HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-18, Page 44 The Clinton Nevus -Record l.00 u Your, fu Advaucc. THURSDAY, AUtiVIRT 18'r1I, 1898. ' ONS PRING AND ANOTHER. A political Ileal is said to be on in Manitoba for the translation of Mr. Greenway to the Dominion Senate and the assumption of the provitjsc�ltltl premiership by Mr. Siftou, F$11 breezy young elan who is w Minister of the Interior. He is one of the class of ulen brought to the frost by ire Manitoba School QLIeStiuu, which ryas exploited wore for - party popularity than for any reason connected with the public welfare, If Mr. Greenway goes to the Senate he will politically bury himself its the parish methods by which he hits been enabled to retain power tit Winnipeg are not such as can be successfully ei n- ployed at Ottawa. Mr. Greenway has fared very well by politics, slating back to the period when he played the role in this county of Pontius Pilate acid betrayed the confidence of his party for the thirty pieces of silver, its hits been alleged, or its equivalent, «*. The first division in the Legislature gave the Hardy Government it major- ity of six and the Liberals tare Its pleased as if they expected Lite ava- lanche early in the session. lm the debate which preceded the division the suppol•ters of 1 -lardy sat its if glued to their seats And made no at',elllpt to reply to the arguments of the Conser- vatives. Are they just so Many voting machines rind with no other mission bnt to register the will of the little Czar who is just now Premier ? .*„ Hardy's policy is quite evident. lie hopes to weary and coerce the Opposi- tion into allowing the passage of his Constable Bill, but it play be that le reckons previously. Public opinion is with Whitney nl opposition to this i piece of outrageous legislation which should be fought to the last ditch. If It Government is :allowed to endow it class of its followers- with the franchise after the election kind thus alter the result and save themselves, where is our boasted system of responsible gov- ernment ? *** Mr. Garrow has given tine electors many a surprise since the third of Mareh '98. Many•at that time ex- pressed the opinion that his dignity wonld never permit of hit" becoming " Gibson's Choice " ; others,. again In- sisted that he would not accept until the mystery surrounding that ballot which, it has been charged, was tamp- ered with at the Holnlesville poll, had been cleared aP.stillOt hers maintained that a spirit of fair play would cause him to oppose the special session and the object for which it has been called, in other words that he would not seek to change the law, under which the election was fought,in order to steal the sent from "Joe" Beck. But Mr. Garrow by bis acti$$ns-actions speak louder than words1as put such prophecies all out of joint and given himself a standing among the ultra poli- ticians. Hardy still retains Its heads of two of his most Important Departments men who -were rejected by their constitn- ents on March 3rd, or nearly six months ago. If two "ontsider•s" can hold portfolios why not three times two, or for that !natter the whole Cabinet ? Still to follow custom and the constitution would keep its on the safe side, and if Mr. Hardy cannot forthwith beg or steal a seat each for Gibson and Dryden he should allow them to retire into private life. Lieutennnt.GovernorMclnnes ofBrit. I Columbia is earning Itis spurs. Ile is a Liberal and ha.s a son whom he wanted to force into the Turner Gov- ernment, but the Premier refusing to follow the suggestion the Governor dismissed hit" front office and called in Mr. Beaven to form it Cabinet. As it happened this gentleujan is not even a member of the Legislature,having been ignominiously defeated at the list elec- tions, nor wits lie tho leader of Lite Opposition, in fact he ran AS an inde- pendent. Mr. Beaven has been uilsuc- cessfill in his endeavors to form it Gov- ernment so Govornor McInnes has had to make another choice. His pretext for dismissing Turner wasthe flimsy one that ie did not command the support of the Legislature. As the elections are just over and the parties stand even it will be granted that the Gover- nor exceded his duty, but displayed his partisanship. Had Mr. Turner been more worldly-wise andeorrupthe would have given each and every member of the McInnes farnily a comfortable posi- tion, even if he had to create a few sine- cutes forthepurpose. Pap seems to have the most soothing effect upon Liberal politicians, as is well-known by experi- ence in Huron, very well known, in- deed. The following despatch from Ottawa does a title unfold and disclose a pretty moral. To lead to a proper under- standing there must be a rending be- tween the lineg,coupled with the rumor that has been current for several months that the Signal man would be liberally dealt with. Iloweyer, he. lifts well earned his reward, even though it is given in this rather unusual manner. We shall be pleased to eventually lent that it hn.s netted him several thou. sand dollars without any exertion for himself. The despatch -ran thus:- "The Government has Awarded the contract for the completion of the Goderich harbor works to Mr. I)A,n. MOGillicilddy, editor of tho Iiuron tiignal.' Thip work was undertaken by Luke Madigan some years Ago Pot $50,000. After spending eonsiderAblo money on It he threw up the contract. New tenders were recently called for, T11 C Mr. McGillicuddy receiving the. con- I Afiss ww'ylllan and Mins (Greenway tit tr,aet at $68,Wt), lin aluuuut ill excess of Toronto returned to that city oil Dlon- the first contr£tct, on which at least i day after it pivasaut .stay with their friends. Mr. rutd His. Peterlteid. $10,(X10 was expended." On Monday 8th fist. tit 5 O'clock p. and yet as a municipal corporation it is Ill. Goderich was honored by it brief 4 m vibit frolMiss Ilaulic•efote, daughter B,tp Salesmen Disagree. of the livitish A mbassndor at Wn4hing- uyers and ton, will) accompanied LOtd and Lady both selected by a celebrated English Itivers-ww'ilsoll on 1,116ir tour (it inspec• --.