HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-30, Page 2,
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ial as �-p ,'i%*lsK to the Board of Twaft or 10 the,
Man MDS OF SALT, AtW*ft pural"a are 00 best 'N 0f0D0MUOrO9, r6OP1 ',
11tt the duty of educating their '101 Mambo. . ". 0 say MR su"Ay SCHOOL'
chi, dron, I say the la.w, with a strong .. I on ow who that Ial� Why, "INTER.NATIOgA ,�,O= � 13 ;
I h#udA at the same time, with a gentle Chat fis a rerchaot face. ho waq 9400 , , I . � , . ON' 4yj
0. 41010 I . I
DR. TALKAGE Tg�LS HOW TO a bioweless boy. A .7* .
, hand, ouht to lead t4w little QAPB . God. p4 � %,a re- ,
I - � I Th XPW" ]RIT149d'o" 1. sulms is. 04P
THE T 14PNIP;PAU CORRUPTION. Intil be light of� Intelligence, aic I .
W ,I good 90 -rd t10 h64 fmmi*blag better tb4n � 0
mcralA. It iwaii P, beo.atifgl tableau that: "T"" are they ijbiob come out, 2#4 00144111 Iroxt, ft". 14. I.
, � . - . .
- %vheu fit vur of � t , y a few wooks ago, a , , of groat trl*atf�n, and b4d their 4
' . I . VIRACTICAT, X"98. I
The *01ter Of Jorieho Vas Plate" -Vaw� awarth robes wa4hed am A he
, � 4 . y pQfJoemsu, having Picked UP - , 4 made white I � t
� ,
liket"fIlk lletre" 11ft"Ity And llolrt� 0, 19at tAild, In the street. was f.cniij, blood Of tho JAMI!X.18 I .VoTloo 10. All Israel., '40.0p Irk mind
lg%e No*spaper,o llo�aleftpe-r*a selkaq.1 , -
. sopPoea.ing, its cry by a, atioli: of 64'lidy 6011116 ,year;$ ago, a rougblY-01&4. raff- t4a two 0"%t diNjoig ,.
., ,, - '04 Otth4p U�.cb.rsw
fikonfe Anve a Correcting luducaft- . gad boy came into, xax brother's ,offi ,
I hkI ha botwIlt at the apple-at%ud, - 'co' '%a% idivitsione which were not, qUite
weed %be Door, Then TtRell Wilfs"' the Thht was, well done, and b6aUtIfullY In Now York, %ad said-. "Mr. Talmage, 104 OWI;f 04 ovq�h U440:0 DAVId an 0
Gospel. 40110; Brut, 0 1 those, thousands of 104A me five dollars.,, My brother said.- - I . 419 I.
A despUtch from Washington says; little Ones through our streets, who ,, ho are you V11 'khe boiivreplf6d, "I Ovobih, " VVUn ,all XN-Woel flaw." or, ra,
are. crying for the broad of knowledge O`m dy. Lead we a dollars." oognizqd, means, t,liprefore, wbeA the
-Dr. Talmage preached trom, the fol- and Intelligence-. Shall we not IV' a "W1%'0d6 yon want to do with five nortbiarn two thirds of the United king -
lowing text:-" And the men Of the it to thein t The officers of the 1%W dollars r, " Well," the boy treplied, .
city Raid Unto Blishit. 00h,old. I Way Ought togo down into the cellars, and "my mother is aiv* aad poor. and I d0ln'saw- 71he king. Rehoboam. Heark-
thee, the situation ol this city is pleAs- UP into , the Icarrets and want to go into the newspaper business ened - miA unto them.. Refused to give
, bring and aAd I E*&il got a home for her, and I proper consideration to their request
ant. as my lord seeth; but the %vater t: out tho*e benighted ones, ve
Put hem under educational iajlueu� will Pay You back." My brother ga W relief. l0aft of the financial profit
is naught, and the ground barren. ,,a,,; after they have passed throogb ,him the fi-viOaliillars, of course. never
And. his said, Brim .9 expecting to see it again , but he sal incidental to Solomon's immense Us-
. ig me a new "Use. tbl& bath and under,, the comb. p_uttin d: .
and put salt therein. And they brought before them the spelling bo,le, and "WhcD will you pay it I— The boy dortakf#gs in architecture, armament,
Coaching them to "ad the Lord's said: "I will pay It In six motatba, air." and coramoVoe, and most of the glory
It to him. And he went forth unto Vrayar. and the Sermon on the Mount: Time wentby, and one day i IB4�c=6
the spring of the waters, and cast the L111g;:ed'arc the poor in spirit, for i,nto mY brotherla'office, and said ., reflected from Wei court, were limit.
salt In there, and said, Thus saith the .1 is the kingdom of heaven." There's your five dollars." "What do -ad to Judah; and the remoter parta
Lord: I have healed these waters; Still further; reformatory societies you mean f What five dollars I" in- 'of CbjB nation refuead longer to pay
*re! - important element in this rec- quired my brother. "Don't you re- for Judab's aggrandizement. But Be -
there sha.11 not be from thenoe any tification Of the public fountains. msn�ber that a boy oame in hire six
more death or barren land. So that wa- Without calling any of them by name, months ago and wasted . to borrow five broboam. turning from the advice of ME
' '
bere "re healed unto this day,"�2 I refer more espeeiall to those which dollara, to go into the newspaper kxusi- father's wisest co
Rings It. 19-22. , recognize th'-� physical as well as the no- I" "Co yes, I remember. Are y"' ad by inexperienced youthful friends,
mora,1 Avoos of the world. There was the lad V "Yes," he replied. "I have
it is difficult Co eatimate, how uAch pathos and a great deal of common got along nicely. I have got a nice haA not only refused to make conces-
of the prosperity as4 health of a city sense in whkd the poor woman said to hOmO for ]my mother, she is sick yet, siOns. but had treated the petitionark
a" dependent upon good wafer. The Dr. Guthrie when he was telfing bar U44 yelt I ama as well clothed as You with contempt. The people answer do
axe, and there's Your five dollars." 0 .ial L
day when, through well-lAid pipes and 'what a very good woman she ought Doubtless fornr,tlly by their offi , .
