The Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-04, Page 5W -
The Clinton News -Record
$L,00 a Year, la Advance.
X_ _T ,
THURSDAY, AvaveT 4TH, 1898.
11111111111111111 ., __ __The Toronto Star, Liberal, )nates the __ _,ii_
following state :- - 1, ArchbishopWalsh I; /
Government supporters...... , .. 1510 C
Opposition supporta....... .... 4I Dios Sud
Ytitroll ..... 1
Independent ..... . .. . ......... }
- -- - .
The Patron is Mr. Tucker, who nlay " 1
be enrolled with the Opposition sup- 110 Crossed the 13.11• 81 .
porters. The Inde pendent ' 1.1 • W IN11;ht. Ills IDeaatil Was "'
Voting on the plebiscite will take
R. Beatty, Of Ptu'ry Sound, who is just Uuexlaecteal•
zvl tom...
will bpeud the balaneeo...--.
ruled all the vrn7 „
place on Thursday, September 20th.
as sure to go with the Guverntuent. - -- - -
with their grandwuther at. Toronto.
The announcement of the date will put
life and energy into tie campaign, but
This will place the lis„ . OILtliulirism in Ontario fins sufl`er('c]
Miss Rubk, Elgin St., after visiting
friends at Toronto, will wind up her
Misses E. TebbutL and t,..,,,.
Mt. It.
!!'lull8 to dPlwe Ilk slnrited
Government. , • ........ ........ 51 a heavy loss in thu death of Archbishop
Vacation in Orangeville.
Forster spent ;uuthLy at Bruce•
the platform work will Yromall appear-
Opposition ...................... 43 Walsh uf'1',rolU•u. who suddenly pets-
Ales. J, Carter returned to her home
Alasdxntes Leach Stxule
anceshAoue-sided, ThelLntisarelike}y
But tie GOvc•rnment utast take one sed away .shortly 11uforo 11 o'clock Sit I-
at Clinton, after a few days visit with
and y spent
Monday ill C3uder•ich.
to confine themselves, through news-
Out for Speaker. 111 r. Craig of East dry night. '!'linea weeks ago, on Sat.
her parents, Al c'. and burs. Dave Ruid,
flat, plgin St.
yles(fatues 1+'usLer and .c3hiuluwt of
papers and pamphlets, to the discussion
Wellingtun,'a Guvernulent supporter, urday, July Uth, the Archhr(ht,)
1 , ul
Aliss Case of Aylmer who spent a
London are visiting All's. Forden.
Mi.. 1;. AV.
of the financial aspect of the question,
is tau ill to utLeud. Iver y nleulber of company with Sir Frank Sutitlt rind
Plertsunt Lillie at the residence of Mr.
An(1r'ews hits gone to
the Opposition will be un hand. So. soutu other• geutlerueu, WAS inspecting
the new c•euletery, Mount !'lupe, in
Hinton, of the Kensington Viorks, re-
tut-ned to her home 'Lind
Mr. R. McCarttle yard wfl'eof 4 iwl-
The members of the Laurlee GOV(t[il-
the usual division will be :--
Eglinton, when Ills foot caught 111
un the of
BOP al's Vlbltl[lg fl'Iei1118 here.
meat are slowly beginning to dribble
( ervi rutneut. . . . . . .............. 41) Inequality of the ground and he stun,-
Al r. and Mrs. Grahame Mourehouse
I .Mrs. M. Ruuibull of A}urden, Man., is
back to Ottawa so thata quorum meet-
1 p .... . ... ... . ......... filed, wrenching Ills knee anti fractal-
of Pincunning, Mich., who were guests
I v} ting (other -in-law, ,Ali., !:, ltnln-
ing of the Cabinet clay be a possibility
Ltdn if Alt'. 1A . It. Beatty should re_ in}, one of his ligiuLteuts, The Arch-
bt,ho , advanced yeal•a eau.e(1 111e ac-
turn to Ills first love, the GovernlnenC p'
at the wedding of Mr. MOOI'ellULISe'a
sister at Ba field recent( s silt a tow
Y Y, p
,• ,
Miss Al. I icktu'd of Gali is r•pcoding
in a weak Or so. The happy-go-lucky
way which Sir Wilfred's ministers
would haveJ Y, cident to till heavily upon hila, and hu
majority, and the closest wits volifined to Ills rnu,li, Dr. Dwyer'
it( fowl''
Alrt,. Duckharn, Chicago, will spend
a few dayye Willi h lends her+'.
Mrs. VV. liohnes and :,alt Fred of
have of carrying on the business of the
tE, that cc ld b03 would ba -- and Dr. Nat ill ntteu(lin r 11iu, ;but no
Lha season with her brother, Charles
) .,
Ge do rich rind Mrs, Govilun rind daugh-
count. is certain} notgoing to injure
Y Y fi fi I
Goveruulent.................... . 18 dtutger wits till ticipated, and he xppar.
Opposk ion 41 ently made },rune] towards
Newtun and wife.
for of Toronto spent Rri(Iny with At Is,
the health of any of them. (
.. . .................. progress re.
covery, At11.:30o'cloc'k tiaturda Ili rht
It will be a busy session for Lite whips Y 1,
Captain Trethew,L left on Fri -
dry a.m. accompanied by het little
A few from here picnicked at B(ay-
x .
however, heart failtire,nddenly assert-
and a hard one for ulenibers. There ed itself and fitiutoess set in. The
Nellie, to spend a few weeks
,vitt Captain Trethewa, the
field on Thursday.
ALPS. J. JPi'wia spent 7L fl -%y days 1tISt.
A specimen of Grit economy is fur-
will lie little pairing dune. and no run- Archbishop was helped from his arca-
Bruce Alines and Lha northern shares
week with her brother at Londo-sboro,
niched in Clinton where twenty -r
nit(], away for a holiday now and then, (.halt- to his bell cult[ made as easy Its
of Alichi elan.
