HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-23, Page 8., -. • N �, - r 'TGR C.�I!1'TQIV N�WS,RECOBD Iy ighlsi every THUR$DAX at THE N1�fw + 1t1tt1oI 1'rintlug House, Albert SG., 4=1 ' m- *,C)0 - 3 , 430X& . OEM" ADVERT01240 HATIDe, 1 Yr. 6 Ma 9 Mo. 1 Mo 1 Coiutnn.... ..,.$00 00 $36 00 $20 00 47 01 Colpmn....,,,, 00 2D 00 12 00 S 00 ao1amn........ 20 00 1300 v oo 2 50 QQlumn........ 16 00 000 500 100 hitt(%... , ...... • 6 ou 960 200 1 25 A"peotal position from %5 to 5o per cent extra. For transient advertisements 10 cents Per line for the first insertion; 9 cents ME' 11416 each subsequent insertion-- nonpareil measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch, $5.00 per annum. Advertisements without spec- ifio. direotions will be published till torbld and charged for accordingly. Trautslent notices -"Lost," "Frond," "For sale," etc. -50 cents for first in- sertion, 25 cents for each subsequent Insertion. TBE NEWt3 RECORD will be sent to any address, free of postage, for 1.00 Per year, payable in advance - 1.60 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which every subscription its paid is denoted by the nu%ber on Me address label. No paper discontin- ued until all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor. W. J. MITCHELL. Editor and Proprietor. T ' HE MOi5U�N S RANK 2noorporated by Act of Parliadient 18x5. CAPITAL - I- $2,000,000 REST $1600,000 Head Office, - MONTREAL. M. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President . WOLFERSTAN 9 NOMAS, Oen, Manager Notes discounted, Cnllections made, Drafts Issued, Sterlingg and American Exchange bought andsold, Interest allowed on Deposits SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. �I FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own totes with one or more endorRers. No Mort- , Sage required as security. 11 H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. McTAGGA RT, I Banker, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON A General Banking Business Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allo%ed on Deposits. CONVEYANCING. _ . John Ridout, Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. ,.-.-. , Fire Insurance. - - Real Estate. Money to Lend. Office-IJURON STREET, CLINTON '. MEDICAL. �f Dr. W. Gunn, , •R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on Ratten- j r bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. Dr. Turnbull, J. L. Turnbull, M: B., Toronto Univ. ; M.D. t C.M., Victoria Univ. M.C.P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of )Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng, and Edinburgh hospitals, Office -Dr. Dows- ley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls answered at Office. Dr. Shaw, Office -Ontario Street, opposite English church„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple- ton. DENTISTRY. - Dr. BRUCE, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Tgylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont, Special attention to preser- vation of natural teeth. N. B -Will visit Blyth every Moneay and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during he summer. DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Office Hours, - 9 to 5 At Zurich the second Thursday of each month. VETERINARY. J. E. Blackall, VETERINARY SURGEON AND VETERINARY INSPECTOR. Office on Isaac Street next New Era office Residence, Albert St.. Clinton. LEGAL. f, , Seottj Barrister, &e. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTONI. Money to Loarn. E. Campion, QC., Barrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, &c., GODERICH, ONT. OFFICE -Over Davis' Dr ug+ Store. odey to Loan. M. O. Johnston, Barrister, Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc.,' GODERICH, - ON 1'. OFFicE-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Streets. W. Brydo>n.e, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c., OFFICE : BEAVER BLOCK, . CLINTON ,� The Reoord Is Not I`xeblled As an 46, Advertising Mediva>v►. . BASSET OF VKH, � FRUIT N' o arl •' a REV.' DR, TAL1HAGtE PREACHES ON When you take flood's fills. The, ole-fas6r SPIRITUAL BLESSING}. toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you an to I' places, are not In It with Hood's. Easy tp tale --e- .k Dead Blips Fruit 1$hould Be Used fit Once ldhe Blessings Thorn Heaven -As Fruit is Pleasant to the Eye and Tate, So ods Lila Gospel Is Pleasant. HoA Washinglion despatch says: -Rev. and easy to operate, to true d Dr. Talmage preached from the 10110w - of good's Pills, which are P ' I I S ing words: "And He said, Amos, what up to date in every respect. seest thou ? And I said, a basket of 8 e, certatn and sure, All druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas, summer fruit." -Amos viii. 2. The ouly Fills to take w]th Hood's 8arsaparlU A • stogt-ohested, swarthy -limbed, w ., __,_ brave -hearted man was palled out to GO TO THE rebuke Israel. His name was Amos. He was brought up amid sheep and eat- . tie, and in addition to his occupation Union Shaving Parlor as herdsman, he had the business of gathering sycamore -fruit -a very dif- For first-class Hair -Cutting ficult business, because, U the fruit and Shaving, were not properly ripened, and just Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton, before its maturing it were not punc- J. EMERTON, Proprietor, lured with the teeth of an iron comb, them the fruit would be bitter and CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP thoroughly unpalatable. Having al- ■ ways lived in the country, when Amos -''- comes to wrote or to speak, his allus- FORD & MURPHY, ions are rural -full of threshing -floor, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) and sheaf -laden carts, and grass -hop - Having bought out the above business, we Pers, and mowings, and orchards, and intenA to conduct it on the Each pprinolple. and vineyards, and, in my text: "a basket will stipply our customers with tho best meats at the lowest paying prices. of summer fruit;." Juat what kind Ford & Murphy• of fruit this was I do not know, whe- i the, sYcaunore-fruit, or pomegrantes, figs; but I do know that God meant Live Hogs Wanted, for Tarsal, and means tnight for the truth that spirituall blessing, like summer fruit, must be used immediate- - or it will perish. Many of you rgmember, a Pew years Highest Market Price Paid. ago, when the peach crop suddenly ripened, and all the rail trains and D. CANTELON. Clinton, steamers coming to our city were ladened with the delicious product. Removal of Night -Boil. The fruit was dead ripe, and not able to wait until the glutted markets were The undersigned will utidertakQ the removal cleared, and so there were hundreds of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets of thousands of dollars' worth of the on short notice and at reasonable ratea. All refuse removed out of town. fruit thrown • into the streets, and fn- (/'����1t ROBTYMENNEL, to the rivers, and carted back akain GEO. TlO�I�II,L to enrich the soil. O the perishable nature of summer fruit. It is so much like our spiritual blessings, which Sorseshoer and general Blacksmith must be used immediately, or never Albert Street, North, Clinton. used at all. To -night, instead of bay- ing you wandering around as through JOBBING A SPECIALTY, the stalls of an agricultural fair, I Woodwork ironed and first-class material mould have you, with profound and and work guaranteed. Farm implements and agitated feelings of soul., look upon this machines rebuilt and repaired, text as depicting your last chance for heaven, as it is all suggestively set TO T B" I E FARMERS! forth. "Behold a basket of summer fruit." Study your own interest and go where Was this statement of the text the, you can gob + HARNESS blundering comparison of a man used RELIABLE - HAto literary composition? Do youthink the analogy will hold out? Is there I manufacture none but the best at stook, any similarity between the Gospel and Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they summer fruit? O, yes. They both have got to live. Call and got pricew in the first lace, mean health. God ev- ery summer doctors the ailments of Joh p� �qe� the world by the orchards and groves. i g , The failing of the orchards is a license Harness Hmporinm, Blyth, Ont to all kinds of diseases, and plenty of _ _ fruit ordinarily means improved sani- TRAINING} ENGLISH SOLDIERS. tary bondition. So this Gospel means health. It makes a man mighty for They Becelve an Athletic Training Which work, and• strong for contest. It cures Would Fit Them For a Cirens, spiritual ailments. It helps the soul In (England the reserves are made that is decrepid, bound on in the road athletes first ,and soldiers afterward. to heaven. it is juvenescence. It is The same system prevails in Germany, convalescence. It kindles the eye where the first thing done with a with brilliant