HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-30, Page 3I 9
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I .0 I -�"�.M . . . . . . . "I rr I 1. P ... .111, I tux,or 4nd,truil; gro".v r4tw1l; -be U,P,4 . hlj,o�_Hoo�.e ifttv'r4tI enteirtailuamuts, IN XAI� . I , i ,
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. r .41111110111IIIIII01111111 .1 thlux tg pw to, pu,o
1 - , . -dato 444, tayX4 odvou. P I the 94%04 tho� 0 PW - I t
. . I I X4'4o.IoA .did. Pa., 410 was 14114ou %0(1 � tc� .. tasp of III vm'A. The Our lor AP4 Tla I , - � mt, p,o , #x 10 the di" I , .
ttlot�l 44 t0lli, at a, No* V4sI � �
I I nego " r , II
I � 6#9000. AaM 04" j#; fp*wl of her. � 1, ov-0404-14'g, thAt _100A 39 give htw 4 W -R&.04 .JM (go r I I
I I I r ho, 00 940 0; her *XWiid lke,n4ii Iq .. , � r price flI hi , 4s, . , 44 0(44 nols. . , I I I i
I I . ,A product than the "A .140 'VUUIICf U'"as"i 0 1 1 - the I
JR. 4`10, thV# *I 0 . � , , oeilltai 140 ot,ru* boldly b
I I , C'" E DAINTER OF PARnA; i . � A;Jr IC -11 p� , -� I 'rl � se � r , . .
...Ot 4 _Itto
I both I I i III , % �1. � rov%g a'Arl '00 watoila, tho hu'm . 'IT- Is phqml wom, 190 s" - .
1, �. ,. her oI , 41 , � OT.4t. ,�*�.J 'I
I _Q V_ get price for an, &I , �v - 11, bo, vAIA I
# I "Do%_r 4,44 $n*mmllh,,I tbe OTI ,$kid, TV , T. I - .11. . ., . , , I . QqAoA 0 W 1�
. * , P , -4 �w P. "Y100," I replied, 101FIng at tilo In tbe 00I Of 01, . . t OV ec , j
, ' - - '. 01� , X I C?4 It the gr(vwqj.c boo % Prop of iex� ,,,,,, r An I .
� .. r � - OR, - with ,q, �Q* of earmart, prayerful 04r : IF M . Ir .4 . Ut . � V _,=V�4t ore on -got I I
. . , , r
, � .� 1. -troaty, yot yo, "I 46,�Vo . , . 114 . . UP, One fruit or vogttabloo ip wlll.qw� Wildillp we wore apprQ�CUAAK, "but a �ot 4p9thej a 141 I.
� , r I, fqU (4 4oI 19 � I I � � pItIb. Tbero was but ore, ,440,11 alte ,W
� ' I WIDlederod wha , "Arben tjr%t growem 0ororal , 'e time a 4 lstrs,AO 60attion-Away f , � . ,� r
I . . r ..0 V4,en you IT, rom taiAl, pay to SpIiid a4ih a rom the high
- .. YO ,
.14 tbQ_#4t V
, , T , the netghborhood, 19bey must' #eouro
. THE MAGIC Of AM ASTIERNPIEGE. COMO 14tq the P.440IR&OPM YeSte-r'-` P00,44 tbs fAct that thinalVig fruit is money (n puttinir themi on the ma ' villao", - - Iti befQ5 Qtb .
� I . . . rk9t Toad, a . 4W, lie 0_*If: W4441
� I I I . 0 I .. - 4 0"y - U4, you notice W face f Toll me e$ 0 " � . I ' b4IW1n0'jc,pe.iat1 �It.`i _P_�"
. . . L . impI as cultivation, pruning, I# the U*Ist attrAotive form. T - o will 'under .e
. � - I . � � '#ko 'A 4r; y I -_ - fix.Qu. W, , ta* 41 . or I .
I I - . . .. the trath, Xf )rQu, love, mODI yo,uwe 0 . O'biII only Wb'0,t they 0I him, 'a .
�- - . 1. I . . � to there will be not �.uly mqre and early tomatoes, poaches and plums for Test In the F`WblfQ-hQ1i1M, And I Will
I I � . I f,�w me t4W loiot 61t; in the ixorldim-do *1 , - would also yurcuw, t 44 1
, . "Aad now, my dear Hour!, perhaps parly with her old nurse and duenua, 119� I bei&W. ih y0A, cosees,i'tbe least of 'bettor fruit jgrowtA W 9A phog,el. T
, , ,, but tbera W1.11, not example; the ,ohocesit apeolmon's tell .you. how It came, to �b
, can . ,p built In not expenditure litood. �
. I
, not ,
. . ,VQu begin to 804 what I am coming to ve the necessary sittings. Now your tbougbta frowa� me. DI,d you par� be so lr�a,uy "off yoaro-lt AJI varieties be - ",j Xflr.. I
. . � . , Wjrappod carefully in tissue paper, siuck a strange position.'! great, I . . . 1�
r ;IItt. Wb*t is there in Cogat Denaro's wit 9ti ac "The proposal was well received atid
. . . I I wish to ask you is this., Can ticulwrly uoitloo imy i.. o?" that have %, tendency to Overbear IfIrt UP In aVall packages and sold for I israiled, and followed him into tile
r' I ViI . 11 "Be sure I did,. my lady. How could I
_ , or moral qualities to satisfy you see clayXiling improper in the ar- obpgld be thinned, ar%d tit
. , Is 14 especial. 0, ,faticy price, salooly bar. We nat at one of tho,tsI al committee, with, Xr, Jones as chair. -
. ,the intellectual and artistic cra"vings raingement f Can you conceive of any I help III; I You were as pale as Palo , Bxtra fine specimens
. . . . Of such a nature? , With all -his good poasiblQ evil'resulting from it?" , could be. and your cheeks were wet ly true Of ftulta. that act in' clusters. Of Ftrawberries and other am W. and wore silent for a time, be mail, was appointed to consider the do. .
,. � r AU fruits tells. Their report wag very favorA
:, antities-aAd they are many -be is "Oood heaveral" cried the marquis, with tears. Ohl my precious child, A tree, vine or aWub boo ieply so much con r
� I RO . � Id be attractively packed In the tbinkil1g) 4.nd I watching him. able. and ' at another business meet. .
, I *A tbe� whole. really ignorant. Even with a tone and look of utter surprise what wM the matter V What had Sig, vital foroe, and At it expendf "Thai story begins," he said, present- Ing it was decided to carry out the, :
.. � :14 those branches whic � h go to the and a0tonislilment. "What do nor Zanoal been saying to youv" a, limited am _s It upon ordinary wooden butter plate, for % 11 Proposal. , . . . !
