HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-04, Page 8..., ., I ._ _. � � - - I . 11 , I 0 U NkFu� 8 8� . . TME CL1NT0N YHW-R.'P0f0_ T1 - . M ,ING 0 THE •••••••••••••0•:Fop .. • 5 !, Lover _ t AROUND H �t�t' li�.■1 }III .. -- .ia tau •- '- ®III ._.,.,-, - , t TreablesI.%. -�� " I C Obi°• .. - - experleaced when clean. : P � � T T Y : WANTS •• . a.�r 16 Y}.. eclally when the brush • • • acid constipation AYR'S PILI s � «� � .t. �,5 TABLE 9IRL : PRETTY q,1 gf,not suit you or the pow- are invaluable, always affording . s� not the best. what you • • • Y b L. �' � elle•••• • U LE S immediate relief, They are - = a s, brush that suite you, large or • • JEWELRY E L R Y • THAN B L T I�" _ ,'� _ L Ill wlGh a soft or stili bristle ac- ••:••••••• • The �esf �" The ° to your own liking. We have • ® 99 �'lelltest llilpplll@sl3 Of • ;tut there's a dash and style ® N r..- , r lath brushes and are sure we • Y • - '� `Ttlarr3 110Ynei3�-' G@Tl't�resc `�arditTl3d. -, u about uur crlor ns which 0 R. S. MAYO, Edna, Minn. s the (lining -room table. The '„ v you something that will suit. • showy suptrriur wot•kuianahip• • pl•Cat('Bt COlnfOrt 1.` � x [111" a them at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25e told 0 • Sunfiring ti obtained for other rooms b • the best effects. ` , .. they are all good value, and • " Terrible O - It yUll yelPCt OUl' fUl'IlitUl'H fl'011l a y + RI NGS were disposed to force it on me but I y lUCllplete stock; You'll have sed with • meas up my mina that sick as I was the best effect4 for your home. Here you'll find "all the good" PEARL ® • there would be Someth[n� happen that of excellent furniture t tattractive prices. From us you can , { • don't oust as much ria Soho+ • • "114W 1W - . might interrupt the merriment for a 01)t211n ills VCly bCSt Of bOUI S for VCl'y little money. s 1'euple ow toe, hecause the 0 Wounded few moments if the� now liuw to buy thetajust ® y insisted on it. Aly ' TOOTH • 111 Cuba, manner must have been impressive, for • right. All uur rings ;tree • (� + se�3cc•ted with ,t view to they passes on to the nest victim, and 1 � � ®� �,`� �/ � !'l 1.11 .1�O�n ER was the only n ! • _�.o® • wearing qualities. We title : � y one that escaped, • showing the very litteNt a A NEVER-TO-BE-GOIt00TTE,N NIGHT. In this department IvO carry a Complete stock. Our Hearses I • designs and have an e �hc American hospital service Broken Down Doctor and attendants then retired aria Outfit are tilt, [hest ill this Section of the country, and our leaning of the teeth is made ,t • iLssot;titlellt thilt is not ® for the night. ) : urs rrtther than a task. This is e surpassed by tiny hotl;e in • t b Ono of the latter slept m r • oil a stretcher beside me, and another Chal'beS are ad low as til(.; 1OIvest, ld preparation of Messrs. Allan & • tilt trade. \i e want you to • a p P • see theta, even if not recuty • ' in a hammock slung over the heads of -.Night and Sunday calls austvered :it Residence i , on and is guaranteed to cunta•in 0 to h,.ty, hectulso the uture y„n • Sibone, July 17" -An attack of ma- were not wounded in the lege would thepatients. The man who slept beside of out i injurious, it has been nsed by • know of us ill(- rtturr you'll 1D ]arial fever prevented nae from seeing I have to walk hack. !'here were na me told me if I Beard any of the pa- • • • • Funentl Director, JAV. ('hidley. Bing St., opposite Foundry. !lg • 1 , ers who will use no other. It • know lhnL • the final act in the Santia, o scams. It I thrall enough �h heartrending bents calling to rouse him, About an m Y b g protests ®��® - sea and preserves the teeth, re- • would he idle to conceal ;hat a disap against this infliction, but the answer of hour afterwards one of them began cal®A® a all tartar, hardens the gums, • m pointment this was, after having fol- the doctor was: tt\Vhat do you expect'? ling in a pained voice, "Nurse, nurso." ! ��� -'r i • WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR • lowed step by step during three months 'Phis is war. This is no picnic.,, Tbis 1 shook my fellow -sleeper, but after I hnruitetre 1!]i:tr<ntt:ttt,titrc•rm at><zQ Undctrtahrcrt `; 1 leaves a refreshing taste it) the a e P trot him awake he said that was the e LINE • the elory evolutkon of the plot that led was," favorite reply to any of the eom- i h. It costs 25c per bottle and eau a • up to the climax. 