Mr. White of London wits in oil[.
four officials are actually appoint
,ossiblN, while the )hysic iru18 wPrP
1 ]
los lc fur Torus was nut uF Lown last
p "
village last week getting subscribers
ed to take the vote it( provi►1_
--- . - - - . — siluumoned. Ill- recognizod, however,
I week.
for the Advertiser,
11cial elections, tahen only half' that
A CARICATURE UPON that the end was approir:lling. `•1 ,Lill
going to clic," Ile said, and he
The Misses Coral Vivian and Tana
number etre quite sufitciont in elec•-
ed it %visit that the last riles of the
.ire visiting friends in ell,,-
Con. I
tions for the House of Commons
church be udulinister•ed to hien. At
BRITISH JUSTICE, the .little time he appoinu-ti Very Rev,
The Misses Welsh, who were visiting
Alt, AV,
The Auburn bridge is undergoing re -
or for Municipal ,tatters. Twenty-
'icfu' General Mc•(altln to Ile lidulinis-
Welsh, jeweler, left for their
hullo? at Stratford on Thlrr•stlay last.
pairs. AV. Wheatley of Cliutuu lots
the jut) of cutting do%vu hank
four ofifcinls means one for every
twenty-three electors o, the basis
-.- .... .--. tmtol' Of the diurese until tile appoint-
Inert of his successor. The lust rites
Mr. Hick, druggist, Patis, spoilt at
week fu town visiting his parents and
(1103 and
is busy with tui active gang of uten the
past week. tin fur, so
of the vote oil March 3rd ]cyst,
Hardy's Attempt To !Dictate To %vert thou administered to the dying
Albert A;. Cullis is having uc%v stone
wbeu 545 votes were cast. In Tuck-
the Coltrts Is An Ontr.age pr -'late, hi, nephew, Rev. Father
Aliss Ethel Rhynas and little brother,
work built under his grist Inill.
ersmith (f81 elector. recorded their
Upoll tile Constitution. Walsh, oflivinting, anti be passed peace-
fully away ILL twenty nrtuutes to 11.
Ntelville, are rusLlcating on the farm of
their uncle, Mr. Hunter, Lake Shure.
Threslihi(,r is the order cit' tilt' day,
votes at four booths. Is there any
'_`--- }Iia niece, Miss llell-u 11acAlahon, of
Mrs, 'l3e, Elgin St., wife of Mail
will soon be i)ILSt, and gone,
Souse are almost lhruugli %Vith their
coumnon sense it( such a state of
The Issue raised by the Ilon. Mr. St. Catharines, and the servalit" of the
Clark Tye,'rave a private picuic to her
affairs .
Ifaldyy in asking the new Ontario household wore also present. tuculed-
Legisl;tt n to decide what in old Un- lately after- the ArcIhishop lilt(] passed
children's little playmates in Naftal's
woods recently.
Mrs. Milson antl her dattgbter of
Rochester, N.Y.,
. ,+
tlLl'lU Legislature1 '
ucauC when it passed away the dog'tOrs inti! IL nnwbec of the
Alaster and tAliss Rubb have returned
npe the ue, of
g the
formler's sister, AL•s. K. Al. Culnulin rs.
According to the last census returns
Clinton has `2(335,
Il certain act., is of fill' greater uuport- clergy, including Vicar-0eneral Mc-
auce to tic: people of C;ulad,t than the (auill, Rev. 1) '1'eefy, Father Ila
to their home at Clinton, itfter spend-
ing a
Mrs, Thomas C'rt w•fo
i rel of ltlyth is
a population of Sea-
forth LG41 and GOdeticll 3530, yet the
fate of the Ifardy Government, or the Father Tracy, Father Mon],rovan and
pleasant visit with their grand-
inalua, AL's, Oliver, Elgin St.
the guest of AL's. A. Robison.
Mrs. Roht, Stalker spent a div %t ith
fi,•st mentioned has three booths land
queatiott %vhl-tlLer ci not tile election I+;Ether, (`line, xrl ivl-d nt lila tttulaide,
constables should he pertnitted Lo Vote•
11iss 11ay BuchtMiau left uu Satur,
day to spend part of Fur t oil Saion r.
her parents, Nr. uud Alrs. R'In. rT
who are both i .
nine officials mora that, Hertfortlt, and
Itis ca fundaun'ntal principle of British
poor health, but we
hope to hour of their' rec•oVery,
one booth and three officials more than
(roderich. We ru'e not aware that the
constitutionalu r)„r ue
ldve u 1 nt that the
legislative oxeeutive. and ju(licinl Franc•
Death of Prince Bismarck.
AL s. Jas. Doyle: of Detroit is it pri•
vote nest at, the Park House.
Mr. Sam'! Caldwell spout 11103 past
week in London.
tions ol• Lhe government should be
lllaliltfllllell ciistuu'L and independent
AV Ib regret to aulluuuce the death
of May, only daughter of Mr. Tighe,
George H. Rowed Of Clinton S un-
delved in Auburn.
of, Otherruld any trespass upon — '-_-
BrituuniuRoad,on Friday a.m. lust.
alone has been living lip to the lacy
h } !'Cul 1.,.tL(t't'a of 011e of these (Merl.. allr'S Greatest titates1a1t111
branches l,y either of the other's isda”-
Funeral oil Sunday p.m. froin 5t,
%a•i Lli Ai,', Stt?wfr'(. ill' 111e Litt: C' Shi)t'e,
thea the authorities of other munici-
passed i uietly Away Last
{{,,erous to Lhe Interests of the nation, P
1 etev's to It. C, cenletery.
Air. Loftus Dancey's residence was ;a
AVe wish hila s(ICCoss,
5'o(il' wort by `scribe has be 11 so host•
palities have considerable to learn,
lu tile case of the functions of Like _ Saturday Niglit.
prey to the fl Ines on TlLursdlav last but
and I lust lily pollcil xrlll the,nerchauts
There cannot betw•o renderings to the
j"diciary being; nsurJocd either by the __.-
1..PgWature or by the Executive, cul of-
the fire brigade extinguished then, in
veru s(.1(1 out, i"t i -will try in future
Act, Clinton authorities aro dither
correct and the countr•v wrong, or Vice
fence is c•oinulitted which is a nlennev Berlin, July 31. -•On Saturday nigltL
to; the liberties of the people. Tho shorty before 11 o'clock I'rincr Isis-
short Order.
