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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-21, Page 3
THE PAINTER OF PARVA ; —OR,— THE MAGIC OF A MASTERPIEGE. " Yes 1" broke in Madelon, who bad what were his thoughts and feelings a ' ,allowed and noted every word. "Ile first sight of his new --found broths. dropped dead on the goad, between Ar- better than I can tell you. In fact )Wanda and Madrid; and his last wards I could only tell you my impressions . were, " Save Iny papers aind tell the I and your own might be truer and mor ging I was faithful to the last 1"' That reasonable. was the friend of Father Paul and of "'There can be no question that th the poor dear princess 1 And you may ' duke was disappointed, but he did no tell the rest, dear+Lady Isabel, 1 only . doubt—he could nut doubt—the young wanted Signor Zanoni to know that ' man's story. He presented evideuc, this king's messenger was a man -•hose that was Wuclusivo—a packet of paper word was to be trusted." I which his mother had given to him op "And I thank you kindly foil the in- her death -bed. "That' -ere letters - formation, ood friend," said the paint- � some of them Father Paul'a, and tw or, with a ook of praise in his won- of them from her husband, writtei derful eyes that gave the old dame while he was in prison. Also, there w•a real happiness. ' a paper in w"hich she had written dowi " Father Paul was greatly troubled her own sad story—a story he had nev .rid perplexed. He was on the point er known until show was dead. She ha of returning to Italy, after an Ab- bH871 dead, he said, a little mors the,; sense oP between ten and eleven five years. years, and he wished to carry back to " And hie had other papers—affidav the friends of the princess, if she had its—solemnly sworn to under oath, al , left any, word of her condition." going to prove that the man holdup " Hhve b'ou told the signor d" again them was the son of t Ile Princess Far broke in the duenna—and this time nese. Steffano said he. dared not go t she certainly filled up an important Italy, believing, as lie (lid, that lit gap in t.h(e story—" Have you told the father's whole family had been prc signor' that all this time Father Paul scribed. (After the death of his moth thought full suye that Prince Giovan- er he had obtuined a commission ii ni had been condemned and executed the Spanish army, and for a little mor and that the four, char princess, be- than three years he hart served in Val lieved the same thing to the day of ladolid. At length he had returned t -_.__ — her deato ?" '-Madrid, where one of the first men t Isabel, at the firstt breath of Made- meet him was the, gored old priest• wh ton's thought, had started guiltily; had been his mother's friend—Fathe and she looked at Juan as though to Romanza. T'he priest was surprised t ask him if she could have forgotten see him. so important a fact. He caught her "'W'hy surprised?' Steffano said h meaning, and attack his head. had asked. " How could I have overlooked it?" "' Did not the agents from your el she exclaimed, in a tone of self -reproof. der brother find you d T sent them ii "Dear old• mamma, I thank you for quest of you only 'two or three month reminding me of it. 1 should have after your• regiment left :Madrid.' S thought of it before I ha.d done, I the Priest spake. Steffano made an should have spoken of- it before. You ewer: . must have wondered, signor, what cool 1 "' If they came to Valladolid the; have kept the princess in Spain so long probably were told that I had been kill after her husband had been exonerat- ed. I was in a sharp engagement w'it'. ! ed of all blame at a socond trial, and the bandits of the Rspinar mountain: her own son had ascended the throne and w -,is left behind, -•it h a score o Of Parma," so more, severely wounded.' ' "I certainly did think it very ",However, hs had arrived at :Mad strange; and now T can only wonder rld once more, and had fallen in wit.! how it happened thalt the unfortun- (he good old priest, who told to hir ate wife could have remained in sac•h the 'wonderful story he had hear, profound ignorance of a matter so from the agents of Antonio, Duke o nearly touching her life's chief source Parma. At first Siteffano had not dar of joy and blessing." ed to believe, but Father Romanza we,. "Ah," cried the irrepressible duen- convinced, and he soon, convinced th I na, self-imptirtance beaming in every Young' man ; and finally lie resolved t, shade and wrinkle, "there it is! The come Lo Italy and see for himself i ugly, good-for-nothing Baron Rizzi— he had a brother living and if tha Matteo Rizzi—the bestiaccia—he. 1vas brother were ,really the I)rake of Par one of the chief of those who caused Ma. So the holy father had given hin Giovanni's arrest and imprisonment. all lhp information he had to give, ant After the poor prince had died, at home, lead also made sure that Via paperswer and in his bed, his heart broken with right., and (hen he had set fort•.h. the belief that his wife and the pre- Mien Antonio had heard the stori cious little Scteffano hard been drown- anri hard examined the papery, he eon]( , ed in the sea—after that Baron Rizzi not doubt. fie took t•he nPw-founf went to Spain and saw Father Paul brother to his heart, giving him warm and swore to him that Prince Giovan- generous love; giving him sumptuous ni's head had been cut off, and that quarters in his own palace, and sel;tink his son Antonio had died on the- road apart a mast liberal allowance o: between Rothe and Parma ; probably, money for his support. he said, killed by the deadly enemies There! I believe that is rr.11. D( of his father. This, of course, the priest ^ou think of anvthing T have forgot• told to the poor, dear princess, and she ten• good mamma?" believed