HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-18, Page 5AUGUST 18, 1898. BAKN NG POWDER EQUAL TO THE BEST 25C. PER POUND What we mean by equal to the best is that Our Baking Powder i5 superior to any 25 cent Baking Powder and is as good as Baking Powder sold for 50 Bents, Our Baking Powder is a Cream of Tar- tar Baking Powker manufactured by ourselves and is free from all impurities. A. trial will convince you that it will do more work Than any other on the market. We guarantee good results. SYDNEY JACKSON GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Successor to ALLEN & WILSON. INIOMINMESIW Satisfaction Guaranteed OLTR Watch Repairing Department is at- tended to in a strictly first-class manner. If your watch needs repair- ing, We tell you so, if not, we do not put you to un- necessary expense. Pro- per care and good work- ruanship is what your Watch requires. We know that our work will please you. CHARGES MODERATE. Do you need a pair of Spectacles? A. J. GRIGG JEWELER and OPTICIAN Opposite Market. 001 FALL TERM OPENS SEP. iST r STRAT>± ORD. ONT. One of the largest and most success- ful schools in the Dominion. Gradu- ates en;)inently successful. Write for beautiful catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. a.. PUMPS! PUMPS! If you want a first -plass, wolr•made pump, one the "rill ails you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a flret•class POLICE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposib Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton 809-tf Mina Ladies' College ST. THOMAS, ONT. Opens Sep 8 rkle frrom two Toronhums ride - to, Detroit or Buffalo. Best facilities in all departments with special hoine comforts, supervision and -c'lu'e. For full information address REV. R. 1. WARNER, M. A„ Pi incipal, ST. THOMAS, ONT. HARVEST EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA and NORTHWEST TUESDAY, AUGUST AUGUST 16 SINGLE FARE, $IOsOO The C. P. R. will issue tiekcts to all points in Manitoba at the above rate, good to return in throe months. Faro for the return trip will be $18. Chapply of going boat or rail. For all info W• JACKSON, C'PAgent CLINTON. GRAND TRuNnSYs EM Li RVESP EXCURSIONS ALL STATIONS IN ONTARIO AND QUEBEC via Chicngo and St. Paul to MANITOBA, MINNESOTA AND NORTH DAKOTA ROUND TRIP FART ONLY $28 Ttekets good going Good for return untI • An eat 30th, October 29th, 1898. September 13th, November 12th, '93. M. 0. DICKSON, T).P,A., Toronto, A. O. PATTISON, G.T.E. Agent., Clinton, F. R. BODO ENS, Ticket, Agent.. (;Union, Porter's Hill. Miss Lizzie Lawrason, who has been at house for the last six weeks, returned to Detroit last week, Rev. E. J. Smith of Clinton christened three of Willis Bell's, 5th con„ children last Friday. School took up again last Monday. Mies Blair will teach until Christmas, as Mr. Elliott is going to the Normal School. Harvesting is about finished in this neighborhood, the earliest ever known, and farmers are getting their fall wheat ground ready. \Ve had a fine rain 00 Thursday night, and a heavy hail storm on Friday night. Rain was much needed, as we hod not had any since the last, of June Miss Maggie McKlune of Detroit, wht has been visiting at i41r. Lawrason's returned Thome last week. Miss Nora Morgan of Detroit, who is visiting her mother in thalerich, was out seeing her sister, Mrs. Thos. Bet- ties, last week. Mr. John Beacom has purchased a wheel fi•otn Sterling McPhail. Quite a fete fatrnlets