HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-07, Page 6IV _Aww"l I var. _'W"10,10441% ►. HO* TO SWEEP AND DUST. There should be just as much method tin housework as in anything else, espe- cially if the wife must do without help, and if method Is employed, it will great- ly facilitate the labor. The sweeping and dusting of the house form no small item of the work and should be so arranged as to pro- duce the desired result with the least amouint of work possible. The tidy housewife always desires to present a neat appearance even though she be sweeping and dusting, anti hence, will provide herself with dust -cap, a pair elf gloves, a loose jacket and a large apron; then should anyone chance too call, i!t is only the work of a few seconds to make herself presentable to recevve 'them. It ,is a Ig'dod plan to have covers made for all large pieces of furniture that are ,not easily removed. Thoroughly sweepiu'g and dusting a house once a week is usually sufficient, and for the roAt bmf the time a carpet -sweeper is just'the thing top use as it takes up all the litter and does not create a dust. The first thing to do on sweeping day is to cairefdly dust all articles of fur- niture that can be moved and rol l them out Intoan adjoining room or hall. R;aii 6 the windows; shake the curtains well and pin them; 4 out of the way; sweep the ceiling and brush down the walls, then sprinkle the carpet with salt. earn meal or tea, leaves and you are ready for the broom. Begin to sweep in the corner farthest from the door and sweep from each side toward the door, then instead of sweeping the dirt out into the hall, gather it into the dust pan and pt''o- ceed Ito sweep the next room. ,By the time yolui are through sweep- ing the last room, the dust will have (settled in the first one, and you can begin dusting. A damp cloth is best to use for this, .as It will take up the dost and not scatter it back over the fuirniture. hake the curtains again, wipe off the windows and window sills, dust the back3 of pictures andthe base- boardsall round. Do not • forget to shake your dust rag out the window every few seconds. Remove the covers from the furniture, very carefully and take them out doors at once. Wheel the furniture back in place, wipe off the books and fancy articles, replace the tidies and rugs and behold a room fresh, clean and sweet, HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS A fine orange cake is obtainable by taking two cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of butter stirred to a cream„ one cupful sweet milk, three eggs well beaten,, three cupfuls of flour, and two teaspoonfuls of barring powder. Forthe frosting employ the whites of two eggs, saving owt just enough to frost the top, th13 rest of wilich should he added to tI* juice and grated rind of a,n orange and spread between the layers. ' To purify a room set a pitcher of water In it, and in a few hours it will have absorbed all the respired gases It can "hold" thus rendering the air In the apartment a great deal pur- er, but itself utterly filthy. The cold- er the water, remember, the greater its capacity for absorbing these, gases, Do you 'know how to make beef tea? Well, this is a good wa,y in which to proceed; Cut into small pieces two pounds' weight of fresh lean beef; add three plats of said water, and when on the eve of boiling, earefully remove the scum; and the moment it does )roll add another pint of water, whereupon Leet it boil up again and remove the ecugn as before. If by this time it is not perfectly clear, the same quantity of water should be added a third time, which will, cause more scum to rise. The fact to, this Is applicable to all kinds of broths and gravies, and if only properly carried out will render them transparent and finely flavored, In regard to beef tea, however, it should be allowed to simmer not less than three-quarters of an hour, and never more than one hour from the time it is last skimmed. , 11 SELECTING KID GLOVES. In sele.oting a kid glove for wear choose a fine, but not too thin, kid. Ex- amine the inside of a glove. It is im- portant that the glove lie dyed on the outside only. Wherever the color of the dye has struck through the leather there the glove will be found tender, says a writer. This is because the strength of the dye necessary to col- or leather is always strong enough to mkike it tender, if it strikes through it to t`he insi&. •Sometimes the leather -will only show the color at the seam on the inside. Such a glove will putt our6 at this seam. It is wise to select a glove of neutral dark tint. Black gloves as a rule dry not wear as well as dark colors. Browns wear well; so do dark grays and the pretty putty and ecru tints nuw, so fashionable. 