. I :Imuklag up, of good plebeian e4uoa� x4ean? How improper? What X11 "All I Did you see Ilia face. Mad,l- , punt Of work, the work novelty, after tit -at covering the plate ly� with a tUrgl4rY committed by a, "The necessary funds were subsorill. �� I
I � U0111 lie ,is lacking. Of art he has no I do not understand you." Ora I" .� will be well done, whereas if the power wilth tissue paper, or they could lie oortia]U BIU Jones, one night long ago, ed Or guaranteed. Contracts were, I .
packed In the ordinary basket or box, i
, . -IcorOpption. I heard him, only a few .,Good I You give me great relief, "Of course I did." is, scattered over a great deal of sur- which "Bill was A Young member of the made wltb 3f.i. Jones, In the spriull r
., 1I akgo, .in conversation with a lady, brother. And not I will totl you i by "How did it Impress you?" should be new or cloom, and by
I , . ,ox v face, none of the work will be ,more being made attractive bring a high Profession. Hitherto he . of that year the, building operationd !
: proWng the wonder that any one I asked the question. Count Dexkaro a ZOU. It was weird ,than half done. , No t.ree, a - had not at- were commenced, and by the autumn
�,., toiild find more beauty in Correggio is possessed by a ,terrible fear -a real and strange; and is Creak staring - ays Wis price. In this day of large ,shipments tempted anything very big, bILt oOu- they were finished. The congregation
havi was to be found in one-half the bugbear -cm account of the affair; and eyes had a burning In their far -away QOnsin Farmer, should be permitted to of the ordinary grades of fruit and tinued success in small thi gs had removed. to the new chapel. Bv. Jones
, ,as of Farina. Not long since I he has the affrontery to tell jut, to depths that was terrible to see." be so loaded ao, to require proppiI or vegetables it, will not Puy to put a n purchased the old one at a high price .
himbis opinion it... - the ordinary way, for nine times, out broke into the house of a well-known and entered into possession. . 1,
rd the princess ask ray face, that scandal may &rise from "Dear old triamma," coaxingly and to cause the branches to bond materi choice lot of stuff on the market in Made him bald. On this nigtit he
"And then," I acdcl, "I suppow lie .
I __ a point -which she thought might lovingly," what did you think of it? ally. or the gT6wcth of the fruit will of ten It would only serve to bring up actress, Ill the holle of carrying off got the jewels?" .
.11, I .. I open to question. it was this: "Did he say -scandal ?-that any hu- Tell me truly. I know you ,must have be checked and its quality Injured. the Price of the medium grades rath- her jewola,. I
. I Blanco Watson lattighed. ..
11 'Whether to the people who are to man being in Parma -would dare to �hought sOntethiing." or Iffian gain for Itself the extra Pin "Re, succeeded in ,getting the jewels "No." ,he said, "he did not. Ile broke li
, ',�r ce
_ 1, follow in succeeding generations, the breathe a breath of scandal against "Isabel,I, I thought at ftivat that you With the gtrape the desired result is it deserved. On the ther hand, the
.�, 11
. ,00gquest of Rome by AtHim was a Princess Isabel's.fair fame." and was Leaving with them when he up -the floor himself, counted the steps z
", ble:ssing or othorwise;' and she went ' "Perhaps," two must have had a quarroL -Per- reached by pruning back severely, and care and small o*Pen's)e necessary to ,..�'
1, �.. . said the duke, after a haps you had said somethiI then -he dtxe north from the tree again, and
'', I, -olt, twith fire and fervor in her speech, li,ttle thought, "I go too far. I think had replied, than you bad grown Im- no One BXPOcts to ha-ve good graIjes put this extra fruit on the market so found that the II noise lie had dug.. He did not find the jewels. He
,,,,, � ,U paint the condition of Rome as the he denied the scandal, but upon my Patient and he had scolded you, for I without It, but with fruit treea this attractively packed that it will attract made had attracted attention. A ser- counted t be steps again and dug deew.
I �. ,great conqueror found it, and the con- word his explanation was worse still. have been told ha is very purticttlar� is not Practicable, a s the attention it deserves, will be paid Vaut girl met him at a turn of the er. Re did not find them. Then ho
I . f9l. many times over. t I k
� dition of the great empire when his He feared, as near as I could under- some 8I notionek-with those who: sit had to thinning. stairway and began to sh.riek. 'He tried other places, but, although he -
-11., EvOrY time a tree I 1 14i. 1
.. � --influence, bad done Us, work, In 'the stand him that Isabel would fall in to him. BuL-but, dear lady-" is permitted to overbear, its vitality is : rushed by tier and to the kept on until he had tried everywhere
""; midat of one of her glowing sentences love with the painter I Aye, that was "Well tnamma., but what?" SPIL4,YING FRUIT TRII through. which he had, en window beneatht the floor, be never found the i �
I � I . <�uliaepile stopped her and asked bar it. Re bad the impudem,ce to intimate "When I saw how you spoke to hian reduced to such a degree that it must tered. As jewoL,.11 .1 �
.- I �
- .
L�, , to tell him who and what thi& Atilla -if he did not &I,y it in so many ,%A ords before we cIixale away, and how he spoke rest for two or three Tears, or worse For five weeks agents of the Ontario he passed through it again he heard "Why, wh,j,t bad become of thetal" - .
, , "
J. ,� � wus, that she had been speaking ab'out. -that the dear girl aright, be losing to you, I knew there had been ino, such at']', its growth is chocked and it I, Department of Agriculture have been doors being opened, and knew that the "I cannot say. It is possible thaO .
- I., "Think of it I
� ��', - - No; it you had seen her heart to the handsome art ist I ' thing as I had thought." permanently injured. Moreover, an giving instruction in the spraying of house Was 'fully aroused." when the foundation was being laid ��
I i:, *. the look she gave him, an I saw it; so Steffano laughed uproariously. He "Row did I speak, aind how did lie �" a workman had discovered and ap.
il'r, ', full of pity, almosit of coMempt. If said he could not hel it. A more ridi- " �N'hy,, replied the truthful old da- ree to matuxe, fruit trees at thirty Orchards in dif- "I underztand," I said. "Bill eftap- propriateA them. Again, it is possible .
:, . you had seen yo'u -Apuld not ask me oulously insane anT a nna., hesitating a few swonds, for want Or a,t least try to mature, a much forent parts of the Province. Reports ed- The actress employed. it detec- tbatAltere were two trees of similarly. 1,
, I
� � � � by I thought she would never love could not be thought or. conceived cif EL fitting siuiihe�, w1hy-just, for all larger number or seeds, and seed pro- aeurt to Dr. Orr, superintendent, ia tive. The detective built this Public eurious, growtb', and that the one onto, ,
�,,,_ w of.
