HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-30, Page 8r
SON' (till ' 11� 181,10 SSCoSp
>Gs>Q Wisp. gvUr,TtTR JRpP,w at TOP
a . I'rigttnq:" H9111 , .Albert, St.,
all rlti4TWINH ItA.TTa9,
I ftlu . 1 Yr. 0 Mo. am' l Mo
"•!......Sao 00 133 00 $2000 , 00
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peq *1 posltl04frolp xsto ti 8. per cent extra.
`°i I ousliout, advertisements to Penta
` 1114r line for the first insertiop; 3 cents
Per U40each subsequent insertion-
0nyareii c1►easure. Professionat cards,
trot . exceedllpg one inch, 4.5.00 per
o um. Advertisements without apec-
diectippe will be published till
' charged for accordingly.
Tra iol"t notices -..;,'Lost to •'Found;'
fior.l3p,b11 etc. -50 cents for first In-
leltton, iib cents for each subsequent
NUN IS -RECORD will be tient
.j:,A,. ' , addreas, fres of postage, for
or, payable to advance-
• be charged if not so paid,
~to which every subscription
Is pald is done d by the number on
^`the address lethal. Na paper discontin-
ued until all arrears are paid, except
01t' the option bf the proprietor.
Editor and Proprietor,
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856:
,1111—. <
CAPITAL - . 2,000,000
RasT 1,500,000
y�q�,,Read Ofllee, - MONTREAL.
i. VVO PO�TAN T$OMASCOien. Manager
Notes dtrcounted. Collections made, Drafts
311091104, Sterling and American Exchan e�1�.' bought and sold. Interest allowed on Dep=
. I , ,,-.�
i,,' Interest allowed on sums bf 41 and up.
tI. i ' -.--, ,
Money advanced to farmers on their own
( ,.. notes with one or more endorsers. No mort-
9480 required as eeourity.
1`i' H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
. G1 . D. McTAGGART,
A General Bankin Business T t d
g ransac e .
Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued.
Interest Allowed on Deposits.
I -'' " �j� WAIT'
Lt�'1 4.1'1 LYING I 1>fA.ii:4
Sturd:ra, tris 41h1a error of
plflllt bot �i
-. _ —1111_----•
John Ridout,
� .
Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc.
e-•-- 1 .
SOMI* 1 QYlAt. PxtE �1DF,I;S STI1,L IN
Fire Insurance. - - Real Estate.
roes,. the when, the how, and•the why.
Money to Lend.
EX S:-,..
Ula11i>wryr 1Ntille By WO W415eeSLouls 4T#ixvgrl+ll
-vor�taga.1 #140 a Prete# ler I.n1.D. ,
lllgael-Dtelle of Orlcreas 01x.1 His i-te•
Dr. W. Gunn,
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
nd twigs, should be Pomame..nced and
„ "In
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of residence on Ratten-
ontinued. Further along ho says:
he spucimg the amp coming up tends to
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church.
Crown of the Stuarts. The Duchess does
not, however, attach much importance
` Dr. Turnbull,
sal the•woulyds, and instead of stink-
J. L. Turnbull, M.B,, Toronto Univ. ;
to thn claims made in her behalf, for
M. 1). ; C.M., Victoria Univ. M.C.P. & S.
Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of
Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng, and
nay develop oukside, localizing any
Edinburgh hospitals. Office -Dr. Dows-
father-in-law, the oltt Prince Regent
ley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night . calls
[I . ,
answered at Office.
6, .
- Dr. Shaw,
1", Office -Ontario Street, oppposite English
church„ formerly occupied 8y Dr. Apple-
I -
S' 'j
urgeon Dentist.
OFFIC9-Over' Taylor's Shoe Store,
Clinton, Ont. Special attention to preser.
vation of natural teeth.
N. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday and
Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during
he summer.
Office Hours, - 9 to 5-
?i At Zurich the second Thursday of each
t` month.'
11 J. E. Blackall,
Office on Isaac Street next New Era office
Residence, Albert St., Clinton.
J. Scott, Barrister, &c.
ty' Money to Loan.
�;� E. Campion; Q, C.,
1 Barriiater, - Solicitor, - Notary,, &c„
OFBicit--Over Davis' Drug Store.
Money to Loan.
M. O. Johnston,
Barrister, Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc.,
I 11
Otirien-Cor, Hamilton and St. Andrew's
. Streets.
BOG. $rydone,
r df rlet.er, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.,
The News,*Reo,ord
is Not
fteelled i
As a:
[, I A'dvortiittl l g
.-r..:.Wit,.+^...•---,1111 _ _ � 1- . -_ r.
