HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-23, Page 3ROADS, elected by t'he people Go Iwy out, and Chown tile! road with a Vise at one DOLLS OF FAMOUS WOMEN. 4,�O0Dconstruct Certain o14the leadirugroad, iJaoly to tI►s foot Erwin side to cel3tra ao-,,�WEWA1� to be Au hi E5a aired 'thereafter maim- so to !#bed water front, the roadway to tailed by n r�..n,.,t.. �,o a%_ A lion1e IntelrcelRuR Aecaun4a About llt4w the I __ -4 - A bill tali just pass the New York' Give the open drains a good fall to Pets were 7'reaited auQ Uretaaed A `�, (� A. Campbell, C. �oa(ti°n maY be aderlrted aa's ate roads. The pe- °f AM °qty Council, certain roads a free outlet. Lay the underdrains Where needed. When Charlotte sad Emily Broute were little woman they lived a hard, VV , • •! rens yba adopted as state roads. The pe- tation is first presented to tqW State ' Drain thoroughly., Keep the road surface dry. ifeop the earth under desolate 1dEe on the bleak Yorkshire Commissioner 11s51oner of Ontario. E'ogeneew• ,Xf be approves of the sec- aeal,tb,the surface dry. moors, and found the Chief, pleasure of lu tiolu of road thus sought to be improv -Use road machinery. their Young lives in playing with a . -'-' ---- ed, she Prepares plans, sepcifieations and estimates. I 'Use (graders, stone crushers and road a9et of very ugly wooden dolls. They The Great Need of This Country is (hood Roads --(-low These are Presented to the legislatui a and, if approved by that . rollers. Improved machinery is as necessary thou gh't rather slightingly of doll Ia- to Build Them Economically Explained by an body, 60 Per cent. of the cost of con- I for good and economical work, as are biea, dressed the wooden figures in Expert --Useful Hints and Diagrams to the Road struction is paid by the state.,self-binders The New Jersey'H$ghway and steam -threshers. Employ one man to take charge of coats and trousers, and gave them most Builders of this Countyy law pro- vides that on the petition of the owners themachinery. He will become ex- do better cheaper heroic ,names. Charlotte Bronte's fav - orite playfellow was called the Duke In order to extort some violent emotion the bars, seized the canaries, and twist- Of two-thirds of the land bordering on perienced and and in a special way, and that special way. Any Spaniard over the age of nine- is an extravagant way, but there is a road, the state Commissioner of work. of Wellington, and the gallant Duke ., WAGON TIRES. fixes a large peweentage of our annual Public Roads will cause the road to be improved in accordance with plans The same teams should be always em- ployed to operate the graders, They bed, Armies of tin soldiers against Em - it's Napoleon, or stood up to listen It would seem as though in every- . o thing the present methods in regard tax. If these emiverta awe in their , proper loeatioona, natural watercourses, and specifications prepared by him, sub- eot to the approval the Legislature. became accustomed .to the work and give better service. whhiss long poems hile Carlotte read to . to roads in Canada are contrary to good and other fixed places, tlhey will always I of Ce owners oil the land affected b the Do not cover an old gravel road with she had compared in his honor. Besides judgment. Gravel or broken atone in dumped loosely, without even spread- be required and thoir constwuotion in the most durable manses- is Ghee best Improvement pay one-tenth of the cost; the county six the sod and earth from the sides otl- the road. Turn t4da earth and sod out- the battles, those children built a tiny Ing, on a badly graded, badly drained and most eemo heal plan. Pays -tenths; and state three -teethe. ward and raise the Contra. with new stn in their nursery, aril wrote lit - Bub -soil. In the use of these roads the Few small culverts there is very lit- Connecticut has introduced a plan of gravel. tie plays for the dolls to act, and Coln - same recklessness is glaringly appar- tie difference in the cost of timber and highway Improvement providing for Adopt every means to secuire a (hard, posed romances, in which one doll res- ent. When wide tires have universally vitrified pipe. If properly laid the lat- the appointment of three State cam- l smooth, waterproof auVfaoe,Cued another from the pirates or Turks, replaced the narrow tires which are Aiw found farm ft. ter will withstand the frost and is dur- to missioners. When a township votes in Do not let stones roll loosely on the or went tiger ehoating in a jungle of on wagons, a great Part of the road question will bei sole- r able. These pipes may be used up 18 inches in diameter; and the capacity favor of constructing a road under the provigi°ns of the State Highway Act, road. DO not let rults remain. They make shawls in one end of We play -roam. 11 ed. Narrow tires of two and one-half may be increased by laying two ar specifications are prepared and submit- travelling difficult; and spoil the road The Brbnte dolls had very exciting Inches in width have only one half of . the bearing on the road which wouldI more rows, but t1ba pipes should have at least one foot of eawbh or other fill- tad to the state Commissioners. If the commission apprarea, the township by 'holding water. Make repairs as soon as tate defect lives indeed, but their end wan "It so be provided by tires of proper width. Ing between them. Culverts of 5 Or 10 council lets contracts far the work, to, appears. sad as that of Jane Welsh' Carlyle's By referring to the supporting power feet span should be oement concrete be peTformed under the supervision Use wide tires. doll. This clever woman was preco- oP sons