it, and then it was that she "No• I think von have done very left Toledo and went off to Madrid, be- 'v'eil, my lady. Only" the duenna add• ing dreadfully afraid that they would ed, pausing for a moment at the enc be after her other—her• youngest dar- of bet- first sentence. "you -•ill excu9( ling to kill him 1 And neither Fath- me if I say that you ought not to have intimated er Paul nor the princess over discover- to the signor that our good ed what a wicked lie had been told duke ever, for a single moment, doubt• fro them. Now, signor, do you wonder ed that Steffano was truly Steffano that the poor, dear mother didn't come and his true and lawful ])rather." back to Parma?" "The signor will understand," said He told her he could wonder no the Princess w•it.b a pleasant. nod. "You ' more, and after a brief pause Isabella will yourself admit," she went un, wil li spoke again: an appearance of real deference "that . " We left Father Paul. troubled and the Young man bad not the fea.ture.t: perplexed," she said, " Finally he be- or the Personal appearance of the Vern. thought him of the good (pleat in Mad- rid with whom Coisiglia had been wont'- ese." To be sure not !" the ol•d womrin an - to correspond, and he determined to 'He SWered quickly, and with kindling eyes, "flow- should he have, write to him. wrote a letter, and the new messenger took it, promising poor, dear bay! lrrought up from almost an infant to deliver it and bring hacji an answer among those frog -eating Spanifi•rds I" if one should be given him. The answer It is the French who are said to eat •came. The princess and her ,son were allte and well, and that'was'all.' frogs, dear mamma." ' `Fell, if the Spaniards don't eat 'en-, " With that' Father Paul left Spain it's because they're too lazy to Catch and returned to Italy, going first t o Rome and then coming here. On his thank' 11ELt's all. As the old lady gave token of subsid- arrival he was• taken sick and lay tit 1119 after this retort, the painter ven- Cured a question. death's door for manly days; but he finally recovered, and 'it w'as during Just how long ago was it that Stef- his convalescence that he chanced to fano arrived here from Spain T' 'Just ten overhear friends speaking of the Duke Antonio and of the death if his par- years anri two months," `"aa the answer; but not. from Iaabel's ents. Upon making enquiry he learn- lips. «'while abe had bent her head to ,ad that: the duke still believed that think good Madelnn had again Come to his mother and his little brother had the rescue. She had a wonderful mem- been lost at sea on their Luny to Francs. Or�Y fat' dates, and the family history of the Farness was as familiar As scion as he could do an he caller] t:o her "Ls her alphahet. upon the duke, and told him the whole story, as I have told you. "Yes," answered the princess, finding ., "That was fifteen years ago. As Vanoni waiting for her to ,speak, "Ma- quiekly as possible Antonio hired a (talon is right. Steffano arrived here large vessel at Genoa and fitted her out for Spain, and seat in her faith- in April, ten years ago." Chat way his age at that time?" -fol agents to find his mother and his "Lot me think. He w•ns born in ~larch, was he not, Madelon?" brother, and bring them back to hia arms and to his heart. Alasl It would �Y es. and just nine and twenty years almost seem that a dark fate had set ago on the last. day of. March that ever' itself against the accomplishment of the dttke's purpose. He waited and wits; 1 " bo," adders Isabel, with it. twinkling waited' and at the expiration of six smile, "ho must have been nineteen nl that time." .months came word than his vessel batt been cast away on one of the Balearic• Old you ever think it hat be looked islands; but only one of. his friends— of wborn there were four—had betas at(terd' The Principes Started, and bent upon lost. However, it was almost a year, the Painter's face a searching glance, Yes," she replied, after little before the other three reached Spain, where, upon arriving at Madrid, they a re - flection. "I ba,ve thought. su ma.ny 'r learned that the princess had diedonly times'; though noticed it more when he first name than I da a month before. With regard to her son, they could obtain no inforrna- now." 'Of course," said Zanoni, "t,lie, marks tion that was satisfying. They were in- of age arc never before, ani! never formed that she had had a son with again' sO apparent ria in the ,years from eighteen to those or four and twenty. her a few years before, and he might have been with her later, but he was SLgnor 7 , sp the duenna, gone t.bon—bad disappeared, leavingnot of s ev anti a lock o[ sfwh soverit.y on her an°tent visage, "when you hnve lived a trace behind. They, searched through Madricl and through the region round- ws tong, as the Marquis Steffn.no has . about, and they also searched i,n Tol- you will doubtless look ever bit aft old as he does. For my part, yl think edo and a,t Cartha.gena, but, alas! without avail. And they came home hs bears hia years wonderfully well." "flow. bootless. old Ahould you Nay 1'was, were And now, signor, we come to Stef- the question put to you, dear lad r our hero askcd her, smiling' pleaannlly, fano. Four years passed after the re- "Why. I should Aav, Signor, that ynt. turn of the agents who had been sent on the search to Spain, and the duke ,here five -Find -twenty. You may he had given up hia younger brother ns more than that, and ,you may he leas. Such faces dead, when one day a young Tuan pre- as yours are not. easy to ,read, Hnve I xnadc rytu• h minl,ike d" sented himself at the palace, giving the page who waited upon him a carr] "Not.hing worth mentioning. 