anticipations. it " rooky " is to send, him to thie gym- thrills the soul with glurles to come. nasiumi, where he goes through every It is not a weak sentimentality. It conceivable exercise calculated to lim- helped Paul to stand unblauched on ber him u•p,, and make him erect and the deck of the foundering corn ship. graceful. and it helped Luther nail his defiant "Theses" against the door of the elec- In the English an3V One of the most Lorat college, the thumping of his ham - famous . athletic organizations is the mer echoing through all -the, ageo,, It Gymnastic -Staff from Aldershot, It has helped ten thousand souls to has coupe to its present state of perfec- spring through flood and fire to glories immortal. O, it is a swarthy Gospel. tion under the direction of Sergeant Mighty in itself it makes men mighty. Major Palmer, and is in demand at all ,[t gives, one, over -mastering power in of the "military exhibitions ins Ragland'. the d'iiy of trouble. The Church cries In addition to the regular athletic ex- out to Christ in the Canticles: "Com- hibitions, the Aldershot men give tab- fort me with apples," and so to -night leaux. A number of form studies have I shake down upon p you a whole orch- been evolved by Sergeant Major Pal- and of fruit, while I read that the mer. They will be given at the great fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, militury tournament for which .the patience, brotherly kindness, charity. military men of England are prepar- Bather it up from the ground -large, Ing•round, luscious. Take it home with It is intended to make this' tour- you -"a basket of summer �iruit." nament a historic one, and the soldiers I notice that,. the analogy also is in the parade will be costumed in the found in the fact that summer fruit is uniforms which the English army has pleasant to the eye and the taste, worn in the last few centuries. There So the Gospel, when a man rightly sees will be the uniform worn during the it and tastes it, is very pleasant. Whe- Elizabethan period, the one worn by ther summer fruit be piled up in the the soldiers when the Duke of Marl- orchard, or on the barn floor, or on the borough commanded them, and so on. platter of the table, the commingling of green, and gold, and red, and brown, in the cheek of the fruit is very fascin- DAbIASCUS SWORD. ating. You know that some artists Ili is but seldom that areal good deal chiefly with pictures of fruit; and while Corregio delights to sketch phy- specim,en of the Damascus sword can sical beauty, and Turner drops the be obtained, for the art of working and sea -foam on the canvas, and Cuyp engraving this kind of steel is dead.- drives up his cattle at evening tide, These swords are made of alternate and Rosa Bonheur catches, by the layers of iron and steel, so finely tem- I halter the rearing steeds at the "horse pered tbat the blade would bend to Fair," and Edwin Landseer whistles us the hilt without breaking The weap- the dogs, there are many of our modern ons had edges so keen that no coat• painters who are putting all their of mail could resist them, and sur= power on- fruit pieces, and I do not faces so hilghly polished that when a wonder at it. There is a beauty in Moslem wished to rearrange his tur- fruit indescribable. So it is with the ban he used his swarld for a looking Gospel of Christ. It charms the young glass. * and the old, the well and the sick, the wise and the ignorant. It has the litter of the weave, the aroma of AN AIR OF PROBABILITY. lowers, the Fascination of music. It is the luxury of the ages. Religion is not I have just read a story in *hioh the [an abbess -is not a cenobite. "Her heroine's .hair turned white in a ala- ways are ways of pleasantness, and all gle night, said one girl. I don't believe her p the are peaeQ," t. InTune 1815, there w -as a very noble I don't know, said the other. There party gathered in a house in St. JamW is no telling what queer tricks some square, • London. - The prince- Regent of these new bleaches will play. was preoent, and the occasion was made lascina:ting by music, and banqueting, CONSTITUTIONAL FAILING, and by jewels. While a quadrille was being formed, suddenly all the people I wonder why Mr. Defer never tear- rushed to the windows. What is the 14ed.I mutter v • Henry Percy had arrived Nnithing to wonder at. In all his life with the news that Waterloo had been Defer r has $ever mottan engagement. fought and that England had won the ` -.. - day. The dance was abandoned; the Ppaarty dispersed; lords, ladies and mus- PIES[ctans rushed into the street, and, in fifteen minutes from the first an- nouncement of the good news, the house waa emmptfed of all its guests. O, Ye, who are seated at the banquet of this world, or whirling in its gaieties ' and frivolities, if to -night you could CURED hear the sweet strains of the Gospel trumpet announicng Christ's vtetory over sin and death, and hell, you would ��rush fourth, glod In the eternal deliver- ance. arae. The Waterloo.against sin has been fought and our Comomander-in- ohief hath won the day. O, the joy of Pllss, Whtilher Itching, blind or this salvation 1 I do not care what bleat aro rdllev6d b *no metaphor, what eompaxiaon you have; / Y trin,g it to me that I may use it. Am- wppylcet ion of cit shall bring one sifntle, Isaiah an- Dr.Ag'new's Ointment other, David another, John another, Beautiful with antiotpatiods. I spread gti OENTe. out the heaped up, large, round, Ins - And cured in 9 to K nights. I aious "basket of summer fruit." tot; M. RAVIrnien, Idltighstnton, N To YOU havo notioed that if summer writes Send tit• 12 doron mot'• of ,Ag. fruit Is not taken immediately, it soon aiw'r 01tittuont. I preiirlb• largo quad. fails, it ire!, the eipetali ; then a multi - titles, of It.. It Is a woddsr,wither In akin plication of defects; after awhile a soft- dfa•er•r end a great aur• tar ptfew�-9!. ening that is oftensive ; and then it is . W x - - . n - . 1 7, lk ­­�- .1 I I 1, , r, i . . . . . . . . I . I L . L I 1. I " . I I L I I . 11. - I I , I : ' T , . ' L .. __... .._... .......-. .. ..... 1. 1. all fittnOut. . 13o I have to tell yyott thi&M that there is no retribution for ed to get siaa�uIN11 euupllasla from th.Q ,File ertxiS pf �QtlStli� ^ lilul4t all religious actvotataBes, all, 1'p a s0µ1 that forgets God. Break oPen the imported adjecWe, and O Lord, de,- � � . Pel oplportunities, all religloua prlvi- Kate. dash through the five, leap the ilbber, ua from ,;upse�ttin sins, an prop tion are everywhere, leges, while they ora beautiful and at^ int6rvening cliff, and cry out to Lacer : us up on de tippia',over side," certain- I tre,otive, perish right speedily if you do "There is no heli 1" and ten thousand ly left .nothing to be desired in direct,- There is no way but to not take them. I sgppo3e you have no- voices will answer; back: " There is ails and graphic force. (fi ht thein. tired how swiftly the days and years Stye you not the gate? feel you not 'At the close of the service the pati• g go by. Every day seeuw to me like "a t a sorrow? We have been Mere five for called attention to the rainrfisuaked If there 15 a histo, of 11 basket of summer frult " the morning hundresd years, and yet the woe has and stained plaster in the recess back y skY is vermilion, the noonday is opar just begun. Go back and tell all you of the pulpit, which he had long tried weals lungs in the family, line, the evening cloud is fire -dyed, Ev- have seen, Tell them that we once in vain W ,persuade his shiftless liar- ery day has its cluster of blessings and were as they are, and that they, unless iahloners to fresco, and he pronounced this fight must be constant its fruity branohes of opportunities. thiay repent, shall be els we are our- hie ultimatum in this wise: " Bredren, But how soon they are goo I Where is selves, We (tad the fruits of life set de duvicea in dis church will all be and vigorous. 1879? 18709 1860? 1850V Gone' as before us, fabr as "a basket of sum- discontinnerled ontil yo' fricassee de you must strike the dlS- thoroughly as the fruit which dropped mer fruit," but we would not take them abscess.'s from the trees and rotted last August, and we everlastingly died. Lost 1 Lost I Mr. Young adds a good quotation to Ev-6ry year may have its characteris- My friends, the practical question is close with, though there is no badly ease, or It will strike you. + tic, In one the war broke out; in an- now: Will you miss your chance? The twisted English in. it. "Pompey, how At the very first sign Of Other the locusts made terrible ravages; offer of salvation is now extended to did you like my sorman ?" said a vain + I in another the yellow fever raged; but us. It will not always be continued• and rather long+ -winded preacher to a failing health take Scott, S 4, I care not what be the characteristics, The day of grace will be past. The black man who had set under the