HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-18, Page 6I*' 4 AUGUST 18, 1898. BAKING POWDER EQUAL TO TH BET 25C. PER POUND What we mean by equal to the best is that Our Baking Powder is superior to any 25 cent Baking Powder and is as good as Baking Powder sold for 50 Bents. Our Baking Powder is a Crean of Tar- tar Baking Powker manufactured by ourselves and is free from all impurities. A trial will convince you that it will do more work than any other on the market. \\'e guarantee good results, SYDNEY JACKSON CRADUATE DRUGGIST. Successor to ALLEN & WILSON. aA •n; •r i 44 Vtow V � • 9949 Satisfaction Guaranteed OUR Watch Repairing Department is at- tended to in a strictly first-class manner. If your watch needs repair- ing, we tell you so, if not, we do not put you to un- necessary expense. Pro- per care and good work- manship is what your Watch requires. We know that our work will please you. CHARGES MODERATE. Do you need a pair of Spectacles ? A. J. GRIGG Opposite Market. •A• JEWELER and OPTICIAN FALL TERM OPENS SEP. IST o?fid OS.am" STRATFORD. ONT. One Of the largest and most success- ful schools in the Dominion. Gradu- ates enlinently successful. Write for beautiful catalogue. W. J.'ELLIOTT, Principal. rums! PUMPS! If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one the will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also hal,dles a (lrat•olass FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton 809•tf Alma Lathes' College ST. THOMAS, ONT. DpenS S8 8. About two hours �. U ride from Toron- to, Detroit or Buffalo. Best facilities in all departments with special home comforts, supervision and care. For full information address REV. R, 1. WARNER, M. A„ Principal, ST. THOMAS, ONT. HARVEST EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA and NORTHWEST -uN- TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 SINGLE FARE, $10.00 The C. P. R. will issue tickets to all points in Manitoba at the above rate, good to return in three months. Faro for the return trip will he $18. Choice of going by boat or rail. For all information apply to W. JACKSON CLINTON. C.P.R. $ Agent GRAND TRUNK's:YsEM --EOM EXCURSIONS ALL STATIONS IN ONTARIO AND QUEBEC via Chicngo and St. Paul to MANITOBA, MINNESOTA AND NORTH DAKOTA ROUND TRiP FARE ONLY $20 Tickets good ggoing Good for return until '414q11st 3Oth, Ontaher 29th, 1858. September 13th, November 12th, '08. M. C. DICISON, D.P,A., Toronto, A. 0. PATTISON, G.T.R. Agent, Clinton, 1'. R. IfODGICNS, Ticket Agent. Clinton, Porter's Hill. Miss Lizzie Lawrason, who has been at house for the last six weeks, returned to Detroit last week. Rev. E. J. Smith of Clinton christened three of Willis Bell's, 5th con„ children last Friday. School took up again last Monday. Miss Blair will teach until Christmas, as Mr. Elliott is going to the Normal School. Harvesting is about finished in this neighborhood, the earliest ever known, and farmers are getting their fall wheat ground ready. luhnra We had had 0 fine rain 00 Thursday %Vingita u night, and a heavy hail storm un FridayFr Meagan night. Rain was touch needed, as we I':tl, jsirl,, had not had any since the last of June. (',,,Bina Miss Maggie Ale K. luneof Detroit, who (sheen has been visiting at Mr. L0%r,LS0f's, Brussels ... retlrned lumue last week. Nit Albert. Zurich . Miss Nora Morgan of Detroit. who is r visiting iter mother in (lodericli, was out seeing her sister, Mrs. Thos. Bet- ties, lost week. Mr. John Beacom hits purchased a wheel from Sterling 