HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-16, Page 5JUNE 16, 1898. THE CLINTON r WE have purchased the Drug Business of Messrs. Allen & Wilson and solicit a continu- ance of the patronage accorded th We commence busi- "s here with a large range of experience and are fully quali- fied to attend to the drug wants of the community. We continue business in the same old stand, opposite the Market, wheyo you will still receive Pure Drugs, Good Goods at reasonable prices and satisfac- tion or a refund of your money. SYDNEY JACKSON GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Successor to ALLEN & WILSON. J A LABOR SAVER. THE WRTTLAUFER PER -HAR VESTE R& BUNCHER saves labor and time, clean the way for the horses and machine and prevents the shelling of grain. It has only to. be seen to be ap- preciated. Those who have used it willingly give testimonials. Can be attached to any Reaper or Mower. • FOR SALE BY .AI`. • CHREINTI Implement Warerooms ,Huron.,, St., nearly opposite Commercial IIotel, Clinton. okterecosseillEalesesolmlwirseet CHEAP RATES C.P.R. WINNIPEG per boat from Owen Sound $$15.8(3. SAULT ST. MARIE per boat from Owen Sound $$6.1 O. WINDSOR and Return $$4.10. TOROTON and Return $3.35. For all information in reference to travel apply to W. JACKSON, CrAgent CLINTON. CRA(D:TRUNK SYs EM REDUCED RATES TO THE WEST To Winnipeg & Return S ,Q (By Boat, 1st class, including meals, and berths.) 2nd Class no meals or berths, S15. C) Low Rates to Dakota Points. A. O. PATTISON. F. R. HODGENS, G.T.R. Depot. Town Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC R Y. I The Finest Military Band in the World. MAGIC SILVER POLISH FOR„_" ► GOLD, SILVER and PLATED WARE To which it imparts a most beautiful lustre by simply applying and polish- ing off with a Jewelers' Soft Brush, chamois or Canton flannel. It con• tains nothing injurious and will not scratch the most delicate surface. If a trial fails to convince you of its merit we will refuned your money. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, COMPLETE WITH BRUSH 50 CENTS. PREPARED SPECIALLY FOR P. S. CREWS Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. Work An Ad.. . Our work is an ad for us, be- cause we do repairing of Watches, Etc., so thoroughly that the owners come back to us if they have anything else in our line, and they not only conie themselves but also sug- gest to their friends that A. J. Grigg's is t he place to go. Do You NEED A WATCH See Our Stock and hear Our Prices. \Ve sell Good Goods. A. J. GRIGC Successor to . • . J BID DLEG'O1 .BE. Boarders and Roomers Wanted. Boarders and Roomers Wanted. Large and comfortable residence on Townsend St. just south of Public School, t" J. R. COLLINS. June 7th. Phaeton For Sale, Phaeton for sale, in good order. Can be seen on the promises of the subscriber JAMES FAIR. Clinton, June 1st. Remember the Maine Thing in HANGING \VAr.L i':wee is to hang it to stay. If you buy good paper don't get it put on bad. "When we do it, we do it well." J. J. FISIIICR. Clinton, June 1st. House and Lot For Sale, House and lot for sale on Cutter St. in rear of Queen's Hotel, Apply to 0. MILNE, Clinton, Juno 13th. Queen's Hotel. To Let or For Sale. The un(lereigned offers for solo or rent that 1k story brick residence on Raglan St, There ore 6 bedrooms, dinning room, sitting room, kitchen. Also good stable. In connection with the residence are two acres of land and a large number of fruit trees. For