gal% ' they are all gone save one. Of the six probability is that there are some in lery. Pompey was still aching with the Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil l"aousand years of this world's exist- this audience who will miss their op- fatigue of listening to the forty -min- with HypophOsphiteS. eno6, only one is left. Aye, ten months portunity. I put my hand on your ute discourse. of that is gone, or nearly gone, and Pulse, and I find that the fever has " Well, boss," re replied, " I t'ink yo' • It gives the body power t0 the tangue in the alook of the months beurn. I look upon your brow, and went by a lot o' mighty good stoppin'- will soon strike twelve, and then this I find the shadow of impending doom. places." resist the germs of consump- year will be as dead ds all its predeoss- I listen to your breath', and I find it - sora. In your library, you put the his- is suggestive of the last gasp. Some - tion. torieal volumes side by side, volume of you will be lost I See I you ,are A WET COUNTRY. 5oc. and $+.00, all druggists. first, volume second, volume third, vol- falling now -down from heaven, from SCOYT & BOWNE, Chaamists,Toronto. time fourth; and the history of the life, from peace -down, down. I To - Past Is made up of six thousand member reading how Leonidas, With Remarkable Experience of a Trnin In the VOluames three hundred and sixty-five three hundred men, stood in the pass Island of Coy [on. Pages in eaoh Of the volumes, and to between Eta and the sea, fighting The railroad which, with its branch- Grand Trunk Railway. the last day, at one flash, you will read back the Persian hosts. The Persian es, connects Colombo, the capital of Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as all of them. Time., how swiftly it goes 1 hoste come on. They trampled him U6ylcm with the interior of the Island, follows Gray hairs are here and there upon you„ down. O that God, to -night, would and some Of you know it not. The arm me, a poor weak man, with a sup- la remarkable for the engineering skill Buffalo and Godecich District :- orow's-foot" is eouning nearer up to- ernatural courage, ;to stand in the ebb" in its constrtiotion, and for its1. o. w ards the corner of the eye. You Going West, Mixed ............ i1 -e.3 a.M. y peau of this glorious Sabbath hour, and prosperity. It makes an ascent of �� " Express.......... i.o3 p, m, / stoop more than you used to. You have dispute with this army that I see .< •. Mixed............ m. been discussing as to the propriety of before me, the wa to death. Halt: thirty-five hundred feet by a succes- << 7.05 P• , Wearingy Express....,.....so,2ry p. in. glasses. You are going from ye infatuated souls. I swing the two- siom of loops and curves, with here and Going East, Express .......... ry.27 a.m. the thirties into the forties and from the edged sword both' ways. Halt I Halt t there a tunnel. The chief difficulty „ . , • , , . z• 95 a.m. forties into the fifties and from the fif- Take not one step more on in running the railroad is due to the �� " Mixed.........., 4,35 p,m, , i ties into the sixties, and from the sixties this downward path. Why will ye die w in which the rain comes down. into the seventies. The colour is going when there is no use in it! Aro you so London, Huron acid Bruce :- <I Out of the "basket of summer fruit." charmed with pain, and sin, and sor- A recent book of travel, "A Run Round Going South, Express ....... , . 7.47 a.m, T'; The curoulio of trouble hath left the row, and woe, that you will wade the Empire," describes whait the roily " " " ......... 4.30 P,m• hi mark Of its sting. The work of decay through the foabning billows of perdi- did to a drain crawling up the moun- Going North, 46lo,ig a.m. ,`i has begun and the full basket of human tion to win thev Is there nothing 11 11 cc 55 P• ......... 6. mtheml _ life will soon a emptied Into the in the Systematic tears of friends, tainsid6. , M. C. DicKsoN, +; trench of the grave, When I first be- nothing in the sacrificial blood of the On December 27, 1896, eleven and a Dis.