HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-18, Page 211 - -, _­ __ T._­!­_�. -, _�, - �_ ­__ - -r- - ,--- -- ­ , ,� - -- -- -, - -- -- --- - ,F:��­ I— --_-11 - �­_ 11 I ""Tr�7-77,---,�.-..----''�----,.C,,W.I."";"- %'- I __ -1. I 1­11_� ­ .- . �, � , I - . - ­­ 1 , I � I . . I . I I . I , . . . . . I I I . - . . -1 A I I . . I . I ,% 7 . . . 4 . . 0 ­ I - -, ______ --..-------- - I I ___ _. - - __ __ -_ -_ --- -_ � ger. 189BLITES IN DANAN find they rummage their haversack to enchanted with the revolting splend- How ours of that nume v,bIch is above every Suggestive that Is to me I There Ir (ho,,e here aground in 1HE of SUNDAY SCHOOL his own choosing I 6. Naaman hatS descendants in the world. laln1v ANUSINti X1 AKES. . i some crumb of old consolation, when from horizon to horizon the are name. -the name wx -Itten once with religious who are things. -ted for Once you utria 66"" III servants. Thoy know the Instances - 1, people 1111111ve �. IvIlere �Iuluent . I ­�" ground is White With the rlo.�w-fallea tears of exile and in blood 'of martyr- heaven, but you are now aground. Sev- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 21, quickness of his temper and the real Ist-4-iiii 00i,red Anti 'tceeptt-411 Tips., : DIL TALMAGE TELLS OF GOD'S manna of God's help not live minutes -loin, but written now in I)urniHbed eral times we thought we had started worth of his t-haracter, Welf"for him 1 -I � Visitors at an English country hottoo GOODNESS TO THEM. old I But after fourteen thousand six crown. and lifted seeptre, and trusis- you angelic throne. got again heavenward, tut you soon back to the old place, and there is " - that NUI&MILU ;cated. I RIURP 5- 1-14- he had wi,se advisers, and better th%t he followed their advice. Some are I allowed to do whatever 1beY like - hundred consecutive days of falling There is anoth"r vIllaraoteristle about riot much pro-poot you will ever reach I Goldolova Text, Jer. 17. M great thing. He would h1ve during . the forenoon. An emineat lehhous Drawn From rille suffering* of manna--Stindayu excepted- I he man- broad, and that is you never get tired the harkilours of the blessed. I fewrit I PRAQ.171CAL NOTES, been rwAy to spend it great geologist. who was entertained at one I I Theme People -The OnlY F ood That Con Needed na, ceaNed. Some of thew were glad of of it, There are people here seventY will be after awhile said in re6ard -ou l!ortune Verse 1. Newman means, or to take a great Of tb0s o houses, asked for coffee early : . QuenAlso soulls fluinger-114 Is it. You know they had complaine-1 to years of age who find it just as upPrO- some dill 0 of you: "No u4e. A u4e. To lie " probably, Journey if he c-ould have obtained So and started out with a Three TUues a DAY -An FAlOquftli 4LU41 their ISader, an,l wondered that they wiate for their appetite as they dest.royed �,ihuut remedy." God's beautiful." Captain of the host. Corn- heajing . , How much rather then. one morning, . huggestlive Serbian. had to eat manna instead of unions. when, in boyhood, their mother out 9, wreckers Will PrOLIOUT160 YOUa, hope- ulander in chieL His st,jition was, next now, sin" it is so easy, wbv Should suit of old clothes and a bag**41LAJ+ A despatch from Washington says: Now the fare is changed. Those people . In that army under fort of age -91108 Of it clen I- around the I uaf. You so,;s have not got tired of bread, and th,tL 'then case. Beached for eternity) -And to it will lie written in heaveno,con- the lbrocle itself, the most import- any hesitate to obtain salvallur"? to 14. Like the flesh of ali(tie child. make a special study of the rock � Rev. Dr, Talmage preached from the y years bad ue%er ,seen av,orri-field, and now, is a charactaristia of the Gospel. Old cerning some one of your Size, and com- ant in the realm, Great . . . . and Gone the chaiky, clammy skin; ill its latlges , of the estato. I , following text:-- Arid the manna when thev hear the leaves rustling, Christian man, are you tired (it Jestist plexion, anti age anti name, that balwas honorable. One word refers to hia plaoe cume,j the glowing frelihmess Of During the afternoon one of the coased on thie morrow after they had anti see tassels N%ji,ving, and the billowg, If so, lot us take Ills, name out of our invited to be saved, but refused the rank, the other too the personal regard childhood. He is " a new creature." country gentry came upon him by thas eaten of the old corn of (be land."- Of green flowing uver the plain as the Bible, and let us with pen and ink offer arid starved to death within sight Of t g1v- he king. By him the Lord had , What apiliture, of that mightior work oi-oitolside, and Supposing him to be at I Joshua v. 12. wind touched them, it must have been a new anti lively "Corill" erase that name wherever we see It- of Let as east it out of out. 11vultiology. the fluids anti granaries full of' the Canaan. en deliverance unto Syria. Revised of grace by vi,hich, the ginner becomes ti, now creature I workman entered into curiversation Only those who have had soluet hilIg 10 sensation. cried the old min, as he husked an Old and let "There is a Fountain," UnI Corn of - Version, " victory unto Syria." This with him. The geologist was seated - do with the commissariat of ,in artuy Par. "Corial" cried the children, as tho grains. "Rock (if Ages," go Into furgetfuln?ss. Let us tear down the communion table -.- HOW LONG DO THEY LIVL may have been in the wars between By- on a ledge of rock. and was making killow What a job it is to feed arid ,they counted shitting 'Cortil" shouted tire vailiguard of the where we celtibrato His love, Lot us ria and Israel, or, as the monuments FREAKS OF KLONDIKE FORTUNE. vigoirous use of mallet anti chisel. clothe five or bix thousand men. Well, I � host, ,is obey burst open th,A granarles dash down the baptismal howl where - would indicate, in an Assyrian war, l- 'Cho Stranger talked with film in a, there is such a hosi, ail that marching of tile affrigh'e,l, population the gran- we were eonseoritted to Him. Let US Whol Slattlotleoij kitiolov About the AvrrftX0 in which the Syrians secured indepen- "041 I-urh R1141 Ilard Luck Siorles 11711`411211 tilt' patronizing ,kay, and while not reeeiv- across the desert. They tire cut offfr0m i arles t4at had been left in tile pOs- hurl Jesus from our ll,�art. and ask Life, of it Itallroadinan. den". The pious Jew who wrote these Alaska Cold 1104=1119s. Ing an intelligent account of the world all army supplies. There are 111) "ail sesslolV! Of the victorious Israelites. Then the fire N%iis kindled, arid I he ears some other hero to come in. Let us say; "(,o wovity, Jesus; I wrint anoth- If there is one subjecit that Inter- word,-, relgardled, as we Should regard. When Frank Phiseator, who came out on which he was engaged, was impress - trains bringing down food or, lankets. I or corn were tbrtt8L into it, and fresh e eornparli(in, another friprid, ill, ra ests a railroad min more than anol.h- every event of life as being under of the Klondike country with about ad with the supposed workmin's Intel- Shall they all perish � No. ,!fe Lord j and crisp, n1a,J tender, "ere devoured Thou art," Could you (to it 7 The er it is ho%v long he will live. When- God's control. A mighty inan of valor. 