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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-07-07, Page 3
!!A 4 . /' i *1 I, �;i putlined`ihat he saw, oar yet the face ii �� T� �� #JE#���1 >;I A�*>�11i! with his wife and taulixy and sann0 ���MS pF �Nx���S'% that had been its morel; butt alnother, tf#at word %Im. e tial Cline with him; Ilud and a difteveut-•a face to hien with an �� � I Veen there I had been lost• But to �� t . A >�eit 1'uragrupLa N'4fGlt #Ip1 # rpvo .�.;. 1 • peotheoslte; nand, thinly and struggle as rettlrp to the k1'egident and bis $Ips worth li<eaiil�. A flim (��`".� � � • 1Le would., he could not drtva It Lrozu A SUIiKEcN OIT1� QV�I� �%�QS� of tvSpwM before that was nut ILound' L 1'tl # V f his t>aawghta, tram his inner cpuselaus- $PIKES �11fAR SH[PS FQA the 1g7nad rolling and wowing under One of tole Itosputala In Moscow is neer. It was fixed there acid it would _ my feet, tiplon which I said unto hiw, lar8a enough to accommodate 7,000 WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR -- OR, -- not be eliminated. " Isord, sir, went is that 4' lie replied, patlldie CORNE?RS OP THE± GLOBES. For Two Ce{11tarte8 Fort uoaal fNs 84an►� ,� Sotmething told him that Ile would being a vary grave man, ' It is an ayoldiera, eailori, domestic servants ' of much lou er be py Cleat► fu ills rthquake. Be not afraid ; it will soon and 'wromen are not allowed to vote In �*-- TRE MAGIC OE A M ASTERPIECE, from the dear face of the{ Princess Isa- Ren N wg initPg8 May Be be over."' Finland. Old and New World events of tnterost Chron. berati laeaoat11141se Rtvto t.nrtbbean, Yat ;n g permr;tted to co ea Teen Now W_ Calor wwstUer #Acs t3ub- t bet, His deep aand all absorbing love- Despite the Presidpnt's assurance, he Ali freak -water snakes in India are Ided Briefly-lnterestlag Hrppenlaas of the love that had become a part; of his Crystal Depth. disapl:eared, and was never beard tot harmless, and all salt water snakes ' life -this had first led him to the be- There is little o1 poetry in war. The again. Continuing, the rector wrote : Roceut Data. . Lief, and the adventure oL Cha previous "I made toward Morgan's Fort, be- are pbisonaus. - , Tw•a small vessels equipped with Par - f slob, Isabal l You will not tell hire fellow would light, notw'ithatanding evening had confirmed it. If thal Count gentle muses wing the{r Plight before cause I throe ht to be there securest IIIoUert Taylor, the Postmaster at 'V-hp,t I have---" t the terrible penalty the law would in- the deafening rpar of cannon and the g sons turbine erg}nes, with a guaran- "Hush t I shall tell him nothing. Elict upon hint in Dasa he should o ld v1is11 inF3 his etualtoo-of sou e t he sub- rattle of munkeltry. 7uLa newsgapor tor- yng� �all� thehearlth Fen and a wallow boa 1940 yepyrtsD nereland, Ls said teed spend of 85 k[LaLa, have beau ord- 1 a is inRthing to me; he has never his antagonist. And if they sh u, eat had bean masted aa7d others had respondents {n Southern waters are too up a mint{tilde of people, and the sea Oustoms change. Among the Phoon- eyed by the Fltitlrh Admiralty• ieeli anything more than one among fight, though the count would give his j busy with the stern realities which n3 Von them over the for- {clans, in ancient days, the wearing of Ata recent Engb{rs inquest it came ` ttsuudredst at, friends --all held equal in opponent warm work, yet, in the end, I spoken of it. The influence pf Stel- tmificatione.in Moreover, the large and earrin s was a ba a of servitude. out that of Live persona who had re- rmy regard. Madelon, do you be true am very sure the paiaater would kill asna brothero of the n irl''s guardian- confront them to platy much heed t(, parlous 'burying ground was destroy- g calved legacies of 0500 each two years Ito srie and I will Ue true to you. And him." gg ed, and the sea washed away the ear- Warm meals are supplied tc all the rrilow I will tell you what had 'moved "San Marco l" he exclaimed, with a also ae a relative of the loved one her- beauties tivhioh node, other circum- Pupils in the, public schools of Paris. ago four line already drunk themselves ' ,�r� so deeply when you came into the Start that shook his frame at every self -his opposltiou would have its stances might inspire them to dainty casae. The harbor orae covered with to death. lots of descriptive writing. dead bodies, floating ups ani dawn." T� cust of a maul is about two cents. �atiing-room. Signor Zanoni tread joint, "what a consummation that weight. _ T,(,custs swarm in South APrioa. They F{°!land bas just setae!}shed compule- B. telling me the story oL his lgtd ivau{d Ore ! Zatuoui shall kill Count Naturally, the conflict with the mar- To illustrate my point we shall �'— cry services for al[ Dutch citizens in un.te from a despatch dated from UNCLE SAM'S TOIYI!}[Y ATI{INS. have been so numerous during the past jt. -Was the most affecting story I ever Dauaro, and then the headsman will h �h� Bale of the duke.L A sseming q tw,o months that railroad trains have the army. TUe only persons exempted heard• I gave him my sympathy; and kill Zanoni! And then, ah. and then fight with deadly weapons, and one of Kingston. Jamaica. "For. two days,' ars been stopped by+ thein, de priests, ministers and divinity Stu .1 gave to sympathy my tears. Don't g writes this correspondent, " our des- fie tx Few to Nuntbets but a Fine Fellow dents. yoµ borrow one hilt of trouble. The ;He rose from his seat at this point the parties a brother of the rel sing Fhysicaitly. In 6wreden !hers are floating esu- Bohemia's German towns have forna- iggnor is the very soul of truth and amd paced to and fro a time in silence. prjpoe, would ba sure to take wings and patch