HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-21, Page 2,,a ..m..., n ....., , , , p, .. .,.......R: w,-,
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eu-out earent, 1 sl
after, that invention cop improved,
dayy ther0 lite-
might o my
spl'Ipg t(x0e froaao, all nay
trouble; but the temptation up
axtdt alto way a ea40ot
boat, the Nor;GhumboxIand, reatdy tit
of $1,200,000.
,, . 1 r., -.,,.r
fiercely I tktink.
Ramsgate. ►I ho 1LPe-boat being ready,
Qersnany's Emperor, a unique f'gure
°n me so could not
i did wrong, and bowing Bono wrong
tci test it the crow Demo out ands lea
!n the manarohla,l circles of the time,
once, I could not stop." O, it Is the
ed ou the gunwale on one slide to see UP
its Much given to makin speeches
first step that costa; the second its
the boat would upselt; It was impossi-
"xtgah's Flight and Mucouragelueub" 1
containing broad pjieneralizationa. All
yepre►x Yl reckcd A TFatxe Ltgutx ea the
easier; and the third; and so on to
the last. Once having broken Loose
his to upset Lt. ri'hen, amid the buzzaa
of thousands, that boat was
IUW494 16. 1.16. t olden Teat. feels
+if, t,
oratorical roads with this heredit%T1
Beach -They Sossictimes go to the Bot•
liwoop of a Teurpext
Prom the anchor, IL is nut so easy to
iaunohed, and it bas Bono and Dome,
bead of a g'r..it nation lead to his Ow.n
tow by the Sudden
-How peapte (should Live to Avoid
tie the parted atran$s, How often it
is that men perish for the reason that
ploking up a great many cif the ship-
wrecked. Out I have to tell you to-
Verse 1. Ahab told Jezebel. Ahab
consecrated person. William II. litre an
his dignities
iluuiau 814DWreoh-d, Sermon !Yell
the temptation comes from some un-
night of a grander launching. and from
bowed in turn to the strong-willedpro-
overwhelming sense of
Morals Iteading.
expected 4uartor, As vessels lie in
the dry-doaka otP heaven. Word ctrme
phet and to the strong -swilled queen.
end pmrtsonal pre-eminence in the wf-
A despatch from Washington says:
A3argate Roads, safe from southwest
winds; but the wind changing to the
up that a world was beatting on the
rooks. In the presence of the potent-
ijah had done. The sacrifice,
All that E1'
fairs of the world! A few days ago
Dr. Talmage broached Prom the follow-
Northeast, they are driven helpless
ates df heaven, the life -boast of the
the gnawer by fire, the slaughter of
the Emperor delivered to the company
in text : "Lost that by any means,
and go down. O that Clod would have
world's a•edemption was launched. It
the prieata, and the prayer for rain.
of the Royal Theater an address im
when I have preached to others, I myseif
mercy upon those upon whom comes
:shoved off the golden sands amid angel -
He had slain all the prophets, Most of
which his remarks, las usual, wexp
should be a castaway," -1, Cor. Lx. 27,
the sudden swoop of ti)_mptation, that
they not, becoming for this
Ic hosanna. fl'hei surges of daa•knesa
beat against its brow, but it sailed on,
these prophets had probably boon Lm -
grouped around himself as the easter
Ministers of religion may finally be
world and the world to come, oust
and It comes in sight to -night, it
ported from Sidon and Tyre, and were
of interest cud authority, and were
lost. The apoatl9 isi the etxt indtoates
away I cast away 1
comes (for you. it comes for me. SOUL I
therefore countrymen of Jezebel ; an
also 8 tO the degree habitual
with him. "The -theater," said his
that Fossibility. Gown, and surplice,
and cardinal's red hat are no security,
p;y talking with sailors I have found
out also that some vessels come to this
soul l get into Lt. Make one leap Tor
heaven, 'This is your last chance !for
attack on them was an attack on her.
Majesty, "should be the instrument of
Cardinal wolsey, after having been
calamity through sheer recklessness.
lids. Let that boat go past, and there
but IPearfut looking-
2. Than Jezebel sent amessengerun-
the monarch." Yn the greatest oP all
potted h kin s and Laving entertain-
Y i3
There are three millips men who fol-
low the sea for a living. It is asimple
remains nothing
Tor of judgment, ani fiery indignation
to Elijah. The strength of this wom-
an commands our res eat, even while
aPrince addresses rho lay-
ere without once alluding to his roy-
ed foreign ambassadors at Hamilton
One of the
fact that the average• of human life
on the sea is less thug twelve years.
which shall devour the adveirsary.
I am expecting that there will be
we recoil from her personal depravity
al station, He speaks to them of their
Ctourt, died in darkness.
most eminent ministers of religion that
This comes from the 'fast that men
whole (families here to -night who will
into (that Info -boat. In 1838
and her ruinous influence on the na-
own profession, and, viewing it en-
Lis count has ever known pglunged
by familiarity with danger sometimes
become reckless- the captain, the
the Isabella came ashore off Hastings,
tion, The neltlon was all with her clay
before esterda ie all a alert her
tire! from the artist!* and imper-
sanal side, and as a unit in the audi
into sin and died, his heart -post mor-
tem to have been,
helmsman, the stoker, the man on the
look -out becomes reckless, and In nine
Englagd. The air colla filled with
sounds -the hoarse sea Lrumpet, the
Y Y; o g
to -day; but she does nut waver. '1'he
ecce, gives some Lints Por improve-
examination -found
not P' uratively, but literally, broken.