------ tion of (lilt- harbour. Other distin- Tlle London Cheese Board Not Knished visitors were with the party. Ilarnlonlona• 1'htl Misses Neflon of To:edo are visit Ing their parents. _. _,.._ Garderlel' C. Wells says tile drought "brLandon Cheese Market oilHtatur- vely ntu(•ll retarded the growth of flit t as disutl a failure Ila any Ac,.iony,ie��.Tlg$held SillCe the buyers corn and other• garden produce. The circus t of l L. stain took offenve at the salesulell refusing(,, I-tule was a sight. worth seeing, 'Cls parade , Th to sell on the board only. Buyers amt( salesmen Were both well represented carne up 5(1111,11 tit. frimi the Agricul grounds till(] took the Wv't and a dozen factories boarded 2,038 boxes of elleese, but the buyers, with `Sills of of the Square, Hoole nut sai(1 Oh they hate till steam organ,' but befort the exC'eptl(1tl (1f 011e Who 18 [lot In 1,110 all Elle sight., were Seell there salon tilt clique, del'IIIIPd 1,U hid, and LIU sales1171,11(1pe, with its ('laltll4 (if black alllUkt playing "There', it hot t lute ill the (,ill were made. As to sOlutiuu of the difficulty, it has town '.O_mgbt." Thr. horses were I been suggeste(i by Sonne of the statesmen I'enutfful sight, ovuryb�)cfY war loud in their The lieu. that 1L few w0l ks' triol Should be riven 1, the legislation SU light by the buyeIs, praise. showed great. pt'otic•ievey fn the arl and to to lily. it if it should work Of tl`nitlimg ;LllltilAl9 fat' e:ic•h (1IIM t(1(lk its EharO of u1u41.t when handed to it, efrectltctOlily. Au agreement u to that effect, however, would not, he sber without any snarling m• anxiety to lie all r the It mother sou-` c ii- waited on fly -St. One of the greats, features of the s11ow tva,s thu lion ler they was cider that they would be huub}i11K themselves tayield itfters0voralweeks' forming his gylat,iOns on the bru'� u Hghting to the. buyers' demands' A the elephant. 'Che Ottawa "Fr1. press" says of the visit of the circus 1,l boycott oil t,be factories repl0sented by the dfascuting salesl]t0n would he the that city : "Walter L. Main's g"niu. only possible itieans Of bringing there for management lilts been recognizve ;inti the luerit of the performance. ((1) to time. Ill•(a(•iated by the thousands of peopl 1. ` wilt) went to his circus yesterday so much to make a beautiful and en- With So m;uty advtu)ce pronliS('S to fill . . F. High Court Meeting, ill it,, imferfor shote would have falls through. hopes in the future developement and Orty flu'u)ers ought, surely note try t ---- propolgate good horses. The Order alOtlriSltill , Amend. The (•Icctric wave struck Goderich of {t{silts 1,0 l'olist ittltltln ,1(lo1►ted. �litI rsdav, lith August. Lfghtiin from the ability and foresight of its Sll•tlek the hMis' nils occupied by Mr __._-___ W. It. Itoburlso'i, collier l+Agin Ave Chatham, August 9.-TheHigh(lottirt.1 Ontario indept and Stailey $til. but the datilage for I unit0ly Was n)1, veru of of n dent, Order of , POreStceS c011611ied hu,iuess this attar soriolls, som 1)ictnre flaufes hehig dliinagod, and tit 'tho noun and (telling. The lllgh Coul•t. I cllinmt"v nttfrel'ell lass of Soill placed itself oil record Ili being opposed i b, irks. The flag -pole ,,it. the lighthous to the admission of tv(1ilmVl Into the tvlasdeshovedand all outbiylildillgatt.h alder. H('\•et'Ilt,lllletltilllell(4t(ltl)L'?(•.11- British Isx(•hal)ge dalmige(l It little. stihltion were offered, The more imt- I Tile' house,r)ow Nein.( erected by btr portant Ones adopted were that stc•k' James Thompson tit' the 1lisie star benefits be $5 per week for twelve I s(Illitre will be It very llalidsome addi weeks, I tion to the cant enol of otil• growin '1110 Suprertle foul t will be asked to town. it is snrrnolmted fly- a cupola Wake p't,vision so thilt a luelnber in � The Kensington h'cirnituee Fa(aor good ,tit"ding WAY lollorfthly with- , staff are taking thoh- holidays an(] tit dlaty. The practice of appointing I olgall factory staff' will scion follo, High Court, officers as delegats tO i snit, whey are at present working to Supreute Court will be dispensed With. ( t) p.m, instead of the High Court Standing 11rs. Nailtom lilts a plant in her pos C'omittee a;)pointhlg vacancies for 5n- I session, presumably of the aloes, family preink) Court r0prescutatioll the c,ul- which note almost reaches the ceilh didates receiving the next highest tote ('f her drawing loom. The only alter will be appointed. ,lative lloty will he to pinch its grtlwt.l Dr. Oronhyntekl)a stated that it was or, build a cupola to her litnclsoul the Intention of t fie Supreme l.xecotive house ill which the plant may grow t to ask the Supreme ('olll•t