The Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-21, Page 5JULY 21,1898.
Is a line in which you will find a
few different qualities. These quali-
ties sell at different prices. If you get
a ,'cheap article you may he sure you
have not got the best. When you buy
Rubber Goods you want something
that is made of best rubber and is
rightly manufactured. Most of our
Rubber Goods are manufactured by
the Toronto Rubber Co. and are guar•
anteed to give satisfaction. We have
different grades, but we recommend
the best. No matter what grade you
buy here you get gond value for your
money, for on all these goods the prices
are right. We carry everything in
ubber Goods, and when you need
anything in this line it will pay you to
examine our stock, which we will be
pleased to show you. Best quality
Fountain Syringes at $1, $1.25 and
$1.50, according to size, cheaper ones
• ee m, l (L1 OC . re..... kinotiee
Watches differ -just as in-
dividuals differ, some re-
quire one treatment,others
require another. We are
Watch Repairers and can
treat every case as it
ought to be treated. If
your watch is not just
right; loosing or gaining
time, bring it to us, no rea-
son why it should •not
keep good time. We can
fix it -regulate it proper-
ly and snake it a pleasure
to carry. No repair is too
large, none too small all re
ceive careful and accur-
ate attention. Our charges
are proportionte to our
work. We guarantee sat-
isfaction, perfect satisfac
Hardy Resorts
To Trickery
To Give Eight of Jlls Supporters an
Apportunitu to Steal Their Seats
'Ilse best proof that (lardy is a doom- I ing that corrupt practices by his friends
ed man is furnished by his own action. are legal, and that Messrs. Dryden and
son were duly elected although
vote of the majority was against
Chore is no use in half measures.
,et us go theiwhole hog, as Mr. Davis,
I Minister of Piggeries, would say. -
11 and Empire.
i -
he more the calling of the Ontario
islature in special session is consid-
, the more extraordinary does the '
appear. With the full text of Mr.
dy's "reasons" before us, there can
o shadow of doubt as to the real ob-
of the course adopted. The "reas-
' pretty well take up a page of the
e ; and, while there at'e three of
given, two of them could easily be
in less than two-thirds of a column..
other one, however, ultilizes the
of the space, =robing up and
n the columns to an impressive
lth. This one is the advisability of
ing at once with the question raised
p the right of election constables to
The ether two reasone are simply
led ; but the Premier goes into a pro-
d legal argument in the third case,
ing judicial decisions and referring
recedents. Plainly the chief work
o new Legislature will be to lega-
the votes of the election constables
at the last elections before the
is can possibly unseat any good
rats by ruling the ballots of these
ials out.
e at least of the other"reasons" is,
ever, worth considering. Mr.
. y points out that 03 protests have
entered against the election of
bers to the present Legislature ;
express the fear that the trials of
e petitions cannot be all got over
and the probable by-elections
ed thereby held in time to enable
egielature to tweet before January
next -the date beyond which the
ng of the next session cannot be le -
delayed. So to avoid this calami -
e Legislature is to meet in special
on -and legalize a nnwber of Grit
s valuable in close constituencies,
Id not the difficulty be as well met
.rmally opening the Legislature at
date in the autumn which might
the convenience of the Govern -
t, and at once formally adjourning
•5 late next spring as the state of
c business will perfnit? But rath-
an take this simple path out of the
lulty, the Government calls togeth-
his Legislature, more than two-
s of whose members are formally
yed of winning their elections by
,pt practices, to interpret the law
etting a class of doubtful . votes at
I3 very elections. What an irnpar-
nd judicial opinion on the point
that Grit member give who knows
if it is decided that these oonsta-
did not have the right to vote, he
'infallibly be unseated at the else -
trial which awaits him after proro•
en or during recess ?
to fact that an extraordinary numb
Of the members of a house are ac•
d of corrupt practices, seems a
liar reason to give for calling that
se together in haste before it can
urified by the courts. It would be
r better reason for delaying a sess
until the judges should administer
ce. But the indecency of the
j,7' is greatly aggravated when it is
fessed that the purpose in calling
!tainted Legislature together in hot
fe is to give it an opportunity to
ize its own election before the
is can possibly speak. -Montreal
News -Record Supplement.