out of ten shipwreoks it is found out
that same one was awful! to blame,
crash of the axes, and the bellowing of
the tornado. A 'boat from the shore
message she sent was practical banish-
meat. Jf her choice had been to kill
mnent in enunciation, gestures, reserve
O, rpi,pisters of Christ, because we have
So I have to tell you that men lose
came under the stern of the disabled
There and chil-
Elijah, she would not have notified him
force, equal avoldanoc of rant and
diplomas of raduation, and hands of
their souls through sheer rockless-
Hess. 'There erre thousands of m Y
vessels. were women
dies on board k``at vessel.
beforehand. IP she could make him Ply
tameness, and fidelit to the text,
ordi,tdtlon on the Lead, and address Don-
friends in this house to -night w•ho do
Some of the sailors jumped !n-
In terror, be would probably lose his
This Prince of old directed that the
seerated assemblages, that is no rea-
not aura where they are in spiritual
to the small Moat and said: "Now give
influence with the people, So let
gators should be comfortably bestowed,
con ruby we shalt necessarily reach the
things, They do not know whether
us the children." A father who stood
the do. She dose not appeal to
"Do you hear," he says im the immOr-
realm celestial. The clergyman must go I
they are sailing toward heaven o.r
on deck took his first-born and threw
Jehovah, Zarep-
tal play, "let them be well -used, for
'throe h the same gate of pardon as hell, and the sea is black with piratical
I hulks that would grapple them with
to the boat. The sailors caught
him safely, and the next, and the next,
as the poor widow of
Lath did, but is thoroughly loyal to
the are the abstract and brief, chron-
the lug man. The preacher may E
Y yet his i hooks of steel, and blindfold them, and !
to the last, Still the sea rocking, the
her false gods. Thy life as the life
isles of the time." As for most of
audience into heaven, and he himself
make them "walk the plunk," They do'storm
howling, said the sail-
ore, "now the mother;" and she leaped,
of one of them, That is, the head
the royal figures presented in the
miss it. There have been cases of ship-
not know what the next moment may
bring forth, Drifting in their theol-
and was saved. The boat went to the
prophets of Batal. To -morrow about
play the less sa}d of their, moral char-
wreck, where al] on board escaped, ex-
this time. She gave twenty-four
atter the better, It never• occurred to
the author of Hamlet to regard the
cepting the captain. Alas 1 if having n togall thei future. Nor God , -
„preached to others, I myself should I no Christ, no settled anticipations of
therlanbamenfowere impatientOto
help the suffering people that thy
bourn in which to leave her little king -
a he
theater as the instrument of kings.
be a castaway." God forbid it. ( eternal felicity; but all the time com- 1
waded clear down into the surf, with
dom. That Jezebel, and not Ahab,
�Ve area seaboard town. You have ing nearer and nearer to a dangerous
Some them are on fire with
blankets and garments and promises of
help and succor. I have to hope to-
really ruled Israel is evident through -
"Thu theater' also is one of mY wasp-
the Emperor William. It
coast. of
all stood on the beach. Many of you i evil habits, and they shall burn on '
have crossed the ocean. Some of You the sea, the charred bulk tossed up
night that a great many of the fami-
lies here aro going to be saved, and
out the story.
3. When hs saw that. Ween he con-
ens," repeated
' If
have vessel in great stress on the barren beach of the lost world.
saved all together. Give tis that child
sidered the queen's uuihority. He
is an extremely large asaumptian.
the Kaiser desires to row a theater at I
oP weather. There is asea-captain l and I A'Ia.ny of them with great troubles, fi-
troubles, domeatie troubles,
for Chris L, that other child, that other
Give us the mother, give us the father,
arose, and went for his life. He bad
his owvn expense he should be eucour- I
there is another, and yonder is another, I social troubles; but they never pray '
the whole family, They must all come
no faith whatever in the stability of
aged to db so by all means. It would'
and there a goodly number of you who, I for comfort, With an aggravation of"in. All heaven wades in to help you.
the Jewish worshi ere of Jehovah, and
be delightful to watch his face when
though once you did not know the, dif- I, sin that stirs up the ire of God, they
1 claim this whole audience for God. I
concluded that Jehovah's cause was
lost. It is a great deal easier to learn
the balance sheets were submitted to
Conducting Cheater on origin-
ference between a brig and a barque, i
for the 1fight ardothathey cans
and between a diamond knot and a l ness at the mouth of Heaven's harbor;
mankhno : Iatli lh whole curl Once
for God. 'there are some of you who, I
to labor and fight than it !s to learn
him. u
al lines is the easiest thing to the
sprit -sheet -sail knot, and although you reckless as to where they come nut,
thirty years ago were consecrated to
Christ by in baptism, I
cosi(. riany men, like Ffijah, strug-
heroically in
world if the manager Las an unlimited
could not point out the weather -cross drifting further from God, further
brace, though could not' from early religious influences, fur-
your parents
Certainly i am not stepping over the
gle and successfully, and
the sf:rtiggle lose that combination of
!sank account and belongs to the noble
jack apd you ther from their In t happiness,
right bound when l claim you for
nervous force, moral courage, and
` order of stayers. Uthenvise Lhe�experi-
man the fore clue -garnets, now you further from heaven, what is, the
familiar witty a ship as you are worst thing about it. is at they are
Jesus. Then there are many here wbo
Lave been seeking God for a good w bile,
faith in God neoeasury to endurance.
ment becomes fatiguing. Scores of
( theaters have been established on the
are as
with your right hand, and if it were taking their families along with
Jesus. Then ithere are some
J Then there
It is the list quarter of an hour of
j basis of "reform," a word frequently
necessary you could take a vessel clear t them, lend if one perish, perhaps they
will all perish, anri the way one goes,
rsus. Are some
here w•ho have been further away. I
every battle that counts. Come to
applied to eccentric conceptions. Not
across to the mouth of the Mersey , the probability is they will all go.
