HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-18, Page 1TilE CLINTON
W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and ll'rop
WHOLE NO. 1,030
G. M. KILTY will address a PLEBISCITE meeting in the Town Hall, Clinton, To -Night.
ncx+crxJ R �, �(�,i
Dr. Bell, 0. B., Government. Analyst,
has reported favorably to the 'louse,
and Stephenson Macadam, Ph.D., eat'.,
)Lecturer in Chemistry and Consulting
Analytical Chemist., Surgeons' Hall,
Edinburgh,) says :-
---1=1't-lltts'"'en carefully distilled, has
been thoroughly mates ed, and is prac-
tically free from fusil oil or other nox-
ious ingredients*****a first-class and
agreeable beverage."
Miracle Washing Compound
Adapted to the finest or Coarsest
Fabrics. Your washing done while
you rest.
No need of soaking over night
Washday Robbed of all its Terrors
A Family Washing done while break
fast is eaten.
DIRECTIONS -Slice one cake of Miracle Com-
pound and one cake of common washing
soap into two quarts of water and boil um
til dissolved ; pour half of it while hot into a
tub containing enough very hot water to
cover your olothes. Soak white clothes,
curtains and cotton fabrics a few minutes
in cold water ; wring out and place them
in hot suds, stirring enough to enable the
suds to reach every part, and lot them
stand for 25 or 30 minutes; then wring out,
rinse, blue and hang on line.
FOR COLORED CLOTHES, Ramo Suds can be heat-
ed and balance of mixture added to it;
let clothes stand as for white.
be put in cold water, hutplaced at once in hot
suds made as directed for other goods, and
allowed to stand 30 minutes; then rinse and
hang in warm place. If directions are fol-
lowed you will be delighted to sec how
soft and fluffy they will feel -nor will they
2 Cakes for 5o or 12 for 250.
Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs.
OGLE COOPER & CO,, Clinton
Phone 23.
the boys and girls may now be
seen wending their way to and
from school.
he happiest days of a boy's life
e his school days, yet he
thinks it "hard luck" when he
has to put in a few hours a day
with teacher and books.
School life can be made much
more pleasant, boys, if you are
properly supplied with
Our business is to sell you the
newest and best in School Sup-
plies. Colne around and see
our assortment.
Town schools commence Thurs-
day, September 1st.
olt Store
0 o THE TWO A.J'S.
U B(0 If
who will fit a good
Suit at a price like
this .-
$2,50 Suits $1.50
2.75 " 1.75
3.25 " 2.25
4.50 " 3.25
5.50 " 3.75
0.50 " 4.50
There are only a few
left, just two or three
of each, so if you
want one come right
in at once.
�j °(j a�
(ifJ o alp of C ®+c� + o rm?.
o v
usually found in an up-to-
date gents' furnishing stol e
are kept by us. Our ailn is
to please our custom ers, so
we keep the very latest
goods in the market, and
this season we are showing
a much better assortment
than ever. We have a
large assortment of the
most fashionable
They are good goods and
cheap, so sell well,
as a
Any bhirt of "Tookes"' if surrounded
by a frame would make a fine picture.
The outlines are so pleasing, the work-
manship so accurate, the laundry so
artistic, thus the tout ensemble leaves
the imprint of the master hand on
every garment, This character, or,
in other words, these features, are the real secret wily "Tooles' "
Sighs outsell all other brands.
The Leader, open back, 50e lie Business, open fro t, 1 25
The Champion, " 75c The Full Dress, (r $1 50
The Gold Dollar, " $1 00
Fancy Percales, Colored Bosoms, etc,, a complete range, "Wear
‘Tooker" Shirts and be content."
nfttabllshod 1854.
Acmon Jim A Winner.
AL' Ike Ratteubury, who is care;
pitignii g his speedy pacer, Actuon.liin,
on American Circuits, Won first stoney
in his class at Youngstown, N. V.
Last week Aenlon Jim went inShe 2.21
pace at McKee's Rocks, but as yet we
have not heard the result.
Lucky Mr, Sloan.
Among the passenger's o11 the steam-
er Roanoke, which recently arriv-
ed at Victoria front the Kloutyke
was Air. Sloan, Nanain), who,
with $175,(1(0, was the 'richest aunt on
board. AIr. Sloan is the son of Mrs.
