HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-14, Page 2I
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us that we should be called the Soils 09 metars, striking deeper than bayonets.
POSITION NOT EVERYTHING God. Who aspires not for that YOYI Voltaire hated Rousseau. Charles Lamb HOLLAND'S YOUNG QUEEN,
� - —
-_ - ---
faill the eye - the chandelliersa- of
f no at�
at 0 am beautifully de-
-_ -_ - - -_
alty 9 Come now and be kingis and Could not eudare Coleridge. Waller
Signed and ,ht and the room
wl oul ,
HgqNo Iff W�o R WE.
__ priests UPto God and the Lamb for warred against Cowley. The hatred of —
ts a not able arra y of flags and INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 17.
REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ever. Pluto and Zenottholl is as immortal as TO BE INSTALLED WITH RE -GAL
trophies taken in wars with the 8pan- —
ABOUT KING SOLOMON. Still further: I lourn from MY sub- their works, Corneille had an utter POMP AND SPLENDOR.
' 4ect that worldly wealth cannot Sat- contempt for Racine, Have you ever
iarda and the Indiana. " E"Jah 011 CUrAllel." 1. kilkils 18. 110-89
Not AmAeardam but
. - '
, __" Ifify the soul's longing. The more been in Westminster Abbell In the ...."
alone, every Golden Text, 1. lilugm A8. 39.
to,vVil Gad village in Holland, will hold
Picture of the Ring's Magnificent Houlke- money, a man has, the better, if he " Poet's Corner,"' in Westminster Ali- UO'kv the 0191rhalau sho"s 111" 1p""lot"'An
high festival during the days of com- PRACvrICAL NOTES.
Every Wish Gratified, Yet Ile Was Ila- 96ta It honestly and uses it lawfully. boy, Sleep Drayton the poet, anti a —I"4YS front $200 to $490 for Two-
happay-Weal4ka '"J"10"Ted
tatimoratiou. of the many suggestions Verse 3D. And Elijah Said unto all
Good Thing to Ilavolf The whole teaching of the Word of God little Way off, Goldie, who tidid the for- Room" front 11""ch so view
which hayea been made as to how ex- the "The
Gotten IloucAlly and Illsed Lawfully- has a bendency to create those kind of uter was tiot it poet. There sleep Dryden, "it' Prorehal"" 6,000 ff"I"Ing Pigeons
People. people" who had
I Pression is to be ifiven 'to public feel- -
Old and Now World Bvents of Interest Ohron-
Some Les"ns froul the Life or Solomon. habits that kind of macutal acumen and a little way off poor Shadwell, Will 0irry like itaillago of fler Corona-
ing)S, me is catirtainly worthy of par- Just Witnessed the failure of the, pro-
Icled Briefly -interesting Happenings of
A despatt-h from Washington says, which leads on to riches. A man who ,who pursued him witil a fiend's ury. lion to Ev try ra rt or 11ollanailL.
ticalar note. To Amsterdam are to Phats of Baal to- secure an unaNver
Recent Date.
-Dr. Talmage preached from the fol- talks against wealth as though it were There is Pope, and a little Nvay off Is Amid the angry noise of war which
a bad thing, is knave or.a fool John Dennis,
be brought upon the day that witnesses from their god. Come near. The
Scotland is excited over the failurts
either a his implacabie eno'nY.
lolving text: "Vanity of vanities- not meaning what he says, ,or ignor- TbeY lie% er before came so near togeth. now ding in the. ears of the Old Viorld
c6mmoaY of installwtion no fewer
than 6,000 homing pigeons, collected SePtuagint (the ancient Greek version
of a number of firms that have been
saith the preacher; all is vanity."- ant of the glorious uses to %N hich money Or Without quarrelling. 'Byron had all and the New, there comes from Hol-
from every portion of the Low Coun- Of tile Old Testament) tells us that
speculating on the boom In Scotob
Eco. xit. 8. can be put. But the man ,Aho builds � lt�iat. genius eouLd give a man. and that laand a peaceful, happy note, &lays a
his Bout's happiness on earthly accu- I t Orary man, and
tries, and "packed" in baskets. These first Elijah head bi(lden the prophets
are to be
whiskey, .
When a book is placed in your hands. mulation is not at all wise, to i)ut it I applause (!<)old give a London letter. The whole of the pro-
yet a later poet InOst graphically tie-
deposited in the public, of Bas.1 to depart. ,rhae people came
square at the rear of the famous RyX
Spain, having lost control of her au-
the (irat question you ask is: "Who in the faintest shape. To say that scrilws� both film genit.o. and his grief porous little kb�gdoam is busy getting
Museum, and at a prearranged mom- near. The crowd closed around, their
gar-prGduOug colonies, has sent de.184
,Arote it?" Not till the political as- Solomon was it millionaire gives but S: by F&3-ing: ma,dy for the last day of August. Then
out, when the young sovereign drives enthusiasm ringing with every act of
gates to the conforenoe on the aboli-
very imperfect idea of the 1)"uperty Ile
tuteness, and classic grace, and on- The tiations gazed, and wondered much the young Queen Wilholmina, comes of
inherited from David his father . 110
into the square to be pAwluiff�ed by her the Prophet of God. Repaired the altar
tion of sugar bounties, being held at
paralleled satire of Junius's Letters I and praised: aage, and a few da,ys later she will be
had at his command gold to the, value; Critics before him fell in bumble plight, .
subjects, the birds will receive of the Lord, Which probably hack been
their freedom, and will (carry to every
Personally conducted tours to Somm-
can satisfy you, because you do not of six hundmal. and eighty ' million 0-nfou.nded fell ; and made debasing installed with every. circ umeta nee of
part of Holland the tidings that the broken down in Jezebel's persecution.
litand, with a chance to shoot at lions
know, who Junius was -whether John Pounds, and he had silver to tile I igns regal paoinpandcereb�o* as sovereign
value of one billion, twenty-nine, mil -T.