'file circumstance plaints regarding the inadequate pro, other man's patient, and he immediate- •f- •�•,v-- ^��cF. from us only. o 0 that prevented me being present at the vision that had been made "'for the ly Went to sleep again, The man in �i)111�]<Lya I) �nlC� A e1• m • unfolding of the Stars and Stripes above wounded. \\'hen the rain or the sun the hammock remained perfectly ubli Y©NEY JACI(SON • P. B. ORES ® the towers the famine -stricken city beat on the helpless they were consoled vioua to the calls made upon him until, ` -- - - -- - ® gave me an opportunity of becoming with the declaration tat "this was I Suppose, every patient on the vetan-SEM"JONABLE r"" m Jeweler and P:xpert • ac uaiuted evith one department of the war," dna that they could not expect dah waa broad awake, and moat of them ®®� h' GRADUATE DRUGGIST. e • LTnited States preparations for war that houses and feather beds under such cir- were assisting in the eborus of "Nurse, t 'Successor to • Watch Repairer. • P P nurse. At len `1 ALLEN & WILSON, e m 1 might otherwise have remained ,goer- cumstances, length one who need note ' ��®may •••••ell®•®®••ep•mm6••00 ant of. I have already made some res •tl. have seen more wars," Bir. Creel- mach plainly particularized rose from STOCK. !_ ference to to unpreparedness of the man said, "than this man has flu ere his cot and gave the Sleeper a good hospital service The attitude of that but I never heard a doctor adopt such hearty shad. He awoke and listened House to Rent. branch of the army organization on the a tone towards wounded men anywhere to the plaint of the sick man, Ile didNATIONAL r _ 7 l'_ clay of the battle of Santiago seemed else. If they could not do much for not stir, however. Ila said the patient i' ��� The most pe ect rluttlnrgetrt-o-storyhon,cill eor»crof Iinrun to be one of surprise, as if broken bones them they at least had always a s m a Would have to look after himself, "if I ®� STOVES . . oil „ Y Y P did that for arid Ll]) -t0 date 011! l and Orange Sts., fur,:llu er 10 rent. Apply to and ]acerated tissue were quite unheard thetic word, you i could not refuse wt of incidents in war. 1 have been told then began the weary march back to °there an „ Stove 011 the market. J111C balance Of Ullr Old pattern 011 1 /� ■ . r, JACICSO , Sit, , g , and J d be going all night. 50 1" �- �+ { Clinton, July 7th.althoughhe turned over and went to Slee again. tStUVCd at less th , , ^, :-isfaCtion `A^ - �_ - Hesso I do not vouch for the correct- to hospital. As I said, it rained the P g 111 COSI tU Cle;il' ill( ill out. i gess of the statement•, that but one am- first part of the day, and then the sun 1 tie man pleaded and prayed and mur- bulance waggon was ;Lt the front on the came out to Show how rapidly he could mored, an God ! eh God I" Others CHARCOAL r1CCS 017e t0 t\VO To Let or For Sale. day of battle, i repeated this state- dry your garments on your back tehile then began the same cries of ''Nurse, STOVES p t uaranteed meat to one of the hospital Surgeons you waited, 1, on these distressing nurse, but both our attendants slept dollars, unexcelled tel' 811111111er Use allyl Very economical as CIL and he denied its truth but he could conditions they arrive([ tit to tem or, on. I fancy they were about the only glee[ call 11C prepared at COSI ]eS5 t The nndors,r;ned offers for sale or rent that ]d ' P on. that did sleep. I hears eon[ r ,,4`,J t UR Watch Re airin story brink