Sloan of Seaforth, and is an old Sea -
forth boy. This is his second trip to
the Klondyke. He returned about a
year ago and brought a large sutra of
Money with hint.
A Draw Game of Lacrosse.
Quite a number of our citizens gath-
ered in Recreation Park last Friday
evening to witness the Egnlondville
and Clinton juniors try conclusions at
lacrosse. •The game was for the first
half as pretty a slugging match as one
could desire, bait for the last half there
was some good lacrosse. The visitors
had a promising team, but the best
they could do was two to two, so that
honors stand even. Mr. John Kenne-
dy, who knows all the ins and outs of
the game, was referee.
Seale & Hoover Made Ten Sales.
Seale & hoover have made some ten
sales this past week, most of thea) for
monuments to be. erected in ceme-
teries inore or less remote. The
largest orders were : -- A Barre
granite sarcophagus to the mem-
ory of ('has. Spooner and wife
Clinton cemetery ; red granite pur-
chased by ;firs. W. Johns, ljsborne, to
be placed over remains of husband
in 'Lion cemetery ; Eaperanza of the
gates ajar design, to the memory of W.
Richardson in Nursery cemetery, neat'
Exeter ; Esperanza blue over grave of
children of Robt. Clark, near Exeter.
The Popularity of The News -Record.
One of our subscribers, -who was in-
advertently missed by our retries boy
last Thursday, sent in for his copy of
Tug. NEwe-11Econn and remarked
that he would sooner do without his
dinner any Thursday than THE Ni ws-
I3.Fco0il. Another patron in forward-
ing an ad for publication 'said that he
did so because he had "every i'easnu to
believe that it was a, good advertising
medium." Mr. Thos. hillock called in
Monday on his way horse to Stratford
from a visiting trip in Goderich ancl
Ashfield to say that he found
I'HF, NEWS-R1':coit» vastly improved
and was becoming more and more
pleased with it.
Miss Acheson Was Encored, .
Miss Acheson, the violinist, who will
resume her classes here about the first
of next month, was one of the artists
at the Berlin Saengerfest last week and
is thus spoken of by the News -Record
of that town: ---Miss Laura Acheson,
the talented yonng lady from Goderich,
repeated her success of the previous
evening, in her violin solo Masnrka
"Obert.ass". She possesses is wonder f nl
control over her instrument and was
compelled to respond to an enthusiastic
encore. She was chosen as solo and
first violinist in the large orchestra,
which was composed of brilliant artists
from different parts of Canada, and
which took a very prominent part iu
the dif'erent saengerfeste entertain-
ment. Iles sister, Miss Ethel Acheson,
played her accoinpanirnents in faultless
Choir Sunday.
Next Sunday will be "Choir" Sunday
in the Ontario St. Methodist church
and as this always excellent choir has
been slaking ready for this event tor
some time, an especially interesting
musical treat is in store for the congre-
gations. in the a.rn. service Pastor
Clement's ser anon will have a musical
,'turn, hint in the evening the choir will
have the service to itself, except. that
Mr. ('lenient will give a short sketch
of a few of the hymns. The programme
to be rendered is as follows : - -
Iiynln 35.. what Equal Honors Shall
We Bring .. .. •V,'att.s
Anthem 'lend Out Thy Light (lounod
Scripture. Lesson .
Hymn 11.. Awake and Sing the
Hong Hammond
Sermon. Return of the itansomed to
Zion The Pastor
Quartette .Savior When Night Involves
the Skies .Skeely
Hymn 833.. Leader of Faithful Souls. . Wesley
('hoir Irntchhrs
All hail the 1'ower . . 1'erronet
Hymn 108
Anthem. .. .Father(5 Hear I's. .. Palmer
Scripture Lesson
Hymn 23. Young Men and Maidens . Wesley
Solo . Saved by a ('hod Plceolomhrl
R Fodor
Melt ..... Torry With Me . Nieolal
Mrs. (libbings, Mr. ilarland
Hymn 117 Jesus Lover of Mr Sorel Wesley
Anthem,.. .ily ilabylnn's Ware.. .(lonnod
Solo.... .. .Tho Heavenly Hong. ... (fray
Madame Wall
(Junrtetto . Christian the Morn Skeety
Solo and ('horns With ('ongrogattonal
Singing. . Rock of Ages.... . Toplady
hymn R44... . _ Snn of My Soul . ftehle
Organ Solo Selected.. .. ., Organist
Pleased With The Rector.