particulars apply to OANTELON shot„ Clinton. HARRY CANTELON, Mt. Forest. March 14th. Fire ! Fire ! Now is the time le fire all the dirt and dis- ease in your mattrosees end feather bode. The old and reliable Feather Man from Goderich is here agnin and in the old elan(( next, the Dow - son House. If not in the shop when you call leave your orders at N. Itobson's and they will receive prompt attention. Get your tnatt.Posses done and don't forget. old ones made new. t,, HALST WAD. Clinton, June 7th. Godfrey's English Band VICTORIA RINK Goderieh, June 20th, 1808. WILL RUN Home Seekers' 60 Day Excursions To the "eViladian North West Al RETURN FARES Deloralno • - Reston - • • $20 Estevan • - Rlnscarth • - Moosomin - Winnipegosis • . - Regina .} $30 fhemelaw Yorkton - Prince Albert - $35 Calgary - - 1 +i Edmotin . • -} $40 Going June 28. Returning until Aug, 27 (Ali Rail or S. S. Alborta 1 Going July I9 Qoing July 14 (All taReturning until SepAt 12'abascn) Going July 19. Returning until Sept. 17 (Alt Rall or S. S. Alberta.) Our G rand Performance on above Date. 40c. from Clinton to Goderich end return, Reserved Seats 81.00. Spenial Train hank from Goderieh atniose of performance. Subscribers will have firet choke) of Seats on Monday next. Reserve plan at inelcso0 Tiros., Clinton. imumemetommerweememessuY omwocees To Improvers of Stook. The undersigned has on his promfees, 10th conceeeion, Oode•ich Township, A Thoroughbred Jersey Rall. Terms: -41 and $2. A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis- tered. Terme: -Si, with the privilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tamworth Roar, registered.. Torms:--$I, with privilege of returning.• For tickets apply_ to any Canadian Pael110 ! This is a rare chaneo to improve your stock Agent, or to C.I+...cPHERSON, Asst. on. Passr. agent,1 ihing St,. I•1ast, Toronto. R5-tt. T. C. IC»Mtrsns, Owner MARRIAGES. TAYLOR-MIDDLEMI1S--11) "•' •tis 8th ivat., at the residence of dloiuiss, by the itov. J. T. B Edgar Taylor. of Paris, to miss, of the same place. CAMPI3ELL-MAX -In Hensall by the Rev. Henderson Mr. ( to Miss Alma Max, both. of II 13ISHOP-WOLF-Ll Winnipeg by the Rev, J. Roy. P. L. Biot Ont., to Bertha L. Wolf, Yout of Mr. and Mt's. Joseph Wulf JOHNSTON-BLACK At the I age, Wingham, on Weduesd. by the Rev. Jas. Hamilton, T to Miss Margaret Melinda 1 Ashlleld, S'rEELE-McOREOOR Ir) Seaf day, .lune 7t1i, nt the residua( norther, Michael Steele,M, D. to Annie Robertson, eldest d late Donald McGregor, of Mc LEVER MANNING On 'Tues( at the residence of the bride's by Itev. 1t. Paul, Mr. Jacek 1'leshorton, Grey County, to Manning, of Morris. VANSTON 1. -HAMILTON -At Saturday, June 41.11, 1898, by Anderson, B. A , George Vat borne townshlp, toMlnnieHar \Vawanosh. BIRTHS. I{I\G--In Turubnry, on June 96 Wm. King, of twins, son and LAWSON-ln Hulled, on the wife of Robt. Lawson, of a da BATES -In Goderieh, June 4th Mrs. Geo. Bates, 0 004. HEAL EY. -At ileumiller, on Sut to Mrs. David Healey, of a de PENNINGTON- In Grey, on wife of Mr. Waiter Penniugt CO("1'TS-At 4521 St)ttu street June 3rd, the wife of Mr, 11. 4 ly of Brussels, of a daughter. LONG.