HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-11, Page 4.19
The Clinton News-Reoord
Year, is Advance.
Whitney In The Legislatupo.
From Our Correspondents,
$L.00 A
Miss Mary Mcxay of Retsall Cs visit-
• '
Wiunigeg, Ang, 0i -Special deQ-
- Tautttsvat . - -_ --- I ]lett, 18118.
The Opposition Loader Makes A
patches received freers points) on the
house last week, and we are slue 1113 I
lour 11 WvIlices pirsve Already
Strong Attack Upon the
`- _
Mr, Fred Sack, ulltlia rer of the Cleve-
Miss Maud Deru )se visited friends
J Y ,
souse time fn Seaforth diessuutkiug,
vetut•ned huwe last week.
. -----
laud Steel Works, wit his wife and
at Kincardine.
The Deputy Minister of Agriculture
:y1r. Yettypiace, who u)oved the lid-
lovely little four-year-old daughter,
Mr. B. Mason of Saltford called at
for Ontario has just written la book on
dress, observed Air. Whitney fn his
Hazel, while oar their Canadian tour
visited our town in July, and were the
W. Stanley's on Sunday.
Miss Clark is the guest of Miss Emily
farming and the announcement is wade
reply, was very much exercised and
excited over, the constable vote. Ha
guests for one Woolf of Mrs. Spence,
that it avid be authorised. Presumably,
fmgot that if the pour, benighted,
Victoria St., who is the aunt, of Mrs.
Miss Lorena Talbot left on AVedues-
i this event a )) r i u.
a rs ent the text book k tow i t o
downtrodden Get c onstable L Un tit )le 111 this
bliss S x nee had quite
d a lar l e l-.
1g e w l e
du Lo spend it few days with friends
y I u
at N u lou t o r'or ) he • r• r •r to he
p ( to c tt u e r
will be withdrawn, leaving
ruviuce has auifcred, lie has suffered
ecause of the neglect of duty -of the
ing xu•t.y un Monday evening of last '
huulo at Wytun,
sand students with so much more dead
Inches of the gentlemen Who sit upon
wee They took a sun =run 1313 the 13ra
1, y_
AI t•. and Airs. J. Lower y of Suuuner-
stock on their hand. We have no
the 'Treasury benches-- (Opposition
field lit the glorious light of the
hill visited Prieuds in the neighborhood.
hesitation insrayiugthat this sort of fav•
cheers) -the lues whom) Mr. Pettypiece
wuuu and thea Lha twenty-eight
cyclists repaired to Mr's. Binghaul's,
Dr.Howall, wife and son of Fairgrove
are visiting bev father, Mr. it. Acheson.
ouritistnhasin adecade cost the country
is so ready to support. And if the pre-
redeut which we have beard su i nuch
where the had an huprompt.0 dance,
Misses A, ire speian and 11, Iveaon
a great many thousand dollars. The
friendshi of George Washington lines
P g g
of, but which. to person call produce,
Wft1i lovely music and enjoyable re-
ties llnOtlta•
a are spending a few days
w Ii Miss
Wil ll Mlsa ltuldxwot'th.
has been the passport to pap ever since
he into the Educa_ I
did exist, why di not the occupants
of the treasury benches, when it wits
brought to their notice eleven lung
miss Rothwell of Palmerston is
a ,ending her vacation with her, cousins,
Airs. Johusuu and children ,4.lf St.
Thomas are visiting her sister, Mrs. E.
stepped portfolio of
PP 1
years ago, do then that which they
are elected to do, viz., the
o til St. I
sire Misses pleased
't.'Vu were plcrtsed Lo see the stnilin�
Missy B. Green [aft for Granton on
* *
privileges, alld the liberties, and the
face of Mr. Hemphill ori Tuesday, 2nd
Monday oil a visit to her sister, ,Urs.
The officials sent to the Laurier Gov-
riglets of rill the people of this pro-
inst• The Messrs. Nurdheimer have
ever found Illhim a faithful represeu•
Dr. Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ilolmes have one
ernrnent to administer affairs Ili tile
vinceP Why did they not remedy the
oil a visit to her father at White -
own pockets
Yukon are lining their
difiicu lty in the law ? Why did theyMr.
not follow the precedent, and thus
W. Ithyuas spent alt last week
and allowing the interests of the conn-
render it impossible to -day for the Ili-
at Londesboru. I
Miss Cameron, milliner, and Mr,. A. (
The financial meeting of the Gode-
rich district will be held in the Method -
try to go to the dugs. So glaring hitsq)ted
and benighted Conservatives of
J. Moore left this week to visit Miss
ist church on 23rd inst.
become their corruption as to scanda-
Outariu to trample upon these pour
rural constables: (Opposition cheers.)
Lillie Grahame :it Greater New Yuri.
A plebiscite meeting will be held on
lize even the rough and read Mining
g Y
1 trust it will be ,,lie bast we shall hear
Miss Cameron will before retutning
visit Mrs. Wilson and Miss Brecken-
Thursday evening in the church. All
interested are cordially invited to be
country, and if the Government does
about the attempt. of tie Conservative ,
bridge tat Norwich Conn.
not at once investigate and punish the
Opposition to inl erfevo hvith the rights
Miss U'ameroir, milliner, gave a
Messrs. F. U. Elford and ti. Wilson
ere i bound to be more
guilty parties til s
)f the constables to vote, when lily
friends opposite are unable to shoal
bicycle r ' ft,
} u ty hist week, and Intel
tit 1 tEd Lu pack apples oil Monday for
trouble ahead. With a fele exceptions
the Laurier Cabinet appears to have
that they basso lilted their- finger-, that
they have even twinkled an eyelid,
file evening the part'[11eadjourned to
the Cafe BalnIONLI \v''0 4120 cream
Mr. :old rs. Johnson entertained a
selected for the Yukon service inen
during eleven long yeatl's with it view
etc., [vas served.