111cPlutil. Quite a few funnels have threshed their fall wheat. It will average about twenty-five bushels to the acre. Rev, Mr. llillyard of Clinton took Rev. Mr. Graham's duly on Sunday at 13etllilny church. Miss Sarah Bell, daughter of Robert Bell of the 31d con., who has beau vis- iting friends in Windsor, reburied home hast week. Miss Maggie McClusky, teacher at the Union school, returned home Last. week from visiting friends in (4alt, Mrs. Willis Bell Of the 4th cots, had a double tumor taken from her side. The operation was performed by 1)r. White- ly of Goderich. Airs. Bell is doing well. THE CLINTON NEW HURON'S CROP REPORTS. As Reported by Correspondents of the 'Toronto Mall and E HURON. For Over Fifty Years 11'1NSI.OW'S Suo'r1 1Nu S\ 0. 1 1188 bees (1141(1 by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at nightht and broken of your rest by it sick child sulreriu1, and crying with pain of cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. 1Viuslow's sooth- ing syrup" fur Children Teri hing. i1. will re- lieve the pour little,e111k'rer immediately. lle• pond noun( 11, mothers, there i, no mi.take about. It. 11 cures Dlarchira, reguilde, rho St 0111:11.11 and bowels, rum; Wind ('aIle, soflcns the 001)14, red W.W.I luannuual inn.aud giyestone nail energy to the• whale system. •'\Iis. \VIoslow's Soothing by cup" for children teething is plea• sant to the taste and is1he prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses 111 1he United States, Price 1wt•ut.y4lyo :rets a bottle. Sold by all druggists (brought out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mos WINSL OW'S SOOT! IINO SVIO'1'. •0000000•• • e THE0 000000000e0000 0 0 • • PUTT 1 o . WANTS o o 0 0 GIRL e • PRETTY e • 0ooisommoo JEWELRY 0 • • and there's a clash and style about our designs which. • shows superior worknlaulslli)1. • RINGS • • e don't cost as lunch as some opeople imagine, because we know haw to buy them just 'YY• right. .A11 our rings n t a re O selected with it view to • wearing qualities. We are showing the very latest. o designs and have an • assortment that is not surpassed by any house in o the trade. We want you to Osee them, even if not ready to buy, because the more you know of ns the more you'll o knots - that • • WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR • • LINE • • • P. D. CREWS • o .Jeweler and Expert •0 • • • - 0 0 • 0 • • 9 O 0 0 a • O 9 - es lig • • 0 a 0 a w • do 9 9 9 a • 9 9 • 0 • 9 • • • a 9 • co O 0 • 0 0 O O O Watch Repairer. o • •00000000•00006000000000 House to Rent. That large t wo-story- house at corner of !Hiroo and Orange Sts., for sale or to rent, .Apply lo '1'. JACKSON, SR, ('linton, July 7111, To Let or For Sale. The undersigned offers for side or rent that 1.1 story brick reeidelire on Raglan 81, There aro 14 bedrooms, dinning room, sitting room, kitchen. Alen good stable. In connection with the residence are two acres of land and n large number o1 fruit trees. For particulars apply to CANTELUN BROS., Clinton. HARRY ('ANTELON, Mt. Fore=(. March )411i. ms s. ,e.®. -_ SELLING OUT. $2700 worll1 of (1roc'eries roust he sold and in order to hasten the sale we offer Lhe following reduced prices. HMI. PItIOF,, OUR PRICE. Good Japan Tea., , 20c .. 13c Japan Teo , .. 25e 20e .Japan Tea. , .. 351 25c Ceylon Tea 40c 25c Ceylon Tea 51)e 35c Corn Starch 10c 7e Laundry Starch .... 111c 8c Currants 10c 7c R111s1n8 10c 7c Rice 5c 4c Tapioca .. 5e 1c Mustard 10c 8c: Mustard 15c 10e Mustard 25c 20c Baking Powder, .. 