boat has been, lying here in the neries. They are small vessels, which d you should know whether At length he stopped near the center to assume Startling proportions �Ve are so aooustomed to thinking ed an Mlliance to resist Cha spread oL gable of prataoti ig my own of the room acrd finished the sentence Zanoni's fear was that, in whatever beautiful harbor of Kinigston. Under and speaking of the United States as follow fishing fleets, and men on them the Cze,crh movement. It is e.4pected d' iia+me and reputec{on. which he had broketn off so abruptly. shape the story might reach the ears the clear blue water a few fathoms be- " can the fish while they are fresh, "There 1 Not another word on the "And then, my charming aouain-- of the duke, the nasus of his beautiful a Great Power ' that it is apt to lie tout the Buhemiam Lowna will Lorm a neath her keel sleeps the sunken city A passenger car on a steam railroad counter-alliwnee�. for otter tout Uncle Sam's army num- casts from $4,000 to $5,000 ; a baggage !subject. You will . be ready to set cousiin 1 Ho t ho 1 that is good 1 I ward ornate be mixed illi with {t• of Port Royal. Not a stone's throw from g France's new Chamber at Deputies „ forth, as I have said." wonder, if our genealogical line could That, alone would be Sufficient to put Uers barely 25,000 mean of all arms, oar, from $2000 to $'2,5D0; a Sleeping The damns paid." d; and shortly be traced, how tar we should Ue found a Stop to the lady s visits, and, per- our• boat a red buoy swin+gs and rocks There is no reserve, and the State car from $10,000 to $20,000. includes a oval l task negro from Guad- afterward the ptzncess left her. removed? Oh, but she is beautiful, and haps to her siLtingS; though his grace ;n the moonlight. Zt marks the spot militia, answering roughly to aur vol- The ink -plant of Nrew Granada is a �IaLLPa, M. Legitimue, elected Uy a coal - (An hour later, and while the aged she is wealthy, and herwealth I sorely might ask hint -the artist -to take where the old ciity's cathedral sank unteers are neither in the pay nor un- curiosity. The juice of it %uri be used I it{an of blacks acid white against that ' companion was Batting ready to ac- need. Ah 1 let the duke but know that his work to the palace. and wLuere the re still reaches up mulat.LoeS on the island. company tier mistress, Marquis Stet- oho Das really and truly given her love The painter's thoughts ,were wander- sI der the control of the Federal authori- as ink without any preparation. At I Bryant & May, the matchmakers, fano sough! oar again. to the painter, and let that painter ing-now upon the fray oil the river's nearly to the surface," ties first the writing is red, but after a few That was all. That was Cha only re- hOur9 it changes to blank. have been fined the highest sum allow "Oh, Siugor Marquis l" the poor oro- kill our gallant count; then the execu- fa ek, and, nonprincess and her sten- Zh'e army proper is scattered over a ed by law for persistently neglecting • than cried, ,when rq had reminded her boner removes the painter; a aseh td, fora arrived, ference to a Ambject rich! in historical space of country nearly the size Of Eu- A female monkey Fn the Zoological I to report cases of phosphorus poison - .k'• elf the signs he had detected in her aha is mine! Mine, as lore and the Gardena of Vienna is a t.riok bit ole ' face sad in her ,manner, and had driv- «'Hh those two reoo,ovad, let me con- Zanoni was master of himself is the possibilities of unwritten rope; and iy broken up into isolated Y tog amr:vag their employees. a corns where she mus- wince Antonio that the girl erne really old servitor's pretence; and Isabel, romance. Honv little Ls known of the detachments of one and two cumpanies rider. She performs wonderful antics, Microscopic diamonds have been en her int(, loved Cho plebeaan—that She had been meeting hiS calm, friendly Lank, was mysterious city beneath too wttves oP and her imitations of t}re human rid- Yt,,.• make ausiver, "1 assure you, on my each. The men are used to guerilla In- ers are irresistibly droll. found in worn s-reet rails of the word, it was nothing. 1'ha dear prim- ready and wiling to flee with him to equally calm and tranquil. Kingston harlor, a city which at ones a forst land—and he will give me And hone the artist received a les- elan warfare, ant are excellent scouts The title "admiral" ori lost! cams Nortoeastern lta+i•lway Company in peas has explained it all, and s,>n. Hs ca ht Cho quick, sharp look Suggests the hidden wonders of fabled and general! first-rate souls. Of g y Englund t1La.t were being experimented "',' - "iia 1 D{d you tell her her hand, I am sure. y from the Arabic phrase " amir-al-bahr," ul)on to find out h•ow much strength " I ,told her nothing. It was she woo "Yes, I want her motley. I doubt if of the duennu—caught bet, eyes, with Atlantis, which Jules Verne has de- battalion drill, however, they know mean{ng " ruler of the sea." When the the steel had lust. first spoke of it Lo sue. She said it there is an heiress in the dukedom so'a tell-tale light in them] fixed on him- scribed with such a wealth of imagery little, never having batt the opportu- fir;and 1 onl answered her questions wealthy. Her estate of Varoma iellself; then they shut toward the prin- In his "Tw'enty Thousand League ITn- lwst word was dropped sada "d orae Great wstorn's Juno was ushered Fn yy at {a true, signor." worth more th:vn a million crowns. I cesa, with a penetrating gaze, again, nits of pracLising it; the same may, be added, it treoame admiral," wile snuwsl.o*mel [n Bodfardahira, Lun- ,—no ¢Wore. Tb der the Sea." B+ut Atlantils was "Madelon, look me in the eye! Now, heard the duke speaking