HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-08-04, Page 217,
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or How soon you would turn from your
19NULY ROBES OF CHRISTI revels, If the philosopher leaped Out
aeniblage now, His - garments smell-
ing of myrrh "—that means fragrance
charaoter au4 life the two men were
almost a contrast. Elisha was
. ... � 1 1 1 1 11, 11 -
� 11111111111%, '_
of his bath in a frenzy of joy, and elupt-
—"and aloes"—.they mean bitter 040-
not a wanderer, but a quiet citizen, of
ped his bamda and rushed through the
street, beiDause he had found the Sol-
rificial memories—" and cassia, "—that
means medicine and cure; and accord-
goatle, sympa.thietio disposition. 7. God
raises up workers according to his peo-
� IV
ti,Jn Of a mathematical problem. how
Ing to MY text, He comes "out of the
11 Elijah's
le'rs needs, and employs them acc-ord.
Seated at a corner table at the Walo
will YOU feel, leaping from the foun-
tuin Of a Saviour's mercy and pardon,
YOU know, or it you do not know
811111ift on Ellshu." 2 Rings
. I*
45-0. 'Goldear Text. ILURell. is.
fug to their natures. That fell from
dorf-Astoria, Hotol, in Now York oato
1111a Robes Were 011orousi With Myrrh, and
Aloes, and Causla-The JDalaces of Olden
washed olea.ut and mude white as Snow,
I will tell you now, that some of the
him. old Gileadite needs not that
mantle in the land whither he has
They Will Consist or an Egyptian and
a evening was a portly old country gan*
Times and the Vallaces of lReavera-Ilow
when the question has been solved
"How can my soul be sav Naked.
ad I'!
: palaces of olden times were adorned
with Ivory. 4hab and Solomon bed
Verse 0. Elijah said unto him. To
gons. 8. so wim drop oux robes of flesh
British Diviol on -will start for uhar.
tonan Ilk A so cust.
tleman with his family. . Hop XttinW��
, i
' X
back, beltming on the cirowd, biXt b 14.
Out Friends Appear In Their Celestial
llortatti-Are Appeal for Those Left Oil
frost-bitten, storm -lashed soul, let JO
SUS this night throw thee the
- their homes furnished with iti. The
tusks of African and Asiatic elephants
l,li,],,. Tarry, I pray thee, here, At
Aw we %nounL from earth to
Went back. Instantly Elisha enters up-
The departure of the Sirdar from
. w *l*
wife and daughter studied the
.1 around
garments that smell of myrrh, and
were twfsted into all manner of shapes,
Jericho, the largest city in the val-
on his new work. 9. Lot us spend our
Cairo for Ber e ar t e commence-
b r in its h
I anxiously. Tbig was tbeir�
A despatch from Washington says:-
aloes, and eassia, out of the ivory
and there were stairs of ivorX and
lay of the Jordtin. This is the third
strength not in sorrowing over the
dead past, but by holy action In the
meat of the last phase of the Soudan
. glimpse of the splendors of the
Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the
Your second is to know why
chairs at ivory, and tables of Ivory,
and floors of ivory, and pillars of ivory.
time Elijah has urged Elisha to stay
living pre -sent. Stood by the bank of
operations, says the London Daily
Mail. We force
I and they were breathless to think
following text: "All thy garments
the robes of Jesus are odorous with
a,ud windows Of ivory, and fountains
Prola bly neither man knew dis-
the Jordan. Just opposite where he and
are informed that the
short it was. , ,
smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia,,
aloes. There is some difference of OP-
that dropped into basins at ivory. and
titictly and exactly what was before
Elijah had stood a little while be,fore.
under Sir 11, Kitchener is now being
2e dish� as to
I 11 We can't taste half the dishes to
out of the ivory .palaces."-11salms xlv.
inion about where these aloes grow,
rooms that had ceilings of ivory. Oh.
them. but God knew, the end from the
14. Smote the waterb. Elisha alcts
just like his venerable master. Where
organized, and when complete will be
I the bill of fare, Jenny," sighed I
8. .
what. Is the color of the flowor, what
white and overmastering- beauty.
Green the
beginning, and step by step he reveals
is the Lord God of Elijith? The, utter -
,,,,ti tuted as follows-
Welby. .
Among the grand adornments of the
the partioulax appearance of the
herb. `Suffioe it for you and me to
tree branches sweeping
white curbs. Tapestry trailing the
his plans. From Horeb to Abel-meho-
ance not of dou8t, but of excultant
Gontimander-in-Chief-Major- General
But Jenny was Looking at the superb.
city of Paris is the church of Norte
know that aloes means bitterness all
snowy floors. Brackets of light flashing
lah the older prophet had gone; then,
faith. (10) We,must coonfide in Godi to
Kitchener, K.CJB., K.C.M.G.
gowns of the women near her-thei
Dame, with its great towers, and ela-
the world over; and when Christ
on the lustrous surroundings. Silvery
accompanied by Elisha, from Abel -me-
carry us through. When he also had
Smitten the, waters. (11) We must; also
Chief of the Staff -Colonel Wingate,
happy women, as she thought, -who,
borate rose -window, and sculpturingof
comes with garments beaTing that par
ticular odor, they suggest to me the
- music rippling to the beach of the ar-
oheis. The more thought of it almost
holah- to Samaria; from Samaria to
confide Ili ourselves if we 'would be ef-
CJB., D.S.O.
I could wear such costly, beautiful dress.
the last judgment, with the trumpet-
bitterness of a Saviour's suffering.
stuns in brain, and you Say: " 011,
th� Ekrou highway; from the Ek-
fective. They parted hither and thither.
The truops will consist of an Egyptian
as every day of the year I
Ing angels and rising dead; its battle-
Were there ever such nights as Jesus
if I ciouly only have walked over such
rOn bighwai to Gilgal; f rom
As they had parted before the ark of
Division,' ani tr(British Division, com-
The squire whispered, excitedly. "do
ments of quatrefoil; its Sacristy, with
lived through -nights on the moun-
floorsl If I could have thrown my-
Gilgal to Bethel; now from Bethel
God rindi before Elijah,. (12) God never
posed as follows:- I
you see that old man alone in the cor-
rNbed ceiling anti statues Of ats
tain, nights on the sea, nights in the
' desert? Who badsuoh a bard Te-
t4elf in such a chair I If I could have
board the drip and dash of those foun-
to Jeridio; and prosently from Jeri-
15. 'I%e sons of the prophets which
net, I That is Felix Gray, one of the
But theta was nothing in all that bu:ld-
ception as Jesus h,t(i ? A ,hostelry
tainal" You shrill have something bet-
cho to the region beyond Jordan, (1)
vvere tq view at Jericho. "Which were
Under command of Major-General
railway kingsl-,
Ing which more vividly appealed to my
the first, an unjust trial in oyer and
ter than that if you only let Christ in-
6o Godi knows our future, and revellis
at Jericho, opposite." They had. un-
Gatacre, C.S., D.S.O. I
"O father I that little wisp of a man
plain taites; than the costly vestments
�erminer another, a foul,niouthed, Yell-
troduce you. From that place Ile came,
our life's pitths one step at a time.