Rev. Mr. Parke, of Clinton, officiated
in Trinity church on Sunday last. I[is
sermons were very much appreciated,
the one in the evening, particularly,
being an (able one and well delivered. --
Mitchell Advocate.
How to Size Them Up.
An exchange says: You can tell the
successful farmer by looking at
his wife's fruiteaus in the clos-
et. You can tell the dry goods
box statesman by the patches on
his pants. You can tell the pois-
on serpent by the bluntness Of his
tail, You can tell the slouchy woman
by her shoe buttons and her hair. But
the easiest of all, you can pick out the
enterprising merchants of a town by
looking at a home newspaper. This is
not revelation, hut it is business gospel.
Illness of An Old Pioneer.
Mr, Robot 1 Welsh received a tele-
gram from Melvin, Mich., Monday con-
veying the sad news that Mr. Peter
Cole was dying and to notify the rela-
tives, Mt'. Welsh did so anti.
Mr. Peter ('ole, .Jr. left for Mel-
vin Tuesday morning. The sick
elan was one of the pioneers of Gode-
rich township and lived hard by the
Methodist (hiltoh which is best known
as "Cole's" and was named after the
family. Mr, Cole has been living in
Mic higan for several years and is now
pretty well up in years.
The Founder of a City.
:Monsieur Cuntigny, who is engaged
in the prodigious task of founding a
city at St. Joseph's on Lake Huron,
was in Clinton twice last week and
was apparently rued taken with the
stathle and progressive appearance of
our town. Monsieur is courtesy itself,
a clever conversationalist and has the
appearance of being a shrewd elan of
business, all of which slakes it the 11101'e
difficult for curious ones to understand
why he persists in a scheme which
from every ane of their ways of look-
ing at, it, seems chimerical. They hope
he may succeed het will persist in
doubting it.
Game At Bowls.
The bowlers defeated two rinks froth
Code' kb quite easily last week, This
(vas on Wt'(lnesdity and on Thursday
they merits many rinks horn Mitchell
and though they won the morning
gams' they concede that that played in
the afternoon would have gone against
them had the rain not interfered to
prevent a finish. Mitchell, though, is a
great town for bowls and has sent two
rinks to the annual tournament of the
Ontario Bowling Association in pro-
gress at Niagara -on -the -Lake this
week. To -morrow Kincardine will
send to the Hub its most skilful players
to try conclusions.
The Tramp Nuisance.
The cheek of the genuine tramp
knows scarcely any bounds, and how
most effectually to deal with him is a
conundrum, In the town he can be
kept within hounds to a great extent,
but along the concessions and sidelines
lie has become a terror. Clinton ]las
been infested with the hobos lately,
and one of theni on Tuesday threw a
ham -sandwich hand-out back at the
good wife who gave it him because it
was not accompanied by a cup of teat.
A family has been camping down at
the London Road bridge for several
days and exists I17 begging. Thesheaul
of the outfit is a big strapping fellow
and looks strong enough for any kind
of work, but refused a job at hod -car-
rying all Tuesday.. Ile came frorn
Wia.rton, he claims, where he was
intent out, and wants to get to Wind-
sor, and has been itnporttming the
town officials for a railway pass to that
place. Were it not for wife and chick
a free ride to the County Castle would
be more in order.
A Seaforth Girl Arrested.
Shortly after noon on Saturday last
Chief Wheatley received word from
Seaforth to arrest a girl of a certain
description and to keep her in charge.
until It constable from that town could
put in en appearance. As was his
duty, the Chief did so, espying the
young woman as she was driving up
Ontario St. on her way horse. lie es-
corted her hack to the hotel and await-
ed the arrival of Constable Gillespie,
who came up in the rousse of the af-
ternoon, and took back the woman and
the horse, which was the cause of her
detention. it was at. simple affair,
much ado about, nothing, and a case of
being altogether loo manly to invoke
the assistance of magistrate and con-
stable. The young woman hired the
horse at one of the Heaf51-th liveries,
to (hive Le Clinton, she claims, 1Iiongh
t ho stable boy says it was for a trip in
another direction. However, she came
to this town in search of employment,
(vas successful and had started hack
without, any undue delay when the
order for her arrest, Came. She didn't
seen mec'h annoyed glom the affair,
t.hongh had many another been in her
place there would have heen tears, pos-
sibly hysterics, and somebody would he
made smart for the arrest.