. coronation of Queen Willhelmina is an 81. Elijah' took twelve stones, The
and other la,rge game, are advertised-
. �
11 I
Horne Tooke, or ,Bishop Butler, or vat8ch his eye; and Stretched, and Of this Netherlands.
lion three hundred and severity-SevOul swelled themselves
accomplished faoL. Assuredly there Is region is full of stones. The altar it-
an element of poetry in the notion of
by a London Tourist agency. ,rhe tri
Edmund Burke. Mightier thas a book pounds sterling. The Queen of Shelia iTo bursting nigh, to Utter I)Ulky words Only a yeax ago London was in a
these 6,000 pretty messengers winging self wau built of detached stones.
will last three months and cost $8,
qulways is the man who wrote thelboak. made him a nice little present of ,'even Of admiration vast : and many, too- fever of preparation for the historic
Vow. who is the author 'this text ? hundred find twenty thousand pounds, I Many flight,
their flight ,simultaneously to the Twelve of these were taken, emblem-
Wales, which was made a vicarlat
of that aiined to imitate has Pageant of June 22. To -day Amster-
and Hiram made him a present of the %Vltb flatter-
Parts of the Queen's i-ealm, atic of the tribes of Israel. Notwith-
I and carrying ap
by itself three years ago by Pope 1,60,
Solomon. It seemed as if the weaker wing -unearthly
same. amount. If he had lost the value dam is ma.king similar efforts. Of
I ing
unwritten message of
I standing the frequently -returning
haa now been raised to a diocese, und.
.. I
world exhausted itself on that man. of it whole realm out of his porket, wade, Me there is a difference. The popu-
� . And gave ab-undant sport to after 'Ou
I Peace and goodwill all her people. jealousy and bitterness between the
Anoother happy thought is that there
er. the name of Menevia. Dr. Mostyu ,
It wove its brightest flowers into his it would have hardly been worth Ilia
it up,! days. latioun of London is eititual to that of
will be moored in the harbor and an a el b o
i royal houses of Judah d I ra t er
the Vicar Apostolic, becomes the first
garlaud. It set its richest gems in while to stool? (town and pick
I and yet, N%ith Ill[ that affluence, he� I come to learn one more lesson from the whole kingdom of which Amster-
, brought to the canals of
I the quaint Wag always: especially among the de -
Bishop. .
his coronet. It pressed the rarest wine Nvriteg the words of my text: -vanity my subject, and that is that there is dam is the capital; the celebrations in
old city a number of craft Symbolical vouter part of the people, a deep
of the great r.ea and shipping interests
British railroads have combined to
to hiA lip. It robed him in the pur- of vanities; till is vanity." Aiasl it no (tornturt if) (he li[L of a volul"ary- London %vere putting the final touch of
that find ill till his I daxe not di-a%v' aside the cartain that
and industries of the country, and feeling of national unity. Whe SODS of
stop Saturday half -holiday excursion
trains during the summer
eat Purple and embroidery. It cheer- man could not honor to the long, long reign of an
ead him with the swe9t est muste, in that all miolls enough to Satisfy hides the excesses into which So!om-
On's him. Though aglad Queen, is
i more especially the different varieties Jacob. The source of the national
Of boats -such, for example., as botters, I
months on
the ground that they have their handal
his im ol�iotal'tss alls.9oluteness plunged while Amsterdam goa-
out, no ilmount that you
land of harps. It him v%iih : I by the sweat Ile wavo-d it st-eptre over Others, there Ing
unity. Unto ,Abom the word of the
tjalken, and poonen-employed in the Lord
full .with the more profitable relmla2
greeted "'Act will ever gather to bid welcome to a bright yoting
the gladdest laughter that over leap- 'of out- bro%v, or by the Strength of &rose in his own soul a, tyrant that
! girt; anti, greatest difference of all,
I fishing industry in Dutch waters. came, saying, Israel shall Ile
According to present arrangements. thy name. When the word of the
England's Grand Lodge of Freemas-
� ..,
eA from mirth's lip. It sprinkled )its our arm, will make. us happy. I have Mastered Jilin. With a mandate that
' 'been amused to hear people ,%%ben they none. dave disobey, he la.id the whole London lost its head in its period of
the Queen and her motther are to leavel Lotd (tame to that effect (anti there
one has severed its relations with the
cheek with spray from the bright- !start in life say at what point ill Life land ander tribute to his iniquity. Do- preparation. the Speculator was the
- The Hague, after the birthday cele- are two records of this -Gen. 32. 28;
I brations,
Grand Lodge of Peru, owing to the
eat fountains, Royally had no do- they N%ill be contented with worldly lilah sheared the loc,ks of that Sam- Inctst prominent man of the day, and
on Sept. 5. Arriving a,t
35 9 10) it was to a,nnounoei the ado,p-
I Amsterdam, they ,A ill be by the a - -
latter's removal of the Book of the
rainion, wealth no luxury, gold no possessions. One man says: "I want S(M. From that, princely spiaglio there
I to get twenty thousand dollars, and I went forth a ruinous blight on 4he the p-tiblic got f riglitened lost, af ter
I 1eading ci tizens and representatives or tion of ill(.,, patriarch as the son of
Law from its altars and the word
"Bible" from the ritual,
glitter, flowers no sweetness, song no
I will be satisfied." Another: "I want Whole nation's chastity; but after all, in the vast concourse of people,
I the Government, and, escorted by, hus- the Great God, and it Nvas this haly
Ears, drive
London vestries are objecting to
melody, light no radiance, upholstery to get fifty or it hundred thousand, or &while remorse, wit.h feet of fire, leap- no o vo ld Ile able to See the brave
I ne % 11
will through the city to adoption that Elijah would now re-
burial fees to
no gorgeousness, waters no glea.m, a million, and then I -will be satisfied. ed upon his Soul, and with body lex- "ingg. However, all was well in the
I hausted, and loathsome, and dropping
birds Then I will to my soul; 'Now,
, palace.
Between the hours of 7 and 8 on -the call to the populace, Ile was not dis-
paying clergymen for
Services that are never held, owing to
no plumage, prancing coursers I say .iust
lookat that block of Storehouses, Just apart with putvcfa0Liuu, he staggers exid; the si,aseula,tor burned big fingers
following morning trumpeters will cussing a question of kingdoms so
the Suppression of parish burial
no metal, architecture no grandeur, look fit tbow bonds arid mortgages.! out from the bell of his own 'iniquity and all the �vo.rld and hi.s wife saw the
' rouse citizens from sleep Nvith much as a (location of religions.
