HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-23, Page 5JUNE 230 1898. THE DR•UC STOCK Of Messrs, Allen & Wilson purchased by us is com- plete in every particular. It contains no old Goods, but everything is fresh and in good shape. It shall be our aim to keep this stock the best in town. The best goods obtainable will be found •here. In- ferior drugs you don't want, we won't, keep them, the best only will be given at close prices. The home reme- dies prepared and sold by Messrs. Allen & Wilson will always be prepared by us from the same formuler and sold under the same guarantee. If they do not do as we say we will refund you your money. OUR PARIS GREEN is pure, the best on the market. Use it. It will give good re- sults. 25c. per pound. SYDNEY JACKSON GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Successor to ALLEN & WILSON. A LABOR SAVER. THE WETTLAUFER PEA -HARVESTER, VE TER, & BONCNER saves labor and time, clean the way for the horses and machine and prevents the shelling of grain. It has only to be seen to be ap- preciated. Those who have used it willingly give testimonials. Can be attached to any Reaper or Mower. FOR SALE BY A. SCHI21.T 1NI Implement Wareroome Huron St., nearly opposite Commercial Hotel, Clinton. CHEAP RATES C.P.R. WINNIPEG per boat from Owen Sound $15,80. SAULT ST. MARIE per boat from Owen Sound SO.SO. WINDSOR and Return $4.10. TOROTON and Return $3.35. For all information in reference to travel apply to W ■JACKSON, C.P.R. rAgent CLINTON'. GRANO TRUNK RSYSTEM Home SeekersExcursion tel E3 Return to MANITOBA MINNESOTA, DAKOTA Going JUNE 28th Return AUG. 7th " JULY 11th " JULY 19th „ 11 SEPT. 10th SEPT. 11th All rail or lake and rail. Baggage Checked Through. . A. O. PATTISON, F. R. HODGENS. G.T.R. Depot. Town Agent. C ANADI A N PACIFIC RY. WILL RUN Home. Seekers' 60 Day Excursions To the Canadian North West AT RETURN FARES Deloralne • • Reston - • Woven - - Blnscat .h - Moosomin - • - Winnipegosls • - Regina • - 1 Moose - Mooselaw j}- Yorkton • 8 30 caechoesry f +U Albert - :} $35 ga Ldd bear - monteft - ::} $40 Going June 28. Returning until Aug. 27 (An nan or S. S. Alberta.) Qoinlr July iS NOT THE . ? w SAME = Watches differ just as in- dividuals differ, some re- quire one treatment,others require another. We are Watch Repairers and can treat every case as it ought to be treated. If your watch is not just right, loosing or gaining time, bring it to us, no rea- son why it should not keep good time. We can . fix it—regulate it. proper- ly and make it a pleasure to carry. No repair is too large, none too small all re- ceive careful and accur- ate attention. Our charges are proportionte to our work. We guarantee sat- isfaction, perfect satis fac- tion, and a lasting job. "WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR LINE." P. B. CREWS Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. PROMANADE CONCERT ....AND SOCIAL Clinton Curling Rink Wednesday, June 29 The Clinton Cricket Club bog to an- nounce that they aro making preparations for the biggest Summer Entertainment ever given in Clinton, and have secured at a big ex- • pens() the well-known WELLWOOD ORCHES- TRA, of Toronto also MR. and MRS. W. E. RAMSEY, of Toronto, Canada's best enter- tainers. Ilnr'Soo bills and next week's issue for full particulars. GEO. D. MCTAGGART, Hon. -Pres. T. JACKSON, Jr., Pres. F. R. HODGENS, Soc.