Miss Amelia Halstead of Detroit is
number of our young people on Tues -
day evening as a farewell to the depar-
whose qualification consisted of hav-
to remedying this enorutity which was
visiting at her home, St, Davio<l's Sit.,
tore of her sister, Miss Talbot. All
Ing done the party a good taro,
pressingdown these constables. (Op-
position chects.) We do not n
accompanied b her friend Miss
1 `
spell at ver' enjoyable evenin
I Yf,•
-._.... - - _ _ -.
to discuss on this paeticular debate rill
Wllitiu;uh of that city.
;hiss Reardon of Toledo accompanied
- .-_-.- ' •--- -
e Has Little To Be Proud 0�
fila (liiferent questions that bound
lip in, and coup pt ised ll, this so -galled
Miss Annie Wells on her visit to her
hoinc, 13a, field Road.p
Goderieh Townshi
land voted. In 1894 Nova Scotia and
constable vote. But let the gentlemen
opposite realize that we -anti the
Mrs. ,Slattery, East St., stecoulpanit•c]
While Mr. John Deeves was driving
country its well as ave- understand
fly her sister of Winnipeg left on Fri-
dile,• last to visit t►leir mother, biro,
dmvil the Telephone Road and where
Mr. barrow's Speech in the Leg-
that the Government of this province,
Tellier, at Windst 1,
opposite Ali-, Andrew Cour•tice's it tur-
with rr'ard to this question, is un its
b 1
defence. (Opposition cheers,)
Alrs. James McAliath gave a bicycle
key flew onto the fence, frightening the
horse, which sprung for the other side
NO T'NIt,4oN s t•O•m ATTACKED.
party on Tuesday evenin};, rt.,
till(entertained hos frie lids with music
of the road, throwing Mr. Deeves out
running away with the rig, break.
As was expected, Mr. Garrow is sit-
n any-
"Arid we are not attacking an
and datneiu at Mrs. Crabb's Elgin
g, ( h
ing it np considerably. Tho colt pulled
ting in judgment in the Legislature
body's vote. We are saying what every
atMr. John Middleton's.
upon his own case and accepting pay-
fight -Minded titan in this country -aye
ill tiny conutry--Who desfres to do that
Mr. James Price spent CiCivic
holidtiv at his home, titanley St.
Mr. Arthur Cantelon and daughter
merit for services rendered himself.
tvllfch the inward monitor tells hint fs
Mr. Millie 6mith, Mr. Emerson and
and Mrs. Adam Cantelon were in To -
runto list week visiting friends,
Thou h not a ver enviable position,
Though y P ,
right will ,ray: that elle late of the
Miss 1 cllnf lgWil left Oil Sunday per
he :appears to enjoy it, Indeed. he
land sh til govern. (Load Opposition
steamer Uarniona for Detroit; Miss
___ _-_ _
says he is proud of the situation, the
ellecrs.) That is the difference be-
tween us and the gentlemen who sit
Noun Craig and Miss May Elliott for
1 ort Hurim, lir. and the Misses Wil-
West Stanley.
best of evidence that a certain class of
politicians are easily satisfied. In Ilia
Oil the opposite side. And we are. to
be told, It seelus that we want to do
son and their cousin, Miss Harrison'
fur Slii-Iliat•
!Owin to the ext'emel
g y dry weather
speech on Friday last he said :-
this and that with the constable vote.
Miss Helen Kimber, who spent last
the pastures and garden stuff are ver
much parched and stock is suffering
11I stn nue of the constable -elected
I repeat W? are not, attacking tiny vote
SUIUMer at Aleuesetuug Park, is Creak-
for, feet] in this vicinity.
moolibers, i am proud of the distinc-
In tills country. We else for- the all-
ministration Of flu: leas of the lnnd ;Lod
ing StrUnuous efforts to form a Chatau-
Elia,t Assembly there, anti is calling an
A very serious accident, which nut)
tion of having the smallest majority of
however our friends opposite duty pro-
out- citizens for funds. She might ,is
prove fatal, befell.11r.Wm. Higgins, of
Lhe rearm of Mr. Raba. Elliott, one del
any representative in the House,
pose for a uronivilt Lo turn .,side the
well caall on Clinton and S+eaf)rth for
last week. 1ie was there threshing
(Laughter.) West Huron1 pill a fit but
action of Bt'itish ,justice, it will he but
fora nlonlent, and the attempt will re.
aid, for if thousands c•oule to Goderich
fur. 10 days they could not find acc•oul_
and In coming down out of 4he mow,
you must remember that lightning
taliate upon themselves, (Opposi-
nlodatiun, acid Menesetung Park is
jamped on a York which wits laid lip
against the mow, the handle of the
never strikes twice fn the same place.
tion cheers.) Tile clover of the all-
not yet pr'epar'ed fart• that uunlber, nor
fork penetrating his bowels.
Vest Harorl is all right."
Mr. Whitney:You mean the return_
dress said, and he Said foolishly I
have no doubt, that the question of
the Point, Farin either', but if £lecolll-
inodation can be assured, bring thein
Mrs. Butts of Clinton islymgserious
ly ill at her claughter s, Mrs. Rubt. Me -
ing-officer is all right." (Laughter,)
the constable vote was raised by
irresponsible figureheads fn the pro-
1113, by :all gleans. 11
Mr. McColl and family of the Soo
llivene s, lint under the skilful treat-
wince. Who are the frrespon41hle
have come to reside in town. They
merit of Dr. Sheppard of Bayfield w
slope to see her around soon.
Th Hard Scheme.
figureheads, forsooth, who brought
11) tills t'eilt legal ue i 1n baa
1 g b El st A a L
have rented flu: house (in Newgitte St.,
lately occupied b • AL•. S. Carter.
