HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-04, Page 9`3M� -! '•'J
r � �+Iltwoaaeraronrempm"oilmoselrs "O000"oio ago" .
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�bOfti -tis- 108 t� tf� �' 1Vot AXI'tiSIPY _ ^ .- • , �. $ ...ag •Oaauso It is 1.. ,,.eat eu.... _ l,lonty of vegetables. Take
1.p - $ or and vitalizer of the blood. You will as much - diver oil as possible, slew
�u l�tfl: 00.9 t l�OflP�I�i�" 4i1V,_t;S. tbA ' 11 ' �r' I I1V�114 . °� %y .11.
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; ;Ktlll ,.I? el?d#f;,1#� ,", , frQT>x dr9j kl « �S f' f� Iii i,� / w ic' = r find appetite, nerve, mental and di- wlleuaver you ells, and do not get up
t� �t ---� =� - __ �i gestive strength In in the tntlrning until you have been
flag• slioh q�$•liltitteA .. toe^ wuLQx .all , '��� $U B IG GRAND -- -- � I s awake for half an hour. Laugh crver ev
they are apt to do, Too raarty of the $ 4 C4' liar:_ . - = Hood"s Sarsaparilla erything, worry over nothing.
(severe summer. diseases may be traced : �' p - � � � /j.. � �4 ' __=--a �•- "`� �� " ` � Canada's Greatest Medicine-
d.ireetly to the drinking of ice water, 1 � l � �11 1i�l � � ��/,W r____= �-�-z�_- -_mss � 8 Hood's Fills oureunueea,indigeation. 26o. CURF FOR INSANITY.
t or o �"'4, L f r! :
� ' If the water from the faucet, : _ : op Bic A Scottish lunatic doctor thinks that
' well is not soot enough to quench the ■ _v 9p
• n : f1 ` e� /BULACA M I BIRDS THAT DO NOT SING. bicycle ruling may he a cure for in -
d thirst, pleas a bottle of water on Lhe $ ` \\ II
sanity. Ile has triad iL with good re -
i lee, but do not put the ice in Mie Call 0 ;, , — �„ y�1A ^ sults on sumo of. his patients.
t� They Far Outnumber the musicians of tike
water.;2 Frallkered Futility- W P L 930
Lemons are very valuable during -the •
.1 .Bummer months and a supply should be ��� \� `�k� pNGA //� = hinging is applied ;Lo birds in the
g PAINT' so CHEAP Yon can na 10 on old
$ game sense that it is t.o human bein s— ebingle root. or sides of
i kept constantly on hand, For Une W h0 = � .� �pyn`� / • bulldlnee.-Usnd 22 years with •food sprayer you can
l is inclined to be bilious or troubled �,p` ""'•- f •' BA is the utterance of musical notes. .Every y,lnt •ben, In half a day. write us f6r airoutars and
r V I� / iw person makes vocal sounds of some tits, & p lutabout pointing. The VlachWest, wood Preenna•
a with insomnia, a .glass of lemonade not • ` 1 / Eire & Palut Company, 670 Quenu West, Toronto.
p i� _=
t T too sweet, taken just teeters retiring, v `r� \\`\�� r OF / w I kind, but many persons neve,' attempt I __ -_.-- _
�// t s � ! to sin So it is with Idrds. The eagle TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL oBers special
will be found ver beneficial. , /�, � a noose inducements to youngmen dealrous of
n'; Try this recipe for making lemon- C ���5� MANILA. j screams, the owl heels, the wild 6 I
Lot up Omtting: Full artionlere on spots•
ads and see if it is not delicious. For 2 %_ \� `� _ �\ /� honks, the crow caws,lbut none of these , alien. n3 YONtiE ST., TORONTO.-_
otle quart, take the juice of three lem- � \\� �'P
;/ discordant sounds can he called sing SHIP YOUR PRODUCE,
. ons, using the rind of one of them. Feel � � �P me Ing.
