HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-04, Page 4t
. _. ..
T11 E
a, gu,•sls lit flit, Point Fiu•111.
kat .,,,.. .0 J., t• ,,it `'1).50 to `7.
WileM, whiteslnntlll•d $I)7010,,$(I72
The Toronto Star, Ltberal, wakes the Archbishop Walsh
following slate : -
The Clinton Necue Record
Rev, J. F. Park. a.ud Mrs. Parke,
-_ -_
1londny ('%ening.
GoverutuentSupporters ........ . W
Opposition supporters..... .... 42
Dhgs Sudde
. ._ __-._._ .-- ., __ _ ,
__Z -
THURSDAY. AvarvsT 4'ra, 1895.
R'its witnessed till lilt, outskirts of 11th•
Patron ..... .................... 1
Independent ........... . . . . . . . 1
— _ _ _. _-
I)1'('( Ly villilgc (it' ILL)'Ii('ld. 'file P\ -ell-
visiting old trit•utis 111111 nctluaintauces
The Patron is Mr. Tucker, who may 110
Crossed the !Ctrl• Sun
the past week.
be enrolled with the Opposition sup-
Night. gots Death Wasporters.
s('cmcd to,guile holliguly 1111 the pager
Ml•s. Wilson, little (.!ally, and Clif-
in 111tlu,try ILill on 'I'rle'day evening,
The Independent is Mr. W.
.Ilex. 1311114'1. null f•Llmily left, town
Voting on the plebiscite will take
11. Beatty, elf Parry Sound, who is just%
ltsl hock I'or glut Il11b whh
et. e hits
to nn
itess the fill al,sorbitlg e\1'11t,
place on Thursday, September 20th.
as sure to go with the Govertiment.
.. ____ -
11t Nur\%ich, Conn. They 'pt -lit it plc:L.
The announeetne.a of the date will put
This will place the list : -
Catholicism 1n Ontario has diff(
the Ohl holne,6"ol for tic past luouth,
life and energy into the campaign, but
;.Ind Mrs. John BreckonriJg1-, South
Government .......... . ....... . . :il a
heavy loss in the death of Arehhk
tit„ 711111 ihelr giitfill flit h"r, 117, A. \Vill-
the platform work will from all appear-
Ilit• distance tube :0y (IS, slfu)(ling
Opposition...............:11 43
Witlsh of T pronto, who suddenly
. tnll, ronod the post, mull 50 %a rds
aneesbeoue-sided. Theantisarelikely
1.11 Stratford on Molldo.v.
But the Government must take out, Sed
away shortly before IIo'clnek c
Af t ho Inst n11 -1-t Ing of I he C. O. V.
to confine themselves, through news-
fur• Sneaker. Air. Craig of East day
flight. Three weeks ago, ole
The (•i1en, r,_ ,,(.,,.,I look storm proof.
papers and parnphlets,to the discussion
Wellington,'a 0overnuient supporter, urday,
July 9th, the Archhlshtlp
l\' I, il)(111441siog in 1111•IIIbt•1•ship.
of the financial aspect of the question.
is too ill to attend- h:very lwmher of cot
11 pang with Sir Frank Sinith
offer ge•ntleloen, Wile lnpee'
sl ablllal'y:11al its at gentle IOeoze wits
* •
Opposition will be (til hand, So I
new cetuetery, Mount !Lope
The members of the Laurier Govern-
usual division will he : - I,:glinton,
when Ills foot caught it
3] i's 11n\• Elliott will re(lu•n to fort
meat are slowly beginning t dribble
dfvidcd thrulsvlves on elih(•r side l -f
Government......... .. 41) inequality
, .., . • .. 43
of the ground and he titOpposition.............
bled, wromc•hdog ills knee and frac
the track ill it dense, swnyi11g line and
back to Ottawa so that it (quorum meet -.
It. 111-Comlmlill" ►milor, llfls had his
if Ali-. NX. it. Beatty should re- 1119
011e of his ligainonts. The A
ing of the Cabinet may he a possibility
to Ills first love, the Governiuent
bishop's advanced years caused til(
cident to tell heavily upon hila, alit
in a week or so. The happy-go-lucky
would have a majority, and the closest
wits comffned it) his room, Ur. Ili
way which Sir Wilfrod's ministers
vote that could be wuuid be :- and
Dr. Nevit.t attending hint ; but
have of carrying on the business of the
Tvinily (.11111-t-11 11) the nl(•Ill lwrs of Il"•
Government .......... •tFi
danger wits anticipated, and he A
i g
country is certainly notgoing to injure
Opposition ..................... 41
ently ,,lade gond progress too ardt
the health of tiny of them. 1
11, will be a husy session felt- the whips
covert'. , hear hillock Uddeffly n
however, heart fnilur.su41deuly its
0(.\1.. Till- bring, its facets) face \vIlh
amd it hard one for Iu nlhers• There
ed itself and 1')LIntI1PM, set in.
his deportorc.
A specimen Of Grit economy is fur-
will lie little pairing dune. and no run-
Archbishop wits h.lped from his
lir, and MI.S. Shaw off flip (,1111'1-1)
nished in Clinton where twenty- ling
away rot. a holiday now auld then.
chair tO his bell atilt[ made as eas
while flee phvod,
not 11Allhollgh the question hiss bet•,,
four officials are actually appoint-
- - _ .-_- - . _ .__
stmpossible. h,
snwmuned. Ile recugllizt\d, howl
ed to take the vote in provin-
- cial elections, )when only half that
that the end was approaching. "•
gnlnE; In (lie'" Ile Said, ilnd Ile exp
number, are quite sufficient ill elec•
a wish that the od r'ilee of
he ndulinisit,r.d to hill.