discussed in the paragraph on "Foundrztilons," arches, which is permanent if the con- of the state Commissioners. One-third Improve the drainage of the hills. cions as a child, and she loved Only one the effect of this is more apparent. By the use of a six Crete is properly made. The concrete should be composed of first class nem- of the cost is paid by the state; clue- tbdrd by the county; and oue-third by Make the crown of the roadway higher doll. When at last is her studies the - Inch tire, the roadway will support, without yielding, twice the load which a ent: clean, sharp, silioious sand, free from earthy particles and coarse en- the township. The expenditure by the state in this way is limited to $75,,000 than on level ground. Change the location of the road if, a girl began to translate the first book of Virgil, she decided it was time to It could support with a three inch tire. I ougb to pass t'hroug'h a twenty mesh, annually. steep hill Can be avoided, Do for culverts. Use give up doll gasses. Accordingly, she Narrow tires cannot be too strongly Condemned. They cut and grind the sieve; clean gravel screened through an inch and a half, screen, the largest The State of Rhode Island has ap- not use wood conorete, vitrified pipe or atone. nc piled on its ball the doll's clothes, ed road, plow and upheave it. Wide stones to be nat more than two and pointed a ooluimissioner of highways. When a council represents tan the com- Use not build wooden bridges.iron, added several lead pencils, a few tires on the contrary, are a benefit one .half inches in diameter; oar in place missioner the need Dar improving a cer- stone or concrete. sticks of cinnamon, grated over this rather than an injury to the road of gravel broken st.anes that will pass tain road an examinations is made by, Build good roads, some nutmeg, a,nd emptied over the . Inasmuch as they act as rollers to pre- through a two and one half inch ring. do in matters in which I am profoundly interested or which are very important. ables a person to measure a liquid drop funeral' pyre a vial of perfume. Fin - serve a smooitbe hard surface. In some , localities wide tires are objected to un- These materials should be mixed in the proportion of one cwbic foot of cement, of this novelty are an air inlet and a demand an excuse for illegitimate ex.• rete nd- ally, with many tsars, she pretend- .. . deer the argument that they increase two cubic feet of sand and tihree cubic . bottle. erend- that the doll baso stashedly, the draft required to move the load. feet. of gravel air broken gtone„ with swung out her shingle as a barber, and little creature. The present nurse loaves the tabyy, and laying the unhappy sawdust corpse ,; This may, occur under certain occas- tonal conditions of very wet and soft just enough wester to make the whole into a plastic mass. The sand and cem- to a lot of senseless babble and harm - she is of the opinion that men prefer on the bed set fire to ' it. When the roads. But when wide tires are uni- ent, must first ire mixed dry., then a band to make himself disagreeable in � � ` fire pagan to burn the doll Jane . rviersally used this objection will dis- sufficient quantity of water added to _ --- _ == _ _ MT w Welsh's feelings y. nB gave wa, She anatch- 1 appear, as the increased draft is due make it into a thick paste. It should I - -- "- - - w _ -• -_ �-� fla,naw, b t all too late, mat dem I 11 to the rats and mud caused by narrow then be thoroughly mixed again, spread turning to the grandmother, "got al 1 toy t y tires. out, the stone or graivel added, and the... Madre Mountains. Chihuahua, Mexico, fined' that it can't dart its strengthen - ashen. -11 DIMENSIONS OF ROADS. whole thoroughly mixed until every A GOOD ROAD COVERING. -Cross-section. Geordt Eliot possessed several dolls For the aiveTage country road, a . graded roadway twenty-four feet in stone is coarted with the mortar„ then gut it in I place. The walls should ex- The largest stones in the bottom and the smallost at the surface, free from in her childhood, but gave them her, attention or affection onlyLits and width between the inside edges of the tend well below the frost line and have sand and cls clay; and thoroughly rolled. while pursuing a wounded deer. Rich starts. In "The Mill anthe Floss" open drains, will be ample to accommo- date travel. For the average road, if a win at idle ends to protect the em- bankment from waslh. him• I1 be considers the weak recces- sarY, she prepares plans, specifications a WHERE THE DAY BEGINS. she writes3 o1 a little girl, Maggie Tul- liver, who kept in the garret a hideous the central eight feet is metalled with BRJDGES, and estimates; and reports to the mun- e � wooden doll, lacking a head, one arm and a leg. When poor Maggie was in gravel or broken stone, it will be suf- fident. The depth and width of the Vt ooden bridges, except where timber is in ici alitieaaPfected also to the state le P g- islature as to the in winch Proor That 'there is Snell a Place to the trouble she went to the, garret to weep afsen drains will have to be governed by ver plentiful the immediate local- ity, arnot a,.good investment in view proportion the expense should be met by the state I World is Here submitted. and drive nails into the forlorn body of this called Fet- circumstances. Sufficient capacity must - beprovided to carry away all surface of the reduced cast of iron and 'steel, and the increasing cost of timber. Tim- and this municipalities benefited. If tie state legislature approves the work ' Seeing that as ono moves westward this time gets earlier and earlier, so