ceaSingly watched the two prophets,
but had been to discern the
D-A,A,G., Capt. F. S. Robb, Durham
that you said was worth many rail -t
which laid in oaken presses, robes that
Ing 'not) the last. Was there a space
oin His back as wide as your two fin-
and to I hat place lie proposes to trans-
Port you; for His "garments smell of
This gradual revelation ))rings into
not able
ascension of Elijah. The spirit of Eli-
Light Infantry.
lions I And you used to go to School
had been embroidered with gold and
gerswitere He was not whipped? Was
myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, Out of
bold relief Elijah's awe in facing his
jah doth rest on Elisha. Whether they
First Brigade- .
with him?" said JeViny, in an awed
been worn by popes and archbishops
there a Npace o7v His brrow an Well
ivory palaces."
future terrors and glories, and Elishals
knew this by his uvvnership of. EAjall's
lBrigadier-General Wauchope, C. B.,
on great occasions. There was a robe
.,%uaro whore He was not, out by the
briens? When the, atthe
Ob, what a place heaven must be
Th.t Tuilleries Wind-
I persistent love. (2) They Sin wbo tell
mantle or by some other indication wa
V41nuot tell. (13) There is always Some -
G.M.C., commanding.
"Yes; and worked with hira. Many'&
in which Plus Vlf. had appeared at the
Spike struck
tu,stop. did it not go Olear through to
of the French, the
sor Cusile of the English, the Span-
us love con die. The Lord bath sent
thitig about a true man of Ood which
Brigade Major, Major T. D. O'Snow.
the turnip patch we've weeded togeth-
Crowning of the first Napoleon. There
the hollow of the -foot? Oh, long,
i8h Alhambra, the Russian Kremlin,
me to Jordan. About five miles from
reveals his calling and commands re-
Royal Inniskillen, Dragoons.
a,'. Hellol HerecognIzesinel He's.
was also a vestment that had been
deep. bitter pilgrimagel Aloosl aloosl
are dungeons compared with it. Not
Jericho is a hend In the river where,
SPect- BoNved tbemselves to the
Ist Warwickshire Regiment, Colonel
coming bere I How do you do, Mr.
worn at the baptism of Napoleon 11.
John leaned hi.9 head on Christ; but
who did Chri,st lean Five their:-
so many castles on either Side of the
according to tradition, Elijah aseend-
pil ' Several of Elijah0s. Stopping plat -as
ground. The men trained in thBlachoola
bow before the men taken from the
Ist Lincolnshire
Giray V I
As our guide opened the oaken presses
Sand men fed by the, Saviour; who fed
as are ivory palaces on both
sides of the river of God. One for the
oil this journey were notablo at once
able to reougnize a Gud-ordalned lead-
Regiment, Lieut. -
Col. Lowth.
The lean little man took him by both
anti brought out these vestments of
Jesusl The sympathy of a Saviour's
angels, insufferably bright, winged,
as "schools of the prophets" (Seats of
er when be comes. I I
Ist Seaforth Highlandews, Col. Mur -
hands. "Have you forgotten Felix?"'
fabulous cost, and lifted them up, the
heart going out to the lepeT and the
fired -eyed, tempest-eharioted. One for
those I)rophetio communities whose zeal
he said. "And this is your wife? And
fragrance of the pungent aromatics in
adulteress; but who Soothed Christ?
tho martyrs, with hloud-red robesfrom.
(lid so much to maintain faith in Jebo-
ray, CJB. .
daughter I" ' I
which they had been preserved filled
Denied both cradle anti death -bed. He
had a fit place neither to lie born nor
under the altar. One for the King,
thLi steps of His palace the crowns of
vall during (lark years), and as strong-
holds of hostility to -Jehovah. For in-
Ist Cameron Highlanders, Col. Money,
D.S.O., A.D,C.
"Yes; all of my family. My dear,
the place �Aith a sweetness that was
to die, A poor bribe. a Poor lad, ra poor
the Church Militant.One for the sing-
stance, Gilgal ts mentioned by Hosea
What it Costri the IT.S. to Carry on War-
. �
Second Brigirde- .
this is Mr. Gxay, of ,whose triumphs
almost oppressive. Nothing that had
Young man I Not so much as it taper
ers who letids the one hundred and
�n�d Amos its a cefiter of idolatrous
No Danger ofa. Shortage.
you have heard. our native town is,
been done in stone more vividly im-
to rilieer his (lying hours; even the
forty and four thousand. One for you
litittuity; l3vithel was the shrine of calf-
Hostilities with Spain are costing the
(Brigadier -General .the Eon. N. Lyt-
prourlofyou,sir. Yes, ,when the crops
pressed me than these things that had
candle of the sun Snuffed out. Oh,
was it not all aloes? Our sing, Sorrows,
ransomed from'sin, One for me, liluck-'
ed from the burningd. Oh, the ivory
worship; find Jericho had been rebuilt
under the direct cursle of. Jeliovah. As
people of the United States $1,000,000
itleton, commanding.
(Brigade Major, Major C. a Court,
turn out well we treat oureelves to at
been done Ili cloth, and erabi-bidery,
be reavements, I osses, an,l a] I the agon-
the Lord liveth, anti as thy soul liveth,
a day says a Washington despatch. That
day or two in New York;
and perfume.
ics of earth and hell picked up as in
To -night it seems to me as if the
I A'd I not leave thee. This double form
is a heavy price to pay for war's glories,
Rifle Brigittle.
axe. . Won't you. -will you sit down
But now, my filitands, I open the
one cluster and Squeezed into one CUP,
windows of thuse palaces were illum-
of adjuration wit,; the most sacred
but so far as can be learned here where
Ist Grenadier Guards, Col. V. Hatton.
with Usiv" I
'. I hoped YOU would ask me." Gray's.
dravver of this text, and I look upon
and that, pressed to His III) until the
Iterid, nauseating, bitter draught was
ined for some greaN, victory, and I look
known to the. Hebrews. Young Elisha's
vassion love the old
the pulse of the public can be best
I.9t Northural erland Fusillers Lieut-
w ettk and rather rasping voice had a
the kingly robes of Christ; and as I
swallowed with a distorted counten-
and see climbing the Stairs of ivory,
and walking tho flours of ivory, and
of einliarrassed
man, N%h" with Otto humility find., mo-
felt, Lhe expendituxe plarises the na-
Col. Aloney.
