HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-11, Page 2,� __r I R ��' �,,;� the influence of her wrathful feelings toward the marquis. "Did you know NEWS OF GREAT BATTLES, MAY BE ENORMOUS LOSSES and re esent the casualties due to the useof thet old smooth bore musket 1'• DEATH BY THE GUILLOT111 i that he attacked Zanoni yesterday and drew hie sward against; him and ^"' ^" and art elites now rqults out of date and L - u �+ • T 1 I E PA 11�1T E R O F PA RFIA that Henri Vavallia and Yaulo Alava- HOW WAR CORRESPOND1lNT$ DO IN THE BATTLE$ OF THE SPANISH- have b tie times. Sut since ved n ac.- have been marvelouslq impuoved fn ao- AN ITALIAN MURDERER THUS EX- do helped Count Dene o to drag him THEIR WORK IN THE FIELD. AMERICAN WAR. ouracy and range, machine guns, dia- PIATES HIS CRIME IN PARIS. ,. `� -- OR, -- "Isabel I What are you telling met _ Who told yyou that story ?" Evading Press Censorship-Chauges tin "'� `vide Diwerences or opinion Expressed by beeng en ed,ota�ndefield metal, have guns ]lave ,_--, t ' ; Did Not i[now of Iits Fate Until Tweenty THE MAIC OF A M ASTERPIEGE "Himself, Juan Zanonf. And this Methods During the Past Eighty Years - The Rothschilds waterloo. Authorities -9 eculattel its to the Effect p been made capable oS more rapid fire discharging shells twhich break into niuutes Before lie Mounted the scatrolA • 9ening Henri and Paula told it again, and of the Modern R1Bo-The Bed Cross Will more numerous Ifragmenta. These -Thensands of Persons Witness the • and they painted the wickedness of the Nations differ in their treatment o! deed blacker than did he. Uh, Stef- war Be Invaluable. Colonel Stevenson that the lm- changes must result is the discharge of Dtewd6d dpectaole and Mahe Merr 7 , For the ' correspondents perhaps as widely Yana hated him with a deadly hatred, says a greatly increased number oa projeoti- first time since the execution CHAPTER Ig. door annt,%weed; "The Marquis of But I care nt now. Only tell me, as In any other partioutar. The most provements which have a late years lea; what other. effect can be imagined but a corres n increase of the of the Anarchist henry In 1894 the (Continued.) Steffano." did he, Steffano, do it T" enter risin correa p g pondents in the "Isabel, bees effected in anoall arms and ma- numbers of killedd wounded in fug guillotine Inas beast brought in It ]tad been, fur several years, the � The name fell upon Isabel's ears with m y child, oh, pardon me 1 Dutch Fast Indies durl the insur- � Zanoni is not dead. lie fs even ehlne guns will chan a the old methods g urs battiest, notwithstanding that the in Paris ; and, un popular as ft may bo I a shank. Why it, aha s. be so she could custom the duke to give select par- t not tell so'it was, It sent a shod- not rection of 1894 were obliged to accom- hurt. It was a plot to er i! you aiding the wounded in battle. He tactics tai generale will. be mainly titer as a corrective o! crime, there can ba ;but re ties, or receptions, to a very few o! the der throu h her frame, and a pain g ter. modate themselves to the customs o! loved the plebeian painter. Oh, itis recalls that even before the ser- acted to obviating the lethal effeeta o! the new weapons. What that increase no. doubt as its anis closest and moat intimate friends of through her heart. Was it something soul l my soul 1 How shall I et over the eountr as the alternative of g 9 get- vice rifle had been brow ht to the itch g p will be n ane can tell ; 40 or !i0 i publicle ayseibil nth the Parisian public, says a Paris his fair ward and himself. They occur-, he had done that had caused the gloom red once in two weeks, and were, as a this? What can I say? What can ting into very serious trouble. No Ido?„ of perfection it reached In 1891 it was per cent, of those en a, ed and under fire be letter. Although the execution was, ae- of the duke? As the thought ooaurred rule, enjoyable. The duke could here', to her she turned her eyes in his di- news unfavourable to the Government He would have spoken further, but becoming apparent that the old would nota perhaps, too high an esti- cording to French law, announced on - unbend himself from the dignity of his , rection, and found his gaze fixed upon , the princess, as soon as she could com- Was allowed to appear in any of the methods of succoripng the wounded on mate. , ly to a chosen few, and although it high estate, and lay aside the cares herself with an intentness that startled prebend the situation, had given �ut- local l,apera, and the correspondents the field of battle must give place to - took place in a driving rain at dawn - of a jealous and critical government. her. The count, who sLocxl by hie aide, He had onm,ithought, of inviting Juan terance to a burst of thankfulness and atx,n learned that what was not tot- sank back upon the sofa, seeming, for new. That the use of modern rifles and PERSONAL POINTERS which ie 9 o'clock -man thousand so- Y p was also looking at her. Zanonf to one or mare of these social i •• Ah, Duke !" exclaimed Steffano, ap- ernted In the aurnaliasn of the net h- the moment, about to faint again. But j g machdne ins in the warn of the Yuture g -- le Rog p gathered at the uette Prison gathe�ngs; but, before doing so, he his brother. "It appears our she did not utterly sink, though she bourhood would receive even scantier will give rise toagreat increase in the Notes of interest About sonic of the to witness the gruesome sight, and af- proaching had s oken with Steffano and with informant was right -he is beyond re- \vas terribly shaken. . shrift if perpetrated by foreigners. In number of casualUeo in bacttle is hard- Great People of tha world. terward made merry at the neighbour - Count Denaro on the subject. So we covers. „ hintohexecution As