1'n mending a glove, avoid using silk except to darn clown a piece of dress silk the•color of the glove on the in- side of the glove to hold a rent togeth- er. In this case, dturn the parts to- gether with invisible stitches on the outside. Always sew over ripper) seams with cotton the color of the thread used in making the gloves. Do not use silk to sew ripped seams or to darn wUh except when it is stronger than cotton. It is very difficult to clean adress- ed kid glove satisfactorily, Imeause any of the means taken to remove •the stains of dirt from the le'at.her will also re- move the dressing of the glove and leave it dull in finish in spots. An undressed glove can be very easily cleaned, and is therefore a more, econ- amical purchase when light colors are used. Undressed gloves are not as much II cC used, however, for ordinary o a L sial& a as a dressed or glaced kid glove. Darts colors tire worn in glace kiwi as well as light, and are a more economics,) choice, because they are less easily soi led. . CA'NN8D CPLER,RIES. From an exchange we clip the fol- lowing excellent way to can cberries: To can cherries, procure sound, ripe fruit. Fruit which is partially ripe 14. never .fit for canning. Look the cher• ries over very carefully. Do not stem them. Mme hotiftkeepors clip off half the steno, others prefer to remove the whole stern; this is to, matter of fancy. When the fruit; N all prepared put it into clean cans and cover It with a light Ayftp, in the proportion of five pounds of granulated sugar to + * five pints of cold water. This should I I be enough syrup for ten quarts of I . the watch at Havana For this res- . ^ IAgR CiJIrTURI AlyQXFORD, 1�/� i�E RQu the Cubans gall them del �t t�+ Q $ insects• rZat i n H VLS ire Hy' the alaliap majority of two votes i9� Xotprjl Tow Molloy theri4gq Ica giiohos" waciioh,ineu of the Flftean. or twenty of .tbbin in a oal•ti•• And Auuffer at leisure. When your the Septate of Oxford University has, bash pierced with holes'made % kind of abused stamlioit can, no longer cheer- for the present, rejected a proposal to lantern often used during' the night. fully and properly perforin its duties, institute a school of agricultural A tow- years ago an adventurous tra, S, few doors of Hoods Sarsaparilla are xr olv TE Sir Walter Gilbey science, for which ,4fig*cl velltyr brought a number of ououlloa to Bite fresh water to a withered plant. is Part . •alt t4 grit Da .cio4.s. New Ylvrk and set them free in Wilad- This raediclue tones the stomach, re- offered to give $10,000 down, and & EOLO AY ALL 011o.o Is, In bead Paclsete041 way, to the• latitixlg a�#tolliebpuetit CA stores dil[eetive strength', creates an thousand dollars a year for text years ?lf, 80. to, (i0 and t1Qo Par pound. an Irishman, to whom the danoin, appetito conal with a little pare in beside. The future manager of the IevlmTis were such a mystery that het diet t1}e patient is soon to perfect sleepy old Institution wilt some day wavered between the t h"Ith+ Try It and you'll believe is Lt look back with perfect amazement on -raP`Ii=)QX AND TEM OC IST $area,. this action, taken so near the end of the nineteenth century, and wonder if 1 Only It: lo41. !p.,RXo� ... 8•tryblfEb,tt of Cn plrnSq a spewh d•ftxik 'Another curious phenelnenon of orm•y IH00dp+a1'I I I ' it can he possible that theta predecessors; !a Torantp, �saa off• ban animal life is the pr4xp4n of 'IV'"'" They, so late as 1898, real) Y thought the dead 013IIRGII'R AUTO-VOOM xWSTITU'J•E, Land crabs across the island. Ya Can pda's t#reatest Modtola4i. D1 six fQr $5. 9 lembroke tit., Toropto, Qanada. travel from north to south every spring ooti's F pure coiiq pat. cA 2 oeats. Language and the higher mathematics when the rains camwenge, and are as were the important features of a lib - regular an institution as the 'wet wea, eral education. THE TRIUMPRIW their itself. Shell fish are abundant, ADJUSTABLltsxovEPlPER. The A BIT OF CUBAN HISTORY. Easy put and taken dpcon. can but they ars of inferior quality. be cleaned, nested, and bill away is ""' A Good Corn Sheller for 28c. mllva Ask rear $eal•ro for climate is too waim; fol' them, anal oys, a small a�ppace. tees, there at all times are as Uneatis- Sixty Years Ago Spain Oftered to Sell Cuba, thew, dlsnutactured by A marvel oP,oheapneas,.. of efficacy, and factor y as ours in the months when no 1`ortq Blee. and time