HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-23, Page 2Fr"-- - ­ ,; I .. I I , w, � -4 ­. - - � ,, ­. �� I 1.111, .11.11.11- _­­ -, ,­­­-, ,-�-Z—.."",.,""","I"l,l�om I,- -,"',- po", . 9 � - �'�F__ I . � tho � - I I . � I I . I - 6 I - * 01 I . . . . . . , t I . I I � � . N I r . I . � I I . 11 . 0 1 I .1 . I .1 I I . I I I 1. , . . L . � I I 4 I I � I 1 � . I I . . . , I I 0 . . I . I 0 . - . THLe 1ARf1A 0 , PAINTER OF P � . 0 . & � I , OR, - , . . , . I � . Tjl� MAGIC OF AM A-STERPIEGE I � W I I I . = � I* - A W, "-I'-,. / _. .� 'l . . . I I I W .. 11% I � I I , . . . �4 .1, . 1, � I . I . I . . 0 . I I I . I �, - � . I I .. I . 11 I .1 ­,""­ I I .... - ... - � ", "" 1.1 � 1! 1174 1 . , I I z p 1W. . .11 . ­­ I' - I I I � . - I 1� . I 11 I I P� ... � �11­ . - -1 �., I I 1-1 1-111-111''. 11.1.11-1, I I ­� "I ­­__ 11 I 1. � I 1. � I.. I... 1. � . I L", cil­ - ­­­­ I.." 111---, 1. -11. -1-1-1 I 1 �6 .. �y 5, 4 .714.1-1, � r "i �',.-­�- � r T.1!F11 , 11 " � 1: I 11 .01 .1, :, . I'll I . 1� -1-1 11 1.1111, ­.. � I � - . . I . - ,­ . I .1.1 "... . I I I . .. I I 1 she i4 the veryv!al t4 tr0b. 4,44, boaw, 'r I -A �i 0, _! ,11�_10 . 9"�J _ �0 *X3� .� VjL I 4 I 1. �% i._- I . -1 7 L �; . ,. . ," . L I _0 I , . . !, , - , 1. 1. "�, N .; I-, ­­­ L' I I 11 � . ' , I , 444' she 04LO not Wittiot BRITISH 1890LI-. NOT1011 L . I . . L' . wum to-w4r.d the marqliia without . - __ I I 1. . . . . . I -, __ ivel =" . _�- ­­` . I Its, AUplicity." - Q F,UL �7;;�� , V1 ,'' L '. " ' ­,_­' -_ - �.L I _ _ - �1� I , �r 811�ilxtl is % YA044 word, Vw%lp'll PIRMINIES Bv� ,V' Ay � ,__,__,.! � -,;;;; . � - - I , . ��� ..*IVK- - - I - "I ttx%Qw 4 but it Ja not trge-W X I I , �% - . . . . . . . I � 1 : 1 `,�'� I � . )WEIRTS Or TIM PAT, I , "tw—wFo,"'. I I ''tim I I . L I. ; __ - . know the colqAt"s 994 1q, - I He � � "l -,l . . I _>V"� � 11 , � . " . I 4 I 1144 L I - I - . ";;;;",,��'. - , _... - '. ... ..... - -, - - � I , I . - -1- -_ - Or , - . � ",,"""Ill, * I a" his w0alros"i j 11 0; I = - - . . * ': -� - `,l 1 has, been 9, true M'' Ivyol Wand tq�Yo* � I �­ I 11,11� - I - .1 ''. - 0. ,1 '4111400 ,, , . I _-, . - - ,t4v, rro.pq,00 utiollAMOrtrog 'A I 11 I , , 4 ., 4 f"_ , 4ad me, Yet I (Aq . � .11 411; ;., F 1, L_�-_2'� 7_,-'-'7-. __ . � , , X'00"r1o4 ill; An0ber 11001[callo'.4 '94 � !J11 - - - .. 7� �� ..r ,� * ". 4, .� L, __ -1 I.., - - -- - . � thIA seeking, to will the favor Of . ___� . I ­��­ . . I � W;� �-- - aull � ,, 14"p.!,A,,L,,Cw"os.wrjlwk,glrAori!oo�9,1,V0 13-00n � I r-: �_ L I - .Z.1.1 4�� - - 61 ailwom.c,n by.tjla saQ411m of his . NO."d anot.r4at t49 "Int4nium As paq I . . I � - _rrm = �_ own pevo and, comfort 14 One of t1i.em, . � - � I I Do yo,,U think. the princess IQVQI$ U1,101, - 119 0 �*�,Irq*.IrAq . I " 0 L I �>_, I . . f. V_ - - - - � - . ; .. I NO, She does not,. plie reapi�pw, lxw, 04ka4alm4rhOu a s -4549m -44 _w _" . I . I � � - I I I "Did you hearf" Steff%110 ,shouted, weapon of ATilanI makie its golden hilt him, and I,% kin � XL d;y dip, the U�a eo $,At 4 #jid 1. . . L. .pw,Qd toward b , - � . _km�L 4.411Wo between it k e � ,,l . turning to the painter, when he had 04 w th precious stones --end ran big, but as, -yet she has not given him her I 91 , , 4 194 not ,09,uj�e . % ,bit of . . =_�__Al . 1 - . . I away. " I eyva ovaj the gleaming blade, Doa . aroA love., , , L 1 Gn 1, WitAl . �K_ ­ -I .� " - - _­__ M . � ', " L - put his would-be mentor am and a se ing that .the Wy L had � been either "Then She never will..# ourptiae, tA> the moraloers olfthe British � .._;� I ,� 0, . . I . . 1. . - .7-- . I I __ .- . . . , - . again, you are a ane . 14c�,;-,_,�. I - " . , .. , - It -_ ff int,plid to ovexlodlMd or forgolbten, gave It' "Why do You think so?" Isra4l Aissoolotio"a, or British Israel- * - ::.: - - say "I Im a. . I � --ll- -,.;kw , . I ­ "war'lly Villain I and . "Perhaps I ought not to say." linow-n. Th � - .Z lv:�. ,.,�, -- - . �. I take it Upon myself to put a stop to large piece cqf silver and sent UInx aw'.SYJ O'Burely on may ,say W Igo. lteo,, PA they %re L I a amwia- .. 11 - 0 � . '� . I I . . your Imprudence." . A moment later Stleffano, quivering - W - " 00 e , I .. ald ,his 'sit every joint, and "You NMI thiak me tuelci n . tioa b" Members in the United Stat r.0 -i- , --_ L " Marquis I" zanont 6111.1 LL with a horrible . count for %I 11 46 In ,Great Britain. They be,l I 9;�'11 " I , t - , - I � 1 _4.=_S__�� -;,;.. -ll . . I � ". temper, though it tried him sore- imprecation on his. lips, brought the titudO to the � his 1.0094- 04 4W " - 01 V., .. re willing to give 140 w lori.,71it bladoe. down acroes his knee, ness to us." ligvo that this alliance was foretold by I ;l when you a -breall; It; but its "No, no, L-laulo. Have no feay Of that the prophets of okk #4 was ali;or the 1! -!t7ww 'I'd 2 i ji '4* ��L. ,-- _. my , J& I ,will pass on. I should prefer to thinking thus to - I I g . LLL , hear inoi more." temper withAood his mighty effort. kind. Mercy I do I not know how true 1wepent wax with Spain.. This it; said — . , - __;��D.! b, " I . __� . ­�_ - ,I Zounds, I -,ilth ano�her oath, and before Tell me, why You . _.... __ __'O," . Tlk . . - -- . ­_­% 11 �_ _;" Haven't you got a Spa Then i end loyal you are I . of munhoo4 inside that lady -like skin his companions could interfere, he had are sc, sure that he can not win the to be the beginning of 9, greAt Europe I I of youxel if you will have no more driven the sharp poiillt into the earth love of the Princess Isobel?" an war. which will bring libout an a1- _614W_W�4141 1 ��� ­_ -_ " little itane, b,twsaa-aassi, and the varjous ---;'--_:;---- � � , -1 words will you take thatT" And --sent it deep down, until the whole � Alavado, bent his head for a � . . . __- with his time in thought; then he looked up and � - - - _L - ­,­, - � I with a quick: m9wmeut the marquis blade. was buried -and then, Latin countries of Europ% and an at- � 1� 10 - I ,., __ �, L -foot upon the pommel, he Snapped I said: . - - -_ .a�a IN whipped out his rapier and aimed a o, liance between Great Britalit and the --I-:- - - . I blo1w at the other's cheek, and he the hilt and the bright steel.asunder. I "Henri, we are Speaking now as br he British Israelites I I . . . . Tha painter, who had gone but a , ther to brother, As you said to me United States. T . I ,.. 