have threshed their fall w•hea',. It will average about twenty-tive bushels to the acre. Rev, Mr. ;11illynrtl of Clint on took Rev. Mr. Graham's duty on Sunday at Bethany church. Miss Sarah Bell, daughter of Robert [cell of the 3rd con„ who has been vis- iting friends in Windsor, yet tuned home last, week. Miss Maggie MoCtusky, teacher at the. Union school, returned home last week from visiting friends in (malt. Mrs. Willis Bell of the 11h con. had a double dunce• taken from her side. The operawas perfol'l ed by 1)r. \\'hito- ly of Godericll. Mrs. Bell is doing well. For Over Fifty Years Mats. W INsl.ow'S SOOTHING SyItl•P has heed used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If dh.turinal at night and broken of your rest. by a sick child sulrorieg and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send ;It mice and gut it bottle of "Mrs. NAIn,low:s sool1 ing1p'' fur l'hildr'n 'Ibclhing. 11, will re. lie t'o the pour lilt le Soli -emir immediately. De- pend upon at, mut hers, there is no mistake about. it. 11 cures J)iarrinen, regulate: the stmim e11 and bowels, vure,. Wind collo, softens the hunt;, reduceslode lomat ion, and gires tone and energy to the whole system. "SL•s. \\'i islow's Soothing Syrup" for children seething is plea- sant to the• tanto and is the proscription of one Of the oldest had best foliate physicians tune nurses in the United :states. 111•iee 1 wenty-live .encs a bottle. Sold by all druggists thronglit o ut the world." Be sure and sac for "111th WINsl.o\\•'S SOOTHING SVR.' 1'. 110.0000006 90o•o®oo0•ocee®•o• •o THE c , : o 9 9 PRET I Y WANTS • • (! RR !! • • 1•.1 U L •e • • 0 • and there's a (lash and style o about our designs which • shows snperior workmanship. • • • • • • • PRETTY o JEWELRY 0 O • • • • • RINGS 0• e don't cost as mads ars some fir people imagine, because we • know how to hay thele just • r. • right. k �ght. All our rings ere • selected with a view to • wearing qualities. We are O showing the very latest o designs and have an e assortment that is not 9 • surpassed by any house in O the trade. \Ve want you to • see them, even if not. ready • to buy, hecanse the more you • know Of us the more you'll • know that • • WE ARE LEADERS•IN OUR o • 0 LINE • • • • • • • • • to O • • 0 • • • • • • O P. G. CREWS O • Jeweler and Expert •a • Watch \\ Repairer. o r 1• • 0 •00800•••eeeeoe•••®••••O Argrommosmismiumaill House to Rent. That large two-story house at corner of Huron and Orange Sts., for sale or to rent. Apply to '1'. JACKSON, Sit. Clinton, July it h. To Let or For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale or rent that 1.4 story brick residence on Raglan St. There ere b bedrooms, dinning room, sitting room, kitchen. Also good stable. In connection with the residence are two acres of land and a larke number of fruit trees. For partienlare apply to CAN'fELON BROS., Clinton. IIARRY ('ANTI.LON, Mt. Fore't. e Marcia 141),. ' �>e SELLING OUT, $2700 worth of Groceries mast be sold and in order t i hasten the sale we osier the following reduced prices. REO. i'it1CF. (1'R 1'ltl('n. Good Japan Tea. , , 2oc 33c Japan Tea......... 25e 211e Japan Tea.... Me 25e Ceylon Ten 40e 2.'k Ceylon Tot 5Oe .:3:5c Corn Starch . 10e 7c Laundry Starch.... 10c 8e Currants 10e 7c Raisins IIIc 7c Rice 5e 4c Tapioca 5c 4c Mustard l0c 8c Mustard lase 100 Mustard 2. c 21k Baking Powder. .. IOc 5c Baking Powder.... lac 10e Baking Powder .... 250 200 Sardines 10c 5c Yeast Cakes . Sc' 4c Flavoring Extract. 