10e :'ic Barking Powder-. ISc 10c: Backing Powder .... laic 20c. Sardines 10c is Yeast Cakes :>c 4c Flavoring Extract. 10c 8c Lamp Glasses 8c fic Brooms 25o 20a Laundry Soap . sic 4c Stove Polish sic- 4c Blue 5c 4c Match -s 121' 8c Soda Biscuits 10c 7c (tanned Salmon, ... 151 .... , lac Birds' Heed inc 8c Windsor Halt 5c 4c Scrub Brnahes lee 8c Tobacco 3 10c Plugs 30c 25c See what yon save :1,85 1$3,02 Sugar, Spices, Syrups, Vinegers, Pick- les, Sauces, at A proportionnt.e reduc- tion. These aro Cash prices. A Choice Grade of Flour Just, Received. Try it. Butter and Eggs Bought and Sold. 0. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET 1'vs'r•1+1.4•('111) 1-1tt.1> Phil .'o'ax ,I 1ss'1't Ji.1'l L(( \' ttst.0 1' ru11 1598. - t'•ott 1897, 25 20 23 28 22 30 27 37 :311 27 15 20 35 (11 311 911 38 20 111 0) i 30 20 3,1 30 13 10 2,) 13 • :35 20 20 34 ' 311 F . F 1. r E. a; E e: 18 1 ' 301.; 13:10 111 3u i 15 :35 3 31 30 . :34 11 5 35 25 25 il, 20 :i0 ; :hl ' 0 .w ; : s 30 11 2:3 Hay and wheat saved in good condition. 1'eas injured by frost. 1,1tte oats st ruck by rust. Peas injured by frost. Frust and drouth have reduced yield, Frill wheat saved well. Ilay, good yield and quality, 1,it.t le rye, Farley, or spring wheat. \White 441101(1, and barley good. to 411 211 211 111• . ,4.4 17 5 a, i 30 ; It• Departmental Examinations. Successful Candidates In Forms 1 and II J'he reports of OR' Board of Examin- ers, in connection with rho. Iligh'sehl)01 and matriculation examinations held in July, have been considered by the Educational Council, and below are given the manes of the successful can- didates Lia a Lt Wes ternOnt,rl v ,. u centres, c tees sut' .u' as concern I thU 0x50(3 IY ball) of lI. Forms los I and JI.. 16 is intended to have the marks of unsuccessful can- didates sent within ten clays to the principals of High schools or Public school inspectors. The marks will 1101 be sent to candidates by the depart- ment. Certificates will also be sent to principals and ln8pe('tors about the 1st, of September. it is recommended that unsucct'sstul candidates should not ap- peal uutil they have consulted the lligll school principal after receiving their (narks, Appends to be tnaintitin- ed, must he made before the 20th of September. ltegardimg tite value of the certificates, It will he understood that a 1''urui I certificate has the sauce qualifying value for a teacher's certifi- cate as a Public school leaving certifi- cate, which, together with a Form 11 certificate, gives primal y standing, and enables the candidate, it'eigilteeu years of age, before the end of the yea(', to enter a county Model school. Regal d- ing the certificates awarded for the examinations of Fot'nl I1, subjects, candidates should observe the follow- ing:- II. implies that a Forel i1 certificate has been awarded the candidate hav- ing obtained the requisite 50 )ler cent. on the total, as well as passing in each subject; 11. (4) implies that• it Forel If,, part I. certificate, 001'crieggratulwau', arith- metic, history and physic has been awarded the candidate having obtain- ed the requisite 50 per cent. on the total, as well as passing In each of the 1011' subjects. This certifieate, i(1 addition, to its facile as provided by the regula- tions, also entitles the holder to junior Ill1 att•1 culalion • s , tludtun se Iu Lho•four subjects; . nl Jeet9; 11.3 implies that al ] l Form [I punt I, certificate, covering grammar, atith- uietic and history, has been awarded, the candidate having obtained the