mr. Well.,,, fat n.l•
chapter of the Buck of
the reading by Rev. Mr. Guodwttl, the
Miss A. Dey of Wingham called on
inst whout protests have
TllelYlbe['(3, ago 1
Meet and
so as Co Frevel!t the tovii who N'ert
lives in New Zeitl'tn(1, stud sends seeds
Yruul that far-utr laved, of every des•
egloemed sulci talented pastor, the
Auburn friends the past weals.
been entered ttn(1 await trial, Ftra tit-
properly elected from gt-Lting their I
crfption, to his son. -whish mature rid-
ch"" follower! with another• hymn.
Some of Auburn's young people have
enjoyed the vru•iuus recrl�iitious Pru-
forded an opportunity of interfering,
setas, Roll to put the people to the ex- ,
,,,frltbly hart'. I
Thou followed the sermon froul the 2nd
Will verse of the Book of
taken the streets to play cards on, and
have far to them
Mr. (loorge Ifeaman and family, Mr.
With the scope of the Court's ,jurisdic-
wit p
posse of a second election. us sup- I
M1ir. Aitlinc�ad, of tile. U.T.R. stair, f
chapter and
even gone so as play
Jarues Jewett and family and the
"C ' session \viii
pose that the ulajuriLy secures its else- I
Puiut h:dward, told bliss Dluithe,td
Roth, ,,Where Sitar though gleaned
on Sunday afternoons,
Misses Frayne picnicked at Grand Bend i
tion, that this o[ Astable"
have it place in history.
ttou h b,dlot-stutlin y orb bribing of
Y �+ Y
bull-doziog' tlhe ret(u'uil,g ofiic•ers, !s
lucre the guests of Alrs. flurlo}'. I
ulother of Mr.,. Muit•ho,ul, last \veek.
da Tile Rev. pastor expatiaLed on
the heaaties of that charming pastorFll,
11}r. R. 5l . t'ummin 8 has one to To,
6 g
ionto to see the haft and oil other bust,
Park on Monday.
bliss Sarah Sweet i6 visftfug relatives
Y t t 11011911 IL 1wa8
ilio the public interest thaLthlsuuij`)1
ity ,hall meet before the coorts call
p1r. Muirhend is (lulls euthu,iilstic uv(•r
the, 1,eF1IILIeS of (TUdel'1C'h, lint ht, Il11NRe6
full Of the duties of the l,hristian life
ill fill ming it character of Christian use-
Misa L. A. Rowed of London is the
and friends in Detriot.
Mrs, John Mitchell is confined to her
Fit the se -,Si tl, ',hotfulness
the uleulbets each received $35U and
rule ilk the untl Lor, and prevent the 1a6�
fruul lcl.kinR it, course' Should they
the shipping.
Miss Bertha Ruslc returned un 'Cues- I
and Christian love to assist
cosh Other. Muth knew that she mast
guest of her uncle, Mr. Samuel Cald-
Led with an aLtFtcic of lumbago.
Mileage, so that they, at least, have
he rivell ;l sveoi (t chance, this time
of Guvrrnluont infill-
(1,a to illi' school Fit Kellllwille clear
not vat the bread of Idleness now that
her• husband was taken from her and
Allis. ,Joseph Stewart of Detroit called
Mrs. Ed, Sanders, who has been visit -
ing relatives fu Zurich ant! Exeter the
•colo Complaint Oil account
little cause for }
with is {prestige
at ILrir hacks:' ('Ful these illegral'
Mrs, A)kcnhead took in the excur_
bei' mother -in liaw tut hungered. So
on friends trace the peat wears•
p st three weeks, retarded to her home
the size of their indewu►fty•
ly elected pulfLicuu)s then )rOceed to
•,ion to Detroit nn Sattn.( I
she 66'Nllt out in tile. cos wornul r out
Y g,
We are glad to hear that Silas Bertha
ill !Elora on :Monday last.
veto away public ou,ney alld re-ol'gall-
miss Thompsuu• daughter of our r;-
Into LI)o harvest fields of the stranger
Youngblut, who was very sick, is reeov(•r-
:11 v. and Mrs, Thomas Ifazelwood are
All.. Garru\y draw $2511 and uiileagE'
fze tilt) lnlblic svi•vice Yet. this is pre
teemed Mawr•, visited Detroit of Iitst
Botaz and gleaned to tilts sunset. Shia
faithfully nl1 l he day lung, but
ing And also Miss P. A. Blair.
visitulq relative6 in Lambtou county,
r he rest to fairly good tee
Fuunb With L
vilely what 11sr1'dy soul his
Savo duce. 'rhe chnucus are that
Sat orday's excursion trip.
