HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-14, Page 88 THE (CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. JULY 14, 1898 TWO Things Most -Desirable in this mundane world are cheerfulness of mind and physical repose. One is conclusive of the other. Both aro often intlueuced by little things at no, or small expense. One of the things at small expense most potent in this re- spect is a Hammock. LL has a good influence on health and spirits alike, it affords an out -door fresh -air test, which is a powerful agent in the acquisition of a well tempered constitution. As a possession its tendency is to put a per- son 011 good terms with themselves and the world generally. The terms on s . A a easy. Y which you ciao have one are a dollar will buy one, a dollar and a quer ter will gets you a larger one, more ornamented and very strong ones at advanced prices. Connect it with a good story hook and you are insured a pleasant and profitable ble t Hr•ut of relaxa- tion tion from the serious activity Of this busy world. We try to keep all mod- ern fiction. 1f you can use a complete edition of Scott, in paper, 12 vols., we have a bargain to offer you. They are second hand and Seventy -Five Cents takes the twelve books -that's just about six cents apiece. The W D. Fair Co, CLINTON. Agents Parker's Dye Works. einzassmanimessm Cew A. tverttoenelltL. The number following the name in- dicates the page on which the ad ap- Sears. weeping Muslin Sale -Gilroy & Wise- man (5). Alma College -Rev. R. J. \Varner (5). Bicycles -\V. Cooper & Co. (1). Big Clothing Store -Jackson Bros. (8). Hot Weather Comfort-Hodgens131 us. (8). Tours-F. R. Hodgens (8), Most Desirable -W. D. Fair & Co. (8). Purely Personal Mention. A/tWWV \ The Weekly Record of the Coming and Going of Ciintonians or Persons Known to Them. AA/AAA Miss Ethel Herman is visiting friends in Seaforth. Miss Josie McMurray'is visiting Sea - forth friends. Miss Welsh of Goderich is the guest of Mrs. C. Bezzo. Miss McLaren of Goderich was in town Monday. Miss McMurray is the guest of Miss Bell, Wingham. Miss Taylor of Guelph is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. A. Gunn ofTeronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Ray and little daughter return- ' ed to Lucan Saturday. Mr. R. Berke of Georgetown is visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. Hale. Miss Millie Vantastle of Toronto is he gueet'of Miss Ewings. • Mrs. J. P. Tisdall and Master Fred are visiting relatives in Seaforth. Dr. Bruce's family took possession of their cottage at Bayfield Tuesday. Mr.James aes Burne Bayfield, was in Clinton the batter part of the week. Master Roy Campbell of Detroit is visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. P. Spalding. blaster Walter Irwin visited his grandfather in St. Thotnas, last week. Mr. S. Kemp and Miss L. Rath spent Sunclay at the home of the latter's brother near Belgrave. Mrs. Jas. Twitchell and fancily have taken a cottage at Goderich where they will remain during the heated term, Mr. C. W. Treadgold, Principal- of Blenheim Public school, is spending a few days in town visiting A. J. Grigg, jeweler. Dr. Blackall, D. Cantelon and J. P. Doherty attended a meeting of the Ex- ecutive of the West Huron Liberal - Conservative' Association in Goderich Wednesday of last week. Miss Plummer left yesterday for Brandon, Man., where two of her sis- ters reside whom she has not seen for eight years. She will visit in the prair- ie province for several weeks ere she returns to return to her hospital duties at Providence. Mr. Geo. Armour returned last week from Goderich where he spent amonth health-seektr,g•but, we regret to say, is not yet himself by any means and will have to take a more lengthy rest, to- gether with a change of scene which so often proves more efficacious than doctors' prescriptions, He was down at the shop Saturday, but it was more for the sake of seeing for himself how well his partner had kept the business on an even keel than with any expecta- tion of