of the income upon hinmelf, after which she Seemed brob- said of Brigade or divisional move- Tt is said that herrings are so pro enrolls at, rdinlrurgh, and in county toll me what was it the princess ask- of thait estate; he set 'it at more than to be trying to see both at one .and ably a myth, while .Port Royal is not. ments, This is scarcely surprising,for lific that if a Limerick. The rest of the kingdomen- te you 3" 50,000 scuds. Marcy on usl What a the same time. Had She said to him: pair of them catild be The traveller who visits the capital it is rare, indeed, that two regiments joyecl heavy thunderstorms with Dail ' "Soo asked me how she had looked left for me I And, by heaven I I can "I must watch you, because 1 have of Jamaica should ray for clear weath- left to breed and multi'gly undisturb- and sleet. when I came into the painting -room' bring it to puss! Let me but catch been bidden," she would not have be- p lie within manoeuvring ed for a period of twenty years, they er, without wind. When the water of would ield an amolunt of fish equal he Peginsu'ar and Oriental steamer where she acid Signor Zanoni were; and the fair princess in the trap and I will trayed Der purpose more plainly. DISTANCE OF ONE ANO'1HER• Y China was driven ashore on Azalea I !told her." venture the rest. And now, to prove However., the princess got rid o[ her the hurhbr is ruffled by breezes the in bulls to toe entire earth. And then the Marquis went on; nor it, there must be a way. Aye, and I after a time—sent her off into toe hidden city is obscured from view. But Physically, the YanlLee "Tommy At• Attached to the sorry of Norway is P°'toil near Perim, recantl.y; when she did he give it up until he had gained will find it." waiting -room, and the dour was closed kips" is a fine fellow enough; sleep` landed oa the old r bot of another on a cloudless, still day, when the sur- a con s of Skaters armed svLth rifles. `i=-+ from the utterly bewildered and de- Ile then resumed his seat and bent between them, with a heavy curtain face of. the sea is perfectly amouth, the chested, bull -throated, and hard as p steams., and Uad Uor bottom torn out _ moralized woman thewhole story, She, his head upon his hand; and thus ha hung uppose it. nails, Y•ou, will never find, in a Unit- They ea.n be manoeuv-red on the toe Uy its engines. told him about the pallor and tears, I salt for a long time, buried, in profound- "h suppose I eau sit," the fair model ruing of dr over the snorvPields o£ the mown- Cape Grisnez„ an the French coast op- ,,';'.' and she even told that toe girl had , est thought. said, trying to smite as she spoke. T• PHANTOM CLTY ad States- regiment, the under -sized tains with a rapidit equal to that of y posits' lTovet; is to have a ne,v eleotria c 'been evidently startled at the inter- Suddenly tie sitarted as though a pet- Yes—certainly. We cave nothing weaklings so common in many arm{ea, the best trained cavalry. light that will be visible forty-eight ``" ,notion; and had tiled to hide her i and had burstted at his feet—started to do now with the position. may be plainly seen in too depths of face ;lint to ha sure roe did not know I firat :to ail upright posture in his seat; Thus speaking 'Zanoni took up the the transparent water. The reason is that the high rate Of It is Customary, on the birth of a miles off. It will be of 3.000,000 candle she was telling it. Alco she let out his hands half raised and tightly clos- palette and two or three brushes; but 1'he spire of the, old cathedral is the pay attract to the colours mtLny more Japanese baby, to plant a tree. This lower, and is expected to pierce fon for the condition in which she found the! ad; his sensual lips compressed; his he did not offer to touch the color ho recruits than aro actually required, of is carefully tended until the child is a distance of sixteen miles. It will 1' artist; and, in her endeavor to picture, eyes, with a wild, frightened glare, bad so carefully prepared. A little most prominent object. In the clear whom, of.course, only the best, are en- grown, an•d about to be married. �4i'h, give out a white flash once a second. his s t; and,si and solicitude and cis, grazing straight into vacancy, as while he stood, with the implements of water yon can see the fishes, lazily listed. Former] men of any nation- it is cut down, and made Into furniture From Madrid tames a Strange story anxiety in the princess's behalf, she So, though a ghost had appeared in that his calling, in his hands; then a per- swimminlg in and out among the ruin- y for the bomb of the oun couple. of a row in the Cathedral chapter oL far overdid it as to betray more to direction• Anon be arose to his feet ceptible tremor shook his frame; his ality were accepted, provided they fill- y g are er listener than she had ever and smote his hands together. lips quivered, his eyes grew strangely ed turrets, mora Swggestive oP owls filled the necessary physical require- The Krag-Jorgensen rifle, now the Toledo, dor{ng whir.h Vigo words were h ag I "Holy Mother ! What can it mean6 brvght with a warm and liquid light, and bats than of toe finny inhabitants axcoan ad between Cardinal Archbisb- thought or conceived of. ntents and were willing to take the. arm equipment of the United States g "But, Sngnor Marquis," she cried, to Is it a wild fitucy-a freak of imagine- Tears were (gathering in spite of his ut- of the sea. Occasionally glimpses can oath of allegiance. Of late years, how- infantry, has a range of three miles. op SanCha and the dean of the' chapter, " ' the rind, laying her hand upon his arm, I tion—or is it real Z .B:y San Marco 1 I most endeavor to keep them back. At I b of the ruins of other