for the duke, his condition of a tolln not 200 miles from a fortified 1Y open W doubt. On this subject a Prof. von Zenker, who in 1860 first Ing cafes until far into the morning. had nett beenrcarr ed I What is that I" asked Count De- ��bat tosdo,ywrhatnto say hepapcnrcaly place where a Dutch garrison of $00 great surgeon, Billroth, writes: "I am discovered the trichina disease, died re- If there were Sunday bull fights in naro eagerly. With regard to the Count Guiseppe , An accident to a friend of aur knew. Slieuld he wait until the pi•in- officers and men had boon massacred, convinced that in every form of fight- cantly in Mecklenburg at the age of Paris, as there are in the southern el - Denaro we will say the duke had con- goad duke. We do not know yet bow cess had become stronger? He arose I not a line was permitted to appear in Ing the increased penetrative power• and 7$ Years. ties of Francte, doubtless no form of suited him on the subject of the in- it happened. We are one informed that vitation to the artist, not because be s ' from bis seat and took a turn across P,r.int, and the tele ra ih censorshi the room. He came back, ptiused a few g 1 p greater ran a of modern g projectiles Prof. Baron, of Bonn, who drew up amusement would be found more pop- ht+ can Hat recover." had any great respect for his judg- "For mercy's sake, who is it?' cried seconds, and then crossed to and fro ;was so severe that all information will, in the future, cause not only an, the German Civil Code and was a well known lecturer ular or more profitable. moot, or, for himself personally, but a young lady who sat near to where again, and this he repeated thrice. shout the inetdent had to be smuggled increase in the numbers wounded on the Pandects, is dead. Tis man who was deeapihated was sins I because he had been admitted P y they were standing, She spoke eagerly, as a friend and companion -aye, and Then be resumed his seat and took the out of the country under cover, and girl's triad. leo had a duty to par» from but altslo in the numbers of severely Mr. Jothn Morleq states that the ri- one Carrara, an Italian, who, with the as a suitor of the Princess Isabel. with ,more at curiosity than sympa- th farm. and he would perform it, let Lhe i 1 some frontier post forwarded to woulided men." ilia medical officers moor that he hoe joined the Roman assistance o! his wipe murdered a bank And now -did the duke regard the "probably a stranger to you, dear cast be what it might. Yet his heart I England. In the London papers the and the stretcher squads cif the bearer Catholic Church is absolutely without messenger last autumn, and afterward count as the ova man fitted to be his lady,++ answered Steffano, with a cur- was not in the work. The events of news, of course, found its way back companies, working close in rear of the foundattgn. • burned his body. The crime was not dear ward's husband ? Certainly he did ions smile on his swart visage. "It was not. But Isabel was already a woman, his childhood, and even those of hire j in time to the towns where it had been youth and early manhood, deserved to fighting line, will be as much exposed Antonin Mercir, the scut tor, has ap- p nearly so brutal as four or five which a painter called Zanoni. and more than a twelvemonth beyond Ieabel's heart had almost. ceased its make him tender and lenient toward smothered , as the combatants themselves, and $0 plied for a divorce from his wife on the have.occurred in Poria since that time, what was generally considered thepro- throbbing at the first word of an ac- thuaebela,v him in rank. with a disposi- WITH SUCH ASSIDUITY. r cent. of casualties is not too high curious ground than she has ]eft him •,:` the perpetrators off which wars duly , per marriageable age, and it was to cident, and now as that name fell upon time would ere I tion to take men for what they were worth rather than for the accident of During the war between Japan and a ratio to suggest for their losses. But to become a nun. acquitted by complaisant juries. But ; be expected that the her• ear, the truth of it all appearing long come when her heart would find h their birth. He could not forget that China the correspondents who accom- tjreir greaent'numbers aro all too few, Pape Leo XIIh walking in the gar- Glarrara was a foreigner; which makes have the duke's avouchment, thin s g its mate. When her guardian thought swam before her, the light faded away, I the enemies of his Louse -of his Path- ponied the Japanese armq were fur- if none of themt were hit, for the work dopa of the Vatican, will soon be a no difference in the eye of French law, - of this he cast about him fon the man and with a deep soul -sent groan of bit- er and his mother -had been all, ever ' I g g Y Wished with a ton catalo ue of con - ex pected of them ; how, then, can their living picture attraction, as his pho- of course, but which, somehow nearly worth to be her mate for life. Y terest agony she sank back and would He was surprised at the result. Of one of t hem, of the patrician order, "hila those who Lad proved friends, ditions under which they would be duties be )performed if they are ex- togrulph has just been taken for the cinematograph. always makes a difference in the re - have fallen to the floor had not Henri a full score of young nobles of Parma and Paulo caught her and upheld her. stanch and true, had been plebeian al-' permitted to perform their duties. Cer- p,)sed to such risks? Could their duties I be carried on ns well, or at all, under Queen Wilhelmine of the Netherlands Carrara is the seventh surson whom he brought before his mind's eye My Lord Luke 1 Countess Rizzi 1 for examination, not one approached his Hel , 1 hel I The rine-as has fainted 1„ mast to a man. It