residence on Raglan St. There oro f, not tell me how many there were,. He ary hospital, but ns .'Vr. Creelman found p y ' 1 11fL11 O11C CC11t, Just psi' h.c,:; O P bedroom A, dianingroom, eittingroou,, kitchen. Also would not any tore were more than that they did not have shelter even for ship's bell' in the harbor toll out the feCtlOn for I Oastlns and Broiling. tea,,. Department is at- good stable. In connection with the residence are ha[f•[ienra t":µ P two acres of land ana a large number of fruit trees, two, declaring that he did not know to patients the Alread had he deter- , and frcm the - sighs and CI><<ttv�oa,l 10C. �c r 13 --t r•.; tended to in a strictly For arueniarx",ply tv 6 moans and tocsins 1 judge r l r, tea' `1 1311=. ~ tea• tiZ:5,. Y p 7 how many there were, although be was mined to push oil and try to find ""' y g j bP I was not ���� � � ' �� first-class manner. if CANTPLONTIROS.,Clinton. certain there were more than one. Ile Journal tent, wbich he did, as arrear[ the only one that watched the moon ��®�� ®�" Illli C'an8, Milli halls Milk Pail vi your watch needs repair- 13ARitY CANTELON, Alt. rore,t. freely admitted however, that the num- told. IIis companions who hart no nl roll through the heavens and the South- + t $ P Alaroh 1i; h. ' P ern cross ale in the light of the dawn- .11ais C,11111'I1S Dairy t:- ing, we tell you so, if not, beer was absurdly inadequate to the ternative quarters were not so ]ucky. in , sh P " y , yuppliEs, etc, IF work to be clone and that the ordinar Ina ievious letter I made reference l' Y. ® ���� FERTILIZER � ins es not put you to un- - - Y P' !'here was possibly no iuhumanit r � ®'� �� { y� p �!y� (�1. i springless, jolting army waggon had to to the iundequacy of all the arrange. all this butpever where there was a L T l necessary expense. ern- Notice �o U1 CtAltol q be employed to move the wounded, } ments On the day of battle, by reason of ' y Use It oil Ullr C01'll Ilse ]t 011 Olil' roots, ;< 1., per care and good work- never enjoyed the favor of a ride in which many of the wounded had to lack of service. Those men had been rr ' S , Ilse it 011 y4) ';:_ manship is what your ---- these vehieIrs, but those who have (not walk back to Sibone, an exhausting feat °n their feet all day and were Simply t1 aSS 11111(]8, Ilse it Oil your C10\'Cr, USC It +)11 011r "" In the Estate „( jrauami ,ltd, hq Iote �.i the sick men) inform me that an eight -mile under any cucumetances as t.}te writer capable of continuing their labors Just t11C'. tlljlio' ti)1' 3 potatoes. Watch requires. we Ill l:itliis of 1)lalit5; vee r'etablea sweet Yeoman, e eased. , in u,c C"m„rrr of tn,rc,m, ride in nue of them over a mountain can ttbunr}antly testil'y,3 but a perfect seeing the night. The case of the Sen- ' r , , kr ow that out work will i'ceinau, J)cccas,at' )eas lei\'115 C-) €' please you, Pin -scant to It S.O. Cap. 1211, ties. 38, notice i, road in Cub would have formed a prize nightmare when dons by wounded men was on which I returned to civilization, r ' , ry it• -it \1'111 pll.y 37' har•eb 1 addition to the tortures of the Inquisi� at night, beset by the perils that existed wl,;� a continuation of the ordeals to A SNAP -3 111011. to Ci incl[. ,Steel (lit 'r) 1. ".` s shoes that. till ,crs0», having olai,u, h the sicl�and wounded were subs Nails only y� per e against the estate of the ,gid willinm Murphy, tion, I'ho regular ambulance hAa a in an unrlerbrush swarming with the Or 1 O 1)OUI1dS fol' AJC, p g - CHARGES MODERATE. who died oil or about t.ho 3rd day of Juno, tsps, canopy. !'hese waggons had no cavo- enemy's sharp -shooters. jetted. The men who had walked from arorequirud to,cnd by post prepaid or to dc• p Sh00tera' the front t0 SibOne r i>i Do you needa pair ofS ectacles? livert"thee.ecuters or to \t'.13rydo»e,thcir pJ', but green boughs were atucic along sprinkling the VIC OR FIR11, p(LOOh� S��j+j+;,' a,`, P solicitor, on