111%11____� " would have ,succeeded had not Zanoni Short distance away, hearing the ebarp'll, few minutes Since, so I now say to declare tha,t the Amexicaus and Erg_ 4 ADMIRAL SAMPSON'S FLEET NOW LYING OFF 'SANTIAGb'. . . put up hid 'arm in season to ward It thought YOU will lish a.re descended from the ten lost � Admiral Sampson's fleet, now lying off Santiago de Cuba, consists of the following men-of-war : ' Now 0 deans, ' ' Oregon, . ;0- anapping of the breaking blade, in- you. If I tell YOU my � In another moment this artist. see- stinctively tuxued his head and looked keep it. But I know You wi&l. I want tribes.of lara,eL and that the war will Wa Hornet,' I Porter,' "Detroit,' I Nashville,' I Brooklyn,' I Minneapolis,' I Marblehead,' I Indiana,' I Iowa,' ' New York, . , . I tug that Staffano meant mischief, -back, meeting as he did so the venge-! not your word. Let ine ask you, have , ,I&'a`i d I Massachusetts.' . I drew his own weapon and put himself ful. look of Steffaila fixed upon him., --a 1 you, in your intercourse With the prin- fulfil the prophecy in Jeremiah, xxx., 6. I . . ogggard. . Look deadly in ita blackness of hate. cess, marked the qualities of her mind, -that "the world shall be gathered to- I . .1 I the natural bent of her impulses, and the ,M*f-Ac%ttbay pump water frWit - 4��tlemeu," he said to the others . * Go I go 1,, th3 ma,.(-,uis artieulated, , gather agaAnst IaraeLl' and there shall blessings entadled on the house of Jos- depth who stood near, but dared not inter- in a tone parftl�i a shriek and partly a her keen and sure perceptions?" , Yes, Paulo, be o, time of great tribulation and fear. eph or, Israel have not been fulfilled that a the air." . fore. "I call you to witness. that I howl. " The day of reckoning between I 11 I think I have; but, up- in the pro- to the Jews, it to shown that every 1>x.o- 0. TjgaL,c;T belts of, evergreen and I have been literally forced to this." us will come, and when it does, look on my word, I couAd not have stated This timia is referred to miss made to Israel has been fulfilled deciduous trees together are of greab - I Then to his opp, ant, who stood glar- to yourself Ill . I It as you have done." I phecies as "Jacob's Tvouble," and in 'I Agricultural Value for, enclosing. pastures. The � on I ' to Britain. According to the Bible, � sag at him as though watching for At this pcAut the companions, see- I "Ah, dear Henri, you never knew my lit and will 8 a 40 the books of the adherents of this oult God ga.ve to Abraham and his seed cor- grass will be more abunds opening for favorable attack: I Ing that a mob -was beginning to gath- sister Lucie. During the la. t h If f yield a bite later La the fall and ear- " Marquis, you call me. coward. er, took him forcibly In hand and led 'her Life -she wals two years older than it is called also the great "war-woa." tain Spooled blessings exclusively. The lier in the spring than do exposed pas.. I -she never went out. A malady be- They say also, that these wars and rual- blessings the British people throughout OUR ROADS. � What shall men say of yon, who him away. Then Zanoni,with hishead I hyliciail to the world enjoy to -day; therefore, it is tures. Animals under such conditions . I one who. bowed and his arms, folded on his bos- yond the power of mortal P ors of wars Ke some of the signs by . ued, , the British People must be of summ a fr, nice, of shelter aild of feed will yield more I ,draw your swoid upon a.rg I I were he even to kill you in self-defense, om, slowly and thoughtfully pursued control confined hex to her own apart- M's In wilater time one O'Le of too, milk and of a better quality., I must suffer tbiB penalty of death at his wonted course. ments. Sbe was never so beautAful as which Christ told His disciples that the aced of Abr.,.ham. It v foretold In spring and autum-Wothing less 6. Trees during sunshine yield vital- Itho hands of the public executioner; is the princess; yet she resembled her; they -were to know the second coming by the prophete that the hotise of Eph- . I a,nd she resembled her in more WELYS Of the Lord was noax. Some of the iralm-laratol, In the "latter days�­ Than concentrated cussedness. ized pxygon.. Mamically, them may foir you klao-w- that such Is the law should be "a great and mighty nation" be the tisual amouab of oxygen in the 11 C 1PAPTE R III. * faith DEHORNING FEEDING CATTLE. air, yet be deficient in vitality. Davit- .. in Parma V What shall men say of than one. Not only was she truth and British Israelites have so much Gen. xvii., 18. Great Britain is undis- You?" When the four patricians had gain- honor and faithfulness combined and in their own interprata,tion of the pro- putably great and mighty. In another A very imporrtam'd point is that of alized oxyge�L is favorable to the ex - "For Bacco, I It I leave thee ito the od a. point b6yond the Mob, and were personified, with S, Sent born to pur- istenoe of microbles-spore life in the iomer, make of my bead free from paxticular observation. the ity of thought and a, bu she was phecies that they expect the millenni- prophecy it is said tha.t the seed Of safety to cattle. We are told how very air we breathe. In stagnant air, spores 1. public exeout . hose Abraham shall "possess the gate of imals are Wicrelase with great, rapidity. They, a football. Aha I let us see if thou marquis fancied he could date t the I t Ilextual-profoun .Y so, What = to awrive with the close of t his eneanies" Gen. xxii., 17. It if; a. pe, quietand sheep -like thesean c on ,,, a canAt wield a sword as nimbly as thou paxt oif his compantans, a desire, if .at littleLV I know on he smattering ol w,zr,, in a,bout cutiar olialracteristic of Great Britain when dehorned. Well, they are to a car- oporato as formenL They and foul I . doat a maul -stick I Where at theel an incent, tow leave him. In his heart, our ach o s I ow a her; a,ud it 'MILY ' air are alle destructive to mea, ani - Take that Ill o�r in his inner conscience -for it is be that I . orreace of falsehood THREE AND ONE-HALF YEARS. that she possesses great strategic PO's- takn extent, and less dangerous; but