, , . " he said, N% hen the world like a couple of turtle' duction is tile most exhausting work charge Of this ipark, have just been re- housel in an Out-of-the-way place, hop- side the chapel was not the one ftr.
��. , ,_�,. him -at least, as such a woman must - "In the firat place,
1.11 ,V. " love the man whium she would choose he had got over his mirth, "think v. bat doves I" Jones first saw. Again-"
,: 111 I our fair cousin is; think of her pride, 'I be princess broke into a. maerry rip- that vegetatior, has to Perform, The ceived at the Department, to the ef- ilig that Bill. as an oat-of-tha-way "And. what has the story to do witli
.-,:� as the sole parltner of her life." � �
, '.'� , I "I understand, Paulo." har self-respect, her dignity, and, above pl;ng ltuuglx� not 63 that a p-irppod apple tree makes feet that fungus is now appearing upon Young, Man. would cadl in one day far the, public -house V But I can guess." I
, �,, I I jolore at Madielon's 8ee "Of course you can. Mr. Jones was .
�',,r " After this they Moved on a few all else, think of her position as your speec,h tha.a va the sober sincerity of are a 9TOa)t8r tax upan its vitality than apple and pear trees, and threatens to il� drink. 011riOuslY enough, Bill did." .
�"., I paoes, when Vavallia stopped again ward -almost your d;iughtor, Bahl tier took. � fit is to -make the fruit. There have not (to extensive injury to these crops un- fBlanco Watson frowned III! very angry with the chapel memberbi
, ". ;,�. .
��S.., I wrth his hand on the other's shoulder. Such a thought of her is an outrage "011 you dear o.d darling I What Ele, considered that by false protensear
` I -
. ". "PauloJ' lie said, looking curiously upon common sense, In the next put such aa idea into your head? It he theyl had led him into buying the old ,
been many pxtended expelitnentSat ex- less chocked aut once by ,spraying. In- "This is an intellectual
. - . r .
, " . . story,"
"I"," In'to the handsome, boyish face of his place, Ithink of the painter himself. He is too funny for y1our sober tongue. Periment stations to ascertain precisely Sect 021andes also are more numerous said., "it does not depend on coincid- oba,pet dearly and building the new.
, I
.;,E,� - companion. "Were -you aware that is a woman-haiter. I believe he wa' BiLt let U pass. When you bad. seen how greI one cheaply. He resigned his deacono .
'� " neveT known to smile upon a female and heard us spea.k, as you have said; thinning .11 ship, and then sought a way to be rot. I
,',, Denaro had seriously objected to the the advantage of severe than usual this year. Apples, with cress. .
;�� I visits of the princess to Juan Zanoni's sitter. At any rate, I have hear what did you then think?" . is, but there have been the excepI of the Spy, have set well, will continue. Bill avoided the verged on tbem. He found one, On thd .
� I . d so.
t" ��,�. atudio?" Pshaw'l . frell Danaro he is a fool, an "Truly, my child, I didn't' know enough to, mhke the fact that it -Is and,whexe properly cared for, there is first pursuit by a (long run across a , � f
., d ite of the old chapel he built il, public,- :, 'i,
, I "Yea. 1,beard him speaking of it if he would ever win Isabel's tender ps-11 promise of a good crop. In spra i his hotise-this publ-ic-house in which wo
�1'1`, what to think. Dut-perha Profitable, apparent. Such experi- y1cg country, and then walked toward I
apPle trees to check or prevent the have sat so long, I .
��.�` with th- Marquis Steffano." regard tell him not to let her suspect "Yesi But) Perhapal Go on, Witla ments. have been tried lia a limited way SI use the Bordeaux mixture, made hOMI not daring to use the railway.
".., 'r "What do you think of it?" , that he is capable of entertaining such the rest. Perltaps what T" I .
�,�. . 7 . I
'r,", � I I . .11 It" . a thought. "Why�" wi-th a desperate on a number of kinds of frilit trees, as follows; I He kept to the by -roads as much. as - ,�', I
�1� - '. " effort "I , "
�i,:�� - . *�",i
.." . Improved in Stuspand the copper sulphate in five '.
'r: r 1011 such a subject I" I shall go on as I have begurt, until ----*,- N""I",
'_ .Yea. . r "Just what I told him. I thank you' thought of whalt Count Donato sa �A to such as plums, -apples, peaches, ,to Bordeaux-Mix'ture.-Copper a Possible, and at the close of the next. CAUSE OF HAY FEVER. -- .'
I , I ulphate,
�', 1: � I ! .1 4 tbs.; lime, fresh, 4 lbs.; wa.ter, . -
, "What have I'to do with thinking Slteffano, for your hearty support, and me: and that-" and even currants, are I' .40 gal. day bad reached the neighborhood of
; -1 "Why, one who has made such a the picture is finished." "Madebon 1,,. quality when the tips, of the fruit gallons of ,water. Thin may be done London. . I Season IN Approaching When Lots of Ped'. � I
1,,-r . .104, Holy Motherl Wha,t have I Clusters are clipped of by putting in a bag of coarse niaterial, "A OP -de lying Inside a field gate pie Will Suffer. . . '.. I
. . (I
�, , � �, . .studi of the lady's character as you And with this the brothers separat- One? It is nothing, Isabel, nothing a -t f. In the case . and hanging it aj as to be covered by "The season is approaching," said a I
7r-, � s5em to have done, must have thought ed, the duke to wend his wa,y to his of Currants it Is not regarded as pro- suggested to him the advis bility of
��, � . &11, only inly foolish tongue.ranning 11.
v_, _� likely I bout ntr ,�
uplon the subject; and, most chamber of audience, there to begin MIA." fitable to do the work, but the fact the water. Stack the lime in a hidind,the jewels until he hoal a-rrang- promiae physician to the writer re- I .
;,�.. the mime quantity I
!. .formed an opinion." the manifold labors and cares of the of water. Then 1
1 17",
:.�; Alayado firat smiled, and then day, while the marquis went in search But the keen-wlitted princess was .not tha,t it has been OXPerimentally done mix the two, and add the remainder ed for their sale. After Makin- sure cently, "when a L-reat ,many people
�11 . . looked serious. At length, after a of Madelon Sandoz. I to he put otf thus. '.rho poor obd duen- with,th, results stated, is valuable be- of -the water. will suffer from What is knoNvn as . �',
�',_` na had exposed som,W)i that she could 0111, It Proves tile W, L r Mf owr tyt I gr a w1l Il. In i Sd i0af that b- was not observed, he 'Inter- 11
,, little reflection, he said: He found her in her own apartment' timiyergality of tile solve the copp hay fever, and. as but few who aro .