-Treas. Boarders and Roomers Wanted. Boarders and Roomers Wanted. Largo and comfortable residence on Townsend qt. just south of Public School. J. It. COLLINS. June 7th. Phaeton For Sale, Phaeton for sale in good order. Can bo seen on the premises of the subscriber JAMES FAIR. Clinton, Juno lst. House and Lot For Sale. House and lot for sale on Cutter St. in rear of Queen's Hotel. Apply to C. MILNE Queen's Hotel. Clinton, June 13th. To Let or For Sale-. The undersigned offers for sale or rent that 1i story brick residence on Raglan St. There oro 8 bedrooms, dinning room, sitting room, kitchen. Also good stable. In connection with the residence are two acres of land and a largo number of fruit trues. For partionlars apply to CANTELON BROS., Clinton. HARRY CANTELON, Mt. Forest. March 14th. ����� Fire ! Fire ! Now is the time to fire all the dirt and dis- ease in your mattresses and feather beds. The old and reliable Feather Man from Goderich is here again and in the old stand next the Dow - son House. If not in the shop when you call leave your orders at N. Robson's and they will receive prompt attention. Get your mattresses done and don't forget old ones made new. S. HALSTEAD. Clinton, June 7th. Going JuI•y 14 (All ill (9,S. Athabasca) Returning until Sept. 12 Going July 19. Returning until Sept. 17 (An Han or S. S. Alberta.) Por tickets 'apple to an tlaladlan Paolflo Agent, eOEt,OteVit, Gen. Ps.Agent Knn6rasTron In the High Court of Justice. RE McKAaf McKAY VS. McKAY. Pursuant to tho Order made in this cause bearing date tho fourth day of September, 1896, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL —in tho— TOWN OF SEAFORTH in the County of Huron at the hour of throe o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, the Ifith day of July, '98 tho following property :-Tho North halves of Lots Numbers Thirty-one and Thirty-two in the Eleventh Concession of the Township of McKillop in the County of Huron containing' ono hundred acres more or less. There are ninety-five acres of cleared land in a good Mato of cultivation, including a good bearing orohard of about one acro, and the ro maining five acres consist of culled hardwood bush. The soil is a clay loam. The buildings consist of a frame dwelling house', with kitchen attached, and p, frame barn, 351(60 with stabling underneath. The farm is Watered by wells. It is situate about eight miles from tho Town of Soatorth which is reached by good roads, and is within one and half miles from est office tore bla k- ith shop and schools s o For further particulars apply to Messrs. Gar - row & Proudlooa Goderich; F. Holmestted, Seaforth; Ernst Heaton, Goderich and Wilkie & Irving, Victoria St., Toronto. Dated at Goderich this Kith day of Juno, 1898. B. L. DOYLE, Master at Goderich. To Improvers of Stook. The undersigned has on his promises, 10th coneeseien, Goderich Township, MARRIAGES. BCQTT-MARTYN-In Kincardine, on Tues- day, June lith 1898, at the residence of Mayor Mattyn, �y Rev. Chas. Miles B. A., of the Church of England, Mr. Thos. O. Scott to Mies Lettie Martyn. FISHER-MORRELL-In Harrlstbn, on Wed- nesday, June 15th at the residence of the bride's parents, Ms Morrell, of HatTiston to Mr. Samuel Fisher, of Kincardine. FITZGERALD-MoKi.M-At the residence of the bride's father, Lorne, on the 8th of June, by the Rev. Mr. Smith, Mr. Robert Fitz- ggerald. of Kincardine to Miss Carrie, daughter of Mr. S. MoKim. POLLOOK-GEDDES-At the residence of the bride's father, Jahn Geddes, Esq., Kinloss township, on Wednesday June 15th, by the Rev. Mr. Moss Mr. it. A. Pollock of Huron township to Mies Raphael Geddes, BROWN-IRWIN-At the residence of the brides parents, South Line, Kincardine on Wednesday. Juno 15th, by the Rev. Dr. Kincardine, Frauois Brown to Mary Irwin, both of Millarton. MANUEL-HAINES-In Wingham on Wed- nesday Juno 15 by Rev. Jas. A. Hamilton, Elijah Mauue1 to Mies Jennie Heines, both o1 Wingham. DOUGLAS-DIOK-At the residence of the bride's father,Mr. Thomas Diok,on June 7th, Rev. J. S. Henderson, assisted by Rev. J . A. McDonald. Mr. Robert Douglas, of Stanley, to Mies Mary Diok. BELL -DICK -At the residence o1 the bride's father Mr. Thomas Dick on June 7th, by Rov. father, Henderson, aeslsted by Rev. J.A. McDonald, Mr, Thos. Hell, of Heneall, to Miss