� t e rind very thin, getting just tike ' : , , �/ $ 1 With the poet, the singing of birds Butter, Eggs, Apples. Prult, &c., to
..• Y ,,�1�i s 'means merry, ligh•L hearted joyousness, THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited,
Aw outside. Cut this into piectes �j' �� = y' g��and mast of us are po,&Lic enou h to nor. of West Market and Colborne Ste. TORONTO.
,r"ut with the juice and two ounces 11 'till ES s I
".11 P powdered sugar, in a jug or jar c' G140 VE! C� ,view it t the sante way. Birds sing
• G i ' % / ■ rntrst in the spring and they ettrl,y sum- 6� 9�
with a cover. Have the water boiling f/ , �`E
' , and just shout rigll't for making tea; 1 N tl p i %e / , o bi le euiplhyellintnest-buisld ng and of the in Quickurc
?a'>- pour Lt over the lemon and sugar, Gov- 1e , ■
er at once and let itlstand until cool, 69 00?' �/� / / rearing their young. Many of our
', While preparing the morning meal as Q V_Gt � / • most musical singers are silent all the For Whitlows or Swellings, Cold
a QRR ///�/� : rest o£ the ear; at least they utter
make a / i y Sores, Ulcers, Gum Boils, Toothache.
pitcher of coffefe, add milk hnd : G '. only low chirpiilgs. It is natural,
sugar and place in a cool place. This
eoeeae6a*80004*66Bi80a66ea•a64080604*04ae8eaea04eneseS6N6eSe404*ae04■esome060*ae0040404e04aN■sea*asu■o■•■•■�eeerq*sao■■■■nes - --- --
will be found very refreshing for ther therefore, that; lavers of birds should ` COFFEE �t CO.,Estab-fied 1845.
dinner or luncheon. Tea may be pre- I GRANDE' ISLAND AND SUBIG BAY TAKEN BI DEWEY. Iregard th,edr singing as purely an ex- `—
- 1wrad'in the same way and is pre- A despatch to the London, Daily Mail from Kong Kong says it is now known that Admiral Dewey And in thf joy nhapthe c returning
eturn ns.spring GRAIN AND COMMISSION
Jerred by some, ordered the correspondents at Manila not to give the full story concerning the interference of the German outside. Of w1hat are properly classed MERCHANTS,
A drink made from spiced currants Warship Irene with the insurgents in Subig Bay, for fear of arousing feelings in the United States, which as song birds there are many species
Rooms 400.12 Board of Trade Building,
,I especially .grateful on hot days and might lead to complications with Germany. The correspondent adds that when the details of the affair i that never pretend to sing; in fact,
is made by taking seven pounds of ripe transpire it will be seen that the incident was more serious than first appeared. As soon as the American lbcse far outnumber the musicians, TORONTO, ONT.
currants and adding to them, four l hey include the water birds of every THomAs FLYNN. JouN L. COFFEE,
B warships appeared at the entrance of Subi Ba the Irene slipped her cable and steamed out leaving her
pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, p pp g y' pp ' g kind, both sw•lntmers enol waders, all __�
one tablespoonful ground cloves, one of anchor at the bottom. the birds prey, eagles, hawks, owls �� R R�■
cnnamon and ono of allspice. Boil _ _ and vultures; and all I,hr gallinaceous
slowly for two hours or more. Pull in - - - -- -.--L----,— --_ tribes, cainprising pheasants, partridg-
e cans or it will keep well in crocks, with As a porch or roof garden shade, coayistenc of molasses. Spread on es. turkeys and chickens. The ohble Only Institution to Canada for the mire of
thick paper covers fastened over. Two Mr. I�napper, the clematis enthusiast, sheets of cheap writing paper. TIME 0�' GREATEST DANGER of the turkey cock• Lhe defiant craw of every p7laseoe speech defeat Established
hr Toronto, 1890. lure guaranteed.