Ph1111►pll&e islands, of promptitude is Contained in a bottle G, 0. BARCLAY, magic R appears. The rivers and bays The Spanish government is making of that famous remedy, Putnam's Pain -168 Adelaidest. W.. Toronto. and inlets, however, are well stocked to its purpose to less Corn Extractor. It goes right to with palatable fish. The iguana. coy- great pretensions as Cuba and is rejecting with the roof of the trouble, there eats • man and crocodile are common. A bassi held on to quickly but so painlessly that nothing A. ILANDEReON,NI-D.,No. 410011gps•at, variety of crocodile called cayman has apparent scorn every pt oro -al. that looks is known of its operation until, the corn TOQONTO. Ont• a colony of its own on the Isle of Pines, to the sale of the island. It might be is shelled. Beware of substitutes of- ! TNNQAT Turtles are found in large numbers irn HOSE shallows and reefs and on sandy) inferred from this that Spain had rev- fared for a Painless Corp Ex- EYE, SA 1 SPBCIALt tractor sure and at -safe, sure Sold beaches, and they are put to all sorts or entertained any proposition that Pe, painless. ti1Y�� _ _. druggists. of uses, from soup to walking sticks. would alienate Cuba. History- how- ORONTO CU'IT1N0 SCHOOL oSere special For canes, the shell of the carey va, speaks otherwise. T laduoemente to cans men doairoue o! aver, taking up Catlin all purtioulnra an appti• riety of turtle is used. First a strong' years ago when Maria AtrASTA. mm3 Y�NOt3 ST., TOitONTO. stick is out of the length, desired. Then About sixty . atioa. the turtle shell is boiled until it be- Christina of Naples was queen regent Senor Sagasta, the head of the Span - comes a thin liquid, and into this the of Spain she offered to sell not only ish Ministry, is 71 years old, and began J l AND aSTATES bough& sold ds stick is dipped and allowed to cool. The Porto Rico and the Philippine Life as a civil engineer. He was at one ��� l� oYehppugRc�d, Terms mailed till Cuba but free. IYI N, Real IlCstnto and repeated several times who time the moat vehement opponent of I frinanolal Montr4►tt1, en montro Que. theis Louis Philippe, Agent. the beautiful tortoise shell covering is Islands also, to Queen Isabella. ADMIRAL SAMPSON, of proper thickness. Afterward the then sat an the, throne of France. Sen - cane is polished, headed, fitted with a or• Campuzano was the Spanish diplo- ,NIP YOua'�"S� ferrule, and sold fol four or five dol- the negotia- "Quiokcure" cures toothache, andall 3EMw-"i•to. �uy►��r• �B�Sn• Lars. mat delegated to conduct pain," And other Produoe to curiosity is a cane made trans for the sale, while a Spanish COMMISSION CO., Limited. 'Another The DAWSON from the dried skin of the manatee, or banker residing In Paris by the name PAID UP CAPITA!, - - - $3o,e00. am cow. The akin is perfectly trans- of A.guado was to look after the finan- STRANGE INSECT. r' Cor. West Market & Colborne St., Toronto parent, and when rightly prepared is was The insect known as the water boat- and 84tpping Cards eup- flexible enough to be used tial pa r •t. The price a g reed u p on Rubb@r Fltamps but strong 'mown has a regular pair of oars, his plied. Correspondenoo invited. as a rapier for defence. Mounted in 90,000,000 Spanish reals for Cuba, and gold and silver, these canes are very. 10,000,000 reals for Porto Rico and lags being used as such. He swims I - exe pnsive. The are rare) seen in Ha- Phili This would have been on his back, as in that position there � Dominion Line Steamships) • L Y Y the Philippines. is Less resistance to his progress. vana, and one tourist, who -wished to equal to a total ;of about $2,OOt1,000 at Montreal and Quebec tooLivorpool In summer. Largo carr awe a cane as a souvenir, paid the resent time a sum which looks .. and fast twin sorew ateamahip• 'Labrader' vap- Y y p oouver,' ' Dominion ' 'Scotsma�p,' - yerrtshlre; $50 for the privilege. ridiculously small when the, value of Superior accommoRtttion for 1+Yrot Cabin sec, islands is considered. Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh and Cabin and Steerage paseengers. Rates of OW FAST THINGS G0, The 'bargain was made on: this basis, that contain ti'lercur Y , . passage -First Cabin, 852.60; econd Cable, $ however, and the papers relating to 931 ; reerage $22.60 andel upwards according to as mercury will surely destroy the sense of steamer and berth. For all I formation apply A 31ashevnatlebauls Calcn,ntims of the Spec4i Culpa were pigned, notwithstanding smell and completely derange the whole oys- to Local Agents, or DAVID Tosnexoa & C%. some controversy over the manner and tem whenentorinq i through the mucous sur• Gen'l Agents. 