$4,500 Paid Out.
Cantelon & Wallis paid out $1,5(X) for
hogs last week. This meant about five -
hundred porkers, which were bought
over radius of twenty miles. Though
a fairly good week, this is not high
water mark for C. & W. by any
The Societies Combine Forces.
The Horticultural Society has decided
to join forces with the Agricultural
Society in the holding of a joint exhi-
bition. This is a wise move as neither
one is as strong as it should he, but the
combined wisdom and funds of the two
boards of directots should be able to
evolve a creditable fall fair.
Young, But Eloquent.
Mr. J. 13. Lucas, the Conservative
member for Centre Gray, was the next
speaker, and an effective speaker he
proved to be. Air. Lucas is a very
youthful looking member. One could
be excused for mistaking hint for' a
schoolboy of fourteen or fifteen, until
he had been heard to speak. One soon
forgot the youthful appearance in the
close reasoning and fluent and really
graceful diction of the young Parliuten-
tarlids-Mon treal Star.
S. A. Thanksgiving Service,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday, August 27, 28, 20, and
31), are the days fixed upon for
the •harvest thanksgiving service in
connection with the Salvation Army,
and the officers and soldiers of the local
corps -are busy scheming and planning
for a special series of meetings for that
occasion. They will endeavor to make
them novel and attractive beyond the
ordinary. A picture, 8x2) feet, painted
by Captain Keeler, will he on exhibi-
tion at these meetings. •
Harvest Excursions.
There was a large crowd at the depot.
Tuesday morning when the first excut'-
sion train of the season left for the
Nest. There was the usual rush, Mr.
WV. Jackson of the C. P. It. alone sell-
ing thirty tickets. Most of those
who took the trip went to help garner
the grain, but others again to seek for
employment more to their liking, and
some were 00 purely pleasure bound.
Those who went by C. P. R. were :--
It. AleClinchey, R. Stephenson, It.
Robinson, A. R. Foote, A. Thompson,
Hugh Gilmore. Miss Gilrmore, J. Wat-
son, J. Moffat and wife, W. Johnston,
J. A. Johnston, Mrs. Parker, J. Don-
aldson, .J. Harper, F. Miller, Stanley ;
W. J. Yeo, D. Lindsay, P. E. Ean,
W.'Cantelon, W. Becker, Goderich
township s T. Temple, J. Harting, Miss
McGee, J. McElroy, Miss McElroy,
Blyth ; A. Mc(1r;Le, F. Gilroy, Clinton ;
13, Stiles and wife. AM'. F. R. Hod -
gens hooked over the G.T.B. route: -
C. ('ornyn, E. Elliott and E. Snell to
Brandon; A. Betts, H. Smith and E.
Meeker, to Hannah, North Dakota.
Little Locals.
Cantelon Bros, have been shipping
plllttls this week.
Mr. Will O'Neil is at present laid up
with an attack of pleurisy.
Mr. McGill brought in aL stock of corn
on Tuesday twelve feet long.
Mr. J. Becker has purchnsed aL dray
outfit and gone into the business.
Many of our citizens drove to Gode-
rich Saturday to attend the circus.
Mr. Frank Powel's horse ran away
the other day and damaged the wagon -
so badly that Frank hashed to buy an-
The monthly meeting of the Wom-
an's Foreign Missionary Society of
Willis church will, be held this after-
noon at. 3 o'clock.
The financial meeting of the. (lode -
rich District Methodist church, will be
held at Holulesville on Thursday next,
the 23111 inst at 10.30 a.nt,
C. Reid shipped a carload of cattle
on Monday, a purchase from John
Dale. They were a fine lot, several
pairs going over 3100 pounds.
Mr. Fred Lindsay of Goderich town-
ship has secured a situation with Gil-
roy & 'Wiseman. He has been em-
ployed for two years in Reid's store,
At the meeting of the Ontario 5t.
Methodist church Oficial Board on
Wednesday evening Mr. John Rricken-
den was appointed delegate to the
District. meeting.
The Central Business (College (f
Stratford opens for the fall term on
September 1st. it is one of the most
progressive schools in the Dominion.
W. J. Elliott is the principal.
We aro in receipt of a copy of a song
entitled "Canada," the words by Lieut..
R. Skimings and the music by the well-
known and talented composer, Miss
Eloise A. Sktmings of Goderich.