to be. "O," she said, "if yon were as Was be nout worth saving I Why that
from safe reservoir, an abundance of h1ungry and cold as I am, you could lad .(a worth fifty such boys as I have Pr�414tives, but also by turbulent
water is brought into the city, to &P- think of nothing else." I believe the sometimes seen moving in elegant cir- outcji!as"0'f defiance. What portion have
propriatialy celebrated with oration great want of our otty is'the Gospel 010a. 'never pirt to amy use for God " we In David f What -mutual rights con -
and pyrotechnic display. Thank God ev- I and something to eat I Faith and re- man. Worth saving I I go farther tinue between ty of
Pentence are of infinite Importance; than that, anA. tell you they are not us and the dynes
ory day for clear, bright, beautiful, but, they pannot satisfy an empty only Avorth saving, but they are being Jerusalem ? They do not deny that th(
apaxklLulg water, as it drops In the stomach I -yen have to go forth in 80,ved. In one reform school., through Young king was at the outset theii
which two thousand of these little ones -
shower, or tosses Up In the fountain, this w-ork with the bread of eternal passed, One thousand nine hunlred and rightful sovereign; but b,y tramplinE
or rushes out at the hydrant. lifo in your right hand, and the broad
Uthis life in your left hand, and then minety-five turnedout well. In other Upon their rights h4e had forfeited his
The city of Jericho, notwithstanding 0 words, only five of the two thousand Nelthvm have we inheritance. Just ai
YOU Dan touch them, imitating the
all its physical and commercial advan- Lord Jesus Christ, who first broke turned outbadly. Thereare thousands M k1nI9 inherits his kingdom, so the
tages, was lacking is this important the breaA and fed the multitudes in of them who, through 'Christian socie- king,03m.1n,wri
ties. have been translated to beautiful - , ts its king. But the ter,
element. There Avas enough water, but the, wilderness, and then began to .
it was diseased, and the people were Preach, recognizing the fact that homes fill over this land, and there are tribes were not thus either inheritori
-bile people are hungry they will many Nvho,through the rich grace of our or inberLItance. The Son of Jesse. David
crying oat by reason thereof. Elisha not listen, and they will riot repent. Lord Jesus Christ, have already won
Cho prophet comes to the rescue. He We Avant more oommon sense in the the crown. A little girl was found in wilase father Jesse was a shepherd
distribution of our charities; fewer the streets of Baltimore and take, in_ The taunt means, "That's whal
says: " Get ane a new cruse; fill it magnificent theories, and more hard to one of the reform societies, and they your royalty comes from I" 7'(
wAh salt and bring it to me." SO the work. In the last wax, a few hours said to her: I What is your name P' your tents, 0 Israel. Get ready t4
cruas of salt was brought to the pro- after the battle of Antietam, Iliad a She said: "My name is Mary," "What
to friend who was moving over the field� our other namell She said: "I fight. See to thine o-,vm house, David
and who saw a good Christian man d I" "House" here meaw family, including
phet, and I we him walking out d-Zt know." So they took her into the
the general reservoir, and he takes th is- reform society, 'and as they did not the royal dynasty and its belongings
.6 Mbuting tracts, My, 'friend said to
salt, and throws it into the reservoir, him: "This Is no time to 'distribute kDOW.-har.., last name they alwayei called The phrase has the meaning of "Mind
and lo I all impurities depart, through tracts. There are three thousand her "Mary Lost," since she had been your own business I" "Hands off P
a supernatural and Divine influence, menLaround here who are bleeding to picked up out of the street. But Rho -
denth, who'have not had bandages put grew On, and a,fter awlille the Holy �-'You rule your little Judah; we will
land the waters are good, and fresh, on. Take care of their bodies, then Spirit came to her healt, and she be- care for ourselves." So Israel depart.
land clear, and all the people clap their give them tracts." That was well came (I Christian child, and she chang- ad unto their tents. In modern Eng-
. `ha�ifi and lift tip thoix faces in their said. Look after the woo of i he body, ed bar name; and when anybody ask- lish, the assemblage bToke up. Thf
L gladn"s. Water for je-vicho-clear. and then you will have some Success In ed her what her name was, she said:
looking after the AvVes of the soul. "It used to be Alewy Lost; but now, multitude returned to their various vo
bright, beautiful, God-given water I .Still further: the great re,medial in- since I have become a Christian, it is cations in colAntry and city.
For several Sabbath mornings Ihave fluenes is the Gospel of Christ. 'rake Mary Found." 17. ,The children of Israel whiel
pointed wit to you the fountains of that down through the lanes of suf- . For this vast multitude. are we will- dwelt in the city of Judah, The na.
municipal corrulAion, and this morn- foringL 'rake that down amid the Ing to go forth from this morning's tives of the north who had been led b�
hovels of Ail. Take that up amid the service, and see what we can do, em-
ing I propose to show you what are mansions and palaces of your city. ploying all the agencies I have spoken business or family interests to settl,
the means for the rectification of those That Is the salt that can cure all the of for the rectifica,tion of the poisoned in the south. Rehoboam. reigned oval
fountains. There. are four or five kinds poisoned fountains of public iniquity. fountai as I We live in a beautiful them. They neither fled back to theii
Think of the thousamda of children city. The lines have fallen W us in homesteads nor made local disturb.
of salt that have a cleansing bendenoy. vAthout any home. They sloop under pleasamt places, and Nve hays d goodly ances. in Judah. They were not for-
So far as God may help me this morn- the stoopG, in the burned -out safe, in heritage; and any man wkro does not eig'n by lylood or by prejudice, and it
Ing, I shall bring a cruse of salt to the waggons in the street, on the barg- like a residence in Washington, must was easier not to change.