1Oc Rc Lamp Glasses 8. fie Brooms 25r 2(1e Laundry Soap tic le Stove Polish f>c ,h, Blue 5e 4e Match's . 12e 8e Soda Biscuits 10c 7c Canned Salmon.. ,. 15c ..... 10c Birds' Seed 10e . 8c Windsor Solt fie 4e Sernb Brushes 1(le 8e Tobacco 810c Plugs 30e 2.5e See what, yon save $1,85 $3,02 Hagar, Spices, Syrups, Vinegers, Pick- les, Sauces, at as proportionate redne- tion. These ore ()esti prices. A Choice •(ftnde of Flour ,Inns, Received. Try Tt. Butter and Eggs Bought, and Sold. 0. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. HURON'S CROP REPORTS. As Reported by Correspondents of the 111-' RON. I(8'I'ISI.t'1'hm 1'i5LI, lett FOR 11398. Auburn. 23 15 211 :3:1 1vinghaut .. 91) to 30 1 luosdll ... '23 20 :*i Ford wMit . .... . . . .. 28 21) 10 In 30 . Et hid .. $•2 5 30 25 Credit on 80 20 33 25 Clinton ... 27 20 15 10 .. . 31) i Brussels . .. ... 37 i . .. Putt Albert. :30 ' t 13 33 . 30 %mid.. --. _... '27- 20 20 311 :30--- .7.a z 30 Toronto Mall and Empire. Amu, EST 1 AtATE u VILLI) PEst ACRE Yoh 1807, • EE. • - ,- x I i '1: F x r x l 18 1 I s0 13 13 40 11I' 30 .1 15 35 2 2:1 i 31 2 , 31 13 533 IA; 5 ' It 20 . '2))I10 . to lhiy and wheat saved in good condition. Peas injured by frost. Late oats struck by rust. Peas injured by frost. Frost and dt'outh have reduced yield, Fall wheat saved well. Ilaty, good yield and duality. Little rye, barley, or spring wheat. White wheat and barley good, a z x 30 2() a) . 30 . 2 ;ill 1 20 21) 1025 11 33 1 17 ,-.8 33 20I Bopartmental Examinations. Successful Candidates In Forms 1 and II. rho reports 1)l' the Board of Examin- ers, in conrlect.ion with the High school and Matriculation examinations held in July, have been c'onsideued by the Educational Council, and below at'e givers the uatues of the successful can- didates at Western Ontario centres, so far' as concern t110 exttlllillati011s of Ful'lUS 1. and II. It is intended to have the marks of unsuccessful can- didates sent within ten days to the principals of High schools or Public 80110(11 inspectors. The marks will not bI) sent 10 candidates by the depart- ment. Certificates will also be sent to principals Mull inspectors about, the 1st. of September. 1 t is 1'0E01011 'elided that unsuccessful candidates should not ap- peal until they have consulted the High school principal after receiving their marks. Appeals to be maintain- ed, must be 1nttttc before the 20tth of September. ltcgar'ding the value of the certificates, It will he understood that a Form I certificate has the stone qualifying value for at teacher's vein ill - eine as at Public school leaving certili• cote, which, together with a Ful'ul 11 certificate, gives primal y standing, and (ambles the candidate, it eighteen years of age, before the end o1' the year, to enter a county trlotlel school. Regard- ing the certificates awarded for the examinations of Form 1t. subjects, candidates 8111)11111 observe the follow- ing:- 1 1. ollo\v- 11. implies that n h'urtu 11 certificate has been awarded the candidate slav- ing obtained tate requisite 50 per cent. on the total, as web as passing in each suhjec' 11, (1) implies that :t f'or'm 11,, part 1. certit;ficale, coverieggrammau', arrth- metic, 1listury and physic Inas been awarded the candidate having obtain- ed the requisite:10 per cent. on the total, as well as passing in each of the four subjects. This certificate, i1) addition to its value as provided by the regula- tions, also entities