Much in �.i le
2.e espsej&Hy ;tido of, Isoo�'e rillorfor no-woo
eine over oontstned so Re# ourstiv.q .po*01, iq
w $X44rp>l w They are a whole medlpinq
I 19
oli s�otile
vralrs reedy. ar,L. pi
7- tont, always era;,
1 "
to vent ee
, pr 1111 9
or fiiver, >sW a all ltrer me,
elok.,headaolle. Mundl4# "Ostipatlen, eta ow
The only M to take w� u-400414$AMPltill111.
Union Shaving -Parlor
For first-class Hair -Cutting
and Shaving.
Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton,
J. EMERTON, Proprietor.
(Successors to J. W. Langford.)
Having bought out the above ppusiness, we
intend to conduct it on the cash pptinoipl% and
will supply our customers with the best meats
at the lowest paying prices.
Ford & Murphy.
* .
Live Hogs Wanted,
I - ff___� % . I I-% ,
Highest Market Price Paid.
D. CANTELON. Clinton.
Removal of Night -soil,
•_Y,- " •
The undersigned will undertake the removal
of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets
on short notice and at reasonable rates. All
refuse removed out of town.
Sorseshoer and General Blacksmith
Albert Street, North, Clinton.
Woodwork ironed and first-class material
and work `naranteed. Farm implements and
machines rebuilt and repaired.
. Study your own interest and go where
You can got
I manufacture none bpt the beat of stook.
Beware of shops that sell olleap as they
tiave got to li#e. 0311 and got prices.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
John Bell,
Harness Lrmporlu i. Blyth, Out
The Various titles to Which the Electric
Fluld is Now Put.
The electric telegraph wires over the
la.pd, and the cables under the seas,
in times of war become of untold value
in the quick transmission of despatches
to and from the forces in the field.
Distance is annihilated; important mo-
vements are executed with less de-
lay and a war is itself shortened.
In addition to this application, elec-
tricity, is now put to many other im-
portant uses in the conduct of -war.
Moreover, new applications are con-
stantly being. found for its varied ca-
A ,modern mine field for coast or
harbor defence is an electric adapta-
tion akin to electric blasting in which
suitable fusee are arranged to be fir-
ed by a battery c4wrent sent 'at will
from some control station by the
simple; closing of the, circuit.. .
Heavy Charges of high explosive,
called mines, are so distributed and
connected by cables to icontrol-star
tions that i is difficult to imagine a
hostiles ship or fleet traversing a well -
organized mine field withtrmt destruc-
tion or most serious damage.
Another terrible engine of deatrue-
tion for use in defence of harbors is
the electrically controlled dirigible tor-
pedo. Moving and steering itself in
respoln'se to electric currents sent
.through a small` wire or cable, it
carries a charge of explosives suffi-
cient to destroy in an instant the most
formidable war,slhip.
Its high speed and its almost com-
plete submergence save it from dam-
age'by the guns of the enemy, even
If its approach W discovered. The diri-
gible torpedo may be regarded its an
explosive mine, moved, directed and
fired by the agency .of electricity.
The effectiveness of some of the
more recently developed eleotricial de-
vices has not yet leen tested in ac-
tual warfare, but it is safe to say
that their use will certainly hasten
the day when war visit! prove to be so
destructive and so iV,,rrible as to be
avoided, if possible, by all civilized
I have a piece of china in the house
over 200 years old, proudly announced
the lady visitor. .
Then you must do your own work,
quickly replied the bright little girl
of the family, for mamma says she'll
be bloomed if she can find a girl 'that
won't smiish a whole sat of china ev-
ery six months.
-----••--._-•-- --
SoLvee 7thbustuld6or i IVO
r6tir taste Ago Jeeob OtWitta, of
1e199d, was ^ &4996d t0 'the der!
d trth by 66fui Ustt dlipAia, rte
Iron tip to Alb. Vow Moro tttgl
re ted gone tc..a brokfY d�Op�PPoat N,
e praettrrd DP. A air re fol
Ilcirt, u'eeA it tailbftll� ; an t
ire Ahs 218 p6Gilds, Adtf4 lite to' 106
tothiiad ticrellarvo °�ativalblNeltet �
1111... . ,
r _
all 14nflaipuq and thou not"�'j
Y be, quiolr#y #i#tilelCeSi
I -'' " �j� WAIT'
Lt�'1 4.1'1 LYING I 1>fA.ii:4
Sturd:ra, tris 41h1a error of
plflllt bot �i
t a s h
in bagel Count
old, and. takes aaftes
dna wed.