CLINTON, JULY 21N'r, 1898.
Hayfield. f Local News.
Are you a subscriber to
Aliss Norah Ferguson and Miss
Moore of Detroit are visiting t he for-
met"s parents hare. --Miss
Bind, who has spent the past t
cvooks with :Ws. Mohnen, returned to
her lulus neat' Exeter on Monday --
Ali'. \V, 1I. 130ker of Egnunulville is were in town Tuesday and went across
visiting his old acquaintances -in town.
--Mr, F. G. Noelin of the Seal'orth
Fut was ill town ALonday.--Several
of the relatives 0I' lir. \\', Jew•etL and,
his intended br1(10, Mks Afoot -house,
arrived in town on Monday evening„
to he present at the nuptials celebrated
»t \Vo111'sil(ty of this week.--• Mr.
'rhos. ItQtade of Dublin, Ont., paid
hi.: old friend G. IV. Holman a visit on
Ft iday and had a refreshing plunge in Mr. William ('loci::; of Goderich
the invigorating waters of Lake township Wats in town Monday au11
1[recon.._.-1[rs, S. \\'hidden and Path)- }rte0'lltt Mali'~-ltE('oitn:Lshortsketell
ily of Ripley are visiting }n town. - of his July 12t1) trill to Port. Huron
I),'. J. Stanbury and wife of Toronto where there was at great, rally of Al
are visit.itg the former's parents 10 will lodges anal a few frau) Ontario.
town. --- --The Orangemen of this dis- L'110 town was in gala dress; LI•' rod
trio 001010.a.10(1 1177 1201 in Hensel) . cross banner intermingled Wil ll the
and report having a. good tithe. ---The 1 stars and sin ipcs from every point. of
Salvation Artry hold their regular ; vantage runt inlernattional expressions
Sabbath afternoon meetings in the old ! of regard were nunn'rous. Itov. lir.
rec'tor'y park. This is a very suitable Stout, formerly- of Clinton, was one of
plaice for such gatherings, ------Mr. John 1 the speakers and to his lot also fell tete
Mcllill u), lI. P., \vas in town Inst haptrsm of a bouncing batty hay horn
ilouela(y looking into the pier \odes. I.just aL year previous. The Goderich
The hnnorahle gentletu,tn seems 0) 1 citizens' hand won a ten -dollar prize
have developed -a lively interest in for the excellent music co01, halted.
these works and this village, as ho ; The excursion £coin Goderic•h was not
reports an addition0(1 grant, of $1,20( 1 ars largely attended as was expected, '
for (bodging and Ihat. he will take I but. Mr. (]rooks says they had aL very
uuuu•diale steps to see that the south I pleasant sail ;tad that hen)(0h enjoyed
pie, is re-covered and otherwise put in I himself both on boat and at the le -
shin -shape. We commend Mr. 11e- inonstrat ion. (ionsin Jonathan had
AIiltLn's consideration of our interests made every provision 0))' their enter -
and trust that he will 1)' successful in rtin11)ont. and extended the glad hand.
securing the touch needed improv- Mr. Crooks, who was the only one of
n)eut.---W' must congial.(Ilate Ihe, the party ft 001 Goderich township, wens
Worlcn0•n nn the 001'111 pi01'070 nn the accompanied .Its Mr. Thos. 11illt•r of
work so far done, as it, reflect, credit Millbank,afriend o1'many years stan(1-
on their skill and judgment, and will, ing.
no doubt, withstand the dashing, of
the nor' -western 1h;Lt have played
havoc with former break -waters.
fir. and :Mrs. Bowden, Exeter, and
Lawyer Lewis of Goderich were in the
yilhtge ku t week and went out to have
n Ionic at t he 1)1(1 Eagl'son hom'stc+ad,
which, according 10 the provisions of
1 he will, is Lo he sold genal the p1'000071 s
divided among 1110 heirs.