5140,000, first -went there, not many . ligence anti good manners. Indeed, ) comes from heaven to the I-eboue, and' toy the huu,_,ry victors, and bread was I things 111"t can be years of your past life, aged nian, would utter a protest ag:ttn,4t it,,;Init ever you meet a railroad man. or a Personally brave. Whitt a series of nd- months aago, he staked a claim on E I ht, fumbled. in his packet and brutlight Ile touches the .shoes and the coats I ) repared, and many flour the appetitegi the graves of your Chri-ItiMl lead group of them, the subject you will vantages were his,. Genertil of the ar- Dorado Creek. At that time Et Dorado out a half crown, which he tossed to wide. of re,aled which in it yearor two would have beell, ,that had boon sh,,�rpenpd by the long � would charge you with �wing oin in- find them discussing, ol the first ques- my, favorite of his king, popular with Creek was unstaked, and he wits the the man with the walleL. 'I he geolo- wiurn to rags arid tatters, arid they i mit*rch: "And the. warina ceas0 on file grate, and our little grandi-hil,iren "Ursiudfather, tion they will put to you in conversa- the nation, dw6llii)g in a palace, we.al- first, to try its merits or demerits. gist Seemed surprised, but picked It up . become storm -proof and Litne-proof; so mf)rro%v after they had eaten Of the would say: don't do tion is; "What is the average life of thy, afraid of nothing. But. he was it From the first be struck gold averag- and put it in his pocket aLor thanking; that. after forty years of w-earing, the old curn of the land." Illessed Ile God, %%(-. s0nd in just such that. Jesus is the One to vo,h,mi we say on,, pr,)yvrs tit night, and �%Ilo igt.0 a trainmaint" Railway records dispel Is ' nor. All his honors were its nothing to " ing from 50 centa to $2 50 a pan. For the gentleman. rZats and the shues are as good as new. It field to-tlay; the hi-�uriani grain' open heaven when we die.? Grandfather ,rI ,Fhe the popular idea that the average life that but," Who would exchange places with him V There were two kinds six days he halt it all to himself. in I W� was a dinner party at the Besides that, every morui ng t here is a coming above tile girdle, the air full don't do that." red or J osus I of a trainman ttoLiVely engaged in the of leprosy, one of which was surely ers would pass him and I they oul� t coThere untry house in the evening, arid the i shower of bread -not sour and soggy, of the cliours of (he ripe (till corn of Burgundy rose you pluck from "to' 9 alit so fresh, tind fair, ond gard('n I. rallway ,service is about seven years. fatal. The disease in both forms 'A'as say, " flow much are you making T" I Same gentleman wits introduced to the for the rising of that. bread is made in tile Gospel Cannan. "Oil!" you say, ']'hen beautiful, Tired of Jesus? As wel I One of the principal roads ent.ering hereditary ; was believed to Ile coning- and he would reply, truthfully en-, eminent geologist, who at once began I heaven, arid celes0al fingers haye mix- "tile fare is too plain." I re- invinfer will tired of a get ,,vvary of the Spring morning, and Louisville hits cempiled Stati4t.iCS 013 ious; was deceptive, from iLS Iminless ough, "Oh, from 50 cents to $2.50� I to laugh. I ed it and roiled it into balls, light, fie- you .soon get fanciful diet. While I wits in Paris v ad. the voices of th- mountain stream. , the. nub'eA only roteently, On that character; rendered a mail unclean, no that none could come near, him ; and a pan." Then they would sooff fit him "I have the half crown," he said at ky, and sweet, as. though they were f liked for a wbile the rare and ex- ifin quiet of your own horne, and the Jes�sl road durlag the, Itts, three years tbere %vau abkolutely incurn.ble, Under the and Nvould say, -If you want to Stake once, "and I shall not give it up. It the crumbs thrown out from It beav- quisite cookery; but fsoun %%ished I b!id the Fladness of your own ebildren is broad and the appetite for that is were only two man killed arid 158 in- strict law of Israel Natillian would have a moose pasture, you chic-aco, which !a I is the first tip I ever receivilid, and I only banquet. Two batches of bread " vas home a�oain, and plain fare of my native fail([. ,So it is a fact never obliterated. I jured. Of thew men all but two were been deposed and excluded from so- . CLety, but the Syrian are- Klondike for tenderfoot, this is all . shall Show it to my frie-1 is ifs a tro- '14 made every day in the upper manSion that we soon k%eary of file .;�rups arid I notice, In regard to this artlMe of take it three I ime,4 a dity. It i brakemen, arid these two, who were ful. 1. What a perfect picture of ilia right, but if you want gol(L you would phy of superior intelligence." . --.,one for those who sit at the table the custards, an:1. the ��hipppd fon'm of �ood,*you is on table mooning, noiln, and freight, cuncluelors, were al� the time disease, of tjini . better go where there is some." Thus Lord James onve bud It similar ex- 71,� with the King, -and the other for the fnacifut religionists, and %i,e cry "Give , " Us bread ma(le out of the old -corn your ' night, anfl if it Is frirgoitcri. 'Lynn say: of the accidents acting as brakemen. 12. The Syrians had gone out byccim- in it was th,,tt the El 'Dorado diggings Was Ltl'011illg through I perience. Ile �; I marching Israelites in the -wilderness.. plain of the Gospel Canaan," That Is the "Where is ill(, bre:id?" Just so ver- . It might be Supposed that inexpert- psnies. Guerillas; freebovoters. Even 11 might. dash t mes -bich have panned -out so bouutifullY the Temple Gardens in London when a _ I 11 him. I (to riot very much pity the Israelites only food that can quell the soul's tainly you need 3esus thrvf- thries a ,n,ell men would be most apt to get of peace such parties across the line from either country into were opened with a scoff and a sneer party of tourists encoullLer0d and I i asked to be directo�l 1.