wretched placything ishe Every nail in Fetish's body rep- water. The depth must be dependent also Con the fall obtainable. With tile ber decays quickly, and while cheaper than is performed by contract Vermont that when it is Monday noon in Lon- resented the fault for which Maggie mourned or suffered punishment. underdrains, deep open ditches are not steel in first cost, is moire ex en- P sive after a term of years since the and Californiaalso contr. bate largely in tete form of state aid, don it is some time on Monday morning When grown to be a famous woman Eliot that in her needed to drain the road foundation. T�e� cost of repairs is very great. ' while 'Indiapna, Kentucky and others in America, it follows than, if this George confessed youthful days she had owned and mal- 10"� use of tale does away wiltlh the deep and dangerous open ditches which Generally speaking the cost of an iron c'ontribulte to a less degeree, Only the bare outlines of the systems have been principle were continued without lim- it ' treated a doll called Fetiah and Mag - may otherwise be necessary. The crown . superstructure is more than that of wood. The substructure of stone or stated, with the object of sbowin'g the all the way round the world, at the gie's behavior was thse true story Of her own childish life. of the road should be such as to g{ve s fall of one inch to the foot from concrete is moire expensive than pile Or P Crib work, but as In ether structures a Prominence the question of road im- Provement has attained of recent years, same moment that it was Mon- da y noon in London it would be al- Miss Jean Ingelow possessed a special that Amelia. Centre to the edge of the ditch. firm foundation is most serviceable and adopted within the past five years. In so twenty-four hours later-i.e„ Tues- waxen favorite she named Amelia went everywhere Jean did, and HILLS. • Hills are among the difficult portions economical. Wooden foundations from decay and other causes settle and the adopted within the past five yeaxa, In all these systems, safeguards are placed day noon in London, As this is ,a re- ductio she was introduced to all the agreeable who cams to the Ingelow house, of the road to co truct, and are a Construct, constant source of expense for repairs. least settlement in the foundation twists the timber causing a disarrange- to Prevent the expenditure exceeding„ fox any State ox any locality, certain ad absurdum, we have to look for the limit, which does, in fact, exist, people her dresses were always made from. a piece of whatever cloth Jean wore, and The reason of this usually is, that the ment of the strains awl. frequently reasonable limits, according to require- to the principle that as one moves when games of merry times were en- draina.ge is imperfect. Water is transferring the greatest load to the meats and ability to meet the pay- westward the time 'gets earlier, and joyed in the nursery -Amelias was plac- brougdit long distances in open drains b y the aaaadside, and pooled aver the weakest point. Wherever timbers have a seat or bearingtax sexy soon menets. In most oaf these states the is so levied that the towns and as one moves eastward gets later. ed wherever she could take, in .the fun with the rest of the young folks. An • •.'hills, frequently to flood over the whole surface, It is to Lind commences, and tidien least expected, collapses under a 'heavy load, cities pay the greater portion of the cost of state road construction; for.ex- Before the circumnavigation of the B globe tabre ill-advised bath on a hot day was "so to Amelia's . not uncommon the centre of the roa+i over the hill Wherever timber is used in bridges B ample, in the State of New Yolrk it is was no difficulty. When on a Monday the son stood over Lon- hopelessly destructive painted beau! and sawdust constitu- P Y --. lOweT than the open drains at its side- • it there are drnir,s at all. The natural it sehould be used in members from four to six inches in thickness, the strength estimated that the people outside of the towns and cities will pay only 10 per y don, it was Monday noon in London. As tion that the lnlgelow family pronouno- ed her quite dead. Her funeral was 1. result is that washouts are constantly of the beam or chord being. obtained cent of t , the cost , the sun moved (to use thespopular well attended and for many months rc oulring. For conditions of this kind by building se,verat members together, IN BRIEF. phrase) westward, and stood a little Jean sorrowed for Amelia and refus- tele simple remedy is to dispose o1 the; water before it reaches the hill, by Properly breaking joints, and coating j each bearing with lead. A further Roads that "break up" are bad roads. later over Dublin, it became Monday ed ever to take a.uotheii doll to heart. big doll family, con- MYang it tWough the adjoining fields Protection is to cover these built timb- Make road improvements in such a w ay that they will be Permanent. noon in Dublin, and so on until he Not only her own but all dolls, five or shabby, large or . 