. ,:,: not escape the telling of the whole, and, sulpha er od, the field and picked tip the spade,
, .� r . H-mri, it Juan Zanoni were a pat- and, alone. He was careful to clos� Principle. In a g-reat lqany com- te more readily than cold water.
,". inercial Orchards, particularly in p ... It If the ]ime is at all dirty, strain the 'e of Peculiar growth stood just
lt�' rician, even though he were poor as the door behind him as he entered, and finaLly, by diat of close queslioning and A t 17<3 su--ceptible to lihe complaint know. a i
- hv,w to avoid, much less to oure itj
- . the poorest, Ihonestly believe the to draw the du'e,nna to a far part of putting leading questions at that, the Orchards, thinning is practiced as re- lime solution. beyond:- him. In tli-e manner of fiction
�,,�l abri d -w- t
�.,, I I . Princess Isabel di Varona would choose the room, so that persons passing to eager re he truth from her. gularly as any other detail ill man- he coun(ed twenty steps due north a few remarks about the nature and I
, I i�, , him for her husband in preference to and fro in the ball might not overbear. Count Dena.ro, had sought her private, a�ge)ment and I,% always found liI - from the tree, and then dug a ee ti-catinelit of the ailment ma.y not be I
er night, " 'I
I 11 � ,� - any other man I ever knew." "My dear old lvladelon, he corn enc- y and asked her to be very watchful ble. The advam,tagea resulting from SPAIN'S STEADY DECADENCE. hole, Placed thojewels, in it, and d P utnii�tei u%Llug. I I
";I'l., � "But you would not fear for her as ed, in a gentle, fondling tone, and with while in the painLer's .studio, and, if thinning are Malty. Ill the first place filled ,,
�,. . she possibly could,i she should not suf- the size of the fruit is increased, it has — it-, up again. . Hay fever is a nervous affection
'. the situation is?" a look of affectionate' regard, "I have r
5� "That is beyond me, Henri. I hold just left my brother Antonio, after ter the prtlicess to go from h a, higher color and betttor flavor. In ollee, tile CrO-I Empire Ill the 'I'Vorld "H13 arrived home safely that night ,ia.l d .�, awst prevalent durikg the . .,
',�.1�17 I domand-
", it to be forbidden ground. Come, our having held with bira a long and seri- And when tht lindignant gi 'I .Now Alulogt aill,krolot. 1.
rl other wards, the tree doiI better work spr�uig and e`aX_1�y_auni1er, f-ro-m wb;0i . I''i
, friends in the general's box will be im- - the count's rmson for this whell it I t xed but! was arrested in tile morning. The ' , ��
, � ,,, ous conversation oil the subject of Che ed to kno,� - 8 not over a . Next, it On his accession to tho Spamish throne 1 -be, 1�oor-E f classes and raore espe,[ 01I -, -
`� "
.`11 I uAttro, no", driven from V con he a . .
"I ion't." Princess Isabel, and her visiti; to the thepoor o.d c,re edu t
." pat miount of inferior fruit, servant 1girl ha,d,given an accurate de- '6
.1 t II & in popuJous towns iarely �
,I' - 1, -And with this the twain moved On studio of the painter. I will tell you her last refuge of su))terfuga, blurted and windfalls. �Ve often have a good PhiliP 11. found IlLmself ruler of the scription of him to Lh8 police, and they 11 /�
:,�.. pping H (ver suffer, It is kno%%n only to
'�" ,
. and spent the remainder of the even- the honest truth� Count Denaro has Out: deal of complaint about trees dro 9.reatast empire the world ba,d seen had. re _OI it.
-11 mg, until the curtain fell, with those been fretting and fussing until be bars "He was afraid the handsome 'Paint-, their fruit, but the evil,would lie great- since ROMO WaA at U10 ZOI Of its the edu-�-ated, N%huse nervous systems
'' ,
.,�- . ho had called themL from their form- I Made Cho duke really uneasy. you, of er might steal your Ileart away from ly diminished if thinning ,%vere regu- power. Its navies were famous for "In due course he wa,� tried, The are highly deVeIOped, and, though not
f , W,
�,,.rr . -er that he eould never, never, larly practiced. is evidence ugainst him Nvais very strong. .
'L �: , , On ithe morning of the following day preserve our dear princess from even never have any More hope of winning sary in the Case OT all Varieties that n any sense dangerous, it is at all ..
position. courise, ,would do all in your power to yoursedf, ,so It especially neces- theiir great�nssq and they ruled the The servant girl Swore Lh.-it he wa,.s the '
�.; the Marquis Steffatio arose none the the appearance of evil." YOUX love. Oh, Isabel, my sw,eet, beau- haveshort stemsaildglrow In clusters, CAI its arnvii,_�s were famous for Lheir ' t1I very irrita,tiag and trouhlesom% �
:;j, worse for his slight -debauch of the "Oh my Lord Marquis I I,A,Ould give Lifiul child I You will never ;givO 119 Ltacton which, on this, account, the in- ProwesI she swayed the desunies rn"tn 13he 'net On the stairs; some of the Thei smell of hay, grass, the pollen of .-
;- �
1: Previous afternoon. for the dear, blessed child 1" seen � .q"-'.':
r , ch e Is Europe,- had possessions in attl the con- flowers, tile odor of fruit, dust or
� . He -was used to my lif'e the noble coI so wealthy and honor- dividua.1, fruits ,so crowd ea oth r ., of villiagers, svvoi,e that thvy had �
- excess; and, though creeping toward "Thelt tell me, -and tell me truly and 1311, for the Saka Of 0, Pool' Painter, P" theY4110176lisedn si7e that they actually t. him near the hou�e previously to the ,
1� 1. . ineriLs, and may be -said to have owned draught will gt�nerate the complaint
L�� th� middle age, his frame was of that honestly -have you ever seen an - bein and insignifi'mut.1 ... Pull each Other," so to speak. 'Ihw- I ilty . and I'll
.�� r 0h,of Did the nohbo and Wea,lthy uIng -as found gn � � .1 _�
y , , burglary. He ,A "I"
tough and enduring fiber that can bear thing that v,ould lead you to Lhink or also decreases the amount of 1 -he Agnioricaa, North and South Sam- or, exei(e 1111 attitak in persons subject I �.