1 rn-' toren bearing the name Steffano Fat -nose. upon lay thirlieth year t.wo' months ago an l little more." You can, perhaps, imagine the feelings "f;less my soul !" the woman ejAcu- ,of the duke when he saw that card. 1°ted "flow cnulrl 1 have mit le such Without a moment's besitfition or de- pt. raLYtal:e.? Ahl I Ree• it, is these r•erl lay he hast.ened to the protienee of the anri pink ilwt sky-blue rurtaina of new -Comer. Hsi had directed the page yours. They gk-t the flush of t o l to conduct hi.m to a private apartment, ,youlh your face. But i can, see it, now, plain where. the meeting would be secure as can he. Yes, ye9:1 I should aaty you from intrusion, and there he found were all of thirty.•' 11im. "There, you dear Old mamma," said 11 Of rourse, signor, T Can not F,iCture Isabel, when she and Zanoui had done the aeons. The. duke himAelf, had never laughin,t. "Now do you go and put on tried to plature it. I ca,n only speak your mantle anti make ready for the from my own impressions, derived from street.. and I will ,join you. Signor tonic's inadvertent remarks on tbe, Zanoni wishes to car''• ,' with me for a jest. I think he, was disappointed few moments about Ilie picture." --deeply so. He ha.d evidently expect- Tile duenna arose from her sect, and sd, or at (Qasj: bad hoped, to find n as she moved tow'a.rd the door she pass - youth wbo be cnulrl take to his ert' in front of the easel. She hnd not heart at. Right—it youth who Rhoutel do lookers nt (he picture. Aince entering the honor to the Illustrious name he bore. room but she did so now. She stopped But— i-ou need not that 1 shall tell and viewed it. critically. Perhaps she you lbo, rest.. Knowing' the dukes fine thus occupied herself for the space of dense of honor anri truth as you do; half a minute; t]mn Dhe• turned her knowing his keen apprerinflon of all eyes toward the pai.ntAr. mud muss: have drat ]A 41Pautiful In Fort or In nature, seen that he was rog'arding her an- togethair with his honoat pride in rank xiougly, and station - w�r+bily maintained•-• What paaso^sed hr'r aIle could not knowing all this, you Pero readily judge have told horsclf—not. at thst moment t 1� . (1 iqa , -.... d. .._ .rte!..... .... \.... .. 3...�,u....- ......�....9ei' .Y......, ., �..,«.....e_ F ew --- --- —w._ -. —but it may havtw occurred to her hat --I JUST WHAT TO CALL T f i THE ELEPHANT STOPPED SHORT. BALLOONS IN WAR. SW a,, Aa her eyes turned from t ha Paint, I „_t � 1� AUS OF M.N-EA.TEB1it ar bask to his vvark they c•hauced to —�., full upon the palette, with the arched 1'n c1 • . . t- Is a b • "-arty Thirty P..r " ' row of neatly mirLed and graduated HOW TO PRONOUNCE PROP , RSP' -'P UNPLEASANT EXP'E,RIENCES gouts of color arranged un its outer THOSE SPANISH NAMES. �+f THF ^ARIBBEAN SEA. edge, arid nut uu.� of them disturbed 1 �,- n She raised h -r look again to the pic- ture; she thinged 11er Pusitic;n, an.i '1'hcy Are nouud to Gcl IILrPtI up Li twisted her head, as though the tight 'falls Itnlen That Mll Enable lou .. there i did not suit her, until at length sh., Lau"l€ at Others. au , p h the had gained whit she sought—u light 'There is a great deal of mispronun- such anri, V i , � V�O� p Qn that. would have ex,used frosh paint, ��++ 11 U V�U 11 says; 1 1 ciatiuu of Sl;upiah uaines, proper an`I India ttvu 1111 , a favorite had there been any un the canvas. ye• geographical just now, which Is un - 'The look aha gave from that position fortune to be ion ,iu < s fleet and was lou and absrirbed, but came to un necessarily fantastic. Spanish is one of €"I iNTUN, J['LY �Irtr g these behemoths—and it very eunsid- , 1898, tie Southern and at lust, and then, without a word. the most easily prunounced languages erately let me go." without another glance at the princess in the world, and there is no reason by tua , _- T - -1 T ^� r a ugly monst- or the pahuter, shy turned and left the wh those even who have nat mastered "How w•as that?' inquired a friend. tempts were m;to,, ,.y �,,,. N V uutdost hungriest room. Y " Well." continued the s eaker "it communicate with tbuse inslde the be- I king ua Wean-, The "saillor man" I "My love I my life l" whispered Zan- its rudiments should not acquire the F ' - oni, grasping the dear one's hand, as few simple rules of guidance that will was at Allahabad, in the Northwest leagured city, and t.o ddespalch men front the Nora' �a first IlLtighs at the soon as the duenna had gone, "What enable thom to read at sight, without Provinotys, that one evening t happened and matter Prom the capital by means sihark aturies, bw �(, class note Oruise in � will you do I She suspects—how much? q y pervartin them ur hal >_ to be out driving with a lady, On our of balloons, In Paris itself, under the these waters Lung Jpeftore he joints in the She is actin for others. Uh, T have grates uel i yg y you put off, less! Lug g 1 way home it occurred to uty to °all direction of Past.m:.ster Rumport, a general stainlpede w/puttrtera, and gets much ti se, to nail Cun y ple an over them, the names upon Cul. Farley, and when w•e reac•h- bal loun pc,st and transport service was I as mtuih excited ( us the natives when- fcu a tiflie at lr.ust, any exposure she of people and planes which they are ed the maidan, or wide I may think she is able to make?" destined to see day after day in the, plain, which established for carrying persons and ever a man-eater pornes alongside. And I "Yes, yes, my own! Do nut be un- newspapers fur same time to come. on the further side his bungalow over'- Governmental as well as privaLe mail they c•oane frequentbyai,nd in largisnum- B easy on my account. Look to yourself ! looked, we decided to let our c•arria a bera. i Look to yourself I Oh, it is for you I Everything in Sy,anish, Lo begin with g matter from the besieged capital. Am- Cear•. Nut only the count. may become it' pronounced as it is written. There be led around and to cross the€ maidan Ong the public mea leaving the oily It w�otibd ,be tliffi[cult to imagine a your deadly enemy, but Steffunu is Io are no arbitrary distinctions like those to the hO11se on foot. 