being able to say that he would be on hand Monday himself. Mr. Thos. Rutnball, freight clerk and operator at the G. T. R. station here, has' been promoted and given the ag- ency at St. Jacobs, six miles front Wa- terloo and on the Galt and Elmira branth. St, Jacobs is a hum -drum lit- tle village with a Teutonic population of about six hundred, so that Mr. Rums ball will have to brush up his German. He has now been in the G. T. R. Ser- vide a decade, two years in Stratford and the balance in Clinton. What he will perhaps miss most at St. Jacobs will be the Salvation Army, no corps being able to exist there. Mr. T. Jackson, jr., of Jackson 13ros., left Monday for his annual busi- ness tour of Manitoba and the Terri- tories, which includes a visit to all the towns and principal villages so far west as Calgary and north to Edmon- ton. He went by the C. P. R. all -rail route, but will return by the great lakes and expects to be absent seven or eight weeks. All through the im- mense district over which he will trav- el the firm has done a large ordered - clothing business for years, part of which comes down by mail, though the hulk is secured by Mr. Jackson who calls at suited seasons and is expected by their customers, who accordingly hold their orders. He took along a scrap book, which Mr. W. Jack- son has been many years in compiling, and which contains reports of all the cricket, foothall, baseball and bowling matches played by Clinton during the past two decades. Several of their plttrnns in the \Vest hot formerly of 1 his comity have desired a peep at the hook, among the number Mr. Henry Cameron, secretary -treasurer of the Winnipeg Electric Light Co. Once upon a, time Mr. Cameron taught the young idea how to shoot down in Stan- ley and was the hest batsman in the cricket team at Brucefleld, then the most famous in Huron. I)r. Stewart, who is now so prominent, in the medi- cal world, was also a member of the eleven at the same time. Dr. Rout- ledge, now of Moosemin and the Luby brothers, settled at, Edmonton, who twenty years ago were residents of Hayfield, and competed against Clin- ton upon the diamond, will also find this old scrap book interesting. Mr. Jacob Taylor was in Goderich on Monday. Miss Cotte visited in Seaforth this past week. Miss Hannah McKenzie visited in Blyth last week. Mr. Andrew Mellarva left yesterday on a visit to Detroit. Mrs. (1)r.) Blockall and family are visit tug at Merton. Mr \V. H. Willis, Seaford], was iu the Hub on Monday. 51r•. P. Mclean returned to his home in Kiucardilie on'Fuesday. Miss Lirzie Reid of Loudon spent a few days in town last week, Captain Rance and Mrs. Rance re- turned to Blyth on Monday. Miss Nettie Anderson of Blyth is the guest of Mics Aggie Chidley. Mrs. (1)r•.) Gunn and Miss Lala are visiting friends in Beaverton. The Misses Mountca',tl1' were at the lakeside sketching on Friday. Miss o o Misseta Brandon Is spending the 1 €' holidays with her mother in Il.elgrave. Six. Ilugh Welsh, Seaforth, spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Win. Spar - ling. Miss Borns of Bayfield is the guest o1, f Mrs. A. Grainger and Mrs. R. J. Cluff. Mrs. Frank Metcalf, Blyth, was the guest of Mrs. Choweu a few days last week. Mr. G. I). McTaggart was registered at the Queen's Hotel, Toronto, Thurs- day last. Miss Nettie Crow of Paisley was the guest of Mrs. J. It. Collins a few days last week. Masters Johnnie and Lennie Catnte- lou are visiting relatives in Goderich township. Mr. and Mrs, McTaggart will spend the warm weeks at Bayfield, going tic!oss this week. Miss Carrie Macdonald of Wingham was the guest of Miss Mary Lough for a few days last week. Mrs. Geo. Swallow and family are at the lakeside where DIr. Swallow joins theta on Sunday. Dlr. and Mrs. R. McLeod of Clinton were guests of Mrs. J. McNabb last week.