•Pass. Agent, ;<I came anxious about my soul, there vvas Sion of Gad, nothing in the death -bed half inches od train fell in twenty-four 1 Toronto, >F� a soliloquy I read in Mr. Pike's "Ad- experiences of those wham you have howls. The engineer OP a train saw^ W E. DAVIS, G. P. �C T. A., Montreal. dress to the Unsaved." It was a, soul- loved, nothing in the crash of the judg- that beyond a certain tunnel the line A. O. PATTIsoN, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton. '' '' quy on this very subject. It repro- meat avalanche, to make you think. wus washed away. H,e stopped the ' sented a man dying, and as he was dy- T can tell from, thb way the country train, and the pa �engers gat out. Ona ing, the clock struck. As the clock sexton rings the bell, when he is about of therm, seeing stones rolling down /�1 .. , struck, the man was startled, and lie• to stop ringing it, When be begins the mountainside above them, advised jlie �Icl{illop Not Fire i;;; cried out: O time., it is fit that thou to ring, the music comes softly out thea engineer to push for the tunnels shouldst strike thy murderer to the on the air; the bell fills all the air with Just as the train entered the tun, . ,dt'>;: heart, How art thou one for ever? music, He las hold with strong pull; lnsill ante Company. d' Y rel, donna came a hogs mass of rock, f A month I O for a week I ask not for but after awhUe when the horses have which carried away the emibankment, ,, a year, though an age were too short been tied, anis the people have gath- as, well as the last car oI the train- �- for the work I have to do. Remorse ered, then there is some distance of a goods vac fortunately. Close be- Farm and Isolated Town Property for the past throws my thoughts on time between the strokes of the bell, hind the tunnel the . ends of the rail Only .Insured. ++, ' the Paat. I turn and turn, and find It gets slower, and slower, for he has were hanging free over a precipice, and ; !A. ? ' no ray. If thou didst feel one half begun to toll, and after awhile it stops. a similiar condition existed not far ;-u the ozsountaln that is on my o sinner, how swiftly the invitations ahead. heart, thou wouldst struggle with of this Go OFFICERS: ;_ gg Gospel came to you I Call after !A messenger came dawn from a B George �i'ie'e- Yresa Seo Orth Y O. P.O.: aJ ° ,� the martyr for his stake, and bless call. Invitation after invitation. Floods p7,,,nter's bungalow above the tunnel Shannon.eo'y Tress., Seafor+h, P.O.;ioheei heaven ench for the flame that is an an- of thnma,. Floods of them. How merrily to+ say that water was accumulati"ng Murdie, Inspector of losses, Seaforth: P.O. }`° quenchable fire. O, Thou blasphemed, the bell did ring, But it seems as if in the cutting in front, and that if it DIRECTORS: Yet, most indulgent Lord God, hell it- with. somie of e.,t you God's patience is broke through the debris which served James Broadfeot, Seaforth ; Michael Mtn Eelf is a refuge,, if it hide me from Thy exhadsted ; as if His , mercy were as a dam, it would wash the train out die, Seaforth: (;eorgo Dale, Seaforth ; George 1. frown 1" almost gone. The bell rings slower of the tunnel. The passengers hast- Watt, Harlock ; Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth i 1' Still further, i remark upon the to -night than it ever Tang before, ened to leave the cars, and in walking Alex. Gardiner. Leadbury • Thomas Garbutt, perishable nature of all religious sur- and as if about to stop. Ayb, it seems through the water in the cutting found Clinton; John Mol,ean, Iiippen. _• rou!ndings. You sometimes go into a to have come to the dying toll. Thrice It up tO their breasts. AGENTS: ,. Thomas Netlans. Harlo*: Robert McMillan, ii!' religious association and You say Is- more it will speak - perhaps only Seaforth and James Curoroings, Egmondville,11 ❑'t this beautiful. How many ripe re- thrice. Toll l Toll i Toll ! ligious experiences. Why, it is like It was to set forth this solemn truth . THE BRITISH ARMY. Parties desirous to effect insurance or Iran- 11, ' 'a basket of summer fruit.'" But do that religious advantages, while they The gross cost of the British Army sac t other business will be promptly attended 3t last, are attractive, but ver soon to on app ic%tion to any of the above offiaerY You not know, my brother, that all Y addressed to their respective post offices there Christian associations fade away leave us, that God let down to Amos and Navy for 1897 was £41,776,`L43. Of a from the soul? Your Christian father the herdsman. in vision, the beautiful this £5.180,089 goes to the " noneffec- -- -- L' and mother, who have been holding but perishable basket of summer fruit. tive army and navy" -that is, to the 50 YEARS' , I;eneficent influences over you, do you pensioners, etc. The actual fighting EXPERIENCE not realize that they are go- army and navy numbers roughly 236; Ing away from you. Do you I DARKY ENGLISH. 