11if necessary. The probability is that ers with galvanized iron to protect the Whether by statute labor or other reaklied the western limit of the small, black or whits, who came An- . the greater amount of water has been numerous joints and bearings from means undertake roadwork systema- known world. WTien the sun passed nie Tbackeray's way shared the ten- . carried in deep ditches past water- Moisture. All caps, cocrbles, chords, tically. over that limit that was the end of der affection of her overflowing heart. course after watercourse in order to ' dispose of it never the hill; thaaretys hraees and floor beams should be made in this way so that the thickness. of no Appoint a supervisor who will have charge of all the roadwork. noon for that Monday, and nobodyWhen a very little girl she believed dolls were quite as much alive as, real avoiding the necessity of constructing timber will be more than six inches. Make road bea.,s five miles in length, knew what the sten was doing until he I babies, and if they lost head or arms drains through farm land in the natur- A wooden bridge should be painted one choose the est men as pathmasters, h reappeared on the eastern limit of the the missing members would grow al watercourses. The secret of success- . fill odrainaga with respect to roads, is ,year afteT erection; iron bridge at time of erection,. and care should be taken i and keep them In office . Classify the roads according to the known world, bringing with him Tues- again. 'When her dolls suffered an ac- cident she went weeping to her fath- . to dispose of water in small quantities to see that they are kept painted and nature and extent of traffic over them. day. morning, It is evident, there- fo that er and be would gravely assure her i _ before it can gain force and 'headway. that all nuts are 'kept tightened so Specify the width of grade, amount re, while the sun was in the that all dolly needed was an interyiew ,w Another cgmmon occurrence is to find water• oozing_ from the the that each member may carry its fair I share of the load, of crown, plan of drainage, kind, width' unknown abyss between west and east, with the family physician. Putting the to surface of and depth; of material to be used, and be dropped the attribute of making may' in his pooket he would pretend - see that these specifications are carried the time at all places directly wider be off to the doctors,, Instead he went --_ __,,,,,_ out.. straight to a top hop, -had the doll ,,„ _ ��— ��5 ' Purchase gravel by the pit not by the h18 rays Monday noon and took to repairecr, and returned her whole and • .4 � � load, i himself the attribute of, making it hearty to his daughter. -_ ^.- -^_• Use clean road material; j Tuesda' noon. When, at 14 years of age, George - '' READY TOR EIVE THE G12AVEL.-Cross-section. Strip the clay and earth from over the ravel Pit, before the time of er- g I p I As the Confines of the world were Sand heard some one laugh at the idea o,f so (lolls. :•-• Showing earth shoulders as turned g back b the Y graaiug machine. forming statute labor. If screening or crushing is neees- I Pushed further eastward and west- j ward, respectively, Like .lane •Wd sh, she conludedlt. theme up, With teens and hearty huge 1. VlToad arm hills. This is especially no- . The cost o[ renewing a wooden bridge wry' let this be dons before the time of statute labor. s THE UNKNOWN ABYSS she lade every one of them adieu and locked them into a garret closet. At rq-,;,ticeable after the frost leaves these spots.. The sufrface is sofa and spongy, in w.hich.a man has to he sent. to put in a new timber from time to time,. Do not scatter money- in making tri- where this change of attribute had to be first the separation from her adored ,r .aeud,4a out readily by wheels. Such, 11. • should .be drained by placing a will amount to twice the initial cost of tete Bridge. In this way the ultimate fling re g Fairs on temporary structures. Roads, culverts and bridges will al- 'their made got narrower and narrower, 1 until, when the gighe was circumna- playfellows was almost.morethan she could bear, and every ia-y-she would ,itiilla ,'Iiue of the down each side of the road- cost of a timber structure becomes very to aye l;e re aired, and construe- tion in the most durable manner, suit- � vigated' the place of change became sit Por an hour or two, sad and tear- ful, outside the closet door, sometimes y,'• wAY between.Mw givtter and the gray- elthese, underdrains to proper grealt" s .Cilie course pursued by some, indeed able to requirements, is most 'con- a simply a line. This line exists and Is whispering words of comfort through .Carrying i' outlets, Cross drains should be laid in +eta'fiat>3 t leadiat to the side under- Iia g most municipalities in erecting iron Brill os is likel bows er, to result dis- B y'' omical. if statute labor is to be made suc- the place where the days begin. As the sin crosses this remmrkable spot the keyhole, to the poor exiles, but she never broke her vow to have done with +r. thratine'in a'diagonal course. Well con- asterouslq, and threow iron and steel cessfu'1 the work must be systematical- ly planned and some definite end kept the time jumps twenty-four hours on- l dolls, and by and by they were forgot- ten. ce1Ve$1T utters should be made on each aid8: of the roadway* and at regular into diserepute. A council advertises for tenders. The companies responding in v{es-. e ward -from noon on one day to noon Florence Nightingale's dolls all en- c= iof 'reals catch basins should be placed foo artiest Plow of weber in these supply their own plans and specifica- tions. Thus fax the is en- Have the work properly laid out be- Pore this day appointed to commence !the next day. The situation of the lino has been located quite fortuitous- J°Yeo very indifferent health. Time and main disease stalked through' the, ,$ .the wtitpas "leading it into the the under- ,', procedure tiwely, satisfactory. Tete difficulty anises work. Only call out a sufficient num- her of mea and teams to properly carry 1 namel Y- y By the eircunrstance rhe -r list an i nursery and laid the dbllst so low that their lives were quite despaired af, but