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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-09, Page 7
• �ous�Ra�,n�IO, opao'ker Cru mbt, Heald fry in butter. mWhn slightly brown on both Aides, thou~ brow the pan, Pat in a good- spized lump of, butter, stir in bread or oracker orumbs, and when boiling hot pouir the piix!ture over the eggs. Curried Eggs.• -Slice two onions very PI"i2A 1'1'l 1SHXNG0. , thin, fry in butter. "d a tablespoon - 4.f all, the eltuatioln of the ful of carry powder. and it Pint of Kohl miler, Whom the onions are ten- Jaonae m11Ylt be ct?u4sitldred before th4 der add a teaotlpful of thin creanq dolor of alta envnfnga is d %did upon. alightly thickened with corn-sttwroh. If large trees protect It from the fierce Simmer a few minutes, there add nix rays of ilia silo, thea! any efthe chinlY sliced hard-boiled eggs. Beason to taste, and when the eggs aro heated fasshioumble shade® of tau and yellow through serve. uray be used without fear of a glare, Sworn to before me and subscribod in m7 this 6th day of December, A. D., Low. but if there is no such gratefful shade, KERPIlVIG• A MEAL, HOT. then a darker color, such as green and Nyhen it is neceaswry to keep a pale grey, navy blue and white, or meat hot for a belated comer do not brown awed tau may be selected. set the plate holding the food in a Green is rnpecially grateful to the hot oven„ thus discoloring the Ohio as eyos, but some of the neve neapolitan well as drying the food; tastead., plane stripes, axe, perhaps, more Showy. the plate upon the fire over a pan of Many housekeepers ,novo prefer the roll- boiling water, covering the plate with Ing blinds rather than the cid extension swain on iron bars, but where an a I tS p- a pan that will just fit over the edge of the plate. The food will keep hot and there will be enough Steam from pearance ei width, is desired the latter the boiling water in the lower pan to are decidedly preferable. keep the plate moist and prevent the To make a piazza really livable there contents becoming dried. should be some sort of floor covering, -- and•for that purpose no, hing is prettier DRIED FRUITS. tlian a rug of Japanese jute, which may Housekeepers who cook dTled fruit . repeat the coloring of the awnings. One properly prepare it by washing it thor- large rug is better than several smaller ones, as the latter are apt to curl up oughly', letting it soalk in cold water at the eoiners, and so become unsight- until all dirt ortiedinnent has been loos- ,ly in a abort time. ened and washed off, then rinse it As to the furnishings, there should thoroughly and put it to soak for be a long rattan couch heaped with de- 1 twenty-four hours in clear water. Cook nim covered cushions; a small wicker I It slowly and not very long in the table or two. and a variety of bent water in which it has been soaked. wood or basket Matra, all of which This process brings out the real fresh should be low and wide and eminently fruit flavor better than any other. comfortable, The newest willow chairs are in ttie colonial style, having a high book, with ezteaded aides, to protect the occuptiat front a draught, and wide �pookets, MAKERS OF GREAT GUNS. . arms, furnished with which "".' are convenient receptacles for book or The Three Iirupps and the Wonders They magazine or a bit of fancy work, flare Wrought in Ordnance. 10 add a touch of prettiness to the whole, big palms in jardinieres should The city of Essen is located in the �a set about, and one or two cheap um- center of a high valley, which abounds prella jars in blue and white will be In coal and iron ore, and the digging t,Dtr.nd useful as vases for the long for both and the melting of the, ore stemmed daisies and field flowers, with wheat the children are Sure to return and castingthe metal into ingots and g (home laden from their daily rambles, I rollimg,it into bars have been the occu- pation, of the inhabitants for centur- ies past. Friedrich Krupp, the found - TO COOK EGGS. I er of the great works bearing his name, Breakfast F,ggs,-Break half a dozen wad born in 1787, and when crucible eggs into a teacupful of sweet cream, I cast steel was first being introduced in - simmer gently ten minutes, season with to England and its first importation pepper and salt, and pour over slices from there, into Germany had been of brown bread. Serve hot. made impossible through the edict of Shirred Eggs. -Melt a tablespoonful Napoleon, called "the' comtlnental- of butter in a frying pan, break in six sperre." eggs, add three tablespoonfuls of F. Krupp began to produce crucible cream, season with salt and pepper, steel, first in small �q'uAntities for stir up from the bottom until the, mix- files, stamps. rolls for corns and shears. ture thickens throughout. Place on a platter slices of bread browned on both. bat Only slowly could he convince and sides, but not crisped, sprinkle over pe atinde German, manufacturers to a modicum of grated cheese, and place use his cast steel, and after a life full the shirred eggs on the top. I of ditappoiatsments and hardships he Fundeau a L'Italienne.