000 men. As the great ironclads' can- :. not notice that they do not get over non and all the artillery would be ab-' sickness as soon as they used tot'' Are solutely useless without Tommy At- 1UWTPMyA), S you not aware Of, the faot that the do Curious Words Which the Negroes Dao to „m; Y kine, he may be said to cost the na- ; not get over a cold as quickly( as once? Express Their Opiniouh. tion the total sum. Thus when Tommy The fact is that they have made more Every great language has its nock stands up before the enemy he costs I .. ,a'' prayers for you than they will ever lingoes and cls the nation £176, or more than theDE MAAKIS make again. They have passed the last g clipped dialects. The corny SIGN6mon e s weight of a hollow statue of him in ,mile -stone on the road home, and if P oIle make one of their own, ORIGHTS &C.euro gold wrould rout• -t-; you are going to get any benefit from and every tribe of adopted foreigners Anyone sending a sketch and description may yw.:;1 gntol ly ascertain our opinion free whether an „. y^'; , that "basket of summer fruit," get it has its peculiar and amusing vernac- inventton is Probably patentable. Communlca- r now, or get it never. Some of you do not alar. Generally it resembles the ori, THE li'LAiiiiIAN TIME. tions Strictly confident ia]. HandbookonPatenta sent free. Oldest a envy for securing patents. t j know what it is to look down up- iMother-What is the matter, Clara? Parents taken tlirou h mann a c o. recetve ,,. on the still and rigid featuxes of a ginal very much tis a monkey reserni- rpecwl notw, without a,a e, in4he You look distressed. * �v �t h Christian father or a Christian mother. bles a man. Clara, a bride -George has -has had Scienti�iC ' Qi i`an• n ,. I do. In five minutes you will think of Darky English, like the grotesque to go off on a -a trip, and he won't be AhandsomelyIllustrated weekly. Largest eir. 1t� t:; all the unkind words you ever said to them. You may cover up the coffin blunder,words of the supposed Mrs. back Por -for two days -boo -hoc I oalatton of anysolentlHo journal. Terms,. ri` Same Mother, some years later -HOW ear; four months, st Sod by all newedealers. c i-€.,�, with wreaths and crosses, and crowns; Partington, nearly always has a phon. long will your husband be away4 �IUNN & C0.36'iBroadway, New York but you cannot make anything attrac- etic suggestion that makes the speak►• � Live out of it. It is trouble, and no- Sante Clara -I forgot to ask. Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washinston, D. C. thing but trouble ,for those who cit er's meaning laughably clear. ,�..�.., - and sigh with the consciousness that The fat old cook in Lynchburg, Vir p y '' these dear lips will never pray fo'r you 8inia, who complained that her son The Clinton News -fleeced } ' again, and those lips will never s m ia- "Sam's s y I goin's on is conjurin' His in- thize with you again. When you stoop atitution, an' disriptin' us all "had the 3,r down and isles for the last time the word " "disreputable" echoing round T ria a staff of experinced news -' wrinkled brow just before the ]id is • screwed on, you will think of what I somewhere in her head. She made hart- rcreorters, who cover the ground �'' -S tell you to -night, O, if father and moth- self understood, and there was , er be still alive with their Christian in- piquan- well, and give "All the News F 11 fluences, cherish them while you may. cy m her new verb. That's Fit to Print."�LLi, Take their example. Be profited by The colored servant who reported - , z', their prayers. They are ripe for hea- that her mistress was " sicx wid nervt- �' ven and cannot stay. The "basket of ous perfection," conveyed the doctor's x summer fruit" will soon be gone. diagnosis -and sprung a droll possibilF The News -Record is the largest So also it is, my • friends, with all ity besides. newspaper published in West God's offers of mercy and salvation. Huroli, and has a ecial features . „„;i; i? Are you to -night under the infatuation Rev. Egerton R. Young describes to P that those privileges are going to be us one of his evenings in an African not possessed by a number of J continued v O no. Every opportunity church in Florida, where the minister them, , ` ?' of salvation seems to be restless until announced. " de fus' chapter, of the Epi- • • it gets away from us. Going away, the sitle o' David," and proceeded to read Sermons; going away, the songs; go- the First Psalm. One fiery young ex- Log away, the strivings of God's Eter- porter in the meeting, with exemplary Every SConservaltive . 