to increase its full height. the fates. This,however, would not The annual prize given by MoisP A affect present inewbers- legislation Skimmings at, the Hiltr,u)ce exautintt will be .also asked frn• peru,tssi,,,l to tion a,1, tile ) t) ((110;,1ntr lnstitnLe fo grant nteiubers reacting the age of 7U 1'%nglisli Was won Ily 1lissStrang, Th Years the Sallie privileges as a totally Prue this year was ;tit inkbottle, o disabled member. glans oil a. gilt Maple leaf Of. fureigl •LThe Finance report shotes that the Inalse- High Cuurt is in it healthy c'nnaition. Mechanics are being looked ip to TWO years ago the liabilities stere- commence work on the elevator. ;$4,•?28.23; oil July 31 this year the sir- Al", Pitt, 1:1to Of the 7th Battaliol plus wits :$.,,11(3.),,,0. The recoinnlcrida- land: Lond011, and now villploved It tion to pay one delegate front each t.le ivensingtotl Works, lilts bee» visit court i$2 per diens and 5 cents mileage inn, his friends at London and Glencoe was not approved, otherwise the report Hiss Goode, sister of W. C. Goode WAS adopted. druggist, hits returned to her hun)e a The. amendment, 1,0 this I'eport ila Bowniallville, after a pleasant visit o 'e<i n1, i , carr it u)rizes 1 of $31 tho r. 4(11 (1 S ' 1,1 heI nc m nth, with hi -other, per (]fern tint! 5 cents per mite to each m le t Ttle !tee. Andrew lftddrnul, D.D., o delegate. St. Piull, !lion., )reached ;1 ver )lens 1 Y The fnllntVlllg OfIi QP.I'R W(`1'e ehOBeIL'-- Ing all(] IllFtrUeti,•D aet'!ll(1il At �K114. W. R. Hickey, Bothwell, High Chief ell"' ell Sindav et•ening last. The Hev Ranger: G. N. Cour•tnep, St. Thomas, gentell"ll took flit- his text the XC, High Vice Chitt Italy er; Frank I.. ('haps of St. John:ntd 41st. verse, "Not McCormack, St.'lholnas, High Seele_ intlepinc"where fie was crucifi"tither tarry; Arcluleacon Davis, London, High $vas 1,L garden ; and in the garden a tie TreAsnrer; Or. Cauu•"Ol], Ga1t,High sepulchre wherein $vas never roan ye Physician; Alex. Porter•, Sinncoe, High haul' and took great pains to ilnpres Coitneillor; Chas• \4'ilkinson, :Niagara upon thn minds of his henver•s that i Falls, And C. 11. Merrifield, Monckton, Will; Well to have a grave Ell every gilt' High Anditorq. The next meeting of (]ell Ell which to biry their doubts the High Court will bike place in 1809 fears ;trill sorrows Out of :sight. As a at Niagara Falls, Ont. fllnstration the Rev. lir. said : .On entered the lists among these being W. day walkhAg up one of the i)eautifu . - - * - - • • avenues Ill Ins own city I noticed Y. 0. Oddllellows At Galt. bo;ult:ifni hoqq swinging fn a harnmoc singing the !Oeels Ciuspel hymn "Gc ton, George Matheson and John Carti bury void• sorrow" and he said tha dithers. The two former will be well after) he had sting that hymn, hilt i Annual 111;(eetill-I of Grand Lodge. had Wesel singing, for himiadrleffectualll . - "ImSed awa.ry fr•rnn hurl till the doubt Galt, August 9•- 71le Annual convert- that At that Inlnlient assailed hill!. tion of the three grand bodies of the Our Old ex -British soldier, .III-. Hop Independent Order of Oddfellows as- 1)e1', wits liafled with delight on th sen)bled here to -day. Five hundred or dlly Wait(' L. Aiain's circus paraded six hundred delegates lh;ive arrive(l, by Itn old hand companion of Ills wits and are billeted at the flOtels atilt 1)1'i- w1win lie played 44 years ago. Th vate boarding houses throughout Lite bandalll,trl recognized Mr. Ilooper tit i town, The mercantile establishments glance. on Main and other streets are profiIse- And now the Sigu;tl's Daniel is ly decorated with red, white a»d blue Govt. contractor, he and Dir. Hnlelattl bunting. Strcaulers appiopriately in- of the planing mill with a third party being scribed with mottoes of greeting are accepted As joint enntr,tetors for stretched across the principal thorough- the hre nkwater. No f(-ar of the work fares, and Hags are conspicuous every- being a signal failure this tune. where in honor of the visitors. Tho :lir. and Mrs. McGregor of the Cns- forty-fourth annual session of the. toils, Stratford, with their daughter, Grand Lodge 1. O. O. F. Of Ontario are spending a few weeks fn town. opened Wednewiny ruot'nin r in the hail. Master Tile Misses Hardy of Toronto ,End Oriltia town G,1•tiud J. it. yoing) are visiting all their old friends ofTharllesfor(I, President, A largenu1l- here. i ser of rot rebentn tl-P9 all(] 1,L ill /l1, h('1' of `liss Dlina, Dickson, late of Part Grand orf}cerS were present.. 1Iti -on, Is -!siting ler many friends The reports of the Orand !pastel•, here Grand SecreLary ill�d Grand Tre'asover The Goderiell Woollen Mill is flow were suhtnittedin paillphlet forill, alai !)Ilsily engaged putting the blankets were very exhanstive htntellwnts. The into Lite looms, Grand Master's repo t referred to t ile Itev. Air. Goodwin !arid daughter, have Progress of the Order throughout the returned frOln their holiday trip. yc car and showed (hitt, during the tertil Do% Shaw of Detroit is the guest of Dr, be constituted four new lodges and acid Mrs. Clarke, Newgitte Ht. the expenditure for I-01 f alone Miss Robertson lett on Monday list kunotinted to tj38'3,ffs. The increase in to finish the holiday vacation at ,lllts- Inemher:ship,had been three tittles that koka. Mrs. W. It. Robertson, her Of the prevtOlts Year. Tile officers for mother, 1s there for