HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-25, Page 2f•/
sin entered into the world, and death dragged me through all the sewers of ~ Yukun and loaded with whiskey must -
YOU HAVE LOST YOUR WAy by sin, so death hath passed upon all sin, and 1 was ashamed to go back, WEALTH OF THE KLONDIKE ly• e
men, for that all have sinned." The I looked so badly. I lost my place. •--, The three steamers which have come A
"""' wages of sin Is death." "The soul I lost everything, Sister wrote to Ln brought full loads of passengers,
REV. DR. TALMAGIE PREACHES A the stnneth, it shall d[e." me, and Palher wrote Co me, ancltmotb- some five hruidied in number, and they
WARNING TO SINNERS. But the last part of my text opens er wrote to me; but I didn't answer THAN CALIFORNIA. say that nearly all who wintered on
a door wide enough to le us all out, their letters, for my hand trembled so a�;a j•. the Yukon, below here, are on their E,
No Comfort lu B)tslaeea Aaeoclatious-You, sad wide enou h to let all heaven in. I knew they would think from the way up the river to Ufawson- In the di
No Aoeurato Esttiaiatee Yehoeatsiders
Like cheep, uuvo ss A ociaty-A wide sound it on t e organ, with all the writing there was something the mat- ■� meantime, many small boats are pull- 6
otos out 1 Thrum It on the har MAVe BO o Batley srvludled lu oluimr
ol►ea Door for Alt -Yoe Uanuot Oxrry p, ter, Ona da a Christian cons man in out from bare every day with min-
g y y 1�'hlch do nut 13x1et-hood Prlcee t3i111 g
rvtth all the airings attuned 1 Let put hes hand on my shoulder, and said: ars bound fur points along the river
one of Your eine !tato the Xtergul earth tell it to heaven, and heaven 'G,eorge, come with me, and I will do Blgh-Alch Plaints on the Amerleau from here to Rampart City. a
World-" oa tum the Lord Bath Laid tell it back again to earth: "On Him, you good.' I looked up into his face tilde. but D1IIka:t to work -War leu• co
„ monrx in parvsou. U1VSAl1SI AC'L'U1tY 'ritANSPURTA-
tilo latyulty of Us Alt. on Him, the Lord hath laid the iniquity to see whether he was joking or not, TION.
lA despatch from Washington says: of us all." I am glad the prophet did and I saw he was in real earnest, so It is more difficult to estimate the
not waste any time in telling us who I fixed myself upas well as I could, probable yield of this district than is Transportation un the Yukon will e
Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the he meant by "Him." It is Him of the and I buttoned my coat over my rag- not be satiafactury this summer at best, D
following text :-" All we like sheep manger. Him of the bloody sweat. ged vest, and I went to the meeting; usual in most mining fields, writes a and certainly nut until white men have c
have gone astray; we have turned ev- Him of the crucifixion agony. Him and an old man got up to pray, who Dawson correspondent under date of been trained for pilots, and the native
ery one to his own way ; and the Lord of the resurrection throne. "The i looked just like my father, and I sol- June 30. Of ecrurse, we understand service dispensed with. The beat tu-
Lord bath laid on Him the iniquity of bed out, and they were so kind rand so than pilots are nut satisfactory, for
hath laid on him the iniquity of us us all." sympathetic, I could hold out no long- here that the outside world will Judge they ase easily panic stricken, and of- L
all." -Isaiah till. B. , Says some one: "That is not gener- er ; and there and then I gave my the Klondike more by the total of the ten desert their posts. So far as 1 can r
In ninety years, at the longest, all oruus. Let every one bear his own poor wasted hody, and my poor bruis- yield than by anything else, lyut this learn, the Yukon is not at all a hard
this audience will be in heavers or hell. burden." And there is something in ed soul to Ilint 'on whom the Lard atream to navigate with boats proper-
is not a good criterion to judge of Che S
T'hia cervico will decide the oternity,Pur that. H I owe a debt, and I have hath laid the iniquity of us all,- ly built and fitted with spars and tac- C
money to pay it, and I come to you You cannot get on any longer with wealth of the district. kle.
some who are present. This will be the and ask you to cancel my obligation, 1 y our (;ins• "Oh," said a man to me Those who know mines in other parts In the Birch Creek diggings, the beat s
eme of •ou willever you would be right in saying to me: I Ibis morning, as I went out of the off the world, where the difficulties are so far developed on the American side
last sermon that s y church, "what shrill I do? What shill
hear. 1 have a nature somewhat poetic ' PAY YOUR O\VN DEBTS.' f less, have other bases for judgment of df tete line there wall be little woe t
and 1 mi ht tr to please you with a If I am walking along the street with I I Oct, If he !'e in the house to- done this year, because there are i v
g y oil, anti +ve are both hale and hearty, 1 night, I say to him -if there be othe- the wealth oEf these gold Pislds. I be- supplies there. From the creeks o,f this i
trope, and metaphor, and simile; but y ers [n the house in the same 4empta- lieve that this Yukon country is a district probably more than $3,000,000
I date not under such circumstances. uad 1 want you to parry me, you are , tion, in the same undone condition, 1
right in saying: Walk on your own greater gold field than California ever has been taken out. Last summer, al-
t do nut think that God ever gave to feet." But suppose you and I were in j say to you: let Jesus take our sins was, and in time will produce more though xodut was very scarce, owing
any man greater fondness for mirth a regiment together, and 1 was fear -,all away. You do not want to keep to the exodtsb3 to the Klondike, about c
thein 1 haus, and yet f dare not Lndulge `fully wounded in the battle, and I fell , them any longer. 'they have for you than that State has produced or will $500,000 in bullion was produced. b
I unrons(ssous at your feet with gun -shot too hard a bed. They have mingled produce. But the difficulties are The mines are from fifty to seventy d
it amid these eo siderations, This fractures and dislocations, five bullets for you lou hitter a cup. Oh, Jesus, great, and the output for a number of miles from Circle City, the base of sup- a
night is a life struggle, and a death I having struck me ut Once—y'Ott +could 1 take thein away -take these sins all plies, and last fall the two tra<ting
ru ole and wore be to t}Eat man who say to •your comrtuies: "Here, this man away -take them out of sight. Away years will be small co mpared with the companies left no supplies at that place
g p1 Ls helpless. Lot us carry him to the with tbi accursed things, we want no annual output OX the Golden State dur- except a few tons they were forced to b
shali try to divert this august assam- ambulance; let us Lake him out to the' more to do with them. ing its early history. at the demand of the people threaten- s
blage from the one issue. hospital." And you would take me I But who conics here to -night ?Some Hardly a mine owner in all this dis- ed with starvation, and backed up by o
The first part of my text i,i an in- up in your arms, and I would be a , cne with a slow, and weary, and pain- rifles.