•Af l�ttiawnr,
fame rIvalrs 4p lAtle'thut
TI'1�� i"'+A�M'�r�.•
olaimrng, "VPhat do ye want wt' a
SOMI* 1 QYlAt. PxtE �1DF,I;S STI1,L IN
bolts alt tlAin 11 o{ep.t 11
lies occupy the first pps4:ll
roes,. the when, the how, and•the why.
N1SDr eA lAE lyleor, Ii i X ltaA�el R #tetlta Ror 01
EX S:-,..
Ula11i>wryr 1Ntille By WO W415eeSLouls 4T#ixvgrl+ll
dors, Xs Eulg4la, P i?�r+
w110 dreams Zia,, Pg.lt ac
1B 111 t.4 htvplw ppsltlop .of
important rival t. • thx
TRIMl4[NGrx ili'PI,E TNEIfB.:
thing It is for practical indl-
Idu6tla to give thfsi>G ways o1 doilDg
-vor�taga.1 #140 a Prete# ler I.n1.D. ,
lllgael-Dtelle of Orlcreas 01x.1 His i-te•
angler. of 73at$AAi?oXfl,, hv#W
te,l =0WAt
Laving . no
•no• 41. ;K. -
lied , tour
t is to a a-
hin s h the 1 . r
hinge, rig P
h agr
la cif r l
A 1 1 nd e i ale, AU pd h..... h ad t
g n g
tt+ns ohs to li xo o �'
l T 1Fr01
i o i1e i wee -elite
pare it n
a a t' 1 a soup
.heal: r. 1 ,t ,
� pe a>,tt y
yrs, and their raasosas for thus and
nun e s er
.tat 0n e o sleeping on
the battle -field with a hugh snowball
t7lallus a co01rlc ofThAm.
t a s h
in bagel Count
old, and. takes aaftes
o.Ooinlg„ Mr. Id. W. ObamboTo .given
u er i h
n his, ea kicked it
d d a awe ex-
The Duchess Maria Theresa of Lor-
h1s, motbor. AlluAa I,,pisinger, he U;Lrd-
a was t,p•, apple
Gar. lmip' P
�n&s m1' .Y ing P
olaimrng, "VPhat do ye want wt' a
mine d E ste wit of rt
e Prince Louis, of
1 Y it
co as 1' r. et
counts a ,political power,
y i i
k _, IPo p .
rs I44 When he arrives at
roes,. the when, the how, and•the why.
'Pillowf I'll pail such efeeminaoy I')
Bavaria, descends, In fact, direct from
man Q age he msy ppae as a comped {
De says: the time they .be,
my family l" A alintl 4r aversion to
Cla les I. to the• ninth
r generation b
tar with the young Prince Boris.
-inn to bud, l�'runilgg of small branehes
"efeemialaoy" marked Qhatletr tiNater^
the ielanale line, QzA thus obtains her
It only remaatns to speck of Turkey
nd twigs, should be Pomame..nced and
„ "In
ton, an English squire,, who In early
so-called right, of Inheritance to the
and tlw unfortunate Sultan,. Murad V., ,
who, under the pretext of mildness,
ontinued. Further along ho says:
he spucimg the amp coming up tends to
life had wandered through many lands,
Crown of the Stuarts. The Duchess does
not, however, attach much importance
was dethroned by his brother, Alldun.
sal the•woulyds, and instead of stink-
as a naturalfat intent on making col-
lections, of birds, reptiles, insect# and
to thn claims made in her behalf, for
aftter five months' reugn, and abut up
in a sort of palace prison. There he has
m8' in, the sap earriee all the, rot that
wild beasts.
she herself was the ,first to ask of her
remained for the - last 21 yearn, and
nay develop oukside, localizing any
all together.
kis all together.
father-in-law, the oltt Prince Regent
is likely still to remain, for the vic-
roubLe its the bark, so that no dalna�e
The bedroom where the squire slept,
o! Bavaria, that her eon, Prince Rupert
torics lately won by the "Great As-
easel's " have strengthened his shaky
ollows," Will Mr. Chambexs and the
and also prepared the specimens in his
natura-story collection, waa in the
m' ht be sent to En land ail the re-
� g
throne, and there are very few Mae -
£ori by the firm,
the assassination of his father, Charles
Presentative of his house on the coca,
sulmaus who now think of United. Be -
r, brow an apple tree or any other
root, and opened to the rafters, Across
Sion of the diamond jubilee celebration.