tisk, e.ruadway erre a hall should be well when councils accept the lowest tender without obtaining the adevice of B out •the walk in hand and motif them Y y given Place was first reach- ed by civilized man journeying from the little girl, who was to grow up to ' }f+ov;ied. This will Cines- the water r`s-•gtti an experienced builder o£ 'floes Bridges Of the implements each will be requir- ed to brio the east or from the west. The discov- be a ministering angel to thousands in real suffering, always her T, ly to tole drains at the side of the ' r4aJiustead of permitting it to follow as to the plane and specifications sob- muted,. This is a matter in vvebich few B• Let no athmaster return orate -pay- P stet brought with him the almanac 8 from whence he came and if he came Y pulled babies through their worst attacks. One i; tracks deepening them to f' township engineers and suTeveyors are era' statute labor as performed, wales! It has been dome to his satisfaction. from the west the time in the new country be later, night g youthful Miss Florence assured her nurse that she could; not possibly sa; ; 'LOCATION OF ROADS. qualified to decide, and certainly the wisdom o8 councillara, ent[mely with- In justice to others make the statute would and if be came from the east it would be ear- g° to bed because a feverish rag baby hora:are very marry instances where, out Professional Graining in such mat- labor returns clearly ; show what world has not been done. lier than the time in the country he would need onl d hevto ebat �nurae ,fib :,'g{ng the course of a road mum{ciyalities would save a tela, is not to be trusted. (Cases have occurred in wlhioh a difference of five c See that the caundil collects the am- ount from the delinquent parties and came Prom, America was reached by civilized y and moth- er assured the little girl that one of them sit right beside the invalid y�Lg9ittly„ , e; Aum im construetiorr, anti at tihe time a better IA ,`e dollaora oleic influenced a council to ac septa tender for a bridge which was have it expended the next year. man voyagging westward, and China b + y man traveling g eastward, and the re - lured that Florence consented to to bed. go pproduce road. Vieltian w+acid Die u n t avoid - igliel , '11.. q e t y ° manifestly, to 0. man of experience,,The patltmaster should inspect the roads tinder his charge after every awlt is that the line that marks where the days begin Once or twice, thi'nkin'g tl child was fast asleep, the nurse atttemptiecl to py`;i\i wet giroetmd, or would do , 1!:'�rov>!t the necessity of expensive' worth less tbam the other by several hundred dollaers; and which was indeed heavy rata -storm. A few minutes' lies between these i two, in the Pacifio ocean, and in - leave ber post, but Florence was awaits Y s•.'daid"!ills. A.will can sometimes x 'unsafe offering ever likelihood of Pail- y ore work in freein drains frons obstruo- g tions, filling holes, diverting a cuirront I stead of being a straight line, zi , zagsa g Wit' dividing islands fo an {natant. At midnight n second ef- fort nes made desert. the sufferer, ���y �,l arun!0d or tore girade very much ' tiCed by altering the location of the with attendant loss of life and great expense Don• reconstruction. It of water may save several days' woriq p- wh{ch hap- paned to be discovered from the east o but the child wake again, and in the the . ;!lpi�s� is a prejudice against talc- is difficult to understand the action of If neglected. Bl It is impossible to do satisfactory t from those which happened to be dia- end nurse was obli d to remain r beside the dolls bed until Miss Night - i I tlll9 iib da Ltro& Vile linee laid down t t, tkcig{nal survey, and roperty some councillors sha•ewd in other mat tewa, in tare conatruetiolu of brio gee and work on clay roads which are very wet, have covered from the west. There must still be man islands in that ocean Y up, bright and early a the morn to ,. � d,ftq� Prefer' to helve their farms other Public woft4ka* prooeeding with Cr which become baked and hard- erred b heat and drought. The opera- ! y where it not yet decided to which morning, and able g, g, pronounce the patient vastly improved. tittraleght lines. At the same such apparent disregard for the true a side of the line they belong, and x±�ledby t'lie Value of good roads to the interests of those whom they represent. _._� where if one were put down one wouldA-a s, s iduld not be overlooked, and A small sum spent in securing reliable not know whether it were to -day, to - i 11 atAc & change in the road allow- rieeane'if>a Change from a bad to advice is as much a matter of economy y im colic as in private affairs. p :s morrow or yesterday.There must also be many islands thre which, never liZtEAQVrr ALIAS, Mrs. Honk, Looking ficins loed a>Ir a Change Yrom a �t��p ?-*q� RECENT ROAD LEGISLATION. Navin been p Y B Permanently occupied b y up thascoun- *Ia ade, tue slight inconveni- g The Staete of D?� maolnisetts is one of those �I civilized people, change their day from time t y newppaper-How aLeees it come thrut the swindler they've got in jail in town . 6r&vtbd by tihe alteration orf boun- which has falces advanced ate g P {n to time, so tbat a ship call. P Ing there has two natures? The colds Lim d'. lilies will be many times repaid, ,-, t , , woad improvement, On petition ofI a county, the state road commissionto—MI coming from China might arrive on Tuesday, while another ship Paper 'n one place, Bill Johnson, and. in 1.6MV.>i;Itfl . tI n ,brteaot% Cd municipal wos•k is may, with tyre ass ret of the Legislature, adopt any road within. the county as a `""- I arriving at the same time from Am- erica, would arrive on Monday. 