diclment. "All we like sheep have dead weEght, and you would beckon to fill step, the mantle of the night rover trict has any de+finite idea (A what he It is practically impossible to move
the corps of the ambulance: "Bring ' His brow and over His shoulder. I ran; wvill take frurn his dumps this summer. supplies to the mines over the trails Ln
gone astray." Says some one: "Can't your waggon around this way, and i not recogake who Ile is; but coming In the first placed there is no satisfac- summer, and little will go in until a
you drop the first word?" And some take this man to the hoaprtal," You ; under the flash of the chandeliers, after cold weather sets in. Most of
nue rises and looks off and says: "There would put me in the ambulance, and the mantle of darkness falls from the tory system of sampling, and few have the best mines are summer diggings,
is a muu who is a blasphemer, he is Yuu. would have done your duty. face, and falls frum the shoulders, and calculated the number of cubic yards and they cannot be worked therefore 9
Would it have been mean t.o let you see who it is. 1 of dirt in the dumps. Now that sluio- until 1809, There aro at work now in
astray. And yonder is a man who is carry me then? You certainly would IT 1S JESUS, THE SON OF GODI
impure, and he is astray. And yonder nut have been so unkind as not to carry ens, 08 these dumps has been don some the district less than ons hundred men,
And I say: "Art thou weary?" and ed, a number of mine owners on some Yet on three claims on Mastodon Creek
is a man who is fraudulent, and he is me. Now, that is Christ to the soul, He says: "Wrfsry with 1hd world's the creeks tell mu they are uston- alone the owners would employ 150 or
�strri Sit down, my If we could pay our spiritual oblige- 200 if they hat supplies and sound ob-
y,++ brother, and woe." And I say : "From whence
ast r at home, for the first word of the tions we might go up to God and say : didst Thou come ?" And 1•_fe says: ished at the large amount of the yield, tain men.
"Lord, there is so much debt, and here I "From Calcar And I ss, "Didat
tent lake you and me as well as the I have the means with which to cancel on Y IJ' is generally the other way in other RUAuc ARE Nct as t
Thou come aeon»?" And He says: "I
rest: "All w•e like sheep have gone it. Now cross it all out." Tho debt have trodden th- wine -press alone." mining flails. Tt is in such a district as this the
is paid. but the fact is w•e are pierced And 1 say : "For what pur ose. hist HOW TETE CLAIMS SHOW 13P. the federal government tan find ail
astray." thruu h and through with the sabres P the argument necessary in favor of
I have studied iho habits of sheep, of sin 1\'o Lave gone down under the thou Dome 9" etre TIe� says: ' 1 hive Generally speaking the Eldorado speedy action in building roads• iVith
come on a binod-red errand, to take t
and J know they lose their way some- hot fire, and we are helpless and un- away th^ tin of this people." And j claims are d andlth muoh more than good winter roads to Aho main creeks
tiures b y trying to get other pasture, done. We will die on the field unless Inok o,�er the audience and I say: `wa.s expected and the Bonanza rinime the Lnore(tsed output od the first sea-
s y I some help comes to us. Gott sen sun would be many times the cosL.
out sometimes by being scared with is ambulance, ea, He dispatches fits "Lord Je' us, cant Thou carry the sins less. Some Eldorado mine owners +wthe It is probable that the inereasedyiel(I
H y of all this people?" anti He says: whom I have spoken insist that
the dugs. There are many of you who only :•ion to carry nsout, a.nd bind up "Yes put them upon my .-boulder., oP these creeks alone fur one year would
have been leukin for better pasture. our ga.hes, unci take us home. "On And then feeling my own sins, I take output of the croelr will not be less be several times as mucL as the cost
g Hi,m, on Flim the Lord hath laid the
Yuu have +cantered on and wandered iniquity of us all." qh, my friends, them first anti nut ih•m upon Jesus, Chan $10,000,000, ;Clean other owners of building winter roads suggested y
and I gat': "Const Thou endure more I tat the same creek tell me that the Captain Ray, •from Ciro ]filet e Che
on. You tried business successes, Yuu w'e wereadead weight, in Christ's arras; I head of the 1, to its from the head of
tried worldly associations, you tried the all our sins abuvo us; all our chains on than t,hal 2" and FIP any s: "Yea, more. V yield will be oat much over $5,000,000. the Tananuh to its mouth, and from
And then tb+re are scores of people in I Bonanza is pitying veiny well in Dome theTananah to the Birch Creek mines,
club -house. You said that the Church us. It Christ raises us nt all ir. will thea h •use that come and bring their
not be by the tips of the fingers, it sins ant put them upon Itis hack; and of the claims and very poorly in olh- and the Forty Alile, Seventy Alile
was , will not !>e with nnQ arra, it will bn by and American Creek diAriets, a sys-
A SHORT CUILVIONS w lt.ino down on ane knee, and putting then th-re are hundreds that come etre. The only other source of a large tem that would open up immediatelY
and bring their• sins a.nd put tbpm on I return is Hunker, which should ser- all the beat diggings in that side of
and ,you wanted to find the rankgrass around us lits omnipot(r1t 'Ernes, vn•t Ilk back; and then there are thou-
. on the bank of distant str(:ams, and. �hto`one decidhlift the tdHe t+srill rth tae `ands he re th t, come anri bring their` fainly turn out. more than $1,000,000, i the Yatkon.