Y i 3
Mrs. Bingely, wbo has been visitin
at Mrs. J. itathwell s, Ba held, re
y .
which a precedent was setoleven years
Alrs. Lawrence of Butfau, who Naas
turned to her home in Detroit, Alich.
sent to IaEspector, re- ,ole public, 1'O such an eteems has
ago, for which, fn regftrd to which,
been the guest of slr, and :Firs. Frank
()It Saturday last.
Why Cannot hardy "Take His
and oil account of which, rind oil
account of nothing else, this sesaioll
L:twt'erld•e, Nast 5t., for three weeks
returned to her home oil Saturdtty,
Aliso \Viltse �)f Clinton was the gues'
of 1Irs. \Vin. Rathwell of the Goshen
Licking Like a Gentleman'.""
of the Legislature was called in tills
l.ci),airkahle turd oxtrator(iintlry nrupno(•P
Mr. Godert Henderson has obtauned
the position fu the Express Office made
Line last week.
Theyare British subjects, and possessed
vacant by young Pennington.
The wife of Mr. J. W. Reid, Bayfield
Road, presented him with a bounein
Mr. Hardy has given notice on the
of the franchise iu this cuun(r I
apprehend also that when I have made
Fuss Bower of A4ontreal is Lha guest
of leer' sister', Mrs. 11. Murney, Torouto
bag boy last Sunda mornin F.
y y
opening day of the session that Uov-
tiles[' two statements I have said wlult
Rev. Mr. Philpott and ]Firs. Phil
pots Toronto are the guests of
ernment measures are to take preced-
ence after Friday (the second working
is equivalent. to saying they are the
equals of the hose. gentlemen (Opposi-
Inspector Tom returned last week
froul a pleasant trip to Toronto and
R. Peck of fila Goshen Line this week
day of the session) and that the House
tion cheers.) They are one of the
sovereigns fn this country, and however
Buffalo. Mrs. Tont will remain fora
longer, visit at Buffalo.
The garden party held under the
auspices of St. John's church, Varna
is to sit mornitlg and evening after
it [nay split Lite }put' ))sys of the hon,
Dr. Abovn of Minnesota has returned
last Wednesday evening was a. success
Monday next. This means .that the
gentlemen, and of Mose whose apolo-
to visit the old town and friends in the
__. _ . __-_ _
Ontario Premier intends to make the
gist lie is glad to be, to sneer at and
derido the noon NvIio Kaye chosen, in the
counLry -
Mr. and Airs. Tom Wright and Mr.
session a contest )f endurance froze)
the outset and that lie relies upon his
exercise of their franchise and the. right
which they posses~ in this country as
and All-,. Raw of Ilauiiltou returned to
their hurnes fn that city on Saturday
Chas. M. Clelland shipped two ca
small but reliable majority and the hot
members of the body politic, to draw
last, after spending a very pleasant
]ends of prams cattle Inst week to Tor
weather to force the Opposition into
the attenttoil of the courts of the land
to the fact thatt.certitin members sitting
week as guests at the -Point Farm.
Al r. Loftus Dan. y and itlotler have.
D.Geddes is haaving -his block re
speedy acceptance of leglslatidn which
they regard as unjust, fraudulent and
in this House have becu apparently
elected improperly, I stay that when
I'(ttm'ned from their visit to Port
yl It ed
Clegg tot Armstrong shipped a car o
unpatriotic. There are some elements
these gentlemen have done that they
Mrs, Judge Carpenter of Detroit, and
hogs on Wednesday week.
I V.Mr.uPerr`e of Winghain occu
of strength ill Mr. Hardy's position.
arc deserving ant' of derision, hut; of
credit, and they will receive credit front
• children, will spend a few weeks in
town with Mrs. Carpenter's pareuts,
pulpit f Knox church las
Controlling a majority, no matter how
(,heir brethren fn the province." (Oppu-
Mi-. and Airs. D. Ferguson.
�'abbath. ,
Rev. A. L. Budge of Maudamin and
lacking that majority may be in politi-
cal righteousness, he controls the ilia-
sition cheers.)
The funeral of the late Aliss Ailey
Louise Bernadette Tighe, whose dearth
Peter Budge of �b aterdovn were her
chlnery of legislation. He can make
--- -"
at an early age of 11 years, 10 mouths,
last week attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. McNicol.
the House sit all clay and all night,
Boodlin In The Yukon,
aid only daughter of Mr. Will. Tighe,
Britannia Road, which was noted in
shower on Wednesday mornin
d an huruense aneount
week day and Sunday if he wants to
,,'or ihou alit pure.
the last issue of Tttr NiSwB-Rl+✓CORD,
of good.
do so. But there is one thin he can-
- - -- ---- - -
was one of the largest funerals this
number of young people intend
going from this part to the North
not do; he cannot make wrong right;
Tile Dominion Government's bt-
season so snails citrriages :arriving
front dullest. Aliss May Tighe was
Y g
west for- the harvest.
ho cannot make the proposed prostitu-
ficials Robbing the Miners.
an exceedingly bright, promising pupil
Word ilea i,t,tu received of the ani
cide of Jno. Gillies, (formerly statin
tion of the Legislature respectable. He
cannot reconcile the threatened des-
in the third room of the Collegiate In-
st,itute 'and wits much beloved by her
agent here) at Alvinston, which was
potic interference with the courts of
Charles E. Ftipp, xrtist-correspnn-
teachers and school cronnp;Lnions. The
neat surprise to his old neighbor
leve, lie being of a buoyant dispositio
jjustice with the sensitive conscience of
dent of the London, ],.'ng,, Graphfe,
,A— I, ,,,et , f"..."'A e.,...., T'i .p-.._
pall-hca vers were Messrs. J. Hatnfon,
Eugent• Dean, J. Howley, Rich. Toley,
and one ver unlike[ t
Y y o take such
Mr. Whitney is evidently going to
make a vigorous fight. That he has
the capacity he allowed in the recent
campaign ; and he has the immense ad-
vantage of being in the right. The
Provincial Government has blundered.