2nd Lano,ashire Fusiliers, Lie
quick note of pleastira in it- " I take
lift them flashing with eternal jewels,
ance and a .shudder from b -'ad to foot.
looking from the windows of ivory,
de�Ly, se,nnq to have dosired solitude
Lion's taxpayers.
only a cup of tea. Adolplv
knows. He takes. care of me the
the whole house is filled with the
and a gurgling-strangultation. Aloesl
some. whom we knew and loved on
before his glorification, hey two vVient
Fully $1(0000,030 has been paid out
aroma of these garments, which "smell
aloes I Nothing but aloes I
All this for Himself? All this to
earth. Yes, I knovv them. There are
fathz�r and mother, not eigbLy-two,
on. <Coraiiare ('.ell, �2, 6.)
7. Fifty mt." of the Sons of the pro -
thus far for expenses incurred by the
2nd Rifle Briglide, Lieut. -Col. Hen-
"And where is your family I" asked
Of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of
get' the fame in the Nyorld of being a
Years. and seventy-nine years, as %N hell
phets. These vvere young men vv'bo
war of humanity. These figures are
the squixe presently,
the ivory palaces."
martyr? All this in a spirit of stub-
they left US, but biitha and young lis. had set th,,,mseIv(.% apart for holy stud-
calculated on the basis of the cost of
are in Paris. My dam.-Itter is
to have her first London this
In my text the King steps I Orth;
because Ile (lid not like
Augustus? No, no. All this because
on their marriage day. And there are' ies and activities, Evidently the sect
defence during normal times. The
21st Lancers, Lieut, -Col. Mai
year, they tell lae.1'
His robes rustle and blaze as He ad-
Ile wanted to pluck you and me from
brothars anti sisters merrier than
was numerous; it may have been mon-
a-stic in its features. That
exp,�ndltures for national defence
One squadron 3rd Hussaxa.
"You have a son?" ventured Mra
vances. His Pomp, and power, and
hell, Because Ile wa'nted to raise y on
w&n we used to romp across the mea -
dowd together. The cough gone. The
sonto of
its members were all Ili a, literal sense
is year axe d $75._
(array and navy) Lb -
Welb .
Y ; %
glory overmaster the spectator. More
and me to heaven. Irlecause we were
lost. and Ile wanted us found. 'Because
cancer cured. The erysipelas bettled.
Sons Of the prophets is unlikely, for
000,000, over and above what it cost
&nri Field Battery, alrmod, with 15-
Louis is on his Yacht, cruis-
Ing someNyhore along the coast witbi�
brilliant is He than Queen Vashti MOv-
Ing amid the Persian
we were blind, and I -To wanted us to
Tb,.� heart -break o-,er. Ob how fair
they are in the ivory pairicesl And
wits it llebrew idiom to call the out-
I come, of anything its son. That by
, last year, and this excess is attribut-
37th Field Battery, aTmed with Bo-
his younq friends- I went over to seei
tile faulily
princess; than
Marie Antoinette the day
see. Because we were serfs, and Ile
wanted us manumitted. Oh in
your dear little children that -went
a regular course of training they were
able to only one Gause-war.
pounder howitzers. .
a yiar ago. They are nott
fond of this count-ry."
on when
. Louis XV1. Put upon, her the necklace
whose cup of life the saccharine has
out from You; Chri.4t did not
of th-ni drop as Ile lifted thein. Hei
all graduated into full prophetic re-
I SPonsibilities is ionotiuli without war-
Of this $75,000,000 more than two -
thirds has been spent on the army.
Naval rocket pairty.
lie sipp5d his beef tea, listgeiing as
of eight hundred gems; than Anne
predominated; oh ye who have had
brightandspaxIclin i I)everages, how do
did not wrenrh them froin you. No;, rant. StOOJ to vi6w. On the high
The excess for the navy has amounted
they talked. Their soft, Poe ar ae�
cent brought back his boyhood to hi1316
Boleyn the day when Henry VIII. wei-
� you feel towards Win who in your
tb,,y went as from one they oved well of Jericho, v%hence they Could
tit Out! whom they loved better. If I I watch the descent of Elijah and Eli-
I to $25,000,000. It Should be remem-
Commander -Major-General Hunter,
The great, quiet peach -farm, the kind-',
corned her to his Palace. All beauty
I stead, and to purchir.ge your disenthral-
should take your little child and press! Sha into the river hed, Fi�d tl�lelor
I bered that these Sums represent only
D. S. G.
ly- neighbors, one or two people whO,
and all Pomp forgotten, while we stand
i ment, took the aloes, the unsavoury
aloes, the bitter aloes?
I It
its soft face against my rough cheek,':iIscent, on the other side. Joy "
the actual money already pa,id out.
First [Brigade- .
had chosen him out (if , - world to
,ill the
love beat -the little church where he
in the presence of this imperial glory,
King Of Zion. king
Your third curio.,Jty is to knovv why
I rnight keep it a little while; but. stood by Jordan. The Jordan and the
whn you, the mother, carne along, it Dead Sea, like all of mr-ri's frontiers
, .I They take no account whatever of the
Lieut. -Col, Lewis, commanding.
3rd Egyptian Regiment, Lieut. -Col.
used to Sing in the choir and, same -
of earth. King
of heaven. King for ever I His
garnivritq of Christ tire odor-
ous withl cassia. This wits a plant th'it
would struggle to go vvith yc )u. And'and boundary lines, are God's high-
I vast Sums that must be pitid later , and
to pray in its little weekly gath-
ments not worn out, not dust bedrag-
grew in India tin([ the adi0inilIg I.-,-
so you sat holding your dying child ways. 0 No obstacle can hinder God
when Jesus passed by in the room, I or God's children. ,rhe arid rocks tire
:for which ountracLs have already been
Onacash transaction basis the
4th Egyptian Regt., Major fi;paxke,s.
N'v ere there stILL such things in the
gled, but radiant, and jewelled, and
bands. You do not care to what
kind of a flower it had or what. kind
and th,� little one sprang out to greet , by biln turned into fcuntains. ,lad thwie
iv%arlias been cost.ing the countryabout
13th Soutlatiese Regiment, Lieut. -Col.
world ? It secrined to him that be coulol
hax(Uy realize it: Simple homes where:*
.redolent. It seeaas as if they must
1 of a stalk. It is enough for me to tell
Him. That is all. Your Christian dead thingswhich to human farosight. would
did not down into the dust to guarantee destraction it re $1,000,000 a day since July 1.
Second Origa,de-
contented,. refined imople could be
have been pressed a hundred years
I you that it wits used meflicinally, In
th t lalrid vv,bore they
andlin that oge,
go and'seent.
th.i gravel, ,,in(] the mud. Tho��h it made vehicles of choicest blessing. The demand lot- ready cash is large-
Lieut. -Col. Alactionald, CAB., D.S.O.,
happy on a few hundreds a year?