,lacred musi- froan the steeples the
grounds. In Latiabetit alone $14,000
but it was all big. Across the thick Just look what lucrative, investments to give warning to others. 0 hOW show
of 82. With the stones he built. Pro�
I various churches. Then will come,
I has been paid otit In this way in ffive
grass of the la-wri, fragrant with t.ufts you have. Now,my soul, take thine'many have ventured out on tbatf.w ild �
lie (A sensuality, driven 1) In Holland they are behaving dif-,
all -ithout, wortar. The name Of
11 o'clo:-k, the instalflution in the Nieu- bably i�
of camphor from En-gedi, fell the ease; ent, drink and merry]'"'sea
� Thou fool I It are not happy 'now 1 �% Ind.% of passion, hurled agai fe-ntly. Tbe Dutchman retains his
We Ke-rk. In the afternoon the Queen the Lord. Dedicated to Jehovah. A
Russia's cross on the St. Gothard,
long shadows of trees brought from you
w ith the Smaller possessions. you will'swallwved in the whirl of heirs mael- i calm. He is very busy ; he has much
will again drive through the city, via- trencil, A deep ditch. Two measures
erected to the memory of the Russian&
distant forests, Fish -*Pools, fed by ar- I never be with the larget, po . �
s:9essions.:.%t rom; t hat was the last of them, No I i to do, anti he I-, doing it steadily; he
iting the Jordan, the ghetto of Am- of seed. There is more Or less doubt
sterdam, where 70,000 Jews about. most Scriptural measures, but
who perished in Suwaroff's passage Of
tificial channels that brought. the I If with decent and comely apparel you, that was not the last of them. Ever- I
� you are not grateful to God, you ,%vo . uld lastingly ruined with their Passions, knows that when tbp day comes he
some reside.
At night the city will be brilliantly there Seems to be nodoubt thata"two-
the Alps in 1799, is nbw completed. It -
stands in the right bank the Reuss
streams .from hills far away, were i be ungrateful if you had a prince's I unsubdued and burning on the soul Will have ever) I bin.6 in its place, and
finn, '
illuminated, and again the Queen Nvill I seah measure" (margin) %Vag small, less
drive out to see and to be seen. than six gallons, and It is generally
Opposite the Devil's bridge.
Perpetually ruffled with and; � el.
; wardrobe crowded till the binges fiercer than unquenchable fire, they hewillbeth , ._vself. Still he takes
golden scales shot from vifiter cave to burst. If sat thismorning atyour shall writhe in a torture that shall
, A sacred reveille will usher in the I understood that. the trench was (feep
Oxford University this year for the
you due Precautions. He is already paying
water cave with dive and table, the fare. waR so poor you comd:make the cheek of darkness Palo. and
next, day, on ,which the Queen will be I enough to hold this measure in an up-
first time had more candidates for
,k fractin $200 to $400 for tvvo-windowed
Plained, vou -is ould not be satIA-luttpr it blasphemy thatshall shoc
serenaded by the Netherlands Choral I right. position.
. honors.in modern history than in the
swirl, attracting the gaze of foreign , fied thouill you Httt down to partridge 1, d0vit's damned, 0 bow many young men roonts in the beat places from which to
potentates Birds that had been 'and have tha,t
,'society. In the afternoon she will 1 343. Put i he wood in order. Elijah
Nvitness an allegorical and historical had found tba..� altar of Jehovah a shipe-
classics, the numbers being 145 for the
pine-npple. It you are not, con- gone on path of sin -because See the ,gtmte Procession. But this is
brought I -
from foreign aviary glanced'tented with an income to support. com- it seemed blooming %% it It t ropiadsplen-
provession illustraXing in picturesque i 101ss pile of dirb find stones�. 'His worlg
former and 125 for the latter. The
of "Double First" is
I i the wealthy Dutchman; the poor one
fluttered fortably your hous,hold, you �%vouid not dour, tand the sky was bright, and the
fashion the chief episodes and a I was to level this ,artil make it fit foe
glory a depart -
and among the foliage, and I
be contented though )out- income roll- air was balm, and froint tbo castlest-hat I is not forgotten, for grand stands at
events in the nation's history from the 1 Saerbil uses. add then to arrange this
A Welshman
called to their mates far beyond the ed in on you fifty'or it hundred thous- stood on tho shores of glittering .
sea8'nominal. Prive,s N% ill be erected for him.
-dime of the eighty years' war down t(j, twelve stones around it as buttresses.
: has accomplished the
sea. From the royal stables there , and dollars a year. It is not what we, there came ringing UP laughter sit mer- ! not by rapa,cious speculators, but by
the nineteenth century. On- tbai beaten top of the structure he
d3esides a.11 this she is to ,witness broken wood in orderly fash-
feat of walking 4,000 quarter miles in
came Up tht. poighing of t��elve thou- 1 get. it is what we are, that makes us ry as the waves that dashed on the
Sand harises, standing in blankets of happy or miserable. If that is not so, crags beneath. By Some infernal spell i the Wal authorities.
I a �rrangod
. water carnival, and on the next day, I ton. Cut the bullock in pieces. Ac-
4000 successive periods of 9 1-4 minutes
I '
, o a Leeds,
, � . .
Tyrian purple, cliewing tbeir bits over : how (to you account for the fact that, I'lleir eye. wila tilindedniAlhoirea 1. was I The Duteliman I-; also going to avoid
Sept. 8, go over the House of Ortingo : cording to t h.? ordained fuel hods of the
ch at a world's record. Twen-
ty thousand persons looked on at the
troughs of gold, Nvalting for the king's many of thow %%ho fare sumptuously stapp:!d, or they N%ould have heard he :
' An4otber error. His street decorations
to be brought I
section of the R,Yx Museum, attend ai: 11400t,ti of Israel. Four barrels Great,
m'atinee musicale" and a jars, often carried by women o; their
, fi,niab. Ile ha,d previously walked the
order out in front of every day tire. wagpisb and dissatis-'elank of chains and the bowl of"woe, I lure to be no laatch�iiork affair; he is
the Palace, when the official dignitar- I field, anti , overbParing, and for- � an -I across their % isiou %voild have pass-
gala per-
formancae in the thealtre. Then on the , heads. 'One of the natural features
. diStaUCC in intervals of 9 1-2 minuLes.
tea would leap into the saddle for some boding, and cranky, ,and uncomprom- ed spectres of the dead. with shrouds goinglo spend some $150,00 in decorat-
'O'r'5ng Of the 9th the Queen and tho . which have helped to identify the place
Apia in Samoa bas been holding a
grand parade, or, harneesed to some. : rising ,6vith a countenance in NNhich'gatlinred up about faces hlistered with, ing bisstreets in a uniform and bar-
Queen's mother ,will take their depar- I where Elijah and the prophots of Baal
Lure. had their conflict is a spring that nev-
cricket match for the benefit of tho
i church that has lasted three
of the fourteen hundred chariots of I wrath always lowers, and it 111) which . gat here(] up about faces blistered witili moni,us fashion. At the very out-
the king, the fiery chargers, with scorn curls; while many a time in the � pain, and eyei staeting from their sec. k- �
— � - .--...O— . - __ er fa,ils even in driest weather.