-Lucknow Sentinel. Misses Edith and Eleanor Broder left last Friday for Morrisburg where they will make their home. Messrs, Chas. Cluff of Toronto, for- merly of Goderich, and Thos. Burrows of Goderich were in town on Monday. Miss Rhoda Fentress of Detroit, who is summering at Hayfield, was the guest of :ars. James Eagleson Tuesday. Miss .1,1cMurchie, and :Hiss Courtice of Blyth leave this morning to spend a few weeks at Pott Carling, Muskoka. Rev. Mr. Murdock of Teeswater was in town Tuesday and has rented one of Mr. Rumball's residences on Mary St. Mrs. R. J. Eacrett and fatuily re- turned to Brantford Tuesday after a visit to her sister. Mrs. J. B. Hoover. Mrs..Farran and her daughter, Mrs, H. Torr Rance of Blyth, returned from their trip to London on Saturday p. m. Mrs. J. T. Clark, wife of the versa- tile "Mack" of the Saturday Night, and family are visiting her mother, Mrs. Greig. Mr. Jas. Murchie left Tuesday for a -trip to Manitoha and the Terrltnries. He went by way of Chicago and the G. T. R. Mrs. Geo. Saville left yesterday to attend the wedding of a friend at Ber- lin and from thence goes on to Toron- to for a lengthy visit. • Banker R. S. Williams and Sheriff Reynolds, Goderich, called upon Clin- ton friends last Saturday and had a gauze of bowls on the green. Mr. Fred Brophy of Goderich is in charge of bur. Foster's studio during the latter's absence attending a Pho- tographer's Convention in Now York. Miss Lillie Johnston: has resigned her school in East Walwanosh, where she taught so acceptably, and will Lake a Normal School course after the vaca- tion. Mrs. W. Allen and family, who have been visiting her mother, airs. Warner, for the past four weeks, left. Wednesday for a visit to Walkertuu friends before returning to Toronto. Mrs. Lou Smith and family who have been guests of her mother, Mrs. Butt and her father-in-law, sir. John Smith, -for a month past, returned home'to'Detroit last Friday. , ' - 1%1 '. W. - Duncan-' and Master Geo, were guests on Sunday of Mr. James Mains near Blyth. sir. Mains has not been feeling just exactly himself this summer though now rapidly re- covering his usual tone. Mrs. Jno. Richardson of Michigan who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Churchill of the gravel road and her many other friends and who has not been in Huron l'or 18 years, does not see much change in the community ex- cept that many old faces have passed into the Great Beyond. • .Mr. Milton Snell of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of his uncle, Mr. John Jackson, and goes north to -day to spend the remainder of his vacation in Winghaul which was once his home. Frorr, all accounts he expects to see quite a change in the town from what it was when he left there eight or ten years ago. Dr. Lindsay Sundayed in London where he has many friends, among- them mongthem several college chums. Ho leaves in a fortnight for Great Britain to walk the hospitals 4of London dtid Edinboro for six months to equip him- self more thoroughly for his life work. Ile will be accompanied by a Thames - ford medico who, like himself, is de- sirous of enlarging his hospital experi- ence. Mr. E. M. McLean of the Collegiate staff leaves to -day for Toronto to begin his duties as one of the Departmental examiners for which the recompense is six dollars per diem of six hours. Mr. McLean will peruse the papers on Physics and expects that, as usual, there are 1 wo good weeks' work ahead of him. Principal Houston, who will read Literature and Mr. Treleaven Classics, are to report for duty 00 the 20th. Mr. McLean thus will be able to easily attend the Masonic Grand Lodge which meets in Toronto next week at which he wi}l have the privi- lege of voting by virtue of his office of junior warden of No. 8.1. Worshipful Master O. Johnston and Worshipful Past Master Paisley also purpose at- tending. Drs. Gunn and Turnbull attended the annual meeting of the Iuternation- al Railway Surgeons Association held in Toronto last week at which there was a large representation from both sides the line. The discussions were pretty fully reported in the daily papet s, but were rather technical to he of tench interest to the general public. They were probably rather dry, too, though at times with a torch of humor, as when, for instance, a.learned profes- sor gravely declared in a, paper upon anaesthetics that chloroform was first used in the Garden of Eden in extrltct- ing Adam's fruitful rib. The meetings were characterized by exchanges of in- ternational courtesies 'which cannot hot assist in cementing the bond of friendship between these I wo countries. 