buildings reswltlryg {n w challenge. The duel has "'remember thi.a—soo explained it all. I must know•. Which way shall I turn t length the spell was broken,. He laid ever, only American -born citizens are A't this distance an expert can eas- nt?t y.et taken Dein°a, as thu seconds are T ere tivas no harm, no thought of evil, I I wonder wont Antonio could toll mo f the palette and pencils back on the —buildings which for more Lunn two supposed to ire Sworn iu. Nevertheless sly pick off a nun, ivbile a soldier un- unwulling to trioses the Uloxlthirsty slot was clear and simple, and only a ;Scall I 'venture 8 Pabaw 1 what dan- table and turned toward the sitter. centuries have kept their ghastly sec- accustomed to it's use could not hit cond'etlon demanded by both princip- :7•,,. Conn wooer own heart was bad could ger can impTend f'' "Princess 1 I can not 1 I can not I rets and will keep them until the end fully 50 per cent. aro of foreign ea- a baigi. ' -- A few minutea he passed to and fro My hand will not obey my will to traction, els w '''' see awhose' wrong Ln it." of time. An old lady at Teplitz, Hungary, A Berlin civil court, in a suit. brought "You dear old saint n said Steffano, , the length of the room, and then went paint, Pardon me 1 Oh, pardon 1 but I The term of enlistment is for five vvhri lied ust scree the 80th anniver- with alight, coarse laugh, "it is alll , out, taking his way toward the audi- roust speak." He stood before her w^iith Down thtere, in that; peaceful depth, j P by a dreSamlLker for toe payment of tin ;�;; years, too pay for the first two years sar of oar birth, had a fear of livin ,;;, right. Bless you I i see nothing out ofl , once chamber. rt was time for khr his hands clasped gazing at Der lie din bones of throe thousand men, being at the rate of $13 (£2 12s.)c a y g expensive dress, s which the defence the wa.y in any of it -nothing at all. I duke ito have finished the hearings for through tears that were wall -nigh women and children, carried down in- to l e 100 years of age. To prevent was Chat the dress did not fit, ait.er ' L I am glad you have told me, for now the day, and he hoped to find him in ready do fall. to the sea with their homes on that month, During his third year of ser- this undesirable condition, she deliber- malting the defendant wear the garm- tnind is easy. Ah 1 you are in a - his private closet.' He was not disap- "Dear Princess 1 Wildly, passionate- awful June day in 1692. Ali earth- vice toe soldier �3Sts jg14, $15 during ately held ber head in a tub of water ant in court, decided that: she should i' burry. Well, I, have but one more] pointed. Thia closet was a small ly, madly -yet, Ohl how deeply and his fourth and $16 during his fifth; until she drowned, net pay. on the ground that when a �,. quake, suddenly and without warning, word to Sa Don't you borrow any apartm:nt, forming an ante -room Lo Lhe truly -loved! With this, peroags, last smote the ,voile, 'should be decide to re-engage y, ` profligate city of Port Roy - trouble, sad don't you interfere. Be I large chamber of audience, whither avowal from my lips, shall we regard al, which slid into the sea. The waters 'for unuther five years, his pay is rats- Tho oldest Douse in Cha I7nited or $62 fo ea dressttthe price mp:ie Lthat '"4'�i •sure the dear princess is able to take' Committees sometimes repaired for con- the words spoken yesterday as having opened and swallowed it up, and there se to $'t,s (£1) a month. Corporals and States is ui Saint Augustine, Florida, the fit, shall be perfe, °' Dara elf herself. Of course you may j sultation, and where the duke aright never found utterance 2 Shall we be sergeants get $2 and 4I5 a montbl ax- It oras built in the, year 1564, as a beneath the silent waves wits hidden :see what they do; the very nature of confer with one or more interested per- as we were before 3 Reflect; think of the wickedness and debauchery of a tra respectively. In addition to bis monastery, and Is now occupied as the Sm°Lc+nsk in Rlus+ia has a i>aculrar "Ir'your office requires you to do that, I mons on a subject not for the public. ist all; look at the situatiod calmly and crommunity described by historians as ordinary pay, ,which, it should be borne winter abode of a ,Northern million- lottery four times a year. A young X, but you will sot interfere. Should And here Steffano found his grace, understa.ndingly,—at your exalted sit- {n mind, is subject to no deduction oil 'Y So i could only irritate Isabel engaged in working over his mina e9 tuition; at my lowly, humble lot, my beinrg almost without parallel. afire. The walls are farmed of sea -+girl {s raffled for in 5,0110 Dae ,giro y whatever, each man is credited oa e0) '�:'°:• and would do no good. You under- of the Uusinea of the da and alone. Tlie s f God, a said it was the wen- shells mired with rivartar. y, poverty and my garb Of toil. R,ememl>_ listment with a sum of $200. (£40) soarer, The winner marries the girl '.. stand ane?" "she bu i do I disturb ou0 if I do er„ too, that were we to think of mar- genote OC God, and likened it to toe de- "clothing allowance." This sum is sup- Ja an has a 'breed of mice which are and receives the ruoney from the 'ul.- Y struction of Sodom and Gomorrah. And P "nd Marquis, T think Ido." hesitate mot to say so." riage we must leave. the land that posed to provide' him with uniform, a puzzle to naturalists. At different I Lary as her dowry. If he. prefers Ire "Than I will leave you to go your "Nat at all, Steffano, if you will not gave you birth. To me it would ba in very truth the history, of the city blankets, and underclothing (luring may assign, her a.nd the dowry to o-.onra I'^" ora And once more, my good Ma- detain ane long." nothing, toe wandering to another seems to show• the unceasing wrath of cis five years' service, and he receives Periods of Che day they whirl round ane else. F.omali[nes the girl refu„+s •- divine power, From th,; richest City of y to marry ilia 'witiLrer, in w'lrirh cn.