�) come Of the . they had only inan-, It u ng! a r. day. Oh, do not start olit voitbovit Him; tit) not. (fare to go out of th� injured, but the records show differ- the of her, and capt u re what t bey c()uld. from those who " pilased. by on the oth- ' . n" most I interesting places. , na to eat. It wab, I suppose, the best There are men here this morning front doar; do not dare it) go off the ently. A correspondent of the Ralf- Drought away captive. War, always er side," As for 11r, Phiscator, he staY- Ile . volunteered to �hoitv them about. ;1. food ever provided. I know tbat the who hardly know what is the mat- front FtPps, 'without first, btv!nT c0m- rottil. Gayette contributes the follow- ' barbarous, was in ancient times ed with his claim and grew wenIthY- and took them fii'SL to the Temple I ravells brought food to hungry Eli- ter with thera. TbPy h'tve tried to gel together aforturre and larger account muned A%ith Ilim 11 fore n ,on there body, in�­ table (it percontages of injured more oruel than now. Prisoners vvcrol, generally killed, especially the avell, For instance, he took $110,000, royal- Church, and Gold.sinith'a g'a-,'e, and t, 1 finally tothefamous Llizal,ezbau hall � I jah; but I should not so well have lik- at the bank, and to get investments may be perils that lo,ill derstrov InInd aril soil] for cover. you 'Onnnot mr,n ac,cording to their (arm of Ser- � woundel, and the useless; and all the , , ties include(], from claim No. 2on El I of the Middle Templo. Ili:o e�-plana, ed those black waiters. IlAtber would yielding larger percentages, They are afford, it, do without flim. N'uu will vice: Num!,er of ti -aininen injured dur- who were worth keeping were euslav- Dorado and $40,000 from claim No. 13 tions were lucid and Interesting, and .. I have had the fare that came down ev- trying to ,satisfy thoir soul -,% 1 t h a during, the clay Ile amid sharp hoofs Ing their first yefLr of service, 12.16 ad, A little al-tiol. A young girl, vat u- below Bonanza. I wban he parted from his neiv a(quaint- ery morning in bue,lets of dew, -clean, diet of bank notes and. government se- curit ,ies. There are others here i�oho ,Intl swift, wheels. in,l dungerous ucaf- , foldings threatening thp body, ;Ind per cent.; in service two years, 11.1; ed, like a horse, it rug, for beauty and for usefulness. Another instance of eiriking it rich ances one of them gave him it t-1iffixog, � and remarked that few gui !es were sweet, God-provioed edibles. But now have bepri trying to get famous, tint] trarisfor (b,, soul tb�it h-tvp t--kZ,risorne per cent.; in service three years, 1635 3. She said, (2) Sep. thle, power of a, is that of D. 13. Davidson. He heard i equally intelligent. 'lho P.libleman t,he Israelites have taken their last bit have sucvs,­ded to a greater or less ex- ,who are inort, wily than you. Wh-,n'l per cent', in service four: years, 20 per child's word for good I Would God, '['big � som,body say that lie halt seen some took the shilling demurely, allot. thank- , of it in their fingers, and the last de- infidel scientists. Tbey arle trying to I bpy sbovP a vessel froin th­ dry-dovk. I cent.; in service five years, 21.77 per phrase is elsewhilre better translat- signs of gold in dragging wood down- ed the .stranger, , He is sit! I to have . licate inorlsel of it to their lips. They satisfy their soul with the chopped feed they break ag-tinst tho, shle of ill a bot- I cent.; in service six years, 9.63 per ed "O that." Aty lord. Her title of i*- bill French Gulch, by El Dorado kept it to this day, and ill h,L-;e fre-� - look (jut ,%rid there is no manna, Why of magazines arid newspapers. All theso men are no more happy now than Ile- tie of winc. Th -A 1-4 a sort of super- But cent.;; in service seven years, 3.90 Ile r cent.; in service elght years, 2.47 pet- s"et, for Naamaa. The prophet i jyj t is. in Samaria. I�or a vvbile Elish,k's re- On Creek, Ilundreds knew of this sLate­ quently told. the story of hi,i exPeri- ence with the innocent tOLLI'iz;LS in the ibis cessaLion of heavenly supply? It fore they m-kdo the first. thousand stition nmong wiflors fill, on-1hp. latinebing of every (1-,y, that we might v a n t.; !it service nine years, 416 lier siderroo Nvas in the cily of Samaria, ment, but refused to try their luck Temple Gardens. was because tbe Israelites had -arrived pounds -no more happy nw% than wbon strike against it tit, least on- e:irnw.it cen t,; bi service ten years, 4:16 1 ter (See 2ICin,,r.,; 5. 9: 6� 32.) Ile would re- I . Gulab. JN Davidson con-, in French 'ng Another story is related of an F, - in Canauti, and they sallelled the breath for the first time (holy saw their natnes ' favorably mentioned. They cannot praver for Divine protection, Th -it cent, The reruJiling 8,81.) per cent. has cover him. Perh-ills, he had heated oth- lepers; fain--. .1r. eluded to see ,what he could do on the I fish duke'who was standing tit I lie door of �he harvest fields, and the crowded analyze or definol ,their feelings; but I woo �Irl not hp suPerstitina; th-il would Th,u nt thf� gipex ofth�� been in tile service over ten years, and ill suiciti instaroves, Ill, 114 and 22 Pr at all events; his its ,it w(inder-worker reached far. This . of his house when a carriage rolled up. indicated. sliot, so be staked eat a claim , A aear-sighte,i gentleman alighted, barns of the country were thrown op- I will tell them what is the matter- I lie Christian. (lay, Lit tile. tip -I op of tb - hours, equi- years. verse should im,wes,s otir minds wiihl ' last March, and in it short timle tie had I askert if it were the duke's resilience, ' I en to them. All the inhabitants had they otre hungry for the Old corn frij mlist have or )p ill(% Gospel. Thtit. I distitrit, from illorninq an I night. look AFTER SIX Yl-�A!?S' S0111,*ICE. 11 Ill-, fact lhat, t Ivire. are good Nvords i'41taken I and on receiving it respecLful tirtil. from out �210,000 and sold Me 0-1- fled, and in the name of"the Lord of you t e' pinched, and wan, and was d. and -e Av,tvs. Look lywkward to the t hre � It ��ill bo �,e­n ',flat ill,- largpml, aver- .Ou .. � for us till to stioak, aril IZ (I ('a"( fur to I tile I cured $25,f,o,) from a I the supposed servant, gave him it shill - for 4L15,Uoo. lie so i Hosts the Isruclites took possession of bollow-Pyed, anti shrivelled up with a n forenoon , look 4heli(l to th.