Air. Merest McGornlan of St. Afary's
to do better.
A. E. Ctillis ;tnd fl(lnily of S;ullt til.
issue which .11 r. Ilardy (lits raised is ui:uck diad ab his 11onle At Tried-
is th03 guest of Alts. Messner, Parke Sl.
Airs. Tom Simpson and little son,
Al:r'i(., AIichi rani ;Leo 's
l Visiting ,yilh
friends around Auburn.
nothing less than this: whether tile richsrulle. fiul't'olintled by his fcaulily,
executive lila use a servile nu1,jorit lit- assecl peacefully
Y 1 1 y :a%VaY•
Aleck, are spending a fete weeks it(
Thomas (`rawft,rd of Bl •tut Sunda •-
y y
As Tres: N>Lws-ILLrolitp stated last
week the Grit defence falls back the
,I Y
of the legislature to usurp the I'llile- On Thursday evening an irnprote-
town the ];uPsts of 11L•s. A103ssner rind
Aliss Ilaines, Parlte St.
cd %vitll Au11urrl 1'ril-n(ls.
Airs. Sherritt of til •til s pent a few
the ]ate Judge, totally igniprin13' the
tions of the courts in it sets(, in which it 'nOut set, in in I.he Prince's condition,
hxa is great and direct iuterost. The in which repofited ch:ang(.s fen• the
Mr. Hezekiah Hale, Park tit. is filer
at. the in
days visiting Mrs. Jail
y }, 511 s ,Amore Uu
fact that the extra divisions were made
new Legislature has art undoubted worse had occurred stns(. October last ;
elrwatot• place of :11 r. Oliver-
pits, tveok.
at the •u
suggestion of .local Liberal who
right to amend any of the laws passed and 110. was able to apl7Par at the table
It its all(! take lit the
Aliss .Sadie Philins Of Stratford was
was a candidate for the party nomina-
predecessors, and to say what pall, ronv('r'R.Lt lout',
Y 1
the law shall be, but it is for thio cruris drinking chcunpagne and afterwards
tllc guest t}te pastweeks of A1rs,
ilnulber, '1'ictoria St.
EIIISt. W.1W.1114)SIl.
tion and wanted as large as possible
and the cull is alone to interpret the smoking several pipes, which he, had
Aliss Philips re-
turned to her home on Monday.
After a long illness the spirit of A1rs•.
Lt delegation frons this town so as to
law its it stands. For the Le si Lttll•e lint flone Ills condition was sn
111aS la,i(' Lawson of StratftYd is Lhe
Nichol, of t11e isle ANniterNichol
counterbalance Garrow's Goderi ch
to Step ill while C'ast's are actmilly Satisfactory that Dr. Schweninger
pending before the courts and Lu n'e_ after the Prince had gone to bed left,
1 g }
guest of the Misses Cralgie, West St•
AL'. 'four McGillicuddy
of file (til cull., passed peavvi'tilly i wiiv
on Thursday lust. For dereascd
tote. It was a party move at the ex-
sumo to dictate to Lhe. courts how t ly ,with the intention of returning Satur•
left un Sat-
""(lay last to fill his position in the
has heel) It patient Sutferl-r Will NVILS bo-
pense of the taxpayers.
shall interpret in these cases 111. law clay His condition %va conlpRrativ(s1v
B"I'var of industries at Toronto. His
]Oved by :Ill who kne%v her, (.)n(. Soil,
tt'hioh admittedly was it law -be'foro sittisfactory throughout Friday and
(laughter Alias Nellie, will remain sa
Jaules, of Owen Sound, and ono daugh-
The ease to -day is parallel. Thelocal
L}1H 1PglSlatlll't; exrSLNd is nil nlltt'ilge atll ('(lay lnnT'lllflg. Ile read the pill)-
upon the const.itutiou and a caricat ore Pre and conversed on politics, partiell-
week late r, the guest of her aunts, the
hisses .1Ic( illicrdc] '
ter', "It's, J. Ah's0n, sill'viV" and ll;tye
the-yml,nthy or Liu enlirecolnulunil
Grit whohal3 been scheming for months
upon British justice. One of the final inl'}y referring to Russian affairs. In
Diss Arlie Wells returned front To-
Alr. J. Wellwood, it student of A'ic-
after the nomination finds his only
] rOvisions Of the Civil Code of Lower t114f0rennnn lie -took luncheon, grunt])-
talo this week, t•o spend the season
tori. Co14-0, pl'U'lChed very ac•cepl.-
hope of securing it is altirgedelegation
Caliada Iwovides that the laws ill f(3rce lily jo^ularly ill the slllnll }f o l)(l'tion
ILL the tune oY the c•ormin into force of (Ifs 7lr its in (lis drinkin water. Then
coming ] g
with }ll'1' )Reil tS, Jl r. and Mrs. Charles
A111y ill Bl'ICk C'11U1'C'li 111th cull. Oil )'itlll-
Still -
• last.
front Clinton so it is quite easily seen
the Code are abrogated: a sudden change for the worse occur(.d
Walla, 13ayli >lc} Road.
Mr. Hopper had the first ripe tont._
chi. y
Ret'• Mr. Geddes, now (V Nt., ('ather-
twhy he w ould object to any amend.
Except always thatxs regards trans- it, coil SP(1 lion ce of tin acute attack of
tows this svivolt having then) the fast
incus, but, a former nastor of ('algin
tient which would reduce his voting
actions, uuatLer's and things anterior Io Plilninnnvy rf•denra, and ill the course
,week in Jnly.
pl'('ILCIINI tit, the latter pincl- (til S:m,lay
strength from this town front twenty-
the coming into fo ,cc of this code and of the afternoon he fretquently became
to which its rovtsfons could poit.ap )1 unconscious.