Rev. Dr. Meldrtuu lett town last, ;
not for herself alone. And Boaz, the
Rev. R. Henderson and wife re-
turned home after a visit at Ottawa and
.Airs .James Weatuott of Douglas,
Manitot-a, has been called home to I:xe
r 'ase, fur that
for defending lies orvt► t
to, lie voted an
whew rho courts get to rvurl( IL \will h('
1Lto W Unit vi"1ll'r1t
)\,el k fur his Sulu! at 5t. }'slul vitt., the ,type
of courtesy, anti philanthropy,
asked his young ill'n to !et frill souse of
other place6,
on accou, t of the serious illuesa of bar
what. it all a11lounted
every division with the Governulellt's
silo\vn Whitt rho
was letslly reje� toil by the people of
'tics Kate \Vatsull retaLimed last
the sheaves that Ruth ,eight get it
Mr. A. L, Wetherald of Suminerhiil
spent Sunday at hinge,
mother,'Irs. Grace Oka, Huron street,
who a. of writing is very low.
ill nue of tilt,
cast-iron majority, thutti,
Ontario at the last. elections. Still it
the Logislitt"VO in spec-
week front her )h-RHAnt visit. to her
toll, lilt- silt-
good share. Boaz, the model for our
r !riot works
InallagcIs Of factories and great •
Miss Maggie King splint Sunday a t
Mrs. Hutchison and two little dough-
ose uart.icular'
Plgllt ►Ill'lld)elti t'U[• \611 1
hots sw11uuoned
ial Aessiotl, voted away public Illolte}',
sister, Mrs. Si ra wife of
titnl Wurster lit
I] ;It aro Dein co11StI'llct.eCl T1Ut to pale
B, p'
1Vm, S mite !ton's.
Y b
Mr. John Cook, Leacher, epeut Sun-
tars of Dakota 'Ire VlBltln 1•BIRLIVea Lel'0
the Lar father, ]11r.
benefit the special session waseFi}]ed,
a )yet til(' fishery SLrVvicc and provided
old, ;ill' O.
Mr. Alhrrt. Reid, son of our town -4-
the cheeks ut their oleo and wring
London after a lenaant holiday season
gleets of Daniel
afrorded an opportunity of altering the
that its slowly Majority cannot he taken
nsan, Dave Reid, i Illi for Datsun City.
('vtvy drop of blood fruul their
day at :lir. S.tmuel Caldwell's.
franchise 41r. Gal'rUw lultyenLer
+ `
away rruul it. though it be ,hnr\ a 1st'-
lhnt It 66•its illegally
Ile expe(•ts to cIlluluruut ;t liugu ardnry
hearts, that they Llre uwuers oust'
becoile enriched thereby, "Where
.r 1 F Clinton
AIr. (leorle E. Jtowel aA
spent Sunda at Samuel Caldwell.
large number of our citizens took
advantage oT the extorsion to Detroit
future craulpnigns with even nlure lhiul
fore the courts
it that golden c•liuu',
:Alps, Cooper left this week for her
Vutst 01011 gleaned to -clay?" That
Mr. William J. McMullin still wife of
on Saturday and visited relatives and
Ills usual confidence ill hi11tself•
It this is not iud(.cent I)artiziloshfp
lion Ik, Ill Toronto accompanied by her
(Inestlon the rev. gentleman said
Lucknow s pony Sunday at Wm. Fluker's
I ,
friends in that city over Sunday.
* »
and it luenace to the eight of it nlajol'ItY
sfsLer, Airs. Wilmer Snith, who in-
was the life tester of the Christian.
Air. Edward Dunt anal
Tile will take
outing Ou tilt+ plehiscite 1
tip hove its vote (•punted, it is hard to
which W111 :ui-
tends to visit, 11e Flair now being held,
Thoro aro wheat testers and different
kinds of testers. We want, is life tester.
William Flukey who has
, Sr.,
ter6, Aliso Mary Friend of London and
Lograndon and
' bol 011e
place oil the lists of lAat}k.,Ll.
flnagille eircunlstallet's
swell this do6criptlon.—Al 011tl'('nl St;LI'•
Hiss Florence Williams of the OrilliFa
I[i;;h School sluff left o11 Wednesday
tion the story of the late
AS n11 illustration y
been ill, !lits not improved much
health, Ills declining years are against
3Tfsss Ethel Armstrong 0f this place,
visited relatives in SeafOrth last week.
!casco or other -change of residence,
to resunie her duties in thin. education-
('(lnductoC Sliders conversion wins
duo to leis little daughter
him and he is gradually getting weak-.
, b' Y g g
etc. --tilt. use of these old lists will dfs-
franchise thousands, and why they are
�j J. Graltt Died ha Dakota*
;if institution,
Air. AVellWl:ul Thoulpsrnl of SOafortll
]Fist to visit his wire and
. church,
hila out of Wellington St. church,
where gin. Ldge now is. Conductor
:firs. Mason and daughter Ruby, who
--- ---._
Sorest dome•
to be used it is ditticult to understand.
rj • r
cattle up week
child and take FL little recreat fou driv-
,,aider stopped when he found the
child f011owln'• hfu► and asked her
have been visiting here the past six
weeks have one to Markdale to visit
bliss Becca Carter is spending a few
It will be pleaded that the new
he at that date; if not, if
ing around (1111' town.
Haulilton, lvho will succeed her
Where site was Ruing. "I a►n going
before returning to their home in Itoeb,
weeks in London.
will not ready
p tile
� • be ut
ell ' allre Cl ,t
'rc. el t
p �, we
F ulv c
A Forpu;r Resident of
Joiuy the �rca►t 111atJority.
'i •• 'r the .Ic
librarian t1
u' • 't • h 1, u,
full t , s
1 Utll I1 hfr
with ( , • t t Lhat► 1 e t
} } 1 „ �
•' r r —
With I 6VlIP1 k..