- afternoon; I ' look up 'to tbe. Saviour i%ho pregiflos I, ge of in!unei oucurred after the P.m- � us all (to, tin ilo� even least of lheip, shall lose Ls rm%and. ling. I used � rclaim that many anos,her man rel. The duke, perceiving that be had everything. Well, the tbreshing-floor eternity of famine. . I infidei ih14 ov�-r all. Yon want breatt ut. noon, I ployes hill been in service six. years, and the. figures given would indicale, 4. Ont� x%ent, ill and told his lord, -The. ., indi,,.i1e,&; ill, I to have anyLlaing to Liu w4h. But, to' beent mistaken for a footman, kept the IULL6t'y is I'Lou dike fore- is cleared, the corn is scattered over The scientists of (lay are You may find no phire in ,00,hich to that the enapw)es as a gvaeral rule (, n-" that word supplied show bu�% ULLei a sbilling, raise.1 his hand ,to his I be Lhat it, the oxen are brought. round in lazy olfering us a different ki n of of -out knoel audd the voltoin 1,!tles �intl the by our Engli,h iranslators is pro- are careful up ill the time when they gold mining, it. Should said beadandmade the usual salute. The successful and circuR until the corn food; but they' are. of all men, the I known ti,�ces of rice; but if Joriall, could find have 1.�een in tile service three or four � � ,tall, IsLake, The Itevised Version y a m in its '-he," aiLer -Ar. liavi Isou was near-sighLed gentleman went into the st,aked clut, perpetual is trampled loose; lben it is winnowed must miserable. have many of thp= buL I. never knew room to pray in the. iobale's ITIly, most vi-tLijilly, you will a,ver Ile in such a I years, awl thea become mo 0 careie.ss mir-in sullplics and thus . inakes Nuanvin h.,sten inLo kbe pres- hundreds of clu'ua.i were house, an I in due, time wits. pieselated n U y L r L . On Erench Gulca, a d at eigh 0 eLl to the duke, and ne-, ei, had it su�piclon with a fan, and It is ground, and it one of them ,A ,ho came with a tbour, , -o\\ ded place that you cannot pr� Y, tinLit about their eighLh y(1- ar of ser- vice, %%ben the figures sh.,)%v that they I ew,e of "his lord," Ben-badad, to re- I ' of the hundreds have paid, that he bad tipped one of the highest is baked, arid lo I there is enough bread and miles of being happy. Tbe great . John Stowart Alill for himself .1 . I B':ead at noon! Whon flit! evening a 11"01116 WOrti carvi'u;, ms those gain . pea t what his wife's maidservant bad I . I &11d. 1bu bops %oll-i wako LbLlf money Plig- members of the British aristocracy ,at if), blow it in with equal fac"'Ly' All door. for all the worn-out bust. : " And the provided it new kind of porridge, but yet, ,when hour romes, and your lt�,wl is i-uz7,ing with the d,Iy,1 4, ,,,it I your a r � who had %vorked fi,er ten yt. S I" ve a " I 1 5. Go to. "Come now." I will t�end his own iIlUsLraLiOn of this fu L is fuund in U The duke could bardly have offered manila ceased on the inori -ow aftor they be comer, to die, be acknowledges that I gt!ng,!g,,nit-nl . smaller comliavuti%e. p.-rova -ked six iN hole nature i sore from the alwasion I ics t b,t lh-j�o %Nhn ; a letter unto the king of"I'sirael. An the Pavilion, a (taum hall whiOh Was a. more striking proof that he was a had eaten or the old corn ol the land." his philosophy never gave him any ju I. it wor of rough life, and see 'L greiAt many , * ,ears. I exceedingly imposing result of the T. a, MU111.11 or I "u opened in Lawwu CiLY gentleman by instinct as well as by The bisection of this subject. leads i comfort in days of bereavement, ,,rid ,sou dutles you have neglected, then com- I %\, it h I h,. I ,!om�):etion of ,Ile eflulp-, I)Otlrlg ghl's rem-tirk to her mistresIl. ago. on the lirst joight. Lhv manage- -on by pocketing the uninten- birth th. me, f�lrst,, to speak of especial relief, for especial emergency; and, secondly of in a roundabout way he admits that his � lif.- was a failure. 1-. I ,- with all ,J�Ile mune NOth Christ, a?;kin, Ili,i flor,lon, I king of Israel wits probably Jell- thanking Him for llis love, Tlo:lt . meat ol box cars xvith autorwitic coup-' W31n, the son of Ahab. Talents . . . ment took in $13,000. Une mail SP811L tional affront to his dignity. �b,ut)O for champagne at �Iu a boLtle I the old corn of the Gospel'for ordinary infidel scientists. They are trynig to lors (Ind air bralkes (Ile liallilify of . The trNtsure has been Nvould. Ile a iio,ut,er eN ct�ing i epast fit i trainni-in Lo,ng in,'ured will Ile reduced Ple;-o"' Of gilld' representing a toLdi Of seventy-five i cireumstanev's. live on telescopes, and crucililes, and they � -%vhi(,h there iv'as no bread. I , vatiuu,41y e lim-te I 'It. fl'()In tvvenlY to , to a rri�nirnuui, tho revoi-tis shoming ,be girls who made bOLLIeS, allLL U110 Of A f)A'.N'U4fl WEDDING. Lhe I If these Israelites croal had received bread from the! protoplastriis, anti charge uswith . cant, not reilli7ing that there is no ']'his 1,� the nut rinavial ,,in!l life (if i be ' . sixty Lhutts,ta i d,.Il irs. CtAned motley : that ut leiLit L'.,c;-1Iiird.i of 1.116 accl- ' wa'i riot in%v(lte!I- Change of percentage on ., her nioney by a � I The numoier of invitations vary ao- � *750 as her first'' erness not - heavenly bakeries, ibere would first such intolerahle- <�atit in all the world I, plairt Go�iipet that L comin a I to You. ; yeL I I (to riot know how Some of our alillili- . ilt-ni,t v. ere c,�uw I, 1,v men tit I erinktin!; I raiment. Otientals are fund of gor- to voupie awt,nio io drao-bavics Nvith a : wine she gold, received week's salary. But �7150 is not, in cording to the rawl.n.s. of the bride's thorp less have been a long line of dead children as this, perpe Lua I talk we are bearing I halt buried in the sand. What use was i about. ' positive. philosoliliN," anti "the : - geous rol.,os; these are changed fre- terS MILIKU it so intrii-Me, riml elal�trr- : and pin ill the old-tashioued ,solid tink , quently, anti are it ecirt, of mtolindard (if I it lJaw,ion City, so wueh a* it seems. To parents, I,ut are seldom illustrate, the first L_ggs received tbero than fifty asapmbled,' ;tool often as it to them that Lhere was plenty of Ithsoluto," anti "the great -to -be.," and ate, ,in([ mystiryiuL4 u ( ]ling. soo-nis or .sIc.,;etou dra,-�hiir- O,Iit,i, acciderils, la the had .1 sort of Iliongrelism in ! va I ue. ' s If y last spring wid fur 0,8 a dozen, vvIlile m,Lny as cirle hundred and fifty old and eki,ria in Carlitan, or plenty of corn! "the everlasting no." and "the higher and "the talent : were vau-ied hy uneven diawbars, rpligion-p:trt burlinuitariinism. p-irl. � -9t'me I 6. That thou mayest. re,eciver him. ' of %i biolit va ry ai rinurh a.i t hrve ino-he.; ffim-wlf 8 were reLailed tit lemons and orange I it YOU116. in -Egypt ? What I hey wanted was some- thing io eat right there, where there unity," potentiali- ties," and "the cathedral of the im-. I spititualism, paxt noillingaritnisin: , an aliFolute ruler. lie Supposed , s think tht�y ;ire in hpiZht. .Nlxny men v;ero injurtid by , that the king of Israel cuuld c(ixrimaii(i al to ti.5o required apiece, slid 08.50 to buy a iw-1-und can lof buL- A day or two bef`6r� the wedding the 1. ; . was riot so much as a, gv�ast�-.bfade, Ila . 