requisite5Uper cent. 0u the total, as well as passing iu each of the three subjects. '1'his certificate, 111 addition to its qualifying value in the case (1f candi- dates writing for junior or senior leav- ing standing, under the provisions of the forme(' regulations, also entitles the holder to matriculation standing in these three subjects; Matriculation (-1) implies that a part 1 junior matriculation certificate, covering grammar, arithmetic, history and physics, has been awarded. This certificate has no qualifyiug value for a teacher's host -professional certificate as the necessary )U per cent. on the total was not obtained, Matriculation (3) implies that a.L part I., junior matricidal ion certificate, covering grammar, arithmetic and history, has been atwau'ded. This cer- tificate has no qualifying Walue for a teacher's non-professional certificate. POEM I. Clinton -M, C. Acheson, S. M. Ache- son, I.): •Cantelun, A. 1luck, M. Huck, M. Ker, I3. A. Leech. -Honors -E. Archibald, H. R. Courtice, R. Macpher- son. Gnderich--E. ('raigie, J. 1V. ('raigie, 1). Elliott, R. 5, fiat risen, J. E. Morris, E. A. L. Nafte], AI. L. Newton, J. M. Spence, L. 1). Sutherland, F. Turtle!, F. M. E. Tye, H. C. \Vigt;ins, J. P. Brown, Ilonors- W. E. Elliott, E. E. Farrow, E. Feaglul, W. L. Ililes, W. J. Mair, .1. C. Massae, iL S. Masson, W. J. McCreath, 11. 1V. Taylor. b3eafoi'Lli--11.E.,lbell, E.A1. Abell, C. R. Aclzcl, L A. Arnold. M. Brownell, .1. (4. ('rich, 1', .T, Cummings, .1. T. H. Dickson, C. Dapp, 111. E. Elliott, E. C. Evans, J. (lovenlock, G. J. Ha inilton, M. L. parte)-, N. Holland, 111. Laidlaw, L. S. Lawrence, G. McDonald, A. J. I). McAlann, M. McMi111Ln, M. Murphy, E. M. Pickard, C. Prendergast, !boo's H. B. Bond, 1). Campbell, B. \'an Ed- mond. FORM 1I, CIinlon---1T.--.). Bodour (honors), E. L. Carder, M. A, Ellis, 11. A. Leech, E. AIeEwan, W. Mair, 1V. O'Neill, R. F. Stelt'k, 11'. F. Thompson, 1i, (1) • W. S. Baird, 1', 131Lird, 141. J). Campbell, 1. E. Falk, D. Halliday, R. ilelyau•, R. W. King, J. M. Laird, A. E. McEwam, M. Alofflttt, T, C. Pickard, M. S. \Valker, D. A. Walker, L. H. (olwill, H. (3)- M. H. Millyard. Matriculation (1)--L. Andrews, G. Andrews, C. Brandon, E. J. ('arlisle, C.(.'hidl0)', E. AI. Metcalf. K, Riley, .1. C. Snell, W. S. Turnbull, J. A. Wiseman. (loderich -11. ---\\'. i, Bean, N. F. ('Furth, M. 1. ('lark, (4, 13, ('lark, V. A. Cowan, E. II. Deane, C. 13. Fergtoson, W. L. i inckett, I1. It. LongA. M. 1. Mosley, A.S. McLca ti, ALE, Olivant, 11. A. Rutherford, 13. I). StrainK han, 1'. Tnrnball, E. G. Wilson, C. E. \Vhyard, 11, (4). 1V. It. Brydges, 0. At. Buchan- an, 13. 13. Dur'nin, J, 11, N. biles, W. L, Ililes, 1V. H. Lane, 1. Matheson, V. A. Watson, E. L, Williams, W. 11, \Vighl man. 1 i, (3)- --M. Itostell. Ma- triculation (I)- P11,311. noughts, T, 1''ord, T, Heddle, J. Johnston, AI. T. iCeefe, M. McDonald, Ai, A1e1senzir', 1,. 1,. Brussels. - 11 J. Blake, Al. ('ode, i1. (1) --\V. Ainley. W. E. Armstrong, J. M. llret•ken'ig le. L C'r'ooks, Al. Dead- man, II. Downing. Bayfield. ---11, --1, E. Aikenhead, (1, Campbell, J. Teck, e. l':. Whiddon. IL (1) -JI. (4nlbrnith, A. AlcLeod, Mat't- c'u11U ion (I) -1). .1. Ailtenhead, J. 11. Cameron, A, 1C, Galbraith. The Crediton Seer Failed To Locate theWhereaboutsof the Peg -Legged Tramp. C'hristoper Ilau, the "gifted genius,' of Crediton, who claimed to be able to locate the peg -legged tramp that shot the London policeman, true to his word, returned to the London police station last Wednesday