)u \ It Ile
thought "going
til t
n' " L s re-
Finkel, r F Bl til a
:Visa A le lu e o
gb Y
Alis d 1
s Ida M. Brownlee I
of ,codon le
spending her vacation with Ler cousin
lie Was Well KlIkONVtl "
Inst{Lute, left for New fork with
sister, Mrs. Stewart Of that city, who
and so liebret. aced Ills steps to tile,
lie had left so hastily, Ills child
turned Lome after visiting friends }lore,
DSisa Jennie Brownlee.
back, say a month; rhe plebiscite, ushere.
(,,title to intend the fnnersal of her
b the hand, aur! there he commenced
Quite a few people of aur vicinity
we understand it, is an expression of
__ ____
father, the lilts 1•[ugh HautillOn, who
to glean ill the harvest of the Lord."
attended the social at Geo. Date's.
opinion, aucl las such should be up -to
1'hefollowin obituary noticewe repro
Bird in At1'*est. The drrensed gentle-
loan vaulcl here front Wroxeter As
rho sermon was worthy of one of the
Alis. �1'm. Gordon and 'I r. licher
Mc(TonR le left last week for Manitoba
date. The lists should be, new, not old.
duce from the Scotland ,journal of Scot-
(Town l,itiid,; Agent and, Later, Llbl ar-
cathedrals in the large cities, full of
and of Christison brotherhood,
Dr, ,Toho Anderson returned to Philo
Alias !da Brownley aP London an(
land, ,South Dakota. T'Ledeceased,who
inn for the Alechanics' fnstitnle. The
worthy of a large Organ and a well•
delphiaafter a short vacation under the
:Hiss Jennie and Geo, Brownlee of th
As all authority renders the law,
will be wellsromembered by the older
was a brother of 'Mrs. Thos.
old gentleman failed y
fi gradually after
the (lcaat.h of Airs, Hamilton, a few
filled choir. Miss Stokes presided at
Parental roof.
Alias Smith of Petroha and :Hiss 11.
4th con, visited friends in Colborne las
lu)tel•ke(+ ars must close their Lars un
29th its oil Foly other
Archer of Ilullett:---
,years ago.
"pity day" the
the cigar, and on Tuesday evening
read her essay, !n Darkest Africa. "
1 Heid of Wingbaw were guests of the
ATiss Vary Finlayson of Lgmondvilb
September just
election (lay. To this they will not
11• J. Grant died Thursday After,
110011 about four o'glock at his residence
We learn that tat ole
vator cleans $15oU paid out to ern-
_ _- _. , - _ ._-- - .
Alisses Aguew,
,hiss Jennie Anderson was at home to
visited At Alen foray tile's last week.
likely raise any great objection, except
in Scotland, lie has been sick about
ployees, every two weeks.
a few friend , son Friday evening.
, ,
_ _ _
Let 'Lir Flutter.
LUITOLc Txrs NEws-REu0ao.--I,e6 the
staunch old fl urun Signal get one flutter
un Lake lfuron's breeze, after half a
neutury's battle with Conservatives,
Never mind who edits it, for it will take
more quills than one to keep the Signal
and the Dredgeafioat.
Yours truly,
Goderich, Aug.,99.
Stanley Council. V"—
Stanley Council met on Monday,
August 22nd. All the members pres-
ent. Minutes of previous meeting were
read and adopted. A motion was pass.
ed to procure one hundred chairs for
seating the hall. The following are the
rates of taxation for this year :--County
rate, 1 3-10 mills ; township rate, 1 7-10
mills ; general school rate, 1 1-5 mill.
School Section rates as follows :-No. 1,
Ill mill ; No. 31
4-5 mill ; No. 4, 4.5 will ;
No, 5, l mill ; No, 6, 2 7-10 mills ; No. 7,
1 1-10 mill ; No. 10, 1 7-1t mill; No.
13, 9-10 mill; No. 14, 12-5 mill; No. I
Union, 1 4-5 mill ; No. 9 Union, 2 9-10
mills ; Separate School, 4 1.10 mills.
The following motion was passed :-
That this Council pay two-thirds value
for sheep anis lambs killed by dogs, but
no sheep ahall be valued at more than
$7, and no laiub at more than $3.50, and
that all parties having sheep or lambs
killed shall notify some member of the
council at once. 'Thomas Wiley was
again appointed collector. The follow-
ing accounts were paid: -L. Beattie,
repairs on grader, 61.85; D. Campbell,
ditto, $1.40; J. Jacobs, breaking stone,
$1.50; Wm Collins,team on grader,$2.75;
Alex 'Thompson, operating grader,
$3,75 ; Walter 51cBeath, repairing cul-
vert, 30 cents. -Next meeting of council
on Monday, September 26th, at one
o'clock. J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk.
(Corrected every Wednesday afternoon.