- In ('rnnbrook, on Mune the wife of Mir. Jacob hong, el ARMSTRONG -At 219 Keystot( Buffalo, N. V., on Saturday, I wife of Mr. David Arutstroij Brussels, of a daughter. JACKSON --In Brussels, on Til 9th, the wife of Mr, H. L. Jael of a son. HAM -WORD -In Centralia, on wife of Thos. Handford, of a DAY -In Exeter, on June 2nd, t; Louis Day, of a daughter. IKUN'iZ-in Exeter, on Juno 81 Wm. Kuntz, of twine -boy an FRASEit--Ila East \Vawanosh, c wife of Daniel A. Frazer, of a SOBYE--In (Cast 11VOwanosh, on wife of 1Vn>. Sobye. of a dant J< NS 'O - )II 51 N In'[into C 11,11n Wet 8th, the wife of Oliver Jolutst MOORE-In Clinton, on 1'hurst the wife of Wesley Moore, of DE ATlis. oILI:-In farcy, on Juno 8th, 1 aged CO year':(, SCO'rT •In Elaut, m1 Friday, ,la rant son of Mr. and Mrs Hob LUCAS-. In hhna, 011 June St If, Wesley, only son of Chas, years, 6 months and 27 days. I''I811Ei1- 1❑ Ondcrich, 011 'rues 18135, Banton Fisher, late of aged 5(1 yon vs and 3 mold Ifs. MAit'i•IN in (ioderirh, on Tiles 1805, Melinda Stafford, wilt 1 fenny Alurlin, aged 1;(i and 5' IVE(It -Ira Goderieh, on Sundt 18118, Alexander Weir, aged,i Hl'ltRELL-On May 3lst, ton avenue. 'Toronto. Lho brut her -in -haws Dr. Mc1T1 Ilown.t Ilurrcll, in the 71st y; .1t,\KN--lu Colborne, of .( Lof 1 no, ) Fri 1bJ8, Lee Jenkin, aged 18 months. 11)1(1E115 --In Brussels. on Rani .Fredericlt Charles Rogers, a AB:CALLt'M-in Newark, N. .1 day, 8111 inst., ,btu, 310('atllul Brussels, aged 37 years, 11(111'1-TV-Jn Beech wood, Tue', Michael Murphy, aged 78 yes BEAT'rV--In Harristou, 011 Tee 1808, R. 3, Beatty, aged 11 y and 5 (lays. DAV 11) -lit l.uean, on May 30th, aged 88 years. KEEDV---In t'sbornc, on ,lune Reddy, relict. of the late 1 aged 88 years, 0 month,. Me3IANi3-Ll Blau, on the 3 3TeMane, aged 80 years and HELLA41 - In Elmo,. on the 31st 1t, Ilollnr, aged 78 years, 71 logo. SC(11"I' -111 Mould on, on the 4 1)OHER1Snot1. '\ -Ineedn CI Lyears, og1tn, on (114 Alex. 1>ohetty, aged 72 year LSNCiI-In Blyth, on Juno,# Lynch, aged 011 years. h PHO("TOIL-In Blyth, on :41` Edgar Proctor, aged 12 yea 't 111 days. THE THREE ST, For the early stage `;co is a cure. For the second many. And for the last s sumpion it soothes the.co longs the life. Henry B. Western, as Canada Life Assurance, head office at Hamilton,: below the heart. He will PLAIN, HONEST W Cararrh and cold in the IIe ly Dured by `„Dr. Agnea Powder -It's Painless. Says Alex. Edmison, c Ont. :-"I have been ti catarrh for several' years very much. No end of re used, but I can honestly 1 Agnew's Catarrhal Powder remedy I have used that h mrnent relief. It has in r tho disease, -Sold by \Vatj GOOD ROADS REFOI t upplement to Th Frost & Wood Delivery 1.1ST OF IMPLEMENTS 801.1) TtJIS 8 SON FOlt FROST & WOOD i3Y ('1111 'IN It TitELit LOCAL ACiEN'r, (iI':TUIls'1t \1'1'1'H 'PRE SALES MADE (1. LAV OF MASSEY•HA.tRIS. The Frost & \Vood inrplernent livery, Lite first of the kind to ti place in Clinton, 'Thursday after40 fast wtIS such a success its to grat Mi-, A. Selu'euk, the local argent, gettler with the other represerttati of the Company present- '1'lte p chasers ('01140 ill in the. forenoon 0 after 104011104 up their machines paired to the Commercial Hotel whit dinner awaited them. At '230 p. a procession was formed, the Citize Band, the boys wearing striped blaze leading ell. Next came a carriage cel twining peeve 1{ennedy and Aget Sohreuk, 'I'hompsou, Kippeu and Pi ton, followed by the farmers' HI After driving around a block there %tj it round -up un the Gore where the t( of agents )1>ttde each a short address, Mr. Schreitk said he was nota Speee maker ; neither was it necessary t11 he should be 118 every implement sold put in a good word for hit Frost & \Vood Make good 11110.1 nary and swell c'onficleuee has in theta that after it good deal