her, health. the ensuit r* year a.1 -et -J. 1•;, Fal'0W('ll, We are sorry to luitiounee the death 12th August Whithy, (;rand MastOV; James AIC- on of Mrs. Wilson, the Clung, Woodstock, Deputy (tl'£tnd e4linlnble mother (1f Councillor James Mnster ; O. 1',. Lewis, (Chatham, Grand Wilson, druggist, At her residence Warden ; J. 13. Kiln r, Toronto, Grand Secretary W"..1. Newg,tt0 St. ( or a nuinhor of months Mr•s. Wilson was t Atc('orrnack, Toron- a patient,enffer•er and to, Grand Treasirer; Henry White, Ilan all done for her that medical skill P. G. M., Grand Repl,esentatiye ; could suggest. Fier daughter, I.S.M(1, Charles Packert, trr:ud Auditor; 'fanner of Trnonto an(t her son, who Henry White, P. G. DL, Director of were devotedly attached to their moth the Od(dfelluws' Horne for three years. er, were always by flet- side, brit death The Mileage and Per Morn Conlluil- clairtled her' a4 his own land she died tee's Adopted report Nxes the t,,ate t,f An wile lived, Resting on the Ro( of mileage at 5 cents a mile each tray, $2 diem. Ages. Mrs. Wilson ranle to Goderich ninny Ago and herself and per years proved not only a devoted mother, but a kind and lowed b Mr. Geo. Erwin the present Y , extremely charitable friend and ue.igh- j� UirculUr Town Topics, bar and a dc^onto ttended rile Mr. Tanner of Toronto ftttendad the finer - as follows :-•.(leo. Erwin, reeve, 'Taal Thompson, Dr. Stanbury, Tho8. Elliot al, which took place front her rest(](>nce Dir. Thos, Sturdy hall his face badly inpired on 8atnrday night by a vicious kick from a hoi se be recently pirc•hns- ecl for his grocery dolivcry. fie had Inst got)" out of the store to hA."nens it. !Ell's. ii, Clucas of London is the guest, for a fete days of her aunt, airs. Cox, w'ictoria St. 5liss Akaul going the sacred solo, "Hatished," At Knox church during col- lection On Hilnday a.m. last. Who also sang at the uleeUtig of the Wonlev Foreign Mission on the 9th inst.. And vera acceptably, Mrs. Bedford will spend tills Reason in (lnsseltnn. Dakota, with her sister, Mrs. Oreen. Mrs. Joy, n sister Of the Into Mrs. John i)onogh, left ml Sunday per steatrler Carmona fir her home at Nashville, TenswSsee. Site wits tvhilo here the guest of her naives, the Misses Donogh, Bedford Block, and will spend a short season in Detroit the gnclnt of relatives in that city. Miss Nellie Oibllons returned to her home in Detroit, on Sunday last. and MeldrOin officiated a.1, hollasl and grave. The palibearorn were Captain Gibson, And Messrs, John Acheson, A. Straiton, Henry Horton, James Mich- annii and John Walker. On TnOsdAy 9111 inst. its rho residence of Mr. Critigie, William tit., hisdltngh- ter Mary was married to W. A. 1)aier, Banker, of Htrathroy, Out. Major, Vareoe lilts rettirned from Stanley flarracks. His military ex• amination Stands thus: 1';Onftltion 78 marks where IN) fs the highe4t, and In Sword FxOreise, HIAble Onties An(1 Fitting Saddlery, 2,3 n1A"1(s in early, where 2C) marks is tho highest. The Misses McDonald of Lond.nn are guests at the iesudenceof Noble Hrufth, I' F(. Nigro tit. )�r. i)otlglns Johnson, h:lgin fit„ A.tfd his coin;ranion, the third son of Air. George Hhoppard, left to try their for- tun0s fn Manitoba. 'Tllcy areenergetic. youths and we wish them alleposs. Mrs. King (nee Bliss HOflkel•) wife of the station master kind express agent, At Mt. Fot•est, with their son, (Chn"lea, spent A few days in town last woek. ., 1 I, e t f " ) s i e n 0 1 f, e e e e C. e 6t- y' 0 v 1 g 1 e 0 r e f I ) 1 t - I f If V e w t. s t n e i a k ) t t e Y s e d I The L n IINTON NEWS-11ECORD. Past and Ppesent O BayReld 0Y%#~VN0V%^0Y�`iill0`k0l`0t The `Village Has Seem Better Days A Retrospect Prepared for The News -Record by Its Local Correspondent. Facts Gleaned from History and Old Citizens. T111d "LAUL wag located as a town and and rhos. Clark, councillor's, llenry had its name long before many other Erwin, clerk, ,lobi Whiddon, trea,tirer more prosperous and wealthy towns and Benjamin lliggins, assessor, who die(; villages in the county were thought of soon after completing his duties this and yet as a municipal corporation it is Year, and who was assessor fw- about scarcely beyond its majority, having twenty-one years. Mr. Charles 'tippet been organized in 1876. The beautiful is collector, site and the barwonious name were Tcis BOARD Oil 11L;A£.•ru is composed of both selected by a celebrated English Dr. Sheppard, hl, 11, u., the peeve, engineer named Bayfield, whose profes- Clerk and Messrs., T. Cameron, J. 'Tfp� Multi services were employed by Barron Pett and .1. Ferguson, while .lir. Liddy De Foile to come to Canada and select Performs the duties of sanitary inspec a place in the territory of the Canada toll'here in Company for the purpose of founding a are the villa a four en g general city or a town. All the arrangements stores, two harness shops, two shoe - were made between the Company and maker shops, two blacksmith and Lite Baron in the year 1828 and a year wagon shops, one lin shut), three cabin - later Captain Bayfield came to Canada et shops and two undertakers, two bar - and, after exploring the large tract of bers, one baker, one watchmaker, 1,t country then owned by that famous drug store and book store, two butche' l's, ring of land monopolists, selected the one tailor, two hotels licensed for ane site of the proposed city which hits ever