-Into a pan died in 1836, after a long and severe over the fire, put half a pint of cream illness, leaving to his son, Alfred little into N%-hioh has been stirred a teaspoon- el:�e, than the old homestead, ,which ful of flour. Stir until it is the con- still stands in the midst of the great sistency of melted butter, -add half a works, 'Ind the secret of his inven- p,ound of finely grated cheese, mix well, tW�• remove the pan from the fire, and when it is lukewarm beat in the' yolks of :Alfred. ]i: r Krupp -a energy and enter - four eggs, then the whites beaten to Prise, soon: conquered: His first suo- a stiff froth. Pour this mixture into a cess was. to be able to furnish: cast deep dish, filling it not more than half steel' of various degrees of hardness, full, bake twenty minutes, and serve hoot from the oven, before it falls. thereby increasing its adaptability for Spanish Sandwich—Slice rye bread manyf new purpw%s. 'Next came the thin, spread a slice with made mustard Invention of the w•eldless carriage trod thin slices of hard-boiled eggs, an- tires, which were patented in -1858 in - other slice with, stoned olives dipped in a mayonnaise dressing, then press all countries, and furnished him capit- I at for enlarging his plant. In 1865, he the two together. interested himself in coal mines iron I Pickled Eggs. -These are a nice re- ore mines and furnaces, which should lish eaten with fresh bread and butter. furnish the material for his own works, Remove the shells from hard-boiled and in 1867 he began to reap the bar - eggs and place the eggs in wide-mouth- vestl from. his experiments inaugura- ed jars. In a thin muslin bag tie ted bang since with spices loosely in the following proper- STEEL CANNOiN'. Since then tba success of these works tion: For each half pint of vinegar, and their growth have been phenomen- half a teaspoonful of whole allspice, al, and when Alfred Krupp closed the mustard and three or four cloves. Heat brassy and successful and philanthropic his, life, in 1887, Villa H'uegel � the bag in the vinegar, and when it work of. at boils briakly add a like quantity of cold his princely lame on the side hills of l vinegar. When it boils again, POUT the valley of the Ruhr, the city of over 'the eggs, Keep them under the Essen, in recognition of this great . vinegar with a small sauce dish and weak erected lin his memory a great lay the bag of spices obi it, that the mfuntulment on the most prominent; apices may not discolor the eggs. When rrgiu'aii•e of t1he. city, and deputations cold, tie up. They will be ready for, use from many nations mourned at his {n two or three weeks. Eggs for an Invalid. -Info each of grave, "•Essen is a city of 96,000 inhabitants, two teacups, put two tablespoonfuls of and over 20,030 of this population are employed in the work.a of the able and milk and a little salt; break into each energetic son of Alfred Krupp, Fried - an egg not more than twenty -Pour rich Alfred. ' Over 1,`200 acres of ground hours old, set the cups into a steamer, are covered with buildings and machin - over boiling water and cook until eggs ery. 'Many' coal mines furnish fuel are ,volt set: for the works, over 400 iron ore mines Creamed Eggs. -Cut a slice from the furnish' the metal, and large ore de - round end of several hard-boiled eggs, posits in Spain, near Bilbac, have been purchased; to addition, and a special and stand them upright in a deep plate fleet of steamers, have been built which or dish. Pour over them a boiling hot bring over 800,000 tons of this Spanish Emacs of a teacupful of thin cream into are! from Spain. to the German coast which has been smoothly stirred a ta- and ult the Rhine. Twenty furnaces blespoonfal of flour, and a tablespoon- at Dubsberg and Neuwied-on-the-Rhine ful of softened bunter. Seasdu with are reducing this ore for the Krupp' celery salt and white pepper. works; and are owned or controlled Eggs with Tomatoes. -Cook a can of tomatoes until soft, season with three > Y them. The main street of Fssen divides the talblespoonfuls of cream, a tablespoon- Krupp ,vork4'into two parts, connected overhead with innumerable mammoth ful of butter, a little pepper and salt. Just before serving, turn