the,mpZk, "4,�x!?p�y it in�o the great es, wherever they can get a board to be a most uncomfortable and unreas- 16. Adoram. Elsewhere called Adon
I cover tbam. And in the summer they ona,ble man. But, my friends, the ma- iram and Hadoram. Over the tribute
reservoir of municipal �crime, in dleep all night long in the parks. Their terial prosperity of a ci�y is not its In charge of the collection of taxeE
I shame, ignorance and abomination. destitution is well set forth by an chief glory. There may be finehouses and assessments, which were the chief
in this work of cleansing our cities, Incident. A missionary asked one of and beautiful streets, and that all be cause of complaint. All Israel stoned
. them; "Where is your home?" Said he: the garniture of a sepulchre. Some of him with stones. Probably he was ar-
I have firpt to remark that there is a "I don't have no home, air.' "Well, the most prosperous cities of thoworld rested, charged with treason, and exe-
work for the broom and the shovel that where are your father and mother?" ha,ve irone down not one stond left up� cuted in the name of all Israel. There -
nothing else can do, Them always has "They are dea.d, air." "Did you ever on another. But a city may be in fore. . in consideration of the fact
been art intimate connection between heax of Jesus Christi" "No, I don't ruins long before a tower has fallen, that hostilities bad begun. and that be
think f ever. heard of Rim?" "Did or a column ba,q crumblbd, or a tomb was in the enemy's country, Jerusa-
iniquity and dirt. The filthy Parts Of you ever bead of God?" "Yes, I've has been defaced. When in a city the lamwas the stronghold of Rehoboam'k
the grea;t cities are always the most hpi,ro of God. Some of the poor pro- churches of God axe full of cold form- fAeudo.
iniquitous parts. The first thing that pie think it kind of lucky at night alities and inanimate religion; when 19. Israel rebelled again4t; the house
a bad man does when he is converted'to say something over about that be- the houses of commerce a.re the abode of David unto this day: By the blun-
I fore they go to sleep. Yes, eir, I've of fraud and unholy traffic; when the der and crime of his grandson more
in thoroughly to wash IlLnself. There I heard o( Him." Think of a conversa- streets are filled with crime unarrest- than one. half'of the beneficent result, -
were this morning, on the way to the tion like that in a Christian city 1 ad. a.nd sin unenlightened, and belp.- of David's lifework were swept aside in
e sands of men I Row many are Avaiting for you to lessness unpitied-tbat city is in ruins, a day. . . i
Ln'proper apparel who, before their con- i cone out in the spirit of the Lord Jesus � though every church were a St. Pdter'8 20. When! all Israel heard that Jer.
' .Christ and rescue them from wretchad- � and every moneyed institution were a oboam, was come aguin,otln that leis,
version, were unfit in their Sabbath � ness here I A man was trying to talk ' Bank of England, and every library arely day events id n crowd eacl
dress. When on thVSabbath I see a man i with a group of these outcasts, and I were a British Museum, and every other, as rapidly as now, It may have
unclealily in his dress. my suspicions I road the Bible, and trying to comfort house had a porch like that of Rheims, t4ken months for the news of Jero.
I them, and he said; "My dear boys, amd a roof like that of Amiene, and boam's return to spread over "all Is.
. in regard to his m6ral character a" I when your father and your mother for- I tower like that of Antwerp, and trac- rael, " They, had none of our modery.
aroused, and they are. always well, sake you, who will take you up?" They eried windows li�e those of Freiburg, devices to lessen time and space. Tht
founded. So as to allow no excuse for shouted: "The perlice'L air; the perlicel" My brethrern: our pulses bea,t rapid- great Ephra.imite chief had under Sol.
1 0 that the ChUrch of God had arms ly the time away, and socn,gve will be omonl made rermtution as at once ser.
lack of ablution, God has cleft the c6n- I long enough and heart warm enough I gone; and what we have to,do for the viosable, to the king and kindly to th(
,tinents with rivers and lakes, and has: to take them up. How many of them . city in which we live we mast do right people. Hig conflict with Solomon en.
mank five grea,t oceans, and all the � there are I As I was thinking Of I he ; speedi ly, or never do it at all. In that deared him to the masses. He was v
- w , Away, then,; subject this mornini, It seemed to me ; day, when those who have wrapped nobleman in rank, an able exec,lXLiv4
I Nriith the dirt from our cities, not only I as though there were a &eat brink, I themselves in luxuries and despised and a dextermia politician, They soul
i and that these little Ones 'with cut I the poor, sba.11 come to shame and ev- and, called him unto the congregation
)iecause the physical health needs an and torn feet,were coining On towards
I I I erlasting contempt, I hope it may be Probably another representative gath
ablution. because all the great moral, it. And here is a group of orphans. , said of yout and me jthat we gave erimg was held, and Jeroboam wai
and religious interests of the cities i 0 fathers and mothers, ,what do YOU to the hungry, and wiped away brought tot he front, No one else ha(
demand It as a positive necessity. A I think of these fatherless and Mother- �It,hr':flear of the orphan, and upon the any chance fox- I he throne so long A.,
, less little ones. No hand at home.to wanderer of the street we opened the this friend of the common people lived
filthy city always has been and al- i take care of their apparel, no heart to brLgbtnms and benediction of a Chris- Doubtless he was asked the samf
ways will be a, wicked city. 1pitythein. 'Said one to one, when' the I Can home, and then, through our in- qumtions that Rehoboamhad beez
Another corrective Influence that he mother died: "Who will take care of strumentality. it shall be knowri on aRked, whether he would maintain tho
I my clothes now?" The little ones are earth and In heaven. that Mary. Lost rights and privileges of Israel, an(
would bring to beox udxm the -ilO thrown out in this great, cold world. become Mary 14-loumill doubtless/ he answered these question!
of our great cities Is a Christian print- They are shivering on the brink like . sat isfactorily, for the congre9thtiol
ing press. The newspapers of any place lambs on the verge of a precipice,. - Presently piade him king over all Is
.Does not your blood run cold as they 'QUEEN Or THE HOME. real. There was none (bat follows(
axe the test of its mbrality or imblor- i go over it V the house of David, but the tribe o.