I There its no entrance fee for the spec -
flaunting mane and throbbing nostril, Summer eventide you see a laboring ets in agony, But alasl they , it 1 set, it is true, he ivas met by a great
- an%%" . �
31. Three was in ancient times .gym.
A BATTLE INCIDENT. bolical divinity;
I tators, but any one who chooses can
I bat on a shilling,
would make the earth jar with the mail going home it! his shirt sleeves, not, they he�ard it not, until irona the difficulty. J� was more than great—
of a sacred number.
__ $5. Ran ahout the altar, Poured
paying and when he
is bowled out can go in again on,pay-
of hoofs and the thunder of : with it pail on big arm and a pickake'slippery places the long. le.a.n, .skeleton it was insurmountable; so, like a true
wheels. While within and without the over his shoulder, his face bright with hands of despair reao ed up and snatch- i
<1 Dutc ,
h (io hma be it
British Ilravery'lea a I Iteceng Figili 11, the over the bullock and wood and earth
ing once more.
Palace you could not. think of, a single Smiles, and his heart vdth hope, and ed (heria do%in. de,',Lj oyed NNithout tie- - g n , hooked bravely.
Kleyber Pass, In Afghanistan. and .;tones. It. i riekled out on all sides
. Liquor may be sold in the House of
luxury that could be added, or of a the night of his toil bright witil flam-i spair! Has this sorcorf-i- cast its eye, � in the face and—pa-9sed on. ND one!
and Elijah kept on pouring until the
is some quality in the inhabi-
Commons without a license, the Police
single splendor thit could be kindled, Ing auroras? It Ls an illustration and:' on you ? 0 young man. have you been , acan put a quart into a pint pat. In
ditch waws full.
tants of the British Islands which not 36. Coil Abraham, It is im-
1 Magistrate having dismissed the sum -
down on the banks of the sea the dry proof of the fact that it is not out- I once and figain I u the. places, where I lie : Amsterdam there tire only some half
docks of Rzion-geber rarig with the : ,.%nrd condition that maki,a it man: Pure never go? 111ave you turned ! douen hotels of the first class, so where
-Lord of
only leads them to become good sol -i portant to remember throughout that
Mons against its barkeeper. As the
Dail News it, "If the
hammers of the shipwrights who were happy. A man came to Roths-1your ba,(,k upon a. mother's prayer and ' to find room for the head.,; and repre-
fliers, but make,g it a point of honor for i Lord -means Jefiovab-, and that Jehovah
y Puts house of
Commons wants liquor, the House of
con.structing larger vessels for a still I cbild, the great London ba�nker and a sister's love, aid
I while I speak does Eentwivesof other eountrLs who might
"You be thoroughly hap- �
was a p:-op?r name, as much so as Baal
those of them who are officers to ren- I , �'Baal had appealed t o
Fhe priests of
Commons will have liquor, and all the
wider commerce, for all la.uds and said: must a i your conscience begin to toil dismally come as guests forthe great occasion I
I "
der brave personal services to the men I Baal as the G
'oil of Tsrtlel, for Ahab
courts in England cannot control the
climes were to be robbed to make up py man." He said: Happy ? Me hap-, the burial of your I iuri(y anti honour I I There Is not fit accom inoda,tion for all;
Solomon's glory, No rest till his keels, py I Happy, wben just as I RM going Pill b -,,,k no,,* or never. Pat I to draw distinctions would be invidi-
un .
der their command. It is seldom! Jezebel had so adoptnd him. Elijah calls
legislative power,"
,back !
shall oul every sea, his axemen hew to dine, a man sends me a note, -;aying: 'rhat 8badow that raiis upon your soul : ORIS; so .the way out of U was plain:
that one bears lof any such incident on Jehovah tie the God of Israel. and
Spitzborgen has reached the stage of
every forest, his archers strike every If you don't send me five hundred is from no passing v;oud. but from IL 1. "Ank u,one of them." And none has
among European Continental armies as' asks him to demonstrate that he, is in-
deed the God. That I hou
becoming the subject of internationel
ratts wing, his fishermen whip every pounds before to -morrow night, I will night deep. s(arlegs eternal. God's eyo a.sked.
strt,am, his merchants trade in every blow your brains out.' .Me hallpy?" livatcheth thy footsteps. A little fur. For four days. saaal of which, need-
nation's art
the following which is related in con- God in Israel, and that I am thy ser-
complications. Though Sweden claims
ha7nar. his name be honored by every il - O,- I wish this morning I could by; ther on and no te,;Lrs van wa We to say, %vill be, a national holiday,
tribe; and royalty shall have do-! the. of the 1,�)rd Almighty, break 'sin, I'vvill the
nection with a recent fight in the Kby- I vant, and that I have done ,ill these
, things at thy word. A prayer of sin-
her Pass,
suzerainty over the islands, M. ,NLos-
silof, the Russian explorer, . 8 Urg- .
no power and no prayer will bring a pwd- functions and festivities last.
min;on wealth no luxury, gold no glit- the infatuation' Of thoge men who are - on. Put iuck now or never! I tea -r! Firxt there is the birthday, ,when the
in Afghanistan; the Contin-
i gular comprehensiveness. It Jehovah
ing his Government ois the im-
to h t
.. I �
tee, song no melody, light, no radiance. neglecting the present sources of sat- I olf I h-, iviriands which bide this deat 's young Queen reachej3 her eighteenth
ental officer feels himself under no ob- I did not in wmkt unusual way prove
ligation to carry wounded soldiers on himwIf not xnerely divine, but the di-
perial standard over them before thfit
S w?des strengthen their claim by er-
water.q no glewit, birds no plumage, isfaction, boping that there is to bead and bold before you to -day tilb. Year. Less exalted mortals in Holland
pruncitig coursers no metal, uphols- I sometlaixig in the ftflure for them of � reeking �Akull of sinful N4- have to wait till their twenty-third
his back. I vine ruter or Israel, then the people a4%
ecting tliere an astronomical observa.
ter), no gorgeousness, architecture no a worldly nature that -,Vill satisfy 1 tions have gone down under Ahis� I
year before their legal infancy is over,
. I lost. If in thus securing big own tit-!