Bertha Diok. MCGRICGOR-GILMuR-In Wingham, on Wednesday, 15th inet., Robt. McGregor, to Miss Mable Gilmor, both of Wingham. MERKLEY-TERRIb1F-On Wednesday, June let, 1898, by the Rev. J.W. Golfln, of Gerrie, Jas. Morkley to Miss Maggie Terriff, both of Belmore. HARDIE-HENDERSON-At the residence of the bride's parents, Bluevale road. on Juno 9th, by Rev. W. J. West. Mr. Andrew Hardie, of Turnberry to Miss Maggie, daughter of Chas. Henderson. DONNhLLY-HODGINS-In Mooresville, on the 15th inet., by Rov. Brownlee, o1 Gran- ton Mr. J. Donnelly, of London township to Miss Georgina, youngest daughter of Mr. Moses Hedging, of Mooresville. HARLTON-MARK-At the Manse Grand Bend. on Juno 7th, by Rev. S. A. Carriere, Mr. Thomas 0. Marlton, of Stephen Towu- ebGip, to Mise Margaret L. Mark, of the Vill- age of Greenway. COOPER -CLARK -At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. J. T. Clark, 52 Macken- zie Crescent, Toronto on Wednesday, June 22nd, by Rev. Dr. McDonald, Seaforth Ogle J. Cooper, to Nettie Clark, both of Clinton. BIRTHS. TOLL -In East Wawanoc".n, on June Gth the wife of Wm. Toll, on a son. GIBSON-On June 15th, Mrs. Jas. Gibson, of East Wawanosh, o1 twin daughters. PENNINGTON-In Grey,. on June 8th, the wife of Walter Pennington, of a son. IRWIN-In Huron township, on Tuesday,June 7, 1898, the wife of Robt. Irwin, Esq,, of a son. OATEN -At the Methodist parsonage, Bel - grave, June 15th, the wife of Rev. F. J. Oaten, Ph. B., of twine -boy and girl. GLAVIN-In McGillivray, Juno 15th, the wife of Thos. Glavin, of a daughter. WILLIAMSON-In Wingham, on June 10th, the wife of Wm. Williamson, of a daughter. DONAGHY-In Fordwioh, on Monday, June 13, 1898, the wife of Mr. F. A. Donaghy, of a son. MCLEAN-Lr Clinton, on June 17th, the wife of Mr. E. M. McLean, of a son. DEA -:IS, EXFORD-In Turnberry, on June 10, Maria Exford, aged 79 years. HANLICY-In Kirkton, on June 9th, Susanna Hanley, aged 90 years, 2 months and 10 days. RIGNEY-In Exeter,on Juno 11, Otto Lorenzo, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rigney, aged 4 months days. FAIRHALL-At Centralia, on June 11th, Samp- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairhall. FRASER-ln Cleveland, on Sunday, Juno 12th 1898, 'Miss Margaret Fraser, daughter of Mrs. Christena Frazer, Princess street. WILSON -In Huron township. on Sunday,June 12th, 1898, James Wilson, aged 45 years and 6 months. TEWSLEY-In Colborne, on Monday, June 13th, 1898, Joseph Tewsley, Sr., aged 62 years And 7monthe. BEGO-In Mitchell, on the llth inst., James Hogg, aged 81 years. INGRAM--In Mitchell, on the 10th inst., Albert Wesley, youngest child of Thos. Ingram, aged 1 year and 7 months. GILL -IN GREY, on June 8th, Elizabeth G111, aged 60 years. The victory rests with America's Greatest Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla, when it enters the battle against impure blood. Mr. J. W. St. John is anpounced to speak in north Perth, at Stratford, on June 27, and at Milverton and Listo- wel on June 28. For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do. pend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures mind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best ;female physicians and nurses in tho United States. Price twenty-flve 3ents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throught out the world." Be sure and ask for "MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, A Thoroughbred Jersey 'Bull. Terme:-$1 and $2, A. Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, rates - toted. Terms; --$1, with the privilege of return- ing. Terms: $l,, with privilegge of roturning 'rod This is a rare ohance to improve your stook 6&-tf. T. C. ]reit Owwner FRESH FRUITS Having opened out a Restaurant and Fruit Store in the Beaver Block, next Hovey's Drug Store, I will keep on hand a stock of Fresh Fruits. It will arrive daily and be the hest the market affords. I respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. TRY OUR ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY ' W. SPARLINC. DAIN SPARLING, Mgr. Chester Cooney, aged 12, fell over the Oxford street bridge at London of the gravel bed of the river, 25 feet below. He bas concussion of the brain. PROSTRATED, EXHAUSTED. NO SLEEP --NO REST. LL do not appreelate the words of John G. Saxe, who sang, "God bless the man who fret invented resp," ut appreciation is not wanting to those Who beve suffered as 1Vire. white of Mara ownehip but, who became so ill with Torvotiin troubloa that, to sot her bro- t er r. Donald Mena% a eltkno9� pp re - dent of that tiluatrletio boo ion of North Ontgrlo; "My Sister had net slept a 199ght for 'Over three months. ♦ She could not n;avoo n y when death uehnned itdininentlthatsSe 12 American Nervine boo'atee the good pU1ry- e!clan. After takingthe flrggt one of 4y - WW1). Nervine she Meet ll night, and gnlnoe IA floith until perfectly well, and has now ijo In of nerdonaness." This iso a wonder- Vtdoue tb.i. andlthe nreatcetsnipqh-UiiIIdfer to bo round anywhere, ln. li& vorld,•--•••26. Sold by Watts & Cie oil e t w e w 1 fi J b J w b H d'CT Sa As trei fro wb bre to mil tin th fn w, to: ve. al br .w, St in to Po' o0 T ab W, ao di of re p, 0 a News -Record .Supplement. Clinton, June 23rd, 1898. Forest Ilouse. Miss Downs, of St,. Thomas, visited at Mrs. Geo. Brownlee's last week. Miss Ida Bennett and Mr. William Jamieson, of Alma, called un friends here this week. Mr. D. Robb, P.S.I., paid No. 9 a visit and as usual found everything satisfactory. This argues well for our teacher and trustees. We are sorry that the county council did not see tit to give back the lots that were taken from No. 9 and given to No. 2. The pupils attend No. 9 and the property is assessed in No. 2. This does not seem fair, but the children did not wish to walk twice the distance. Everybody here is talking of taking in the monster picnic and football match in Depot Park, Kippen, on Sat- urday. They expect a big time. Mr. Patterson wheeled to his home in Bayfield and back the other even- ing. Picnics to Bayfield pass through here daily now. They seem to like the lake breezes. The gramophone will give comic songs, speeches, cornet solos, selec- tions from Sousa's band, etc., etc., from the varandah of the Rectory next Monday evening. Kipper'. .Mr. Smillie had a large barn raised last week. This improves the look of the farm very much. Some of our sports went to Clinton Monday evening to see the football match. The "Shamrocks" of ltiippen held a meeting last week and elected the fol- lowing officers : Hon. Pres, ---T. N. Forsyth. Pres, -J. Balfour. Sec,-Treas.-D. Bell. Captain. -T. H. Brownlee. Exec•uti.,e Cownaiittee-S. Mcb'fordie, T. Doig, J. McKay. The terata decided to contest for the "Crawford Cup" now held by Dublin. .At the close of the tweeting the officers retrained and de- cided to hold a wionster picric and and football tnatcli. The programme will consist of races, tug-of-war, jump- ing, vaulting, putting shot, and other athletic sports and plenty of swinging. Refreshments of every des- ct iptton will 'be served as there is to be a booth on the grounds. All are wel- come, providing you bring a basket with some provisions in it. The corn. is sparing no pains to snake this the grandest of the grand events ever held' in Kippen. Mr. E. Cudnlore, who has been in Thorndale for some time, returned last week, ea,- - Collins' 3 y� but waw recaptured. He is a religious fanatic, and gives the peni- tentiary authorities some trouble, Is It The Same In Huron? Going to county council is not what it used to be," sorrowfully remarked one of the members who returned from the. June session on Saturday to the