or bofore ilio first da)• o, �pp(r•n,- the aides to give Sotos shelter to the �1.1St t1lC pro )('l' t]llll r THF; rpRArnxpsT tlosriTAr„ path with their blood who had endured prop (,r 18J8, their nanx,, addre„e,, ;u„t de,crip ' fal'It]Cr5 USC til ) t0 �(l, '`•� tions, and aftill stateniont of their claiui,and wounded as they we.1•e subsequently At SibODe their lot was unquestion. Sun and rain in allegecl hospitals. were • the natant of tile,ec,urity lit 1111)) herd by them, conveyed back to tbo division hospital ably better The divisional hospital nb a final test of their patriotism, put U A_l.I. A NILS Cyg,}g,; y,VIy113- 11 �: t J. I duly aertifed, and that offer th� -'ni,l itay the y aboard a dirty ship, without one of the Jam' V Executors will proceed to di..trihuta the ;t,st•ts at fiibone, I3 the time these loads of there was under the charge of 11a or 11. I l sufferers reached Sibone they were in Lagarde, a good executive officer, and thuigs that would be required by peo-- LAN of the paid wing, edjr(lanion, the rthe ehntitled HARDWARE. thereto, having, regard only f to tilt claims of all stages of agony or collapse, indefati able in the pie in their case. , 'l ,fere was not a �1 i. JIJw1JLI.Rand which they shalt thou hate notice. g performance of his STOVES Date,[ this R day of Jnr), ,situ, duty, L'ut' he could not create cots, notbeven a clinicalle surgical tthe mometerrument t;dtherr' _ e and ' ) Lim it �� OPTICIAN STL\VAtt'I U. PLl'11111';R,, n cuss vutNpTTp' mattresses crutches and the score of _ - -- % Bl•;NJNE, Clinton.oHILI., i The recollection of one waggon full of was not sufficient food ; there was no � ” - _ Opposite Market. gg needed thin ---- -- ---�-- W. RRI'DONA;, Cnton, Out., S -anish, ,risonera will not soon grow things that were not there. ice the water was so foul that the (loo- WEEPt, AING 1 xacu(a,, P 1 e The fever hospital was under the care I P��11�� r 1 �, dint. The fRCe of a young naked negro, of J7r, Guiteras, the noted yellow fever tore had to subject the man to the pain - t; A ---- --- who was evidently suflering the tor- specialist. '1'hnt dire malady is first fn Of washing their wounds with Sea water I ���I �� �. E Y V 1 tures of the nethermost pit, haunted his affections. One after another news- rather than nae the wale we were ex - 1,; ��`, 10���., u y Voters s 1lls�l 1$981 one's mind for clays after. IIis lips paper man began to come in from filo peeted to drink ; they were kept aboard � � ;' were drawn in, two thin lines across bis front, only to talcs their beds (if that tweritysfour hours longer than necessary e FOR 'rIn'; gleaming teeth and his eyes rolled, al owing to some one's indecision which ®MUQ^LIN ' moat lazed with anguish, phrase may be allowed where there were A GREAT EVENT Manicipa.lty of the Village of g e sh. His body no beds), until there were a score of sent us into a port where they would Lr•T, Ba field, Count of Huron. Writhed continually, and every cord not allow us to land. it ryas, indeed f' .,J, 71.. y y them laid up, among others the writer -�+ w seemed to stan;i cit trusion under the of this letter. I had bAen ill a week a series of ghastly blunders, from which All L C`lne F,711]rtw , 1, ,,,, .�,",,,T�DA'S GREAT -_�� Xotice is hereby r iron that 1 have [cone- Coppery skin. The waggon stopped op eating not n marsh[ of food dur[n tile{, the sick suffered cruelly. No wonder y aists,regular�1.00 for $0 ”' milted and delirare(1 to the mrt.ia- mentioned posits our tante, and soldiers and nth- g that I aary a wounded man as we ]a y' •�5 ti. in sections Sand r; of the ont,u•io Voters' Lint ers climbed On the wheels to - aze nt time, and scarcely etnrinti from my cot, New fork harbor dash a Sia paper Yin cc cc " f g when it appears that it became whisper - 6 ' 1 P to the 1.25 for 95 v ,;I. a Aat,1889, theear,ie, required by said Sections, this leaf from war's red book: The p deck in "age When he rear[ a Lara to be Ho tranenutted or delivered the list made ed about that we had Yellow fever. This paragraph h i>ulr-unnt to;U,c. ani<) Act, of all pe,son, appear. nee ro cou.l.a not• speak their tongue, but brought down the yredoubtable Dr. about a meeting at which a subscription cc cc « x 0811100i1 * by the last revised Aa c,s,neur [toll, of thq ,lais eyes spoke for him, and they said as bad been started to secure comforts 1.50. for Ratti Municipality, to be antlt.led totdtt?'iri (its CiUiteraa Upon U'9. file d4Ct01` has an for n GG 1.20 i► W said Municlpitlity at laections for 1Tr.mberR of Plainly as tongue could say, "For the the nntio " infallible means of diagnosing n s wounded the �� cc `` tilt tion slatrru Assembly ".nit at i) nuicipttl love of God, don't shut out the breeze." g g Yellow , Para y . 75 for 1'.25 ' fever, and the result of his examination graph concluding with the usual self- 1 1 and at Illy and that said list was flc,t posted up But the waggon Stood an unconscion- glorification of the way the do thingse 18bf3tonr8ronntinetlcreforinsneation.'ri,let, I 111ty of ctors ably longtime under the pitiless S'un me to show that four of the newspaper in the United States, yvoIV the fact s ! PIECES .. I INDUSTHIRL FRIR are called upon to examine thesaid li,t and it and the men had yellow fever, while the other@ that never were wounded men treated �� any omissions or any other crror,i are found gazers Oc}holly pitiless, the were suffering from malarial fever, The therein, to take innurdintc proceedings to htthe negro and his coruradAs sweating and four yellow fever cases were at once worse Or subjected'to greater privations AST COLORED r U S • N w T�rogto.... thesaid errors corrected, according to law. gasping under its bur �ng beams. Here, in any modern army, dna if the I'nited �� S transferred to an hospital outside the S I 1. tO t`1 II Iv, )iR�l'1N, indeed was the ]ruin embodiment of tatps newspapers would descend from n Clcrkof Rayfield, the agonies of Prometheus bound to his village and the worse cases of malaria, their regions of make believe and tell all new patterns and colors, regular � 11Allgt. 219 t� Sept. 1��,98 Dated Bayfleld, August l,t., A. 1). 1898, including , myself, were taken to the rock. Close beside him was what ap fever hospital. This, was a Cuban the people the truth, the better it prices were 250 and 30th sale price 10c. - — ----- - peered to be a mere lad, who, it Was would be for all concerned. said, had been shot out of a tree. The house of considerable size to the centre NEW AND WONDERFUL SELd�ING OUT h sides- the s- of ha verandah to allow Ja1NA.Etvn`, �®vB�e � O®� �®����' ���� bullet had Struck him on the ri * t side �/ i• gC ) b aides' of it wide enough t allow of a - - -o. _ __ breaking some of his ribs and emerging man lying across it and yet have room e �', ATTRACTIONS $2700 worth of Groceries must he sold at the bock. Ile was heavily hock- DO YOU READ f��6.�� �' �P�® II�/�• I for the attendants t° pass by. IIere we OR VO/ Gelling All Previous Years and in order, to hasten tdre sale Iva marred and his little arms were like were stretched out aide b side. Those HE CUBAN -AMERICAN WAR offer the following reduced prices. pipe -stems. l )ne wondered ]tow long he who had cots used them those who what people are saying about Hood's could ho;d up and operate a nine peon,[ , Sarsaparilla? It is curing the worst 1V ow is your opportunity. CO171(� Ttlar. rtttc >{. oUtt rltrcr. had none IA on to boards or on their cases of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism Citing Naval and Military Jlauser rifle. If that frail frame Was Y Displays Good Japit.. Tei.... 20c 13o blankets. d you laid on your blanket, and all forms of Blood disease cru and see What we have for you. Japan Tea......... 25c ....... 