One of the results of its attempts to
sit in judgment upon cases fn which it
is vitally interested, will be that the
whole subject will be thoroughly
threshed out, in the full light of the
public gaze. Whether the Legislature
solemnly resolves in August that all
election constables were voters last
April, or that all voters were consta-
bles, Mr. Hardy's supporters have still
to run the gauntlet of the election
courts, and some of them of new elec-
Will it help them before either tribu-
nal that they have attempted to dis-
tort the law to their own advantage?
The elections showed that the current.
of public opinion had already set in
against Mr. [lardy and his course
since the elections has not been such
as to change that current. Of all vir•
tues in a public man the people appre-
tiate courage the most. Mr. Hardy
meets the Legislature with two of his
colleagues outside the House, because
he is afraid to find seats for thorn, and
afraid to dismiss them. He calls a
special session of the Legislature, be-
cause he is afraid to face the music in
the courts. Why on earth cannot the
man take a licking like as gentleman P
-Montreal Star.
No Peblselte Registration.
Many enquiries have reached the De-
partment of Justice from different
points in Ontario as to whether there
will be a new registration of voters in
cities and towns before the prohibition
plebiscite is taken. The answer is that
there will not he a registration, as the
new franchise act, which has been made
applicable to the plebiscite, provides
that for Dominion purposes there shall
not be a registration If the lists are
not more than one year old. A regia•
tratlon having taken place in March
last for the recent provincial election,
the lists then made will he available on
Sept. 2A, when the voting will take
place. As to districts outside of cities
and towns, the last voters' list prepared
will be available,
in reference to the mining regulations
and the cunductof Governulentotlicials
in the Klondyke district. Judiscussing
the forneer, he condemns as roost un-
just the miningregulations which have
been imposed by theCanadiaan Guvern-
luent, and says that the practical effect
of their o)peratfon is to build tip it floue-
ishing nI"I"i r,Llll1) at, Minook, in the
American ten story, two or three clays'
sail from Dawson. The retention by
tho Government of the fractions and
of every alternate ten claims, together
with the imposition of ten per cent.
royalty, is creating widespread dissat-
isfacLion at.nlong the miners, and lead-
ing thein to abandon the Dawson
clauns and go to Minook, where much
more liberal ruining regulations exist.
More seriony still is the confirmation
given by :Fir. Fripp of the ugly rumors
brought hack of late by returning
miners of the misconduct of the Gov-
ernment employees tit Dawson, The
Graphic representative has been Col-
lecting information while in thltt coun-
try, and showed your correspondent
damaging evidence which he has col-
lected in his note books, and which will
form the bass of startling disclosures
which he. intends to make through the
medium of the Graphic. These em-
brace a large number of stat.ernents
made to him by miners, in which the
gravest charges are made against the
Public officials. IL is allegod that
miners; have been unable to have thoir
claims recorded until they had given
the clerks fn the recorder's office an
.honorarium. Unless this was done
their recording would be deferred and
postponed even when the proper fee
was proffered. fnforrnat.ion is also
withheld as to what, claims are record-
ers, the officials evidently thinking that
their- distance from headquarters will
save them from detection. It is even
alleged by Mr. Fripp, and h(, has evi-
deuce to substantiate it, that the popt-
offfce clerks withhold mall matter for
the purpose of extnrting bribes for its
delivery, if Mr. Fripp carries out his
Intention of exposing theso matters, it
will be a serious blow to the district.
It is only fair to state that he exoner-
ateal Major Walsh from all complicity
in the scandal. ---____._.__ _
Some unpleasantness has been caus-
ed at Grimsby Park by people. from the
southern States Lakin umbrage be-
cause Prof. Kelly and his daughter,
colored musicians engaged by the park
directors, put lip at the Lakeside
floral LI.11IllLeS were sit many anct ueau-
tirul we note the list of donors : Mrs.
Kiely, large collection of cut flowers,
white; Aliss Alfie Lewis, Wreath; Mrs.
Tipling and Mrs. P. McFarlaue, handl•
soave basket of flowers ; Mise Flo Mc-
Intosh, cross ; Alis Russell, cross ; Aliss
Maggie Hurley, cross; Hiss McCarthy,
three pretty vases filled with flowers,
Beautiful boquots were given by Mrs.
fudge Doyle, Alh,s Fraser, Miss Afable
Tom, with inserilption "Sympat-hy for
My Schoolmate,' ]Miss Strang, Miss
i3ertha, Bain, Aliss Beatrice Carney,
bliss Kate Deane, , Miss Etta Hood,
Miss Lizzie Aluir, ]Hiss Buchanan, 'Lod
several other friends of little May.
The carriages from IIullett contained
the following estimable friends of the
fitti fly; .Fir. and Mrs. J. Reynolds, Mrs,
Richard Blake. and slaughter, Mr.
Willie Morrison and sister, Mr, and
Airy. Torn Tighe and their nephew Robt.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John McKie, Air.
and Mrs. Frank McKie, Mr. Dean
Shanahan ani daughter, Mr. John
Scanlan, Mr. Dan Shanahan, Jr,, A1r.
James Reynolds, Jr., and sister, Messrs.
(liven and Dominick Flynn arid Messrs -
Michael and Jatlnes Brown. From
Dungannon : Mr. Iarnes McWhinnie
incl daughter and, from Loe burn, Mr.
and Alm. Mathew Foley. Rev. Fattier
West officiated at house and grave,
A requiem hlatss was sting on Monday
lit 7.30 a.m. by Rev. Fr. West and the
+nernbers of St. Peters choir for the re-
pose of the sole of the deceased.