17 Sh. Sacrament dt„ Montreal. of Various objects, method of paying the money,~ But Xa'•es, Much articles should never be used ex- oepth on from - mathematician has compiled the when the negotiations reached "Porto predamage toldpnyR A lens g lane, as they 1 the damage t will will do i do is ten to fold t Louis Philip- to following list of speeds a second: The Rico and the Philippines, the good you can possibly derive from them. Hate Catarrh Cure, iranufacturcd by F. �� Sale.... pe began to haggle about the price. He J. snail, one-half inch; a man walking, es- clheney & Co., Totodo,0„ eontalns; no mrraury +could not for g atl that he was atrades- and is taken internally notingdirectly upon the Iron Turning Lathe, .sixteen inch swing 4 feet, a Past runner, 23 feet a fly I man. before he w asLa king and his p blood and mucous sur aces of the eystem. In six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter 24 feet; a fast skater, 38 feet; a car- pensity to "beat down' asserted it- buying Hail'a Catarrh Cure be sure you gob shaft complete, good as new, t`ERY -sixty self. He claimed that 10,000,000 reals the genuine- It is taken internally sad made rier pigeon, 87 feet; locomotive Ia Tolodo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi CHEAP. Apply, was too much for Porto Rico and the monlal+tree. miles an hour -88 feet; swallows, 220 Philippines, and insisted that 7,OOQ000 Solo by Dtuggiets, price 764, per bottle. the WILSON PNBLI$HINC CO., feet; the worst cyclone known, 380 feet; raals were an ample stem to pay for Halt's Family Pills are the best. IIMITHO. the Krakatoa wave -at the volcanic them. This amount he declared was 73 to Sl Adelaide St. W., Toronto. catastrophe of AN*. 27, 1893, in the all hs would pay Por the islands, and SENT TO SIBERIA. Sunda Islands -940 feet; the surface of said that if It was not acceptable "the the globe on sea level at the equator, contract must be thrown Into the fire." In 15 years Russia has sent (124,000 feet;. the The Spanish diplomat, angered by persons to Siberia, fully 100,000 rela- ,QQ Q Q G 1,500 feet; the moon, 3,'2.50 what he considered royal meanness, tives of prisoners �U�UOI U IMPROVED Gillil�L TOPS having sun 5 1-2 miles; the earth, 18 miles; p anted received thehlgh, suiting his notions to Louis Philippe's'the exiles of their own gree free will, sit Ir, Holley's comet in the perihelion, 235 w War]d'rd_a on telegraph words, seized both the 18p� miles; electric; current threw _4 Pr a is and threw to Rico -Philippine contrasts and CONN VIS PnTENY wires, 7,000 miles; induction current, A plaster OONROY'8 EKT3 11,040 miles; electric current in cop- them into the fire, and ended the nego_ made with "Quickeure" RDLLBR TOPE per wire armatures, 21,000 miles; light, tiatinns. spread on canton flannel, linen or cot- have met wt r What: the subsequent fate of Cuba ton, will give more prompt relief from suchuniversalta. 180,000 miles; discharge of a Leyden might have been had this bargain been croup, than camphorated oil, or mus- vor, that othe4 ,+ jar through copper wire one -sixteenth carried, out, it is useless to conjecture. Card. . manufacturers of an trach in diameter, 277,100 miles, are now making But the transaotion shows that the --- inferior Lmitatl�i wbich is said to have been the high- the value Spain sat upon Cuba was AS ODD AS A WOMAN. est velocity measured. once only nominal, and, that the claim eInsietonhavinpl that the "Ever Faithful Isla" will One of the oddest bequests on re- the lonboy makq ' n cord is that of as imitations are A BLACKSMITH'S STORY'. never be surrendered is of recent the late George Russell, never as good aq — growth. the well-known sculptor, of Aberdeen. theaenniab. He left $75,000 for the benefit of scav- Ile hewn Was angers and policemen. • liinoRt 1l osa i s W Body li Whole Ills ole L Raelie n. FROZEN OYSTERS. BacLetl With Wlth P Pull&. •—�S From the Bridgewater Enterprise. A New Colonial Industry to be 1 T.CHARLES 9 @evcloprdHim, Austin ]Fancy is a well known ,dMr. The London Daily Mail says; The blacksmith liviipg at Baker Settlement oyster lover will no longer have to ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. a hamlet'.about,ten miles from Bridge- W P C 1►tCG OPEN ALL THE YEAR, s water, N.S. Mr, Fancy is well known spell the months to see whether there FINEST HOTEL ON THE COAST, - In the locality in which he lives. He is an "r" in them before he dare ven- is another of the legion.w•hose restora-' PAINT SO CHEAP Youoanneeit on old Sun parlor 900 feet ion g overlooking ture on his favorite indulgence. Shingle ro`of`s or skits of Ocean and beach esplanade. Vacuum tion to health adds l'.0 the laxity buildergs.