2(k capable of scaling a tree at imminent then you had no coverin for nothin , P peril, doing his share towards repelling of that kind was supplied ki the hospi- tions s P �}iE LATEST INVENTIONS 'AND Jttpan Tea......... 35c .....,, 25c, orae, boils and pimples. ti is Ceylon Tea.......,. 40c ... 2uc the invaders of his country, it must Y P giving Strength to weak and tired NOVELTIES Ceylon Tea .... , ... ,0c , ado tel. It is true that on the night of m I L ® � ;- have been informed with a hero's sou]. g Y women. Why should you hesitate to Y From All Parts of the World Corn Starch........ ifie ..... • 7c I have spoken of the experiences of given what was called a mattress was take it when it is doing so much for in Wig""'EMAN iven out, 1t was the same material na Laundry Starch..., Joe 8c this waggon load of S nosh wounded others 7 i the Japanese mate so popular se a floor Entries ofE,xhibitsCloseAugust6th, (%urrants.........,. IIIc 7c because theirsufl'erings in' this kind of CLINTON. I Cheap Excursions from Everywhere. Raisins "" . , . , ...... I 0 .. , • . •, 7c conveyance stand out most prominentlycovering in summer cottages are made IIOOD'S PILLS are the best family y Rice ............... .5c ...... 4c in m memory, But all the woundeof, and its value as a ''mattress" may, cathartic and liver nic. (gentle re - For Prize LiRts, Entry Forms, Programmes Tapioca ..... , . , . , >e , • • • • , • ,1c Y y' therefore, bo readily appreciated. They liable Sure. to ' and all particulars, address who had to undergo this ordeal suffered were really l , ' - _�_=___ Mustard....... .. • 10c ....... 8e Y a `Oke and the man who _ Similarly. That the enemy's maimed Mnstard.........,. li>c ...,... ]0c gave them out mac]©remarks that indi• --�--- - J. J. WITHROW Ha J. HILL and broken soldier Were looked after `" -- . ` Mlking ...,..,,... '2;,c ,. 20c Y ca he was not too obtuse to see it, 1898 �Y'1��, P�777 �^� r equally with their own is to the eternal 7o Clte'Clc the Growth of ;'c'"dg, Fruits 1898" President, Manager, BakingPowriPr. ., l0c ,,.,,•, ,rc g credit of American arms. Whether re- Trip JOCULAR ASrpCT er QUININE. i'­__�;,,,- Baking Powder, ,,. ]5c ....... ]Oc ciprocal hnmanity would have been Indeed they were droll fell those 'rile council of East /,orra has taken a m Baking Yowder.,.. 2Oc ....... 20e ' firm stand in to matter of having the RaiSinS—Malaga, Valencia all(] , shown on the other side had the osi_ doctors and attendants at the fever SUIt L11aS• CHEAP RATES C■P.R, Yeas C 'tie ...• to P noxious weeds and Canadian thistles ' 1�' Yeast Cakes.,....,, 5c .. 4c tions been reversed can only be specu. hospital, as they showed just before re- Currants-hlliat.l'aS ari(1 I Ins V•Ostih7,aS. Flavoring Extract. loc ....... 8C lated on, but from the nature of the tiring for the night. Dr. Lawrence-, growing on the highways kept in ehecic WINNIPEG Lamp Gllasses...... 8c ....... 5e struggle that fipaniard and Cuban have who was Dr. Guiteras' r! ,ht hand manOr destroyed, by pnesing a by-law re- California Prunes and Elilue Figs. Brooms...... •..... 2iic ....... 20c been maintainingon this island I have ' quiring the pathmasters of the several CR . , PEELS, perboat frotnOwen Sound'$1�,F-40. Laundry Soap...... 5c 4c my doubts. ' tions at one end of theverandaha stile toad divisions in the township to have USSI and RI,A( 1�\\'TLL I ILLS, Lemon, Orange ai5d Citron, �31ove Polish..... • • 5c ....... 4c hour of sled approached. Chinese de, the sante properly cut before going NUTS -Filberts, S, S, Almonds and Wallnufs. . Till,, itosrrTnl, naanNvptil:�tTs, P 1 P g f.o AULT ST. MARIE Blue... • , .. • , ...... 5c , • • • , , , 4c Seed and in an c, So to have them cut COOKING PIGS for ,ie, a lb, NICD OLD RAISINS for 5 rr per boat from Owen Sound 00.S4, Matchers . To return to the hos Tital arran e. capitations generally occur in batches, ' Y r 1;, 1`2c 8c I g The condemned kneel clown in a ton before the 15th iayof July. Aninspec- O, a ]b "' Soda Biscuits, ..... }0c .... , „ 70 ments of the army, a good (teal of li ht g g g line and the executioner comes down, ter has been duly appointed to see that - 1[eadgnarters for — and OR Canned Salmon,... laic ,,.,. 