afternoon. P. C. Row- ell was the first man he asked for, as that officer had accompanied hitn on a chase Tuesday. Rau told Rowell that he had failed to locate the peg -leg, whom, he claims, has shot himself twelve miles west of London. Rau feels disap- pointed over the manner in which his mystic art has gone back on him. Ile left for hotnd 'l'hursday,but before going advised everybody to go out and see that part.of..tho'country where the peg - leg is aTlebeci to be. llau is a shoemaker, and has a family of eight children. The police think that it hammering shoes to support his family has not demented him the con- tinual thinking of $500, cold cash, for the return of the body of P. C. Toohey's slayer has unhinged his mind, llau says that 1n the daytime he has thought of little else than capturing the pegleg tratnp, ever since the reward was offer- ed, and at night he sees him in that log, in a thick bush twelve miles west of London. M AHil,I,%.Q, ES, DON ER -('11.11(.,11';.-A1 the brido's hone, 19 William St„ Ooderieh, on Tuesday, Aug. .rth, 1 s Huy. Jas. 1.Anderson, 11s11'llli•n A. Dotter of ,Incur',. tMary, eld- est daughter of .lanios ('i•nigic. .' c IIA:1IILTON-.BOSS. ._At the Church of the Messiah- Kincardine, by the Hey. C. Biles, 11 A., on lvrrluesda,y. Aug. loth, 1818, Charles Frede,'iok Ifa.ntillon of t (Dohr- otllce, 'Iorunto, to Clarissa 41. Ross, of Windsor. Ont.. danghtr'(' of Donald W. Boss, formerly of Kincardine. rdine. TIO\1'A11D. 1'IsI(1{IN. in Exeter, nn the :Ail Inst., by Hey 1h', N'ill uu,huby, T ho ass 'Howardn1 orl n , :Hiss Mary Perkin or 1':xelrc. tONTOOIIElf \-- llcEl•:1':-Al the Manse, 111011.Inn, on 11'ednesday. August. 3n1, by 1 h Nev. 11. C. Cameron. 11. 11„ ,lames Sionlgnmery of Jlauituh:' to Lizzie 1'. 24!)' (14,1' of tiie (1111 concession, 11o1vibk, BIRTHS. GA LT.- In Ooderieh, on August 8111, to 11r and Mrs, John Ualt, a daughter. ('LAItg.--111 (4rcy, on Aug, 3rd, the wife of 8Monlr. ttl�,-lotl(<�ih CM{lith jfson Aug. 1(11, the wifev of Mr. Hobt. ,1, Moore of 5'400, McA((TIlt'(1.-lo Burris, on Aug, O1L, 1tic wife of lir. Peter..11,'.1rthur, of a sou, 1)01-(1(11':18'I'1-. -114 81c filthy, on A ug, 118 h, the wife of 13r. ,John Dougherty, of a sou, Bc1.A1-(411.1,1 N.- Ou 1 he 0411 con. of Howick on .A ng. :3rd, the wife of 7!r. Alex. AfcLaughlin of (t daughter. 13EA'I"1'IE In N8rinek. on Friday Aug. at 11, the wife "f 11•. Hobert Beattie of a son BI1oADFOO'I' - In Seaforth, on Sunday, Aug. 711i, the wife of :Ilex. Broadfoot, of a faughtt'r, HOBS. -In lily) 0, on August 310, the wife of Mr, .I. 71. 1to14s, of a sou. SN I':LL, - 1n Morris, ou August 91(1, the wife of 241r. ,lanes Snell, of a daughter. WALKEit.. in winghn10, on Aug, 9114, the wife 0f Br. '1'. E. W1111101'. at daughter, 1.1N1(.1.ATP:it (n Turnhl'ITry, on .A ug. 3rd, t1S':11��wife (11 - of In Cui truss,on.1uly 301.1 11, the wife of Mr. (4eo. 11-autgli, a daughter. GiBSON. Iu Howiek, on Aug. 2n41. the wife of sir, Jane's Oilmen of a sou. TIROYEit-111 Mensall, on 1 h 701inst., the wife of .1 E. Troyer, of a son. ('O%Altr) -In 1'shortie, on the 1st Inst., the wife of Thos. ('owned. of a son, .JAMII':81)N. In I1nllet1 on August 1310, the strife, of Br, John Jamieson, of a daughter. 11)EATUS. 0t'1.1.IT(1N. At Toledo, on Thnrsday, Aug. 110. Alice ('nllitnu, daughter or Mrs, Cath- arine ('unison, of Toledo, formerly of (hide - rich, aged '22 years 13(1(1114- 1(1 Colborne Township on Saturday, August (11)0. 