in five beaten stent pipes, and bridges, and parralel eggs, stir one way until the eggs are with it, running east nn,l west, the tracks of the Rhenish railway pass the ooeked, works in the north, while in the south Egg Mayonnaise, Beat the yolks of g the railroad leading from Ilusseldnrf four eggs with a tablespoonful of vine- to Bremen, Hamburg and Berlin, s kirt gar, add two Level tablespoonfuls of the mill. Innumerable tracks connect ,softened butter, salt and pepper to these two main lines of railroad, sur- tume and beat to a smooth cream. Ar- rounding in an extricable network the range slices of hard-boiled eggs on a buildings and crossing the street lead - platter, pour over the mayonnaise, and ing to Muelheim below its level. garnish with sliced pickled cucumbers, Powerful r•Iifiroads bring trainloads and tufts of the finely minced whited a0 raw material into the yards and of the four eggs. leave the works with valuable pro - Eggs with Fish. -Soak finely, minced ducts, finished and ready for shipment codfish in cold water until croft, pour to all parts of the globe. fauniattrre off the water and press th6 fish dry. engines and cars move about between Put it into cold water, and when it the buildings on narrow gauge tracks, bolls pour off the water, add a tea- bringing material of smaller size from cupful of sweet cream, or milk, and one building to another unlit it is fin- s, tablespoonful of butter, Put in fished and ready for the market. four eggs, and cook till the whites and 0 - -- polka are well not. A NARROW ESCAPE. Egg Scallops.-Cbop four or � five hard-boiled egggs, not too fine, -Xiz thiorougWy with a teacupful of mash- A darkey was suing a railroad oom- Pant for damages -caused by the kill- ed potato, a teacupful of boiled ;rice, a ingi of his cow. There was a strong tab lespocuful of,Vinogar; season with Suspicion that he had purposely driven salt,. pepper and a tablespoonful of the cow on the track. Did you not drive the animal in front inelted butter. Butter gem irons. Put some of the mixture in each, sprinkle of the engine? asked the lawyer for bits of butter and bread crumbs over the railroad. No, suh, I didn't. the top and bake a light brown. You'll swear you didn't B Egg Sauce. -Melt two tablespoonfuls Yes' tinea over I of butter, stir into It and cook with- on the c won the caro, but as be pocketednover- out browning a tablespoonful of flour, add boiling watCP to matte of the pro- the cheek for his money, some one over- a ' per consistency ; add. salt, a tablestsoon- heard him say: Dat waz a .marrow escape I had, I tell fol of, butter, and three hard-boiled you; but I rtal' him do truth. It wasn't eggs cut Into Small pfeaes• mo what driv' de cow in front of de Eggs a 1% Suisse.—Drop bits of but• engine, but my brother-in-law, he do ter over the bottom of a baking dish, one done it I f` mighty glad dat law - cover with grated choose; drop oil, One yer stop when he did, lease he was at a Lima, the whites and yolks of right In do family I eight eggs, do not break the yolks. WAsson with pepper find salt, two or WTI?" ANIi�MRS. B. three t�aabladpoonfula of sweet cream, Winkle -Eh l How is this, Dinklo 9 and covlir with grates! ehgeAA. Bake hot t've lles,rd you say Man a time, that twenty 'minultoa ill lb Modamtely evary•man Shoutrt'bti apes or in his own ovbn, Before delving ;ass It rail hot blloN,61 over the toe, 'faint brd%vii, house; but; --•ha I ha 1 --old boy, you don't "Ain to be master hare, �'lretlob p4r'- fall, hard, refno%l d the Villclo, sheepishly-.,Tflla is ails wife's $Ihall$, flip' li t b t 'egg, thou, in house, arc:_ 11 4 % W _ _-X ....."... . ij .{1 TRO1 Id1 C RQ�D � EKII�, �Ir liry�otir To" 4609) 4.0 jof*td n+�; .1 What YOU 0 4 bay are .folpir, to Rawl ,4did now t . � • , , 0 .1. - .. 11 I . j ,; i i i trolley ro1Md it lyekiln. T40 0414930 . A Whoa. Yom Puy Mss o- "o 10, F► .:MoAtor, o prwat tlllllportarloo. Gavnrxiaµerat has/. f xlktitdd rMolliwesabVA XNAOMOPCOYLON TilA I?it scall got that which haw the pow�a! to a, German syndicate 444 the, COA. Is put n in load pFakote oAIY• Never sold 41 tract has already been let- to Siemens lmik. 1i�rap & IDOP WA f0f SOUIP19 Pa4liflt to tr0icato #ora your blood all pots+ 1ske, of Berlin. A. trolley, road is THC,atONSQQN TKA Co., Q?noua twint� and tlxue remove the Ha I pKuee of die►asst Do you buy HOOD'S *14o under conatructiou at Seoul, the 7wel"11109n414911044 - Ts/ONT./, c' 8araaparllltl and only 13ood'a? If Doul Capital of Korea, by the American -�-� —^— -_== - . do yon away take, it with the utmost 1'readi� Company.. <1 coaultdeuae that it will do yea good. re, e. R. a tl iy tUe) prix el 4 o ti tw ' raise WehavV"outtFl pelopl �� I "HELLO I" IMPOLITE. of one Wind uss, u'unip O �I 1' Y+A•rd Sarsaparilla BowID6 Meahlaee, fleets, at� 1 v • h o/ {d Thi managers of the telephone, com oyolea and Har4wAm. goal Is Canada's GlreatoaO Modlotne, Sold bTT an I,�ny operating the syatent at Ver- 000rDeloeabeforapurclhaatngaadaa • 44 druggists. $i t six toY $b. Get only Sood'a. sailles, Prance, hold• that. the expres- Ta Dali ponaidBan Go., hood's Pt11e are the favorite aathartto. 