; Colonel PIGA,den's command formed - -
tory and a rescue station.
gra.ndour, but it, was all his. -We])," their souls. The heart right, all is'sin. Exhumed cities on brokeniThen there is the coronation. It is
. vine, glory he. floes not also Inflorse
a part of General Harailtou'a rear-: Elijah, lesson drought
I All the Judges of England, after con-
y�)u .say, there is any man hal)py right, The heart wrong, all is wrong. I Pillars. and on temple wall,; have a curious point that. although eveTy
It,, Ought to be." But ht�ai him I ask to higher richos; to I I
in infamous in the,
ths., of tbo arid
guard , and bad to orossabit.of eaposed' this challenge ,will be lost. If Elijall'
L sidering the question for more tha.n .
,J lBut you- preserved sculpture the one. Niel berland,s is eagerly dis-
.comin , *,.,.at through tile Palace, and 1 crowns that never fafle . , to investments � me ,
�, . mory of scenes before which the an- cu,saing the impending coronation, the
� I
ground swept by the tribesmen's fire. ' dora not make plain that he i's werel Y.
a year, vvere unable to agree on a do-.
finition Of what a "Pla,ce" is and now
See his ;,obes tiftbiwdlly encrusted with that always declare dividends, Come ill) tiquarian turn.,; his head and asks if young Queen has, reigned nominally
! Here three men %% ore struck by bul- God's sorvaut, the pF,.ople may glorify
I him and not God. Alore i borough
the London County Council is obliged
jewels .its he stands in the I thin day and get it,—the riches of God's i there be a God wbt-.i*e..qo long has : ever since death of her fa.ther in
frontr oind looks out u pon the ! Pardon, the rielles of (;od*s mervy, the I slopt Tlis vengeance. The world still 1890, being a sovereign in her own
lets; two of them could walk, but the can-
third was disabled. No surgeon was' s,cration is not often' shown 'thiln' 0
to ask legal advice to the meaning - "; — �
of street, The Council
: ..
voor. domain. What, does he, say? King I rivites of God's [jeace. Blessed are all - trembles under the weight of this be- I' right.
Soloincil It
, present, find Colonel Plowden himself here shown by Elijah.
� 37. Hear me, The destiny of the n,
recently Hum-
moned a man before a Police Magis-
a gi(at is your dominion, great I they who put their trust, in Him. hemoth of iniquity, and from the my- I But such details and distinctions
is your joy V No. While standing there I go still further, and learn from this "It'd graves in which it holds the scar- I matter nothing. It is enough for ,the
dressed the man's wounds.
After this the men had to retire I tion was at stake, They had forsaken
trate for la ing out a street, on I
y h a
property without obtaining the Coun-
amid all that splendor, the tears atart, . subject that learning anti Science cnn- red carciu;ses of the slain lifts UP its i Loyal Dutchman that whatever the
across the exposed ground, and Cor- their fathers' God, and Elijah's high-
oil's permission. Ilia defence was that
anti his heart brea,ks, and he e,xclaims: : not satisfy the soul. You knovv I hat I ving: " Ilow ]on,, 0,
' hands, cr g Lord, I precise. nal tire. find significance of next
Be as . eat desire is that they may be brought,
poral -11 w killed. Colonel Plow�
it was not a street, but it courtyard
of vanities; all is vanity.14 i Solomon was ono of the largest con- I holy long'?" From Christian ei I September's ceremony, he will have a
Wbatl Solomon not No; l tributors to the, literal his day, � from the 'Ei
den, Lieutenant Owen and Lieutenant back to his service.
38. The fire of the Lord fell. How we
for the use of his tenants, and the
,happy yet? are of very altars of flod. the. r".enli ivelcome opportunity of honoring*bis
I 1
Fielden carried the dead man up it
Magistrate gal(] that he could not de-
not happy. Hwt wrote. one thousand and five songs'.! of rain are made up. T�ey march on youthful sovereign and showiug his
I learn from this in t first Alta three Ile, With
hill; and by and by the command had neod not knoiv, We nifty think of an
Intensely brilliant flame froin Out
cide the Point' till the Council's lawyers
subjeLt, be va-rote thousand liroverbs. - sftorcht,id feet over a pathway of reverenee for the descend-
to cross anotber exposed spot. Some- a
obtained an accurate definition of a.
place, that official Position will never wrote about almost everytbing. The tiVe (Ile ground trembling with Porth- . ant of Willia.w, the Sile.nt. At the
body was sure to be hit now; it happen- clear sky, The Stones anti the dust.
street from a superior court.
give solace to a man's soul. I know 1 Bible says distinctly he wrole ahout quake, and the air hot -,Nith tbe breath ! present moment the shop windows of
ed to be Private Butler, and the ball ThO intense beat crumbled the .9tones,
Excavations have been made by Drs.
there have been very happy men in plants, from the cedar of I,ehanon to of Wofa, iind sulphurous with the fleet Amsterdam tire filled with portraits
struck him in the leg, so that be could and reduced the earth to n fine pow-
high positions, such as Wilberforce, as 1 the. hyssop tba,t growetij oui of the' lijzlltnirilr,� ol God's wrtub. Scor -,i of the sweet-faved Queen. There she
ElOt walk, Captain Parr dres4ed his der, and dried up the water in the
Wilhelm and Reichel of the Austrian
Thecaflorf- Frelingbuysen, a. s Governor walls; and about, birds, anal beaBts arid : pions strike out fit every ,step. and the ' I% as a, baby in the arms of her mother;
wound, and Lieutenant Carter took the trencill.. I
Archaeological Institute at the Tem-
Rriggs, as Prince. Albert. But the I fit4hes. No doubt he. put. off his royal w0rm that -novel- (lifts" lifts. its awful as a little girl playing with her dog
wounded man on his back and carried 39, '11tay fell oil their faces. Thor-
pie of Artemis, at Lusoi, in northern
Joy came, not from their elevated lio- robes, slid Pat on hunter's trapping, Cre,st, with horrid folds to erush the Or fondling her pony: while more re-
him. oughly subjected. Lord, he is the
Arcadia, discovered by Prof. Dorpfeld
siticjns� it e-amo from the Lord God ,i alld went', out, ivith his arrows to bring d0bit"Ched, 0. there is no peace in the , gal, aud eagerly ))ought, is the picture
whom they tried to This down the U1410faVolulituary.