1895, Mary Anti ('lark, relict of the late ('apt, Jas. 13ogic, raged 73 years and 4 mouths. MAGF:F: In Edmonton, N. W. T., on July 231.0 \'yrs, .lame Magee, formerly of Blyth, aged 63 years. FARQl'liARSON 111 Morris, on Aug,lith, Charlotte Brown, relief of the lade 'Phomas Farquharson, aged 92 years. 1YOit1)KN.--111 1.'sborne, on August 810, Eliza- beth Hoot(, beloved wife of Joseph \l'orden, aged 36 years and 3 months. WiLSON- At Ills residence, lot 23, con. 11, Turnberry, on Aogaet (011, ,John 1Wilson, aged 78 yea's, 7 months, Mel{1NNO,, In ('Mmss, on August 6th, John MCi{luno,, aged 22 years, 5 1111)81119, 7 day's. ULAHN fn East 11'n wittiest], at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Burrows, Mrs, Mary Ulahn, aged 78 years, 10 months. AN EXPLANATION. 'rhe reason for the great popularity of Wood's Sarsaparilla lies in the fact that this medicine positively oures. It is America's Greatest .Medicine, and the American people have nn abiding; confi- dence in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments, confident that it will do them good. HOOD'S PiLLS cure all liver ills, 1cAfatth, ('. D. A1cH\veen 1). O'Connor, Mailed for 23o by C. I. Hood tit Co.. 11., soon, J. M. Stothers, Matriclila! Lowell, Mass. (:3)--AT. E.L. Brydges, (1.('olhorne, 13. Ryan, J. U. Stewart, W. W. Stod- dart. Senfnrth- 11, -It, L. Elliott., T. M. Latimer, (honors), W. A, Pickard. 11. (4) - R. Anderson, A1. Beattie, A. Brow- nell, (1. A. (Ir•ay, M. (loyeolnek, E. .Jnekson, 13. McDonald, H. Wilson, 1L. Wright. 11. (3) C. W. Sanders. Ma- triculation (1) - T,, .1. Blatchford, 11. J. Eberhart, W. Gillespie, J. Govenloc'k, i. .1. Kinney, T. MeGavin, T. J. Ryan, 13. Scott, I. 11. Waugh, D. Wron, IL S. Welsh. Matriculation (3)-- f. Fowler, E. J. McMichnel. Exeter •1i. -B. W. Caldwell, H. Gre- gory, H. Lane, 1$.A. Murrill, M. Smith. Matriculation (1) \V, A, Kibler, 'I'iHIS IS THE WAY OF i'1', 'rhe glycerine in Scott's Emulsion soothes the rough and , irritable throat, The hypophosphites tope up the nerves. And the cod-liver oil heals and strength- t)ns the inflamed bronchial tubes and air cells. A daring highway robbery took place near Thamesville, when Messrs, Mam'- ice (histo end .lulus Steger were re- lieved of $77 between thorn, and Mr. Steher, who attempted to resist, got a bullet, through his hitt. tosuay. ., uo,,,...,., rapidly on Fridays that much trading is done on 'Thursday. In spite of the heavy offerings nearly everything was disposed of before the close of the mar. In this department we carry a complete stock. Our ket, and prices held well up during the and Outfit are the best In this section of the country,day, 1'o -day's offerings included 750 sheep and lambs and about 1,400 hogs. charges are as low as the lowest. Export Cattle-- Cables continuo firm and that has a tendency to make this market steady. Choice cattle brought $4 55 to $4 55 per cwt. but the most of the deals were made at from $4 20 to $4 35. Ileavy bulls were firmer, ruling from $3 75 Le $4 15 per cwt. Light bulls are quiet at from $3 30 to $3 60, Butchers' Cattle --There were many sales at from 40 to 41c per Ib for the very best loads and odd fancy cattle sold as high as $4 30. A couple of ear - loads sold for $4 15 per cwt. Common to medium sold for from 8c to 31c per lb ands attersilt u ' at $3 75. 9 Y Stockers tock: ers and 1•' seders- �' t stock- ers h are in slow request at froln 3Ee to 31c per 1b and feeders bring $3 40 to $3 80 per cwt. IN STOCK. Sheep and Lambs -Sheep for export `o and butcher use sell steadily at from 31c to 3c per ib and bucks 240 to 3;o, Lambs are steady at from $4 75 to 85 per ca't. Calves -These are quoted at 5c per 1b, or about from $2 50 to $U per head. Choice veals are wanted. Mitch Cows and Springers.