95o. ONT1iIiiJ. t Elan, "Hello I" Used in response to a .. - call, 1s impolite. Thb operators have for Gold, eta s " t been imtruoted to ask the subscriber INFRA S TS87ED write for erWoo, 9 LONG-LIVED PRIME MINISTERS. who rings up the neutral office, "What Ml[JI'OH G. IiERSEY, D. A. /o. s , Bo r1 r�_RNCE-19, C11 i do you want?" id llaorament St., Montreal, t{aa. 11 t "'redecessors or Mr. Gladstone whose Tears O ��� rlr. �v i. ± gave ncrn Above the Average. A R 4[N TREE, C n;T , � �,t,N.tANOoRKOMr$I,R,cNa6.0o11e6�• �! x'91 William E. Gladstone, at his death on In one of the Canary Islands there TORON_�_ _ TO. olio TH 11 00 �ii11 "v aI1 May 19, was in his eighty-ninth year, Y Y is a tree of the laurel family that N©SE �vIt,_` i she and he cloEod his fourth term as Prime occasionally rains down in the early $ EY -Ey EAR, $egg ilit ^ i , gI. Minister of Great Britain in 1894, evening quite 1u copious shower of- 0IbWb�% r'.h. , ill Elllf h, • I,. , ,k, r — ''I when 85. The longevity of English water drops from its tufted foliage. ! I g y The water comes out through tannin- We oan out your list iron" \I 1 ,lu 1 Prime Ministers has always been mark- Fei1Oe, F�no�^^account in half. We elates n Y arable little pores Situated at the we have the beat and most praotleal tones on, s - ed. Lord Palmerston, on his death in edge of the leaves. earth. our mflaa of it in ass+ at t Expert. f 1866, was Bl years of age. and the Dake mental f arm, t3uelph• Ont Send or Art es, 1 - Address Taranto Picket Wire ranee &o., of Wellington, who died in 185`2, was TOPICS OF THE DAY. B21 River Ur. Toronto. Oat. E` 88. Lord Grey, who succeeded the Duke Every one is surprised at the rapid- , THE GREAT SEAL OF ENGLAND. robed and crowned, holding in her right of Wellington as Prime �blinister, was ity and efficacy with which Nerviline Dominion Line Steamehlpe. Wand the sceptre and in her left the in his eightieth year when he died in -nerve-pain cure -relieves neuralgia Montreal and quebeo10Lt�erpo oi�paaa .". Lraa '; Man people dbubtless know that up- I and r'betlmratism. Nerviline is a speei- and tut t.vm wrair "Scoie• oq am Y orb, waited upon a throne beneath a July, 1846, and he, in turn, was sac- sourer,' Dominion "Saotamaa, Ys�tceMdrw' on the accession of a new monarch to niched Gothic canopy; and on each side fie for all nerve pains and should be Superior accommnRatiort ter First Oatq, 19so- the throne of England anew Seal is is a figure of Justice and Religion; seeded by Lord Melbourne, who was 70 kept on hand by ±every family. and cabin and 5teeraBe ppasaengers. Raise et to and in the exe ue the royal arms and when, he died in 1848. Lord John Rus- I A Chicago debatingsocietyrecentlye"9Q-Fir8t Cabin, E52.p60; second (jab! ,i struck, and the old one is out In Y discussed his question; " Which is the BeaSteerage er earl bert6� boddr upwards ll iotorainbiorn i 1!y `' crown, the whole encircled by a wreath sell, who died in: 1878, was a Londoner four pieces and deposited in the Tower or border of oak and roses. to Local A cute or DAYID Ton 11o�16tpC, of Loudon. In former tinea the frog- The Seal itself is a silver mould in by birth and nearly as old as Mr. Glad- happi®at dates of s man t life ; the day i aen7 ellen U M, or HIS.. Montreal. agents of these two a y stone at the time of his demise, being he is married, or Itha day he: is divorci- I _ { great Seals were dis- parts, technical! called a pair of , tributed among certain poor people of dies. When an impression is to be tak- 88. The Earl of Derby, three times ed B ' ' I �R Q 0 F i N Q B� Sliest MO I Worksr 11 en or oast, the; parts are elosedl to re- Prime .Minister of England, in 18tH, I I ttAOX9ta t� iasteof��, religious houses. When Her Majesty ceive the melted wax, which is poured Quickoure for Sprains 15o, 25o, 50o. I .Fedor Oren, ss Dl BLACK O i'it'e wp-% 1858 and 1866, was ?0 years of ago at i.iabltq ane slab 80hhoole.TToro 1. Booqu eft Ito Queen Victoria ascended the throne of through an opening at the top of the I Many of the elephants of Abyssinia' eal'Tae, et•. 