in sine and f)ut them upon His hack, and i and may yield a.+nsiderable more. Da []ntil roods and built neither min -
to lie down under great oaks on the tis up to bonour, awl glory, and immor- ing oar prospecting can be dune with
other lido df the hills. Have you found "Gln Him the Lord halb laid I gay: "Canst thou carry any' minion has created iE great stir, even s;ttisfaciion, axes t on very richcla[ms
tality. more?" and FIe gays: 'Yea, more," P
the anticipated pasture that was to the iniquity of us all." Put the Sabbath k nearly done, unit so i In Dawson, and though the amount of or those low in number near the Yukon.
Is there any man in the house who is rF,stiQ in cls art.ln 1lfake rcxrrn for gravel output where drifting has been WAIT, RUMORS IN DAWSON.
be so superior'? How are you getting uude.r the dPlusinn that he run carry P g t
on now iu the club -house'? \What did his Own sins? Too nannot. e oil cannot. Him through lbs aisle. Swing open : done is small, ye.t enough shrifts have Wars, news in Dawson is in ameasure
they do fur you in the way of comfort You mL ht as well tr to trans ort a the door and let Him paws nut. FIe is i
g y p bee stalk to prove several valuable at a discontnt. Just as the prices o
boulder of the sea, or carry on one carrying our sins. We shall never see ! n ; mines are falling because of the gov-
when the baby died? Diid they make shoulder the Alleghanies, awl nn the them attain. He will throw then into Properties. Iernment's high taxes and the trading
up fur the flaxen hair, and the ,blue other sh•rulder Mount Washington. the al,ysm, "On Him tb- Lord bath OUTPUT MAY IiI ACFi $20,000,000. companies' raise in prices of supplies,
eyes and the dimpled cheeks I \Vere not You cannot carry one of your sins in- laid the iniquity of us all," , : , I suppose the Outside world wants' the, interest in war news is decreasing
the plain Christian man, and the plain to the eternal world, and carry it to know what the output. of the die somewhat•because the cost of it is nut
peacefully. i 'fj HOOK AND EYE 1300ItS. trio will be this year more than it ! of proportion. The first newspapers (hat
Christian woman who came in and sat Who here wants to keep bis sins? , eamb in this syring, sold 8S high .
up nights with your darling Of more They have almost Pe4t.ere(1 y life Is there a woman that, in boarding wants to know anything else in re-, $3 each.
solace than al} worldly associations? out. Sometim-4 they have wr il, , ha house or summer hotel, in the hottest :geed to the Klondike. " Alex" McDon- I Fur a week Dawson believed that
Did all the convivial songs you ever crass and unreasonable, and spo ed t of the "dog days;" has not groaned in aid, who ought to know, si. it will' France and England were at war over
joy of your days find the p <ice of your , I the Philippines, unci the next week er-
heard, give you such peace as the song nights, There are men in this house, secret and openly over the heat of her ' be nearly $`20,000,000, Em[t Siauf, who x11 knew that. the nasus bells was ter -
those people sang in your bereaved to -night, who have been riddled with : room during the long afternoons, when t is one of the best. informed men in Dow- i ritory in 'W"t Africa, Now we are
homed the very words that your lit- sin. You know this world can give negligee she has wanted snap ora 1 son, as to the mines, estimates the to-; led, to believe that those two countries
tie child hitt learned to sing in the you no solace. It is all nityam'ry I are not. fi Ming at all.
and volatile, once As to eternity, it is doles far mento over the latest novel?'tel yield at lase than $10,000,000. The I Shortly before we heard that Dew'eY
Sabbath -school : to you a black and suffocating mil- To insure privacy the door must be gold that will go out on i he first steam-, had captured Manila a report came
t "There is a happ and night, and you writhe under the stings kept closed, and then ventilation, even I ers from the Yukon will be no indica- th;tt Spain Lad sued for pence. These
i I Far, far away, of a conscience which promises you nn 'when there La ted to be a transom, ; tion od this year's output, for much , rumors and reports come down the riv-
j , Where saints in glory stand rest hexa and no rest hereafter. And Pl>c ar by word of mouth, and then the
Bright, bright as day:' yet you do not pray, and you do, not was very nearly Impossible. With' off it will be cif the surplus'lePt over j next. batch of old papers are brought
repent. and you do not sweep, althougli the door open acurta.in,'blowing to and : front last year. , II up, and little found in them that could
Did you find comfort in your business this very night may lv 1 hA one in +( hi -h As T have pointed out in previous let- compare with what the Yukon liar
associations? Did the grass grow very you shall lift the shriek of the soul tro in breeze, was all but useless.
thick around about your insurance of- that tgkes No remedy for this evil has ever been tern, there are nu better opportunities told,
flee, or your broker's abop, or your THF LONG, LAST PLTINGE. suggested, Afflicted summer boarders ! in the world for the investment. of cap- —
r tall tore or "our im cellos eslab- There have been.people who,have•come ihave, had.. to endure, and a>?ternoon ital in intoes, provided it is proper- HATS OFF AT DINNER.