Alias R.t:ating of Saginaw also at-
tended the funeral of the late Miss
May Tighe and will spend the summer
with her bereaved uncle and aunt to
whom we offer our loving sympathy.
Fast Wawanosh.
There died atAlle f louso of Providence
Toronto on Aug. 2nd .Joseph Arm.
strong aged til years. The decert.sed
was it son of the late Edward and Sinrn
Armstrong of the 10th Con. For five
years he suffered from slow consutnp-
tfou although not obliged to give np
the duties of his profession, that of
tenebing until about, two years ago,
Of la kind and retiring disposition he,
by his Intelligent and gentlernaniy
manner, made friends wherever he
went. The remains were Interred
from the residence of Mr. I). Kelly to
the family plot, in the R., C. cemetery,
Mori -is, on Thursday last, the service
hoingg conducted by the Rev, lather
MelGown of fat. Augustine. The
friends have the sympathy of the
entire community.
bliss Hannah Powell is visiting
friends at the Nile,
i A '�.. . . 9 y, rig -. Y
:.. r'
W . -. .: ..l —__.. ..,l . .ii_..L ... ..,aN`u![Y,•tffin......:.ti'... .. ..1' C! —"�� .. .1i1,LJ !
fort Albert.
Aft,. and Mrs. John Grinton of To
%vando, Penn., are at present visiting
fp. r brother, John McBride of this
lir. and Mrs. John Scheafer an
family of Milverton were visiting his
sister, Mrs. John Schoenhals.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiltlnan and child o
Baden are at present the guest of My
and Mrs. John Schoanhals.
Allen Bowles of Belfast was in the
village on Sunday.
Misses F. and L. McCreath of Gods
rich are visiting their aunt, Mrs. D
Lona of the Royal.
Wm. Hillier of the Circular town
was fn the village one evening lits
week. What can be the attraction .
Something lovely, I presume.
Rev. H. W. Jeams of Listowel will
officiate in Christ church here next
Sunday at both morning and evening
AI iss Oldo of the American Soo i
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sas. Scott.
-- •tom•.--•.. -----
Mr. Win. Jamison and life moths
drove to Wingham on Sattirday n
last week.
Mr. B. Mann threshed over 800 bush
els of fall wheat for Mr. John Dale, Sr.
one clay last week. Mr. Dale know
how to raise wheat.
]Fir's. Henry Little has been confine
to her hed for a few drays on account o
an attack of intlarnmadon.
There was no preachinq here on Sun
clay as the quarterly services were held
at Turner's appointment in connection
with our church.
There will he preachingboth morning
I and evening fu our church next Sun
1 hero will be held a lawn social in con
nection with our church on Friday
Aug. 12th, on the lawn of Mr. Dale
opjmsite the church. No pails ar
Dernq spared to make it it success A
excellent progrnm is being prepared
Seasonable refreshments can bo pr)
cured. Tea served any time after
o'clock. Adm+scion, Mets. Come an
assist in refittin the church.
Mr. Frank Taylor of Hippen has
rented the farm of Mr. G}ibbin y late[
occupied by Mr. McDougal. We ma
miss some of our young ladies soon a
Frank does not like living alone.
In Alberttiall the crops are lookin
favorable with the weather worth an
Forest llolue•
[hose L'nt� �Q� To vote The Manitoba Crops.
Miss Mary Mcxay of Retsall Cs visit-
• '
Wiunigeg, Ang, 0i -Special deQ-
in at her hmue on the 4th con,
U E. Forsythe moved into his new
) _ --r
patches received freers points) on the
house last week, and we are slue 1113 I
lour 11 WvIlices pirsve Already
Canadian Pacific west of Winnipeg
will find it quite it Change.
Voted• last
night gives eucuuragiug reports of
Miss Jessie Garter, who has Spent
(woods and wP aro safe
the (:raps. Un the main line between
souse time fn Seaforth diessuutkiug,
vetut•ned huwe last week.
Ottawa Jul i1. Thursdaythe 9th
' y ' '
Portage la Prairie and Regina the,..
wheat fields are Cu splendid con Iitiun
Miss Aggie McDonald of Turouto
of September, is the slate fixed by the
arid ptuspects are good Pura Meavy
spent nue (lily with Mrs. Will. Russ
llovernulent fob tilt) vote all over the
I�ominfou on the subject of
yield. With continued favorabl
last week.
Mr. P. Sawyer, a young Biethodlst
'The question to be submitted is as fol
weather harvesting will
the 15th. The past week has been -
minister who preached lust year ill
lows : " Are you fu favor of the passing
somewhat cuol and showery, On the
LULIdUII was UI th13 • ,
r 4th con hist tvicelt.
of an Act prohibiting t Ila lin 10CtatfOn
1 g F ,
, • l ' Southern
)ldd lame 1 (Falit'h lit 1 In Ala i -
l n to
Air. John (;rain •er of Brucelield ie-
manufacture, or sale of spirits, wine, ale
ort wheat cutting has commenced in
newed fi iendshipsglere last week.
beer, oilier, and all other, I(Icoholic
souse fields, but harvesting,will not bo
Quite is "U'llbec of apples ware t,lown
liquors for use as beverages ? " Ali
f'r,'t' wral until the end of next week.
down by the high winds last week.
Canadians qualified to vote at provincial
li:ol'ley cutting commenced yesterday,
p arilla
elections will be entitled to vote on this
Oil the Ulenburu' and Souris branches
____ _
question, To ([stray the expense of the
wheat Cutting will be soulewhat later,
and the yield is estimated at fifteen to
_ _
plebiscite the last of on was
efghteeu bushels per acre.