Year and one summer hotel licens(d for since borne his name. No doubt Cap, six months, a saw mill and shingle will, tain Bayfield was prompted in making a gristing and chopping will, The lat• the selection by the attractive scenery ter enterprise has bauty allowed to li(g of the neighborhood, the bold and rug- somewhat and Bayfield to -day stands ill ged outline of the lake front, the ap- need of it good grist mill and we cannot parent water power to be made avail. think of any place in Western C)ntario tibia in the picturesque river as well as where such an undertaking ,would the natural productiveness of the soil yield larger profit for the money surrounding the site. Tbinking of all Invested than in this village. We these things which ought to contribute I have also a fine town hall, all so much to make a beautiful and en- Orange hall and three physicians, terpriiing city, Mr. Bayfield had great viz„ Drs. Sheppard, Stanbury and hopes in the future developement and !roods. The town is lighted by elec prosperity of his offspring and name- tricity and in this respect we are not sake. If these great expectations have behiDd the age as 11 r. ,las, .Donaldson, not been realized, it does not detract who owns the plant, supplies splendid from the ability and foresight of its light so that although perhaps Nye may founder for none can deny that in be a little slow otlarwise yet we let city' natural location and surroundings flay light shine, `1'e have telegraph coal- field possessed greater advantages than munication and a stage route connects many other now more prosperous and tis with Seaforth and .Brucetiel(1 which brings daily the go-ahead towns surrounding it, us a wail stili post Many reasons have been given for otlfce, Isere supplies the people for it hayfield's want of enterprise and its distance of five miles on the three sides. failure to develop abreast of other The only public works worthy of note places, but the principal one ng doubit is the harbor on which 51, 0,000 was ex - is that, unfortunately, it does not lie on pended during the, years 1875.8 by the the line of any railway ; still the live in Dominion (lovernwent in addition to hopes of seeing in the no distant future $'10,000 of the 'Township of Stanley's this same little town a hive of industry Municipal I,oan Fund, The ')resent and its citizens alive to its importance government have thought fit to repair as a lake port and a distributing point the work which ha,1 become of little for lumber, coal and other merchant, service, and accordingly during the able products. present year several thousand (collars The location having been selected, have been expended in renewing the Baron De .!•bile purchased in 1530 from breakwater on the north side and the the Canada Company 1500 acres at 01 understand the dredging of the river cis per acre on each side of the river basin at the mouth will begin At once so which received also the name of Bay- ( that we expect soon to provide barber field. This land was surveyed into a accommodation for the largest lake town plot in 1832, but no improvements schooneva or steamers. Whatever may were made until ]533 wben a small ) be the future of I3ayffeld it is certain clearing was made on the south Side of the river and a log house built there on J that it has seen bright and prosperous I days and if it is now passing throuch a the "point" and occupied by one Riley, shadow its brilliant past counts for who kept a boarding house for the I Much and its people can proudly boast Baron's men who were employed in , of being at one time the distributors of getting out timber, etc., for the propos- I more wealth in a few years than will be ed town. But the Baron not coming out i accomplished by tiny other tcwu to to see big new town trusted tc agents' here with the result that in 183(1 on the Western ()ntario in the course of its I natural life. Farmers within a radius of Baron's death the timber, etc., was( lying 1 of thirty miles can testify to the libera- rotting on the river's Banka while the lity of the buyers who for several years only house, up to 1835, in the place was not only purchased their products but Riley's and that of John !Morgan, who advanced liberally on the security of "Notably kept a small store for the Baron. At their growing crops. anlong;st the time of the Baron's death many , these liberal men was,Mr. ,James Oarrd- contracts had been let for the erection tier, who now occupies the position of Of public improvements among which j Postmaster in our village. The amount was'a mill, but these contracts all fell i of business at that time done in Bay, can be better understood it through. Subsequently, William Allen of Guelph erected a mill on the river field when I is known that no less than nine buyers under the direction of the young Baron. I were engaged and kept busy in buying I wheat and a large army of clerks About this time two more log houses roasonablecharges will be paid if the dog is feuu(1 all right. wehe.t)uilt by George Harris and John employed in weighing and Stowing Boyle and during 1,11(1 summer of 1835 awa - The writer i fo'n d h an Y was n 1 ne y W. W. Connor built a log house and old lady living in the neighboibood of during this same summer the timber on Brueefield that when her husband got Clan Gregor square was cleared away away o market before six o'clock