sales he is emtbled to retire rest kflow ing that he had olnl tel a4 golden rule in doing good uq others. Ile paid at compliment Ifriend I„t vis tit Massey-1-1101•is at said that 1iloligi) compel nig with (1i other they were in every respect amicable as hunt hers. 3)r. Patton, of Goderich, alyn ata the Braises of Frost kV \Vood, Th machinery (vas selling well and pre ing satisfactory wherever sold. General Agent 'Thoulpsen, of L( (ton, said the Company feared nn o side competition nor was it t conlllil 1[e 41,1. >l(nsed to .( many 111 L 1 y processinu which would have be much burger had not at nittniter of p chase]:, been unable to come out. fu(n)d that the Feost & R'nod mach 01I ('los giving the best of saiisfaeti and said that if the go,,d1 worn 4,01 repres0nLed all the purchasers had do wits to return the implements ant their money or nudes, a, Ilii• case maay he, would h( refnuded. The following is a list of the sales main( by Mr. Sc•Itrenk this season 1•- J3indens--i.dlvnrd 5lI,h(n, llullett; 'Phos, O'Brien, Tucket'stoith ; .1, H. \Vhite, Tuckorsrltitlt; Jas. ('artwrlght, IlulIIt; 13e'lSnn '1'ye'ivlaul, 1111He 1 ; John S. Burton, Godel•lch ; 'Tlionets Crunyn, G•tdorioll ; :Arthur ("urrie, Gederic•h ; John Fenian, 1;n,ler iclt ; A. Heroes Godori(•h ; 'Phos. Stairs, Gude- tic'h; ,John Little, Hallett; I4tiviid 1to(law'ay, hLullett; '1'. ('. Isdumds, Gderich, Movers - J. H.. \\'Mita', '1'n(•ker:41)litlt ; 1•to)her t Mit 'ohatll, G( ell, ricks \\ n). Alnir,llull(tf ; F. Mcl nughey, linnet(; Jaun(•s \114414), \Icl{t11op; Ralph Tip - lady, 114111(t t.: 1 tau ry 1''reennto, Hallett; \Vitt. Currie, Gnderirlt : George Van- derburg, Goderieh : John Alexander, Goderieh : John Forclen, Goderich ; John Harrison, (foderich : E. Bothwell, Goderich : I). Shaannalt;ut, Hallett; hold, li4ow'n, 13ullet1 : 111'. Mc(Zuaig, Town 1 John I{vle, Town ; Wenn; Stanley • .1. J. Scott. Stanley ; J. II. \VIt . Tnek(rsunth. C'ultiv'ators Henry Alillet•, Gode- rich : .1148. ('1aig, Hidlel.t. ; .John Ilal- steatd, Goderieh ; \Vitt, Beacons, Gcale. rich ; h:, I3rickenden, Hnilett ; 1'atrfc'k Cronyu, Godenich ; George Y41ngblud1, Gish -rich ; ('(101 Brennen, ifullett; E. ('hittonden, }Gillett : (', \\'ettlaufot, Ellice; Nelson Yoe, Goderich ; Andrew Flynn..11ullett. Urills-\Nut, Wier, Goderieh ; John Aiann, Hallett ; R. (iov'iet., 1Iullett ; Wm. Hardy, (4oderich ; 1). Reynolds, Hallett;.John Iteynnlds, Ilullett; John AleIntorh, Hullett; J. H, Bayley, Mul- lett. The three•year-old daughter of Vic- tor Sor fell into the lake at Rttt Por- tage and was drowned. For Over Fifty Years Mao. \VixsLow'e SOoTIIING Sv,ta'r has bcea I1/01(1 by millions of northers for (.heir nhildree while teething. 1f disturbed at. night and broken of your rest. by tt siek child suffering and crying with pain of ('iriting'l'cetl> send at once and get. a bottlo of ''Mrs. lvinslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- lieve 11wt poor little sufferer bullied in e.ly. De - petal upon it, mot hers, there is no inisluke about it. it cures Dia ?Tiara, regulates the Stomach and 'bowels, cures Wind (.'elle, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gg14estone and energy to the whole system. "3li's. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for ehildren teething is plea- sant to the, taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest. awl best female physielans and nurses in the united States. Price twenty-five .;milsabottle. Sold by all druggists tltrought out the world." Be euro and ask for "Miss WINSLOW'S SOOTIIING 511RU1'. ^Wrs/ts/ti, Rheumatism? SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. Relief in six hews l What a Glad mes- sage to the pain•rackod, bed -ridden, dee pairing sufferer from rhottmattem'e crnol grasp -and this is a feet, borne out by volumes of ovideneo, for this greatest of pain conquerors, Rheumatism is curable -South Ameri- can Rheumatism Cure ie an absolute speciflo, and radically cures the most stubborn cases in from ono to three days. " I suffered intensely from rheumatism andllciatica. Tried many remedies and many physicians without any lasting benefit. A few doses of South Amor.t can RhoumatieCure wonderfully helped mo; two bottles cured mix" -Ii. Errett4 Morrtokvlllo, Ont. Thousands of tread slaves toll the same story -don't suffer an hour longwr.-22. Sold by Watts & (`o. 2nd SUPPLEMENT TO The News -record. JUNE 16th, 1898. OIPSINSEMIMISUINCLAImmminelYCIIIEW Binevale. miss Mary Collie is on the sick list. Mr. Ernest, 31 ills, of ('Rufous spent it f( w days in town I•)st week. Mt -s, John Burgess was 111 Brussels Lest week. Mr. \V ill Gardener, of Teeswater, spent Sunday itt hoose. David llardy, of Teeswat(t, was in town hast week. Alt, Hudson has been re-engaged as foreman of the flax 111111. The 131tu'vale ('he(sr l'o. have so1(1 their first Int of cheese for 7t( per Ib. The Epworth League held n social meeting last Thursday (-vetting. The I'reshyterian Christian Endeavor So- ciety and also the Rrowot'>wn Ep- worth League had liven invited so t Itat 1 he attendance was very large. A grand peograuuntc of 41111,10, so1144, 1(l•It ItIIll4$ and readings was given. 11 r. \Vuu. Gray and (laughter Jean, have returned from an exteuet(d vis)[ to Atwood and Listowel. Hiss Emily, of Ethel, is the guest of 11rs. Snell. Henry Mellardy hats returned to Goderich, 31r. and Alps, Nelson Gerry, of I3rut.- sels, spent, Sunday with Mrs. Putla11d. Bele'rato'e, The infant, daughter of John Nethery pied on the morning of the :30th of of May. 11 had been poorly for it long tine U. May 31st John Proctor, after a long illness succumbed. 1l( leaves a fancily, mostly grown up, well provid- ed for. The funeral was on Tltuestlav and under the auspices of the A. O. t'. W. and was very largely attended. Deceased was an Episcopalian and a staunch Conservative'and was 47 years of age. On the 1st of June John Budge, full of years, was beckoned by the angel of death and sin rounded by his friends bade farewell to all things earthly in the S;)th year of his age. He was buried in MrItae's cemetery where other members of the family are inter- red. Deceased was a Presbyterian and Reformer. Rev. A. L. Budge, of Maodaunim, WAS in attendance the last few days nfevions to his death. Peter Budge and Mrs. Thos. Lemon, of Waterdown, were here attending the rimmed of their brother last week, also James Budge, of Mount Forest and .J. B. Nicol, of Owen Sound. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in Knox church last Sahhath. The Ladies' aid intend holding as garden party at the Manse grounds on Friday evening next. At the annual meeting of the West the agrewnNnt. Huron Farmers' Institute held at the llurrny a 's. Uclvor.