Ridgetown Dominion. "How is that?" inquired' the Do- minion. "Why, there is only fourteen of us there now and half of them go home every night. Those who remain are divided between the hotels, and Chat- ham is a pretty dull plane in the evens inge. In the old days when the mem- bers numbered from thirty to thirty, six we used to divide up principally be- tween two hotels, and in the evenings the reading rooms and corridors were always filled with councillors, friends and visitors discussing council matters, county and general politics. Many hot old political arguments occurred, inter- rupted only when we adjourned to the bar for a cigar or a little something else. Yes, most of the oldtimers took a glass, but soarcely ever too much. They drank or took a smoke merely to be sooiable,. but were always ready for busi- ness either at the council board or on committee. The new -men as a rule are quieter and more retiring -the old- timers had more of the "bail fellow," jovial style about them, ready with joke, song or story, as to the occasion seem ed fit. How we did enjoy the occasion% al tilts between one and another, es- pecially about election time. Kent oounty council bas contained a great deal of good timber, many of its mems bers fit to take a plaoe either at Toron- to or Ottawa. The present -men are clever enough and do the business all right, but,somehow, they are not like the old fllows who used to meet there times a year at Chatham, before the change in the law." TWO WARNINGS. Losing flesh is one and a hacking cough is another. If they come to• gether the warning is a loud and hard one. Scott's Emulsion does some of its best work in just these cases, It pre, vents conaumpion. Tho American War Taxes. The estimate of the Chicago Times - Herald that Chicago's share of the war tax which is about to be levied by Con- gress, will amount to over $63,000,000, gives one an idea of what this war is costingand .ill cost the United States. A NeYork paper put it that the war is costing a million and a quarter a day as it goes, and employs this as a hurry -up argument. The new revenue bill is a searching one, It strikes most heavily, of Course at beer, tea and tp- baceo-those favorites with tax levying governments -but, it goes much farther afield. Bank stock is to be taxed and so are hank surpluses ; while bank cheques will cost two cents each and securities one cent for every $100 in value. Then there are to be taxes on brokers, pawn -brokers, amusement halls, circuses, bowling alleys, billiard tables, insurance policies of various kinds, telegraphed messages, telephone tolls, seats infpar1or cars and Korth, in Sleeping care patent medicines, lega- cies, propriottory articles, and various other things. West 'ruckersr'lith. Rev. Mr. Findlay hid farewell on Sunday last. Mr, Murch, of the Lot, - don Road, will supply next Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Crich returned home last Saturday after a lengthy visit with friends in the city of the Straits. Mr. William Bowes, of Markdale, and Miss Mattie Bowes, of Strath - main, were the guests of Mrs. F. Lay- ton the past. week. A number of the young people of the London Road picnicked at Bay- field last Saturday and report having a pleasant time. Miss Pepper, of Mitchell, is visiting friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs, and Miss Sandric•h, nt Ingersol, are the guests of Mr. F. W. Cr ieh. Mr. Thos, Waldron has lately put in a cream separator ou his large dairy fam Onr.e of those pretty scenes took place et the residence of Mr. George Nott on Wednesday afternoon last where his daughter Eva was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Newton Crich in the presence of a large number of invited guests. The wedding presents were pretty and nurnetous. Rev, Mr. Clement tied the nuptial knot. We