P apply
CIL ptain Cralgie ave his dau iter
1 '. , g g
Evelyn sconlpaniols ar outing on Lake
last, Lo x large cungvegatio11, ftuui Lilt -
text `• Life i, u,ure Lhan n.e.A and rho
four to twelve, to say nothing of the
without having a retroactive viTect., Recently, besides perinds of unusual
Boron, in hitt tug Evelyn, nn i'hurwI •
body more t h,tti raiment. i
pull in thea ointment of de )utiea
I PP 1 r
the provisions of law which, without mental ele'arnnss, tho. Prince had hod
l•w(•lllllg after tit' i9Li11 t%'a, OVPt•. The
Al r. and lir,,. Jack,nan of the Nile.
clerks and constables when electupu
intervals I s,
is ) t tlPt'Vals t f (1' 'a•
this Code, Would •i) I m%. Inn s
pl • to such trans boiling )
t into
`] } g
long, sound, beneficial
evening was dNlightl'ul the nluon •Lod
spent 511 i l' v
t c .t ,LL :Vie
P - • J. 1Vtenzics'.
clay rolls around. Motives a,u t )par.
It i E
actions, matters and things, remain in and s1nPp, on
force find apply to thein, and this code awakening from which ho wOUld be
stars out in their glory, although it
rained heavily next a.m. at 3.
--.._ - .
ant to everybody.
applies to Lhein only so fitr as it coin- e0tnplAtely refreshed.
Aliss Faulkner, St.. David St., attend-
cides with such pravisions." Ort Saturday evening grave syrtp-
if the principle recognized in tills toms apfleared. Death came easily
ed the wedding at the residence of
The(:,'J. Moorehouse,
Most of the 'farmers around here are
New Era in reply to our article
1 Y
last week says that the
exception is not. IL )rind le of British and painlessly. -Dr, Schweninger was
] ] P t g
Bavfield, on the
]t ,
)tit of Jul•v, find Returned to her honle
through cutting.
number of law
as understood nt the Province of able to -ohne Oat( nt t0 tighten the last
on the following week.
,John Snider,McIntosh,Of
,John 1lclnt0sh
booths could he reduced to six but riot
Ontario it ought to bP: 'To ,athl-ulJot moments.
All's. Pl"ulsteel Of Clinton and tw.o
Geo. Munroe and James Baird took in
less. If this is correct how is it that
to Linker a law to suit Lhe interests of The fitfully were assombled
children .pint a couple of weeks Lhe
the Wingham races and report having
Goderich manages to
fi get along with
one of the parties to za suit actually the ) dside at the tirr,e'of his death;
Pending, is So flAgriultly un,jllsL, Dr. fichitPningrr, hr. C'hry-ander. and
gnPsLs of )Irs. Straiton, St, David St.
bliss Ethel Crrti},r has returned Pram
spent a pleasant time,
Mr. Win. Ament is going to employ
only seven, Seaforth five and the town- tLa.t,
it is diffiCldL to cunc•eive of (any Baron and Baroness Merck were also
her visit from Port Ilurotl,
a number of coopers to males barrel.
ship of TuckersmiLlt foto'. Is the New
Ll-gislxt.utr in the British Empire Ile- present. As no breutlLing Tnnveulent
Air. Chilton, IJ. S. Consul here, has
this season. ']'Ills will be a great con -
Era stating' facts or has the editor as
"' guilty of such a thing. Should the or pulse wits porcept.ihle for three
bill Dr. Schweninger
so far recovered frail, his recent severe
venience to the farmers in want of apt,le
u;ua1 been looking through his party (
Ile passed it will be the duty of the minutes, declnred
overnor•General-it(-Council to disal- quietly null simply that the Prince
indispnsitiun that Ile drives'nut every
day find handles the reins to
:Mr. Geo.
spectacles and to the conling conven- low
it, and His Excellency's advisers was dead.
quite poetically in fact.
Munroe has o ened tit)
brand P' iI a
1 butcher shop in Bayfield
? The latter, most of people will
} _ p
say sibillty
will incur a share in a <r •I Dr. Schwenin er t(.logrn filed the
r l Lve ..span- g 1
if they fail to recomnhend tilts news to the Emperor AVillinin at Nor-
Jars. Coleman and children of Sea-
forth are lit t;,• t S. Consulate.
and no
doubt will do well, as he is a hustler.
„ . step.
l 77(17'. Lhe new DnlDiillOn Frail- way, The brines lip-,, as lie ](Sed t0
Major' Varene returned front his visit
I3CUCeheld Carl boast Of A8 gO011 a
This matter has been brought up in
Actretr'onctivelegislation by the: sleep, in can e;tisv position, with Iris
Provincial Legislature fully affect the head slightly incfined to the left. The
to Stanley Barracks, Toronto, last
club now as an town lit
Y the
county with Snider as pitcher and 'lur-
the town council several tittles since seats
of menibers of the Dominion Pat,- expression on his face is mild .and
.Airs. W. Watson will spend this
ner and Rattenbury as batters. No
Christmas find oil each occasion the t
inient. Not this particular Act, it is Peaceful.
month at Kincardine.
doubt before the season closes they will
understanding was given that ,a by-law
ie, but if this Act, is allowed to be-
Mrs. Minor, (nee Alice Trainor) who
be sending out challenges to some of
would be prepared making a reduction cedent.
as appeared to be the unanimous de- liatttent
-law, it will form It dangerous pro-
A number of the Federal Par-
elected on the Ontario voters' Looking Out For Number One.
has been visiting her many friends
here returned on Tuesdayto her home
our neighboring clubs.
Mr. William Graham is going into the
cattle business in earnesthaving bou glut
sire of the members of the council. it
alight deprived of his Scat, by
Act of the Ontario Legislature rue-
Mrs. E. Watson of Detroit is the
over two hundred head to export. Ile
was moreover conceded that the amend- olaring
nient to the Municipal Act abolishing fur
- -_
some of the people who voted
hint disqualified. Should Mr. L.uarier's Officials Enrichill, ,
g"ost of her daughter Airs. StuiLlh,
wile of 13andillaster• Frank Smith, find
starts to ship next week, sodding one
of his sons aloe y y +;
6 to ata till the fill o
the ward system would simplify the
Hardy's bill he passed, and sanctioned, Themselves in the
of her sun, Al r. E. Watson.