1.0c iaShed on them by the following foci- to law is strictly carried out, and has and Return $jt4.10. , , , chopping heads off with his sharpSword Y Birds' Seed, , .. , . , . , I0c 8O dent: -Tho second day following the na he steps along, the next vtiro in full instructions to prosecute any path• Windsor sitlt, ..... >o .. , , , , , 4c battle of Santis o our eorrAa- TEAS SIIGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, . ON Scrub }3rushPS..... IOc , .... „ 8c ondent was finish his account of order witnessing the beheading of his master who neglects or refuses to dis- and Return 3.35. Tobacco 3 l0c Plugs 30c . • , ..., '2; p g predecessor. One was irresistibly re- charge his dui regard. ,c that event, standing up, with ilia left g Yin this reMcKa t', minded of this gruesome Chinese Y ie- Y, Block formation in reference to See what or save $4.85 hand for a desk. The daily rainstorm tura by the ceremonies that preceded P a. Ja e IRWIKN �tI travel apply to y $a•(t2 had been unusual[ Severe, and had so „ „ P ce fes i �Vllnton. y turning in at the tpver hospital. Dr, For Over Fifty Years _ ,ri.� __ Sugar, Spices, Syrups, VinPgPrs, Pick- thoroughly saturated everything that it K�O1�1 o,P,Ie, les, Sauees, at 11, proportionate reduc- was impossible to Sit oil the ground- Lawrence was armed with a Smal} turn" 1f,tS, 'VrvAr.°w'S 5^OOTHTNe Hvarr his beer,, Altotltot• [diets- - - - - -, - -- ! Agent tion. These are Cash priceA, bier, one of his assistants carried a big r used buy +1,111101- of mothers for lilac children l of a T:IIcP. I MERIT WINS the usual method of doing writing at chemist's bottle three-quarters filled brokentnftyo3,r res,- byturii)e h,thliruinfYcu nd Exchanges ante til `SUC'CES`S . CLINTON. A Choice Gr,ulP of Flour Jest filo front. While thus employed \ir• with Sul hate of it re fact that a gang �__ Received. Tr Ft. Btlttt'r, and f' P quinine while the and crying with painnPCult.lng '1'oolh-endnt 7 �`: Try reelman, the correspondent of The once and,kaCn.bolt.foot^M,w.14'in,lorv'ssnoth- ofAwindlcrs are travelling through rho .�� 7 "'� Eggs Bought and Sold, New York Journal, who was shot at I;1_ third man had a jar of portentotialy fat Int;Syrup' for children '1'coth,ng•. It will re. rural districts claiming authority Irom //f , cathartic pills. The assistant filled the liar's the poor•littleRuirarer immediately. Tie- tho statA to examine tve11A. ThP o �i,//�1 "� � O. OLSON CLINTON (Andy, come anion et ua. He wns n tumbler with the quinine, and the doe- •. HT®h g endnpnnit•,nu,thmR,fhprat,naml,tnlieai' amltlA th0 water through Y veritable apparition, lire face was pale for addreasin ht. II, cures Utarrhma, regnlato,t Lha Sl.onhach e a microscope tiTI?.1TFORi), ON'r, "Wma"lleirYou Decide Where l with pain, and by the time he renehed tt g the first patient, said, and borvelR, anreR 11-inrl (blf(,, softens the and find all hinds of bneterin, cholera Tlils s„ho..I sora prat -( (f fllend v Ua h0 was lead [fere, tape a Rrt'ig Of this,” and stir[' (1tnnR,rerin .nRlnflammatlon,and ivaRtononnd nae walk In over de,nrf• V. VI( TORIA 9TRPF,'T Y to Succumb. \Vee were rt tnor v to the wholes3 stmn. ' ><7gi•s. windows and typhoid gems and permit the fat- """' au,i rnJ.,)<•s n Inrpt! pntn.naga, Canimar• 'YOUR in the unfortunate oeition of not been the man had swallowed it., Take nn• Sont,liln, Syrup"forolhitdron taar.htngiR plea. mor and his wife to loop through the c�:,,, j;,r"^t gr the hlghaat HOLIDA P g other'' was the remark, and the tum- Rant In t ho tante and i- the pro-crlplimh aur rnierOseOpP, rvhAPP, COtll R0, the Ase lt0ilonta eon enter nt any tlmo� C3ntntogae ' �� ----- _ able to offer him a Seat. All that could off e, olde-t and beat, female free• bier befog filled, another dosA