- One or two fancy cows • wit,h calves at their heels sold for $50, but the regular run may be put from $24 to $47 each. Good cows are wanted. hogs -'Phis line was steady. Choice selections continue to be quoted at $6 10 to $I1 25 per cwt, weighed oft the cars. Corn fed fetch about $55 50. Others are unchanged as quoted below. We quote :- ;1111011 cows, each. 4')4 UU to $117 fill Export cattle, per cwt. -t 2(1 Lo 4 (i0 Butch(+rs' choice (•01111', per ctvt 4 (3) to 1 :30 Butchers' good cattle, c•svt :30(1 to :3 no Butchers' c)m, cattle, :3 SIU to Sil() Bulls, heavy, per cwt3 (35 to 4 15 Bulls, light, per cwt..., 3 311 to 3 UU Feeders, per c•svL 3 40 to 3811 Stockers, per cwt a 25 to 3 50 14xpotVtt slleep. per cwt, 3 25 to 3 50 Butchers' sheep, per c1U Bucks, per cwt. 23 .1101 L141. tum 23 7.i•10 Spring 1luuhs, each,... 4 75 to 5 00 ('aloes- per.lt'ad • 9 _ u0 to SI OU Choice 1 • hogs,. e ce ). ) 1(l 11 1x1 ('\V), (5 10 to (I 25 Light hugs, per cwt. ai (31) to 5 75 Thick fat hogs, per cwt 5 UU to 5 111 Sows, per coot 3 25 to 3 50 Stags, per cwt 2 IN) to 2 25 - W =IT i Pin um 71-....s••••L Hearses and our Night and Sunday culls answered at. Residence of our ,...Funeral Director, ,I.\V, ('hidlcy, Icing 5t., opposite Foundry. BROADFOOT, BOX & 00. %rtt•laitttta•(s Dxttt►Lnl,t('(tte-erss and iT1s(1(•r(alc(srti. dr- ',7V . €1 ]ii.they„ Manager WINS. pcm!ilit._r_ierammeee_....,iiieuesteireernmeeminiar SEASONABLE GOODS Toronto Street :Market. Toronto, Aug. 12, -The threatening weather early this morning prevented many farmers from visiting the market and receipts re light. Ono load of white wheat�t 70c and a load of new oats at 312c. my three loads of new oats have been offered so far this seas- on. Fifteen loads of new hay sold at $6 to $7 75 and one load of old at $8 50, No straw was offering. Wheat, red per bush... MU 7(I to 40) 721 NVIleat, old, white7(1 to 7:3 do goose UU to Barley per bush.. :3U In Oats per hush 31 to Rye per hush.. II. to Buckwheat UI) to Peas per bush ilay, new, Straw. • Dressed hogs Butter, lb. rolls do tub, dairy C'hic'kens Ilggs, new laid Turkeys Potatoes,110%V, per hush Beef hind quarters, do fore Lamb, carcase, per lb.. Mutton (il) :33 :11 0)) 15 37 to 50 0 5)) to 8 01)- 5 IU5 00 to f3 50 7 00 to 7 75 15 to 1(i 13 to 11 15 to 60 11 to 12 0 to 11 50 to fill 7 00 to 8 00 1)1 to (a5 00 to 111, 5 10 7 Cheese Markets. Perth, Aug. 12, -There were 1,532 boxes of cheese brought into the cheese market today ; all white, 1Varrington bought 050, llodgsori Brother's (Vs Alex, ander the balance. liuling price, 7,c. Ottawa, Aug. 12, -The attendance at the Ottawa Cheese Board to -day was Targe and good prices were obtained ; 1,627 white cheese were sold at prices ranging from 7 11-16e to 77,c and a small quantity of colored was sold at 8c. Brantford, Aug. 12. -At the cheese market to -day 2,405 cheese were board- ed, Sales -190 at 77,,c, 1.600 at 7.10. Next meeting Friday, Aug. 20. Kemptville, Aug, 12. -Ten hundred and twenty-eight cheese offered on the board torday. No sales. highest bid Brighton, Aug. 12. -Ten factories put on the Brighton Cheese Board to -day 950 white ; 510 sold to Whitton at 7 11.1(1o, Buyers present - Whitton, Bird and Cook, Board meets Friday, 10th, usual hour. South Finch, Aug. 12. -At the regu- lar meeting of the South Finch ('heese Board today the buyers present were J. 11. Wier, Primer, Birdsell and Alli- son. The number of cheese boarded were 5141 ; 537 white and the bal,,nce colored ; 7qc was offered for colored ; none sold. CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. (corrected every 1Vedneaday naarneon. Fall Wheat, now (15 to 65 Wheat old 70 to 70 Baey .. 