had been the people', tai.n officers were designated to pre- against a class. Aye, anti at the ores- i scribe the places which corre d t i such exposure it goes without saying has di.emisaed her that teacher, and will out of OVER TWO THOUSAND t p p soon ens Y perform them in the take a vacation before entering on the standard. The few who were fitted by ant moment be kne\v that the people that the would guilt of murder in France in the last rank and wealth to mate with her were The duke himself was the first to of Parma were his friends. They lov-, were allowed to visit, as well as the business of reigning at the end of Y reach bar. He took her in his strong future as the leave done hitherto. either dissipated or of unfavorable die- arms as be would have taken an infant, ed and blessed Lim. Had there been I time when they might do ala. Corre- Y August. four years who Las paid the penalty positions, and started u bear her from the I as large a proportion of" the plebeian I spoudents were required always to CARRYING THE WOUNDED, Queen Victoria came near losing her of his crime by losinlg his head. The Suffice it tp say, in the end the room, but two of the elder ladies in- I class false to him at heart as he knew carry "in the hand" their tickets of Ift is almost certain that in future old wooden yacht, the Victoria and AI- othtrs, according to a French statis- Count Guiseppe had come nearer to the terfere and be there was of the nobles, he would gged that she might be permission. As to their letters and wars among civilized countries, where bert recently, Fire caught in the fore- tican, are serving terms in prison, mark than any other; and, above and given up to them. It was only a hoe felt his scepter insecure. castle, lift \vt�a put out b beyond that, he loved the gentle maid- swoon, and they knew just what to do. Again, he Lad come to love the despatches, they must in nil cases be loth sides are armed with modern wee- the part of the crew, y •hard work wh;ch average a little over four years en with all his heart. Evon be had been After a moment's hesitation, Antonio bandaome, pu�e-minded painter. Tatra' laid before the controlling officers for i Pons, it will, for lire reason just given, Siam's royal family having brought sad six months, except thirty or forty, at times seen under the influence of them man a ainst man, and Zanonf mrpossible to allow the bearer com- whin have not been caught, and sev- much wine ; but when he had asked gave her up, but said he should quick- stood to Count Denaro as Hyperion to examination at a certain fixed time. I be i ly follow. Their remarks, however, must lie pants to attem y noble es with it from Europe, eery the duke -had implored -that be might a satyr ! As n husband far Isabel de pt to treat and carr oral hundred who were acquitted on " Oh l' he groaned, turning to bis, Verona, had he been but noble, he had limited strictly to past events ; the I the wounded as the ,Pall and durin noble of Siam is tnts i to ride a w heel. trial. Carara, it is earn nized b man be permitted to win the love of the brother, �vhe at that moment came up, Y 1 Y g Great improvements ry the roads of g Y Y beautiful princess if he could, and when •• it was cruel, tut d om her groat I never• known the man to whom ha' must not mention in any case the , the continuance of the fight, except on the cou,ntr•y are looked for in eonse- People whose opinion seems to carry the sub' ct of his habits of life had Y Zanant rat But give her tha oLt Juan ' strength or distribution of the Japan- � some exceptional occasions, The great quence. ght, was fortunate in his national - ]e sympathy made her faint." been alluded ,the pledged himself n, " Wait, wait," returned Steffano,with ase forces, m oa any account state the wet a solemn oath, that never, never again, a look of mall Want titins b. "As soon "Isabel," he said, with a rich moil -'place or limo at which the letters "'ar corrasporldent, blr. Archibald Duke Ado]! Friedrich of Mecklenburg its said in his choice of a lawyer. would he suffer wine to become his g p tore in his eye and a sympathetic quay- ;were sent out. I Forbea, who has probably seen more Schwerin, an uncle of the Grand Duke, When a man is sentenced in France as h r t e senses i t nt ask her. Dan e u ou Y er i i i• master. wait for her to reflect and reason on n h s vo c,e, at the same time tak- 1'he change in the ethod of trans- j battles than any man no\v living, judg- 'tv'� won an army,titeeplechaee at Ber- he has, of course, the right of appeal, Guiasppe Denary was of an ancient it, .but strike while tie truth is an one of Lor Londa in a warm, paternal milting news of gra battles within Ln from iia ex rience in the Russo 111n recent] is the first Prince of a both to a higher court and to the de - family, and wealthy, and by right of you do that t" grasp, "1 mu� say to you a. flaw words the last eighty year has been vital. 