put mals, plants, and their products. And itione in various parts of th6 world, plenty of good strong feed into a two or e,,ipecially so to.. fruits, and roots in I . . We have said tha,t our painter's doubtful if hia heart possesse'd any lind deceit I gained from her; though There axe many people in the United which give her advantages over her , a him the stagnent I air of cellars, and to obil. . thaws and sinews had been toned and feeling in the nia,tter-he knew that he , she tried to assure me, that it was States who devote thedr lives to the enemies. Two of these, amiong many three-year-old steer and. hous r basements. . I - strengthened 'and his muscles tem- had acted a 1,00.v and disgraceful part. mine a.t birth in the germ. .,. others are the gat(k of the Mediterran- snugly all winter, and if he does not be- drou ai�ed in cellar us manly He fell no disgrace bliaself, no prick of "But enough of that, I have spok- propagation of this idea. They give 7. The .vIlelter of these belts suggests pored by long and continue ean and the gate of the Rod Sea. An- come a good feeder a,nd playfull, he is the idea that the more delicate fruits I athletic exercises, and the sword contrition or regret ; but he could rea- an thus of my sister because the re- public lectures and Write books on the other prophecy was that a "nation Simply a marvel to the cattle kind, for , can be grown to p�ofit under their pro- . � hhA been with him a favoirite eom- lize that thwe wha bore him company I semblance to which I have alluded led subject. They believi tha.t. these inter- and a compapy of nations" should be . ,vines especially need � ,arliest youth. It felt it. Hypocrisy Qamc natural to I me first to ,study the princess, and I � play he will every time fresh straw is tootfLun, GTapo panion froun his e nationail,conflicts will result in estab- of Isra,&I, Gen. xxxv., 11. Great Britain T a an had b,2en said of Olin at Madrid, him; and h-3 was to act the hypocrit ! have found bar all that I have claimed lishing the Anglo-Saawn. race, the Hug- and her depandeneiles form one nation; lyut in and oftener than that. I have Shelter. heir great to Yes d all � - Spain, that he was the best swordsman. now. I . for the sainted Lucie. Eapecially must fruits suffer damage in a turbulent at- - . � And on the present occasion lie had "Hold, my friendsl he exclaimed, I allude to her rare intellectual Lilsh and Americans in possession of yet, with her colonies, on which often seen half of mine lie down to rest mosphere. The yellows in peach trees . Lost fiothing of his "cunning of- a.s. the two younger members of the i quaLities. If there is one thing more Palestine and proving that they are the ' I THE SUN NEVER I SETS aad4ome scampwould notcontenthim- is simply a disease of'the lungs -the - , oB thalt tiane. I party were evidently an the eve of than another that she enjoys in social demendalats of the ten Lost tribes. Their she maLy truly be called a "company aelf till he had them all up for a gen- tree has got the consumption; as many I fence" sin I a.rguments in support of their theory ,Of nations." ' Abra,- do who live in an ansheltered country. . . And on the Present Occasion he ha,d parti.ng With the count. "I feel that intercourse it is the conversation of a a variou . The Lord promised oral play. Think of forty or fifty young One-third in Shelter belts of ever- .. I & marked advantage in that he w a,4 I orwe you a word of apology. I have truly intellectual and well_educated ar s One A of them is the story canl that he wou,ld multi -ply his seed greens would lessen- the ravages of I Fool and collected -while the other, Made a foot Of m3'fJOlf; I acknowledge man. I marked her particularly, when of the atone of Soona, which rests un- .. as the stars of the heaven, and as the strong steers getting into a frolic. was mad with passion. The conflict, It. and I have given you cause for dis- on two orca:sions I saw her sitting by der the obronation chair of Great Bri- mud which is upon the seashore", Gen. Would not they make things humT This i consumption, add to the lonjiVity �f­__�.._ ,,z., i ta-in. The stone, which is also called xxii., 17. The inores4a in population of Is when the bedding gets ground to its people, to the fertility of its Soil. : if such it could be called, was quickly� appro-val-I have given you pain and the side of the old professor, Fra An- Jazoll's Pillow is said to be the on*' the Anglo-Saxon ra,ce, in Great Britain chaff and when they prepare themsel- and wealth of its inhabitants. � over. The marquis attacked furious- chagrin. I humbly ask, your pardon. i salmo, I suppose he ist without ex- that Jacob's head rested on at Both -DI and her colonies and in the United . . . " . , ly, exposing himself in the outset to a, If you will ovarlook it, the like shall rption, the most learned man, Possess. when he saw, the vision of the hea,ven- States is without a, parallel in history, Yes for a big atipper, ai2d the more you I - , fatal thrust, had his opponent desired not happen again. Can I do more? � ng the widest range of useful inform- S - MOTTLED BUTTER. , to- give it, but such was not the And now, if I have your forgiveness, I ation, and, withal, gifted with the most LY ladder, Tho sbowy is Ithat this stone, Isaiah says that the Lord shall gathex feed the better they feel and con a . d During the past two or three years eloquent flow of lang- were brought to Erin by the Princess islands of the Sea,", Ise. xi. 11. The - Imagine for orne momeah that ,these ,o8poolally,, there has. appeared, In the I artist`& purpose.He suffdred Stef- YOU Will make it manifest by Joining silvery and the a.rk of God and the harp of Davi the remnant of his people, from "the quently play the harder. No one can I fano. to worry and fret and waste his me in a grand dinner at Rubelli's. I age In the expression of his thoughts, T Taphi� dejughter of Zedekiah and north country" is also spoken of as the d dairy, . energy in futile plunges and blows, think You know th,�, quality of his of a.11 the learned and eloquent men of" ! columns 'of the creamery an . for more Ithan ,once he Fought to larder." of our beloved Italy. princess of the line of David. Accord- place