saw you come in to -night in clusters)
fBleersheba �ha, uelaong, I hundred
I long ago a theater was started at which
without the loss of a single sail. Well, Yet no anxiety, ,As unconscious of
-two, three, and four men together- �
only rejected ploys were performed. It
there is a dark night in your memory
thegArcatc one mome ttge befo ebothe
br ng ng urp your families without any
heeextreme so them limit of Palest
expired peacefully in a short time,
of the sea. The vessel became unmau-Yest.a crashed into bar. 1� ivapped up
God to lake stare of them wLen you ure
lino, on the edge of a great desert, It
I I and, few were there to mourn, for free
ageable. You saw it was scuddiu to -1
g , in the business of the store, not ro-
•Yuu that .soon they must quit
(lead. And I claim you, my^ brother; I
chim all of you. You will have to
was separted from Jezreel not merely
a fission was no inducement. If the
varus thu Inlsuro. heard the cry: membering
leo 'all their eart.bl ossessions. Absorbed
come to -night t.o the throne of mercy.
by miles, but by national lines, and
Kaiser desires to wield the theater as I
l�r'eakers ahead l Land on the
in their social inn, not kno%ving
God's Hol Spirit is striving now
was part of the kiugdum of Juclah.
I his weapon and. pay the ex eases no � bow I" The vessel struck rho rat:k, and
p I that. very soon they will have attend-
breaxing i in the
with you irresistil,fy. Al{.hough there
may be a smile on lip, there is
Left his servant there. (1) Solitude is
`one will deny him the right, But the , You felt the deck up under ed the last, levee, and whirled
from the 1 your feet, and you were u castaway,' last. sohottisebe. 'They do not. deliher-
agitation and anxiety in your heart.'
often helpfkil i,n hours of mental and
mural strain, (2) Strength and w•eak-
i public wLll witness the affaLr
as when the Hercules drove un the ately eboose t.o fie ruined.; neitber did
You will not come at my invitation;
ness lie close together in the charac-
I outside. They have their own opinion coast of Caffraria, as when khe k'urLu-, the French frigate Medusa aim for
you will come at God's command.
tees of the greatest men.
es to Low they deme to bo axnusedand g I t
p;nese bri went stavibg, ,splitting, he Arguin Banks, but there it went
(At this part of Mr. Talmage's Per-
4 `'`;ant a day's journey into tate
I incidentally instructed, ! grinding, crashing uh the Guodwius. t to pieces. O ye reckless souls 1 I wish
'whe.thcI1 to I wake up
mon a noise of•curved which disturbed
the whole congregation.) t hat t are
wilderness. A desert of gravel, now
' 1 I3uL you hat e folluwed the sea ; that -night could you
i !or not, you all understand the figure with some great portui,ation. '.Che
the theater as
you so afraid whim, there i�DO dan er
called IJt
counted miles eastward and southward,
utv.- stretches for rd,
Thera is a republLc of
I�ahen 1 tell that (Lere era man, perils ae so augmented, the cha.ncex
at a11? thn slamming shut of a,
tvesttward also, from Beersheba. lt.
there is a republic of lettera.,The..yfaat i w'h°, by Lhi=ir sins and temptations, of escape are ao fever, you will die just
body hof playgoerg__u,re the potential are thrown helpless! Driven before the' as certainly as you sit there, unless
window startle pix thousand soula?
Would to God that you wvere as cauti-
was not safe, he thought, to remain
even in the kingdom of Judah, for the
critic, Thq•y decide the fate of a drama f gale I Wrecked for tw•o worlds I Cast You bestir yourself. I tear, my oro-
tber, are becoming •a ctistaway.
ons aisaul. Pte nal perils as you isre
about the perils of time. If that slight
kingdoms of Israel and Judah were
away 1 cast away! 1 you
ail tly, but surely. Their reception By talkin with some sailors, Ihave ; You are making no effort, you are
noise geniis you to you• feet, w•hatwilf
now friendly, Sat down under a juni-
Per tree. brown ugly Shrub, which
olf a play is conclusive. If they fid et utting forth no exertion for es-
g found out that Ihexe era three or four P
you du when the thunders of the last
grows where nothing alga will grow.
under passages eloquent but too long, I causes for such a calamity to a vessel.' Cape• You throw out no oar. You take
soundinvs. You watch no compass.
day roll through earth and sky, and
the mountains come. down in avalanche
Requested for himself t.bat he might
tJae surplusage is cut out- If they see I 1 !rave been told that it sometimes no
I comes from creating false lights on the You are not calaulaliiig your bearings
of ruckZ lou Dry out for the safety
die. The causes of his mental despon-
dency are sugf:ested by 1'. W, Roti
, move •in a minor part than the author i beach. This waas so often so in olden' while the wind !s abaft, anti yonder
of your body; w-hy not cry out for the
? You have
ortson as follows: (1.) Want of occu-
Intended, it sometimes, in obedience to times. it is not many years ago, indeed iA a long' line of foam bounding the
horizon, and you will he pushed on
safety of yaur soul will
to pray sometime why not begin now,
patiou. While thee was work to be
their judgment, becomes the'leading , that vagabonds u.•sed to wander up and
to be' down the beach, getting vessels ashore t'ow•ard it, and thousands have per-'
while alt the ripe and purple clusters
� done F,lijah was brave. 2. Nervous
exhaustion -natural revulsion tuflter a
role. The publiow}Il not consent
in the night, throwing up false lights Lshed there, and you are driving in
of Divine promise bend over into your
day of mighty effort. and strain. 3.
bored in the theater with abstract ideas
in tb !r presence and deceiving them, I the same direction. Ready about. 1
cup rather than Postpone ;our prayer
Loneliness, Note how oaten Elijah
I in which they feel no interest, and pay
that they might desi.oil anti ransack Down helm I Hard down, or in the
five minutes, four minutes, three
until ,your 1 a ce a p, . t, Find he
night drops, and the sea washes you
staid, "1 am alone." 4. Apparent Tnil-
for the infliction at that. William II.