1 g ret nin bt�e to ride in a horse race mency of the President of the repub- the surface. Will Turkish and Franco-German ~vara re- g g inheritance be occupied a position in yea 1 and you shall find how deep- betore we se orate. I hoe only my- In the early pi rt the century the , Lal German the front rank of the councillors of the ly you have woo ed her." self to blame fur what has happened, newspapers use I get their informa- I cognized this fact and published it in q' ' lic ; but when his appeal fails he is exe- realm. So, on the whole, Antonio could g I should have thought of many things ' tion al;out• such] atters from the bust- . his writin s Lord Charles .Beresford a bound that cited at once withatrt more ado. That fix u ton no one to whom be would morn "If I do find that, all I have to sap that I suffered to a ca a me. I ou �ht g ' Farliament shall know somethin about 1 is, no one livid will be more thank p nese corumunity-�)recisely the reverse When armies are small the chances g willingly give his beautiful cousin and 8 to Lave remembered `Lanoni'a beauty, , of the r ` the naw n is why he did not know his fate until ward, and he had given Lis promist( to fol Khan shall L' his grand character, his sur 's be tn- p esent condition of things. -rh i are that all become en a ed and under Y• I3e took «00 members of the P q bankers and g g twenty minutes before . mounted the Immediately afterward the duke fol-, tellect, and, above all else, his ma slspondent then ern to Etre; the simple method oP calculating House of Commons to Portsmouth on guillotine that morning. His case was the count. If he could win the lady's lowed the women who had borne his g- Pd special carrespondente, instead of , . - a epecieo train and made them inspect ' hear the should Lave her hand. Helie presence. On the should in questiond.the ev- w'ard away. "Then, too, I should have remem- Lhe journals. In June, 1815, all the casualties on the total strength present the dock yards, acting as guide him- settled at midnight, and, within an g Well, young gentleman,' said that your orphaned childhood. your bourses of Europe were in a slate of is then correct, and the ratio is high; self. hour afterward, Lhe twenty-five orthir- ening on which the marquis bad held bereci wild excitement over the chances of a his interview with olid Madelon, and, Va anis' nn Pau o Ae gaz fixed ue ori j great capacity for love, your yearning great hattle between Napoleon and I when, on the other hand, they are large, Sheley's guitar, y P P ,for frienclshi presented to Mrs. t officials which French reals atom later, with his brother -a gay and P, and the'yetu s you have the allies, The Goldschmidts and the the probability is that not al)v nor near- Williams with his poem, " To a Lad rescribes as necessar to oversee the ins \with an expression of unmisttlkable' aced with no heart all your awn sawn „ Y, p Y seemingly happy party was assembled horror. "What Lave you to say abouh i1 Rothschilds were rivals in the mat- ' ly all, come under fire, and then the with a Guitar, has been given t.o the formalities of t'he execution were on in one of thea large drawing -rooms of it? You appear to be dee 1 interest- Y mine., andyl, with cary�uof ter of obtaining war news for London, ip oportion of killed Is low if t e statia- Bodleian Librar at Oxford, b an Am- their way to the prison where themur- the ducal palace -not in the largest, lad p Y state, Lave left ou we.11-ni h to r h Y y but in a cos comfortable luxurious self. Ah 1 I should have thought of The Gcilught, up stole a march, as tics are based on the total strength. At erican admirer of Shelley, who bought derer was confined. Already a guard of a ailment, Well fitted and furnished They had stood close by, and had, this ),vben I sent, you to Zanoni's studio LLPy thouKht, upon the Rothschilds by , the Alma two divisions of the En lish , it from ties Williams family for the p overheard every word which had been, -into his com )anionshi sending tbeir agents at \pl aterloo to arm were not engaged at all. andgVon I purpose. cavalry, some, municipal guards, and for social enjoyment. s oken b the duke and his brother, 1 t . watch the fight Eor which the armies Y "But, Ianlx,l, uu mUsL be brave. You Moltke states that 9L.000 of the Prus- , Prince Ahmed 6eif Eddin's recent many platoons of police had been or - As of enter •neither the duke nor and the y had ca ht the tones also. Y were then lining up. It did not take i tiered out; the chariot convo ing the his brother Lad arrived. Count Denaro The hayd marks the dee a.in and must remember the rank you hold, �ohu him long to be smitten with a panic, ne er fiiredpa sL t.. These o con ideraa murderous attack on his brattier -in-law y was there and had assumed the direr- Y p p 1 character you bear. In one sense in the inidst of which he made his fasC- . Fuad Pasha, at the Cairo Kbedivial guillotine was rumbling through the tion th affairs had the master should regret of Antonio, and the malevo- i are, my representative -the represen- tions afford an explanation of the re- lence and triumph of Steffano, and it tative of aur durtil house. Vt'ere uu est time to Brussels and sent a mes- lativel vmall (Club, has led to a curious suit. The deserted streets of the St•. Antoine put in an appearance. Several others, had struck them both at the same in. I to unite yourself with s Its Wer the senger to London to tell his employers in modern batt es„ nudge os one aili h I club'demrixds damages from the Prince quarter, and M. Deibler, the venerable perhaps a dose s in all, mala and fe- stant that the whole thing had been a result \could be a shock L , our whole THAT ALL WAS LOST. i appeals more directly to common sense for thu harui done to the club's repu- . " Monsieur de Paris," was speeding to- male, were present ; and of them the cruel trick upon the princess to ex- socials I tation b the row. find our two yauthfu] friends. Henri , ysUrm. And you could not ;than to attribute them to a su}:eriority Y ward the samie Boar in a cab. Other Vavallia and Paulo.Alavado, the pato r embered he scene on the riverts mcur�hure"oO lr Ifipt�\-ail lUedl toPfleet ebilds'caon tthedother h and, wentthto kir firown ]less" over the modern small Sergeant bialthowa of the Civil Ser- cabs followed with his many assistants, of them evidently finding their fill o bank, and that helped ton a ri ung i and I need not till ou what a cal- Ghent, where Louis XViII, was stay- )o e' vice Volunteer Rifles has made a The condemned man w•as awakened happiness in basking in the bright I y Thu proportion of kited to wounded world's