%mf(• and to itiv his fra"clli,c tis til du
tions for the House of Commons
same thne he appointed VvI•y
or for municipal !natters. Twenty-
D) (to ,Ili, r•olum., m"ou•y. Literalure
Vicru• GauVI'al MV011111 .11111 to he Will
(own'llip %were ill tile villogl• (Ill Still.
four officials means one for every
- _. .--...-._-.
trator of the diocese until the app
Inent of his successor. The last
have rondo n s1141y fit' till- question, urn
twenty-three electors oil the basis
dy's Attept To Dictate To
1 1arm
were then administered to the
spinet-,, Tho addle's wits as fol-
of the vote oil March 3rd lust,
tine Courts Is All Outrage
prelate, his nephew, Itev. I 1
%cocks, loft for CIiicogoifgot ill on Schur-
when 545 votes were cast. In Tuck-
Upoli the Constitution.
Walsh, oflic•iating, find he passed p
nper'•siuy (•xpcns1-s of a gl.fit c;um-
ersmith OM electors recorded their
away at twenty 11111111tes t
llcl, of the'evcr,1l Lo%al Oviing. I•m,l-
votes at four booths. is there tiny
The Issue raised by the Iloll, Mr.
Ills ills niece, Miss lieleu MacMahtl
SL. Catharines, Ilnd til(' Fe'1•vatllts (1
common sense ill such t4 state OP
Haidy in asking tie new Ontario
household were al;o present. Jut
iately the Archbishop had
151ith fn flit- ilstice :Ind right of tile,
Affairs ?
Leglsl;a Llr0 to decide Whitt all old Oil-
after 1)
Coil to (1l•1n114 williullt il'.,lifying ill
tari0 Legislature it]ea fit when it passed ;Lway
the doetors find it 11n111he1' (
According to the litst census t rti ti fls
It certain act, is of fpr greater Import-
,ttice to the {{people of Canada that! the
clergy, including; Vicar -General
Cann, H.e v Dr. Teefy, Father I
Clinton has a population of 2(13,1,
fine of the Blardy Government, or the
Father Tracy'Father 111nng•nvan
auelung, the,,, n llavt, by o;u n-
forth 2041 and Goderich 3839, yet the
question whether ci not the election
Father ( flue, arrived at his bedsit
mentioned has three bouths and
CA) fill( itMes should be perulitted to vote.
ill the (•ourso of a few till,•', ap.
nine officials more than Seaforth, Itmd
It is a fondumental principle off livid -11
c(mstftut('j?X go%erundj1I that the
pr;tl In the cilizc,,s fnrsltb,criptinns to
'As n niviobor of ono r h1 -](I (h•rlt-r'
one booth and three officials niorethau
leo slative hxecut•i%e find jueshoki flrnc
Death of PPince Bismar
in (Ire \'ilbtgo nit Sund11y•
Goderich. We are not aware that the"
tions o! the 9Oyeruuunht should be
S( 111) tlu•.sht-rs art- ;Ig;tin fit marl: in
c•eptimn and a getievo"s r('sponse.
Election Act makes any special demand
maintained distinct and independent
_ -
Yo11rn"11unl ,I olons prenchod to rho
upon Clinton,so that if this eorparati
each other mid any trespass 111)011
the plet-ogaLi%es of one of these
Germany's Greatest 4tatesll
bond 11) th" lake with hi.s •'SI1-,1111
alone has been ][vin a to the law
g P
branches Ily either of the others isdan-
1'acsed Quietly Away Las
( linton, 2nd August, 15!15.
thea the authorities of other ulttnic'[-
gerous tO the interests Of the nation.
Saturday Night.
It) I i o disrlmrgo ill' yunr dmf ics aM 1111
palfties have considerable to learn.
In the case of the functions of the
,11eltitill':Ifllhfllll ;int111Ret-yfi'rl'lc'1-11lyvo lfl`t4
1i,'s.rl,ll,o,,,ns•lo ofNllslv.-Mi,,Ttmm.,
There cannot be two renderings to the
jlldieiary 1)ein4 usurped either by the
Legislature or by the Executive, an Of-
Act. Clinton authorities aro either
fence is conlulitied which is a ulenac.t,
I3erlin, Jnly 31. --On Saturday
sborLly before 11 o'clock i'rincl
I'hnt yl,n nlld yolt+ e,tt-onic(1 %vile
correct and the country wrong, or vice
Ili the liberties of the people. The,
issue -which Mr. 11111•dy hay raised is
innuck died at his home at
ni"cos, ill(. Misses Donn;gh, befiwo she
nothing less than this: whether the
richsruhe. Surrounded by his fi
would nmko country ([rives :unl %vhvel•
* .
eXCC0tiV(' Illay Use A 1,401W le Majority
he pass( pE"aCefldly A%\'ay.
to (I!1- O1'(IoI', illtt tt,llp(, (of \\'hlc'll yult
As Tap, NEws-REconn stated last
of the le gislature to usurpthe full(..
Oil Thursday evening fill irnl
set. in in the Prince's con(
week the Grit defence falls back on the
tions of tilecourts fn IL caso ll wbfc'h it,
Irl whicl] repented changes ft-.
. pica," ;hccepl from it, this addrvss x11(1
the late Judge, totally ignot)hhg; the
has it great and direct interest.
new Legislature has an undoubted
worse had occurred since Octobei
__ ..
fact that the extra divisions were made
right. to run.nd any of the laws passed
and he, was able to appear at the
rut iMac(- that h. had sU'uck the \anon
at the suggestion of a local Liberal who
1,t' its ilredecassors, and to slly what
flim take part in the convora
trier 1"Al e.
was a candidate for the party nomina-
rho lav shall be, but it is for the concis
drinking challlpagne and after
smoking several pipes, which t
gn"sts or 1lis, Wiggins.
tion and wanted ns large as possible
and the courts alone t0 int.erpret the
law• as it stands. For Lhe Legislature
rint tlon.lnt.ely. Ili,; condition
a delegation from this town so as to
to Ftel) ill while c;ties are actually
satisfactory that Dr. Schwel
Blyth, July 18118.
counterbalance UarroW s Goderich
pending before Lila courts and Lo }})re-
after the Prince had gone to bet
.. .