Born--ln Stratford, on .July 7th, to
question very much. This fa how mat- and
rsca pe disallowance we hope the Yukon,
1 ]
will see their way to
Air. and Mrs Roderick M. Cassells, a selections
The Blass family pinyed n numb2.r of
in the Dixon hall one night
ter. stood when a. special meet' was
P K ignore
,]nage. _
it as 1t:Lvin ' no iip}plicat.ion to
called and a resolution to make no ca;Ns
change rusher( through. Why the fore
r tiny
.ricin(; out. of elections hold be- The noicials scut into the Yukonloom
it WA9 passed. if Air. I lardy had country b the lat("•ier Governntelit
confidence that Ills
Gotlerich TOWllshfp,
----—_-__., _ . __ ._
haste? Why deal with tile. matter atR
reading of the appear t.0 )e taking advantage of their•
rZ ±
is the correct one he wou](1 he positions to enrich thonlselves
George Elliott, son of Mr. William
r0orrectood evert Wedne+3at artonwon. i
a special meetingwhen rho re alar
g content
meeting was to be belt] only' a week the
and 111.4 a
to leave the. interpretation to natural consequence. there is much dis-
snorts, and not call It special Inset- content. In the
I')Iliott, Bayfield concession, while
working at a threshing at Mr. William
Fal] Wheat, new ............. G; to fi.4
later? And wby not notify the main_ ing
countrv. A despatel
of the Legislature to assist, in giv- front the Coast says;--
AVier's last Thursrlxy, fell through IL
Wheat old .............. 7'2 to 72
Barley 0 :12 to 0 33
hers that Lhe matter was to be dealt ing
judgment, in cases to which most The future d"`VVIopu)ent of the. Kion-
its meulbers are parties. 1lontreul duke huts (fur 110 receive a sonans
hole in scaffold unto the thresher
a,ld thence t0 the floor blit escaped
......................... ,
............................ 0 2 i to U 2:51 I
With ? Strir,
from the methods employed byanthor-
with a bad shaking lip. Ila had a oat•-
Peas .............................. 0 50 to 0 5;3
The New F,rfL admits the extra, ex-
_. .__ _... _ izcd ngents of fie Canadian Govern-
ment stationed in Dawson.
row escape.
Alr. William Cole drove dnwn the Potatoes,porbush,
.................... ....... U 139 to 0 40
new... 0 ,1 to U GU ;
pence,but in defence save the costnmat
Talk with
] g
MENACE TO passengers on the Roanoke has deve]-
Rrayfteld concession the other day with Butter
his whole threshing Butter
loose in basket..., 0 10 to 0 1 I I
fn tub
be borne b the
y province. This bears
aped the fart that grA,lt bitterness is
felt aniOng ruiners against alleged illi-
outfit, engine,
thresher and water tank drawn by one Eggs
................ U I t to ()12
per doz........... I...... 0 9 to C 10 a
out our contention that under Grit
positions of Canadian officer's, and it is
span of boirses. ,-}a
Mr. Adam CanLerm
Y•• •••••••••••.••••...•.•..,.,, fi OU to fi UU
rule the taxpayers of Ontario have had
own that Capt. Constantine, who
r stoppin}, at Live
MAPlestnne Park farm, resting .beak-
}Togs, , , . , , , , . • , .. , , ,0 (0 to 4 70
to pay sweetly to serve the interest. of
las hpon at the lead of the police in
the North-West TP •'t
en ankle and spending Ronle of his D
per cwt,........ , f
p ,.• .. •.) UO to fi 00
• d A I 16
all(t Spell( ..........,,
II" oilit eir friou(!s.
QOri• John F. lVOotl On 111 t•.
Hardy's Lsurpation
Sir. Donald 1L•ulsou tuck to the gar.
dell 1) arty lit 13itylleM last
ruled all the vrn7 „
Our Veteran "ll"'Slll-l', AL'. Murray,
OWL., with a very slow sale at tliag--nvo rr,
stal-ted Ail', flaivy Talbot's flew ula-
many head touched the latter quotatiul7;'-•„'•
chine last Week.
(suite a few deals were made at 4310 and
Air. Peter U1u'Iuld now uses two
41c per Ib. Export bulls brought 3A0
!!'lull8 to dPlwe Ilk slnrited
to 4c.
Alis ftattieJulnl,tou wheeled fioni
Butchers' Cattle -There was a slow
livrsall litst'1'ItutsdaV IL1141 spent it day
or Lwo vibitiug frieutl,
demand and prices were low. The b9at
aeouu(l our vii-
cattle sold for from 40 to 410 per lb,
AVhat's Litt'
Aledium to good brought 31 to 3410 per
ullltter with our daily
lit. Common sold as low as 30, and some
The ,%,ses i,,sler It,.(, enulping ILL the
(fraud Bend•
were left,
Mockers and Feeders -There was a
John Oho t 1: 1 ntt ended theMessrs.
and funeral
• were
quiet demand from the Buffalo men,
not he asexchrstveas were the PahrOtl-
1 and quotations continue low at from 3o
West W.awauosll Connell.
to 310 per lb., one or two extra choice
Council met according to adjournment
heads going slightly higher, Feeders
are quiet at from 31c to 4c per Ib. Some
on July i I tit, Members all present, the
Iteeve in the chair. Minutes of last
farmers were inquiring fur feeders to ut
on the grass, but the dry weather hail
looting approved.
stunted the pasture and the demand for
Ti easurer's attttern nt allowed balance
this class of cattle has fallen off. Deal
on it-nd of $543 ,ill, received,
ere complain that the quality of the
appropriation for roads and
bridges was fixed r71 0,
cattle coming forward ie generally not
The c.l,•rk was instructed to notify
very good, as there are so many grassers
offering and farmers are selling them
.101111 Woods to remove jams from the
because their pasture is running short,
river bed, su as not to flood the roadway.