ality. The newsboy, who runs along I And there is another giv,up that Tennyson gave, the world pictures of Judah only. In seeking the ful
the street with a roll of Papers under I oomea on towards the precipice. 'They some of tbe, fairesti feminine creations nicanifig, of this phrase Ave mus,
We a.rm, is a tremendous force that I are the children of besotted parents. -
cannot be turned aalide nor resisted, I TheY ,Ire worse off them orl-rhans. Look in poetry -winsome maidens, demurs no- forzet that "Israel had come t,(
and alt his everY step the city is el- sit that pale cheek; woo bleached It. and trustful; womanly women, loyal mean the northern tribes and "Judah'
evwte,d or Aegraded. The hungry, all- I Look st that gash across the forehead: and companionable; devoted the southern. The " tribe of Judah" in
,Oevouring public mind must have some ' wives, cluded. in common phraseology both
1,hing to read, and Upon editors, and the father struck it. Hear that heart- gentle and faithf,pl; noble matrons, the tribe of Simeon and most O't that
I plaroinj cry; a drunken mother's
authors, and book -publishers, and par- plaaphemy coin loving and pelf sa,nrificing, serving the of Benjamin.
Palled it. Anti we come 21. When Reboboam was come tc
ents, and teachers ;,est the responsir , out and we say; "O, yo suffering, peal- best interests of home and country, Jerusalem. Danger r&li,!Xjly develop
bility of What they sh.ill read. Almost ad Find blistered ones, we come to help says the Chautatiquan.
every maim YOU meet has a' book in ad the worthier part of this msh young
]lie hand or a newspaper in his pock- i you." "Too laite I" cry thousands of Tennyson's conception of Avoman and nind's character. He had brought bih
1 voices. "The path AAe travel is steep rather troubles upon himself, but now that
ot. What book is it you have in Your I down, and we can't stop. Too late 1- her sphere may be remarked &E� they were upon him he acts with
ba,nd 0 What newspaper is it you have , and .",a catch our breath and we make old-fashioned. He was evidently not in
In your pocket f Ministers may preach, I a tenific outcry. "Too late I" is full pyM1)stb,y wi-th some of Promptitude and propriety. I-10 ft&
. the &d- sembled all the house of Judah, with
reformers may plan, philandiropists I echoed from the garret, and the celloCr. ced notions of the modern woman. the tribe of Belijamin. He gathered iiii
maq toil for the elevation of the snf I and the ginshop, "Too late I" . It is van fighting men on whom he could count
_ _f9r-Ing-an"he criminal, bat until all I too late, and they go over. His burlesque of "women's rights" in -nd
- - the topped the other day iu the street "The Princess" hms nob.burt the cause
the != Of the land and all I I , A hundmi a fourscore thousaw
of the land set them-, chosen man. A formidable army -not
and looked at the face of one of those of the weaker sex. - He understood the "regulars," however. Arms were di
selves against an iniquitous literature � little ones. Have you ever examined a'
-until then we will bo fighting against I the faces of the neglected children of right rolations of the ma;n and the tributed by the government to met]
fearful odds. I the poor? Other children have glad- woman, and JAs, imitterances in the CIOS- Avho were "chosen," who could be
, Every time the printing cylinders I ne03 in theft- faces. When a group of Ing pamages Of this poem go to th trusted as civil soldiers. Without the
.a complete organization of our modert
turn, they make the earth quake. From I Cbam rush acrogs the road, it ""am" beart of the problem. It is still true militia, the principle seems to have
them goes forth a, thought, like an i as though , spring gnat had unloosen- .
angel. of likht to feed an([ bless the ad an ,mbard of apple blossoms. -But that %vomanla chief place and crowning been nearly the same� To fight
world, or like' an angel of darkness Chase children of the poor. There is glory Is to be q4een of the home. There against the house of Israel. That ik
to smite It with corruption, and sin, but little ring in their laughter, and she may have an unlimited field for agaimi the dynasty of JAroboaim
anA shame. and death. May God, by it stops quic ke bitter Usefulness Mad exert a far reaching To bring the kingdom. Jeroboam'E
i k as though som . .
. -His omnipotent Spirit. purify and ele- memory tripped It, They have an old influence for good, if she but realize, kingdom. Rehobpam the son of Sol-
vate, the printing press I . walk. They do not skip or run up on ber opportfunitles and improve them, Olson. His descent from SOIOm0T1
I go further, and sai that we must i the luinb6r just for the plenaure Of In the household woman finds her mAde him king of Judah, and gave
depand upon the school for It groat leaping down. They never batbed In proper opliere and ,work- him his claim as king of Israel.
deal of corraotina Influence. The the mountsin stream, They never wad. Her office there to rear, to tea,c-hl 22. Tble word of God came unt(
community can no more afford to have ad In the brook for pebbles. once in Becoming AA Is m6at a6d fit Shermlith. The manner in which pro.
Ignorant mon in 4ts midst than It &while One of these children gets out. A link p,mong thle days to knit phetic messages came varied much at
Can 4ford to have uncapd hyenas. He -re is one for instance. At ten yefixg The generattong ewh with eack. different times. Shemalah may hav(
Jgnor , ande is the anothot of hydra- ot 1190 he Is sent otd by his parents, h pe as vision, or a deel
headad crime. Intellsetual darkness in Who SMY to him: 01%ro is a,banket- glprlfy the maternal sentiment, or to impressitoil made upon his mind. Th(
generally the precursor of moral dark- vpw, go off and bog aind steel." Thel Make the family relations sacred. Wo- man of God. God's inan; the mas. wh(
mesa. 1, khow there are educated out, boy says: ,-I can't steal." , They kick man'p Avork, am he conceived It, is not officially represented Him 1:11,61; kept
la'wo-nien, who, through their BbarP- him thfA a 6orner. ThAt night he Puts only training the plastie minds of the IsrM1 and never mlambered nor slept
mesa, of intellect, are , made more 11011A swollen head into the straw; but young, but mpUrriAff that man to more 2a. Sob of Solomon, and therefort
dangerous. They use their fine Pon- a Voice comas from heaven saying, resolute endoAmor and grander "hje� king of Suda.h. See note oA verse 21
manallip in signing other people's "CWnrag6, poor boy, ootiro,go." Cover- vemient. Yielding to her subtler fore- The house of Sudsh and Benjamin4 Th(
-6-,, names, and their moience in ifigpiatous lag Up his head from tho bestiality, as and gentler agencies, be a 0oldi6ra representing these tivo tribes
bdrC1400s, and their fine marindrs in AM stoprdoig his ear from the coursing a higher plase of being. While "acconi- The remnant of the ,people. WeAe ur
&droit, libertinism. They go their LM Iketsi, con Aftil -up better and better. pliabing him Im"b6od" by repressing In part of man ivito belonged to the
round of sin with- well -out apparel, *aAes No face clown at the pablid the beo,lr &ftd cultivating Clio finer other tribes, but Nver6 In offloial rote,
and dugling jewolldry, and wta0beA hydraAt. Wbtb a tow, pennies got mt side of him, she at the same time works tion 'to the Davidle dynasty, and It
of ,61ghttan carats, and kid ',#IoVel;. rbsnit 6rrftdm, lie -gets a better Coat. Outlier own palvation, humanly almak- part. doubtleas, of representatives Of
They are r6fined, educated, ffittgulft- %M,t night the boy .gays* "God help iOg, it the tt,Udd sense. In A subjugated ki ngdoma, from whom Mv.