2LOOFINIITi�:� s••N �Osout1 Seal. As each impression is attached the time of his death in 1869. Benjamin p,Toronto denebleur0rtp1 �tei�d beta■e. c7i England, the late Benjamin Wyon, R. aro without tusks. ►,eto. ndtmates (urnla6•d fsr.r•r complete •r o A., the chief engraver of her Majesty's to, a dociument by a ribbon or slip of; Disraeli, Lord Beaaconsf[eld, twice '�iatsrhtp a0. to as artettheeouatrs• Pnepet parchment, its ends are put into the , Prime Minister of England, was 76YTNI/fts�ONB,AtLfs�aldshWidmer8te„Toronts.11 nt, designed the beautiful work of Seal before the was is poured in, so VrRIDR . the present Great Seal of England. The 1 that when the hard, impression is tak- Years d age at ril time 1. his death Hartford & Vied! Tires I .ir details of the design are: obverse, an I en from the dies the ribbon or parch- ie,' LDndan nn April 19.18,31• ONBQY 31MPROYED CARRIAGE TOPS . meat is neatly. fixed to it. The im- The present Prime Minister of Great xoadoalce- aAaemiaest.w Toronto. ! equestrian figure of the Queen attend- reoeivedtbshl eel b a page, her Ma'eat wearin over pression of the Seal is siz inches in Britain is 68, ergo his associates in the cetawa e w � y Majesty g diameter and three-fourths of an inch British Cabinet are rather older than A meteoric stone weighing four tons ' Werli'sFairli9 > a habit a flowing and sumptuous robe,' in thickness. The great Seals of Eng- the average of men in public life in i fell on a warehouse in Finns, Austria, I 9ONNOY18 PATENT Y. and a colour of the Order of Ae• Gar- land are interesting from their bear- I similar positions in other European � and set it on fire. The stone crashed aOLLBs Tops ing portraits of the sovereigns, as in countries, and decidedly older than is through the house, and was found bur- have met �ittA ter. In her right handl she (ears the the Seals of Offa and Ethelwolf, and the rule in the United States. The ied in the cellar, such univers tat sceptre, and on her head is placed a that of Edgar with a bust in profile. Pretxiden.b of Uhe Cadifnet Clotuncil is ver, that others regal tiara. The attendant page, with After William I. all the kings are on 65, the Lord High Chancellor is 73, the ( Quickoure for Bruises 16q, 260, 600. are 100* Zu'anmaki his bonnet in his Mand, looks up to one side on .horseback, the face turned Chancellor of the Exchequer is 61, the In Mexico the family of'a dead duel- interor imitat� the Queen, who is gracefully restrain-; to the, right, except that of Charles I., Keeper oA the Privy Seal is 75,, the ist can claim suppoilb from the person ane'• `i which is turned to tha left. Edward First Lord of the Admiralty is 65, the who shot him. lneiaCboy1.1 t �p. � Ing the impatient charger, which is IV. first carries the close crown; Ed- President of the Board of Trade is 60, as moaboymai: as imitations n richly decorated with plumes and trap-, ward the Confessor and Henry I. and and so on, though there are in the pre- never a# good as ;j pings, The legend, ” Victoria Def Gra- Henry TI. are seated with the. sword sent British Cabinet some exceptions, theAimutne. I , Ftdei Dafen- and Wax ax was not uniformly used To what the longevity of British tie Britanniarum Regina, , ' ' 1 g , for Seals, as impressions occur'in gold, Prince Ministers is to be ascribed is I CANADA PERMANENT sor,' is engraved in Gothic letters, the silver and lead, also in various oth- hard to determine, for the duties de- Loan and Savings Company. spaces between the, words being filled er substances. The colours have var- volving upon the Prime Minister are WPC 9161 - IxoonnosATitnlf165. with heraldic roses, The reverse side led at different periods, but red seems always of an irksome and vexatious _ paid-up capital .... .... .......... I 2.800,e011 of the Seal, shows the, Queen, royally to have been the most ancient. oharactes. The; Prime Minister has gee olee"-New$60wheatfor825-Ladies Assets ............................ 11,400,000 very little respite from public service, Y or gents'. will,be sent for in- I Nand OBIoe-Toronto St., Toronto. --'- T'-' ---- - ---- ,and, the foreign relations of ;Ginsat sppsot on on receipt of $I, which will be allowed Branoh Offices -Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, a.O ° full day's wank at no distant date. Britain are so complicated and extend- Lfwheol Isret•tined. Single or double tubo tires Drtrosrrs received at interest paysDle hrl� s i Hopeless Invalid• lir. Williams' Pink Pills cure by ed. that the labors of the responsible $3.50 pair. Clapp CyoteCo.,463YongeSt.,Toronto. yearly. going to the root of the disease. They Minister may be said to be quitel as iHD MILL$ -Steel, Galvanized, Roller � gee or Ave Ye issued for money deposited [or three or Ave years. .