Sheep and Lambs -There were heavy
The following cheques were issued:-
offerings in this line and the demand
J. !Miller, work on east boundary, $79,-
.was not very active. Prices sagged
33 ; do , cutting hill, con, 4, $24; Thos-
I`eddy, gravel, $7.4'9 Clark,
somewhat. Ewes and wethers sell at 30
; ,John nails,
32c , %Vm. Phillips, grate for drain, 25c ;
per and bucks fetch 2-21 o. Lambs are '
plentiful. They bring from $2.75 to
1Vm, culvert, con. fl, $1 ;
$3.35 each.
George 'Tisdale, .grtivel and damages,
Calves --The demand isfairandprices
$4.78 i JIiller ,\: Agnew, grading, gravel-
continue firm at froin $3 to $7 for good
etc., .-IR A. ,Johnston, grading,
to choice veals and up to $10 for fancy.
cone. 4, 10 and 12, $35.35 ; 11, Fowler,
Milch•Cows and Springers -These were
gravel, damage an(i minding gap, $14.86;
+ slightly lower in price to -day, owing to
P. Welsh, shovelling and dumege,$3.63 ;
a falling off of the demand as a result of
11. Fowler, mingling gap, 50o ; Moses
Champion, gravel and damage, $6,04;
pasture drying up. Prices rule from $25
to $40 per head.
James Bryan, part printing account,$20;
Iioga-Choice singers continue firm at
J, G, Ward, nails, 25c; 0. Do:inelly,
5'so to 6c per lb., and light hogs are sell.
culverts, straightening road and grRvel,
ing from $5.40 to $5.50 per cwt. Corn
ling, cons, 10 and 12, 533.51 ; John H.
Taylor, inspreting and levelling gravel,
fed fetch about $5,25 per cwt. Other
hogs rule as quoted below :-
'f3.u0; B. ('Connor, gravel, w1,75 ; (i,
iforn, refund of statute labor for Dun-
IVP quote :--
gannon, -1.,50 : Will. R'ilsor, covei•in g
Alilch cows, each. .....$25) UU to $IG 00
Export cattle, -cwt.. 4
bridge con, 0 51J.50 • Anar
r , , • gus McDougall•
pet UO to 4 GU
13uLchers' uhoica cattle,
grading and gravelling, con, 551, $28.56 ;
.John Clark, (train and culverts, con. 6)
'per c:wt ..... , 4 00 to 4 20
$4.50; Cnorge ]lc-ntledge,culvert, con.],
goof! cattle,
"'t ...............• 3 70 to^r
$i ; John Breen, drain, con, 1, $1 ; John
Kilpatrick, grading and
Butchers' cont, cattle,
gravelling, con.
4, cutting, hill at river, Con. 2, and grad
................ 3 00 to 3 40
Bulls, heavy, pet' cwt... 3 00 to 4 UO
ing and gravelling, con, 4, repairing
road, con, 4, ;1.12' ; Thomas Lott, bridge
Mills, li],rhr, perewt.... 3 ,-V) to 3 50
P cedc"'s, per cwt....... 3 531 to 4 UO
and cleaning creel., con. 0, $14.
Stockers, Per c•wt...... 3 00 to 3 30
Council adjourned' to meet on August
t sheep, per cn t, 3 UU to 3 25
2nd at l0 o'clock.
Butch sheep, per
__ - -_ .-- _
cwt. 3 00 to 3 20
Sheep, bucks, per cwt. , 2 40 to 2 50
It ilei -se Markets.
Spring lambs, each.... 3 00 t0 3 50
Perth, July 21J. To -day 1275 boxes of
(.allves, per head. ... , . 3 00 to 7 W
Choice bacou hogs, per
cheese were offered on tie Perth mar-
I'"'t .......... ..... 5 05 to 6 00
ket; all whitQ; GO) sold to Warrington,
(•'huice corn -fed hogs,
675 to Bowen, flo lgson Bros:,and Alex-
Pencwt ............ 5 25 to 5 30
ander, for which was paid 7 to 7 0-16c,
Iroquois, Jul,v
bight hogs, per cwt.. , 5 40 to 5 00
'!'hick fat hogs, 5
29. -At the Chasse
par cwt 20 to 5 25
Sts, cwt.........,
Board today 71;1 lv(•ro offered. Ilighest
per 3 25 to 3 50
SLufrs, c%vt.........
bid 7',c ; i'3a sold at that price.
Per 2 00 to 2 26
Brighton, ,)lily 239.-Brightou Cheese
Board-1:;ght factories boarded 570
_ - - `------ `-
white. Olily One bill of I ic. NO sales.
Buyers present• -Conk, laird and Whit-
ton, 130!11•(1 tricots friday, August 5tb,
1',* t IOnp .1--Attt orH inng1, July 20, the wife
of "'I"
at 1.;10 p. w, o
Brantford, ,I my •'0. At the cheese
D-- In Nxeter, 0113111i 21th, the wife
of I'sle1) Heywood, of a dau *filar.
niorket today 3,130 boxes were board-
( )tO'/.IEH.-In McKillnP, on - my 21st, the wife
of 11 r. John ('r0ziur. Itth con„ of a daughter.
Olt. ti(t1Ns,,ll;)1 at 7' c, 1300 at 7 7-10c,
1180 at 7.e. Next market, Friday, Aug-
Ill Godedell, on July 22nd, the wife
-ln (> iiice, of it daughter.
List 12th. •
s l July 20th, the wife of
J. Iteid, ora son.
V n(
, oath i h ) ._ ar
f nc lI ,. ( meg t
ing of Southfcnch Baird, lin ors res-
y P
ill>>\. -ht '
, on h'
t o Julyy 18th, to
11r, and 11rs. lipral %1'ilNon,adaughter,
I tIJ)%t':1'r.--In
ent were :-Pruner and Birdsall. Nine
6VhtrrllA,n), 0n ,Judy 20th, the wife
I (.f 11r, ,Iohn .)[ownt, of n Non,
hundred and thirty-three Cheese hoard-
ed, all white; iyc Offered; 367 sold,
:111.'It1tAY---In .11c1C)Ilop, on July 23rd, the
wife. of .lir, John 3larray, ora soil.