'There another, Walter St. Elmo. FaraieT Heomk-Ob„ Jobnson is bis ,. '%tit, nttti maMisy wasted as in the con- �yrt4rttt5tlkt' afeci, maintenance of sluices state bJgbway. Except that the grad- ing and iu•idging is done by COMPOSITION OF THE AVERAGE must be people living so near this lino flat by going a few the real name; the other is his Ananias. -- �ti btthve,fiN. In most townships these the county,, the work thereafter, both construction ROAD.-Croaa-section. miles y can leave to-daY and get into to -morrow, UNANSWERABLE. 1e+1.a bli.tlt of timber, 'Timber is perish- e, V111 eats erre subjected to repeated and maintenance, is under the author- itY of the state Commissi in. Also on Daily grave I is dropped on the roads I or by going back can find Yesterday. How convenient for troublesome " If you insist upon knowing, there cs of Wet, and dry weather, the teat to wpifcpi timber could be fat.• petition of two oro inose cities or towns, a road betweaxn them ma be made a y without further treatment, The..stones are forced down into the mud, and the; a pointmeents 1 M other stir{Cue considerations are two reasons for my refusing You." "And they are ?" ,fit Erick year a {ar+go number state Std ,Kibosh. The "'state cam- mud comes to the surface. _ - - i � b oeCuar nae, ut have sand enough to " Yourself and another man." tit' tl# se atilvdItts.ai a renewed at a cost of•"'f'Aom '# tb, 50 6A01ht, in some town- mission" is corn composed ofThree com- missioners v&o Com ile statistics make tom' of title grading machine ahpupd have instructions to commence work on Clay ghbw-what ever gone does not per- hsps realize --that there ie a place in -....-, M'.eg#ening f X500 to $1,500, obis i h ttiiet T outlay. The life investigations, advise regarding road roads as soon as the grouted has be- the world where the days begin, (ANCIENT PUSURVED FLOWERS. 'Nell • po ehoert that it wnstruatiate and maintenance, and hold come sufficiently settled In spring--- -`��-"-`- -preserved flowers discovered. at fie" ea6if ilii a before re- public meetings four the discussion of road malttera. One-fourth the Dost of and not to leave this work ubtil the time of statute labor, usually in June, I The mem who has never been In dan- Dahewurh, In Hgypt in tombs of the imps of the Pharaolis, have just been 11 re.. . red and these repairs in Almost to Construction is paid by the County the When the lgroulnd is heard and dry. i e °t answer for Lis courage.-•- plued in the Cairo Museum. The Com- timn trmovhi't renew remaining thlree-bourths being paid by With the mOhey which Can be spent, tnonest of these were the white or blue tpue InbA dkpe'flsiye kind. ,A brok- the sitMe. In 1894 the state spent $80q,- build permanent culverts, permanent A London idiot, who for years has lotus, the red poppy, the leavea and artist 0 sbxxngef, a rotten log or tllller lielilttt~atd !vitt' new at differ- 000, in t9tas way' in 1805 $400,000; and 1n 1698 $600,000. ]fit is Inetended bridges, buy machinery, buyy gravel I for belch, eI rorimelntingi witih projectiles,' flan rs of the pamogwamate, of the sat. d the orooual' jod+s, tmarkes 'the maintenance thin Clause of structure that wl- tamaitely about ane -tenth of the entire pits, prepare gravel hauling, eon- dt'ruct drains, operate the machinery. olalmet 'flat he halt invented,, a bullet that will shoot rotund a corner, or dowtk I ' •-•- tiy; Aho toiw !iced expenshve, No road mtleage will be built as atate high. ways. fuse the statute labor an far as pow- behind a parapet. (After lsiltrl� thte p"ito�rtity gi'3e ti y all been rebuilt than In M oibigan, upote a majority vote ee(b1d in drimin,g gravel or broken guW6 ft dturfs forward hoAsontall��0 turns to A ouious accident befall a boy at ltt� ir>t +clafhtmpinee .!ilio recces- t#A horst, in this wttq the of tore relic 1�ayeara lu any cptnuty, a county woad stone, 1?a not leave the gravel or broken thlent sbarmptly this right nr lett, upward or downwarrd as the marlulman Golden Hing, ,Mr]., and nixie Lilco deaf 'firer one ear, go st�lmbled in a field, dt e b0bW40 pe*411al, and system May be ad6piteal IA boatrd of cClmmi illonera five in su)Abety otane Just, a9 it drops from the wagon. I Spt"d the deorees, twording to tial object he tie» A briar stem aluitsred his ear, and pier& are x"tel. f sires- to hit. I W the dt lwn, , ' I INTERESTING ITE MS. L..l %r.- A Few Nwrat\rnpha heath Wl1I It iFoglr4IN I W N 013 [040 \Vara Hese h itanti. Two-thirds of Spain's population Cant neither read nor write. ...-, The fathe}• of the new baby taken A Japanese bride gives her wedding the Child in a WOW that entitles hisloi Presents to her parents as some s4ht recompense for in almost to be called the new father- 1101 views the baby with absolute serious - their trouble rearing her. cess. "I inn unable, quite unable." he Tho war, 'bugle that .sounded the said, in an interview, "to treat the 3100 charge that sent the Light Brigade to badly with even occasional lightness. destruction at Balaklava, was lately That is why I hate to have anybodyl sold at auction Ia London for $8,085. dandle, shake, or tickle it. it seems A sparrow -hawk caused the death of to be the desire of relatives and friends two exuaries in a cage at Portland, to go through aome, violent contortion Orelgoen: It thrusts its head between In order to extort some violent emotion the bars, seized the canaries, and twist- in the baby. They treat the baby ed thea necks.. in a special way, and that special way. Any Spaniard over the age of nine- is an extravagant way, but there is teen Is