from which they shall come, Jor. cattle can all come out of this mad gam- papers, says D,airy� Report, a large . strike and cut as with an edged sword. Dete4ing a' shadow of hesitation, Ing to the legend, this pxincess, with xxiii., 8. Balaam prophesying happi- bol, the Weaker ones especial4y, with - suffered him to thoroughly display find divining its cause., he quickly add- "My soul I how the princess hung up- Jeremiali� her anole, came to what is ness to Israeli, said that his seed should oult a jam of some kind against the number of 'Communications regarding ,:,. - hilpiself, and then, wi(th a -twist which ad: on his w6rds. Not all the amusement now the Spamish peninsula, where alla be "in many waters, " and the words. of all or a center post, which will%show indtbled batter, or white specks Lai -I . ho'knew well how to apply, hecaught "And I will give yon my word that of the younger people; not a,11 the mus- attempt,wais ma,de to 'ste,,%l from her the psalmist, -I will set his hand also W butter, wavy streaks, and there have i, of ,,ioe, allid instrument; nothing in the a. and the at -one. To preserve in the sea, and his right hand in the up when the hide is removed if not bo- ... t . the opposing rapier by its point and its I will be moderalte in the use of the Short could draw her away from Fra ric been almost as, many theories in re- " .' . I hilt and sent it flying into the river. cup. Pool% I don't let our joy be Anseimo's side while he spoke. She is them she was obliged to flee to Erin, amusement� to the inhabitants of Great fore. Then in loose. feeding there is gard to the cause as there have been I .1 � . * " Denaro, I Your rapier I Give it to clouded longer." a marvel. I doubt if there is another Jeremiah end the princess hastily am- maritime nations of Britain and. Am- less chance to doctor a sick animal and parties who have written the parties . I barked with thakr precious burdens) erical, whose flags are flying in every . . mot" Aud ithe marquis, in his -wild With that he took, the oount'a arm, in Parma -perhaps not in Italy-WhO and though they were buf' more chance of them getting sick. It ,a:-. p@.roxysms of fury and chagrin, grasp- thea�Auined and extended his free hand Possesses the salme amount and qual- feted by port of the world. The Lord's people concerning them, corarnissionmen a ed at its hilt as.,though he would have to the other two. Denaro, natuxally. ity of intellect; and I think she is as storm and often nearly wrecked, their were to ha,ve the heritage of the heath- is not an easy matter to get the sick dealers generally, and each one has a' . . . taken it. � -.1 kindly and sympathotic, surrendered eager to improve as she is fond of faith was strong that all would be wall en", Psal. exi., 6. Great Bxitain is in one selected from the rest, and Lf the different theory. The editors of the - I . . But the count sprang away - from at onco, and the others did not hold knowledge. Then again, her deoppas- in the end, as God ha,d promised that possession of a heathen empire in the treatment should prove successful the i pers have their own theories, gener- 11 him-, exclaiming as he did so: back. . the seed -of David should never die. At Beat larger than the continent of Eur- owner would want to turn him in Pa . Sion for axt. Fra Ansolmo is a paint- No a van- .ally a different one, and the butter- �,& , " No, no, Stoffii-no. a T is too valuable They repaired to Rubelli's luxuri- er of no mean capacity. He has been last they * landed in Erin, and Jacob's ope. again. This, however, would L a weapon to lose, an. should certain- ous cafo� where an elaborate dinner I Pillow once more found a resting place. Some, stress is laid on the fact that turesome thing to do, for it is quite maker has his theory different from � ly lose it if I lant it to you." was served and charged to Steffano rated by some as equal to Anqelico. According to the old histories, on this the British lion is the Same beast re- possible that the other fellows would Next, as soon as -the mad(man could FaTnese, after which they went to the listened to her conversation with him, atone monarchs of the house of David presented in the heraldic emblem of worry him to death when he returned; the other jbu�ttexiva,kers, That this ,�� codlect hi4thoughts, he turned with theater, where they sat through an in- and I was astonished at her,knowledge have been crowned, for 2,450 years. Israel, the lion of David. Various cor- In gWob cases it would, be advisable I trouble should have become so prom - a fierce oath -a volleyof oath --toward I teresting play and a short operetta. of art and artists, and at her keen There is a traditiod that whenever a respondelaces of the customs axe also to build sin extra place to be used us inent, and ,so prevalent. and so univer- ��'. I discrimination. adoption of the, combined the calm and tranquil painter withan But through it all there was Some- - true king was crowned the stone was I referred to as proofs of the identity of a sort Of nursery and this indica,t- aal since the V. �' " I evident initent to, attaold him with his thing lacking. The marquis could To be Continued. silent, but that when a false king; or the Anglo-Sa,xon, ra4be and Israel. 01;e 03 extra expense. 'Also, in loose feed- i churn and butterrworker, seemingly � I tists. � nm fail to see that the respect and - — pretender took his seat upon -it, the of these is the obeqrve.ace of the Sab- Lng the h0r&Kn&n has no chance ovouldindicate ",at the combined c1hu-Mv �-, I stone groaned ailoud, 'with a noise I Ike' . by to 'and, loutterworker has not yet been peril Zaaoul saw and appealed to ,the esteem of his companions were not bath. It is sta,ted that the Anglo -Sax- help a "poor feeder" along aspe- i fected to 'the exitelat. that it i.,t; a perfec. 1�: � So a- . .1 - count and the other two. Would they with him, though he did not suspect MESSAGES OF TRIUMPH. . thunder." From th.e princess a he only People cial mixture, or perhaps a tonic. In , machine. In conversation with abut- ,� . � not take their friend in hand and how utterly they disliked him. — QUEEN VIOTORLA'S DESCENT who really observe the Sabbath; that timo.4 a steer will ea,t ravenously, and, a feeding,would termaker who thoroughly understanda_L ' ­�. 