-Used 22yeam with a good spr,,yer you can popularity to have a of oysters paint abarn in halt a day. write for oirralnra and steam heating system. Elevator to of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. blr, We are supply us ntonnution about painting, The Finch wood Preserva-street Level. Hot and cold, fresh and - related his story of illness and renewed all the year round. The development tive & Paint Company, 970 Queen west, Toronto, water in all baths. Rooms sit health to a reporter of the Enterprise, i of the British Empire is a colonial oys- salt .e suite, bathes attached. as follows:--" During the last winter, i ter industry. New Zealand is sending and Shoot Metal Works. owing, I suppose, to overwork and im-1 ,ROOFING ROOFING x xE in Black, B. REIZLY; Owner and Prop. pure blood, I became very much re- 5000 dozen frozen oysters, of native° 'R,edororeen, SLATE BLACKBOAlt a Tire auppty 1 as, an experiment. Mr. PutatoandHighM)Tln,Toronto). Roofing Felt,Pltoh, (Laced in.flesh, and had severe pains production, Cosi Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE 8ce New City Build- p Metal Cor. ®� lA a in the muscles all over my body. I' George Tabor, of Lower Thames St., is �ngs,Toronto, donebyourarm). Catlinge, a`� �•� + no toes eta Lrstlmates furnished for work complete or for. felt tired all the time, had appe- ; hourly expecting their arrival. ateMata ship ed to any part of the country. Phone 1936 � Lite, and often felt so low spirited that i S DUTM111-Api9N8iAdelaide&Wldmerete„Toronto. op RoyalNail ms Commanding the United States fleet off Santiago de Cuba. five pints of cold water. This should CUBA'S CNRIOUS ANIMALS, be enough syrup for ten quarts of and white, and plump. As a trial, cherries. - After filling the jars to the brim SOME UNPLEASANT COMPANIONS with syrup, put on the covers, leaving FOUND ON THE ISLAND. the rubbers off -or if they are patent ^- cans close them, Pack the jars in a There aro Spiders, Snakes, 111rein of vitriol&,# large fiat -bottomed kettle, and put K1109 -A Rutllke Aulmal, Pecullar Fire them an a rack `used for the purpose. fly -.4,1141 t►ther Atrauge Thlnt s. The Spaniard is not the only, foe the Pack cloths between the jars to pre- Cuban will encounter on his Cuba vent their knocking together; or, if warolisoldier and the N. Sun. Cuba ul more convenient, wisps o8 hay will do. wildfles, a e sandflies and mosquitoes are much lik Pour lukewarm water tai the boiler as our own, but we have nothing to matt high cope the necks of the jars, Let the huge spider, whose bite cause s the water boil and cook the cherries this fever, nor the belligerent ant know n way for fifteen minutes after the wat- as vivajagua. A scorpion, though no t er 'begins to boil. so dangerous as the European variety, 'At the end of this time remove the o jars, ,one by one, to a shallow pan, con- taining a little boiling water. Take off sare.leas traveller, and the chigoe o r the covers and fill them up again with "jigger," deals swift retribution to a n boiling syrup, which should have been offender. The method of attack is in reserved for the purpose. Considerable convenient, for it burrows under th e syrup will have been absorbed during the cooking, leaving space for the new toe nails, and unless removed at 0114 e syrup. Put on the rubbers and seal builds its nest there, In that case in the cans lup tight. Whery the jars are flammation occurs, and the only relic cold tighten them again with -all your is the painful operation of having th et strength. Wipe them off carefully little animal cut out. with a cloth, and sat away where the temperature Ls not above sixty degrees. Snakes are not numerous, but the By observing this method, not only include some of the freaks of the ani the delicious natural flavor, but a Dial Kingdom. The huge maja, longe beautiful color is preserved, and each than two six feet men set end to end cherry is perfect in shape. Frozen Cherries. -Take one quart of with a body twenty inches in circum cherries, using as red, fruit as you can ference, looks fierce enough and for find, and mix with one pound of gran- midable enough to put a whole regi ulated sugar ; stir until the sugar is meat to flight. It is all a bluff, fa thoroughly dissolved, add the juice from one can of pineapples and one the big reptile is harmless. pint of water. Mix well and freeze as (Among the