them. A)1 kinds of infernal arts were next
I used to accomplish this. And one night, minutes, or two minutes, or one rain-
out, and for ever, and for eve•, and for
ure. Iris apparent success had vanish -
ed into thin air•. Itis thought is, "All
I will find that. his subjects to (whom he
On the Cornish coast, when the sea was ut.e you may be a castaway, O, un-
ever, you become a castaway?
is last,; let me die." The entire story
+ Is eternally preaching blind submis-
I -
c,omin in fearfull •, some villians took ` forgiven soul, if you could see your
g y eril before God to -night. on account
is in accord with the deepest principles
siveness and a condition of awe as to
1 buy
a lantern and LLed iC 'to a horse, and I of our lifetime sin and transgres-
led the horse up and down the beach, Y
df mental and physilt:al science. am
not better than my ,fatthers. His con -
i his imperial effulgence, will not
tickets to a theater devoted to teach-
the lantern swaying to the motion of cion, there would he fiPt.y ices who
the horse and asea-captain iu the off -I would rush through this aisle crying
"One never knows what ono can do
soience upbraids him.dor his own un -
� faithfulness, cowardice, and •irresolu-
ing the divine right o£ kings, The•1
theater is a far greater institution
ing"'saw� it, and made up Lia mind that �� • !t mQm n grana henththey wru9h
he w -as not anywhere near the shore, :
unt it One tried, " is an old adage that
tion. He judges himself. as he judges
others, and klecfdes that be is not
lived, j•for he said: ' There a vessel -that across the deck di a foundering ship,
cuatains a considerable amount of
worthy of prolonged life. 3. How
than any monarch that ever and
i _
i it wilt continue to mirror mankind n
rarust be a vessel, for Lt hug a nluvable and there would be thousa ads of arras
lige(," and a had no Lt ha ha ov ole tossed u t Trom the al err s , acrd as
trui.h. It. might very well- be changed,
however, into "One never knows what
g uCi It a en p aye does not answer
our mistaken prayers!
- eluding filo fatuities of narrow-Lia}nod
, these. Christian mens ose up to help
til he heard the rocks grating on the them, it. would be its when a vessel
one can make until one tries without
5. He lay and slept. Th,� needs od
• specimens of royalty.
ship's bottom, and it went to pieces,
anri the villians on shore gathered up' drives on the rocks. and nn the shore
la�tiag any of its veracity, In every
his physical nature -rest and nourish -
ment-God. Ifir„t supplies. The
the command is: the life -boat I
the packages and treasures that were r
Man the 1-ufe-boat. ! utl, my lads,
household there Fire many things
thoughts2ul, sympathetic Christian will
washed to the land. And i have to tell pull.! A steamer with two hundred on
knockin tahout which are general]
g Y
often observe men an:l women of strong
you that there are a multitude of souls board makin the last lun a !" Wh
credited with lasing absolutely useless,
affections who are suddenly bereaved
Truiffent gives artificial food to
ruined by false lights on the beach.' does your cheek turn little. and your
In tet dark
(even of no value to the junkman, yet
by death or plunged into some Other
plants in the following manner: " Af-
heart pound until my dear b, you hear
gees( up ands down
Uni.versuliam it? Tt is because, my clear brother, you
w•iih u little ingenuity and a little
such physical mentalh condition
tax an analysis of the ash of the liv-
shore, shaking its lantern, and men , realize that because of your lifetime
knowledge, such articles can often be
they cannot apt +First exercise the faith
!ng plant, the necessary salts for aIlook
off and take chat flickering and.A;n and re'ection of God`s mercy you
converted intouaeful elijects,and made
nn God that they really Possess. 1'n -
ilrien do harm by
given time such as six raontha, are
expiring wick as the distal w n top,. ar•e in peril, nn l; I really believe there
and the cry is: ' jIeave the stain toll-
at the same time of considerable value,
li samP.tlmed
urging it}sm to asnumt exper-
we.iglsed out cud inclosed in a metal
are thousand,9 of people in this house
said to the mast I All is well 1" when this moment• saying within themselves:
Every housekeeper Lias, sooner or lat-
,lences that 'they are physical -
cover to form whnit }s called a - pill,'
sudden destruction cometh upon them, "Khat shall I do'?" Do 3 DO'? Wh
er, in hat• possession a number of old
ly and mentally unable to brave,
I which is presulmnibly inserted In the
and te�y shall not escape. 5o there are I my brother, do what, any .ship doeys
cnna w-bich have contained, at some
God's plan is best., Lot them wait
port, diffusion of the salts taking place
all kinds of lanterns swung on the when it is in trouble, Lift a distress
t' reserved anicots t.omat.oea or�unt.il
ime, p 1
nature's strain has been sonie-
` tbrinigh th(+ folds of tbs metal, and
1 ,. the thicker the metal the slower the
beach -philosophical lanterns, Muca-i.signal. 'There is it slash and a boons,
tional lanterns, humanitarian lanterns.I lou listen and, you look. A vessel !s
the Ill, Tt is as mu.L as her life is;apparnntly
,what eased. An angel. A messenger.
supernatural. Arise anri
diffusion. As the sults dissolve and
Men look at them and are deceived, , lit. trouble. The distress gun is .sound-
worth if shot dare put thein on the
leaf. 4. God's people always find their
v - �.� - disupi,ear thi.y axe replaced by acore
-which expands until it completely fills
t when there is nofhing but God's eter- ed. or a �i•ocket is sent. up, or a Idnnket
nal liglit-boase of, the Gbspel that can !a lifted, or a bundle of rags -anything
(luanhwa.iter for the janitor to take
real coeds mot by his care.