sides, Abdul Humid has s rapid meth-
rree 4 The solo of a tree is wa-
a stretched rope was thrown a striped
blanket and his working clothes. The
But, if John Bull has no serious claim-
od of replying to those who manifest
too much sylmpathetio curiosity about
er, holding, in solution, but a mini-
turpiture was rough, coarse and scanty
ants for his kingdom, Jacques Bon-
his brother. He makes them disap-
mum of eler'thly substance, which en-
hiommp is not so fortunate. He has
pear. It is practical, radical and Dri-
ers into the growth of the trees or
-an old deal table, three crazy ohairs,
enough and to spare. The chief of these
ental at the sante time.
oto theducts thereof. All the truly
P� Y
a deal clothes -press and a chest of
m' of course, the ,Duke of Orleans, who
a)dt2yy or mineral substances the sap
drawers, The floor, deal boards, was
is no silent pretender.
the outp and the lip. The country of
arrites up1 which enters into the
Then there fa Don Carlos, Duke of
trowth and beconncts a part or an y per-
Mrs. rne, who narrated the inci-
Madrid, chief of the Bourbons, who,
�i,on of the tree's organization. Any
dent ri her volume, "Social Houma with
Celebrities," on surveying it, remaking
claiming this crown of Spain by the
flow the Engpipe Pirol,xbly Sackett the 61fe
want of t1* tree its found in its ashes
on the anomaly of a bedroom lacking
Salic law, could also, in virtue of the
ora Voung nrotehman.
vhlen it is bumelg. All else to taken
a bed.
same rights, claim that of France. The
More than fifty years ago Lachlan
luring this time of its growth, or dur-
"I've long learat that a bed is a use-
dleath of the Cbmte de Chambord left
McDonald left his home in Strathspey,
ng a previoup growth from the atmos-
less luxury," said the squire, drawing
from a corner an oblong block of oak,
}nm chillf of tha house, and there are
Sootland, and went to the shores of
,l>,eire, and is simply the elements of
p y
two feet long ton inches wide, eight
even now in France old royalists')vho
Lake wlnnipeg. He did not neglect
sir altmoapfbere, organized into visible
inches deep, hollowed and polished in
hate the Orleans-" the usurpers," as
to carry with him his beloved bagpipe,
aatowlal by the process of vegetable
the middle. Then he pulled down the
they call them -and pray devoutly that
and 'many an evening it spoke to him
rrowth. And there to not, nor Can there
striped blanket, rolled 1t a.round him,
and lay down on the bare boards rest-
Don Chta•los may one day sit on the
of the old home beyond the seas.
*, one limitiele of healing properties
ing his head on the block.
throne of St. Louis. But hitherto the
'j�vai:-iz .the_claytime, when he was
a the tree's upward flowing sap. It
There, that's my bed I It's soon
Don has been -
busy in the woods f-011%9' trges,� he
9 wt until it buil arisen to and been
made, and I'll answer for it none of
you sleep more soundly than I."
would have it ,by his side, and an one
laborated by the leaves, and through
hien. received from the atmosphere the
For forty years the block and blank-
As e.n'tiaely a Spaniard, and one can-
was sonar Reason to be glad that
lements thereof, which is by said
eft had been the squire's bed, summer
and winter, in health and sickness.
not reasonably expect him to succeed.
He was merrily swinging his axe,
eaves prepared eiltkter to grow the tree
When travelling, as he could not carry
even if he should seriously contemplate
when he wits suddenly surrounded by
Ir to hleal iits woun4a. And although
about his timber pillow, he used the
best he devise. Once
advancing his claim. The only son of
a party of Indiana, who looked very
formidable as they drew nearer, gesti-
he time Ms'. Clklambems states as the
substitute could
he was Mrs. Byrne's guest in London,
Dion Carlos, Don Jamme, is now an of-
culating in a particularly threatening
jn* to prune is tees time in which
and as usual, retired to rest at nine
ficer in the Russian army, and we have
manner. Things began to seem omin-
quny prune, there to Po time in which
o'gloek. The German maid, not sup-
-the curious coincidence of a Bonaparte
oils, when a happy thought came to
runt trees can receive greater injury
Posiug that he had retired at so early
an•d. a Bourton in the same army and
the Scotchman.