Exeter's civic ]holiday, August 170h.
propriated at last session of l nt.Ap-
The James SL. Sabhat.li School IiIWool
The new franchise law calls for the
s th
- -- -- - -- - --
havin g an excursion to GuderilAl 1111
printing of the provincial voters' lists,
ilrtrriston I orlc Factory.
Exeter's civic holidayy(
as intended for Baderal purposes, at
Miss Marie LeitcYi of Flora is I hr
Ottawa. The work has however, not
Harrison Aur;. S. 'There was IL won -
guest of her cousin, Mis:a liens, Dodds.
yet commenced, consequently it is
star general meeting of the stockhuld-
Mr. J.'T. Westeutt and sou \Vnc. J.
more than likely that the liats as print-
ers intevested ill the new pork packing
spent last Tuesday fu Bayf]eld oil busi-
ed for provincial purposes will have to
factory held here on Saturday and
ness. I
be used. A large vote should be cast,
much enthusfasul was shown Secr•e-
R. Leatborne, hlsq„ who has been ,
as there were 1,353 735 names on the
ULI'y W. D. Mcl,elland repported that
rusticating at Grand Bend Park the
old Federal lists. Those were divided
the concern had secured Govesl9ment
past two weeks, tills returned.
among the several provinces as follows:
incorporation with a subscribed capi-
Detective J. T. WesteotL and fitulil ,
Ontario. 6.50,(1'121
tat of 1t)(MA), and wot•k was olein
who hLtve b13eu spending as couple of
, ..... .....
• • • � • � • • • r
l`!•`IP lee......... 3,11,111711
rushed 1313 the erection of aha building
weeks at Ivanhoe Cottage," Grand
h mf i � ,
at 1latrrisLuu in a position favorable to
Bend Park, returned horde on Wedues-
1S;cot.ia............... . , , ,
New r tin wick w,f107
both rafltr•ays tilt- G.T. It. and the C.11,
da last.
On Fridaylast a five-year-old dough-
......... . .....
Princt Ig: mi,rd Island..... . '2:1,'215
Afiulittll L
It. When the InetAin , wits called to
()I'(lal, rat u O'clock there wits not even
ter of Mr. John Hunter-, 4th coil. U'
...'..... •.... (]ti,681
North -\'A .•a `Torriturics. 2O,K7ti
'tandiug rootu to be had ill the Council
borne, was brtdly bitten and had her
Grin broken in two places by all inftlt'i-
... ..
13t•flfsh (', tuntbf•L. ... ....... . MMIU
c ituubev, where the gatherin * was
bold. All the farmers were eut,usias-
ated hog. The yomig child is sluing
In the four provitrcei there have al-
tiC•, 111d I11LECh business of importance
nicely under the careful treat.urolrL OfIL
ready been popular votes on the liquor
Was finished.
question, Ttlese pt'Lvinces are Ontario,
Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Prirce Ed
______ -- _ . ._-___-
ward Island. lianitoba was the first
Meeting of Bayfield Council.
Inverness Citntp Annual Picule.
province to have a prohibition plebiscite.
1'he voting took place there on July
This council met on the evening of
The annual picnfe given by Inverness
23rd, 1841'3, lit the inUnwing year, De-
August lat in the Town Hall pursuant
Camp was held oil Lire delightfid
.ember 15th, I�d13, I'rinco Edward Is.
to adiournment. Members all present,
ground f Chief McLean at his 1(
land voted. In 1894 Nova Scotia and
the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
Bence Road, oil Friday, •lth
Ontario went on record. The former
last meeting read and signed. Moved
The clay was Cnded lilgan' father,
voting on starch kith and the latter on
by It. Stanbury, seconded by Thos.
Clark, that the following accounts be
tiro picnic. I$vetl
mother an a std . E
June In ever the result
a%•as iu favor of prohibition. 'Phe votes
£ Paid :-Nm. Woods, 1; days cutting
the editors found time to own ile gtunes
for tiro children, their own itcludocl,
recorded were as follows :
weeds on streets $1,50 • Seth Fisher J
p , • +
One young lady was heard to remark
" flow themselves
Ontario ................ 11)-,If17 110757
`Elvia Sf-Oti,L........... 13,756 12',355
day spreading gravel, 50c.; and that
peeve grant orders for same. -Carried.
earn turn Make sit
silly Its to play with children." The
children must be aulused and taught fn
Princo Edward Islillltl. 6,118 1,ir23
Alatitoba..... ........ 18,037 7,115
Moved by It. Stanbury, seconded by
Thos. Clark, that the following rates
their ova innocent style to enjoy life.
- -
upon the a$ of assessment be levied npon
Baseball had its devotees, including
261,008 1'32,1,0
all the rateable property of the village of
several export young ladies, who could
Majority for prohibition, 128,858.
Bayfield for the year 1898, for the fol-
tllruw the. halt .abs stralight as thoy
lowing purposes. viz :-Eight mills for
couldlook. Ofcourset.hecfuoitpbL5-(lI's
school purposes, one mill for county
had IL Ilook and etuoyed the l lisle they
Public School News.
purposes arid five and one halt mills
made thetlsclvca. Then the company
for village purposr's and that a by-law
sat down to tho long role of tables
withtheir snowy cloths tool hoautttil
'('bo rural sebools will Often fertile ' be
g I passed to that effect.
first terns Monday, August ] 5th, by Stanbury,
supply of ever,•tlliug good (to Which
on and , ]loved 11„ seconded by
in urban muuioi ialities the first term i Thos, that thin council
l a Elliott, grant
the neighboring bees added their faros-
once) including lovely salutun sand-
begins on September 1st. ; the sum of ten dollars to the Stanley
' wiches and coffee and (.ea t) potfev-
']'lie f ublic School i,eaving examina- i Branch Agricultural Society. -Carried.