Note. It was a party move at the ex-
some to dictate to Ole courts how,ley
\with the intention of returning
day. Ills condition wa4eornpar(
ense of the taxpayers.
shall interpret in these cases •a law
adinittedly wits a law before
sat.icfactory throughout, Fridal
the legislature existed is an out .11ge
Sat•tirday horning. hie read th
The case to -day is parallel. Thelocal
"pini the constit lltion and it caricat the
upon British justice. One of the final
ers ane! eotiverrec[ On politics, 11;
larly referring to Itusslan lift;u:
Grit who ha'sbeen Scheming formontils
pf'Ovisions of the Civil Code of Lover
the forennon hr. took ]nneheon, p
after the nomination finds his only
Canada provides that the laws ill force
ling jo^ularl•y at. the small plot
hope of securing it is a large delegation
at the time of (lie codling into force of
of spn•Its lib has drinking Water,
from Clinton so it is quite easily seen
the Code are abrogated:
"Except alwfLysthlttnsrcgards trans-
A sadden change for, the worse cl
in consequence of an acute ata
evil he uv ould object to atm amend-
y J y
actions, !natters and things anterior t o
ptilinnnary wdonia, and in the
npent which would reduce his voting;
the coming into farce of this code fund
of the afte noon he frequently t
strength from this town from twenty-
to which its provisions could not apply
Itecently, besides perinds of if
four to twelve, to say notbing of the
without having it retroactive effect,
thc> provisions of law which, without
mental clearness, the Prince hr
pull in the ointment of de )sties,
i Pp 1
trite code, would anpply t0 such fauns•
intervals of drowsiness, falliro
• clerks and cpnstables when election
alctic)ns, Inattet-s and things, remain in
long, sound, Anrl hens ficial sle
day rolls around. Motives are appar•
force and apply to them, and this code
Awakening' fro[ f• which he w0
completely refreshed.
ent to everybody. •
. *
applies to them only so far as It coin,-
cities with such pain isionsr"
Un SAtardAy evening grave
If the principle) t-t.cugruizcd ill this
e ath carne
toms ,1p} e,I.d. De
re tci oiir at
the New Fra in ply
exception is not. a principle of British
and painlessly. Dr. Sellwer)ing
of last week says that the nutubev of
law it's underetood til the Province (If
little to some extent to lighten I
booths could be reduced to six but not
Ontrtrio it ought to Jae. To •atte11lpt
Lo tinker A lit%v to stilt, the interests of
The, who]. family were ass
less. 1f this is correct how is it that
one of tilh parties it) a suit llet-111Y
•,it the bedside at the time, of his
Goderich manages to get Along with
!pending, is so flagrantly unj"st,
i)r. Sch%veninger, Dr, Chrysand
only seven, Seaforth fic( and the to%va-
tl^at it is difficult to convolve of any
Blivon and Bareness Aterek wi
As lm br•eat.lting Ion,
ship of Tuckeramith four. Is the New
Legislat,nre in the British Empire be-
Ing guilty of such as thing. Shnnld the
or pulse was pprc.pt.ihle for
Era statin facts or has the editor its
bill be: passed it will be the duty of the
minlites, Dr. Sch%veninger cit
usual been looking through his party
(governor-GPit eral-in-Coutic il to di5al-
(Illietfv •and simply that the
spectacles and to the corning convert-
low it, and His Excellency's advisers
Wf s !lend.
Dr, 5chweninfrer telegraph
tion ? The latter, niost of people will
will incur a share in a grave respon-
s[bihty if they fail to r.comtuend tills
news to the Emperor William t
step. I'nd.r the new Dominion Fran-
way The Prince lies as lie .. • _
sleep, in an easy position, with his
This matter has been brought un in
chile Act retroaclivelegislation by the
Provincial Legislature poly ,tliect file
' inclined to the left. The
slightly h 1•in 11 c
head 1 g t y c
the town council several titnes since
Seats of members of the Dominion Pit,'_
expression on his face is mild And
C host mss rend on each occasion the
lianient. Not this particular Act, it, is
true, but if this Act is allowed to he -
understanding was given that A by-law
conic law, it will forma it dang,rerous pre -
would be prepared making it, reduction
cedent. A nuniber of the Federal Par-
[imnent on the Ont voters'
Laokin(( "" Out For Number One.
as appeared to be the unanimous de.
sire of the members of the coiincfl. It
lists luight be deprived of his seat by
lin Act of Life Ontario Legislature de-
- -
was moreoveltconcededthatthe:Lmend-
rlaring spm. fit' the people who voted
Littirier's OfTiciaN Enriching
anent to the Municipal Act abolishing
for hint disqualified. Shoald Mr,
Thelnsell'c5 lin the
the ward system would simplify the
Hardy's hill be passed, And sfuhctionvd,
find esca lc disallowance we !lope the
question very touch. This is how neat-
Ontario judges will see their way to
ters stood when a special meeting was
ignore it. as having Ito application to
called and a resolution to make no
cases Arising not of elections held he-
The ofiieials sent into the Yukon
change rushed through. Why the
fore it was pflssed. If Mr. !lardy had
country by the Laurier Government
taking,* advantage their
haste ? Why deal with the molter at
any confidence that reading of the
law is the corre t; alae Ile would ill,
appearto to
position,, t) ent'I•il themselves and its a
a special meeting when the regular
content to leave the interpretation to
natural consequence there is touch oils -
meeting was to be held pnly a week
the courtlf, And not call it special meet-
content in the country. A despatch
later? And why not notify the m2tn_
Ing; 0f the Legislature to asyist, in giv-
ftng judgment ill cats(, to iwhich ►Inst
from the (!Oast says :-
The future (ievt,hlpmcnL of the I{lon-
hers that the matter Was to be dealt
of its members are parties.