� ;r` r . long-c-onLinued infractions of nature's suspect that the handsomu painter was count hi -re you to say tha't to luef, sentenced to seven years' penal ser- I I �
�.�, r()tl PartICUI&I'ly In tile Mae Of pVaVb(1.N U131 JrObIlSoll, wrivinu " recently its v it ude.'r to it, iui, v,iin or- darap weather in-
,;, � -vithout serious reprisal. - I'Nth exercising an undue Or dang rous in- "No 110 lbabed; ind"d be 1740, whe-tt oanip!ainLng of the poLI.r 1, variably brings relief. At, one time it
�Lj., IaNs a N V "' did not. !Ind Pluins. bccal0e tile disease can
�, such constitutions, when the break fluence over the deal- girl a heart'?" All he ,,a,'d N%tj,,,j that I ,sllL,uId_*hould spread less easily i�hpn the fruits (to Bill behaved very well in prison., , �
11� I ,
11 peopl,
11: comes It falls with a crash, the out- The old -"Oman was startled. �5he _ not touch each ot,bw-. If the thin- a's hard-,illips, satid:- ,vas generally supposed that the odor
:, and at the end of five years V�as re- .
�� without waiting . or rling is done by hand, those fruits that "Are there n -(A rugLousi yet unWalmed of hay N0i-n 1-,,Qina moNvii Or cal'ted I
, I �.� rage revenged remembered the last scene in the "Go on, ]Iilade'on, T'haL you should leased on a ticket-of-leav ,
�, r � . , . warning. . pAnter's studio as it had presented what ? " . have Ibe(�n iataoke4l II)y insects call lie by Spain ? i I. He de- could alont- in,hwe the affection, ,Ahich � ',,�'
7 Ilia bblef aim was to keep his brother its,41 to herr gaze on entering sudden iy removed, 8nd inseat injuries are thus cidedrto wait until the ticket had ex- J,!�
� . cruel to Make Q i k, let las rise, those happy lands i� scloaply ;111 ll(,,,,u � I o ast lima, but io- ,
, , "Ob� l,wbe,l I you are n,duced, The vitality' of The tree is ul` I -.1
. . in Ignorance or his manifold shortcom- from the "aiting-room, and she re- - pired, and then get the jewel's and c.,,nt olxwr�-�Iti(,ll sjlows ont, its pre- ,: ,�
I. ,r iup;e. and in a measure he succeeded. membered, ,too, how long she hatt been nie repeat that. And yet it was noLh spikr(,d 4)y ti-lin,ling, it is longer lived exiP.ore, . i(I the country. But a (lay ' y independent of the I .,
: He had eaten his breakfast, and ,tvas , kept waiting after ano was sure the ing. Rea;ly and truJy it was nothing ,Ind is a more regular bearer. The And L�eae (�ppreas:ojil -oll val-n,�e is ctit iret, _. -
11�1. s ins ence e
�1� - 110 OP'two after ,his release It walked Out
1pon the point of going in a a!'ch Of painting had been given over for the It ail-" better development of the fruit al- "e4,11, Ld took at the field, vxbitew-e oi' Imy 'fik,Lds, ami is really .
, n s = ,�'
,_�, day. She called to mind her young But the prinoess 1houglit, she might I , d Lo reinarn on thn tree generally "There waz no field. During the five 11 , _ ,
, Old Madelou, the duenna, when, in one 01-e , ai n-rvows defan6-ur-1. :
, ", I
, � ,i -,o,mqi&�, a trip to ,
- of ithe many halIN of the ducal palace, mistress in tears, and hot- tryLug to IiI be the i)esti ju,dge of tha,t, and, Makes a. larger total yiell in bu�Alles, The Spa.ni,sh enlpLe was the result Of years lie had been in Prison the estate A vil,it to 1he , I
`,5�;, ,. �� . he met his brother face to face; but if bide them, and the strange look ill finaLly she sw,�roeded in drawing forth An I tho l7ptter quality makoa it bring a, ivarriages, c,,nqu&sL an,J discoveries; its of which the fie! sea, or residonve in a vo!)uIOIls I -V11 I
�,I I d was part had been
- . he felt a touch of fea.r it was quickly 'the painter's. beautilul. -fao(,, and in his the last item. she sought. The wunt liig4,r price per k,uallc�l. 'The Alissoul I dec'I an(I fall may will, how(wer, rentove 11w WAhln:0i0 1.
�, I,,' 1, . I Lie ascribed to ls-ttilt upon. He wandexed about the �
" '. gone. The duke met him ,,iith a kind- w(Aed witchiag eyes. Sht�. �,,uw it all ha,d bas�,Ught 11,ado'oij that she should Horticultural Society' arthouliced it I . londency, �.,ui one of tile )Iest rPmP,.iieS
, I tile ruthless chara,cter of the Spanish z
,. bowkis in despair. Ilut, as he turned
_, . y smile, extending his hand with a �gain: and alw felt it, her duty to tell exom�oe .%!L the influence she could in couple 'of y"ra ago Rs belief that if 6 corn4v.r, he sa,� something which sug� -e, -etained in Iho
. - is tobacco smok i
�', ,cheerful, "Good-mor'ding I" it frankly as it had'oecurred. hLs be*hw)[; wil,d further, in a quiet way, froyn a heavily loaded trec, a half or People. The Inquisition mnd bull fight- F m-oulli as lon,,1 11,9,,,prisoiblo ;Ind then
Z�I,, , ,ested hope. Behind some railings
,i� . I Anitoillo Faxtiose, Duke of Parma, Steffano, -%vas watching her-readint( she -,,ivi to po�lit out. wil thi dqI even three-fouuths of the -fruit -,Ner ejected. tlirou,�li I nostrils. lllo ;n-
� I iIng were evo,luGonr,.j from tills chara.ut- was a tree of curious growth. I
:_!- was,more tba-n a good-looking r4an, correctly every phaae of her thoughts Ale ku,:gIiI, fmisibv dia.o�-Pr in the renloved, the product in bushelsw . ould er" TorqueankiAti and the Matador -,�-e "It was the tree. twenty steps due halotion e,!' ')I .. .... :n of len drop.9 of
��11 His presence was grand and imposing. and feehilga-watchinK her with ELI, paintecs ,�tha.racLer and enlarge upon be greater than it ail we're permitted I re north) of N-,-hirh ho had buried the jenv- ereosote in a,pint of water is al.90 I
`r� to rem -lin, besides being of better no more orttel th,an the nature of the , . I of qpiril"4 of I
1 He was fully six feet In height, of per- eagerness and intentueds well-nigh them. . cis. Ile recognized it, imme(tiately, and good, ot. 1 " Ill * - ';' ''. 11
I ;Linphor �o ill- AflliW (JUMllitV Of %%Uter I
, fect form, and massive; his face, painful, anti Ilia Ireart had leaped N%ith `Pco:, fo,il!" Fa'd th,e sorely wound- quality. As to the time NNhen the people required. Cavdivals were ran toward it. Again lie, was in (to- " .