record of 103, all bull's -e es, out of a sound Slee hustled into his li ht of tie Princess Isabel's electric derscanding of the present irusineas. ,amity that would be. Isabel, you 'twill ing, acting• cn LLe assumption that in in battle, has varied greatly in different I Y p'. smiles. And tiers had cause for ham- Perhaps you were admirers of the ! give it up. If there must be a sacri- the cooler atmosphere he would he tela in battile h \\'here the ny in d of the , shooting from the knee, under the clothes, and then received the notifica- smile . the ey has liked them, They painter? added the marquis contemp i fire I believe you etre equal to it. I likely to be carried off his feat by ground affords good cover t.o the � Queen's first. stuE;e conditions of sew- tion of his fate ,in a very long and p tuously, when he found that they did' \would bear it if I could, but that mu danfusing rumours, and that the first combatant&. alLhou h the total casual- ori shots each oil UU. 5UU rind '6U0 yards, very flowery, oration from the lips of were intel]igent and. gentlemanly, and I not answer him. y positive information would uddoubt- im a scent re imental com petition. the dui g not be. The ordeal inial. be edl he convo ties arty be. fewer, the proportion of g 1 your own y appointed official. His le a when she compared them with Count "I, for one, admired him very much," -the victopyv ours -and, in the time to Y sed to the king. It so g Princess Alice of Albany, now I6, we.re shackled and his arms tied secure- Denaro it was greatly to the dispar- attid Henri, with a atex'n, .proud foul: Y happened that the king breakfasted, killed to w•ognded is hi h, because the ly behipd hie bac$; then they tried + come, the re\iard,\yill_(� ,mgr hits which Hn occur affeet..sueh vital I has developed the fondness for art to march hon out to the guillotine. The agement of t be latter. In no other re- into the n e of the man . lie addressed-, r pn the ma y Bing after the battle, in a parts as the head, Weak and chest. In I apart than that of wealfh was he their "So did I,;' added Paulo. Anti I He j5ausect"here,'n'ntirte€ �ht" n public place, where the agent of the g {positions u]w, I common do Ulu women of the English I speech, or something, however, had so res onse. She sat with folded Lands, attackin intrenched equal. I deem him worthy the admiration and p Hot.hsch•iIds could watch hi. m. In the , royal family, anti is i weakened him that he could not walk ; And in another way had they won respect'of all true men." her head bowed, her bosom heaving, midst of the meal carne an interrti r `°here one side is exposed and aU short latives with sketches made ibg h r re- : g q g prohahlo. During I y herself.'so, after dosin him with half a litre aim) ars ofgthe paiutek, Juanh Zanonie "Do you mean to insinuate that I am an�uisLr-hu ytafradla Ler jip oanByf L��•b A horseman, covered with dirt jbnRusso- uhkishrwar of 1HT7-78, where Sh"' hr's fA'nt one also to the young g- of rum, he w•as half carried, half dra not a true man?' demanded the mar Y p g oaring marks of hard riding, ap the latter c:mdition obtained toa large I Queen of floilond as a coronation pre- ged out into the open space in front and could not say too much in his nuts, an ril and -b tits duke s oke a sin: {; guillotine had g y. geared to the courtyard of the inn and extent, the killed to wounded were as sent. I of the risen where the praise. In lits, accamnt oh Lis unplea- Marquis," replied the youth, witH "Isabel, what. more can I say $ I can was uihereti at once to the resence 1 t.o 2. AL Blenheim in 1704, it was t if Viscount Wolseley is sent do Ctan- alreud been set u and where the sant passage with the Marquis Steffano, a calm, manly look on his handsome. only once more implore you to tear of the king, to whom he presented a to 1,$, near] 1 executioners, sure ended by the sof- Za.noni bad incidentally mentioned the face, "remember that we are beneath this love from your heart-" ' sealed package. The agent watched the Y as Inns killed as1 wound- rola as Governor General, it is believed i titers and tier great craved of rurioeity y our brother's roof -his 18 while s to 7 and Vithe F e, to that p, g names oS these cutis, and had Co y guests. Yuu As lhosa \vorci fell u1x,n Ler ears a king break Lha seal and read the con- 1870, it ~vas 1 to 7 among the French. Queen Victoria's song the L'uke :mongers• were 'tt:eptly a\vaitin in bar how deeply he was indebted to them cern not pick a quarrel with us." convlusive shudder sbook her from tents, and then, to his amazement In the battles of the last lUo years the of Connaught, w•il.l be made Comm:l n_ the do\vnpouring rain. for their kind offices on that occasion. And with this the pair of them turn- .Lewd to font, and a cry of aLtupest.saw- his majesty rush toward the avers 1 der -hi -Chief of flip British :limy, a Their followed a sorry ;:gh:. Dottier, As the matter was fresh in her mind, ed away, and shortly afterward left agony burst from her lips. courier, embrace Lim and kiss Trim on ge has Been alx)ut 1 to 4. wLu is 73 ears old suet would have "Oh, m l All these ti ores a l one to those 5 1 Y only a few hours Laving elapsed since the palace. Steffano glared after Y lard! my father -for )know both cheeks. 