Fall Wheat, now ............. 67 to 70
Fall Wheat old ......... 67 to 07
Barley ......................... 0 32 to 0 33
Oats ............................ 0 23 to 0 25
Peas .............................. 0 47 to 0 50
Rye ................. • . ....... 0 39 to 0 40
Potatoes, per hush, new... U 60 to U 60
Butter loose in basket..., 0 12 to 0 13
Butter in to
. .0 toUI3
f p
I E s e
g;; per doz.................. 0 IOato C] 1
asy ............................... 6 00 to 6 00
I LIVe 11098 ................0 CC to 4 70
i . Pork per cwt..........,_ ....6 00 to 6 00
1 4 Dried Apples per lb........ 0 032to 0 04
Ducks per ]b................. U 0521to 0 06
) Turkeys per lb.............. 0 07 to 0 OS
t Geese per ]b .................. 0 05 to 0 06
Chickena per pair............ 0 30 to 0 35
s. Wool .......... .....I.......... 0 l6 to 0 16
Floral per clvt.......2 N5 to 2 35
Tu lawns where hall Fairs will that clay
t0 dis
six weeks with liver complaint, and bad
been the care of local doctors,
At the W.(,. L 1. , convent con oil Ft 1-
flay cveuing, at Victoria Opt,ra Iinuar,
Mr. I . A. Reid 01 Owen Sound and
AIisa Re Holds of 1Vin ham were visit
9tatnlC Y
be in progress. Not to be able
the thirst an
refreshment for Y
but not doing AS well , he expecte(1 he
A[iss Cephta Fisher, sister of Miss Fish-
rlucntunlist, won the silver uu+drtl
at lit Eluirnllull� LneFtr Seaforth I last
ing friends on the ninth on Saturday.
Peter McDonald Sirs. Ale.
The Misses Aiorteith of Stratford
1 victuallersthe biggest
What is to Inas y
went to Sioux City Inst 'Ionday
treatment not findin relief there he
for her superior irocitatu)n, The judges
Sir. T. Duncan Troll Nespeler is vis-
'Jr. and
Donald are visiting blends on the sixth.
returned to their homes last week.
ill b theta, be con-
day fn the year w Y
came home Wednesday. On al g
to his bed and failed
lit the contest were :---Rev.
, r
Wilson and :Messrs. Strang Find ('Oi-
iting at bCr, A. Duucsu{,.
bliss S. Elliott
lir, J. Reid of Clinton and Air. 1,.
Whitley of Londeaboro visited friends
AAs. W. Clark , '.r„ has returned from
her isit to her daughter
g ter AI's. John Ajc-
sidered a hardshiP•
• ) `+."
home he took
rapidly until he died. Althougtl it Las
horny, Mis- Laura Acheson, solo
and Miss, Eva Acheson, so-
Alis. 3. llarnwell an(f
took it try I to Kincardine to visit
at Belgrave Sunday.
Kinley of Seafortli.
' sof all the nnunici-
been known for several days that he
pnillo soloist, ,assisted by Mr. Potty
friends. ,✓
Hiss Hall of'loronto lathe guest of
R• Reid, 13, A., of liidgetown paid a
The voters
polities are probably by this bine ill
was in a precarious condition, yet his
taking was sudden and unexpected.
;uul blr. Johnston, tenni• and baritone
0f Stratford, kindly gave se-
Airs. S. Rothwell and Alias A. J.
Keyes took in the excursion to Sarnia
her brother, Rev. W. halt.
.11r. A. Cools of the sixth entertained
(wing visit to trends in Stanley reucntly,
AIfBs A. Beatty of label visited her
the hands of the clerks, ftom w118nr
g off
Wellington Jeffers Grant was born in
sin ars,
last saturdxy.
a number of friends 'Thursday evening,
Home in Varna during the past week.
copies ilia be had. We would again
1 Y
9Vaterloo county, Province of Ontario,
Would ventilators in barns save
We are pioasecl to know that all our
Slee) or escape when the lawyers nn. to the cemetery where the
i 1 and impressive Masonic burial services
to ]sill and enlbahn the. subject, }
,loseph Ifichardson, who has been
urge upon Conservatives the necessity
Canada, February 25th, 1849, his par-
then! t1'our heing the prev of lightning?
sick neighbors title nicely improving
AOu,e are likely Goon work.
Deckerville,Michigan,is s Wildinga re.w
clays With Sia parents ant friends here.
vet -y sick, is recovering.
of A scrutiny of those lists, and if any
ants moving to Clinton, IIuron county,
The fureulan at the elevator works
hails front Alinneapolis and he knows
,told s ,start
The temper Lnce workers total and or-
West Ilullett•
Miss A, of Bannockburn :,pent
a few (lays with friends on the Front
missions are ercefved, !make
errors oto P
Province of Ontario, while he was very
In ]871 }ifs fatter salc<llti s farm
hIAll,s.sSo of
anized committees for the several
Ailsa L. Carter is visiting her cousin,
Road lho past week,
,up licatiOU to have the saute rectified.
and most of the family remove o
er by Grand Rapids is the
\Its. Jno.
divisions of the township.
i.muaway.-- s llr. Ben Switzer vests
Mrs. Jamieson of A hna.