birds, the soldier ma y you" do any frozen fruit. exercise his taste for "lets. Those pe entiar to the island have beautifu MARYLAND CHICKEN. plumage, rich in colouring. There ar The old-fashioned cook of Maryland nearly 200 kinds to be found there had a special reputation for preparing and among them all the vulture an chicken in a slulperior, manner. Select a the turkey buzzard are almost the onl Yl tender, plump, young chicken. Singe, birds of prey, They are sit useful a dress, and out it full as If foil a fricas- scavengers to carry away waste me see. Wipe each piece, season it with terial that' they are protected Pro salt and pepper, dip each in melted but- death by law, Geese, turkeys, pea ter and then lightly in sifted bread cocks and pigoons are the most fami crumbs. Arrange the pieces ow a bak- liar domestic fowls, and pigs, sheep ing-pan anri put them in a hot oven to goats, mules and horses. Cake. Let the chicken cook in this way THE ANIMALS. USED. for three-quarters of an hour, basting The Cuban horses are almost a rac it every fifteen minutes, and 'turn, it by themselves. They are very gentle after it has browned well'on one side. that' never kick nor bite nor play an While the chicken is cooking prepare It on tricks on their riders. I corn fritters to serve with it. To make these fritters cut off the cob a cup- some parts of the island horsee.Feceiv ful of fresh sweet corn, or if it cannot as .much consideration as a member o be obtained use a cupful of canned the family. They are not tied or con corn, drained a little and chopped. fined, but they wander about the doo Add pepper and salt, two well -beaten eg+ga and also a tablespoonful of cream Yard, put their heads into the kitche if canned corn is used. Add half a cup windows to exchange the time of da of flour anti half a oup of milk, Divide and even on occasion have the privileg the corn friLters and fry them in but - of entering the house. The sight of hu ts'r in it vary hot pan, turning them I from one side when they are done to mans and equines on terms of such eas the other. familiarity makes one wonder if th Prepare a, cream sauce by pouring a in the dripping in days of Gulliver and his horse countr i oup of cream -pan which the. chicken was•baked. Thicken have come again, the gravy with an even tablespoonful Sometimes the roads are very bad an of butter mixed with it tablespoonful the mud so sticky that it holds any of flour. Let the gravy thus formed foreign substance like glue. For thi simmer slowly fur five minutes. Sea- ' reason farmers braid their horses' tail son it with salt and pepper and strain turn them up over their backs and ti I iit and sccutter in a. teasponuful of mine- them to the saddle. No Northern Pon ed parsley. Set tho gravy in the oven would stand this indignity, but the Cu a momwit or two, Ihen pour it over an pack animals seem quite willing t the chicken, w•hicb shnuld be garnished. endure it. In mountainous region , mules are used to carry coffee an sugar down the mountain paths, and t THE SPEED OF INSECTS. save drivers mules in long processto are tied together, one's head to anot '-` oe or's tail, and with only one man at th (gnunant 'Thing U, lace a 19ee Kecp1119 1'p head of the column to guide the leads al Ith it Train. + they carry down their burdens safely It is the popular belief that the I The bind legs of Cuban -mules must b flight of. birds is much swifter than worked on a different principle fro that in vogue among United State that of the inserts, but a number or mules. Here no insurance agent naturalists who have been making a I would insure a man whose business wit sandy • of Lire matter think that such tying mules to one another's tails. The only wild animal peculiar to Cub is not the cave, A uutnmon house fl Y ' is the jutia, or hutia. It is rat -shape for example, is not. very rapid in its black, and ainall. it lives in the hollow flight, but its wings make S00 beats a of trees, like our squirrel, a.nd ea second, and send it through the stir leaves and fruit. its flesh is insipid, b it is often eaten. Curious modificatou twenty-five feet, under ordinary air- 1 of felinesand canines inhabit the wood camstances, in that. Apv.e of time. The. animals have sprung from dogs an When the Insect is alarmed, however, I eats in the domestic state and diffe fromthom only in theirsize and habit, it. has been found that. it can increase its rate of speed to over 1)10 feet Some of the intelligence of the civiliz ;per second. If it could continue such rot- Clan seems to remain with them, an they cause the farmer nytich anxiety h pid flight for a mile in a straight line it would cover that distance in their carefully planned attacks exo,etly thirty-three seconds. UPON HIS POULTRY AND CA'1.