. . 'Q • s' Y P .in**s-this Tciber•naelF,, en,1.. h,Ntrd the t
ltshm�nt? God' lselfi'"i'}e man that bets Ibunging' en doyh yfyillo on Lot after- ly directed, than'"iii the Yukon coun- An uutcrcrrH Lc restaurant keeper In
Gospel -for I preach nothing else,- I t
nothing but business to comfort him I and refused it, and gone out, and they i noons bas been dreaded. Now there try. I Piccadilly, London, has issued a man -
Your business, instead of soothing you died and their voirn conleD to ug to- I has been planned a device that will OUTSIDERS ARI; SWINDLED. date that "no woman wearing anything
exasperated you, and wore you out, night from the darkness, saying : I make the rooms in any boarding house Wet are hearing here of sales on the ,more conspicuous' than an aigrette or
and left you limp as a rag, and made ,,,rake the Gospel. I missed my chance.
you mad. You got money but you got Your da lasts -mine is closed. Woe or hotel habita!)le, acid the "machinery" outside of VA1n ere or nearly value- coronet in her hair" shall be admitted
no peace ; and so far from gett ing a Is me. i am undonrt. Who will stove I is se simple that it can Ise stowed away y leas claims, or mere prospects or even I witbin Itis establishment after four
fit pasture for a starving nature, you back thus bolt? Who will put out this' in a corner of any trunk. at claims that do not exist at all more o'clock in the afternoon.
found none of it in the world; and the vire?" And the caverns forlornly ec•ha It is known as the "book and eye," `than of sales of good properties. There
further you went, the more blasted ,,Who? (oho?" And the destroyed souls The question of permitting }urnnets
the heath, and the sharper the rocks, and in the country houses where It haD have. come into the Gold Commissioner I and hats to be worn by women in the
clutch for the worm that dice not, to ,
and the thicker the nettles. They in- Lear it from the vitals, and they clutch been tried works likeaebarm. It con- from San Francisco with a request foor 1 stalls and boxes of any English thea-
sulted you with garbage when you Into the air us for ti. bnpe they ran- silts of athin Ircut bar,afoot to afoot record papers for the transfer of e g tee, even in the provinces was snt-
w•ant.ed bread. Their flatteries were not reach, Then orouebing arnid the and a half in length, with a hook on one bench claims on Bear Creek for a con -
like the -lick of a lion's tongue, which furnaces, cr ing: "All this for every r tied. more than a generation ago. It
takes off the flesh that it licks. A t fur ever ! reyir ever i for ever i for . end. 'This bat' is at.ta�ed to a ring, sideration of $500,000. None of these has become so eAent.ially second no -
great English actor stood on the stage ever I" Oh, my lwother, that is +wh,t•. which in its turn is fastened try a i crew claims exist. M;iny such swindles seem
and thunders of applause from the sin has clone for thrut, and that iswhat ( plate. On arriving at her hotel or tura for nn I4nglish woman to re -
to have been attempted.
galleries greeted his impersonations, sin will do for you unless you Lny boarding house the guest has ibis se,rew T have before me it prospectus of a move her hat or bonnet before taking
and yet he was utterly chagrined be- hold "on Him on whom the Lord bath ! plate fastened to the jamb of the door her seat in the audience that there
cause one man sat asleep before him; laid the inir uities of us all." of her room. Klondike company of London, capital is never a murmur of objection against
anti with indignation he cried out: Blessed be God, to-nigrht, there is a There is the "hook." The "eye" iso £150,000. It advertises that it holds a
:" Wake up, sir!" Su In your life, foie chance for ,vr.ry loan ir1 thea '1'a!- I ShnPle. Ting of iron, also on a screw dozen or more claims, which in renlit.y it,
there has been some little annoyance ernacle. If at this moment this rueet-(Plate. 'this latter is :screwed on the do not. exist. In this caso tile, English Now- the question arises, will the
that has more than overpowered all ing could be thrown open, and you outside of the door, at any point desir- people seem to have been token to with- 11;nglish +cameo calmly submit, to he
your brilliant congratulations. You could all speak, you would, 1 think, ed, but at such a place that the hook out even a certificate of record of the! obliged Lo dress their hair Do early in
went away from Gotr and peace with heca,r a, man in the gzalbAry say : "I had I being slippscl into t,be eye the floor will supposed claims. Many certificates of , I '
the idea of finding better pasturage, all elegant surroun+lings, I had. the. beheld firmly open for the space of a location of cictims which do not. exist' the afternoon? '.Phis new move !a cer-
and your adventure has been afail- best educsation, I have moved in most foot. or so. The bar can be made long- , bave been issued by the Gold Comnlls ; tainly of greaf. advantage to the,'crrif-•
urs. You found ourself browsing i . .cirrlesall duos I thou ht (er if wanted, its exacat •length being Diener in eases where inpn kava sworn fours,' hal. will reran Krral IODa of
y bril l a nt my g
amid sharp and stinging misfortune. I wits ;ill ri ht, I hind a life of outward Iquite immaterial. Tt is essential, how- that. they}raves(aked fractionshetw•e"n; money t.o the milliners. Perhaps the
the world is a ood rack from which r ' B one du somethin ever, that "hook" and "eye" be screwed I cictims already located, while in fact , En lish milliners ru ev unit, in tin (•m -
Oh, g mo gltty ; ut y g i K
a horse may pick bis forage; and it whispered in my ear: "You are a sin- in place five to six feet from the floor. no fractions existed nr much smaller i Phatic• protest against. the passing of
i4 a good trough from which the swine ner, and I saw that my bands were From thk bar a thin curtain is hung, fractions than were claimed. j tiny law obliging women to ,disc•fird
may crunch their mesa; but it affords red. with the blood of the Son of God, I a filmy, thin curtain, just wide enough MR. SOLA UNDER ARREST• I their hats when dining in swell res -
no satisfactory food for a soul blood- anal I cried for mercy, and I found it; Ito cover the opening, that passers by Mr. Sola, who, according to Ibe pros -I taurants.