1. . help him too stop the disgraceful During the evening, while the play now ramous sailors and Gencralfi ,(iave IS traced through the Kings of Ireland I while to the people of continent -at Eur- If Per-ittled, aa In loos � the work In a creamery, he had tried 'F - - .;., , � -, Sc4me ? - I . was In progress, the two younger men and aorge him%elf so that be would go "Off � , , . Announced Their Victories. cad Scotland. . I � ope Sunday is a, day of recreation, I one of the, celebrated malibi�'�d �?,,i � . . . . . . . . � ,,, � " And, Count Donaro, you will at- of the party left their box to call up- usement to the inhabitants of Great feed" for a day or two; andin Mose, ! . I . lorw me to thanlo you for your efforts on some ladies whom they had dis- CaesiIr: "Veni vedi, vied" (I came, It is &rgued.in support of this Irish am burnts, and was opliged to discard I ., legend that if Jeremiah never was in Britain and America it is a day of resb, cmEas the feeder has no chance to'give simply'lor the reason that he could not already Made; and let me trast that covered in another part of the house, I saw; I conquered.) , a ration that he will take regularly. I C . Ireland it is difficult to explain why during which they libsta-in from both I depend every time on uniform results. you and your frWnds will do me simple and who had plainly beckoned for Sobieski: "I came; I saw; God con- toil aad pleasure, and its observance is It Is in tbose special cases and among I..... ..... , Irish history and tradition should � these uncommon actors that the old ! There would be occasionally, and on- iq'� 1�1 . . . . . ,�� � ", � ' ' by j,�_;,.',%, �.,.�, justice in your testimony, should I them to come. In the spacious lob provided for by -law. at, cases of mottled and - �- 1 �� � "' ever be accused of having dr qu-,red.", I abound in reference to him, while no I is pre�erable, as the new way is I tirely too freque *' .e ... ' ' awn my finding themselves alone, they stopped . I In the book the Style Matter ­ � "' '� ,.-� ' ,�, ", L � ­ Turenne annou I iholpffaciticiablel, IiN feeding loose; svmwd ligainst a noble of Parma." for a brief consultation, both having ricing the victory of notice of him i� taAkala in the hardio ,Episcopad prayer ,aj,_ wavy butter. Ho.had-given the �,.�r:,�� ' , L' and other literature of Englana, Soot- Church speaks throughout as if she careful consideration, - and found tbat,'­`�­­,".,'�'.'.-� The count, whatever may havebeen the same subject in mind. Dunen over the Spaniaxds; "The an- were Israel. Jehovah is blessed as the tie they !�Iaould be clAorned steers and �z I " ,� lr: land and Wales. Tradition has itthat ,, In the ­MAgn_ of, nearly equal ago as Wall as weight. with the amouAtof-inside fixin at a 14'4-­,�­­­ ' ?,��­ �,, , - - , '' .LLL his deeper feelings towards the man Henri Vavallia we know. His com- emy came; was beaten; J am tired; jr,r,,i,h I, buried in Ireland and that Lord, God of Israel." Rielifers in season every three weekg i th6com�leinod obiLrns, a(nd r or . '� � ' ,:,L , ',,,11� I ' � .'� 1. N­"�,� I ' - whose studio thi� ladly of his love so, pauion was Paulo Alavado, son of a ificat" the Lord is magnified that He, era carry.Ahere wereplac or led . �, �;! L ".1- d night." the'axk of God and the harp ofDavid ,, would be very objectionable, and mul- - ! 11 .1 L �_ �,� , " 1. � often and so willingly visited, could' popular baron and st*esman and a goo ­ remembering his mercy, ha,th holpen merrt of small particles of ter t t" ., ,�,L' Gen. Suwarrow, to Catherine of Rus- a,lso kest there. From the Itarp of lays would be nearly,as bad with the I �, , �r":� not but acknowledge that in the pre- great favorite with the younger mom- his servant Israel; as he promised to I did not get salted, that re alno I ,,77 �,: - �� , "L' David hasLdescended the far-fa,med Irish 11 as horned steers with the h6rus, , ��;, sent instance he was n(xt only blaine- bers of society, His age was one and, sia; "Hurrahl Prague. Suwarrow." our forefathers, Abraham, and his seed PO those places during the who a usine �,__",I�,:,. , . ha.rp whose melodies are supposed to a mujleS Lt; amo(st merciless fight- ,:_%1'.. �, 1, �:;,,7,.�, Ies , but that he had bolime himself in twenty, They were etwo companions forever." Again it sa,ys, "Make thy chos- for 11 r, an �­�.""��'�_..,., � L� Catherine to Suwarrow: "Bravo,Pield summon the fairies. ,Permission has I h to of working and salting the . , �_ I .- � a manner that merited the -highest and devoted friends, and generally to lon people joyful. Oh, Lordl save thy or. Than a man would be foolLs 'the re_�ult was that when utte ` �. - Marshall Catherine." In these terms been obtained to make excavations for think that he could for a number Of . '.'�, � � - .,� , - " � �� praise, and respect; said he promised be found together. They were a pe le cad bless thine inheritance." All was taken out they were 0 ferenk`� L.'., , ' ' :­ L �� that he would not fail to bear testi- handsome, pair, and noted for their Suwarrow received,his promotion. these aikient relics and Some Money OP rms belong to Israel yetirs seciur, just- 9, certain kind of 7L,''". �� . these specific to cattle, a;nd thus Lt would be equallyL color; different consistency from thw ' I I": !'' 11 "y to that end should occasion re- purity and uprightness of life. Count ad has been subscribed for that purpose " " .. I 11 I . ". , , , quire. Sir Charles Napier, after Hyderab . by people in sympathy with British- and to no -other people. foolisli to pat the necessary expendi- general lot, and produced spots;'wavab, ,L ,.,_..:�'5­' Demaro had been to them a friend, and It to fuither p(Anted out in corrohor- cad mottles. We state th aw" . ­ I �, I And what had kept the marquis out in some respects a mentor and guide. and the capture of Scinde: "Pecoavi, Israel ideas. There are in. -Ireland the a,tion of these arguments that the Ang- ture into a building for that partiou- I above, regardiing the diff!oulty th%i­.'L'�;?' : I,.", �,'� ,`,� ' , L . - ­:' , � I have Scinde." In* the dawn of the ruins of an anoient palace, which is tar purpo,:0. Lie cannot raise all steel's , ' of the vmy while: this conference had In him they had reposed entire con- 40. Ic.Sa.,xonz ba,ve protecrted the Jews, this One buttermaker experienced, arf& 1 been going on I Had he been at liberty fidence, as one who could never be- day which was to see the battle of said to be that of the Princess Tea Te',l­ and no hoLfers for feeding; "neither can Li � �, - '; * whereas other nations have persecuted shall be glad to hear from.other but�,'�.