wish the young couple a pleasant voy- age down life's stream. Seaford'. Rev. S. Bond, who has been pastor of the Methodist church here, preach- ed his farewell sermon on Sunday evening last. Mr. Bond's new field of labor is Ridgetown for which place he will leave next week. The Rev. Mr. Millyat•d will occupy the pulpit next Sunday and the following Sunday. Mr. Rev. Russell, the new pastor, will begin duty here. A large number from town went up to Goderich to hear Godfrey's band. Messrs. Baldwin and Morrison have been engaged to perform in Meaford on Dominion Day. Our "Hi ave Defenders" left for camp on Tuesday where they will tetnain for 12 days. The 33rd Batt. Band accom- panied then,. No one should miss the two lacrosse matches hereon Dominion I)ay. First game between Stratford and Beavers II second game between St. Catherines and Beavers 1. Along with these two games a programme of other s; orts Is is being arranged so that a good day's sport is expected. J. 5. Welsh; Jas. Marshall and B. Thompson attended the semi-annual meeting of the Orange Lodge of South Huron at Hensall on Friday last. 11ti1 u 1,11 {YD, GL4[. [r --moi rlAJ w VC, cm, w Export cattle, per cwt4 20 to 4 65 Butchers' choice cattle, per cwt 4 40 to 4 50 Butchers' good cattle, cwt...,, 380 to 420 Butchers' corn. cattle, cwt 3 30 to Bulls, heavy, per cwt.,3 00 to Bulls, light, per cwt..., 3 30 to Feeders, per cwt 3 95 to Stockers, per cwt 3 50 to Export sheep, per cwt3 25 to Butchers' sheep, per cwt 300 to 3 25 Yearling Lambs, per cwt 4 75 to Spring lambs, each3 00 to Calves, per head. 2 50 to Choice bacon hogs, per cwt 515 to Light hogs, per cwt4 75 to Thick fat hogs, per cwt 4 70 to Sows, per cwt 3 00 to Stags, per cwt 2 00 to 3 50 4 00 3 50 400 3 90 3 50 AN EXPLANATION. 5 50 4 50 8 00 520 4 80 4 75 3 25 2 25 The reason for the great popularity of Hood's Sarsaparilla lies in the fact that this medicine positively cures. It is America's Greatest Medicine, and the American people have an abiding cone fidence in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as serious ail- ments, confident that it will do them good. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills. Mailed for 25o. by C. I. Hood\ & Co., Lowell, Mass. \ Toronto Farmers' Market. Toronto, June 17. -The receipts of grain on the street market here today were small ; prices of wheat, oats, barley and peas were lower. Dressed hogs were dearer. Wheat -Was easier, especially for goose,'300 bush selling at 82o to 85c for white straight, 85c to 85o for red win. - ter, and 80o for goose. Barley -Was lo to 2c lower, two loads selling at 340. Peas -Were 2o lower, 100 bush sell- ing at 48o to 50o. Hay and Straw -The receipts were not large, there was a good demand and the market was steady to firmer, 25 loads of hay selling at $7 to $9, and four Loads of straw at $6 to $7, Dressed Hogs -The receipts were small, there was a good demand, and the market was firmer at $6 to $8 40, the latter for light. We quote :- Wheat, white, standard $ 82 to 8 85 do goose 80 to 00 dal red 85 to 85 ' Barley per bush.. 84 to 00 Oats per bush 82 to 84 Rye per bush50 to 00 Buckwheat 48 to 00 Peas per bush.. 48 to 50i Hay, per ton 700 to 000 Straw. 000 to 700 pressed hogs 0 00 to 0 40 Butter, lb. rolls 18 to 15 do tuba, dairy ,.,, .,, 12 to 18 Chickens 50 to 00 Spring chickens 40 o to 45 Eggs, Turkeys 08 to 09 Potatoes 50 to 00 Beef, iO carcaseshind 5 to 8 do fore 4 to 5 Yearling Iamb 8 to 9 Mutton 5 10 0 Veal,Vr Goderich. Mr. Andrew Wallace, who arrived hero from Scotland during convales- cence of his brother Mr. W. 