'There were sun- in this way, M, Gambetta will ever more hideous (Looking Objecit than a I be feared. He is utterly without con- dry ditches and numerous rut holes in be remembered. Iiuming pigeons were I hungry shark of /Lhe Caribbean sea, as science, without remorse. Juin, what w'hic'h, in English, confront the Paz- the plain which made drivi i he clunes lidtn dict you mean by your look when you zled foreign student in such pronun_ ng n the also sent by this routs to carry buck g' g along through the asked me) about his aged Uh, if you ciations as " caw" and, " law;" no such dark dangerous, so we got out and news to Paris, A total of sixty-six €Tear water ands (pokes his nose, against kers- began our walk, the hu•il of ra ship. ��'•hen the, writer is ' "!Tush I Aladalun will be 'here dir- capricious discrepancies between spell- I.>alloons, according t° 7'isarrdrar s "F:u evoy, Come to -morrow. Don't let her Lug and enunciating, as in "slaughter," there° loin the centre of the maidan Balloon Pendant le Slogs de Paris," quiet and the sun, Ls shinning lit%canbe s prevent. ;(hat. NVe m,ay settts some- and "laughter." Nur are .there any od a baro in which the ele- left the besieged city, and 169 per- seen many feet,Auttvn in ilia water, and thing then." " mute " vowels, as Ln French. An ex- Fhants belonging to the department of sons, 10,194 kilograms of,• postal mat- the closer he itpproaebes the more bide- " 1 ,will carne." which Col. Farle was chief stored their ter, including 3,000,000 letters, 303 hum- cots he looks. F'ew • stories told a,lout "God and all good angels guard and oeption is made fur the vutvel u when y bless you." it. is preceded by, the cwnsonants,q or• these°' and ou Lhat evening nue of era, five dogs and two boxes of dyna- the greed and vLllaauyof the, s ust as these animals, huvi been either idle mite, were dispatched by the aerial alio rk axe, uVerdrawn. Ile I[s just as " Su f1 om my 'heart, I pray for you, g, and followed b;y a or L, In those or misbehaviu black as he , has been . painted. The my own dear love, my true nobleman, cases and those only, the u is not B, was still at that late route Of the balloons, fifty-two de- fy hero I" hour bus unloadin• itself, and a ver • scended in France, five in Belgium, Lhorou �hbred r.ti?ipr 'hates him as ' Heart to heart, soul to soul—stanch, sounded as !we should sound it in y g y '• loyal, and true—their lips met once "quest" or "quarrel." 'Thus the name bad temper, indeed, it seemed to be four in [fullnnd, two iu Germany, and fiercely as he does a S'pauiard, and - mor•e in a 'fervent, rapturous kiss as m' fights him w'i1h eche p(arme spirit as he � of the, pruminsrit member of Lha Cuban „ ��'e had ' one iu Norway. Onl,v five of ; them w€pull fi pure as the'breath of heaven, and in a Junta, .lienor Quesada, is pronounced gorse about a third of our were captured by the Germans and i",a ght-, a frpaniard.. Sharks about moment more the .observant, watchful Liaysuhdu, Aguinaldo is prunuuuced way when I heart[ its shrill cry, pro- were never 'beard of, having been the coast of (ALba are unusually bold ' duenna w•as back in the room,. last in the ocean. Aggixialdo, cud so forth. But testing alt -rocking overtime,,• and its and fera•ivus, and 1,Le Cubans say, it is _ Of all voyages of that lime, how'ev- becciusa (hey hu vu d,eeu re, long aocuor AG LiADOR,US IS AGW'ADORE6, !PTC, trumpeting significant o[ revolt. My er, none could compare for excitin i CHAPPE,Il'i'Vill. U, itself is represented by our double companion also heard the furiousbeast and perilous incidents with that. (f turned tow feed on Human flesh Havana' The'tlistalioe from ,the studio of our O, coder ever circumstance. The Sean- ibut she only lau,ghad and said: the well-known aeronaut, M. Nadar, harbor is swarming with ravenous inter. to the to a1 } y y queer noise that elephant "lin left Tours fur Paris with im- ' Pa y Palace was but ish i is re, ,resented b our a as in � " «'hat a sharks, and the Ctul�tins believe that short„ anti througbt one of the broadest ,. eel ;" and the Spanish a corresponds is making.' portant Government despatches at. fi they are lured 'there, ►by the number of and pleasanlost thorotughfares at that, as nearl • as it can be described, to our O'clock one fine .1leeernber morning. At �' 3 "Yes, very strange,' I replied, but Il he was in view of the capital, cin humuu bo(lies w11]ch have beers Losse(! i anti w hen the weather was pleasant and uy, as in day, pay;, etc. 1' didn't lac the Seine. While floating about: 3,000 out to them from Alorro Castle. r the sun col Loo wtLrrn tit° princess pre- A final a is, Colluwiug Lhe general gh, for again 1 heard the metres above Fort Charenton, Nadar FOLLO1VED BY :S1IA1tKS VOLce Of the ala i forced to w'ar:pk, ,as she and Lor aged rola, for vont'els, always suuuded, 'fhu a ,gels boast, and so, it suddenly discovered a. suuund btilloun li'('tr,y is a�'i,4tle errors• of au experience • Campanian had now- started to. 