11 nal Spirit. The fruits of immortal life good taste, confined his remarks to 13bould be a,Subscriber. '11 fair and luscious, are, no sooner set be- those of his owna .11's puffin to fore the soul than, they disappear. The say to -night," said he, " to disrupt de, y.:,,`, Theban legion consisted of six thou- feelin's o' yous ole daddies and mamt p sand, six hundred and sixty-six men. lases, but 1'e. e� Clinton News-flecord, "•`,;, j goin' to consummate Maximian decreed that that host should dem sinners batclk dar by de do'." be decimated -that is, every tenth man None of the prayers we>e good En h,, should be put to, the sword. So it was lish, but, " We bow down on de bended done; but the soldiers did not submit an syndicated A es Of our body to to the kingly authority, and so anoth- beg a humble bless, n"' somebtnv seemf c er decimation took place, and the work .., ;... -. ,.•.,.,.�., ,.._- w-. , A - went oil until all of the six thousand, - -- ria hundred, -and sixty-six men had perished. ain had. New, I e not know How �j�SPOPS12 , y people may be in this house to- ONE GIVES RELIEF. ,! night, but it is an army. It is going 1. to be debimated. One out of every , ten will soon be gone, and after that ,a the work will go on ; and again one 11499jrt �� out of every ten will be gone, and Don't� aOlar again the decimation will tajFis place, >r I - - �,�, i until not 9 singlet person in this house 148 Victim?. It puts them 114 i.O-night will be alive. Our bodies, p for ' ' some of them, wilt be in Greenwood. in the power of, the weakest Qrgan Of Laurel Hill, in Mount Au.burn in Oak- lands, in Grey Friars churchyard, in the body and makes them its slaves. the villige cemetery ; }tut yoat souls I Medicine ,, a,'••, �.: will -be ip one of two plac6s, the They must eat to suit it, drink to suit names of which I, need not mention, -s' for they rush upon you this moment it, and live a lenten life of self-denial. until you have tried with, thunderous articulation and em- rFL phAds. . Many L have missed their. chance. Now YER- � there Land. hicling that fact -they have missed their chance. They came in and ,. ,' looked at the "basket of summer fruit." They admired the delicacy Pulness. of the PILLS � + winker work; the deticacy of the rind; �� the, greenness of the leaves. They went off. They came' back and admired again. But one day they came, and they found that all the glory had fad- have cured many bad cases of ed, and that the fruit'bad been thrown You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons out. They Came to a certain evening. dyspepsia -they will cure you, if you 1• They saw the coil eat, They never saw „ al'e suffering from that disease. � I'' ' the stun rise again. The 'pastor pro- R Ten Tabules fol' rive Cent$. pounced ,upon them the benediction. Mrs. H. B. Anderson, I.5 Williams sAu 00A it put ap oh.■plIr to remit,, th. anlYersal pt.wnt d.sampt for • low tai.■ Yi r It was the last benediction they ever heard. 'They took their last: step, spoke Street, Grand Rapids, Mich., writee their last word, breathed their Mat If you don't find this Sort of breath, they missed their last chance. "Ayer's Pille cured me of dyspepsia li'lortwhately for us their voice from which I had suffered for three Is not strong enough to ring up until years. They befit oyarr other Motif• Win-qns 0 we can hear it, or it wound make life Dine" ����eon earth intolerable with the wailing. Y - T1* wlqy.11 is so thick that we hear not ' ^ one wford of their pang. Perished 1 tt there being They folk no more about A YER'S At the Druggists ' there being tiYrie enough yet. They have no time. They your no longer abowt the'intwnsistenoies of Christians; they are looking after their own ton- PILLS Care tir."MO." Send Five Cents to THE RIPANe CHEMICAL CoMPANV, No, to I• there . They fie more argue that Splice At., New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or there ib no each a thing as a lost soul ; f3 tons will be msilacl for 48 conte ,lie chances are tent to they haps felt the pale1� that ooino8 frbm a fall ten thousand'' fathoms clown, t'' � one thlt lupins Tabulas nre the very medicine you need. O sceptical man, t3ic out and pereuttcle . . -. •--,f ...... . .. #4 -