(like bids fair to receive it serious check
with ? -
SUix. ,
from file methods employed by Author-
• » »
[zed agents of the (,•Lnadinn Govern -
'I -
The New Era admits the extra ex-
pense,but in defence says the costmust
J __ y __
Inent stationed in Dawson, Talk with
pAssenge'a on the Itnnnoke has deyel-
fact that, bitterness
be borne by the provinec?. This bears
oped the great is
felt among ininers againlft alleged . fill -
out our contention that under GritBRITISH
}los,t.ions of Canadian officers, and it is
that Capt. Constantine,
rule 1 he taxpayers of Ontario have ad
,,own who
has been at thn head of the police in
to pay sweetly to serve the interests of
the North-West Territory for some
the party in power. It is just such
lion. T. Wood On Dtl•.
years, is now coining opt to protest to
his Govenlne fit, ,,groper o(iicial
disregard for economy that has enabled
the Ha,rdys and ItoaseS to the
1lardy S Lslirpation of Power.
tires now in vo tie in the interior. He
has been bear( to make some very
ranks of officialdom and cling to office.
Montreal, July 27. - "British sit bject,s
strong statements in regard to these
From the support which the editor of
have fre(ruently fought for the preser-
practices, and half even gone so flit, as
the New Era gives to this petty t.hiev-
vation o liberties which were not Soto
serinulfly menaced as are those of the
declare that he is ""sick of jobs find
jobbery, till(] will not return tothr
ing it might easily he inferred that in
Province 0f Ontario to -day by the
territnry ""less a radical change is
much larger transactions he would art
Hardy Government."
least shut his eyes, for the party's sake.
Those words were uttered to-dity by
Complaints seem to be chiefly di-
. *
Hon. John F. Wood, M.P. for Brock
rected against Crown Attorney Wade,
vine, who declared that had the Lines-
win" is f lie
theadin Gofll
Profit the rushes of the defunct Pat.
tion of file legality constables
i •ill civil fn the
mns a new political patty has arisen
at locid elections liven submitted to the
which calfs itself the Canadian Cont-
Ontaxin Court of Appeal, that tribunal
would have, in the opinion of lh. hese
Not, only is the royalty responsible
for setting back the opening tip of
patriots. The new organization will
lawyers In til. ranntry, decided against.
claims, lint even prospecting is flir-
not be as exclusive were the Patrons t
the right of these men to record their
cournged by jobbery in the gold coml-
hut " will embrace all conditions and
ballots, And that this would mean, in
inksioner s office. Man instances nae
occupations .of life." Some of the
pinin English, iLg lain, of eight sents for
cited where ,,liners Seekingq to record
in discoveve.] districts
P of [hlf platform are Government
the Opposition Rifle of the, !louse• The
ex -Minister adds that Premier F1'ardy
locations newly
have been told by clerks fn the com-
control of railways, telegraph and tele-
knew this, hence the illiberal And nn-
missioner's Office that. the entire alis -
phone services, taxation of land values,
constitutional cmirae lie proposes to
trict or great portions thereof was held
Government issues of money and pro-
forspeculntors, and it is freely cnid that.
hihition of the Ilgtror traffic.
Mr. Wood ant's that no Ttefnrm.r in
they work in cornbinrtf.fon with rile
* *
Eastern Ontario will disellas the quer.
tion, find All fair-minded men realize
Tudgo McUnirn,, of the civil Awl
11 Don " In Toronto Saturday Night
tbitit, the fall of the Government may be
crirninal Qonrts do the Yukon district,
says hervaro of the man who mixes
Postpponed, and thati; iS All,
hits rinnotinced his intention of leaving
politica with religion, as be, almolrt
course will Mr. Whitney
adopt when f,he. 1-fouse meets?' Mr,
the territory, and undoubtedly now
oil his way out. Gold Commissioner
bran a discredit upon the fat-
Y g 17
Wood Wits asked,
Fitweett will probably follow in the
ter, or who Intermingles a loud ad-
"i believe Mr. Hardy has no more
fall. They liAve nohit()ntionnl'►etnrn-
vocAcy of temperance with hisbusiness
than flvo of a majority, and I nrn of
ing• it is said that their reasons for
As one or the other must Suffer, butnot
the opinion ,flat Efin Opposition will
leaving the eountry tire their dislike
light, the iniquitous measure till the
to the manner in which the tififitirs
as a talo the business,
Snow flies,"
are being conducted.
, 4 ,.. •J'4> •Ii
I 11
.-'• 1
*_ .
161atehed Race At Baylieid
News,=Record 11 ®UV
Clinton, August 4th, 1898.
161atehed Race At Baylieid
a, gu,•sls lit flit, Point Fiu•111.
kat .,,,.. .0 J., t• ,,it `'1).50 to `7.
WileM, whiteslnntlll•d $I)7010,,$(I72
30 eenrs, a nan)Ihs and 3 days.
DItAlf:Ult.--Ill 1,0g1m,fit tile 21th.Tuly,Emelie,
i's Spolive gave it lchet•ling part
Rev, J. F. Park. a.ud Mrs. Parke,
On Weilliesday might,, the '27th tilt„
1londny ('%ening.
Clinton, wervin the,.mitut• un Tnes41ay.
It ,,lust .xciting fiiitl iutt•restiog sct•m•
live. ,Jasper Wilsu,,t•
's srinl n pl1-nsrd
.Nil-. Ovo. Culhs no I'M f3lytlllle, btlt.