Mr. John Hunter of Clinton, was up
through the township of Kincardine
the past few weeks. He and Alexander
Campbell of Lorne are in partnership,
being engaged in buying lambs to ship
to the British market. Last year they
Whipped three car loadsand pail the
highest market price. This year they
are paying at the rate of 4c per Ib,
which is certainly a very fair figure for
lambs. At 4 cents per lb. lamb raising
should prove a very profitable industry.
Apple King Cantelon
3L'. David Cantelon, perhaps beat
known its the " Huron Apple King,"
has begun the season well, shipping
this week seven carloads of the Duch-
ess variety, fora' carloads to Liverpool,
one to Philadelphia and two to Mani-
toba. These will go froth Goderich,
Clinton, Illyth,Seafort.h and Teeswaler
The Apple King will operate
tluis season in Kent, Waterloo a11(1
Huron counties and already has a large
number of buyers out. Among those
who will act for hit11 in this county are;
John Porter, Goderich ; John Tor
ranee, Pot ter's Hill ; Leuty, Carlow ;
Louis Taylor, tiile; John Wilford,
Blyth ; Albert Anderson, Stanley ;
Jas. McMichael, Seaforth; while Joshua
Cook, W. H. Cook, Arthur ('oolc, and
Harry Cole will have roving commis-
Mr. Cantelon estimates there will be
75,000 barrels of apples for export from
Huron this fall, as colmpaltal with a
total output last season of 10,00 barrels.
The best yield, though, will he in Essex
and Kent ; each county will market
100,000 barrels.
Speaking of the yield in the province
the Apple King says that '(vest of To-
ronto, tlalcen all over, there will 181 110
more than a quarter crop of winter
fr nit.The Latest Latest Swindle.
The Toronto police hold 8 warrant
for Ismail who, under the name of W.
A. Chase, alias Mitfoi'd, has been
swindling Eastern tinted() llotclkeep-
ers out of struts ranging from $1.75 to
$3.50 each. Chase, or Mitford,.shipped
packages supposed to contain watches,
addressed to himself at the hotels, 0. u.
d., and the proprietors, under the belief
that he would arrive at their houses
within at couple of days, paid the
charges, which as -the consignee-- he
collected at the Toronto express office.
This swindle was tried upon one of
Clinton's hotelkeopers this week, but it
failed to work and the article sent still
lies in the express office with a two
dollar charge against it. It purports
to be a watch, but is likely enough a
piece of lead.
Dr. T. iI. E. Bell of Montgomery,
Mich., is horse visiting friends.
Mrs. (T)r.) Hammond of Detroit is
visiting friends herr,
Messrs, D. Moody, 0. Cummins, .1.
Montain, A. ('unison, kook in the ex-
cursion to Manitoba arid Dakota on
Miss Cassie Howson and her mother
ar')' spending a month with friends at
Mr. J. Bell has returned home from
Ainlli tuba,.
Mrs. T. A. Moral and (htnghter ()live
of Perth 113')' visiting friends 01 this
Misses Lena 011(1 Vinnie Perrin of
Belgrat-c spent last, week visiting their
uncle, Dr. Agnew.
A pretty wedding took place at. I he
residence of Mr. 1t. 0. Weh! on Wed-
nesday afternoon when his eldest
(Wughter, Minolta A., was united in
marriage to 1)r. 7'. 1i. H. Bell of Alont-
gontei'y, Mich. The ceremony took
place on the lawn at three o'clock and
was performed br Rev, Mr. Andrews,
assisted by Ret'. 1':. Grigg of 13rool.lin, a
cousin of I he bride. The handsome
bride was given away by her father
and the wedding march was played by
her sister, Miss Mai y Vt'ebh. 'i'he
bridesmaid was Miss Addie Crisp, who
WAR attired like the !ride in cream silk
trimmed with lace, ('read ribbon and
pearl trimming, 1)r. Agnew was
groomsman. After tea the bride and
groom drove to SDI [fa and on Monday
they leave to visit friends in London
and from thence to their home in
Montgomery. The best wishes of a
host of friends go with them. The
guests at the wedding were only the
immediate friends of the contracting
parties and the members of the Metho-
dist choir, some fifty in all. There
were many handsome presents, that. of
the bride's father being a solid gold
watch and chain.
Fatal Accident At Blyth.
Twice in a fortnight has death sud-
denly invaded a Clinton household.