+ �2,: delon, I think you will find it for your "Only a few minutes.” cliime.,, but oh, think of what it would in cash, when taking his discharge an pert round fol hours at a tune. If a l Cha interest to keep Cha knowledge of our "All sight. Sit downn-there. lA(,w its time it has dwindled into insig- money front the :oLtery is divide, I,n- mean for yowl Isabel, I must not; I balance he Penson should lift a mouse when it is nificancs, until now it is a most wretch- whirlin g the animal will resume its conference to yourself:" 1 g)on• What isit4" dare not. I will leave Parma; I can act place, used only as a naval station. MAY HAVE B1 EN ABLE TO SAVE. whirling too moment it is set down, t,veen them. She "signified that she shlould do so ; i "1 will tell y°u," the viarquis gave not lave Dere when -when-" Disaster after disaster h is overtaken it. In addition he gets about £12 "da - A Fren h wen Captain living' in the and upon that he left her, and made just a m,omtat to the arranging of his To be Continued. After the earthquake the town was (erred pay," and a considerable sum .A witness to a. London police court; rile d'Al,esia in Paris kept a savage . his Wray to his own apartments, where,I thoughts, a.nd then went on: Last rebuilt, only til be complete! destro for travellin expenses to the place if ,ve followahim, ive may discover what evening at the theater I was appealed Y 5- g described the defendant as a Igentle.- oraug oulang its a DCL in his ro.xnti aixl . ed 1 fire in 1703. On August 22, 172'2, where he Dined, lie meu7lt w% the strange course he ap- to by three younig ladies to enlighten n J man. "What is your idea of a gentle- refused. to elinin hint UP. Du:iug Iiia ;K, pears to have. entorod upon. them on what they deemed an import- THE WOUNDED IN $ATTLE, }t was a,vept into the sea by a hurri- llisaipline is very strict. All oPfen- t e is were on the second I an,t paint. They were admirers, it �� cane. It was once mora reconstruct- ccs are punishable by court-martial; man 2" asked the ,judge: "IID deems to His u ar m n ed, but a sin, in 1815, it was reduced, individual officers havin nn ower, as is a gentleman," replied the witness, !absence recently e Ipby th entered the t,^ p g P ,,. onus°, oc'as trr kled by the ape, which floor of awing of the ducal palace,! proved: of toe works of t3if3noa Zanoni, Surgeons Take as 11119 Chances os Anyone to ashes,gand as recently as 1880 it in the British service, to "tell off' an because ha Walks abaout all day do-. lilt him horribly and tri d to ytI'arl tllH �;�;''<, .,, • ,overlooking the river, 'They had been I the quainter, and they had had a die- !tier, was visited b another hurricane. Ev- offender. There are ao military pri- ing nothing, going from public house ' him, but waw rescued by people who furnished b the duke ex �ressl for his pate with regard to the land or realm y Y 1 y ij cry disaster was attended by sons attached to the frontier posts, do public' hnuc:e." brother's use. No pains, no expense of that gave him birth. One said he was It has been calonlated that id all the heard his r. ries fur ]tele. bu filar talc- I�labor Or money, had been spared. They born to Milan; and another said in naval battles od the world since 186'2 GREAT LOGS OF LIFE, and the offender is,kapL in Cha guard- The new "shplt.er cloak tent" is en in the hospital the burglar went W were, in fact, more sumptuous, more Rome; a,nd Another declared it to have the proportion of room at night; and sent out to do made in two )i mad. persons killed and 1he.city•of Yort Royal was originally 1 aceta, and is intended tastefully arranged,' mora beautifully, been Genoa; while a forth, who was no- built upon a narrow strip of land ex- "fatigue duty" about. the camp by day. decorated, and more comfortably furn- present, had been positive .that Italy wounded in the first twenty minutes tending out into the sea, which• ac- To prevent his running away a lhirt.y- to h,c calyy th, ween the army io on the Nen Vied. on Clic !thine, near Co!i- 'ia', fished than were those of the duke Dim -I was not cis native land at all, but that only of the engtLgement averaged 32 counts for its strange disappearance tw ° Pound shat is fastened by a wain march, by the torn soldiers won orculvy lento, the hirthpl L e of the Oneer of wIr' self. Anton{o had been content to' he had first seen the light in Spain. Of per cent. at the time of the earthquake. Like the to his left leg; and, in addition, a thH tent. 'Ton halves era so to ra ogee Roumania has a reruarkalila P.xh11,11iDl '"t take the uarters of his father and of Course I could not decide for them, but house of the foolish man of Biblical I sentry, armed with tt loaded rifle, is t.tuLt wheat for tents era taken a art q This ercenta>e certain! will be laced over him, .with instruc{ions tO p' of dols LSy month, It " ratted "From , .