--d resnpw and build up the blood, and great when Parliament is not in sea and Bali i3earing n, Iron Pump3, MONEY ADVANOSD On Real Estate 46 19W SUCH WAS THE CONDITION OF MISS strengthen' the nerves, thus driving smon' as when it is. Moreover, the y & M�ire, and Grain BrantWinford, Couto. ratan d interest and on tarornble oondtfSahoiona r SU disease from the system. Avoid imita- Prime Minister of. Great Britain is the Shapley ro Muir Co.. Limited, Branttortl, Oanada. Land Mortgages and Muatolpai Or f3ahoot rz RODD, OF BROOKLIN. r Debentures n may be tlilon,i by insisting that every'gaxyou recognized and responsible head of the � p Information may be obtained from, and apo �r --•+ pumSihase is enclosed in a wrapping political party which is dominant dux- 1.0V® Harris plications may be made to :fl An Editor Uelates the Story or Iter Illness bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wit- Log his incumbent and its actual G. F. R. Henan. General Agea0. Winnipeg. Y, CieaAxE J. MauaNf, General Agea0. Vat• -and How a Renturkable change to liar Rains' Pink Pills for Pale People." leaderet1iip and. the protection: of Its Your- �Uyg1. Condition Was Brought About. fortiinwi depend upon his course and I or to a. er, that of lits associa tea i n office. Not- J. HERBERT MASON, ManaBing Ofregtsr Toros From the Gazsatte, Whitby, Ont, GREATEST SEA DEPTH KNOWN, withstanding these duties, these mant- sell. scrap. ; E2 For some five years the editor of The greatest sea depth known to fold public and party obligations i e go. -31 Wlilhtm St., TOrOntO. Phone 171%: FAtabtlobed S38te135.o00�10 egabinf y this journal has made visits g p posed either by law or usage on Prime j'weekly man is in the South Atlantic Ocean, .Ministers In England, the holders of to Brooklin in search of news. One of i.iidway between the island of Tristian the office are not only long-lived as a SHIP YOUR PRODUCE,�LLAN LINE his earliest recollections of the village da Cunha and the mouth of the Rio. rule, but decidedly more so than their Batter, 6998, Apples, Fruit, &a.. to i opal Ulllrl� Steamship Co.,was in noting that Miss Levina Rodd de la Plata the bottom living here associates W the Cabinet. THE DAW$OH COMMISSION CO., Limited, t 1 was very ill. Miss Rodd was well reached at a depth ei 40,2be feet, re -••— --- osn, of Wl"t arket and Golheras At&. TORoNTd ; known, and as week after week rolled eight and three-quarter miles. ITS TRUE MEANING. - Montreal to Liverpool. round, it was natural to ask how she •..•,rr I was Batting, on, and the reply always -- Little Bennie -Papa, what does ire- • Steamers sail from Montreal ovsr7 Saturda came that she was no butter. Time pentance mean? t I morning on arrival of trains from Toronto nna TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. the West about 9dolook, went on and it became a settled fact •Tasce'Lazative liromo clt,inln. Tablets. All Dntt• Papa -Repentance is the sorrowful I RATXS OF PASSAG M that Miss Rodd was a confirmed in- gists refund the money if 1t fails to Cure. Ve. feeling that comes to a person after valid and that such she would continue he gets caught at it. BOATS and CANOESCable 162.60 and upwards: Saco d on, antil a kind Providence took mercy on s tst and and sso,25; Steersva A. Leer write for on, oto e. Landon Glas� X. Helfaept, LondonI -1 her by allowing death to end her suf- THE SMOKING LAMP. A STRANGE CIRCUMSTANCE, gu Qu ----ova 823 50.and 8E3.d0 ferings. None of the villagers amici- �, WALTER DEAN, - 1751, u net W., Toronto A reduotion of five per can, le allowed o� ated, a other ending. Our aster- 'Twas the first time that Dorothy had ' ranig}d trip first and second cable tick•to .Feil P iLY g• A Tinge -Honored Institution of the DrIttnh aailinga of eteamora or other informatloa app ishment can better be imagined than and AnrerictinNnvlea. been allowed to enter the sickroom '��� �e dHDESTATESboa hb.eoTit to any authorized agent, described, therefore, when. Mrs. Bert where her mother was recovering from CA. e:oban ed. Ter ma11e One of the time-honored institutions a severe attack of fever. After looking rsa 8. M. BIMPeoaN, Real notate an N. Sonrlter, 1 Stag st. W. Toroaztta, Wells hailed as one morning with. �inauotol Agent, Montreal, Ane. or lQ da Ar Allan >yiontreaL " Well, editor, we have some news for of the American and British navies is at her mother for a moment in silence yyou to -day." "What is it?" " Why, the smoking lamp. Without the smok- ate exclaimed, greatly troubled; Oh, Nills, Meq & "atmoass.. 9VIWOR RESORT. 