'They naval annals of A.merLea will so lung' ppeared to me, coming• nearer and on the horizon. Tbinking it to be, ons the crow o£ the ,1s:.a:iated Press cles- had Luken but Ia Taw steps, and Isabol preserve Ilia names of Dewey, and of nearer.. Still I walked on listening leavinLy Paris, the French aeronaut til was thinking how she should introduce Alaui,la's outpost, battery, UuviLe, that with bulb ni once d1splayed the tricolor of his (+nun- palc'h-boat \N'unrLL• had :With the man- , Lhe subject she ,,wished to speak ufon, iL aright as wall be learned at Ilia eau } y ears w en suddenly 1 try, ant[ the other. balloon responded caters while drifting' , with Ewa r- ' . I t wthen s'he saw Uhe Alargwis b"ieffano on start that the latter is Pronounced g tt that strange and dreadful rust- by exhibiting Lbe same flag, Gradually Admiral Sam sun's fleet along the, I the Opposite side of the way, whero he Kavec%ay, anti aoL- lieveet. Similarly' Ung sound, which an elephant, when t lie two balloons approached Line uuoth-• P d r appeared to have :been standing, and thu Cuban gentleman latLerly iii the it is u<oving fast, always makes, It is Nurl:h cater ut' .Cuba to t nt(ek: or, beim drawn in l.he :ante direction - nuts just starting ;to cross over and UnLted Btales on a mission to J.'resi- t Ilio feet brushin . on the surface of by the same current of air. \Chen they The ibuat liad'Wen drifting for sav'era,l r juin Lhem. She saws and caught the dent McKinley from the inauigents Ila b were separated by only a short, dis- hours. The sha was as smouilr asa dnenna's wrist with u quick, strong canips Pronounced his name Kapotay, ground. Otherw4se the advance Of to iou several ex plusiuns veru heard. p grilp her whole frame quivering with and not Kupuat, 8apote. 8u9ua lu the colossal brute is noiseless. The stranger commenced firing shut,; rritllpontl, and tht water sO clear that r excitement. (;raude should have the, full benefit of "' Can you run?' 1 flow asked my tit' Nadar's balloun—the "InCrepido".— 11 ol;jocit fifty feet. down could easily "Madelon 1 Do you see 'w'ho is tom- its last syllable, and not be clipped, off companion, which be an to descend re, n(]ly, 1'hP >e suen, 'fhree of the sailors L;id been Lng d" into an inelegant Sagua la Grand', Yes, of course I can," she said. French flag had by this t.im,V been re- lowered in one pf the Sma[I bleats, anti "Steffano; yes." which issomew•hatpainfully sugges.Live "'Lock,' I continued. 'Do you see placed in the other balloon by the were at'. work paintiur the sides of the I "Do you. lore me?,, of slung. Un Ilia other hand, the tonin that w:hi,te ob ect limmering over Prussian colors. 'The Parisians, who ship. A liLtle be Lure uoon the wembors "Meroy 1 What a--" accent never falls in Spanish on a final there d it is aJculverrt, a little bridge. were watching Clio affair front t Le ,f Ll1e crest' on deck -'era started by an "Hush 1 If you love me, speak not a e, as it dues in French when it hears When 1 tell you to, gu you must run forts below, and who now realized the outer word LO Lim—breath uOt a syllable— the acute accent. Puerto Principe, as there as fast as ou hall and tree in true character and object of the last going Lo,thu railp,Ithe saw circling of anythin you fyanr- or heard this > y'. P J and, g' b Y g r uu instance, is lriu'cipuy, unci not under Lha woodwork as far as yout,can arrival, cried out that. their plucky' about, riot Ler, yards distant front the afternoon in the l,rainte,r's studio. l Prinuipa-ay. losciLbly get." NA'hile 1 ryas speaking 1 compatriot was lust. But (hey were swa!1 huat., a huge shark, a enoyl un- . will explain everything—everything. The vowel. a is always broad, in was staring into the gloom trying to mistaken. unoivi!-1Loking wlghl,or. Ruunit and Yow shall knowtthe reason 9f whatever every combination. Santiago should he catch sight of the approaching beast. Nadar had scrambled from ilia cnr round he circled, 'ach time coding % may have appeared strange to you,. I pronounced, therefore, with an J,:ng- But against the deep shadgws of the up the network of his airshi after'thn knelt—1 know tha,t►Steffatto has asked 1 p little ally l tog small boat, unduu- ou to watch me, .Tow, dear dd nam- lisp or u Ilustunese or a Virginian n -h, barn and trees nc>(thing upuld be seen. first shot of the enemy, to stop ahul(s ca.siuniLlly lifting hid huge+ beatlµal.(pte y viz., Suntiahgo, santlaygo is offen- Suddenly 1 heard the clink of a chain made in the tissue. Presently he da- sha surfa,x+ to ,scalp at a Luft of sea- mal—answer me, will you serve the or lively flat Lo the ear, and should be --quit° close --on my righlt hand. suended to the carr as the balluuxrright- need ur some u,jeut that hail Dern hini?" suppressed at. once. It may be asked 'Run,' I said., and the next instant ad itself, and throwing out. a quatilily thrwvn over[:aard from(the ship, Ulid- "You 1 you I ©h I my ,dear—" tvhy 'Santiago de Kewba, and not, in there towered hv,t of the gloom, seem- of ballast, caus•;d il� to rise higher log along, ,ju.sL abu; a his nose, w era "Hush I fie is here ! ,Remember, not the true-blue Spanish vernacular all ing Positively to overshadow me, the and higher. Then, setzg his rifle, be three Pitut fish, w hi,+L are 'alwa,y;i Beau a word unLil we have had opportunity through, Sautiahgd de Cooba. The same elephant. For a moment, I saw the fired shots with rapid succession inLu srciwming aloes to a shark. i'hoy '-�•" fnr exp:ainad:ign" question was asked a month or t.wo gleam Oaf its sawn tusk stumps, heard the Prussian, whicL suddenly split, and never te,tvai Litu, an,t he never• mattes Scarcely had the words been spoken ago -•Lear the whole country was lab- the great brute breatbe, and then— sunk to the earth. On rea,'hifi Lh: when the ma uis stet' ped u on t•he g any a ui r disturb f ev ryfiAi h ha r•q FI P oriuusly seeking tc acquire the right why, or wherefore, is a mystery Tcould gt'ound a detachment of Lhlafls, tvhc, is tLe mortal foe, of avert' fi,�h Lhue ' sidewalk by Isabol's side. pronunciation of •junta. W'hy should we never solve—it swung swiftly round had been watching the coruhat from swims Ilia &tit'water. "Well l upon my word l" he burst riot. say Cooba, it was demanded, and vanished as spectrally as it had the iplain, picked, up the German aero- Sometimeo (lie .Uprightly little pilo forth..peoring in Lo (her face with an AS R'L,T,L AS " HUUN'1'A d" appeared.' nauta and rode ufl'. to tLe i'russiarr evil gleiam in ;his wicked, cruel eyes. Aud the lad fish will rest upon the shark's ugly! "You bave made g royab visit to the We need not trouble ourselves to y d asked a listener so- outposts. Nadar then alighted in safe- nose or snuggle , lose duw n upon his catch the Peculiar and fascinating man- licitously. Ly within the girdle of the, Paris forts lack, ust behind -Itis fins, as he glides handsdune ,paanterl" nor in which a prett Castilian says Why, she had only gut about fifty meeting' with an enthusiastic ovation '[lit. Jh th; tvuttar, <�s'ihe shark circ- Signurl" she •replied, looking him y feet atv t for leis victor' steadil in toe's• al thaw h it cost her yludr[d—it clo(s nvt soiLnd like aur aY rum where l arts standing y in the first balloon lad ulusar t.o thel ,mall boat Lha sailoni Y I y g 'Madrid, certain! and the treatment when she dropped to the earth in a duel, he,:awe more frantic ttith rage and a desperate effuptrt, "roil resfpanla,c a to Of the letter d b a Spanish tongue dead faint. When sha carne Io tier senses alarm. Una of the negro suilurs un you for the rm>, tim or Lhe place in y 1 and Col. Farl • het w.liieli' 1 � yt,ss hn limes" is something altogether not to he de- �' Fed her in Lo my HOMESICI{NESS. ' deck nearly batt 'hysLtp�rius. "Brass cte — 1 ty scribed in black and white; nor do w•e carriage, anti, after congratulating ^ l,awd+' he sJlutit,e " d.&L shark junto "1'o a vers y ,extent, yes," 'a said, each other on our esca qu'i('dtlry•. "As scut• causj.n rind a rit(sm- nee"d""tO concern our'salves t0 changt: I>A, the aonLi.nued � iti da b+ral. Lsua11. 1 seen um get right ler. of the 'family„ whose reputati€iu is aur long-aacustamed Kew La into Cou- our way home. The next morning w•e .I Terrible Disease. Caaslug Untold Misery in de boat find eat Lwq Nassau niggabs heard (hat 'ons of the Colonel's ate- and t.�cn Dcath just lass yeah. U ds g,ru<1 Lawd I Uem at• stake! i on I" a ep:,ie t speak." ha. Cuba unci Madrid are names that phants had killed its kee "Reputation 1" rep:,i•ed the •princess, have been on English-sfpeaking tongues per the night There a,I•e few of us who have never sailors gone suati I ' J3ut the sailorl; with a force and rower of bitterness for generations, and our Anglicized before, just after dark." Were nol eaten• although several tihrea kno-n Ihs pastes o[ honiesixskliess, anti that made him -tart. "If •y;pu will fFronunciation of them, universally re- --�—+- those few aro rather to be pitied than the shark came up close to the boat li,ok to your own reputwtian 4 will look cognized, and the cLirrect, way to speak DANGEROUS STURGEON FISHING. envied, Hoanesickness in mibd form is 'lad poked Lis grout nose against Lhe to mine. And now, hnarquis, will you them is to get as close to the original tiler. 'leave me d" as Possible. — a sign of a geaLlie mind, and indicAtes "My comp€tny isn't agreeable, eh?" Z and c are two letters that give Capiuring huff--•fon F'Ishcs In no 1.111hoak BA['I'ING 1'H t.1 the \N'anda, "II. is n<Plt.' uiuuh tenable to Germans, lerenchmetp ip•crPAtltpn• Lhe possession of a l,pvs of Lome and Captain A1[Ilsr, of the \i'anda, Lad country which is the characteristic of been "awhing the gains, and, calling to "Since when„ mray I ask?" and Italians who are learning Span- I saw a sturgeota in Victoria, on the civilized a,nd narataI mein. the ctuok to (Pring him ,tile carving "Since you hauve tiakon it upon your- ish, but they offer no difficult.ieri to us. ciutnesy floor, met.yurin twelve feet knife, told the Ki,ilors to throw nut self to wantonly offend and insult me." Y, is in ever• case given with ons g This mild form. fortuna(el•y, is the small bits of ihisouit w ib'e shm.rk and "iWadelon, doe:, she treat. the hand- sound, and c has the same sound by the tape and w•elighing more than only kind which miner of us have ex- keep Lim close to Ile bait. The uuuk same painter in'tha.t cool anti epntemp- when it occurs before the vowels e si.x hundred pounds, says a currespund- parienced, for when the severe form soon came runniniCh,viLh. Ilia knife( arid tuoi slmanner?answer 'Ou mar uis" anrciI. CThe erver , Coma,, Mhceo, ent of this Globe. Any one wishing to takes Captain Miller lashed(i't firmly to rhe g deceLve the public I F aid of a prevari- po='sess:on of a person it is afar- t+ polo. Then„ rettin do,vn 3 4 1 rt' i enc of a ttke b g returned the cid %om€itn with a burst Alatheo, Garthia, 1'hientuegos. % satin c rills dtseasa, eaustn,g uutuld misery and into the boat, •he w•alitad again until the of indignation. "You have no right to though invariably represented, its .[ g amera should pose beside this even deatb. ,,This severe form, usually' shark lifted his ,head above the water ask cinch a pquestion." say, by our th, is sometimes softened twelve -foot fish. The men who skilfully ,;celled nostal is has rown less gout- neap^ the boat, and, lifting the pike pole "Ohol You arse going over to the a little when it. occurs at the very and laboriously reduced it to sections g g Ligb alpove hisiheod, plunged the knits enemy, are you? Well, well," turning end of a word. Thus Gomez is oftener with an axe said it was not an un- ttiun in Lhe a days of quick wmmunica- 1 again to the, :Princess "go oil my'beau- sounded, Perhaps, as if it were Gomes. tion, of rapid transmission of news, and ofehisnfLead. 