• !wily father's father; to take them as Itold than that i thought I could find p 6 Y I lorewhichwas huildedupon theeand,it shoot hila if he a.ttem is to run. each half can to used by u roller as Carmen Sylva's Realr(i." nasi cunluius "' toes had taken them; and he deemed) the solution, and, if I drd, I would in- mors town doubted in the sea fights of literally slid into the water ween the p a wale, -proof cloak. them good enough. During the few toriit them. the present war. In a ship carrying I earLhquttke shack came. As liar already toren stated, the men dolls seri to the (ween front all r:a.rte •"' brief ears a og marDur life oe had rm tarothar, I have come to you, Previous to that fateful savento day are, almost ~without. exception, excel- The eldest of •five married daugh- of :,urOpH. ljouniania sent three cur- s , 450 men, from 250 to 800 will be killed lent shots. The reason for this is not, Lers was married at a farrn-li:)use in I l(mids showin all the Oriental na.tiorrrl .Ra' i thought of building an entirely newt thinking you might possibly know or disaly1ed in the first of June, 108;.', Port Royal. had been g sactian for his dettrly iieloved wife and, something about it." quarter of an known as "the finest town in Cha far to seek. Stationed for the most Erie, Pa. A plain -•spoken guest, desir- �custunt�s; fans s: nil L cnr'ord of `he i sett 'but Der earl death had put j "indeed, S•tteffano,' returned the duke hour. To take an exaIuiple, One shot part in a wild and unsettled country, latest fushiuns; rul,ity dolls ),c,re roll c - world." It w:as, as it now is, a British rifle ractice, confined with us, so far ing to say somel.hing cheering to I.he u m nd to toe dream. y I thoughtfully, and with a touch of real fired by a Cliinase ship at the Uattle colony, but there, was little eitoer in as the individual Sold}er is concerned, groom, remarked aloud, "Nell, .7im to<1 frir tom show by lh:, (1ur P.rr of J t,a:y, r: its vernment or its customs of Bri- ou have ot; the ick of tlu hatch.' the Crown Princess of Sweden, Ihe 1�.., lm introducing the duke to the ,Paden interest in tone and manner, "1 know of Yalu, striking a Japanese Cruiser, go to a few wee!cs in each year, is with y g P''` II{ng of Scrvia and toy aia;t.of the rul- we, made no mention of his having been nothing regarding it. I know• that• he tish morality. We ar•e told that it w•as teem unceasin Thera are uu costly The other four daughters stared at [nuriied. He took to himself tt iw{fel braS'livedforalittle time. at 1'lorence; fairly killed and wu>unded cue hundred g {n and princely houses of F:urnpe, a place of luxurious debauchery; that ranges to maintain, nor is it necessary him with stony visages. 8 a young and beautiful girl, whom hes trend 1 think he spent a year, or more, and two men, In the confusion, earn- in their excesses the colonists rivalled to erect butts. The. tar et, a a let' g J TaraLnl•nlas ria trot dance, to t.hd sound i„ • loved dearly, and who had loved hi•nti in t enicO ; but ire came from Rome age, fire and terror there is no time the profligates of ancient Rome. g P 1 An instrument fur seem o1)'pets un - 1 o ears before be when lie came hither; and 1 hale at-� Buccaneerin and irar. were recog- one on a framework of iron, is ,etlhPP der water haw been invented by a by -`of the violin. but let. the people they. squally as wet , Lw y to minister to the wounded. outside Lho fort stockade, an Ii assumed the ducal scepter. One short ways beard him speak of Rome as his nized industries. Tho treasure ships of Squads o down and blaze a,wa.y their drographic engineer of Russia. ily its !.rite do the d4m4+ ing; scorpions. howev � ? year she lived to lightest the cares of, home.. But," he. added, after a little Far then!, indeed, there is hardly any Spsin were legitimate prey. 'Phe riches hundredq of rounds ]refore breakfast. aid the bottom of rivers, Lu a depth er enj"y fide'ing, according to the office rind to brighten anti blest his life,, pause•, [luring which he appeared to tie chance of escaping death. Tha dock ba- of Mexico and Peru were levied upon Besides this there is usual! more or y_ y g Y I in swe rt b a c•ont.inuuus storm of and the Deo ple of Jamaica were liter- Y of Prem fort five . sixty feet, con � fararterl Revie,v and lizards rt ,wr ,�•,• and then dca.th took her from Dim• taxing his rnPnLory, "since you Dave g, l y 1 leery game in the vicinity, and hurling I:e dssi.inclly viewed. In the extLmina.-� for music of a•n,V kind. Aa £or serlr He had Craver thought of. marriage' mentioned Spain, I call to mind that I bursting projectiles. Lhe,e is no oppor- ally rolling in wea,ILh and splendor. parties ar•e constantly being organized. tion of wmriC+s i.his suhmartne teles- 1 �,> there is, i•n certain words on his arta, Lhe brnL constrictor and i,ythun „ again. S Vice and clebaurhery held Sway. 13ac- This, then, is ihP L P of man ,who Steffauo reached the apartment tongue, a decided panish accent. tunity to carry them below. Whit(, the chanalian revels wbirh might. put to yp carpe will he of great service. :I sens,tted to mPe fl bol. nd ,still i will floc! him�welf face to face. with i }ie which lie made cis common reception; Aye!"—with a hrightenrng of glia eyes c°,mbat is at long range,, and the casu- Roden%i, whitbrr I was invited, whose g' q Is lase touted by the flute and still rod loan 'ng room, and there torew and a quick flushing of toe. cheeks- troops of Spain, and that the Yankee A Cleveland tri hod a carrel wif.h gi allies few., they can be laid behind the of nightly occurrence. There w•tis no will, man for man, more than hold his the •young man to whom !the w'as nn- I inure c. the fiddle. Polar hears enjoy himself into a cosi,. .Ind I now remember another thing. turrPLS, but when the aOtian is at class virtue. own nn one. who knowta him r ui fora thr virdin; so do ori ,icons; wolves will "Nov, my dear cownt, I t.hinlc I cava' l have heard him speak of Spanish art quarters, nv attentrun can be paid to And like Llie crack of doom ,came Bilged. Naw, wlu•n they pass ear,h nth-Istop in the chase to listen to ri cornet; I'1 ` • you om the hip 1" he exclaimed aloud, � as of an old lame acquaintance ; and them. the earthquake. `Cha thunder of the °went doubt. Y— es in t.