1Vlias Rodd has gone on a visit to Col- mamma, somebody's emptied your head Da re,ato.,remove/ • timbtts friends." "Why, I thought she i Ing lamp the modern sailorman would and -anti hasn't put back the hair. LAW to Wosle' Blda, R1o16. was a coaPirmed invalid?" So she was,-- be like w fish out of water. He would ooad �'�SalasCHARLES . but she hors been improving so much mhrtiny.. A failure by the galley cook A QUERY ANSWERED, lately that she is now able to help her -I to light the smoking lamp without Anxious questioners ask, "Is there noTAM MERERS11 iself a good deal, and! it was thought a i the loss of asecond's time atter thechange of scene would do her good." I sure cure for corns?" We are lad to ATLANTIC CITY N. J. "That is certainly news," replied I word 'bas been given arouses Jack's be able oto tell these sufferers that sae OPHN ALL THE FEAR. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor will Ct9 Pembroke ke St., oINSTITUTEada, FINEST HOTEL ON THE COAST. the quill -pusher, "and good nova too; 'tamper, and whatever limited stock of 0 PsmMroks 8t., ANTEToronto, Oanatla but what cured her?" "Dr. Williams'! invectives li ' is possessed of is made corns theme p a day, and extract ODRffl GUARANTEED. can parlor 300 feet long overlacuum Pink Pills," replied Mrs. Wells. Wei ; ?' corns without pain. It never fails. ocean and beach esplanade. Vacuum then decided to ask Miss Rodd upon I Public with promptitude and emphasis, o ttntimaod Hrbrads-best�arwat Wax steam heating system. Elevator to her return for an interview, but It was ' To landsmen the mention of a smok- A REINDEERS FOOT. street level. Hot and cold, fresh and dome time before it took place, owin AttBeesuppeed Pbest au ty I Wanted g I Ing tames has no more significance than The foot of the reindoe is most pe- Weed Patent n.0061s 000h of salt water in all baths.. Rooms en tO the limited time at our disposal be- Foundation. trade suite, bathB attached. a mention of the Jack -of -the -Dost. But liar in construction, being cloven BEES4JJA%LhW.fftf.,37ZX*tween trains. and partly oaving to a TAMES B. REILLY, Owner and Prop. desire to wait and see if the improve- ! beth' are • a necessary part of the equip through the middle, and each half curv- ment was likely to prove 'permanent,' ment of any warship, be she first rate, ing upward in .front, --- — ------ --- -- -- However, after many put -offs, we . or fourth rate. Upon the smoking lamp ---------- finally called at the home of Mrs.- the crew-, including that mysterious STATE OF OHIO, CITY Or TOLEDO, �as, Doolittle, a sister of Was Rodd's, Nvho has carefully cared for her during the adjunct of the paymaster's department LUCAS Courrry. oath thCHPat hei the y makrm es 1. Cmer Lang illness. At the request of the Jaek-of-the-Dost depend for a ltghtfor eenitAtmor rho doing businemiinthe City ofToledo. County ana editor Miss Rodd made the following itheir pipes. Jack -of -the -Dust dives in- statemenit:-"I am fifty years of age ;sum the hold brings State aforesaid, and thnteald firm will pay the of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Por each and 'halve lived in Broo'klrn ten years: to the depths of and Up ill the which, being cut into. and every, case of Catarrh that eannotbe cured by the use of HALL'S CA C JIrOIIENEY. Five years ago I was taken with navy ptag, FRANKARRA acute rheumatism, and have not done bits and crumbled bet.weeu the hands, Sworn to before me and subscribod in m7 this 6th day of December, A. D., Low. a day's work since. The trouble began is f„uit into a pipe and fired at the with my feet and the swelling extend-.j1'� lamp. presence, A. W. GLEASON, SEAL } ed to my arms, wrists and shoulders; smoking and finally settled in my neck. I had The need of the smoking lamp arises l Notary Pub,te, Hall'satarrh Cure is taken Internally and auto such pain that I was obliged to use a ; from the necessity of guarding the directly on the blood and mucous surfaeei of the system. Send for testimonials free. walking stick to ease 'me in moving ship to the utmost from danger of fire. O F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, . about, and two and a half years ago the I Precanitions which seem ridiculous and stick had to make way for a crutch. i Sold by Drug9lAts, 700. Hall's Family Pills are the best. At nhis time I used to get unnecessary to a landsman have been - --_-- KNITTING ---MACH 1 N ESa OLD AND RELIABLE EstaNHshed 1872 THIS Is FOR YOU- i Clothe your family from head to foot with our . ••• MONEY MAKER Prices only *15, $20 $30. Oeor etown Ont... CR.ECL�IAN RUN,g , PDs TYPEWtITt/s 1t/iT/ us.up a litt.IF each day, but it was not found by sad experience to be abso long before I was denied even this lutely necessary on board a ship of Uncle Sam's seamen will have a long •^ privilege, and the