the holder to junior matriculation standing inthese. fuer subjects; 11. (:3) implies that a Porro 11 past 1, certificate, covering grammar, arith- metic and history, hits been awarded, the candidate beving obtained the requisite.5bper cent. o1) the 101111, as well as passing to eaeli of the three subjects. This certificate, in addition to its qualifying value in the case of candi- dates writing for jimmy or senior leav- ing standing, under the provisions of the former regulations, else entitles the holder to matriculation. standing in these three subjects; .Matriculation (1) Implies that a part '1 junior matriculation certificate, covering grammar, arithmetic, history and physics, has been awarded. This certificate has no Iwatifying value for a teacher's non-peoi't:asiun,11 certificate as the necessary ;d) per cent. on the total was not obtained, Matriculation (3) implies that a part I., junior matriculation 1 ittl'ic1)1)1111)1) certificate, 'Covering grammar, arithmetic and history, has been awarded. This cer- tificate has no qualifying value for a teacher's non-professional certificate. Port 1. C'lint,on--M. C. Acheeon, S. M. Ache- son, 1). ('.ltlttelon, A. 11 tick,, M. Huck, M, tier', H. A. Leech.-Honore---E.Archibald, S. R. Courtice, It. Macpher- son. Goderieh---E. ('raigie, J. W. ('raigie, 1). Elliott, 1(. 8, Hai resort, J. E. Morris, E. A. L. Naftel. M. L. Newton, J. M. Spcn('0, L. 1). Sutherland, F. Turner, F. M. E. Tye, II. C. \Vi gins, J. P. Brown. Honors -\V. E. Elliott, E. R. Narrow, E. Feagttn, W. L. stiles, \V. I. Marcy, 3. 0. Nilsson, 11. S. Masson; W. J. i ttCi'eath, 11. \V. Taylor. Seaforth-- H.R. Abell, 114.3.M. Abell, 0. R. Aelzel, 1. A. Arnold. 1\I. I3r'otvnell, .1. G. (Eich, 1'. J. Cummings, .1. '1'. 8. Dickson, 0. Da pp, 11. E. Elliott, E. 0. Evans, J. Covenlock, O. J. Hamilton, M. 1,. Httrtry, N. holland, M. Laidlaw, L. S. Lawrence, (i, McDonald, A..1. 1). ,1[c111nnn, 11.,Mc111illan, 111. 'Murphy, 1i. M. Pickard, C. Prendergast. honors R. B. 13ond, 1), Campbell, 11. \'an Ed- mond. FORM re ('lin t no --i 1.---,). Bodoni: (honors), E. L. Carder, 111. A. Ellis, 11. A. Leech, E. Alcl';wttn, \V. Alain, W. O'Neill, It. F. Stelek, \V. E. Thompson, II. (1) --\V. S. Baird, P. Baird, M. 1). Campbell, J. E. Falk, I). Halliday, R. iletvap, H.\'1'. King, J. M. Laird, A, E. 11(.Eivan, M, MolTittt, L C. Pickard, M. S. \Vatkor, D. A. Walker, L. It. Cnitvill. IT. (:3)- M. K. Millyard. Matriculation (1)--L. Andrews, 0, Andrews, C. Brandon, E. I. Carlisle, C. Chidley, E. 11. lietcalf. J. Riley, .T. C. Snell, W. S. Turnbull, 3. A. Wiseman. (loderieh- -TT.- - \V. I. Bean, N. F. Church, M. 1. ('hark, (,1. J1. ('lark, \V. A. (Iowan, 1:. I1. Deane, 0. B. Fergll• son, NV. 1,. 'Hackett, ii. R. Long A. 111. J. Mosley, A.S. McLean, 51.141, Ulivant, M. A. Rutherford, 13. f;). Strati Than, Y, Turnhalt, E. G. \Vilsort, 0, E. \Vhyard, II. (4), -\V. It. I3rydges, O. M. Buchan- an, 13. It. [)urnin, J. ll. N. Hiles, W. L. i -tiles, W. S. Lane, 1. Matheson, V. A. Watson, le. L. Williams, W. 11, \Vightnia.n. 11. (3)-111. Itastell. Me- telt:11 n't.ion (I) M.M. Uonglas, T. Ford, I. Noddle, J. Johnston, M. T. Keefe, M. Mrlh)nald, Ai. McKenzie, L. L. McMn1h, C. 1). McSween, 1). O'Connor, R. Snell, J. M. Stothers. Mtttricnla- tirnt (3) -Ai. J:. 