bought and immortal, and that is true what you bave been along the. balls may not see into the pectus of the company, is interested' The ruannger of the Piccadilly Ps -
f have not.ice([, also, that the sheep saying to -night: 'On flim the Lord room, Tbat Ihiscurtain may not wave
et astray h bring frightened with hath laicT the int nit of u4 all."' And hither And thither with the breeze it in iC as engineer, recpritly nrrivPd in tahllshmegrt who bus caused all thio
g y q y Dawson, accompanied by the manager `fuss and Traiher8 writes in defence of
thea dogs. The Lound gets in the field. a man in this gallery +could say: "1 is marl, wit.hiihem into which a+teight of the company and t+vo or three', hs action that it. is due to his desire
The poor things are frenzied. They was one of the worst drunkards in is poured—sand if the house !se At the young Englishmen. Soon after his ar•-i to please a distinguished clientele,
forget their path and dart away, and New York. When I came home at � seashore, rocks and stomas if it be in rival he was pill in ,jail on the charge many of +whom •would withdrew if
are torn of the hedges and plashed of night, my children rowared. When they the country. of havin attempted to obtain large' t.hpy saw' a lady with a hat on.
the ditch. They do not get. home that put out their hands to me for a ekitxo- When the apparatus is in place and sums o,fgmoney from one, Adams, in, Sonfe contend Ilial the step e N,, s
night. They never get, home unlessthe I struck them; and wh-n my w N P I the: curtain gently swings from the har London, by false pretences. , forced upe)n the fatihiouable worl l y
farmer goes after them and brings tested against the maltreatm n , a goon horeeze is coming in over the top
them back. Ob, man, that is kicked her into the street. Oh! T have that,eompletel ventilates the roam and Although a large quantity er from : the fact. that a was the only solution
TUE WAY YOU GOT ASTRAY. ha.d all the hunger, and the toruses, Y has been brought down the river frcm ; dressf td the eunundrum, how to
Jiro I8fi7, or is the fall of 1873, you be- and the tremors -all the estate of ri biing4 dmvn the tem.peratizre most ,cf- t.ho passes -ninny hundred tuns -prices dress tot the o)n rn, wLpn the perform-
Tn 1 almost an atheist. You said: drunkard's mor. .But one nt ht, 1 was fectually. At the same time there is are still nearly as high as they were' Anne begins at. four o'clock in the af-
g the most absolute privacy, last. winter. The demand for food is sn • f ernoon and ln.sta, with an hour and
"\Where is God, that. FIe allows an bon- going along by a Methodist fnpet.ing- The bar ma.y lie quickly unhooked at
est roan to go down, and thieves to house, and I said: 'I'll g;o in and see ]Argo t.Lat higher prices will probcthly j e quarter in4e t n for lit. ei until
a moments notice and let drop along Ile maintained for a week or two, but ;sloven o'clock at night. Thai. being the
prosper?" And you were dogged for whit they are doing.' I went to scuff, the door jamb along with the curtain. i
the r'e.nt, and dogged by the hanks, and brit I was overwhelmed with the scene, such large stocks ore coming down t.htt problem whicli 1w montl:d London no -
you were clogged by creditors; and a,nd I rripd for mercy, and then rind -- -• -,.. - river that. it. is prohAhte that there in th it seeing the most natural thing
same of oil went into misantbrophy, there found it -the purdnning mercy will he an abundance of comparatively - fr it the red for n woman on har way
Y SPANISH .ETIQUETTE, from the opera in a resi(iurant in the
and some of you took to strong drink, of God -and it is all true what You cheap food shortly.
and some of you fled from all Chris- have been saying to -night : 'On Him Etiquette as observed in Spain, is n Since about the first of life ,ye.nr, interval lationp.n acts t.o hr. dressecy in
1.ian associations; and in that way the the bard hall: laid the inignit.y of us 1Litle aur uisin to a forst ner. \Vhen there has been very little whiskey in i the rettuhition oloerA, costume.
sheep Rot astray• all.' I lifted my fnniily out of the I g g the town, although several saloons have j 1'hix new' move is renll,v only the Op-
t du ant know by ,just what roues. de the to which thf' were sunken, a visitor enters ti home, he is solemnly been selling Hooc•hinoo, but recently ening wedge for it general doing away
P P y conducted to the rece tion room, led two scows dropped into lawn with.+cilh hats.
you gut est ray ;but. the Bible unnounc- n -act now - P - __
es it. anri ynur partial consciousness MY W1Fi, SINGS ALA`, DAY • up to the hofa., and placed to the right whiskey. This was immediately Inkenl -"®"
on the sub,jert. reaffirms it, that you, at Ler work, and mY little children of the hostess. On rising to t.alce leave lip by several of ihn Imiling saloons tit i HAD A Vv OMAN TO BLAME.