I 6. A cake baken on the coals. A round
the ' pill.' The salts have no action
s Y to ciil.ch Wie e e of fhe nisding (veli.
i keep them from becomin castawa s. Y p
off, and, somnli to or other they ac-
flat cake, conked by being put hettveen
vin the metal cover, which remains firm
I Once., on \Cold Crag light bouse, they Pn if you want to be Laken off the
cumulate and litter up !t small Jtitch-
heated stoner lair! in emhers of aebar-
anci hard. I1. is stated that the solu-
tried to build a copper figure of a' wreck of your din, you must lift; a dis-
en dreadfully.
, coni fire. Cruse of water. Ajar or bot-
bility of the salts can be son regulated
wolf, with its mouth open, so that the tress signal. Rise. Lift, you hand. Cry
Now for some) hint; that she can do
Ile. At hie head. A1; his pillow,
that a ' pill' may be made to fast three
or six months as ima+y' be desired. Ry
storms beating into it, I.he wolf would ;out, for mercy. The puhlicaan lifted the
howl forth the danger to mariners that. distr•e9s si nal when be cried: "God lie
with them that, will convert these pre-
which w•as very likely a .stone. Ile
did eat and drink, and laid him clown
this method of feeding, large well -cot-
might be coming anywhere near the! merciful to me, a .sinner!" Peter lift;
viausly thought, useless artic.,les into
again, Ise is so uilerly exhausted jn
ored, plants are grown in��pots of. less.!
coast. Of course it. was a failure. And `ed the Alstres9 signal when he said:
something that will nut, fail to grar'e
mind and body that he cannot even
than half the usual size.
so all new inventions for the saving "Lard. save me, 1 perish!" The blind
even her well keiti, front parlor, atom-
eat all he requires, tint takes aliille
_ -_
of man's soul arc unnvniling. Chat. the man lifted the di tress signal when he
forl.able and pretty footstool,
an?l returns to steep, while God and
human race wants is it light. ilurating said.: "Lord, that my eyes may be open-
'fake Your cans a.nd remove Cho. tops
1119 fin Pi ��ll!P�ll l,y wall,
g t
forth from the (rods stranding on the ed." gaoler• lifted I.he di-4.r'ess 91g-
and then paste several thicknesses of
R• Arose. From his sleep under the
Women who fond of strong per-
great head -lands -the light. of pardon, nal when hn said: "What must I Ido
news user smoothly around Hach one.
Juniper tree, ver.se •I). like bodil w•ear-
( y
fumes should remember that the are
the light of comfort, the light. of heav- to he saved?" CAnd help will never
en. come to otic• soul until ou li•ft such a
Nowpl ce one in t.be centre of a large
moss is gone.. St.rent;th of that meat.
flow like 1 he broad sent us front Ilea -
decidedly injnr,rious to the sense of
By talking with sn;lors, I haveheard signtil ms I.hat.. You must make some
sheet. of !!aper and put around it. its
many as you can, all sides tonnhing
veil (John 0, 35). "Christ which 9tren-
smell. By their fre u••nt, use the sec-
also, that sonietirnes sbi is come to this demonstration give some .si n, make
adjacent cans and the one in the cen-I
e, mP" (Phil, 9. 13). t oily days.
retort' glands of the nose and throat
calamit. h the sudden swear of a soine
Y Y 1 „jiPut'en-piercing rnatcry for bolo,
Horn fiw•as nut over thirteen days'
Ho b
are overtaxed and weakened. One day
tempest. Tor instance, a vessel is sail- li'lfing the distress signal for the
I ing along in the ]:u9t [ndiPs, and 1hPrn (`huvch:� pra,yar, lifting the difstr•P.Ha
With !t ,ascii trace ver carefully
I journey (sen Doul, 1. 2), hill Israel
lived fort ea i' h}'twspenrt
tli++ parson notices that the. hearing is; is not. a single cloud on the Sky; but signal ,for heaven's pardon, Yrayl
less acute than usual, and the sense; suddenly the. breeze freshens, Pray I The the Lord to -night
the exact outline made on the paper
by t•he grump; then remove and cut out
heaven! bread, 1, forty
I in far
and voice, of
of smell seems defective. This is, of there are swift feet on .the ratlines, and soundti in your ears: "in Me is Thy
the Outline. This serves for to pattern
days, ns rlid Moses, prepn.ration
i the divine revelation. repar Either
- course, put. down to a cold, and but the cry Is: " Way, haul awns• therel" , help." Too proud to raise such a sig-
Lttle is thought of it, After a time I but before they can the booms nal, tno to he
and is used, enlarged a quarter or it
LglP Inch all round, in cut nut I.vo
fiinai or the group of H Sine; is
I 'Chis is
square proud saved•
the entire head becomes affected, and and tarpaulin the batchway9, the Yes-' There was an old mlinr thumping
ihare follow• throat and lung complica-I
sha•pea of courser strong, stuff, like
ticking, den m o f
a eak. an unsettled point.
Cave Iiehrew, "the cave," douht.-
set is gmuning and creaking in the about in a.%ninII boat in a t.empest.The
tions, which are likely to end in chron-I, grip of a. tornado, anri fnlls over into larger vPR9"1 had !gone down. 1-1 felt
Chose two pieces, together wvith !t
IP9.s 9°mP well-known cavern in Ihose
awful mountains. Possibl the "Pleft
ic, if not fatal, illness, Smelling salts the triough of the sen, and broadside he must clip. 'Che. surf was breaking
are a'prolitic attune of deafness; all l ro119 on to the bearb and kPn19 over, Duni the haat, and hP snld: "1 took
strip the height of the cans, form a)
rough cover for LLe foot.9teol, 51itr.h
of thn roclr" wI1PPP. God ilareri Mnse9.