R'its witnessed till lilt, outskirts of 11th•
(lie Ilion ill Isle elevator t•xvvc(b,,gly, It
flow of the HI'lll-v Mille,,, Nil, Ill town
I)1'('( Ly villilgc (it' ILL)'Ii('ld. 'file P\ -ell-
bt•ilig giyell ill tiled' honor.
visiting old trit•utis 111111 nctluaintauces
ing was supt'tl), the mlooll and stars
Mr. rind Mrs. Allan Mvi'vau are viait-
the past week.
\veli• shilling brightly Mid rill llattu'e
ing Irl Strrctfor(l this wvvk.
Itvgular nlrolingOf oily to%\•tidaddies
s('cmcd to,guile holliguly 1111 the pager
Ml•s. Wilson, little (.!ally, and Clif-
in 111tlu,try ILill on 'I'rle'day evening,
cumtasta11ls and Ihp interostI'll spcclit.
foal, It -fl town till Friday last at'cuiu•
.Ilex. 1311114'1. null f•Llmily left, town
turn who had asst•111104,41 in it ulllltllu(le
by Mrs. Wilso" s slht('r, Alis
ltsl hock I'or glut Il11b whh
et. e hits
to nn
itess the fill al,sorbitlg e\1'11t,
ircckeoii,lyc, (•u rutile for tnt•ir hove
sccurcd It sit.
'I'll. event, to decide was of matcht-d
11t Nur\%ich, Conn. They 'pt -lit it plc:L.
511,4. A lIvIrrv, Jul\ i11g bt-1-n visiting
race fur n hundred slsida 11vt"Ien our
sant hula visiting their piu'ruls, .Nil'.
the Ohl holne,6"ol for tic past luouth,
local sprillier, T. Il. O. :1lttss and all•!-
;.Ind Mrs. John BreckonriJg1-, South
lavas for hal' holllt' iia Molltival oil
liog'M rollllling }corse "Llghtlih.g Root,"
tit„ 711111 ihelr giitfill flit h"r, 117, A. \Vill-
Ilit• distance tube :0y (IS, slfu)(ling
Inco, ji,woler. At pr."vill thoy alae
Mr. `f. W. Scof( paid a ,tying visit,
. tnll, ronod the post, mull 50 %a rds
vi,iliog 111'. 110i''al va, of Clinton, who
1.11 Stratford on Molldo.v.
hollte. Start 1-r, 13. A. Korr; Jti([ P,'1'.
is 11W tinct 111' both ladi('s. 11'1- wish
Af t ho Inst n11 -1-t Ing of I he C. O. V.
A. Dort.; Tilockeeper, It. O. Her( ;
t hl•o) bon voyagt•.
No. ;+9 in this bmlg :wo Mort, 11u•11lbers
Sllikeholiler, It:. It Wi1111. Tho track
The (•i1en, r,_ ,,(.,,.,I look storm proof.
wort, added by i,,itiniion. This Smelt—
\\as all that would be dcsiled null littler
Alis, Mnry Wilson of 1Vyol,,iliv and
l\' I, il)(111441siog in 1111•IIIbt•1•ship.
%vils ably 111n111tailled 11v flit, local roll-
het' brotllt•l, lit(• mf rsllt;lholrl, 0111,1,
On lloudilyllt'tl-i'mumflaLg;til"•ufbrts('-
sl ablllal'y:11al its at gentle IOeoze wits
will retul•n on Sill per M11-:Iijwl'
11,,11 %%a, plilyod bciwt'I'n Tooswiltv),
blowing,1141 n b
the Irees,ppn•Io\\. \with
it to S0111iil, thece by carriage
nod Blyth clubs• :Mer having played
ploasole lu the alliletiv 1111111II1I 111141
to their hnmfi•.
, soy(•m inI1111g, (ht-)• (I11it for solve rams-
equine contesllults. The onlookers
3] i's 11n\• Elliott will re(lu•n to fort
on lir other•. Blyth \v;Is then t.dilec
dfvidcd thrulsvlves on elih(•r side l -f
1I11ro11 mil Sunday »pxt.
Ilut, alwml,
the track ill it dense, swnyi11g line and
Mrs. (1)1'.1 Ilcrald and hiss Rlllph
It. 111-Comlmlill" ►milor, llfls had his
tis (liooppont'11tn strilinel 1•vcly tuns-
left This w1-t,k to spc11d it t'cw dilys in
sllop rt-nfiyatel wil.h a fro,h cont of
oto in Iheir cogterness to \1111) if),: 1111M.,
flit, (Zueco City.
p;lent \\'I)it•Il lits limina quilt, flit nu-
Illeri, was .111 tuldlllalilor lnotiorl of ox-
citeluenl to be seen everywhere. The
--- •
Olt 1',nndny aflornoorl next. 111, i.30 of
rave \vas very closes from start to finish
.lir Appeal To the
spe•i 11 s1-rnlnrl will bt, prem-hed in
111111 to horst of upplausc %v.ls honvd oil
Cit IVUS of CHII(011 :-
Tvinily (.11111-t-11 11) the nl(•Ill lwrs of Il"•
all sides whd'n the 1)1.to ffui-hcd %%-it]-
C. O. 1•', by tilt- Rector. 111-11. Rt-%. T. E.
per by 1t peek.
'Phe yl,te fill the pruhibilloll lllchisvite
Might, \, A i trgo lurnolif i, t.\I pvcIv as
in (o Ito 1:tki,ii 011 tilt- 20111 of septefilbel
thi, will ba the Inst Jinn• Ilit, lbw.
0(.\1.. Till- bring, its facets) face \vIlh
gontionlan \%'ill Ill-voch ill tll('Ill brfore
Port Albert.
if col'111f1, dllllwtlnll, shall \\'P },1'U -
his deportorc.
-- —
11it (ho b(gnur trntldc as (',1t-rit-d Alit lit.