`TL1. It is not an uncommon thing when travelling by rail in the summer time 'rhe matter of lights is a small ite to see a bee or a wasp keeping up with, of expense to the poor man in Cuba, f in the phosphorescent fly nature pr the train and trying to get co one of the windows. A swallow fa coning vides him a lamp free. This fly, t. bled one of the swiftest flying cuoullo, about the size of our roach, perfectly black, with a transparen ti birds, .rad 11 was thought until ashore Cine ago that no insect could ea- br est. `[tire ayes in front, axle" ones � cape it. A naturalist tells of tin exalt. tt point of its breast • give, out s much light when its wings are sprea in;f chase he saw between a swallow and a dragon fly, which is among that one can see by it to read a lette, Children snake pets of oucultos and sht the swiftest of insects. The insect them up in reed cages. If they foe flew with incredible speod, and wheel- them on sugar, the sticky particlos at ed and dodged with such ease that',the baring to their logs exasperate them e swallow, despite its Utmost efforts, InUCh that they fall Upon each othc completely failed to overtake and cap- like prize-fighters. The children avoi ture it, this by giving the flies sugar can They wash them carefully morning an DROMEDARY'S BUMP, night, and in thial way keep. their psi alive and shining for many days. The hump on the back of the drome- Washioua'ble ladies wear the brillial dary is an accumulation of a peculiar flies in their haL;r, and nometiines tl species of fat, which is & store Of belles use them covered with a gaua material for living belts, One lite nourishment beneficentlyravedeci p girt remarked with much solemnH against Clio day+ of want, to which Cho animal is often exposed• The dromo. after exa'laining a ouctillo's lege tilt trod made It with books to fasten c dary or carrel can exist for a long -little ,girls' dre9se9, Left to thdYnseiv period upon this hump without any the ououllos fly in regular lines, gi other food, ing the offeot of the long processic �ti. \ `-$ • « •. , I wished myself in another world. 1 It is three years since a New Zealand . IboS1 ��aol� Steamship. Co., Some of the time, necessity compell- merchant, on a summer visit to Lon- F we can out your 1898 Fence Montreal to Liverpool. e ed me to undertake a little work in don, sought unsuccessfully for an oys- enoe, Fence --„count fn halt. we olalm fl m blacksmith shop, but I was not, we have the beat and most practical fl nee on s""`s y P• ter. "What, f oysters?” he exclaim- earth. L�ri'our mil •s of it in nee at the Expert- Steamers sail from Montreal every Thursday fit for it, and after doing the job, ed, after the fashion of the lady who mental Farm, Ouolph. Ont, Bend for prices, morning on arrival of trains from Toronto and T. would have to lie down; indeed Iof-I married the butcher. "tire must send Address Toronto Picket Wire Fence Co., the Rest about 9 o'clock. ten felt like fainting, I was advised you some from New Zealand." The 021 River St. Toronto. Out. RATES OF PASSAGE I to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and idea has at last become a fact. In a .--_------'— -- - Yd after using a couple of boxes, Ifelt a day or two London will be invited to Cabin 152.60 and upwards; second Cabin, decided relief, lbs pains began to 0 1I # 1 ' 1,34 and and $36.25: Steerage to Liverpool e, try a new specimen of colonial pro- , London, Glaaqow, Belhw, Londonderry- ort abate, and I felt again as though life duce. ` Queenstown 82..110 and 823.60. was not all dreariness, By the time I They are for cooking purposes, soups, t i t t A reduotlon of live per cent, is mowed on y' had used six boxes I was ,is well as sauces, stews, patties, and the like, It round trip fleet nos second cabin nation For e ever, and able to do a hard day's work is not. expected that anybody kill eat tailings of eoriteazed a e other information app# at the fore without fatigue and those I Y y Rarri,Mii1.., Not -w,, tsaa 9. Sourli agent. y g B frozen oysters on the half -shell. 