--Action t Nile on 'Tuesday week the following o recov- er a I(glacy, postponed tall next officers wore elected :- sittings. Ashfield. --.James Hayden, 11tcgh Gir- vin, Jas Hutchins. W. Wawauosh. - AI, Young, Geo. 1}owett, M. Bailie East 91uron Partners' ifiSI nfe. E. \Nawanosh, -31. Lockhart, R. C. 1Yest IIILIIeIt. The 110mla1 I)icnic in connection with 5. S. No. ai will be held on Ft i'lay of Gibs week in 111. Itich, (1trter'14 grove. There will he the usual games and races and also a football match be- 1wee11 (h( utatiied mien and single .. men. Procecdilags to couumeuc('at. ll) a. ml. with diuuar 1)1 12. 'Ther( will 111SO be a refreshtueut booth on the grounds, ('oute and spend a pleasant clay. 1(r. \V, A. \'odder has added a 11(41 utill4. separator to his dairy equip - /melt, the, makes the s(cen(1 fu the neighborhood the other being the property of t\Ir, Geo. Snell. 3it, liph. lirocvn's hat n is rapidly wp- prc,au hiug completion Mr. Itiley had the t•outratc•t of the framework and \1r. 13orte that, of the stonework. 11 r. atn(1 Ales. J. 11. Lowry spent Saturday and Sunday with the Litter's parents at Iiuhucsville. Resolutions of Condolence. (./ ata' ler/0 i3rulher, ITor.+ltflr%atf Broth, 1.• 1?. 11(y(rr,,.,l :- Al' the last regular 11100ttng of the rennet :51(0 mite Lwlt<0, hul(1 on Juno 111111. the 0,11oty• ing re -:Mallon was unnuilituu,ly adopted: lie. soivlQ that we the Officer, uud :Members "f Clinton Lodge Xu, s). -1. F. acid A. 131., phare 0111114, 1 1, our high (strew of the litany excel- lent qualities oreur late \\'uroltiefnl Brother, Itirhtud 114)(001I11, 41.11)111 it.lut,plrl,erl au all• 14.,• 0'1'nt ido111.0 11) rcnmvr front 111), wens of his cartl,ly Inbar, to Cho wamiuus of eternal rest. .1. at 'I t'.lra• 31 io,rl, 311,1,'1 a111f1 l'11-1 31 .ler of this Lodge, he exenmlilled 111 .d prc- en)111)'))) '((14 1.0 those virtu(, which 41(4)4)1 diorite( at 10110 31/,011. And it is fnrthcr reslI yt hat, our heart felt pal hr is )i.•ruby ) Xton(Ic(cdI lu has hcreavo(I (entity, resting in Cho Divine Assurance that that (sod 4(111 (1 hits taken away the earthly father, will be a father 10 the fatherless. 01,1 V Elt JOHNSTON, Master. '1'1103'iAS IteiN113 ALL, Secretary, Clinton, June 14111, 1898. To (lie Family o/ oar late Beal Iu r Ile:utCntr.nor•:N:•-lou have been bereft, of your renntiuiug parent which nu'u.us to you all a very ,I1.(1'1.1). ]USK. A,4 a4 klpport '111) you. he irw neve• found neglecting that duty; ns n. father, he (Vas el'PI' ttll'crttlnate and 101111. RI, wlyv,triving lu 11111k0 lutppy the children lie su dourly loved; but he 1110,, Leen taken away you 710 loft 10 10011'11 7'4111' loss which is 1110epa•able, (woe) Maple 1,112, No. tai, Canadian order foresters, mourn.: with you, and feel, a 41)4) sympathy far yon. tt•e feet lilt tce. have lust at nuc Brother, One who wu, ev01. ,1,1) to 1014)11at hrh run111 t he 41110 of nec(1', ole 110.)(1 (lint yo1pingu nulyt 11,41(1 e tl,pired to kcop the little rircl(in loving tinny, (lint when in future, asyou limy become ,01011;110(1, thorn luny be nothing to 1000 hack 10 but love i1) 1 harmony. Sig,I1(n 1tIiN in 1'b,ehalf111:P1' of t hietlt('0110). 5, iter:. -let:, (:110101, June 7th, 1598. \leliowan, A. ('orris. At the meeting of the East Huron \V'ip,ghnw. Grlmson, 11'. Farmers' Institutes in Brussels Tuesday Clegg, John Hanna. '-• a'tternoon'weeb', the following Directors 'i'urubul ry.-(flavin \\'ikon, wt re eleete l •- ('ruickshanks. Morris -Messrs. • Fraser and Smillie. 131yth.--1'. Medcalf, A. E. Bradwiu, '1'urnberry-Messrs, Evans and El, C. Hamilton. HulIett -James Snell, A. '1'. McDon- ald, \\'m. Jackson. Clint[ n,-14. Holmes, S. G. D. Mc, Corvie. (ioderiCh 'Township.