dessert s the bolr cchita," are none of them CHUROH's AUTO -VOCE INSTITUTE,
spoonfuls in a tumbler filled prepares boxes about a foot square. In Those foolish people who have endea- -- true singing ; yet it is quite probable D Pembroke St., Toronto, Oanada.
with water, and stirred well mares a the center is a yucca filamentosa, at
very refreshing drink. each corner an echiveria and at each vored to rob the cucumber of its harm- THE HOUR WHEN THE HUMAN MA- that all of these snunrls are uttered
The syrup left'from canned fruits of elnd a clematis is planted to grow over ful qualities by letting the slices stand CHINERY RUNS THE LOWEST. with precisely similar motives to those PAI "'s, Mille A Hatesf,,
�. that, insAre. the sweet warbling of the Harristers,eto.,rewovn
different kinds may be sweetened and the trellis nailed fast to the outside, in Salt• and water and have succeeded I I lBldg
4, the clear w}tistic of t.haLAWmonndBb o ..Torrontto.
used in the same he and arching some four feet high above. in eliminating its flavor, the only its tilapilatcc Is ThrrouPnP(i u' Not liven I robins or the thrilling music of the
]1lany advocate the rise of 'hot dunks 13 th f t' 1 ld
oxen res or our Imes as ong con Impetus by it ! 114 ell Awaltenlmt soil
in warm weather and consider it •,a. mis- leave the trolliN at the back and the thing that makes it appetizing, are ,,oedEth(rush.
taken idea that mid drinks are neces- , clematis planted through the length hereby informed that their attempts t'"m4r•(imeut IirPrtion or the Vital or, dill naturalists ha.ve set apart a very TI1€ TRIUIVI�lI�
eery to relieve thirst. Be that as it I and afford a screen. to gams-.etemarhallle Far•iv. large group as song birds, and even I ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES.
get rid of its colicy propensities Very curious and interesting is tits airtonF these there are. menti' species Easy put up and taken down, Can
cry it is certain that. very cold drinks These boxes, having done duty for have really intensified hem by mak- i' P be cleaned, nested, and put away in
frequently increase the feverish condi-, the summer, can be buried in the gar- Eng it more indigestible. The salt and temporary uneasiness of all night- that never sing at all.. Pirds are them. Mpanuf cta. uredtbdealers for
rou cd according to their anatomical i'
tion of the mouth snit stomach, and so, I den in the autumn or left standing out t.hC water, vinegar, etc., wilts the fibro , efeepin'g humans nd animals, at shout haracterist.ics, the struck ore of their i" G. S. BARCLAY,
produce the very condition that is they will be ready for a new start in and makes it tough. Cucumbers are di- i 3 o'clock every morning. At that hour bones, bills, feet :End wings. And . 168 Adelaide.St. W., Toronto.
sought to be alleviated. the early spring. gestible if e,atpn fresh, before the I ITE CLOSED,
Experience has shown that, hot drinks I The worst enemy of the clematis is seeds ,have hardened, they give little moans, awaken par- 1 thus we have. the songless song birds,
relieve this thirst and cool the body, the cutworm, but this may be gotten tiolly or wholly, and then either drop;looking at. the matter from the St and -
,when cook oatmeal in hot weather,point of the clasAf in naturalist:. Dominion Lia® Steamships.
when it is unduly heated, in amore riot of by giving the earth to the chick- }pack into slumber or into r1e,tLh. Ph -' P Y B p
Substitute rice, cracked w-hP.at, and 5 Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer. Large
effectual manner than Lee -cold drinks. eha, for a little while to scratch over _�__._- end rant ti
to 'crew
ete•mah;pe 'Later dor,' 'Von•
is will, of course, not be accepted other tvhent preparations for oatmeal, steal giants among men, and lions am- ---
P and then adding powdered mmgtard to P p couver,' 'bominion I 'Scotsman,' ' arkshire.'