T,Odged. Literally, "passed ihP night•"
strong and ngvnt odors, articularly
Tm P
t hose tt hic.h act on t he socretory proses-
leaving the crew to struggle in 1 hP Off my life belt that it: might soon be
merciless surf. Cast awe I r ngt nwn I lever, land J thou ht, gomewbaa. indi9-
Y Y g
the strl all around one of the, iiec-
P l
es then draw it over the cans ne they
Word.....• came, Probably in n night,
vision, which ma,y continue nnf it the
seg, should be avoided as far as nos-
And so T have to tell you that !here Itnctl ghnmt my driend9 nn share, and
era set in plane, it will fit. snugly
, tt>Iirteenth verse. Tt i9 immaleri:tl
are. Ihousan(Ia of men destroyer! then I hid t.heni goad -by like, and i
through fhe Sudden swoop of tempia_ w•ras about sinking back and giving it
around each.
'Next. torn all upside down and sew
thirteer thN wind, earthquake,
were real or only a vsion; the teach -
tions, Some great inducement to world- u;p, when i snw a bright star. The
the other piece strongly on, The solid
the are, oP (Dome, to
fni is the same. r What doth thou
TLP favorite moans of transports-
li.ness, or sensuality, or• t.o high tem- clouds were breaking away, nand there
come of cane,
come ulpward for the top of the stool,
here?• "A question no tender kind-
tion in Havana, is by one-horse victor-;
, per, or to some form of dissipation, that blessed star shone +down on me,
romps u Inn them. Tf they had time to and itsePmorl to take ri. ht hold oT me,;
Pad this upper Aide with cotton, then
Doss. to reliieve the tin I1, burdened heart
ins, of which !here are thousands. Two' examiner their Bible, if they had time' and somehow, 1 en.nnot, tall how it was,
cut and put on in this same way as
did the coarse cover one made of
hnsthwvholephheart betforegthe Lord�ut
persons tare enabled to go to anypoint In consult with tapir friends, if they, lint somehow, while I was trying
within the city limits, for a hart iimP to deliberate, they could' watch thalt star, it seemed to help me
the material dettired for the footstool
which is equal to about seven pence in
I stand it; but the temptation carne so, and seemed to lilft me." O, drowning
soul, nee not thra beytween
-cretonne, tapestry or pperhaps Brus-
sets carpeting -any faabrio you consid-
!0, Jealous. Not ilor his own donor,
glory, or advantage, but dor the Lord.
English currency,
snddrnly s-PuroclYdon nn the Vftdit-+ you glimmer
err•anean, ihP Carrihean.l the rafts of the. storm -cloud? Would
er suitable-- finished with upholster-
Who can now say that truly? target.
. -
a whirlwind of
Ono awful surge of templat.ion, and
to God that that light might layhold
er's cord to miattch around t.op and
Bottom. The stool is firm, durable and
Luke David and Paul, El},}ah held
t Z3 i+'or-
ar xt o od
Israel en his ho t no
they perish. And so we of{en'henr the
nail, story : " I haon'i. seen my friend
df ynu to -night.
"Death -struck, I ceased the tide to
sat.isfa.ctory in every respect. and
+waken thy coventant. The fiorst down -
ward step., Thrown down thine altars.
A despatch from Re W`oA sa: s:-
in a great, many years, were very
handsome, too, in the bargain,
Ailter forsakdrng God's covenant =the
Yellow fever has broken out here. One
has died, Many
and hP tonlr me fiy ibP nim and ire9sed
m i
mP alon and filled the ml ,until the
1Z, r
When sudldenl,q a star asoae,
coag the star chin I
--M `-
next. step fs to neiglect his service and
overthrow his altara. Slain th ro-
victim nlrea(ly ad-
uitionnl noses Lave Upon reported, but
huhhm ran over rho o e, eso in nn
a'vll moment nil my rPsnlutinngi
O, a cnsiawap9, Gad. is doing every-
0, Y , od, is
thin to save you. Did you ever hear
Clerk -I bel,teve ou said, si.r, that
phots, rHatred di goad, anri murder
In the majority of instanae9 they are
mild nitacks, Both victims were taken
w'Pre sWP,plt awns, nnrl to the nut raging
of (;nil T fPli." Or the
rye Monel Luken t He was the invent-
• ,if the insubmerrgible life -boat. All
sifter the ffbrst of the month you would
reales my salary.
follow naturally. ('lee the of
the Rorruish Chu rah. I only am ielii..
off the United States steamship Yan-I
and my rww•n soul,
story is: " T had hard work fn Supt-
honor is due to bis memoryy lay seawfar-
,Employer -You are mistaken. What
I said waa that alltter that date you
Here Flljah oversteps the truth. Aon
verse 18 and 1 Kung's 18. 4. taut It
kee, from Santiago, Quarantine hasnot
been declared, but is threatened,
I port. my family, T knew that ,o one
ing men nA well as h"y ]nn(Isrnen.
lives he saved by his Invention.
would he worth more to us.
seemed to him than ho was apono in his
4 false entry, by one deception,
struylgle wdth wtron . tlfeek my 1110,
Not thalt he Reared death, see verse 4.
but 4t was the culmination of Israel's
stir. do a6torward they sought to kill
Jesus. John 8.87-40. ' So too, fin Chris-
tianity, thero has never been lacking a
perseoutaon of those who have preached
repentanc•,e and faith with zeal and oar-
11. Go forth. The Septuagint has,
"Go forth to -morrow." See verse 18.