liable be called into military service for three e years. By the payment no reason why the baby should not of 1,600 pesetas, $800, be can escape mil- be treated soberly, like anybody else. itary duty. "These people, who thus trifle welt Long hours of labor and small pay the baby's nerves, are nolt so much cause much dissatisfaetiori among the interested in the baby as they are in workmen of Persia. • In the manufact- themselves. They seek to attract the Cries of that Gauntryy a. day's labor ex- tends from five A. M. until eight P: M. baby'a attention, to establish relations between them -elves and the baby. That From youth to far beyond middle age, is not the wW to take the baby seri- Humbolt seldom slept more than two ously ; it is selfish and superficial. I hours, a day. From the time he was seventy until his death, at the age of acre so much interested in the baby that ninety, he slept four hours a day. Ido not feel the there area u•Yr re - To be classed as a millionaire in the lations between it and me. With oth- United States a man must at least be era, with grown people, I feel that i United States a ,Klan must be worth at both give and receive; I have to do leas0 01,000,000; in England he must with them because I wish to establish! have five times as mesh, or £1,WO,000 ; a reciprocal relation. But I take the i,n Germany, 1,000,000 marks, ,_ $240,- baby absolutely. I never think of its 000. feelin,ga os relation to me, but solely Gamblers on the ocean steamers have of its good and its future, and, there - been doing a profitable business. By foire, I let it alone as Much as I can. I means of a small mirror held in the Palm of the left hand, they are able to know thaet the nurse, in spite of all note the cards dealt to their unsuspect- that I can do, talks and laughs to it ing adversaries. too much, and so I keep away from The greatest fruit -growing state is it as much as possible. Sometimes Missouri. The value of its 'fruit crop when it is lying alone in its crib andl exceeds that of California by $2,500,000, I pays the open door, it yells to me, The apple crop alone is valued at $121- with all the force of its 8 -months -old lungs, and wants me to come in; but i 000,000, while the entire fruit crop is worth catcall 019450040'00 -do not, although I love nothing more in the world to look at it without The streets of Pekl�„ China, are w speaking as itt lies quietly in its crib, ie lighted save by two gaslights and throb I +know that others excite it so much kea'oaseano lamps, Tare first two are that it is my business not to add to its before the Russian embassy, and the future weakness and hysteria. kerosene lamps illuminate the front of "When I do go to see it I look at it Oe JWBoo-Chimieso Bank, with anxiety, sweet anxiety, but yet A quarrel between Frank Tretter and anxiety rather than delight, for I al. ways think then oaf its future. And his wife, at Sandusky, Ohio, made him when I am alone, too, after my work, I so tired of life that he resolved to end think cd its future, how its life would it. .He placed a stick of dynamite on be affected by casualties whish might his breast as .he lay on the floor, ignit- happen," ed the fuse, and was blown into atoms. "T was talo the other day '• said the Fresh' meat' easily absorbs nicotine visitor, "tbAt the doctor Wv i said that from tobacco smoke, and soon becomes it was necessary to shake the baby oe- casio nally for the sake of its digestion tainted. Aware of this fact, the pro- A and that roxnsequently, you had in- prietors of some of the New York hot- formed the nurse that she might agi- els will not permit .kitchen employes taste it gently now and then, but nev- to smoke in the kitchens or storerooms. er to do so when the baby wanted it, The heaviest projectile thrown by a and always to stop when the baby be - first -class battle -ship is from a 18 -inch Kan tC show pleasure, for then the nervous excitement would be too gun, and weighs 1,150 pounds. The Gat- great." ling guns throw bullets weighing about .The father smiled a patient, beatific tbree-ten'thv, OA an ounce. A shower smile. "Of course," he said, "people from,the GntAilrig guts soon clears the will burlesque and pati-oly anything deck of an enemy's vessel, they can. Parody is •aa,y. I often A new•'cork has been contrived, It is indulge in parody myself, but new intended for medicine bottles, and en- do in matters in which I am profoundly interested or which are very important. ables a person to measure a liquid drop What I really said to the nurse was by drop. The distinguishing features that she should not make the doctor's of this novelty are an air inlet and a demand an excuse for illegitimate ex.• liquid outlet, with a bulb over the air, citement of the baby; that she should inlet to control the air vacuum in the not use the plea of the baby's diges- bottle. tion as an excuse for satisfying her ex - A young widow in St. Louis has plosive tenderness toward the helpless swung out her shingle as a barber, and little creature. The present nurse loaves the tabyy, is dols a g g profitable business. Her sign That, in itself, is no fault, but it leads reads: "Miss Boyd, Barber," because to a lot of senseless babble and harm - she is of the opinion that men prefer fat gesticulations. I have to watch hen to t;e shaved by a lady who has no hus- carefully, but she is preferable to the band to make himself disagreeable in last nurse, who took no interest of the presence of her patrons. any kind in the baby. The last nurse •A near-sighted old gentleman in Con- seemed really rather inhuman about it. She seemed to see no more in •the sh°hocken. Pa., has a heard about ten baby than she would have -seen in a inches in length, and he is very fond piece Cf clay, and such insensibility' of it. The other day, while repairing a Points to too small a soul to have sI picket fence, he unintentionally nailed baby intrusted to. We must," continued the father, hi; ;;card between the crossbar and the railing. When about to move CPP, he turning to the grandmother, "got al Pound himself fast. like a chained dog. larger crib fm• the new baby. In the morning when it wakes up and finds A valuable gold mine in the Sierra itself sonarrowly'cabin'd, cribbed, con - Madre Mountains. Chihuahua, Mexico, fined' that it can't dart its strengthen - was worked eighty years ago by a par- ing little neck from side to side w-ith- ty of Spaniards. The Apaches drove Cut bumping its blooming head, it is peculiarly inclined to protest." them away and since that time all Yes' answered the grandmother, trace of it was lost. A short time ago 'acid when I take it out of the crib it was accidentally discovered by J. and put it on the bed it rolls over in Newton Fowler, of Brooklyn, N. Y., physical glee aad howls with freedom while pursuing a wounded deer. Rich and delight. Oh I Oh I the dear little. specimens.of gold were conspicuously thing I And the doctor said it ought evident in every part of it. to be rushed upand down the hall for .__ .--..---- its digestion's sake. And the poor little thing does look so pathetic in A PLEA FOR LESS STUDY. the morning with that bandage around its head to keep its ears down I" Famom, areneh Scienthd Nny+i That Child- ahoarl,l The visitor emboldened by the trend of •the grandmother's remarks, said to ren I18%4• Til lee ori Nisch Play. the father: "How do you prevent the M. Berthelert., ebe famous French ici. new baby from enjoying itself? I entist says that chbiclren in school have remarked that it stretches its sh-wold have tw-ice as 'much play as they neck in evident delight in its muscles have now, widh a. radical change in the ,, andgives vent to deep and changing tomes, indicative of interest in the de- charactex of their studies, velopment of its throat; that it laughs In an address before a scientific body and smiles whenever it sees anything im Parts M. Berthelot said millions of which is not black." The father didn't feel that it was flan s were wasted every year in pour - necessary to answer what seemed to ling ieearning into sieves. him a frivolous question, but a little "Amording to the eduoationa-1 meth- later he confided to the visitor the deep od im vogue.." said Berthelot ',must of and growing horror he felt for indivi- ualsho could not take serious things eduoat.ion goes in at one ear and serious out at the other without leaving any I "Apropos of your recent question, I other imWpression than mental disgust may say that it is not remarkable that for further education. What educators the baby takes delight in itself, for need to do is to cost aside at once that at present it is about the only thing iniquitous institution called "weekly it has to be joyoub' about." examina+tion," which compels the pupil This remark of the faihe'r might seem to cram„ cram, oram. • to indicate that he himself felt that "In its pbaa2,e should be edtablished a his own method in training a new baby system of interesting each pupil's mind had elements of somberness. But in. in 'particular studies by pointing out every deep and serious religion -anal to him bow he individually has a perm- the father's attitude toward the new anent interest in pursuing them, and baby is distinctly religions -there is a then give the pupil plenty of leisure somber element. to think over what has been told him. "There are entirely too many sub,- _ - - "v jeots being taught," saTs Berthelot, in A PAIR OF INNOCENTS. conclusion. "Reduce the number of Mamie, said the father, who looked subjects of study, shorten the hours, as Innocent as he could, I accidentally land if we are to have examinations let overheard some of your conversation them be as brief and as far apart as with that young man in the parlor last possible." evening. Why didn't you sit right , clown on him when he said You could begin economizing by both using the HELPING HIM OUT. same chair? During the great strike a few ears g y' sago. among the 6miployes on the North I did papa, and she also looked ac in. namsnt as she could, Britiah Railway., much difficulty was OLD, INDEED I experienced in finding qualified en- gime-drivetre. UWon one occasion a • Mnruer-Did be ask you the old, old young fallow was put upon a section in Fifei. One day he ran some didtance "nest.ion ? Sareiptm,-Yee, imdeed I% Aitmoet. his past a station, and upon putting back first words were Is it hot enough for he went as far the other way,. The sta- you? ; tion -master, seeing him preparing �- for another Attempt, to the great am- ussmemt of the passengers on the plat- TOO TRUE, fiorirn shouted: Life is u.ncerte.in, observed the phut. Just hide aha r ye are, Tummas, sophic codfish; we are here to -day, and We'll shift the tation I to -morrow we are cod-liver oil or cod- fish balls, OV,R FRID" THE CORNETIST. -�-^ bay, hadn't you better stop play- HIS SAD FATE. ing naw? 'Dou know that old lady First Tramp -Din tract. de ole lady dewngta{rs tAkea a nap every after- gev me is quite affeetin', It's nlxmt noon, a man what drank heavily for 20 years, She's not going to take her nap this an' whait de yer t'i'nk happoned tohim? wfternottn. Sal and Trac mpr--Wham ? Why ! P irbt Tvamp•-Ile took de pledge an' 934,tlartee I'm going to splay. • never tasted ,liquor again. 0