On Snt11r(ifly m-mlint„ n nr1111her fit'
lir, and MI.S. Shaw off flip (,1111'1-1)
1n•osout. it,rotighuut the Donlinlon or
flit, of v lk-1-s of the 'vvornl Orange
(".11, pre fit pr","nt the gul•si, of Mr.
not 11Allhollgh the question hiss bet•,,
Lodi 1-s or the i)i,trict " \l
f ords in
and Mrs. ,fns. fillydt,n.
mll(•h c•ally l,scd and discussel, every
\1 il r ( ,•t- I
1111 11111 f1 111 1 111 ill hill) 11,1 1
111 ; ( r •, r` d'••'
till .11 1. It r(,tll u (
1 , 1 l
,•' ,. , b
11 l f4 l ( 11 11 Il I 11111 cilli llll'I 41
t 1 {, 11
Iii.vih, 111)41 presd•nt141 Bl'o, it1-r.'1'. h;,
Fnnlidy oi'the ('ml•ulnr towel were tilt'
vol bo pr•opm114•d to c'nst nn intelligent
Il:g11•\, Rector of, T[ iniI y clllil ch, with
9n1•st, of her sistor, Mrs. R. J, 11. 1)t-
%mf(• and to itiv his fra"clli,c tis til du
the 1'mllowitig nddlpss null proson( I v-
Long mil tilnldtty,
til. best fpr his cnm11try 11nd his house,
Toro laking his dc{1;11 tnr1- to lilt,nlht,inl
CliarlivTont ;111(1 Rubt., [it'll of Huron
D) (to ,Ili, r•olum., m"ou•y. Literalure
q [wr•. h(• dm , been t la it'fol•l'od. Alt or
(own'llip %were ill tile villogl• (Ill Still.
is to 1w di,f ribtto-ll, Sp('ake's, wilt)
the pre'I•"tfition he mrf(b•;1 very t'pclill,g
(In v.
have rondo n s1141y fit' till- question, urn
find sllil,tlilc roply ondol. tile cirento.
W.W. llnwkinsof Chicago, who lips
in br• se•11rcd. Org;mizels fire to be
spinet-,, Tho addle's wits as fol-
Iwol) Ilmov on ft visit for Ow irl,1 1111'ce
Ilitiif. Mall, and other pbm•os fur unset:
low•:: •
%cocks, loft for CIiicogoifgot ill on Schur-
ing, most bo paid fur, ill fact all the
To) TIfI., U v. 1'. E. 111(;],I%%,
nper'•siuy (•xpcns1-s of a gl.fit c;um-
Up:u Sir and 13rntllt r, Thr nm'ul
Miss (;I•rrti. Crawford fit' 'Toronto is
I,ligu uiti,t ie forthculuillg. I foal
llcl, of the'evcr,1l Lo%al Oviing. I•m,l-
g ut,,t. of her cutl,i11, ,11 is.,;
conv\\ill lnllc)t (lllfllllr't. tint
1;1-s(•onlprrisl-d ill tin• district of !tut'-
H. 11. llawkinsof Hurt tm\vnsllip
fic)Ipv Ilnful'fnn(lsliiu
\•;till, but tion, they hill prove their
rip in Ili„ Comity fit' North limon,
sill, a few (];I vs ill home best \\•eek.
151ith fn flit- ilstice :Ind right of tile,
hnvill-: hc:lyd of ymltr contort Ili!,
, froll this Illm'i• ca1111mt perillil
I,fzzia 13r( wil of l,0041on i, holm.
prohibit inn catist- by their works i" Ill()-
Coil to (1l•1n114 williullt il'.,lifying ill
fur a whih' at preseltt,
vidiflg the ,illt•w, of \vfil' fol' l(Icill I)lil•-
til-. Albin Bo%%lec of 134.1rast Spent :,
poses ,11141 it) cont r•lbiltillg their share
Von Mull)" exl,lossion t,r ('.sleet"
few days in his school sect toll here last
of the hiding n11t '.
1 I ro\iurinl expenses.
:11)41 r.•gaid.
1)nrillg tot- seven r"fus resideu( 1'
Pt•rao11, 111t\ -e lit't•tl appointed by the
auelung, the,,, n llavt, by o;u n-
11rs.1r•nI. llnrrlty find Mil,lev Wnik-
Local Pl,•llisc'itt, Union ru I:Ike charge
t'1 yo"r
1-,l :11111 7'emloll, !:Idol', I!, ;1 Illillihler' mr
( of (;o(leriell stent ,'11141x\ in the
of ill. cnnvn, rot- funds. ('fin\assers
,le Go,pt-1 son the esfet,til anti rt-ape't
\ iltitge with her brotlll•1, (i Vo. (l. Ilaw-
ill the (•ourso of a few till,•', ap.
of %cut p;+risltunt cs'
pr;tl In the cilizc,,s fnrsltb,criptinns to
'As n niviobor of ono r h1 -](I (h•rlt-r'
Ml•. A. itf•ill of 1111rnm township was
:1 Pond (o flssi,t Io c,1rry on til. (.:llu-
lmvt, Aiovnvs hewn rl,,til-ing in your
in (Ire \'ilbtgo nit Sund11y•
pm,ni. I bespeak fur diout a ki,,d rv-
41)1.1, to further it, irltcrc,ts+lli(lto
S( 111) tlu•.sht-rs art- ;Ig;tin fit marl: in
c•eptimn and a getievo"s r('sponse.
fi(lvai've tiv• sphere of it, 11s(4tilnf'"s•
Ilii, section. Whent i, yielding %cry
Yo11rn"11unl ,I olons prenchod to rho
11 r. ITnn11u•r ml' (lu41t-riclt, who was
I I( [tient Pl.biselte i'11ion tit West
Tilt tllrnn wt -re •ably, eru•lie't, aild t4•-
bond 11) th" lake with hi.s •'SI1-,1111
pl"11' with words fit' itop(" VJIVnur'tg'•-
1 -itch(" ran) in her. for sb.ltcr mil Fri-
( linton, 2nd August, 15!15.