tion. And the piper laddie played fn
tion will be conducted in 1'99 on the ]loved by it. Stanbury, seconded by Jas.
his tartan o' green '11.1-ILyecl wi' Ills
same Course of Study as fn. 1898, i Thomson, that this Council grant the
pipe7 o' black an'silver on Lle banks o'
1'hysiOlogy and'feulperancebeing taken Salvation Army the use of town hall
Alatltland Itiver. After tea the child-
of Botany, (See course of study , for $'22 per year. They to furnish their
ren held their };arises rind the in;tidons
on last stage of Itogister.) The exami- own wood and oil, the meetings to be
too ; prizes were give❑ which w;Ls a
nation will be conrlu.ted by the Ln- I Saturday night, and all day Sunday and
pleasfug var'fatiun.. Then a tug (if war
trance Board of Examiners its fn former 'one night through the week, -Carried.
was suggested. "Iiritl;; as rope," callc'tl
pears, Copy books, drawing books and ' Moved by 'rhos. Clark, seconded by
out by ye editors, kind sidos taken, and
then the signal )n,a," ]]imus iva"
bolak-keeping books will not be examin•. 'Phos. Elliott, that this council do now
heard and away the ]culled.
ed for either, 1L 8. Entrance or 1'. S. adjourn to meet again on the first Mon-
Then the men tried the tug (i war, but
Leaving The special literature lessons da in September at 8 o'clock
^' Y P , p m
unfortunnte)v D. McLaren, oil" of
for Entrance att(1 Leaving for 189J, are Ii. W. ERWrlt, Cle.k,
Scotia's violllists, fastened the rule
given oil tho th:rd page of the register
itround his witist, thereby ensuring (its
for 189). This register has been sent
• �_-_._ __
he thought) the victory, Ln WIlfcb :t
to each s ,ho(pl by Ilio Inspector this
�14•aiter L. �laurs Biggest and
numbev of yming ladies added twit,
Best s1hows Coming.
combined strength, altogethev f irgl,t-
Teacher, Writ( trustees are recommen-
" tint; the fact that they as well as the
ded to rea(( carefully the regulations
liivalry among showmen the past ten
ol)position were tightening the' rope
[Intl course of study L(fven 011 the last
years -that is, rivalry among the weal-•
al ulnt the wou]d-bol victor, who was
six flalges of the new register, The
i thy ones, has been the means of almost
badly hart fn consegacncc, :Illup,t
register contains a sheet on which a! ruining the beauty and real merit of
' sgneezod to death." Then %vhoii the
copy of the 1;.fnutes of the annual � their enterprises, owing to the all -all,
garlles were over, the violinists till' Lhe
gallant young piper frae Kiugstoil held
mot ting fu I)eceniber, 1;,98 about(] be sorbin scheme to resent bigshows to
oho ll'bu annual
forth, all' the light: fantahtic av;l% in-
sent to IaEspector, re- ,ole public, 1'O such an eteems has
dulged in wi' a gond recitation " Scots
Putt and thg• report of attendance have this been carried, that merit has been
Wha Hae,"from Alr, fieri, Toronto St.,
been combined and simpfitied• 1 almost forced into secondary place for
r lately froln Scattatntf, and aL soil; frunp
All }ger,ons wishin4, to attend the ma; uitude, %with, However, excep-
- Lhe. Chieftain, host, Aldan 11. ,llcLc;tn,
Model school Owuld notify the Insped- i tion. To use an advertising line, the
" The Queer Folk at tiro Shows," wi! h
for or I'riuciflal of the .hotel school ' one in queation may be most fitly des-
" violin aecou)pannnent to the rcfralin.
before AtiW iso '.',.5th. Applicants will oribed as 'The slain Show, linin in
Vans were provided by the tileurbovs,
Ise notified by ,tile Secretai+y of 'the I name, slain in size, slain in newness,
hilt In,u,y canto fn carriages, which
("ounty 13Oard directly after their meet., and, above all, Hain in features. A•s
made a lovely sight like the 11 sleet " fn
when Choy are To be in attendance and old timers will. remember, Main never
b the British Isles. It being trio Chivf-
titins birthday tlul fete wits all the
which school they are to attend. Any advet'tised a single feature he did not
%vho has it Primary higher I and the
more like his t1 ain countries." Liner
person or, a [present, same rigid rule adher-
} y
niay he flourish in his heantiful country
standing, and who will be eighteen i ed to now is going to give us in the en-
e homes
vears of age before the close of the ' gagement in tills city seven features
Miss Akam of Clinton attended till,
term, may be admiCted.
I •Clone, each worth the price of admis-
. Camp Inverness picnic the guest of
Teachers who consider that their
I sion, not to mention the enormous
Major and Mrs. B&ckofS3altford. Alks
Akaul is
schools are entitled to share in the. manWn�rie exhibit and the fine circus
for Continuation in addition, the latter
it very entertai!ling young
I lady, and enjoys herouting very much.
grants classes are re- i perfol'inance pre -
quested to send to the Iuspector of i senting 67 distinct sets, but none con.
She has been spending a couple of
\Fest fluron before September sat, the I fusing or conflicting. file seven feat --
weeks the guest of Ainjor an(I Mrs.
following information : 'file year in . ures are, first and foremost, the only
- Beck by the lovely Maitland, and fn-
which the principal %vas appointed, his baby elephant on earth of its aze, little
visiting Windsor and Detroit, in
professional certUicate and the nutaber Admiral Dewey, only ten days old, 3.2
a couple of weeks.
of pupils regular) attending during inches high, and weighing but 250
P C regularly g RI ga g g
_ _ _.._ -
the academic year I�t)7 -8, who had pas. 1 pounds ; the most daring and thrilling
-. i ' ,,^' ;.)'loons before 1s9`i - (a) 11 I arenic lion, tiger, panther and elephant
In 9lemorlain•
$, ),L,L,;,,,uc, (b) l', S, heaving. ttiee 1 ac t on lards ; the greatest acrobats liv.