'rhe members of the Association were trent ed with rnnrh hospitality, the freedom of the city tieing theirs, as it were, and have souvenirs to remind them of the profit and pleasure they derived from their visit. 1)r. Gnnn's standing in the profession was recognized by his election ns e11e of the vice-presi- dents. lie was one of the party which went north to the Muskoka Lakes on Saturday, visited the Gravenhurst Sanitarium, and returned to the city on Monday. Miss Forrester of Mitchell is visiting her uncle, Mi•. D. A. For rester. Miss L1LUII( MtGegan of Poplar hill is a guest at Ml. W. 1)1)liel'ty's. MI*;. J. Juhustou, Itatttenbury St., left yesterday, for Owen Soend. Mr. C. Stewart left Muudey evening nn a visit to his home in Atwood. !Hiss Della Stapleton of London is the guest of Mrs. T. D. Johnston. bits. E. McCaughey of Mullett is a private guest at tlia ('otuwercial lintel, Dr. Sheppard of Bayfield was in Clinton Friday evening attending a social event. Miss Mary Southcombe of Seaforth spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Southcomhe. Mr. Walter Turnbull left Saturday for the homestead at Milverton where he will remain during the holidays, but. is likely to return after the vacation to take another year at the Collegiate. He wrote at the recent matriculation ruination of which a examination the result will not be known until well nu in August. Walter has two brothels in the medi- cal profession and by and by w'111 be styled 1)r., too, but dentistry is his choice. Mr. W. J. Kinney was in Clinton Friday un his way hack to Winthrop from a visit he had been making to Orange Lodges up north. Mr. Kinney represents the Insurance Fend in con- nection with the Supreme Orange Lodge of British America and is able to report an increasing interest in its operations. The members of the Order are giving their own Fund the prefer- ence over other Societies whose special- ty is cheap insurance. Mr. II. W. Harris, representing Bal- lantyne of Stratford, was in town yes- terday in reference to the purchase of the Holrnesville and Constance cheese. The last trip was made by Mr. Harry White who met with an experience he will not forget for a time. \Vhilo bik- ing down a hill in an adjoining town- ship he took a header which landed him, after three complete sumnler- saults, away ahead of his Wheel and his watch flew thirty feet further still. The fall battered and bruised hien-con- siderably. Dr. Ed. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes of Cleveland, Ohio., are visiting friends in town and township, the Dr. being particularly well-known in Goderich township where he first saw the light of day some forty years ago. Not- withstanding the keen competition in his profession in Cleveland, the Dr. has built up a good practice and is doing well. The meds. who bear the sante family name as himself appear to be quite numerous, among the num- ber being the County Treasurer at Goderich and Dr. T. Holmes of De- troit, both cousins of his. West Tnckersmith. Mr. John Avery of the London Road has greatly improved the exter- ior of his residence by adding shutters and verandahs. The E. L. here was favored. on Sun- day evening by a splendid address from Miss Washington of Clinton. She took for topic • The o her e t i c „ Leaguers here will be pleases} to have her back again at some future date and we can assure her the house will be as full its it was on Sunday evening last. Mr, Thos. Jennison and Chas. \Vtltse of the London Road spent' Sunday with friends in McKillop. A number of our people celebrated the 12th in Blyth and Hensel'. Dir. Evans, who is pushing the For- ward Movement of the Students Mis- sionary Campaign, spoke to the E. L. here on Friday evening last. Haying in this locality will he com- pleted this week. The frost of Sunday Y night blackened the corn beans and others of the more tender varieties of plants. Mr. S. E. Sawyer has been renewing old acquaintances throughout this neighborhood the past week. . Bayne 1(1. Miss Maud Ferguson has returned from Toronto. -- - Miss Rota S to n b u ry is horde for holidays.