'Ind sometime; un worie, or a link in Jump- I you mensities.". - I have been, translating IMIld'ing their ttlimple out of the "ROVIt ' "eppirl-q ' his suhjpvis !it ,,,ill. awl, lie considered : in, off to ;hro.-� switche-o, and &eVaLal ; ' ' ter, But prices were higher last ""'a -I various UUP.51,5 Send their gifts, not to . Other words, an especial supply for an it quite it clornplirarhotary wav of ex- what there men have been wrifing,and Of, Age,;," kut you find there is no ro -k were jerked off the ive-vovereki tolist of . i ' ter than they were in the spring. For , tlie, loride, but to h,!r parents, con- especial emergency, Tbis is what some of you want. The ordinary com- - I have I ' icen transcribing wbat they I n it at all. It is sturno, The Gosi)ol I . . pre8sting his uesire that the king would have been doing, ,and I will tell what ; cars. A few men %%,(lie injured while 'I'll ings use his influen,.-o to effeot tile insLauce �I'Sack of flour that, COSt. $30 in could be Lu UghL sisting gener3lly of contributions to- � fort, the orldinary direction, the ordin. is phiin. It is bread. , -re aie no .c%ire. it all means. It means (hat they vo-ant . I engage.1 in voul,�mg curg to I hovering over this river of life. All - :11ted. "it'll , 001.11,111V83 BellbViad had magicians luni; him ter or ljri,Ig,e iron exLending to .$LY) the wintur � rid heyond for 413 even before Lho first boat came, N%ards th-� expected feast., a ary counsel, do not seem to meet your I -,vho*el t,o kill God I And my only wonder is I the fogs hover over'tbo -sh of tin- ,.fra,o�illg ri'. 11 !-:diirif_­.i tit his court, and tbat-God has killed them. I have, Jhat iovcr the ents of the cars. ThN dan- in this spring. ',participa! ing in muc.h revel ry and good - ease. There -are tbose that, they must have an lumnipotent and im. not in their SUILA't"'Iltur man speculation. If you cannot tell al power be hall it in other days, tasted of their confec- h er %viii soon 'e tithing of flit,, past, , 1% hear mon h lo bother I 9. good deal of r eligious faith: I I' they I )U11p1bos- I t may not As Et'getreral Proposition I r, the bride ,Inl hride"rrotint clo to bilarillolSlY fUl-Il but the I'llec mediate supply, and you shall have it. you .I preat t� n in Slot' Id riot cure tions, and I come back and tell you. , e Ul.-st (if tile. vilinittinies require rou Mulman. He :or not Ile blelieves in f Iw Plen't rV . �trNj,u cars to b-) 11 (� I %%'iJ' n"VCr (here is . . Pay get' .. (it pe,rsona4ly iwnefit., One friend , case of Charlie " Anderson derrion- n ' . Is it pain and physical distress to -day that there is at) nutrimoni, or , le '�rnythin spiration of the S�,rlptures. I, is , , I long tim:jer to he load -1. Of Elisha al -;o to Ile a mapt,ittn hut I strates Ill'tt. it wmetimes p One contribute,,,, say, eight pounds of gold- 'ays, through Which you must gole Does not life, or health in g tint the I If calls(, h,, floes not I;eliove in it, 1.1 ' 'e-ith, grentel. poNver. Ilow- utterly . . night lie I(xilced upon the Nvicie when it, ,n butter piled high oil aplatter fring- Jesus knorw all abuut pain? Did Ile not suffer it in the Must. sensitive. part broad made out of the old vorn of the I __ .1� - _ .- Gogpel. What (to I menn fly that? ' 1v Ill, n ynit hear a m ­n I - � you crinnot tell wbother tit- no 1 %r,p �,,,� THE CAhl IRON MEN. (lot!., this world fail to comprehend t lie things of God I os as red, anti three of bis acquainLauces took advaniage of the uccasiOu to ,,,, ed NNitb greeni�ry� another a soore or of head, and linnol, and foot? Ile has a I mean that Christ is the bread of life, � lipire", th'it sin is in', wn, it is hecilu.ve. I - - 7. Ren( his clothes. Ali oriental to him for, �,,tlo a claim wbich they con- til,o of egg-, or sonlo, chickens. A lamb mixture of comfort, one drop ofwhich anti, taking Ilim, you live for ever. . �hp does no! think it I.,; cong"nita-1. If. Orl',tit or the F111110114 R414'11131C111t. 4111141 Theill gesture, expressive of sorrow, aLtrin, . sidered worthless. The next morning, joint,,; of beef, or a sailill cask of shall cure the worst paroxysm. It is But, 3;ou Say. eorn, is of but little :,%-ben you beat anian talk in vu;pii 01' � 11r;Lvery fit 0011le. i an,1 terror. The king (toes n<)L .,evrn while his head wits stiii %Vith hift', Ile fine old October breov, follow in (11lick the same grace that soothed Robert Hall when, after writhing on the car- practical use unless it, is tbreshe,l. find prayer-meming. you cannot 1,1111cf. Up ground, and baked. I answer, thi's he believes in have thought. of Elisba, 3. King,, The Cameron men, t Ile praises of have all the trouhle of or(linary men tried to get Lhem. to retract the con - 80, foi' ru i,op9siom and in thig way the par - pet in physical tortures, he cried ou% : jour mind whether or not I G"pel corn has gone. through that, pro- regeneration, it is i;e..!au_c lie doe;i whose action at the battle of Atbara and sometimes hea%ier trouldes. Ant I tract, but. they would not. lackof someilling better to do, bework- erit� frequently receive ulcore vinven- . "Oh, I Suffered terribly, Lut I didn't ,in ces.,3. When on Calvary ,till the hoofs not I-elieve in it, If. when .vou bear ft! are, still ringing in the public ear can I G ,od. Even ,it king finds limits to his ed the claim. ,yo stint it ail up briefly, (let- than can Ile con.