1, but those who are troubled ' it before giving to the clematis. which is too heat -producing. Oatmeal ong animals, h rye this exl,ezience, just THE KLONDIKE'S CLEAN-UP. Suportor aeoommodntion for First Cabin, Sea -
thirst might, do worse has __ contains three times as much -fat as as do the frailest babes or weakest kit- I — on Cabin and Steerage paesengere, Rates of
passage -First Cablu, 852.60 ; econd Cabin,
advantages to be derived from I cornmeal, tens, Viewed in any and every light- It Ir R3tlnrated at $7,01ro,00o on the oasts 034; Steerage $222.50 and upwards according to
SUMMER RECIPES. -- of the Canudtan Ta c Report. steamer and berth. For all Intormation apply
hot, rather than cold, drinks• the occurrence is remarkable. Why is to Local Agents or DAVID TortRANCE & CO,,
Hot drinks blave the additional ad- ARTISTIC WfNDONVS. y a
vantage of aiding digestion instead of Pea Soups of Split Peas -r Wasbi one Lt not at midnight, at 1 a.m., 2 a.m., or The Bank of British North America Gen'1 Agekowj, f'sb.Sacrament l3t., Montreal.
The small ornamental windows with We make
injuriously affecting the stomach and pint split peas. Put them with two in th; case of late sleepers, why does at Dawson, the pioneer Klondike bank,
bowels, broad- sill between two rooms lend p ROOFING Patent Roller
--- quarts of cold water in asaucepan over ( it not colas at '6 or 7 dclock'd hag sent an official te. ort of the sea- and Sheet MetlLlYdOrke.
themselves well to decorative effects. RooFktNtt sLATE in Black. I
the fire. Add half a tablespoonful salt. At the hour of about. 3 o'clock ev- son's clean-up, gi:ving the figures of Red orOroe�n �I�ATEBLAo BOA Ds tiTe supply and Ball -Rear-
. EASILY GROWN. A sash curtain is indispensable. Strip kRooflng Felt,
As soon as it boils add half a cupful ed Madras in flower effects of delicate ery morning, every night -sleeping pi❑ man, the ins Actor of mines re resenting the Coal
ohne Toronto). ceNewCityB ill.
P P Co•1 Tor, etc. ROOFING TILE Soe New City Build. , in 9tSSI
In this country the few varieties of 6 t g tangs, Toronto, dope by our Arm). eta, Collings, Cor-
mYt„ finely cut celery and one large peel- India silk are pretty effects for those. tvomnn, child and animal is nearer to Canadian Government. toe•,etc. Estim•ttos rrtroiahed for work complete orfoq ;
clematis that are used are greatly ad- ed p• y pe g y death 1 Kan at an other mornent i.n all P P 16
r p, p1 p0'tat0 Cllt ]IIt0 races. Pr in 011e A silk ac:Lrt dra d raceL'ull over a The c1E:an-u is laced at 7,000,000, ntOrlaleshlppedtonnypartoftheoountry.PhonellpBS, tl8inB4fipiiii.Q
mired, but to the majority c eo le gilt rod is uncommon and effective. A Y !Lout IE&SONY, PdeialdedtWtdrlrerSts.,Toronto.
Y P P tablespoonful butter or drippings t.wo the 24 hours. It is then that he, more the Canadian Government having col- _ of all kinds -the flu•
the family seems to be regarded as a jardiniere with a small plant put on �p est in themarket.