like sheep have gone astray ; anri if come tw•o !(locks down the street. in „ • $,)0 a gallon, and shortly after placed I T have dreadful lurk- Chia morn -
you could sea yourself to -night as God the "form, to the caso of a lady is to to gale at $1 a triter. Ono eeJonnkpllon
greet mo home. fAnd, sir, my house ing I dropped my spectacles and my
gees you. ,your soul would burst into exclaim, "Senora, I Place myself+ at cells me that he emptied ane ten gallon
n tempest. of agony, and vnu would has beet a heaved ever since I have keg in two hours receiving therefor wife stepped on them,
become a chaitgeii man." Away hack your feet." She will answer, in a simi- keg i That's what I call good luck. If I
throw up your arms as (.bough you in the gallery, if the meeting were lar figurative fashion by saying, "I had dropped mine I should have step -
+were sinking(, and you would pelt the still open, anialer would c;ry out: "I kiss your hand; may you depart with FIRST STRAMI R IN. ped on them myself.
beavens with one loud anri awful cry went far astray. I took the leap God and continue well." Feminine 'Althourb 'the river broke on May -
of God have mercy I" Rut the sad from which few ever come back. I visitors are saluted with a kiss, both 8 this year, the first steamer to) arrive A POINT SCORED.
thing about your' rase is, you do not. saw the storm that bowls over a lost upon arrival and departure. It is con- in Dawson, was the May West, which
reafi/e, you are fully astray. All t.ho sou}, but Jesus met me one dn,00 night aidered an unpardonable breach of enme in June 8 t rrrm a few miles be- Thg facetious hoarder had the trn.in
batteries of Mount Sinai are unlimber- on the street, and FIe said: 'Go home, good manners fora entleman to offer low Minook, Tr to that timet there all laid for killing joke. It's a wonder,
ed nboct jou and aro aimed at your poor thing, go home! Your fat.ber is to shake hands with a .Spanish lady. had been considerable anxiety About the he aa.id, that yew didn't. serve up this
+soul. As, when Sebastopol was As- waiting for you, your mother is wait- Another objectionable proceeding, in other thirteen steamers known to be hen feathers and all. The next time,
vaulted. there wnrft two Russian frl- said the landlady, with marked omph-
At.e, burning all ni ht., throw- Ing for you -go home, poor thing.' And Spanish eyes, is to offer a lady one's In the river. It. transpired that, the alis I'll serve her up bill anti all. And
gg g though T was too weak to pray, I just arm when walking with her. A Span- Victoria, Weare, Bella and St. Micha-
eng a lurid glare on thn trembling dried cut all my ins and so>crow on ish gentleman so far forgetting him- Etels,' which wintermd at Circle City, the joke was ruined.
fortress, no you stand to -night amid a p + -- .
the heart. of Ilith nn whom the, Lorc1 self as to offer his arm to MR wife wawa, by the breaking up of the ice,
fialtr iinn, and a inrkness, And n con- bath laid the iniquity of us all."' If would be looked upon as lamentably thrown on the abore. These boats boys SU13URBAN INDTTCF�NTS.
perilttha And nt Awingg Aticn of
peril f.haf make ihn wings of flod'a the meeting ware still kept open, a ignorant of t,hn laws of etiquette. t}ll be@n ll'jodterl slnoet, nhd the Vic••
hnvnring ,insets nhurldcr tco the tip. Oh, young man seated before me would When a foreigner is walking with a toria,� helonigfng to the Alaska Com- flow do you persuade Sour cook to
bear y+)u nae, nee yon not, the fiery gay: ' i was born in the eountry. I Spanisth companion it is considered the mereial Company, went•. to Fort. Yu- stay?
belch of the grant. gunal "All have bad a good bringing up, I bad every heigzbt of ill-mamners on his part to kon and returned with hardware and Well, r told her she could have t.be
advanta e I came to town and got A walk an the Inside. This is the place feted, and will now go wp to the Polly, front porch in the evening for h�.r
of Go and rnmA as. nt of the glory g friAnds; and we will take the bank
of (text." "Tlfere [a none that teeth ait.uai.inn, and erne night I mot sonic oP honour, and should always be given parrying t.be Oanaclian mail. Thi+ WPA rA
good, no, not one." "As by one man fellows who did me no good. They to the Spaniard, hap also come in, having gone to Fort. porch. .
., f
a Interesting Budget of News Droughl
Dy the haft. I
At Atchum, near Wellington, Thos.
W, Straw, a gamekeeper. was .
•owend while attempting to cross the
evern. ,
,A boy named T. Bainbridge fell Into
burning coke oven at East Heaton r
Mary near Seaham harbour, `and c
Wats cremated. t
1•'. G.JuCkson, the celebrated Arctic
xplorer, was married to Nlias Mabel•
alrymple Bruce at St. Cuthbert's
harch, South Kensington. I
Sir James Humlyn \Williams -Drum- :
mond, Bart., has been appointed Lord e
ieutenant, of Carmarthenshire, in the ,
Dom of the lute Lord Cawdor, 1
fAt Cambridge recently Allen K. e
with, an undergraduate of Pembroke e
ollege, was tined £1 for throwing
tones at a duck in Hobson's stream. '
The Prince of Wales recently laid
he foundation stone of the new Uni- '
ersity Coliege Hospital, which is be- '
ng erected at the expense of Sir
Blundell Maple.
Tba Duke of Devonshire visited Man -
heater and opened the Christie li-
rary, and afterwards laid the foun-
ation stone of the Whitworth Hall,
t Owens College.
Sir David Patrick Chalmers has
een appointed her Majesty's commis-
ioner to enquire into an insurrection
f natives in the British protectorate
adjacent to the colony of Sierra Leone.
Baron Alfred de Rothschild, honor-
ry consul -general, for Austria-Hun-
gary, has been re-elected president of
ho Association of Foreign Consuls in
he British Empire for the year 1898-
The estimated income of Greenwich
111ospital for the year is £192,719, as
against £193,123 for the year 1897-98.