!t also putts the next wards Into the
same sentence. Our version follows
Luther. It Is better to translate, "Go
forth and stand... .Behold Jehovah
passeth by." A, groat winds . .
earthquake -.. , fire. `!`hough God
sometimes rides in the storm, earth-
quake, and fire, yet he revealed not
himself to Elijah, in answer to his in-
tercession against Israel, Rum, 11. 2,
in that form. 'that had been Elijah's
way of reforming men. trod now taught
hivi that it was not his way. Jesus
taught his disciples a similap lesson
when they wished to follow Elijah's
example, Luke 8. 54-56. The Lord was
not in. 'Me Chaidee version is, " The
glory of the Lard, Shekinah, was not
in the hosts of the angels of the wind,"
etc. The true glory of the Lord is not
Ln overpowering majesty, but in his
attributes of love and mercy.
12. A still small voice. Literally, "a
sound of soft stillness." Just the gen-
tle, peaceful, comforting voice needed
by his wounded heart. To+him it was
a rest and consolation -perhaps noth-
ing more; but to us, favored by fur.
ther revelatiorn, it lights up the fact
that " the law was given by Moses,
but grace and truth came by Jesus
Christ," John 1. 17.
13. Elijah heard, and recognized it
as the voice of God. Mantle. His up-
per gurment-a sort of cloak or cape,
perhaps made of untanned sheepskins.
His face. An instinct of reverence and
awe. Stood in the entering in. The
cave must have been larger than that
now shown as the "Cave of h,li jah."
15. Go, return. Active service is the
best cure for discouragement. Wilder-
ness. Probably the region between
Bushan and Damascus. Anoint. We
have no record of the anointing of
either Hazael or Jahn by Elijuh. It may
have been done in secret, as in the case
of Da'avid, or left to his successor.
"Anoint" should probably not be tak-
en literally, but means appoint.
16. John the sou of Nimshi, that is,
the grandson, see 2 Kings 9. 2 ; Jehu
was the son oP Jehoshaphat, the son
of Nimshi. Rlisha. This name, des-
tined. to rival that of Elijab,%N" ahint
to Elijah of his mistake in supposing
thiat he alone of all Israel served the
Lord. He probably knew the place and
the man, verse 19, 20, Abelmeholah,
meaning "The field of the dance,"must
have been in the Jordan valley not far
Ifrom Bethshean.
THE SUM OF $18,000,000.
ara+w •
Two Thousand FLve nuudred Men ted
!York tot the nines -inch I/lgaliag la
many nieces•
A correspondent of the Chicago Ile.
cord writes his paper as follows t -
I have just returned from a four
weeks' trip through the rioh section of
the Klondike gold fields, and my cou-
clusion is that if the civilized world
had cause to become excited over the
gold sent out last year, then there will
be good excuse for going into a frenzyl
over the amount that will be shipped
out this season. Fifteen million dollars
is a conservative estimate of the
amount of gold that will be taken out
of the mines in the Klondike fields this
season. These are the figures I arrive
at after making a thorough investiga-
tion. I had interviews with nearly all
of the mine -owners, as well as many
employes. I panned dirt of m
selection at mine after mine.
Dred depth and
I counted the windlasses Ln operattotd
and.took note of the number• of men
employed, the length of time they have
worked and will yet remain at work.
There are in the neighborhood of
2,500 men in the mines, working nine
hours a day. The time is soon to be
lengthened to ten hours at most of
the mines. Last season the work was
not begun before January. From 250
to 300 constituted the entire working', . ,
force. Cabins had to be built and wood
cut. There was little method and no
system, and the pay streak had to be
located -a marked contrast with thia
season. Cabins were built and wood cut'
during the summer at most of the
mines. The location of the pay ground
being shown in most cases, work began ,
soon after the bard freeze-up in No-
vember. The work"In every detail is
done in a systematic manner, and
many of the methods -such as the
building of the fires, hauling of the.
dirt, etc: -have been improved on
somewhat over what
There have been no sensational finds'
of big nuggets yet this year. Quite a
number worth from $125 to $200 have
been found. Last year no bench claims
were worked. This year in the neigh-
bourhood of thirty are being worked,
and the output from these claims alone
Photo ra she r, to Captain in his new
g I
will amount to the astonishing figures
uniform -Look fierce, please.
of $1,200,000.
If you found a largo sum of money,
The richest section of the diggings ex-
tends from the mouth of El Dorado up-
w•ould you give it back Lo the owner?
strearn a distance of four miles, and on
To be honest. No !
Bonanza a distance of twelve miles, be -
She -You say you have never been
ginning a few milek above the mouth.
in love. How near have you come to
It is not an uncommon thing in the ricli
it? He was married once.
sections to select pans that pay from
How much do you charge for a ride
$5a to $200. In some of the richer
mines a run of dirt taken at random
in rho balloon? Forty cents Din u
g g P•
will play $5. The average pan, how -
And down ? Four dollars.
ever, of the dumps will not go more
Bacon --Your wife spends hours at
than from 50 cents to 81. The district
the dressmaker's. \row, what does it
'}s extending northward, and good
all amount t.ot Egbert-A pretty fig-
strikes are being made on some of the
claims on Lower Bonanza, This part
Johnny -Pa, what's the difference be-
of the Bonanza creek has been neglect-
ed, owing to its great width, which
bween puncture and punctuation? Pa
makes it difficult to locate the pay
-Not a great deal, my son. They both
streak. At the mouth of Bear Creel: a
cause one to stop. I
very rich deposit has been found, which,
Das fan' much comfort in de remahk
extends out into the Klondike bottom.
da.t contentment is better dan riches, (
Pans ranging from $5 to $15 can be
obtained at any time from the pay dirt,
said Uncle Eben. One is jes' about as
'rhe first two claims above the one at
build to git as de other.
the mouth are very rich. Twelve hun-
It is Contraband-Spatts-There is
dred dollars was rucked out in six days
one King who is not on the side of
by one man from one of these mines.