But alas I midway of the exposed God. Jebovith must. hereafter Ile re,
the God the,
last year. The terrace of the temple
serve, man I rarest Sol oinon ,an,swe rs.
specimens of birds; ,, . of her- majesty in robes of ermine and
Solomon king I
ground pool- Butler, as he lay on the cognized as of nation.
was examined and the ruins of a semi -
wa.9 thirty-five years. and then with his fishing apparatus -None I none, Ill i rich velvet, vNith Crorwn jewels adorn-
lieutenant's back, was struck again,
circular building and a popylleeiinv
All the, p)ea,sure that comes from Pa- he went down to the stream 1,10 bring But. my frican.d.s, if there is no cow- I ing her. Thug, in all likelihood, she
and,the force of the ball knocked the
were found, which had been destroyed
]at.ial residence, from the flatter of Up the. denizens of the deep, anal plung- PI`te iintisfaf-tion in worldly office, in I �vill appear on (he day that sees her
110avily-laden young officer do�vn. lie SOAP AND ITS USES.
by fire. Only part of the foundations
foraign diplomats, from universal , ed into the forest, and found the rar- 1`Orldl%N' wealth in worldly fearning. in installed in the Nieuwe Kerk,
got up and once more shouldered his ,
of the temple could be uncovered, as
Sycophancy, gat herp(I around him. For I eat specimens of flowers; and then sinful Indulga,nee—whefe is there any? I Here, on Sept. 6, the Queen ,,vill sit
r. long while his throne stood firmand be came back to hi,s study and wrote Ili"; Go I t urnod us
" desert to ' dais.
burden, when Lioutonant Fielden came G"itt aritailL rmes itaire '40'.11) Than Any
to his aid, and together these officers
there are buildings on the site, but
architectural fragments, votive offer -
out on a upcyn a surrounded hy the mem-
` i I d ie'? All no; look'at ,bi.
ence 0
the people. were loyal. and yet bear books about. zoology, the sel , on, that , bars c4 the. Government and the high
eat" . Other Nation.
-led Butler to a place of Safety,
ings, some novel terra cottas, sniall
thi-s awful sigh of 4itilleartonment in I anifilals; about ichillyology, the sciennei COnles this rilorning—t1iii fair one. ]in- COurt official,s. Close by are the pews
the. i
There is now exporied from Great
'then it was found that he was dead as
bronzes and a great many in -
words of my text. How many of fishes, about ornithology, the. spi- 13301tal giarlands on her brow. The song ,A hieb will be occupied by the Queen
the resulf. of the second shot Britain more soap than was Used in
scriptions of the third and fourth cen-
PeOPIO in aIt ',19P,s have made the game erlcO, of birdn; nhout hotany, the sci- of heaven bur.4ting from her lipaf I Regent, with her maids of honor, the
Meantime Colonel Plo,�den' and Lieu. Great Britain at the beginning of the
turies before Chrisl were found,
experiment with the same failure? ' ell-, of plants. Yet, nolvvithstanding "ITf,r ways ,act,, ways of pleasantness, I members cof The Queen's court, and the
often You see People who think: ,,If all his achievements be aries in. fin(] All her Tn Christ i
tenant Owen were carrying Corporal present century, arid, besides accord-
Bel I's body the
Paris' 1900 exhibition will be the six -
out j)ath, tire peace." Mayor and civic authoritleas. Escorted
I could only get this or 1hat position MY text: "Vanily of vanitie ; all is L,4 I Jeave. In Christ is pardon In : by, 'the highest dignitaries of State,
WrOSS dangerous 4 0,()()(),000
ground, find h1l(b of tbem were wound- Lng to authentic figures, �
teenth held in ille city. The site of t,be
—if I could Ile a in ayor, of, a governor .
vanity." Ravp .1-01, ever seensa man ('I" i -%L is eVe "last i rig joy, and no'�� here i a;d p.refteded by the officials to whom
ed in doing so. They struggled on in pounds Of goal) is used in Great 'Hri-
first, in 1798 was the Champ ild Mars,
or a senator, or a pretHident, I should try to make learning find science his Vl�,'e.
I 110 fa,11a the. honor of carrying the crown, ,30te,
be perfectly happy ?" The honors and I 60d ? Did you ever lcnnw such a fear- "UhAftntial comfort Mll not grow, the scelytre, the cross-sarniouilted
of their irounds, and reached oov- tain every year, exclusive of 55,000,000
er with their wid burden,
where 110 exhibitors showed the Nvares
in wooden booths and twenty-five ined-
the emoluments of this world bring ful nutobiograp-hy its that air .John In natv)rp's hnrren soil : den I all, and the, other glittering Etym- �
poands exported to otber countries,
Such incidents bring the soldier near
als were awarded. Three .successively
So iniiny cares with them fbat they Stuart . All we enn homt i ill Christ we kTIOW,
Nfill, a mail who prided himself b,cats of culhority, her Majesty,,cnier-
chiefly English colonies. The French
to his officer, and make him readier
larger exhibitions followed in I he ],on-
bring also torture
, and disquietude, On his rhilosophy, and ])ad a wonder- ,, I" vanil,s and toil, I ing by the doors reached from the
Pbarnob sat. on ono of The highest ear- ful strength of fillpileet : yet now, af- Bit 11 wh-re the Lord has pl,rinted grace I Niettwezig(ti; Voorburgwal. ,will
even than he migbt otherwise be to lay manufacture of soap amounts approx-
0 �
(1, wn his life for big country find his inialAy to 300,000,000 ,car,
vre in 1801, 1802 and 1809. Under the
Re t o
11. ratinn (here were exhibitions in
ittly 1-miaences, yet he
) is mitierable be- ter his death, his nutobingrapity goes' And inade hi.s glor;vm known: i up the ciantre of the, fane, t
there ,
1), y
pounds .
fbe larger of which is imide in
1819, 1822 find 1827, also In tbe Lou-
cause are some people in hisiforlb to the world sbowing that bis There frijitq of lietivpfily joy anti Peare- take her place on tbp daiq. Here. aft -or
refdrii that do not want any longer to WhOlp life was a wretr-hedneag. Are found, alld there alone." I
tht� vity of Paris. Th(a sale, in othor
vre. They became inore popular und-
er Lnnia Philippe, the numbers ex-
� a sermon has been preached, probably
make brieks, The he9A Of Edward 1. I We have seen men go out. with miner- — — by the oldest of the four ministers at-
THE KAISER'S VISIT TO PALESTINE. ,ountrWE of French Hoa,li, and partic-
hibitors making it necessary to Use
tichei; unoer his crown because tho,alogisf's banimer, and gpolaigist's r)ry, DOMINION POSTAL. twhed lo, the kork, Queen Willielminx I
people will not. pay the taxes andland hottlnifit's� knife nil(] ornitholog-
— �I:irly Fiench lwrfutned moap, is acon-
IT,000 Turlilmh Troops. 11 All in N'evr I'vil.