cant Villains, flat. there Is the 600- )bO, I cbla*t go bdek ;" and quicker than It I *0rdt
I 11 h I and b6ing loved tba ld, like other oriental monarchs, chom
Clog. It 14 generally Cho nalle that Over M66hat flow Wt the cry of' a obild'a she reV6081 � a folloat development his guardsmen,
tU criminal clftss6ef ato as* Ignorant Who the Ulid'regponda from the he&- and Modern thA world the best nor. 94. Thaa aakh the Lord. Hero was
" th'01Y &rO %VIcIrOd. Pot the Proof Of "lift' "tWt&go, poor boy, courage." vicb. ConserVing and fogtoring goa L & diroct mmaago from laliov,ah. 133
what I my,, go into the prlaomA and t1la briqht *�% gets him a position. boas and atatAnotia.. milalatorhig the wb,y In w1dOh tbim m,o#M#6 WAM
p0nibooklarl6t,, and took upoln the MbO After n,whifo he B a second elerk, tO the VMAtft Of the lblvly, tr6d,w the people 6nd k1ti#d6in of AV
" , and Avomon lnmiloe.rated, Tbo did- YOO.Tlzi pama oil, mid he Is firpt clork., 664ttotifig glftm and � softoning, 4kh ohOwtd theft lo%lty CO 04bd, Yottl
holfopfy fh Cho, oye, Clio loW PhAbi011 70&ra Pass on. The glory of you'al; the sting of a4gWmhAfs Is won%t,oi bvethmi the chl bs 61 TArbAl
T it this lip, are hot 61 dolapio"Um m4h, Is on him. U46 domeb into Chi lnifsslal. - ... . I I 1-1. . - - I A sevit*wt which &P tal6d ' it
ho tw Ignortonm In 16 arehma. !"'16416 1906g 00 from One buoiheab , - oir old fittlolw.l, 461finlat. "
�r Th'4 Ignorabf MasMs are aIwAYFI th6 sued69A to, ahotWr. 10 hAli abblo*od Ili pmu It was 611(m the Matom �tor tufm aval, man to hig house) ble,
I dalftgorftm olasmes, mjtaflgogat�n mar. great tort=6, IM N the friend of the, duA0,06) W*Alits to hkvd two of their bmid thlb afty of Volubib4irli, Thl;
0al thow, T'bdy tite b6lmlmm, And -04 flhodh of God, Cho ttl6nd of 01 good 'Apmr rrmf t4oth poxtrmted, neir tMu h fftin 4*. This d1br-qA16A 61
'iltiv'An.'Wi6r� tho olt. It6tituttPilo, And one day bib stKuds alvieteef ffiald4tod their fievvitedd. the vo= T)*Y 116011064i�td th&4�
. � � .
. I �
� I
" I
4 I
� I I � 11
� I I
. I ,�
I - ,. I -- .. � .. - - - - ��
Pro 0 the WW4 of the 1,01rd. RooLg-
444d Sbemallublis lAvAirotlou, .OU4 SO-
.-I" ; !
nIAW to t4o 4ocislaii of the Lord. Ac-
tqrn,04 to 40mwt. Went tr9,m their
N"O F"in Xyery CojarAienal0lo Motal-Ais
- � �
Notes of Xxtarest *4o*$ 16aleto Of$%O great �
--t1wrigg place *9 their hQ.,moo.
orlithsal iffoly 0=8=04to
Walk* of Wo World- I �
. � �
von Is opuld.
95, Theil,'4upt 0A 0 'all III
It you, Am 31*, XAq1A long obaln
. ,
xw* abe re a
A ootft0,ia&kpr at V 0 1 , I
, , , .
. � , � .
=414 never lot tl�no 401'p, pant. Alr'
wound &�94 ber Who � ", 0 waW, do
RAX96y, POW 04 yo a W* Of *go. bOaRts 4
built 0wbom In m-gunt ,E&.
r -alma. olloc,Mm' I Ire d y a wcll.
a Imag,lile for a, mo�nent that It hall
,pod boild CWtho's coffin Ili
tbxt be bel ,
IQ,W, sad sj�x..thj,pootlo,body laid away,
know;p towA. X0, . . hod�
".4 0 - '.. Ur - It into'
- , .
0-MLAeAtW suma - 4own from bar
Ili it
A great, fOrtreso, It was In Mount Bph-
rwm-tbAt Is. In the mountaipou a re'"
pro#y al,kquj", 8* is tiot the vlo-
. .
I 34E" Florpac,a, Nightigagale, thougN
of th� coentrd port of -p4loptime,
tfm� Ot tbp I*pp*)*, pk,�.,- the woman
' mAnvAlid, 4ojA1nUe&-tQ.Aako on in- .