11u•nt incl comfort.
d Iv .%.ring•, tilt, sou being too 1wa%y
It) I i o disrlmrgo ill' yunr dmf ics aM 1111
A suggestion.
,11eltitill':Ifllhfllll ;int111Ret-yfi'rl'lc'1-11lyvo lfl`t4
1i,'s.rl,ll,o,,,ns•lo ofNllslv.-Mi,,Ttmm.,
Every now ,,)111 again sonleln),ly
In,a \%1- ;I I-1, it Ili lilt it) sli,tilln it) this Ye•
who has t (n % I. h ing, her broi hr
(IIP ii tR'kt119 ('1:111, fol' ill. {)asl iht,"c,
nmkes, tilt` sllggeMtlmn Ihat fnr•rlwrs
ks, 1,•1'1 for Cln41prich rnr R'ecb)e,_
ought to put then. n11uos 1'It the flout,
I'hnt yl,n nlld yolt+ e,tt-onic(1 %vile
41:1\ to,pe-nd n row d:ly, wits, hor f.\vo
g;tips of their places. The idea i, it,
;Ind r;iillily stay prm,1,1'r' in V011r 1)(•a•
ni"cos, ill(. Misses Donn;gh, befiwo she
,,nm(1 out-, fold if it W(wic i1do ,let! it
till!(luul Itrnstl(f111d p o tltalt4f os y otI
It-a%es it l(I)I,vl. Alma.r ,rich., `11'1 I,jst tgo.
Rev. Il pry To;in( F Lt,Lmwel
would nmko country ([rives :unl %vhvel•
"I 8V Inst hp slntle(i tm 1}le Churvil aunt
%%•III mth l'Irlfa h1 -rt, 1111 1'111IIdAp lveele
Illg ll'lllti Illlll'h till ll'(• 11111'1 .Ml 1119. iI
to (I!1- O1'(IoI', illtt tt,llp(, (of \\'hlc'll yult
tlexi, the ]fill, at 11 (1.111. a fid 1 Imp.
wn11111 /,!'tell l,(' it rtill eonvvnivilve toll,
pre spall fl worthy
1s ft slight Inkt,tt of gnu .sft,1-m
vi)of t.).
-as Iulyollo will adlmit. who has \vhiked
. pica," ;hccepl from it, this addrvss x11(1
- Goderlell,
baric fort y I'o;llls m• So fro11) f lit' ro-i(l
I i((.;wv(1pfulyfng son%t-11iv.
__ ..
to I he fill -Ili house, to find onl \\'hon he
Again )tlbling Von f;lrewell. %v. suh-
Miss Eth.l "rnig, is spending lit"' \'rt-
rut iMac(- that h. had sU'uck the \anon
scribe' oulsvlvvs oil belatlf of till, dis-
('1104 I at 1'('Irt (inion.
trier 1"Al e.
The Jlis,(•s itussell"i-Tl.ondon fir. the
place. -St. shays Journal.
T.\aths Iil':1sh;r,t., District Masn"',
gn"sts or 1lis, Wiggins.
The hnfn of the threshing imichine
Cl'. it. 11CCIIFA, DIM(t•iet 841(T (fn•y,
Mr. Tool Wright, autnit(;ct fpr 111,•
1oll' Wil-rultu, Comity Master.
1locsrs. Nordliainn•r• of Iinnliltoo, is
illay' Le lWau•(1 ill all dit-00it Its these
Blyth, July 18118.
with his wife and het parents vfsiLiog
to Skaaley I3arracks, Toronto, last
M I .s. %V. Winson will spend this
mouth tit Kineardine.
Mrs. minor, (nee Alice Trainor) who
has been visiting her many friends
here returned oil Tuesday to her ho tile
lit Chicago.
Airs, E. Watson of Detroit is the
g it,st Of her, danghtor Mrs. Suilth,
wile of I3andmaster Frank Smith, find
of her son, Mr. E. Watson.
Born ---in Stratford, on July 70h, to
Air. and Mrs Roderick M. Cassells, a
Goderfelt Township•
George Elliott, son of Mr. William
Elliott, Bayfield concession, while
working at a threshing at Mr. William
Wier's last Thursday, fell through it
hole fn the scaffold onto the ,thresher
and thence to the floor but escaped
with it bad shaking Ili). Ile had a nar-
row escape.
Air, William Cole drove down the
Bayfield concession the other clay with
his whole threshing; outfit, engine,
thresher and water tank drawn by one
span of horses.
Mr. Adan! Cantelon is stopping fit
Maplestone Park farm, resting a brok-
en ankle and sending some of his
Spare time looking after his brother
At•thur'shorses. While grooming Mr's.
Cantelon's pony the other day it neigh-
ed out something like Remember the
Maine, so A. O. with clippers cot off
the front lock and trimmed up. the
inane short, The pony looks quite
smart aince. B the way, pony rand
driver take well with several young
Indies. Will Ad go back to the West
alone ?
Mrs. W• Spinler of Lucknow, daugh-
ter of henry Cook who used to reside
on the Huron ltond near Clinton, died
last week. Among those from here
Who Attended the funeral were Messra.
John O. Elliott and Thos. Cook.
I'll* picnickers, who had Assembled
at. Forster's Flats on the Maitland last
Thursday and were having jolly time,
were caught fn the tail end of the
heavy rain storm which swept ovor
khnt district.
Thn hath of Mr. W. itobinson, to re-
place the one destroyed by lightning a
few months ago, was raised hast lt'i,-
WP learn that Mr. T. Ti ick, who re.
Arently iettirned front I,
h land after it
few tnontl]s absence, is going bock
again Shortly. What'lf the attraction?
Mrs..Tohn O, rlliott went Co town
Sunday to consult it Dr. who Advised
her to go to bed. She is stopping With
her daughter, Mrs. Frank 1 dwell of
Albert St.