,� though somewhat stern and uncom- 'i A yar or tv�
1; a triumpha,at bound as h(i saw hor d - 1hinning should be done, [)Is. purpo.,30. Queatl�y Prime winisLers, and Tamer-
�, o gi r.-lic-4 in ,a,nge;t', hut ino -v, in pity apair. d 0 north of th,L make* a very effeclive inha�ali,.Ln- I:ut
�, promising, was yet kindly and human. abou% to speak -when a, change came being -to prevent the tree from wasting I tbo affection k,in,x �a, nervoi,Li olle,
," -was his strong characteristic, suddenly over the scene. and contempL or tr(t&Led Central Asi�ansnvire 'roe was a chapel, and t,he jewels tonics an(l n(1UIl8lliIIV di',t all! lilolle
,il Justice � its vital forcin, the, earlier the fruit be 'ane Jae v wore under the chapel. Ile loaned
I To be Continued. takon off the better. provided it be de- meredlicssly than Spain treateAl the psgentialithan aily of di.,.", pa�l;ati%vs
." � I atil never had there been a prince on A silvery melodious voice, in an old I In- against the railings, covering his fam - I
I -
,�� ,� . I th.! throne of Parma who possessed fami�iar love, ditty, calue floating oil _. layed unkil the danger of dropping dialls of North America. When Col- AiLli his hands. " hich rn�,rely afford lelnpor,trY Ye- ..
�_, , - !hrough lack of pollin,,�tion, frost, etc., lief." .
:, 1h:Lt Vitturi more-, emphatically and en- tile morning air -(,ams nearer and near- "It happoned presently that the head -
, .
1 I . , r : tirely. Though only eight-and-thirtY er-the vok-e of the Princess Isabel I HOW NELSON HUNTED FLEETS. is past. Plums are usually thintiod umabus &900vered St. Dowingo it had dt-Aeon o.t the chil�VeL, a kindly old - A
I ".�. . 0, populi;Aion Of 2,000,000; in 1530 this
, . , .� . , his dark -brown. hair. was freely touch- __ — %Vht,.n about half gro-wn and before, thp man, iI do,An the road. Fie savv THE VALUE OF FRESH AIR. __ 11 rr
� ed with sil�-ef, the cares and trials CHAPTER IV. 111vo VelI l'orclug a Trartl(gar and Thre(- pita harden; peaches at about the population liaxt dwindled to 350.00. Cor- Bill standing like one ill trouble, and — �,
that bad done it having also drawn . ...
Very fortunately for the Marquis Riolaths Valchilla K011111111krit, .'r,ame, stage and apples -.Nhen they are. Lez in Mexico and Pizarro in Peru were stoplyadl and a.sked what Was the mitt - ,r,14. 1pre"Pill .1104141 or Ure 14 had rqr lite "
;: I I deep lines of thought upon his broad, ` lyouit the size of hickory nuts, it . I I
i , S teffano on that brigbil, ,and babily Lord Nelfi i reat.c.t. and �' tdea,l Spanish coonquerors, ter and whether he could help. N1 n1th. .11
I . full brow and about his firm and reso- Morning. Made. -I had thrown the should be thorough enough to leave the . "ror a few moments Bill did not .
,. lute lips. His garb was rich, but not c,ise,ments of her two windows wide op- mo,s-t successful aAmira,I the -world pro- individual fruits not less than four in- In the latter �art of Ph;lip's reign know 'what to reply, but then he .spoke The admitted "IdVIlillage of an out- I
.1 I
..". atthing pult on for show, if we except en, being desirous to rLoeive and ell- duced, down to the days of steam Pow- chra apart. If the reader doubts the Spain lost a,ll,. or neafly all, of her de- ivell. He said that once be, had been door life in wtiny morbid conditiong, 1.
,� dvantages of thinning Or thinks he pendencies in North Africa, and early a4 burglar, but that hi had learned in Kndl nolalfly in consumption, at,ems to �
� 11 the brilliantly gemmed star upon the joy every &toni of heaven's pure, fresh t more than one occesion he let a i I ,
; - . breast of his purple velvet doublet. I air and to inhale the fragrance from- or yet an hils neyt time to attend to, t, let him . prison that Eurglary is vvr(ng- that . I � 1.
� ' in this next reign Burgundy, Naples, 4�
. �; "Siteffano, you are the very man I his enemy a2l) Past wild lead him a select a couple of trees and do a little ) to the cone,!,u,sion thitt there is L
I �:��, a thousand bursting buds and blossollis novi lv� wa,s trying to live an ilonest point
� �., was thinking of as you came in sight. that were growing to rega,le life in the hea,rt-rending oham for months before eNPeriateuting. Litt the trees select- Slotly and the Ailanese, . life, 1-ul that, as he had no friends, something definitely injurious in- I he 1�1
� '.. . � I have a curious question to ask you." well -kept beds and pa.rterres of (lie a. blow could be struck. ed -be of the &ime variety ant) such its 1609—The Notherkunds. K was noCeasy. � indoor, life. which is now the vommon 1,
.r.� Now, ordinarily, when the good duke ga,rden below. The cha,mbor was on the Bonaparte's expedition for the con- have set a large amount Of fruit. Thil) 16213-Malacea, Cv,ylon, Java and Oth- , "Ov.-, old rivin was touched, He had , _%
I�., � had a question for the consideration second floor of the palace, and the two . One. of them quite severely, leaving not ex islands. . mode of cxisl.en(�P. ;imong civilized peo-
.1 . �
� , , of his younger brother it had to do at O& I,,1gypt and the Orient had been less than four inches between ea( -h folln,1 13111 leiining agairx�at the vhap- I It is a striking and startling I
, windows overlooking the ga.rden open- que 1640-Portulgial. ��11 railings, anti Bill had said that lie 1) fl.
: . ,�;, , with &L�me act or event of his life ed out upon broad halconies, as did all organizing ior many months at Toulon. fruit, und leave tile otbor ujituuched l(i48__6paj,n tonvuroed all claini to had, no friends. . Wils it not his duly thinp th-it thn more removal of a pa-
. which he could wish should not be th, other windows on that floor. on Mia 0, 1798, Nelson sailed with a ,is a check tree, aad then watch the Holland. t�i head deacon of the chapel Lo be a tient into the open air should Lower
''. Opened up for inspection; but it was Steffano was well acquainted with Y results, The results he may expect, 104d-Brabwnt and parts of Fland- 'friend to BiU? Clearly it vI his fever, ,-,Pbou�,d remove his night
. 1, :,�'. r never approached in the spirit which the aa rangenient cif these 1;ialf.oniea, and flying squad run fi,orn Gibraltar to scout are more and bater fruit from the ers. "Ro ,took Bill home with hirn; he was
,:, was apparent in the present instance. X 1-togeni;Q80h, sweats, and take a,way his hoctio, kind
I most likely, well versed in the use of Off the French porL and ascertain the thinned tree,.with a gqod crop ne t LA49-Muestriollt, Ile a bachelor, and there was no one to -_ I
�, I � When his grace wore that warm smile them for citandestine purposes. mission of the French fleet. But the yea r as well as this year, when the un- Breda. Bergen -op -Zoom., a.nd Many oth- restrain his l.enevolence. They had it is. -difficult la.avo
�rrt� r I he could have zfqthing unpleasant in I hinned tree will probably be resting, er fortreo.ies iln the Low Countries In �4'the conalusit �, 1, .."