nest six months I I war. The naval regulations provide se- coast line to defend, It measures 5,715 was perfectly helpless and bed-ridden.were pumishment for any seaman miles, embracing 2,349 miles on the At- f; ' ] could not even I.urn my head Or put; c%tLgbt with matches on his person, !antic Ocean, 1,55fi on the Gulf of afex- a cup of tea to my mout'h'. I got com-' Could it have been proved by the Span- ice, and 1,810 on the Pacific Ocean. � What �il� sletel discouraged after ineffectual- I ish Board of Inquiry that the sailors C ly tselii,r treated by two physicians ' of the Maine ford been guilty of carry- Quickoure for Toothache, 15c, 25c, 500, y� i; and trying the different medicines re -1 Ing matches about. with them they A Gun which can fire 30,000 bullets P commended for my ailment. While I would have been justified by naval ex- a minuhas been invented by Jones 6. �0 t�e ,vas in this helpless condition my perts the world over in dbelaring that ,judge, ah engineer, of Newcastle, Eng - niece came in one day and prevailed up- the destruction of the Maine was due land. A v ER I N"I Eon me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.I to the carelessness and lack of disci - M After taking two boxes i felt a slight I Aline on board. change for the better so 1 continued Such was not the case, however. No edditinnai Govrrunreut Depe„uby lltwtnat11 to take then!, with the nffec.t that. I sailor on the Maine carrierl matches. Reserve Fund Cife Assoclatton. continued 'toimprove slowly ever since. )Ile lit his pipe a.t the smoking lamp 'rhe Mutual Reserve Fund Life As- 4yQ& S©'D ors k 0 14 2(00006W i. nolo sleep well, have a good apps -I and he only smoked during those times vociation• of New York have recently �M tite'and have gained in flesh. I can that the stroking lamp,v'as lit. He nev- increased their deposit with the Insur- *'MV Moo +* � *, ILo*AQli stand now. walk about. and even got er dared to go below' decks with n once Department at Ottawa by the sum 11 in and out of the buggy upon the oc-! lighted pipe. If he had, Jimmy Leg, oB one' huindred and fifty thousand t�tpt casion of my late' visit to Columbus. ( would have had him aft at the stick, dollars, now making over a quarter of Reww �(�; Dandruff In One Week. Since that time, too, I fool stronger and the executive officer would have a million dollars deposited with the Qy� and my reason for still using a doprived him of shore leave for a Dominion Government for the security Cures ting of the Scalps crutch is on account of my knees be- month xt least. of its policy -holders in Canada, This , h ing weak and a desire to fiat ever- The smoking lamp is constructed up- will, no doubt, be gratifying to the fla.eAt1U trashing o 11#1,1',, teas my strength. Jubilee Day on the same lines as a lantern, but Canadian policy -holders, as evidencing i_ �I was the first. ' time in t=wenty-one the globe is made of sheet iron instead the good faith on the part of the assoc- ,—sW raping' Out. months that I watt able to put my foot of glass. In the aide there'is a small lation and its ability to meet all the re- W outside the door, and i am satisfied had roand hole through which Jack may quirementns► of the Insurance Depart - I tried' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills In the Stick hispipe in order to catch the ment at Ottawa. -Toronto Globe. ay®We, HAS first place instead of the other Medi- flame. It to the duty of the ship's cook cines used, I would have been spared or one of his 'assistants to light the The outside walls of many of thec" aft 8W ML suffering. I am sure I owe my lafiip when the word is given by the houses in Marilee are from three to Sir woo � Improvement to these rills alone." proper officer, who is generally' the fest thick, to withstand earthquakO Mrs. Doolittle,, who, As we have pre- sheaf boatswains mate. He in turn, shocks, , i�` viousilyl stritod attended her sister gets bis orders from the officer of the through •her trying illnexs, was equal- deck. Qui! ifblire for Boalda, 160, 260; !300. �� i � 116► M M ly strong in her recommondat Ions as A to lir. Wllltatms' Pink Pills having A teflePted the radical change, and the + -,,r # L" verset cf us Agreed that It would be �a�j only ,just that this ease should be 0 a` brougght to.the notice of Suffering bu- LU DELLA Ceylon Tea fr mmity in the hole that it might prove Has made it An eat luiunee, it"ou ht1Y1i titii' tti +slit its of its many drtnkrfs „ U'R I a. bent' Sing; to more than Miss Rodd, } who still continues to Improve ands to find this out, � y tvhn hopes to regain be able to do her ',IIIAD PACKAi 960 * 40, 60 slid 8044 . . '' I. ,,.. . 1