'he k,g'reatk't.av nytosea tiful cousin, We shall discover b than as Gonieth; or, at least, the final c rlimon fish, though the biggest. on y- of awide-spread knowledge of genera- orale quickly ftc;underad;over upon his and -by bow much is comprehended in z is made to glide off into something Lhe floor ; that they often found him h bw-k, anti fur (+ distance of• fifty feet or t (lie painting of,the Saint Cecilia. Per between the tw'o. Wil.h the Cubans far larger and weighing as ntuoh as F y uio;a could be seen writhing ant[ lash- HT`col Such a model must, he cin. in- Lt is an almost universal practice to The elements of Lgnoran(.e of one's Lag his tail ,until be went:down to the Slit ration in more ways than one l" ge, the pure t.h sound of c and z twelve hundred pounds. g • _ c•htitt f surroundings and consequent sense ut tx,ltom. The ICtLle 'pilot ;fist did ` Something tbapt flushed In the face. into s. The Spaniards, particularly the Two men lifting it. half -ton fish into helplessness and despair of ever seeing Icave him. In less !Chau ten min' of the princess as he thus spoke—some- inhabitants of Castile, the true "Cas- their boat is the exciting feature of homes a gone ])y Su another shark, larger than i.he ftcst, thing that flamed tont and burned in Lellanos," make no end of sport of the sturgeon fishing. The sturgeon, if no( gates. . sof f [n Limey ,•arae alp and ,hie received a deal) gash her olden e}'es—startled •anri im ressed ])s piA emasculated Cuban -Spanish. y cwlipresoed the sufferer front nostal La. hien tiVhat pms9ea9e.d. him --what The great beaus of the Spnnish ian- fastened in his thick hide, is apt to g from the cook's knife,, bat he wit, nut' J is removed, excopt in Clio ease of the killed. The knife, although infliClin�g .should have turned his thoug•ht4 in (bat guage lies, Indeed, in its virility anri resent it. He ahaken his head in em- very young or the dsuseiy ignorant. a wound fully tt•wolvo inches doofa, did direction tna.•v not the, told • but a niom- resonance, and in its crispiness when phatic dissent • and a head three feet The greatest sufferers are Ilighl,and- not strike tL vital part, and the shark ens later, with € rool.her wicked gleam- properly ealuneiaLed, anti much of All long anri as big as a log, when vigor- ecs,t Germa`� and Swiss mvunlainee 1R, swam away leaving a trail off blood be- ing of Clio )el-ibla:k eyes, he looked over these qualities is lost. in L) a indolent ht Ce t Scots, and men are mo c to the duenna find s uarel plumpl • sing -song fashion in which nasty shaken by a half -ton body, is �r hind him. R Y, t } lufp(. t v 1pe overc:om�e than women' (Sl1Altli'S 1JULi,L"P 3'R.UUF'. asked: THE C11,BANS SPEAR IT. thing to be, avoided. The tail, t.00, is'a The victim cif this extrema form of "Good Madclon, did you see the pia La 7ooapa, the fortresss opposite Lhe sc.tirce of danger, for i.t. not only slaps hontesi:.'skneys is&!most always a resour- There is little'.atisftutiun in shoot- . tura of Lhe,Sotint cC�+rilia before you left, Morro tit. ,Santingo, is Thocnppa on a with energy, but can Cover a Inrge celesit person• one whose life pact routine Int{ tL Rhark, J'hres ,44-ual[bre !,allot, the painter's morn?" surface with one application. The man of t.rhia,.i(ics, whose i were fired into one from One o2 "Yes; I didl" Spanish T.onns. hut. it. their ss efind new at the business is apt to, et. burt, tirnited. and stw,h as heyraie, hasel til; NIALle-ships. and after the third t�o the Cubans, who, cin LLeir side, find g' To Be Continued. the Span!I,h enunciation very hard (.he first. time be helps to coax a wrig- upon faini-Liar objeots and well-known 91ioi the shark swam back after mors lin stub ton of standard size over as,iociates. Whan such a refuse repeal than diad been thrown Lo and dry. SO the main island oP the � nnwnlPg � l,ersun is p'oced in new' surroundings no new him, Philippines, Luzon, t I.O- Cu to the $ Nears rill the ha't.t.le. shi s and THE FUNERAL PROCESSION. Spanish and T.00son to th^ CYubnn; the Un t.h€' floor of the+ cannery the. star- !dcas tirecteutPd but lherPi�ugnnwing y' F� guns goon is a great insert, mass of fish. 'Thor ! Moats am equipped with sharkhooks, insur ent patriot there wbo was shot oonging for the paast•, which is t.hemor° g oLtpparatus far Ilumnn Fatnro nR ItPlrulPd at enP Polus by Che Spa7liardg a wbilo ago—Rizml— first operation of the butcher is to intense as a return seem,! Impossible. I Lit (be most ori incl H chop off the head a.nd tail with an The pattient, fair such be really is, killing the ugly oreatures is user! by ntiei another in the bine. is RiLhal, or Risal, accordiq to 1 une of tht. Kunl;o .ts of the mosquito whether it is a Spatniard or a Cuban ax^• and for these frets gifts of nature hicxpcly Over what: bo has Irnsl„ rejects fleet now guarding !Hotvana Ilrurl.por. "By looking into any carriage of a. w.ho is speaking of him, and so on. t•he Tudians anti Chinamen are eagerly wltal. is offered in plane of it, Lund he- ,!leis brut haw a small eler•na battery, funeral procession" se, s Mr. Stn The Spanish the jota, is the letter waiting at. "the door. The funs Are cut comes apa,tl,etio and taciturn. Sleep bolt, "it tis y ne most troublesome to foreigners, anri the off with fi knife, find these tire not. nl- becomes fitfuil, anri is disturbed by vivid with a. long wire adtavlted to it.. and possible to tell ILL irglnnce lowed to o to waste. As the refuse ynarnite oartr[d es sire attacb- its relation to the bearse. The one or really sound and enunciation of it are g dee€erns of home. Th'e t t ot[te 1n[Is, di - really never quite achieved, gave by lhP '`+ showPlled nlong IbP pinnks In the geslirpn grows poor, and theauffcrer be- r''d to the end oP Lhe wire. A pioce� oP river there is little n.11owed to pasta the ca,nlrs thin ti,nd haggard. There is fresh pork is'lashed to the cartridge tau carriri„es in hone of the hearse naLi.ve-horn. lt. rorrrsponrlR mnrP nP:u 1 conat. nn.tive. and his cousins of 1 h". and thrown ovorloa.rd to the shark. entry Lhe pull bearers, whn are sober ly to our aspirate than anything else. fi n lly, p, frith dtulness of infelleot and After he. bats s,•a•1•bowPd (lie pork and hrairlPrl hair: Chinlmen otter around f nnlly perhapy,iLTrpnolition of c"mplelP of demeanor, but not depressed. 