-Aurned a' the fes - cry out while I ,was suffering, did I I I)id I cry out?" There is no such nurse of human Scorn came down on the . speak on religiomi (heme,4, 3 flu I mot n , lay claim to a heroic ances(ry, The heart of Christ, arid till the flails of � or power. A closer intimacy -with I lie Lord and bis prophets would have lie struck I( fich, and before the g,lId ti,ity, anti their sole expense consists left the K1011dike as Jesus -His hand the gentlest, his cannot make up y ar mind whether Satanic fury beat Him long and fist, !no'. lie thinks lbeorighteou-4 and the I ,i had their origin from & Cameron '�N'hen lessened his alarm. lie seeketh tt quar- seekers inaw in town - th,­ hiring or plate.-; arid dishes from he had been offered and refused $750,- ill foot the lightest, His arm the strong- was not the corn threshed? N%iQkpd will come out s.t tho same i tribe of Caledorlians inhabiting the el. Ile supposed that as U-11-hadad (lot) for the claim for which he paid flit, ne,Lrest stores in the town ,,%hpre est, For especial pang, especial help. the mills of God's indignation against pl,,,,.,. it is be.c.ause he really lleliev`s - district of Loebaber, anti anciently I had made ininossiWe demands Upoll I "O' An d it is a Solemn thought the farnier sells his- grain and buys IS it approaching sorrow? Is it long shadowing bereavement that youknow sin vaught Christ between the upper 110 : , their de,tinies are conterminous. . . know n as the MacOchtrey. Their chief, and nether rollers, was not tile corn I I-eing talk his father. Ah:tb, in order till provoke war, so his successor wits now doing ,I I his that he never NNould. have secure, his wife's gro-,,erie4 and ribhons. -walked in the Is coming, because the breath is short, not to me al,oul u mail ground ? 'When Jesus descended into : d ublful about the dovirinos Of9l'acet. i John Alao:Ochtrey, was afriend of The I -,%ith likt� purpose, bonanza if lie had uoL .1 broad anti easy May Nkhich leaves ona's For in(mths i)errire ihe wedding the and the voice is faint, and the cheek bell, and the flames of the lost world , fl� is nut d()UT1.,tfU1 to ale at pill, Bread Bruce, and, joining the Scol.(ish chiefs, 8. Plishol, . . . sent. A plain nian, heold unduly large oil the next morn- bride, with her molbnr awl sislel", ispalel, Haveyou, been calculating your wrapped Dim all about, was not I ' is bread, and I know it the trooment I led the clan in the Highland Division I calm while the king is terror-strickvil; - have been hard a( %�ork at ifiv lomil, capacity or incapacity to endure wi- � disban- , corn baked ? Ob. yes I Christ Is i � e it. I bait a, curn-ficlil whit -h I cul- His lie ON i of the pat riot ic army at the battle of a subject reliuking big sovervign's %% ant fidtli. Ing, (o r .. Another ),Ind of luck ,.%as tbat of spinning and voeaving till tilt, linen dowhood, or childishness, or a ed home, and cried: " I cannot endure ready. poircion all ready; ured (Iii, surnmer N�,ith my own hand. , peace ail really-, everything ready in Bannockburn. In that division, led by of Lvt him come now in me. Spoken not in tirnigo.ri,o, ))tit un for the ". L%Leky I-Zid,­ ,Nbo may have had the person, as vo-P!f as ft)!' it"' ll'lllstl; .. it ?­ Ob, worried soul, you will wake up I (,I(, n(It a ,k once in all theq'summer: Christ. Are you really for Him'? " thi, vorns" I did riot hunt up tile the Lord. of the Isles, the gallantry (if di,ine direction, ITe I,.at,%k ill. ttlight it not he r li;lrllv, but. it has bepn forgot- %%-Ilit.b st(pre, ttqoh,-r with a v-1lip!v (of In first be staked out Imrsys. a colili'l, tit eo%%�, nn't a amid all your troubles anti find a round the consolation . You say: ... ]'hat is such it Simple L Agrivu I no i,I to get it. Ilict ure. (if cot n- the Carnerons WILS COXISIACUOus, and C ospel I" I know it is. You say . " f thn arm on %%hi -h li�, lo-ineti. Thi -re in Israel. One the place, voun ten. . 9 -enry of pnir of sheep, invaiiiii-ly forms :i part a claim (in El Mrado, grew ,o% � ' about you sweet of the (;q>sper as thickly strewn as was you , I . I was i)orn in sight of it vom-fieId. and o . materially contributed. to win the vic- thought religion wits a strange M'x-11 %\ben these is it prvOwt %,-bi) votfld 8 peak and,,avt for (told aniting int -in . NVolking it very soon anti guilt it for (if ber illarriage po'l-tion. .1­,ol.�4. the manna around about the lay -aeli- know tilt al.oul, it. ture of elaborate. compounds. tory wbich secure:1 the national III)- No' It 11.4raeliLPS �111`110 to Canaan and looked 'rho i. Nwinian vaine. A vontr;;4 : N 4 9 I ;ia- ., It since ivis yielded to its (,',%I'- Bridal orlillar'll" ill, Ill'i It'lit $100- hundreds of thl'u-9- as in Nor%oa,N. 'nip 1)anish 11 -1 --ill or tish envaintiment. Especial solace for especial distress. is so plain that any aberedartan erty. Cameron regiment wits may ! off upon (he fivid.q. thf, cry wit.-;: "('Of*"! . . understand it. 111 "s sirup I 'c't'y 's -Corn!" tahted raked in 16,49, amongst the Cameroni- man NNith prital,ely retiuue. iml till Ivr_ neath his &izzling rolie !I letivr' nkin cr rol"'P scores ailds of dothl's ill .111 it person would girl v,s­irs asimplo ero%%ti or iiv,110 " Or is it the grief of it dissipated -'(s Arid if a. man ba i once power-. If you could, this morningjor this lipavenly bread lie knows it anti in tile West ot Scotlandto support '% and tin itching boart . R,Iish i fit It . unible like it) loelit ii -ti, I hen i bi, Lucky Kill" %%ith her mition-11 co'luillo -- %;Itying -d it -it.t. t)ui ,,li%ays oh;trmiri�,, pear Cieek. stnict cl;lim It I, I Ill, di.,t I companiortV There are those bore who realize that Christ died to save. from i right away. 11;� (.art tell this corn (it william Ill.; while the regim,ent. of surroundint,4s, yel. gN,vaying o )ter X" c nt t(� ,,, it for $6,500. This t� itt.�- val-t-filil.% have it, w) I am not speaking in the sin, and death, and bell, not only your � tbe Gospi�l Canaan front "Ole ch-Iff the Cameron Highlanders was formed ' might ier Ch tit ;i king's. His hoscel I-SCH fill' there. and SoLl -and t "' ol' myrilf, like fllil� price. lout cherishpl, I)y ill � lish ll:iii0s ilinwgh abstract, but to the point. You have minister and your neighbor, ,find your in 1793 by Allan Cameron, of Erroch. lbowind driveth otwa,�.' Ibles-3 ' ; his at tend-ints, and his ch ijl of for him- so" rids a pretty gh it is Coll lie Fed thal the Claim tile forip \%inlors ill mik"ll?o1i"ll fir not whispered it, I)erhqps, to your most Intimate friend; but father and your child, but y -o -u. itl%ohLb :God .,o many have, found ibis Gose! ,1 ,ti.ould make this hour like. tbo Judg-, \� lien the latter regiment wit.% at (Ab- rftlttt,r fit 1882, it was ordered to join self. 4, 'I'll-, sceining is wit nlvv;iss ill,- 1. 