Ilepp,gfully Dedicated M the a emmy ,tf .r/G,( .silt,
Louisa nrrwwell,e Ti;d,e,
regulations '20 -arid '21.) I ing (the Eddy family) ; the grandest
I eachers arc asked not to forget the ' flying aerial act ever attempted (the
B ELOrsa A. SKI)t?EI•\•Na.
resolutions passed at the West iluron family I'Werntz," of merlin) ; the only
1FTelirn not,foud mother, rorth�•dend
•Teachers' Institute fn 11ny, it is the Crandall, riding clown ; 'Toney Low.
Uo(t and llis outs1,,*el. (guard thy bed,
'rho• hluaeycd (h,Il� iter wo(:tlp sieop.:
duty of every teacher to (10 what lie can aude, the most graceful of all equest-
Awl %Pith tticin daily vigils kutlps
to make he a pans. and \Filliam \\'a 1 t
t local ru, lltute n1 '.ting n 1 et ,now champ -
over thy home.
success, flow many teachers are ivork, ; ion bareback rider of all countries.
Her eyes of blur., and rich livo%vil h1e(r
ing to obtain a Teacher's Uendili Taking out theGe eight leave yet 59 ad•.
Cro%vu'd a race %vit.b inuoc[•uec r+u•e ;
Course certificate ? eiitional numbers on a program, so the
'fou fair rer earth, where E11..4eo 9i reign-;.
she d wel is WIlLre (4o(i'tt love I](!% et. mi lic,
pro.- say generally, that has never
"� been eyualicd in the circus would here,
lioyoud the sky.,
li,I1), Dm -ding of ilanlil(E'n eels. tohlre. .plain's motto ia: Merit first,
lair F'fay _ally lis tlo at•In Or hri'B
\yore iuspiml ion.. from above;
Mille([ ills:i[(h mi lliver,oll%. t'1 big ,'1'• 1110110Y last, Anil from all accounts be is
'rhy pnrcuts' Itupe, Prue (I old to give
Stlt;llgth t(, etch, and lull,; years to live,
dinnt.i )II to t lit, w ic,lhl,011 In• a,-i,tgin>; making "alerit" make the money.
at II iglI . :u" In tit. %t1'v'i ("ttlic".1'Al I'll. At' e1101'met1A big allows will exhibit
un Sunday• in GOM%rich, oil Saturday, Aug. 13th.
Happy art
I I Y 9, ire t.hy G1iv tomos,
The Dmninilln(ltm•clrnIII1T(I1.1,s;1Ant.
\\ 1101•(, thn lllig('IN w•alit rill• 1111 to rtillle ;
('d 11(•1'111isS1„Il to (lit• Alit I'a, its of (sal` - ._ ------
1, inn wrfive, Eli j11fI'e71 thee.
1'oatin�lis,tn steroid•.
(;rand firIlly (lf the ilc),nig)ir tit l�utl'Eli Ilr',p i, tv,tntcd When the nerves b.
,,'or ihou alit pure.
to on ter (':nladiun lerr,trta taupe tl\rot r. int wonk and nppct ite fails. Hood's
4oderich, Ont., Stir August, 18118,
•tido and taakt' pm -t in n celebr-tliou ,It S,tt;atluu 111.1 gives help by oinking the
- - -- ---- - -
1[nwittotl• i bl,'tal rich and pose,
lion. It, It. Dobe) arrived tit, Quebee
-----. -- -_. __ .-._.
of booed the Parisian, lie
"N�othinc), Like
as,'9 that ills PetEl'aerl-'I'atl' SC11er110 I:i
d leather."
__ - --- . . ..._
Well Made
_ _ _
Makes Well
Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by ex-
perienced pharmacists of today, Who haveI'l
:: - *
f brought to the production of this great
I ,i ,
medicine the best results of medical re -
k- j
search. Hood's sarsaparilla is a modern
Our Neal -'Stock now full
tmedicine,containing just those vegetable
still] complete Witl1
ingredients which were seemingly in-
) _ --r
tended by Nature herself for the allevia-
% the )petit Intl newest 1
tion of human ilia. It purifies and en-
i r
riches the blood, tones the stomach and
(woods and wP aro safe
digestive organs and creates an appetite;
. ,;
, it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions
boils, implee, sores salt rheum, ant)
every orrn of skin disease; cores ltveri
° in snyiti tiles n0 better
); ..
conptaint, kidney troubles, strengthens
Ir a�
ill. asyorinent is to be
r. i!
and builds up the nervous system. It on.
k; .
Y' ,,
j. 10111111 ill the vi-ost,
strepgtil and energy in place of weakness
and languor. It w rds off malaria, ty-
hold fever, by nrityin the blood it
p p g.
y, . AQIc 10 s('r oto' special VAjl1PA
keeps the whole system healthy.
. i n 1lPn's 12.50 and $3.00
� . ' (:oO(l -. ,rj)ey are hard
p arilla
�w�,L^ „^ i ( pbent,
Is the boat -in foot the One True Blood PurtAor.
-•,1 ' '
Bola bq all druggists, tor; six for,16.
A �Lr r, ,O wt). N.
i'�/� (�}/115iM� �VF(,.VI
E�Y` (�./)
J A ,.ez,, K „ear ■ r� JACKSON.
Livor Ills
Hood's lill5 Baro all and
sfax 13eadlwhn A.
Sold by AVM0 & Co., Druggists.
The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton J
,. .. ., . '
. - -��� .�,
. )�� � ... .1.
O ,. :ti'