}te street, ra sta5'c;s at, her with edpiihanls are fund of the flute, lel ap- �,: at the same time smiting his band up••I 1 am very sure his first lessons in It should be explained that in an elements sounded in the ears of the an expressionles , glaSSy Lye, And no',ally the upper mutes; I,igere, while! ap- ;; + . ' on his knee. As sure us faith tho I painting were from a pupil of Mut-Wo�a engagement at class quarters the hat- li•eedlesa revellers. Toe earth DIFFICULT TO INFLICT PAIN ww,rnder; for w•l n he sent a request• ;prec•ia.ting vtultn and flute, music- `'` princess bas fallen in love w•iih the! and at Madrid.' Chas are closed with so-called battle I opened in great, fissures, and closed i-- f,)r t.be return of his engagement. ring, stan•1 thr barmonium, while the music.- painter. I knew she would. Zounds 1 'Madrid!' echoed the marquis, with plates,.and no wounded can possibly' he again like the jawtiy of it mighty trap. A 1•hyslelau ltelate4 an i:xperlence or Ills she forwarded it to hon, with rt, card I al seal shuw•s no erriotiun on Bearing 'r.� think of the offers of marriage that, astart,that shook him from top to toe. passed below. Meanwhile all parts of And in closing it gripped many of its student Days, hearing these words: "(.lass—w-itb any instrument, not even the hays i': have been mado her.—the wealthiest no-'{ 'Yes. But—why does it startle you Lbo Ship shave toe armour belt, „etch victims in the middle, leaving their care.' drum, ;- bles of Italy and the handsomest• ; and I so strongly 8" And the duke regarded the ip a oM four feet uhove the sac•- hands above+ ground. , le name Lhe The doctor smoked slowly on his o} - i;.` many of diem young at that. Vi'hy him curiously. face of the water, are being; riddled by awful sliding, grinding noise, as the gar. Lt was plain that he !rad some- t1 telegram from Vienna, received at HOW TO CURE CATARRH. I: has she refused them, turning from S+teffrtno laughed. It cost him an gun -fire, and the number of casuall:ios city, built upon its foundation of sand, thing to say, the sul,urha,n residence of Count do them as though they were ol,noxious? I effort, but he managed to carry it oft is necessarily enormous. sank inter the caressing embrace of the t'.. . I't was not because site had not the without bre.aki.ng down. In such an action a•t Least one of sea, wbirh forever closed upon its wick- "I was thinking of my early college � trldeclr, informed him i.httt it was ton � tt/1111e1y lienrcdy tvlthtn tor, !tench o `'. , heart for. love. No; for Icon swear "It struck me as it did, because of a the vessels engaged is likely to be senses and will forever peep it.a dread day's," Ire Said, "and o[ a peculiar intention of twO burglars, pre Landing w;rery wutrprrr of Tlrle Drrnd 1►Ispn.rP. 1 her heart is a vary magazine oC inflam- remarkable story -a story wile tt ghost sunk, and that means death to all on I secrets. incident that, happened very soon aft- to to insurince agents, to call on him. A New York gentleman who react r`, moble material, wanting only the spark; in it, which one of the ladies told last board of ber, Her own boats have been Tho shock came elms, on to midday. or I began my studies. The Profes_ f lie Police received the visitors, trod that a Paris physician considpred to fire it. At first I was surpris evening, about a, celehrut.ed painter of kna^ked to splinters early in the tom- The air was hot and sultry, 'Phe sky they were imprisoned. 'They were real - ed, puzzled; I could not understand, that very city. That and the same fate ]Cas in then the oras without a cloud. A greaC stillness sor wa's instructing the class cines day ly insurance agents, representing a lemon juice a specific euro for niLsul but I Olin See now. She was waiting! At this juncture they were interrupt boats of. ber adversary, so that the fat- Seemed to }lover over the city, and on the corpuscles of. IVH blood, In Np,v fork r.nmpany, 'i'ha telegram w,ns catarrh anti who was a rufferer from for her ideal—for the ma,n w•ho Com- I ed by the entranco of a secretary, a tricir of a rival eon an biose tvito manly beau! the ift of I Iter, even if rnot otherwise occupied then, without. warning, ardor t.o get some trash blood fur P y• this diHPFLHP, Vile this to sry about it: Y g I "You will have to excuse me for t.ho would not have an means o[ Lakin THE EARTH TREMBLED. microsco ical examination each stud.- "� � I quartered a leen+,n and squeezed in- Intellect; w•ho could Soar with her in-, present," Antonio said. ' But," be add -I the drowning menyup. Thece suggo P `•- to Loa mystic realms of art and liters- L•d, after his hr+ether had arisen, "w•e � ,en and women left their hawses and enL wtLr ordered to t.ie tt rug around LORD WOLSELEY. tri a gohlrt, the ,juice of Ona of the tore ands tic e. titins will make it evident that very ran into the streets, only to meet• his forefin er and .Strike the top of pieces through a coffee sLrainer to m.ay decide, f think, ,yoerever the marl Little is to lie clone hy'the medical tie- g "Ha I a d Slie htts found frim! Per of whom w•e have bean speaking may parlment in a modern sea fight. It ie deat}i in thu hcnve}s (,f lha earth or in the finger suddenly with a needle, A6rMton tF%k S"A R"w•een "ll"i and nts keep out Lhe Scads and fibre, an(%added i; ' dition seize too fellow l I h -its him,'I hrrve first seen t.ha light, that he spent the. hidden rece,yses of the sea. Daughter. a much salt as could opt it, and I set him deadly wen ounce; aye„ a noon! portion of his outat he%pe a only after the conflict has come to an 1n his "Anna.ls of Jamaica," publish- with sufficient force to draw blood, p ed On a ail- g 6 Y Y p end that th•e surgeons, if they are still I 1 One of the