his bagpipe, he blew a blast
roan pruning. It is the time used for
an hour, went into the bedroom to takeSeizing
in the can of hot water. She gave a
w the same country. The other possible
so loud and long and shrill that the
;ru.fting, and grafting of thrifty grove-
scream and rushed out, The next
French claimants are somewhat less
startled red men looked upon him for
ng tipees often produces that damag-
morning her mistress asked an expla-
serious, and to most Frenchmen are
a moment in consternation, and then
took to their heels, never stopping till
ng condition known to grafters as
'flooding leak of sap at the
"Ash, yell may you ask I I vent in-
merely royalties pour rice. The best
known is the good Dutchman of Teter-
the thick shadows of the forest hid
them from the man who could give
;rafts, the cleaving of thebarkbe-
ow and the dying of the wood, a thing
to de room, and vat did 1 see 9 A long
hod u i
Y roll p nit blanket on de floor,
ingen, who signs "Charles Louie de
vent to such an unearthly scream.
They did not forget that prolonged
hat oannot.ta3m .place when trimomed
and a Cray head on a portmanteau."
Bourbon. Due do Normandie," and who
cry; from that time the Scotchman
t the time Mr Chtiroabtais says "invites
calls himself the sou of Courts XVII„
known among them the "great
otorle or less mage.' In fact, trim-
the or child of Louis XVI., who died
.was es
sorealrier of the pale faces."
o6ng at the time Mr Chambers Con-
lemma is the ve* beat time to trim
the hal The partisans of
or thle good of the trues, but too much
�tbrar work on hated will not always
A fortune with her frying pan is
this claiunant, whom others call sim-
t claiTemmant, whom
Ply " Naundorff,' maloe up in earnest-
rermiit much trimming being done
hen. The reason is, the trees are mak-
whet Mrs. A. B. Marshall, a young
English woman, can boast of havingAn
near what thet lack in nmmbers.
abolition of the Salic law pro-
for the.a-
Lord Charles IN•rettrord Appeals P.
ng theirgrowth; the imp has gone up
earned, (Hier fbrtume is as large and
voke'd in Portugal a struggle' for the
pH11,ltture or $175,000,000.
nd been elaborated by the leaves. The
apiA of ithas passed into the atmos-
solid as the most ambitious could hopeRear
throne several years before the timet
Admiral Lord Charles Beres-
ford, M.P., has issued an appeal to the
,lyere, but in the operation the leavea
to win in the Klondike, and her, estab-
S'paniefCarlist war. The old King, Dom
elements appropriated eleents of the at,
lishmeut is Cue of the most important
Pedro IV., wished to leave the throne
nation to spend money on the navy. He
nosphere, ineorpora'tiAg them with the
in all London. A number of years ago
of Portugal to his eldest daughter,
advocates the spending of £35,000,000
+emlainder of the amp, which is enter-
nig into, not only the tree's branch
she !add the foundattions of her present
Dona Maria de Gloria, when he left that
immediately in the conatructlon of nine
trowth, but is being deposited be-
prosperity by opening a modest, but
of Brazil to his only son, Dom Pedro,
be.ttlesbi s of 15.000 tons, twelve battle-
ween the tree's bark and wood, in a
very practical, achool of cookery. At
the poor Emperor who died a dew years
ships of 10,000 tons, twelve armored
lippery, gummy condition of ineipi-
first there were small classes, which
since at a Paris hotel. Dom Miguel had
cruisers of 12.000 tons, twelve armored
at, organized growth,' which matin' -been
ng formas this year's grain of growth.
gathered under Mrs. Marshall's kaon-
named regent during the minor-
ity of Dona Maria, but on
cruisers of 7,000 tons, fifty torpedo-boat
destroyers and eight steam colliers. He
^bre Cutting off of a limb at this time
al instruction, in a couple of little
also advocates the rearming of seven-
tr a wound. m better attended to by
rooms, yet so ably did she teach the
He proclaimed himself King, and Port-
teen useful old ironclads,
:rye twee than it own possibly be at
,ny otholr time o2 the year, on con-
pupils that her fame spread, and wo-
ugal was given up to a six years' war
between the of the uncle and
This programme he says, ought to be
completed i.n five years, The appeal
Wtion of its growth. In tact, strip the
men wishing for emplo meat as cooks
those of the niece, At length the uncle
declares that, counting the ships built,
Bee's body of its bark at this time,
came to her for training. -
was beaten and chased out of Portu-
building and projected, England's navy
vbon the )rear's grain growth has
This development of her calling gave
gal, him and his, forever. The only son
will not equal that of Russia and
leen deposited and is in its incipient
tate and a new bank is provided, and
her the idea of opening an establish-
of Dom Miguiel, who hears bis father's
France combined. Lord Charles says
that unless this is remedied he will org-
Ize tree duns not show the receiving
nest in London, where every detail 0i
, nacreis at present settled in Austria:
He is the sole Portuguese pretender,
s, so that pub-
anize a series of meetings,
d the least in}ury therefrom. Tbis
kitchen need, aupply, and comfort
.a pretender caring little, and unlikely
lie opinion will Compel the Govern-
tbint fixed in the minds of the read-
would be carefully and scientifically
to dare the tremendous stroke of re-
ment to make England as strong on
xs is all I ain at in this article, andthe
considered. To this day, the business
conquering the crown from the branch
sea as both France and Russia to -
have the faith to think Mr. Chambers,
lite myself, is strivingin search for
gOes under the title of " Marshall's
of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha which reigns
at Lisbon.