first the. Place du Carrousel anti in
11439 and 1844 tile, Chninp,s t,;iysees. 'rho
vtill take the oath in the wfirds'pre-
Llewellyn, PrinOP of Wales, will 'not do 'tat's gun, and Morro the kingrifim of ' —
.him homage, and NNr There are 1,267 letter -))oxes In use scribed by rustoni. swearing "to defend
I nature
SidPrILIJO iteill Of C011111le.ree. The CX-
forniat.11 14) Meet Ifflin.
ports -of soap from (3reat Britain in
1849 exhibition lit (lie Champs Elysees
allitoe will be & in bpi, barred cam(les of cave, ; and preserve i% ith ill] her power I he
hero, Frederick Nairillinly, III,, Of prils in Ili,-, Dominion. Of the.go, 14F hang
_ and grove and forest; and if Ibiarp is, . independence
The details of the journey of Hie, revent. years have been as folloA vs: 1875,
required 2 .square metres of space.
nn,l cost $120,000. The first interna-
sia, is miserable because in railway stations. Their cost aver- I an(( territory Of the
France wants, any heaven on earth, it 19 (lint. With kingdout, to prolecit the general and
German Emperor a,nd Empress to Pal- 12,509 tons; 1880, 11),500; 1885, 20,100;
18,110, 25,000; 1895, 27,500. What. wena,
ti(in-tl exhibition in ISM) brought, about
to t0cf) the Prussian provinces. The Ivour eyes prepare(] for All beautiful age,s about $1.500 each. I individual liberties of her subject s, and
Fa I
line are interesting. The parly will
known in England as till, soulp taxosl
the con-.4truction of the T"alnis de Pin -
—irld not. I
1. .
,,large. ennagh for f,ouiq'aights and your ears for nil sweet The average lifia. of a niall bag I' lo, employ all the meawt placed within
XIV. anti W ,am III, ne I Sollindii. for five years.
number 90 persons, and no newspaper Originated during the reign of Queen ,
(11141 rie, Illitt I'll -'4 ,0i9t bpen forn down,
ghastliest and your soul till grent. hor power by the Constitution to main-
suffering, the most fear, I though(s, if Post-offine
men ivill be officially permi(ted to ne- Anne and were originflly fixed at ,,�150:
"hivh Nvan ttls,) wied for file, 18117 ex -
.shrivelling Y,)U po forth in (he [1111- delter mrales cost $2.49 lain and pramoto the welfare of bar
t1w niosi rending jealousies, tile most1wherp. God I)rpntbp,4 In the. aronin of each: pareel scales cosd $5,50. pe(4)le." This find other fornialitios
. ,
company them. 'rbeir Majvslies will 41 fort' yiplffing lit the year 1930, a pt,h- 1
lic revenue, 87,000,000 1
hillilion The 197qr,xhiiiiiiiiil,%villl52,8,15
exhillilors an(I ]RA10,000 visililim, )tnd
. A'r
gig;tntir. disquipiude, liga walked nimid � flowers, and ttilks in thp IN ind*H rust- Thp.re are 180 lm).9tal
. 1. mrs in tile over, 4 he firal, l(ing-titt-Arms Nvill (July
-in exrvss far
aw-nd six (lays in tile Holy l.and, They I
All official efititil , (I(,:
ale ri-cently yllq
t hal. of IRS9. %%it h 55,19131 exhibit tars and
vaiurt ierai, and been cloth- Lng, and sings in (ho roar of for -t Potninion. They travel 15,1 1 R, 52fl proa., I n I in WillivitninlL flelenti. Pauline
Pal in royal aiiiiarel, and saLl on judg- Rnd Mountain entilraet, then ](flow lve,
will land al. .Jaffa,, where 0)(tV Will he shows (lit, avenige votimlnipt;on 1,111'' t
32,500,000 visiforg, were held on (lie
Civittips tie ,Nlarsi.
you miles in it year. Thref, tilindred nnd , Maria. I ca Quo(sn of .I he Netherlands,
inc-ill �w,1029 (if power. Honor sad truth I Why Linlapus apont his life nmid filniits. aitightY-five employes are employed in - and it. fl(Airl-th of trilinpaiR. it roll of
reepived by aTurki.qh escort i0ontrong hiMbitant of Great lo-itain to he Hine :
rotinds year; it sindhi- il�erngv
. —, . - .
nild illstifte cannot go so high up In , and
Ill llot4if Cuvler found intelligent cobverRo, th:il departnint. milifnry drums, nn,l t1to clanging of
11 y as to bA the ranfre � among bensf.q, Werner ex-
Besides, there will be, present 120110 .,a pr,�-
, vails lit Fritriev, l3elgiom final Iffilland,
I'lirkish troops, sill in rie%% unifor�im.
,beyond rind grew �Iiurch lit,114 %%ill onnowico to the in-
of hum,in 14811111t, PfxAmarking 1.9 now dono hy (-let-,- '
I rhe pare and lbe'llifilrtint ntriong ininernim, ond Anita- hilloilanIN of tho vity that tile great
tivi I
I limilth ix liopular belivf awriljo4 to i lie.
They ,avill leave Jaffa on Oclohfar 26 last volintry a much Itirgor uso fif fy)n[i,
These inventions, va hich broul,ht,
-wood in Fill agoR bay, been taxenraterl bain revf,lle(i aniong I)ir;lg
. , an�l, Agnmiz nil evontful ceremony haa reached Its
hv th- mob i%bo cry oul: "Nol Ibigratin found untrilvviled thought Pomtmen'R uniforms cost. $7.25 each. 11'
for Jeru4alom, pitcliing their tents for par(icularly for houseelenning. Th"re ,
hLi-go fottunes lo the orivinalorq, ,a%pre
worlds of
I 01030.
)'It Mrnl,bng. Now, Barabbas was it' im A fish. flat every man who hilsteg- The. number of letters sent hy post N(%X(, %Vill follow rL grand raeception
the first night. beside t be ruins (YfCaes- are no official figures on the subject,
area. They ivill arrive in Jerusalem on but there is a belief illa;
the outcome of an neridoill, The bent
By Patriotic devotion, by fified, after trying the leni-ning and In Canada in IR87 was 74,300,1100. In in Hot Pa.lols, Royal Pnla(,,e. In ilin
hon,sty, by Chrislitin I Rviennia of the. for testi- 1997 it wsug 123,830,000.