Balance may be sell} after the Board.
Ot-I(iLb;l'.-ln liullett,oil July 31st, the wife
nr M' trick Quigley, of it son
7'll,)111' tpN.—In (,n(lericlt 1'c wnship. on Aug,
1st, I he t%ifo of J. Thompson, of a daughter,
Farmers' Market.
- -____ -: ,
Toronto, July 29. -The receipts of
grain on the str(>ot market here to -day
were snnall. Prices were stea;ly,
l,E:%Tl11:1tLAND_Ill Sca
,Illy '!,5th, AmSy• A. Town,teud, trifMonrla ,r
Who at—Steady, one ]oat( of white sell-
Jitnivs LeAtherland. aged 0 years, of Mr. ,
ing at 75c.
Oats--Ftell dy, three load., selling at
S(`111'LIl1T.--hl Strafford on Tuesday, July
• 11,111, 0. i,. S(;hmi(jt, it red 38y ertl:,.
EI)WARI).- In b1)tehefl, on the 27111 July,
29C to ;31c.
flay and tlaw - SteRdy, ton loads ofy
1Idward. wfie or ta'llliarn h;dward, .god 00
""" 8 rrlonths.
old hay aelline at `8 10 $9, and 25 loads
LOLID.— in Colborne on Sunda m irnin July
-ifh. Joillanna I)Odd, rel)et of the' late Thos.
Df new at Iii„iU to 57 and six loads Of
Arniv ,111,50.
Dodd, Aged 82 Years,
11017111. -In Mitchell, on the 23rd July,
at X5.50 t0
1)resRed Ifr.}ry- Thr receipts werer
Win. Putts, aged 79 yours, 11 months and to
"^ all, tin de nlaud was fair xnandthe mar-
I'MOK.--JnJ,naan, on the24th,July, wilhemine
Lnuenr ht owed wife of ChristflailRock,
I(at ,,,...,(,).+ 'fi.50 to 7.
Wheat, whity h(mit ird $070 to $072
3e1 yours, 4 month, and 3 days.
(lo red 114.1. hush... , .. 71) to 771
at I'”d 20 d "'M- DIU9ee, aged 52 years, 4 menthe
(lo guns( .(. . .... . .. . . . .. . 7I) to 70
13r11'1(•y Per 1111.,11....... :30 to 33
ANDERSON.- In l3rassels, on July 23rd, Mary
Ann Graham, relletoVtho late 'Phomas An
[))its Per hush.... , ...... 20 III :t1derson,
Peas per hush 571 1 a5
aged 0 years and 22 .lays
ItDAIIS.-In Berlin on the 17th July, ,Joseph
.... , ...... n
Iiye pet bush............ I1 to 11 I
Adams, (father of Mrs.C.L, Moser, Dashwood)
, olqerl r,2 years,
I' 'I"Olt.—In Goderich,
wheat ......... . ... I)O to .1.51
Furhoys ........ 11) t o 10 I
on July 20, Thos. Tay-
for, formerly 0i (I"Pi', aged 73 y rs.
MCKIRI3IN.-In Nl'a ton, on Jul 20th,
. . ...... . .... . . ,r(I to 60
M,Kibbin, aged 75 years and 2 months,
Butter, ill, rolls......... 15 to iG
r10 tuhR, (l:tiry..... 12 to ];]
11AYTON•-In Cllnton. on July 27th, Helen •
s [,cut.p wife of John Layton, aged 72 years.
14199sl ....... .......... 11 to 13
I JWN'G,-In Hnlictt, on Jul 28th Lettfe
Sp y
rang. aged :38years.
iiotatoes per bush.... .50 Io 00
)Ili11114, nxt.ivo, Joel- l,ilg 00 to 751
Indo y,lil-w toll.... 8 (10 (I t,o f) 00
- - I 7
The Bell Telephone Company has
reduced its rates In London.
Draw . .............. a •)0 to 0 50
3rrl' hind quai-Let, 7 to 113
Gilmnnr's Lumber Mills near Camp
. , .. • •
(lo faro ........... . . It to,5
hellford were destroyed by fire.
,anlb, Carcase, per 111,. R !ll 0
Meng women and children who are
,futton................. J to 17
troubled with sores, humors, pimples,
.... . ........... 0 to 7
)ressed hogs.......... G -50 Ln 7 Oil
etc., may find permanent relief in
flood's Sarsaparilla,
othing Like Leather."
the party to power. h is joie such
di -regard for economy thathaaenahled
QOri• John F. lVOotl On 111 t•.
Hardy's Lsurpation
rl, My for some
years, is now coming out to protest to
his Government against offif 13lprtle-
spare time lookingafter his brother
Arthur'sharses. FVhilegro0ming Airs.
rig pp es p(r ......,. ) U31to 0 01
the Hardys and Rosses to swell the
Of Tower•
tiers now in vogue in tbA intm'tor• He
well with several young
ladies. Will Ad go back to the West
least abut Ilia oyes, for the art
• •
ranks of officialdom and cling to note(?,
From the sup ort wh' h tit
Montreal, .July 27. British-nbjecLa
has been heard to make Borne very
strong-trltrments in regard to rho-('
ed out something like Remember the
Maine, so A. C. with clipper's cut off
tl f t 1 k
F. Wool], M.P. for Bruck rector( against Crown Attorney '1Vnr3l-,
ville, will) declared that hied the quell- who went in laRt Fehr unry tin(] i's ill'
p tc a editor of
the New Era give. to this petty t.hiev-
have frequently fought for the preser- practice-, and lilt g av(.n gong -o ftn.r (is
vat.ron of liberties which were ant -o to declare that lir is veil of j tnrl
le ron tic and tr,mmed up the
mane short. The pony looks ifuite
Traveled. Extensively Throughout the
provinces- Interesting Statements
ing it might easily be inferred that in
seriously menaced a- are t hose. of the .1 Y•'
Y obbor and will not, rotnrn to t,hr
smart slurp, By the way, pony and
(](river take
Concerning His Experience.
much larger transactions he would at
Province of Ontnrio to -day by the territory unless if rltdi6al 'change is
Hardy Government." ins} itnted'
well with several young
ladies. Will Ad go back to the West
least abut Ilia oyes, for the art
• •
Those words were rttt.ered to -(Illy by ()mPlaintR scan to he chief) cli-
Hon. John Y
Mrs. f4pinler of dough-
a wall known violinist, of this place, who
Front the ashes of the defunct Pat.