THE, NEWS-1{E('ORf)?
Messrs. Boyd and Balfour, two ,jolly
commercial travellers from Toronto,
to spend the night at I3ayfield. Alt's.
Boyd and family are visiting at Mr.
Jas. Johnston's on the Goshen Line.
By the wary, Mr. Balfour some eighteen
years ago was engaged in 1ligh School
work in Clinton and still retains plea-
sant recollections 1)1 the flub. 11. has
changed 1011011 since hien, 110 say.., and
all fol the better.
lir. Ilorry Kemp stet iv11h aL had au•-
ci71ent while Inial 1102; in the 147'001' ono j'nv0 ed 17'00 to pic'uic parties by the
(lay 1 (st. \sole, his hand in striking an 1)0I 507) in charge on application to the
obstruction heal two of the fingers hyo- (101.k, 311. Mitchell, fol• the key.
The committee in charge of the
union picnic of the Clinton Methodist
Sunday schools desire to give exit( es-
sion to their pleasur' with 1110 way in
which they were treaty( by the (01p-
r(c•h town council. The •c•c4tnril has
built a kitchen in connection with the
pavilion in the park and provided it
with 0 stove, boiler and fuel, \011ie
right in the kitchen is a tap front
which water can ho had. This is all
A new issue of Canadian L'nstag)'
stomps was made from the Post, 011icc
Ilollllesville. Department on the 1st, .10ly. It wits
Pound that the hark of figure i)dicnt-
Rev.:\, K. Birks 80(1 wife of Strat- ing 1110 (1)17»nli1010011 00 (0011 stamp
ford spent a Ibw days with her father, caused contusion among English-
1Ir. i1. El((( -(1. I speaking people, while among 1lie
11 r. :11171 :11 l's. Stanley and daughter hf�
ter 1 \Itcy rolieli the new stamps were
Nis' Berth, spent, \Vedn:gsday in ('0n- I unintelligible. 11ner) a, new series has
stance, 1 been issued, which remedies the def]-
31iss Sybil Court hp of Clinton('iettc'y, The maple leaf designs id the
sl eat a few days at. J. L. ('oln't ice's. 1\00 ho) t on) corners have been rvplac-
1fcs. .1. Green acro'( 051 Tuesday al hr the Mattie figures representing
(bubo visilin her donhler, Lrs.II)r.i Ibe denou1i11a11ion, while
the centre
tt 001)1 pnclnsi11g Hu, Qn0en-5 110ad has
Thomson, (bunion. been )lade slightly larger. In the last
The first hall of 1.1) 31771) city'')' Was issue the 15, 21) 1001 51) cent dennn)ina-
shippecl nn \Valnesdny,• it being sold thins w')!(' never issued, blit they will
1Yr 71 ets. he included 1n the new isg', 01 1 lie
Mfrs. iI. May and two daughters of passing variety, the sixes 11,1(1 lops will
Dakota 70'0 visiting friends here. ' he the rarest as fewer we1•0 111(4(1' of
\17'. J. 1{.. I 1011110 was 00.110d 1)1 111'111 11)111 of 100 of 1107's. The special
(huldago on '1'innrsday on acc'0001• of delivery stamp was .also issued on July
the dea.10 0f his brother-in-law, Mr. I. 1. 1t is now• possihly to 1100' a loiter
J1oW)'ll. delivered from the poslofl]ce ironlodi-
'I'}u> n1003' friends of 11 r. AV. l7'.. atr•ly on arrival (here by bicycle (mini -
Andrews are sorry 10 mean' that he 15 07' 01 all the cit los wll'r e 1 here is at free
Iaic1 el' work hut hope t0 hen' of his (Miosis. The stamps will he of the
speedy recovery. (h' Ien c'ud
t 'non1 11101al. I/111'i11K
Mrs, 1C171,1 of ('ainsville is visiting hail Nyco (her the special post men •.'.111
her sister, Mrs. F. Lconar•(l. 7150 1h' st.reet. car system instead of
Mrs. Stanley and da,ughtcr, Berth), bicycles. The third new issue for the
are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. present, the postal notes, \very also is-
The Foresters of Court Sol wood,
who atten(led the sermon in ('lint»)
Sunday, were 01(14'0 pleased with the A heavy freight tonin was smashed
rliMonrsa'' on the Buffalo & Gnderic'h division of
Mr. W. Stanley..W.F. E. Stanley, . V. the 6.'1'.11. h'twe'n I'al•is station and
'Williams, U. W. Burns, Bev. G. \V.