1,. I3rydgc's, 0,C01borno, Ti. Ryan, J. U. Stewart, W. W. Stod- dart. Senforth -II. -R. L. Elliott, T. •M. Latimer, (honors), 1V, A. Pickard. i 1. (4) --R. Anderson, M. Beattle, A. Wow - mill, O. A. (tray, M. (tovoillock, E. lnekson, 13. McDonald, 11, Wilson, E. Wright. T1. (3) -0. W. Sanders. Ma- trieitlatbsn (1) i,. ,s, Blatchford, 11. J. Eherhart, AV. Gillespie, .1. Oovenlock, .1. J. Kinney., T. McGavin, T..1. iRyan, 13. Scott, T. J. Waugh, 1). Wren, II. S. Welsh. Matriculation (3)--1. Fowler, McMichnel. Exeter--Is.---13. W. Caldwell, R. Gre- gory, H. Lithe, E.A. Murrill, M. Smith. Matriculation (1) \V. A. i(ibler. Brussels. II .1. Ilia t.e, 111. ('011('. 1) --'tV. Ainley, \V. E. Armstrong, 1. 13rec•keurigde, L ('rooks, Al. Dear mil, 11. Downing. Bayfield.---II.--.1. E. Aiken head, 1 Campbell, J. Peck, A.E. \Vhiddon. li (1) -M. Uttlbr;tith, A. AlvL'od, Matt ( t)--1). A1. Aikeuherld, J. 1 Cameron, A, K, (ittlln'ttith. The Crediton Seer Failed To Locate thetli'hereabouts the Peg -Legged Tramp. C hristoper Ilan, the ''gifted genie of Crediton, who claimed to be able Locate the peg-te ued tramp that sh1 the London policeman, true to his wor returned to the Leaden police static last Wednesday afternoon. P. C. Itot ell was the first man he asked for, 1 tbat officer had accompanied hire on chase Tuesday. Rau told Rowell Lb: he had failed to locate the peg -le whom, he claims, has shot himself ttvolt miles west of London. Ran feels disai painted over the manner in which la mystic art has gone back on him. Ii left for home 'l'hursday,but before goir advised everybody to go out and s( that part ofsths "oountry where the pe leg is alleged to be. Rau is a shoerraker, and has a rami of eight children. The police thin that it hammering shoes to support 11 family has not demented him the co, tinual thinking of $500, cold cash, fi the return of the body of P. C. Toohey slayer has unhinged his mind. Rau sa' that in the daytime he has thought little else than capturing the peg -I( 'tramp, ever since the reward was offe ed, and at night he sees him in that lo in a thick bush twelve miles west London. 27ARE IAGES. I)ON NIt-('i1A10I F:. At the bride's shouse, \1'illinni 1l„ Umbilici', on 'Tuesday, Au 1)1 h. 1898, by Ret•..1as..A, Anderson, 13..E \1' dbnm :A. Duni of , v tnrn'r\ . . to .tat y. el esttl:ut lttcrof .lat'. ('r F. tin io. IIASIIL't' )N - 1111". At the g('hnrch of t: Messiah. 1:ineardine, by the Her. ('. Stilt 13 :1., on Wednesday. Aug. lath, 181 Charles l''redrrihl: Ifanilltuu of the 011)1 office, 'Toronto, lo 1'Int'Essa A. iioss, \Viudsor, 1tal., daughter of Donald Russ, formerly of libitum(' Me. tl0\\'A1tD--I'EIRKIN, in Exeter, on the 3 inst., by Hey Do, V\'illunghby, 'Phou1 Howard of 1.0101011 to Sliss Mary Persica MON'rIa(lMraty--M1Kh:l:,-At the .Mani 1inrrisl11), nu )\'edUcsd,ty, August. 3rd, Ihu Rev. 1t. ('. ('amernu. 13. D„ ,Intal .\funt•gonter)• of Manitoba to Lizzie McKee of the 11111 vonce•siun, Hun'hak. BIRTHS, GALT.- In (lod'rb'tt, on August St 0, to 1 and Mrs, John (halt, n daughter. CI A11K' ha 0ruy, un tt Ausg.on. 3rd, the -rife 11 r, Enoch 1't 1)'k of \14>11011. Itt lerl(tllop. 011 Aug. Arlt. the w of Mr. itola, .1, Moore of a son, 510A13'1'11111. --In .Morris. on Aug. tali. t wife of SIr. Peter. .511•.\rthir, of at sou, 1101.0IIIER'1'\ --11) 511Killop, on Aug. 1)111, 1 wife of 51r. John Dougherty, of 0 sot. 5110A1.((110iN.- On the 8111 0011, of Howick Aug.:1rd, the wife of Mr. Alex. 1McLaugh of a daughter. 131..1'1"1.111: -1n Hnrlock, on Friday Aug. ;i the wife of Ser, Robert Beattie of a son 13110ADFUO')' - rn seafort), 00 Sunday, At 711idnu, toil hth're wife of Alex. 1lrotadfoot, of RUS .