was in- physlainns and Alma, Ladies' be done was to hold him in a leaning nurseR in Clio Unitod stntoR. Price trvonCvfit,n the menagerie that always will be found I W- J. IMLIOT'f, 1'rhlotat. s Coll position against b serted between the unwilling lips and .entRabottle. Sold by nn druggfsts thrpnght in a drop of water. The frightened far. $ Sorted the P g net a tree. The hafts 's the wry faces made started the trio Ont, the world." Be -iirn and ask for "Mita mer is advised to apply _ - �----_--_ _"-_ --- r.. W'. Following Publications, had a tent Somewhere in Gen. fihafter'S lau; l7irTg, "(live him a cathartic" was WiNSLow'SSoorrrrNOSVRUp. PP Y certain reme- y��gg c PUMPS! camp, but where no one knew. l vol- dies which the fakirs sell at a highpriee• �UdllL�1;T tWilioltwill ito forwarded upon appHcatfon to ST. T11011i1AS, QNT. unteered to hunt it up while the others the final order, nnri then tho noxi vie- --- -_ The remedy proves to be a little plain --.._. ani+ot the agents of the Grand Trunk Railway attended to Bir. Creelman. it was like rim who had been Silently watching the The nppointrnpnt of Premier War- sOda. Tf yon want n nrAt-otnss,well•mndo pump, one the ,it * em.-- hunting for a needlA in a hayatnra but Play camp in for attention. The merri. hurton, 'rinCn bldwaras Iela.nd tc, bP will pros yon anrtafnetian, Rona "114AMbIligLaridthe ofHealthand Pleasure"cco]o• j� a About five hours ment grew more unrestrained a.e the judge - will Atged, Bawirldi your order tooe porbing rho piotnreaquo Muskoka �l.alce opCj�� Sop. 8 providentially I found it with a roan in g h of Kragscounty, WAS gazetted on , � 9sildoloanwellRalddoitat n• rooleu. ride from TOrOn- ohAr e. llo was told to At a hammoolc work of dosing and pilling went on. Saturrlay, I'0 I lih v1:NT CU�SL'MPTI()N, rife, kRPUMPlaoa, Ito 141910 handfos a drat-otnss llfitekoTta;lpO'rial Folder " g g SOme of the poor fellows lying on those Tho C. P. R. land sales for July to- • ,000W. t6 Guide." to, Detroit or I1nftalo. BeAt facilities ready, and we soon had the patient hard boards were death) sick and ab- . 00Wttlthdl,ishingand fluntltt Resorts"on in all departments with special home Atretched out on it in Comparative easy. Y lalled 30,500 acres, realizing $}23,000, 7iard to ours; dna to JAMLSFF1RgFTSON , ft hitt' the tsicinitq of the (rand Trunk P' P go lutely groaned when their turn came A yorttig man Warned JnIPs A otfee Scott's Emulsion nouriAhes rho hodv opposit Qneon'Allow • Mah street oinfon p romfotts An Ptvision and Care. For Then hA told us tits Story, lie was in of Hull was fatal[ Y kee s all the Ift I n- tib it, oto VIA. Game, le oteld, P the hospital established at 1:1 Cano for the nauseous draught, but that did + y in at McLaren P organs and tissues healthy; 869•tt I41.'1d lf�+ to ' et it was Suddenly deterro]nod to move had Soni g •I 1z AOM e lilt s mill at K-kins' ills, and tiro consumption cannot get a ._ - - ___--_- t<tltttlorl J`n• re arc[ to Fish, Gatno 1FiotolS. fall information address' Yt not tape the edge off the 'aka at all. I M 1. �' 1'CJtii�O ., D11,A.,Toronte, the n e quinine pellets which F had g partdo ndctaglleci to- foothold, _ A Winnipeg cnntrttetor named li A, to) k�tA Is�i`i,.(;N,'z',Yt..Agent,Clinton ��V' R, I. WARCVER, M. A„ Ptlncipat, patients back to ftoepktal ad got from Ur, Lagntde, and when It ether a sin on the down grade near-�--.►•.....�_ '1`. '1 H(yMAS, UJyV1`. joining Glen, Shafter a camp, The name to my turn l said I had pellets travel over cars were smashr d, shod T'hoNorthwest I,P fAlattveASsemb one hnttriy hits FOtPn ;caidentitlly killed 'r + it Tf y, 'lokot goYtt, Cllntan, ch]of surgeon announced that all who ver that �rortion of tlto line 11c• twill ttleet at Regina on ive A August bly on til io ut oNo ,)Art cnl xrsi ilwi Qli n and did not need the liquid stuff, They I 1 lyed for several hours. fat' despatch of lruslne$sr cCivecl, . f 1." I p dp . 4