y B fine chopped onions for five minutes. active of the vitals Caine he. nearest to ]coed royalties on $4,000,0011, or $1100,_ $h]I f1 ���1� T®r®YYt®
mon the tender aristocrats of the I P the sill is good. A figure in plaster, ®� �1 BesCr�Iaterial,
g Add them to the sou with one fine brass candlestick or a Moorish Lamp stopping or running down. Tiley come, 001 in ca:ih. the royalty being 1.0 per ■ * ! I Lightest,unning,
garde nil to be used only where there cut carrot, cover the saucepan and are other suggestions that look well, so near. Lt thnLt if they came a breath cent. There is the Government tax on Pays the
host till done. Then rub the soup
i the professional gardener to nurse -ani atom -wearer i.t the Best
I through asieve. Seatson to taste with Y waulc( stop. 1630.00,,000 •vet to 1pe collected„
and care for Lt. This is a mistaken,idea.: salt and a little white pepper. Serve The thought is one The clean-up would have exceeded Price forB 0 N D Z's
The uses of the clematis are many. As I with small ,squares of toasted bread or NEARLY DISCOURAGED. OF ABSORBING INTEREST °810.000,000 if it bad not been for the SCRAP, LEAD. B
a porch shade it will weave its leaf I oyster crackers, V . ' threatened famine at Dawson, which
., stems about a coarse mesh wire net Asparagus with Peas. - B.eel one Tire Experience of n1 r. .Ratplll Gtl7crsom The machinery of, life comes w-ithi❑ ...------ - The Fidelity Bonds of the
and afford a beautiful thick screen, A s bunch asparagus and cut the tender Who Suffered Greatly From General just a hair's breadth of stopping at caa,t there
Stampede for -Circle City, so ALLY N LINE
a wall plant a ,wire net backing is I parts into one -inch pieces; place in a Deblluy. some moment near 3 a.m, The why of that (here were not enough miners to ®®S{ail�El9�69�
more easily trained to than is the saucepan, cover with boiling water, From dile Advertiser, Hartland, N.S. this is explained as follows: The cont 11, some of the claims. n } e ,
wall to which the stems must be fas- add one teaspoon Balt and boil until Ralph Giberson, postmaster at Mon- posure of the body when lying still Bonanza Creek is reported as disap- �rayal Xa6 Steamship COef ��• Canada
produces not one rest, but that same pointing, find, there are said to be only w -
tened. This backing should be pegged done. At the same time put one pint gaart, Carleton Co., N. I3:, • is also p y Montreal t0 Liverpool.' I Qjarantee and
P g known as a prosperous agriculturist I element of danger so omnipresent to ten claims of cunsmuence tri. it. Eldor- h
to the,, -earth and fastened at the top, green peas in a saucepan over the fire, and an enthusiast in his line. Now i all machinery left unattended -the ab- 1 ado is the richest creek and Dominion /�p��i',/®p�
dr a relgulaa screen can be made and' add one teaspoon sugar, cover with stalwart and rugged, weighing 250 Bence of a watchful brain. ; second, rldorado vont the richest Steamers sail tram Itqoutreal every Thursdayy Accident
hung from hooks. The earl spring boiling water and boil until tender pounds, he scarce wuuldbe recognized i In welcoming the hours of sleep you, diggings in the. world. Benches on morn ng est about of
ns from Toronto and
g Y P B g the lVestabout0o'clock. Insurance Company
as the man who six months ago was unconsciously welcome dPaltl's most ad- drench Creek are very profitable. ibs
varieties are all best used on northern I and nearly dry. Melt in another sant , the picture of one suffering the terrible I vanta.geous time for conquering you, i Thera are. now 31000 people nt Daw- RATES OF PASSAGE i
or -western exposures, as the late frosts pan tw-d ounces butter, add one table- d3 m toms of eneral debility. Tle, was i r are accepted b the Dominion and
Y P B Y• , Every moment you are asleep your phy- sem, and there. will soon be 50.000. Liv- Cabin 062,50 end upwards; Second Cabin, , p Y
are a t to catch the flowers when in oonful flour, stir and cook three run (town in health, suffered much ; sicaI self is runnin unwatched h the in is terribl high still. A L cabin g34 and and $30,25; 9tee}•aEe to Liverpool Provincial Governments, Munrcipali•
P g y g Y P London, Glasgow, Belfast, Londonderry or, �
bloom. The Prost itself will do no harm minutes; add one nnd a half cups as- from dizziness, almost blindness, gen- I engineer. The supply of coal, food, for renis for $1,000a month, and meat sells Qn8onstown $'12,50 and 823.60. ties, Banks, Railways, Express and
•- „- paragus water, cook and stir a few eral dullness anddepression ofspirits. the -furnace is withheld. The steam, for $1,50apound. A comparat.Lvel,v Areduction of five percent. is allowed on Telegraph Companies, Benefit Soci�-
the thawing can bei in the shaded as i round tri first and second cabin tfokeGt. roti , ties, and the professional and Com
minutes, Mix the yolks of two eggs He had a poor appetite and such food' blood, in the pipes runs law. This ne.g- small amount. of gold, will come out of p j p
it uld be on the north or west side, tvrth one half cu rrenm, add it. to the as be ate ave him rent distress. I -allingsofsteamwoorother informationapplyr mercial classes,
F• P g B lett of the engine room of the body J the country next season, perhaps five toany°authorized agent.