The estimated expenditure is £192,277,
as against £19.'x,799 for the previous
The public examination of Louis E.
of. Strode late of Maidenhead, has been
adjourned in the Court of Bankruptcy
or a month. Hinee he came of age
three years ago he squandered £25,000.
At Oxford, the annual commemora-
tion oX the founders and benefactors
of the university took place in the
Sheldonian theatre. The honorary (to -
gree of D.C.L. waa conferred tU)on the
Duke of York.
James Ward and John Stedman, pri-
vates in the Shropshire Light. Infan-
try, and Robert Deny, a stoker at- j
tached to the naval depot, were drown
ed at Spit.head through the capsizing
of a pleasure 'boat.
At an inquest at Eastbourne on the
body of Charlotte Lundy, 98 years of
age, It was stated that the deceased
left some clothes neatly tied up and
labeled, " These are my grave clothes,
to be put on me."
A fatal accident happened to a lace
named Bloomfield, who was playing
cricket at Hastings grammar school.
The lad +was batting, when a ball
struck him in the region of the+ heart,
causing bis death.
The London steamer Vedra, bound
for America. put back to the Tyne,
the master reporting that some steam
pipes had burst the day previous, and
that a fireman named Broderson had
been 13calded to death.
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods
recently concluded the sale of the
collection of engravings of Henry How-
ard, of Lancaster Terrace, Regent's
Park, Londdh, 235 lets realizing a total
of about £2,000.
At a recent meeting of the Royal
Geographical Society the following
amongst others, were elected Fellows :
William Bowyer, Charles W. L. Bul-
pett, Harold G. Campion, Arthur El-
stob, Lieut. F. R. S. Gervers.
The Queen, ora the recommendation
of Mr, Balfour, bits grantod pensions
from the civil list or £7"c per annum
each to the two daughters of the late
George WAIlig, in consideration of h1i
long services to art education.
Fourteen 'thousand servants of the
London and South,wealern Railw•a3
Company have subscribed to a presen•
taction portrait, which H. T. Wells, R
A., ;s painting of Sir Charles Scotter
the late general manager of the line
The trial of Owen McDonnell Cal•
Ian, who is accused of attempting td
murder Hubert Birki11, :with whom bi
w'as travelling as secretary, at Tan•
Bier, bas been adjourned t.o allow
,,me, for the arrival of +witnesses fron
A remarkable fatality was reporter
at Newport recently upon the arriva
of a train from Bryn Mawr. Thn fire
man, Ivor Dudringe, was breaking•
coal on the tender with a pick, ,her
he struck his ow -n head, inflicting s
fatal ,wound.
The aa)nual rate of mortality in the
thirty-three great tnw-lis of Englan(
end \Wales for the week ending June
]R, nvprageti 14.7 per 1,0110. The rate it
Birminghr(m +vas 15, Bristol 10, Derb:
13, Leicester 9, Nottingham 13, \Vee
Ham, 9, and Wolverhntnpton 17,
The enquiry into the mental con
ditiun of �Jiss Larnund, Ih, well know+
litigant, resulted in a verdict beim
given to the effect that the lady is i
person of unsound mind. incapable o
managing her affairs, but quite caps
ble. of managing herself, and nut clan
gerous to bpi golf or others.
Lord Salisbury received to deputaliol
of uparly one hundred Cori,pr•vativ,
and unionist mt-mhers of l'nrlinmen
on i h„ quest ion of the ta.xat inn o
clerical income:;. Thr. Prettier, whit
expressing -4'vul iI by with the uhjec
of iho ,i,pulatiun, pointed nut ter
great difficullies in the w'ay of legis
-.—_--,.-- -- -
A de•patch from Washington, says
--Secretary Day at one o'clock of
Wednesday fleeces the f ollo(wiing state
ment to the Associated Pre4s: "W
have agreed upon a protocal pm
bodying the proposed terms for ih
negot iat ion of a t t'pn.l ,y of p�mos, in
eluding the evacuat inn of Cuba ane
Porto Rico, and it is expected thisl'pro
tocol will bn executed."
MUIsha at Dothan." a Binge 8. 8.180
Golden Text. Psalur st.7.
verse 8. Bing of Syria. Ben -haled R.
'he Syrians were not a race asele-arly
,efined as were the Hebrews, Urimascus
vas so sit uated as to be a cen eY
opulation and political power through -
he centuries, and the kingdom that
;athered about it, no matter of what
acus ,ma.de up, was called the kingdom
f Syria. Warred against Israel. War
va,s the rule and peace was the excep-
iun between Jsrael and Sramaria. 'Took
ounsel with his servants. Held a
ouncil of war. The chief civil and
niiitary officials of the country were
Lnown as "the king's servants." In
tach and such a place shall be my,
:.amp. Den-hadad's "counsel" was thab
d a true despot. Ile does not ask the
t,civics of his servants, but tells them
what he has already decided to do.
Elis plan was to sset an ambuscade with
the expectation of capturing the king
A lxrael.
9. Man of God. Sue& was Elisha;
filled with God's Spirit, enlightened by
cod's wisdom, fulfilling God's will, pro=
tected by God's power. Sent. The
man of God employs his gifts of seer -
ship not for himself, but for the good
of others and the defense of his na.
tion. Ile was in friendlier relations
with the successive kings of Israel
than Elijah had been. King of I,sr•ael.