, Drtroit'
AI,.A, (lluneas and little daughter'
A little interest taken in this matter
vain regrets by and 1py'
ton, Fillmore count Minn., where 11'
with :Hiss Mary
guest of her pareviLs,'Mr. surd
SRI keld. at the "Ala lles."
driving throllgh here. lending a horse
Pont loin the hind
Mr. J. Snell and Aliases Lily and
Annabel have returned from visiting ,�
Percy1laCfeneglAn, aced 1:., of t)x.
now clay save
* a
I Was unitedin marriage
N'. 11'eed,. In the spring of 1574 lie
The pupih; of the Soptoate ,School
were Laken by Ileo. Father A�'eAt of St.
the li►ttor put its
wheel of the buggy upsetting it over
relatives ay,Cgnstanae, while `Liss Esq
tella has refbrned from visiting Col-
ford was found dead in bed.
making headway in the
Politics is t g
moved to Bon Homme county, S. D.,
on a farm three miles
Pctel's for, ;Ili onting at Meues(ttung
Park Wednesday of Last week and
on Air'. Switzer. The horses gut away
and ran for about a quarter of a wile
The four-year-old son of K'm. Austin ,
Mili'thl, Department. The latest I ro
and settled ,West
In the earl 80's lie moved
of Scotland Y
enjoyed the vru•iuus recrl�iitious Pru-
when the lines wotultl around the axle
'[r. and Mrs. Itobt. :1jcUool, late of
Brantford lulls drowned fin a cistern.
r lent instance furnished is the ra-in
wl ere be at),,
to Bride=ervat,•r yhis state �
vidotl for t 1en1
and stopped thein. rhe buggy was not
Harrington, Ont., have been visiting At
If you lave been sfclt you 6vf11 find
stateuiettt of COI. Stratby' of one' of
,r d in business for several years,
Mrs. Ralph and her daughter, Airs,
a great deal the worse however and the
the former s old home on the 8th eon.
flood's Sarsaparilla the best medicine
Montreal's clack regiments, who was
when he again removed to Scotland
Dr. IieraLld, have returne,l frog) It visit
horse was slighly injured, while
Switzer stistained a slight injury on
Mr. S. McCool's home was gladdened
by baby
you can take to give you appetite and
dismissed frons the servlet+ by General
where he and his family have resided
life insured for nce ;
to relatives stnd friends iu KinlasA,
Dflsa Ralph of London icturnrd to
the hip.
last week the arrival of a girl,
.Alias Alice Brigham of Clinton was on
Gascoigne for gross violation of th(i
The re-appuititmeut Of
since. lits was
$2,000 in the Masonic Insurance of
Oil last
1ljMtss ai t olitin with(hcr c<usin,t(Miss
- --- • . -
a visit last week to her sister, .Alta. A.
--__ _—_ __-_
Strsythy by the Government; is no doubt
and $2 ODU in the Northwestern
Association of hluuteapohs,'T1mi. IIe
p o
gellsa Ralph, Ne\vgate St.
,III,. and Airs. McGregor, of 11. :AI's
( Air, Button has terminated his ens
1 W. hlcCOol.
'�rfe�tl +��red
Lire reason for the Genoral's sudden
and dep,Lrtul'O fr0ul Call-
was a zealous ,Mason in good standing,
belonged to Scotland Lodge, No,
Customs, aLlld Miss 'Mollie, leturued t0
hridaL last.
Alt-. AVuI. Cornell and \wife of ay
p 9a(ertent with'jr.
Ajr,T), Lowery has been re-engaged in
52, A.h. A, A. Al. and Scotland Ubap•
i;raLl'ur'd on ).u{.
Y 1 • 1 Vice will
Mr;s. Cassels all (1 ha )y 1
rich township spent lust Sunday at
S.S. \o. 5, as teacher for 1899.
the Go(11, ell Organ Factory.
.._. _
tertio. 31, It, A. M. He leaves a wife
spend a month Tu town visiting her
Mr. Chris Dallis•
Mrs. John Warwick a n(I daughteu
'Ties Josie Witts of'Clintou was visit-
fn this week at Mr. Jas. Spell's.
Weak and Low Spirited -Nervous
and several grown-up children to mourn
g p
parcntA, Mr. and blrs. liunbor, tinct her
Brill of St were vision;; at 1Vm.
NIL this time with a now and sensation -to give the rate of increase has dropped
Prostration -Appetite Poor and
A Ilouse of 1 awyers'
-- I i.
his loss besides one brother, five sisters
, ,
and numerous other relatives and
ultuly friends'
Alt:noul h the (fay ('2tth Aug,) was
3 rl yt ('cnr e18
he pas
U;u•ter'a the ass Week.
Aliss AIIiP Tvernan of 5enforth is
Porter's D1t11•
Could Not Rest.
The gaietY Of nations andthe brig I - friends, Mr. Grant was a good And
011tarfoo.,liolitics is veliPsed by useful citizen, .He held many positions
iathc'C t\ t.t})i)t( In {., ()(til), , t t,
choir rn,joyrd t.hrinsely .s roost• delight•
visiting at,, ;,,,'. Jas. Fialr'ser'vlces (1L
'The Aliases Martin of Bayfield who
ness of
the undue )r�$rdenr(: of lstwyees In the of trust and always Acquitted himself
Hilly ihil �afLhes grow by tilt I11e1', ,
( f•
Alias Nellie Medd SundFLyed in (`lin-
were visiting At .lira. 'Ic1'hail's for
) satisfactorily to the public and honor,
Legislature of this Province. abs to himself. Ile was at the time
y }
tit' tllnt point tnany campors front Lon-
t.on with her frirrid, Miss Hattie
Mr. and Airs. A. J. (frig of Clinton �
about ten (lays, returned to their home
The poor Speaker is a notary him. Y
'rs from "law era to of his death a member of the School
and he soli( Y the traveling agent of the
don I'll(' other citfrs.n
;Airs. Ilearn hrlsretnrned to her
Al.bTlast wee of
't('cnn)panis by 1 one
Blenheim spout erne dist' hist week a6
Miss Wilson of London, who has been
self Board, and was
right of him, lawyers to left of hiul." Champion .lIachine C'ampuny. i le was
.at Clinton after enjoying the hreezrs
or Lake ll oron for ii fow clays rerrntly.
lArn). Carter+s
Sonle of our sports went down to
spending a few dot's At 'Cis. 'lcl'hail's,
returned home last week,
's d0 not voile +Lod Lhun-
The lawyers Y buried in Bose Hill Cemetery by the
M,•s. Ilearn was the nest, of Mrs.