0 32 to 0 33 1)at8rl. .,.. 0 25 t0 0 25 Peas 0 47 to 0 50 Rye 0 89 to (1 40 Potatoes, per hush, new,0 50 to 0 00 Butter loose in basket0 11 to 0 12 Butter in tub, 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per,1oz0 1) to C 10 i3 ay 6 On to 6 on Live flogs 0 00 to 4 70 Pork per ern ,,, 6 00 to 0 00 Dried Apples per lb .. 0 03ito 0 04 Ducks per lb. . 0 05 to 0 06 Turkeys per lb Geese per lb. , 0 07 0 Ota 0 05 toto 0 06 Chickens per pair 0 30 to 0 36 Wool..... 0 16 to 0 16 NATI S AL BLUE FLAME rn'ilo mostp erfect • 6 L STOVES and up-to-date �-to•(late Oil Stove onthe market. The • hal,auc,e of our old pattern Oil Stoves at less than cost to clear them out, CHARCOAL STOVES prices one to two dollars, unexcelled for summer use and veal' economical as IL meal can be prepared at ;a cost less than one cent, Just per- fection lar Toasting and Broiling. a CJ1nrO(rtl lO(•. per 13at; ; or .1t 31.31L S for • ic•. FULL. STOCK OF Milk Cans, Dlilk Pans, Milk Pails Daisy Churns, Dairy Supplies, etc. ALBERTS' PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER Use it O11 your cord, use it on your roots, use it on your grass lands, use it on your clover, use it on your potatoes. Just the tiling for all kinds of plants, vegetablessweet peas, lawns, etc. Try it -it Will pay you. > A SNAP -3 inch. to fi inch. Steel (Jut Nails only $2 per keg or 10 pounds for 25c, VICTOR Fifth; PROOF SAFES just the proper thing for farmers 1100 $15 to $40. CALL ANIS al1:JI: 4i�t1�7�)LY'.S, HAv, ��c sir?: rki `•!S'° 't.BR a S. HARDWARE i' E a nd STOVES SWEEPING AND _g•aUSLIN SALE AllFancyShirtwaists,regular$1.00 for $0.75 44 GI 1.25 for 95 1.50 for 1.20 1.75 for 1.25 44 ' tc cc cc cc 44, II PIECES BEAUTIFUL FAST COLORED !MUSLIMS all new patterns and colors, regular prices were 25c and 30c, sale price 10c. LOVELY IOC y�PRINTS, FAST COLORS, FOR 5C. Now is your opportunity. Colne and see what we have for you. ILROY iSEMAN CLINTON. 1898 New Dried Fruits 1898. Raisins -Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants -Filiatras (111(1 Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elirne Figs. CROSSE and BLACK\VJ:LT, PEELS, 'AMOR, Orange and Citron. NUTS -Filberts, 8. S. Almonds and \Vallnuts, COOKING FIGS for ic, a lb, NICE OLD RAISINS for 50, a Ib - --headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, J. W. RWI McKay, Block, --, Clinton. OUR SILVER JUBILEE Wcstei'n Fair, London SEPTEMBER 8th to 17th. 1898 Entries close 7th September. Space nllolted on receipt of entry. Our' 0)t Mel 1011M will he ground, and exhibits nnstu'pnssed. Yon con see all that, (Alters eon shote and to bet lerndwtntngo. Roynl Dragoons, i'rinc'o(3'1Cahe's .laps. Ste ITnsslul Ben Ali's 1tut71nms and many other specials, the hest in the country, Fireworks each evening, "Blowing Co Ilie Maine," assisted by all the ring and 14104(1 attract inns. Special exenrsion trains leave London nt 10 p.m, and after, so you can stay to the fireworks. Anet ion Sale of Booths and 1'tivileges, \Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds at 2 p.rn. Prize Lists, f'rogrnmntes, etc., apply to LT. -('01,, W. M. (1ARTSI7011l';, TiiOH, A,-filIK1VNE, PCPH1denI . Secretary