Probably Jehoram, son of Ahab. Be,•,
ware. Arty mean either "Fail not to
protect such a point," or "do not be
entrapped at such a place." \What ani t
advantage he possesses who bas God's
wisdom to guide him I Are come
down. "Are coming down." i
10. Sent. Ile sent either spies to as-
certain the danger or troops to avert
it, according to vireurastances. HOW
inauy, like the king of Israel, give mare
heed to ivoiily dangers thou to the
perils of their souls t Saved himself. •
Literally, "h< wets wary;" be followed
Elisha's direotions anti. escaped the en-
emy. Not once nor twice. A phra.e
meaning "many times."
11. '1'lt,• heart of the king of Syria
was sore troubled. glen whose evil
purposes have been thwarted, often
blame others, anti are earaged instead
of submissive under the hand of (lot.
But. Ben=ltaded haul real ortuse for
anxiety. unprecedented milita,r), tac-
tics were being used by his fres. itis
servants, His Officers. \Which of us
is for the king of Israel ? A tyrant na-
turally suspects treason.
12. One of his servants. Perbaps
Nauman. Noone, my lord, 0 kine;. A
prompt denin.l of the treason so sharp-
ly suspe(-,,vd, and su bluntly charged
would naturally be promptly mule, but.
this servant lri(L a good explarrat inn to
make of the cause of the king's trou-
ble. The prophet that is in Israel.
Great deeds and great character soon
make a man known. "He could nut tee
hid" Mark 7. 34. Telleth the king cif
Israel the words that thou speakest in
thy bedchamber. Anel that means
more than the council chamber. '.Che
expression is proverldal, ha+ing special
force from tfie privary and seclusion
of an oriental harem.
13. Go and spy. The king of Sy ria
supposed that Etisha was only some
magician of uncommon .-kill; lie bad
no suspicion that the hlcliug of his
power w'as with the Highest. Behold,
he is in Dothan. •'Two-eitsterns," a
place un the southiArn border of the
plain of Esdraelon, twelve miles north
of Samaria. .Elisha was not a resi-
dent, but a v itor at this place.,
14. A great host, It seemed an un-
equal warefat•e: a great king and
a considerable army against one de-
fenseless man. But Alen-hadad left
klisha's Helper out of his account.' Tba' '
"host" was made up of infantry. The
army was larger than would have
been sent to capture any man w•ho was
not EL magician. By night; R hat
folly to imagine that h: who had
been aware 'of Ben-hadad's plans in
Damascus +vould be, ignorant of his
night march against. Dothan 1 Com-
pasesd the city. Dothan was probably
walled and fortified. and the Syrians
would attend especially to its gates.
15. The servant cof the man of God.
Not Gehazi. Behold, A boat. IIe beholds
the sun rising over the hills of Gilead,
but its early rays reve�Eil around the
walls the tents and chariots of a sE•r-
ried host whic seem to have sprung up
like, magic in he night. flow• shall we
do? Ile, knows %%ell w•hy the Syr•inus
hpve corue, but his is nut the faith that
moves mouni pins.
10. He answered. See, 1. The seruritq
of faith, 2. The courage of faith. 3.
The insight (af faith. 4. The encour-
agement of faith. Pear not. The Ioft-
iest. faith is not without sympathy and
strengthening for those w•hn are weak.
They that be with us. l'alth giwe.4 in-
sight into spiritual surroundings, 'Cho
' natural aye sees the br>,st of Syria;
the eye of faith beholds rircling near-
er and mightier the host of God. One
looks upon the visible foes, iht, other
the invisible nod almighty ailies. More
� than . with the'nt. "One -with God
is •1 n)a jorit y."
t, 17. Prayed. Not. for himself, but for
.' his servant. Let us employ prayer for
one another. Ile saw•. fn restwolso to
• the prophet's prayer. (,od unveiled his
inner sense :(nd lifted him tit) fur the
r moment to the high ,plane of faith and
i insight wh+•re his mister dwelt,
horses and Ow riots of fire. The whole
hill was girdled with the hlazing; sym-
t boll of divine m•i.je,dy and power. Slurh'
are ever the+ invisihle atfenduntf- of
i every true -hearted child of Clod.
18. 'They came down. Thr Syrrin
hued. illindnessin God ovens the eyes
of his servant a• while lie cln�+g t h ,re of
hip enemies. [t. was nae total, writer-
, ial hlindness or they coulee not have
mirebed (verse 10), lout false, mistaken
percept inns, anri ignorance of 1 he +wnY.
They saw•, lout dimly an l dubiously.
The o!)je•i was not to do them hnnn,
i but fr) norke them realize their own
• hpiplenesss. Read in (lie succeeding
t verse; hm+ tltev where led criplive.i to
Snnn,ria, how they were snved nn•I re -
1 stored by the prophet's ititerpo4it ion,
ort how a hn)vpy result followed.
"' - A13VUR\TAI, i NE,RGY.
DONE BROWN. Kirby tells me he walks in his nwo"k
Why do you call it Spanish goose? How remarkable! TIE! do -40 do An,y-
ask8d the guest. in the restaurant, thing but sit around while he is
Because it is well cooked, replied the awake.
Leave the house, ,cried little Binks,
making a brays bluff of strength to
the burglar. I intend to my small
friend, replied the burglar courteous-
ly, I am merely after the contents,
When I take houses I do it through the
regular coal ftstatte channels,
How doth the, mery biking girl,
Improve emb shining minute,
As her dainty feet, tiv pedals whirl
For everything that's in It.
The only lines T get nrrepted said the
aspiring hove, are those t drop in Obe
water to the fish.
Perhaps, itugge.iled lite enndid friend,
they're the only ones that. have any
point t o t hem.
The Doctor -Queer %%yinsr that nl,ont
truth lying at the bottom of n well.
'rho lawyer --You wouldn't. think so
if •von knew the Amount of pumping
we lawyers sometimes have to cin to
get. at. it.