Seaforth 1Ftst Friday to see the increase
Rev. 11Tr, Graham held h(a usual ser -
P , > o'clock Friday after.
o'clock Volleying and thundering would Masonic Lobe at. Y
Gen. Rhynls and the bliss's D,trk
match between !ivaforth and Orange-
in Bethany church last Sunday After -
he exciting, and when the discussion is noon. The lodge formed in procession
b the lawyers on both at their hall on Hain St,, at 1:810 and
Victoria St.
The complimentary supper given at
Master John Nta )Cos fell off his biko
bliss Vincent will deliver a lecture on
monopolizedY marched to the residence and carded
in a fug of un
(,,;►f t Hotel Il ole• business men, in
b Y
011(' Othm dist' an hurt his shonldc'�
tempRgance in Bethany church on 14ed-
,ides interest dies away a hod to the 'I. ];, church where
th y
honor Of their fellow townsman, J. T.
very bsadly
nesday evening next. i'riends of the
ending words. the funeral Hermon was preached by
Acheson, merchant, Wasik, great success.
cause and all others ante, hear her.
The lav metnbcrsof the highest court Rev. \ickerson, after which the prones-
The Inviln wits most attractive, the
Miss Mattie Torrance, daughter
Of iustice iw the I'rotince dither go to bion reformed and conveyed the body
tallies Lastrfullyarranged with floW0144,
the salon illuminated and the spank
.John 'Torrance of the 6th sou., died on
Slee) or escape when the lawyers nn. to the cemetery where the
i 1 and impressive Masonic burial services
to ]sill and enlbahn the. subject, }
ers and singers in good voieN. Mr:
Acheson and family left, n Saturday
,Nit'. M111t ftb(I Irwin, station s1p'('nt 0
Saturday morning and was buried on
Monday at 1 p. m. Decehaed had been
ilertnke were performed, A large number of
Of course there tire Lawyers and iaw•
Ills brethern from other lodges here in
for their new fk+](1 of business tit Mor-
Deckerville,Michigan,is s Wildinga re.w
clays With Sia parents ant friends here.
a sufferer for about thirteen years, but
vers, but the lawyer; who make tilt) attendance at the funeral to testify to
den, blare•
Aft('t a. pleasant vacat.iOn with LhPir
lir. Norman Carter Was visiting
Londesborn on Sunday last.
Ole born her sufferings with Christian
fortitude never uttering a murmur.
, g
roost noise in the Outtuio LegiSIlLture their appreciation of the high character
grandmother, Mrs. Rnbinsoll, Pivton
trien(Is at.
Mr. ,Mrs. 1AlelvillR 0f I.ondushuro
Death was a
!from to her. The
are addicted to the te1110114 Prosy Style of the man. funeral procession
the largest ever Seen ill tIto
St., the blisseA U'vances and Gracle
were the guests Of Miss Fowler last
funeral teal{ place from t {otter's
of o17ttor , alld the value of lawyers ill was one of
019 respect And e.9,
A, niker have returned to their
and proceeded to the (;ode-
LI)P j,PgiHinLllrC+ IA AUIt1PWhiLt impaired town, which ailOW6
teem in which he was held by his fellow-
, Drtroit'
AI,.A, (lluneas and little daughter'
Stip Win. I)ale i, busy shingling his
rich cemetery, Rey. Mr. (Iraham of}loi,
by the discovery that an act has run
eftizena. 'Thus passed away another
Ahtwp, will !citrin to shell' hUlrle fit (TFLtt
i,run this week.
Ali-, Herhei•t, Fowler is improving the
700 pure for earth. (:od would not let her stny,
the gsLunlleL of a legal scrutiny in the one of the old settlers, a man well
this lvrek,
a , eavance of life house by a coat, of
T01 tnotu),tngel ❑lore, ile took her soul tl w•al)'.
Ontario lionse for thirty years, soul Known and highly rcapected by all.
Miss Carrie Smith left on
pt L.
still dot's not say wluat everybody May his ashes teat in peace.
and after spending it (Illy Or two' At
Stratford Will join her aunt. Mrs,
bTIHA M+;IAEA Carter, who Was visiting
!leant that it should say.—Toronto .. - 7 _ - . -
Chines, tit that, city sand proceed to
friends, here returned to list'borne in
__ __
---- ---- - — The Methodists Increeser
their h0rga at, (Telt.Me-
The rn•iXtul f;Lrtor will lt•R its cm-
Londesboro ml
'rhe man friends Of Miss Mary Me
T)0tlggall will be sorry to hear that she
TSR event of rile seas') g coming.
A lawn social on Iain ham's bunds on
plOyees fair wick for thei h0lidnys,
' is ALill ver�q ill.