prettiest sights in Lon - y ; , acid I mean to ptry him too l Yet I ' to adult manhood—in Spain, At all alive, find an opportunit to ed in 1828, Itsv, Geortge Nilson Bridges Seems easy, doesn't it @ Do you know war quarter, filling 1,he goblet with must admit he is iho handsomest man y perform uotes from a letter written by ono don Is Lord WolSelm,y tttxl"tiis daughter, warm water. As it is a events, I safely say, he received his' q there warn t a man in the class Coat pripwla.r lic- first lesson in thrt art there." toeir dude, Frances Garnet lVo}seley, if there aro I ever Saw, and I doubt not be is won-� of l.he survivors -a rector-Lwn or three did it at the Cirst attempt. It was fun- lief brat it a disease of this nalura ie Surgeons, though non-combatants, derfully well educated. I' faith, I I Ana wito t.liat tea raar cis witBdrew.I days after the disaster, which is, {n ny to watch' some of those embr o a air of ]overs in a}l LOndc+n more 1 4 talcs as big chooses aS anyUOdy in an part, as followr3:- Y p driven from Dna p.•Lrt of the system It know him to be a finished Swordsman, The moment he found himself safely ; up-to-date fight. In the battle above surgeons poise th'e needle with a de- devoted to each other Cosy are anti I am willing to believe be is brave, alone he Stopped, with an expression on i instanced, the compartment (,coupled " Aftsr 1 had bean at church read- termined air and launch' it to within reappears in anaLdoz I gargled and and gallant• Yet, oh, hots I Bate himt sits dark face sad afar -away look in U the doctor of a Japanese snip was ing, w�hirh I dict every clay since Iwas not known In polite Society. Genprn.l swallowed halt a dozen mouthfuls Lo Li•t hien Servo my purpose with insect, y rector of thin place, to keep up soma a hair Space of the flash and t.hore Wolsele has no son, and this daughter his wide-0peti staring eyes, as thougo cleaned out Uy an explosive shell, and stop dead, others tried to force the Y keep the IhroaL and staitLach Proelfrom find ors will maks an enL{I rtP him. I ha Sttw, in the dim diatanhe, an ob'aot Show of relitgion, and was gone to a needle in slowly, but paused vary has in a great rnea.sure taken the I infection, and snuffed too romainrler g g that terrified him. he and all his hounded ware utter! nivat iirin about a mat}tan between V y plias hard by the Church where the short! with an expression of sin lace which would•havo bean g}van to vigorously up Lhe nostrils, prpesing a destroyed, Y. him olid Denaro. If I can only stir the "It can not be 1'' he said to himself, _-_, .,_ ,, meom,hants meet and where the Pre- commensurate -to that of an amputa- frim had he been born. But the I,ing- finger against the nostrils alt:ernat.e- ;-douiut tip tO make an attack, the paint- after a time of thought. "No, mo-+ Into o£ the Council was, who cams LIGI3TNING I;OI7S, tion, I myself gave it,• up tis a bac! job, lisp' Government h'as made the daugh- I,y during the operation, This w•as in iir ina.y fight. Per Briecol He must tyle g,rave:Swallowed him; up long ago! take mly ass o ny and enlgrLged mo to and hacked acavity In my thumb with ter the heir to the viscounty under t.ha morning., just• Water my ter the be, a different man from 'what I take pahawl I am growing nervous. At A lightning, specialist maintains that twrthk t I� ore digin© rhe being imy very a nen knife and found {t easier. what is called a "special reminder," daily bath in Lopid water. After Lho him to be if he will not fight. Aqo-I draught• of wine• will do ane good. rods are no protection, and that most The Ltwt that we wore veryy young whieli is just one more honor added bath I now mado It a rul-A to rub my, have It.. He disarmed me because good friend, I staga with him, upon and inexperienced is no explanation to fill those which have beets heaped cheat, abdomen, lfficie tly head with CIIAP�EI3, V. precauti(,as taken by people to keep much wide had shaken my nerves. 1Glui• whil^.h he lighted ; tilos of toUaing, Dor this peCullartty, as I Vaso blocs upon the old warrtor, a Coarse to,vel suftieienLly t.o get up Seppe twill he steiLdy and cool; and the Juan Za.nani cad arranged his easel out of the path oP a passible e}ootr(cal w,hir.h lie WDA pre#ty long in taking, pound by personal test. Almost every- -- .-, an active Outside circulation, Ct iS u trlam tvho meets him at stv(,rd-play moat sa its to bring his eanvfid into a proper discharge are ,useless. The recent and not ireing wilting t(, laevo ilio bad exhit�rted the slime repugnanea t(, _ no wmontlua since I have seen the bolt to hitnaelf. I think if the painter light; had mixed upon his ptilette the wonderful discoveries in relation to the }More it wins out, this determined me Y Girard Duka Adal.f of I.uxetYiburg, ushed hard --if a man like Gut• colors he would wish to use, and was nature of electrical force prove the frons going to dinner to ane Ca tain inflating pain to thin auanner, Try it slight a symptom of nasal catarrh, nor ware p g g 1�,c)den'a, whither %was invltod, whose yourself•" who is 132 gears of agoi recently injured ha,�r iho dreadful disease re-appearoct sty doppe Danaro were to openly 'insult him standing beforo tho picture, his eyog worthlessness of {'•he 11 htnin rod, The ot" man triad tend sueeo6dtd hin hipbone by a fall and {S now niot the stomach, the throat, or anv other, , tack him; or even were he to seemingly fixed upon {t, but without but offer nothing toward disarming howee, upon the first conousalon, sunk t e fourth trial, tixpected tai recover. , part of'the System. and a on h n grossly insult and ehallonge him, Cho Seeing It, It wtie not the face there the thunderbolt, Into the ea,tr h and then into the sea, r • rp , 4W .� .=