Andrews, wife a.n(1 (laughter, w'7'' in (hy "rand itivpr hrid4re.
the village Monday. \Ve are always The fanners are busy at their fall
glad to see thein. I wheal.
sued on 1) 0011ion Day. They are for
the purpose of sending small aunts of
tnnn0y by letter.
One Return to
Going JUNE 28th Return AUG. 7th
" JULY 11th " SEPT. lOth
" JULY 19th " SEPT. 11th
All rail or lake and rail. Baggage
Checked Through.
c TT,U, Depot. Town Agent
Wmnelnted--weary. -gloomy. No one can
adequately describe the object misery of
the sufferer from Dyspepsia and Indiges-
tion. south American Nervino is the
greatest discovery In medical science
for the cure of ell chronic stomach
troubles. It acts directly' through the
nerves --the seat of all disease. Thous-
ands testify of cures made. Relief from
the first dose.
"I was n great sufferer from
stomach and nervo troubles. Tried e
score of remedies. No relief. Halt a
bottle of South American Nervine
worked wonders. Six bottles made it
new man (!f mo. "-w. 0. Sherman,
Morrisburg, Ont.
Don't experiment with now and
doubtful medicines -Take the tried
and tested. 21
Sold by Watts 8f Co., Druggists.
., .. %A/AO:,A ev mem, on August .i and
to pass a law peremptorily taking We
question from the courts, legalizing fhe
illegal votes, and awarding the Beats
illegally held to the politicians who
now have then, but wore never elected
to them.
This is an appeal from the courts of
law to the men egainet whom action has
been taken.
The defendant, who is not legally a
legislator, is to act as such, and try his
own case. -
If a more impudent attempt to steal
a Legislature was ever made, we should
like to hoar of It.
Wbile Mr. Hardy is about it he may
as well push a statute through deolar-
seems a deplorable business for a
arument which is hanging on by the
of its teeth after a practical res
by the people -to attempt to inter -
with the settlement by the courts
he legal status of poll constables.
re courts decide that constables
a right to vote, well and good ;
one should cheerfully accept the
ion. But that members of the
lature whose own aeats depend on
ballots should give the casting
to forestall and possibly override
ecision of the courts, ought surely
repugnant to a majority of the
e. -Ottawa Evening Journal.
One Woman's
"I consider AYER's PILLS the best
In the world,"
• MRs. A. C. WESTON,
29 Pearl St., Laconia, N. H.
All Women's
Wisdom r r r
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Verity of Brant-
ford spent last Sunday the guest of
their brother-in-law, Reeve T. B. Carl-
Mr. Wut. J. Carling's fine brick resi-
dence otr Huron street is nearing cone
Several fanners in this neighborhood
have their fall wheat harvested.
Picnics at Grand Bend park are all
the rage these hot summer days.
Master Willie Creech still continues
very ill.
Flax pulling has commenced.
Detective J. T. Westcott has gone to
Larnhton county this week in search
of the Peg -leg tramp.
Mr. James Millar aged 52 years died
at his residence on Andrew St. on Fri-
day last after a few weeks' illness and
was huried in the Exeter cemetery on
Sunday afternoon last. He leaves a
wife but no family.