ruth, and that alone ill make him
School of Cookery," but any one who
In founding Italian unity, nearly 40
mong the very first to appreciate and,
bank me for -this article,
visite the establishment on Mortimer
years ago, Victor Emmanuel created
for his
1, �7
The Clinton New
street realizes that this woman has
country a number of pretend-
done eomethiaig more than carry on aere'
who have now no longer any chance
of recovering their lost thrones. Gari -
achool. The department of instruction
i baldi swept away from the throne. of
.,,,gas a.staff-
Paris Green. -For destroying insects,
Y g
is maintained as vigorously as ever,
one, from duchesses to dray-
the Two Sicilies the young ging Fran-
cols, and added hima to the list of those
. refortera, w}
tis 1 lb. parte green, 8 lbs. fresh
and every
kitchen lore
unfortunate sovereigns who ds'ift from
, well, and gi
to 1' 100 to 200 11
men's wives, in need' of
hotel to hotel isolated and i• nored to
Mist's Fit t
i -f you ttote heGFp
>tlluttoo will answcr. - . •
Y'ou may choo:?;.e between
milk, WlitBpe cQ oo or` tea,
Dut thcue is no second choice
for Sc9tt's E—mulsiiOn.
I is Scott's Emulsion It tti $.0 n oil''
When you need the best
cad -liver oil, the best hypo-
phosphites, and the best
glycerine, all combined in
the best possible manner,,
you have only one choice, -
It brings prompt results
in all cases of wasting, or
loss in weight.
All drui,Mtel fee. sad lt.s%
SCOTT IY So**XB, ch.mists. Tomstw
Grand Trunk Railway. .
Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station are
follows :
Buffalo and Goderich District :-
Going West, Mixed ............ 10.15 01.011
44 " Express.......... 1.03 p -m.
u u Mixed,.....,..... 7.05 P.M.
" " Express.......... io.27 pin.
Gong East, Express .......... 7.4o a.m.
2.55 p.m.
u .. Mixed............ 4.35 Pimp
London, Huron and Bruce t -
Going South, Ex as ......... 7,47 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Going North, " .........10,15 a. Mo
., „ .. 1111....... 6.55 Pan.
• Dis. Pass. Agent,
W. E. L1Aih:;,ti - P. & T. A., Montreal.
A. O. PATTISON, G.T.K: Agcu!At Clinton.
• - . • - ---
The McKillop mutual Fire
Insnrauce Company. 11
Farm and Isolated Town Property
Only Insured.
I I - •r
' OFFICERS:I---,-%-
.Geotge Watt, President, Harlook P.O. Jag
Broadfoot Vice- Pres., Seaforth P.O.: W. J
Shannon. hec'y Trees. Seafor h, P.O. ; falls. i
Murdis. Inspector of losses, Seaforth. falls.
James Broadfoot, S forth ; Michail Mur-
die• Senforth: George Dale. Seaforth George
Watt, Hari ock ; Thomas E. Hays, donforta 1,
Alex. Gardiner. Leadbury , Thomas Garbutt.
Ctihton ; John McLean, Kippen. i
Thomas Neilans. Hat -look: Robert McMillan,
Seaforth and James Camtnings, )lgmondvllle,
Parties desirous to effect insurance or tr
sact other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above officers
addressed to their respective post offices.
Anyone sending a sketch and description MAY
quickli ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably ppatentable. Communfca.
hone etrlctlY oonadentiaL 8alidbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing,patents
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive .
spectal notice, without ciffiRicano
A handsomely illustrated weekly. argest cir.
culation of any adentisc ournal Terme, fab a
ear : four months, eL ee�d by ah newedeaters.