--\Ves. Marquis, Geo, AMR son; I". 13. Elford Goderich, - A. McD..1Ilan, Wm War. nock, AV'tn. Burrows, Colborne. -Jt. Young, N. Kernighan, John Dustow. Aurlito;e, -\l. Mcllwain and ('has. 01rv10- The Directors immediately assetn- bleu an(i appointer; Messrs. i}ethering- ton and 'Todd scrntineeis, and elected the following officers :- President, Wm. Bailie, Dungannon, . \'ice•President, Roderick Young, Car• Nott. Wroxeter -Messrs. Gibson andBre(h, 001'. Bowick-\Messrs. Gibson and Edgar. Grey,- Messrs. Dilworth and Stra- chan. McKillop -Messrs. Murdie and Me, Millan. flullett - Messrs. McMillan and 1l inch ley. 'Brussels -Messrs. Blair and Kerr. The following officers were Caen chosen •- President, Reeve 'Phos. Strachan. Vice -President, ,1. \V. Fraser. Secretary, Thos. flood. Auditors, Jim. McIntosh and J. 13. McLaughlin, Regular meetings will he held at Brus- low. sets and Wroxeter and additional 2nd Vice, E. Medcalf, Blyth, meetings at Fordwich, Ethel, Bluevale, Sec.-Treas., 1I. Loekhatt, Auburn. Walton and Londesboro. of itself possesses very few of these qualities, and unless the operator does, dissatisfaction and failure will result, 11000088 AND CULVERTS, Experience has shown durable im- provements to be the most economical. One of the most common leakages of municipal funds arises from the main- tenance of temporary wooden bridges and culverts. The life of a wooden structure is, at the outside, not more than one-half or one-third that of an iron bridge, or culvert of cement or masonry, while the cost of keeping the former in repair during that period is very considerable. The price of the timber is constantly rising, and, in many localities, first-class material is difficult to obtain at any reasonable price. The cost of iron has been very much reduced of recent years. s► - Scrofula, hip disease, salt rhuem, dyspepsia and other diseases due to impure blood are cured by Hood's Sar- saparilla. Alvin Orton, an I7asex farmer, Was truck in the abdomen with a wagon orlgue, dying as a result. Miss Jeanette Wilson of Hamilton fell downstairs and fractured her skull, dying in it few h- o or... SUCCESSFUL AT LAST. "tI was a sufferer from `neuralgia in my nide, and headaches. I followed numerous preeeriptions without bene- fit and was pomaded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken only one bottle I realized it was doing me good and continued taking it until I waft cured." Mns. CARRY Peter, Georgetown, Ontario, HOOD'S PILLS aro the favorite family cathartic, Easy to take, easy to operate. 26e. Milch Cows and Springers --Not many offered and all sold at firm prices from $25 to $45 each. Choice cows are want- ed. Hogs -Firm. Choice singers are sel- ling at from 9,16.15 to $5.20. Too many light hogs are coming forward. Prioes for light and thick tat hogs rule from $4.70 to $4.75 per cwt. Sows for breeds ing sell at from 30 to 310 and stags from 2o to 21c. We quote :- Milch cows, each -$25 00 to $45 00 Export cattle, per cwt3 75 to 4 50 Butchers' cattle, per cwt Butchers' ewt Butchers' cwt Bulls, per cwt Feeders, per cwt Stockers, per cwt Export sheep, per cwt Butchers' sheep, per cwt Yearling Lambs, per cwt Spring lambs, each.... Bucks, per cwt Calves, per head. Choice bacon hogs, per ewt Light hogs, per cwt. , Thick fat hogs, per cwt Sows, per cwt Stags, per cwt good cattle, corn. cattle,l 3 75 to 4 25 340 to 350 325 to 2 50 to 375 to 380 to 3 00 to 3 00 to 4 75 to 300 to 2 75 to 300 to 5 15'to 4 70 to 4 05 to 