Birth---Amy.-ln Stephen township.
on the 1410 inst., the wife of Thos. J
Amy of a daughter.
Mrs. J. T. WVescott, Miss Bella and
Olive Westcott, Mr. W. J. Westcott,
Wellington B, Edgar Westcott and
Miss Frances Rowtcliffe are rusticating
at Grand Bend park, one of Canada's
papular summer resorts, on the shores
of Lake Huron.
Mr. Jaynes Bonthron, Toronto, Sun-
dayed'with his brother-in-law, Mr. R.
H. Collins, barrister.
Mr. and Mrs. S. White of Detroit
were the guests of Mrs. White's broth-
er, Mr. T. \V. Ilawkshaw of the Com-
mercial hotel, last week.
Mr. Chas. Tebbutt of Holnlesyille
spent Sunday in this vicinity.
Mr. and I.It•s. Plummer and Master
Frank of Blyth and Miss G. McCullagh
of Cleveland, Ohio„ spent Sunday at
J. II. Lowery's.
Mr, and Mrs. John Scarlett of Lead -
bury were visiting here on Monday.
Mr, 1-I. Wilson of Holmesville was
here 00 Monday.
West linllctt.
Barn raising.-On'Wednesday of
last week the framework of a new barn
was raised on the farm or Mr. Wrn.
Mair. The barn was aL 11t•ge one, 60 x
80 and is being built by contractor
Riley of Londesboro. Sides were chos-
en by John Nott and Huruphrey Snell
and resulted in at slight victory for the
former. The work was completed
shout 10 p. m, During the progress of
the work Mr. Thos. Wallace had his
foot lacerated by a pike but not very
Miss Bertha Manning has returned
after a week's visit to her aunt in Gode-
rich township.
Mrs. .Brigham of Clanton is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. A. Vodden.
Mr, Lowery, teacher, was 01 ;Wing -
ham on Saturday.
$2700 worth of Groceries must he sold
and in order to hasten the sale we
otter the following reduced prices.
Rt.(+. J'tti('E. OUR I'I2I(•E.
Good'.' rl•5ttn Tea... 20c ..... .: • 13e
Japan Tea..... .... , 25c 20e
Japan Tea. ... ` 5e 25c
Ceylou Tea -(Pc 25c
Ceylon Tea •)t)c 35c
Corn Starch 10e ... , . 7c
Laundry Stat eh.... 10c 8c
('urrants 10c 7c
Raisins 10e 7c
Rice 5c 4c
Tapioca . 5c 4c
Mustard 10c 8c
Mustard 15e ]Oc
Mustard 23c 20c
Baking Powder.... 10c 5c
Baking Powder.... laic IOc
Baking Powder • •.. 25c 20c
Sardines 10c 5c
Yeast Cakes . 5c 4c
Flavoring Extract. 10c 8c
Latnp Glasses 8c 5c
Brooms 25c 20c
Laundry Soap 5c 4c
Stove Polish 5c 4c
Blue 5c 4c
Matches sc
Socia Biscuits 1Oc 7c
. 1d Salmon.... Lie lOc
Birds' Seed 10c 8c
Windsor Salt De 4c CLINTON. _ �.
Scrub Brushes 10c Sc
Tobacco 3 10c Plugs 30c 25c
A IIammock and Stand combined. No posts or trees
necessary, can be moved to any place on the lawn. In.
stead of a cord or rope the Ilarnmo,,ks is made of Gal-
vanized Woven Wire and for comfort and durability it
is almost perfection. Can be left out in the rain and
will not rust. This is the season
Hammocks are in demand, so don't
fore purchasing.
IN this department our stock is complete and our
prices and our charges are
of the year , when
fail to see ours be -
the best
as low as the
in the County.
1f urnituro Munnx1aeturers and Undertakers.
J. F. Chidley,
....Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
....Funeral Director, J,W, Chidley, King St,, opposite Foundry.