­'_ 1- I phi, whose husband, Heremon, waa he oxpect tp buy all horned steers .L I - Ili his infuriated madness, Denaroand tray any trust reposed in him. And Meanee, he said: "If I survi ,sent . termakers whether they have had sbni,4�, L. ., ,. I � . .�., "I , 11 Zanoni could not have exchange& a through the count ive himself a. prince of the tribe Of Dan, one them. During the reign of'the pre With any degree at sucioess. A buyer W�'�, ,_ - . .,_� ; ,�, . they had. been shall I British sovereign there have been , a tar ,experience. I'll, - word. It had happened thus: soon be with those I love; if of the ten lost tribes of Israel. Those ill oftetu strike a bunch of good cat- � � ��'"';L �, thrown occasionally into the society of Elabrew Sheriff of London, a, Hebrew w , I I., I I Ong al the twain who. had thus fail the Marquis Stef4ano Farnese� fall I shall soon be with thofie I have two figure prominently in the geneal- Lord Mayor and a tie, and c(okuld tie them all up to 0, WAGON TIRES AND ROADS. , ,,'� �­ . I �­ , ,:, , I " ' ' �� " � stood back, had, at that moment of ogical tree of Queen Victoria, Which good advantage, w . 1� ;� . . '' "", "Henri," said Paulol, when he had loved." D a few good mal- The Ingersoll Sun contributes t 11�­� .'L�j­ .. gmateat need, gallunliv thrown him- assiLred himself that'Jthey has been prepaxed by 2. British Israel- EmBR;Ew PRIME MINISTER a few good heifers. &is, am On I L-, I .. .... IL `-�?."":: '. ; were be -i Gen. Desaix to Napoleon at Karen- lie. leys, Which he4 could not handle for following Very pertinent it 1. . �, . self into the breach. Me was a smalL yond the hearing of others, "I wish ' ' question of good roads. There is af�,; �,� �: - " "' � : "The battle is lost, but there is British Israelitos say that the Rev. of England, In America Hebrews have I feadiLng. The seller would nob I I t 1� '' delicate, pffeminate-looking youth of you .would nolt g i back to thdt box. I go privileges doubt at all but wid-6 tires must "' 1 .- � � 4 . 0 ,the same rights and � break: up his drove Unless a good prem- �. .; une or two and tw�nty,a handsome lad, can bA ondure that follow." time to gain another." E. B. A. Glover, one of the beat known . ! i4 , � �, , ' - ,- I , , I roadmak I 11 ,having er clitizens. LIAM was paid. which would interfere ladolpted before perni�.aeat � � .. , I I _ cad son of the Count John Valvallia; "I am nolt going back. The count -Henry IV. of Frapoe, at Ivry, 1590n. advocates of these, dootrinea, tha.t the ten lost tribes will be a Success. I U, Sun 'Pays: ., , ., I ,%�. , . In proving greatly with the 1�eeder's profits. These . , , � " his name, Henri. Ile hkd watched the made investigations which convinced It does not require a profound knd', I '', �)''� 1 �'. . does nolt expect US. ; Did ,ypu not see "It the flags fail you rally, Ao "my him that Queen Viotorie, was descend- found their way to the British Was, - ts I have gained during the 6 plailoso, . 11". --: � i� il 1� I I aceime narrowly:; his heart growing bit- him speak to me inside V flat white plume' traces of their north-westerly journey ar . 0 pola i; passed and I8d4 Of natural h t . , , 1".. r I, ter with disgust against Steffano,, . You shall always find bd frobi King David, obtained dn audi- ter which has jual ,p f O P , , "Yea, I saw; but I knew nolt wl have been pointed out. There is do- win q idea of that wide tires on heavy ,wage a I I", . . while it warrued with admiration, it lie said." ­ it in the paths of *honor and victory." slice with her and stated Aia belief to which lead,me to discard an .1 , , . ,� " L, ,� LL I . "I , , � � nat with real love and reverence to.. her. Thereupon the story goes, she a remarkable vimiliarity r building a now barn laid out for .preferable to narrow ones, thoug . Z. . I '. I " . I : I , I I '14e;bado me good-niqlit, and sent the Lawrence: "Don't'give up the shipill between the names of rivers and cities %: purpose of feeding loose cattle; and people who never reason the Mgt "' I . , " L ward tho noble painter. In the end, same to yon; and then he said to me conducted him into a. private &part- ,, I �,, I ., :,; � .�L 1 Marshal MacKahon, after the clip. mat, and, dralwing aaldea� curtain beyond RuphraUll where JosaphUS perhaps these lines will lead others to out ogically. will contend fl*k- � -, ,,, �,�'... '. . V tit ' ' L.: when thp madman's, sword had beon pliduly Mt If I preferred not to re- ture of the Malakoff by thoL 1�7reaoh a alogical said the ten tribes then w.ere6 and the investi'gatt this important matter for IDad'A wagon with narkow I �. ; ­ '' ' - wrested from him and hp. had made, .turn he Would cheerfully excuse us hol"d-hb?a'a.1i elaborate Werto in use waipligthe israol-ites. The easier to draw than one with * �, ­�:.� .0 during the aie0o of Sewstq.pol: ",PY , . 8 themseiveh. 1, ;,,:: � L . , �. I , demand of Denaro for anothor weapon, botb,,, I remain tree, neginning wAh the i"almlat and 4a,11" . 1:1 " 11 .1 I zia-, Ly, reate.11 (I aim here. his d&soondania, . 1. L , Ivers Danube and Dnieper (Daniopef), — . . . tires. Theoretically t. q 11 . I "BWs, him for a true friend. Tell . tracing through the 'L In'spero. I U 'WV - l-'... ,,, , Henri,had borne all he dbould bear, and ,.,a ,; � . 'tt , ' . auggest tM presence of the tribe of, right, under corto.i. ,; I L � . L" 1". � ,�'�L' . . " � Se PllinepoplTeg�, TophL down to Queen Viome "t I I L I I , when the count had., refused him, slid me, Henri, hol can he bear 'to asiso-, I rk, from which regi- IVERGREEN SHF,LTER BELTS. not "natty pr-osefit e, I I tbe Marquis 'had open F laill, after the massacre of the toria, hPlell. I DvA, cad Dooms, tipe but practically they r a , I � I., 'L., L .. 