1Bari'1eWrs,eto.,rantoved g, gourlter, 1 Hing St. W. Toronto who know anything about a black- At present the summer oysters come ��� to words 131d liiah• or 8 A hilae, Montreal. smith's work, will know what this principally from Portugal and France, mond 616 7�n�' d means, Those who are not tvell, will and are laid on English beds. I tie oys= -- •----------- ----. --- . -- -- . - — - _ make nn mistake. to looking for health Is Cub h- r, ter& from Now Zealand will be kept In s through the medium of Dr. Williams' refrigerators, They are said to be fine Pink PHN. and white, and plump. As a trial, e Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by some were frozen and cooked in New y, going to the. roof, of the disease, They Zealand. The report was favorable. renew and build up the blond, and The first cargo will be put on Lon - o strengthen the nerves, thus driving' don ;market, at Ss. a hundred. It is s disease from the system. Avoid imita- intended to send consignments once a d tions ,by insisting th4lt every box ,you month, until the months arrive spelt o purchw%e is enclosed in a wrapper with an "r." The oysters tire frozen n bearing the ,full trade mark, 'Dr. in blocks of eight and fifteen dozen. '%;Iilliams' Pink Pills for Pale People,' I CANE-tIOTTOMI'D CIIAIRS. THE FIRST MONUMP;NT. eThe owner of cane -bottomed chairs The oldest monument in Westmins- m which require renovating should pro•, ter Abbey is that erected to Edward a vide herself with a ball of strong twine; ' the Confessor. The first Abbey y' and some varnish and she can manage • siTOPIS FOR, DOGS. I KNITTING I�OIAC""iIMES OLD AND RELIABLE Established 1872 THIS is FOR YOD— Cloithe your family from bead - to foot with our ••' NiO�i�Y f�A�ER Prices only $IG, S20 $30. CREEBAN BDWOS•., Georgetown, Ont. FOR TYPEWRITERS VIP.ITE U9, a to do the work very creditably herself d, to ut a- or htr I Church of Westminster was built by King Edward the Confessor, who died -_._-__-.-__._.-_,—_r- --_-_-_ _� i-: a in the following way: -Cut away the In the opening days of 1000, when his . _. i r- 7 - , old cans, take a large darning Needle, church had just been consecrated in c s thread it, make a knot at the end and loop the string through the holes back- the presence of Edith bis Queen. He was buried before the high altar with @ 'r What hat ? �fy0% ward and forward, crosswise fromside s to side, right and left, filling every his crown upon his head, a golden �o* G� �� s• hole; then working back again, weav- chain nndacrucifix around his neck, ®� p{� It Lng' as you would for cloth. Then r varnish the chairs and set them aside and his pilgrim's ring upon his finger. When Henry Ill. rebuilt the Abbey in 6� 7 i A� s' to dry, "Make small cushions of cre- 1278 he built the Chapel of Edward P d tonne or any other material you like, the Confessor, as a monument to him, and tie them on the seats with ribbons nit the rear of the. high attar, placing Y to match. his shrine in the center of the chapel, • siTOPIS FOR, DOGS. I anti there they remain to the present day. Tho coffin containing the incur- iV*ir Sial0 are Usti" it in *trail IRODd■ ; m 'lmy shoes intended for dos are g rut body of the Confessor was carried ontheshoulders of the Royal Plan- YYhh aro" 1000 is, Toro to O>Y,d La"410wis, made anri sold in London. 'Phey are of chamois, with light leather' solea, tage.not Princes, whose own sepulchers were afterward to cluster around it, �,�,�� Dandruff0 �� One Week. i v They are only worn indoors, and are to and deposited in the shrine of marbly t protect polished floors from scratches. ttmcl niOsaic. ( qr�sgpmg i+ Mit, Ol the Scalp I — --- — . ft • F Take CURB A COLD IN ONE! DAY. IN ANCIENT ROME, Prevents Breaking of Hair. 1. Take nd Chore Broinmoney it 6InfsQuinine Tablets, A4 Druq• • •,+aka refund mho manor if it tnlla to Cura. 16•, First Citizen-Met•1lought the Emper- or. Augustus wore a Clouded brow to- (�►L e E Q�1!�� fy �u LIVE LOBSTERS. day. t??ii.. � i fJ f t I i Second Citizen -No wonder I It is • The largest shipment of lobsters but a few days since he ascended thePOSITIVELY ��i®�� HAM ever sent from Halifax, N. 6,, went throne, and already the populace is I forward •by the last steamer to Boston. calling hien "flus," /� ) 1ltllTBdDletl11L8 eS6pT iREd. The shipment amounted to 1;$W crates, Judge C. Panot Angers, Quebec, M « A I weighing 91 tone, every fish 'being at writes :--�-•,'Quickoure has always giv- �I�.y .�,�I�,�•.�..�rq� �,y•�, 09 j i least 101-2 inches long. en relief to 'mly child." A+J ' ,I0.ali�14�[+..•''X:0X7 .tr3R!—W ► U � $wilt IM 0#16 rtoltak brtlli011ltelle sir 40 f SHIELD' +1 M >f Of priele :f �►� % + . D �w4 ka * I :�� bb k Mfg W-0 �O flip � ��` Q�°� t VOURSELP FROM ALL IMPURITIES, 9Y USING) �+ Ir .� I A � /� �rj��" Su i - It is pure and AKvnys the 4ainlp. Lend LY Yl�iw LA 0� �� �qwr I liokagC% z5r 4+0, Sop & Goc. _ , F � • a i n 4 .•4 'i . a . air . ,.