Oil the 3rd irust. little Kenneth Gilroy
was struck by aL swing and died almost
instantly, while on 'Tuesday forenoon
Mr. William Cooties, one of 0111' 111081
highly respected citizens, fell from a
scaffold upon which he had been work-
ing at the McKinnon residence in Blyth
and was so Severely injured that he
only lived a few minutes and did not
regain consciousness
Mr. Cooper, in company with Mr.
Thos. Mackenzie of this town, had the
contract for the carpenter work of
this building and it was while employ-
ed upon it. that he islet with the fatal
:accident, Ile was standing upon a
scaffold affixing a piece of bracket to
the garble and in reaching out is sup-
posed to have taken a step too far for
the plank upturned and sent hint to the
ground, nearly forty feet below. He. fell
talion a pile of inose earth, which broke
the force of the fall somewhat, but
alighting upon his right side and arm
his side was staved in. He \HS picked
up tenderly by the men who were em-
ployed on the building, taken iculoot's,
1)r. -Agnew summoned. and 1)r. Shaw
of ('51111011 sent. for, but the message had
hardly been sent. befot e \1r. Cooper had
breathed his last. When the accident
happened 11(15. Cooper was telephoned
for. She at once left, for Myth, under the
impression that hos husbauul wits only
badly injured, 1131(1 her grief was pitia-
ble whon 00 her' arrival the sad news
was as gently as possible told her.
M1. A. T. Cooper also reached Blyth
too late to see iris father alive.
The remains were brought to the
family residence on Fulton St. by the
attct'nosn 114)01) and. this afternoon the
funeral will take place. To the grief-
stricken family in their atl'1'nllysudden
bereavement the deepest sympathy of
the whole community is extended.
Mr. Cooper was 1)01'11 111 Goderich
township sixty years ago, but almost
since reaching manhood has been a
resident of Clinton. IIe was associated
with Mr. Mackenzie for many years hi
the building trade, His title of the than
'being Cooper & Mackenzie, and since
the dissolution of partnership has
himself carried on the business of con-
ile took an active part in municipal
affairs and was a member of the town
council for several terms, and in all
schemes which had for their object the
good and welfare of Clinton he took a
prominent part. IIe was a consistent
member of the Rattenbury St Metho-
dist church.
To Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were born
five sons and four daughters: --Mrs.
W. S. Armstrong, Ontario, California;
J. A. Cooper, editor Canadian Maga-
zine, Toronto : C. W. Cooper, Winni-
peg, Man. ; A, T. and Erne and Misses
Tenn, Eva, 011ie and Edna, tvlio nal' at
-or -_--
Sheppited of 131 :union, Maul.,
and Mr. S. Sheppard of Nile were call-
ers at NV. Stanley's on Monday.
Mr. F. itunih,all of London visited
friend, here.
The Sewing Circle of the W. M. S.
trill [Wert on Thursday in the church
at 1.30 p.m. A five eent tea will be
served in connection with i0 All the
ladies of the congregation are invited
to color' in the eftern0nn and the gen-
tlemen will he welcome nt the tea.
;Hiss A. Stanley is visiting f1 rends in
Mrs. Willis of Heafot't0 is spending a
few days with .1. W. Yeo.
Mrs. Mond of TllCkel'sInitI1 is visiting
her (laughter, Mrs. Stanley.
Mrs. Downing of Goderich visited at
Mr. S. Walters.
Mks (lorry of Woodstock is the guest
of Miss A. Yen.
Miss 13essic Pickard visited friends in
Mrs. 13. Rsnthall of London, formerly
of Clinton, is visiting friends in and
around the village.
A plehisc'te meeting will be held on
T1 ,i'sday evening, tvlu'n Rev. A. K.
Birks of Str'nt.ford is expected to ad-
dress the meeting. A11 interested par-
ties aro invltod to attend.
Prof. S. 1,. l'a(Ihe of Toronto 5V(1S in
the village on Monday.
Mrs, S. ('rich and 2)1iss A, Tlnnl1all
of Clinton spent Tnnsday with Mrs.
The pastor of elattenbnry St. Metho-
dist church exchanged pulpits with
Ray. Mr. (lr511810, 1'reshyterian, of
Ilnyfield Iasi Sunday, but next Snndn.y
evening will deliver the special sermon
announced for-lnst Snndn.y p. rat.