'Cbe agent waited io sea found deadgon ihepfi ld, but besides I lv,tlikeethellluke tuf C'acubri Ise tefore been ret:rei at the legianing of the her clear lover bad told to her the I them, really too mad, too Lull of wrath, You love me well -you flak me to -sill no more, but hastened to Ostend, hired these large numbers art, admLtted to him. year had he not been ars:r. us 4 hold- storv, it was vtky natural that she I hespsaw thsoumhtthe dececlL o m that myself Y I can Hat 1 Oh, you�n hno*� a fishing boat, and reaching London .the field hospitals hopelessly injured JHhn Henry Crnruwell Russell, sixth tri€ oil t, his 51.700 &;:i.ry and the t•,hould, on the revent occasion, ask \\'hen ou can tear from them to glue their version of the scene. I Lad been pract�ed, and he and won- Lhe love and reverence you feel for the before any post conveyance could pos- from the first, and, die within the first rich lerquisttes of his dfue, ,z Put up y sibly have done so, he announced to: i.n direct descent from the Lord Pro- tr the condemned man snA rut c-ff',be And they did it. 17itting-elose by her dered if they suspected more, ill-fated, inartyr• mother who gave you his employers that the battle two or three clays. I teeter, huts died in Switrerland s[ the collar cf h;: ;b;rt :r :cat h:F neck side and apart from the others, they Meantime the princess had been wn- life and being -when you can tear out EFFEC'rs OF MODERN RIcLES, I r t , \\cold be 'tsry tare:art i ..t nit fAlter- were free to speak without, reserve. ve ed to another' a trtment, and laid that and cast it front you, forever a HAD GONE AGAINS'C NAPOLEON. ( , a e of JL years. li.s grandf,uher ,vas - Y Pi 'What the ratio of killed to wounded , Oliver Cronlwel 1 ,f Chesbuut Park ed at the ght • rho ::.:;;;;::e. tut Henri Vavallia was the chief spokesman upon a large• sofa, where proper re- thing forgotten -then -then can I tear I rbc news aodrthe Rrrthschij�iff+ehocllra 1 will be in the )next great European 1 great_ when h,+ felt th," ,+:'.J � eel cf :be though his companion was permitted storative treatment soon bro ht .her from my beart the love 1 feel for Juan grantlscul , C Olivers sru Henry. u8 war, where both sides will be armed ( 'il"tis "t; h.s flesh � :�kcAz t, to do his part. The account, as given back to consciousness. She looked u Zanonf! Hush I Blame not him I been investing heavily for their cue- and lite last of tri,• f;toils wh,+ brae P t with modern titlNs, no ane citn with eer- tho dame of Cront\\ell. �l'lil.*Ok=l ?•: \N:N S� i.NA %2 fa them, presented the painter in a and met the anxious, loving gaze c,f S1ral1 I telt you how I came to know I °mars, reaped a large fortune by tainity foretell. Tbat the proportion far more noble and magnanimouacbar- her• guardian, but before she could he loved mea He bade me that I ' their correspondent's enterprise. J1mP. Cheuay, awed sU. h„q t+t to;urd aLUA .t .k lh e t a•r_:'-_wZ t:: ld should tell au that be could not fin- g 6 of Lits anlnnq those unapt fire \will he - atter than his own recital had dune. speak he made a sign enjoining her to Y ]'his was a lin title a •o. But what I increased cannot lie doubted. [low can a judicial sel,arattHn fr 1il it CRrt..<. h ;u c,r ,,ce.: i,, N� • ,4, v t?cv In fact, they pictured him not only silence. ish the picture. I was to tell you that . shall we say of Lhe contrast present- . ; is ,t : : , :Y i :t.i 1"...v,. h,m as a moral hero, brave and generous, As soon as the duke saw that she had you were to send one no more to sit, , ed within a single generat ion? 'Che it be other\cise, when wN remem- I on�trn, Nr, at P,l t;+ rht „.t. the x.s.er +; , -1 t., � S',;•,•ac, ; 'e ..A!f; -Tr, , f other da ber That the weatx,na eurployt,1l will of \true. \';;t;n' tluw ,w•i .t.tt t r.< t.t :: <....r l: +w+ x: Rccr. ;ha: h`.s but as a very paladin, whorse arm was fully rocovered, be thanked those who for he could not -he would not -work y we received news from i discharge in a given t itiw lU t iules the " invincible. had been helpful, and asked them to Pn it more. (Manila up to the time of the cutting (number 0f )lett 1"ct 4 Set'rt+tAry at t; Uel t!le)' 0 ++A'l G:G :A' f,. " .Y•A.'h 11',P 1 jectthat the alder fit's I ttN t .�« '1f he were of the patrician class," retil�ct. There was a little hesitation Dsrke, it was then,' when be had of the cable. IL took only a few hours!nrms disrhnrged, tint IhN rNaorvN 0C li\cd at'•tit ti,uu 0:• h ., tu,i •,,t ,•,tri :;tt:•:•r, at•<E :wry ;x.."r•.: !•'ri. A1,'n;; said Henri, with kindling eye, "he on the art of one of the ladies, who told ane to come to him no more, that I for a correspondent. in those distant ammunition un Lhe field \\ill bN it,,- 1 ai'r'y )vals \+ tivit i,e ..t<t• : A':'t• :t: would take rank at the very head of was probably moved more by curiosity I knew how I loved himI In that IAsiatio seas to tell the people in the limited, and that tilve-mihatarlts, will it )till ago th,• .tu.);r :.u: ;tt : •cry, t• W < r,s:r,• i\\n t+T our aristocracy. He is•one, of the nob- than sympathy, but her companion hour -at that moment -I knew that my (streets of Washington and New York Ile under cffoctivo fire a.t tilt inn ev try if t'rl`:'ot ,,f tht•t, ., r c,I,t a'.t r 'h-- a uv -'•• rx ; ,t x. .Ar t nAl f,y:1.I lent. men I ever met." took her by the arm and soon led her heart had gang out to him, to be his what had happened and what was hap- ; under 8500 yards? nut. t h0 prt)por. up t h •1r 0111ol el;,'tw \\ " .'h i rA• :\ A:„ io < . etc+ ; :s. -e \r hen The princess thanked him with a look a*ay• When himself and his ward forevermore l You can imagine a.he 'P-ning. in 1885, whin President Lin- titin of killed to \\ouodetl will dP{"vul Prulcrsa HolvilN o.f \, s1,b to <,"•tt t; A t: \•t .^ N .'v.t.a•.? _4i 'A:: h "nr, cr, -a look which, though he could not hart been left alone together the rest. I saw be loved me, and 1 -made Coln died, a ship was about starting ,11x171 the character of 1hN injuries u•tr th, e"tom,:..,%rie, < ,• ,-A A:;:s p;1 :hreor,- know it.s full significance, yet, gave him duke closed the door rind turned the him speak. I was patrician, he tile- for England. and an enter irisin 1 l 1 t,t`rHuu+ a u1,+thrt Ater.••, .lt,; ,,. lvC,•t:< tri,• i 1-:<a +r ' t g direct by the ne\v ballot. NH doubt, ; ,,. 