but south or east would catch the ear- sauce, stir until hot, not. allowing it He was incapacitated for the work that 'Continues until sante moment at about millions, according to t.bi.y report. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO
e 1 ly morning sun that shines So bright- to boil. Drain (be. asparagus on asieve, fell upon him and was well nigh utter- 13 a.m., the machinery all but stops. H, Bonriter, 1 Hing St, W. Toronto
ly after a frost, and which would be drain also the peas; place in 'ahot. dish, ly discouraged. The symptoms In the healthy, or fairly healthy body or H A A Alien DlontrettL i�E ROBERTS,.-_General flennger.
sure to do injury. On a southern ex- pour Over the sauce and serve. bordered on to those by which I the coming Of this moment produces 111 Temper —�
11, 11
posure there should be trees or other Buns,-One-tbird cupful hot milk,two hypochondria is manifested. Through a wild shock to the system, and this
shades to intercept the sun's rays. The reading the Advertiser be learn- shock causes you to unconsciously Is more rapidly improved by relief THE ONEY KNITTING
';u tablespoonfuls sugar, one-third egg,
requisites for growing the spring flow- ed of the particular benefit that throw out your arms and legs, rub from physical suffering than in any
b ` y' y j your nose violently, moan, take a deep other way. ,Step on your friend's corn j�IBBING MACHINES,
_:, ering clematis successfully, are deep, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-half east several of his friends in this vicinity
rich, light soil ; good feeding; free de- cake, two-thirds cupful flour. Make a had received by the use of Dr. Wil- breath and turn over. Your doing all and the impulse t.o strike is strong- �r
Ili velopramt of summer shoots and re -sponge with the above ingredients. liams' Pink Pills, and by the hope' this -or most of it -has literally and of est. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, �ACHINE QLD AND RELIABLE
taining them so far as they are devel- 'held out by their testimonials he se- sober truth saved your life, it gave I by quickly and pninlPysly removing
oped over winter. The summer and Beat it. Let it rise until light, add cured a supply and took them accord- I fresh impetus to the almost stopped! them, insures good nature. Fifty imi- Established 1872
fall varieties, on the contrary, in flour to make a dough, knead it•, and ing to directions, The result was al- I action of the heart, which in (urn re_ talions prove its valve. Flowers of sub- THIS a FOR 100 -
blooming on'new wood shotlldbeprun- let it rise again to double its bulk, most magical;; immediately his symp-�st.ored the well nigh stopped circula- stitutes. "Put tam's," sure, safe, pain- Oletheyonrtamilyfrttmhead
ed back close every autumn, the young then add one tablespoonful o£ soften- toms began t obecome loss disagree- ' tion all throughout. your body, The less. to toot Mth our
shoots being trimmed up to their full ed butter, -one-eighth te.a.spoonful cin- able, and he steadily .gainfed until now I MOAN AND DEEP BREATH kkk MONEY MAKER
'. extent in early summer and until the nnmon or nutmeg, and one-sixth cupful lie is perfectly tries from. Kia old trou-
flowers begin to appear, when, as the Quickened the action of the lungs and FOR BILLIARD PLAYERS. Prices'only �i16 g20 $$tD
►- g I currants. LEL it. rise again. Shape blew. Ile, gladly ajld freely gives this roused them to their usual rate n4 i 6 '
lateral growths develop bloom, it is into small round cakes and since , in test.im'onial, that all who may read it A Glas o!w inventor has designed an
well to let them fall in their natural muffin pans to rise. When light, bake may know the remedy if ever they speed. The rest that their organs had B B
wreaths, first of flowers and later of in a moderate Oven. W'h'en they have are troubled with ,geti'eral debility, received by being allowed to run slow apparatus to inform billiard players CREEI,�AN BBNOS Georgetown oalre
the feathery plumes. -to run almost down -enabled them, when their time is expired, and tar ONLY NE7 rt !