The balloon frame of Mr. H. 11, (/an-
telon a home is tip, the roof on and the
bricklayers are now at work veneering;
the building.
county with ;snider as pitcher and 'Tur-
ner and Rattenbury as battors. ' No
doubt before the season closes they will l
he sending out challeuges to some of
our neighboring clubs.
Mr. William Graham is going; into the
cattle buship8s in earnesthaving bought
over two hundred head to export. , lie
starts to shit) next week, sending one
of his sons along to stay till they till go
The Grass family played a numbsr of
selections in the Dixon hall one night
last week. .
_-_--- .. -.-- _
(Corrected even wedne:atav attoilloon.
Fal] Wheat, new ............. fIS to fiR
Wheat old .............. 72 to 72
Barley ..... ................... . 0 :)L to O 33
Oats............................ 0 25) to 0 35
Peas ........................•....I 0 50 to 0 ti;
]tye.................... ....... 0 39 to 0 40
Potatoes, por bush, new... 0 50 to 0 W
Butter loose in basket.... 0 10 to 0 11
Butter in tub ................ 0 11 to 0 12
Eggs per doz.................. 0 () to C 10
May. G 00 to 6 Oo
hive Flogs ............ ...0 (0 to 4 70
Pork per cwt..........,...... fi 00 to fi 00
Dried Apples per ib........ 0 03'to 0 01
Traveled, Extensively Throughout the
Provinces - interesting Statements
Concerning His Experience.
STELLARTON, N. S. -James R. Murray,
a well known violinist, of this place, who
has traveled extensively throughout the
Provinces, makes this statement:
1 t I was running down in health and my
weight fell oft from 175 to 150 pounds.
Prescriptions did me but little good. My
trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. I
resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and atter
taking five bottles I was greatly benefited.
I feel as well now as ever in my Itfe, and
have Increased In flesh so that I now
weigh 177 pounds. I am well known In
this part of the country, having followed
my profession, that of a violin musician
for the last 26 years. I gladly tell my
friends what flood's fiarsaparilla has done
o i -
them d
Before I
began taking
for me. e g
carne I did not have any ambition, but now
all is changed and my dyspeptic trouble
perfectlycured." JAMHaR.MURRAT. ,
N. B. It you decide to take hood's Sar-
Saparilia do not be induced to buy any
substitute. Bo Sure to get Hood
are tile only plll1,q to take
{-Pond's pill, with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
SoM by WiAtts & Co., Druggists,
4 t r1): )
stn 1\v at to a .
__ _. -
f . Thi, receipts were
[tressed 1[1.g.s I l r ceipt
t•"•nll. tiv" demand w:IS fair find Lhe mar-
Rt)( Ii.-TnT.ognn, an the+2Jth Jnly, tit'llhenpino
1,0111140, bel0i'M wife of Christian Itoek, aged
kat .,,,.. .0 J., t• ,,it `'1).50 to `7.
WileM, whiteslnntlll•d $I)7010,,$(I72
30 eenrs, a nan)Ihs and 3 days.
DItAlf:Ult.--Ill 1,0g1m,fit tile 21th.Tuly,Emelie,
do led pct• bush ...... 70 to
wife of Win. Dragor, aged 52 years, 4 months
and 20 days.
Ila ,00sp. ............ • 70 to
Borley i.r il",11....... 130 to
ANU1:I186N.- in llrnssels, on July 23rd, Mary
Ann (lra.ham; rellet of the late Thomas An.
Oats wr bush........... sl) to
aged (i5 years and 22 days
AIIAbIS.--1n Bar In on the 17thyJuly, Joseph -
i'easperbash........... 5i) to
diyo lwl iollsli............ I l to
136ck \sheaf 00 to
t l
Wit 0'l ycarq.
I TAl'1,01t.-In Goderich, on .Tuly 26, Thos. Tay-
......... . ...
Turkeys .... I........... l0 to
lor, formerly of 0re.3, aged 73 years.
I mCKi11111S.- 111 ]]•a Lon, on luly 20th, Thos.
Cllwkt-,,s............... 50 to
Butt.r,lh.rolls la to10
Dl(•iC(bbiu,agod 75yearsand2 months.
LAYTON.- Ill Clinton, on July 27th, Bolen
do tolls, dairy..... 12 to
lxlif.y wife of .lohn Layton, aged 72 ears.
SPHl'N'(1.- In Hallett. on .Idly 28th Lettle
11 ....... ... , .. 11 to
:'ding, aged 38 years.
Poiwovs per hash ...... :ill to
011iolls, nat.ivv, per bilg (:f) I
Tiny, per ton........... 8 00 to 900
The Bell Telephone Company has
(io nett/ . ..1%._1 ... a (111 to
7 (N)
reduced its rates In London.
Sara%v: ................ 5 .50 to
Bvi-1 hind (Innrter a to
0 1111
Gilmour's Lumber Mills near Camp.
tin fore . I t
bellford were destroyed by fire.
. . . .........
Tr,nrh, c;u•r:hao, per Ila.. ;i fo
Men women and children who are
']11t.ton................. 5 to
troubled with sores, humors, pimples,
Veal, ................. (I to
etc., may find permanent relief in
dressed hogs ....... ... 0 50 to 7 110
I flood's Sarsaparilla.
Lilo Leather."
t C K S O N
& 4A I\ O K W N
'__...1_ .
,livilillit a
I, tv,
i ..
A " I I i I . 4-. .. __ , % , i 1. . I
_ ,
F y: , r ::
.h..1#"`frt. ...' t tfi
Our New Stock now full
and complete with
the. latest and newest
Goods ,incl we are safe
in saying' that no better , •
nssorn]ent is to be
found in the west.
Ask to see our special values
in Men's $2.110 and $3,00
Goods. They are hard
to beat. '
Tho Noted Shoe Dealers, 01hiton
11-, I