- ---Mrs Joseph Orr of Brantford and Mies V. Bind of Elimville are visitiu g at Mrs 1101 man's. -Mrs. and Miss Baird were visiting in town during ... --Mt. Cam- erontthe week, eron of Detroit visited friends in town Monday.- -Mr. Keith McLean of Sea - forth was fn town 541 urday,-Mr. and Mrs. Beatty of Settforth spent last week at the Queens.-Auioug the numerous campers here we notice Mr. IL 0. Brewer of Clinton and Res Mr. Kerrin of Mitchell. -The Misses Mai -- tin and Miss Shaw visited at the Cir• cular town on Monday. Mr. Geo. Baird of Brucefleld con- ducted the Primary Exams here dur- ing the past week. There were nlue candidates. The papers on the whole were fair. On all examinations some unexpected tl.ld )d >e y appear ear and this one was exception. The Physics and Arith- metic were perhaps a little peculiar, but there was nut a shadow of the un- reasonableness displayed in the pre- paration of `the P. S. Leaving Arith- metic and Grammar. The Orangemen of this district at- tended divine service in the English church here on Sunday last when ap- propriate services were held by the Rector, Rev. Mr. Smith, and a very in- structive and impressive sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Kerrin of Mitch- ell. The Rev. gentleman's remarks were pointed and timely and were much appreciated by the large congre- gation. The workmen are busy filling in the workgoes of stone at the pier and thet rather slowly as the stone cannot be got at on windy days. We would beg to suggest that the farmers in the neighborhood he given a chance after the harvest to get rid of their surplus field stones to help on the work. Dir. Marks is erecting a bathing house for the use of his cottagers and guests. This is very commendable in- deed, and it is to be hoped his good example will be imitated by the hotel - keepers of the village. The city fath- ers might also take the matter into their most serious consideration and follow Mr. Marks' example and erect a suitable house for the accommodation of the villagers, so that we will he spared the humiliating sight of wit- nessing young ladies hunting the crevices of the bank for suitable places to prepare for a plunge. Our city fathers have determined to enforce the cow by-law and have these animals shut up between the hours of 8 p.ln. and 0 a.m. They are after the geese also and intend that the 12th of this month shall see that these, too, are behind the pars during sleeping hours. This is a wise step and will do touch to prevent the destruction of people's gar- dens by these nocturnal feeders. Wanted, a park on the south side of the river, for the benefitof the villagers and their guests. A very pretty loca- tion would be that piece of property south of and including Cannon park. No doubt the owners of the above pro- perty, including the old rectory ground, would sell the same reasonably, and very little expense would make that the prettiest spot on the shores of Lake Huron. Bluedale. Ed. Bayley is home for his holidays. A large crowd left this station for Blyth on Tuesday. Henry McHardy of Goderich spent Sunday at hoihe• Miss Lillie Burgess fif Owen Sound is visiting in town. Miss Ethel Bing of Wingham is spending her holidays with her grand- mother, Mrs. King. Fred. Davy of Listowel is in town. Mrs. J..l, Messer •sser• and daughters of Hamilton are visiting Mrs, William Messer. Mrs. Edmonson and son of Oshawa are the guests of Mrs. Etcher, We are pleased to see Mrs. Mosgrove able to he out on her wheel again. A Special Session Called, A special meeting of 041 Ontario Legislature has been called for August 