Adi & Co SOIBreadway, New York
Branch oleo& & Ir fit.. Waebington, D.
Pf experinced n'ows
to -cover the ground
ve "All the News
o Print."
ne tome and ga one war
comes to these classes for training, but
Kettle finally in Paris or some other
. Stir well and -don't allow to settle
e'r. a
the business has a dozen equally as
great metropolis. After a lamentable
being used.
valuable branches. One of the most
existence the dethroned Francois died
Arsenate of Lead, -For destroying in -h
important ie the intelligence office,
in (poverty two years ago, leaving no
ehiidren to take tits is hopeless• cause.
The News -Record is the largest
sora. Mia 11 oz. acetate of lead, 4 oz.
i n
which householders resort when n
His brother, the, Count of Caserta, has,
newspaper published in \Vest
rsenate of sodh and 100 to 200 gal-
search of coons and to which cooks come
accordingly, notified the foreign courts
Huroln, and has special features
ons water. Mix the acetate of lead
in quest of employment. Clergymen's
of his succession to the chimerical tit-
not possessed by a number of
nd arsenate of soda separately in
wives in from the country and Court-
Le of claimant to the throne of Naples,
Atwther Italian, the ex -Duke Robert
them. •
bout a gallon of warm water, then
teases in their carriages patronise this
of Parona, who
all together.
kis all together.
intelligence office, where the woks re-
8 Mdxture.-Make a solo-
gistered are all trained and vouched
Of his estates at the age of 11, after
Every SConservative
ion containing 6 lbs. sulphate copper,
£ori by the firm,
the assassination of his father, Charles
Shonid be a Subscriber.
lue vUrbol, 5 lbs. time and 45 to 50
When a woman graduates from the
III., lives quietly in his Castle of Wart-
allose water. When applied to or-
cooking school she gets a diploma,which
egg, in the midst of his 14 children,
well persuaded that his estates are for-
barge Paris green ahotlld be added to
is a high reoommeudatfon wherever she
ever lost.
Clinton News-Beeord.
; in the proportion oP 1-2 lb to each
ma,apply. As a usual thing the grad-
The pretenders, indeed, are always
5 orr, 50 gallons, t$us•making a com-
litea prefer to pass into the intelli-
ready, but there is many a slip'twixt
ined insecticide and fungicide. On pre-
geace office, and then into good berths
the outp and the lip. The country of
th' 1 t' take b 1 f'll
the b holds of those who aro ea -
Roumania has no exiled royalties. The
aruig is lIo u ion a a. re i - in ouse
d with water, and put the lime and er to have acrd wij ling to pay, for shill- descendants of the old bospodars--the - - -----'-
-- -.aria green in immediately. Then put ed service. But the intelligence do -
he sulphate of copper in a porous bag, par tment covers more than one require-
nd hang ilt to the barrel•. When Pop- ment for domestic help in the kitchen. �
er is all or nearly all dissolved the There is always in the office a corps
iixture is ready for use, of emergency cooks capable of com- ONE GIVES RELIEF.
Hellebore, -Used dry or mixed with manding in and directing a hotel or
later In theproportion of one ounce Castle kitchen, cooks who go out on, the -
o two gallons. Is an internal poison job' who will engage only to prepareTrOubJ'e
u�t kills some insects by contact, special meals, or special dishes, and Don't Spend a Doll
Whale -Oil Soap. --For plant lice and cooks who are trained only for invalids
Cher sucking insects on plant in fol- and for hospitals.
Tn the school itself every method of Whelk the elloW flag of u for
, ,use 1 ib. of .soap dissolved in 5 Y g' quarantine
preparing food, from it baby's break -
a Ions water. For San Jose and otll. fa" to a state dinner, is taught and is hoisted over a dwelling It means disease
r scale insects, 2 lbs, of soap to 1 gal- the classes are oaretully divided. From and danger. So when the yellow flaMedicine
1n of water. 10 to 4 every day the white-apraned in- flies in the face -when the cheekissallow
I%form of
should be applied in atrubtors in the great rooms fitted as
he loran of a. very fine aprav at a and the clear white of the eye is dyed \
lame when the tree is perfectly dry. kitchens, are drilling aristocratic pu- saffron -there is danger. chill j�0>xl have tried
hloul'd not lire used on damp or cloudy pile, or laying down the law of roast- g It is liver
aye• ing and boiling to a corps of women trouble. The liver is one of the most im-
Kerosene and Water. -Mia together whci are called apprentie66, and spend portant organs of the body. On the
%r pressure in any proportion de- several years in receiving their edu- proper discharge of its functions depend ib y
.10 ArIMIL
caon human health and ha M0
Kerosene Emulsion. -For destroying Across the hall from the intelligencepp1•ness. When the
so 1W
Licking Insects. Dissolve 1-2 lb. whale office is the supply bureau, from which liver fails of its duty, poison at once be.