Friday evening of lex week No polus
DDardy's Trick,
Air. W. J. Biggins of (',lintnn arrived
Misses Emn)a and E foie Carter were
wilt hes Spared t0 sive the good people a
Hardy }last' saved his bacon --fur the GeuSti9 Of the !Methodist Chtn•eh
ill town by the eftrly tl•sin to Inok up
his beagle hound which he heard had
visiting friends fn Ooderirh township
hot time. Talent has been assured
from Clinton, Londeaboro, Auburn and
present at, leRst-blit the affair should in l :tnaldat.
been Are n in town. The hound is a
thio Week.
Mr. John spent
other centres. Anion}, many
not Ile slowed to pasa from the public
valuable one, and the owder is very
fit I:xP.tPC til(' g1109t Of �['. '1'. YR110ty•
tions R ClintonIInLOn bl'nAa blind. A fO011)RII
!hind ontil judgment, has be(n pro- The membership report to be present-
anxinns to have it. returned. It has a
head, saddle mostly
match between Londeshoro and Som -
it upon its decency and its rela- ed to the Oeneral Confidence has been
completed by the General Conference
blnck And tan
black, nick, , And Salons!
Went Tuckeratnith•
nierhilt teams for the Cnyder cup.
Brieand leatab irest)(10,10
ton to public interest. The bare facts t
the Statistician, Rev. George Cornish. it
holly white, fiecked with tan. bl r,
Biggins lived do Goderich Aomo yenta
les can't ill)
are these -ark election was held and
allows that the grand total of member-
a former tenant Of
bit. Ira W. JOhnA left nn Tul.
in the latl'At scall Ten served from ti
Government snAtained, on the face of slip in the anneal conferenaRs of the
a ualcoCanada,
1191II And wnA
"Gra.ee.'s Cottage" 1+alAt St„ now the
11181, for Park River, Dakota, llr will
to R. Match soiled for at .r sharp,
the returns, by a HmRll majority. The connexion Newfoundland
property of Mr. St.nleker, tuner, for
spend it month with frfendA in thitt
Come, don't miss it, brink thele till,
honesty Of the elution wits promptly and .Japan is 280,537. This is a net in-
honesngrd, wt.s proons for the past four yeRra of 19,584.
the Go(11, ell Organ Factory.
,Mrs. itontcliffe Of Vshurne sprat it
Admistoon, 15 cents ; children 10 cents.
;lir. I'ph. Butt leaveH I'• tile West
The nsno were crease
For some reason which the Confer
An afldrraA was presented to MIAA S,
Davis by the rector on behnlf Of St.
few da A of the taRt. week with friends
Y , C
filed against members on both sides
enee officers confess themselves unable
(ieor e's roti rogation On file eve 0f
11 vlricelov.
leosIfif of Clinton Rave a
A meete the 1)fObia
NIL this time with a now and sensation -to give the rate of increase has dropped
hrr c nrtm , for Montreal. The Ad-
lily. Hornets
tilt, 0.110 i$ptvcll'f11
um ierbilpigs
connnlltteA is soiled for Snmpserbill nn
at feature. it wa,% cl Rimed that eight from 6,781 in 1895 to 3,412 ror the past
(1resA, which w+1.9 n('aty P))g1`n ro(1 Allfl
\•f•1'y ill ter('Af�i 11 Q, A,dd reAA
iI'e1'P oil rIt1I1(lny e\'etilnR tilst,
•I'll11 {'Alla• 0f LlilA eve PP. 1C. A full Werld-
Of the RPat.A given til the Liberals were Conference year. Tho question will bR
of earnest debate in the
framed, was aceompAnied bV ;t. inll•Ae
the Aum Of fiffydo 'llitl'a. As
Shoul(1 Mr, T OAter in the future visif•
AnCR of thR rommittpR IA 1'P(}II RA ted.
Mrs, 'Miller, Mrs, Mae Laughlin and
- really the. property of Conservatives the subject
* who had been pot in an apparent min- Oenvral Conference.
a faithful teacher for ninny yea.rA in
Sunday her loss
the i,eag•ne here wo call assure
he will he greeted by R inrg(t nll(iieure•
Mrs. Wightman ns well as others in.
ority by the counting of the ballots of The standing of the conferences as
both church and school
will be felt by a large circle of warm
Since the recent MO M% the lightning
hniv vest
have been reaping harvest
tend taking in the Queen exhibi
a lot Of (tilt officials who had no legal follows :-
Toronto, 43,318,
fri9nds.= Miss DavfA In teplyin�-j to Lila
vcr had
rOd A Pitta
b rPgairin Old rods and pa
Y P 11 hod
11f)•• A(alntyro and wife return to
right to note. This was a goRatiOn OP London, 47,793.
which the judges would have
law ri Hamilton, 46,078•
aeenean remarked for th rhm•ch hnd
been enabled to do
neve OpuA. lr. Herbert (!rich
them put On his Warn, also Mr. T'ienry
North lily Wether
A E. Wotheral tools the topic at last
p }
in rluR eOurHP pronounced. ilnd they Bay of Quinte, 40,630,
(if love
been to her a work Of 1Ove which hod
hrnngnt. a reflex blessing tO hrrself,
Plumsteel Of f.he i3Ondpll ROAd.
McConnell took ill the exour
Endeavor, while Rev, Mr. Smith will
unseated the eight Libernlsand Heated Montreal, 36,841,
1C Manitoba Northwest, 171692.
the degati the rector to convey fn kR
Mr. L.