5. When for iNhen .',I now is v`lued al, a large fiaeli-I (if tilt, gri-,:i ,,%onl. Ile— ,,ole twill-orn is you see your home, goiug gradually away from you corn. It is the bremd of which it a ment-day for agitALtions, and. nolong- I set the Bri(igh army in E,gypt, arid there, relk it sinner sei-li,4 mpr,y lot him not conic in ,,,,,,. a million dollars. it voill Ile seen ihal tho, gnat olken do,ei chest, lit-avilY and unless things change own. it wili :Man ew lie sbiall never hung". I er able to keep your seat, you Nvoill'i "For I" the gladness of your soul to t he t unem with the 42nd and 74th Campl�ell High- the Bri- but on Ill% knees, in flit, pover- i, the Kid's own peculi!%r kind (if luck still ei milwil ant oflen fiitel�' var-d. Oldt 14) - oi -P (of linell, him. it is confident ly llol,l.t her ,,-,.�Jly be entirely destict.yed. )'out, gripf ,%vasilemp up. crying: mol For Me "I 1. of 'Aripi" anti "An,ioch." I riugtbe landers, constitu(ed Highland the ty and nakedness of his sou 1. w. g .,%for as clingin be I I it long I bi, K I till it I ko, I ha I a v e ry At eleven n',+ ­k -it) lliv Nkedding well depirted by a Woman, presiding at a ,,iornan's lnieeting Inst winter in I A new convert said: Could not vvedding ljell,L, for Cbrist and voursoul Sleep, thinking over tba( passage, . gado, In the night attack upon Egyptia I Is at Tel-el-Kebir, Pri- n re , " 10. Elis,ha sent. He (top,; riot honor the haughty Syrian by hi,i eved go Kill way to neqUire Mie:11-11 14011141 Ill, moining ;i:l (it,- guests Inept :it Ille Ohio, when hat- intoxiented busbrind I helieveth on the Ron ha f b are married, and there is n po w e r 0 n Whosoevet , I earth or in bell to OUL eltel's Of U, he vir to . Doll.1 I ameron, who was I presprim. but sends I;im c�lmmands by a servant; (O f(dlow along tile Kid's ir-W ond pick bou�w ,if t he 1,rid-,. drivin .- ill, it, -1 I.R. 1"n,X - staggered ill) to flie,platforni, to her get life;' nnd go I got of), and lighted 11 divorcement. 11irst to sea e Ina ramparts, Was shot , thus respecting tiv, corenionial law, his leavings at big own priev. aw! i%hen slip is re.0% ill- 1110 up . lil-deil wenvilplining mortification anti i bf% �' candle ,, and found my Bible, find read i But for the famine-ittiuck. dead, but his fall was avenged by his ces.ston si,,tris rot, fit., rlim-cli. showing the dignity of his office, an ' . Ow hv'if dislurigmve trA the, nudience, and she alas it, over: '-bosoever beliaveth on the , have, Enough corn. �oet it seems you 'Wbomoever comrades, in a battle, the issue Of Nariman's pride. Go ,in humbling N ­_ b)" t%%o olitriders. 101,1 are r;l * pulied a protruding bottle from her bushand's it be it over: believeth on the no sickle to cut it. no mill lo prind Son both life.'" "Why,' says slime acter- s%hicb Sir Archibald Allisan char, !zed as the "greatast of modern vic- wash in Jordan. 1. A simple .,t ,2. I ill n." ' JAPANESE PRINTING. - Nvxt follm,os, �i (,.art rontainina tile pocket, and held up fort, ill(- audience and cried out: -1 one. "didn't, )-on know lbat WOS In the it, no fire to bake it, no alyloetite to tories." In the stLosequent defence of A !�Of-(Ienying a6; , An f of obedience; 4. A n net of I The difficulties of running a news -bri",I-0iret, or flmv brat,N in't'llyliolitq "There is the calls(, of my u-ne. There Bihle before C' "Oil yes," lie replbed; eat it, Sta,rving to death, whon the ,, lil-fln is %ki,b magnificent bar- ac Koosbeh and the battle of Giniss, the perseverance; 5. An it(!( of faith; 0. A paper in Japan tire considerably in- -;Ill I that gianding di'di, ih.� vill;tge tile V-1 rt. are the llenrq and the life -blood of golden n I knew it was in tile. 'Bible. bill I I Vest. M3 brother. if 5our friends � gallant conduct, of the regiment, anti symholiv ne.. showing as in a pi( t u re creased by the enormous number of fiddler, Aftei them q -tile 4 ill,- 1,ri.iv C.-ne, 1-tith drunkard's %% ife." ,%not then, 1(l,oking up wanted to see it with my nwn eyes, ad acted so crazily allout WOFdly the conspicuous ability of Col. Everett the process of -salvation. I characters flit, compositor must Use. "" ill iining I!8r- -it lwn!� ill tile to henvon, she said, "How long, 0 Lord, and then I re4teo." tied grant I lint Yon � F,I)Irit ual thing- as you htLve a, tell abou I who directed it, voere of public notor- � It. Naaman was wroth. Ile nad at- years ago the Chiue,iv chanicte ,I qw, rvinainintc Jill to 11' sl�ii, �'wqjitlg, jojl-;I�s It, tilt, resthe hotard bino; L,ng 11" then, looking (town to the my brother, may see it with your own thing -t, %-on oNoula lin-ve .sent thein be- jety, deserving the highest compli- ready planned tin Impressive wtiy (if , Highlanders in printing -,�ere n thougand oind"a ha . sl,tvad. auflien--e. cried: "I)o you wonder I eYes, and hear It with your own enirs, ,, , f re this it) Bloomingsda1v In -ane Ally- ment. The (Inmeron were beating. altog e I hor liefitting I lie now they ha%e risen lot 12,00, :Intl rot- :111,.;1-1.� hride tilt, Ilvide- felt .strongly on this subject. Siaters. And feel it. with vour own heart, that are lost but that Christ loin- You do riot Fecal to realize the onc,e described by a Lord Provost, of Edinhuigh, as 'lions in the field and dignity (if Syrian nobleman. Now bi- lilvhintl tho v,�mps their correc! employment Ibe working b:i,g to, have to gromn. .11s.) alnil'.. drivell h% a karle. ,6,oill yoii h-lpt me?' And livindreds of voices respond. "Nes, %%(% will help you a s(;ul, t.omemforyour extrication. Canvounot hungei - that 1.9 gnawing (in )-out, soul. 'i lambs a� home." find, bimself (rented pre-i-e!y like a. oulea,,t, leper. The wime of compositor recourse a ' manuscript key. Tbe conivosilor cannot 11" `114 in file iniddle of Iiis vehiole in yes, you." Nou stand, of you, in tfike that truth and St t. a 11 d i he precipice -t on I lip edge of Nv It ich , (tit I] I gw Ch common i Ile Lord his God. Literally "of ­ nil- tht� ronsvit,uA glor.N of a ne,% 'nit therefore, sit or stand tit orre "ease ' . .some such ,% tra"-fly In-dity. You cannot M'Ike it a part. of your immortal life? "alk thi,fireRintowhi-It �o!i tun. it is bread. the insanity. ib,- i%Nful inadnoss, of a SAYING I3LX,ASANT FITINGS. Jehovah hi -i God." tie regan tell Jeho- ! but must all day long t rot tit) anti (town Jim nnd vast 4,;oik %Nfili ninn% oilolt. leys, his A%orn even tit ,,fit- gu-mn­i-IiM`v, tnuoh even o�k hia' lo titrip drinkinfir. it lrn-t�-,­i hirn ­r.)sq, find he. tells if) only You have noticel thit invalids Call- ruitti that ,�% Ill not ttiko Ch. I A. '%N hun I There are people whom we often meet va.h m the Grid of Isreal, just as Rim- mon was of Syria. anti Chemosh of long ftl piAing out characters as he goes. There. are some twenty as the Lord Mayor %%em -A bi 11 you rnini .