F. Wool], M.P. for Bruck rector( against Crown Attorney '1Vnr3l-,
ville, will) declared that hied the quell- who went in laRt Fehr unry tin(] i's ill'
ter of Henry Gook who used to r(.RidA
whoused t
has traveled extensively throughout the
provinces, makes this statement:
runs it new Political
p party has arisen
don of the it,lou it yeen of submitted tot,I ge territ.ioal fiend o(' civil rlfPnil:s iii tit'
at local PiPct.ious !)sail-uhmitL(.d to t}p(> t.NrriLnry,
on thu Huron Roxd near CltntOn, died
Inst week. Among those front here
`II was running down In healtli and my
will('), calls il•selNhe Canadian (loll-
patriots. The new'organization
Ontarin Court of Appord, that t ribunal Not only is the royalty responsible
would have, in the opinion of the hARt forsetting back the opening
John Oho t 1: 1 ntt ended theMessrs.
and funeral
• were
weight tell oft from 176 to 160
Prescriptions did me but Ito 15 good. you My
not he asexchrstveas were the PahrOtl-
if,, of
lawyerR in the country, decided n.gninRt. claims, ))tit evert prospecting is dis.
The picnickers, who had assembled
at Forster'. Flats on the Maitland Ixat
trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. I
but " will embrace all conditions and
hie right of Uhe-e man to .rear(! their coarns*ed by 'olphof' y in the 9010 cam-
hiillots, and that this would mean, in nnissiiner'R ntaficP. IVlallinstances
Thursday n,nd were havinga jolly tune,
ieeorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and atter
taking five bottles E Ova. benefited.
occupations of life." Some of the
planks of its platform
plain i(Jnglkh, it gain of eight seats for cited where miners seeking to T•(.co1A
the Open-ition sidA of the lion locations in
were caught in the tail And of the
heavy rain storm which swept over
I feet as well now as ever in my life, and
are Government
control of railways, telegraph and Left)
-e. Thn newly discover districts
ex -Minister adds that Pre,nier }Tar(! have been tell] by eferka in the (-()fit-
knew this, hence
that district.
The. barn of Mr. W. Robinson, to le-
have Increased in Bosh so that I now
wei hl77 ounds. I am wellknown In
phone services, taxation of land vat ties,
Government issues of money and pro-
hiu iii f h
the illiberal and npY i. miRaioner'e office ,hal. t.hP entire dis-g
cOnstitnt.ional course he proposes to trict or great portion- hhrreor was held
take• forspeculators, and it. is freely -aid that (lay,
few E'mhnt s ago, wits(irt isd last lightning10 a
fi '
this part of the country, having followed
my profession, that of a violin musician
) on n t e liqulor trams.
" •
r . 00(1 saYs that no Reformer in
h:a-tern Ontarin will discos- the ( nes•
they work In combination with tic•
«A learn that Mr, T. TI ick, win rP-
ccnlly from England
for the last 26 years. I gladly tell my
friends what Hood's Sarsaparilla has Bono
"Don " in Toronto Saturday Night
tion and all fair-minded rn(.n rAalizA
that tin fall of I:he<iovernrnetlr. r»ayhA
Judge McClirirn, of the civil n.n'.1
criminal courts in the Fulton
tetnrroed after )a
fete ►mont.hs absence, iR going bark
forme. BeforeIbo an taking the medi-
g g
says 10% ar
y r v e of the man who mixes
Postpone(], and that Is all.
hag Announced ifs intention of leaving
agnin shortly. What's the
Mrs. John
oirhi(tI did not have any ambition, but now
politics with religion, as he Almost in.
variably brings discredit upon the ]at-
hat conrRo will Mr. Whitney
adapt tvhcln the. FIou-A me('t.R ?" Mr,
the territory, anti Is undoubtedly now
ort 111- way out. (#old (`umrniR-idle►
O. Elliott went to town
Sunday to consult n. Dr. who advised
all to changed and my dyspeptic trouble
perfectly cured." JAtttma R. Mulran4. ,
ter, or who intermingles a loud ad.
Wood wits asked,
"I believe MN Hardy haR no more
Fawcett will Pf'ob,ably follow in the
fall, They have no in ten tionl)f sPturn-
to go to Fed. She is stop ling with
her .laughter, Mrs. Frank l owell of
N. $. It you decide to take Hood's Sar-
sapparttla do not be induced to bug arty
voeaey of temperance with hisbusinose
as One or the other meet suffer, bit
than flvt) of a majority, and i am of
the opinion thatt the 6ppnsition will
ing. it is said that their reasons fill-
leaving the country are their, dislike
Theballoo7 framA of Mr. H. 13, Can
substitute. Be Aura togetHoodrs.
as a rule the business.
light the Iniquitous mensare till tiro
snow flies."
to the manner in which the affairs
aro being conducted,
telOn R home is up, the roof on land the
bricklayers ore now at work veneering
X'IOOa'S 115 witlilHoodlsl3a11 apar i ao
the building, I
Sold by Waite (Sc Uo„ i lt+ugggaty,
1. ,
` .:... , : .,.. . - . . I I I . - , 1 `114:
+Glu n " ` .,.,,War , ! . -w i qt,w
1 !, If I . 4
r .B
C0003,__ ak
Our New Stocic now full
1"I'd complete with . -
the latest and newest
Goods and we are safe
- ' ""
ill saying that no better
assorment is to be
found in the west.
Ask to see 0111' ,special values 1
in A}en's,92,50 Ind $0.00
Goods. They aro hard
to beat.
The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton q
fb. , .
IL A&M)"111i.-,,. , '