fit the and this was the only clearing between morning a •ill 1) hit tom b sh would d e- I est hi ] e Grand Bell., c. -ad Goderich and west of for dinner, but if he left late in the (If - the London road. So the settlement ternoon she did not expect him till mill. of Bayfield went along steadily until in night so great was the crush fn the Bay - 1837 about 75 persons of all ages were field market. At that time farmers found in the district and on the call to teamed their grain from as far east Its arms due to the rebellion of William Stratford and as far south as I,ucan t,. !,yon Mackenzie 15 able bodied men the Bayfield market, and so great wits entered the lists among these being W. the supply that every available barn, W. Connor, D. II. Ritchie, - Hiley, storehouse, or any temporary shelter John Morgan, Geo. Morris, Jobn Boul- had to be secured to hold Lite grain till ton, George Matheson and John Carti shipping day, while At thu same time dithers. The two former will be well eggs were sold here at '25 cts a dozen remembered in the surrounding coun- and butter at 25 ets a lb. Among those try as they occupied prominent posi- now living here and who can tell of nor tions in municipal and political life and former greatness and to whom the who but a few years ago were living writer owes much of the above inform,t- amongst us and could tell interesting Con are: -11r. ,lames 'Thompson at stories of the hardships and priva• present a Counoillor and who has for tions of pioneer life. The first school Years conducted a milling business iil teacher in this district was Edward our midst ; lir, ,lames 11cl)onalcl who 'Templeton who taught in 1 log build- settled here fn 1885 and int- a great ing erected on the river banlc as number of years conducted a prosper- carly as 1836. • This building has un- ous tailoring business ; Dir,.lohn F,ssoll dergone repairs wlioh has given it a at one time cleric of Stanley and for modern appearance and is at present years reeve of Bayfield ; 11r. Jas. Whit - occupied by Dr. !foods who has desig- tan who conducted a waggon shop f ,r nated his office "The Ilut". a. great number of years; 11r, 1. .I. Rev. Mr, Cooper, Episcopal minister, Marks who bought large rluantitieg of held the first religious services in the grain and conducted a general store ; settlement, IIe visited the village Mr. Thos. Cameron who still conducts monthly and preached in the house of the harness shop which at that time Mr. Connor. A few years after the was owned and manngcd by his father, present English and Methodist church- the late Donald Cameron, tt110 employ, es were built. There are at present ed four men the year rouml although three churches, English, Presbyterian _. _ ._.. _ _ _. _ and Methodist and the present minis- FACTS ABOUT- HEALTH tern are, respectively, Rev's Smith, W. Graham and E. A, Show, The school trustees are Messrs. John It 1,(t Easy to Keep Wen If We Know Pollock, chairman, 'Thos. Cameron, How -Same of the Conditions Neces- sary to Porfeot Health. secretary, John Whiddon, William Whiddon, T, .J. Marks and ,James Fow, The importance of maintaining good lie. The teachers at preaent employed health is easily understood, and it is aro Mr. G. W, Holman, principal, and really a simple mptter it we take a cor- Mr..J. W. Whiddon, assistant. rect view of the conditions required. Bayfield was incorporated ay a village In perfect healththe stomach promptly in 1876 and contains within its limits digests food, and thus prepares nourish - about 1760 acres and the total assessed meat. The blood Is employed to carry value for the current year $89,646 and this nourishment to the organs, nerves, population 700 ; number of ratepayers muscles and tissues which need it. The 170, but if the count the floating popu- first greatessential forgood health, there- lation we would have double that nuns- tore, is pure, rich blood. Now it is cer- ber in the summer time. tainly s,faet that no medicine has such Mr. IV. W. Connor was the first a record of cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. reeve of the village and he was succeed- ed by Mr. Keys, who in turn gave place It is literally true that there are hundreds again to Mr. Connor. Mr. Connor of people alive and well today who would was succeeded by Mr. .John Esson, at have bean in their graves had they not present a resident of the village, who taken hood's Sarsaparilla. It Is depended occupied the chair for seven years. Mr. upon as a family medicine and general i:saon gave place to Mr, John Pollock regulator of the system by tens of thou - who held the position for two years, anti sands of people. This is because Hood's resigned to Mr. George Castle. Mr. Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure, This (%18010 was reeve for several years and is the secret of Its great oueeenn. beep a stem In henith by kApping+ was succeeded by Mr. George `roods y0nr good and he by Mr. Jas. Burns, who was fol Your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla, which absolutely cures when other medi- lowed b Mr. Geo. Erwin the present Y , cines tail to do any good whatever. incumbent. The Council and officers of the village for the current year are f .... _,- arstho onlypilts to take Hood's PiliSwith nood'sSarsaparilla. as follows :-•.