'l hey [tut when z, have n ,li unrarl ,junta, t indifference to everybody and every- ! he. ,tare Bind hcl , dvnarmit:e, I he eleOtrlC current is t urneed and Jimenez, anti hnn .Turin and .Tose, fusel forIhesnkeoffwhatttheyennlilean thin wphi€+b Ina e,nd in death fromar>u.expolingIhealynatniteandblotting aro selected because of their station anti w forth, as hoonta, Himenaz, San ,in(I have a wenkness for takin mrts failure of the vital or •ins to the shark to (i,toma. or rank, and a knowledge of Chia fact Homan, Bose, there is still a gu.ttilial g I g< fper£orm gives Chem dignity of bearing, hut. they aound to the j Mhnt. we have not attain- not intended fnr sha river. When Duch Ihe•tr functions. .�.�—. ed to. The consnnanl a, when it pre- Mongolian tricks tirr diacotered the There rS lill,le to do fur (Hees of IhiS arP not cast down by it. Chinnmen are all drivo•n nut with sort. w1tP,ra there is nu possibility of a As a. rule, a six months' cruise (is - "After Lhe hearse acmes the cnr- cones a and i, has the Baine sound aA f the ,Iola, Corregidor' Island, in Mtltlila more nolae than ceremony, blit thity roluin (tomb lho:rf('h aOme�timcs aAlud,y creases Che speed of a ship fifteen, per riagn with Lhe chief mourners, w'htxye Ba is thus Correhidor Isla, by the take Their expulsion with Oriental in- of the Wrap and oft the roallos hyw•hich y, cent, 'Tota is °aaAsh by the harnaalos grief its snored. There may be another w•ay, which is islA,nd in �+pnnimh, N pro- ail" bac ae, and in fi few'minutea nen return can o itioe. incl Ica high and „hich form nn a ship's boll. �ArriagA, or perhaps more, filled with nounced izla, every letter being given all hank Agniat. htwpf that condit.Coms tnfiy Change and those who mourn deeply, but after its full value. Tile Qneten Rego•nt, Iho —_ the serparailion Prom the. be-love'd spot It Is the belief of political econornisls them the tinge of sorrow •grows rap- R,eina Regents, is Reh°ntIt. The soft — not lie final, may hying about. a rest,or- that the po p idly lighter until i( wholly disappeans. g of Sagaata becomes, followed by i„ a i EEDING SPANISH SOLDiERS. at non to mento health. ewpe in•Ily if the [ lulation of a country There •may be seen in one carriage a hard aspirate in Giherjn—Hil-erha--anri The Spanish soldier is a frugal liver, hope is based upon the aufferer's own should not exceed hfLif the number of child looking out train a window. In artists who have been SrnnP lime in Isis commissariat crllmvanop being tuo effiorts to the.t oral. it.s cultivated acres. There Are, there - some there will he seen friends and Spain learn to speak of the ” Hiraldit" fore, seven European countries which mea IA a day—one at nine a,m., the of h- neighborA come to do honor to the as they spank nJ' the "Alknlhnr'" The truslePa of Nevr FTampahire An.v- ars overpopu])trod—Belggium, which has dead anri preserve silence and fixed The Spanish j is a guttural AapiratP. er tit. five p.m. Tn some carps coffee 415 persona to (knob 1(1(1 tilled arrest attitudes, inga banks are required to have the En land, lib; Holland Uri and is g in the rirrumalfincea mention- And ROu(f, nee serval out i.n the sorts M 9r°tland, 90; "Then will come earr[agea contain- eel, and t.bis gutlnral aspirate iA Ill(• morning. A pound Fond a half of brand IookA of fill depasit.orn exn,mined and Italy, 00; Germany, F9, and Swilzer- Ing those' who look from the window,it very backbone of the language, I'he bA9a verified every third ,year. The exam- lAnd, fig. its they peas at ob pets unfamiliar, anti vinl, A,a it were, in thopse ma nificent. per man pea' flay eonstitutes the gov- __ j R innfiona moat. ha mndc by some per- t.hen there are carriages containing sonorities that have ennacid Spnnish to ernment. ration; any (nod beyond this son who 1A not the treasurer or his There is a very rnnalderAle judge Irk people who (to not hesitate to talk and be s[poken of as the fongne in which must he 1•ought, hy, the private at the clerk, Laxonworth, Kansas. A juror whtq- smile, and carriaprea containing those to address God—but th-n h i,t.self is not canteen. He gets little meat, and keeps The seamen of Norway rosy vote be- pored in Judge Meyor'R ear Clint. he who ant back in the comfortable gush- pronounced as nb aspirate; In fact, it in excellent condition on a °bunk of ions acrd enjoy the ride." its thle only Spanish letter that, is a (try black bread, a little oil, anti aclove fore leaving their country If election would lilre to go home to welceime a, .----.----... mere ailent sign. Americans are fAmil- of garlic a day. If t.o this he can add dny is within three months of their haby whir had just. arrived in hiq fAm- t}ladstonra had rho honor of being the lar with the Spanish prontine!nt.lon of a pint of wine, which tastes like vine- departu.re; or they may vote at a ily, The jnd€rA ad,journerjrconrt. for only mrrn aha was Pour timbe ('rime F:Eavann. not: aoundirig th€' initial h. It gar and water, he fpela happy• There foreign part within the same+ time, by forty-five minutes I i th' ty-five min- 1VIl v rai of ho laaid. is ,o with all other words In lvhich the i,s ant+ t'.hin�g he canner,. go without! and having their votes sent. home through ut.es khe happy falhrrr was bank, nnrl g h Cours, t hat is his cigarette. a Norwagian consul. the court, proceedings were 'reeumod.' . a n ,;1 , y ty +t;,r;.' t` �" M re, /. r H ....: , ...,.�.,: ,u.,rc...: .. ._ "3,.,..;...n..-.... :.cru.... ..,.......vs. s. i f�%` j .......u. .. l ...ro.,, ., .,.n.,i� sl�.c .�.. .♦w,., _ - n,n.._ ':f,1A. - _. .Meu4.