3rd. g The urgency ) b Y is supposed sed to be due to a case of fright un the part of the Hardy Government and that they ex- pect to be able to legalize, what is now before the courts, the right of election officials to vote. If Mr. Hardy with all his wisdom has violated the law he should be made face the responsibility, but as that means in all probability the loss of powerI the Legislature gi stature is to be asked to permit an evasion of certain election trials. Another bad feature is that men who were not elected by the people will be able to legislate upon the matter. sir. Garrow ought slot to think of attending Lite Legislature. Will he stay away is the question. ;Bandon ---11 ullett. Mr. Ben Tyerman was the first to start harvesting in this vicinity, hav- ing started to cut wheat on the 11th. Mr. John Greenway, a former resi- dent of Hullett hut now living in To- ronto, is visiting friends in this neigh- borhood. Mrs. Forsythe of London is also visiting for few weeks at the resi- dence of her sister, Mrs. John Hughes. Mrs. Andrew Tyerulan of Seaforth is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Fair - service. Your correspondent took in the 12th celebration in Blyth. The following were some of the things we noticed. That Blyth was crowded and was nicely decorated. There was a baseball match between Wingham and Brussels. At times there was brilliant playing but at other times it dragged and too touch kicking was indulged in. Score, Wingluttu 10, Brussels 13. Londeshoro had the largest and best dressed Orange Lodge, some sixty merit her. The Brussels fife and drum band was the attraction of the day. The baseball match between Blyth and \Vinghanl resulted as follows : Wingham 24, Blyth 5. Mrs. John Holt zhauser of Preston drowned herself in 0 cistern. Cash For Cherries, Highest ca. h price paid for Cherries, CANTED IN Illt(J0 Clinton, July 1370. HOLIDAY TOURS TO MACKINAW AHD DULUTH FINEST TRIP ON FRESH WATER Collingwood anti Owen Sound to Sault 0)1. Marie, Mackinaw and Duluth, vin the, Ninon.; North Channel and 1(u•ough tli (5,uuu kill Ink 11f the Georgian tiny, giving the tour•i-t qui Duple• tunity of viewing the mo) rnagniticent reuor)- 0)1 the Great Lakes, CLINTON to Sault Ste. Marie. .liurkiint w and return; via Colli ng wood or 1) wcii 80111111. $Iti ,0 CLINTON 40 i)uluth and 6 return, via ('ut un lin •wood or Owen 0 m L pal a, Sault Ste. Manic, Port Arthur and Mackinaw ¶''t( uU For ticket:; to all points and information rc- garding travel by boat or rail, cuusuIt V. it. 1I01)GENS, G,T.It. Stoamsitip and Tiekot Agl , Clinton. T WEATHER GUJTIFDW Everything in Dry Goods that • is helpful to summer comfort is to be found here, and not in stinted quantities. Stocks are big enough to give buyers ample choice. This is Stock -Cleaning Month with us, when all odds and ends and broken lines from all de- partments are being cleaned out at prices a good deal less than regular, prices that make it • pay buyers well to shop here. Here are a few of the odd lines we are clearing out; there are many more at the store, the values of which are just as good. Wah Goods Bargains Our great sale of Prints and Wash Goode brought crowds of buyers to the store last week. To keep up the interest new lines have been put on our bargain tables, Here are two samples: - Fine Dress Muslins, fancy colorings, suitable for dress and waists, regular 20c and 25c lines 10c Very fine Linen and Victoria Lawns, regular 20c, and good value at that_ 11c Bargain from the Dress Goods Our sales of plain and figured Black Lustres this season have been enor- mous. Here is an odd line we want cleared out. Any lady wanting a black Skirt should not miss this chance :-- One piece only, extra good quality fancy black Lustre, bright and glossy finish, medium pattern, no better goods to wear in our stock, our regu- lar price has been 80c, to clear. 