NATIONAL BLUE FLAME The most perfect
OIL STOVES arid up-to-date Oil
Stove on the market. The balance of our old pattern Oil
Stoves at less than cost to clear them out.
CHARCOAL STOVES prices one to two
dollars, unexcelled for summer use and very economical as a
meal can be prepared,at a cost less than one cent. Just per-
fection for Toasting and Broiling.
Charcoal 10e. p-7' Z3ag, or :3 Eiagis for tie,
'FULL STOCK OF Milk Cans, Mille Pans, Milk Pails
Daisy Churns, Dairy Supplies, etc,
Use it on your corn, use it on your roots, use it on your
grass lands, use it on your clover, use it 011 your potatoes.
Just the tiling for all kinds of plants, vegetables, sweet
peas, lawns, etc. Try it -it will pay you.
A SNAP -3 inch. to 6 inch. Steel Cut Nails only $2 per keg
or 10 pounds for 25c.
VICTOR FIRE PROOF SAFES just the proper thing for
farmers use $15 to $40.
AllFancyShirtwaists,regular$1.00 for $0.175
cc cc
cc iL
" 1.25 for 95
1.50 for 1.20
1.75 for 1.25
all new patterns and colors, regular
prices were 25c and 30c, sale price 10c.
Now is your opportunity. Come
and see what we have for you.
See what you save $4.85 $3.62
Sugar, Spices, Syrups, Vinegers, Pick-
les, Sauces, at a proportionate reduc-
tion. These are Cash prices.
A. Choice Grade of Flour Just
Received. Try ft. Butter and
Eggs Bought and Sold.
"Nothing Like Leather."
Our New Stock now full
and complete with all
the latest and newest
Goods and we are safe
in saying that no better
0S80rm en
1s to be
found in the west.
Ask to see our special values
in Men's 2.50 and $3,00
Goods. They are hard
to beat.
The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton
1898 New Dried Fre'its 1898.
Raisins -Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas.
Currants-Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas.
California Prunes and Elime Figs.
CROSSE and BLACKWE,LL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron.
NUTS -Filberts, 5. S. Almonds and Walinuts.
COOKING FIGS for 5c, a lb. NICE OLD RAISINS for 50. a lb
--Headquarters for
I. IRWIN, McKay, Block,
Phaeton For Sale,
l'hneton for sail)' in good order. Can be seen
on lite premises old the subscriber
Clinton, June 1st.
To Improvers of Stock -
The undersigned hon on 11177 premises, 1aa11
conccssloo, Oodorieh Township
A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms; 51
and $2.
A Thoroughbred Chester White Door, regis-
tered, 'Perms: -$i, with the privilege of return-
thoroughbred Tamworth Tlonr, registered,
Terms: --til, with privilege of rooming.
This is n rare chance to improve your sleek
I C. Ennit•Nna,
If yen want n first-class, well made pimp, one The
will give yon satisfaction, gond yonr older tonic+
undersigned. Ile will dig and clean wells and do it at
the closeet prides• IIo also handles a drst•olase
roacit PUMP.
Opposit Qneen's Hotel • high Strout Winton
This acho01 does arst•elnss worlc in every depart-
ment and enjoy AFI a large patronage, A Commer-
cial School of the highest grade -none bettor in
Canada. Students cnn enter at my time. Catalogue
\V. J, ELLIOTT, PrinoIah
Love ted in the splendid intorlako region of
the most, southerly part of Canada, and in a
city of 12,(88) inhabitants,
Abont t wo hours' rifle from Toronto, Detroit
or 11,10.510.
hoar transcontinental railroads and local
0loctrie system.
('nIlegn ('mlrso and Music, fine Art Bloom.
t ion, Iluyinoss ami Domestic Science Art.,
mints. hinosthatidings, extensive grounds,
home comforts, strong staff, highest health
record. Bum, ADVA NTA(nte AND LOWrs't`
()PENS HTCPT4;MIIR11 S. For catalogue and
fall part fruiters, addroas
REV. R, 1. WARNER, M. A„ Principal,