1111 IOD940M Of 113r�ol W60 MO." s*PO81
in the pnblfc� Costs, Who amilingI
. y
torest in everything appertaining to
ed to anemias thAu that of Judah be-
stalks tbo.itage wi,th bar aboo on hei
nursing, especially the nursing of .
c4nee of tble opeo zAture of the conn-
� I. -
boad. iDh, A06 It sho wev'ra her neck-
soldiers. I
try around Obiechem and Samaria.
- I
lace around her waist she Is sImVIY`
A. R� U., the Duke of York, havinff
0welt therein. Kade that the center
lot Me igovernment. Wpat oat from
following -the latedt of the late fads.
assured the succession to the British
,bechem. became the base ot his
Lomas, r
Suddenly, without any apparent res-
throne by becoming the, father of two
operations. Built Flenuel. Nado a
mom, the jewelry cases are crowded with
eons, is reatored to active service in
imighty fortress on the o.ast side of the
Jordav6 so as to proteet that part of
a regular holiday display of the ,Most
the navy and has been commissioned I
Captain of the first-class cruiser Cram- I
*his d6inimicon. :
fetching novelties. A dazzling array.
cent. . :
all astonishingly mcW- ' Involuntarily
T he Duke of York during hia'sum!64
they brisg to ngind visions of holly.
mer cruise on her Majetty's ship Crea-
snowflakes and plum puddlags. And
cost will visit Copenhagen, Stockboll�
A Sweeping Arralgionieng of linited States
among .the very "dearest tbings"'are
and St. Petersburg, where he �
Military Methods.
the chains, handsomely bejeweled, and
entertained by the F=peror nd
Poultney Bigelow has cabled tothe
long enough, If not doubled, to reach
press of Russia at Pe6rhof.
London irimes, after a mon,th'a obser-
from the nook to the knees. , These
Mine. Neissonter, widow of the C01---*
vanes of the army camps st Chicka-
are for lorgnottes, bonbounierea, wee
brated Rainter. has just passed away
mauga and Tampa, that the army is
powder boxes, amulets, watches and,
in her vills, at PIDIsfily. She had be -
in a "terrible condition from lack of
WO are told. "will serve to carry the
queathed to the state all the Pictures- I
drawings, and sketches of her husband
I organization." Out of the whole arr"
muffs whom cold weather sets In." The
which she had in her possession,
of 140,000 men, he "doubts whether 10,-
mode of wearing them, is as unique as
Mr. Gladstone is the sixth Prime
�000 United States troops could be sent
the chains themselves. They are 0ith-
Minister, since Chatham, to receive the
to Cuba in proper condition," as to
or twisted in three widening loops
recognition of's public monument. The
clothes, arm and discipline. ge as-
around the neck and left without a
(other Prime Ministers similarly bonor"
sorts that "no machinery exists where-
pendant, or, with some orniament at-
ad -were Pitt, Perceval, Palmerston -
by such an army could operate as a
tached, they are passed orver the arms
and Beaconsfield. .
single command."
wound twice arbund thre waist,
Prince Bismarck hopes to be able thin
"Many of the regiments are com-
making a short and a long loop. To
summer to fulfil his long-cherishe&
health is
manded by amateur officers with orna-
the long loop is fastened a dangling
wish to revisit Varzin. flis
mental staffs. Officers who left the
trinket, or it lorgAette or watch is
comparatively good. The sculptor
Herr Begas was at Friedricharull re -
army years ago an lioutenanSs now re-
used It Is tucked into the girdle, leav-
cently, and reports that the Prince's
enter the army as colouels or briga-
ing noinotbing akin to a festoon of
appetite and spirits were excellent. i
dier-generals, having been jumped over
chains Ut the front of the waist. The
Mr. James ILIfour-Melville, who ba(I
the heads of hundreds of more compe-
chain i's not allowed to drop about the
been a moinber of the Royal and An- I
� tent men Nvho have remained constant-
hips, but sets close up to the belt at
cient Golf Club since 1846, and bad-
ly in the service.
the sides and back. .
Avon its\,gold medal, was choked to
"The firat United States infantry
What are they made of I Rvery con-
death by a piece of beef while at diis-
ner recently. Ile wan, the father of
sent from California to Tamps Avas
conceivable met*l. And even of
threads four five
Mr. Leslie Ralfour-Malville, who has
twelve days on the road, and no staff
run a'h&,, across
held the amateur championship, Hit
officei was on the train. Men were
tba,ough broad, flat stones. Those of
was 9D years of age. I I
transpoTted like cattle, or rather, an
freight-not even as perishable live
all pearls are the handsomest and
D. W. Stevens, counsellor of the Ja-
highest Priced. Others made entirely
pamese, Legation at Washington. has I
"The treatment of political exiles in
strung of such jewels as turquoise,
received from the Emperor of Japan
Russia does not exceed in brutality
that of the treatm�nt of American
amber, amethysts, topaz, jade or crys-
the second order of the Rising Sun,
so-ldiers 90 9 at the call of their
ta., are mom appicipriate, for evening
than for street wear. They are tack-
This order has,been conferred upon oa(F
other foreigner, and is given only to
country. 9-tle was no such brutal
treatment of soldiers by Germany in
ad to .the edges of lace ruffles, are
those upon whom the Emperor wishes
to confer a special mark of his fav-
11�r war. I
wound around and around the neck,
'Anothe,r regiment of cavalry was
transported from Chattanooga to
are looped in a mass on one shoulder,
Mr. Corchardson of the Royal Aca
Lakeland, Fla., without the slightest
or are left hanging, simply weighed
demy 'has received a commission to
provision forfeeding and watering the
dorAvia with a small bespangled empire
paint a four generations picture of the
men and horses. The men were sep-
fan. The newest of chains seen for
royal family -Queen Victoria, the
arated from their horses sometimes by
Ordinary Avear are extremely long,
Prince of Wales, the Duke of Yorlt�
twelve, miles.