5Oc Millinery All our Ready -Trimmed Hnts are now being cleared out at prices that represent very little more than half of their original value. They have all been trimmed up for the summer trade, are the newest styles, and millinery buyers should not let this chance pass. Untrimmed Hats New styles and shapes in untrimmed hats, dark and light colors, have been $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Choice for COc Parasols We induce- . au'e offering some big ments in order to clear out our Parasol stock. Two items will .show how val- nes are going; -- Fine Gloria, Parasols, will not turn green, 23 inch frame, steel rod, hollow rib, black or fency han- dles, regular $1.25 line 80c Dxtra quality satin de chine Para- sols, will no cot or turn rusty, wood and steel rods, block or fancy handles, some of our best nods, have been $2, $2.25 and , 2.5(1, your choice $1 05 HODGENS BROS., A HOSIERY BARGAIN A chance to buy genuine IIermsdorf dyed hosiery at less than value ; we cleared out a line at a bargain ourselves, and pass it on to you in the same way. Genuine Hermsdorf dye Get men real niece •err silk cotton }lose r .111. 3 finish, double sole and high -splic- ed heel, would be good value at 30c, sizes 0, O}, better than any 25c hose wo have ever sold, OUP special closing price 1Se SAMILE HOSE That sample lot of Cashmere close advertised a few weeks ago is nearly all done, just a few dozen of laidies' and children's left. It's a hosiery chance that don't come often and good buyers are taking advantage of it. Store closes during July and Aug- ust at 6 p.m. except on Saturday. Direct Importers, CLINTON, ONT. �ttrttr ttrtt�ttr ttrttrttr ttrttrttr ttrttrttr ttr!trttr ttrttr JACKSON b 1 r 1 P 1 �. BROS. � r r a r P Big Clothing Store CLINTON- LINTON- It?! T! Ir Tr 111.- S.- r IS.- 111.-1 ISO.- P ••••••••••••see•s••• 0••••0•• ••••••i••••••••• Our Specialties in Clothing, which we manufacture ourselves, are the cheapest and most valuable goods on the market, and the best evidence which we have to offer is a constantly increasing trade. No- where can you find such an assortment and such good value. • o•••©••••••• •••• ••o••••••••••••••••••••••••• C.- 1n- 6111.- 61a-- Or- 1-- 1ss." �r.-- aw- 1110- COS- 10- -- 1a-- Mr- e-- 11111.- P OP - P P SW- a►- a.-- es TAKE OUR BOYS' KNEE PANTS at 50c, 60p and 75c, and you get goods that can- not be approached in any house in the trade. We are now )manufacturing 200 pairs for early Fall trade and the line will be better than ever. a. i .-4110 --.- -+ 1 ••••80060606006100000 0•00 0••0••600••••0••••0• -.v Our 1 -.r 1 1 Men's PANT at $1, $1.50,82 sell by the hundreds, and we are confident that no such value can be seen elsewhere. Good keen buyers should see our selection. 4 1 -.a --- 011 -5- ®vee000009000000.0.0••00•••• 1e For'ears have y � ( e , advertised our 7 arifl$IO }11e's suits -0111-01 •-5- 1 )is the best value in the trade, and we -5- waS t once illore to 'make -the same asser- tion. 'These lines are made by ourselves and they are cut, made and rim med in manner totally different from ordinary ready-mades. You can save 25 per cent by buying these lines. 0006000000G60660000••••• •••••••••• In DvBraI!s aild Smooks we allow perhaps the largest assortment to be found anywhere, and our prices are ,just a little lower than what you can find in most places. • -1 1� 111 P 00600.0.06.0006000111110000001111111•••••• Our Great Seri-AnunaI Bargain ]Jay takes place 011 salnraay, July 23rd This Day will see the Greatest Slaughter s►-. 110- 110- 11111°-1 1 1M-- .� k\, 1 \ r i. it i \ \ 1 .,FM '� Ji till particulars and price list will 1 ` ' \,y' be published next week. SP - 11.E 1►- 0te••, 000006/00000.6.00 O3•• 60.••0000.41,00.000000000..-- ever made, and it will be of inter- est to every buyer in the county. The odds and ends of the Tolton stock, bought at GOc, will be placed on our counters at Prices that will Startle the Ordinary Buyer. our Bargain Days have always been a big success, but we expect this one to eclipse all previou-. efforts. 1 -_ -5- --'5- -11 -0111 -,. -+ J _1 --- 1 -e -.e -011 -01 1-0 -_5- -5- •.- Jackson Bros. �1(II►111 JI►11i4 JIUI 4 J1►1111111 J1►tIl►4 JIIJ►t4 II JIIJII ►I� J