11� L ed the flood - ciate with such a man T Can �yoiu ursaw dtiring, the insurroo- . I on ths English name mud 1049,1111198 weX8 il I , ;igsfes of 'his aWfol , I t rolo# In W Same'oUjocipn has been made to,this The advantages of evergFeen shelter , - I I s 1, . . pr anit. , �, � I "", � I , tion of 18OD: "OrAor fallos In Wlllv- on the brought lat'o Rtit&in, may have beilla variably wrong: I , I I . , I I I .L , put a0i a im"nival"O'am imagine it very blially. t , . 'a Murk." ' People =IiAt Rot on conditions as.. , slightly framed Youth boll I ­ ,%,ri�uua, that' the promilw *aa b6lts to grain fields,, oto.. may be (3um- . � the last of his fdar­qiot sL hodil"y fe Ns* 11 I that theL a, should alwaya,bi5 Is a man" 64 natty. ".0all . . � ' , N� , � ­�"".�`­_ r may "Y'l kno(w. , It I fell you. the sec. Ti. as follows". exial; andAiry to bu royb t a . :�, .I-, �. 4 " -4ut rokher a dread, of beitf; mi - ret you will ko6l) it V i6a axe some lotbat pithy abort sa.y-. to rl' on'D "d1s thron�j overlooking V. o lluemb6rs of the British Israel wed Up b * , 1. , 11 '�:, - , � ; I I L 4 ' , I , , 1911 a t " - " ingO.aboixt war -0&t owe oproptia the' 04� f that the HebroW Word, for mAn 1, t 0 's L , L I . . d! Agsoolat;16kk deduce this progra.mm�ootx - � a , , up in a pub1ic.br%w1_t1,w last of"" iSt "Certainly." , _ � , R I., ' 1. 'All fierce winds mechanically in aftoonditions are I vari , .L .. a6t Of - of: the .prb�.hao .sh Mnipito,, J%re at 'ptesent. . Ilkl4l6k,thow, id - ed, in ref- b , les. The Turku plantal. The lodgment of grain and yielding 1. I �_� red, and he cai ja ,,NNroll, there are two , c"n " jh,up by. I � , sereples digapp6s, � : Influences 0elitidthelias: "A luau that. ran$ ekilii�o to ettloi sex, But Ili EzekI64 will be b ckdn up and P&ng1c:nd, with and fall, and east t up � "I 1111'1­�,' boldly to the,front. . which attaoll the count to the brutal ,fight again." -(Demoathoiies. ivir., gg, ire the wor&4­111 Will crop 'her ally, A=Wba, will -occupy Palestine and oonc,oquebt damages in quality and pagsag6 of ,heavy add wagous 6 , , "�. I ,�,' . with a quick, firm grip,'Htezri V" fetlo%v, for tfiat he JA brutal r'do not & out in deep, �. I I I hTI='kcha,rged With cowardice in off f;0%, the t as she has occupied Egypt, and a parti- loss of time in harvesting are due to them, Narrow tires � : ��. I I valfic, took the morqPts by the arm, hesitate to affirm. Virst, you inust throwing awgy Ufa shield at the I*t- op. of his "ung twigs a, aa return of the Jawsk to Palestine will leave the roads in a horrible cond . � . . . I , . tender one and IvHi 01a,ut. it upon an tote , 'Place under tlie protection of the storms. while wide tires would paok - " I ,I L ��,., ,, , one Would htkvd love with the PrInoss,di -&Xon'r0e. "In those days the . Omd gravel firm and Smooth, t "� ­­.' L '. I whirling,him. arpiuMby the exercise ofi remember tha Guisoppe Deaaro, is tie of ChoVouO04 888 13. a. high moubtain &nd emin6nt.11 Dr. Afiglo 2. Unprotected ploughed lands, ex- tt", 1A. I � , no deeply In Marshal Saxe., "Wo are� like '61olik - 1. a Strength which I 4� Glover A&YA,that - house , .1 I believed. from his appearance, that he V&rcna. M loves her past3lonatelyo _One thlulrA. of ug , this tender twig re r ;1 , I � I . I I could have, possessed. only whan it rains. I f6r4 tA) a W6014h, the 'Pritioess Tea To- of'Judah shall walk to the house poL,Fed to driving winds, have some of proving the surface of the OA f � I, I . . . � � and, I do riot doubt, uvuld almost give (Said of the i4dier after &&(A of Isirael, and they shall , come. tolge-th. the finest of the soil lifted into the Casual observation will clearly ' I .. �, q . . . " Stoffano, Farnew I Liaten. tg. me, his fifo for her love In return. lie was I hi, ad, through her down to Queen . eacting 'a '. . * It you do not . declared.), V�ptorl%, thas4itia,king Queen Victoria, er out of the land of the north to the air and carried off. I onstrate that a wheel 11 . , give over this disgrace- fandlea, I have thoUgh't, that Stef- , . ; in the mud I. *­ - ' fxxl ona6t--If you mblas(b the painter fan wieldA a conlsidera�lo influence' AleXanilor the Great to his disaffoo- a lineal deacenclant of Xing David. land thiLt 1 gave for an inberitance to S. The effect of draining land is to three or four ineh0l� . I ii . , I ,. . I " I � I . ted soldiers: "Go home 111141 leave Al- ywit, fathera, Jer. Ili., 18. That the two great deal o& resistance to loveroo I I furlther-1 avroar, by all I hold aeared, over her, and that whatever he can TM BRITISH 18"MITES derground moiatu �o 010 I .! I "', , . , oxand6r to conquer the world alone." houses of. Israel shall return together carry off the Vn re. front, besides the resistane' ,� I L , that you shelf be expelled from -the doito, help him will please her. Atall must "slime from Is shown in Ezekiel, xxxvil. 19: "Behold Trees dr%�n moisture into the atmos- - the adhesion of mad on tb I � 11 e . I I I 11 Corrogglo-, and yon 1puq>v fr �w Wellingtout :'A givat country can add that no one to porti I ill do it 1, events the marquis Is rielated to heir, have no aph thing, as 6 little war,',' this that Queen Violtoria, has any trace I will take the stick of Joseph,, which thli wheel tha,t is bei'ag raisedIf 'L' I .1, . . BegWUAV I I will ha*e no more of ft.,' phere; the hotter the weather the niore on . *I L - � 1�. I A Sill, , amd,41le would naturally desire that he Mareehat Noy: "Glory Is not to be of Jewish blood, for the house of Israel is in the land of Ephraim and the the road, by Its revolution �f "' I 'L I ' Ile Oath had escaped the rdf- should prosper; so the count feels it it follows, and will ' . I � ' . tian's Ii divided." to not the house of Su" and while tribes of Isr"l, lit active are, t.boy to impart humidity tow A practical test W, this ... - 11 1. �, I,— �. . ,Ea, an4 then he had backed to be policy to promote that pros- Marshal Lanrie4: "No one but a all Xeift 0o IsraellUs, all-IsfAtIltes arO put than With him, even with the stick the air. I trated by pushing a loadd w 1 � I .1 . ': , down- UO khOw VolrY Wall that young 1*rlt.? it hb chb. poltroon will boasC that lie never know not noce"MIlly Jews,*, that the word of Jose0b, and make them. ona�,stiok." 