October A and will attend divine sor- very little goal) in used in Spain, Cer-
. .
liai�pin ha.s wade $500,ono for tho 111L
principle, A� orl(l a .solace, recelitloin hall the Out,fart will receive
"oll" have .vou, my hearers, seek ror fled that. it; Is nil insufficient portion. The not revenue of the POAt-Offle.0 bar falthful MInIst.ers, the Admirfla
Illf. r -or
vices on the morning of the 801b in (the tainly no soap is iniportedi into that,
Protestant oburch at Bothlebern, and country and uOne in exported from it,
ventor, whost, wifta 1wisled one (lay
hiii-pin hold
rind tile ionfido-tici,t of your The philosoplier bag often "..epl, in Rs- Tlaf,tment for the year was $3,202,088. or the floot, General and other high
In the afternoon on the M t f 01
tile old-style to a par(it-11-
: hat do not. look upon Rome Ironomer's ol,servatory, and arhemi,%03 Pa and funds stolen from post c)ffl(,^m of thii a -i -my, tho memberm of
)Iiwll W)si(ion in as though (bab laboratory, 111'rivirium. offteaq during the
iv-. The Church of the R1,111tamOr rtZ I
larly rebellialun lock in plarf,. Ali old!
Scotchin!in hrut fi. w1re it!-otil. it (ork
.society anti hoffinist's year Amounted to the Corps Diplatnia.0fine, the Noyors
%%4 rp ;1l%V,1Y,g gunshine, Tb- mountri,ins ' Thprn fire times when the got I d v a 0 (yf the vivriotuq municipalities In 'tile
. I i e 1,010 In value.
J'Gruatilem will be consew-uted on Oc-1
tobor 31. Their Majealies will onoamp DROWNING.
to hold It in fliv hottlp. .\n nbgor,ing-,
of i "Hilly honor are 111tit thp moun- dprper than tile figil, and soars higher - 1,1id 81M of $1,350,780 Is pnid ian- kingd(wi, the Govemorn of tile prov-
I p , 14 Or qv itz,riand, co-,rored willh ppr-1 lhAn 1b, bird. though it, MIY be inam,
tho same night. an the plain ofJerloho, The sudden drowning of a good
bystandar ginsped the Idea and has
made $10.000,000 out of the sithorn, of
, , -,�
and nuftlly to railways, and $88,734 to find last, thailiagh by no lneans
1), I IW 110 lind show, Having obtfiln-' enrnpl.lired with tbp heflutifaA of the
. tiWamers and Railing vessels carry- lettAt, flie rolyrPmnittatives of those
and will visit the River Jordan and
swimmer Is not due to a cramp, as
the Dead Sea on November 1, Then
hi.9 I)s(f'flt cOrlt (48lbriOrs- '1110 little
"'d Illo efinfidone, anti (he Ime of your nafurni world, it will long after trom Lng her Majesty's mail In Canada. Q01o'nial VI'msequiolig In
f.s,ff i -al lit- , . � tile Foat and
they Will spend four days siglit-see- generally supposed. There Is no i -Pa-
shoe c!!tiwct, about -hiell the siriliRs
are %tra.ppod ond haid Ili plaae, li.ivn
-t .'-fin.fiant N%iih Riieh lhinp . of life that never Miller find foUntninA There are 0,191 Post Offibe'S IM the W64, tindion of wh1oh Dutchmen aro AO
" %01i linvo You lironght flint, s�ars
ing at. Jerusitleyn. They will Probably Ron, Flays it, high medical authority,
in log abould
bronglit to tit* itivokator tho nnat M-
nothing D6,-i,py (1,1�y lit), anti thni s4hnll Domi,nion. Of these 8,108 are In On- jutstly proud.
1 nto 111-1 va—M and it Ig vory eArfOrt shine after tfiA glories of our Pnrthly t,,,,,. This receptlotti lia,11, which adjolnA 4he
return by way of Nazareth, whence why ortimp n. prevent, Fill
they will visit the Ron. of Galileo and ordinary swimmer supporting lit msetf
He guin of $000.000. The heial of A lain
an old (,irmor had . tit in lit.% mhoo ,lig- -
�( ,,in r;!r'v, nothing out. C-aso Ye rights have gone. out for ever, 0, what — thrmo room, Is a nut,grifle.ont. apart.-
Mount'. Tabor. They will go to Jaffa in tile water by thn litind,q or on 1him
gqattaci tbia pAtent rho inat, -,It,- Iiit,
rwin v iAso hrenih iq In his noFt- dIr-ont-ents, what jealousies, NvhAt in- THE STOP-OVBR PRIVILEGE. mOnL, and cine thait lenda 11self admir,
and thence to Beyrout. On No bank, or cause him to throw up Ilia
thn rubl,cr hrt lLi On A(fillas r".1 111A
If I li,rp i i an lionor that is ,wortb e0nirralinble hate 6s sprung lip AM- ably to a,u ealaborute court function.
r ")' : �'i'W i1111 If, iA nn honor that: ong those depended on their lit- rftiatsfilger-18 tfila floket good toatop
10 they will visit. Damascus and the hands and sink once for it I I I I ke n stone.
The explanation in tlla'fL the drum of
market roaiI174(i $! W0,000. IlO child
jvbo it Its walU, formod endrialy of Carrara
t nro .4 rt.,)nl (;,)(1. Thfig dfty risit up Prary sac.cess, Ilow often gave. writerii, off. I mrble, tire dazzling In their whitA.
ruins of the Temple of 11ftal. They
will return hameward. via Constan- the ear ia perforated and the preq-
fled a ribilon from hor an I's d;"A
th, bk!" va,s ",:Ih
'. Ild f:11,p it. Conductor—Yes'ni. But It won't be
Behold what manner oP with their pena, planand Into the heartiq mem; the milken hangings, ot orangA,
10*�-' to
tinople, whitlier they will be owrtod sure of o and un.
abolit she P187:111Z
aii(i unoonsriouttly laid tile lo'undation
. I
the Father hitth bestowed upon Of their rivals—pens sharper than scy- good git on again. admom, nod terra Ootta, fall grate,
by nine Turkish wilrahlills. consciousness.
ol her father's wealth.
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