People should know, esperalally,at this
King Alfonso. Bloobumper - What
time, when the world is being flooded
Sing is that? Spatts-Old King Coal.
with Klondike mines, that the pay
Short -Young Doctor- Did you ding-
streak does not extend
nos(: his case as appendicitis, or merely
the cramps? Old Doctor -Cramps. He
There are many blanks even in the
didn't have money (enough. for appen-
richest section. There are mines which
are very poor, and often where one
He-rf you will marry me I will make
end, of a claim is very rich the other
is blank. On this Klondike, nearly op -
it mc• duty to anticipate your every
posite Bear Creek, 35 cents to $1 to
wish. She -But are you sure that your
the pan has been found; three miles
anticipations would be realized?
lower down, at a depth of four feet,
Business Man - When they say
pans pay from 15 to 35 cents to the
"money is easy,". it means simply that
Pan found, and opposite the mouth of
Bonanza there is a good prospect pan-
the supply is greater than the demand.
ning from 15 to 56 cents to the pan.
IIis Wife-GoodnessI 1 shouldn't
Dominion Creek, which flows into
think such a thing possible.
Indian rivet', is exciting more interest
Throckmorton--rave madbher appear•-
at present than any other stream. It
ante while Adam wus asleep, we are
promises to equal El Dorado as a pro -
told. Coldthrope-'That is right, Throck-
dueer. Dirt paying from $3 to $16 to
the pan is found there. Claims bavd
morton-I wonder if she seized the op-
from $1,500 to $30.000 in rho
portunity to go through his ockets'?
last sd
last six weeks. d'he mining kings oP
Is there any danger of the boa-ckon-
Bonanza and El Dorado are the best
strictor biting me ? asked a !achy" is!-
customers. Alexander McDonald "king
tot- at the Zoological Gardens. Ndt the
of the Klondike," is buying every -
thing he can get on Dominion Creek.
least, maim, cried the showman. He
never bites; he swallows his wittles
Hunker, Sulphur and Quartz promise
as well as Dominion. Where the limits
of the Klondike district will end no
Similar -Waters' talk reminds meso
one can venture to say. The nature
much of a river. It does run pretty
and origin of the deposits are little
steadily. Yes; and though there }s
undoubtedly some connection between
understood even by the mining
expe ts. TneTe few streams in
his head and his mouth, it is nut ap-
which gold in some
cannot be found•
You must admit that your argument
= --
r th=r thin 25I dear sir remark -
was it t. y
ed the. nran who w•as filibustering, in a
case like this it is not the thickness
0'1 an argument that counts. It's the
length. .
I !lis First I:nga.gement.-1 think I
I know now, sold the soldier, whn was
malting a determined effort Lo masLi-
cate his first ration of to ray beef, whiat
people incan when they talk aboutthe
sinews of war,
The Father -Ito you knots, my son,
if cove moved our legs propor•tionate.ly
its fast tis tan ant. w•e should travel near-
ly HIlf1 mites an hour? The Son -Then
,you'ri nerve• miss your tritin in the
morning, pop, would you?
Lord Russell of Killowen, ,years be-
fore he took sick, was sitting in court,
when another harrist.er, leaning across
the benches during the hearing of !t
trial for hignmy, whispered Russell,
tvhal's t hr= Pxt r, are powtity lot, higaruy ?
Two matlier9-in-law, replied liu:gell,
w•iIboat hedit.10ion.
. ...-._
Manila hemp, of which we have all
board at times; is one'of those products
which thrive only in certain parts of
the Philippines, where it is cultivated
by the natives. The fibre is still pro-
duced in the old way, by scraping the
leaves with a peculiar knife, which re-
quires expert handling, Numberless
contrivances to supersede this simple
process have been tried and patented,
but without success. The native way
is still th'e best, anti it produces a
fine fibre, of which thread is spun and
cloth woven that excels the beat Turi-
sore silk.
First. fox -Did you ever eat a We19h
rabbi t ?
Second Fox -T never did. i've heard
of them, and I!'d W4P to try one, but. 1
never ran across any.
In New Zealand women have I he
right to vote for members of the Le-
gislature. The law extending suff-
rage t.o them went into effect in IH43.
The population of Christ church (cen-
sus of 1891) was 31,454, The first glee.
tion under the new law was held in
November, 18+93, ' Number of men t+ho
voted, 5,989, These figures ought to
prove that women are not as indiffer-
eni about. polities as some people her
lieve. In New Zealand as it whole, the
estimated adult femiale population wits
139,915; of theso 1,093,9fai qualified and
rogislered i heir names on the rolls -
7:a.'33 per cent, of the whole. Of these
90;390 went to the polls and voted. 00
men ever turn out better than lhat.t
Here. is it remark to thee other sex's
credit, taken from the official report:
"A feat ure of the elect ion witx 1 he
ordor•linem anri sobriety of the people,
Wom•e•n were in no way molested."
In the New Yealand haw occurs this:
"Che word person wherever it oc-
curs throughout. this n,vt inclgdes ct•o-
mi,n." Tay (lint enlargement of the
ti;ord the maatron with garnered wis-
dom and experience of 50 years he -
comes at once the political equal of
her son of 21.
Chat are you going to do when 3 on
grow tup? aske(1 an inquiring citiaen
of the four-year old boy next doer, and
the boy answered alter some conalder-
ation :
I am going t.o he a man i
'1 cif.iznn
9a r
I 1 all n
d hr n
An R
th'ou,ght that was a good idea.
'1'hp 1Cifci--'Che hnhy doesn't cr} so
much a, lie did.
The iTushand-Nn; I'm afraid his
memory is failing him,