(leo. Erwin, reeve, 'Taal Thompson, Dr. Stanbury, Tho8. Elliot Sold by Watts (Sc Co., f)rnggisls. , 0 AUGUST 18, 1898 there was another harness shop in the —`_— byre At 911tehell village giving eutploytLent to two men ; ------ Mr. John C, DS IO• gan, J. Y and cleric Mitchell, Aug. 12. --During last of the seventh Division (Outt, who for, [light's stol•nl N''ed.1101•rl, who lives over twuuty y e,,,s conducted it success- ithuut a "life and halt' fl•uul here on the ful hotel business in the !fiver !total -Stratford road, had his barn and tit. which he sold a tow years ago ; Mr. John Ferguson, bailiff awl town constable, intact tile entire seasou's crops destroy - ed by tire. Insurance, ($1,400. Thutuas and Itic hard Stanbury, DI, D. Boyd, township of Logan, also lost his !'here have beets many schemes ago- hole of the season's tated at differaot tiuled to give Bay- yr )ps.atll usuh tines, t$1,(10U. field railway communication arid once wore restore it to its proud position _. Law Farin At Exet I&-*-lv`'_ r. among the towns of !Huron, but all have failed so far'. Neyertheless the village possesses attributes and attract- Exeter Tiules; -Messes, L, H. !lick. son arid 1, K. Carling have furuled ive t'eaturos which none call deny it- a partilershir in the practice of law in Exeter. those of a pleasant, quiet, healthy little nI% Dickson is well and fay. country town, enjoying all the benefits ()''ably known to the caulurllnitY, hay. which may b, reaped from a rich and ing enloyNd a lucrative practice here 1'ur fertile country surrounding it and a good crass of citizens inhabiting it, and some years. &I r. Carling is also well-known, being It son of the late as such it will aii doubt continue to as Buil, affording willlg as It does a continue t t Isaac Carling, acid recently graduated at law, l)aasiugcreditable examinations barrister P resting and holidaying abode for thous- ands of tourists and at-, and sulicitor. They will make n strong titin. One of the firm overworked city people ivbo come bete from all will visit llensail every Thursday, quarters Of the globe for health and rest. Bay- --- _ ��� ` field's fame is well established and too "'est willwallosh Counell, much ennnot be said in its praise, as a Illeasure re.,01rt for. picknickers • and -'--- Council met according adjournment other's talo wish to enjoy a pleasant oil August 2nd. Alembers all present, r outing, 1?very year the number Ifrom distant ,)aria ill search of a quiet, reeve in tile chair. Alinutes of last meeting read and approved. 't'reasurer's enjoyable spot where water privileges ' :•re to be lilt(] (or bathing and boatutg boti statement showed balance on $34 (J5, received and filed hand of Is as great as our accommodation eau allt.rd shelter for and the Months of The estimates for the current year were placed at $2150 and the rates were .Jul'c, ,July Dud AUgUst witness the struck arae (ollows:-.-County rate, 15-10 place "live with campers, boarders and piekii, kers, who never cease to mills on the !,'and townshtp rate at 11,J 10 mills or) the $, and also admire the beauties an,l Ilrivileges of `(Balmy, rates sufli- tient for school purposes, 13reezy Bayfiel(l," The !reeve and treasuaer were em- - .- = powered to borrow 830U for three months for township Alle (illol► purposes, The following checks were issued : William Wilson, _ Mr. R. :1. tic Kve, who has been spikes, 2-0 ; John 1lowbrayt brushing, $'?.90; J. llliller, working in Fillim ton, Spent last Sulk- dilly with lis u)otbi'l•. repairing hill opposite lot 17, con.6, $18,7Johne'' Wm. 1Jilligau, 11rs. 1 (lung, ,t ba hits been away gravel, $7.68; l,larls,culve,ton east bouudary,$7; visiting relatives ill 11ic•higan for up- wnrds of, 1,t l]u,Ill11, has i•0tOnied house, Hey. Fattler ,llelieon, gravel and dam- age, $6 25, Charles �;he. repasts haviug bud am enjoyable Brown, shovelling „ravel, 1:1.5(; Jacob Miller, straighteltittle• Eng Dliutgolds ;cul tut•nfps as well as the road and graveling, $50,75. John Jr. , 'Taylor, inspecting work, E2; wisLt, (1(, vain, soll'eeed Very £ouch from Le�nto!',;tin, Yaul Smelt. zer, gravel. minding gall and hire for 1L', .11cx. G41rdil]er wits around buy- ing team,• $5,98; John Breen culvert, $].Ol. r lumber for St.Ockeo:4 lust week. Ile is at useful 'n,ul its k -e m 111 l,week.. Council adjourned to meet on 11Ion4 1L•. August DIAgt•" along with its wife£ofd child left f,or livitish ('olunibia i day,Septembcr 19th, at lU o'clock. --- -- last tteek. 11'e ,visit till l]l :INltn(1,n1t. Success ill 1 twit- n('tv hulne, . :fl(•liil101) Township Council. in�11 altoni'ir cFuitIlivot lntialrl ,t fres «1.m ht'Itl t I week. Council ilei in .Jones' hall, Leadbur The 1ntLiy0S :u•e till busy ,visit the un Monday, 8th inst., members of council ' till present, except Ditniel 11111-vest,11111-vest,this Wpek. Wleat which is being tlle.led is turning ont ,uiddlilig 1Inul' who was ilbsent on account of sick Y testi in ' family. fly pl(,I1 alttullgb soart• of ft. is ;I ;,our wall]- -law was county, township, and school levyonSectiOns Mv. Josvph Stalizul has bis nets t)onse rates where no requisition was sent . in. Accounts were rte:u.ly completed, Another Of the 0a19y r1.Sid0nts of the passed and paid p d for grovel, jobs and lumber, amounting to ?14_,1.00. nortuv'n part. tit' Jfcl"lop lilts IMSMd away in th0 Council adjourned to meet in Jones, Mall, Leadbury, oil llonda 2of lu'I'son Of 11rs. I)"" ,r"'. Decie th Sept• By an Act of lost