4. Unaheltered fields III hotL weath. row over a piece of soft ga Y J I .11 , . Ita valia,bloin,x pr0aident of the olub,as "There is tiaother influence. Our fear.,* I I V-6w1l In o*� an abbrovidt,16A of the As Many 1*r4ous believe .that Great � then ou (% plank. .1 V 11 - ­ I I well as one of tb�i principal supports, good duke feeL4 dgiply the effect of , I - . word ,, Sudelhita" and,sluiply Moans a Brite,in'a fluslf obnflibt.ov6r the East- or are e,vpw6A to a rapid tLbsorption of The queatioln of good roads LLL �. ,,, I . I .. . 11 could it his ehogo ;Xecute his threat; 11U br6thar's b6hav,lor upon the, public ", � ­ capied a ,good deal of attentioul- I . asid, mad an be wa,% the thought of Mind. It is bocotning li, seftnaal that 1� POnGOT THE NA=. ­__ - deftendant of the man Judah, It is re� era question Will be,w1th Itussis., which th6ir motatare, and to a sudden arrest -S _.., I corded In r' Xlllga X'i. tb&t IS the GoLg' of the vrohooios, the pro� of plant growthl and, during nights, to pro4s, the 1,6gislattire, rai'd mul . lf� L � I � I I L expulsion from the M1106t Select Li!14 gives him Much trouble and abroat, Dorotey vialted'the Zoo, and bad the ftebrbW49 Were divided In'tO the gfarAme 0 far fAlit" , with the possill & abs�rptinn of their warmth,. The councils during tbA past Lt�V r: L ; . 6ugh .1 'eat s00%l dilib In Phrina; Bodo you soo,by holping tolvin 1%tefl, beeli given a ride on the blOPhaut- house of Israol and the house of Sud. - ftlos� it [a Wit In coadltioiw favorable t6'plant life all, - 1.11 , , , tbA bhi - a . Foberodl'im tor the time; but th(x fano away fVOW even a gdW of hIS.,6vil L I the goripturea, but the tire q ­ _ I o4ting her experience t6 bar I I I I brought inore Y, : '"AL I ths,t G � a * i to . , L O&4L I look ho calst upon h% late lut,thgonist, oourwa ottisoppt to barhin When t � all. The house of Iartibl was carried . me ft6m,ber Place out an oV0u\teMp6r&taT0 and a humid it- sideratiob.,awa . A 6 . . g th6 duke'o graxid%ophdr she said. away captive by the Kings pf Assytia pa.tts, with Many poopla r N! A: as he sufferod himsell to I)a lea &-%,�yp . of the ,nor gratitude, and he h6pas vvil, ro i . . I M&Apboro�., The report alluded tostates: mont, and pros,etvittift.' , eftelint one, 'liftnefte I t L P ' , 'A shall 06mo up (ginat Wa�q nd, Ilia holirt WO'L& bouefit of his I 661" th6 I had J"t tb* JoValf!Mt time, grand- albout 700 13.10,, and the h" of Judah q lt� hor, � , a P1 , a * th he rifi. mothi&r, ridin " _ . M% A � -the saidNlit o� water given off by od farm ecOnOMY'. .. ! , ' Wpoosibld, more bititer thtta Wfolrd, cogs, rk61t,mOa&IIy_4f halift-thd count .g on a -ph a-wollo 'tw wes earridd &Way to BabYdon 60$, 13.0. the opth 19 3926k. XxXvi I., 15, 11 and AA aptLaddhilo : the iaimal tha-t has the coweil.t0har Oil After seventy yova hptut In oAptivity, 16. , 6 t 4sr .. fotjohA J�r6 inter- the leaves o� ttem ill warm days is To bicyclists especially t 6 ­ .., -11 I that thIA; 1§tfuggfe Will vastly greater thmn any ones not ae- wide tires would bo a gtoat b6l - w0tkil1g, "of his despisos ,the fallbW, mud only fta tt ffilut* 1,11 front of hilt. tho house of :u&h returned to We&. 'pretod to 1-1- Ili- . I dw1k features pThinly told that t�or of pofl,o,y d6c% ho, pnt U L with lilft. � tifto; but the tribes of lar4ol iold hot 6wt(Auia tot, tht6e UU4 ofto-half y6krA, qttafyttod with the results of expeti. wouttl prevent thoformatift thouAhtA "of -vetido;%po were buay, He oorlt4Qy. w6ald ji X 4,'4nd would not UA tDII&S � ot , h t14 *6 , POLITIC, fttn'd #Ad the hift 6Vbr 811166 bdeft 0,lid Until IsVol, tho 4,0#%.1q�*0ijg, ments can supposo. As near as can be raLl Within\ should asaalclt6 tth him," I t Lfa tb 6A' LL � ou 14at trlb,66", _ forest tree $qkrfaj,6 of , the r64do,' InAin , I I 6 9-6ft*hIle & tagpd, rjhopk,lheqd6& "M ri"Midt , ' dhor, aftpr &btl6f Wort t _ Groa� BAtalu and Ablotiolk" Is 061most inAule. ont, & largo -sized I W Valker ftgg -Mati;ar, *61VO I I I 11 I L tl� I t- 31 I. . 1A-* i"11-11 ,qlVio6tIi6r 8410 411a W) L boy . 01� . tho . _1 � I - ; ar . . . -1 tf,�, I . . I I . 11 I . , 11 I . I 0% stn6t tribo.bAd dived ttLtt( VAA61 durl'69 1whi(sh hd fi&d bd6n prd. - 0, mr and. btou0b to the 61hoto, � oohdly thoughtful "of, eour:s6it; is ii6t &t td hh* a, ikwta6 gi) where, M 4tiltditu 6%timplio litq&taro oilircotw wlim tho 14otd, An, 1�16&1 XUl. 1Vl1T6Wr3 iLUVU k, 1. I 11 — 4 to tttkd 6hargo , , oft this subj6ot, 66 A & IN �bu fifty barrel,; a (lity; forty ft of 'this h6wlEftit ildfifIt of,piAlita. 86mc of tha b6okis itte filallont of tho, 1*60 ft , � 11 4 - 41 t - g I. . I Lot all Wilto ,A lui 0tf*6 t to the golierAl IIIA 'forfunato tapi6r, t,ftd, havlog. ly NViped it 'NY, th& ftttterS 61, 'Its ­_ __ __ - of t.bb Intl -- ____ '_ "'*' uot h"i - ' . '��___' --3'4 �tmtlnpri fiAd 611 toxid tb I#Ovd that *,0iid, and roll' back thii h'imi6sof Oog M& Ws;Ik6r Dogy-mle'thitik, the British VA-01woud th6,liin bm 6V dmtfoy t8rololIA, fopl% and Wa,blf,tU W6' " _ao "I " &i`4 to , , r, t .� ' 71� !'� �hiplli 9 hl� � th ' � 11111r:" ObIleL 'kiligaom -6�Vtk *htc� h, be 0 �tlt lowl to fl$6 biltrdl- T1119 may Abb�l In - 16r6dibI6, but It, k jiot above thi) e�stiffi­ AM hw6uftt, on q mball Seale, Treo &dvoe%to . W&A on, Ml I kinds tit, VA,gons " , NA1119 heavy l04v&i*`0VLykA,.,, ho'k, Awtt!ftdod it NY owu6t" h% . 01to1w took 13"L(A boxatiruf I A ists`k6! I ,� th � .0thn, 4 'or mo onlx , a 0 4t atital gttl arigh W61ker, paggy�-TIAdg' th6 #*. h6umsof rrjr%61 mve Id& It U#od Will 6 jlt� fiW V"66 ll,t jvjj�. pit6a. 1: I* Loleav thoA M6 oorthitit Wthright aililiautum, I 011W I , I'm I . - � . . I ,,, . r6bbq have 1%66� found N Att bolow I tiall. � , I . I I . I I I . I . I . . I I P . I . . N I r . I . � I I . 11 . 0 1 I .1 . I .1 I I . I I I 1. , . . L . � I I 4 I I � I 1 �. . � I � . . .1 � I . I I I " ­er.%d_ - - �­A' I . �, . I I I . I . I I I , I . I ., I 1. . 11 . . � . I I V I � I � . , I '421. , !A' , I I I I . I �, I . V . . 4 I .. I I ,� '. . L I M"IM.- —4a l' "I � 11 -1 MA� � . .. ­ ­ .,. �Q_A"_ . -, - 1p.L�ti ��;i _4�-� I �.' , �­�. - '... ... I I � . I I I ,. I ..... I ,�­­ 1-1 A'. , -1 �� * . "I.' ""ik - � Im l , ". �-�i��� ..,l&t.11% � __ h&hmaftUl � r.J,A_t. ".i",.� I - . , .A4�.�-_,., - I . I - _. I � 11 11 . 1. _L1 I ,