•-In Rlylh. on August bah, the wife Mr. 3. 11, Moss, of a. sort. SNELL.- In Morris, on August 911,, the w'ifo Dir• James Snell, of a daughter. WALI(IIR -in Wing/min, 011 Aug, Ilth, the \V of 51t'. T. M. \Walker, a daughter. 1.1 NKI.A'1'111t--11 'l'urnhcl't'ry, on Aug. 3 the wife of 51r..1 . Lint:later. 1 son. WA 14 II. - In Culross, on July ;nth, the wife Mr. Geo. \1'angh. a daughter. GIBS(IN-- in flywick, on Aug. 2nt1. the wife 1rr. ,sautes Gibson of a sen. ' ROVER -In Hensel!, ern the 7th Inst., the w of .1 k, Troyer, of a so). COWARD - in ('sboro(', on the 1st 11)6t„ 1 Wife of 'Phos. Coward, of a son, JAM(E1:ON. In Hellen on Anguat'131h. 1 wife of 1b•. John Jamieson, of tl daughter. -.r . a. - DEATHS. .q (11'1.1,1'I'0N Al Toledo, on 'l'harsday, A Ith, Alice ('ulliton. daughter of Mrs, ('a thine ('ulliton, of Toledo, formerly of (71) rich, aged 12 years 110011.:- In 1'olborn' 'Powllship on Matm'd August fitt , 18)8, spiry Ann ('lark, relief the late Capt. Jas. llol(ie, egad 73 years e I u1tmths. MAGF:1': In Edmonton, N, w.'r., of July 2/ Mrs. James Magee, formerly of Blyth, a3 113 years. i'AIQ1'11A118'ON In Morri,, on Atag, 11th, chariot to Brown, relict of the late Thomas Farquharson, aged 0.2 years. WOR1))01.--in 1'sborne. on August St.h, Eliza. beth Scol1, beloved wife of Joseph \\'Orden, aged 311 years and 3 months. 15'11, 1))N -.At his residenet`, lot 23, con. 11, Turnho•)'y, on Angina 'E18, John Wilson, aired 78 years, 7 mons hs. McKINNON ht ('ulcus, on August nth, John McKinnon, aged '22 years, 5 months, 7 days. GLAHN in Fast \1'awatlosh, at the rositleuce of her son-in-law. Mr. liiirrows, Mrs. Mary (1I hn, aged 78 years, 1)) months. AN EXPLANATION, The reason for the great popularity of Hood's Sarsaparilla lies in the fact that this medicine positively cures. It is America's Greatest Medicine, and the American people have an abidin1l confi- dence in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments, confident that it will do them good, 11(1(41)'8 PILLS S cure all liver ills, Mailed for 25o by C. I. flood A Co,. Lowell, :class. 'I'i[18 IS THE' WAY 1)1' i7'. The glycerine in Scott's Emulsion soothes the rough and irritable throat, The hypophosphites tone up the nerves. And the cod-liver oil beats and strength ens the inflamed bronchial tubes and air cells. A daring highway robbery took piece near 'I'hnrrmsvil)e, when Mesars. Mania ire (,nate and ,Julius Steger were re- lieved of $77 between them, nnd Mr. Shelve, who attempted to resist, got tt bullet, through his hhal, .....w...raattaieLcmhll11111h. ..ne ndana 6 Vian "FOR WORMS and other bowel com- plaints to which chil- dren are liable there is no medicine equal to • 5 AROUND THE DI 8NG -ROOM TABLE 418900.01 The greatest happiness of News -Record Supplement. CLINTON, AUGUST 18'res 1808. tt11111. Alma. Mrs. Richard Carter of Londeshoro is spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. John Jamieson. Miss Johns of Tuckersmith is visiting at her sisters, Mrs. Lawson.'s Mr. Thomas Nott of Algoma was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. He was surprised to see so many farmers finished harvest. He said they had not started harvesting in Algoma when he left, there. Mrs. Iddo Crich of Tuckersmith spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. G. Livingstone, who has been in Iowa for the last three months, re- turned home on Friday. She was accompanied by her niece, " Miss Walker. The Alma Orchestra made its