session Parliament tvid,t:tdht!vrl l)Iitpoorl of(�tilri,ete 11 She wals a kind ,till] Itnliahie wards and deputy reeves, were aboli,hed, so the council will be person, a oiuive Of (;ornitn',v 41nd tens 53 ye;lrs elected over the whole townshipnext of age, 1;(,,i(Ies her sort-oNiilg partner, year. If school sections were abolished o shed she Ir;tv1.S n lai;c;o !';unity to uto(ir11 and a board of trustees elect ed it would their lo. be cheaper and better. Forest ltionie. help is wanted when the nerves be- - come da appetite to fails. II cod ,s A few pi'oplo of Il(• t con. took fn tho lake Nrouxos 131tyficH Sarsaparilla gives help by making the bluod rich and ,it One doy last tvt'vk.. pure. .Ilr. and Mr.q. John A. M-mvnl"e of, - l'olldoti are tris; A- tut„ .1,t JIr.Geo. 13r(ltt•u_ Mrs., Itcron, 1,l daughter' of the hate lee'.. 1Ilrs. Mcl,e(,il (,t' Clinton and Mrs. lir. J. Gordon Brown, died suddenly it) Ottawa. (=singer of I.l•ucetieLd ,yOI'e gi",i,, of Jil•s, 11'mt. lit,., la,l lvicek. I .111% John Clarr•idgc wits Struck and i killed b • Gland Ili% Alhelt 111.1;1.1, of Kippen called it Trunk engine at In - ' gleWo(Id. oil friends last tvicef.. 11r. 1(ohert Hro)ylllee raid lis sister, 1L•. Michael Parcell was drivin I � , , gnettr ((r u,t41il when train Jentiio, wheeled to Bxctee l(L.48 ndtty, Sell (;irl le-olmnrd an Monday hist n struck his Wag. I gun, killing Ilia lustand . ; y «•its ti, f, I, attei,dnilc('. Fire dNl ;!50,0()0 dMilagc-,yt lfadoc, Mr. Slillinglan• was tct'y stlecessfuC the l(etludlst church and several of last tear wil h his ;,upils. X111 f?1,11 rnllc•o 'I'ml1hC Lilt' b"st 1)(1i](10196 Of the village being im)d :�chuol Leaving candidates Iltirilvd. . , Passed. A perili41r cO-incflt : (1(v -Tho teach- I -�--- - e, 1,,f H. S. N1,, 0, Tucker- yAlillt,...ltlal, vent- OtfOwatch t•ed t( geld ,vh ; STRAYED 00 STOLEN. � to iso pupil ,vhn made the highest ---- nnl]lL.1.r of nlal•ks oil the entrance. It Socm, 11111t. 130(Ta CZLI'Let• and Lizzie 1 ,\ Oc:lglc hound troll ,trap and tag with I own(`rs nattle ,111(1 aetdrt,m 011 his neck. Has a wore 109110.:t Lind even. The teacher th011 told tlu•til Hutt tile ane who blacktao(i tit" Iwad, .Stiddle ilo,;tly black, neckbrea, Hecko(i with andl)root�f N%11'fl sho%v- "d the lir+1 es t L l]ltt • •-• 'v - t � i 1,l l ! Year oil � a 11 the •esatnfnntfun black, leg, deck t' 1 :ill ono O cis Hocked with tion 1 lllil t Ci U) give b ,0 information LOitt•iug Shoold hn,•u Ilte watch, Again will plc('sC rnnmmmiciUc t,•ilh theutvner. For Willi I.I 0 ! rilrth'"' 111111-ti these two it lila «etc 1 1 It lir and c•Onsc(;uently th0y Nutli re- roasonablecharges will be paid if the dog is feuu(1 all right. ccived it watch. They are, hath clever W. J. I IGGINS, litt o 'r' 1 , „ttl. ancua Ct 1•tth. Intoe, One. South Perth Protest. - __- ._.-.__- ___TM FARM FOR SALE. I. 11der Lilo Coill rot•1.rI1.d 1'11"ctions -' Act ILO t r bd Of ,t peat full can take pin('t dllrittg a 4e*,tort Of tfu' l,cgiSla- !'hat vet•y dc.intblc propertS, the farm of the hltc Ovorge linrri., L(rt (;, coil. 1U I%% n„ C'ol- torr, or tvithil] lift('e11 days th0reafL('1' without Ille consolit. Of file Owinli1.r bUI'ile, POnNi`t i119 Of It") Ael•OA, wCll fenced, vren- teat("'"', free front all noxious weeds and iia Ill tateof cultivation. There isa elvel, The Ael. nlso provides that fill comfort- al,Ic rranu' hiuse With woodshed and good partwitlarsofthechnIg1.smist.1)deliy_ Brod tithe r0(pondeot :1,t 11.a4t. faOl'teell "arae antionthn,ldtngs. Thoorchardis plant - l'(1 vrlth (•1103('(`npple. )1111,111, !)ear, cherryy. and peach iroes and rbc I (ley., before the (holo tiSed for the tr•iid, garden contains ditTerent ydrietie•;or currnnly, herriev and gra)ies. it The datvfixedIll ihetiont11PerlItviise leas 5el,ivilibel' Ist. Tho soli(•i(ors for h,lsneyt'n1)('enr(•ate,1. Norfirtherpurt,culars al'ply of the pre, it, i,es or by I(`ttorto 111'. !loser Ip there ;I,ke(I to cotlsrnt 111 t the trial pr•ocr"d;;t Ih"linl0nl)pnfntod, MRS. (£EO RGhl A1011111S lfouday. Aug. ti. (,ederieh P, 0 (int, viol %vil11,taodiug the pro'cot ,erasion tir lilt- Legkilifnt's., hu( they $vee" not. 1.1011 1.oln1teon� 1.nr,Ill;h iO ;ll'. NOTICE TO CO NTRA�TORS. felly. Thompson is I ll(1.1•fo� e rilovittg hofore ______ ' t1t1..in.l;.;e4 Of lit(, ('olid of .ki l,e;tl fir fir1l1.r I into fir deli\'el')'of p,u•tcultr$I fenders will he roceil(A by the (buicilof lit +•'I'owmhllpof 1111111 -It for t•Icanhi s0 t ha l III" ill hot side In,t- not base r he advaninge Of ohloioing fill, tividars ontabout (`'o rods of 1 h(` i(11'hurn creek 1, 1 drains front I. rUxlt.con. a, to the river. Profile of the Eno more thnn foll0 von 41413-4 �wrove the wirk can bo.v"nII (it the ('loch's u1Hcf, Londea- biro 9bnd(o•v to be armed on Tuesday, Aug - I ri'tl, wher10y1.1' thattidy take place. ust 3001, at S p.111. 1(itornit', .1A\lxs CAMPBELL, Clerk. Londcsboro. Augnst 15th. L1,JL�i ®t�hinLiffe- ."___-_._ --"- ff 6 Leather." JACKSON1K a THE SHOE MEN. L --;-alw EARL' SPRINR !l A' n t% ^ Our New Stock not- full :111(1 complete wits Z1 11 till' latest au(l newest, i Goods tint! tire are safe , �i, In saying that no better i �1 l .11 J 1 a4sortltvitt is tO he R: ::" ; i lotnl(I n) the West. `� ;; , w. As1(s • to (e our special values in Hen's 2.50 Anil $3.00 Goo(ls. They are hart( 1.to bent. ® ! I ,t,, Jf' 0 �, ®�9 & JACKSON. The Noted Shoe Deale'rs, Clinton