bnked for fifteen minutes, glaze them Dr. Williams Pink Pilfs cure by 1' I o0
The clematis, as a bedding plant, peg- with a mixture of milk and sugar (one- going 14 the root of the disea.4e. They I with the restarting administered by the eloiling the inmates of a botel at it 'SIS • --CASH FoD TYPEWRITERS WRITE UL
'.•,A gad down, ars are verbenas, will, in light fourth tablespoonful sugar, one table- renew and build up the blood, and 3 o'clock commotion, to successfully be- —_
ir.„ SOIL, give a mass of the richest bloom spoonful milk), nnd repeat every five strengthen the nerves, thus driving gin another run, carrying ynu over he pirdetermtned time. IL consists of .
from Julys dntil frosts make an end -of death point and allowing you to re- electric bell and slight, signal in eir-,
It. For bedding, plants should be placed nmbout Pfortytllminutees are done. Rake can only be had inyhox s, he wrapper sume completion of the full period of cui.t with a clock whose hands sweep
permanently so the roots may not be I Crumpets -Gnu-quarter tahles con- around whish hears the full trade rest necessary to the brain and to, the I over contacts on the dial, and with
disturbed. A heavy soil should be P nerves and muscles of the limbs and dial switches set b hand to the re- �m O
lightened with sand or coal ashes, and ful butter, one-third teaspoonful salt mark, "Dr. Williams' ' Pink Pills for i y y e.#
Whet a? �,��
g P Pale People." other portions of (he. tend quLred hour and ininute. .a a $
very light soil should have loam add- one-fourth yeast Cake, one-ha.lf cup- _ -- -_ As to what causes this little shock
ed. Too much moisture will prove Ln- that. carries us over the bridge of
ful flour. Pour the hot milk over the ROMAN ROAD DISCOVERED. deil.th, i1w wisest• of the Wien know • _ • 17
jurious, and good feeding with well- Lnk An B K
+y salt. and hotter, When lukewarm add nOthin The theoriP9 clhout it are I11 l ( i 6i'�
rotted manure is necessary. The plants, B• d l
1t Rprnan road., 24 feet wi•do, paved I I
of course, should rine above the level the beaten! eggs and the yeast, which legion. But. they are only theories. The... r,, NE"
of the surrounding ground. Some to has been dissolved in lukewarm water, wi,tti grey granite in some places of percentage of de0.ths atibis marvel-
)+. gat this make a mound of the soil, but Add the flour and beat. the mixture great thickness and resting on a hed ous moment. exceeds that of any other
" ; ; this, an account of drainage, is not ad- until smooth'. Let it rise until light, of concrete has been discovered at in the 24 hours, while the number of ( CAUSE h'Olt SiiAME. -
visable. A better way is to build a then hake on a, hot griddle in buttered old people who din at shout 9 o'r•lock Perr Pao ellic-t have h,e.en on the.
Lyons. Near it. is it r4ubiPrrnnrnn ons- Y