Where there -was love and simple faith
L It"
amid the flowers of heaven. The
I k'�=v
I ju� lilt a about plint-macy, cas-
rained all that funeral day, and the-' 8. Elijah took his mantle. Tbe skin ly supplied b y tLe special war tax
2nd Egyptian Regiment, Major Pink.
in God t 11.
wardrobes from which they have be -en
Isia was used to arrest many forms; of
water came up to the wheel's hub as of a beast, dre!�sLd with the hair on. was wbiv.b is now in full bl.aSL, and which
you (I rova out to the cemetery, it made th2 almmst universal sign of a profes- is turning lar t e t re-
a in o th
9th Sur.rdariese iteglinent, Captain
� Well, well I He 'was to t* I t I
0 gec L I
must, have been sweet with clus -14d.isease.
So whert in my text we find
no difference to (hem, fur they step- sicinally holy Man, Elijah's ' mantle sury daily. 111he receipts from this
Walter, i
night even to think of them. lie ros
tars of camphor and frankincense, and
I Christ coming with garments that
I smell of c.assia, it suggests to met tb,e
ped from the home here to the home; was proliallly a E;heepskin. BY 0, re-
source to ol,a.te from July I amount to
10th Soudanese Regiment, Major Fer-
presently. ..
"llust you go hoornel" the squi
all manner of precious wood. Do you
healing and cura.tive power of tllo� Son
t here, right into the ivory palaces. All . mainder of the ancient custoin. certain
talken in before the new stawir act
11th Soudanese Regiment, Major
sa,id, taking his h nd. "Is it far? Y
not inhale the orlotirs? Aye, aye.
i of God. "Oh," you say, " u
is well with them. All is well, ' I graduates of Engli.-ih univi�rsi Lies wear
$10,600,000, niore. than double the bum
do not look StfOag.,p
They "smell of myrrh, antit aloes, and
I a superflous idea. W11 are not sick.
I was thinking out this ser- lambskin hourbi. and kings on .state oc-
went into effect.
Third Briga,de-
"I have a room. in this bouse. I
caki-iia, Olit of ill(,, ivory palaces,"
Why do %ve want. ciussia? We are. ath-
mot), and had got to about this poinit, cri-slon u,,Par ermine. Thi.i particular
Officials of the Treasury Depart-
Lieut. -Col. Maxwell, D. S. O., com-
not, exactly a home; but it does A
your first curiosity io-night is to
letic, Our respiration Is perfert. Our
i I 'lit
was ,I knock at. my door, and I mantle bad hadarare history. In it
received a telegram from a very dear Elijah had. v% ratkped hi;; face amid the
i ment have no fear of eraLarrassment.
IN'bat -A ith the added receipts from the
enough "
know why the robes of Christ are odor-
inihs are be, and Ili these summer
I ministerial friend. It read: " My wile mystic lerrors of Ilo,eb; it had been
1,91a,up ,a., with the*grea' revenue
8th Egyptian Regiment.
But held his hand. H(t
OLL-11 with myrrh. This was it bright-
leafed Abyssinian It
day.,s we feel we could bound like
the roe." I beg to differ, my hroth-
died, Funeral next Tuesday. Will thrown about Elisba its a sign of his f rom the c ustoms, and Nvi th of lit, r son r-
11th Suuolanose Regim,nI, Lieut, -Co',
fell elated, a. though h to bed 0,
a ac
diamond "Du you remember,"
plant. was tri-
foliated. The, Greeks. Egyptians, I O_
er, fromi you. None of you can tie in
ljmtfer health
you be one of the pall -bearers?" I earliest propht-tio, call. Wrapped it I tes of revenue, the country will be in
telegraphed irninedialel.v; I will." together. Probably whirled it round apretty fair way of being able to.pay
14th Soudanese Regiment, Major
he said, ' I be day I told you I. was go -
Ing to Jane
mans, and Jews bought ,and sold it' at
a high price. The first present that
physical tb-tyi I am, ;Ind
I yet I mu-sti say vve are all ,sick. I have
Who could hold back: at suc'h' a I ime ? land round. Its present, ll$e its a sym-
1 knew I could the bol of the wonder-%vorking
its bills. . .
15th Soudanese RegLtuent.
marry here, and farm thel
old place on shares? You said, 'Go in
wits ever given to Christ was , Sprig l t.%ken the diagnosis of your ease, And
Of I.h:Lve examined all (lie I;cq( autbori(ips
myrrh, thrown on His infantile bed
1 carry my part of power re-
mr(ten. It I,- not a flead weight ;iron'S TOd. SUIOtO the
As the Nvax enlarges and the opera-
tions of the axwy and navy expand
Fourth [Brigade- � .
Now being formed under Lieut. -Col.
I toi- love and hard work if you like; I'm
off to town to make money. hloney,,'
in Bethlehem- and the last that
' � on the suh:a,�t, and I oome now, to tell
lift -"-bell you, carry a Chris-
it a,nd Choy wore divided hit her
, more and inore money will be needed,
Collinson but the composition of t1is
you said, 'is the. one, thing Ili life, I'm
Christ ever had was myrrh pressed in-
you that you are full of wounds, and
�', -ifying
tian out. Jesus m'9kes (lip bed up and thither. It wa.q not Elijab's sheet)- 1 but it -"ill be forthcoming. Two bun -
Istift with velvet promises, and Ile says., skin, but Elijah's faitb, that worked dred million of war bonds are sold and
: has not yet reached EngJand.
goiiig in foi- I I..' Well, YOU Succeeded;
l .
thecup of His a' 'ucifixion, The na-
and putt sores, which
!"Put her down' here very gently.. 1-�ut. �Aliis miracle. 4. C.o;l can use oripmeans,Nvill
I flow into the treasury. Tbere i
� Cavalry- .
you have it I" �
I tives would take it stone and bruise, the
trve, and their there
not 1,epn bound up or mollifie,l
! NN-ith,oint roput. 'The inara,sinus of idn
I ihat hearl, which will never ,i(,hi� � as readily as lanother with which to
t already in the strong box a balance .Ifs
Under Lieut. -Col. Broa.dNvocid Tot-,
. yes; I went in for -it and I got
I t", .Gray fraid, with half -
would exude it,
gum that would saturate all t he
on tbiq pollow of hallelujahs. ! vvork bis %vonders. On dry ground. On 'something like. $250 000,000, and the
1 is on u.s-the palsy, the dropsy, 'Ile : Send up word that the procession is solid ground. - I tee-ession of the cash on the honrl gale
leprosy. The I hat Is -
Eight squadrons.
Ilorbe Artillery-
a shrill,
Soornful laugh.
ground This gum wa's Ilse
tor purposes of merchandise. (I
man expiring
to -night, the allopatbic, and. homueo- i curaing. Ring the liells. Ringi Open � 9. When they Nvere gcjge over. into vcIll bring the treasure Up to thevalue
i .
I One battery.
escaped at last, One or' two
Strangers in the balls at him,
Piece of it, no longer than a chestnut,
your gatea, ye ivory palaces." And Elijah's natve iand. loly Scenes were of nearly HOO 000,000. A', Ili on Mucus
liathic doctors having given him up, I ,so y,pur loved ones are there. They all about them, Nht 1�0ftronl Ibis
One battery Maxims.
It 0AN ays enraged him to he noticed as
Would Whellit a whole room with od-
DUL's. It was put in closets, in
and his friends now Standing around Vost (if $1.000,000 per dieniay'e,ar'-; war
to take, his last. words, is no �Iore cer- re jugt aq deTtainly there, having died place Jo,shrra umd� tho Israelite hosts would foot up an expense bIII Of Only
Camel Corps, 600 strong.
. Artillery-
it Hell man. Ile fancied they whisp-
040 [I t 1,11t, 41uo�%%.l 1po-lq
In drawers, in rooms, and its perfume
t ainly dying it's to his body than you .n Christ, as that you are. here. Tbnre lhad'crossed by it silidlar miracle; not
IS only'one thing more they Nvant. In- , far front this place Moses bad passed
. 065.000 000.
I-Inder Lieut. -Col. Long.
"loolillm ,
nothing for me but twenty millions?"
adbered almo,st interminably to any-
a not I are (lying, unless we have tak- 1 deed, (here is one thing in heaven They in,silent glory to t1w world of spirits,
All things considerod. therefore, the
Two battalions armed with (I-c.m.
I lit, muttered,
thing .that was an1wbere near it. Fo,
wh�,n in my text
; ,
ell melioine from God's aitothecary. i have not got. They want it, What is; and n,) man knovvet.1i hbi sepulvh'i-r
All the leaves of this Ilible only -
country vvill have plvnty of cash. Tbere
will be no danger'ofa8bortago.
Krupp guns, fiiing 8 -lb. shells.
Two battalions with automatic
I - lie reached his rha-mber and sat down
* I he it, t -whIto
read that Christ's
SURI'ments smell of myrrh, I immedi-
.ire It? Your compan). But oh, my hro-' to this day. Ask what I shall
So many prescriptions from the, Divine - thf'r, unless change trick you do for tbee. The awful was
Ma xim-Norderif e Its, firing 12 1-2
g radhzi;tor. It vvas all
, ,%
i 11 I gilt 4 1i (terabouthim. Ilethouit;ht
att'l conclude the exquisite SAN
7 -eefness
Of zsus. I kno%v that to many Ile is ,
I'llysirian, written, not, in Lati it like you ,your .silence
11 . . cannot r(.ai-h that hiirho�r. You might - brokon by this loving offer. Elisha's
the prewriptiolis of earibly plysivi-
' t"lle,
lb. shells.
A battery of 40-poundor Armstrongs
of the Paxlor at borne; the IA4
- � .lot
I "' the citairs he had known
only like any historical person, An- I
as %NcII take the Baltimore tin(] Ohio cliara.eter will be Shown by his
rig, but written in piain Enylish" 140 I railroad. expecting in t.brit direction to ansvVer. 'I'll(! majesty of E'lijifti's bear-
is alsp being formed, which, in con-
I "Zill ,'Ili, r,(1;iSA IXLI)Y� the dear (Ad dingy
other ,John Howard. Another F red-
erivk Ober land. AnotberCOnfu('iu.g.A
ft im n, t hough a Co ol, lived not reach Toronto, tas to go in the. %vay 'ilk' in ill%, presence of death is notable.
errtherein. ThankGod that tht-Sa-
The successful man don't believe in
junction with the British howitiers,
will be used for bombarding purposes,
: hunting Pictures on I.be wall. No
I doubt Welby bad home
Grand subject for a paintiug. A her-
SM111V of you are goitf. lind. Yet. expert 5. NNould be out, answer to such
viour's garmf�nts Smell of casshL. If -lip,
to ? The
luck. 41.
Altogelher, the ��irdar will bave!
such it now,
with those two women NN -bo loved him.
tile theme for a poem. A beautiful
form for a statue, ijut to those
r(-fteh I a Illeasure (I-
you have, not taken thbi beal'tim medi- ivory I)a avos, Your love.(I, a qui,sLion ineasure of the pet,
I ; I oil PS it re looking out of the -A-indows ' I ioner's fail It is Io lie t lie if
cine of the Gospel, You illp lying .'I � .
A paivribroker's shop is always a
pJace of Interest.
under his command it total of22 bat -1
alions of Infantry, about 15,000 strong,
Tlewas very tire -1 to-rilght. A diet of
I 1'et'l tea and a, "disease takes
havu heard His voice, and who
felt His Pat'
death %Nhich will not, 1.erhap.4,(put Your to (urn vour back upou them, you (to his re�ward. Rvfore I be tak n a way.
not sevin to know of their 110 d(wS not "Whitt shiptil I (to
,rhe prouf of the Oudding is Some-
cavalry, 38 guns, 121 Maxims, 700
'; the sap out of it man, he thought.
don, and rL
,.ceived His benediction, He
body into the eewelery jug t now , but the. sound. say.
- voic',09 iis %vell its to, or be i VNbell I get it) beaven?" Elijah, tie
times the post-mortem.
I 2tiounted intin on camels anti horses.
I "When Wtilby grows old how tbosek
is music, and light, and warmth, and
thr-iii, and eternal fragrance,
you are (lying a, (loath -which will leave von n4ed
the .soul in a grave whose Ile."Idsionn 1110i'Vi'l liv the sight,� of their dear face-,'. : a. inan of like passions with us, could
Some architeels Can dravv better
Till.-; force N% ill lie ainply sufficient
to deal with ill(, Alandi's forces, and,
I tivo dear souls will niiikp jnuOi oil
him!" he Sai-1, NkIviby had
as a-friand stirking to YOU v,hen all
is insvribed will his ephaph: "I lill 10udl,r� yf- departed onesl (11111 , (to vNotiders for Elisha by the exerciee
I I I I Ion 1,-r from flio of fAiLb, but there is no intiuraiion that
houses th'in some actors.
When in doubt. to
tarting about the middle of August,
I . sadly, mar-
I'led Jant, foi. love. Ills own marri-
else betray, Lifting you up ,Ahil _c
otb�krs try to push down.
ivor� palaves! I
Memoriam: Ile P ,I," a M;In who ink ; -
� '.
oil heaven, Thki is It lie second doi I h. , When I I hi nk of t 11 a, pli, o ,and think, tis It, (I(Tay'led 810111. lie could (to Tiny-
cis what to say
supprV.Ss Yom. thoughts'.
ouglit to reach Omdurman before
Michaeltivus ])try.
nge-vvell, tilat. was (lirl,prent, iii rs.
� Gray had
you Not so
much like raorning-glories, that bloo
'I,, In
6 'Ing it, I fee I rmkNviin -111,
Born some yearti awo on elirth; (tied 1`61111Y enter d. 1, thing for him lit, t Let IL double,
f" W4 been portion (if thy si)irit, I)v upon The
Lots of young nwn look likel animat-
Opinioni differ as to'the amonnt Of
lief,n it fashionable N%i(lo%v,
"viloliv devoted to society. with great
only v%hen the sun coming up, no,,
like "
last night Ito eternity," . 80111111ime,; %N-bc,i, I 11;1%'(-. nw.
"There N "PO -0d I(, the vvealher ,,,hoes, i)ortion of a firstborn tsoa. "Let we lie
, (I clothing dummies.
resistance which will ho mot wi(h; but
I ";t1th to add to hi, own, But his
fou r-o'c locks," that bloona only
when the sun is going down: but like,
it 41t,ilb v%hose pring anil lny
Out.hisls Iho fleeting breath, !have been belni,p(t, a�41 Inv ('.oat. is 1 thi� heir of your prophelic power "
. 8000d, 10. Thou has( hard I hing.,
'I'll(, tlik-kening of the plot freouent-
ly thin,it tliv audience,
I be best auth,)rhic.; inclin- to the viPw
that after one .;I iffish, fight (he Aral is
! dalligbiet-why should,ho not. run over
' to London and s" his, lit i le gi rl 7
MY( I'll, Perpetually aromatic.;
sam�� . the
Oh, vdiat, eternal horrors hang and iny hair dislievefled, andl I a-kod it Ile-
&round tire sevowl dral hill !"foll in front of somn fine r(isidenro VU1180 God on),v vould give it. if thou
, Soiw� wen tire long on energy, but
ill abandon 1<1itti-touill.
i ife j"MI41(l Lip; but tilt, next nionlientl
morning, noon, anti night, yes-
terday, to -day, for ever, It seems . as
. r hP:LVen to -night., irrid Net, yon seem !Set, Ine. lllj4 tillitli lifliLl,ign .I,114tt yoUl-
Suppose 11 niiin v.erv, mirk, and th,pre '
I'll"T I be
-�`11101'1 Oil tile ability to U". it.
only tribe now .Supporting tho
Klmlifa is the Niggara, anti v, bell oneet
It P SAt down Lwain, tit(, smile gone;
� from. his f;i<,e. .Last yenr, ,Allen liel
if 'A'a cannot wear Him out. We ,)lit
Was ,it vbbtl ()a his Tri,intel-pieve with ll,"ve ,,it errand; I feel not fit. 'rv(luvs( v%ill grall(ed. Elijah knew
!o tro in 11.8 I ani. arn-119 POI- , 111111 Ellsha -14 divinely ch-wrt to lie
Every little a itinn looks in it Inir-
ror lit, imagineg lit, can allero.
these are driven hack there is no
cros4c(i jbt� ooe-in to st,o hi, liltl irl,
., 4 () g
on all our burdens, and affliet.
Him 10b fill Our griefs, and Ifirn
medivine he knew would cure him, and and sif
isbod gu1j,,1s. t;o surne of us fee .4 heir. 11h, ns vvp Ivivv seen, his' full
he refused to take it. Whitt, wool(] .1 to,out : hi,
Proniist�s I hat are I lie Ito rdest to, ob-
doubt (hat the Janlins zind otber
tribes vvill take it bil.tUr reV4erge on
site hurried hiln ilov,ri to Prighlon so
thn( ho
foremo9t in all our battlips, and .Yet,
11"I'vvn. AVe need fr� Ile -ibinve wits vim(Winnai on his
YOU -say of hiin ? lie is a suivi le. Awl , N, tj sbe.d. wo . inhei
n"(311 to be hilihoed f i f a I I lif u I ne'im. I f El i s IM's hell, "I its 1,1
(Ilill art-. the suresC of fulfillment.
tire fugitives for ill(, exillilties they
fillool(I not lapel lJor English
f i iends. she X%as finnoyed b'y bia
is VeRdY to lift, and to mYnipal.bize,
Anti to help. We have so imposed
N�. ha L (to YOU Bay Of t IVI I in -i a v% ho to^ rp] lit, ore %N n go up,
night., into tilt. ivory)�J I God � (4) 1 lit, end, he KIM] I M10 I 110 ViSioll it)([
sick in sin, hits lhi� healing tryan- ptilaries, Elerna
Somi, women tire never Ao happy as
they their
have ondured fitr so inany years.
, nilinnei-4 his aerpn(, and bo Foon felt,
I thiklt� sho
up -
On ITIM. I 111t one woul(I think in cteirn-
divino of God's grace offured bim and Ief. ihe surge,'4' of Thy pardoning tner(-L�: lilt- prizo.
; roll ovel. 11'i' I Io w-81" [L "'Went
when con talk or trilinents.
Tbe girl %Nll(iqe ideal heroinn is found
N%;m amharn- I of It i Ill.
is loy had not once ask,�d him (in
at affront ll(� vvoul(I Quit our souls;
an -1 Yet to-niglit, lie addi -esses
rpruses to, take it r If he dioq he is a want viol only They ,,fill %%rnt on. on'
guicide. Peoide talk as though (,oil my hand,; and m,V feM, but, like st-me, in(lio:i(os rwrbap, a loilsome it I
Ili viteap novels should never marry.
I of Oir yacht, mhioli )it, had
I lioard
Us %vilit
the Same tenderness, dawns upon us
,,kilfIll (liv"
took it man- and led him out. to dark- h r.41an(ling on the pior-hpad, af.t.er tilt. loog ji,orripy in (lie midst of
" 11 1-11),i into
A man's.sovics ure soniet inies acciden-
Wooden shoes In 1-'rance title prodric-
' villurlit li:in in England. N%vro
I 'Wh f-%i,!VI1IlY rolioved v%hen lhey
vNii'll the same smile, pities Us with
n P.,;S and (lealb; its though Tie. brought. ilie %vayo ,Ind comes it p,(he Pothering storin.-Moulton. A
a far distant
hilly exlioswt and sometitiles they tire
ed it) I 14, extent of about COW 090 pairs
li.irtol frmn bin, on Ili., dt,4k or tire
thv Same compassion, There is
na ran like
him 111) t trilhe clifts rind ibeii pu-�hed Itil point from mlieve It(' mitiel. communion of .4oul i-4 indicated,
him "ell I in. so I Nvanl, lit down and ito I ,not tinliko t1w di4ciplt.s'
Oil is logi,
si I k.
. vearly. Thvy tire made in Alsnoe :Ind
mlvini-,r 1�16-11 i%;is io 0ikv him borre.
Fo ITix for its. I t
is -more, imperial than Caesar's,
Off, Ili). Nk, h(,tl a Inan iro (alk NNith
, NVA n
it. I.-. not beciluse God. liushoid hin' I to rflmp Ili). 0 Jesus. wash 11111. Jv4ns before his itsvension. A chariot
r off; lh
The relations (if it man's fit -tit v%iro
lloarl,N always I-vioTre in tile fro
o hI e..4
ilavriprs by machinery. nrid Ili Lozere
lit, Understitod, lhe� cm -ed only for
his 11lonvy
more mu.siral than 'lleethoven's, more
lh� waNe,
it i -A beeause lie junipti off. In olden I of Thy -alvation? 1"f
Anti herh I
fil'c- "'hill thi" V%414' we do not
ho has wit It his isevond.
by, hAnd. Til ill, last-nanied provi'vive
lit, fi.t \,iIh lqi'dit, senrnrai eves.
conquerinp, than ChrirlemagnOx, morp.
I Imes V at, Ill fle vv a s hu rivd at I Ile vros8- I VA nmy-
qnk yon t.1) sol
1,111,11'r,y, that, hag
know, ;in(] it. is 0i.wasto (if thni, to
som. vloolen lit*(, not its had, as they
1,700 porsons ary vniz:iged in Jbiq 11111�1
lofikin4 :tioun.l ;it lh,� N%hilo and 1rilt;
eloquent than Ciocro's, it throbs with
Rh' life, It, weeps N%ith fill I,.,
romis, rind the 1,eolilp "oro accu4ioniffl
to hro%s st,) it
I nes upoll 133.4 So I
been oppresming im, for ;
Y-fivn learq. I havo a4ked it OfIvenled
aI'gU0 RIMUt, it. 41 GtOd ,Aonld have I'll-
It, UK Ihe onvironinenis ofikm-
nr, paintwi tind soniv artists tire not
ufacture, anti Ibo yeaily prodoct 1.1'4
more than half a million lwni,s,
81flull,lor N% hich lit, hiied ly Ili(, vivok.
i "I 'I
-groans with all pain. It Stoops with
all condescension. It I
"err"A to mt, there may he in I his
!) ()us(' to-fligbf is de
do(! f(W8 of ifivinity who havoN lievin
"Ind ing filet
y I 0ogy haifneenfury, and
verily lifo v%iih the mi4nie dirt(,ne(liens
that hit hivi re.valed In the
118t ItUd M4 I hey paint.
Thvrt � I.% methoil in sonie peoplv's
_____ -
Itent in for. es. N e 9,
I nl0o"Y.
P's! AnI Ihig k �dl it Iris gir-il Ili . e I"
) 11
Iles with a
perfinne, Who like Je,stus to set, a
a m;in v%ho
ing his o%%,,, soul, anti as thoug-417y'
11 ihi-
1 he sat isfactory
Y, have 9 von me no
11,4 lert Its
or s
VaIVILlifill if Ili, had desired it to un.
mildness, it. is said, hot inethod. never
lie s I id.
1111 F111I)t av%bile, an -I %%ol,p looking
broken bono, to pity a hou.sele,gs orph-
"119018 Or God vNere 1wrot to lit rY him
I 1111ve furned over all the
111, in
derstitnel those rhuirteipris(ivs. Went 111)
yet savoil tnitdnert4 from disaster,
lit Ihe el"'.to'l door If it only NNoulli
an, to nurse a siek man, to teike, a
r, I thv point where Ihn rwids of lifei
my library, but gol no molu-
1 ,
hn t ) fhe
lynv%hirl,�iri-I.Thal tit rouirs 111;jwful
Probably Lhe two most awk%%ard
Under the ninne (if d v namninn an (4w`
0I)ell :Ind voni� kind face vppe:ir! No-
P.rndigal back without tiny Scolding, to
,,Ind death oros,; each othpr, thrimintr
olnetition, and to-niwhl I
s(orin an(l I bat I lij-, fiery reve 0ion
I hings in (liv, world is it v%onian (hrow-
explosive ha.s been I tit rodured int o ,kUt,_
l'ody Nimild ,,(,lilt, Ili, 11:1(1 no
Illumine a reme(eryall ploughed with
grAvW3, to
upon the grave Ili(- broken law and lrorno
tind,l-k von for an expliinntlon.�%vstx
IlY What, .gir'was Christ indoeed to
fine tit Ihe L'ncidpotm of this Ntorin
ing it slone and it bachelor. holding a
triji for blasfing and other purposes,
� Tomle
re!tl rii.?Ilg in hisdi,lei-mination to l'o
makei it queen unto God out
f Ih1v lost
it great pile of rrikimproved piivilegfm
,r) thti,l 'look
P -hangs Iliv, IvW.y betiven
Reem clear. In6N henven, Proin %Oitincp
which iq -wid to rornbine the explosive
li,b; lq1t 1p� N%:Itl so til-vil I I Io viished
woman of the street, to
ent(h the, t�snq of human in
fhome goinv at
. , by inny
lb�, fearful 1 whilt. ai
palnce,t of
for (Ile crucifixion a.gonifig of plIrtil? I
v,,nre again 11) 1111k Ai(l, ill, e Saviour
(in lhe MX111111 of 1,111111i'Arigill-111 ion.
IiIi'lien it ran It Sir yH t hit I it I I N% onien it rn
power of (I�naniitp vvith absolute mf-
solnpl�olv NN�,Wiltl conio to take vnie oll
sorrow n
laviii-yrrial that, .shall never he broken.?
mount ant earn
�`ulcde it is vihen an irrininrial .80111,
shnll Ifikv 111w first thow4and million
12. 11411jah saw. T To vondition wit -9
tilike It(- hits hnd an exi,orieticoN with
tint, (or. I lieni that is no credit, to hiol.
My during storage and transport. It
is irnpor,isihlo to explodr, I( by mearts
binj:; 1)(0oly %%Ilo lov.
an,l Jill ed him fl Mile,
Wit() bq.g such tin oye to see, (,ur need,
-1110,11 a lip to kissawory
for Whi0ll Jemus died, puts itself ont of:
(lie, way,
y(,n*rq in livnion to sludy (till I lit' t
problent. Mplinwittle and*ni)w, laking
frolfilh-L rind lie wa4 la receive tile
boon lie craved. My fatbor. The,
Somo inen N%
- -ho tire ulway,i gruall)ling
of nny ordinary ineelvinicit' *'"It"llme,
It se"k hi�g 1110111cV. Tho
""'I 1 IN;- 1 i;(. hitt how emidy it -AM
out- sorrow, such
a hand to finotteb us out -of tile fi
When Christ frod thin planet, Nvilh
I t AA lbo� tenderest and mighlesl of all
In till ages and oNountrion, of tbt% Towligi-
abou � ha rd I lines won I it cons ider it an
such as an Accidental blow or friction.
Su"h it foot. to tram Is our ene V!I,
foot, of flesh, the people rufihed after
r trots that Vhrist (lid come; that. ITIN
ou.9 Witcher. Iflut 10i.4ha was now
insult if tiny one were (b offer them
a job.
A1111 as Ili(, hours pnss.,(I. space open
19 -
ed beyond fire �%orid, beyond
,'N"(41 R linart, to eraltrace ;tll our neresmi-
tie�9 ? I mt rugpla for some metaphor %I
Ilim-Peophe "bo"were sick, and those,
ho, beinK So Sick they could not. walk,
with spikes In His feel., onme, with
I borns In TTIs brow, crime willi speart4
adopted mpiritnally ail Elijah's first-
born .son. and lie oNalls "My fattier Ill
ay evpry woman
anti s(iii
L �
It Nvas All empty anti lonely. Ile c -,i I I'
-If IT whivh to expre.sa I lim. He is not
like the bursting Ife
. I
were brongbi, by their frionds. Here
in HIS betirt, t.o save you and nip. 'IGnd
Ho loved INN world itial, Ito 1111.9
In tbA totie.qLasy (of his asaurn'iiae, The
chariort, Inrivel,
thinka life will be one grand Sweet
Song, but ]&ter, e as to "109
Diplornatic relations between Lippe-
a d OUVO, my God I" 1111t he, lind
tit) J 11-1191)( of 1`11m for so many yearn
forth of it full orehes-
tre; th"t IR too loud. Ile is not like, rind
amotlier bol(ling lip alittle child.
aaying; "Cure this croup, Lord
only begotton Son, that whosoever Ile-
of and the horsellien
thereof. The At anding nd-ray of I he tin-
to a nolay pair of twins -well, it's a
DiNtmold and Prussia have boon broke&
off. The Katiser tried to fores his broth-
t Mt tho cry brotiorlil no conscious re-
I hr'Sea wban Inalled to rage, by the, tem JP
-9118. Cure this Hoa,riat, fever." And
floveth in Film "hould not perinh lint
tiAn; tire ,91rongest defonso of Israel.
different tune.
or -in-law, the Prince of Schaumburg-
St ,onge to big
. hungry Soul.
Squire W .
ell,k oppne,f his
Petit; that is Ion 1.4st.,%trorij.' Ile is others
"'c", ill(' mOuritifln. its brow wr,rith-
Raying: "Cure this oplittiftl-
mill. Give eage and rest to thift Spinal
evierinsfing life." 0 Christ I
whelm Itilm audlence with Thy compass-
fzkM 2, Hingti, 13. 14. Haw him na more,
This shows the muddonnost; ' of Flijah-il
Lippe, as ruler over the little princi-
pality, but the law Courts; det,ided thilt
vveekly pft-
pel'.. I 'My de�r. Feilix (Irity died the
(I wit the iightning.4; that, in too distresm.
Anlit.ary. Give us a softer t.V a Christ,
Straighten this club foot."
miltile house where Ile
inni Maw ('hem (town liko summor
grain with the harvesting Pickle of
trItTliflittioon to heavitil, Took I
ho d
of his own olothon, and rent. thiem (O
T truall., Mr. Horum, sa.ld Miss Cut -
the sovereignty botl6triged to amother
branch of the Lippe family.
v cry night N%.e dined N%ith hinil" lie
crier]. Then, nftor n momont'f,i silence,
. pe, gpin-
tler voraptiri.9on. We hAve seemed to stopped
"op "in'
adiBlionitary. I do not believe
Thy grace I Ride through, to -night,
Pieces. Going Irnyond the usual sign depart,
an the young man wm about to
that you ,will spend one more
lid said, "Well, be b,id tin iron uill, and
determineir] to be n. vvnafty mrin. Its
vVith our eyes, find to hear Illm that
Vvilh our on,"a, and to touch film with havo
in the nineteen centuries that
gone by since then. His heart, has Ing
conqueror, garments Smell.
of myrth, find aloes, and ortgals, out
of grief, which did not Involve tearing evening
the garment through.
w4th us be0ora we move into
Succeeded. When I think hoiv many
our ban da. Oh, Chit to -night. Ile mt lit got
11ppear to
bard. I feel that Oe ean CoMel to- of
the ivory palaces."
. our
19. Took up also the MarAle of Elijah,
now hoUse,
Delightod, I &9,suro you, Miss Cut.
Pretty Girl -Did you see the way
of the good things of lifo hA had, anti
how few have fallen In my share it
Same, otheiT one of our �Ive night,
"117111P.9. Aye, the nostril shall dixeciver and
with all our wounds of Soul,
get his be'hedietion, Ob Jesus, hore
- in
His grasp of the mantle shows his tin
faith In God's
#,replied Dorum. By the way,
tha.t man lodked At met It was p 08, tive-
Is ba.rd to understand iho �leallngs of
Ills preserreta, He ectroeq upon us like
we tire. We want bealing. We want
11OV0 thht 11`66(18 OU b�&Uty klOnO 1A
cause. As he w6en
took it hp, his whole nature muat
do you bxpiliat to movalli ly
I'm not valittivei ain to tha exacit data,
Ig Brothor-Did he staret
How little the good Squire know oe
gales from heaven. Yen, His sight,
garments smell Of lasting. Tha
We want health. We want - Q I -
Whole , VIt -
apt to the of starvation. .
have thrilled. It was the m TO11d tim she
ausWerocle llut the Workman begah
Retty Girl--Staxof Wb*, -,-'no, go
human nature, and of the truth thiLt
find all Perva,sive my,rrh, - they
neod not a, ph clan ut
. I
that are tleasiil Ve (4;Y that
No Man Is no its No thinks
WA reAtod qp Is sho ders, For 620arAt1bg
to'k th6 66116,r 1610tardAy wid ran
tho "n
big eyeig oveir me and thent gl&nced
riches In thonsolves do not sat!Ab, or
0), thab You, kne* all His sweatnesal Jesus
Christ tomes through this as.
big wighbor shoultil ba,
nine *, B11jr1b's com.
lops avaotA t6 bo fluMed off
000 18 ftbll" !' .
at stoma one oleo just as If I
ennoble the soul, or fit it to euter� I lid
Its -
, p
. olon an4 seirvitor. Obarve that in t I
r �
. . .
� .
w"n't worth a sbwnd , ,
prosenco of Ittakiar I
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