"When it Is said that most of the
nearly double the length of the ones
and little Prince Edward. Surprise is
expressed in Fligland that the Queen
Young men appointed through the in-
we thpught long last year. They are
should have allowed an English painter
finance of their fathers, to positions on
plain, straight link chains, broken at
to undertake the task, as she prefers,
the staff, the greatest possible wrong is
done. Thew incompetents may be
ri@gular Intervals with rings filled with
Germ -an.
in charge a! commissaries of food and
large, showy jewels. Most admired
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Ed -
supplies forr am entire army corps. Here
are the ones a fine gun metal links
ward, Prince Albert and Princess Vic -
above all, specialists are needed -men
and large oval rings, set with big. well-
toria they are now by their great -
who know ths needs of war.
"Volunteer regiments have come
cut amethysts.
New fashioned lorgnottes are being
grandmamma's will and pleasqre. The
Queen. by letters patent, under the
from the north dressed In heavy. win-
ter clothing, and a.re now sweltering
worn in Paris. The handles are of
Great Sea], has declared "that the chil-
in FlOxida, with the. thermometer at
gold, artistically enameled or set with
jewels. The real novelty, however,
dxen of the eldest son of any Prince .1
of IA�ales shall have and at all times
110. Many regiments have had no
change, of clothing, and no relief, al-
ties in the shape of the glasses them-
hold and enjoy the style, title or at- , I
though a month has gone by "
selves. They a,re made perfectly
ro,und; of magnLfying glass, with fine
tribute of Royal Highness." i
1. I
This is the condition of th�
gold rims. The expression of inno-
The Sir Walter Scott Memorial As -
States army forty-five days after war
is declared.
cent surprise that the new lorgilettes
soclation, through -whose efforts abust
Pou.Ltuey Bigelim"s criticisms will
lend to the face is truly alluring. The
first big pansies of springtime could
of Scott was recently unveiled in . ,
attract wide attention in F ,urope. He
was a class -mate in college cof the
not look more wide-eyed and prettily
Westin * inster Abbey, d( ' ksires to present ,
a replica of it to the Boston Publio
Emperor William, amd is. thoroughly'
shocked. Th,tt one cannot see through
the glasses excepting at a distance does
Library, and the Secretary of the as- I
familiar with both the German and
English armies. I I I
not detract from their popularity. The
sociation, Richard Less, has communi-
e association to,
coquette feigns to glance through
them at some one at an arm's leng-th
Ambassador Hay.
away, fully cognizant of the fact that
The Rev. William'Wayte, Avho has
The fash . ionable wedding Invitation,la
they are being looked into instead of
oat of, and that her eyes seen through
just dUed In Englaild, was for nearly .
a voluminous Affair. First, there is
them are inarvelously big and child-
a quarter of a century one of the most
the invitadon to the ceremony, en-
like. ,
I popular of the assistant masters at (
graved on note paper, which is folded
The entire style of all jewelry seems
Eton He was educated at Eton and
. -
once, and ,with this are inclosed the
to have undergone a change. Stars,
crescents and Other stereotyped de-
bridge, AA -here he gained both the
I Cam'
, Craven scholarship and the bronze
card for the reception, the card for ad-
signs am quite out of ' da,te. The 1ELtest
, medal in 1850. He was a very fine
mission to the church and the at home
ornamusilts in gold, silver and precious
1 chassplayer, and had been for many I
card of the Young people, if the time
stones must not only be of great in-
trinsic worth, but must be artfully
I yeais a recognized authority on thii �
; game.
and place of their at hbines are decid-
concei'ved and executed as well. Solid
' I
ed on, the exception being that they
jewels, such as amethysts, are cut in
The Danish poet Peter Nansen ,re -
are not. If the wedding be: out of
form. A boautiful violet made en-
latea in a recent article in a German I
town it Is the correct thing to inclose
tirely of this stone is among the re-
cast creations. Insects are made in
I magazine that Ibsen is becoming much
also a memora;ndum of the trains to
the aame way. Natural pearl is much
more affable and communicative than
take, and If a special ear is provided
Used, and is, when carved, set with
he used to be. A young lady said to
for guests, a card of admission to such
transparent jewels - emeralds, sap-
. � him the other da.y: "What -would you �
car is inclosed, '
phima, diamonds. Butterflies are
made of filigree gold or silver, with the'
dolf you ha,d a million f" "If I had a
million," be replied, "I should buy as
and does econo-
lacy mesh fillad in with transparent
I elegant eiteam yacht, with electric
mize by engraving the time and place
brilliantly, colored enamel. Pictures
, lightsand all modern comforts, with
of reception upon the invit ation sheet.
done in enamel, veritable works of art,
are seen on silver boxes. They are all
a crew of 120 and a gralid orchestra.
Then I should invite twenty good
but, this is not considered good taste,
imported, as work of this kind has nev-
i friends to travel with me. We should
the correct thing being to have a sep-
arate card for each separate thing.
or been successfully accomplished in
� vii -At many fine regions, but our prin-
If the marriage Is private announce-
this country. An exquisite brooeb is
a. bird's nest masterfully made in gold
clixti goal would be the Island of Cey-
1 lom, which must be, from' all I have
ments should be sent to every one who
WOUAd otherwise have been invite d. It
filigree. The nest is filled with eggs
board, the, most beautiful spot an
these are sent out by the pats f
the bride it shouldbe done immediately
of priceless pearls.
Real turtle shells of the very small -
est possible species are covered with
I It is not generally known that Mr.
after the marriage, as she is no longer
scrol-Is of metal, set with jewels; they
Cecil Rhodes takes a keen and active 11
one of their hoursebold after she leaves
it with her husband. If the announce-
axe thuen converted into pins.
interest in natural history. His Zoo A
meab is later, it should be sent In the
For the hair the number of new
adornments seems to be unlimited.
- Gr,Dotescbuur contains many rari- I
t I �
name of the coulple. If the newly mar-
Eml ire combs take on huge proportions'
ties. Jamrach's has long had a stand- .
ried pair ,have decided on, a day. or
and am I& ishly �at with favo.ite gems.
ing order from Mr. Rhodes that any
days at home, a card for those days Is
ifinlosed with the announcement.