1 .A -r. And joy unutterabe. She Lad just prom- key in the lock. Then he came back Fxaian. [took the lead, and our ]oho I news agent h(red a swift t.uq and [Hl• flesh wounds resulIing' fo,11 it I1 re conk- feint '1'u1to l h ;hitt. ;f a t,•r +t tr.,Cq ? i :; r: ,.Tier I'Y': rt ,'r: ped tr the iced them that they should visit the and sat down by the side of the sofa, was told. Ob, my love) my lifeI lowed the. vessel down Naw York bay paratively trivial purl heal ral,itlly a (Hvtl vh.ua'r aC .cr„vt,t.ry 1" P-• N.,.,i ., lh- t:cA:t r: 1;11c1oe+.i 1hP lPv- art.ist's studio at some future time on which the princess still reclined. , "But let us say no more now. Let till he was near enough to pass aboard ! but ,when hun0s ur Inrgt\ blood +t\<gNv, throaty Hf lt;tty f lir i` i,, t• ; t N 1, rt uh . b tr6trA<-e,< the+ l:l;ttr Am] the wb-n she was to be present, and abe 'Oh, dear Duke I" she cried, reaching+ me think. It has all come upon me a tin canister containing a scrap of • are implicated the dent ruction cntt.Nd plea has no , h,l,tlrn ;t. ,N1 t ha tt0, vv%%%. 1•:A.fr 3.rrl+ At1,i <h.n,w; . fell was to introduce them, when the duke forth her hand and grasping his wrist, co suddenly that I can not speak co- , Paper with the announcement, of the t ' r'N ;.Lr A ; "t taan�,r, Tb^1 P ,\ ay 0 nick coos announced. "What was it bteffano said? Tell herently. Will you let me have I President.'s (loath scrawled upon it in by it is Nxtreuxe. eta enar0uniq Nuargy i toil (her ltt,aa „i \,•<t 4 ,.t:::r :;r \; >,+l A: time? Not lima In which to r e onables it to penot rale lin, skull at , alttuft soiu4+ t nut\ t „ut • t,+ the ; - nti <' *.l A ,+P,, 1,,i s ` irtwr And t been Antonio came in alone, with the she- me -tell me -what has befalen-Zan- give up P ncil. Chis was The vehicle 11y which ranges of 2..011 yards, while fh1 old ! ttucllrgss ualt�uatt,al ;u llwtz ,1;,+ ,e •t:, :1,•„•i I r ,•t11 ,nl,• \ellq 1'hP dotty of a deep care on his expressive oni?" my love; but to think bow i may requ- England obtained it.s first. news of the t•, all's 9rA.0 tr„ .ntr A 1+A'41'M till one face, and even when his fair ward had "Dear child," returned Antonio kind- late my life and save it. You will tragedy, about ten days after it occur- leaden bullet often fttilt\d to P.4.Tl•a �a{+1t,a's ulaitlaKr wh•;h nuN11.,I ou arisen and greeted him with her ly, but with an earnest, searching look spare me for the present, I know." red. the bones a[ lLN head til llll(lynrtls. '1'hc unt\�pt\cted I'AtI101 It•1,\th`,1 h,1 And °;,ar rt 1,1r )r fr. A1u,t its It+d, ron- wallsoftheehcst,willfail toarrt\stitsIJbt0ttaliau11h,%I Pr11hN.4krrt\\pt;h v+;t<:\r,\ ir\;s(utF rrI1AI,aP,1 ,n the f0ndeet smile, something of the cloud into the pale, wan face, "if the paint- +She. could not have asked of him an- - --- passage at sl.ill ]Hugel' disUulces. Ilton. :oht\ tutu 1,t\,1 t hr ltokr at bre remained, He had exchanged friendly ing of the picture should he stopped, other favor which be would have grant - salutations with Henri and Paulo, and would it give you great disappoint- ad so roadiIy PLic`ASANT TOO'I'lI EXTRACTION. lihntiveHt.lnta nritityHfthhe at\»t hsltwu ilia I \II the \ttu,w,•rltisimr ohumvv,,I the ;i1.1i1<tI%1"N\, o Mir i\ft� 111.1•nl, og haq et. was about to turn to another part of maul?" (Tm ile Continued.) In ouch practees ns those in youth fi01d. The uqe of the sdulll bore hut- 1' 1t=tiltiet a; \\I1.,b \,A< 1n Tr;ldulo<q In iolnyr so Ilt\r4ufort icuutly. v,t,1 1o,111 th rc0m when Tsabel spoke: ' Oh, guardian] what do you mean? Africa•, the dentist. covers avert' large let will increase iho finalities front This les \\'11111 a Truly tv\111 1„ 11 of $1:t1.t`th1 the h,.01,,aq link glr,iifmg like a L+ur+- ''Dear guardianI Something is giv- What has happened? fipeakI Tell area. Owing to the distance, thea cause, Pm w'o Itnow that tit\ genfiHn» it art\ Hfl'Nit\d flat nett+ hy. fin+ 1h1kr'q Nt,{. taut arch l+l, rd, rrnuunal on the edRr ing you trouble. t;hall I take my lute pre 1 You ire torturing me with sus P- make, of bloo(1 v0ss01s, btr f and sing to you?" . penes," FiHHE9 CENTURIF,S OLD. pointmenT.e liave to be made two or ge tt1111 "Imill, I'M sot1, t.ht\ Nlulgrlts ,,f \\'alrratrt lit- of Ih.`lialy\\,tthlild Tht\tt\eclltimler le- nre precisely of those kinds \\hien the "Nn, no, my blessed child. it ie "[sal,el," he sriid, Lendorlq, yet with There seems hardly any limit to the three mouths ahead. Thus, if a native processes of nature can do IIto least to cludNtt in flit\ sato nn' caµht raytIt,%, ;1111. 11••1,1 and tilt,,••\- it into flit, basket \\ith nothing. I have been thinking. Let us a great pain shadowed on his face, ab age off fish of many kinds. Carp are goes up with a racking toothache, say, close, even temporarily. hnr Iheso Ong thiol Alonua+u, t1 ,\Iit`1r tlrnty \'. 1h.+ bo,ly. it had bPPr1 cle•11x1V severe 1, hope I may think more brightly by- the same time taking her hand, "what And -by. Don't let me interrupt your was this man to you? Tell me." His known to have lived 200 years and over, in December, he may, if he is lucky, reasons we nre just.idied. in ex•peetioq was hol'11; t'sk. \,It•'it, I.,tiw;u,l 1\' '4,1111 Hud, t\h.lt 1s mid to he very rare. their, a larger proportion of killed to wound• itielltlyd 111 writ, lain, Chvl,t41 v. 1i11k-! \\AS ,1H nljury It, tb.P Phin. I'xnnlly the Conversation." Add with this be tarn- voice quivered, and be exporienced a while rho case of tie Russian pike that hoe an appointment for some time In lad in future wars. i\t short ranges ahu Iain, atriuttil, and Ciroanit*111, hcsldeq tilt` i \•11711111 trips to hack his hPad at flit, nto- e<l snit went over to where Count De- sea,e of shame as he thought of the in- was caught a few yearsago, with a March, 8o victims bo toothache have I number of the killed +nary he nearly rules of 'C1rif"i-ti Abl",y cttict t hN nine- I meat that the knife dpscends and in nnro sat nlnns in the recess of one of tentional deceit his language was th great windaws, rneant to convoy -bis speaking of the gold band round his tail on which the to exeroiso naro patience there than equal to that of tit waundod, whie t 110 riKhta over ICinK Arfh4u's C'al`l'-I congrgllrllle the chin iA rtuvhPd in the Th•• princess watched him closely and man in the past tense. date 1540 was Imprinted fa well known. civilized man exhibits under the same at long ranges thore will he Mnany 10011. 