soap in 1 !gal hea-ted water. While customers may buy goods -canned, box- gin to generate, and 'other organs of the
of rleambve from fine and add 2gallonS ed and bottled --and Ouch fancy grocer- bog becoine involved. Never nil ,r�
erosene. Stir mixture until a creamy ies as Mrs. Marsha il hersolf refines anti Y a gleet ,
'1�its mass. This thickens on cooling preparers. Next to this the editor's of- the liver if you vAlue health. If you are Y' � '
ncl can mage
koptt indefinitely and till- • floe, for the firm publish" its own ser- suffering from liver trouble, begin at
ted with to ori 15 volumes of water ies of recipe books, and an attractive once the'ilse of Awes Plus and you will
'hen deefpiad for use. little monthly budget of kitchen news, Y You can bU them in the a er -cent cartons
containing advice to cooks recipes, find prompt relief and rmanent cure. y paper Jr
Tobacco, -Art excellent contact poison g Cie , p6
reposed by steeping I lb. tobacco or etc, On leaving this department one -
ibatcc, atemr in 9 gallons writer. passes into the shop where kitchen at- `Ifts eo wedkened by liver 'trouble JAaf 'Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
ensild are sold. Hers the latest im- 1,C6419settreely lift my hail'. lir'hile {tt
pi,ovetnelite !Ii atilt!, charcoal, gtts and this tottdit{dn I b04rt the tlye y` ..iyei'e W sat a, .,tMvir w rracrry aw lat..raai a,..eat d.a,.ad ru,r N low prtw
RIDDING TIM SOIL OF ANTS. ' .electric stoves are exhibited, with the P{lle, and jltidiny disiod ixtitteilfdfe beat' 1, . r .
In sandy Boils, especiall ants aka
most recent inventions in wood, do - oont{ritted their' use until 1, teak crime of .If you dont find this sort of
�'• per, tin, iron and aluminum uterist s. my etanlplaitit," .
tterltitnes troublesolne and more or In addition to all these departments .d'hew..619 '`ff"L2r, .
rid of an annoyance on trees, shrub. is the exhibition hull. In spring and , • 21#0iter; RMD. ! .
iry and planta T4itly may be destroy- autumn the graduating'cialsses are ex- . ins g "
sniped and show their prowess here, ;Z,
I by Pouriti,g a �tabtoiipootlful of bi-
slid the patron.g of the house are invite• - Take dim Ofi+iltrfaFalrl
1lphidp 'trf edtAboh into t:he' ant hili cd in to taeJtn nf` the ileal xtlsheit of bit's.WMr V48801 "0610 ♦ �1 s .
nd 0166ing Cho spoiling with soil. The Akt4llall's Invention a11d to see her, /� �" the
��� ISSquid will jMrilliate the sail in every cooko§ at welt, TM !hall iii their fillod .f'1. itis ++
iu 4WSI �
Thumbs! d ilk v auta ionlifAs while
tl njiev6,,llrl a�! 6oniso supperlrs, for b break- j
a fasts. 11he most rbccttt patterns in A E valine,
frxadingly inflainiina�le It stoat b0 1111 Send rlvtl Clrits to THli I2tPANi CttkMlCAt. Z`",D3dPAfi"Y, No. >fb
slut j%j%fuIl awl frtom fire, A rens. merlud, floral acid fruit decorations, the
, y . Spruce St., Now YO!'k, attd the will be keret to you Ill mitill bt
iy quitfi ed 0,ff6atitte and less dangtsr- a.rrallgetn6u oS roses h11d trio light 12 cartons will be moiled for q c,inis. The obixon af6 ten to
I" to hmndlo is >9woot oil, Placa, this ing of t&blo5 6.116 dl6play6d, and the and that Ripens Tabules are t 6 Ve m
whole exhibitroit 1s accompanied by a K 1? medicine you need.
hr,w the ants can got it and th6y apElrieli of lectures oil the culinary art. JOI1149
all cicrinlf 1.i0 gf yltitlm, rho oil wen. ,11.11.