Sion to Sarnia, on'lnturdiLy Inst., rrWrn•
take ft next evening.
'its. Kitty and tomtit' 11RnR left for
thR eight COnARrvat.ivOA, the Hardy '
in British Columbia, 4,789,
congregation her sincere thn.nlla
for rile bP+Loltfnl and (xenrrmra
ing home on Monday.
Blyth apRnl. 911n•
J. A. Rath (17 -Blyth
London after a lenaant holiday season
(TOvernrnont would have been pot rt, (a Rn 2II70,
0ovord '
� ift. The address noted )'Ore wAs
(IllyIn this locality, the guest Of Mr.
among friends around here.
minority and mnAt. hA,ve re-ChinaJapan,
Y Miaaion, 31.
I iominated by Olir skflfnl ancf
(T 1V. Layton..
at once. Neva Scotia, 16 106,
At this Mr. Ilardy intervened. New Brunswicit And Prince Edward
talented artist and architect, ,1, Aden
Fowler. Miss I)avis, who hn.A left, to
Miss Smith Of Clinton wRH t1Le f1lIP
file week of the MissPsNott Of the
Are on a subscriber to Truk, NIMS,
H2 called a Hpecinl session of the taint I island, 13,5Fi2,
Newfoundland, 11,246.
r Accept a position in Montreal, Is the
niece of Mr, S. Davis of Clinton.
l,ondoti Road.
T2tae0>zt> P
ed Legislature. Ile introduced a bill
11 I take great pleasure in recommending
Rood's Sarsaparilla to others. It has been
the means of restoring my wife to good
health. she was stricken down with an
ntf•,•'lr of nervous prostration. She suf-
ftl'4 )t 11,11 headaches and her nerves were
under severe strain. She became very
low spirited and so weak she could only
do a little work without resting. Her
appetite was poor, and being so weak
she could not get the proper rest at night.
She decided to 'try flood's Sarsaparilla, at,
we had heard it highly praised, and I am
glad to state that Hood's Sarsaparilla has
perfectly cured all her Ailments." G.
B1,LLAMY, 321 Hannah kit„ West, Hamil-
ton, Ontario. . Remember
®�d arilla
Is the Rest— In fact the One True Blood Part.
flor. All druggists. $1, six for $g. Get Ilood's,
NOOd►S Pills aretasteleHA'mtld,effec-
tive. All druggists, We,
Sold by ACnttA & Co., Druggists.
' i;No ,hi]C g L
Stanley Court of Revision,
Notice is hereby siren that a Court will be
held, pur.,uaut tp ills "Voters' Lfst Act," by
ffis Honor the indite of the County Court of
thu COunty of Huron at
Oil the sixteenth clay of September, 1398, at
cloven o'clock, to hoar and determine the sev-
crol cunsplaints of errors and omissions in the
Voters, list of lite 1111uici pality of Stanley for
ISM, All persons hnving business at the Court
are raµlired to attend at the said time and
ihtted the .'Mid day of August, 1898.
31-2 ('lark of the stud Municipality.
Warehouse to Sell or Lease,
The uader.,igued utrer., for :ale or to relit that
WarehUn,v next -lir, h'air's at the Grand Trunk
stntiun. It was rented last season by Forrester
,"nlitllacoulbo, graift (lusalors, lvtll be sold on
re,tsut)itble tern).,ur leased. Apply to
:August 18t h. James St., Clinton P.O.
Strayed or Stolen.
A 13eHgle 110nnd \villi strap and tag withowner's name and addre,s., on his neck. Has a
blaa"•ic and tall hl'ald, saddle n)ostiy black, neck,
breast, and b,tlanre of body %hitt, flecked with
block,legs and fcot white flecked with tan.
,%!if one that ran give sud,fnctory information
will plcrse vonill 1Fuicate with the owner. For
farther t,nrtiod.,,tall rensonablccharges will
be paid if the flog Is found all right.
W. J. 111(MIN1;,
('lintun, Ont.
:lnenst )ath.
- .. . -_----"
P;ITm for Sale.
That very desirable property, the farut of the
lino Ovoirgr Morris. Lot 6, ('oil. In W, n., Col-
borne, consist ing of Illo neres, well fencer!, \well-
wntered, Erre from Ill] noxious weeds nnrl in It
. hh;llstatl+of rultivittion. There ka comfort-
nhlc limne house with woodshed and Rood
barns and outbuildings. The orchard is plant-
ed with choice apple, plum, pear, cherry and
Vench I rees and the gardeu contains different;
tvtricticw of ('analis. berries and grapes. I1)
I as never heen rented. For fartherpatrticulars
apply oil the prcmisos brby leiter to
1 UIts. Gh;()11(iE 14(11111][19
1lrnaday, AIIg. tl. Goderich 11. O. Out.
Rouse to Rent.
Thot largo I wo•story honscnt corner of Huron.
and Orange Sts., for sale or to rent. Apply to
I', JAC'K80N, sit.
('Hotel, Jul)' ith.
ike Leather."
00008 ---mak.
Olt• New Slock now full
and collylete with all si
the latest and newes
Goods and we are
Ili saying that no better
assorinent is to be
found in the west.
Ask to see our special values
in Alen's 2.50 and $3.00
(',olods. They are hard
t0 hent.
The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton