HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-21, Page 71TubTiei'' Rings for yoirr-TFuit j1tI ;imc per dozen. GOOD WATCH It pays to buy a good watch --not necessarily a gold case, but one having works that have been tried by time and experience and found reliable. In some watch es the makers' name alone is a guarantee. That's THE KIND WE SELL So with our plated ware, jewellery, etc. J. B. R U M BALL Jeweller Agt. Bell Telephone Company Satisfaction Guaranteed OUR Watch Repairing Department is at- tended to in a strictly first-class manner. If your watch needs repair- ing, we tell you so, if not, ' we do not put you to un- necessary expense. Pro-• per care and good work- manship is what your Watch requires. We know that our work will please you. CHARGES MODERATE. Do you need a pair of Spectacles ? A. J. GRIGG JEWELER and OPTICIAN Opposite Market. • N FwIN• CHEAP RATES C.P.R. WINNIPEG per boat from Owen Sound $1.5.S0. SAULT ST. MARIE per boat from Owen Sound $0.80. WINDSOR and Return 4.10. TOROTON ' and Return t?0:3.347,:. For all information in reference to travel apply to W. JACKSON, CrAacnt CLINTON. Home Seekers' Excursion S n B Return to MANITOBA MINNESOTA DAKOTA Going JUNE 28th Return AUG. 7th .. JULY llth " SEPT. 10th JULY 19th 41 SEPT. llth All rail or lake and rail. Baggage Checked Through. A. O. PATTISON, V. R. HODOENS. C.IJr,R. Depot. Town Agent JACOB TAYLOR CLINTON, ONT. FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE Transacted. 1, presents several of lire best Cmnpauies, and any information rebating to insurance gladly given, District Agent for the Confederation Life insurance Co. MONEY TO LOAN AT REASONABLE RATES Dr. MacCallum, M. D. C. M. McGill -RI. ('. 1', S. Out.. Late Resident I'hysieiau to Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Ofliee- lir. 1)owsley'sstand, Itatten- bury St.; Night calls at. Clarendon hotel. House to Rent. That large 1 worst ory house at corner of Huron and Orange Stn., for sole or to rent. Apply to T. JACKSON. Sit. Clinton, July 711I. To Let or For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale or rent that 13; story brick residence nn Raglan St. There oro 5 bedrooms, dinning rooru, sitting room, kitchen. Also good stable. In connection with the residence are two acres of land and it large number of fruit trees. For particnlars apply to CANTEtAIN BROS., Clinton. rfARRY CANTLLON, Mt. Forest. March 14th. Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of William Murphy, lase o1' the Township r(f Ifattett, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Pursuant to 1t S,O. Cap. 129, Sec. 38. notice is hereby given thatI all persons havino claims 4 s' ill 111 Murphy, ' against the estate of the .,arl ill p }, who died on or about. the 3rd clay of June, 1898, are required Lo send by post prepaid or to de- liver to the executors or to W. Brydono, their solicitor, 00 or before the first day of Septem- ber, 1898. their names, addresses, and descrip• Mons, anda full statement of 1 heir claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this llth day of July, 1898. STEWA[RT O. PLUMME1t, 1 7:xecutors. BENJAMIN CHURCHILL:i W. BRYDONE, Clinton, (tut., Solicitor for the Executors. P A STRONG- NATION Conaists of strong men and healthy women, and health and strength de- pends upon pure, rich blood which is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. A nation which takes millions of bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla every year is laying the foundation for health, the wisdom of which will surely show itself in years to come. HOOD'S PiLLS are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to op- erate. 25c. For repairing a railway lo idge near Ottawa on Snnday a number of labor- ers were summoned. One was fined $10, and the case will he appealed: TO PREVENT CONSUMPTION. J r Hard to cure; easyto prevent. Scott's Emulsion nourishes the body, Keeps all the organs and tissues healthy, and the consumption germs cannot get a foot- hold. For Over Fifty Years MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has bee.t used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get, a bottle of "Mrs. \Vinslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. it will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 1)0 pond lipon 11 rnolhers,thereisnomistakeatbont it,. It cures'Diarrhma regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind ('olie, softens the Onus, red urns Inflammation, and gives t one and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescript Ion of one of the oldest and boot female physicians and nurses in the United States, Price twenty-five scuts a bottle. Sold by all druggists throught out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRs W INSI.OW'S SOOTHING SYRUP A Dyspeptic? SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE I3 THE RAINBOW OF PROMISE. ICmnrintrd-weary-•gloomy. No one can adequately describe the abject misery of the sufferer from Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion. South American Nervino le the greatest discovery In medical science for the euro of n11 chronic stomach troubles. It acts directly through the nerves- the seat of all disease. Thous- ands testify of cures made. Relief from the first dose. "I was a greet sufferer from stomach and nervo troubles. Tried a score of remedies, No relief. MK a bottle of South American Nervine worked wonders. Six bottles made a new man a me• "-W. H. Sherman, Morrlsburg, Ont. Don't oxporinront with now and doubtful naedlcinee-1akd the tried and tested. 21 Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. nraJorrty-or prom tour to eignt, wnen ne faced the legislature nextJanuary. IIe finds now that if he waited till January he could not count on a majority at all. On the contrary the Liberals would be in a minority. If the law of the land were allowed to take its course Mr. llardy's so-called majority would vanish before the customery date for calling the Legislature. Mr. hardy has been advised that constables are not legally qualified to vote. A decision from the courts to this effect would take eight seats from the Liberals, making a differ,. ence of 16 on a vote. Such a turnover would involve the annihilation of the hardy Government. Independently of the constable question the Govern- ment apprehends the loss of several seats through bribery and corruption. Under normal conditions tate Govern- ment could not hang together till Jan- uary. lIence this'sudden run to cover. Hence this turning of the guns on Osgoode Castle. llence the trepida- tion and alarm and veritable insanity that has beset the Provincial Grits. Such, then, is the Government's plight. It cannot wait till January to convene the Legislature. If it did wait till that date its first action would be the placing of its resignation with the Lieutenant -Governor. The question naturally arises whether Mr. Hardy can save his skin by summoning the Assembly on Aug, 3. Can he silence the courts? Can he legislate himself into power ? Mr. Hardy may try the Cromwell act, but he cannot do the trick. Ile has adopted a crazy expedi- ent to keep himaelt afloat. In order to live he has decided first to commit suicide. For what can be more suicidal than this attempt to throttle justice ? Few precedents can be found for re- troactive legislation. It must be some extraordinary condition of affairs that will warrant the usurpation by the Government of the functions of the cited b Mr. Theprecedent courts. 1 h Y Hardy is far from being a parallel ease. On the contrary, it furnishes a warning for him to desist from his madness. The precedent referred to in the Do- minion Parliament was adopted by the unanimous vote of Parliament. Mr. Hardy himself states "that the bill pass- ed through the house with the unani- mous consent of both political parties, who looked upon it as an act of justioe." When Mr. hardy brings down his pro- posed bill to usurp the power of the judges he will find that it will be oppos- ed by half the Legislature at least, as being an act of injustice. Herein is Mr. Hardy's proposed bill diametrically op- posite in principle to the one proposed by Sir John Macdonald and adopted by the House with unanimity. Mr. Hardy will search the authorities in vain for a precedent to warrant a political party legislating itself into power or usurping the functions of the judiciary. During the progress of a war civil law is frequently set aside and martial rule substituted in its place. The serious condition of affairs and the public wel- fare warrant such a radical departure from the ordinary custom. What bas Mr. hardy to justify his proposed usurpation of the civil law ? \Vhat, in- deed? Simply that a band of public plunderers may divide the spoils lof office between themselves for a few months longer. Simply that a mori- bund Government, discredited by the people, may hang on to office and enjoy the fruits of corruption and jobbery. The public welfare might justify an in- terference with the courts to kick a corrupt Government out of office, but nothing can justify such interference to retain such a gang in power, especial- ly when the country has emphatically declared against them. Mr. Hardy will declare martial law to keep him- self and his discredited companions in power I Corruption and audacity can go no further. This is surely the on- coming of the death struggle. -Toronto World. Mr. Hardy's Government was de- feated at the polls by the free and uns purchased vote of the electorate. It has been saved so far, owing to the fact that certain of his supporters have gained majorities by paying voters with public money to act as election constables. The votes of these election constables are Illegal. Application has been made to the courts to have them struck out, just as any other illegal or corrupt votes would be disallowed. The Legislature has been summoned, the illegally elected politicians have been palled to meet on August 3, and to pass a law peremptorily taking tgbe question from the courts, legalizing the illegal votes, and awarding the seats illegally held to the politicians who now have them, but wore never elected to them. This is an appeal from the courts of law to the amen against whom action has been taken. The defendant, who is not legally a legislator, is to act as such, and try his own case. - If a more impudent attempt to steal a Legislature was ever made, we should lilce to hear of it. While Mr. Ifardy is about it he may as well push a statute through deolar- TIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 5 sorts r'riekery SESSION TO LECAL- L ACTS Supporters arl a1 Their Seats at corrupt practices by his friends al, and that Messrs. Dryden and were duly elected although .te of the majority was against e is no use in halt' measures. s go the whole hog, as Mr. Davis, rioter of Piggeries, would say. - d Empire. more the calling of the Ontario stupe in special session is consid- the more extraordinary does the appear. With the full text of Mr. llardy's "reasons" before us, there can be no shadow o1' doubt as to the real ob- ject of the course adopted. The "reas- ons" pretty well take up a page of the Globe ; and, while there are three of them given, two of them could easily be put in less than two-thirds of a column. I'he other one, however, ultilizes the rest of the space, marching up and down the columns to an impressive length. This one is the advisability of' dealing at once with the question raised as to the right of election constables to vote. '1'he other two reasons are simply stated ; but the Premier goes into a pro- found legal argument in the third case, quoting judicial decisions and referring to precedents. Plainly the chief work of the new Legislature will be to lega- lize the votesof the election constables cast at the last elections before the courts can possibly unseat any good Liberals by ruling the ballots of these officials out. One at least of the other "reasons" is, however, worth considering. Mr. Hardy points out that 63 protests have been entered against the election of members to the present Legislature; and express the fear that the trials of these petitions cannot be all got over with and the probable by-elections caused thereby held in time to enable the Legislature to tweet before January 1Gtli next -the date beyond which the calling of the next session cannot be le- gally delayed. 1-43 to avoid this calami- ty the Legislature is to meet in special session -and legalize a nnmber of Grit One Woman's Word .. "1 consider AYER'S PILLS the best In the world." ' MRs, A. C. WESTON, 29 Pearl St., Laconia, N. H. All Women's Wisdom.. Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. R. 11. Verity of Brant- ford spent last Sunday the guest of their brother-in-law, Reeve T. 13. (iarl- ing, Mr. Win. J. Carling's fine brick resi- dence oar Huron street is nearing com- pletion. Several fanners in this neighborhood have their fall wheat harvested. Picnics at Grand Bend park are all the rage these hot summer days. Master Willie Creech still continues very ill, Flax pulling has commenced. Detective J. T. Westcott has gone to Lanubton county this week in search of the peg -leg tramp. Mr. James Millar aged 52 years died at his residence on Andrew St. on Fri- day last, after a few weeks' illness and was huried in the Exeter cemetery on Sunday afternoon last. 1 -le leaves a wife but no family. Birth -Amy. -In Stephen township, on the 14th inst., the wife of Thos. J. Am y of a daughter. Mrs. J. T. Wescott, Miss Bella and Olive Westcott, Mr. W. J. Westcott, Wellington A. Edgar Westcott and Miss Frances Rowtcliffe are rusticating at Grand Bend park, one of Canada's popular summer resorts, on the shores of Lake Huron. Mr. James Bonthron, Toronto, Sun- dayed'with his brother-in-law, Mr. R. 11. Collins, barrister, Mr, and Mrs. S. White of Detroit were the guests of Mrs. White's broth- er, Mr. T. W. I-lawkshaw of the Com- mercial Hotel, last week. Summerhill. Mr. Chas. Tebbutt of Holtnesyille spent Sunday in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer and Master Frank of Blyth and Miss G. 1\IcCullagh of Cleveland, Ohio., spent Sunday at J. H. Lowery's. Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett of Lead - bury were visiting here on Monday. Mr. H. Wilson of Holmesville was here on Monday. West Mullett. I3tu'n raising. -On Wednesday of last week the framework of a new barn was raised on the farm or Mr. Win. Male. The burn was it large one, 60 x 80 and is being built by contractor Riley of Lontleshoro. Sides tverechos- en by John Nott and Humphrey Snell and resulted in a slight victory for the former. The work was completed about 10 p. tn. Daring the progress of the work Mr. Thos. Wallace had his foot lacerated by a pike but not very seriously. Miss Bertha Manning has returned votes valuable in close constituencies. after a week's visit to her aunt in Gode- Would not the difficulty be as well met rich township. by formally opening the Legislature at Mrs. Brigham of Clanton is visiting any date in the autumn which might her daughter, Mrs. A. Vodden. suit the convenience of the Govern- Mr. Lowery, teacher, was in ;Wing- ment, and at once formally adjourning ham on Saturday. to as late next spring as the state of public business will perthit? Bub rath- er than take this simple path out of the difficulty, the Government callstogeth- er h - er this Legislature,more than two- thirds of whose members are formally accused of winning their elections by corrupt practices, to interpret the law respecting a class of doubtful votes at these very elections. What an impar- tial and judicial opinion on the point will that Grit member give who knows that if it is decided that these consta- bles dial not have the right to vote, he will infallibly be unseated at the elec- .tion trial which awaits him after proro- gation or during recess ? The fact that an extraordinary num, berof the members of a House ,are ac• cased of corrupt practices, seems a peculiar reason to give for calling that House together in haste before it can be purified by the courts. 11 would be a, far better reason for delaying a seas sion until the judges should administer justice. But the indecency of the thing is greatly aggravated when it is confessed that the purpose in calling this tainted Legislature together in hot haste is to give it an opportunity to legalize its own election before the courts own possibly speak. -Montreal Star. It seems a deplorable business for a Government which is banging on by the skin of its teeth after a practical rear huff by the people'to- attempt to inter- fere with the settlement by the courts of the legal status of poll constables. If the courts decide that constables have a right to vote, well and good ; ever on e should cheerfully accept the decision. But that members of the Legislature whoae own seats depend on such ballots should give the casting votes to forestall and possibly override the decision of the courts, ought surely to be repugnant to a majority of the people. -Ottawa Evening Journal. SELLINC OUT. $2700 worth of Groceries Must he sold and in order to hasten the sale we otter the following reduced prices. RE(i. 1'1t1CH. OUR PRICE. Good Japan Tea... 20c 13c Japan Tea ......... 250 20e Japan Tea.... '35c 25c Ceylon Teat Ido 25c Ceylon Tea idc 35c (Corn Starch .. 10c 7c Laundry Still eh • ,.. 10c Sc - 10c 7c 1Oc 7c , 5c . 4c .. arc 4c 10c tic 15c 10e 25e 20c 5c 1Oc 20c 5c 4c 8c Lamp Glasses ...... 8c 5c I3rooms 25c 90c Laundry Soapfit: •lc Stove Polish 5c 4c Blue 5c 4e Matches 12c Sc Soda Biscuits 10c 7c Canned Salmon.... 15c 10c Birds' Seed 10c 8c Windsor Salt 5c •Ic Scrub Brushes alOc 8c Tobacco 3 10c Plugs ;idc 2.5c ('urrants Raisins Rice Tapioca Mustard Mustard Mustard Baking Powder.... 10c 'Baking Powder.... 15c Baking Powder .... 25c Sardines 10c Yeast Cakes , 5c Flavoring Extract,10c See what you save $4.85 $:3.02 Sugar, Spices, Syrups, V inegers, Pick- les, Sauces, at a proportionate reduc- tion. These are Cash prices. A Choice Grade of Flour Just Received. Try it. 13ntter and 'Eggs Bought and Sold. 0. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET "Nothing Like Leather." JACKSON & JACKSON THE SHOE MEN. EARLY SPRING COODS - Our New Stock now full and complete with all the latest and newest Goods and we are safe in saying that no better assorrnent is to be found in the west. Ask to see our special values in Men's 2.50 and $3.00 Goods. They are hard to beat. JACKSON & JACKSON. The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton SOMETHING NEW A Hammock and Stand combined. No posts or trees necessary, can be moved to any place on the lawn. J. stead of a cord or rope the Hammocks is made of CAI- vanized Woven Wire and for comfort and durability it is almost perfection. Can be left out in the rain and will not rust. This is the season of the year when Hammocks are in demand, so don't fail to see ours be- fore purchasing. UNDERTAKING.___= 1N this department our stock is complete and our prices and our charges are as low as the lowest Our Hearses are the best in the County. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. Furniture Manutaeturers and Undertakers. J. W. Chidgey, Manager ....Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our ....Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry. SEASONABLE GOODS IN STOCK. NATIONAL BLUE FLAME The most perfect OIL STOVES and up-to-date Oil Stove on the market. The balance of our old pattern Oil Stoves at less than cost to clear them out. CHARCOAL STOVES prices one to two dollars, unexcelled for summer use and very economical as a meal can be prepared.at a cost less than one cent. Just per- fection for Toasting and Broiling. Charceoai 1.3^'Nr I3a ; or :3 I3at s for ,2.71.e. FULL STOCK OF Milk Cans, Milk Pans, Milk Pails Daisy Churns, Dairy Supplies, etc. ALBERTS' PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER Use it on your corn, use it on your roots, use it on your grass lands, use it on your clover, use it on your potatoes. Just the thing for all kinds of plants, vegetables, sweet peas, lawns, etc. Try it -it will pay you. A SNAP -3 inch. to G inch. Steel Cut Nails only $2 per keg or 10 pounds for 25c. VICTOR FIRE PROOF SAFES just the proper thing for farmers use $15 to $40. CALL. ANI) SEE SAMPLES. HARLA'°== D CROS. WM SWEEPING SHIRTWAIST' AN D MUSLIN SALE AllFancyShirtwaists,regular$1.00 for $0.175 GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG 1.25 for 95 1:50 for 1.20 1,75 for 1.25 11 PIECES BEAUTIFUL FAST• COLORED MUSLiNS all new patterns and colors, regular prices were 25c and 30c, sale price 10c. LOVELY IOC PRINTS, FAST COLORS, FOR 50. Now is your opportunity. Come and see what we have for you. GILROY & WISEMA CLINTON. 7 1898 New Dried Frits 1898. Raisins -Malaga, Valencia and S'altanas. Currants -Filiati'as and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and BLACK\\'ELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS -Filberts, 8, 8, Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKING FIGS for Sc. a lb. NICE OLD RAISINS for 5e. a ib --Headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, J. ®� N R I Np McKay, Block, �-> Clinton. Phaeton For Sale, Phhelon for sole, in good order. Can he seen on the premises of the subscriber ,IA.MES F.4111. Clinton, June 1st. To Improvers of Stock The undersigned has on h'e premises, 18111 concession, (4oderloh 'Township, A 'Thoroughbred Jersey Buil. Terms: - $1 and $2. A Thoroughbred Chester White door, regis- tered. Terms: -$1, wit h the privilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tam worth Boni' registered. Terms: -$1, with privilege of retlnning. Thio 15 a rare chance to Improve your sleep T. C. Eutaw Nos, 85.1 1. Owner *MOM PUMPS! PUMPS! If yon want a f rst'olass, well made pump, one the will give yon sntisfneticn, send yanr order to the undersigned. Ile will dig and clean wells and do It at the closest prises. Be also handles a first•olass Y'oli311 PUMP. JAMES$'ERGUSON Oppoett Queen's Hotel • high Street Clinton 809•tf MERIT WINS SUCCESS ! ---1"EEN7.40 11d17/ ed/ STRATFORD, ONT. This school does first-class work In every depart- ment and enjoy es it large patronage. A Commer- cial Sehool of the highest grade --none bettor in Canada,, Students can enter at any timo. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinoial. L EA.A ,L(�l _ THE LEADING CANADIAN COLLEGE, t'OR YOUNG WOMEN Leveled in the splendid Interlake region of the most seuthorly part of Canada, and in a cif y of 12,(10(1 inhabitants, A hon( t wn hours' ride from Toronto, Detroit or Buffalo. Four transcontinental railroads and Iocal electric system. College Course and Mnstc, Vino Art Elocu- tion, llinsinoss and Domestic Science Depart- ments. Finest buildings, extensive grounds, home comforts, strong stare, highest health record. ihasT ADVANTAGES AND LowEm'r RATES. OPi,Ntt SEPTEMBER 8. For catalogue and fall part 'milers, address REV. R. 1. WARNER, M. A„ Principal, ST, THOMAS, ONT.