first appearance in the Sabbath school on Sunday morning hast and rendered excellent music. The meeting of the League on Wed- nesday evening_ will be a Missionary meeting. Subject : "Every Christian a Missionary," taken by Miss Emma Carter. Mr. John A. Brownlee, his wife, and Master William front London spent 0 few days here with their cousin, Mrs. H. Little. Threshing is all the rage here now, but the Alma, men are too much for poor Jack. Mr.John Biggens,while attendingMr. Chittenton's threshing, got a very sore wound in the head. Scrapping is net always fun. Quite a crowd attended the League here this week to hear Mr.T.H. Brown- lee give at talk on the Christian Race. The subject was very interesting, and we are sorry Mr. Brownlee is leaving our neighborhood for a time as he has been a great help to our League and also to the church and Sabbath school. Mr. Brownlee left Monday morning for Toronto where he intendstend s spending g ' (ol. We Normal School. a the a term t wish hien every success in his course. Don't forget our big social Friday night. A grand program is prepared and tots of good things to eat, all kinds of refreshments. Alma is never slack in getting up anything oQ•t.his kind. Come and see for yourself. All are invited. Only 15 cts. admission. • The Alma people are very grateful to their pastor, Mr. Arrnstrong,Jor bis taking such a interest in the work here . among the young people. Every Meet- ing is very cheerful and Mr.Arntstrong is sparing no pains in advancing the work both in the League and in Sete both school and church. \Ve had another good treat here on Sunday evening as Rev Mr. Sawyer's called on us again. He and Rev. Mr. Armstrong conducted it very good evangelistic service. Both of our young pastors gave addresses on inter- esting subjects. They took for the text " W bat, think ye of Christ 2" Mathew, 22, chapter, 42 verse. Quite a few strangers were present. The church was well crowded. There will he ser- vices of this kind every second Sunday evening, commencing at half -past seven. Clinton Collegiate Leads, LIST OF TIIE SUCCESSFUL CAN- DIDATES AT CLINTON, SEA - FORTH AND GCDERICH. FORM III. . Clinton -IIT. -A. Bean, A. Chidley (honors), L. K. Colwill, H. Courtice, E. Geiger, E. Gregory, T. B. Hooper (honors) L. 13. !sinister, F. King, J. Mc- Connell, A. 141. McEwen, A. Murdoch, R. G. Reid, G. Shepherd, M. Mel. Stewart, P. N. Fraser. Matriculation -.John Ester, passed in German, Latin and (creek; John Thompson, passed in Latin authors and German. Godericll-I11.-J. A. Gibson, G. A. Jeckell (honors), F. E. McLean, R. Sheppard, G. lit. Strang (honors). Ma- triculation -L. J. Elliott passed in French ; J. A. Gregory passed in French and Latin; W. Y. Hayden, passed in Latin. Seatfortt-III.-A. S. Bond. G. Buch- anan, M. A. Daly, A. A. Lamont, M. McDonald, D. Mackay, I. McNabb, B. McTavish, F. C. Neal, F. R. Smith. Matriculation -W. A. Kerr, passed in Latin. FORM IV. Clinton -Part [.-G. Murray. Part II. -G. H. Bielby. Goderich-Part IL -Jennie G. Dick- son, I, W. J. Kilpatrick. Seaforth-IV.-W. Aberhart, N. R. Hoffnittn. Part, 1.-R. M. Aitchison - F. J. Lawrence, passed in Latin and Greek; C. B. McKinley, passed in Latin and Greek. West Iluron Plebiscite Notes. The organizers, Messrs. Courtice c Gregory, have (.oure and been actively engaged in Wawanosh during the past week, and this week the township of Col- • borne has been organized. On the 17th they held an organization meeting in Calvin church, East 1Vawanosh, when suledivisions No's 2, 3 and 4 were or- ganized, with officers as follows :- No. 2 -President, A. Carr; Vice - President. G. Fothergall ; Sec.