�: �. . O'Madolon I" he sa4d, -,I he had re- enemy ebuded him completely, left Toul- . � F,upper and talked together. The dea- that Jf tlt�,so symptoms are removed -1 'I,
his thoughts, so the marquis smiled cognized the voice of the princess and i - this yea,r altso she tacitly murrenZred con found Bill intelligent and fairly by the. urity of the air outside tlip,v. ii�
.� on with Bonapilate's army and distip- supre,muoy on the seas to 'Northern P "Ill
�r�, back in response, and said he would had become assured that she was In 1 XE143P FENCES GOOD. WeLl educated, and offered him em- 'IL
1. .
I ,;� be happy to answer any question as search Of heir old du.enna,, "sho must pea,red a,t sea with Nobson none the wis- Europe. pLoymellb. He was a builder in the mu,st, have been largely caused by the 1:�,,
� , , -1 1. , beathe could. I not a" me here I I care not for my- er for having appeared in the Gulf of One of the Most common causes of 1659-RA,usillon and Cardague. Those neighborhood, he explained, 9,nd had imi.:,urity of the air within the boll -A, .;V!`�,�
- .,I
"Steffano," the - duke aehf, but only for you. She might Illame Lyons. breachy animals on the farm is poor pl--e,s were ceded to France, thus mak- a vacancy ill the works, Bill grate- Nor have we any right, to assume that .1��
� ,�": with another smile, though this time ing the Pyrenees the boundary between I
you for addressing me; and she might Reinforced by ten ships of the 1-ine ftnces, and we may go further and say tho two countries. . fully accepted the offer, ant( began it, is the con,sumptivo only who suffers, �.
-there was a tinge of bitterness in it, report you to the duke I Morey I I that a good part of the. inju ry to stor Iii --i new career on ill,) following Mon -
Ir" 11 with all your lack of grace and do- the Nelson started in pursuit. But he kept k M68-0ther sI of Flanders, Doulkless the healthy strugK
�,, would not have that happen for da Y. .Is agtII
" corum; notwithstanding the many I
, . 'be rench
V hings you do that -had bette world I", missing t,he French flect. Ile called at from barbed wire fences, is due to a, 1672-Mll.ny tiwNns wild olties in Flan- "Months passed. Bill had changed and overcome evil. influences before I
, t r not III . I
I done-[ believe you have at heart the The aimple-minded old domestic did A andria. in lljg� pt. but no F poor condition of the fence. Tbe. wires ders- %vorlderfully. flo had forgotten his v,rhlchj I hos
, who"are ju,berculoif suc�
. ..
,:: beat interests Of our fair cousin, the not suspect the lie. She belloved fully ship was there. Then he, chased off to geL loose and sag down, and stock get 1704-Gibra.Ltair. old liabita and learned new ones. The cumb, but that is not to say that; ill ,
" , in her Own danger, and was troubled Syracuse, but still no enemy.. 'Finally 1704-Mujuma, MI[norca and Ivizza. deacoa was delighted. Not only wa
Princess Isabel." roe months of valn pur- tangled up in them and injure them- 1791-1,he Nootka Sound settlements. Bill I he best of his workmen, but hS
", accordingly; hence, when the marquis after about th 0 the struggle we do not suffer, and,
I � '�,, "My dear brother -if I may speak do ; proposed a, way of saviog her., she em- suit he appeared on August I off Alex- selves much worse. than they woul(l 1794 -St. Domingo. was the most regular attendant at indeed, the facts recently brotliwitt. for.
: �, familiarly—" andria iag4ln, and the -re he behold the if the fences were kept up properl 1800-Laulsiama. t he c ha pe 1. ward are sufficient to allow thitt th
. . "Yea, call me brotber-and Stoffano, I braced it eagerliy. ot of his search tbncbo�ed in Abou- V, 1802-Trinii(4d. "Bill longed for the jewels, and he .stuffy life of warmth' and comfo"ll
� "Madeloal Not a word to the prin- 0 e Low tumble down fencesa re a constant
:1 I if you %vould try to give me a brother's cess of my ha,ving been here I Not a kV Ba,y. The army of Bonaparte had 1819.-Tf!oridow Nvorked hard. beca,uI he knew Chat whicli civii1vvd mim now "enjoys" to
x love I" I liAp. If she should suspect or imagine been sately landed. ne complete de- lomptation to stock to bteak over.and ezuela, Colom- Money would help him to get the bad for the health even of the health.
I "Oh, my lord I Can you dou4t my . -
" I love ? Heaven grant that you do not such a. thing, deny it flIatly and velle- 8truc4on Of the French fleet, followed, once they get .started it will be much Ua,"Vcuador, Peru, Hollivia, Chili, Ar.g jewels, the seat he bad Laken being lost. We make our windows fit, we .
I r mean what you), words imply Ill mently . Will you do.this?" r however, and the altimaite ruin of the more. difficult Cc restrain. Tho ,gaf- entiam, Uruguay, Paraguay, Patagonia, juab twenty steps due north from the pnd, our doors, we gbivel' at kdraught 1 �
. . "I did no, Mpan so much as that,. I She gave her promise. vigyptiall campaign Was assured. eat plan in all cases is to keep the GuatemMa, lionduras, Nicaragua, ,San tree. At first, he hfid nteditated dig- we surround ourselves with woollen (
r . 1. � TI c&m-paign of Trafalgar, erhaps Sa,tvadcor. Havii. San DOMI besides ging down through the floor one curtains, dusty barpets, and fluffm �
mtarit that you should let your life "Remember, you have something to the most momoraityle In naval iistory, fences in a good condition, especially .