�our own business, 1% there any not. take all kinds of food. The food I hink of the risks )-oil iun it ,-eems as for 'it I must ruqb from The pulpit and whose first Impulse seems to bid them Molab. Over the ploxe. Showing that lending It dignity suitithle tA tI;ie,P14*_k political dailies printed in Tokio, but � 'I ' emnity, and as, it mark of (]is action. relief in such ava4e? Not such its if found in I he rigmarole of comfort or- that will do for one will not (to a,nother. There tire kinds (if food 'take you fly the shoulder a,nd tell you to say something unkind or unpleasant, the I ogy wa,s recently manifested, =et touc,hed onlyapnrt of the and as none of them has much more than, 10,_ 000 circulation. Nt-ar the chureh children strew finw- dinarily given in such caser. But which will produce, in eases of invalid- Of what is come and bow liltleYou are , for it. and as a rule they are avoLded as body. Recover the leper, He wanted . Prs, as well as near the bride's old bonie, %%here there im also an archway there is a relief that drops fit manna ism, very speedy death. But you have ,ready notived that all however -.yProk I rode somp (hirteen miles to gPo much as I oAsible by a] I; this in turn to rid of the "leper" yet 'preserve be I "r4tptain." HOW dra-lied with flagn. Qeturning Szonit, from the I hrone of God. Ob, lift uViyour persons, they may be, can take bread. Ob, soul a Oparner I hat wag heqrhed near south- only adds more to their natural bi t- the grandeur of the REPAIRED BY SHELLFISH, church the bride and bridegroom .sit lacerated soul, in prayer, and ynil v.ill get Omnipotent I do not riek with sin. invalid in your trans- I amp on, Long I Intrid. It wag a splen tiff ter;ess of spirit, and sarcastic Speech, How many cling to their own uncleansed hearts from wbi(,h th,y would fain Ile A most curious Use is beingi made of together, tbP hand pret7eding them, comfort, )C00%% in what words the soothing in- gressions, I think this Gospel will vt`Rsel. As I walked lip anti dov.n tile a decks. in the calling, I s ill ; es get to be the rule. much plea- santer it is to meet those dear friends free, because they cannot receive sal heralding their approach Nvith a fnn- the - -e,cmmon silky -beard mussel down fare, fluence May Come, hut I kno- that is agree with you, I think if you enn- and I can take "Wbat a pity ilia( th� -i vessel should not take any hin who always bave a kind word and a va.tion on their own terms and intheir in a Devonshire, (Eng.) town, This III � 1. especial Aelf- for special g let tVre p1se, yon this ' Lost-fo I Sunkeon-rAiged I 'go to liile"'L 6r Ile lying here IMP,' Z' �, pleasant smile, and who never seem own proud way. at Biddeford, where a brid go crossing - � - Veranee. I give you two or three pass- Ages. Try , Condemned--pordoned I Cast out -in- The emst wreckers had spent severa; t o see that our ­ nore is crooked," or 12. Abana and Pharpar, The Bar- the Awnj. two crygital streams thp River Torridge i.ci Impt in repair EVERYTHING GOING. I hem on. Take that which best fits yrur soul. "Whorn the. Lord ,j tboustind pounds trying even In ge t vil,ed in I That is the old corn of ill( her off and surceetiled once; .tint she Gospel. that We are 11 dreadfully tanned," or that those wrinkles art) growing floap- ada. anti rising In Mount Lphnnon ad flow- I entirely by them mussels, Rays the I Rambler. The Is so rapid that Till? steamer rolled and pilchod in the -.voloves lovs4b fie rbastenetb." "All things Work togellier for to those who You bare often seen a wheel with 'vnmP back agnin to the old Ill let,. While er evory (in ." There is no reason why 3ould lie 10 ved and es- Ing nerols the plain of Ilinninscua, only ho loqt, in thn desert-, fit Otpeso (If in . .stream it. washes away mortar,'so the owner Derth ))fly, groaned Cholly, tit the good love God." "Weepinq may endure for RrIces of different colourR. rkn(llwhPn I wag walking on de.ek every part of the ve'sPl trembled With tile 6enting of every one not teenied, instead of being thought. of ihP worldly morality, cold re.remoni- I employs, boats to bring up mussels to end of the first hour on silipboard. , fill tho! interstivole. 'those mussels fiffix me %%ill send my remains a night, but joy comelb in the morn- Ing." T know I e wheel was rapidly turned a I the colors blended into I' rainbow of Px- the murf on line side, Since then I with dread. Simply criltivate the. ba bit aliqm and intpilectual rulfure whieh -n quhstituLe for (tip Onspel I promise yout The mqelves to the mnsonry by agluti- i home to my peoplef there tire. those who. when they try to controri pfople, 0- . quiRite lienuty. I ,,�'i.h I could, this hear,] I hat that lv,sotel, %%bieh wits worth morning. ink*, the and the life. fifty thousand pound%, had been sold of saying pleasant things. of being blind to the peculiarities of others, nt m wmild (if -nivn loin, Went awav in a rage. ' : nou,4 thread which IbAy exudir, and so A second hour passed. 'strong is this that It is an effective I)oiab hoy, foiehly morin -ed Cholty -,On . I I Ways brinp T the sromo ,state. sontimen Itbout, the Usefulness trial. Instem t peace, find the joy. and fififiry of Christ, and for seven hundred pounds, and is tobe d making Unkind remarks. and peoplf, ffnw fooli h is that ramp will Ill makes tul'n &V tray from luJt? and . tit uto for morl.ar in the holding needn't send my remains home. 'Acre s 111,q i of of bringing a ner, piaster for a new turn Mom hofore your Rinul with Finch knocked to pieces, Thoov had given up speod and strength that would be the Idea of gotting hei to sall togain. Will lie glad 10 MPPt yoll. and yon %,ill be certain of a welcome anywbere. an a 1114 life just because Its conditions are not together of the bridge. Won't be any. I wound, and freall manna for fresh bull- you I � . . . . I .. . � I � / ." . 1* * I � , . . . � I � I . I . . . I . .. . I I . , f . I ,:. ; - I i - . * I . . � . . . . . I . � . � I I . : q, , . _', �iilll� i . I � � -_ .&M." 41.1 . . . . . - I I li�. 6, I I_ . ..4 11 . . I . I � - � . � J 't. I I � . f . ��, .- ­­ ­­ ----- ­ ' I'll, I I �Vklfi_ . . . &Asqb� 1 I � ��� I �­'_____._�._ ---�-.--,�.-.-.---�..�..-.�l---.-��--.#r __ , .