•Treits., A, S. McDowell. • ' No. 3 -President, John Currie; Vice. President, W. Patterson; See.-Treas., D Simpson. 'N o.4 -President, Writ. Martin; Vice- Pr•esident, Jas. Dow ; Sec.-Treas., R. i She 1l. The reports from Colborne organiza- tions have not yet come to hand. The literature has been apportioned to each of the different organizations and is being distributed hy committees appointed for the purpose. The finances are also being well looked after and will he forthcoming when required. Auburn. _ - -- .-. _ - S. L. Laube, optician, will he at D. BIRTHS. E. Munroe's store on Friday of this week. He has given very great satis- SIIAW--10 Clinton on August lath, the wife of faction in this vicinity during the past Dr - Shaw, of a son. ten years. market to -day 5,4110 cneese were uonru- ed. Sales -100 at 77„c, 1,590 at 710. Next meeting Friday, Aug.: 30. Kemptville, Aug. 12, -Ten hundred and twenty-eight cheese offered on the board torday. No sales. Highest bid 7i c. Brighton, Aug. l2.-Ten.factories put on the Brighton Cheese Board to -day 95u white ; 510 sold to Whitton at 7 11..iCie, Buyers present -- Whitton, Bird and Cook. Board meets Friday, iOth, usual hour. South finch, Aug. 12. -At the regu- lar meeting of the South Finch Cheese Board to -day the buyers present were : , R. Wier, Primer, Birdsell and Alli- son. The number of cheese boarded were 941 ; 537 white and the balance colored ; 71to was offered for colored ; none sold. CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every W eariesdav nfteritnon. Fall Wheat, new .... (15 to 05 Wheat, ood 70 to 70 Barley .. 0 32 to 0 33 (mats. .... 0 25 to 0 25 Peas 0 47 to 0 60 Rye 0 89 to 0 40 Potatoes, per hush, new0 50 to 0 60 Butter loose in bnaket,.., 0 11 to 0 12 Butter in tub. 0 12 to 0 13 1'uggs per dol (1 9 to C 10 it ay ..,. 6 00 to 0 0() Live hogs 0 00 to 4 70 Pork per owt ,. 0 00 to 6 00 Dried Apples per lb .. 0 03to 0 04 Duoka per lb. ....... 0 05&to 0 06 Turkeys per lb . 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per lb. 0 05 to 0 06 Chickens per pair 0 30 to 0 36 Wool0 16 to 0 16 .a. V 1.1 s - fr. J. V OA. .a. .1. r A+L LJ tN iuuu, Raisins-i\ialaga, \rat( Icia and Sultanas. Currants-Filiatl'as and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron, NI?TS-Filberts, 8, S, Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKING FIGS for 5e, a lb. NICE OLI) RAISINS for Se. a lb ---headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, J.WJR W. McKay, Block, 9 ^-Clinton. OUR SILVER JUBILEE lVcsteluhn 1 all@'' London Sth to 17111, 1898 Entries doge 71.11 September, Space allotted on receipt of entry. Our at l rn0llone will he grunts, and e x 11ihit.s utieurpessod. Yon can see all t hat, others Pan show and to het ter•atdveninge. itnyal i)1'ngoonv, Prince O'liabo's Saps, Hie ilossnn ,ion ,\li's 81111tans and many other specials, fire hest in the co11111(,y. Fireworks (well evening, "Blowing 17p IIIe Matins," ngsisted hy ell he ring and sI 1)81' at.ta'actions. Species excursion trains leave London at 11) p.m. and after, so you en.n stay to the fireworks. Auction Snle Of Boot lei rind Piivilegcs, \Vednesdny, Alignsl. 17th, on the grounds at. 2 p,rn. Prize Lists, Pr grnninPs, rtc., apply M Tat, -('OL, \V. M. (IATl.TSII, OS. A. i3fO\Vh,, Presi0131:dent. Ti1SecreNtary