110tH1•e the Pra.sh u1 wheat it cons lunette. th•mghtfully, wondering what. could And the blow struck home. "What There are ld fish that have belon _ trying circumstances, The dentist get, more of the latter, in oonsoquenee of stated that Air L. Z. Loilor would pur-I After the execution the place wa.1t,�. h•r:P occurred to matte him so sad and was this man to ou?" ran in bee+ g p acticall throe Cho diminished velocity and energy oP chase 'i'lntorn Abbey. lila• a shninbles; hi(n)d was spnttere•i y g ed to one family over 00 years, and m ahs, and ak of r y glo�msomP-watPhed him until she had ears arra ,auk to her heart. months, and makos annoy and disperses the projectilo,. Mora trouble Ifni" arir(0n tram the ill- everywht\re within n rn(lius 0f ten fPPt do not now appear much larger than teeth at a ra id rate. He is held in TITR WAR, WLTH SPAIN, om0nocl maxi-inge of the Princess iktrc- rind a (trent. pool of it collected henenth ,P•'n him speak with tho Gaunt and "Oh, he ie dead I ~esti I dead 1 iMy Wh81r original] laced in thea oar- p then she seamed th ,eat. lo"O , horn! Ye,, I loved hlml I y P q great regard, and, unlike his brethren What, tho aP glooke a If tier and hiq nssist- „ ium, though they aro every bit as live- I pereontng0 of tho total loss- th0a 0t Saxe.Coburg wtih the Itni)ori- ants milted as if tiles inti ,just came " Wh,tt Pan have happened ? said loved him I He was all the world to n ,Europe, he is looked upon ae a kind ee in the war between in and the brother -in -lane, IMrke Ernest Gunt her front n. slaughterhouse. Turing five IT(•nri feelingly. " I Hover saw him mol t' all of life, of love, and o6 1�y na ever. In the Royal Aquarium of 6Pa St. Petersburg there are fish today °Y0°' The natives tbinit Chat to havo United States will t)o is oleo a quo, of Iiehleir\v minutes more another length of red loner finite so upset," joy l" a tooth drawn In the approved style tion which ha, given rhe to great dif- ig-Rol,tein, now ,et for Agu, " Hp. has evidently heard isamethin Then with a shat colla o that are known to have been there at lupe was tl.n\vaund, snot then the hnrly ry, she is almost a pleasure. They hnve boon feronees of o Inion, t3omo nut.horities 2 Tho wedding will tclire place to the un il-asant.," su least 180 soar,. Rome of them aro tie p wits oarago to n m0dicnl sPPof i i a f ggo, no Paulo. "At. al started to leer feet and oa ht her uatxl to lees rotlned methods. maintain that. they will 1)o enormous; Cathollo Church at Coburg. Tho nn- block con t � t[mes as bt as wh(m first oa seed • Iron with nn PSPnri of xpl{Pe. evpnta 1 judga(1 ro, not only Prom his guardian bq the arm glaring et him ethers ha,a et grown an inch ---- - others on the oontrnry, see no reason nouncoment has called attontlon from There was the ,0nnd of a trumpet and Irr•,Irs, hut. from th,, manner in which with a fierce, flaming tiro in her to suppoao that an increase will co- rho wretched scandals of which Cho Che trop to marehel anvny. The uillo- h- spolre. You know how quick and eyes. 1 R elc•pp nre his sympathies." Ob, 6toffatro has killed him] 8tef. to w^lAdTEICION. I our, or oven gv sat ar na suggesting a Prtnetsaa'r mother is the heroine to the tine cons backed into n \vngnn Hurl t hP " YPA'" responded Henri ; " his heart fano has ki ed him I Is it not soil, iN6INUATiNG ORBIDULITY. t�lttklnarHpwv old (lo you suppoes Mlae deorenao 1 During tbti lasU 100 soars or tarot that tho Primceaa herself is a executioners and officinla gnt intn t heir Lingerlong n. more the average losses per cent, in Catholic and has aroused Protestant nabs. Finally nobody was left but soma i, as t.en(IOT as A woman s, and, if he "Isabel) at in the mine of Oo You say this is a eanvan-bank Grlmahaw-4omewhere In the vicinity battle have been about 17. Included kill• sontimedt td 15Jornutny against her prison servants cleaning up 1 tin blood bail heart] of the (Leath or great Mia- wonder are you thinking oft Meffano dyk4 madam I ort 80. I should Yui knotw she In- lad., wounded and missing, they were marriage to a Proteatant Prince, ar it from the pavans stones ; an I he crowd fortune of a dear frienrl be wduld auf- kill him I How could suet a ridiculous I flid. DO y doutbt word t abl speakl{t� f g '� greatest at Iiunneredartw 69 per cent ; is assumed Clint a dieponsntlon oonid men, Women and oLl;clrpn, drOnchPd int aI� t� r of herself as a " ire, fpr as fur hiq nwn irttl4," fancy enter your mt�lndt" No, UMdnm, I wouldn't havedolibt- From 8 to 96, girls call themselves the.v were least at Beaunela-Rolando in only have been yrantad on the usual not dispirited, thronged to the near- Th•r worts bad scarcely fallen from ' Oh, not so ridiculous as you think l" ed your word h'ad you ttstid iib was • „ " 1870 viz« 0.05. The" P he oat eatea for breakfast and merrymak- tbe youth's lips when the papge at the she retorted, growing stronger under leather.back dank. -- young women; attor 26, young coo- Igumes p boded condition tti41,C t ch[]dron mast , )nen cell thetneelve, "girls." an rho (►trength' sit the orale, present, brought bio Jia the Catholic Patti, fig, t i Y `, - �j, - h , -, ` r . ,