300 to 200 to 3 30 3 00 4 25 3 86 3 50 3 40 5 50 4 25 300 6 00 5 20 4 75 4 75 3 25 225 SKIN ON FIRE. Torment of Torments• -Is there scro- fulous tendency ? Is there irritating eczema? Is there unexalainable itch- ing, stinging skin eruption ? Dr. Ag- new's Ointment to a soverign• balm for all such. • One application soothes and patient treatment produces a baby -like softness of the akin. It destroys the disease germ effectively, Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure piles in from three to six nights. 35 cents. Use Dr. Ag- new's Liver Pilis. Large vial, 20 cents. -Sold by Wattt & Co, :"11 - each wei "up to the 11310 of July. First practise on Tbrersdaty of this aveek at. 8 p.ut, a101 In the death of 'Alt. •h, ('. t, -(0rs, Sunday week at the age of 72 years, Brussels lost one of its 111101. promi- nent citizens and one win through 104. whole course of his long residence in the village has been foremost in any movement tower(Is its limn ovotueut and the->rosperity' of its citizens. Born in 1820, at Ltod Lodge. Southamp- ton, England, he came to this count0'y with his wile :iti years ago and entered into partnership with his brother in Delaware, Ont. Ile removed to Brus- sels in 1871 and purchased the hnsiness of Neil ,Livingston, which he carried on for many years at the peemis(s since burnt down, near the bridge, on the %Vest sidle of Turn berry St. In 11871) 31 r. Rogers 41')s alerted Iteeve, which position he held continuously Until 1181. 101ring his Iteov'eship he founded the salt block, stili in success- ful operation by Coleman Ileos,, and the bell, forme' ly on t he 'l'owu ILill, now on the school, bears witness to his generosity. Deceased belonged to the English church, was an honorary mem- ber of St. John's Lodge A.F. & A •ind in politics it strong ('onservative, fie had been fabling for some time and the end was not (lnexpec•ted. Mrs. Rogers }las the heartfelt sympathy of the whole village. Ile leaves no child- ren. Miss Dutton, of Stratfot(1, is a sister, anti among his near 4(latiV0. are G00. Rogers and Airs. Deadman, of this village, Mrs. Clark, of Wood- stock, and Mr. Parfitt, of London, %A I 11.11-11%0 1 LX • • I o 1.1 mra I `O CLINTON. 1898 New Dried Fruits 1898. Raisins -Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas, Currants-Filiata'as and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Walinute. COOKING FIGS for 50, a lb. NICE OLD RAISINS for Sc, a lb --Headquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. J. W. IRWIN McKay, Block, ^ ,Clinton. OATS Wanted in exchange, 12 lbs. Choice 1 bus, Oats, Oatmeal for 13 lbs. Choice 1 bus,Oats, Family Flour for These are our present rates but we don't know how long they will last. Oats taken in exchange for groceries. 0. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET, MERIT WINS SUCCESS ! STRATFORD, ONT. This school does first•olase work In every depart- ment and enJoyos a large pntronago, A Commer- cial School of the highest grade --none better in Canada. Students can enter at any time. Catalogue f roe. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinoial. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! -- if you want a Drat -stoat', well maeio pump, one tbs. will give you saNafnntlnn, send your order to tit nndereigned. no will dig and clean wells and do it a the closest pilots. lin also handles s flret•elas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Qnoen'e Rotel • High Street Clinton 808.11