9 III around the. pasture. If the nuimetous Lsliatids, retaiining not a foot night, but the chances of detection luxurious UphOlStInTy; Vve breathe thIi
� show your love -that your presence tell me. I shall see you ajidn. All I" was infinitely more trying to the II stock tire to be chan#ed constantly of gtound in Ainerim. were great and he had given up tile same, air over and over again, and ther:
I I should be to nie a pleasure. But let The aNveat wiarbl,er was very near, and tience of both Noloon and the English from one paiture or field to another, In 1898 she may lose � Cubit, Nrto idea. we wondiar that, we are not strong ,
� it pass, I ought not to have introduc- in 6, few moments more the door would people than any before Lt. The BrItish rovide, good gates, as laying the fences Rim the Philippine Isl&ndsa-nd the La- "Years passed- The deacon had be- and vigorous, The fact is we tvre dall ,,
e(I it. You were about to answer me." be dponed. Wlith a. quick, eat -like a,diniral blockaded Toulon, where th6 p drone and Catrolline Islands. come an iriI and Bill practically u3inig up the exubefant vitality wit �_, _ ", � , ...
: "I would have said, your grace, that movement Stefl!460 slipped dut upon Prench fleet wita fitting for seso it full part way down and 0ontpelling the ani- During all these yeaers, %vhlle other inanaged, his business, fie was an im. which nature bas provided w in strug. -.-
en main to jump avo-r what Is left up, is I
you did n3jo but simple justice wh one of the balconlea; then -stepping up- year ,md a hiatt, and in all that tilime, giving t1em the first lossona in jump- nations wore disicovering new regions portant man at the cha,pel, too, and gling against artificial conditions, How '
I I �.ou gave me credit for the deepest On the rail of the balustrade, he leaped not onos did hA3 touch foot on the land, ing or botoming broathy. If an ani_ or capturing those discovered Or con- ,wita often entrusted with a. collection- pmverfuJ, for evil, how deterlorating,
, � . I .n`exest in all that doncarils that dear lkg.btly to Cher b0c,on - adjoining And how wore his perseverance and mill abems Inclined to'be breachy, got quered by SpiI the ,land of the Cid box. one. day this deacon died. Soon these conditions are, is shown by thfi .
"I know it, Steffano. I know 1. may apartment, then to another, where & vfg1l4uee row&I On January 18, rid of it, as i9opri as possible, as one Caloador waA going steadily down afterward, it waa. known that., having fact that thAr more removal. gives
064I girl"' - at*,ab gra.peviine afforded him easy do- 1805 the onowny broke 9,Avay and swept mlsebi.6voua or breAeby animal on tho the ill, Tho only tkmio, she stood still no near relativesi, he had 41aft his pro- back to the consumptIve that vitalityl I
, , trust you ijd that; and, further, I scent to the earth, off to sea. It effected a Junction with farm wIll socn topb the reater Part tor a- moment was In 1960, W110,11 Mar- I)orty to -his friend William Jones." wh(oh enablea him to overoomo the
1. think your judgment will be good. Meadtinit oltit fair heroine had ent. the SpAtalish fleet ilt Oadiz, which Nol- ,t the oth, . ,' be f1ke 46m, With qba,l O,Donly�ll took Tobuq.4 and Cleuta "I see 11, I exclaimed; "Bill-" sp,odis of diseme within h1m. Vresh a44 . ,
� �
You know wbA1 the painter, � Zanotil, emd her duenneVs thAmber, bright and 8on haA datIetombnod toprovistit. Then wire fences properly built, care b6ing from tlioa 1%f&ra, � . , I 111anco( Watson ,shook his boad. is not a thing to be taken In little . -
Is doing for me I" blithesome. She htvd come to tell her the tilled forco 7,0,11ed to the West In. taken to have strong corner postiI well In the heycloy of korofto, aseendaincy I,Bilt was Bill no longer," he said. IrlI once a (Ifty, tittt a thing to livo . II!
10yes.10 t, - much work to keep STa4n had a populAtion of 9A060000, in "Ho hhd becoI a , a � I I - / .
I � old friend and coMiDarldn that shd dies *Ith StIson n tpursuit. The eltase braced, I is n!bt P_I I Qf wealth. At on. I 1. . .� - ,�,
r "It has long been .%* wls� of mine- woulil. vloif:4 the atudio of tho palnt6t owtinued be.ok to .Vurnpe gigain, with- them 1,4 good condition. But no the Mmm of Fordipand Md lsabZa 12'. the next olect.l�jj-�?' eacong he vVas ______ 0I _—, I
I mny admit that It had become- a whan the aud had r6whod � Us #ndfldlan, but succms, &O'I Neilson thAft'614011 left ter vvha* kind of fences there mat- 000;000 end In the WrIziftin . .
, may be % g of the one of the sticeessful. candidates, In A SPLIPTS]a bj&X, 'k_:� I ,
. I paAsion-to hPiva a pieturo of St. Cecilia h6ight. Thit she hoA told, and had his shlip land rsturved tt&PorI t6 on the farm it IS goea plan to go ovew dghte6ftth century CM y 010 '000' The -ure we must 'r,of to him as Mr. . ,r� . . , , .
,r I ( � Lt - 0 . -%W. �. ,",A - ,
I that, ahould hear flid portrait of Isabel; then gone to loak out into the garden, jDaland. It W#A not until mtobdr 9, 11 M, over fmv W&Sla and $roe that preftnt popu!,ataon lia 060 18,000'aft y1olles, ond not as MY , - - Nielgbbor-t hear your hUsband had / � I I
. I and wbor 1 hnd ne6n the work of Zoai- I SovictlAng was oft her initid, of which 180,, OV6r elght Month& after th�, they are Vopt In god repair. Xt in&y be &I In tohchwlOil tbat 6d. " Mr. III ivaA A. Most, olle rgetia bad bin It te innured fict a, large amoun to �
� onf, T retolvod that be, of (ill Clio art;- I she would ariettla, yat diftioult of to, prehoh f6red h6A Immwd trom Tbuilon __ W010I In 8pabd fil llf,%Md to OOMP&M- doacon, Ile introettcwd new Members Mrs. sourfaco-Ho he's, has he I Xuat
� fntq I III waii the it,an to do it. The I proub. Dy-41nd-by Abe turned back Lh� harbor Chat NeilAon finally met It and, 0voty few, ithlivty or forty y6I ago and, he porsuxii-W old ones to attelld like him.. Gone off end bastired hln14 1
I r6sult ia, lie fa (balfig it; and of courad to,tho room mid ,ilaid her hand on tho t&, 80I 81116% Ill battlo off Cape WRIA-PPIN4 MOM P1111IT j,6 waA no d(dgr#0A tot a ,14ijantiqfi�gran, moro regularly. 114� started 0, young Mlf &V a fortune, avql he basn't in- .
the princess koes to his studio, In cofa.- I woman"A &rm. TrietwIgsit. , , ta this ago of attolig eitimpotitio t the de6 not to $4 ubla to i1p,10t him. ridat6, mm's literary society abd it seiieg 15f sured me for a p6liuy, . I
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