'Wallace has since taken a position in Hamil- ton, as keeper in the Asylum in that city. All the Togs brought to the Harbor by order of the Messrs. Tromonhaoser for the elevator, ole dumped into the writer 1n order to have thrum cleansed from the sand so Os not to dull the tools used a on them. The tools be- long to the Elevator. Co. and the sten are furnished with theta, bush meth- ods being new to Goderich. Now when our Town Fathers are working hard to beautify the Harbor Park, they Right as well continue the boulevard along the north side ofWest St. to the entrance to the Park and have a nice green sod at the base, where now it is all gravel. The Sunshine Orchestra surely might more properly be designated the Moonshine Orchest ra. Mr. Robert Hamilton and little daughter, of Essex Centre, were in town on Thursday last on their way to visit relatives in Zion, Mrs. T. Videan and Mrs. Carl, West St., spent Friday 10 inst. I11 Berlin, the guests of Mrs. Filatnger of that city. Mrs. Filsinger is spending a few days in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. earl. We are sorry to note the illness of Master Egener, only child of Mt. Egener, of the Inland Revenue, town. The Misses Macintosh, West 5t. south side, had a cactus plant which had 73 lovely pink blossoms upon it last week. The watering cart should have visit- ed the race track on Friday p.m. Mrs. W. Watson carte through from Casselton, Dakota, to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Mamie Gentles, who was married on 16111 inst. at Kincardine to Mr. Magee,,,of the hank of Kincardine. Miss Jessie Straiton, trained nurse from one of the N. Y. State Hospitals, is at present visiting at the home of her parentt, Mr. and Mrs. Straiton, St. David's St. Mr, Alexander .Grant, of Quebec, paid a visit last week, to his sister, Mrs. Spence, Victoria St. i\1r. Grant was the contractor for the second bridge erected many years ago o`er the Maitland where the present bridge now stands. Many of Mt'. Grant's old friends have passed in the GI eat Be- yond. bir, and Mrs. MCGarva, o1' Clinton, spent Sanday in town the guests of Mr and Miss Wallace, \Vest St. A gentleman from Berlin who has been visiting at Seaforth carne via Bay- field to town on his bicycle and thinks that Goderich is the prettiest town he ever visited, 1 MIL LI i i LUU IHUULI ICU and Beautiful Laces: Pretty Russian Blouses and Nice Things in Belts are what are in demand now -a - days. They're here in great variety and , prices suit every purse. Embroideries From the tiniest little pattern up to the Wide Skirt Width. Cream and Butter Laces In all the desirable widths from the very narrow Valencienes to the wide widths also Insersions to mate.. Handsome Things in Parasols Both Plain and Frilled all inthe latest handles. GILROY & WISEMAN CLINTON. ,®,tom _� 1898 New Dried Fruits 1898. Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants—Filiatra& and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS—Filborte, S, S. Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKING FIGS for 5c. a lb. NICE OLD RAISINS for 5c. a lb ----Headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, J. 1 A 0. I �w' I McKay, Block, �/Y ��—..Clinton. OATS! Wanted in exchange, 12 lbs. Choice 1 bus. Oats. Oatmeal for 18 lbs. Choice bUIJrOatLis Family Flour for These are our present rates but we don't know how long they will last. Oats taken in exchange for Groceries, O. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET, MERIT WINS SUCCESS! �i t A� STRATFORD, ONT. This school dons first -clans work In °tory depa'ri.: moor and enjoyes a largo patronage, A Ceinn'rer» oral School of tiro highest grade --none bottot' iS Uanada. Students can anter at any time. Cetalogtlo Iroe, W. S. ELMOTT, Prinbial. „n PUMPS! PUMPS! • If yon want a flret-olase, woll•mado pant), One the w111 give yen satisfnotton, eonrl your order tethl' nndereigned, Ho will dig and olefin wolfs aril d6 it et the closest prises. lie also handles a flrlit+elaiWl FORGE PUMP, JAMES VERGIY8014 Oppotlit Quoon's liotot • high Street tjllihtott' ��tf