An Immense comb in claoa,r yellow shell
animal that will, in the estimation of
The bride acknowledges ber presents
is set with topa,z, surrounded by dia-
monds, and botAveen the settings is a
the, bead of that firm, tend to render
the Grooteschuur collection more com-
as soon"as Possible, using paper with
her now monogram., Paper for this,
ribbon ,design in several shades of
I plate is to be at once shipped to South I
Purpose with a new seal is usually pro�
gold. Another is (looked with three
enimel. moda:i,)na encircled with pearls.
Af rica..
vided beforehand by the bridegroom. A
letter of thanks is not necessary, but
Others still um sat with jades, opals,
the note must contain a few wall-
onyx, or have ribbon designs, lovers'
knots or straight bordars of brilliants.
chosen, words in the bride's' own hand-
writing. Cards ,With a seij�'ence of
Cameos are very offective. in eml.:ire
When the ex-Emoress Eagente visit- I
thanks are not considered 'good form."
combs, rnade, gay Nvith brilliant trab-
Lng,s. Ebony and diamonds are daz-
ad Sootift AEri,r,&, after t,lhe Prince Im-
--- -
zlingly combined on the Yellow sholl:
peirial's deallh, sibe stopped a,t St. Bel-
Tur,quOX66 and turquoise blue enamel
ena. and herself Coo'k a nmmber of
What makes Kim Ginalat hate Jack
am ZISD striking. Strands of peal -Is
Iveoping-willow auttings trow tfhe tres i
start from the, comb and lie in three
Mlidonkng semi-olroles Over the front
which had once shaded Napoleon that
Why, he ba,9 a fondness for the songs
that were popular when he we.% a boy.
of tho hair, not binding the hair, tifo
Tbose ouittings, carefully pre-
Filrfit- I
Did he offend bar musical taste?
Clio old jeAvol NLlideaux did.
served, have nrw sibot up into a grove
No. He--xskpA her to sing "Darling, I
Entirely original is a hair ornament
of Avillowsi-ound 1b)e ma,usoleum ereot- tA
am Growing Old."
made in the shape at n. stalk of wheat
Each little grain Is a diamond, &
ad by 11he 13mpress at Farnharough. Thei a
stem Is Of gold and the mpi aya a, ra made
hoilse, willach once belonged to Mr.
of heron feathors, Another 1.4 an oax
1,ongralln, the Wtut of the fam(MA puto-
Young Wife, roprovin4ly,-My deal"
of corn, with, kowntila of 1xvirla anti
husks of tinted gold,
I IlatIng f1win, In full of memenitees of
love, you know my dear mother can't
JoAvolod 1xilta and belt iluoklos are
Nrapirems'R life.
bear eigars, and Rho won't remain with
us a week if you smoke them in the
us allow -y and oxt.ra,vitgant as avor� A
now bolt for the ooming sonsou Is of
- Each day the Empress spends a por-
',t,iou at jl(w ,line In the Memorial Charo-
Young Humpand-All right. my dear.
J ine. loathor. wlt.h handaosuo jo%Aalod
buckle. At. the back of the, belt ar 0
e slendid aarcophagi
t1ho embalmed remains of
I'll smoke a pipe.
two eyelobts, through which edipa I
lww 11jushaiid and of her son. The maus-
gold safety -pin, having In IW center
('deu'M CoStL ,eloefloo, and close by iF, a
maingle. lar& setting thatmatchom, the
mcmafit.eh.y. The timpress's daily life lit
jeAvals of the bucklie, In front.
simple find austaro. 'Of late Years 0114
Mrs. H&rdwAh-I want you to get me
Of the Nothersole bracelets that have
lhas salbWed grembly from rbeuma,tism,
a divorce froih, My husband, and an 0
so :long retained their popularity 1%
but she alyares In Queen Victotia'S love
lowatoo of $1,1566 a ,*ear. .
new variety Is men. It Is made pro.
of fn,q,. a4r, anti 4ho spends rouch of
LaWyet-11bw lmubb'ES him filoom I
forably of gum.mlatal, though gold and
&or time stocompahleA by bar faithful
Mrs. RaYdoasbr-Itts about tha,+t. I
silver are also. Used. Oil the outside
tretary and. ,her lady-in-waiLi"g, iml �
1E Ahr--O*
WoUlAn't-dAk tot jfmora�tlt&n a Aan
of the Weelat'At equidistant
CM bet,utiffil Mirounds of Farnborougit k
makes. r am not that kind.
point# am three single jewalli,
g,,Ilse. Even tbere AV6rytAiJng hd,g been I
sunk Into the heavy metal circlet.
'ance, and
dome to remll ber beloved Fr
(me of 11ha feabu-res of t1he garden is
It women *oUld Pdy more tatelition
Tit one is fottut&te enough to own
ally of the ItallaA voilm of Whitt, it
rove rife aheoi nuts planted frorm
, g6ta. ille'n'o from tibe famous Maron-
to tbett hAIr 'ana less to thelf hats,
should be remembered that theme are
nier des Tullerles.
tho rejilllt Would be Infifiltioly nioro
the most modish PosSiblo to dea,l with,
matifif4otory, .
and are the o"t fashiodu1ble to Make
over in &AY a thk� waya doadrib-bd. ,
Th6l% Is ydC 6,116tha. use for old V6118.
After 4 MO% pftpo!�oq tck a woman
T,h, deluia, Into plo finely in making
&Ad she accepts him she trips to, wake
TkIA IdUe-VIiat beoiiWei ,of C b&Lt 0&f.
W or b6p. IT'hO foutd&UOU Of t heat
him flt� her idea,it, for it rarely hap?
*1 0. you Iny,on,44 t , wtk,�� A is of milk, &6t WIAlch th6
a b . AY WAt#e VO ling
11"T'4f4ik &44*41- OA I
To6hs that hb 00mog anyvolti3v6 near be- �
th(m Writ bift,l), 8116 4100t6d t0o
The 1 bbUldhot 4 e
4t M
-9 of
be iu4it this ou rpose.
in# Of
nuarry. I
rallrbitAil. 0,0" , I
I "
� . I I .
,for .
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